THK CENTRE REPORTER IVntn mil.P.TVnd.Fb. 13, '79. 3#*Tk*WA- —J'? Of- year. v'irw paid in , rnifr fS MWAcn wot f>nnf in odroncr. per hne ior i hre* in sertiaiu. end serw/;>* line for ete-v ***• tequmt \n*ertion. AdrrrUfrmmtt by th* , ,'ar mt a liberal ditronnt. Subffriber* outside th* ramty should re mil U 10 ft*, rtwownf of on# year's no#, intteo.i o/HOof# a$ formerly wVn paul # v tbamaelre*. S.ib*eriber ran a/trays IrA A. ic thnr oc revnt* etavd atthf Reporter qfS.-e by ton su!tina th* lahlei on 1 voir paptr*. If thr labl* rnufi "John Roe I jan .5 ' if wiennj thai John if indobtfd fh' r **b*cr%ytu n from th* lsf of Jnnwarj'. IS7A, end that *t # fim# h* was paying th* printer. LOCAL ITEMS. LODGE MEETINGS. i **r*Hv.iisi*.K eeli to oft' J i,"" 1 ' • •>? Slnr>Ui#ntne In tfceOOil >• in this county. Rain on Tuesday and icy under Our neigaber, Mr H. "VVitmer. has been seriously ill tine# last >n:urd*y. —Clothing made to order at New man's by on# of the best tailors frem Phil adelphia. Got vour dried and canned fruit* at Seehlert.headqnarters for *ll kind* efgro ceritt. Good* warranted fresh and pure. The Central Fa. Conference ef the Kiar jce'.ical Church, will meet in Lewi*, burg on the first Thursday in March. Farmer* will find Mr. Brcwa. near the Bellefoate depot, fair and square a* a grain dealer. You are assured ol the highest prices aiway*. Conkling i not a b.gger man than Old Have* Set now-but just now the lowest clothing is sold by Newman. King Clothier. Let the Lewistown Gzteit* keep in good humor, et least until the weather get* warmer. xou find your daughter wants to run off with a feller, set her down on a mushmelon. Then she cantelope. Next go to Sechler'* for groceries. The hotel near the Lock Haven de pot, formerly kept by Cot. Reuber. Kel ler, was destroyed by fire one day last wsek. Geo. Bower aid Sam 1 Ever: are Xxecutsr* for the estate of Jacob Evert of Pecn. ——"W'a are requested to anneunce that the Fenas Valley Institute, at Centre Hall, will be continued the coming spring, under Prof. H. F. Bilaer. The annouce ment of time, tuition, Ac., will sppaar in our next. The cleanest and best ceal in the county are to be had at L L. Brown s gTain depet, Belletoate, where farmers al* to get the best eash prices fer grain. A * musical convention will he held at Millbeim. cemmeneing oa Monday 17, and closing on Friday eve, 21, with a com cert, ander the direction of P. H. Meyer and A. Luckenbacb. Acy beok you want can be furnish* •d by applying at the Modal Baok store, aextdoor to Bellefonte past-office ; it is the £net and most complete establishment of the kind in central Penn'a. —Sheriff Spangler has 11 boarders jast now, in his institution back of the court house—they feed at the public crib, of course, iike other rogues in high p.a ces. Sympathy is best shown when prac tical in its application. Tbarefera when you sympathise with your sufferiag baby, show it practically by uaing Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup and thua cure your chi.U. Price 23 cts. Mr. J. H. Bauland, who will open tha Bae Hire, oa# price Dry Geods atore at Bellefonte, about March 15, is in that town and will remain for a waek getting his store in shape, aftar which he wiil ge to New Yorh te purehaae his stock, which we can safely say will be the best and cheapest in Bellefonta He will occupy the store-room now used by Bunnell A Aikens. Mr. Bauland will establish a first clasa store in avery respect, and will offer goods as low as the lowest. All are invited to call at Bauland s new Dry Goods store, when Tisiting Bellefonte. Diagea keeps the best assortment of Tobacco and Cigars,—consequently he handles more. Give him a trial. Still coming down, the price of Clothing at Newman s, who is kiagcleth ler, and where suit* are -o cheap that the poorest can dress as well as the rich. Store* like Newman'a should always be encouraged. He has the largest and bast stock in the county, and is oae of tha bast fallows you can meet He gives you tha full worth of your money. Remember the place far cheapest clothing, is Newman's Eagle Clothing Hall. ——On last Sunday Mrs. Weaver, wife of John Weaver, lieiag a short distance below Centre Hall, had an arm broken by a fall from a wagon, on returning from church at Farmer's Mills. The bad con ditiea of the road was the cause of bar falling out of tha wagon. On the same day, and we era informed, at tha same spot, Henry Sbafer, bar-ten der fer D. Mover, of Centre Hall, had his buggy upset, which contained a lady be side* Mr. Shafer. The horse ran away, completely wrecking tha buggy. Supervisors ere entirely too careless about the roads in winter time, and many serious aceideats might be avoided and lives saved, if proper attention was paid to tbe reads. Leaving reads te take care of themselves in order to save a few dol lars does not aveid hundreds that the law allows for damages. Give Miller's book store a call, next door to Beliefonte post office, where you get the finest toilet articles and fancy goods, as well as anything you need in the line of books and stationery. Still fine fresh family greceries are sold very low at Dinges'. Butter 18c; Eggs 22c. GRAND JURY'S REPORT. To the Honorable, the Judges of the Quarter Sessions of the Fcaee in and for the County of Centre, January Term, 1879: —We tbe Grand Inquest in and for said c-eenty aforesaid respectfully report that we have disposed of all business brought to our knowledge, and in accordance with your instructions haTt examined tbe Pub lie Buildings, and report as fellows : First—The Jail. Tbe basement cellar is in a damp and unhealthy condition en account of bad floor and coiling, bad drainage and imperfect ventilation; and we recommend that the floors shall be re paired or renewed as may be found acces sary, with such ventilation attachments as shall be requireid, and at as little ex pense as the same can be done for. We also recommend the frea use of seen and water for the proper cleansing of the privy in the rear of Court House, and the frequent application of chloride of lime or some other cheap and good disin fectant te absorb the poisonous gases aris ing from tbe sink attached thereto. We also recommend additional shelving in the Ttult of the Prothonotary's office. J. In Foreaai. lathe hanging of an ir.ncoent w.- nai, Mr? Surratt, Hsrtranfl shewed that ho knew how to dispose of foma'e* ; he now has na appointment thai will 1 or how he can handle the mail*. Dingea' receives daily by freighl, express or mail, grocer,as, notions, tobae coes, canned fruits, spiers, soaps, candies, etc., etc. DISK St*:—We would call your attention to th* advertisement of Johns ton's Great Western Gun Works in an other column. Our Pittsburgh Agent un der*** Mr. Johnston a* being a roliahlo and honorable business man, and one of th# Oldest and Largest Dea'eis in the United State*. Send for Large and I line trated Catalogue, it is free Cheap grocery and provision store, of Seebler & Co , Bush house block. Thai ar# new selling goods in their lin# at much reduced prices for Cash or in exchange for all kinds of country produce. They ar* receiving goods every day, so that customer* ean f# >1 certain of get'. ng pure and fresh goods. The best coffee, tea, su gar, syrups, etc., In th# county Thefr stock Iv complete and we'l selected, and Co* - its ia paitoflight aad heavy gro ar ias, wood and wi'.lew ware, oranges, lem ons, nuts and raisins, canned and J-ied fruits of < very kind and variety. Ti c ce'ebrated Washington butcher hams, sides, shoulders and breakfast bacon, to gether with the choicest dried beef. Per* tons wanting goods in their line will Sad it to their advantage to give them a call. Free stabling fer horses for a'.', grain teams at Brcwn'a, succeeeor t* Shortlidge A Co. Mr. Brown oflhrs the highest pri ces for all of grain, ai d sell* all kiuds of coal at low ligu. ae. | The new Howe Sewing Machines ! are sold by A. C. Moere. The great pop. | ularity, aad superiority of thi* machine js asserted by thousands who have them in daily use A good tewing machine is al most as indispensable in a household now a-Jay* as is a good cookmg atove. Offlea, Mileaburg Take your gram to L- L. Brewa caar th* d*[>ot, he pays highest price# in Cash. FOREIGN ITEMS. RUSSIA AND KOI MANIA. A Di.-pute Foreshadowing Trouble ia the Dobrudscha. London, Fch. 4. 1875.-A despatch from Vienna saye that the occupation by th# Roumanians of a position near Siiistria. which they claim as belonging to the Do brudscha, is a very serious atl'air. The Kouanaaiaas, by an overwhelming dis play of force, voce polled th* Russians to abandon Arab Tabia, a fortress on theout skirts of Siiistria. The Roumanian gov ernment en Saturday received an intima tion simultaneously from St Petersburg and from General Todlehen to withdraw immediately, but formally refused, and a collision is probable. Th'.e incident will tost the present disposition of tho Austri an government, which supports th* de limitation of the Pobrubscha frontier pro tested against by Russia. There is gvod rea.-on to hope that the attitude ef Austria will from an English point of view, leave 1 no ground for criticism or reproach. It is certain Roumecia will disavow the action of the General commanding th# troops near Siiistria, and will refer the matter to tbe Power*. AFGHANISTAN. Civil Strife at Cabul Jellalabad, Feb. 4 -A civil strife has hreken out at Cabul. Yakoob Kfian is shelling Chaadol and Kixilhash portion of the city. Numerous sudars have left Cnbul with their families. TFIE PLAGUE Talermo, Feb. 4—A rumor of the out break of the plague at Odessa caused vi olent dsmonstiations here, v hich, howev* er, were quisled by the announcement t'u*{ '.be government had erdersd quaran tine on all arrivals freiu the Black Sea. Bucharest, Feb.4.—A regiment oftroops has started from Eacharest and another from Calais ter the formation of a sanita ry cordon on tho Russian frontier. London, Feb. 4. —According to the in vestigatisn made by the German Board of Health, tue plague hts existed in Astrak han since May, 1377. Even paper money in the district has been ordered burned- St. Petersburg. Feb. 4.—Two regiments of Cossacks and oie of infantry are march ing to reinforce the military cordon whieh is a thousand miles long, around districts infected by the plague. Heroic methods are being applied to the extiectien of the plague by the Russian Government, and it is very evident thet these methods will prove effectual—if in no other way, at least by killing off the eatire population of the infectad districts and seleaviag no material for the plague to operate upon. The political complica tions which already are beginningto grow out ef the fright caused by the disease bid fair to be more serious than the disease It self- Tbe rigid quarantine in course of establishment ia most European States against vessels from Russian ports must throw back Russian commerce enormous ly ; and Russia ill can afford just now, when depleted by war, to be cut eff from the receipt ot profits from the sale of her natural products. As suggested in our Londom advices to-day, the victualing of tbe Russian army of occupation in Tur key is endangered ; and, as is not suggest ad in eur dispatch**, a similar danger threatans th* army BOW operating in Central Asia. Tbe general aituation in Rusaia is not cheering, just now. TROOPS SUFFERING FOR FOOD The British Advance Without Sup pliea aud Rapidly Tiring of the Campaign. London, February 3.—The correspond ent ofth* Civil and Military (Jaiette, of Lahore, telegraphs from Khilat Ighiizai, Jaauary 25, that supplies there are ob tained with great difficulty. The ar rangement* of the commissariat ia the rear of th* army are in a deplorable state. The commissary officers appear unable to forward stores to the front. The cavalry and artillery, men and horse, are suffering from want of clothing and food. The peo ple of the country ar* sulky aud inclined to be insolent All natives suspected ef bearing arms in Candabar have been searched. The concealment ef arms is being pun ished. Four elephant* and one hundred and eight bullocks have died from cold and starvation. The forward movements toGbiriskana Khilat Ighiizai ar* attri buted at Candahar to the scarcity #f for age in that neighborhood. Th* camels there are dying daily in great numbers, tbe supply of food havieg arrived too lata to save them from the effects of previous starvation. The troops are in good health and spirits, but are beginning t* weary of th* monotony and hardships ef the cam paign and would gladly see it over and re turn home. FRANCE. Complexion of tbe New Cabinet. London, February 4. —A Paris dispatch to-night says a Cabinet has been constitu ted, and tbe following are the changes: M. Waddicgton, President of Council (fnd Minister of Foreign Affairs; Senator Le Boyer, Minister of Justice; M. do Mar cere, Minister of the Interior and also of Public Worship, ad interim; M. Jules Ferry, Publie Instruction and Fne Arts; M. Le Pere, Agriculture; Admiral Jaure guiberry, Murine. Jules Ferry was ap pointed Minister of Public Instruction instead of Minister of Commerce, as was 1 first intended, because be manifested pre> , ; L-clionial teniomn-. ) j 'l'itt Paris National h*.- r#*- Cabinet httl ag'Oad thai th i question of the return of the o'bauibeia t t*rk o*a be decided ly lb two houses. are wiling to grant amnest? to the Communist* who liav# already beei pardoned, the etVert ofwliU'h weuld be t< relieve the pardoned police turvill and that they n net support aaj impeachment scheme. SAVED FROM TitK HANGMAN. A Cotnlemneil Man Cleareii by tlx 1 >icoverv of tho Renl Mxrilerer. Tiblow, Kvumi, Feb-li Vn luTCStiga ticn which has l-ein going on here the p:ut two. days in connection with tin Wrthersfe'.d, Vl., tnurder ea-e, for which Usury Gravclin is condemned, has prov proved astounding. Farmer Kern, whr oa Dec, t write to Albert Preston -ion' cerning John Jacobs, which iet'.or Shsrifl AmsJen had tweuty-Mi l*v without ic vcetigauoti, nig'-es an affidavit whUh prov os a foriaer resident e. \\ in sort ai ty to be White* murderer. Since th# Journal publ.shed Farmer Kerns .et'.ct there have arrived hero letter* front the Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company c' I! cntpelisr Preston and Attisden have arrived here. The letters and at'idavits of Jaecbs, and his clothe*, Ac , havo been re cured. Oa Monday steps will be taken to accomplish h. arrest He evident yis not far distant, and is soil known in Windsor County as a dangerou* charac ter. lie repeatedly stated before sudden* y leaving Vermont. "I can clear Urn**', a w.lh throe w, ,-Js. ' ; Cravf'in war sentenced t 'be hanged i ! Jan. l.but a stay war granted. KOBE SON TO C.KT HIS DKSEKTS. Washington, Feb. I —Chairman IN hit* thorne read his report cn the evidence taken by the House Committee on Nav*. Ail'mrs to that Committee te-ciay. It wat approved by every Democratic member of tbe Committee without exception, and Mr. Harris of Mas;achusetts, a RepubU* car. member, aid that it was unexpected ly strong and convincing. One member of the Committee who heard it read d' eribed it a - s ..ading like the closing pea to a jury in a criminal cat*. It i * critn • nal care. The report shows that the evi dence justices the indictmeetof Ilobaeon, ilaascoui, and other* implicated in tbe destructien el the American aavv in peace, a feat never yet succesrfui'.y at tempted in war. Th* report opens by stating the admitted facts at they stanc after tbe pager of evidence ia rebu'.t*. sub mitted by Robeeon. Tbe law of the case is then given, showing the crimiaal peaal ties for the flagrant maladministration charged, 'and closes by dlscusssmg the remedies needed. First and foremost is the iadictmeiit of the gudiy unities, and to insnre this it is proposed to certify to the Executive the evidence taken by and the report of the Naval Committee, t the e:.d that the guilty may bb punished. A final rote will be taken by the Cemmilte* on Thursday. PANGS OF POVERTY. A Mother Found Insensible Holding Her Dead Child in Her Arms. Matthew Flanagan left the cheerless room which he ea led his h-me: - the rear buildiegofNo 17 I.udlow street at noon on Wednesday, rays th - Her.Ad a f7. He had been for a long time out of work, xnd every day fer weeks past he made the same fruitless search after something to do, something the*, would put fod in the mouths of his starving wife and children His wife, Bridget, a comely wwan, met with a severe accident In the summer of IPTL While geicg up the stop of the house in which the family then lived, No. 1 27 Debroses street, the rickety wooden! structure gave way and precipitated hor to tbe sidewalk, injuring her spine in such a manner that she has been partially oera lyxed eve: since. The helpless condition *f the mother has also paralysed tbe ef forts of the father to provid" fer the fami ly, especially since he has act with noth ing but celd denials this winter ia all bis applications fer work. Thero were three children—a boy of eight year", a girl of six and a baby girl of two months At four o'clock oa the same day the father climbed up the dark, forbidding stairways In the wretched tenement to his rer-m. On opening fhe door he found his wife lying on tbe floor, with her dead baby tightly clasped in her arms. Hunger nad weak ness had done their work, and th* white hue of death had enshrouded the pinehed features of the child. The Abode of Poverty. When the gray dawn struggled through the curteinless windows yesterday morn ing it lighted up the pallid, attenuated form of the dead baby, placed oa an eld ironing board, supported on the backs o! two chairs. The tiny body was covered with a well worr. sheet, which the invalid mother with a pair of scissor* had made into a shroud. The skeleton arms were outside of the shroud aid the little Sogers were joined together, as it were, in sup plication. Th# sunken cheeks and thi tightly drawn lips told the sad story There was no other light than that of the dawn ia the wretched apartment. Father and mother sat beside tbe baby's corpse as th# sole watchers, without food, without fire. The boy aid girl lay on the bleak fleer asleep. Devoid of furniture, except a few dilapidated utensils, the room wai indeed the abode of poverty. Last night a Hkralp reporter visited the suffering family. Kind hands had beea there before him. A little girl, on of tbe poer neighbors, brought in a basket tilled with food, and said that the would return again with more when her fathe: came home. A fire was in the lusty stove, a caudle placed in a broken kerosene lamp, and two sympathizing neighbors wen there. The poer mother was sitting on a chair near her dead baby, groaning ir pain, her tearless eyas and haggard fac telling ia the most eloquent terms the ter rible tele of poverty. The father sat down, and while tbe tears trickled down his wan cheeks he told the reporter hii story. The Father's Story. "I have tried all that a man coiftd d< Ibis winter to gat work. The tight of roj poor i*utTeriug wife aud her starving babi almost drove tue crazy. Ever since thi met with her misfortune in Desbrosse street she has been almost helpless. Yes terday she tried to do some washing, hold ing the baby to her breast to keep it warm for, air, we bad no food nor fire. When cam* hack, after tramping everywhere ii the storm in search of work, I feund he lying there, with the poor baby dead ii her arms. Ob, sir, it is better off than wi are in this cold world. I have two cbil dren buried in Calvary Cemetery, and own the grave. It will break ray heart i I cannot bury the baby beside thern. Yel what can Ido ? Without money Potter' Field is tbe only [dace left for it. 1 an driven to desperation." LAWLESS PROCEEDINGS OF I MOB IN LIVERPOOL. London, February 7.—lt is estimute from 30,000 to 35,000 inen are now on strike xt Liverpool. Tbe demeanor ofth crowd yesterday was most threatening i conseqaeuce of sailors joining the striken . Laborers employed in the provision trad i have also struck. At Waterloo dock, th . mob broke up th* staging, and did muc 1 damage. After their expulsion by tk* pc i lice, they endeavored to storm the gatsi At Princes Dock, the mob boarded th • bark Cora from Wilmington, N. C . which was unloading hor cergo of rosi and extinguished the fires in donkey er i gincs and cut the hoisting gear. Th ► ' mob uumbircd about 3,WJ. A rnialli utt>b lorron*ol laborer* at Queans, Np> r aons and Brain Icy n or di>'k# ' • ip l'° lie '.ice were reinforce.! Ul night, eapacialij to' neat th* Sailors' Home A ' ' übar •*' '* inhere*- -ant In Livai) 00l IIOIH Woivci IT 1 hampton ware compelled I" raturn I T ia threats of murder. to' Tha polloe suppressed an attempted riot I-'at Liverpool or. Saturday* bv |*roioptl> at y tacking a baud of '4* l men alio \sarr 1 marehing toward Quran * daok I- >ur jthe i-snd five hun.lrc I tu< -a laborers in led the -trike ' Liverpool and UirWan- InoKd on Saturday many oftbaui through Ifear and W<*) a;e aspect) db i 'tit to-day. '* Thd sailors at: *tr:ko have barn joined by foreign sailor* and tha tlramrn on lb.. • ocean -'anal. - Tl • Mavr. in a fro.- • lamation, cat's on all well-disposad inbitb * ! itant* to all la the maintenance "f pasce. There wss na disturbance, a! Livar|io>! '•( Taiterday An additional force ot 'OO In -0 fantry and eighty cavalry arrived to a*-iat * lif necessary, ia preserving order. Tip lT ;Stdard * nt at I .ivrrpe o!unate the number of tailor* eow or h ,> r j,* „• Livarpeol at from revet thous '■ja* dto tllteen thousand The autl oilier •'are N -ranging f-r -:I -.IT 'vn'i' jr. r lco#sary. of'.''"Osail rsand marine* from ' j man-of-war. There are uoa '.'.oOU engi 'jnecta on *',ri*u in London, a d * ** * i- UKOTHI' RS A j fix the time whan Graham ehall plead THE FLAUUE SPREADING. The authorities of Tr este have received 1 a telegraphic daspatch from the Austrian Consul (iaaeral at Sa'ouica staling that a f disease has appeared naar Ynolhl, 1 aes , saly, diagnoses of which shew that it is ' sp tied fever ind in one c- presented r the *yinploraeof "• : •"■ nice The i Sanitary B :rd of Trieste hat declared that this disease is very probably identi cal with tha plague. Precautionary meet f ures hv been o- lered aga ■' a., vessals I* from Turkish .Egean parts which have . sa-lad since February 4 and the next Aus trian Lloyd* steamer from these porta will ' probably be quarantined several day* Quarantine at ltaliaa port* ha* been in eraasad to twenty days and the importa tion of certain articles is forbidden A despatch from Berlia to tho Ihttly ATw* B wt , "The St. Petertbarg journals ceu . tinue bitterly to denounce Austria and . Germanv, especially the latter, for the 'measures of precaution they are taking against the plague, whiih the Ruasian if journals dac'.are are inspired by hostility j to Russia and a deairc to ruin tho Russian , trade. The Sorth (Jcrnutn Oateite pub d lishes a special despatch from St. Peters e burg, denying tha recent report* that the t . health of the Crar is impaired.'' An of- Ifcial not* is pablisiied at Paris oa the ? subject of the Ku*sian plague. It_ says |v i that the danger ot its extension to i'rance eiby land is not sorious, aad measures will . be taken to prevent its transmi*si n by ' sea. The govcrnmeat will also partici -0 pate with the other Powers in studying r the character ot the epidemic and the best * means for combating it. K A despatch to the Courier-Journal , t from I>ehanon. Ky., dated February ~ 8, aays .—"The Vtate of affairs in Green courty growing out of the col ,l. lection of the Cumberland and Ohio d Railroad tax if> growing worse. The e Tax Collector's barn has been burned it| and his life threatened and a reign of J terror inaugurated. The Governor ir will be called upon for assistance. , I J PRODUCE. e Philadelphia, Feb. 10.—Grain—Wheat, B Pennsylvania rod at §1 06i(q,1 Ojf, Pann* sylvania ambor at jl OtH'Vl *** i• ""J - 10 -• n red in elovntor at ft t*fL Rye is nominal :e at 60c for southern and s'2fnMc for we'.ern •- and Pennsylvania. Corn at 43tai43ie, ~ stoainer, elevator, at 421 c. Onts, wliito at 20r,i,81c. Heed*—Cloverseed is steady at n 6faife for fair to choice. Flaiseed is ia wanted at f 1 40. Chicauo, Fab. 10.—Wheat active, firm aud higher; No 2 red winter '.'2 c; No 2 Chicago spring, W|c for cah. Corn -■■ c lo for e*sh. Oats strong and higher, 2!f YOUR INTEREST TO "PATRONIZE YOUR HOME MERCHANTS," INSTEAD OF GOINO AWAY FROM HOME. GIVE U8 A CALL IMMEDIATELY KEE PS THE REST SOLE LEATHER—VERY CHEAP. ISAAC GUGGENHEIM KR I - -a ' - - * ' - - * ' - I- , r Tho Seicutitic American tmye - "Lighting gun w ills the linger ia a ioa i tttiydodr '"ay perform. L< t n persoi • in hi* el'|i| in, walk briskly over i ■ woolen carpet, aciitling hi* feet there "j0, or stand u|>u R chair, with ib • li V* ttpou i r in A ur tutiibh is to insti late it, aud be there rubbed up am ■ ,1 wn on the body a few times with mud, by u second individual, ami h w II light bia gas by simply placing hi- finger to the tube. It ia only ne ce-sary to take the precaution not It touch anything, or ie touched by any bodv, during llie trial of the cxperi' menL Ihe stock of electricity ac quired by the process we have de cribed is discltnrgetl by contact with another object. One pet.-ou inusl turn on the gus while tho other lire it." The committee for encouraging tin use of hor.-ctleeh a* an article of fool have issued a return showing that the i utimber cf horses, a.--c.i aud mules j slaughtered in I'aris lor consumption in Ih7h was or 700 more.than in tho previous year. The coutiuued i icrcase in tho use of horsctlcsh is, they say, a proof that the prejudice against it is being gradually overcome. A prize of I,'iOOf, was awarded bv M. l)icroix to the fouuder of tho first shop for the sale of horseflesh iu Lou -1 don, opened in May last. That ven ' tare, during tho four months it was ' carried on, dni not, howi ver, meet with nil the desired succc-s, tho chief nn ot for which was , the committee -ay ) tuul the director was quite ignor* 1 ant of the English language. The committee now offer a medal of honor ti any English butcher whoshall take up the trade ami continue it for three months at least. k tre ui utly happen* thst a cup or bowl of hot water ts set down on var* niahod furniture, ami leaves an un* sightly spot on the polished surface. This cuti be easily removed by wetting a bit of sift tlaunel iu adcohol, aud rubbing over the place briskly. When tho mark- are all effucc-J lake another cloth, with ft drop or two of boiled linseed oil, aud rub over it lightly, aud the sharpest eves can never see a vestige of the stain. Incase a black 'stain gets upon fuinitnre, n few drops 'ofspirits ofammouia rubbed on will take it ull off, then rub with oil. Lewlsburg, Ontrf A Spruce Creek It K \VKurf "16 220 ti.-'J C'obarn ® -G Arr. alHpnnx Alms EASTWARD. '2 1 <4 LKAYK AXJ A.M. r.VI HprinxM.ll* 10*0 Unburn - '7 , I.cwitburx - 1 1-4- .'.lo Arr. at Montaadon -Ok' l.lX' KW Sc 1 ar 12< -.- *•: at M menu t° * ''T5 Ch per ton, $20.(40. Plaster, k* 'UC.,I err ton, f 10.00 Flour, per bbl fi-x.OO • Butter, 15c. Tallow. Cc. Ham. Bc. Bb*uld*rs, 4c Cieati HtJrs, 4ic. Rags, 2c. KKIJS per do*., 20C. Tuousshed WlK'l -f. Packed butter worked ever. liV. Coal, Retail. By Car. Grass. K-*. 55 >4 20 Ft-'V*. $5 00 Cuastnut, $4 25 f t no Pea. $2 W '> _ _ 17 XECUTOR S NOTICE J . . # . 1. tier, tai'amr: t*v on e eta.e . . da eab Evort, '.ate ( f PIU t 'Wnsh:;\ dr'-*at el, havi-.g bear grant# 1 t tha underaiftf ',*"l, all panom towwid t* -nid estate ar reuuirad t > n ke imaii'diate paymenh and lk i baring claims the isms to pramnt them, dulv authar.tieatej bv 1 law f,'hner, le. H. /.ebner j Marfaret NVieland, tie- Washingtoi 1 W ieland, Ere Reber, Anni" Kerns and .1 F. Kerns, the heir# and legal represent* 1 tires of Abraham Reber. deceased. ,' Take notice that by virtu* ot a writ o ' Partilien issued out of the Orphan s Cuur V of Centre couatv ind to me directed ai ..J Inquest will be held at the late residcnci of Abraham ltebar. deceased, in the town "I ship ot Miles, and county of Ventre, ot f),Tu>-dey the 11th day of March, A. I) 011879, at tea o'clock, a. m ,of said day, fo • the purpose of making partition ot th real estate of said deceased, to and amenj I' his heirs and legal representatives, if th r : same can be done without prejudice to o spoiling of the whole, otherwise to valu and appraise tho same according to law at which time and place you may be pre* or.t if you think proper. Hheritf*# Otllce, t JONU SFANGLKR, • Be.lefonte, l'v [ Hbcrlfl •A Februaay 7,'7'd. ) 13 feb 4t 1 I NQUEST NOTICE.— In the matter o t the ostato of Christian Neese. deceased late ef l'cnn township, Centre county, Fn To Jacob Neese (of Penn I!*!!), Elixa n betb Neeso, Catlierino Feidler, \N m 2 Neese (of Miilbeim), Neesf c Emanuel Noose, Elizabelb Alexander $ Harriot Neese, Jacob Neese (of Sprto Mills), Joha Ncete. Sarah Greve. Wm Grove, Rebecca Moyar, Henry Meye: t VVillard Neese, Elmer Neeso and J. •' :; Hartsaugh. guardian of the said " illari Neese and F.ltner Neuse. Peter Naeir i Samuel Neese, William Neese (of l'ani i, Hall) James Neese, Catherine Genuel James D. Gantzal, Thomas J. Neesi I: Alexander W. Ne-e, Mary Jabu Hmith n Silas Hmith, Wm. Kruno, Michael Near hood, Leah Whitehill. Thomas Whitehib t Rebaca Rouey, Jolin B-uey, Calbarm Aly, Havid Aly, A. K Nearhood, Lara " ru# 11. Nearhood, John Geary, Mar Braver, Samuel Beaver, Christian Moyoi Audrew Moyer and David Geary, th baira and legal reproaontativas of Chris tian Neeso, deceased : Take nutico thai by virtue of writ c f. partition issuud eutofthe Orphan's Coui f. ot Centre couatv, and to me directed, u inquest will be held at the late residenc v of Christian Neese, deceased, ia the towr ship of Penn, and county of Centre, o J Wedneaduy, tbe I2lh day ol March, A D. 1H79. at ten o'clock, a. m., of said da y for tho purpoae of making partition of th real estato of said deceased, to and atnoa her heirs and legal representative*, if th •amo can be done without prejudice to o ir spoiling of the whole, otherwise to valu nd appraise the satne acaordiag to lav at which time and place you may be pre 1 ent if you think proper. Sheriffs Office, ) JOHN SPANOLER. " Itellefoate, Pa. > Sheril .* NEW PENSION LAW. All BMfloa Uf M Utr.bMlß I'Ack at di| of d oliarga. !Ujot*d eaN *lo r#-opad Fatiou y sail .ppllcauu. aauil two G >|" Uw, bl.u ADU jnu 3t AiiiiAitAAl liQRHT. _ A curious discovery lias lalel; bceu made, while repairing the hous , n foriucrlj occupied hy tlie Jacohii fi '( , ltih during lno great Revolution P . mid known a* the llotcl tic I/mdree (~ iu the Rue Bt. Hyaciothv, Ft. llonrt JS| Tiie Club, which guided tho dcatiuie J 'f tho revolution during HOMO fev „ year*, hud often boasted of allowiii) i t . the ambition of Robespierre uiul olhc j, lenders to nrogvas so far, and no farth or; and tuo miMutM-rs by voto hat 0 |ased a law which entitled tho ma t . joritv to exclude from uny uartieulai j. M'tincr any particular inemlser whow N intcrcrtW might load him to [sway tin , opinion of the Club. Robcspierie I, whose ambition bad rendered him at q object 'ff suspicion, had often boeu M voted out of the assembly ; and it ha been a matter of surprise to the bis torian of the time, that he could st e long maintain his influence iu spile oj d the violence of the opposition thus ncr e uiitted. The secret is now revealed ■s A small room —n hiding place in the ti thickness of the wall —has just been n discovered, opening by a trap-door in- J to the very hall where the dehbera % lion* were being carried on, and e whence ho could listen to the mens \ ures to l> taken against him, aud thus v forearmed, have power to defeat them t It is evident that this hiding-place 1 muet have been occupied hy Kobe*- - pierre ; and when first entered by tbe sj workmen the traces of his presence 11 were still visible in the journal which 1 lay upon the table, and the writing- paper, from which had been torn n ■s.small portion, as if for the purpose ol e!making a memorandum. The only r Look which wits found in the place e was a volume of Florain, open at the e I second chapter of Claudine. It was | covered witit suulf, which had evident i Iv been shakcu from the rt-ader's shirt r frill, and bore tewtiuiouy to the truth " of history which records thsimplicity s of the literary ta.-tes of Robespierre. • His presence seemed still to hang about that small Fpace, a* though be ' had quitted it but tbe moment before; 1 and. singular enough, the marks of r the feet, as though be had recently 1 trodden through the mud, were still >, visible on the tiles of which the floor -4 ing is composed.— ]'otter'a American 1 J Monthly, MECHANIC* LTEW*. Mechanic's liens give rise to a good deal of litigation , and the fact that a large number of k Euit/ reach the Supreme Couit is pret ty good evidence that the law is lia ble to be misunderstood even by the Judges of the lower Courts. Many 1 of the cases taken up on appeal turn '!on the question whether or not the lieu was filed in time—within six months from the time the work was don' —and in building operations it is i sometimes a difficult tiling to deter mine this. The work hating been ac . cepted as completed tinder the con tract, some extra work was done and 1 the lien filed within six months there after, hut a year or more after the I original job was dona. Tbe Supreme Court decides that iu this case, it was a question of fact to be determined by tbe jury whether or uot the extra work wa4 done under the contract, and as a substitute for other work ! provided fortberciu. A great deal of litigation ami loss (which always go together) could be saved if mechanics who have liens to file would act promptly, and keep clearly in mind the fact that there id a prescribed and ■quite necessary limit to the time for filing them. 71A It ICI I.D. On ths 4;h int . in Millhslm, by F*v J. M. Hmith, Mr llarTay Lamy with Miss Catharine Hr.avrly, On itth inst, at Win Htcvar's, by U*v. IV K KiS'bar, John 11 Bunk.* and Mist Ar* "•ftovsr, B:h Potter. IkIED. On the 31st uIL, ia MaJisanburg, John Dalb*. BfeJ 80 yaars, 5 ratolkt and 27 , day*. i- On'lh* sih, widow of the lets - Orn-n Enn-rick. x< J K " year-, 10 month) i- and 'JO days, ot Potter Iwp. ■e v TWO VALUABLE FARMS AT PRIVATE HALE !- Tbe farms ara sit uated in Potter township. Centra county Pa . abaut two mil*? southwest af Centrt Hall, and abaut one mil* wast of lb* "Ola >f Fart," in th* heart *f Penns Vallay. ) No 1. containing Ulil At HEX, more or less, i- About 175 acrea #lear*d, and 4. Waxen Shed, Corn Cribs and other out >r buildings, running water at the house an* le at the barn, and a LARGE ORCHARD. iS Tbe larin* are under good cultivation it first quality limestone land, and two of th( or best and meat desirable (arms in Penn sal Valley. The Lowisburg, Centre am v. 1 Spruce Creak Railroad is graded threug! a- me of the farms, nud when finished wi j haT* iiearo-t Station at "Old Fort." Wi! be sold very law if epplieatiea ba mad ff. 'osn to ADAM lIOY, fi feb It Bellefon'.e, Cantro county, Pa of £>UU LIC SALE. n.' Will be sold at public sale, at the_r*si a-'dene* of th# undersigned, near Centr n. Hill,on FRIDAY, FEB. 14 : e, FIVE HEAD OF HORSES, ir. 2 Draft Horse.*, 2 Breeding Marc?, '* young Horse rising 4 years old. "•) THRCB MILK OOW8; ,' 1 ! Threshing Machine, Power, Straw-car riar and Shaker, 1 Hay-fork, i Plow, Cul livator. and a lot of Horse gears. ' ' WAGONS, 1 2-borso Wagan, 1 4-hars ,i Wagon nnd ladders. Halo to commanc at 1 o'clock. J A M EH H. CA RHON. h. • r -11. D" jpDBLICSALE - ry Tho following farm stock and implt jr. menta will l> sold at public sale, at ( en ha tro Hall, Wednesday, Fub. 12th, 1879 ON K.SEAN OF ■VJUHq f 8 HORSEH, 1 TWO-YEAR OLD CO LI l ', :! good milk Cows, and lor i head of Ca ( tie, ono Extra Breeding Sow, 2 goo 14 plantation Wagons, both broad wheel an on* witb bed, 1 2-horto Wagon, 1 Hprin on Wagon, 1 pair Bab-sleds, single Slaigh, A, THRESHING MACHINE, *y Hhuker, Power nnd Strap, Reaper, Dril b Hnyrake. Hayfork and ropo, Cornplanto *g Plows, Ilurrows, Cultivators, 1 largo ! h* horse Cultivator, Blncksmith Tools, ltori or (Liars of every description. Forks, ltakc ue Chains of all kinds, Singletrees and Dou! w, letrses, ami many other tanning utensil SS- Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. GEORGE IIOFFER. iff. - DESIRABLE PROPERTY iu FOB KENT. uk * Tho well known store stand at Farmsr L, Mills, with dwelling house, barn, and ou jst buildings, and nbout twenty (20) acres i xid iartning land is offered for rent. This is of capital chance to open up business. Fi sre particulars call on or address J. 11. FISIIER, lGjantf. Penn Hall, Fa. ii ■ a ■ ■ 1 111 11 1 - II A 111 l Y K. HICKS, n| 7 3, •> (Bucceor to T. A. Ilicka & Bro.) * WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN !r Hardware* Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, Putty# &o#, Sic, i- J foTAINo line ilit- ngcire y of llie Nontb Bond C'liUlcd Plow lor lhl(ouulj.'lai i ir '!• I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY TARTY THAT SELLS THE BAME QUALITY OF GOODS f, ,1 4' I ■ I II ———— ail ■ 18. _ _ u 1) ALD EAGLE NURSERY, Union- < H1) vilie, Fieming P.O. Pa. (, Fruit, HbaJe and Ornamental Ttaes, ' jf Vices, Ac. clober, 1878, on* Briadl# Blear, <• then supposed to be two years old, a piece e cut out ef upper part of left sar, white I along under side of belly. The owner is requested to coino forward and provi |- property and take it away, otherwise it > will be dispe*ed of according to law , GEO. ECKEL, 1 30 jan Town Clark. :: ] C 17 X ECU TORS'NOTICE.- 1 s 1j . , ljettcrs te-tamentary on the ntate oflj ■* Wm. Allison, late of Potter twp., de- * * ceased, having been granted to the under 3 signed, all persons indebted to ssid estate . are required to make immediate payment, * and those having claims against lb# same '• to present them, duly authenticated by I law, for settlement. ' All accounts - rnainirg uns after Jan y 1, '79, will b# plat ed in tha hands ot ji '> a J uslk# for collectian. fi WM. M. ALLIBON, JAS. A BEAVER, f Executors. . i QENTREUALL Furniture Rooms!,j [j EZRA KKTBBINK, > 1 respectfully informs the cituens of Centre| j county, that he has bought out the old). ' stand otJ.O. Doininger, and has reduced j| -ithe prices. lie has constantly on hand' Jand make* to order BKDHTKADH, r BUREAUS, II SINKH, J ,! WASfHTANDS. CORNER CUPBOARDS, c TABLEH, ORE . AC K 1 Hi# stock ef ready-made Furniture is p • large and warranted of good workman-,' ship, and is all made under his immediate supervision, and is offered at rates cheaper v ■ than elsew here. Call and see his stock before purchasing / I elsewhere. feb2CU ■ AwarJed tbe Hi2bc"t Medal at Vi- A euiia aud Philadelphia. 7 I E. AH. T. ANTHONY A CO. , 891 Broadway, New Yerk. ' Manufacturers, Importers A Dealers in Velvet Frames, Albums, Grapho- £ , §co|>cs, Susreoecopcfc aud Views, t ErgraTings, Cbromos, Photographs, and: ] kindred goods—Celebrities, Actresses, etc., I r THOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. Wa sre headquarters fier everything in th# h way of j ( Stcroeopticons and Mngic Lanterns, t , Each style being the best of its class in tbr ) I Market. , | Beautiful Photographic Transparencies o! . j Htalusry and Engravings for the window. 'Conv x glass. Manufacturers of Velvet i Frames lor Miniatures and Convex Glass j Pictures. o Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with " directions for using, sent en receipt of ten Icents. 12dc6t *| HENRY BOOZER, 1 ' CEXTBE HAU. M-wrv-cTraxß ov Saddles. Harness. Bridles, Collars. Whips. I Flyaels. and alao keeps on hand Cotton Nets, etc. Prices low as any where else, r, All kinds of repairing done. The best a •lock always kept on hand. All work war-, 4 ranted. A share of the public patronag es kindly solicited. llapr, Hy I' PENNSVALLEY BANKING CO. d CENTRE HALL, FA. 0 RECEIVE DEI'DSITH. andallowlntar; est: Discount Notes; Buy and Sell OovernmentSeoo'Hti**, Gold and Coup. - II WM WOLF, WM. B. MIXOLS, _! Pres't. Cashire 1 u IMPORTAN TO TRAVELERS. I —THE— BUSH HOUSE! ie| bki.LEVO.\T*, ra. i Has been recently thoroughly renovated! id und repaired, and under the management ;h\>f the New Proprietor, Mr. GEOKGK ill HO Pl* EH, formerly of W'msport, Is first-j Hildas* in all Its appointments. Is' .SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Are offered to those in attendance at court! a. and others remaining in town for a few i days at a time. ~ The largest and moxl superbly Designed Hotel in Central Pennsylvania. All modern conveniences. Go try the Bush house. i_ Baug GEO. HOPI'ES, Propr. JGXECUTOR'S NOTICE.— Lstters testamentary on the estate ot George Murray, late of College township, deceased, having been granted to the ur dersigaej, all persons indebted to said es tate are required to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the ,f tame to present them, duly authenticated ce by law, for settlement. Claims can be presented to either of the _ undersigned. J. D- MURRAY, WM.A. MURRAY, 9 jan 6t. Executors. T L. SPANGLER, Attorney-at-Law-. j* tl * Consultation* in Kngl ish and I ' German. Office in Furst'a new building. T, ——————————————— K- /CAUTION.—Having purchased the Vy following |Mirsonnl property at "J constable's sale ns the prenertv of Amos "8 Koch, of Gregg towns hip, 1 will leave the! a same In hix possession at my pleasure All persons are cautioned against meddling II with tho tntne. namely: Ono Cooking ' Stove, 2 pairs Bedsteads, 4 dos Chairs. •jj Table, Moal Chest. Clock, Doughtrey, 1 Ho-se, 1 Spring, lley and Corn, Bridle pl and Harness, 1 Cow, 1 Pig, and Iron Ket t.' tie, together with ell defendant's proper ty. JOHN OOLDROK. . m *-. . asyaer own towa. II Ostflt ft,, mm a^arw g *Mk Kawlsr, if you wsol a uastaass st JWI M mrhlch fsraons ot sltasr MSOSS mS pwi v V VlHtt U 18# Urn- Uu* work, willo lor par- Uottlara So 11. MAXXXTI A (JO I'orUsad, Mo SS asr, y r's TN F. FORTNEY Attorney at Law Jt- 17 Bellefoate, Pa. Office over Retv of nolds bank. 14may 4 lf s a r ar —— Lincoln Butter Powder, makes but ter sweet andhard, and quicker to churtf . [Try it—for tale at Wai. Wolf i itoie. 4 BHICfi FOE BAL? F>t class brlck|l on hand for sale at Zerbe's Centre llall brick yards. These brick are| "ffered so low that it will pay persons at a' distance to come here for them. Intending to continue in the manufec- j tureof 1-rick ti.ey will be kept constantly on hand, and fair inducements offered lo . purchasers. 17 au* tf. H E. EERBEJ JJR.M d ovrkava. Dentist, MHlhelm. (U*n til* pr-ltwiMi: aw-v y |.i-lnSlywlwo>lii ri*o. .t lis ••slsiyrs' i t OMIOtt. Itou now r*llyprop*roC lu OftfACl to*U ot-oolotty 11 Wi'kout aoitt. wysrs- (j Spring Mills, Ta., GRAINHOUSE i AND I COAL YARD, s J. D. LONG'S New Grain House is I Now Ready for The I Reception of WHEAT, 1 at the HIGHEST CASH PRICK and the | BEST COAL in Market sold at the very ' lowest price. liides ! Hides ! . Bring your Hides and receive the liigbeel Price (or them. 1 also keep for aale CP PERN. KIPS, „ CALK SKINrt, and r*uLE LEATHER Q at lowest prices. Also a full line of Harness, Saddles, Collars, t Bridles, Halters, Whips, etc. I at the very Lowest Prices. lUocl 3tu F ~ ' *' NEW & Grocerv and c Confectionery, w AT CENTRE HALL. The undersigned has opened a new Gro- % eery and Coni*ct.onary, and will always keep a full lint- of guoua, at lowt-: possible 1 price*, and kindly asks a share of tte pub- ' he patronage, llis stock consists of COFFEES, hCGEUS. IKAi*. 8 Y BYPS, BOAPS, SALT. % .. All kinds of CHOICE TOBACOORS AND SEGARS, and all fruits of tbe season generally in t| .< BKBT SWEET POTATOES. l 0 Also a full line of CONFECTION ERIES 0 , All kinds of country produce taken in ex- (; change. _ I sell low for CASH and PRODUCE. H JGsepty C. DINGES. E Spring Mills O. K !; NEW ROOM I NEW GOODS! tit I. J. Grenoble'* Store! V; SPRING MILLS, S bos the goods. Largest stock I SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Trices Lower uran Ever, And now extends a cardial invitation to bis friends, patrons, and public general ly. Alao a Complete Assortment ol Ready Made Clothing for men and bovt. Suits as low as to be had in tht I city. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Full lines of MERINO UNDEKWEARS, ' For Ladire, (.rente, Boys, Mines aodc Children. Hosiery, Gloves, Boots nnd Shc-es, , HATS. CAPS, CARPETS AND OIL i I CLOTH 8, ! And the moat complete assortment of NOTIONS I n Central Pennsylvania, and price* that willcomttel you in self defence to buy ol ' hm . Also Fish, Salt, etc. 18oc A full line of Howe Sewing Mochiuer and Needlrs for all kinds of machines ; - Also deals in all kiadslof Grain: Mar ket price paid for the same. A specially i in CO A L by the car load. Jas. Harris Co. KO. 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW. IRO OAILS, T A I N T S, OILS, p ETC., JAS. HARRIS Jk CO. Bellefonte. 'WrBARGAINS. Bargains! Bargains! In MEN S and BOYS, j BOOT- and SHOES! ' also a LARGE VARIETY of CHILDREN'S SHOES, ai LOUIS DOLL'S Shoe Store. opposite the Bush house, Bellefonte, . room formerly occupied by JohD * Powers. apr2oy Candy Manufactory & Bakery. Mr. Albert Rautb, At the BISHOP STREET BAKERY, is now ranking the very beet BREAD, CAKES AND Plli, in Bellefonte. Candies and Confections. He also manufactures all kinds of raa- I dealers can purchase of him as the city. Candies of all kinds al* ■"it ,u hand, together with OraagM, Lemons, Figs. Dales, Nuts, Byrups, J al lies and everything good. CENTRE COUNTY OYSTER DEPOT An Excellent ovttcr saloon alao at tached to the Bakery. Coll and saa ae. ALBERT KAUTH. navl Ucaa nut*- tea*** IUK, at wort for u Iku at aa# Una* aIM t'attttal not u,a.t~l w will -tart o*. lit |M das as k>i mad* Ur Ska iiulaalrl- MM >n. bora uS girl, waalad •.*- Wbaraia wcwii (u< a- New I. Ik. u* CaaHv ••ilt aad una* (raa. SSSnwTtrti Uo * |i rta. *9sissi i War! 4Var! Mar ! JRGANS!ORGANS:ORGANS 1 BEVIVO MACHINES' Sewing Machines! NEW 13 Mop Parlor OrgtM, Pricef3l. Forfll* ( ash. i Suip Organ*, New, lor s7o.oo—Prioa $270,00. sewing Machines Guaranteed Nw, and s Represented, for $25 00. JOMK, NEE, AND BE CONVINCED COME ONE, C*iME ALL o the New Music A Sawing Marline stors if BUNNELL A AIKEN'S, Allegheny Street, Sjuly Bellefenla, P W". A. CURRT, Blli i ftJtifcwr, UVIHi; 11.41. L.PA. Would most respectfully inform the eil ens f th.a vicinity, that be ha* started a lew Boot and Shoe Bhon, end woald be hankful for a ahare of the public natron gt Boot# and Shoes made to order and .wording to style, end warrant* hi# work 0 equal any made elsewhere. A.ihiri# if repairing done, and charges rea* sable iita him a fcbl* Lg New Pianos $125 Each, and all style*, including GRAND, -QUAKE and UPRIGHT all strictly iraf-c/oaa. eold at the lowest net cash rholeaale factonr prices, direct to the pure :ha*er These Pianos made one of tha En* st d plays at tha C-enUnniel Exhibition, xnd were unanimously recommended ff ;heHlonxsT Uoso** —over 12,000 in use. Regularly incortmratcd Manufacturing Ce. —Factorv e*lab!i#hed over !<• years. Iha square Grands < -ntiiin Mnthu-Lek s new patent Duplex Ov, retrung Scale, the ireatest improvement in the history of Fi* .no making Tbe Upright# are the finest in America. Piano# sent on trial. Don't fail to write for Illustrated and D esc rip- Live Catalogue of 48 tage —maiu-d free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., 5-ently 21 F*-t I&th Street. N._Y._ rTTBBATOR*' /^ v 0 v 4 THE ORIGIHtt 8 ONLY 6EIUINE •• Vibrator" Threubcro, MOUNTED MORSE POWERS, Aad SWsaa Thawaher Ea|taas, XiAi 4DaJ ty NICHOLS, SHEPARD A CO., BATTLE CBFEK, *IOO. Tli C M>flllfMs~l3!3^l3rTiSa e..",. ,w awMwu lvattm o> u w a, u< ■■■ imttoa. >■■■* 1 Bl—lry *w *WH l*W CkHUas. tmi tot iwiaf ttnla (hn Wimp. 6K.41N Ralaera will sol Hakwli ta Ike wm-: i ■— i* at Ot, , a LW tmmrmr Wfc. tf Ittiiwmii- W*M nwattwtt. "IWi ■■ |. TH* KWTIKK Tkreaklaa Swnia* |4 *-'•-• I" * 1 tit*. Ikal .SMMtBI ■ I* M. tf I*, binanautui 1, ttw, lainn* Sirlm. NO Keralvlag Hfcaft* laalde Ike ft*#a rai-tv. Ktt>* ihe IIWNB iLets:*, rvk*;s. Its 1 lieq and all stvl uow-WMUIVI aa t r -win WMIIIX 1 eetkeaa fvv tlt • all K ta aad (Va BUaairf Grotß. Wet *t IRy, Uao or NMorL, Moodad or IbowadL NOT entr Vnilr Haperlor far Whear. ilou. laitrv. R o4 Uka Wraio*, twsl Use oan 9m n —fi THrwotker In Fla*. Tl—Oiyjßfttt, Cloerr, tad ItNefbewia. Kaqwrewi qi tartißbWia " or *• rwlMI Mrs W cUH# Irotm uraU to hiM MABVELOI'Sfar Klnplirlir of Parr., xiatwg lm that mwi Naif the wwual Mtiu wh L-vs. ftUkat mo UuarUifs m loauiru rt K WM af Heeararara Made, rani log frMM M* to Tvwisw Haww atye, I wo *4 N wteJ Manas IVwmkb to Matd STEAM Power Tkreokere a Ppeelalcr. Ti^l aj 111 M, lor atMßi I'-ww. Or* Unrivaled HIEAW Tkrraker Kb- I s ". with \oisseUe le|wx.tnMNMUl oat iMeUEvlta# KbUmb, tor to|Md My otter tuate or Mai I * tVarkmnnakle, Elecwat re*. rrt~ Una -f ISm. <\.m*Xm.amm at k|wv, •Sc., WVieairoa - Tbneker VtiSU FOR Partlralars, call oa oar Drain* ar write to a. I,a lUaatrate* curator, wtik* w. uaU ink WATERS' Orchestrion chimes ORG AN utkr mint beatuirul AI..CONC'EKTO,VESPEB. S'ENTENNIAI. ? I tm, S'HAPKL "d t UTTAUK *U --t. ;\>. in rnkiue Prearb t'aaes are eve. r. rr-iart WltsT CLASS. WATERS'PIANOS, ARE THE BEHT >IAIE t*r Tone, Tawrb. \Vorkmaaabl|i,A Durubllic* l'uurpurA. Warranted for MIX YEAKM. PRICE** EXTREMELY MW for cuah. Moaiblv luMallaienltt rrrrxved. A I.ibrral Ulsconnt to Trackeriwdal indue#- meats lathe trade. Illastrati-t) ( ntnloxaaa Malled.Herand'buad lastrameßtsaidiiwax BaraalD*. HORACE WATERS dk SONO. Maaafactarero sd Dealers, SO EAWT I 4ib STREET, CMW . bQUARE, NfiW Wiii*, DV*| **