fiia Ceatre Beporter. rSSD.SSKTZ EDITOB. t Yntki Ha 1,1., P*., Mar. t>, IS"!'. The editor of one of our 1 *witown li.i tgi -- feel* eue peg higher -ec A ' rother iu law of hi* lias been elected a mc'tibi • of the tow n-council of Hanuo r, Pi Where will lightning strike i iiote is a movement in Mifflin coun ty, we see from the True Democrat, in in favor of selling the poor house and abolishing the board of county )oor di rectors. Ia thi*county people have agi tated taking up what Mifflin want* to be r.d of. Our neighbors across the Seven mountains do not soeui to run their poor house upon the strictest principles of the *.'ienc* of economy, and hare had otne heavy poor taxes to pay. Perhaps Centre can learn a lesson in this regard by going to Mifflin county. An example which Penn'a leg •!*- tors can imitate. Among the nation al expenditures of the present t o gress were s3d for two opera glasses for Hon. A. h. Hooker, -f Miss., sl4 for a set of dinner knives aud forks for Hon. U. cj. Mills, of lex**: sl4 for an opera glass for Hon. U. D. Money of Miss.. S2O Ibr a family oihle for Hon. J. J. Yates, of N.V . sl2 for a opera g '*** for Hon. W.S stenger. of Fa., and $!4 for an operi glasa for Hon. H. D. Money of Miss. How much ha* been spent for dumb belts, cards, sanctuary song*, n: >rs and other crooked stationary, in>* bodv knows. After tnnch aagc deliberation and balancing of probabilities tiov. Hart ranft has concluded to ai9-ept the post mastership of Philadelphia. The pru it cx governor deemed it much b t ter to take his $4,000 a year than listen to the seductive but delusive offers of a nomination for sheriff of Philadelphia bv the Times. Missouri's state treasurer. Gates, fell into the handa of some hankers who are sharjwr than scrupulous. In conse pter.rc the space in the treasury sup- ; -ed to have been occupied by f543,000 - found vacant, aad the bamkera jißgle $41,(100 of profit* in their pockets. Ttie legislative ikvestiga'.ißg committee can not think of any punishment for Gates more severe than impeachment. The Hon. K. W. D*i* set a good ex ample of economy in the house on Mon 'ay night. 24, by effectually opposing the resolution to print a large edition of useless public documents. But there are mti'li more important subjects upon which the spirit of retrenchment and re'irm can be appropriately exer. The big gun preachers have a good hingofit in the shape of fat salaries U:: -ee : Henrv Ward Beecher receive* $- i per annum, more than is paui any -ther preacher in this country. TalflMg* eet* sl2,i"X'; Morgan Dix. of Tr'nity Kpiscopal, receives $15,000; Dr. Tiv' ir,C'ongregmtionalist, receives $14.- I'r. Hspwwth, fSjBOO: Dr. kitorr*. S7O -00; Dr. Cuyler. $8,000; Dr. Ha'!. sls lO: Dr. Fetter. slo,oooand his hou*e Dr Tiffany, $lO 000: Dr. Tying is credit ed wffh $S 000; Dr. Chspin, from fvOOO to $10,000; Dr. Morgan is reported at $15,900; Dr. Ston*. of San Francisco, lias $12,00^ The Cincinnati Commercial publishes interviews with a large number of lead leg Democrats in Ohio and adjoining States regarding the relation of Tiiden to his pary since the investigation of the cipher dispatches. The conversa is reported show a decided prepond erance of opinion in favor of the re nomination ofTilden for the Presiden- cy. Many express themselves in favor of Thnrman. bat pronounce Tiiden their second choice, and admit that theclaiaii of the latter upon his party will un doubtedly be sufficient to give him the nomination if he enters the field as a candidate. The Republican minority oftho Home Naval Committee have agreed on a re port white-washing ex-Secretary Robe son. They hold Caairman Whitthorne culpable for exposing the corruption and knavery, and seem to think there should be some way found to punish him. Yet Belknap was to Robeson as the "Artful Dodger"' to Bill Sikes, Robeson is one of the props of the Grant movement and had to be put in presentable shape. Not less than $200,000 of the public money was expended last year for pay of supervisors under the federal election laws Of this amount $175,000 was ex pended in the north. In Pennsylvania $43,000 was expended, and in the state of New York SIOO,OOO. In New York city alone was paid to the pre cious scamfis uader the employ of John I. Davenport for arresting thousands of naturalized citizens and depriving them of the right of suffrage on the pretense that their papers were not legal. These figures explain the anxiety of the re publican leaders in congress to main tain the federal election law. They are loth to part with the machinery by which tbev extract from the treasary a large fund for campaign purposes and for general corruption of the ballot. But their federal election law is doom ed. Gov. Hoyt seems inclined to Lavt his own way in the appointment of his Cabinet. The Cameron influence brought a strong pressure on liiin to se care the place of Attorney General for Linn Bartholomew of Schuylkill coun ty, but the Governor yesterday sent to ttie Senate the name of H. W. Palmer of Luzerne, a selection we have no doubt he tiad in view prior to his election. Mr. I'ahuer, in Constitutional Conven tion days, was known as something of a reform Republican. He was a Republi can member of that body from Luzerne county, in which his brother, Mr. G. \V. ]'aimer, also served as a delegate from the same -ounty. The new Attorney General is a fair lawyer and a rising man in his section of the State. Prince Louis Napoleon, son of the late emperor of France, has gone as a volun teer with the British to fight the Zulus in Africa. Louis' first "baptism of fire" was in the late war between France and Germany, which resulted so disastrous ly for his father and the French, ami which for the shortness of time that it lasted, was one of the most fearful, wars on record. Whether Louis will give the Zulus a fair chance at him, ho does not say, but may be able to inform the readers of the Reporter in the future. From lowa comes another of those fearful stories that should bo a warning to all parents —children being locked alons in the house and burning to death. On the evening of 28 ult., the wife of J. R. Conl6on, of Coalville, Wobster coun* ty, lowa, locked her three children, whose ages ranged between three and nine vearsj in the house while she visit ed a neighbor. During her absence the house was burned to the ground and the children perished in the dames. DOINGS AT HAURIsBI'KG. In tbestate senate tho committee re ported Mr. Alexander's bill to prevent the sale of any spirituous, vinous, mull or brewed liquor* which are in any man* tier adulterated, mixed, drugged, diluted or compounded with drug or other de leterious or poisonous matter Mr. Alexander also introduced a sup plement to the game law, waking the time for hunting deer,etc., from the l 'ih of September to the Ist of January f< lomng. preventing the chasing of deci I with dogs and uIU wing the trailing >'! | wounded der with a dog hained " 14 tied to the person of the huntet A petition from Snow-hoe aaks for a ** law prohibiting the hunting of deer t ' three years. The following bills were passed finally ut the Senate II Vn act to prevent the frequent change 1 i in common sv'hool books the seen* - : counties of the commonwealth of 1 enn* . tylvania. A supplement to an act to cqua - <* "'the taxation of corporations and com -1 | names relieving foreign fire ineuratiif r li-onapames of a tax on premiums col lected outside the state after . u.y , next. ' An act to repeal an act to regulate r. • a eeoings under tequiaition upon the J ! governor of this common era ,h. for the apprehension of tugitives from jt'- tice. . , , An act to authors re the radge* of any court of record, civil or crimina i! tin* " commonwealth, to excuse juror* from u'.- - tendance. A An act to provide for the receiving, , opening and publishing of the teturus ' for the election of -late treasurer and of auditor general, w hen elected at the 4 * aaiue election. r An act fixing the salaries of the cari ous uilges of trie count of the common ' i we* th was amended and passed second •reading It provides that the chief ju 4 tioe and associatejustices of the supreme , !court shall receive SIO,OOO a yrai tee I mdges of the several court.- for the f -t r and Fifth judicial d strict*. fV I " the '• i president and associate ! judges > f - the Twelfth district, $o <>'. the pr*s dent antl associate law judges of : fie Third, Sixth. Twenty-fourth. Twe-.ty i sixth, Thirtv-seventh at J Forte-third ' districts. tN-.,HV;the president an 1 >- ciate law judges of t.'ie Second, highlh, - I'euth, Kleventh, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, - i Seventeenth, Twentieth, Twenty t.rst, I r*intj aarnnd. TwantT-Utird, Twentv ' nftb, fwenty-ninth, Thirtieth. Thirty !l . first. Thirty-fifth. Thirty-eighth aud * Forty-fourth districts, $5,u00; a.l other ,i judge* $4,000. A houss committee leported in faror |of exterminating the dog—hard on ' : the Jorg. p Also an act to punish minors for buy " ing and using intoxicating dr.nks, with amendaient. r The slate legislature is being bom * barded with petitions for the removal - ! of the Columbia dam and more shad. <; and for the re-enactment of a local op tion law. The real Hrrctiles on hand is the bill to pay the losses by '.he Pitts burg riots out of the state treasury ; this involves the nice'little sum of about 4 : million dollars. As the law now stan Is Allegheny county is liable for thedama " ges caused by the rioters within her ' i borders. The argument of the jveople f Pittsburg is thst because the state un dertook the task of putting down the riot by sending her troops there it was i a state atTairand hence the responsibili ty of the state. boßie folks do not ex actly take that view of the- matter. 1 Senator Thurmau in a few remarks , upon the repeal of the biii appointing ' - deputy marshals to attend the election * I polls. pointed out where ths election " money was spent. The Senator asked what new circumstance had arisen that the department ofjustice had expended * a quarter of a million dollarrof the peo " pie's moaey without authority of law The department which should, above a I : others, obey the law. disobeyed it. This * money was to pay a set of men employ ed ostensibly to preserve the purity of 5 the elections, but really in corrupting elections. Supervisors and Depity Mar r shals were as pleatiful as blackberries t : last year, and more corrupt than any r bulldozers that ever put s foot on the _, land. Where was the money ?i>en'." It had been heralded that money was needed to protect the poor negroes of the South, but it had been spent in New r York and elsewhere. Of the two mill r' ion dollars heretofore appropriated for , the Attorney Generals office, SIIO,OOO of it had beea spent in New York, sso,<o> . in Pennsylvania and SB,OOO in New t Jersey and SS,(MX) or SO,OOO in a single | county in Ohio, on account of which ' fourteen or fifteen members of the ' House of Representatives were elected. - In view of the reign of terror instituted - in New York by Davenport, there was no difficulty in showing with this ma chinery how the elections were carried. . Oyer twelve hundred Deputy Marshals 1 were appointed in the city of St. Ixiuis alone, and the Democratic majority in . three districts was overcome by these means. The money of the people of the United States was being expended by hundreds of thousands of dollars to cor rupt voters. Come what might, he hoped ' the sections under which these Deputy Marshals were appointed would be ' stricken from the statute books. He. ; | for one. was willing to stay here until ■ this time next year to repeal these eec ;: tions. ! There was a little fight in the senate lobby the other day. A few weeks agu the Senate adopted a rule forbidding anybody to be in the lobby in the rear 1 of the Senate chamber unless be was taken there by a Senator. Donn Piatt and H'di. McGarraban were in tbis lobby. How tbev got there no one knows. They got into a quarrel over the Panoche Grande case, which ended in a fight, in which Piatt was badly hurt —so bad that he had to be carried home, where he will be laid up for some lime. The Senate was in session ut the time, but did not adjourn to see* the fight, as it has previously done to attend a horse race. I.ast Tuesday, at noon, the 45tli Con gress expired. With the next session the democrats take posses-ion of both braacbes of the legislative department of the national government, for the tir.-t time since the close of Buchanan's ad ministration. Of right the executive de partment also belongs to the democrats, who fairly and honestly elec ed Tildeu. But we must bear with the Fraud a little longer, and then the democracy will rise in their might and put a democrat in the presidential chair, not by any 8 to 7 game or perjured returning boards but by an overwhelming popular taajeri tjr. President Hayes on Saturday trans mitted to the House a veto of the anti- Chinese bill. The veto was received and read amidst silence and was sustain ed by a vote of 109 to 95. So then tin pig-tail tribe may rest easy for a while and John Chinaman may go on eating rats in California. The Chinese may come, with tlieirßis- 1 ters and their cousins and their aunts. ' The House mantained the consisten- 1 cy, ou Friday, of its record on the subsidy • business by defeating the John Roach t Brazilian eteamship subsidy'by a vote \ of 157 nays to 89 ayes. It passed the } Senate last week iby 23 to 17. There i have been no jobs of this sort approved j by the House since it went under t Democratic control in December, 1875. An the *oitK uM'tl 1\ Mr. lihhfl io define and de-crib* his own relation;' t the attempt made h\ •• itain himhlU ie t biiiiii g boards lo m-I 1 tln Pii sun-m yin 187u have a permanent hlsioncal iui portanc*. we have ben st the pain* t> secuio a precise and exact atutriiivlit e them as tl<*v were taken dowi ut tlu time bv an > curate stenographer. lh sum of tbe whole matter its worked on in the tecent investigation i rah! hanlh bo* woie felintou-dj or mote < 5-at > put r 1 yi l -rtos C\ MK Ills. k. Well, now. I will oil your attenti i to auotliet utiswci sou have made hn > i hair sui I thut it \. tt li.ol en'ctti u rd any idea 1 urn giving i !<-.i • COiHf\tv) bv \ ill :lt**w' *u. ' \Ui wer.l that if von had i nceivcd tl i idea of iiitlnenctiig tbe-c hoar venio'i or bv venal cousiderut: n*. tin ; <' ; son in the world that you w ;.i! bait ! chosen tor that mission il<l kavi - ' teen Col ;ir! P< '■ N.-w 1 .ik \ i bear that an-wr ill > .: Itillid tain uirnt and lbell ti* slate w by, alter >ii learned of his visit to Baltimore * did not deem it proper, and perhap; vour dutv. to call the attention fMr Fdward Cooper or of Mr. Hewitt (botl of tliein distinguished and vcr\ al> < Bit*u to the fact that they uris*. takt ! charge t>f this matter . that i !o: e! 1 c ton must be Vet: *oui of the > no| ilence. ami that they tutist give it the . personal attention, lest volt and '.it ' DeuuH-ratic part* shoo J V-c einl ui--s e.l and perliaj - a: •!-tll ed b> '.he ac tiou of Colonel Pelt >n ANSWKK MS UK Til I'k. s. "In the ttrs: plat* 1 supposed tha those gentlemen were givg then , personal atlent. >n. those geir.'.eme . ha ! the real power and l'elton had not I'hey were aide to >u; er .-e and c nt i ,j it wkeiiavn tl.ey chose. Mr. Co ;rr u 1 particular had custody of the Uiotu-v , w thout which Pelton c uld not in\ 1 the committee in the expenditure of t cent. In the next place, Mr i -j - was the gentleman from whom 1 deriv ed ray information of what w.i* '. ue it j Baltimore, and from him exclusively N1 r. Hewitt was !.,s brother in-law. did not think that they needed an) warning on ths subject. In the thin place 1 regarded the Baltimore ai very foolish and very wrong, but ati' .c an inchoate transaction. Now, the civ i law does not racogui.e purp. -<• unti they euilody themselves in action. Tin Church punishes those purposes ruert-lj as s:uful thoughts. Pelt :i ha 1 not, s far as I knew , done anything ex- ept t receive .i proposition from a set of lie pub..can elf tor- to - < J the certiil ..te- There was no consummation if the plan By uiy intervention, while there wa yet a locus penitent.. the thing wa stopped. The thing d:< lab rning. an it did not strike me *- being of sin - ! j enormous im[ortance as it would ha. ' j there been any p. --.bility of the tliii . succeeding, or of any-in: lar'.ran-1 succeeding. Is*;, this witliout mean ing in the least to excuse Pvltoti, wi. i I do not. Tiie aim -sphere at that i. m was tilled ruuiors and asaertions venality anil fraud of these returniiq boards in tho>e three and of the. • >tfer I ileclare baforv tiod aad n ■ j country that it is my entire be-.ef t .. , tiie votes and cartiticatcs if Florida Louisiana were bought, and that tin Pres dency w A - . >ntro!led by the purchase, l'elton, seeing tiiat condit. t i of things, committed a fault; ha c inmit j ted an error, hcommuted a wrong. Hi I adopted the idea that it was istitia > i to tight tire wuh tire, lie adopted t!.. idea, when he aaw the Presidency beiui I ukvn away from the uian who had beei ~ elected by the people, and a> cording t . | law and fact, that it was leg.timate to de t J feat the crime bv the means lie t k , He was inexcusable. I adopted an u tirely ditTerent system—an entirely i!.! J ferent code of ethics. 1 scorned to de fend my righteous title by such mean . as were employed to acquire a faloniou possession. Pelton diojnot at rightly , he may be tried ; he may be condemned , Public opinioii may punish liiru. At th sauie time, even that fault is to be judg ' ed of according to the facta, according b times, according to what was being dotn ; and what was done. His act was a: i inchoate offense. <Wi the other sidf the act that was done was a complete , and consummated offense. It built u] a possession of the Presidency of tin United States to the man who was m eiected, and the representatives an cbumpious of that condition of thing , are the men whose consciences an troubled with the inchoate wrong-doinj of l'elton which I stopped and crushei , out in the bud." Won't California how 1 at the veto o the Chine-p bill. If-he has all the g-c why not have a little of the dross" Congress has at length decided to re duce the tobacco tax. Now let all smok era rejoice and re-puff. Gen. Butler announced that he wi! i not return to congress again. How would he like- to return to New Or leans? As California threatens to secede il Congress does not stop the Chines* from coming over, it is about time foi some home-guard to declare that we cr.r "lick 'em before breakfast," as some o; the rade talked when tbe south made similar threats. The temperance people throtighotil the State are winking vigorous efforts t< secure the passage of* local option law by tbe present Legislature. A bill fin that purpose is now before that body. Hard times, distress and strikes still contiune in Kngiand. Tbe mayor ol Sheffield stated at a meeting that in c-nt district of that town there are 4,'hKi per sons destitute, and P 0 families are ac tually starving. The relief fund, except about sßoo, has been expended. Delaware county has a dog tax, from which source $2,H95 was collected lav! year, and sßX'>.so paid out for losses on sheep killed by caninesin the countrv. There is now $3,914.39 dog tax in the Treasury, and iI it keeps r.-i accumuls ting the dog owners will have paid enough, m a few years, to pay for all the sheep in the county. The greenbackers and democrats of Michigan have united on a state tii ket against the republicans, if that don't make the fur fly in Zuck Chandler's king dom, we don't know what will. Hartranft has accepted tlio Philadel phia postmastership—salary *4509 p o r year. As governor he received SIO,OOO per year,could scarcely live with it and went out poor. When he retires from ihe postmastership, this would urgue he will of necessity become a public pau per. Secretary Sherman reports to the House that he iiv- in the government's strong box $1<:8,V42,709 49 in coin and bullion; of which $183,377,271 it gold and $35.505,488 silver. Deducting current liabilities reduces tbe sggri-gste to $139,487,704 7. Because his duughtar married ngainit his will, Jesse Bostorff of York county hung himself in his gsrrat. He hung him self four times in two weeks. Twice he broksdown, onco his wi' cut him down, but the last time Jesse stayed up. Ho was I CO years of age Congress fat on Sunday ii ll far (hp Mmi I moat gigantic .1 i LSrrv that h.isi'.ft been jm*r|>*tint'.l >• upoß tbii Gonrtinnt vn 11>- qrittei it >lllllllll |1 tin<tor >iti! i l on by IC"hi ~ I.'lt mill b.i a,c>lH|,|liei 111 tin* N >vi I'l'l'HtUnmit ihin UK almost the nit no in in nt 111 mil it Ait nil utl ia I ion, i rum I > '' 1111 l Wuihlllglotl l'> "•!. llln"l Hit.l yt . t ,<• rascalities tlin* mi to in vurioui ilaj .ut l(1 luonl.i ill tho public i>rrk ,r illher aC'Utlilirl- htolp | iiblic luiiilh ngyngu* 11 ting n W IUIIIII'IIRO ninmiit t, lull Iliilto.'Miii i uiut 1. li'lionn II. ;,! the N*vv I'rp.ilt v lUPIIt till' ROfllP >'f Rill It lit' >1 lllirl Mllprt! I nta |ihin<lt'riiiK .•* le-# atnlai i> i in on 111 . till I ll.ttlib"' i t thp ••IVU'P I lllil .• ulv admire, m that in- ktNl thi > mrAtfi n to attempt fonnutal'le , "ini ri m i i-r tlir i i .inij.iiii "In,. lu am lit tin .i\ 11 rll • >vrt liii.nil . u oai tli th*author (Mull i i itiioii nun L *" i i tli i ilii .>ll'jtnT ui iii .iijjo M |; Ij ii i u n.iul.l half lit mt > 'li- j:io.l t i lot n r mi .in.o !> i lito lint this ina'i m >f If. 'I I tlir u> ij. ni T f n|.p, a| fal i>r 'I 'in tlir |>ai(y n tin 11 1.0 ha* iln-gr*,, .1 r " llio \ tf in the I Inure last Mninlai r <*., i >li i • uti.ite* that tliv hi i.. ii w ill liii'liilifi if thut l>i..l\ lialr> i .iirli le> ilt I i > r>h >. I uinl lirtiml Ui.tfaiUl ' It in will an leritou ! that one oh;rot >ll if llm lirpiililit aim In rally lug to tin rl of U ibeaon it t i Vhichl Inn from in itotainit On the Mb day oi Mar. li thv ntaiuip tif limitut >• "ii it ii. in r ii-rvntr between L :it ui.l tlir outrage, 1; law B\ *' ivi: ,• t! . ' ti !::! thu ol *, ' (HP ne-* m, ti.o ltrpuM a' of t II i*o it ill -avo 1 iin ft n troll iiirritod j'lttiirlniinit mill preserve him for . ntinue l use a- it pillar of tLnr pai \\ ilh lothi ui a i tnpiios the i itm* . '.'emit. I'lio statute ..f linutat; n •" will iv t s .re thrin from trial hy courts - martial. Robeson reck# to sneak out l . uuit Ir ito hi* pals to the r fate. Thi* i* the airt of struggle litat i- g tiug on in the Iti use, where the party ot great . hur in thi it o>f lirtwrt'li t areng.i g justice tttnl a man h> has lr rohht.l the publv Treasury >f more in an '.ban alt the thieve-in SMug MII.; tivn >'.<*. I'lus may room hui rh. !m: it is literally tr..e. l'h:s titan, w h isalle -1 pub an i' njjrt-<s::i:iutf loot, ai:>! \t h rn u the Hepublii ana of the House are v -->K* •> !'• Mont .on. ! won, over all the oonvii .i i llm 11 In our pnutentia ** :ur a* tho KetiP.'.oki glint looti - above a Mil,. ~ No party that ever appealed t>> the roters >'f ;ti - i untiv for support Ims evrr ilaroil pla. o .Hell in - i <hvrj.'.iriK a u ji.iriti n us the lie uhl oan j artv, when y. it plants itself as u h.irriei to In . 1 bin k j iu.tioefrom this bra.*ni-fn r !r hbt-ran.l bis >• nii'i!i"in in crime. IV j• - • Zavh * handler is n I to lie the later .is a oe-r ui : • the A'hiiiiustrat m par r n jj the Senate. If ibis jre of |>olitical , „• >** pis true, theKwur'.s i rsrvwere will rub their fios w:'.h astonishment, •e I'.i Kt Mr. t 'hriat.aiiiy to a., opt a v foreign ri mi 1 hiakr room for Murer (handlorr- jit re I a .loa! "f sharp man nuvr-ng. Eugene lisle ; Z*i h's e ti-in-laa . ill 1 the me r pari of e* , tlira business He urgoU th.r.stianoy ti •r. res for oi or a, an. I: K 11. > n | anx.aty on the part of the l'rr'.>!eut t if' I'hr.stsati v . .' ai 1 Chan.Her in v. i, 1,4 j s.i pri at tl. .' ho i ifori il Christian v th> *s Iterhn mtssi iu. !lo l l Kontios in pro- I lorrod l.twia as n place of resnlet" o, ,i i hatulirr attended the recepti >n at t!.o W late House lately an I drank .t K'ass I of lemonade witk the Ihes. lent,a!th> wgh the rea ' nary otlo is, ttljos tuple I'sv m rrago arc said to have Lad a tori, e of feet >n /ad.'s sys'rin. The Senate was in setnion until 4 w'clofil on > .ndav morains and a fr in Up of m unti midnight. T'.e li oe was r. 'K re-- u ! v !!'. arid Start I i si 'lrs tr JScsitA struck out the t<*t e*t!i and alac* ' :i • .parr ■ir i ~• I,- „• u .' kil. sl ii is, i a rev ' ."..'or < ,i ami' an..'its t '. i re- it lls-k r' 'I ■ • ' '• " . " m u , .."d, a d struck oul the c. •• aw sr.; :K pr.t tfe .>iv :i n TdcntM Thi ccnfarcnce imillcaa lc *i :i' fi):. ;> >ii' , d agri'stna! ! ' is resi he.! on the ie. r* n. i >-oi II cliU*e of the Log! lit V* t I 'l the • the! 'a' . ' i vs , ' i -'.v • . i'. i ski •i -as. na hied Thit" i. rr t ■ ii ijhtta c ngen yun * . Sc.; e- w % e n.r * i T'.e pip" i•e • J rai't-'r.d • inj a' . irt u st wr . >: s; -t • On Friday it * !>• t p.| e wai Is id at t ks I tut of the line. The pips *u put uudet 'ts the N rtti'-rr. Centra' liai'n* :t 1 . n us culver*, s di•'.:>■ • fr< n. ti < .ty r; l.ruit'. At an early hmtr • Saturday J. taornißg a party ot ra 'road men ". re up u , the; pe and held ike place if tr • g r. , i dectt. .Ily | eveatir-K tl " p rn • ■ f: u . j jutting l ack the pip,- torn out They re ( main aat the ipi t ilia g-aater a*rt i r lk. dsv. hut nocontl ct cccurre l betwer t , ' I .' T. 1 nvsl partis*. tin j ip non pnraeu, with t ; e:r w >rk further we.', • d d • *. ' acetn in any nav :• .led hy the a '? tion '.he railr an men. Tfc r sajc the court to ad. its the -"j. tv. lv< at an early day. gj,; tor fn -h air thi, .. . u:r „ I Coagrcaa appropriated for improvise tht ; rentilat'on f Hie It ua. Booting "in 1 j ha'.! of the c ingrai men w . • dc " mu bad gair.g in the ehaiuher w uld he b "A , eheaj er and l etter. ! The Kri'psri.r of hat iant .eet V.ctoria a <irk i.; .iiider wiil -. I,et tl.e. t i 1 1 giro \i a ii.ds berth, spider' sru it ■ .p. her than ui.'ia*c. r '•THE ITA LI A N CA ST ST It KW N i WITH VESSELS WUKPKKH IN THE KEC'ENT STOBM " Six reopk-Killed bv l nlliny Churcli r- Walls. Karne, I ebruary b'7.—Ttdegrnmi and if latter* from ai! part* of tho l'eriintu!* ie bncg niu-t taniciilahie accounts < ; the ,X daiunge cauiea by the luntsat, acci ui n pmiied by heavy lhur.>i"r, and rnii . which bur*t over Italy on ilondsy night e !at and which continues, tbaugh with bat''d vielence. Tae whole cea-t fr. tn <inwa to the uti. of Naples striw:. :t j n ilh wrecks of small i rati A considers " j bin number ot lurgei vesisl* received e - rtous injury. In all the ports ships wers ilriv.a from their nicoring*. At Naples e-pecially the efToct* of the storm weie meat Tho number of vessels ami > ('inn r- it jurid wru d make a long ii.t A.I the samil craft along Ilia liiviora di - Ckisja ware out to r and l> ;. - Iho now spiny nt I'.'iiiippo was almost <■: it tira'y destroys*!. A , oilier WHS abundoii ed outside of Genoa. At Leghorn tw J( Kng ish steamers broke from their moor t ing and caused much iajury. At E.d N lonicn sit vessel* wore wrecked four liahsn and two Englikti An An trmn e hiji, laden with grain, Irom Malta, went ashore on the island of Meloria and wi, ' thar.doned. Inland the efle> 'of tha MOM has been equally disastrous Carina. I'i arenas. Mifan, Flereuce, Siena nml other fitie* have sutlered. ' At Puagginolo, near Siena, tho cainpin. t i ol it churcli WHS blown down while the - people were at mass, killing two priest* etrieisting at the Hilar and three other per sum, and wounding twenty-four pvrsnrii A similar catastrophe occurred at Aentau ' re, w hern the vault of n church ylolded to ' tho force of the storm ami killed a print I who WHS celebrating mass and Injured a l number of tho congregation. At Koine * tho force of tbe wind was unparalleled. Hiring the storm nil tho window* of the monastery of Monte A lie t 'roci were de stroked, ami n |iortion of the base of Mi -1 chael Angelo'g statuo of Havi.l was gwejit : oir London, Eobruarv 28. —A despatch, from \ ienna to tlie Daily AVim state* that an avalanche near Marburg killed twen. ly-orie jiersoiis and destroyed nine house* ; He not forgot tiiucureni during Lent, I and in buying it get the small kind, which I becomes thoroughly cooked, and which , does not have the dry, uncooked tasto ol j the big |iipesteiu kind. After boiling and | draining it give it a generous sauce id, eoupstock and ..truiuod tomatoes. If you want to cheese it, checso it. t'N THE il \ i I LK I IKI.U 1 i Ung o| (Joiifrni linrlo'V hiii) :V?i ntor (I"iili'ii nt 11- (f \ lti rj. f' 'ni ihv It "stun Trans i ript s A>> . ly n>t bo awari that it was Gen. 14' ' i - cnimd which tp.i-U the I'atik ot 14,n Klaventh I'. rp* i'n the afler i •' u of the i r*t day at Gcttyihurg, end eftn a short but >lr,pnrate coellicl bloke . '!• 1 " and swept It from the f.tid 1 t 111 at i ght Get. Itai <>w of New Yoit. i cihi Htuler of ill# I i,' HIVI.IOU, fall dau I geiu i if it a,, thnught, mortally * wad ded He w,i iket directly through r ''V v less! lit, lues attriupti ii la , bear lom thr.nieh tie shower ot lead from the li, ' I toil on# wis irntiiiillv killed, • a d lien Ita itw in alilli:- •1 v 'a:,! to "A HI rn* dil iur lio goad , 'lie* l ti' i, , ~F i. lon's In - ! G. ■ colli, ei'swKifl ittgeswepl , is'i 1 '. , Hi, 1 h.* wis found hy Gen G , r de , ,1k ag wUt Ujdii! lie ) Ii • li e ' sun a.arly pa',.'i and a •ti is ■nl vdi i).. Gen (i. r!■ n di-iuo lit is I from bi* Imric, g.ike him a di ink of Water f h , , aa'.esil, Hid Illij . red t ! 'i en |lhi w ), , lama ami wist e* l Cioa* •a I Barlow >s .1 ' ' 1 shall pro bi '•'y ive t, t a -u rt tie, I'lei take from my b-en' pi cket the packet of my • '# * ' •* I r id i" o! them to no w h ii was d it 1 lie then asked that the r •; ct* be torn ip, as he uid n l w -a li.eiu - 'l.i int" other hand* This General jGord 'ii did, and then sked "("an Ido anything eira for yuu. Ganaral " "Ve*. replied (iraeral I'arlow earnestly. "My { . wife is keiind our arms l'n you send a . me- sags t gia the !us *" "Cerla : v 1 Will, 1 ' ta d (it "doB an I he did T en t directing Cenr'a! Birhiw I , U b ri:o to the sl.hJc of n tri e a", the rr*r, ke r,.a 1 i n with' mm and Tlia w ife :ei eived the i e-snge and ,n i harmlessly through 11 both lines si battle aad lound her i u *H*i, w o cseiitU'i tr, i,ieti i Since ( Gordon's election to the 1 t.iud 'iate- '-nis'.i', hot " hf uQll lieili r • al la' >i wi nt- !to a dinner party ( '■ "i * ■ s. "ui jiied oppoalte lists st the table. After introductions, , Genera (, ordor. sad 'General Ilarlow, a are y i rr'ated t> ■ the !h -r of y ir name * ah i aa- 1 at ( leltyshurg" l '' *'l am, li d Bar 's "Are you related tot ' G •! ia 's. ■ s supposed t> have kB, ■■! me * " I aai the man, ' sa.d Gen • ruei 1 a hearty grei t ng which t > wr .1 th.- to Uid. 11 g itory, as related to e .ters-te 1 guest- by lie' trill Ball w ii an . ' o thi: ,itg eject up • ttu con:paty , can bt'.er be imagined than described. f ■* HE A I'll iK GKNKKAL V(N BOON. ] Beriin, libruary 2' (ieneral Ven • Been died at 1 ik tli- after no n. f u N ! hi 11 . di'f Emit Count \'<>n* E u was r:: :. tha .a'th it April. ItAC, ' ear ( Is'r ,n fi# the a >n (ilom ot * ' ■*• ■ Mo was edu .*'.e i a'. Ike fan u* I" i n , boa ; ,r i sdsts ar.d was ga-'stted * I'rj! IS Aril v as a see id lie-jtan r ant f lularilry sln-n only i:it>'n kears * old Even at that age bis military zeal hai.. r*rv were rrmsrkb> ln tun vears 'er t e wh- himndl ias'.ructmg is .••• W e- : y tw<nly inn o:d ie ws" 'o'.gw rig I iii*c . ' >r •■cef k '•* wtt". ii,". " Ycvers Ilea.* , a (apte aat tlurtv three, a M . rat thir* ty i c t sr. i e,: j.- ,n l! great r mi.itary aeaiemy at fsirty > , -* of age . l Mi |whs aalwtad n the nlliury r ;-e • I'r > , f'-, Ct arln *• .fteraa'ds Ms r V n!1 ais luui.d 1 ' t' '"ST I the Cstßpagfl Ol r "I* i.i. it t rain sf lis r . e. \\ ..' - • \ J ' if'.e* 0 tele ,r.wi tu . j : tea m *t rap.*! j, f • Geru.sry. ... .s-ifally l. culrnant ,Co rs Ceis-L' Br gsdier-(,sr,era', Ms j rii, .-ra .H l.ieuter, ant Ge.-.aral ; aad r wit a two i •> years Minister of War • a' <l then the kr,". I'rustian Minister o! H NsTk L t! E*E ct ro itiea, %:r. I grist Y ej.j * • -n. tie re. rgar. red tha I*rus*ian army He wat the t.rr vof the great bat t'e ' K • gg-set F rt s> - . laatdis playi j'. lk - i.e Was voted a large rvc ■i j'l' fr ■: the Treas.l'y ar.d te orated wr '. v t c -di-o' tt tf black mi" With 1 ;s great irv c> s i s • everneati tl r„ .g ■it the w*r with Fr*- t wh eb 14 er. Jed *t Redan *r, 1 with hi* üb>eqaeßt ' <> "k c although af sl.ort dale— a* Field 4 N!*r- ,il f :ba German Kmp • and its H M • *'. i ref War tl.e American publican ■■ re •..m.oi.r. •Since 1-7 he ha* beer " measurably >n rctirsment fr m military tr. ".".trs I .1 one o! tl.e greatest *r-d mo*t poj u'ar adv;srs in the Ge-m*n (i yarn men*. II" diss aear'y > t years old and • ae of the bi*l friends and most ' et, em< d c ur, • r . f tha lii Kinjicrnr. A RAHRHiKY HFSAXK. Albany Argus, February 22 Tin iid t ;• made that .tone (i dfra S*ve has s iccunibed to mclin ch 'l a, and t' lt be * an affecting ezatn •of nienta sarerieg. \ a poet and l><ture- Mr. Sa*e t, ni given sw tr . h ; leasure to so many that the fart of Lis intei'i- ! :*i dis r ier will oi, t much sym patt.y ar.d regret. Mr Saxe tirst appear ed as a t Oct in tho old l\< •' • - ■>- Mn • -e, in 1K4.1. His first deep mark ■na' made in a j-oem i ailed "I'rogess," * **tire, and siace thon ho has become well N known *s K humorous peet, sketch writer and lecturer. Born in Franklin County, Vl., in IM',, Mr. Sale was admitted t<> the j, bar ir I**( '., in his twenty tevanlh year. Not long atlor ha removed to Burlington, . Vt, and bocrme editor and owner of th* s' ' whii h he taanage 1 with surcesi a - d pi'i ularity. He was tho f. rmat and fan*loT;ng ar.dida'.a of a hopslcs* minor* ity for (• vernor for several year* in uc c> -i 11. Ab> ut fifteen year* ago Mr. Sen removed to this Bute, practising law in New York and residing in First place. Bit iilrn. Kuveries have osertaken Jh K*nt!rnnn el lmta .T''nrj, Mnti il!* i, esse* hava befallen hint and members of his family, lie deni, • hiinseif to biidear est friends. His gloom i* absolute and be* yond relief. Anu ng lecturers Mr Sate "ill hold a not high rank, but there is no doubt be i* a poet ■ fa distinct though not u high order of ability, and that be has di ne much, of transient value in it-olf, to make lighter lbs cantompiaiion by rend er* of their hardship ', or to enable them ;• boar or forget them. Mr .Sue it* a lover of tea good thing* of lila has not excluded front bis affection the goad things of the ' table, including it* w it and humor, and 1.0 wr ouch in request in termor years a* ( an after Jinner speaker. The tax whieh r d livers pay ou their constitution has bean j>a d by Mr. B*xe, but it vva* hoped ihut his lisalth would Coum back undsr a system tu whieh he tubjocled himself* That It >ps appears to bo fallacious, aad the broken down condition of Mr. Size will excite ret n little (yuspathy. A TEH BIBLE DEATH ;Swnll'iwiiifj Ilia Fiiiae Teeth — Seven Weeks Without Food. 1 l'hila., Feb. 2">, 1 H"'J. Aocurdiug l the report of a local pa per a man died hero on the -ith inst., un isr very singular circumstance* His nanio was Levi Wagonseller. lino even : ng in Jlecemher last ho entered u Chest* nut street restaurant to get supper- When about half thtough tlia meal he suddenly 'ell something sharp and pointed going, down his throat, causing him intense pain. ; For a moment he supposed ho had *walj j li'wod a large aad jaggod piece of bono, I hut putting bis hand to hi* mouth instinct- I ivcly on feeling the pain, ho found tha* hi* false ten Mi aero missing, and he knev ; that it must have beon thov which hud j gone down his throat. Tiio tenth were throe in number. They were fastened toj Mi silver jilats, und had beon in his mouth, 'tor many year*. Recently the hooks holding them in plaro bud w. rn loose, and the artificial icctli IIH ) annoyst) him by tilling Ironi hi* m uith soverel liiiie, flats and s I bud g a 'lawn his throat, end he f" 11 thsia 1. J g,.i sgi ut bis bresti I'r Mewart was i sllsd upon to visit the pHtisrt on the fifth dsy alter the occur *lem e 11 w advised him ta> take a swallow ( ! gia #• the readiest mesio- of dis odgillg the teeth, which til| remained in the (bras' Ilia patient followed his advos, and almost immediately fait tha teeth go ' ing ih'wn But this only led Ie s wsrsa re sult Iha teeth Inovtd dawn and lodged si ut ,na inch and a I alt hlm-vs the in train el the 11■ i,<a, h. Had it pasted to the rioiuarh. at coriLog ts modiral author if. Ilia i hie! danger in tl,e t a*e would " n over Bit b'dgi'.g a* Ihev did the j,alien* •■•s* 1G swallow nothing aot es.'a a,ilk or watar It was abse'ytely iiiijiossibU In gel ai.killing d„s* hi threat Milk was recommended, bat when it w,,uld he jtoured down as stiuii as the g 1 #•■ W",i!d Us removed from Ii ie lips it would route l,sck, esuding from esrs rye in 'Uth end nostril* The slrnagest ef h I wss wtiat followed The man lived for s.ven weeks without swallowing s 0 -r of f,.od or a drop of walrr Ever, Ojuieeotali range he r 'uld not sssal ■' ' •* Fr. tu a slant, liearty man. woighiag probably I'.** pouada, he dwiadlod BWBV 1• a inr e ke ". n His I *nd became horrible to Io "k at hv re#"n • f their loss ot flesh Strangely enough, too, at this time th* man, who was perfectly rational an I cm - . uis, ha I i. ■ appetite no craving 'Mr f d Tho smell of virtual*, he ia.,l. ' made him s ck. Fr rn the time he want l" In* ti>ler s liens# four days alter the *e 1 trident, he had not st id on bis feot lying alternately on a bed and ia an invalid * . 1.: ir Th -j. store ho Lej t, at the rec-' o iimeridation of! is jihysician, until from ' !ink ,f food ho became o woakuiet teat' there was no #j>t: n in tl.o matter, and he iiad ! j ii* a 1 i the time Operation with an instrument was suggested by bis pbvs clan but lhi his sister would notion sent to it unle. i-sarence couhl be given that t ' w uld result It, raving Lis life. Thi*. of! ' enurse, the physician reuid not ' ai . I a *,i h opera'., >n *ii tried. Seven Utile* Without Food. r After bomg f, r over seven weeks with-j j-ut ft d'.icr died, death result* f ing fr,"* n.anitiou, in o'her word*, starva* .lion. IGNORANCE AS A DEFENSE Ohjectione at Which Courts Laugb. By Frni r W'bartoa in Albany Lav Journal] It ha* sometimes been ra:d that thens can be no conviction of crime without proof of c-im aal Intent I'ndoobtedlj '.! • • the - *e with regard to all crime* , , wh.f .i Intention i* a micersary incident T -re can be n • convict on ol murder , without proof of malic#. Hut that a guil ty iti'.rnli n it not necessry in al! i a*"* ie th wn t v the fact that iti a 'nrg# c!*r of cater ST, -rv d*y becoming more iinjror-: , t*-; tin " of neg gence the nature ,f th. > ,4 r ••'•xc.udes en ether gv il - n Atn!• i ms ■ Jen-cr rprmg from a sd met Y n giigeat • fleas, * are with it ti :t, the first v'iia -it# f-eni a Dior . the sc >rid frr.-ti an Intellectual defec: I'i , wrung in the rrt i a-s of carer ien- j •itr n irte - i r,g nil ; the wruxg in the ( *e. il flit* > f r<, i from r*t nt end ing a! v'l That tl e r irty tn ant fee <j.d is , an re nti'd elrmi".', Uv a convict n of a , ~ • flVr -e . he d.d not no-ari w st e did 't a'i "irr,t I e ■ ::.e* t I a r i onv i"., nof v r.> giigi st oJcr.i# Wi • ,v the'e.isre run.'usr.'v .!isj>e*-ef •• maxim that without proof of malice there ,in be ro criminal c> nv.ct t) A d ■•". rl r'" f ca'os. h.iwevc-, come* up ir wh b tae unlawful act i* don# ir.ten , tionißy, but in igni ranee that it is* , t.M Tfi * ign. ,s of two kind*, ig* • i>rnn> # of !n and igna'anre o! fact. Thsl gr.o'stce of law it not a defeaie u generalli eonreJed. A conspicuous i • lu!rati k if A ■ st • be f.>und ia the est. j of Mis Arth ny, who w ci avicti-d a *! rt tia c rmce in New d rk of ga r Mr g She ntup as * defea*e that she be'ipvod that rhe was in law entitled to v < and that she had be- ri i advu-d by j l Oinpetsal authorities This wis held i '. t> hv .I ■ an I under J . ig# Hunt's ex • nrs" iir<- lions she wa< convicted. It bus 't i 1 "T. he'.l n it to be a defease to ar, in r* J tmer.t f r adultery that the defends! t . error,,' • u-v but I ones'Jy believed that-i.e had been iegully div 'feed. Were this net the law, government would com* to an , eud. In the late civil w*r the ffereseiun irt honestly believed that ece*si. n was le gal. nnd that to uj>;<ort it hy f >rce was to evereis* a conslitutionel right : but tbi* hrr,e>t belief would have been no id ore tolerated as a defense in the Fede-al - :rts tt'.an w . d the Confederate >urt haveconloned arrn-d to their au'.her :r on the ground of en Hons*: be* , lisf that the Confederate g rernments were usurpatioi.* Ignorance of law air., w uld b# at a premium if men c u' 1 have plurality . f wive en the ground that such plurality is legal - * cguld rtuff ball t b.'xes < n the greund that they kr.ew no j '* forbidding rach eicerres • or could vielate police reguiatiofl* on the grouail ~ that they did not knew that uch pelice regulation* exi.*te i. The nn>*t obtuse and stol.d of criminals woulJ be those whom the law would most favor; aad if weconld conceive ufa person loUlly ignorant ofi law, such h person, ia this theory, wauls 0" totally Irec from criminal responsibili ty. Fanatics, also, would be relieved I from i ivi! restraint! in j.roportien to tin ißtensity of their fanaticism ; and the Tcry element of fierce infatuation which would add to their dmgerouTr wuu'd uid lc their immunity. Tt.e late decision of the Supreme C urt uf the Ui.itcJ Slates in thi polygamy case, however, has finally di posed of thi* kind of defense. Bclicl ii. , the unconstitutioaality of a law ; tieiiel in it* violation ef bight r law; beliet in its conflict with conscientious duty, will b< no defense to Hn indictment for disoheai ence to su. ti law. And even a con-i ien | tiou* belief thai an act is right—as lab"t by n Jitw on Sunday in contravention ol the Sunday la* will * t prevent sueh act Irom lieing indictable when made st bv the State. Ignorance of lact, however, present* question* far more intricate and u* lc ' th:* defense w may lay deivn the foil w , ing prop. -* it iiT. s : ' When t.' an ofToii-e know ledge of i er ' tin tacts is isssMtial then ignorance ot these tacts !* a defease. When n statute makes an act uidirtable irrespective ot 1 ! guilty knowledge, then ignorance ~f fact | i- ti > defense. To an for bigs my it is no defense tht the defendant, s woman, honestly believed within the ! limit of seven year* from the time he was last heard from) that her husband was dead And an indictment ha* been sus tained in MtssachusalU against a man for I marrying a woman who believed herseli to lie a widow, although olevan years hud i j elapsed since she had last seen or heard' from her husband whom she had left; it being held by the Court that the statutory , exceptions de n>t apply to tho doserliag i party. It has been further held that whcic guilty party in a divorce suit marries' again kkilhout leave ol Court (thi* being |' legally essential) during the life of the j | other party, and afterwards obtains such 1 j leave, an honest belief that the second I marriage is or has hecomo legal has no ' i effect ia m iking it and in protecting j the parlies. Numerous illustrations to thn same ef- 4 lect may bo drawn from prosecutions for invasion* of the laws making indictable tho sale of liquors under certain condi* i lions. It is no defense, for instance, to an indictment for keeping or selling adulter atod or intoxicating liquors that tho de- ! , tendaat did not believe them to bo intox icating or adulterated. Thus, on an in- 1 diriment for selling adulterated milk, the" defendant i not j • fee • I t>v ignoran eof the a,!u)Jer.itii n, i errii by th* belief ithatthe milk was | nre. And the same rule appliei tt> , lii'tvneiit* f>r selling in*f taiiuatmg tlr.iiks. la st-veral Hutes •idling int"*i< atlng li*' qu< r to minor# >• indielabl# by statute, an I i su< li n, >, T HI ," tli I| 'I stlon wlieihe-th# i-fendant knew that it,# veu #ee*ii a inin ir ll■ r*. again, we have the rule before u# applied, it having been repeatedly held that ignoran#" in th it rn* kpecl, e< ipi,-! even an h >n*rt b#li#f that the vendee was of full age, is no de.' ten l * It is a - i no defi-tu# t" an indi< tment fur selling t* j,"r n ef iatemi>*rate hsbil that Pie dafea lent d..1 imt know that the vendee was nl if,letup* *<■ iiubils though, it Is other wit.i when the statute makes the efl"iise to I"' soiling t" persons of "known* I intemperate habits, if, which case knowF edge is an ingredient of ibe prosecutor'*' 1 irasr ,( is an delen-B to an indictment' for helling ut a gaming I. ,ue that it# d* lendai t b*!letd lliat tha In use was L fense.l D. rl* an indictmeat for earrviag an iliegsl aumhsr el passengnrs that tba, defi-adant did u >l Li. , that there was an #*i#s n. r t>. ar. ir,d i tment for sellingi nanhlha that th* .'e daat di l not knew that th# oil vi, i aphtha ; nor to an in* diriment for ilitgslly usurj,ing an office '.hat ibed. fondant honestly believed that he was he.issdy efei tdthi ef3< ■ Wuh these rulings may I* < lasted tfie well known csmtnon-law principle that it is no defebsa to an indo latent for a libel that the detendaiit wt iguorant oil!,# contents uf th# libel, or that bis motives were sci entific or philanthropic. A shij,wrecked tailor waiting for * tan i- lik# at tsiness man sitting at bom* and aursing a cough or cold (set Dr. Dull'# Ceugh Syrup and be cured Only 'Mi i ats a buttle. Fwitzerlatiil is experiencing the l.srjest time* the feas seen ia a quarter ef a centu *y- — I NATIONAL HOTEL. COUTLAN DT RT.. Near Broadway, NEW YOKE lIOTCH KiR 4 * A IDND, l'roj>riet/,rs. OS rut: EI HOPE A-V //, A .V. Th# restaurant, cafe and lunch room attached, are un.-urpaaaEd for cbeapnens , nnd excellence of aervice. Booms ftOrta. jto 92 per day. f'l t 91" |H-r week. Con venient to all ferries and city railroads %*' I'tiriiltiirc. AI-H Mnnagc* 111** 111, Sjtecin) Noticed THK WOHITIS BALX. I>r L. D. Wevbum's Aliaralire Svrup.i A MAOUY T-1 TIIIKI V UK: VR TIN Ittpriute 1 pmc '.ue kti4 ppf ffttltnf Io ndictUi car* BHEUMATI6M. Ut }'•.* I Npfufttlg, hmc.mdaij A*ri IlikbtlM t*<l nil <1 •-*•' s IB MDtrb the bluod I* ' ItBJ ii It fi<* lfrfesil f hi 1 I'J fell Heteii Drug*. .(*, dklatl hit .stilj tff the Wr|<Kirt UhloUsd F.O I -o. H<Kbd- Br . N V riii PLJ :s I Bill,! * r#e Itc rwcp'f ' n Man} r- \ tfreubie llnlm tttnt *tli T** I hhi fiTupLM n<J IMdrliei lean* trig u *<*?!. * t*ent:tlfl aIM Imtrncti tu tf jdut l'.g n iutkrUhl growth of •MIL CB N BEND OR N . ' FN* iil '-esr L&T !**•- x ing J. uat|). Hen \ tide if A c .. Anm htrßri, S. A Tt) < ONSI MPI IVKS. The k HerHwi Itucf | |tfmnneniiy mrod nf tun*. lf*A! itts#nm# * c'i.uni|d• o, lay tiat*l In asiini stis t > chnAw ksjonii to Jui IcUmt autfrmfi the, mritiscf cure I • *fi Btst des re It fa* Bill awQtl w . j.) oft r ,ie> ripUim Lißd fro# of f.nrge Bttfilh* lirvcUo&i fur |>rf>ndng nnd unlag u*# nnm#. • hMh ' :-.rp *i!l(i(i4ft ur* ruf# fur < 'sif t utftptioa, AnUhmn.| hrxifk* fill in Ac f Par*. tr> ia *t . -tf r l*r • Bl :: i n#c atddro** f A *iIAUN 1"1 I Vt'i M * .litnmnDurgii . * V ERRORS PF YOUTH. A> • NT! ♦ M Bh•• nt;!!ersd fot fear* frmsi If#r j rot-e le* I'mtnature deinj nnd g;i the of! j l tulhfl Ifodln* flh n , Blil !<•* lis# am fee of naffoMttg hnmntiit; ni) fro# (o nl) Bt. nerd it tbr m ipe nn? dltncfi •*! lot mnkihg the mur.odj ftp Btifecf - . *# wa v * ..' t "-fn ■: *.■ a i "...r *.!iei!|> #*i •# l -#(lc-ti< Muadoku t s *ddrnisg in l-erfn t ou j !id*n # JOHN li " UI % <ll odnr Kt . K#B York I'll IlM 1 r fc * !'\i •Rg .LmTkrgM mi I ll' i'" l • s s, . and nil d t t e Hf TIM qui, gl| nnd t#vf <*<! 'y mrod t * ami ■unlhlßg Rii ndf I r ndTr*n :k'jnt L lr J 1 A!" Kit A IU.. a Ann M. K. Y II AR I) W A RE!~ WILSON M'FARLANEACO. NEW GOOBS—PANIC PRICES. K II K T E A O A \ STOVES HEATERS RANGES V E C. E K E s \\ e would erpecially call attention to the Highland IJucen Cook. Slove, -AND THE WSLCOiaS HOifll 87SW2. -ff-O.jr Slock being entirely New. We offer special Bargains in-fc* *IIAKDWAKB, OILS and TAINTS.-** WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. M TESOV WEAR LANE A (V., lll'MES' BLOCK. BELLEFONTK, PENN'A. ' ii ■ 'urkdii v* r -.Jfrnav . "A'r* • •' * • "' k firk Harness. Saddles. &c Th# nndrmlgnod. d#l#rmino<l to moot thn populnr .I#mnnl for l'>w#r prtcon r-nlln tb nlt#n lion of th# public to binntos k of BAODLIBI now #ff#r#d nt th#nld atnnd lowlgn#vl #• p#cil|y for lh* people nnd Ibe (tinea. HID inrcnl tod rnont rnrtod nnd ♦ '.'niplrt# nnnortrnrnl of Hnd{l#n. linroNkn. ("ollarn l'rlU(N>. 4f tion* ripfion nnd vjtinluy . Whip*, nnd trt fact #v#r)thing to com|>lri# n ttml clnnn ontnLllnh m#ot, h# tB off#rn at pre #n which Blllnitit th#t Imrt JACOB UI.MiKH Cutr# Hall. JOHN P. POTTER, A llm—j nt " U promptly mad# and np#cla •l<#ltion glY#n to thon# hating lnndn or property for *llT dtnw uti nnd hg%# gckhOßl#dgwd l#dn Morigngrn, Ac Offl. pln llir dlniuo&d, oorlh aid# of !118 court hnunc. tlßlUfout# ootUJrtvtf HEALTH AND HAPPINESS- Health nnd Happincan nr# pric#l#m Wealth to th#ir poMsm*trn, and yet t!i#jr ar# within th# reach uf #r#ry n# who will un# WKKiim 1.l V i:it PILLS, j Th# onlr ntir# euro for Torpid Liter. l>tap#pata. Ilondnt li#. S ■nrSt*mach. Ovntlpation. I >rt> il it >■. Nan won. and all HUlloun csmiplalutn and Hloot din>rd*r*i | Nun# g#nutn# unl#M ntgnrd. "Wm Wright, l'hila " If your OitiffUt will not anppljr nvnd JN r#at fo- on# l # t tu liarrtck. K*ller A Co. & . 4th M. Phtla ?Burlhn C. T. ALKXANDKR. C M. BOWKK 4 LEXANDERA BOWER. At li. torn#rnnt Law. H#ll#font#. Special attention giv#n to Oulipctiuui. and ttrphana' t'onrt praclic#. May b# conaultmi tn Herman nnd RnglUh. (Hhr# in < sarnian*# building. tajrSH 74 tf. San Francisco, Febunry 20. —Jo- seph, youii};esl son of ex-Governor Boggs, commitleil suicide nt Santa Roza this morning, by cutting his ] throat. I 'j Dear Sir: If jriM ar In of i|lhiii| ih# way of HUNS, KIFLKS AND REVOLVERS, I rttU, AmtiKinllioo. liuvt MiUrUI, lUklif Urkt* '1 •*>f t tmt I ln- M.rMC 1..5n4 | !*IM rH# fw MJ ' !I*rf* liu(rfti*'l 'i# PvtM I li lu h I 1 mtllfriM- Your* tru'.f. .MJJI MflTOJV'fl ItrMl VT mm | *e f'un U ftftotsurv b. I*a Pfrhll WM . Wo LF. • - • —-jj— . New Goods o LOOKOUT! d l * w- A splendid stnrk of New J h> <j •<><! bni arrived at I—l WM. WOLF'S y , —IV TBI— Bunk Building. : 3 -m Prices Are Down. __ la a The ttock consul* of • full line of Merchandise, * carefully elected, em bracing a , kind, of DKLS9 GOODS. I KPBIfI. mm OIL CLOTHS. GROCERIES, _- GLASSWARE. <*-< Jim UCKKSSWAKK, J ETC, KTO.. *"2 1* #* Muslin & Calico B are at bottom price* j FURNISH INO GOODS j! of all kinds. m* J r ~ IIATK and CAPS. <mm PRODUCE received ia txchange for good*. ►>_ P1 ■ r NEW GOODS!!! | ,1 IO U KAt PENNSYLVANIA RR. Pbiladelph <* and Erie Railroad Division. •tTRKIP. TIKE TABLE O# And Afier M T ND\Y, Net % 1171, (b tnlfii as i h* A fcrl JUiiro*4 tmiKftoe wui rma % * follow* W. 'KTWRD i i.n MailFl laj*J).lu 1114p m " iltt ruberi 42t tr. ** Mot lAKdoB .. tftTfttt. Will .Ai|aor| *ttB Ixacb lIAV*B tM A ■ Htdi A lIWAB err it Rrl* ?ift t. a > MAI. ARA 1.1 WA*m i *b!U ISuea 1 trrtetmrt It kt a * -rUnfloA I <ap a i r r si Y. i;ti*maport turpi* ** !* *eli li**a Ittpt I AM LINK i*iM 1%!1 4aß>Fu 11 4ft* a tt*m il'arg lUp a " " lira art at iwi>wt : XI c . U>k H *. te>> turwtku. r ' Pll'lHC EX. leseee law k Ham t" a a 1 •-J M>rt Ua a Milsiamepart 7Uaa " MoLtaudoa IHaa arr at ll>mUr| II Ma a iila lean a , 1 >'Y I X leaves Ro It** a a Uxt lliitt llMaa " W lsumapert ||Wp a 1" Meeteadoa 1 * p w " arr at iia "itdwii la a a " " fbi U4.ii lila tkn a I r.Bir. MAIL learn I tam tU ;• " Lack Harm VSSpa "X r '.!ll *re;ort 11 <* p ■ " NMiaadaa 11 Ik a a an at Ha mabcrg 3 si a a Philadelphia 'Naa I A LIXE leaves Wlillimq.rl 1U a b arr at Hat ntatwre Hits arr at Philadelphia teix J Tar ran will ru Mm. Philadelphia aad Wn ii.m.p .rt oe Niagara ki Weet, Kite Kk Weet. Phi 1a < deiphxa Ktprme Kaat.aed Ia> Kt Karl aad Haeda] I F-t fa. l . Klielrar. oe all et(bt trataa W M A. kiUiV'll, tleeeralbu^etleteadeet. i:\nniinc our ( ah frtcrw of I toot* and ho<M.-We an rolling out the good* lively, because wa charge lea* for them than vm ever known- \Ve keep up the quality and keep down the price*. We arc bound U> sell off this tre mendout U>ck, and lru*t in the low price* to do the buiines*. We will offer you Men'* fine ealf boot* *t...„ -...5'.!60 Men * kip boot* at™ .... ;i*i Women'* kip thont at. ..... . J QO Children • school * hoe* at™ 75 Men'* wool lined gum boot* at 260 Boys' wool-lined gum boot* at.......... 1 00 Men wool-lined buckle overthoa*... 1 40 Men * wool-lined Alaska over*hoa... 00 Men's plain gum overshoe* ft) Lumbermen gum*, solid heel 1 26 Women's wool-lined Alaska over shoe* 75 1 Women Kplain gum overshoe* 86 Muses' plain gum overshoes 30 Children's plain gum overshoes 25 The above rubber good* are all first rl* and are warranted, and will be sold for rnik only. K. G It AH A M A SON. 6. Bellefonta, Pa HENRY iIROCK KKItOTT. J. 1). MIt'UKKT President. Cashier QfiNTUE COUNTY BANKING CO. I (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) Receive Deposits, r And Allow luterest, Discount Notes, BUT and Bel! ' Government Securities, Gold & aplOfibtf Coupon*. ; | W R. CAMP'S POPULAR. Fur nit are Rooms! CENTRE HALL, PA. 1 manufacture all kind* of Furniture for Dining Booms, Libraiies and Halls. If you want Furniture of any kind, don t I buy until you see my stock. UNDERTAKING ,In all it* branches. I keep in stock all the latest and most improved Coffins and C ask els, and have ev%ry faciK lty u- f u r P r °P® rl y conducting this branch of my business. I have a patent Corpse Preserver, in which bodies can be preserved for aconsiderable length oftime. jullOtf W, R. CAMP. J. D. MURBAY i&uccuworioj K Miller A Bon.J I*CI!-T In Pure Drng*. tfiNlieinn,Fan f| <7 Artlc'twt, |ve Bluff*, an IrWief* Nnndrint. Si! *U)ck of Confec tioneriea. UR a? V t. ,NK For Mrdiciaal Purpoaea TB* naer MNAVM CIO A KM AM> Ton AC ALWAYS IN STOCK. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. Have aeeured the aervlcea of Dr. J f J Alexander, who will attend lo Ike Com. , pounding of Proacriptiont. 2 mar. ly JKKKY MILLER ,! HAUiira ASH II Aiiu>nE*.g in Iba kaae< ! mant of the bank building. All work duae i n faablnaabla ktxle. ljuly 'llk fl O 'U 'tranlT ; DiliO 1 kUbONMIBfIM. AAdrai tftliiioti A Co, FottießA M c c. CONMEK. MEKCHAST TAILOR In Bank Budding, Centre Hall. J Would reapect'ulig nnoune to the eitl i sent ol tbia rlcirn * that be bat taken I room* in abore building where he la pre pered to do all kind* of work belongiag I to bia line, for men and boya, and accord 'l ing U> lateat alyiM Good* aold by aante 'tile. Having bed nine yoara experience 'lie guarantee* all work le render perfect aat it faction, and aolieita a ikaro of tke I public patronage Advey . mr'TiRE ; TO rouNc MEN. I Jtut published, in a sealed envelope. Price six cents. II A lector* oa Uae Xetere. Trealteeet. aad Bed lei I rare of eeniael WeekeaM, ■ Nttenuetarrlxaee. le deoed l, Kelletwae laeelueUrv Kiaieetoaa, I true uter,. >eroui UeMiiir. end lteit*dlMau U> Mar | tie*. eMtrrellr. t'aeßapu<ta. Kt>liepr eed flu , BeuuTeud ftrei *1 It,, .(..nlj An -- pt KOBAST J. i t 1.1 eKWkLL M tl , euUutr ut Uae "ttteee Huk Ac, T tie aurid reactoaed eeUtor. la Hit* edmlreblc lec tare. cUert, pnreae Irua Itia wee .rpentmr. iLei i L. t cwfui tuttkeeqeeaeeettf Keif ebu.* me, be efecleaU, ■ ll,'.ret! eitAM.l atedtriae. aetf aiUueit deaaerotte I .crslrei "(enlMi, boe.te i net rum. etc. r,n*c. er .urdieJc ttuteiiaa et e aede of t ere el cteee eerieta , I ct.4 eSertekl t , ebt.ti ever, eeVtrter, e.. metier abet ulaceadlttue t.c, l. tr.c, cur* bimertf cbeettir, rl . I rue, eed red ire 111 Tkic Lecture will jrroe. e boee U Uoaeeeda eed tbnakaadt I Keel eedec aael. lee ,icli careiope. u ear eddreec HI rwalpl ck! It. {Mi>tAf lUnpA AJdrM Ilk* FaoiU>*r>, TH K CULV KB W ELL M KDICAL CO . ! II Ann St.. New York; P. 0. Box. 4&W Ifloct y n Forks House! I PERKY HTOVKK. PKOP'R. I The Fork* Ilouae, at Coburn station, i* | new and commodious, and it kept la beat j manner. Bed and board second to hone in the county. Stabling for kU kortet. - Aa a auinmcr resort it will be found all that could be desired, right in tbe heart of good fishing and bunting ground*, and L surrounded l y tbe mo*t romantic scenery, lnov y J. ZELLER & SON, DRUGGISTS, k ! No. 6 BrcckxThoff Row, Bei'cfoßta Peon'*. r.Dealfmin I)rug*,(brmiral*, I Pf rftimery, Fant jGoods Ac,, I Ac. S Pure Wine* and Liquojs for medic | purposes always kept. may2l * I C. M'KNTIKE, DENTIST, * r} , would rerpr-ctfully announce to the a Jctiixen* of Pennt Valley that he hat per \ jfnancctly located in Centre ilali where be * j i* prepared to do all kind* of Dental work. " j A.i work warranted or no money aaked. ] Price* low to tuit the time*. 81 iaa. r. \ CENTRE HALL : Hardware Store. : I J.O. DEININGER. * A new, complete Hardware Store ba* a been opened by tbe undersigned in I'M - ■"lire Hall, where be it prepared to *el! all a kinds of Building and House Furnishing Hardware. Nail*. Ac. ® Circular ar.d Hand Sawa, Tennon Saw*, i Webb Saw*. Clothe* Rack*, a full a*aort- mentofGla** and Mirror Plate Picture ' Frames. Spokes, Felloe*, and Hub*, üb'.e Cutlery, Shovels, Spades aad Porks Locks. Hinges. Screws, Sash Spring*, " Horse-Shoe*. Nails, Norway Rod*. on*. Tea Bell*, Carpenter Tool*. Paint, Varn ishes. Picture* framed in the £ne*t style Anything not on band, ordered unoe shortest notice. *-Remember, all good* offered cheap er than elseebere. GET GOOD BREAD, By calling at tbe new and atten tive bakery eLab!ithment of JOSEPH CEDARS, (Successor to J. H. Sand*,) Opposite tbe Iron Front on Allegheny •treet where he furnisbe* eTarr dar Fresh Breed, Cakes of all kinds. Pies, etc., etc.. Candies, Spicaa, Nuu, Fruits. Anything and everything belonging tc the busine** Having had Tear* of expe nence in tbe business, be Matters hiatal that be can guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. 80 aug tl JOSEPH CIDARS D. F. LTJSE, PAINTER, mWV. offera bia services to tbe citizen* ot Centre county in Hen*f, Mgn and Ornamental Fainting, Striping, ornamenting and gilding, Graining OAK, WALNUT. , CHESTNUT, Etc. I lain and Fancy Paper hanging. Order* respectfully solicited. Term* reasonable. 30 apr tf. CENTRE HALL COACH SHOP, ; t . LEVI XIRHIY, I at hi* establishment at Centra Hall, keep on hand, and'for sale, at the most reasons ' ble rates. f Carriages, ; Buggies, A Spring WagonS, 1 PLAIN AND FANCY, 1 and vehicle* of eTery description made te order, and warranted to be made of the best seasoned material, and by tbe meat 1 skilled and competent workmrn. Bodies > for buggies and spring-wagons Ac., of the * most improved patterns made to order, alo Gearing of all kinds made to order. 1 All kind* of repairing done promptly and 1 at tbe lowest possible rate*. Person* wanting anything in hi* line are requested to call and examine bis work, th' will find it not to be excelled for d*r Fility and wear. may 3 tf. IMPORTAN TO TRAVELERS. -THE BUSH HOUSE! BKLLKKoXTE, PA. Has been recently thoroughly renovated and repaired, an<l under the management '' f Ihe New Proprietor, Mr. GKOKt. E HOPPKS formerly of W'msport, is firit* class in all Its appointments SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Are offered to those in attendance at court and others remaining in town for a few days at a time. •be largest and most superbly Designed Hotel in Central Pennsylvania' All modern conveniences. Go try tbe Bush bouse. •*aug GEO. HOPPES, Propr. PENNSVALLFY BANKING CO. CBNTHR HALL. PA. RECEI\ E DEPOSITS, and allow est; Discount Notes; Buy and Sell GovernmentSeeurities, Gold and Coupons. Wn WOLF, Wm. B. MIKOLK, Pres't. Cash ire JL. SPANGLER, Attorney-al- Law. * Consultations in English and German. Office in Furst'a new building. . teyear owa town. S5 Outfit free Wttfl" art Reader, if n>u waul • bualeeee et ,N I ■■ wwhlch peracm of either sea can make great *\s VVptr all the time the, work, write for par tlculara to U. UaKLBXI A 00. Portland Mo IS mar. J DP. FORTNEY Attorney at Law Bellefonte, Pa. Office over Rv nolds bank. ldmay'R^ —Lincoln Butter Powder, makes but ter sweet andhard, and quicker to churn Try it—for sale at Wm. Woif itotq.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers