" FOR THE FAIR SEX. B'l*h •( iKr Hh*<ll** .TnHft XViird Howe JwioriM r visit to the wives >i the khedive of Egypt an follow: The ikv before yesterday was the firat day of Hairam, ft great Moslem festival. something like otir New Year's day. On this ihr we were allowed to visit the three princesses, wives of the kheilive. We hail been admonished to wear onr l>est clothes, and, if p<Hmble, to avoid black, as the Egytian* are very superstitions nliont visits from people wearing that hue. My daughter, for tunately, had a dress of the like silk, wiiioh wi.s not unsuitable to the occa sion, 1 was oblige,! to appear in black velvet, modified by a white Ivuiuet, whicli though hastily improvised, had a gay and feat.ve app**amioa. We wre also t,*M to wear all onr jewelry, which was not a very laborious thing to do. So we went, and a row , ( black euunehs sbvv! before the door of the palace. Two of them help* l *! us to alight. Having crossed the threshold we found ourselves in a little world women, where one man only imd the right to coma. Here cigar ettes wer* brought us, which etiquette required us to accept. A wlnff or two quite satisfied our entertainers. We were presently ItitrixiiuxHi into the prtx*- cnoe of the three wives, of whom the third lie, also much the yonngest ami prett est, spoke French tolersbly. After shaking hands with each in turn we were invited to take seats, and Ctil bonks were brought us, wh<**o length reached trom onr month to the carpet, i wrestled with mine ss well as 1 conld. but by giHvl fortune it was not well lighted, and I only got one good puff of the tobacco, which caused me to ivugh with s*uue violence. Then we laid eof iee brought in porcelaiu cups, the stand for each cop being richly set with dia monds, Then, with profound ivnrh ey ing, we t*x>k our leave. Iu the great hall below several attendants brought us beautiful Kiwis of porcelain set with diamonds, filled witu a aont-v t t spii>\! drink, which we were albiw . tcld was sherbet. These women *: carried napkins with golden fringes. Then out carriage was brought to the' door, the eunuchs hel|ed us to get into it, onr ♦'dais" or footman ran on l>e fore, and we drove sway. \f* R<i Ntr fmt T •wfß. Physicians say wearing a veil is in jurious to the eyes. Indian silks that wiii wash like cotton are worn in England. They cost *lout sixty-two cents a yard. Mrs. Amelia Bloomer, the inventor of the drrm that bearff her name, is living in •. small town in lowa. Mrs. Hsyts is wearing a walking suit of dark garnet camel's hair com biued with satin, and a bonnet to match. Brides wear so many fiowers set close ly together on the head that they seem to have on -ittle capotes of orange blos som* from which the veils depend. Narrow-pointed boots have produced their t fleet even on girls in England, who are supposed to walk so much that they can endure everything, and they are accused of limping sadly. At weddings 'he friends of the bride should give articles of household use as wedding presents, and those of t'u groi m should k stow things which would belong to the bride personally. Yic'or.a Wood hull is reported living in spndid style in Loudon, near Syden ham palace, spot-ting coaches, liveried servants, and all paraphernalia of a stom income. The wonder is whose money she is bring on. The " balayeuse," which is now con sidered indispensable, is apt to render a dre.-* isdammable; at a recrat weddiug the bruie and the bcidemaids hail theirs soorvhed and nearly ign ted by standing eluao to en over-heated register. Two English ladies have received the or f St. Elisabeth at Bucharest, for the.r sid and services during the late war between Russia and Turkey. One - Mr-. Mn-field, wife of the late con sul-general, the other, Mrs. Mawer, wife of the English physician, the latter lady, a. Jed bv subscriptions, having started and maintained a small hospital. Chinese Humor. An American connected with one of the consulates in China has translated some of the Chinese pens into Eng lish. Among them are some verses whi.'h prove, ainslthat the "humorist" is abroad even in that far land. The rrodtit iion is entitled "Fanning the Grave, or the Wife Tasted," and tells how a wife whose husband was sick nnfo d. rh promised him that she would not marry again until the mold on his grave should be dry. After his burial the con "mentions widow applied b-r self assiduously to basten the drying of the grave by fanning it. This accom pli? Ed, she married one Chnang. who, wishing to test her, feigned sickness, avowed that he was about to die, ami be sought her not to take unto herself another husband. "Oh, cake your mind CIST," the sobbing re plied. " I hare said I won't wed and I won't; Bat ah! what grave dcro.es roar las', word* implied Doa't ?v them again. d*re?t, don't! Tale? of v.rtuoaaa<.m uiu old booksl've read, , And my bosom with ardor has glowed ; 111 emu.ate them. I hare inwardly said - If I dou't do the same 111 be blowed " Chnang then dies contentedly and after he is encoffined makes his escape, dis guises himself as a young man and makes love to Mrs. Chnang a? together they watch over the empty coffin. "The next day the funeral-baked meats serve as the wedding dinner." The unrecog nized Chnang shams illness again and declare - that nothing will cure him hut the brains of a living man or of one who has not been dead more than three days." "Oid Chuang's will do," says his relict as she vanishes, whereupon Chnang take* off bis disguise and settles himself iu the coffin again. His spouse soon appears with an axe and smashes the lid, upon which Chnang bounds up with a " hello ! " To an invitation to explain, Mrs. Chnang remarka : •'I felt sure yon ma<t be Irving, so to welcome yon once more. My mourning robes I tore off and my wedding garments wore." To which answers her lord : "Yonr tale is plausible, bat I think you'd better stop; Don't fatigue yourself by telling lie* ; just let the matter drop. To te-t yonr faithlessness to me I've been merely shamming deal. I'm the yonth you just now married—my widow I've jnst wed." Forests in En rope The proportion of land covered with forests throughout Enropo is twe aty nine per cent., of which Russia and Sweden furnish the greatest part. In Russia, forty per cent, of the territory is covered with woods, and of tl:-"s some 200,000,000 acres are covered with pines and other cone-bearing tn •<. .Sweden and Norway have thirty-four percent., 1 ch efly bird , maple, ptue. Or and wiliow. Austria has twi utjr-niue percent., Ger- ; mat y his - twenty-six percent, and France seventeen. Far beiow these comes ! Spain, v, tb its cork woods and evergreen ok forc-ts. covering s--v< u per cent, of the land an < Holland ai.d Belgium with the same. Portugal comes next with i five per ■ ect., and Great Britain f llows with four per cent. The percentage annually decreases in all countries rapidly. ■ A Mule that ban Count. There is a mule driven on one of the First S"oth street cars, in Salt Lake City, apparently a little more sensible , than others. It is generally on the morning shift, and has to make five . round trips before the team is changed. ! i Every day, as soon as the mule comes on the fifth return trip fiom the upper , cud of the line, it begins to whinny half a block before he reaches Second East i street, and if the change team does not \ happen to be waiting, and the driver i has to run to the bank corner and return ] before changing, it will stretch its neck j and whinny again, louder than before, about the same distance before it reaches *] the place. How that mnle keeps track i of tin fifth trp is more than its driver i has found out. j " Cupid's 'he Chicago' Tribune heads a list 'i f marriages, j e Captives -f his beau an i spear. j A l'lca far Vegetables. In the Linden 7Yue* William O, Ward writes to urge greater cnltiva tion and use of vegetable*, especially of hgnminous kinds He s|x\aks a very good word for lentils, which were of old a favorite dth in Egypt and Palestine, but are almost entirely unknown to this generation. Lentils, or " lout ilea," a-- the Rible call* them, are a sort of black Wan inclose*l in a long jxxl and ripen cuing with a thick skin. The flour t* very sweet and nourishing. According to Ronssinganlt's scale tUty-aix parts of white haricot Ivans, or fifty seven pait *if lentils, or sixty-seven jrnrts of pw, are equivalent to 100 paits *tf wheat flour. This shows lentils to have high value as untrinicnt. They make delicious soups and caii bo *\x'he*i in s* matiy attractive way* a* the common lawn. Mr. Ward'* chief object scents to le to introduce t* tlie pxr a s>rt -f f*xxl which shall bo at once cheap and wholesome. On this point he says " How tiitbug is the eo?t of htiiuan hxx! if only what is ueeessary is sought. Eight to twelve cent* p<-r *' *v is sulli eieut to proi *le for a strong man sud keep him iu health ami strength. Oatmeal ahonhl not be omitted here. Best Scotch oatmeal ciui be bought at the mill for three cent* ier pound Nearly one cent mere will t e required to bring it home. A pound will make the breakfast for four strong uwu if K'iled (or half an hour a* isirrnlge. For child or man letter f*xxl there is not on earth. Every pound gives more untri mcnt than four ixuunls *>f lean beef." He insists that rheumatism may be curtxl ami neuralgia greatly onxlidtxl by a strictly vegetable diet, and tliat a workingmuu will get a* much strength out of vegetables s* out *>f meat. He bcojmes quite enthusiastic in speaking on this poiut, ami thus breaks out . "This vegetarian teaching not only places human f*<od eu a scientific foun dation, but at once removes three-fourth* of huuiandisi-ajH*-. it upr*x>ts drunken uess without leaving even a desire f*-r alcoholic drinks. V> g* t*ir.auism would suppress all poverty tuid nearly all sut fcriug. It would make excessive luxury *on the one hand impossible and abject poverty *>u the *>tlicr haul e*prally nu probsble. All wars would cease. >lau kiud would Ivecome *>ue great l>rothcr h*xxl. 'The whole creation groaneth ami trsvailelh iu pain tigetiu-r until now-but it would then l>e hea!e*l and harmonized. All sham king* and *haiu thrones would vanish as a visum, aud He alone wlux-e right it is to reign would be kiug over a renewed people in a renewed world." Perhaps this writer, who is a man of considerable note in England, and a care ful observer, remembered that He was not a vegetarian; but that fact d*>es not iupear to have dampi uc-1 his ardor at all. Whether vegetables arc an absolute specific for rheumatism ud also a jaui ftcea for all other human w s may he well doubted; but it is probable that the poor, especially the American poor, eat t*>o much meat for either their purses or their health. If lentils can be made popular as fmxl it will no doubt mark an improvement in the condition of the race. Many new and luiportant vegetables have Kfn added within the last two or three hundred years. How should we get along without tomatoes, radi*h**a, celery, In*!ian corn and potatoea, whieli civilize*! nations a comparatively little while ago know nothing off Probably there nre no lentil* whatever iu New York, but it is wort 1 : considering whether their introduction aud cultivation is not something thoroughly worth while. To add au edible to the market is to dimin ish hnm*tu suffering. .Veto York Ifraphir. Ssnif t'uriens Hills. The shortest will upon record has just been proved in an English court of probate. The document reads literally: "Mrs. —is to have all wuen Idie." There can be no mistaking the testator's intention, nor as to the contingency which mast oocar ore the deed can be administered ami applied, and hence any legal quibble is impossible. Black stone informs us that testaments are of very high antiquity. Records of such documents have been discovered dated from the r* moteet penod of man's civil ized existence. Indeed, it has been state 1 by one writer that Noah made hi* will in writing, witnessed it in accord ance with law under his seal, and that m virtue of this document the world was subdivided among his children. Among the Greeks Solon was the first to introduce testamentary dispositions, aud in Rome they were unknown until the twelve tables were accepted as the bssis of their law and custom. This mo le of devising projuTty was in force in England prior to the conquest; but the military tenures subsequently in vogue forbade such a mode <>f alienating estates. It is relate*.! of a citizen of our own country tlia t he was so enamored of republican institutions he desired by will that his body should be flayed, and the skin thus taken from him tanned. Of the toughened integument two drums were to be ma<le; and he further bequeathed a sum of money, to be paid anunally to a person who" was to proceed to the top cf Bunker Hill on every Fourth of July, and there beat a tattoo on one of these drums. Probably the most fantastically contrive*! instm- 1 ment to utilize the laxly of the testator is recorded by I>r. Forbes XYinslow. A Frenchman, disappointed in love, de termined to commit suicide. Previous to carrying his design into effect, he wrote a letter to the lady who had jilted him. In another document he noted his last wishes, whieli be desired should be scrupulously adhered to. His corpse was to be taken, boiled down, and the fat extracted. Out of this a candle was to lie ma le, and presented to the subject of his misplaced affections, in ordei that she might read his communication by the light provided from his own body Yagarle* of a King. The latest vagary of the king >f Ba varia, says the Lmdon World, would make a good foundation for a ghost story. Not Ratisfled with his usnal guests, be ordered a grand dinner to be prepared for fourteen persona, and invited to the feast L>ms XIV. and his court. Lonia 11. himself aat at the bead of the table, and the place of honor was supposed to lie occupied by the grand mouarque, the other piacva being re served for the twelve courtiers of his reign who were the rnoat renowned for their wit. Thus the Bavarian king lived in solitary grandeur; for I need not say that the ghostly guests were conspicuous by their alisenee. When the repast was over he went to the riding school, and having carefully calculated how muny miles there were between Hobenachwangan aud Jnn sprnck, be rode ronnd and round the school until he had acsornplished the distance which separates the one pin"* from the other. He, moreover, stopped twice, once to breakfast and anotb* r time to dine, as be would have done ha<i the journey been a real one. He did this that he might he able to boa t that he bad ridden the whole distance froru Hohenschwtuigau to Innspruck. His First and lait Case. I studied law once in the Washington law school. In tact, I was admitted to the bar. I shall never forget mv tint case. Neither will my client. I was called upon to defend a young man for passing counterfeit money. 1 knew the young man was innocent, Pf-cause I gave him the mouey to pre-a. Well, there was a hard feeling against the jouug man in the county, and T pleaded for a change of venue. I made a great plea for it. I can remember, even now, how tine it was. It was tilled with choice rhetoric and passionate oratory. I quoted Kent, and Blacketcne, and Littleton, and cited precedent nfter precedent from the digest of Htate reports. f wound up with a tremendous argument, uruid the applause of all the younger members of the bar. Then, sanguine of success, 1 stood and awaited the judge's decision. It soon cume. The judge looked nie full in the face and said: "Yonr argument is good, Mr. Per tins, very good, aud I've been deeply ; interested in it; and when a case comes np that your argument tits, I shall give i your remarks all the consideration that they merit. Sit down 1" This is why I gave up.the law and re sorted'tb writing for fhe newspapers.— t Fit Prrkinf. * FOR TIIE 101 \0 PEOPLE. ntrih.la. Klimn. y ( g,i- /*>-<|ni, /fijrt-t 'Ot.l if . 'nl f • nht, " <<Mrr rktiitrrn w*. (n sl m*f i- iming * l*m .* ffw-y. 1 How tuany I'irtiuUy* now lnoo yun lutxl* '• Ho u*at\* boy* IrXp a l'*' twll suit- ? s How uisny day* ihM • wtaijnr last V j. Iloa many uiuxs tbton- in U* past How many tall* ha* a nv* " oat" How many lltr* tln> too of lln- rt ; How mnuy •* Ual.S lm* tin* iln* * I How many Un* h* tin* i**iii ftm* g i Whist on llioni*r lw but J KMAmNm Smmms in v MsAotas i, | llom ihr llrr. TU I Farmer Metcalf lookixl out >t the •' kitchen *l*x*r *>n* flue nuuiiiug, ami '' discovered that on** *>f his b*hins ns s gi'HO. II lie kept a doxeu swartua, or mora, " nicely honsclan a loug p*w of haugiug ' hues at the back *'f his ganb-ii. Last ' night they were all there. He st.Hsl a moment, gs.-tug at the vacant place iu ' the row with surprise ami indignation. - t hen he called his sou " Martin, somebody nas l>*>cu st< al.ng ' our Wea !" The latatU were s**ot: *>ut upon the '• veranda, a'f staring at the plundered ' apiary, ami denouncing the unknown robber. Who e*'itl*i ho tie T ' Browsing forlornly about the place '' where then little hoitse had b*-en, weie ' several str.*t glers front the missiug r | swarm, and Farmer Metcalf knew very * *ell what Would i-*Sni the b*w i Lie red iusvta at;*l make tlicir intelligence s**rve lorn t*> g*Hsl purpose. <' A new tnve was promptly hung iu the v pla-e *>f the old one, and some sheets of 14 i\>iub put into tt. I'he bc* s very s*R'U !l nx'k possesaion, atnt alter waiting c twenty *>r thirty miuut<s, the farmer i and hts s*iu saw a " Committee" of their tuiuilvr ctutie * at atnl fly straight to a f neighU'ring c**rufle!d. Of c*'urse they lia.l exj*eot J s-mte * j thing like this. Once make a robbed sud wandering bee feel at home again, r i and it rre vrrs its wilt*, and leta you ■ i ku 'W at on*'e where its c*>uipattu>ua in misfortune arc. 4 ' Farmer Metcalf and Martin followed t their little gui*l* to the cornfield, sn*l *iuickly found the evidetwes of Inet utght's work. The hiv*< lav there broken j " ' to pie*'v*s and crawling over the a*'att*-i 1 *xl frugtueuta, and struggling on the I ground, and climbing the standing corn ' stalks, were multitude* of soiled au*i 1 honey-smeared bees. * Some were ruto iug their legs aud wings to clean themselves, and now and 1 then oue would rise iu the air to tly back to the house. 'There were other been 1 with legs gone, b*w*s with wings gone, 1 - bee* half buncd, twwitig themselves out * of the earth, and !>e- that lay quite . ' still—bve* everywhere, and iu all eon- j ■ ditiona, living and dead. ' Tracks of br*>a*l show- were m. li, au*l - signs of a harii sotiille in the soft soil 1 and among the broken ixrn. The * thief certainly had not got hi* plunder ( without paying something for it. It r looked as if the little captives had ma<l* ' a gallant tight, atnl taken jmrt of their 1 revenge. It remained now for their master to complete it—when he found 1 , ont the rest of their story. r The reni-nntug testimony was soon ' forthcoming. Poking alsint iu tiic mel . low dirt wit!' his foot, the farmer's sou 1 i brought to light the paper iu v hich the ' thief had cwrritvi h's sulphur to m"kt ' the bees ar.d stupefy them, so that he r conhl take their honey. It was the back r of an old letter, with the name on it 1 st:!l clear ami plain—" Hematt IriwU" > A littio furthi-r soareh revealed a - haudkerciiief, prwbably the cl tue uu * lucky honey-stea or ha*! tried t<> tie over i hi* facs>, and it t>ore the Mmc tell-tale name I Huch tint exposure of himself was, no doubt, a consequence of hi* * rather xcitxl state of mind after the f evident blunder in managing the Iwes. ilemon Treat was oue *• Fanner Met calf* neighbors, ami th* discovery of 4 these traces ••( gtiiit against htm was 5 v*ry disagrteablo surprise. T • go ' directly and accuse him would be t-till ' more disagreeable. It was Sunday, to-, * and that fact made delay m"r>< justifi ' able. > The farmer and his s*iu walk-si back I to the house, carefully concealed the l*i}er and the handkerchief, ami agreed i to kts-p still about the mutter till the 1 next morning. In the course of the day Martin walk ed past llemail Treat's house, ami m - 1 tieed b*'es flying in ami out at one of the attie windows. Other cs'ufirmiug evidence was dis covered that helped to fast* u the crime on the man who 'ived there ; ami when 1 Monday morning came, they calle*! a ' • ooustable and made neighbor Treat a ' | visit. He was in bed sick, Ins wife told them, an*l conhl not see any one. But ' they replied that their bnsinesa with l.mi was urgent, and muat not be pr.t off. and she wa* obliged to let them ,n. They fonml the man aiok enough, to be sure. His hands were swollen t> twice th.eir natural siz*>, and his head and face wire a sight to behold—in flamed like one great blister, an*! bloa'- ' e*l so that he conld hardly see out <>f hi* i j eyes. i " Got badly poisoned working in the i swamp last liulurday," was the way he and his wife accounted for it. Twas ! likely he had handled jxiison elder or ' ivy ; they always affected him so. Tlie visitors allowed dtx p inUireat in the sufferer's euee, sn*l ortt- of them, re i marking on the pculiar appearnnce of i hi* face, applied hi* thumb and litiger nail to a pimple and pulled out n bee- I sting ! I " rha*' the kin 1 of poison you've be-n i handling," said Farmer Metcalf, "and i yon'll make nothing by trying to lie oat i of it." Upon that he produced the paper and the handkerchief, and the theft of i the beehive was charged home to He man Treat then and there, without the 1 trouble of many words. The culprit saw he was eangbt, and . con (eased nis crime. He begged the I officer not p. pnt him under arrest, and promised to a* ttle at any price the ' i owner of the bees should demand, * , Farmer Metcalf *lid not wish to prose cute his ncighKir, and he readily allow- j ! I ed hi'.a to settle the affair by paying the • valne of the stolen swarm,provided that whenever lie happened to want honey again ho would take care to get it by honest means. But for tlie clue affor ed so quickly by the little winged detectives, proba bly only an accident would have reveal ed their rpoller's trae-s before he had ! time to obliterate thorn. The field of tall com, left to itself,as it was then be tween cultivation and harvest.wns a fine 1 i place of concealment. It wns years before Reman Treat I knew that he owe*'. i pr< .■• •*.->- tion to the been; bt ii*s one exp**ri i ence with the V swarm wns quite ; sufficient t" is? him let bes alone for <it . • .-t 1 uis life.— T'mlA't i ompait ion. Sm' ( uriou* Figures About Ihiradise. And ho musaundthe citv with thn rod. twelve thoasand furlong*. The lenglli i. d In-eadth md the height of tt are equal. —ltev. ixi. !<• '1 welv • thousand furlongs, 7.920.C100 I feet, which K ing cubed, 5®(5.7'JH (IbM,- 1 i 000,000,000,000 nbic feet. Half of this we will reßerve for the throne of Gtxl ; and the eonrt of heaven, and the balanee for str*-- ;s, leaving a remainder <>f 124,- 108,272, OOO.tMMi.ooo.noOcnbic feet. Di vide this by -1 0!W, 4'ie etibical feet in a room s -teeu i< • t square, and there will 1 be 80,821 848,750,000,000 rooms. We will now H"ppot-e the world al whys did nnd always will contain 200, 000,000 inhabitants, and that a genern- 1 tion lasts for thirty-three and a third ] years, making in all '2,970,000,000 every century, and that the world will stand 100,<100 years, < r 1,000 cer.tnrica, making in all 2 970,0 '9,'100,000 inhabi tants. Then suppose there were one hundred worlds equal to this in nam- i her of inhabitants and duration of years, making n total of 297,000,000,000,000 ; persons, and there would be more than ' a hundred rooms sixteen feet square for ! each per*"ii.- Gleanings for thr Curi - j otis - Texas ranks third among the wool j producing Htiitcß, having 3,674,000 she* j. and so treading closely on the j heels of Ohio. California Umula Nuecea j county, 'lexaa, has niore sheep in its limits thiol aDy other ' the Union - fiBOrOOO. 'NUMMARY OF NKWS. ■ Kaioi n and Middlo Blit*. Jacob (akna the tYrl prl/n 111 (Ik lht<- week* lhliard tournament in Now York ulnniiil every |Mir Tim socxuid, third am fourth pru,* *rio rou Ft MIOMOII, Ik xtou mit PtH. M *pxN>t[vely The rongr"*i>lo[ial commute* examining (hi j rharge* made again*! Tutted State. Hti|>>rvtoi PaVclipntt uf Intel fl-lrlioo in dip Ul electlol 111 Nim York otty. lis* cxftliollided ll* labor* am returned to YVasblugtou. A largw nuud-er ol i m n who tool I ox> i utiwlnl for voting or try UiH In Voir upon natural!* atlon paper* which, ' n a char god. were Illegal. well ** man) drpUtl lltUllmlr t(*tlfli--(l. The Anirltxwui punt olk. of Full llivei Mum oin >-f Ihe largc*| coucertin of Ita olam Iti (ho iv Ulltry la til Unsocial dlflhwilUo* anil haa Uni coiiipcllid lo ask for an extension i I Ita I oli a It* outstanding llablltllc* an.mini ' to ♦l. lial.OOO, anil ila aax ta. at Ihe laal u luri , Ilia d , *rr placed at #1 ,00(1.(V*' Yli Mnhaiikmotil at /. iiita at.-. iv-da, nftc* i iiuioa fi. ni AUxiulowtt. la. oalDtl in, l>uii lii| fifteen pel-on*. uiatantlft killing; olio Itiai. anil erli>U*ly tlijuilug folU ,-lhoia. J.il.n Hope haa I t-on arrested in Now York charged wilt. letng viw of Urn btliglais alt. rot-lied HIP Manhattan saving* hank ao lays trllotlall one Sunday morning laal IK'toUl lloiie la (tm Hill of a union.'it* huiglal. anil II la aland that til* capture will h-a.l lo 1(10 illti I ma'.* arroal ami conniption of tlm wholt* gnu* engaged in till*, the uioat atl.lkclotia an.l all.' Oxwfitl Lutglary nri ct-uiunltrd lu tho xx-un Uv I Jwranl It I'll 'Uljwon, a retired couiUlodurt of thr I'ill leal Stair* navy, died HI l'Lattailr 1 |<ti li a few .Una aged seventy The |vet erat-le I'rtor l'oo|.r'a right* ixu,U birthday waa crirl taint by a reception in l.h honoi given It hla daughter. Mr* Hewitt al hor in deuce ;a New Yoik. YSillieiuM Kiarlr Malum 1 J ldldeo, Mayor temper, Thurlow VYtivd an 1 other well known gentleman wort Israel! lh dogte# of LL. D. waa ixmferrex! uiHin Ihr ftgod philanthropist hy Um • : thr Tnlvci*! y of New Y'. r*. Thr Ni w Yotk !ogl*l*ture haa appropriate" It'i IhoUaati.l .tollara fa tipt-usr* to prevent ihr a]>iratl of cattle dixaaa Ui Um Male llalf a look f -table* in New York knowi aa Iho " New York Tatter sail*, war destroyed hy tin Hut of eighty alt horao# lu tho I mid tlig atwiul arvebty aria suff.-x'alod About riitt.lt -high* aiiti 15U acta of harm-** wrote bunirtl Iwo fir-ewei! sustained severe In ) uric In a falling root Tho [wxiuulary lon exceed- ♦TO.OtXi The flaiut t l.arr destroyed the ni.l.wrigl.l -l.op >f the . *og or * locomotive Wtirka 111 Tatera.>ll N J A uilll Iwlo ngUtg lo Ihc liar low Ttav. a|'lunliig Otini) am a worka waa hurnej a-ao Ihr aho|> tvx.lainc 1 ail the (<alU-iua. ol 1 lutwtliual lr value aa liicy caiUH.ll ho loy tacotl ivlal ioao'ovor I'ur.ua the | aal three im nllia Utere have I-00n ,57 car* a of atrle( frv rr ami XM caata of tll|'hlhrr.a rr|a.rlcti to tho Nrw York hoarxi of h.a,'.!. Slur ami a half inilea ;u riven uuuuUa and ten arcoUtla la the eilra i.linartly faat liliie uiatir hy an l. < ' >al on, the Ilutlaou river a few .iaya ago. ihr letter-earner* ui New York eilv tleciaro ihe t Ualofu of aeutling van I.tinea uli M. Yaieri tioeailav unlet he <it. the lucreaa*, fur on that tlajr the uuiuler of letter# follacloj a:,d carrietl ■ by thriu wa- largely lit clfna of the tiaua. quantity Fifth avt-nut Nrw Yt rk, haa been Uio et'eiir of a ume* daring robtiery. Mr# l'e liarv and a ftttlll waa walking aloug the crowded thoroughfare wl.au a we.i .lrewac.l young uiau. who had been following thorn, til Urnly | rai.g Ujvi! the lady, tore a diamond rantng fr- m lta |r atiuin ait rwca[xd lu the face t fuan lrtwla of ga; uig t yatandota. Ihr tirt cam . f death from what u to icatwl to have teen trichinoaia, haa ha|.|-elted In Urouktyn, the victim hetng art old lady named Horn. Mm and oUier tuenilwra of the family who ate of e- tue raw ham were taken 111, and after Mil- Horn death thr modo-a. men wl. tlainu.r 1 the caae riprrwaad thr tw.:. f alio ha I dlrd of trtrlillK -la, a diacaar raid to l-r rlcael uigly rare tu Una Country. Western and Southern States. A !vi -.-a from ltolirville 111 aay that (iea.rge YY Mt Ur. tiraanrer of St, Clair county, la a default! r to the client of at out ♦SO IXKI." Mr ii.i>rr f tat., familu aal tqiuwnavi. t\ Iml., Were ma lc daugeiutialj .11 hy ealiln; huckwhrwt cadir* in which af-w-mc had !1 on Uhihleliliot. ally placed. A fatal lamia, it-haa laketi | io .1 hauaas City, M Al half-|wu.t art. u in the uioruilig. o a gang --f thirty-eta men wrto wotauig 111 a cut immediately h. nealh [wojwndicu.ar waiia eighty fret hlgli. ainail iwrtiClr* of the earth above teg an to fall J-'*r[.h Mcr'arlty, the contractor * clerk railrd U[..a the tarn to t. j working, hut they laughnl at him. and he left the place a one. In a few momeida larger lutup* of clay 1 rgan to fall and the f reman ordered the gang to leave the aja-t lie ami II < •'. of the gang bad harely got away when aaddrl.lv Uie wuth wall crtltuhled and came down with a rumbling aoun.l, novernvg men and teama ten wall, air ait 6 taxi yarda of faiieii earth Notwilhrtanding the lomunrnt dan grr of an dhrr ahde, the laborer* .laahed Into tin inaaa and i-egau digging for the victuua Tho tui! eitravagant re(*Tta in the city krvrught ti. .uaai.de iieai Uie ({ail, tut thr dan gnrvut lovdt of the wall ov.-rh. e.l kept the ■.! ftiwn the acme of jvsri:. and the w rk f rvwwtie wpi.t ou uu.mpederl At two o'cltwk ail dead and three woundtd one fatally were taken oat. A gentleman who haa recently retnrncl to Hi. frv m a trip to the Houth, coaftrma rr j-rt of veh w fi-ver prevailing m certain [Uacra. in Ni thleanr there <-re aeveral death* during Lis rlav. and 111 Vlckaborv lie witueaw-d the funotaU of four rictima of the diaoaaan Judge ltai'.er, of the I'mtel Stat*a court, ha* appointed lhmaaJ. t rlhaol reo lTrr, lo take charg -f the i-tTeota of the city of Meiu phia. Ihcln.ltng unpaid taxre amounting to nearly ♦3.000 00, with powrr to Ooilect by gar n .limist orotl- rwiae. All the creditors of the city are ordered to mare themaelvr* par tie* to the action, and Siv ciaitna ou or bi for* the third Monday in May. At a meeting of the N. r hweatern l>*iry m. ha aeaociaUua, held in Chicago, it an re a.lved that the YYewtem dairy inli-reata be rep reaonted in the g-rrt agncoltsral fair to tw hel 1 in Ix-ti l. u, fcngiai.d, neat aumrner, and that a dairy fair be held in Chicago in it No vi The ftrvt North Taciilc train, loaded with tiaitor* and railroatl ir>'ii, crol tbe Miaaouri ) fjvar at lUemarck, liakota. upam a track laid on the ice. which wa three feet thick. The Michigan llqpahltcanx. In Irgialatire cancua a--, mhled. nomu.ati .1 Zschar-.vl. Chand ler for I'mted State# Senator in place of Mr Chrtatiaucy, a; ;xni.ti-.l mi:.later to IVm Cliandler'a nomuiat.ou wan equiYklont to an 1 election Anci| loaion <>f lire-damp in a railroad tuu -1111 8.-ar Alma, CaL. fatally injun-l nine China man. Charier Motilli wan Ohio, for Um murder of Mary Kelly in lhvem ler 1577.l 5 77. The only word# ajmki nby the rwn .l. nii.i d man on the gal!ow were " Don't make any miaUake about that rope " A movi-nn at i.ar 1-eeu made in Chicago to , encourage trial, emigration, hy celling to t gal' er tin- aiYrcdltel retireaentaUTe* of Inah nrganizatioti* in tho I'ultod Htatiw with a view to tlie holding of a national conference YV. B. Fleming haa Iwen elect'd. without op poailiiia. to Ouogßwa fruin the, Savannah (Oa ) • lietnct to (ill the plane of the lab- Julian Hart -1 ridge. liy the < ljikvaioii of a quantity of giant pow .l-r wl ich war thawlrg out at the cliam|uon min a, at Ontonagon. Mich., Samuel Iletmett and John Kii klera were instantly killnl, and a mail uanie.l I>anic! and another called " Craiy Joe iw nourly injured. John Edward*- war hanged at Smithfleld, Nl for tnnr tenng Kader J. liallard, a pi acefa citizen, la-d Ortotur. Tho Mlnaiiuupi 1 *teaml-oat A. C lHiniielly war tutme-l to the water'* edge at Irlan.l No 1, hut no live* w. rn 1. t owing, to tbe bravery of the pilot, who n rntned at hi* jiort until the lr.at grounded, ami e- ; eit from the Imrn ing j>ilothwne. by J ampin.- into the water and ewimming aahure. Si-verr' j>er*o*i were in jareh From Washington. 11. n. J. P. Christiancy, re.-ently n.-niuiated ae t'nitvel Hts*.-!- mir.i-ter to Peru, rent In hi* resignation a* United Stare* Senator from Michigan to the governor -if that State. The c-> nrutrsf- I'm- of f>enion*. in a report [■re*nte-t In Coiigrev-. eay* that M4,n-)fi,oo!> will 1., requtri-.l t. p*v elsiiua an*i:ig nudi r the a rear* of p- 11*1 --u* bill, reoestly paaeed liy Cotigree*. The Senate ha* pain-d the follow.ug bili* Tin- In-lian ap]vropriation hill, tlie t-vlt al>oll*h mg (lie volunteer navy, and the hill giving Hires month*' eitra pav to the army and navy -erving during the Ytevieiu war, originally ! voted lu lets The llonre h* paeei-.i tl.e army I ap|iropitsliou hiU ; tin- ainendiu- nt transfer ring | tin-Indian bun *u to the war department be- I ing r]itnd, and the reorgaal/vUou aiuetid i.isiit making large reduetioii* in the foroe !<•- ' ing ailoplud The naval aptwoprialioo hill, aa agreed mam hv tbu y.iiifrrence commit tee and paaaed i.y both hoiiM-a, ai-propriatii ? 14.03!),trflH.Ufi, te --lg 1133/0(4.75 leaa til SO lie- appr-i[iiialion for the prineut rta.-al year. *n 1 ♦157,413.50 lea* . than the 1 intimate* for next year. Tho recretary of tho In arnry ha* issued the eighty-eighth call for tl e'redernption of 5 30 ■ lamd* of 1X65, ronaol* of lsf.7. The call t for ♦2O/KW) ((to. of Which #10,000,000 are C<lU|m n. | and #lO 000,000 regirterid bond*. From the bureau of *tati*tic* it i* learm-d ttint the nnmhor of emfgrant* wh-- arrived in I the l.'ntteit State* lat yi ar I* 153,307: an in creaae of 33.704 ovrr the p-ri-viou* v. ar A letter ha* been auhniitted and iefi rred to (liu coiumittre on way* and mean*, from the I Hecretnry of the tre**nry. raying that there will probably be a tletint in the rovenne* of the g-n-ern for ihe r-i xt tl*cal year of j #27,(!00.0iXt. anil rrkmg for authority to i**ne 1 four per nst.tuni bond* to . over rnrli ooflcienc CongreeHHivn Horatio c. Unr bard, of IHt nou-, hae been nominal! d **<linetr of thu miot In plaiv- of the late Dr. I.indernmir In hi* letter to the waya and mi an* commit te>- annouiu-iiig a i>rol.abl ih rteiency of #27,- | 000,000 in His year'* re*, urcea, Secretary Slur ! msu Hsyr that the amount e-timaied to l*< 11 ede for arrear* of p.u*iona thi* year i* #ll .00000, ami he add*: "The expeucitursa f r the hr*t geven month* of the current tines! year Welti #152,(i00 !141 06, and for the Name period lat year yl 11,05V3.M4H 17., afiow ing an ! mere**!- of tl 1,MM.1 15 from which nlionld * IW. ilnlucle.l Ihe amount palil for tin- llailfav award ♦.'■ LAT),OOO leaving a net incieaaenf ♦ ii.('2* OHJ P|, |f TO thia LIE added the ainoillit 1,, ueoeaaarv for Ihe payment of arrears of p- 11 G, aioii*. ♦(1,500.1 Ll'. and the expendlturn* fo I.i ttis last Ile al vest F'JSL'I ■N,(,:I'Jli vo It •> total LT | I-etlmateil expnlMlllurea f.-I (be next ll*< *1 )•#( will LU, ♦2*4,502.410.71. The ri-eelpta a* E*TL tnaled, will LW From envtoma, ♦HI 1 O-O.IN O, ft, .M internal rwvauuo #lli(i,txx),(xx), from mta ' <vllaneoii aournsa. ♦ IN.FLOO.OOO total #357.- of 71, I HIS I UMH| U|IU 180 L I.NL Ihr *l|<*!>ttttt!Tß- for th* HNL*I'4X* F (im nl \i nr tl| ImK ti (lirrrnnrd h* UllUiUßi J ILNRTOLCNICIF • M L ti nt thr R|I|IITI)!|IIL)<*U# for thr IH-It ill lift ll tlltf T I'JHu'U t!ir nrnotutta n||l*i|F lMUml fr lllU Ito ! '• *PI Thr (if ll,t(!vrt It ill© rrfllhdltii; of thrlt*t>t t|l| not l.turr ti t!.t of tin' tl(Miuil fot thr |trrti(. no li t 11 iluuWm lutofott I'bUl (inring tho UirM m>tith LL at yw. d(■ V law. and tbe n*v-aasi , , p> I ae* will " offaet tho deer, aae lu the Intersal AOC oint u furoiun News. A I - n-DIUI ,'!•[,ATCB aa, the re|*,lL printed " IN N, Tl.lk P*[M TA I T.al " TL.e 111 I! *l. g"V RI.. ntelit have laatieil an order fnthtddllig ilvt catll. ft. LU UM T lilltd K'a'.RW 10 land at P.rilial. 0 pot la, la LUlX.riot NO aiicb ..id, I haiing been A- iftftiinl. 0 ' YY title the ltiltlal. A a,* far have L-F-I-I. 11 tuilfiiiuly au.V-easful N. ihnr campaign lu ' YFGL.anla-. an. tl. nv L.ave ...I Ijiai. a. foiluna-- K In s nil. Africa, white the / illift a U.wrrfut CatTre tril-E uudti King Celvaava !->'* .5 1 tied I .gland * auUn ril, abd ale In OPEL. HV, .1 A iliiUal. Ll.va l.ug Ooittiuu ivu.alaill , uf a e MLLKM f LIE I AMI, FOMTH NGIORTD a bat N triy uf ail. IU iv and six hundred native atu liluriee, wa* Utterly aiiiilhilalml near tl.e I'ugeia J, iivei, the dividing ill., T-.1w.! Naia! and Katirlaud I , -U,OOO /uJua, w'tio I T.ir 1 a LT valuat le .niivuy t.f U'2 w*g,.n I 'M „ two canuuu, 4W *hot and L.I .1 1 L*KL Hit - w 'JJO.TX*) rouud* uf aiuuiunltp n > l*X> |i t.it* C wiigl.L uf ['LUVIAINTJI- and tl.e c,'l* uf tie I'wei.tv fourth itguiiriit. The ilrtllaii I" I B furty-elgl.t > FTLCI I* and Ove hun-TI d L.rival.-FT while tl.e lue uf IBE /.ULUS la ostiumU-<1 to L.ave I. ache! S.IXH' 11, killed and wutinded ll.nl Cbrtlilaford the Cidiiiuaudcl uf L:.C EX(* 1 . .. 11 waafoii'id LU fail ha. K, and LL.C UUuuel I-OU "lernation [uevailed FOR a time lu ( A|W C> .nv , II but aeveu attack* aubacquenliy Tl,ako b> the d ZU/VA wer. reiul,D.and the ooloutat* I! T covered . iiiiu- W lat fruui their iviliftlernatli ll " I -lapal. lie. flutu ituaela r tat. 11, a I ail liie at ° lelupU ruaitr tu U tral the ravage* of HO ' (VIKOFTKE hare thue far provtd tiuffectual. Tl.. "* -auitary cordon which HAA been drawn AIUN . I thi- lufta-led dial/let* haa been iruken at ev il tral [voii.la. and among the result* I* ti e ap ll Iwaianct,- uf tbe p ague at YA vsaaiune, a BIW'U Hear M.wc- >v 11 ,- TEE -pit- from the INFIX"*!D J district* are very uiaUeaeitig. Tbe |-ople trx f dying like rot leu fthee]- to -.ni a* I* at a [WI I feet atandaliil , the Hit an* fol UII-dlcal and •anitaiv relief aioivlrrii .lv Inn t.-d ai.d mi E PERFECT and the eUfTeril.g IA beartren llug A frtgbtful N KUEA* baa broken oat aiuelig tl.e D LVll*eian TNA.J-A at Ailrialioplr, and tiirre a*S reporta that till* aleu, 1 a the plague. 'the ac count* ai ixuillicting. hut NONE uf the .le *cr | tion# I f tl.. nature and cour*. . f the do ° eate ere aald to hear ..lit tbe belief that the (tier aae la tbe black plague. lu the village* near Astrakhan the populace have T-ai-.-acn.t 0 the div.-t.-R *, btrllevtug Uiat they puiM>..ed their I- patient* who ! ave die !of the piagur L'ho deflliltive treaty of |wsc<' BETWEEN liuwla and Turkey haa been ngued lltl-*la agree* U. ' con. | lete ti., evacuation of Turki>h trnt..ry >U thirtv tive da, and rtx-T-ive* a w*rind. mi :y E of ♦iii.tx > FROM the Ottoman EMPIRFT ' The following cv.lurnuijlcatio:. ha* 1K :. r< IWLVEIL al tl.e It. tlial. war ftice tu isviid I, '• frmu LX.rd ('be ui*f< : I cotnmandrr of Lbs sx •" peditlou agalu*L the /.uiu* South Afnca * " 1 regttl lo have to report a vrry dleaatros* * engagement between the Zulu* and a [-.irtiou of No. - column, which Wa* left to guard thr J camp. aUrut ten miiea in front of llorke drift, TI L'br /oluft came down in overwbi lmiug nniu -1 lera, and in | .1- uf gallant reiatai. Rby NVI y cx>M(>anie* of Uie fir- 1 t altailoii of tbe i'wei.tv J f. urth regiment ,nc IXCUJ M v of ti e N- A D hattaiiou I f tile TWELIT* r - I I .RL.T, TWU 1 guua, (wo I "ket ULU . I . .it dIN .. a-.D ala.Ut SOU native*, they u\ I rwhi-lmi*) till In. The catiip. cx taiiiiug aii the eitrp I* amuiuui two and traiaport of No 3 !um wataten. M. 1 hut few of LU diftU'or* ewcepi-1. V ,r * LI*E. I fear. mu*t be *et down at thirty oft. , r, * and AT<7 at five hundred non cxmituuen- NR-i eft! OR*, rank and tie of tbe im|wrlaJ trv- pe. and , reveuty tiou cotuisiarxoaeal ofiict r nuih and t file, i f the . oloutal troo|-*. A . ourt .-f tr.,pur , haa leeii . rderv-l U> a--i-tt.t-.i- tu collect aVl dii..v regarding thi* unfortunatt affair, wbi 1. B w.I le fotwa ticl to v.-u a* -*>:. a* rro iv it would AI-ern that the tr- 1.P. WRJE J 7 away frvmi their cam) .a* ti.- * -.inu K-.Y J , atn nt a::11.- an T a -piarti r untauie of it Tl.e remainder f t ! (ilyn AR- iliiii rr-UC IJ, ID B the camp after dark the *ame t ight having TWAIN with ma twelve miiea away alldav. tin the following C. rtur.g we arrive-! at In RHT drift toftt, Wh. 1. f--R twelve 1. lira had IW-en al tacked LY from 3,000 tu 4,T<KT /.uiu* ita de- I. f. I.ar I y FTORIFT eighty UN •; of the T*' tj- T f.iurtii regiuient wa* m .AT gallant. Three P hundred and seventy Ualtr* lay cluwa arvwind J the [*V*t. 1 compute the .'.uiu 1,-FT* at L.vaxi J IN-rr alone At thr camp where the D FARTER ocft-urre ! the HWA of the I I.exnv L* c-.n,[ ut.-L >1 , ovrr 2 I*" T'-01. Tearaun, omman.Hl.g N. 1 Column, ha* T-eeli attx. ked. tut be rej ulanl the /.uiu* N. W of thu d.*a*ter catlaeal UI TENAE excitement tbrv.ugboilt Kl. gland a. IT.e Unng ilk* the horror wiUi wlilcli Intelilgeijc. Of the I. a#*cre f T'LL-ter and hi# LUR HY tin* Indian* WA* recriviwl tu tt.: conntrr The demand for uevra[>aper* in 1 :.g'* .d wa* grrati r than at a:l* t;m *:TI < tin- -v.: teak f the war between Fran r and Oeruiariv and 5 tbe HI HUB govrrnmrtit at once took MEJU to forwani r- ET.f.-rcexni nta R.am'-eni.g 7 <J men 1 to hunth Afnca (irneral Inm Malik- FF, governor prt.rral of the plagur atrtcaen dutrict* in llaaata, has summoned the G' vyrnurw uf the gover: merit* of Asirakkau. samara and Sarat- fT to I'zarit - rin, and iir. |.FTE-D tu thi m thai all tbe old * pajwr money no* circulating LW> ex -hanged f.,r new tht--ngbthe Kama A • '.G* : -. a and di -1 rtroye.L Tho St. TOU-rhurg -ai.itary cv.RU mittee bavi, pr. l toclea-.IN- the ,VI A * and ' ' to orgs mar barge hospital* on the Neva, which . " could be anch ,ML tn tin gulf of LT.'.TJI: . and 5 also to urgani. •• sanitary commltUw* T • ach duUi t Of UM c:tv and SOOSTSOM I f Si. L'e ■ :* burg- Thr prrwi.iehl of TII* Iwvard of hca!:fi, *|wvaki:ig in the Italian chmmtwr of deputnwi. [Citildeii tii rat if tb | ague print rat-. 1 FUN-JW I> it would deatroy a U.lrd of the popolat on. A Hahfax (Nova Scotia' d:|iaVh rtatr tbrcr ar- several - *C of (Jvpnu frvr: iti that city, bri-nght there Ly the 101*1 regmii-nt. and I tbe QUESTI- II now a*k<*T L*. " lis* the terrible i |-lag- 1.R reacbixl the *!.ure <if Anirric* 1 KMIWRV.R YYtlham ciwtw-d tin* HERMAN par iiainei.t in IWRR-.N. in hi* *|WVEI-H fii M the Ihr,,I,HE tnankiwl tlie mtwnber* for A*-I*:ing lu the aupjvresaion of the S irtalift ag'.tatl, and b<v|w>J they would cuutinue to *l]p)W>rt tho government in that reajvect. 1 The strike* among the Liverpool laborer* [uualvml trade tl ere and cstiaevl tlie deteotlou - of a isfge numlw-r of Vftwiaela. I.a'wvrer* fr, NI Sivotlaiid were brought to the City to fill the place* of the striker*. The majority of medical men IN Halifax ay tin-re ia no such thing a* the Oriental plagtu 1 in Nova S-vtia. I Thr rn'L*Rl of Mornooo lis* hail a stroke of parsly*.*. arid anarchy prevail* throughout hi* , on|nre. Fifteen teauicr were RL-arternl by thr LLII! I ih admiralty to convey troop* and supple *to r South Afnca. At Lmdon, Ontano, Car hug'S brewery, tbe largest IN America, HA* IWW n do#tr -y,D 1 y tire. ) caiutng a lu** "f ♦ L.TFL-TVU tu exce** of tn*ut aivce. Ooneral tlranl anil party have *rr:v< 1 at Hotubay, India 1 F B Uhattertou, leasee of ME ltntry Lane I tlieeu-r, IU Luivdon. BX* ill ! a p. tition in ' bankni[,tcy. Hl* liabilllie* are #3OFT,(XIO. ' At the opening "f thi- T.N'uh | arlixi.U nt *[W-tclie* wire Made "V L'LD lleaouiiftfi-KL in 1 tl.I hou*e uf lord* ami ' ■ I Ftaft, r! N • cote, clianc'dlor of ttie ft-xebxtpi- F, M tin - of romtnotu. ' The ♦'/(* IT dock lal-'isr* IN strike U: Jjvti J 00l held a neetmg and '!< !■ ' THAI uul<--- t lie M.ister* a*'r.-oil I 'TIN* old ia!E*tli.-v vould 1 demand a further advance. , A St. Tetcrebnrg diapatih *jr* th- p *GNE in ltn**ia is on tbe increase and iliat -.. II.MI) ( additional doctors have btw u ecu! to tlie in terior ilisirict*. Henry Ooodyear. the weii-knowu India rob -1 U-r tnannfacturer. died in I'art* rt -entlv. First Mat* F. >T at I Charles I '•> N. *I-a --' mail tho two survi'or* of tii" I-REW of five , men I" longing to lh'' Ameruen to • I 1 telle, which ea|Miiged in mid-ocean have ai ' nv.T a' Fa.mouth I • tgland. They wi re on ' Tl e capsized VEEM-L FTF O-N d iv*. sot*. *1 apple* and dough made from a t.arrel of (I nr. am) afteratiffeiiiig gi> •<! lurdHl|va wen- ai ■ *TW II an 1 readied by a Sfvanub bug. Aceordiug to Ibvro,- correspondent tt • PUJVE 1 lu* decide- 1 to create certain uew I)I,C*MH in ' the Tutted ! 'ate*, in couaeqncpi-E of the ' growth of the Catholic church tn this country. IVopo vvi.O *re fond of I extremi lv eold ' HI H ii. r would have had no cause to complain, in that respect, had tliey been in two place* in THE province I F QUI U-C. a few D*v- - oce, the tl ROC niei. r there free/iug at thirty Q 'it and fortv live de-lew* Iwlow -eio ' Arvipnp*. Pern, hae hex U eliaki-II TIJ by an other earthquake, the severe. l 11, great . upheaval when tbe city wa* destroyed, I Two TL <M*iid weftver*. at \*hton CN 'ir Lyne. Knglai.it. fttruek work. L.l ward O Kellv. IL.e la*t of 11K Fenian I PITOIK r*. wa* discharged from Pplke Island prison, NI (Jit MIL "town liarlKir. on condition IH*t lie left TIN' British )*!<•* Mr OH. llv im mediately T(KK parsagu for New York. I ' —■■ ft lIIXCHKsWiOMI. I*l (I.MAHY. "•entile. Tin HOME lull niithonzlng Uie I*suc of teu ' doilat ( rtirtcale* of depoeil in aid of LLM re ! fun-Ill. G of the I'llhiicdebt wa* amended hv , . ma*'- g the RALE OF .liter',,t four IN-L'-ad "f tlir,'- jwr TV, nr. . and then p.xsaed .... Mr. Me ' Cr. cry *|KIKE IN fa*or of THE proposed transfer of tin I-DIAN bureau to th< war departtni nt Mr. Taddox K caJVd up the resolu'lON submitt-SL > HI, rluv foAirtl. Of December lust by Mr. Dav IX, of YY.si Virginia. Inatiiicting theoomminmi u - ! agriculture lo considx-r what can or ought to - I*" LDLLL by the general government to hotter, advance, otirxuiragr and foster agiicnitural iu- | ' tarovt,,. Mr. Haddock pke of tlie im|vorrance " of the agri ultiiral interest* of tllxv conntrv. " and tin uefi-aeity for Cougreae taking actiou > ' inn Id I V that iiiluront. He referred to the | II ! locust plague, di"OFI*CE of cattle and awine, all J , OF whicii were mbject* for prompt aotion of I Cong ruse Ho favored the nalahliaiiment of a oallonal axvadrmy of agrleulturx,. aitullar to \\ il I'olnt, where all tho sciences relating to agin ulture *hoiilil be taught At the coticln ■ lull of hi* ixvuiai ks tii* ixwHilutJou wa* *gr< xl to. Ad)(iiirnawl *ftx,r I lecuuve ion. Tho Nonste aunfcuxwHOtt the naval appre.pna (i I. lull in sxla a repxiri. which w, *ja* i.< - 1 to, end it, i ill pa*.ed Mr. Uanirruu, of I'xmnayl vau * off. .wl a Joint rosolutiou, which waa re friir.t t. tl.e e -iiiunttee ou cxioiiiierw, for Die *1 | --it Imi'i.l of a cummlaaion to xsuxsldsr what l<v,t*latum is neednl for the heller regulation uf i -rumerce twtWMli the Htatx-s I lie |xiet , . (tl. *■ apquupi lalioti l.lli, WiUi the Henate aiuxrttd- III! -lie il.rii wse rx-|x>rt(Nl and pltnxxl oil (l.e cs'ei.dur Mr. Fargent, "f California, aub nitlled a sens* uf i<—.lull ,i.a oalitlig olillie litxxftuiv depaitoiant fot iiifunuailun regarding , tin- Uii'liodft uf |itx*lilcUon i*l piloiwraUolg el. of luipxii Inl fiduUorsti l wine* anil Uqttors, ai >1 lln v well irf. trxxl lo tlie fina re oniuuill (er Adjourned sflx* all **e- litie seeelou. A hill legulalii.g (be reeluialioli uf naval ufttcwrw lo il n active Inl *a* re|HMti-d to ihe Hciiale tiul pssmd A Juuil rnftoiulloll was sd-q-trd f ' tl.e xp|MiliilUiriit of a SI-hot com I nuu.-e u> inquire in rxy(i ,1 tu lh* eooeßt *ec(<# and slsughiei of (he Chnyruiit-e Ml. Nani. br* sp- kx) Iti favor ui Ibv lull for the tnuiporsiv llaliafn (WfUtlll Utbee lo (br war depxolnieul. Ml Nsunilefft algu.il thai Uie govcinirii ill should bi'tp U.e Indian* tu become mi ii.d( |<-ii,l( ni |Hx>pln and finally oil.Sena uf (he r> public Tl.e *'ti.| ir*at.-i.at hbraiy till waa (i.tn lekei) up, and Mr. Conkllug • i (w.il.itioi. pi for a -.4i.iulaai.il. uf ex [i-rta lu examine and report a plan in regarl to .'hang! e P. Il.e caprilol for (lie I utter aomtutuo .'all- ii uf ( -ftl.gi! '* and tbe 111 iai >, af or a die cuevlei: wa* at'rtxxl lu Adjouiueil A bill fi-r tb cotivuraiuh of uatloual gold leq.k* wa* passed by tbe Nvnale, but i-uLex quei.tlv tbe votx wa* rtaout!*i<lofed. IU order tu allow au error iu tl.e bill to bo ixftrrexitod fit ui a Kazgrld. (liovel lU.uth end MurgSU lua-ie [H-. en lu aUppHilt uf lilt bill tu llUlit tl . euigiaUou ~f l h i.e-- ai.d Mr Matthew* ~p|M-M,l it. Adjoun.ed. >lr VoOfiuMM Intro 1 i -ed a t'ill lo amend Ibe I* -ou law*, and to inn <h claim agent* fol a VI- :aUuU Iben f l.efeiied tu the oolnmlttee on j-i uaioi, Tlie nituulrrillotiof the Oblu n, emigration I.ill Ma* n*uined and Moaer* Blame, uf Maine. Mitchell, uf Oregoo, and Juo - of Ni vada. delivered long arguuwHila in fav lif It- passage. Mr. MalUiew> submitted a nU'.'Uluti ftlli.ort,' 1 . tin I'realdeul tu aeg tiat. with il.e <ui|-xii< i >.f China fur a modinrd treaty Ml Coukilug oflerxxj a *ub*Ulut for tl : Vlllhuliallig 111. l'ri ldcllt If ".ho rml* rxd of t'hlua lefusxil to negotiate a modified tr, sty, to lufo'in him that the 1 ailed Htate* will prevent etuigraU. u by law* of its own. M. MaHht-w# then w.tb-Jrew hi* *ub*UtuU>. Adjourn e,' tleeae. Air. Fu*t.-r introduced a bill to d.acourago imurv ai. I pr co-tc hgitnualo rate* uf lubetxel Air. 11. cki.rr pre-on led a bill calling upon tbe Mxretarv of wr.r lo rej*>rt a plan to reor gai. ro 11,0 tullltla a Inut.Ai. to Us|end the rule* ai.d | a** tbe bill re|*-alit>g tbe statute* th r, arvl to tl.e !(*l oath it jU K-l of Juror*, ai.d ID i< gard to ti c a|ipolutlßeut and parinei.l of sU|i-rviixi* of elex-Ux<u* and [*i"tai deputy marshal* wa* bat by 136 to 113 not tbe tie oraary two il-.ida lu Uie affirmative. A ng drhata- Ou tbe lrgtalative. exoculiv* and judi cal ai ) > [ . lallou bid folihWxxl, after Which, adjoaoiiawit. . he report of tile conference committee on :i-i naval appropriation bill wa* agreed to 1- -nuuaiUi uf the whole uh the leguJatlve. j , nil lxl and exer-uuve a|,pro[ rtaUoii Ull, Mr Bat tor -HI , pjiptii that pxfi which [HX>[.ae. to traiinp rt li.( - -xt and gnxletie aurvey from the tfx aury tc the interior de|,artment Mr. Atkir.* deft tied the projmeed change, and the del-ate wa* carried ou Iy Miear*. I'age. YAig- Ci.igiou, l'a'.rra .i (Cob), Maggina, Hewitt. I l.lielt, Ilntli r (iatfield and Hale. Without acting the House s.tJotirriad. Mr. Cox, of New York, moved that the Neuale hxll in rrgaid to the cerum#. and the amend ment* - f tbi House exuumittee on the ceusu* ihereto, 1-e p,tinted The Neusle Uli wa* aub HxiiUx y the *t.ine Ull that be had mtroducxxl, and the c tnultti* l-r ,|HMXI uoly Ivro im[-on ant an.i tu . nt- He would not prxw* U.e Ull n op[*MHU'.ii t the a[ pn |ftrtaliou bill now be fore the H l( but Would ca.l ii up, a* ets.li as that I il wa* vhsposxd X't. The motion was agrxed to After sut-iultting various amend menu to thr Ix-glslahvi axecutive and Judicial xppi o| rrntKHi I I I ll.e H >u*o adj am u. All vff.-rt wa* B.a<;e to have the Florida coo t< slod el. t on cae# taken up, but after aeveral VO'.C" 11 wa* arranged that .t should b pott lvobc-xl 111! 'he fo.l •-ng AYr 'newlay Tbe HuUss Well* into ootulnttlee of Uie whole OU Ibe gi ftUTe. exxw-dive ar.il Judicial aporo ; i ,*i !: i- ,!, and aft. ; c. kiur the aftxty-xlnrd [wge, six, .mmitUe i . and Ihr remainder -if !he - rlo:i was ueoupfi!d by luemurtal sot vi c. ,n L -r of the .vie 1. [r- • ita'.ivo Hart ridgi of (,i i gla. A 11.. wa* ti ported l-v Mr Bragg authorizing the I'residr:.'. to l)>|* Ull Janice Sblxlds of Mi* un, a* * I iiga-h. r-gctn-ral on Hie I .hired . -t. A [Hint of urdxr wa* at otice raised by Mr VA I t'.! , ai.d a cxux i.f (x>hfu*iou ensued w'ntb i-tt.: 1 by the *peskrr sustaiumg the | . t of del Tbt bill wa reterrrd to the xx.mmlttxe . f the whole A long debate oc curred upon a "war claim Ull. Uv |.ay Johu 1 Arm-!:, g, of Vuv ma. vl.xljf r rx-.l ifa wharf In Alexandria during the war During the dtacnasion Oenaral Butler exprww-.l nun *t-If in fav.-r of having the g- w-rnn-eot ulti mately take in charge lh„ rcaime 1 and disabled C, ufcxlxvfate soldier* AdJoUftied • 1 HE ( II'HEK IHM'ATf HEN. lav rwllgnllea to the Better *ak>( •aallirf la >f A ark. wa. TiU'cn os ni* xrasn. Nxu.uel J. Tildcn aj . cm - d U fiHY- the cm (nit tn-. aa* **>->ri a.rt telrfl*l a* follow* He had rrad Ibe trxualaUon* of live cipbx-r dl*[atch'# in the N- ■ York l-ul del IK-i rwoagmce a • igl* docuuient, eilhtr iu rlplior or UanalMlo i, that hebalx vx-r eren bcfivre. lie tiever enU red into aav arrange ment to purcha** the vote of South < aroiiua or Pi--rida, and had no mforma'a- ti or *uapxnou thai -uch arr*iigi-m<nt* wen twung carnxxl rvxs until I • saw . ,i.-[vatcUxa printed tn the New York IYi'*m> He hail no knowledge <vr deal ing* Willi an ; h. lht *c nigoliaU- ua n the moruing ■ f Novi-nit4r 1*76, Mr* Cob Belli.n mentioned in hi* pre-rucr that bee buk band had gone for Uie dar and later in the I dxv l-e called upon Ivy Mr t'-xsfiaw ami told i : • had itex-ived an offer frvan s-iiii- pariv .-> xvhtaiu South i arolu.a. He (tbe wit-rum) aald he would * ilfaonxe no such transaction nor *|i-nd money for\i.v such I uryxvee. He obtained C-olone' 1 elt a, ad lr.-** ui Ba'tituore ami telegraidn>d tiim to conic I -ark bo did not unr *oy and knew nobbing of any r [.her# (vasaing be tween Colonel Pcitoo and other*, and could not have tiarialaiad them if he had In regard to Florida, , in vi r saw one . ' tbe telegrams, either in cipt . r cr tn trans'ahoa, and was not luformul even that any uogoiiaUaii* were going ou In regard to otnaiuiug idxqraily the certificate* of tbe r-lnrhiug board; Mr. Marble called oocaftlonai'.y. and told bun ■ ahc.it the corruptions of tl.e Flonla bxvaril. In regard t the (Inyun d;-|>a'ch*w. he did not k -r they came ui cipher until after the meeting of lb: ixuunvittxx- *|-j*nut<-.l to luveeL- i gate them. <ion. Grant wrote I.im a etter a few day* after tbe election, recommending that the ixinimiltoe should go Month to sxw a fair count. He h.d nothing to do with thi-ae com mute! ►. and never heard from tbern but once, and that was in a communication signed by Mr. tHtJdorfer and othx-rw. Under no crr cum*tanrf itid he enter into any ot mjvetitlon ' t-- -tvrure i led oral Certificate* by renal mdnee tin ut*. There never was au boar cr a minute ,n which tie entertained nch a thought. To the 11-opto w ' in lie belli vxt ileotxxi him Breal di ni i f lh* Tail. ! Sla! *. and to Uie four mil lions of citizen* who wire defrauded of their I right* of suffrage, be unx-d the duty of pro r'aiming thai be would uot yield oue Jot or tittle of lu* right* Whatever evil# might result from thi* aui'ver*ion of the electoral system, I.i r - -!-. ! tn- would entx - into no auction for • e f the chief magistracy of the re- • p I 'ii- He wa* resolved that he wxwild iwotest t up- wrong by which the jie-'ple tiad 1* act de'randx*! out "xvf thxdr right*. Tpon <r- - -xamibalton Mr. Ti' leu said he had ah .!.?! r . -ft Wit I (tel. nol 1 tou, after the latter n tnr.ii-d from ltaiimfn-. and hta exprxwaion* wi re an <-utlm.*! i f unpalieDM and displeasure with )'-ikne'. !'• it-.u * .ot,duct, t'olone! Pxlion was aoi'.ix imc* railed aotuig aecrxtary, but bw liad no ro.-tiiy and no power tx. do anything without the eotionrrcnoe of another man. He ' did not know that Peltou l.s-1 made any engage : any o!T< I m MM to the sale of the M p.h Oarohna v.,te. After witness • list promptly an ! ( ffeclualiy stopped any prc cxdiug* i.f'l -e sort be did not *iipj*w they v,in!d lx> rem >•<! lie nrvdcratoxwl that Colonel Paiton !i*d nier.iT mvivid an offer. Alr. Til den said he bad never h>ard of any attempt to pip chaw un i • 'torsi vote twfore lh* publica tion of theaeitisivatobe*. and he than * attempt* t" se.l. not to I iv : in- wx* Ur*t told of the 1 rid* inatlxr bv Mr. Marble, who remarked to him that the Flig-ida vote had 't - a for ■ de. Mr. 1 ndxu said he knew Mmilh M. AYii-d but hi* ri lallou* with htui wi-re not mere eon', fi iial than with any other prond ; pent I'd, -rat . he did DOt know of Mr. AYix-d's p es, rice ii '-.uitb Carolina until after h • n-tuni. He thxuv had a l-rief omivrrsatK II with him. He tox-k hint to - i*ftk for -i • ing in snob transact ions YVheti Mr C-opxr infortncd htniof the Month Tarn- In.a |iro|K.*ition.he ( Mr. Toxvpx.r) said nothing to indicate that b* nail coconragid Colonel pi Hon to believe that any money would lw> fitrnisbe.l. Willie** supposed (list tlie gx ntie nieti wim vvvnt Month were cooiti lotit to |xr form the duties for which they b.->i U i seixvi iil hv the national conns .he, and he never gave tlit-m an in- rue!i.>o. or undtrtoxik to exercise any anprrviaioii over theiu. He waa irritated with ( oloi el I'cHon for having any thing tn do with tin' South t'arolltiv proposi tion. if lie (il o wd'.t-s) had any disposition to el e iii auv * tch train sctiou. Colonel Pel ton wa- the laal m*i in the Tutted Siatos whom he wi.nl.i have |* emitted < have anything to do with it; bo r- gsr led UOIOIM-I Pelton aetion a* a [>lic. of oineious nnwlilliug'. In the card which the witness hail published he did not re fer to the Baltimore transaction, because he did not think it was naeeeaaty; all Ibxt he said in that ca.-o waa striotly true, lie knew noth ing whatever about the ciphers, aud dul not know tho negotiators had U-eii rcfusx-d; but he knew the Baltimore negotiation had Ixcncrnsh xvd. avd tti-it he had crushed it. 11 had uo iutarvi- iv with YY'ei d before be weut South,and did not kr.ow of the Florida offer until Decerntwr im lb- did not watcli ifie presidential con lost carefully, nor with absolute iudifh r j enoe. He did uot expect to lie fully advi-od - about what wa* gotug on. He wa„ [*>*itive, ; anv r.ib . ttiat h. never riw a dispatch from J Marble, and had no rexvdlx-ctioi, of ever having I lix-aril of u until the present time. Tlie first - intiYii*U-.ii i.e had of tlie contest he learned J from the newspapers. Ho had no idea who ! | wa* at tin, o'hor and of the wire from visiting I I statesmen iu the South. He assumed, how- I ever, that the national Democratic oommittxwi waa In oonaultation. He didn't troubls him self to learu wliat ruetulxirs of the committee wore looking aftxw Uie affaira in the Mouth. He was uot awara that <sxil. Peltou wa* acting for the Commit toe. J'nlton wa* not a man to be I real-< 1 with auy momeuloua iaue. With out ricuaing Peltou lu the Iraat, and stlcb wa* lint I.l* Intention, he would aay tba( (here I.ad i ixveii rumor* of veiiallly al-otit thoee three Hmtea. Ix.uislarta, Florida aud Mouth Oaro'ma. and he dei-lared before God and hla eontilry thai he thought Ibeee Htate* were bought, and that Ihe presidency waa controlled l-v Ihrlr purchase. Mr. IllaiTock lierr aaked wllue** lo name auy evldince proving tltat any of llie returning li.aid had Iwwu bought, and Mr. Tlidnri re| in d that kfeLto.of Uie Fii.rida returui, g boerd, bad j ■worn Uiat tie bait given a fabo orrtifl.-a'e. | Mr lltscock replied llial witnnee ws*uil*l*k<n, that M< Lin bad *wuru to l.oUilng of tlie eorl. Mr 111*, ik said (hat Mi Lin nd |r*tlfled lliat lie liaxl - wen *p|irtiarhrd by Mautoti Mar bio With an offer for the purchase of vote# tie iMi lileiis-k) deemed it bt* duty to m*ke tbt- refutation lu the face of Mr Titter.'e ee pxw*li.li* ou At.-I,iii'* character Mr. Tlktei.w pl.nd ibat be abuutd bo Juet lo every oue Ui thi* examination an 1 " abail protect tuy aolf fully without going into maHert n oocbi-1 with my family roiatu.ua ' Mr llle ri- W .Itsclaln.ed auy curb ii.tsml Tbe wttne** wa* tben asked If be bad anv Infortnaitoti at the Blue that the returning board* of Kotrlb I xroHi.e anil Plor.da were for sale, and If he v—. ii 'it give lb. name* of the geutleiiii n who told birn *O. He replied thai be could not give tl.e name of anv men. He adn.lilxsl that up lo the tlo.o ll.at Weill to Baltimore ll# bad no knowledge excepting i.ewipa|ir in f..i mat ton about the ai.egid curruptu.u of tbe , l-epul-licai.ft in dealing with Ibe returning board* Aftei a few more quoetJ m* not of •iwlai itilereel.Mr. llidxui • c tamtnattuu ciuaexl Mr Pern* we* Ibeu reoalled and UwUfied Ibat ti* went b Florida in 1K76 ae counsel tokx-k afler tbi Democratic intereet* but that while (bore l.e knew of le. action looking to tbe lo fliniMing uf tbe returning board by money, i George YA Hmlth. Mr. Tiidxm a privateaexwr taiy. was tbe last witi.ee* called and waa briefi} j examined w noxru.iig tbe reception of tele | gran.* at Mr Tliden • bouac. after which the i anting closed, the chsUtuan sUUeg there would probably be no more wuueeeosexamined in Now Yotk T#r Civil Wertlre. (inueial Merrill, ooliector of tbe [xart of New York ha* made public tbe following letter, M-iit to bitu from Waehingtou aottn after hla oot.nrtoauou Alt Dxak (IxxtUb- 1 congratulate yon on your confirmation. It la a great gratification io me, very bo nor able to you, and will prove, 1 believe, of eifual service to tbe country. My desire 1* thai tbe office be conducted Ob etnctJy business prtnciples. and according lo the rules fur the civil aervlor wbtcb were recommended by tbe civil ser woe ounicnisalou tn the admin lei ration of General Grant. 1 want you to ta [wrfex-liy lnde| it-lent of mere influence from auy quarter Neither my recommendation nor thai of Mtxrolary Mherman. nor of auy inemtar of Guiigreea or other influential person, must be sjwx taily regarded 1,. i appoinu..enU and ren. .vale be made on btua-ieee principles and ace r. .ug to rule*. There timet. 1 assume, be a f. -r oonfidenUal places filled by those you (■ereuually know to be trustworthy, but restrict Uie are# uf patronage to the narr. wtwl bmil* I*4 no man be put out mere.y because be u a frlernl to Mt Arthur aud bo man be put lo 1 merely because be is our friend The good of tbe - ervloe should be the sole end in view. Mrs I cat mean* yel pre*e4ited. It eeema to me. . are tbe rule* recommended by the civil ear vice miuinieriuu. 1 sliali issue IM. new order on the < subject al preeenl 1 aui glad you approve ot ( the inoaaage, ai.d I wish you to see that all ! that i* el [Vt seed cr implied ID It t* faithfully . e*mod out Again cxH.gratulaliug vou. and assuring you ! of my ei.-ire coufldence. 1 remain mintvwely. io General 1. A. Mawritt. It Ii Uatga. j 1 " Wbat kiuti of te*X .tnony Jo you call j that?"' MU.J the county attorney to x.ue | of the xvitner-ftxn Iveforv the (fraud jury, j who waa inclined to lie a little i evasive. " Jm-kstin's best," was the ' prompt reply. The lawy. rs who | ! w. II- in the hahit of uaitig loYvaoco i saw the [Ki.n? and amiled all over their j face*. _____ Htrnsbiin?, Germany, sa now begrirt I ■with revolving ironclad tower*. - A -earre ml Mark Hedtlv Kelt. If the habit of Uialy Iwcomea irregular. much evil i* itiC.ctxsJ ou the ayetem. The stomach tccx me* dyrpe|>Uc. Ulioua symptom* devek.p tl.rmaelve* the circulation ia contaminated, and tbe nx-rvew *hare in the general disorder It 1* of the illUii-et impxlanoe tl.at tb* lew eta *b uli U- thoroughly a-.d aptwddy rwffiilatod wh- u I bey grow derelict. The corrxftOiire agent list adapted to this purpose is Ho*te'.t-r - Mb.macb 11.Iter•, a wbolosome. DOU griping ' vegetable b.xatlw, worth a'.! tbe r**psng ca tliarti.-a tnventtd since U.e time of Baraoeiso* Becj-ie who bare !*rs ID the habit of using bioe [nil. caioruei. and other drug# and cheap one irur. • for consUpatt <u. should abaxtxioD snxh hurtful and useiea* medicines, and aubatitute for tlirm this peasant and gentle aperient, winch not onlx produce* tbe purgative effect naturally, iut also slrenglbcti* while it rwgu latee the tcwrl*. stomach and liver. It more over curve and prevent* lutermittont and re mit lent fever* gout. rbeximaUam. debility and urinary troul'l** The crlelH-atxil [vbyaician. Dr. I'aul Memeyer. g;v. * the fo.'. -wlllf valuable ftUgg*SIKJO* 1c l• ruffcr.i.g fnim lung affections "Tbe [•ai.enl must with •crupuioueconanieiitKHianxM* n.i-t o[ioti t-reeiinng fieah. pure air and must n-m. rur ll,at tbi- ar .fcloeed rooms la always more or le-* bat • • • No man. however uncleanly, would drink muddy, dirty water. A party which cornpm* a room for hour*, treat) in*- the same air. might be compared to a party of tatbxr* Unok.ng L-e water ID wbinb the* I at he. The [wlui.t n net ke|i the witidxiw of >n l*!room ..[en Night air i froah air without daylight. In close, rowded rootu*. the |<aLen( anffenng fiom ! .ng complaiul* hrealbee consumptively." B> taking tl e*i prxwauLOO* and nsn.*' I>r IV-roe a Golden Ali-dical Diacovery and l'leasant BurgaUve Bel ■ 4*. fully one-half of the case* of lung ooni [ lalni* wotili l-e cured ID HI months For <x ng). ai i nt* nof tbe lungs do Dot always indicate th- prt ~ one of ooDaam|>tU"U.klLbongb it mar reatih in that dtseeae. and if ooasump- ' lion La* already I wet,me drwidv seated in the system, tbi* la the moat efficient course of iree'meut tbst - ui 1* pursued ontatde of any institution thsl prx-vidi-# #[-cial faxnhtiae for tbi tnatmrnt of thi* iliax-ase Ir. Pierce'* relehratxwl invalids' hotel l* such an ,uat:tntK4i. Nx-nd stamp for ileecriptive [wsptilet ccntato- j log also a complete treatise upxin con#uni;4*on. : explaming it* cause* nature and best mx-lbod* of '.resting it. together with valuable bint* concerning diet, clothing t-xxrciae. etc , for consumptive* Address Facultv of Invalkls ai.d Tx iiriata' Hotel. Buffalo. N Y .rmlre l*r Y eurweil. By aending thirty-flveoeiil*. with age.l.eight, colxir of eyes and hair, yxn will receive by re turn mail s correct photograph of your future huabaud or wife, with name and date of mar riage. Address YV, Fox, P. O. Drawer 31, ; Puttooville. N. Y. Cx't-ona A i.iediriiial [,rx-|armtior in the form of a lozenge i the most cxvnvenient. " Brown's Bronc! ial Troche* allay* irritation, which induce# roughing, giving relief In bron chitil, hoaraenx-a*. tnflne-iixa. couanmptive and asthmatic complaint*. 25 cents. I* (THAT", PKSIUA*. TK tllkfi AKH*. I.AIIKIC. I' A ft F ATM. ae" ailft.O* HOS to (UR than, pretfiptly. *(,'. al th* low**! **l, h A. H AlV* A MUX Kdilcfft of tb Sefte*t* *•. No l Mnrno* Al.. Ne* Y'>-rk. wh", b- bad tweatv foot_r*ar' fti[>r.ft*r* nihe huaiifteae " Ax'IKNTIFiC AZ"k." . lOftl II a paper tor Mechanic*. Inventor* and loader* of I", pn r Scumce XINIY II 4 VtAK Nana pi* cop.e* sn.l pfttftiphiel to Ineentore ft*nt frwa. I be Market*. saw rows. ll** OalXia —NftUrft ...... 'N# ft Taxa* aed Chsrckft* u*<t# OA* wn-a BJ lU flo* *- - 1 Iva 04 s 04(1 -*ael :*>• kfi htKL, o*v4 Okfi ■atftl. (k • C01.,-i- M IJltcg Bpland*. 0 54 <H -!. ar—vv*ft*ter"ft —OJOd L> Obdce, KS xk i 34 male—ffiieie# to Fancy < ■ k I a ' Wtlftftt- No. t lt*d 1 loß# 1 P) While Stale .10* (fill,' liftft-kiato ...... ............ 41)4 * 41 bar *v -xtftt- V • 14 BwriayMalt 1 ■ l *> ,>*.. v..cl '■ fkN a II Porn— Mlxi t W*at*rn Ungraded it # j liar, per ewt.. 4- ka Hfex, ns- eftrtl*>n( live. * a 40 H -p*—fiord to rr'rre Ner i"rop. 0' 0 4 Port—|*tlra Family Mosft .. A 1I. A 40 kn .id >• k i rus -\ ft-rre, No I, Bay 14 4 JI 0 Mo. 3 I-rioee Kdw'.lW 44*'00 Pry xlxd, per cart........ I # • 4kl 1- rIM. m '*d, p*r ts-i '4 0 f Wcol—TWit'orr A prlii* 50 3i T-xa- IU 44 • Bntiar -Hial Croara*ry ...■ kh. Ik Jk V 4 Dairy, . >3 4k IA W**iern rft*!!J*f-T 14 44 '-4 ratorft .... 01 (k 00 l!h,~e* J lt* fact-cry >' 0 >V ■e ,1* F. n*d , 4 14 Iftfti-a ...... ............ ') sk OA kn cue- <nd ' ecnrv Tanla 54 e 9k<4 (- ftjkLftan r nor-Psnn., at. 71-r* ko 3. 44) k1 W" "Vhaat Hed I'rnnaylft-an1k...... 1 •*) • I "4At Tallow **'%+ Hull MIV 4fi4 41 q Oft -M 4 ■ ),.m)*itiii —x'rUilf ..... OAYft© N ' finftit, Ok** Wao'—Qqitid- 1 ... ...... IS # a T..k. Ik 0 *> Ilfornlk... 30 0 34 •iiirii' ru-. 4 TS 41 la rtra! H*.l Wint*. 91 # 44 fc, 40 *4 4 ( . . * B 0 Ny. .... 4 ' Aii- .. .... 74 41 1 09 liar..ft -:a ) W * 130 sonoe H*.l xk*" .4 x 0 U4[| o.' Bon -kit# Oifi Boar —Vl*M:U#|3 and Minnaaoo, 440 still | Corn—Mlxad 01 H -4K '4 7>*L- ' 34 4K L> Wc-I—Oh'naad Pnny!vanlk XS.. 0 S) nilifcrr', .... ii, ii 14 44 .1 _:->WTOW, Wftaa SKI 0X1.14 u4k# (k HSrv lift* 0k tap :-a 04 0 Ok Ron -4W* 0k wftTaurcw*. >. < li*. Ofti-a Cunt lo C net 0a...... i 4Yt4 04Y| 1 et<- . . 14 - C4W I L V - 04JK 1 ! to 'lnTclofi h<mllhy Kl ttMWBMIMM •'•'ion J ! among l>i* organ* at otv-roUnu. dlgooUnn Mid ; ataoQoUou. Ink" Ir. Mottl VagaloU* Uw i j ftlU wbwh Imfclltifrilljr atiinnlkla tb (WW, j gtr* lon* nod r"g' larltY to Ik* lir. 1 ! If( a tltr|titH*Y IO IWMI ;l *w* l ' 4 * D " pUfIIJT MMI j oluot TL'.II cathArtif ACUiu I* tniMwtwr j pan it <1 by griping. Mill I* I **" vini*n and j ! ilinipl but aloaya groin*! and natural no* pill* m or lii grant**! no'm o'™ , in Mirofalotti tnm"r* Md nop'l * ** m*l atllt• I ! All drniigi*t **ll M. Il*dad.wtuaotnatil inMioCb** oohnoftbe prior pal knumplta of Maaoii A i'omliu " rgao : Co. olloror tho word It cartamly aro <mnU to di tn<mf ration, a* thoy a*f. of tli* *up ty of Uxor organ*. Tb* raoucd •• nop araJtolad *lll'.itf. mlii>r of Hi*trunioftl I Mrailll OOMPOUID Of PUKE COD LIVEK k OIL AID LIME, J To I *M*Bpll* Moo, *• lin >• It.e ■ i* favor •' to* oaa of tiltri iv. iu jm— co, mI iw * Kiawconu a** t>r***d iul-u * V* *t.U t.mady 'or ' *a*ompll*a Aaanm* • IhftU Ml* kI all *n II*i at I*• 11. i **4 Lang* Mftf.ai'4 ual) ? A H Wiuoa. chamial. koMaa I*4 ' 1,1 *|i .'ruga .at* unMTC " NEAR nUIUUD ™ WEST I t <au <*■ rw l.u*.w WM |*V la*4*.fw , -*• tram ■ 'hue**. *1 fr cm Mug* iw a***, i* (ana tut* ami o >m| barm* 1"* tr.gbla and ml; *ll j I*4 !fo oila■ r* lin ao agvo-au lagtaa* load I aitiiortua 14M1 tivm ' i.uajc., >••* to bo**ta, Pat I Mail*. Pit|".i.i4 and fan tafermatMo apply i* lima kAiuodOUktiiprikv, I I Wlai Raotd* In**, or Hf luaMpt No* Auuo NEWSPAPERS and MAGAZINES i*■ elafe rata* Ttm IronM* and aipi** aaaod tty mar aur.t-.itg Lt-roogh lb* lu>(-4 J Mounldr* - -1 fit 4*l *4*1.1-7 obi** !ur**bt* any l—*r 'aloof* ioaali pab iialgd ta Um UniWaJ dial a* luaai inati mati bo* 10c Manhioa* of all kind*. Ohraioaa. Praia**, Saanrg Oan-i.,. ka.di.l and Atat Ill***l* *1 radioed pram* I trill * lac. format fvooka at an kind* at lua*t pi iu* 1 Rocky Mountain Stereoscopic Views KayaotA.li iKigj't fa.] to nto *1 mm tm om NmUn Aaouta oae maka hur Ad<lrM JAMM> TtiiUUtMH. K^ka„iwOo*oi "Fruit the Gods." 1 KAMI. Til* ffcltSlllJtfOft W o0t tLJiog laruridgt o| u • Kbcm raaatkatfA uot frolt. HLporlod 'Wtt Jipui /rfwrloli^ Km. ~ m+4l i*.* OUavUrr), iffffg lUI^AMTf uifttwW of FV„, VtMO Z-d KArttbo Kd*** .*••• ®e<l Ktont >.*<<<+, Kbi] f* 1 tM>v /l o.dkld./. . ;i. t KANSAS aod COLORADO. * tacMrk llomaatwad I'm wrapt-ldti and Tunbar < oHr* la*, of Italian, and a liMMr* of icarUuia* and fwcrua. Budon . tt*.*a, Pnoa* at Pcuduo* and Mar rband.a*. Inhoran' kcr*.k I'r • ae* IM luoairal Inn da tm Parti."* and dual Kaaa.t* It aiao lraa4a 1 ol in* M n ac i laCoada. bar Monataiaa. I*.rka Octaaa. TWn*. and M.n n* banio V !.** and Hun u li Waal, M u'i 'Vtu.lc bani iMCpaid cat r*a.ip> of pna*. I*l JtU. A,ddr*4 llr Hut laljaH*. < W AWfilikj* t If) cat).* k-crina lon* SCROFULA.— Pcrtong afflicted with Scroiula. Hip-disease. Ulcer ous Sores. Abscesses.Whtte Swell- > ing. Psoriasis, Goitre, Necrosis, Eczema. Diseased Bones, will please tend their address Dr. JONES. CWEUI. b Intaaoii, k. T F. E. CUE DRY. Aat., Railway Tickets H*ntfhf, **l.l *>r fjrrkangrcf. KKUI < Kt> K.ATK.N lit ALL TK'KWTk ULU lUIOICK OP ALL RlltTgS. Ko. 31 St. C barlr > St.nnl. I'rtdar in* bi I'lira* lltui, >PW lilt I.P. AS*. I.A. rv^ < j|Tiim ee:'s ccssrrs v a mm • IV% M I* \ Pi^iTl Rl"afir fXI Et -* • r *• • " Wl I I*. -• •••••#'••'* / . Md .f >; 1. Mil s VI AKAI it BKOk., 111 Broadnai.N.T THITi itoioK-r pooo ikTS* WOMQ> A. H. t . I reahrd AA'klin UVrti, A. H. 1 . (lalßMl. A. 11. f*. Marlr Pnod A. H. t . Mala*. OMmnad lout moda* for acpanom*. and dtnicmw far ooal.rcml tow., nl| TVi* fnra' t-wd tor cbiidrar and adult*. All baaaa, *ooal* >nd amntM tmaovad clan t.r praparad for ta* 1* it. *n*4t * imu* Pu* aal* lj (cuam. Aak for A- It C. Stand Bt an u facto tod by 1 lib CKtlllAL* MA.NLPAi rt'KIJIG OO . I A (Vllilnl Pi.. *. !** PoML UTTIPVC ' tu\" , ttUui 0 A MMwaiWkmi 1 **• "A 9 •< j*hf*cunm REMEDY Ei%s=nis If ratrd 4arm !• vr '■'•*!. and all Uinam ol lb* K *n*T*. P'lddar *ud I'lr-oj llrran.. Sand lot | [a;*,ucat to ti 11. K. C'LIHAB. Prtrtdcatt. Hl. Mvios A Hamhn C .ibi.net Organs. . , . . , li I. P ~ lit a 'Hi A1 Al I k'liujPN bxiiput ujib rc)K rwat.vK TKAKA. *it al Paata. I**' Vi**ita. in. baaruuo. iri 1 PnuniMii !•* Praia,l*-" *ndCn*a Mmtiuaa I t"UD Ktl'ti 1 !> Amar.cn- tlryaa* cot ■camrdad r .•>•*! Bon, r • arry aaefc Ncld for caaD w -•la..mania lu.r*Tß*TC:> c aial.v.i * and itrrc ar* a r n* • Tl* and prccm. aanl Bra* kltl'B * i; >VI 11 <IK'. A* UP ft.man. Maac TatdlOßimar The Co-operative Newspapers. It La* bo-a aamrcad ihal mm bail of al. mm) pa.d by N*a Turk anriiaa. (*r adMUPII aalaida ti at a • t'~* Id lb' OoPP*lUTiy k Nkral-iak Full imrtc*)ar* about Ui Oo m***l!*a Momap* para '.44** l .or a.Lb (ii.i<va and ad.orua is * rava*. ma..>! 1m im aopiicatm 1 Arnmtm Kacvapatmr t'nkm 1(1 ao* Mr*# 1. N*w Vork ■■ hr- Irad dollat* 10 al*ort*vud. ** d V Will" P'U' adraM.mmaci. aod w II- Praa J hmgt * • 111 I fl ■ aiK I*, lb* tmal laaatbl* .r**a*ni for 111 > to mak* Sand If cant* for out M jail pamplMl Addraa* c.no P j K ari l A On '• *aa*prp*r Ad**rt4*:ng norma. IU bpruc* i'r aat. Br* V or* ___ NO ADVERTISIM^ACENI Pan ina*l or ad*-rt .aamat.t 10 oor llal of l**etfil ITIMIIKII A IKKI.IF" at tan dollar* a Una : w-.tbool ! mn* rnoaay Tr *a advartcaar* bn aaot try cbtain th* baat and larcaat rtreoloiroo jvc**.' ,♦ oytboal • toar film m ra iban frem P k> fit*- *bcmld addraa* . t.r. ■ I* KPWKI I *'•<> |iiccprirri..AiV*rß. >k Th# p cnn y story Paper. " NK <pn r fi** it 1• 1 * *i~" 1 — * 'TT* Mono* Thra* monib* for I.V M mouth# for If Ac . W.l*, month* for Mk . poata*. itatd b> robHahar* Addraa*. l'***! -toM I'alKn. HOI Raraoro flrrmA, I'li.ladalph.a **_■■■■ ■ I Kk: I'AINLS.V*. OMI ID llll^ Urum^—- WWW P(.m, In Bai 4? A. ART OF PROPAGATION RapM l,l MaitU ell. alio* ol •*. Mac lad. iOn. PKIA Km I M'KFi'EIH VfKIK I--" ft*ar-* Aw cirnpaa. SaaUintr*. Kcararaat,*. ata band for c au.oana- J. jl Mt|y' N*r*rrt, \A Incaa. t olaaablaaa ( owner, Okl*. _ . K\ I* 1 1 ti l.'* PUttriiKTlf AUMAMAC for I 7H. will. Kpbaman* . oontam* pradimrm* of tb* own and tb* waathar for rack month l'rca, pool ocd Sic. Alan. Rai-haa - . Oolda to with RoWa aod laforrr.aOou wharahf ant parano mar coleolat* a naliTllr. ckwb ll', prto*. noatt. t SI. A H RtIPTK A TO. I I Rnmfl'ld St .Boatoo Maoa SHEET MUSIC CHEAP! lr ram.pl of tt fin. *. will mad roor Popular Plrc* Sutct la*. Tor Old fat** a (Aak*. th,',. lamkof ta'Sn-^T vfi iirwi'MTftAD. A i<l f ees JOII 1 jail ywwrtb tor *• cla IAI KU— faf., VV. . ■ IIIIK: MMK : I.HK : _ ( Al IX Ah HOUR, th* wofid-rooownod Taacbwr of 'shorthAßd Writcu*. oil! Laach bo impwad cyatam of ' Storthand *M,nt which can ba tanpht partact 10 ] limhoui,*!*' toogbt through mail par fad a1 foot latcar* for tha email *ICBI o' a.y. Addraa, AIIX A. hi'HoXB. P O, Hot Mkl, P,H*f an*h.Pa .for Ucraular t f< r ar.r infortnA'.io* wancral j „_r~r .4" TSTTomf I* th. world Irapewlora' prtoa* I T AS - Laral company 10 Amarto* rfapl* i I lillOl artirta plaaaaa a.arjthly TVad* coo lirualty lot***.. Afaril* waotod ararywbar* bad cod o*taenia dob t aaata tuna mod for t'irculor. RtiliT WKI.l.h Vaaay M.R. V Pt> Koi l:. __ . a- 40440. I •'■> 10 t*t*h fact-cry pryom TjT A f|\ blfhMl hHT MwihUMh* k' KWkl* 1 liAil V/O 'i*r MAjaarw*—fin*4a uprtbi so Amnncv aer so rUriy rntms Ht m tV* - Pis"- Ml OB lr Ml 4* -*•• Wlkm *• o * * I *• Tori nil. t K %!••*£ KII>E\ I KK. ft* wli Klli NKV bfrKA*KR A pw KUmwdy . fwlnws OB ko-irT> Nenl (*r c\rco!*r Ifofes K3i. M Out tar, M. Paul Inrd. Stouth ir* A •'* '"hlea*". A Smith, law d.! W Mad o*. Rlplay.Obio. K-Uorr. !•*• Motoao P. Staama. IVatrott. Th* moat i.pulot madtrdie of Iba da#. ■ A COLD RING!!! inrONK IMILLAK will courrour |.hol.rph and •ami von a haa. If pl*la.l tiolcf n or l*or I fiano with onr pcciur* tnit.whioh ■ mnatuSart to llfwoiaa wban h.ld up 1" H - ghl. band aUrnp for til e rcular ofaoltd golgd -hl- UK"d>. c 'roa* AIV.H tatcw.MMO, AGENTS WANTED pojil" free vbinooc. '' lumhoua c ounty.<Mil r ntt T ■ advartDMiniant ail! not appaar again^ ACENTS, READ THIS! Ww will v*y Aieote A NwUri >i \** month And PIpHiUPS >r Allow M larce ecmtmui n Ibaall our nw and er. Iwrfol mwwr.lioßA. • •••••• "* ••*. 1 Snu'l free Aildrew, y NHKKMAN A I 11., Moraholl, Mlrh._ " t ra!**' | STTTMI iuddeeß I^XSISS: ■■■■■gW " iu "►'*. MAW. •in n finnn ina*ta.i m wn Hirsrock* m*k** 1 Slu ID SIUUU 'onuna. aaary month. Book aant fraa aiplatuintt atarything. Addra** BAXTKK.I UC I tlan Wolldt.. lg.Y 1?I> If 'la " II>KR V AND TAKR IIIk I' IV I I'hKTTKK. A oompln'a tock Ot al. kit >l* Bur circular, nhotographa and pno* ou. ad It aa ,IAS F. 01.ARK, M,nonet. LanawaoOo.. Micb VOUNC MEN \sr 9 i WTWwTS ■ inunth. Suimll eelAry whilt* loArni'g Situation fur niliAd. A'!drwK.VAl®DtiHA, Mai.i,r,JanewwilJ®.Wis _4 PAY WRh Jilurcil Odtfiu. Ykftt ooet 4 k 111 ctM ewlln rapidly for AO rt*. i-afalocow fr** UAVJ •- v vrui(ti. | li W.nn'n St, Hygiun.M a. /vnTTTSf llitbli A HiirnAf*. Thoo I I M 1 1 I IYI undsenred. 1/meeiPnoei. DouoifAil \J A AUiU to wrilo. l>r r K MAreL.guincy.MKh A .. A A HONTH A||rßlA Wanted :i< tr-i ?9I>(1 MUOI Artiolwa in the world • one sunuie fr— ijoau Addraa* JAY BKOWBQH. DatroitTMieh. Con Ra CnraH AH ohroate and auppoMid Incnrahl* I L.an oe Lureu ~,•**•# Proof of it matimi fraa. A lira** L>*. rooTh. I st> Laxmgtoo A**, Raw York f Ciu OI V FKliriT. A*-a Sampl*. A aanla ©O "Tim NASSAC I>P.I.!OET." Naaaau. W. Y. ! MAK VI.AND KAK.H. Book •iid Map frm By j Ok NHANAHAW AHr . RA*TO. Mo I MUSTANG. Survival of the Fittest. A rsNUf HseiasK iuit ho ituru ■luiess BlfUNk U IVABSt imciimuiiiEi!. A MA I.YI mil IfKRV Hill M! <H MAS .i*D SrikTl THE OLDEST & BEBT LINIMENT KVOt MAM lb AMHIfCA. SALES LARGER THAH etetl Tho M* Iran Vnafkrtg T nhnafif Nat booA known for laoro Ikon finny gr-o Cm I* OA III" la *' at 1" •n git ct ik'a! I'd ma* lu'l ip *r ■ larger tLag *r. It er#* !* M of Nora fktl, AXirl poootmlra akin. IflMltci ■ltd mrrarta, bo Ua* vary Loire, bull. tfmtywbrrr. New England Conservatory Mellfld for Si Pianoforte. Tl.t* Ml popoter and good Matbad ba* bad • tkar mgb Irioi *1 ib* CMAaamury. mmd ba* boa® ior*aly uad lb Mi.ar liircri It difar* from atkar Mat bod* Hi Oomg Mifinl at firm Part* or Work* •CI Aladim and Taom. aod U in Xm t a goad. ao*> la trurtu* Book. PAMT M. Mr tkaltimilaroA* ba*gogm. mara hdtcuit kimwtma, k.ilar aod Attrdw* aod a mabtr sf W fraaa Ua Waak*af gmel Mini mi - PAMT 111. lor lb* Third Uroda, Had •'♦#*• r rand hnoiaa and Atgaggiaa. wttk • fat* good Madia* oda 'a* -.Mean Pmuao riU4 4fawliMt.ll.AO. f'*mglli. fg.g*. rA MtJOb *A Kovkb. OaMar imllh. Edllnr. mailad for Hau I'ircuiola* kr* par Maa.li Moaic Boa*. Ao BY pot Yoar. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. 11. DlTaflk Ac ®4. 11l A *ll Hraadn*,, No** York. I. t DITNON A OA, f< I Orwlaof Mfttwf, Phllodbf. THE SMITH ORGAN CO klroi Cadaktlakad : Maoi Marwaaof a) 1 Til RIB IRSTBI MBMTh bora A .ttodard rteo* to II Urn LEADING MARKETS OF THE WORLD ! kai***** m mi.i I aUw PIJIDtT IRTBM. OVER 80,000 and* aad la aa*. .*• Duotgo* naaiiUty Baat rarkaod I ia*t pnooa IP" band for * Oololugao _®g Yeffldl St. opp. WRItPRRi St., BsialiS. AAPONIFIER Jo iko OU MkDaklo CaaaaacraAaa Lr* FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. JMJgig^gMgjgfg>MklggMkfci /r m mi WBIOMT IMB trmsMwrm. Tb* Mark** akil I w*A tm afbll 'MoakuM wbiaA a *gak*r*>. aak *oN aod raaa. aod aaS aa tm mo mar amp arr tm* SAPONIFIER MADB BTTMR PaeetylTeele Belt Ken off Co., rnywtt'rf". FDI TIN IBUm CiSI oa wit! maart • am* .n* bdaarUaamaOi aa* t**-- to a I cat of aa ooakty noo.popar*. at bo una* Mod *"* bal af MtS papora. ot baa knm ima *wk la OOb . af atkat af hmi aapatota and dawn MM tout*, jaa Ma Mb* Mi ****** ak. mm tan* knaaaa* waa. rok loot af Mb am*U waa. a mm ka* aa* aauk a*, au The Man Who Spends Money Far odaar.iatig ta >*>u par* *a thai I bard tan w. boat Scat lAr uing aa aoumai* af tb* rad tram I)WD P H- aallgcloN boampaiaw Ad*wrt,>tt Bum. •o IU >prae* Ht.-am.Noa V ark. m iifc# y t ,ay I'■ lor ohal aak) i~- Mcro.ood tar M An<B >oloo*lo* ,r* faruMtod to oi bp*, icant* groico banc lit aaotr lor t'- prga .mm,', -al wi.b iiat i> oawapoimt rlm aa# UTTir?rC 'SrrgrJwi? HUNT o - v'irwitti REMEDY 11. . .44, ;y •■. i.'.vo. aad al! Ola■ *aa m Soldiers—Pensioners. d.ma and kailar* aod ktt krma. oia* aao'aia* totarwa' ma tomiH mod-ok . . I Vic*. r.Jtf mat* a ray-p-U4i ipduoancr'4 1 - alia A prcpar f'.ank r- c-clac' *mc*t do* a *' L 77' AVrnSW K I.LMON A ui> ta a-' iuglra .l C lak II ti Bd . I TEAS!^": ® ul Hi ! t> •*! eat Rwl |Uui offend 19 Llfb W 2m?kISUaAT3. KXPKKHH CHAROH PAID Saw tarm. RFK rheGreatAmericanTea Company Si wd XI Tnry Mraaf. Nam Vark. P Ik Hei 4RBA. ... DOCESSFUL FOLKS. Matthew Hale Smith's new book. l.tah Prumteaci nomooa-awm and ao*ao sffiwAßT^Sfef^^ I L ._ fHi *ni— >awt*lb*iuaob*r AGENTS *"!• A IKK I. INIM y-.., MJfkt Kla.. Pr-P"r . awltiu. Maoa. P AGENTS WANTED FOB THE ICTORIAL HISTORY"™ WORLD II oonloina HY t Ao* hlrt-irtca! ar ,romng. aad I BJ • arga doubl* e-ilnmn paga*. ad ia th m<>f r' l Hiict'.rytcf tha World arac puMobod U *' ,*5 "T T CURKD FREE! ■ I lan mfallthl. anil übadca lad ■ j I BUi, *tUM>a ur.FolliaA ■ A wamtitc d c -* c < |i JL 110 r-.^TT \^Tt'^sr P> H_ G. ROOT. IH3 Patr^r^L-fllJimL^ I MILITARY I ■ and Hand ■ ■ i'apft* eir , OTN I by -W* C. MM*** Coiuuibue, UliAo. l**+'•.'* ' y%m ***"' ■ F>maojC^pa^H^^^ rat ■•* mm ' • >■ .. i ■ . ~ d-MXTM IB MICIXTYI 4tpr 3) / Vlalto*. P Q VJQKICRV. Auguata. Mama. i7TASI?wwgraEB bsroo^l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers