I IK CENTRE REPORTER. ire Hall, Pa, Th'rsd. Feb. 6, '79. •TKRWS. —?2 yr year, when poid in •r : T2.fio when not paid in adrarer, tiiemenlt 20c/* per hnr /or three itt i..v. and Heent*per line for ci rri. tub f insertion. /Ideerfisrwmfs hy the t a liberal dierount. erihrr tout tide the etunty LH- i fAe tablet on their pave-*. If the eo "John Hoe 1 jan "76" it *fant s ki is indebted for tuhtrnphonf™* Pof January % nn< t toot ft is e wire paying the printer. LOCAL ITEMS. LODGE MEETINGS. v llui.loo.it.No M. O alO V . wa*t T.-nlrv* In Ih. iM.I U* 11 '"* ,V IIU V O. MRVVS. SEE y ,1. L.IUTONS. • • oi,T lopos. No V?. F A. M woe*" ?" ..mint on or b*or <-h fall moon ia IS laioJiwa. Seel. •' •' AKNEV .W v r.,<:.r„t.Nn, Tt M. V' 'p*!' nirr lUllon tho S.Iolw a V U tP M an.t avor* lo V,k. r-, -'" ; L.tor tjsoaA*p *"oaa, sod ■ . For TV.ro Drug* go to 7.eller s Drug Brockerhoff row. I"* no * •- —— ,1 S, Carscu's sale, near t. antra H'.t-. Feb. U. Sea adv. Tw - valuable farm* at Trivale Sa^ Sic adv. The spring elections take place on the If of February; Clothing made to otder at New man's by one o'tlie best tailors from Phil adelphia. —Get your dried and canned truit* al >-h!or.headquarters for all kinds •' gro ceries. Goods warranted frash and pure. —lf you have a cough, cold, or con sumption, get Frank P. Green's compound syrup of tar and honey. Tlo editor having gon* cast, th* reader* of the lUrosTK* will give tho "boys" alt credit for any improvement that may be noticed cn this issue. The Centre county Gnsngvr* think of getting Gen. Butler to lecture for them Latest -Sleighing on tho bare , ground. i W always thought w* had a pecu liar gilt in writing rhyming poetry ; nnd , sine* the editor has left us to visit some of , the eastern cities, wo will try our 1 and, as follows, to wit, vis : KXOWLXDOK. < To make A Start, knowledge Is, , and sometimes It i Not ; What is knOwledgK not 1 Why, it* nOt-noT—/>• i ra-i-r. Dinges is doing the best business in town at present. . - a pratractad maalia* in progress in th* M E. Church at this place. \V it. Whitney, jastor. Thus lar, one ( seal-*r has presen'.ad hiniselt at an a tar of prayer. Tbe ulaca to luy Cook >iovi nd *ell TOUT it 1* J- l*rer.dble 4, Spring Mills. Thanks to John Smith, Dins**' ® obligiag clerk, for making the "poor printers'" smile cut loud, by presenting th-.m with a jackege containing cheese and cracker*. Snow—yesterday. W. I>. Shaffer, of this place in ' tends working at his trada in Williams- 0 pert Sorry to have yau leave us. Wrn llarpster, who has been on a t' visit to his friends in this place, has :e- turned west again. The Central Pa. Conferenct of the Evangelical Church, will meet in Lawia- i "" burr on the first Thursday in March. I" Tbaboro' of Millheira is promised a new church by the Evangeileal denomi- nation, which would be toa fourth for that town. Michael Coocey, feund guilty at d X'V. term, of assault and battery on Geo. ji ScheiJ, ot Lock IfiTen, was sentenced by w Judge Orvis to one year in the county h prison and $lO fine. d Her. A. A. Ker'.in, of Stone Valley, u preached an able sermon in the Lutheran church at this place, oa Sabbath evening, last. " Choice Teas, Coffees, etc., are beir.g closed out at Dinge* . I 1 Mr. D. C Keiler, of this place, owas s a calf, two weeks old, that we gha 140 !b. j, "Who can boat that ? • J Sale bills printed cheap. Send ua list of articles and sine ofliill ar.d we will f •end bills by return mail. Mr. Becj. Kerstetter contemplates $ erectie* another new house at Cobure, - tb.s spring. Farmers will fad Mr. Brown, near * the Be'.lefwnie depot, fair and square as a e grain dealer. You are assured of the ' highest prices always. The condition of some of the board ; - walks in this town is scandalous. It is ' not tafe for peraons to go along some of j' our streets after night, especially Church street. Property owners who leave their j j walks in such a condition, ought to be > ashamed of themselves. JI STICE. ] The Democrat says a Bellefonte i boy. Wm Long, g t his leg broke by hanging to a wagon, bit leg being caught by a spoke. Let this be a warning to otb-' or boys, j Last Saturday evening an attempt was made to rob Mr. Leilxel, of Potters Mills. lie had placed a lamp in the ball, j and going out a little while after, the lamp could not be found In searching a little while for it he came to a room in which be kept bis clothes and valuables, tbia door was locked, and, suspecting that all was not right, he tried to force the door , open when some one inside raised the window and jumped to the ground a dis tance of 15 feet and made his escape. DAS. ; The BEI-ORTER is read by all, hence it is one of the best advertising mediums in the county. Safe, reliable, harmless and aheap, is Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price only 25 cents. From Dec. 21, lfcTb, to Jan. 21, leT'J, inclusive, the firm of W. E. Smith A Bro. has purchased, sold and shipped from Co burn and Spring Mills, Centre county, twenty nine thousand and four hundred bushels of grain, principally wheat. Mr. James Wall bosses their business. We are informed that the Gregg township Independent School District has been abolished, by a decree of court on a petition of citizens of the towasbip. The abolition of the district was strongly op posed by the Independent people. We do the people of the Independent district but simple justice by saying that their s was one of the best school districts in the county. It had existed for a longtime; none but good teachers, with a living sal ary, were employed. A well-spring of pleasure is a healthy baby ; keep your baby in good health by using Dr. Bull's Baby.Syrup,—the friend of Infancy. Price 25 cents. Times would have been much worse in some families in this county, if it were not for the pure, fresh, wholesome and cheap groceries they supplied themselves with at Sechler s. Always go to headquarters when you wish anything. Hence, when you wish books of aay kind, stationery, fancy and toilet articles, just go in to .Millers, uext door to post-office, Bellefonte. -—Buy your stationery at Miller's book store, next door to post office, Belle fonte, where you also find every descrip tion of fancy articles for all ages and six es- Any book you desire can be had, or Cldbred at Millers'. A G RATEFI'T. A. KXOWI.XMIMKNT. —The ua darsigrod hereby gratefully ac kaowliiadges a donation in protiuce and groceries from tho l'enn'a Croek congre gation, amounting to $2-V The doner* are hereby avsuraJ that this act of kind* nous is properly appreciated and the pres ents thank'iillv received Jons TOULINSON Y. M. C A \fter lying in a state of dormancy for about two years, the Young Man's Christian Associatien of Centre Hall has bvon re organi red. Rev. S. \. Taggart, Stat# Sec y of the T . M. C. A„ with four earnest workers frena Itallelentc, net with the people here, on Sabbath, Jan. '.V>, and held aa evangelistic meeting, wblch resiilieu in the upbuilding of believers, and through hi faithful ef forts the spirit of earnest work in the vine yard of the Lord, was instilled into the hearts and minds of the young men; and bv the demonstrations made on Sabbath, 2d inst , in their devotional meeting, they are determined to push on the gospel train, the Lord being their conductor. Mav their labors be crowned with sues Cot'KT Si ars\nvr> re* A SIKUI LA* CAPS* We have heard of lb* business of Court being suspended on acconnt of the siehna** of a juror or the ind ispoition of the Judge, but it is let! for a Hunting don county jaror to cause the adjourn ment of court because of drunkennes. Tester.lST morning, says the News of last week, William Houck, a farmer cf Ted township, w as drewn '.* serve as a juror in the case of George Flemiagvi. The Pean ay Ivan ia Canal Co. The case proceeded, although, as the-e jue! proved, Mr. Houck was then under the influence ot liquor, with mind unfit to weigh the wider.ee This morning court was called and Mr. Houck was absent The sheriff was sent in search of him, and (ettnd him out of town wenjir.g his war homeward. He was brought back and lodged in Jail until this alte-neon, when he was summoned before the court nnd a>ked f he had any thing to say in exculpation of his miscon duct. it* hesitatingly replied that he had not. Judge Dean then recounted the du ties of the Jury Commiasiener* to place in the wheel the names of sober, discreet and intelligent citiaena, a duty in which they had utterly failed in his case 11* than !pictured to the culprit the .l.sgrav* he had brought upea him-eif by indalging his wpve'.ile in strong drink, and the lois of at least SIGOO he had caused. He was sentenced to pay a fiae. f j-D>, and have his came itrickea front the list of jurors here*:!*:. The elvven jurors ware than discharged, defendant $ counsel refusing to continue the case with less than the Constitutional number. ease, mentioned in the RECORTSR last week, the verdict of tho jury was nol guil ty, Jas. 1 M Closkev to pay one-third ot costs and B. F Troxal! the balance. Grand jury found a true bill against Pe ter Herd to for obtaining money under false pretense. Try Dinge' Prime Rio Roasted Coffee, only '3) cts. per pound. Gr>undhog day, this year, was a legal h eliday— it leil on Sunday, Feb. 2 The heirs of Mr. Holt, killed in the i Snowshoe railroad wwk, claim f2"> n G'® damages, says the Republican. SPRING MILLS ITEMS. Poor—the sleighing. Dull—the grain business. Tnere were fifty-three car loads of wheat shipped from this place during tho month of January. There wera twenty-eight loads shipped by Kruiarine d: Son, twen ty-three by I. J. Grecable A Co., aad one by Michael Hettinger; besido several car leads of clover seed, barley and other graia, which make our little village quite a market for grain*. While tho sledding lasted the place was lively with teams bringing in graia and taking away coal, but since the sledding has got so poor the bu-ines* is very Hack. Mr. Jacob Fredericks is very busy drawing stose for a new bouse, which he intends bnTing ready to occupy by spring, which will give us another blacksmith here ; right here I might say "10-'k a lee- dla out Jerry, or you might have to shut up shop. There was a musical entertainment al Mr. Duncan * on last Wednesday even ing, that being the eveniag cf singing, the cias* wa* invited ta adjourn to the Dun can mansion, and quite a number avaiiad themselves ot tbe invitation, aad aftar soma music furnished by Prof. Meyer and tome little dar.cirig on the part ot the rest, Mrs. Duncan says, now for a graad "march" to the dining room, wharere-i freshments were served in the shape of; deiici*us ice trcam aad cake, after which soma bio re music by th* class and tbe L. , M. Dox*logy, every one wanded their way j homeward, thinking they could not have anjoyed them-elves better, for Mr. Dun- j cki i a wh*le host *f himself, and Mrs. D. a hostess. More anon. PEDRO. The ba*t coal sold in tbis county. you find at L. L. Brown's near tbe Belle fonte depot, wbare farmers get the high est eah prica for ail kinds of grain. At the meeting of tbe Centre Co. Ag ricultural Society held in the court house on Monday evening 27, the fol ! lowing officer* were elected for the en suing year: /Vri<'ciU —George M. Boa!. Potter. Yet /*•• lent* —John Wolf, Miles: I Robert Brett. Ferguson ; Samuel Benni aon, Marion; Reuben Underwood, | Union. ,Vods that are first class and al prices to | suit the time*. It is a great satisfaction to | know that you can buy goods for table consumption which are not stale and half worthless' This is one great source of sat isfaction that all Sechler's customers have. The election of IngalU in Kansas to sue ced bum-elf and Jonas in Louisiana to succeed Senator Kustis, complete* the Senatorial election* for the neit Congress, except in New Hampshire, which will not elect until J una The new Louisiana Sen ator, B. F. Jonas, it at present a member of the State Senate and a leading New Or leans lawyer; though his reputation is not extensive it is good so far a* it reaches. He ha* for years been an intimate person al fri*nd of Mr Kustis, whom h* suc ceed*. None can compete with Newman for Clothing. He has the largest and best assortment; he sell* cheapest and gives the most extraordinary bargains always. He is the man who knocked down the prices of clothing, whereby hundreds of dollars are saved to the people of Centre county every year. For this Newman deserves the encouragement of all—he has proven a public benefactor. Newman has earned the title of King Clothier, Goto Brown's, near the depot, wi^i your grain, you get the highest price* there. He keeps the cheapest coal, and all kind*. SLAUGHTER OF A CARAVAN Six Hundred Persons Massacred. London, January 31.—A Vienna dit patch to the Daily Telegroph lay* a party of insargent Arab* attacked a caravan aeitr Hcvjax, and killed OW persons. AN INCALCI LAULK LOSS. i; The .Most Valuable Portion of Frank - 1 Jin County (Ohio) Recorda • j PcMroynl. • Columbus, Ohio. February L- When the tire proof mult adjoinin tho County Hoarder's otlioe wn opeueil this morning, the content irrre found in fiainca. The alarm wa ' sounded nnd the department put ou the tire, so that the loss was confine* to records already destroyed when i j began its work. Only those record , in the southwest corner were destroy . ctl, hut they were those containing tin . deeds and transfers in this count' 1 from the foundation of the Nortl . Territory down to about 1830. Then i is now no unbroken official record o the chain of titles to over $, >O,OOO, (KM worth of real estate in this county In addition to this the old origins plats of Culumbus, with its in-lotaatn outslols, and many additions made t< it. are destroyed, and the continuity of the otficial records of title to al the valuable city property here, a well as in Worihiugtou and othei villages in the county, is broken s< that the loss can never be fully retno died. The disastrous eflect could nol f>6 much more complete had the em lire records been destroyed. The loss is incalculable, as there ii no telling how much litigation auti uncertainty the destruction of ihes records will entail for very many years to come. There is but one com plete set of abstracts of title of all tin $50,000,000 and more of property in the world, and that is in the t>oßsessioD of Brown Brothers, of this city. Ai the original records are destroyed, it may be that legislation will be resort ed io so as to make these abstracts available in evidence instead of the original records. It is stated furthei that the firm has o the red to replace the records destroyed for ♦>0,000, from their abstracts, hut there is already a strong opposition to such a propoal tion, nor is it known to a certainty that such a proposition has hesn made. There is no doubt that tho lire was of incendiary origin. The firemen found twenty or more of the large volumes of records with the backs sticking out of the shelves so as to give the lire chance al the jiagee. A number of the hooks were complete ly saturated with coal oil, so as to make their destruction sure, and in stead ol beiug placed oil the shelves with their hacks exposed, as is usual ly the case, they were in such position as to give the tire the best possible chance. A MURDERERS HEAVY SKN TKNCK. I What His Friends Have Done and Propose to Do to Release Him. Cincinnati, 0., February !•—(treat ex citement exist* in Frenchburg, KT., over the c nviction of William Barnes f-r the murSer of Thomas Stephen* in March '.as'.. Barnes, who is a reckless despera do, had a difficulty with Stephens in which he was wersted. A few day* after he went to Steph as' farm, where the latter was at work, and without warning shot him dead. He was arrested and piaced in jail al Mount Sterling. His adherents on two occasions set fire to the town, hoping to secure hit release. Barnes was finally re moved te Lexington tor safe-keeping and afterwards brought to Frenchharg for tri al. The jury yeeterday tound.him guilty and fixed his punishment at confinement ID the Penitentiary for ninety-am* years. Barnes swears he will never go there, and threats of rescue are freely made by his friends, whe declare they will kill all who were engaged in the prosecution. The Sheriff has fifteen men guarding tho jail and a reserve ef thirty-five men in readi cess. MADISON WILLS INDICTED. Accused of Selling the Patronage of his Office —Other Indictments to Follow. New Orleans, Feb. 2—lt ie said upon trustworthy autherity that J. Madison Wells was, on Wednesday last, indicted by the I'nited Stat** Grand Jury here upon several distinct charges of corrup tion in office. It has been an opea secret months that Weils was in the habit of sell ing the petronagc of his effioe. The names of E. A. Yorke, I'. J Kennedy aad others have been mixed up with allegatioas of this character. Employees who have been compelled to pay for positions or promo tion, or to submit to monthly deductions fVorn their salaries f r the benefit of Wells have at time* betrayed a disposition to give the thing away. The pre*ent Grand Jury happened to have been better con stituted than any of.it* immediate prede cessor!. Certain Republicans here, desir ous of purifying the Republican party and the publie service, undertook the task of bringiag these corruptions baforothe jury: It ie not necessary to say that every ob stacle has boca placed In the way of honest investigation. It is said that a refusal to proceed with other business until investi gation of these charge* was bad finally broke down the resistance of the efficeri f the court. Judge Billings should b excepted from criticism in this connec tion, as he hat deserved none. Efforti were tnado by Collector Smith to buy ef! the jury with Custom House patronage Only two jurors, however, could he indue ed to accept appointments. It will bs readily understood tbal details of tbs Graud Jury proceedings cannot now l>< had. It ie enough for the present to knoa that the jury bns dene its duty, and tha Welle is likely to pay the penalty of hii crimes. The Grand Jury alto had UDder investi gation the warehouse and drayage fraud; and the matter of a fraudulent bond filet to cover the new general order warehousi -pened a few weeks ago by one Dumas These rherg'-s seriously affect tho Collec tor and Special Deputy T. C. Anderson The evidence is said to be overwhelming and the indictment of these persons am other officials involved is expected. SERIOUS RAILWAY COLLISION. Weliar.d, Ont., February 2.--At flv< o'clock this morning the train ou tho Can ada Southern railway standing on the Ly ons creek bridge, near this station, wai run into by another train. Eighteen car were smashed and one engine and caboos burned- The bridge was also censidera bly burned. The brakeman on tbe for ward train was fatally injured- A young woman is said by th Loudon \Y orld to have argued, ii the midst of a dinner party discussioi of Brigham Young's death, that th principles of Mormonism ought to b reversed. "Times," she said, "are s bad, and fashions so expensive, that i is absurd for one nmu to have four o i five wives ; whereas, if each womai i had four or live husbands, see hoi . much cheaper it would be for eac > husband, and how much bette f wives could dress." ! Costoroil, besides beiug an excel 1 lent dressing for leather, renders i 1 vertniu proof. It should bo mixe. 1 say half and half, with tallow or othe oil. Neither rats, roaches, nor othf i vermin will uttack leather so prep&i ® ed. l If fine-cut tobacco besprinkled ut der the edge of carpets, and undc those places where bureaus,book-cast and the like make it dark, tbe mot! • will be prevented from laying the; [ eggs in them, ae it will drive thei away. |IX'UHLK HANGING IN INDIANA • i i'he I\\ anted an Kxeeutiou aui John Achey Said ho Wit* Ready tor it. Indianapolis, January 2V The <***<"• lion of William K Msrrtrk mid Jokt lg Achay took place nl I'J'.M " • look to-dif n. At l AMwo physician- pranaunced both man dad. Achay claimed tnat his oriu.t w* not nremadltated mid closed by y- RNjing: '*ftiyiopltWMi>hanging Mil 1 Ut mu ready tor ll." Merrick asserted hl . .innocence to the lt. B >lh iai*n display H ml wonderful coolnoes* mid •tapped to it their placet en the trtp without the nt |„ mice end with in heuimton or tremor iblo The arrangomonu of tlie Sheriff • were perfect mid were eerried out nitho it n* ihesllgbteat accident I'll* necks of both ;y ! men were broken. i Ac he* bed been for twenty yemi t henger-en of gambling nomas, be >-r tro r quently em ployed to dee! faro and pet • jf term similar eereicee. Last spring hie ... mother tlied leaving property worth nbout f'2A,lM', but At he> told out hi- liere torn f. '.hirditoa ikntty lieler for fV '.' m cb ll lie put the moel ef thu money into tr. i geeie with George Lrggait, notorious Tlidieuapolie grata!' lei. l.eggett laid it to'plan te naace Ida partner, and with two y' eccoiuplit'ei whom betook teto the plot ■ Ibe succeeded in getting the whole mtiouel Af hey was drinking held at the limo anti I s w a eevtral occasion* demanded a eetlle If meat trcnn l.egget, but was treated onlyi witli ecorn, even when en July to. the day ef the murder. Ache? loid him he woyltf > he sal.sfled with $-o. t noreup n he pro it cured a revolver and, following l.oggel into the bost-known saloon In the city, shot him tntbe abdomen Leggelt die ■ iu twenty minute*. Merrick's crime was much more atro l ciou. lie wn the keeper of a livery eta ble and, as a branch ot ilia business, had tor the last Ave years driven a flourishing v business as a resurrectionist lie became acquainted with J una A Paul, a girl ol Considerable intelligence and who had • 'been a school teacher, tin le'.ravrd her ll land she broughla suit fer bastardy, which -jwat compromised by bis marrying her ; lie treated her brutally thereafter end the s i lived in squalid epartments over his sta ll j ble. lie tre e • and would appear in time to save luui • |frotn the gellows. lie was about thirty -3 seven years of ag* and had been tried tor 'murder in in Fayette county and ne • I qui tied principally because, it is said, he • and some of the jurymen were alike a Knights of the Goldea Circle His coun i set in the last trial was the presiding judge, laiti e fleet. Merrick is aleo believed to! L ' have poisoned a man in orOrr to get hi* ; bone about two years ago, is supposed to have been a thief and a receiver ot >U ;< a 'goods, and is accused ot basing maintain • #d improper relations with his uvu ueice j BURNING OUT THE FLAG l' K London, Feb. 2, lbT'J. —A eomiaitleu . ! the Kuaaiaa Ministers ease resolved as fellows . "That the Minister of the late ( i rior shall be empowered to burn Wetiliau ka and other villages where it is nc> etsa ry, the inhabitants te be reniored eiee i where witbiu the quarantine district I I Troop* ta enforce the quarantine will b* , placed at the disposal of the civii adminis tration. A delegate will be despatched to , Astrakhan and the neighbor!: g g >v*rn | meats with power to adopt extraordinary' measures. He will bo Accompanied by a medical commission to investigate lha, I causes of the epidemic.' A despatch from St. Petersburg say• sii more per* -ns have been attacked with the plague atSeiureno- The C'rar has ordered Genetal Lori? Me ;- |MftO start immediately for Astra Ml with fuil powers. He is appelated Gov ernor Geaaral of the plague stricken dle-j tricts, which are spec ially creeled into a prov.ace during the continuance of ths . epidemic. An Austrian Imperial ardi % nance has bean Issued at Vienna, idemiea with that ef the German govcrntueal, pro hibiting the impertation of a large num ber of articles from Russia and ordering the disinfectioa of all arrivals therefrom • The Uaiician nulhorilies have uirtaoraiu ed the government for the immediate ws-j tablishmenl of a cordon against Russia.\ i A .Saaitary Council has beea convoked at ! Rome to take precautionary measures i against the plague. \ril.i T TO DO Tt/7/7 SITTISG BILL. \Taahington. January JO.—lt ie now very well ascertained that the courts? of 1 the Government in dealing with fitting 1 Ball will be to require hitn and hie jwopie f to conform absolutely to tbe regulations ! of the War l>epartment, tirst eurrender _ ing as prisoners of war, or else to go | back agam into Canada. The principal ' men of the tril>ea would be in all proba -1 bility carefully guarded u> |>revent any ' chances of inAiit-ating an outbreak, i, .'DYING RAPIDLY FRf'M ST AItV A- I fIOV. . j Gibraltar, February 2.—lt is feared i that before next year half the mhab.lar.W ' of the Southern provinces of Mor.-cco will I have perished by starvation an 1 diseasoon . accouatcf the scarcity caused by last . year s drought. l | St Petersburg. January 30. —It is olli °jCially announced that the plague bits appeared at Selitrenoigorodok, on the v \ olga, seventy miles from W'etlianka. The Governor of Saratoff telegraphs • that measures of protection against the ! " plague, such as the isolation of the in s fected districts and their disinfection !! and the establishing of-anitary cordons ( . baye been taken throughout the govern , 'mentof Saratofl and especially on the Astrackan frontier. •J • ♦ ♦ c TheTelepheno City Chicago may yet '* be callad, to such an extent have its pee w pic svailed thi'insclves of the far-sptakcr '• Dr. K. M lisle te'.'s a 'T, ,hu ie rep rta? " how bo diagnosed a case where be was j. 1 called the telephone of the Pis is trict Telegraph Company; by a distant d 'patient whoso baby was ill—presumably ,e with eroup. tic asked the temperature of c . its body, symptoms, breathing and eough, a.igot them to hold the child near the instru k'; inent till he heard the cough and cry which indicated croup, proscribed the simple temporary remedies, had tbe lele gr-iph office place him in communication with a druggist, who was instructed te ,j_ preparo a prescription, and In a few min f i utes the druggist had called a messenger t| '*nd sont him with the medicine, ami the {doctor and druggist had returned to their so 1879. THE PATRIOT. 1879. GKT UP A CLUB AND RKCEIYH tc TOUR PAPKR FRKB 111 1 The DatLT Patriot will be sent by )U ! * I mail to clubs at the following rates ; 16 S' $t 00 per annum per copy to a club of fif er toen. er fO 00 per annum por copy to a club o • thirty. • r * $0 H6 per annum per copy to n club of fiftj $0 76 per annum per copy to a club of om hundred. And one copy freo for one year in even n * case to getter up of club. e r The cash must aecompany all orders t. lea.insure attention. All money should b u. sent by post office order or registered let . Iter, otherwise it will be at the sender' J,r 'riak. Address (mi Patriotl'ctii.ibhiko Co., iiarrisburg, l'a. ' The Full Season for the t ear 1878 is now opening ami a New and EXCELLENT STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODs IS coming IN AT (lUCKt F.N 11 KIM Kit Si CO. 'B, CKNTKE lIALL, and which will be gold at LOWEST FIGURES. They hate an immenM etnrk nod well in every ime. THEY HAVE IfreM GoihlK. Clothing, Hals Sf Caps, Hoots v\; SNotions, Groceries, >on t i-dnv, it wa> .iisc.ivered by a senti iir 1 guurding tin* building wliernti "Wtb ' Hog, a I Uayenne rbiel, n centinad , heavily ironed, that the .ltpoia! lndiai t was lying on the ground in his prisoi ' r.t l.aviug tabbo< hiuualt iu tour plarna in the rrgion ot tin , hrnrt. w.th the intentien of putting ai > end to hit life rather than he taken tenth ' I'he pul surgeon prenuunced the wound very danger i-, i! not tatal. Thtrty-thre. squaw* antt twenty-two children left hen this m rniag for the Pine Ridge ugcniy and will be turned o\r to the Si us si t.iHl agem v h thou tia'.ura! protectors. CONGRKSM ANDTHK Ml'-SlsSlPl'l pccial Despatch to the World.) Washingtoa, February J From tb present indications it appr-ars unlikclf that tbe present Oengres* will do much m -re towards the adviptien ef measurei . tor the improvement of the Mississippi River thau the probable appointment of s i commission to quietly malum a plan to bt submitted to the next l'ongre-s. n IRRIED! On J*e. 2?*, by Rev J It Shaver, Prof. , Sam 1 Kmerick, of near Centre Mall, aad Mis* Julia A. Aleiaa ler, of t'nienviHe. (*n tka J) uit., at Luth parsonage, by Rev W. K. l is. her, William Collins ol Kellefonte, and Sarah Johnstonbaugh ol S'.eto College DIED. fn the J6th ult , in Minh;m, Mr. Je seph WooJhng. aged H'. years. in Tuesdav morning, Jan. 2H, InTD. in Mdrov, of membraneous croup, Willie, •son of Kev s <• .Shannon, aged - years 1 7 months and 17 days 1 On Jaa i, a'. Oak liall, Margaret, daughter of A. W. Dale, aged - months ' and 27 day s. At Madis mburg, on J'th Jan., Mr? liaena, widow . 'Geurgo Smellier, aged 72 years. On the IfJth ult , at .\arobsburg, Catha rine, wife ot Ph pS: tver, aged 01 years, lo months ar.d 16 day . Farewell, our daare?t friend, farewell ; Our life wH one f peace and love. But tk 'U art gene torever to dwell With Jesus and the saints above Yes, God has called her !;.•■•. to rest. And here on earth will meet no more ; Hut hope again '.a all the blest. l'o meet r vender heavenly -rest. C B. S. Spring Mill? Market. Wheal W. Rye, 46c. Corn, ears, por bu. new, .1 : Oats. 22c, Buckwheat, 76c. Cloverseed, $ I to $ 1.76 .Chop, per ton, s'-V 00. Plaster, ground per ton, f 10.(XI • Flour, per bbl 16 00 ilutter, 16c. Tallow. 6c. Ham, He. She ildars, ; Clean Sides, 4'c. Rags. 2c. Kggs p r dot., 20.*. Tub washed wool 36c, Packed butter worav.t over. 10.-, Coal, Retail Hv Car. Gress. Kgg $4 ti6 *4 2"' Btove. S6ia) {4 06 Chestnut. *t 26 S f Pea, 2 .a' 06 TWO VALUABLE FARMS AT IkKIYATE .-ALF. I- I The farms aje sit uated m Potter t> wi.sbip. Centre county, l'a . ebeut two milas s .thwast ef Centre Hall, a: J about one mi e west of the "Old Pert, in the heart ef l'etns Valley. No 1 cental r.iag 215 it HI S, snore or !*••. About 17 > acres elrared, and 4( acres well timbered with thrift? white oak. large BRICK IMUSK. BANK BARN new 's4 > feet. Wash House, Bakclleuse, and joutkuildingv, H tn fl4o feet, Watb llou-e. \\ agna Shed, Corn Crib# and other out- . but'.di I. running water a'. THE h<> its AND ; #T the barn, %• 1 a I. AKCE OKFLLA HD. Tbe brou *m u&4*T (ooU cultivation; I ; first (uality limest>.NA land, and twc of tba 1 ' best and MOST desirable farms IN PW&nt I Valiey. The Lewithurg. Centra AND 'Spruce Creek Railroad is graded through , no of the farm#, and when finished will ! hare nearat station at "Old Fort." Willi be told very law if epplicwtiaa be made itoan to ADAM UliY, ■J FAB It Uellefoc.e, Centre county, Pa , • - j pUULIU SALE 1 Will HE told at public tale, at tbe rui- I dence of tba undersigned. naar Cantra , LLI I. on FRIDAY, FEB. 14 FIV K II HAD OF HO US IS. 2 Draft How, 2 Breeding Maret, 1 young florae rising 4 var# old. THREE MILK COWS; I Threshing Machine, Power. Straw-oar-' rier and Shaker, 1 llay-fork, I Flow, CulJ 1 liva'.or. END a h lof llortn gears. WAGONS, 1 2- horse Wagen, 1 4-herse | Wagon and laddar# Sale to commence! Jat I o'clock. J AMES S. CARSON. "V"< >Tlt'E. Not ca it hereby given that ILXV note* given the undersigned, and N'due February Id, LST'J, ara in the bandt of I A liurheabarh, A<) , for collection, where .1 parties Interested will a'ter i f 80 jan 3t ABR Ml AM HORST. TL"|SSTRAY.-CMN to the rerilence ol -i.l i Kilat Blu'lne, in Ferguson town* ' eli if. near Fair Brook school house. tome TIME in O lobor, 187>\ one Brmd'c Steer, ' then supposed to be T* > years old, a piece > cut out of upper part of left ear, white along tinder aide ol belly. The ownor is requested to come forward and prove 1 property and take it away, otherwise it V'will be disposed of according to law. ,fj GEO. ECKKL, :iOjan Town Clerk. _____ Y L I)U'JLIC SALE.- •' Will be fold at public alo, nt CENTRE E| HALL, on SATURDAY, FKBUAKY 8, NI LHT'D, the following property 3 Staves, V ' 1 Speer Cook, 1 coal stove So. 11, radiant light, 1 niall wood stove. - PA Kid lit SUIT OF FURNITURE, r consisting of sofa, ranc seated chairs, cen- R tre table, Ac. Book caso and desk, 1 lounge. 2 setts ! chairs, carpets, 1 dining table, bureaus, bedsteads, looking glasses, pictures, bar rels, tubs, vinegar by gallon, also all kinds - o| kiti hen furaiture, potatoes by the bush el, • tnoked meat, and many other articles. I. SALE 1-, commence at 1 o'clock, when terms I will be made known. P. F. KELLER. Hi - j ptIJLIC SALE . N I The following farm stock and itnple j merits will bo sold nt public su'e. at Cen tre Hall, Wednesday. Feb. L'Jth, 1879: o\i: SIA \ OF MII.F.S. HORSES, 1 T WD- Y K A BOLD C head of Cat tle, one Extra Breeding Sow, 2 good ■ V | plantation Wagons, both broad wheel and J ; "NO with bed, 1 '.'horse VVngoß, 1 Spring i Wagon, 1 pair Hob-sleds, single Sleigh, a Y THRESHING MACHINE, Shaker, Power and Strap, Reaper, Drill, Hnyrnke. Hayfork and rope, Cornplanter. Plows, Harrows, Cultivators. 1 largo 3- ,| horse Cultivator, Blacksmith Tool#, Horse ,< tears of every description, Forks, Rakes, R Chains of all kinds. Singletrees and Doub letrees, and many other tanning utensils. Sale to eommence at 1 o'clock of GEORGE HOFFER. * DESIRABLE PROPERTY HIK IIIM. The well known store stand at Farmer'i to Mills, with dwelling heuso, barn, and out >c buildings, and about twenty (20) acres ol t- farming land is offered for real. This is s 's capital chance to open up business. Foi particulars cnll on or address J. B. FISHER, lOjan tf. Fnu Hal), I'a. JANUARY JURY LIST. j.| The following Is a List ef Grand an " Traverse Jurors, for January Sassier IH7'< it UHSKP JCIORS-ItMT Will. •" Rnlletoate H. Valentine, J. D. Kurt? Id 6N .SRortlidge. t j Benner J. W. Marshall. Ferguson A nios Hoyer, J. K. ll.der. ,n llaiiu-s J. J Overdorf. •n Harris Henry Frederick. „J Howard Jacob Leathers. M desburg J M Green l'ailipsburf—J 11. Genoe "■ Potior Aaron Durst, h. It wall Thot. Wason. q, Spriag Klias Ban ay, W. J. Dale, A , Bnrtholumew. Heary (itnlxel. r * Taylor J Merry man. re I'nioa W daon Calhoun, ng vs 11 Merrtman i 2 John S Gray vs W C McCuelchaon. I t 11 I' C'.ow uto of v Derbv Coal Co. et al. 14 Dane. Thomas vs J M McCoy. 1 . J 1 Shugert vi C C Keller with c iausa. 10 K M Shuey vs Samuel Llna. 17 J D Sbutrrt vs J 11 Morris. le Win Allison. Jr., vs J A Bright In 1" ft Wilson Kx rsvs Tboma* K llicks, 7. L Hoover vs Wm 1* Ard. 21 John Kline vs Wm P Duncan. 22 Win V Hughes vs Jas L Sommer v ilia. 1 Met i !!*r, A Spcer vs Mis II Humes. 21 S W McNitt vs W J Thompson. S Jacob Naoligh vs J W Kboll. >1 Adatu Weight vs G Dorasy Groan. 27 s D Bail use of vs Jaceb Y'aarick 2> >cho*>l Dist of l'bilipsburg vs K Perks et al. 2"' T M Hall Trustee vs J P Shops. 3B John Mr Brides heirs r s W. J. Tib bent. 11 Jaceb Bower, Jr. vs B A Y Turnpike Coinp. 12 Sophia Rouse vs Joseph Kmrsok.- w - , = s IALD KAGLK NURSERY, Union f their charier the Twenty-first Annul I statement of the transactions of the Com* ' >any is herewith presented. ASSETS. Bills receivable \ being premium notes due and ' payable by members for insurance the past year- Jis.Sli.Sl Paid on same. ... 501.78] | Leaving due on ( premium notes taken.the past _ I year 84,513.52 To which add tax No. J.... II,OE?.I3 Less per cent for J collection ..... '/*3.35 3.H6S fki j Cash in treasury. 502.94 Making the total ava. able a sets ——— ol the past year. SB,sJ2.'!t j, EXPENSES. Compensation of direetiora... % 250.40 Committees on appraisements. 26.82 Salary ef Sce'y 100.00 " " Trees'r M.OO Printing, office rent, postage Jtt stationery - 188.66 Election board. . 4.00 J. F. Potter suit for services 7.80 Henry Neighdigb loss en house and furniture... 033.13 W- J. Jackson on store 1411.00 J Brett be!, due on beuse, (sum on note retain ed)- - 17.10 Kusloberder on bsrn V M 7 00 s J. Hazel on barn 7tkVJB Mrs. J. W. Con ly on house and furniture.. 1110.72 | Total accruing as sets and funds of the Company the past year after deducting expenses 33,415.40 To which add nctes of 1874, 5, C, ,nd 7 1&>, 197.01 142,012 41 Minus cash pre miums, cancel lations. carpen ters risks and lax on notes, in cluding tax on notes taken be tween Jan. 14, and Jau. 2^,'78. 10,582,44 Total available ■ assets of tba company this day 182,029,97 Risks and insur ances taken the past year 395,407.12 Risks and insur ances of 1874, 6, 0 and 7 1,345,242.88 Making the risks of the Compa ny this day 1,740,649 96 Am toutstanding 298 41 At an election held the same day the ' following named members were elected ! directors for the easuing years J. W Krurarins, 11. C. Campbell, Uenrv Kel ler, Jes Baker, Fred kurtn, John Bishel, Maj. J. B. Fisher, S. J. Herring, Amos Alexander, J. U. Muster, Sam'! tiremly end 11. G. Rover. Whereupon the board orgauized and elected the fallowing offi cers': President—Henry Keller. Vice President—B. J. Herring. Secretary— D- F. Luse. Treasurer—Wm. "Welf. D. F. Lcsi, HXNRY Kbllkr. Sw'y. Prest. 10 jan 81 11. I I I ■ II ■ I "IS I " ■■■ *■ I I. -I HARRY K. HICKS, fi, j f (Sucocfi or lo T. A. Hicka Jk Bro.) WIIOLKHALK A RETAIL DKALKII IN Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, Putty, dee., &o* j loTAUo linn (b<* iigs iK j of Ihr NomI?- Rt nd CUllltai lon *,. .1 . k I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY PARTY' THAT SELLB THE SAME QUALITY OF GOODS If. 1% I pXItCUTOW NOTICE.- L. tU r* teatamentary on tb* *-stala of Wm. Allison, late of Puller lap., de ceased, having beeb granted lo the under signed, all peieon* indebted to said t-slaUs are required l<> make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same lo present them, duly authe,... ..tud by law, for settlement. Ali accounts remaining unsettled after' Jan y 1, 7'*. will be placed in the hands t>! i a J ustic* fur collection. WM. M ALLISON, JAS. A. HEAVER. Executors. IMfWHIM a:-U W omen are I ry Wanted, to make from f'2 to fl6 par day. Aganu are now mak ing that amount. Addreai. with con cant stamp. Rev. S. T. BUCK. jSilton, Pa. 3j dec 4t 67. 13. 3>J A f Ji, HDOEHCHKR, R<-spectfully informs the citixent of On -1 tre Hall and vicinity that be ha. opened a new shop in the old Bank Building Ncw work turned out according to style, and all kinds of repairing neatly done and on short notice. Priests reduced and to auit the times. 7 fob. OENTRE HALL 'Furniture Rooms! EZRA H HTM BINE, ' respectfully informs the citieens of Centre • county, that he has bought out the old (stand ot J. (J. Deininger, and has reduced the prices, list has constantly on hand and makes to order "i BEDBTKADS. BUREAUS, i SINKS. WASHSTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS, TABLES. Ac . Ac. I His slock ef ready made Furniture U , ' large and warranted of good workmen jibip, aud 1. all made under bis immediate 'supervision, and is offered at rates cheaper jthen elsewhere. Call and see his stock before purchasing | elsewhere. feb 2' t,Awarded the tuiig and rhiladtljihia. 1 E. Sl H. T. ANTHONY A CO. Broadway, New York. Manufacturers, Importers A Dealers in j ' Velvrt Frimc#, Album*, Grtpho •copcs, Btereo*ftopes and Views, ! Kngravingt. Cbroms, Phcrtagrapbt, and kindred goods—Ceiebnliaa, Actrtsees, etc j< ■ i PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. ' We are headquarters for everything in the < • way of ' Steroeopticons and Magic Lanterns, Each sty'.a bait.g the best of its ciau in lb • Market. Beautiful Photographic Transparenciee ot | . Statuary and Engravings for the window. |Convex glass. Manufacturers of Velvet - Frames !or Miniatures and Convex Gia*s j Pictures. Catalogues of Lantern* and Slides, with (directions for using, sent aa receipt of tan . cents. 12dc4il 1 HENRY BOOZER, CENTRE HALE, * a nty * rrav.a or Maddlss. Hornass, Bndlaa, Collars. Whips j Flynat*. and aiao keeps on band Cotton S'-U. etc. Price# low at any where clae. Ml kinds of repairing done Xi- best took always kept on hand. All work war anted. A" share of the public palronagt s kindly t a EHNSVALLEY BANKING Co.| CENTRE HALL, PA. IECEIVK DEPOSITS, andallowlnt#r:i est: Discount Notes; Buy and Bell GovernmentSecuritiea, Gold and Coupons. WM. WOLF. VTM. B. MIXOLK, ! Fres't. Caabi'e! TMIV>];I'AS 'lo iKAWLm. ' -THE BUSH HOUSE! lIXXLtVoXTK, l'A. Has been recently thoroughly renovated and repaired, and under the management of the Now Proprietor. Mr. GEORGE HOP PES, formerly of W m sport, is first riaes in all Its appointments. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS A re offered to ihote in attendanco el court and others remaining :n town for a few! davs at a time. The largest and most superbly Designed, Hotel in Central Pennsylvania. All modern conveniences. Go try the Hush house. GEO. HOPI'KS, Propr. pOl'ltr PROCLAMATION. Wtmu.ik'llw Charles A Waver. PrUlnl ef Uitcunrt ii(ihiitiioß riia Is tbe iMit Judirial Ihe trie! cntr. t lUstut* Apd 1 Imiill aol the Hooontbl* frul, and flbr IfiiDiUl ll * 1 tin iXttM, rrseinty. h*vinß tMund thtr b+sritig dates Use let da# >f Jas A I . l*Tf. to ■* dlractad lfr btddtaj a court . foyesrai d TcrmlMU axd tseauaral Jail llellt •rj and V/ort Sesetoui oftbe Taaca Orrbn' Court aod court of 4 ommoo FUa In Hailofs nU fo th rounti of Centre, and U> commeMi oo the 4U. MothUj tif fan tclo lb* rth da} of January IfTf and to continue tuo nroek. Wotlcel* tlsaralore here Trtl ui lsurd. l*Tf, and lu tig# to. year *J Ibaei>eudence of the CnMed Htatea. J4 >HN sFAXiI.ttK, M.ertf! j A FREE GIFT! >< . ;sy nf my MVIUCAI COMMON |DMK.to any j-ereon tnffertnjr with * >-nunplt*n. Aetlima. Catairh. Hnmchttta. lauea of Voice, or fcore Tl.nsat. Keod name and |Met office addra. with tnro S cent |Hsstf* Ksmp*. and etate your •tchneea Tbe No,tk la elettaatb UUetraVoU. (144 Mi- IS sua- IP~V The Information It ossbtatna in the providence of l*od. liaa eared many Uvea The author has baen treat in# IIIMAIM of lh Noie.Ttinal, and i.ut># aa a at>acUi practice in ( Irtctnnau. aince lab; Addreaa OR. H It WOLKit, Cincinnati, ilhlo. U jan 44 NOTICE,— Lsttsrs testamsntary on tho estato of Gaorgs Murray, late of Collegn township, docrased, having been granted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said es tate are required to make immediate pay ment, and thosa having claims against iht •■mt to present them, duly authenticates by law, for settlement. Claims r*o be presented to either of the undersigned. J. I). MURRAY, WM.A. MURRAY, 9 jan 6t. Executors. ITcET^a!— Nente^TTTerelT^^jtvar! J that the following named parsons have filed their petitions tor Li cense, in tbe office of tbe clork of the Court of Goneral Ouarter Sessions of the Peace In and for Centre county, and that application will be made to tho next Ses sions of said Court to grant the same. Jauies L. Delong, Liberty twp., Tavern. A. WILLIAMS, J • Consultations in English, and jOcrman. Office in FurxPajn< Sußdin^. CAUTION.— Having purchased tba following personal property at constable's sale as the property ef Amos Koch, of Gregg township, 1 will leave the saase in bis possession at my pleasure All persons are cautioned against meddling with the tame, namely : One Coeking Stove, 2 paim Bedsteads, i dot. Chairs, Table, Meal Chest. Clock, Douchtray, 1 Horse 1 Spring. Hay aid Corn, Bridle and Harness, 1 C ow , 1 Pig. and Iron Ket tle, together with all dafandant's proper ty: JOHN COLDRON. QHWSML, ■ , JJ* ar owb to ". * i Outfit fr, ■L WWgFWBe tWt RaaUer. tf jou want a huMoass tt # fll M WETIICB |-araens of i-iliiar HI caa make AREA vl/ V V/ya/ all ttis ttws they work, write for tiar Usuiars U, Uaujui A (Jo, f mhwd If Maar, IRICI FOX lALX. —First clans brick lon hand for sal* at Zerba's Centra Hall brick yards. These brick arc offered ao luw that It will pay person* al s distance to cons here for them. Intending to continue in tbe manufac ture of brick they will be kept constantly on baud, and fair inducement* offered to purchaaera. 117 aug tf. H g. ZEKBKI U R.B-0- OUT]KLTL'H, Dantibt, MHlheim. t>*wi blijiwlMa iilMffteMtoUt -,1,1 m. H* la rt-i-n4 toiwrtora tUoytnUuu ta IU 4,atal g*o lUuaewril;praaaraSta sitrast istUsUslwii 1 uaaat pain. ■rare ( •Spring Mills, Pa., • GRAIxN~HOUSE j AND COAL YARD. J. D. LONG'S New Grain House is Now Ready for The Reception of WHEAT, at the HIGHEST CASH PRICE and the BK7T CO A L in Market sold al the very tow est price. iiitlcs ! Hides ! , Bring yeur Hides and receive the Highest Price for them. 1 alto keep lor salt UPPERS, KIPS. CALF SKINS, and SOLE LEATHER f at lowest prices. Also a full line of Harness, Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Halters, Whips, etc. at the very Lowest Prices. IQoct 3m NEW 5 Grocery and , Confectionery, t Al CENTRE 11A LL. The ucdcrvignrd bts opened a new Gro- eery and Confectionery, and will always kcrp a full 810 of goods, at lowestpcaaibit prke>, and kind)y asks a share of tee pub lie patronage. His stock consisie at 1 COFFEES, *UGF.R, TEAS, SYRYPS SOAPS, SALT. All kinds of CHOICE TOBACCOS'; Ov. Z and all fruits oi u M-ason geuaraliy in a SuK-a. Also a full line of CONFECTION ERIES * All kinds of country produce taken in as- , change. I tall low for CASH and PRODUCE. ? Jfrepty C. DINGES. Spring Mills O. k !; SEW ROOM 1 NEW GOODS! { At I. J. Grenoble'e Store ! SPRING MILLS, ! naa the goods. Largest stock 1 SELECTION UNSURPASSED! : Prices Lower than; Ever, And now extends a cordial invitation V bis friends, patrons, and public general ly* Aleo a Complete Assortment ol t kead v M Atle Clothing for men And boys. Suite as low as to be had in tht jcit'y. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Full line* of MERINO UNDER WE ARB, I For Ladi, Gent*, Bop, Misses and Children. 1 Hosiery, Gloves, Boot* and Shoes, | ' HATS. CAPS. CARPETS AND OIL . .CLOTHS, ' And the most complete assortment of NOTIONS , n Central Pennsylyarla, and prices thai willcompel you in self defence to buy o bm . Also Fish, Salt, etc. 18or A full line of Howe Sewing Machine* ! and Needle* forall kind* of machine* f > Also deals in all kindsjof Grain; Mar ' ket price paid for the same. A specialty in CO A L by the car load. Jas. Harris A* Co. * ; NO. 5, BROCKEKHOFF ROW. | O-—— ; IRON, NAILS. , P A 1 N T S, i °ils^JTC., ' JAS. HARRIS* CO. Bellefonte. s • May BARGAINS. ( Bargains! Bargains! In MEN'S and BOY'S, ' BOOTS and BHOES! j; also a LARGE VARIETY of CHILDREN'S SHOES, at I LOUIS DOLL S Shoe Stare. g opposite the Bush house, Bellefonta, i. room formerly occupied by JohD I Powers. * apr2sy Attorney at Law Bellefonte,' Pa. Office oyer R*y - ""'<* |nk 14may*w, < terweetandhard, and quicker to churn jjiTry it—for sale at Win. Weil'* stoie. Candy Manufactory & Bakery* Mr. Albert K*utb, At the BISHOP STREET BAKERY, la now making the ?ery beet llllKAl>, CAJiKS AND PII#; In liellefonie. . ' Candies and Confections, He alto manufacture* all kind, of eaa. die*. and denim can purchate of bitn Si low a* in the rlty. r*n.li of all kind* al w*y, on band, Idfctber ailb Oranges, Lvtaotu, Pig*. Date, NuU. Syrup,, Jel lie, and everything pood, CENTRE COUNTY OYBTKB DEPOT. An Excellent oyattr saloon also At tached to the Raker?. Call and BM me. ALBERT KAUTH. BTI U< n out • !:.<•*, luui mi work 1. * ikaa it u, una, Im t'aplul hi w. .4 iuM reo fII par tmi < aw* mad# b tfci !<>■■ <* Mm*. MH. %. ,fm rnai mUH tuM wl.vrvto work for a.?■ m lb HUM. I 00. COMB, BEE. AND BE CONVINCED COME ONE COME ALL U) the New Muik A Sewina Wa. bineetors of BUNNELL A AIKEN'S, A Hegbeoy Street, iSju'y Bcllelonie, P w. A. CUIIRT £duhTa i .VIIt K U tLL,Pi. V ould n.oi repctfuily inform the cit cen, of tine vicinity. thai he started a uew Bout ar,oi Tbreaher trpMi, Mad, or.!}- by NICHOLS, SHEPARD 4 CO., BATTLE rsrr.H, wich. THE Malrblm ptiß-Wftß|, Time* !•, IM kn.y*'M w tf.a or u Mil ■llin ■ MM Wi aiolry tor IWI **, fw tor, Ohtott,. ul Iu tortto na Bmw uu IISITI. IVk-l? EadSlee. i ■" sadaSsw l l.rikw waa: saf re's wettiet I utinM PsffectJj HUReI U Bit Ktwda and (V4tUMSt lunOß, W*4 r IN j, Lei| or Bbt, Ifcemßra or Bul yOT Mly Vastly NcpeHcr ftT Whrnr, f§ tMUB. U.tef.iir, swd 1A t-a * ftttactocßU "of • '• U- fkVOB OTBiB U NwMa MARVKt.Ot W fan Wlmeltrlir ef Parta. W" "".!!*••*' * l-*-'* WJ Mill j aukw M Uurrtuo M anitori! FORK HlaraofßeeamtsraMaSe, ran,- In* two Hi Ur hrr.ie Mnrww *t*, au. m aula, | Bi wulrU ll.vwr l>Wrj, to u%i& STEAM P#wrrrH,krw a Hperlaltr. i toWtoi u. y,-v.u.i toMtonp.-—I? In Mu Mm. OCR rarinlrl Steam Tkmlrr £■• " }iik;. lIVWMU. is-i ii iua.un IWaro, tot uj .um UU o. Ul I* Thoneogli Workmaaahla, Klegaat rißl*fa. i%rt,< t > of r*ini r ■iilm—s cf Vu ci*wrsrt. j Clt-, W'erkaaaakiu.A Kurnbllily I niurjiaaae,. Warranted for MIX YKAHS. PRICKS EXTBJEMKLY LOW for wk. Mnnlkly Inatallmem# received. A Überal ill,count to Tmckeri. thni