THE CKNTKE REPORTER. Centre Hall, pI/Tb'nJ. Fb. 27, 79. —92 rtr year, when paid in irfr anee ; tfiLbQwben net txnrf tn mirnv*. 4rferfv#ew*enf# 20cf# per lint for three in sertions, and 5'" ' or '•"TV eegsunt insertion. Advertisement* by the venc at <i liber ill discount. Subscribers outside the raunt v aAotsM re mit * 10 cf.*, itwiownf of one year's post* ape. instead o/JOef# as formerly when raid by themselves. . .SaliseHbrr* con <i/iry* fell Ante f heir f* counts stand at the Reporter opice bv con xuffiec She feA/rs on \etr paper*. // the /able rends "John Hoeljan"J6" f means that John is indebted for subscription from the lot of January. 1875, end that >t is time he was paying the printer. LOCAL ITEMS. LODGS HKTIWQI. Ct*T**HLl.l.OT.avo. J o oil 1 , lui" *aUanS*.atlm ShatXOd J* 11 *"*'', no r. A. TOSSUIS, M T J. 4A**aala. "• ' OLD Foot LOT>. Wa. .U*. T *. * . *,•(■( oa at bafora H<> foil meen !■ *■ Maaaato Hall , c . K v BT II o r Huurm,tMi. J.J. iwiT.n ■ rav> iava C.a-aoa.lSa, *# MH. "fJll Halt.Paotre Hall aalha s.l.rdaj •• •'*• ™" MBBBBtir U BBd .'.rr !• (Lo" Hallar H..1.T IJQB.BD KBOBB. George Krapat #al, Gregg Feb. o<9 Ailtm Stovar'a sal*. Gr ntir Farmer'! Mill*. Fab. 28. p. riaieher's tela. Potter twp. Mar 20. SalaofD. W. Myer'e farm Itock, near lW.sburg. Mar. 12. Sal* personal property Geo Murray, aio'd, near Liaden Hall. March If . Try Diages bot Syrup, iU like honey. Eft* ara going dawn in price,— juat *o it Clothing at Newman's. Doll's hoot and thee atoro, at Ball*' font*, was damaged by lire, oa luetiiey eight of laat weak. Sae card of Pr. Khan*, who ii on* of the bet deitUta ia thi* eouoty. Hit r-ork guaranteed to give satisfaction. A Marb'e Yard will be ostablithad at Centre Hall, by lit of March, by a par ty that will turn out first clat work. M.llheim'i &nt ahiaf burget* it our friend P. L. Zerby. The mant!# fits him to at. and he witl make am excellent "mayer." Tha hauaa ©f Jama* Fannon in Ban ner, wai destroyed by fir# a few light* ago. Tha old talk of a naw township out ' of part* of Gregg and Mile* it again re- 1 vised, of which Madiaonburg would b* the metropolis. "Don't tear your ihirt" i* ai old a laying at "Who itruck Billy Pattenon," * —hut tha farmer imyiag i* low played out since you caa bay a good hraa naw ihirt at Nittcti i for almast nothing. Hon J no. B. Lian, lata Secratary 1 •f tha Commonwealth, hai opened a aw. j ©fie* in Bellefonte. Mr. Linn will be ( fouad one of the safest coumelor* in tha i stela. and a gantlaman cf undoubted in* \ tegrity. See card in RiroßTza. A man itopped at tha Bush houie recently and wa o wall pleased with the manner in which it i* kept, that ha aoon retimed with bia aiatera, and hi# cauiins, and bit uncles, and hit aunt*. —Thar* ii meaning in all the juatice* af Penn townihip. She hai a hoop-cuttar, * an iron-bnt, and a duck of a fallow, thair squires lign themselves ReiUnyder, K senbuth and Duck. Rev. Kcxar, Lutb. miniater at Pine ' Grove had a sleigh wrecked a few day ago hy his hone taking fright and running off Mr. Koxcr was thrown out of the alaigh, but sustained co injuria*. —Our young friend M. L. Rithel, j succeeds hit dacaasad tathar. John Rith- j al, aoq.. a* justice of tha psece for tha north tide of Gragg townahip W# coa- gra.ulat# him upon hi* pramotion, and wish him at long a term aa hi* fathar wai j •ntruatad with. Pottsr township undoibtadly has tha oldest comtabla of any district ia the ( atite, in Wm. Carton, who ia in hia 83rd j year, and who was re-elected for about tha , Bth time, an Tuesday. And the reaaon of j • it all i* because Mr. Carson ean't be beat. , If ary townihip bat an older constable, , trot him out and wi will iasua a prtmi- - um. Get yeur dried aid canned fruits at. c Secbiars,headquarter* for ell kindiafgro- J cer ai. Gooda warraited fresh aad pore, t Green i Compound Syrup of Tar 1 and Honey, a lure cur# for aaughi, colds, 1 croup and aarly ataga* ef coiaumptien. j J Try it- j 1 Fradariak Hu'nagleef Baarertown, ! Snyder Co., whilst at work on a itsan. sawmill at Sbindel Station, wai caught ' by the taw and had hit foot and arm ie- Taraly injured. W* hear a number of ladies ity. the !. Howe Sawing Machia# ii the belt. They are the most competent judges. FOOT children of Mr. Denial Smay, j of Rash townihip, thia eounty, died af diphtheria, viz: ca 3, Frederiak agad 3 yean aid 8 mentha ; oa 13. Sarah, aged 18 1 yaan and 5 months ;on 14, Harry, aged 2 1 yaari. aid 8 months, aid en 15, Warren, aged 8 yeara and 2 months. Tha tbra# laat war* buried in on* grass. This ia < > a eore affliction, which will enlisttb* sym* j' patby of all for tha bareasad parent*. D. H. Hastings is cbiat burgess of Ballafoat*. Ha faaia the weight of the re sponsibility. Alsa Grow, associate editor of the Republican, ia assistant burgees of Bella font*. His good looks carried him through. -—The Musical Consantion, bald in the M. E. church af Millbaim during last weak, under the supersisioa of Messrs. Luckenbach and Meyer, was a success. Over on# hundred singers were present, a large number of them being fram abroad. Mr*. Jehn Maize, an old lady of Mill baim. fell last week, aad broke ber leg al most at the hip. She is ia a critical coadi tiei. Look out fer the eld wagons and other nuisaaces, that are common on the streets of Millheim, as wall aa worthiest dogs. Keep them off of the streets and aavo trouble. It will pay you to gat a suit of elothas at Newman's cow, and lay it ovar fori next wiater if not wanted at this time. Hia prices have been reduced ao low that torn* are actually doing tbi*. Yau can not buy clothing as cheap anywhere in Centre county. A splendid No.—Gedey's Lady's Book for March. The ladies caanet do without it. Only $2 a year. Address, Godey's Lady's Beok Pub'g Co., 1006 Chestnut St , Fhiln. When court opened at Lock Hayen on Tuesday of laat weeks **7 ( lhe d>aily Journal, a juror was absent. The court was kept waiting for him twenty minutes, whan be made his appearance, giving as an excuse that ha eould not gat bia braak faat in time. Judge Orvia did not consid er thia excuse a sufficient ona, and finad the tardy juryman tan dollars- Thst was rather a costly breakfast, and the circum stance shows the importance of jurymen being in their places on time. Clothing msde to order at New man's by one of the boat tailors fram Phil adelphia. Best bargains in store goods at Hof far's, in Brockarhofl'a block. Farmers And it the bast plaee to get good prices for their produce and buy goods ehesp. We know whereof we speak, when WO say that the new Howe Sewing Ma chine is invaluable to mil households. St. Nicholas for March opens with a capital Arctic story, by Dr. Isaac I. Hayes l Tividly describing "An Adventure on an Iceberg"; and it contains as usual many other good things. $3 per annum. Scrib- Ber * Oct., publishers, Kew York, ROT, Fischer ha* had * pr,'tr*r:eil meeting golnr on in the George* \ alias I, 1 .utli. church, for nearly three This meeting has bean largely attended a all tha lime, anil many *c#ker eitor their '• aoul s salvation have come tarwurd ere * ating ona of the most interesting revival, , in that Motion. Ona of tha lady siagers from a dis- lance, while attending convention in { Millbaim, entered tha Uardwarestore and asked to see half gnitera Very groat ' har astonishment when being told that f Hardware men hard'y ever kept shea* tor * sal*. O blushes hide my far# ' ' The council of Millheim borough stands four Democrats and two Republi cans. That's hotter than 8 to 7 Tha school board has five Democrats and one Rtpublican. * One cf the mala singers had soar* . trouble to gain a hoarding place in MiM i heim, aim ply on ace*>uniof his unman * nerly ceeduct at the tab!#. Young man be wis* horeaftar, and show off decency i instead of had manaar*. —lf you want to gathar funds to at tend the great world's fhir in New \ork ia 1380, commence now to sava your stamp*. Kvarv family can manage to sae that fair free by tha savags that can be mndt ia purchasing groceries at Sech!era as you go along, yon can thus lav bv enough to pav far a nica tim# ia 1880 Bunnell A AihanasaMa 6 atop Or gan with 'diets of Ke*da for }.*• 00. -—Harper's M*gatir# for March of fer* an unusual variatv of matter to its million readers, while it contains no arti cla that ia not aapecially noteworthy ; and iU illustrations, of which there are eighty five, are rema-kable eiample* of the beet style ef wood-sngraving. The diseases of Babyhood are a> rapidly weakening that the quick**', means should b# used to check them Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is the unfailing reme dy for thai# complaints. Price 2b cts ed a supplement *.o the gaaie laws Not having seen it can not say what it con tains. Diags* intends en'.argaing his store room about April. For bargains call be tween this and that tuna. P. F. Keller, and family, accom panied by his mother, Mrs. Wm. Kaller, !*!t this place on Tuesday for Kansas. . Buttons, Thread, Hoe. Hanker-j chiefs. Scarfs, Gloves, Stationery Ac., ar# sold very reasonable at Dinges Centra Hall. All the standard patent medicines, pur# and fresh at Frank Green's, also a drugs, fancy and tol'et articles. In the Bush house block—most complete drug house in the centra! part of the state. The caw Howe Sewing are sold by A C. Moore. The great pop. u *riiv. aad superiority ,>fih:> ma< h nu is asserted by thousands who have them in daily use A g->d sewing mnchlrie is al most as i'ldispansaW# in a household now a day* it it a good cooking stow. OlEsa. Milesburg. Dinges carries the best assortment of Tobaccos and Cigars to be found it; Centre Hall. Read tha r.ew adrertisstuant of the Ballefonte Music Store. A little scow fall has bnen the or* der of tha day and night for tha last few days, aad served to patch up sleighing o that it is right goad now. Last yaar in North Carolina 28,0*1 •heep ware killed hy dogs. TOWNSHIP ELECTIONS. In Haines township tba following offi cers wsra elected: Justice, branklir. Dutwailer. Judga, J Harper. Inspector, J ; U Miller, Assessor, Sam'l Diahl. Scho>l, Directors, LD Kurtz H W Siover. Super visor, Aaran Weaver Dan:*! \k olt. Over seers, Jno Young Em. Cronmiller. Audi tor, H Philip*. Towaclark, D Rate. Cou slable, J H W its. In Walker lb* following were elected School Directors, T Hockman, I Strubie Constable, J C Clevanstina. Assessor, Ct Lash. Judge, tie between Wan Facnirgtor and E Mark!*. Inspectors, M K.'rman J S Zimmerman. Overseers, A Swar'.z S Peck- i ar. Supervisors, M Brumgard;R Thomp son. Auditor. 11 Baak. Townclerk, Wm Yearick Pann townihip elected the following I officers: Judge, E Karstatter Inspector*. J B Smith J J Ger.tzal School Diroctora, G NV Barter Jacob Saadars. Justice, of Peace, H E Duck. Supervisors, D EGent zal John Kantettar. Overseers, A P Zerby J W Moyer. Auditor. A J Harter. Clark, P H Stover. Assessor, Jacob Emtrick; Constable. D L Geary. The bore, ef Millbaim has 26 offices, which would nearly place one ia each family. The first election held oa 18 was quite spirited, and the following ar* the successful ones: Chief burgess. D L Zerby. Constable, M Limit. Assistant burgess, C W ilarimaa. Justice, Jacob Eisechutb. Towacouncil, Wm K Henna F Knarr Jonathan llarlar, W Mauck, S 8 Gutaliua, Elisha Campbell. School di rector*, A Huay W P Cotbarman, A C Muster S 11 Moyer W R \\ eiser. Thos Frank Overseers, Jao Stover Wm M iller Assessor, Jacob Alter. Judge, A Alexan der. Inspectors, O A Dainingar G W i Stovar jr. High cons;ab!a, J II 'Maize 1 Auditors, R A Ruiaiiler.JU F Miller, F I' Mussar. In Gragg the fallowing were elected : Juitice, Wm J Risbel Constable, R Kline. Judge, J P Beckman. Inspector*, Ja M Cliatick F F Jamesen. Supervisors, Daniel Bartge* Sam') Crawford. Overseers, F Zettle Denial Lose. School Directors, S J Herring Cyrus Lose. Assessor, Nets sr. Auditor, Joseph Smith. Town dark, David Bartgas. Tha following officers were elected in Milaa: Constable, Wm A Karlin. Super visors, J B Sbafer Cbas Brumgard.School Directors, Aust. Graruly N Brumgard Assessor, A £ Wolf. Auditor, Geo B Haines. Overiaars, Jno B Hostarman And Oekar. Judge, Jao Wolf. Inspectors, Benj Koytr Jasp Brumgard. Townclerk, J K Wabar. On Tuesday the following officers ware elected in Patter twp.: I Justice —Thos. McElroy. School Di rectors —Wm. B. Mingle, Jos. M. Gilli land. Supervisor*—Jas. Spangler, Geo. j Grossman. Oversaera— Robt. Lae, Wm. 1 Emeriak. Assessor—G. W Spangler. Auditor—W. W Royar. Townclerk Pater Smith. Constable —Wm. Carson. Northern precinct: Judge—Jno Grave, laspeclors—Jas. Alexander, D. BrUbin Southern precinct: W. W. Spangler. Inspectors— B. F. Bitner, Jas. M Clin tiek. Harris—Judge, W H Miller. Inspector, Samuel B Moor*. Supervisors, I' Kuhn S Brown. Overseer*, Tbo* Riley, Joha Meyers. School Directors, John H Mayers, James Osman. Assessor, Israel Young. Constable, Daniel Meyers. Auditor, J W Dinges. Clerk, G W Williams. College.—Judge, J II Mitchell. Inspec tors, J G Irvin J B Uartswick, Poor Overseers, Robert Kendall, David Dale School Directora, John W Shuey. Con stable, James Ray. Assessor, Cyrus Wes son. Auditor, TS Christ. Clerk, Thomas Dale. Ferguson, Old.—Judge, Henry Krebs. Inspectors, J Ward, Jno Musser, jr. Con* stable, Jas Millar. Assessor, Adam Buchar. School Directors, Robert Meek, SJ Gates, R G Brett. Poor Overseers, W A Tanger, Joseph Ileberling, Jr. Su pervisors, David Miller Geo Moyer. Auditor, Milea Walker. Clerk, J C Sam ple. Ferguson New—Judge, J W Ellenber* ger. Inspectors, W E Meek, W E Mc | DR. J. W. RHONE, Dentist, can he found al his offica arid rasidance on North side of High Street, three door* La-1 of Allegheny, Bouiufotita, Pa, 27 ftb t? d : l.r- ii it*, for the benefit of fho Li y j brai v of Progr#** Grange. I' of II , I i ■ , Rev Dr tVitrr, rr* - '1 cf l'er- n State H (' llega, at t'si fro ll" I'tie-Jux even rjnig, March 11, D7'.. m the Kvangeii l i-.ihuicli Subject, ' t D t'aldar * wo a nii*iena'v :i tcount' * oflhe t'a* !#tiali 'or fi year* an.l ha* a thorough s knewladg* of il . overnmenl, cu-tom .Vo.andk.-- eoture * 'halt true'ix o and j antarlnitong ■ x w rtH f! e |*ri* - .•! ad , . mitsion. , l'he Patrons l.u* v '" 'it the Ala*'tic r and Odd Fallowa' order- a cheerful liter ality. w. uld feel gratclul to them for n 1 enc-mrageuieat * d suppart they in iv 1 kindly give tha a' eel .ire The -tore oem formerly iveupiml by K ' Itiown en ft corner • : \Beghei v ! a: ! Riahop > , i IT ng mia". y T*. led up for M -r But -V v ei * l'l i* w ' t>e ahi p'ac# for lh r music store It i ' Ins ha< does nwrs I - ntroducc I rat r!s! * instrumaats than n> party bef-'re theax 1 I Tbuy are b mud to succeed in this line ' | and w# -a v e # uck t" it,en I ,.* niaiiy j#f our |ai'pl* have heen send:' g off aid j buy lag cheap u ume :• It don't pav , ' This firm we uadar-tai -1 buy on y tar cash r j from tha manufa tu--r- o t 1 -y can ju*t ' do as wall by cust-mie'* as a dealer in " Phil a -<r New \. rk 1 The a.'.ior e'n-s of Franklin tuid Marshall C'oUc lciivre*l their - ia* j lions, according to reectit eustiitn, on ! WashingtonV Imthd.ty anniversary. Aiuouj; the orations xxero the foiiow ing delivered by tVntre muinty stu | dents : "The Influence of t'larlts I Sumner." hv A 1.. t<ul ile.of I'eiin Hall ; "Idea's, ' b\ W. I*. 11. sternian, of Penn Hull; "liavi 11 ■ Hroderick, I hv Harvey Mus.*er, of Aaronshurg ; '• fl'.e Mission of Vnifti.'A," hy P. J. 1 Yonda, ot /.ion. Pa. Last Saturday evening the Alpha Literarv Society ! Penn Hall jjuve au eiitertaiiimeut xvlne'.i eoi c<l of orations, declatuat u . dial in strumental mu*:e, Ao. Mi 1". N. lieil er, the president of the Society, is an active and energetic young man, and he spared no pains to make it a sue*' cess. He also displayed considerable talent during lii" ekcreises of the evening. C. lx. N<tt also allowed,' that he p"-.-i*sed more than ordinary oratory talet. tieo, Musser, Frank Musser and C. Musser j t rfortned their dialogues with great credit to them selves. and xxerv greutly applaudeil bv the audfbuce. J. W. Bartages, xxh(.' edited "The Broad Ave," read bi paper in a vcrv distinct manner. Prof.', l>. M. Wolf is to be credited for the 1 able manner in which a'l the members . of the society performed their allotted parts, and show-tL.xt t! ey have hati thorough training. Sri.'CTATOR, M.4KUIi:i). tlr. the 20th ui<., al S'.nt- * 11-'K*. Lv R.-v. -latr.c* CaMer, D 1* . if • W am Hanrv Bo " ' "i w Sh *r-J kl ; Margaret K :• u *' Centre lur-l : uace j •n 13, by Rav D. i :c*". J** 8. uocb, of Now Boelin, • t Magg dottg :er sn 1 Jacob Gepharl of M. i.tun. Illll). On the 2 I in*:, in W ker towns p. thi* county. Su-mn-, w•• - "mn Moist. | agn-1 . 2 year*. <• i*o,: * si. '. 1 > Jay. On the 12'h • :. Jario** Al2#s. i >n of \\ liiiam an.! K a J -uan, : ear f-a - ville. ageJ 7 y ea-.- 7 m'nth* anJ 4 days. , <)■ 17, in Madiaonburg, Krsreat. tn <.f 1 j John ticker, aged 2 y ar , 1' inunir s ar.d I o day • Dn Feb 24. :, M cim. . f Catarrh. ' M innie t rene, daughter \r. t m 1 Sarah May#-, aged * out I t: ' - IN THE ORPHAN COURT OF CENTIME CODNTT. The auditor app untf 1 bv said C.urt to pa*a utN>n lb-- exception fbed to tba ac*( , count of Dams' F r.,t , r executor *f Ac i of Josiah Boxer dec:ieit. and distribute the (un<l to those e sit e.! s ' receive tha , aame, will ma-i n'. partia* interealod, far I said purpo*#. a: f• . m lie. lie, . : .n Tuoaday. tha ! s :b day of Slarcb, A. D. ; 18? J. at 10 o clock, a :i W.T. RE BER, , ! 27 f*V 3: Auditor. ; AUDITOR • NOTICE.— \ j Estate of llnr.. S. S. Wo!', deceased j The und#r*igned an A Ir.or a: |.-*iQtad by the Orphan s Court, t" ili:ribut" lh lund in the haads *f t " admin strator* of raid estate, will alter. '. to tt.-- .'.utic* of h appointment, at h.- ' ■ "ii I'.* Icfonte, n J 22d day of March, l s 7t. at b> a ni . when ( and where all t-er-on* titcrested may at- - tend J. L M'ANGLKK, 27 fab td Auditor. Spring Mills Market. 1 Wheat 92. , Rye. 45c. Corn, ears, per bu. new, .4 i Oat-, 22c Buckwheat, 75c. Cloversecd, i! "At-■ 5 ~5 Chop, per ton, $20.00. Plaxter. ground per ton, SIO.OO Flour, per Go 2 i j tk) Butter, 1.7 c. Tallow. 6c. , Ham. 8c Bhauldar*. 4c Cleati Bide, 4}p. Rag*. 2-. Egg* per dnz , 12c. Tub washed wool 3.V. Packed butter worked over, 10c. Coal. Retail. Bv Car. Grofs Egg. 84 65 $4 30 Stove. 8.71 X) $4 60 (fheatnut. $4 25 8 '• 80 Pea, $2 90 0256 Lewisb'rg, Centre <■ Sj nice Creek ItR WF.-TWA RD. 1 3 A r.ZAvr xxr e _xr pss Vtoniandon i'W 1 C2O Lewisburg 7.1 > 2 ISO C'..burn 9-26 Arr at Spring Mill* 950 EASTWARD. a i I.KAVZ A XI AM r M 1 Spring Mills 10 10 l ('•■buso 1" -''s Lewial.urg 1 27 12 47 5. t > Arr at Montandon 650 1 •*' fi'X' Nr.* 1 and 2connect at Montand II Erie Mail, west on the Ptnl. il].li ia aid E'ie K. K. Not. Hand 1 with I)vy Kxprcs* aatt and Niagara Kzprea* west Not.s and <! with Kat Line wast. 1 Nervous DehiWty! Nervous Debility! Debility, a depre**ad. irritable *tat" <-f i mind a weak, nervnua. exha.i'e.l feeling, n> energy or,. in, cnfu*ed head, waak memory, the conte.|uen. s of exiea *e, mental overwork Tni nervou* de bility find- a *over#ign . ure in E F Kun k*l> Biiter Wine of Iron. It tone* the ytem, dipe! tiie mental gloom and da tpoadenry, and rejuvoni.'e- tfiu entire sys tem Gel the genuine. Take only E F. Kunkel'*, it ha* a y> ! .i wrapw-r around it. bi* photograph on ouuida Prii'e, $1 (XI per boUlu. or I for $.7 (X). A-k x*"ur druggist for it, end if ho ha it not get of ih Proprietor. 2-7'J N Ninth St., Pbi'a-' deipl.ia Pa Advice free, by cncloailig three-rent slump. WORMS WORMS WORMS. 1 K F Kunkel's Worm Syrup never fails to destroy I'm. Seat, and Stomach Worms. Dr. Kunkel. tlie only *ucc-s --ful physician who removes Tape Worm in two hours, alive with head, and no fea un til removed {Common sense leaches i! Tape Worms be raw >ved all other worm* can bo readily destroyed. Auvito at of fice and store, free The doctor caa t#U whether or not the patient ha* worms. . Thousands are dying daily, with worms, and d • not know it. Fits, sptsms, cramps, choking and suffocation, sallow complex ion, circles around the eyes, swelling aud • pain ia the stomach, restless at night, grinding of the teeth, picking at the nose, ' cough, fever, itching at the seat, lined ache, foul breath, th patient grows pale and thin, tickling and irritation In the an , us, —all these matOBM, and more, como from worms b. F Kunkel's Worm Syr ' up never tails to remove tbeiJi. I'm • i 81 00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5 00. (For Tape Worm, write and consult tho ' Doctor.) For all others, buy of your drug gist the Worm Syrup and if hu has it not, send to Dr. E F Kunkel, 25'J N. Ninth • B'reet, Philadelphia, Pa Advice by mail, free ; send three-cent stamp. 21) feb 4t . MITIIIa II O P FOR KE N rp' The undersigned has a dwelling housei j and smith shop tor rent. A good Black-1 , smith with a small family can learu of a| , good location for business, by calling on 1 WM. COLIKK, I 27 fob 1 m PoUor twp. I I- OIUJAN INDICATION. , 'l'l l* dedicating ceremonies •>! t'' * 1 r■ u* I*, 1i: v l wit I M<ru i i hi* O( *^'• 1 h *' r ill i ur. ti near Carta*! Mill* or * Siibilli ifMlni I<| . 19th lb* wijitl I n• •! .iu-il. IB* ebon tb*H NMWN *1 r antlum wtilt Mm Krpi' soloist I 11, r lortner pm-tor, lie* Sbeouiskor. ' tiroio In- I mid at lb* conclusion of lb" • an'ti, a josier. at. I In nil, lie*. Kar at lb* orfM Ti.c em met *1 idlectiotUwat alrco# enough in psv ll" 1 enure debt. HunneU A Atari" liavo ell the !t"' ' and t ail songs ! | > KCKIPTM UNO BXPI NDITUHI 8 I t til t'rlrli* muni* frolu Jeuuai* 1.1, la, s loilat s' * I•! la.- 1 | A Trees. *f Uenli* l o laa la 1 I'll 1. I, mat It Kla aa a .'an I . . } 61, TOO i 1.. tin e*e#*t*d la.a ... 98,9769 I'd t esti re. #:sU ef County i OMMhtUIM SI,Nil •' I'll ami mod far tiedsni ption I a v- ibJ 4 To-in! re. d Inr lain on I S 1.a8.U 1,i169 l'e ami rec d Inr I H Lands .*l.l - 1S ' * ' I\> Count* *r Jar Inr Ira! duo J. I. la:a 1.19W I' a anc# '*•'* -' Tote' f M7.V79 7I Jan 9, 1879 CH 11* ha', ttl selCemenl Jan I, I V- f l.l'>n* Itv t uttl.v warrants paid 61...a>9l lit outstanding lata* Jan 1 79 1)0,162'.". M* axon ratmii* m colleoli r ~ I .. Hv r-anun !t>! I,."fa -1l r salary 2.OUHW It* •utionerr 10W IS* an ' Ira -ferred In Allor urn for collodion 852 42 i Tn'a! ... $ 117,970 71 Jan 6, 1879 11* balance du* Treasurer al lo'dlriui-nl $ 8".'4 - ■ I) A MVSBEK, Treasurer ol Coutr. county, in account with ibt Common: wealth f Pelinsyleehie. IJ an it, 1879 "H l'o n. itttir tin* Mala at aotl tnr: 1J a' 1 la> 5 1,882 4* T t ut'nrCna :nri .lan I 8 4 1821*- r,.*d lur la.a 2I >8 ' To special tsx received ef Col lectors fur I*7- 19 21 j ' ToUl * 8 mSmi] J alt > 1879 lob*. due Sta'.o at scltlem't I'll ' Jan it. I>"9 CH 1 it* outstanding tat Jan 1, la: 'f 4* 1 M H Sia'.e Ireaeurer receipts S.UUOU', H* Treasurer a commission ... K * oimrralH)# lo C'ollfclou Bv commiiaion - '1 '■ Ualanc* - - D 18b I Tt la!. 8 8.0 4' Wo tho undersigned 6ad .• of Onli* Icountv tin hereby certify lhat w* have at amino 1 11.0 abor • aft'oiiiib ol 11. A Mus •or. Troaauror . f Contra coaaij, aarl find them correct Wild*** . ar hands and teal* tbi* laih d* of J.nuart, A D 1P79 , JAMKS 1 STUAHI >*a!) <t!J' It WILLIAM" s <"* AudiUrt. , 11 JA -M ISUN ~ -ra. I K \ PEN I'ITCRES. i' uittitAfcU*!;* r r*?. A • jr- r li r* g balar.t a iw ftH tnrr. f '7S $•4 126 > t-At II AM g n balance TT si al I #r* rt it 688 08618 I J X 11a' bal TT. i r- r at iSTa. .• tat Ola 34 n Beck, Cninm• 4 ion- , I art' Clara tar *.cetlSTd TiO—2,'tW I>l ,lur* C imniittioner*. a.l MiU'UoK. i*rv.crJ "J1 04 11 Kr rtcr*.i. ~H I !1 Bo - aorVoa a dork > • . turn* A idil'Tt. W M Ka-lali* kr • 5 ''W , \ J (Jr.atl -arv i ot tkt IW Jon Gill! and J 'U9 C L II * On .art rt ..Clark 0000-IJO lnipn vcmont and Hooair*. Joha D Liab, lumbar | c- ; .V) for Jan - . J J Mr Doruiot, I *mn and -trim for jail 31 W D H (iot*a, liglilittng 1 rod.CH -X.OO I ion t A Lnnba'aor. (•amling dnui* Court I houtr ol 00 L A Straub, work al C ;J bout* - 17 lo (too Tale work at C 11 .90 1 W p Tt*umir, uaning C ti 37.78 1 J 11 Follenbaum, r. r.tinri furnace for jj j t 20 io—-40 M Court Eiprnti'. Jurort' par f n.Ol'J 80 . Comme* ara'lh C 'tt.- 4. * '4l J II Voaburg, Court lt*t'n r It'iOO J 1 lln£*rmaa Court Reporter - 10.00 II CJelbraiili, Court eri * r - 112 00 B Cialbreiib. janitor... J. J U0—492 (O Tiptlate* pay 'jbl 00 M J Holan. -oecial de lacti*'' - IVI Oft L W Murmon, Court pr.rclamatior.i - WOO L \V Mwt.ton, tummtn ir jj ;urort 1Kt.80—11,328 00 ORUIN AKY KX FENCES." j' Q<)b: Mcknight gat bill* for Court tiuutnand 4 ail 8 180(VI . J K A C T Aiai*ad*r ct*i J H Dobbin*. 61 D. medtcai tort tent 1(0 lO Agricultural Society appropri alien - 100 CO Woatern Penitentiary for keepingc tneic:* . 401 70 Intan* Anylutn. Danril!* keep iog .atari* 2,I'JC 3". Atnetnor* pay 1,268*3 , K"*tl eiew* 918 |n Election e|ten*et l.lkk* 11 Intiiranr* n public building* T— rhoi* InatitiHo 18881, Agaew Mnore, ltal. en jail cniract • Heal Lntat# pid Sheriff'* feat on i-a iern* prO"*rt Sca'p prcn. .urn* paid - 9®2 00 Cnmtahlo'a pay J'J2 ll' R.tad (lain a get paid to Samuel \V (rardner Premium* I* Cellecter* 26 00 letj'ientn nr: dead botlte* C M Bower, C'lmniiitoi.ern Attorney - 75 Of l . Running turnpike line be tw.-en H 'ggt. Hurnt-'de and Snot* Shoe - 188 00 Harria towiiktup paid on f ire < 'i.inni i-tt -n 20 00j D A M, Ircn, bal. due la>t e .r IM8 f 81 Cemiiiii'ili l aid A Hot aey* on collactionn - 94 44 Intaraft (taid on i <an 3,'Jl'J 93 Citrnmiaaiun* on Lunacy. 88 50 L W Minn in Sheritl on ac count - 2,948 88 D K I'ertnav auditing County offlt era' account* 3#fXlj H Y Stitr.iir. itatumery Com mtion#ra' office 22191 F P Muotr, trantcribing U S land lax 4 Off Atlnrni eipreu Co., paid freight 3 hi Then fiiird'ia, returned tax on I S land* 400 K J D -ak. pnintiiig cut* Sur *PVra offi * 60 A Wiltinma. blank book* I'ro llli.untarv elfire 103 70 A Wiiiiain*. tlaliunery for Proth'y office 16 00 A William* ami bill feet rend 24'J 68 L A Streub, repairing C'om mittionera yault. 8 87 j J 61 Kei hltna, water tax C 11 and j til '77 126 00 P P Blair, clock for Commit** ion em'office 2 00 Jj la Hall, cjpente fo M illheiui I bridge 3 IK', J N llall, delifaring dupli tnta* It 88 •I X Hull, xpent* to Muthan- I r.op .. 640 J X Hall, i expente to 61o tbannon bridge 3 00 J X Hall, deliveiing election paper* 3 0b J X Hall, ex|i*ii* to Spring Mill. 30d A Gregg, expente to Port Ma tilda bridge 350 f r, 'Kg. delivering uiteiun'tt 2 00 " " 100 duplicate... 5 00 " i ex. to Mohannon bridge 3 Of' A Gregg, expense* seeing eoL lactam 600 Refunding tax 134 58 " unseated land* 592(8.1 Redemption " " " 368 08 . Bill* and note* paid 13,349 14 Bridge*. IBridgo vi*wt - 7100 'l Millheim Bridge. j8 Bms¥3JrBKineb7A,,w.,.-w...t.. RflCSl .The l all Season for Ilio .year 1878 is now opening and a New and EXCELLENT STOCK OF FALL AND W INTER GOODe IS COMING IN \T (il'( JU I'.N 11 EIM LH A CO. 'S, CKNTKE liALL, and wbtcb will b aold at IX)WEST FIGURES. They have tn imtuena# nook aod well AMortcd in every line. IBM HAV| Press Good*, Clothing, LLALX Cap*, Hoots SIIOPS. Notions, , i£c.. (it Lowest . " I i WILL UK TO YOUR INTEIIICST TO "PATRONIZE YOUR HOME MERCHANTS," INSTEAD OF GOING AWAY FROM HOME. GIVE US A CALL IM M EDI ATI T. KEEPS THE REST SOLE LEATHER-VERY CHEAP. ISAAC GIKiOENH h J M KK —-—--- - - - ■ , 11 D V eager contractor .. Murray, Doug* A Ca 725 0 Mothannon Itr idge S llrugger engieeer 122 3 I K Sparing contractor 8H • U Sprii £ M III* itildge, ■4 tiruggi r engineer... 70 01 t| ut ial Dl ugal AI 'o 719" John I altlrmi cuntrai lf tKVltk t'llli'BTlll* Itfidg*. • W F 'mcv c.uitracier ... bt,k I • Jnnet planking tor Port Ma'tlda bridge 100(1 I I. Spering renairt Howard dam In idge .. 12 5C ' Xeaftnan plaiikt llvward ■lata bridge ( - i, Sctieack |< a'i kt^t-iward .Ig'e bridge 10 45 I' I* Jones repair* at MtUt* burg bridga SO (4J V H Reese repair* at Pert Matilda bridge IT 00 H D 1 eager Paint tig Porks hi nig" ... .. 6 (10 II C Holler repairs al H ws'd dam bridge 2 60 I C Cook pi an k tor I! Ward dam binig" •. 1980 II A 6! tig a pav to Philips!) g ldisi delifaring dupli cates 16' i*' tl V Mirigleexpen** U Miltce H (*) i oraniin'. uiar* expente* to l'Utlipsburg 19 00 I'euimistionere expanse to port Matilda and Lo- k 111 tea - 15 25 llati' v Hei k entering IT 1 cat** in Indictment Docket 22 88 11 Heck delivering asaeetmeeU 12 60 dupln at**.. 7 lb telegram and hatchet , Fare for priaoner* Ac 1 6* I. L deck cops i g regislratieat 10 Id) IP.MI.KKCU 1 i* 1) Kverhart repairii g flour in Commistieners office 1 00 Haves Colter A C- , ca-l ng for turaac* JC 6" I Jo* Devling roviaiag ** • list.. 3 50 wark un V. S land i book 10(8) I! rt. r A Kline soap *r C H 1 15 I A Sustman gr*" s#d fur C 11 I yard 20 Ja Harris A Co rake for C H ■ ya-d 7O la's Welch A CV Stationery. 2di Rubber typa C stamp for Traaaurer s office ... 1 l*i Jno Spongier use of b- at* lur bold g Appeal# "i I*' I) Uarman meals for Jurors C M 1 j no T Johnson pottage, snrrl. ope. Ac.... - 29 79 Mrs Ha! *r cleaning Cornm:t *io r ar. effic* 1 25 Uoe-ea' A Teller meals for I 900 I! J Haoiit box pans 2 00) ' Pal He ey reui-rirg asi.os C II aaJla.: 8181 C )l Read ink and aland for ■ Con rs office 100 |) M Treasurer nlfer -1- ag I S lead* nis • ■'d 160 I*l TJ Lee repairing locks C 11. 150 \ i'-aa A M loir na. for c h 4 m Ira c Mil. hall (i srnsf Ir.i 11 P. K 4 S*>iih repair# a! C H 2 50! J AS M lory repair t.g '.* at (' II F P Muster Iraki g duplicate* 16 00 D A M Treasurer 1( tract* l" S Und m l C >ui ty 387 79 Luce- A Garbrirk 1 e for C 11 2 3-. Wit Ma'indei l be k 1 . ,5 D K Gene work at dome C 11 2 30 1> Uarman delivering *i*C i ni paper* - 400 \f llart*nan scr.ibbi' f efflca* 1 f*i \\ Mann Appeerance docket. lTi* l W F Heeler clerk C- agr**' • tonal return* 400 1 C M i 1 *'! i erk Senetnria! -e: |MM .. 888 W 11 11 - - it,gregsi.inal .*• lure lu ige 160 \V F Ree' er sei a! elura lodge ..... 1 -8). W - Wi.lf Judicial retura Judge .. .. ...... -hm. lo 10 Rebe a' d Rankin C *'k gen • •a' e •■•lo.n count 10 QU 14 A William* glanng ai C II 2 iVi J S Persona sa'e fee 1 Wb A Brew A 8. n bill for paper ing 1 11 - * 60j 1S- I le'r repairing pipes Ac 4 35 J ! .r As ■! bdl UIO-llciß* at. ail .. • - 00, lleu-ea! A Teller ni'i'.i for Juror* 6 J3 J 61 Reel.' re water tax C H .. -T8 ... 125 00 F P M ,oi>r rxprcsa vtsiliag i olleclors .... - 468 W A Tobias hook* fur Ra pnrder"* office 6 96' Jne M Ho'u. U . ep* ring rai ge at jail 0 Nor* MrAllistar washing f"t pr swears 8 W) l'enra K RCo !- ght on fir* back at ta 1 • 11l J Reynolds A Bon Cre br ck al 'ail 200 W S Galbrailh rrfairirig pipe* *l Jail ... 4 00 Wilton A MiKir'sr.s wall brush aljail 66 Geo O xse repairing furatca at ,*5 6 30 Pal Kellty removing ashes al jail - 4 00 J Reynolds A Son water back al iat! - T 50 Jno I) Laib for lumbar al jail. 2 80 Alex Green cleaning pipes 2 I* l J N Shoi.a work on range " 2 00, Adam* F.x Co C(I D bill bead cuffs Ac at jail 29 75, J 1! FoManbaum repairing lock* el jail ... ..., 8 60: F Ueschner repairing shackles at jail 1 <k Jno MrDermoat work at CMS pool a! iail 4 00 ( W S (falbraith fur plumbing at jail 7 00 Jnn McDormot repairing oan atjad Il'i Jnollufler c oining for pris oner- .1 jail W F Rev n.dd* for wood at jail 27 60 H A William* glaring 5 3d Jno M'Dermot for work " 16)80 Printing Bill*. [P Gray Meek bill 14 7 85 KT Tutor, 214 ft*. F Kiirtx " 137 66 F I. Hurler 11019 j Bender A Back 1H ott Walter A Detninger hill 134 50 Howard Barnes printing Mer cantile Appraiser'* lia: 40 00 Total Expenditures 851,760 94 jL \Y M 1" XSOX. Sheriff January 1 18T9 DR. !To County •>'der* paid y0u.... J. 922 9-- l To fines and coil collected. 112 (Jft S3 086 33 Toba'anc* dueCouatv $293 21 CK, By b*l at setllemi nt Jen 1 'T- $ 622 98 | By protest fee on Lmglo net* ! pai l 519 i By bill sundi ies fssr jail - 38 t>s By boarding prisoners 261'*} day- nt 1 By C 'Snmonwraith costs fr• tn j d ck. t 147 72 R Turnkey te** ft) ft) By conyeying 8 prisoners to Penitentiary— 210 00 Rv conveying 4 to Insane Hospital 100 00 Br su iiiiu nirg .*>lß Jurors at April, Augu*t, Nov, and January l euru lb" By notifying Tr verse Juror* not lo come (twicei- - 1000 Bv avi>rliing Court Procla mation* - 88 00 Bv advertising Election Proc lamation* 174 26 Balance 293 24 Total— $8,035 33 STiTt of pKSKSy I.V AN IA, 1 cq (J|WTM C- i n rr i We tlie undersigned. Auditor* of Cen tra county, do hereby certify that i pur uanrs of an Act of Assembly antltloif ■ An /set relating to Counties and Town -hip-, and County and TownshipOfflcers." Wo met at ttio Commitsioner*' office Bel efnnta, on the Ist Monday In Janua ry 187'J and did and it, and settle, and ad jut! tho several accounts, tot tortn in the , forgoing statement. In witness whereof, we li#t* hareuato set our hands and seals, this llßh d*T of I January, A. P., 1879 i Jamks T Stkwart, [Seel]) , Gr.o tt. Williams, 1 Meali Auditor*. T. B. Jamison, [.ffoel] I , Cksthb Cov NTT, SS Wo the undersigned, Commitsioners ol i Centra county, do hereby certify that the ( torgtiing is a true aud co'rect st*tail\enl o| , the receipts and expenditure* of aaid ( County, from the Ist el January, 1878, tc I the lit of January, 1879. ANPKICW UKIUO, Ggoßun Swab, ) Jacob Dcnklk t oiuuiitdoaere. i Attffit: ii n, Utfi.Tc, Cris;B, (hi OI"TBTANDING TAXES DUE BY i*l COLLECTORS. j 1871. II Can..a, BelDfonta 207 28 - 207 * 11 1H72 IJohn Ward. Hal! Moon. 2M91 DR -bh, Liberty 14 52 271 4k 12! 1873 si Che'!** Ilrnwn,llellafente 390 76 ki J••*eph K"t. Spr ag ll>2 07 ll) Malaga, itogg* 18 06 LCRr-ancb, Marion 144 07— 979 9t *'! IBT4 "-r-sapii Fox, Re lefoate... 973 11 " Wm Riddles Phllipib'rg M 6 93 •D Tobn, Hermer '.23 52 ° F Ker. boff, Curlla 123 -J* \V a, Crs.. Half Mixta Hbs H II M Wilcox, Ruth 658 II II 1) Y-ag*r, Haow Shoe 125 75 - 2868 36 b 1*75 ("has Brown, Hellifonie... 1438 08 " .1 P Shop*, Mileeburg... 231 86 .. H L Itarahart, Boggt .... 103 88 John T Lucas Curti....... 49 12 . II II Wlloex, Ru*ti 79 74 ,1 a* Walton, Snow Stioe„ 84 lift— 1984 27 „i 1876 U l.l I! Morrison. BellefoaU.l3ll (.2 ,'T M llall. M ilvsburg .... 144 37 W (' M'Culcheoa, Phil iptburg ..... 227 69 C piehl, Howard 80r0... 7*6# 1 I C Vkelkor. Ilegrs 3 f > 68 , Willieui Mann. C'urtin... 168 07 J 1' Mewart, Harris 124 37 1 •Jno A Stover, Liberty.. 148 78 l> Herier, Marion 632 90 Wm Wetser, Perm 681 73 G W Koch, P011er...... 77108 , Fll lU'e, Rush 46 71 ' John Roll, Spring 683 66 ' Joke II Heck. Walker... 19 70- 606191 * ! '877 I *R L Shirk-Mi!eburg... 17' 22 •J Gonon— Philiptburg 2bl 66 ' •!! (' Holier—Howard It 201 87 ' It W Auirnerman—Un .. ionvile W 17 •I Siver -llenner— 834 96 •J l Walk*-—Hegg* , 777 63 •M Muteer—Ceilaga..... .. 937 92 ' C Siarer—Curtia 179 47 . * W 11 Fry—Ferguson..FJtkß i9j F D Ho*ternian—Gregg 38 ' •Joli# M*n Hern* 3(d! 74 Geerg* Gentamar— Half ' Mo m 449 54 *D W Kline Huston ;9 77 *.l M Kline—Howard 422'.*) ' • I'avi t ltebb Liberty ' - 4 , *D W Orr-Mariea 461 87 J"*! M'irri#—Mile# Iti7 W rC \V K Gr*y Fallon... 510 86 *Wm 8B)lib Pane 359 29 •He ,rv Mwab—Potter...lo-18 37 F H l,1e-Hush 353 29 •II J Tibbin* Spritg 1316 94 IJo# Thompson S Shoe... It** 70 | Wm Mit'er-Tavlor 9U SI *J T Dunkle—Walker... 762 04 Wll William* Worth 110 09-13276 67 f 1878 •Win Jone* Bell*font*..Bi'lo 24 iKH Parr— Mite-burg 428 4h K. O M.ttera—Pbitlnsb g 770 9? "-amßricklev—Howard Boro - 30j 12 Chet Smith. Sr-l'niea . till* Ifß 86 *Tbn* Prr.lue-BmMC 1661 14 KJ Bte* - B..rnsid*..„.. 130 41 i.l C Waiker —iloggt_„.._l 15" 23 "Jahn A Kupp C"!l*g* s6ls 19 Henry Theil- Curtm 2 86 l.>hti H (vale* Fergu*oa JJ949 76 •C P L-Usell (iregf ...—'(3 63 •D 11 K"le Haines 18(12 67 •J n > Carper, J • Harr*_li97 15 :• Ki i* Lytle—Halt M000.1U89Q6 John Craig llutt m 466 88 •J M Ktir* 11 ward 816 to", •1 M Be- *w • Übrl| BM 44 •Win Irwin Maren 1337 14 ,< •U.t.*n Grim*. 1697 14 I •Wm Treetler—Patun...l2"l 39 i John [> Fete —P*nß ..3062 07 i •J as C B sal—Potter 3629 31 Fll Dei. Hush 798 2b '< •A J Matrix-Soriag 2'F*6 81 ( J *1 k mpM'ti—B bh0e.,.'.349 51 I >iT 1 ll'-exer -Taylor"... 425 24 i 55 m Spoils —Union 2. C lj •Cine Zimmerman— ] 55 aiker 2i*f..V) •Sain'l Steveat—Wortb.. 280 87—60756 34 Total taxetoui-tanding $66114 06 Marked * paid part since #e'.ti#fT)*3' Marked * paid full sino* s(l|Ua.*c| ! FINANCIAL F-XHIBIT of Centre Co ! January 1. 1879 DR ITo total and bend* outstand ing 66712 90 Tit btlanr* du* D A Muster, Trenurer 624 27 To b* anc* du* Murray, Deu g.l A Co 1264 40 Ti< balance du* And Gregg. Commissioner - 12 2^ Total "rSiii! To ba'anre due by County $9716 56 Cu. By notes held by C0m'r..2297 67 By amount tn hands of Attor ney# for collection. 2726 79 Bv ixes outstanding January 1,187.1 66114 06; By ataount du* from bor uugbt and township* tor keeping insee* a* below Pdilifseburg tec rough ... 21HA 22 Banner T iwnsbip 136 97 Spring Tnwatbip .1639 99 M ..0-burg Boroigh 362 90 Huston Towhtbip ffi*' 40 Kellefont* Boroegh 1023 A8 Perl*rage estate 70 00 I'a ton Township 10 52 jCo !*k* TowLtbip 123 23 — 6<X>B 81 \ Amount da* fri ra Clear held Co ...H46 Bf' Am t ou* from Harrii twp. Fir* eoamilon... 7*oo 1 Valve of real estate bought en er't of debts 461 89 Baiance due from L W M union. Sheriff 293 24 ( Balance - .9715 69 Tetal ~ 81 I uHh BLA IB LIN X. ft Atteraey-at-Law, i Olfic* on Allaghony St , llellafoate, Pa. i 27 fob if DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR REST. The well known stara aland at Parraar't j Mill*, with dwelling house, barn, *ad out- 1 , buildings, and about twenty (30) aere* of! , farming land it offered for rent Tbi* i* a capital cbance to open up business. For ) particulars call vn or address J It FISHER, I 16j*a If. Penn Hall, Pa. TSYO VALUABLE FARMS AT I )RIVATE SALE !- The (arm* art ait- j > .leted in Ptter township. Centre coanly. I' . fcbeut two miles oulhwst of Centre ' Hall, and about one mi e w**t of the "Old i Firt," in the heart of Penn* Valley. I X" 1 containing 215 if RI.V more or le. Annul 176 acres eieared, ami 4(1 acre* well' timbered with thrifty white oek, large' ' BRICK HOUSE. BANK BARN (aew, ''9ox4s feet. Wash House, RtkeHeus*. tad I outhuiidiags, all it good repair, aud aa; OKCU ARD of choice fruit. X" 2 containing 269 H KliS, more or Irtu. : A bout 290 ncree cleared, and 59 aero* well' J timbered with thrifty white oak, mostly ; ' heavy, large BRICK HOUSE, BANK ( HA UN (new) 85x49 feet. Wash Houee.i ; Wagon Shed, Corn Cnt> and other out building*. running vyatar at tba house and ; at tho barn, and a I.AKGK ORCHARD. The tarm* are under good cultivation ; , first rjualuy limestoae land, end twe of the best and meat desirable farms in Penn* .'Valley. The Lewisburg, Centre and Spruce Creak Railroad i* graded through , one of the farms, aud whon finished will J have neare*t Station at "Old Fort." Will be told vary lew if applicaliee be made " -non to ADAM UOY. 0 feb 4t Ballefonte. Conine fyutpj, fa INQUEST NOTICE.— In the matter of 1 ihe estate of Abraham Reber, deceased, . late of Miles township. Centrecouaiy, Pa- Tit Polli# Reber, George Keber. Micha* el Reber, Lyilm Zchner, (tee. H Zebner, . Margaret Wieland, Geo. Washington . Wieland, Eve Reb> r, Annie Kern* aad J. t . F Kerns, the heir* and legal repra*nt*- tirr* of Aliraham Rebor, deceased. 0 Take notice that by virtu* of a writ of ,f Partition issued out of the Orphan'* Court of Centre couatv and to me directed an Inquest will be held at the late residence of Abraham Reber. deceased, in the town ship ol Mile*, and county of Cintro, on Tuesday the 11th day of Marph, A- D ,f 1879. at ten o'clock. %. m,, af uid day. for p the purpoia of making partition ot the ,f ruat estate of said daceasad, to and among j hi* beir* and legal representative*, if the 0 same can he dune without prejudice to or spoiling of tbe whole, otherwise to value and appraise the same according to law, al which tune and place you may be pres ent i( you think preper SherifT* Office. ) JONH Si'ANGLKR, B. I*font*, Pa. > Sheriff. Fcbfukny 7, '79, Jl3 Mll *■ , ~ HAIIItY K. HICKS, Htj 7 iv (Sucoeaoor to T. A. Hicka A. Bro.) WUOLKBALK A RETAIL DEALER IN Hardware* Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass, jruiiy, &c., &e* W Alio ban tbe agency of (be Nautb Bend Chilled riiu for tbi* eonnty.^Bd ' I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY PART' 7 JA7 ELL- .HE SAME QUALITY OF GOODS PENS* VALLEY ISSTITCTE t Th, spring trttma of tbi* Beleet ftehooi will b, opened un tbe 14ih of April next in tbe Public ttchoel building al Cantr* Mall It# p'easent >ituatiua. cantral po-i --lion aad eesr ac u*s t. grihrr with abuad eat acrnattuodelu>n* end e thorough liter ary and classical court* of study, make this a deaireble school for pe.twnt from e dislaar* Boardiag can be had al very reasonable rales. Tuition frem 4l* 8 gof lars. For particulars addrae* 11. P. ill TN kb. A 8., Pria. fab'JO 8t l'ena Hal!. Pa. INQUEST NOTICE - lu tbe matter of tea estate ef Christ aa N*ve. deceased let* ef Penn township, Cntre 'intv. Pa To Jacob Neese ot Penn Us Koxa both Xeese, Celhoriae Peidler, Wm Nees* (of Millbeimk, Samuel Name, Kmaauel Xeese. Khxaiieth Alexander. Harriet N*h*>. Jacob Xeese (of tipriag Mill*), JeLfc Xce.e Sarah Oroya. Win Grove. Rebecca Moyer, Henry Meyer, Wiilard Xeese, Klmer Xeese aad J. J Harteaugb, guardian of tbe said Wiilard; Neeee and Klruer Xeese. l'eler Nees# Samuel Xeetr. William Neeee of Pennj Hall) James See**, Catharine OenUel.l James D Gensrel, TUoraa* J. Nome. Alexander 55 Ness*. Mary Jena Smith, Sila* Smith, Wm h ri, Michael Xeer hoad, Leah \V haebill, Thoma* Whitehill Rrbecr* Reuey, John B< uey. Calheria* Aly, David Aly, A K Xearhood, Lara ru* H. Xaarbowd. John Oeary, Mar, Boavar, Samuel Beaver. C'bnetian Moyer, Aadraw Moyer aad David Gaery, th* br* end legal reprasecutliT** ef Cbrie tian Xneee, deceased : Take notice that by virtu* ef a writ of' partition itsued eat of th* Orphan's Ooun of Centra couatv, and to ta* directed, an 1 inquest will t>* held at tbe lata rmidatc* of Christian Neeee. deceased, ia the town-1 ship of Penn, and couaiy of Cnlra. on Wednesday, the 12th day ol March. ▲. D 1879. at ten o'clock, a m , of seid de? for the purpose of making partition of the real estate of said deceased, to and imoig her heir* sad logs! representative*, if the same can be don# without prejudice to or • polling of tie whole, olbei wno to value and appraise the same arsordiag t law,! al which time ead place you may be pre lect if vou think proper Sher ffi. UUtre. ) JOHN SPANGLKR ; Meltefoat* Pa. 6hariff. February 1, TV J 13 feb 4t ! I IN THE ORPHAN'S COURT OF CENTRE COUNTY - la the matter of the petition ef Samuel J Herring. *t al, fur citation oa tbe heir*, and legal representative* of Peter Durvl, dee d, to shew cause why spacific perfor mac* of coatrart tbould aot bo daprapd The undersigned, a cetnmiii-übet appoint ed lo uk* ta*t,u,onj( of toe petitioners end til other testimony if found, hereby give* notice lhat be will meet the parti#- inter ested, at bis office, in italteient*. Pa , on Tuesday, the lbib day of March, next at 10* clock, a. in., to attend lo lb* duties of bis appointment. W A MORRISON, feb St C.>iiiaav*oaqt. BELLEFONTE MUSIC STORE. [ j iPianos! Pianos! 1 ; I ORGANS! Sewioj? Machines! ALSO SMAU INSTRUMENTS. VIOLINS. 11.50 ACCORD EON'S, 12 9 Stop Organa, 2 Full Net Af Reed*, Price $279, Only $55. IS Stop Organ*. 3 Full Sfl of Reed*. Price sllO, Only 075. ' (This Organ has the ' Grand Organ Knee Swell.") 7 Octave Rosruooil Pianos. Only 0130. Hcconri-liaml Organs for 925. Nccond>band Plauon for 350. CHICK EKING PIANOS. STEIN WAY PIANOS. ARION PI ANON. WATERS PIANOS. O ESTY ORGANS WATERS ORGANS, i WOODS ORGANS. | MASON A HAMLIN DUCLET ORGANS. 0 f New DOMESTIC Sewing Machine, $30.00. > New WHITE Sewing Machine, S2X ! New ST. JOHN Setviug Machine, $24.00 New Improved SINGER Sewing Machine, $22.50. 1 New Improved HOWE Sowing Ma J chiue, 122.5 Q. i Second baud Sewieg Machine fbr $5. t No Agente employed, The buyert get the Agents profit. Come and see f for vourself. J We are tbe only party wh" huy out ■ own Machines und Organs • r cash. ■ We are prepared to give customer! all tbt anvantagr. I BUNNELL <t AIKENB. 111CE rot IALE - First class kriel "n hand tor sal* at Zerba's Centra lie) brtca yards Th**e brick ari •ffered so low that it will pay peraont at i ' distance to coma here for them. Intruding lo continue in tha menufor lure f brick thay will be kept conttanllj n band, and fair inducements offered t< ' purchaeers. ; I7augtf. H. 1. ZKBBK ' PXEUUTOES' NOTICE.- , l*etlers testamentary on tba esuu ol Wm Allteoa. lata of Potter twp , de . reased, having been granted lo tbe under signed, all tieieob, indebted to seid estate ere required to make immediate payment. ' and tboea having claims against tba same to present tbam. duly authenticated by taw, for eeUlemenl. All rcouDl* remaining unsettled after Jan'y 1.'79. will be pieced in lb# Lands Ol . n Justice for collection WM. M ALLISON, I JAS. A BKAYKK. -I Executors. QKSTREHALL jFurniture Rooms! EZRA KRI'MBINE, respectfully informs lb# cinrens of Centre county, tbal he has bought out the old •undotJ.O. Deintnger, and has reduced ;ibe prices He bus constantly oa hand and makes to order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS. WASHSTAX'DS, CORNER CUPBOARDS. TABLES, Ac . Ac His slock of ready made Furniture i large and warranted of good workman-! •hip, and is nil made under his immedinu ■ uprrvision, and is offered at rales cbespoi than elsewhere. Call and see bis stock before purchasing altewbera. feb 2 HENRY BOOZER. CFVIKfr: HALL MAN ur ACTt AULA Off toddles, Harness Bridles, Cellar*, Whips Flyssls, and blki keep* on baud Collui Neu. etc Prices low as any where eiee Alt kinds of repairing done. Th* beei •lock always kept on band All wura war ranted A *bare of the public patronage j is kindly solicited. llnpr, Hy , p X BCUTOR S NtJTICK- Letter- los'a®' ttarv oa the estate of Ja cob Ern, late of Penn towe*hip. decoa* ed. ba ving been granted to tbe undersign ed, a!) peis. n indebted te said sutato ar* rrqaired to make insnOists payment aadtk'ie* having claims against lb* satm to pre *Ol them, duly auli.ooiscaled by law for saillement. .-A 91. EVI RT, GKuKuk 8u55 LK. febl3 6'- Executors. XBW PERIOS I.AM. 4>i tnuu u a t*e,b(ia boc* *1 o* uf li* •tu| K. . I*6 use* slsi n****4 rtatime* **S .pblii.ul*. •rod te* Moap* <* U.' ,Mtliwu<u*** I* 8. * I'.TX •! 1.xU.1, . ISSohSI Be* S*. W• . I.'-r'' q. P ■ Spring Mills O. K ! NEW ROOM I NEW GOODS! at I. J. Grenoble'a Store! SPRING MILLS, bos lb# goods. Largest slock I SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Losver than Ever, And now extends a cordial Invitation t. bis friends, patrons, and public general-1 ly. Also a Complete Aaaortmeot ot Ready Made Clothing for men anc ; boys. Suite as low aa to b bad in th> ' city. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Full lines of MERINO UN DER WE ARB* For Ladiea, Gents, Boyr, Misses and Children. Hoeierv. Gloves, Boots and Shoes, HATS.'CAPS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, And lb* most complete assortment ef NOTIONS n Central Pennsylvania, aad prices tba willcomnel you in self defence to buy o' > bm . Also Fish, Salt, etc. lsr>< A full line of Howe Hewing Machine* and Neodha for all kind* of machine* Also deals in all kinds tof Grain. Mar ket price paid for ike sama. A specialty in CO A L by tka car load. Jan. Harris Co. NO. 5, BROCKEKHOFF ROW. IROOAILS, P A I N T S, OILSTETO., ja n.\r.Kis a co. BcUe.-n'.a. ' IM^BARGAINS. " Bargains! Bargains! In MEN'S and BOYS, i. BOOTS and SHOES! * also a LARGE VARIETY of e CHILDREN'S SHOEB, a) • LOUIS DOLL'S Shoe St-ire •81 (opposite the Bush house, Bellefonte i room (sooupted 1-y Juki iPtwew. apr?of I; Candy (Manufactory & Bakery. ■t Mr. Alberi knuth, a At the BISHOP STREET BAKERY, !■' ie now making tne very beat BREAD, CAKES AND PlEff, In Iletlefonle. CauUiee and Confections. lie also manufactures all kinds of can dies, and dealers can pure has* ef bim as low as IB the city. Candiee of all kindsal* ' ways on band, together with Oraagae, • Lemons, Figs. Dates, Nuts, ftyrupa, Jel lies end everything good. ' CENTRE COUNTY OYSTER DEPOT. i, An Kirellent oyster saloon also aW r (ached to tbe Bakerj. Call and sss r ms. ALBERT KAUTH. I _ _ _ _ nevl ■ I cu atea* a**w (*t*> at wk tot a* iSu *1 so# I I Una# ii* l*flUl aal c*vuUrf a* all) alasS I I too BIX e* 4*, *t Sum bU< l lb* : n!art* V/ saw Hi* r*> l*n*c(fU!> aula' •••vy •an la *> far a* K*a u taa utoa I. aslV utSiulMai In* AddrSS* Tata S to Aagaela. Mala*. Sati .* NEW Grocery and W : Confectionery, I ATCENTRE HALL 1 Tbe uoderaig'ied bos opener! a irw Gr® rery and Contactiobrry, ai daw ill always seep a full line goods, at loan' pcwalble price*, and kindly ask* a share of lt,e pub lic patronage, his st-k rontisu of COKPEES, SUGERS. TKA. SYRYPB, ftOA PS. SALT. All kinds of CHOICE TOBACCOES AND -SEGARS, and all fruits of the season generally Ia BEST ft W EKT POTATOES Also a toil lia* otOONFfcCTIoN ERIKB All kinds of country p/oouie ukrn in ex- Chang*. , 1 sell low for CAMi end PRODUCE. •siepty C. DIXGLft. W. A. CURRY, tM IHi. IIALL.I'A. Would uiost respesllully liitoriii the eit tens of this rtrilill), that be be* started S new 800 l and Shoe ftbop. end would b* thenktul lor e sbere of tbe puh!l< pelron age. Bool* slid stusi made to order ead according lo style, and warrant* bu work 10 equal aav made elaewhvre Ail kind* of repairing done, end charges reasonable 'Jiee him a cell fl IX New Pianos $125 Kch. end all sty'**, tnc'uding GRAND, -QUARK and UPRIGHT alt strictly Ar* t class. *id at the !• we-t net < ask • ea e fsi liri prit e*. direct Ui the pur I s-*r These Pi*k>* ni*<i* .*>( (he fin ! "'svs al tbe Oalrt.nial Fxbiioiien, si'd * unc sk'u-I) rwn'issi' r>d*d for •1: _st Ho ana—over 12l*' in ue ! K< gularly inttirpaniuA M*r<uf*t-iuring Co. -Factory established over 36 y '.r* ike - aare Grands cn ain Maibushek's new i stent Duple* Overstrung Scale, the ■cream*l iinprxivemeni in tbe biatory of Pi snomaklng. '1 he Uprights ere the t-r.est in America. Puno> **r.i on trial. D**a't fail tn stitr for U'uriraied and Deecrig live Caulogue of 48 (isge*—mi d ire*. M KX DE LS>OH X PIANO Co., sseptly 21 K*-t 16th Sireei, N Y. JJR.S. 070CTELIU8r~ Dentist. Millheim. Offrrsbit pr)eM<<o*: aertb**iv lis* ubUf. H• If t pmrtarm is ti dttulprr ll* > now fstiyprvpAM to titml loo*.l bs2itUy oitbeai ooim. >tC ''YIBBATOR' rn*. Manka. t im / THE ORIGINAL & ONLY 6ENUIIVC ••Vibrator" Threshers, srrra xar*ov MOUNTED MORSE POWERt, And IIMB Thiwher I nglns*. Had* only by , NICHOLS, SHEPARD A CO., BATTLE rBEEK, mat Tut Maichleim~raB-**av4a#. Tlme •sm#. **4 •"•! *" U KSIIrI I H so# mmtfc* O-vesS *ll aisslrv So Su" Wsifc, r*t | • e. .a* iHkrtu urate tms wa#q BHAITI8 HAITI Bsltrn will net Bskwll ta tha ilfl- il' *l* ■ ■* t*_irai. Sy is*sum m*.*a *l** a— aSsiaa • TH* E7CTIR K Threshle# Etwtim . j I ,*lMll'H-*'4l-"*0 < | s #q,iq Qrate S* ) fcOl/ ism iteyra**4 Si.i *i • kill Revel*!*# Xksftt Inalde the B*s- N rat luaitr* • R.t Iwe #•:. TVA*. • L- •**, I •* AMhllssrh tine MHhf sad fais-Hawint (—$!• rslleM T+ri+rt\j • tapul le |H S'.Ks mm 4 BiNil nt I Onto, VMwlk?, Ua|srC2.t,liMdMr^hL - HOT oatv Vaatlv ftawerter far Wheat. ra u-i a. >#. k>-. *■* i.-. ttratq I-., ia* a*c ■■ Mm .tn*-Miri.>.]iiM" Smi.ivnt.ul US- ■—. a**"- S " "***n~i "sc - rat- iiWSi " I I* ttra* Urate• aula M ,-in# i o*t i - k-..* ih*. I sua a* Lfconass *■ te-i>.-.■ F OCR ftlae* ef Heoaratera Made, rear iat tnssa Nit |. Ttt.l Isw * A4M, misu • o Skjemael Uv<astma Hmw Fowwa ie NMci TRAM Pswsr Thveahers a Xswltlir, g MsswlvVtl. Ol'R VnriTnlwd Htrnm Thicker Ki -- isPA. mdi-s VtiisMi ImprpyvHWu a ms* D-eUftaiiva Fedkiasram, kr U|M4 eat j uMM BMha KAAmL |?l Thavwach Werkmaaehlw. El*tn(t I rHWn\., |V* a e Parts Umaiueii oem of I qu.pmettt, •Ac . ear "YiiAsiai'' Tlsrasktr UtsdUir* IdCM^alsik FOR Part I rat a re, call ea oar Dealere f et WdleUhiitt LiMlrvslMtiitW.haM* ReMaUll)* ' *ft ATERS* Orthest Hon ch Imps ORG AN _. istbe utHl beaatiral . JlgMk tn style and perfect f>(jcHBS is tone ever made. 't* Nifffit' r~3F £ 4' kea IS*celebrated t'ancertaalnp, whb> Muli. . cli i u Bar iiaiintlun o/.'tollaaian Voice, a'd two a .-Si4 .-Si 4 Octaves of hells te llSfnii llKfe. ;{u|B " rJ i" Perfect bur • in on > with (A# recti*. IIS 't£*_ra2.:|>i fl A IkvelKti uiac • SLiai ill: WWf 'Up tral A- rlrrirlfyin. aE2H&kSSU 55 AT Kit— * < I. ilt 1- O.NA, ORCHECTE* AL*CONCBRTO,TRBPi, CK^NMAI. till.UK—. CHAPEL, and ( OTT Al. h OR. tiAXS. < Calaae Krencb Cases arc taevc ! witerWIANTS, o.^^ 0 .^^ AKETIIEBBSSTMAUEttAc Tane, Taacb. 55 liarnbllitvl usurpaancd. 55'nrrentrd for —IX YEAR—. Ll PKielfc- EXTREMELY 1.(155 /or ctvsb. Monthlv luatellmcuis received. A Liberal Dlarannt t* Tmrktrt. Utnftert,Chnre | id.AIiEVW W 58TKD. -peeia I Induce '• meats t the trade.lllantratrd I ninlogtise Mailed.-ieroad-Uaiid luntrameaiactlJreat s Bargains. lIHKAr E 55 ATEIt- dk -H.MS, * Maaufnclnrcr# d Healer-, n 40 EAST 1 4ib STREET. 1.500 X | "AUm* kN#rstfU7^. -J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers