The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 30, 1879, Image 3

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Centre HU, P. Th'rsd. Jan. 30, TO
g^r-TKRMS.--s2per poor. irJirn y>oi</ r
nir.mrr $2.50 tcArw tint poid in adranft
A,lrtrtirrmfr\l* 2(Vf* per .'itic for ihrrt in
awrfftoenfaper linr for rrtry tub
nequr-nt in*frtion. A focrfisrwim.'a by 1h
year at a lihrral rfieeewwf.
Suhnrriber*out**d* the -ewnfy shoula re
vnit f'
n</e, instead */20,-f* a* formerly irbrn vet,
f x tiirmeelre*. .
tiubtcribern ran ahraye trll ftov tertr or
muni* ntnnd at the Reporter oflee Jv row
tvlfina the table* an tfiet- yepcr*. I' thi
labl* end* "John Hoc 1 jan ' 16" tt mean;
( },„t John 1' indebted for ntbeert r tu>n front
the 15f of JutuMtry, 187N, end inift n
ttinf he trii the printer.
V7¥S!SKCW" ,^, *FSS3SFI.*
o V Hvaisc***. Sari. •' •. **' ....
KTiVM.-'I IS""""' !i "''
For Pure Drugs go to Waller's Drug
store, Brookerhoff n>w. 14 ns>v Sm.
George Uoffar s farm stack at pub
lic sale, at Centra Hall, Fab. 12.
. p y Keller * sale, Centra IJaW.
* v, i
J. C. Bierlay'* lain. Centra Mi.i*.
Fab. 26. .
—George Krapa'h sale, Gregg, bob.
' Sechlers keep tha be*l coffee in thi*
•county. •
p. p. Keller, of this town, will move
to near Abiiane, Ks., in a tew weeks.
H. Lengle, of Jolliet, ill., calied at
our office a few days ago.
HOB. C. T. Alexander has our
thanks for doc's.
The spring eleclioni take place on
the 18 of February:
Lock s Mills distillery is to Mart up
again. Gaod news for tba Lewistown l.\-
ztiie man.
The State College cadets and Co. B.
©f Be'.letocte attended tha inauguration of
* , lloyt.
Get your dried and canned fruits at
Sechlers, headquarters for all kind, of gro
ceries. Goods warranted fre*h and pure.
J. Will Keller, of this place, Kd.
ness. of Linden Hall, and several other
yeung men, intend starling tor Kansas in
a short time.
Go and see Millar's handsome book
store, next door to jsost-oifice, Beilefonte.
where you get any thing in the liae or
boeke, statiesery, fancy articles, toys, Ac
Tou can buy more sugar for your j
money at Sechlers ttaa c sewhere, and
get a better article.
Mrs. Holleway, widow of Dr. Jo- j
soph Holloway, formerly of Aaronsburg i
t died al Akroa, 0., recently
V R. 1\ ha* been aptwjinted
pott matter a: Pleasant Gam A good ap
Wanted—a reliable agent in each
\ , twp in Centre county, to sell tha new
Howa Sewing Machiae, it U tha best ma
chine out—every body want* it. A. C.
Moore, Agt., Mi'.esburg, Ta.
Bald Eagle, Nittany. Brush and 1
Fenn s Vallay Turnpike Company has
cbosea the fellowing ofHcers .- President,
A. 11. Best ; Treasarer, P. R. Long ; M aa
agers, S. D. Tice, B. F. Shaffer. Andrew
Krape, E. Harter, James H, Porter, Sam- .
nel B. Shaffer.
—lf you have a cough, cold, or con-'
sumption, get Frank P. Green's compound j
syrup of tar and hoaay.
-—The best coal sold in this county, i
ycu find at L. L. Brown's near the Bella
fonte depot, where farmers get the fcigh-
est cash price for all kinds of grain.
•—Last Saturday mornir.g, M Keen's
tannery and hotel, at Beech Creek, Clin
ton Co., were destroyed by fire. Loss of
tannery, $10,U00; of hetel about $1,500.
The tannery was insured, but the hotel
was not.
On Sunday morning, 19, tbe hotel
at Nevada, Gate, was destroyed by fire.
It was occupied by Jno. H. Harter, son of
Wm. Harter; of Aaronsborg. The furni
ture in the first floor was nearly all saved,
while all in the upper story was burned.
There ws* insurance on betel and furni
Any person wishing to try a new
Howe will please send me a card and I
will at once send them a new Howe. A :
Lw C. Moore, Milesburg.
Mr. Wm. B Young, of Mit3inbui-g,
Veys the Telegraph, started nine teams for
Milton, on 22, loaded with clover seed, for
shipment by rail- Raiber queer, is it not,
when we have a railroad right here ? but,
than, he says, by teaming it to Milton he
saves more than sst>.U) in freight en a car
load, which is queerer yet. This fact,
however, will make no difference in tbe
dividends which the stockhelders of the
L., C. & S. C. RR. receive annually.
According to a Jelliet. 111., paper,
Philip Marsiager, formerly of Centra Hall,
must hava the handsomest sleigh in that
c.ty ;it ssys : "Did you sae that hand
some cutter which Mr. Philip Marsinger
was riding areur.d the city in yastetday
afternoen 7 We did, and judgiag from
the erowd who stopped to admire it a* he
drove by, no such cutter was avar seen in
Jelliet. It it by far tbe most beautiful
. k thing od runners we ever saw."
None can compete with Ncwaia
for Clothing. He has the largest end beet
assortment; he tells cheapest end gives
the most extraordinary bargains always.
He ia the man who knocked down the
prices of clothing, whereby hundreds of
dollars are saved to the people of Centre
county every year. For this Newman
deserves the encouragement of all—he baa
proven a public benefactor. Newman has
earned the title of King Cletbier.
We have perfected arrangement* by
which the amount of reading matter on
our outside will shortly be increased 25 i
per cent, or about four columns, by a
chance of type which will increase the
amount of reading matter to that extent
in the same space as by the type hereto
fore used on our outside. This wii! be
without any additional cost to our read
There will be a public Grange meet
ing at Ceatre Hill school bouse, on Tues
day evening, Feb. 4, at 7 o'clock. Dr.
Calder, Col. Jaa. F. Waavar and othars,
are expected to be present to address the
meeting. The farmers especially are in
vited to be present.
Harper's Magazine for February is
received and is an excellent number, con
taining a large amount of valuable histor
ical matter, which will well repay a care
ful perusal.
The five stages of brandy and water:
First— Brandy and water. Second—Bran
ny and warwer. Third-Bran warr.
Fourth-Brraorr. Fifth Collapse I -
I Punch.
.Qo to Brown's, near the depot, with
your grain, you get the highest prices
there. He keeps the cheapest coal, and
all kinds.
The new Howe Machine, sold by
A. C. Moore, Milesburg, is called by all
the most perfect machine made. e say
so too—have tried it.
drugs and medicines, go to Green's, in the
B hcuse block, where are also kept
fan c y and toilet articles.
nignt, bsginning Feb. 3,1879, at
Mills, at the Brisbin stand, whea wi.l bs
sold all kinds of Dry Goods, Notioas,
L Glass and Queensware. Come one and
all, and get good bargains. Goods offered
all new and first class.
Nkw Yobk Cash Btobb,
SOju 3t Potter's JiiUf; Pens'*.
There was a full attendance at court
thi* week, judge Orvi* on the beacli, with
associate* Frank and Divan. On Monday
Rob. Patlon of Bald Kag'o vallay wa*
tried for Heeling a barnea, en I uoaday
the jury brought in a verdict of guilty,
end as Bob bad been troubling court be
fore Judpo Orris pepper" I him with 21
roar* in penitentiary, and * fino of five
iellar*, tikeep him out of evil's way for a
On Tuesday the case of hi Closkv's v*.
B. F. Troxol, of Howard, on charge ef
(orging a note of $"1 wa* tried.
- Th* weather has gone iato a break
up since Monday, when it became mild
with slight rain Tuesday it get clear
in the a!trneen. with an appearance like
spring. Thi* prank has finished sleigh
At it (ire at Milton, a few days ago,
which destroyed Lock mans candy factory,
an explosion occurred from tome cause, by
which ena man was killed, and J. G.
Kurtz, formerly of thi* eounty, wa* blown
up from th* building into the hack yarJ,
though with no teriou* injuries.
"Kverv IK dy his own 1-awyer" i a
I new edition of a valuable work, that
should be in the hand* of evary man, It
jis all tha title axpreeie* Will poM you en
law and legal form* Price from $J to
$4 25. Wm T. Alexander, of Spriag
M ile, has tha agency (or thta county, and
will canvas (or tu Writer*.
Knder-ed by the Faculty. Tha rep
utation of Dr. Bull'* Cough Sjrup be*
been solely achieved on account of It*
merit. Physician* prescribe it. 2S eta
£ Kx-Yu# President Colfax lectured
at Ballafoate on Tuesday evening for the
benefit of the Y. M. C. A
Ciotbiug made to older at New
man's by one of tba boM tailors from l'hil
"Godey s Lady's Book ' ter Febru
ary i quite a gem. Every lady •hotiia
subscribe tor this magazine Address the
Gouey's Lady * Book Publishing Compa
pa ny, 1006 Chestnut St., I'hila $2 a year.
Tho Williams',>ort Banner say* that "Pe
ter Herdic wa* arrested a few days ego on
a warrant sworn out by Reynold# A Co.,
of Beilefonte, on a charge of fraud. He
gave $3,000 bail, Mr. Guy W. Maynard
becoming bis surety. Fearful of further
proceedings, Peter packed his carpet bag
and went to the everglades ot Florida.
Those housekeeper* that have not
yet made any purchases of grecerie* at
Sechlers, should try that famous store
once merely to find the difference hetweea
what they get there sad at other place*.
You era never deceived in any article you
get at Sechlar . It i* always firt class, I
fresh and pure ,• thay understand their'
business, and Mudy to plea*# cuMotaer*. I
Give them a call at least, aad look around •
for vourselves.
There will be a Musical Convention
at Pleasant Gap. next weak, in the Luth.
church, under the direction >f Prof. A. J.
Swarta, assisted by G. P- Gentxel. The
convention proceed* go for the benefit of
the Luth. church.
Mr. Howard Barnes has closed hi*
store at Pleasant Gap ar.d will locate at
Patter's Mills.
The Pleasant Gap bran band will
held a Festival ia the M. E. church at
that place for tha benefit of the band on
Friday and Saturday, of this weak. They
promi*a la be good blewera, and the poo
plo will give them a lift by patranixir.g
their festival.
There ;is prospect of a new grain
firm at Spring Mills.
The Millheitn boro, question will ba
dacided at court this weak.
Geh zona Newman wan da die best
uc wollfelst Sude Klader wit im County,
un wart net xu Sarg.
Th# severe whether in Great Britain
The Lewistown Gazatte, of last waak,
chronicle* tha following quaar little mis
take : A remarkable circumstance occur
red in the Presbyterian church of this
place on Sunday last. During the morn
ing service the pastor, Rev. Dr. McClean,
baptised a number of persens. Among
them ware Lizzie G. Copiin, daughter of
W. V. B. Copiin, and Annie J. McKae,
daughter of J. Harvey McKee, both near
ly grown. In baptising these two, Dr.
McClean inadvertantly reversed tba
names, baptising Miss Copiin "Annia J.,"
and M .ss McKee "Lizzie G." Strange to ;
say, neither of tha girls, nor any member
of tho congregation who heard the mis
take, corrected the Doctor at the lime, nor i
did he learn cf it until after the congrega
tion bad been dismissed! It is an awk
ward predicament far tba giria to bo in,
although Dr. McClaan at tha afternoon
service made a public explanation, and
assured tha girls that each was duly enti
tled to tha same that was inte'ufed to be
given her. Why he did not re-baptisa
them, to correct the mistake, is more than
we can guess.
To discourage rats that burrow under
walls, don't stamp the holes with broken
glass kettles, which will merely incite tham
to dig new holes, but put a shovel full of
dry sand over each bole, Tbe rats soon
come up through this, but in doing so let
half the sand into tha burrow, which, tm
liko earth, they cannot either force or car
ry up again, and by repeating this at eve
ry fresh-epened place their runs become
quite filled up, and thay maks up your
foundations again.
A writer on natural history say* eals oc
casionally quit the water, and wht* the
meadow* are wet with daw, travel during
tba night over the moist surface in search
of frogs and other food, or te change their
situation. We not only believe this, but
we are positive that on certain days ail tba
fish in the river over two inches in length
wiggle out and travel 19 miles across fields
and climb high trees or conceal themsel
ves, in caves. Any how, they are always
I away from home whan we go afisbing.
"Forget thee ?" wrote a young tnac to
bis girl—"forget thee T When the earth
forgets to revolve; when the stars forget
to shine; when the rain forgets to fall;
when the flowers forget to bloom; then,
and not till then, will I forget thee."
Three months later he w&s going to see
another girl with a wart on her nose and
(40.000 in the bank.
Mr*. John Jacob Astor wore diamonds
worth (250,000 at the ball ef Mr. Post, a
few evenings ago. They were the iamily
diamonds and consisted of nocklace, ear
rings, comb, four bracelets and tiara, and
and were remarkable for their purity and
1879. THE PATRIOT. 1879.
The Dailt PATaioT will be sent by
mail to clubs at the following rates :
$6 00 per copy per yeer to a club ef five.
(6 60 per copy per year to a club to ten.
$5 00 per copy per year tea club of twenty.
$4 50 per copy per year to a club of thirty.
$4 00 per copy per year to a club of fifty.
And ono copy free for oae year in every
case to the person getting up the club.
Proportioeal rates for parts of a year.
The WtiXLr Patriot will be sent by
mail at the following rates :
S2OO per anaum for single cepy.
$1 50 per annum per copy to a club of foui
$1 25 per annum per copy to a club ol
f1 CO per annum per copy tea club of nf
te,n - , v ,
$0 00 per annum per copy to a club o
$0 85 per annum per copy to a club of fiftj
$0 75 per annum per copy to a club ef on<
And one copy free for one year in ever)
case to getter up of club.
The cash must accompany all erders t<
insure attention. All money should b<
seat by post office order or registered let
ter, otherwise it will be at the sender'
risk. Address
Patriot Pubushiso Co.,
ttMritburg. P*<
ri A 4,000 MILK DRUNK.
[From the Nw TorV WorM ]
~ Mr. Jehn Wrm, of Cleveland, Ohii
T I he* just recovered from a 4t*hl ml'# drunk
H wont to I indn, England, lomi week
i. "go to tiait n on, got very drunk at
; wine party end vanished. Whtn no*
„ heard of it m at tha depot In Cleveland
whara ha was fcand, undar tha influanc
o| liquar, and armed with two big bottle
of whiak.r. Th or took hiro to tha boa pit
it 1 al, whom after aoma Java' delirium ha ra
Covered hi rnia, ahuaod hi* Knglisl
friend* tor deserting him in a Mrarg.
* plaao, and atkad for papar to writa hami
to Cleveland lor manar w,th whiyh to ra
turn to America. "My God! hava
aromed tha Atlantic oaeea drutih?" hi
exclaimed, whan at lat they coaxinc#-.
hint that ha wan in Ohio, nat in England.
i Fort Kobinaon, Nebraska, January 23.
Tha Cheyenne Indian campaign hat clot
ad for a tint# at laait. On Monday, Col
i Kram, with companlaa Bar.d D Thlra
t Cavalry found tha runaway* In a *tran|
, position on tha cliff four mile* north of th*
Mag* road and partially succeeded ia cut
( ting off thair progress. Thar, howarar,
effected their uiual aacapa, and moved to
| Rod Cloud Agency- Captain Wa*
tali Marled *1 onca en thair trail with hi*
four companion of cavalry, and at noon te
day came up with them owie forty-five
' mile* front this pott. A fight ensued and
thrca of Captain We*ell' command- a
sergeaut, a farrier and one privala —wara
Seveuteen Indian* wara killed and nica
bad'.y wounded. Captain Weasel* wa
•lightly woundad.
Ciacinr.ati, Ohio, Jan. 27. J. H. Pick
arnac, treasurer of St. Anlhoay'i Kotuaa
I Catholic charch, i* a defaulter to tha
amount at so,otX\
Jacob Kannahar, traaturor of tha Ger
man Catholic cematary association, is a de
faulter to the amount of SI,SX).
(From San FrancUco Bulletin, Jaa. 17.]
It it worthy of pote, in a teienliflc point
of view, that the troke of a hammer driv
iag a nail in a picee of wood, which ex
ploded the Giant Powder Work*, nine
shook a city. Thar# ia no part of San
Fraacitco in which tha coicutaion waj
, eat fait, though the work* were located
[ five mile* from the centra of population.
This morning it i* reported that tha ahock
was noticed at San Joea, fifty mile* ofl.
The general affect* were praci#!y similar
to thoeaj*reduced by aa earthquake The
direction of the motion wat not tly ame
in all place*. Topographical elevation*'
may account for deflection#, but the gea
* rl movement wa* north and loath. Here
we hava a force external to the earth pro
ducing phenomena precisely similar te
to thoie supposed to emanata from the in
terior. The coincidence, to ey tha least,
it very remarkable. No ana aeeustemed
to earthquakes experiencing the shock o!
Wednesday wau'.d bar# set it down to 1
anytbng else but an internal convulsien.
Ninety-Five murderers were hung in
the United States during the past year, an
increase of thirteen compared with tha ;
previous year- Of tbia ghattly exhibit ♦'!
were white, 62 colored, - Indians and 1
Chinaman; 5 were hanged for outrage, 4
for wife murder, and 1 for filicide.
A merchant in Dallas hat hit residence
built on the corporation liae, and his bad
in tha middle of tha house, so that be
sleeps in the city and his wife in thecoun
Pittsburg. January 23.—Tea announce
ment is made to-day that a woman claim
ing to ha R. W. Mackay's wife has giver,
notice that the will ranleit the will. Th*
lawyer* having tho cat# in head are very;
reticent. i
A banker having married a fat old widow
with SIOO,OOO, ay it wasn't hi* wife's face
that attracted him so much at her figure,
Tha difference between a bill and a pill (
it that tba hill is bard to gel up, and the pill
it bard ta get dawn.
Tba first of a new line ofsteamari tailed
from Boston for iiavacn.
Sea of the F. M. Ins. Company of Cen
tra County, l*a. Centra Hall, Jap. 18,
1879. Ia compliance with tba provisions
of their charter the Twenty-first Annual
Statement of the transactions of the Com
panv is herewith prantad.
Bills receivable
being premium
note# due and
payable by
member* for
insurance tha
P*st year ..
Paid on *ama
Leaving due on
premium notes
taken.the past ~7iZT^>
year 34,513.02
To which add tax
No. 9.. $4,007.15
Lett per cant for
collection .... - 1D3.30
collection 3 KC3 fc)
Cash in treaiury. 602.94
Making tba total
available a.sets
of tba past year. 38,8>w.2>j
Compensation of
$ 250 40
Committees on
appraisements. 20.82
Salary af See'y.. lOO.tW
" " Trees'r 50.00
Printing, office
rant, postage fc
atationery 133.00
Election board... 4.00
J. K. Potter suit
for tervices...... 7.80
Henry Neighdigh
loss an bouse
and furniture... 033.12
W J. Jackson
on 5t0re........... 1411.00
J Brett bal. duo
on haute, (sum
i on note retain
( ad) - 17.10
Kustoherder on
barn 987.00
, J. Hazel (spbarn 763.28
Mrs. J. W. Con
ly on houto
and furniture.. 1110.72
I 5,464.86
Total accruing as
set* and fundi
1 of tbeUpmpany
i the pent year
r after deducting
expanse* .. 33,415.46
' To which add
' notoa of 1674, 6,
1 C and 7 109,197.01
142,612 41
Minus cash pre
* miumt, cancel
lations, carpen
ters risks and
tax en notes, in
cluding tax on
' notes taken be
tween Jan. 14,
and Jan. 28,'78. 10,582,44
Total available
assets of tha
company this
' day 12,029.*
Risks and iasur
' ancet taken tba
'• past year 396,407.12
Risks and insur
.. ances of 1874, 6,
' C and 7 - 1,345,242.83
Making tha riska
of tha Compa
r ny this day 1,740,049 91
if Am'toutstanding 296 4
At an election bald tba aama day th<
f- following named mambara wara eleclei
directars for the easuing year; J. W
if Krunarina, H. C. Campbell, Henry Kal
ler, Jas linker, Fred Kurtz, John Kishal
y Mej. J. B. Fiabar, 8. J. Herring, Aran
a Alexander, J. H. Musiar, Sam'l Graml;
and 11. G. Rover. Whereupon the boari
y organized and elected the Tallowing effl
„ President—Henry Keller.
| e Vice President—S. J. Herring.
I. Secretary—D. F. Lusa.
L Treasurar-Wm. Waif.
D. F. LeaJ, H**i Kfiii.kK,
SWy. Prfit,
16 j&S 8t
PoUavllle, January 25. The l.ocur
. iinp mines, between Ml. Uarmsl an
°> , Shamokin, operated 1v Graeber
k. Miepp, are on fire three Imnilrwl f'
k* below the surface. It i* thought the
„ will have lo l> flooded to prevent th
lt lUinca from npreading to other mint *.
'"j TH K 1.1 UK AK Y MAGAZINE. th
", flrat number of which ha*ju*( rem-bsd u
**lit unique iu it* form ami typographic*
1 appaaranc®. Even tki'u<h Its content
' were dull it i" *o attractive t * the aye tha
[ X una nunt delight in turning it* pag's
'"'which prataal a varied array of choice • <
"' 'action* from the luteal foreign magazine
\ and review* Sir Krskirm I'eriv, matij
rear* a resident of that country, do i*ro
"The Future of India;' Richard A Pro®
tor treat* of 'Suppo#d Change* In tin
\loon,' T. Adolphu# Trollopa write* •
'The Home* and Haunt# of th# Italian IV
at, Guariai;' there it a learned and enter,
timing article on 'The Phoenician* in
JWreee*,' and of lighter but not trivial ar
, tide* there are: 'Theatrical Makeshift*
. and HUiaUer*,' 'The Happy \ ailev a
j picture of life in India; 'An Imperial Tan
don,' which give* a wonderful picture o!
t peasant life in Kinm, 'Some Gossip about
, ffquare;' 'A Woman > Love *
. Slavonian Story; 'Christmas in Morocco,'
H. etc.
To ell who hove been longing for the
, era of low priced, firal-class literature, n<>t
. the leat attractive feature ot The Library
„ kiaga/.in# it it* low price, J 1 is' a year, or
J j 10 cent* a copy.
, To tee so much that i* eieellenl ottered
„ for *o little co*t i* *ure to put a cheerful
Ittnile on the faee of a perion of literary
, taite, end e dime or dellar into the katul*
r of the pub!ibcr, The American Hook
' Exchange. 55 Reekman street, New ) :k
. riw.—The Supcme Court of this rtntt
i hits recently decided n CAM- of int.-r*-o
i to Road Contmissonet* ntui Stijcrvi>-
om. The caeo *.v appealed front tin
• Common Pleas of Sclitiylliill county.
The plaintiff brought uit to recover
damages for the death of her husband,
the satue having being caused, a* al
leged, through negligence of defend
ant? in not providing a safe load. Ihe
evidence was that where the accident
occurred the road woe barely of suffic
ient width to allow two vehicles to pa* |
A wagon was standiug on oue side of!
the road and on the other the eud of
a log protruded, ami in nttemptiug to j
drivs oetween the two the husband of'
the plaintiff struck the end of the log'
and was thrown out and killed. In.
the Court below a verdict wa render
ed against the township, which w is
appealed to the Supreme Court on the
grouud that, as the supervisors had let
the road out for rejuiirs to the lowest
bidder, who had gtveu bond* to tultil
his contract, that fact reli- wed the
suj>erviors from responsibility, th®
bond having stipulated to save the
township from all accidents, lhe'
court, however, decides! against this
view of the case and held the i unship
liable on rbu general principle that n
.& jury believe a road to be unsafe for
j travel, let the catlM be what it may,
it is evidence of negligence ai d the
township is responsible.— Kx.
The frog of the foot of every h r.-e
is the uatural support of the foot, and
should never be cut away except to
remove tbe rough edges which occa
sionally apj>ear lrota common wear.
At a late meeting of the terriers and
horseshoers in Wilmington, Del., there
was a great deal raid iu condemna
tion of the manner ia which horses
are shod, especially in the rural dis
tricts. A lecturer, a veterinary *ur
geou (according to the New ork
Herald), said that "the frog of tha
|foot was often pared away so artisti
cally to make a neat job that the ten
don or muscle that extended down the
leg, over what is knowu as the pulley
boue, and gave the foot its rnution,
'was often injured, and then tl.o horse
wonld be weak in the leg*, and blan
der. lie severely cbaractsriied the
habit of burning the hoof with a red
hot *hje to make it fit, and said there
ought to be a law passed to haug auy
blacksmith who would use rod hot
shoes in this way. The shoe should
be fitted to the shape of the foot, rath
er than the foot fitted to the shoe.'
Dip the tips of nails in grease and
they will easily drive into any hard
wood, where otherwise they would
double and break.
If fiue-cut tobacco besprinkled un
der the edge of carpets, and under
those places wherebureaus,book-cases
aud the like make it dark, tbe moths
will be prevented from laying their
i eggs in them, as it will drive them
To keep seeds from the deprcda*
tions of mice mix pieces of camphor
! gum in with the seeds. Camphor
placed in drawers or trunks will pre
vent mice from doing them injury.
The mouse objects to the odor, and
keeps at a distance.
• ♦ •
Wednesday just like spring.
ing account* have been examined
and pam-d by mo, and reuiaia filed of
record in tbi* office for the insertion of
heir*, legatee*, creditor*, and all other* in
any way interested and will be prcenled
to the Orphan a Court of Centre county,
oa Wodnesday. tha 29th day of January,
A. 1). 1870, for condonation and allow
ance :
1. The *econd partial account of Win.
Allison, jr., executer* of Ac. of David
Lamb, late of Marion tap., deceased.
'2. Tho account of William Allisen, jr.-
guardian of Hannah Daughenbacli. minoi
child of .Jamb Daughentaugh, late of
Centre county, deceased.
3. The nccount el Dr. J. B Leitr.el,
guardian of Martha P.,* A., Per
cival 11. and K.ther M llarshbcrgor, mi
nor children of Samuel Harbbergcr, lati
& of Potter tewuship, dccoa-cd.
4. The first and final account of J. W
Campbell, executor of Ac of f-aniuei
Harpter, late of Ferguson township, de
5. The final account of Wm. W. .Span
-0 gler, administrator de bonis nun cuin tv
tamento annexo of Ac ot Rv Daniel
Kerr, late of I'otter township, deceased.
1 0. Tbe account of J. t>. Dauherman and
- John Jordon, executor* of Ac of Hannah
I Dauberman, late of Putter town*hip, de
ceased, a* filed by Jobn Jordon, one ofthu
7. The account of William Corner, ad
ministrator of Ac of Sanntel Garner, lot*
of Herri* township, decea-ed.
8 The final account of Joaoph F. Will
iams, guardian of Newton Huotti, minoi
child of John Bpott*. late of Huston town
-4 ship, deceased.
- 9. The tacond account of Jacob Mtrohm,
guardian of David Kerr and Susannah
Kerr, minor children of Daniel and Ke
C hecra Kerr, Annie Zerby, John Kerr and
Klmira Kerr, minor children of the
•aid Daniel and Rebecca Ktrr, late of Pot
tor township," deceased.
10. The fourth aad partial account ®
Peter lloffer and Carrie K. Wolf, admin
istrators of Ac of lion. S. S. Wolf, late o
Potter township, deceased, as filed by Po
terHoffcr, one of tbe administrator*.
6 11. Tho account of Jobn Kishol, guar
II diari of Samuel Stover, a sen of ('alharini
ic Stover, late of Gregg township, decenscd
-d as filed by ML H. Kishel and Wm. F. Rear
if. Ick, aduiiaistratora of Jobn Uishel, do
I- ceased.
1, 12. The account of John Rihel, guar
r># dian of Mary Jane Smith (formerly
lyiNoesei, a minor child of William Nucae
-d late of Potter towoship, deceased.
II- 18. The final account of John M. Fu
ray, guardian of Sarah K. Stone, mino
child of Joseph G. Stone, late of Sprinj
township, deceased
14. The account of Daniel Fleishei
executor of Ac of Josiab Boyer, late c
Potter towmbip. deceased.
9 j wn Register.
The Full Season Tor the year 1878 is now opening and a New and EXCELLENT STOCK OF
ei AT (iriIUENIIKIMKE A CO. 8, CENTRE HAI.L, and which will be ®old at LOWKBT FIGURES. They have an immense stock and well M®ortrJ in every line. THEY lIAVS
- Dress floods. Clothing* 11 (its 6f Caps, Hoofs Shoes 9 Notions, Groceries, at Lowest Prices.
*. *
at Don't be all aid of a Utile fun nl
. home, good people. Don't shut tij
i" your house® lest tho sun should fade
M your carpets, and hearts lest a laugh
y shakedown soma of the musty eols
'* web* there. If you want to ruin your
c * sons, let tlieui think thatall mirth and
r soeinl rnioyinent must be left on the
threshold when they come homo at
night. Whun once a home is regards
ed a* only a place to ent and drink,
' and sleep in, the work is begun that
ends in gambling houses and degrada*
tint). Young people must have fun
% 'atul relaxation sunn where. If they
lf do not find it at their own hearts
{ atones, it will he sought in other and
„ perhaps lees profitable place*. There*.
• fore let the fire burn brightly at night
aud inako the home ever delightful
f with all those little art* that parent*
i so jterfectly understand. Don't re
r pre* the buoyant spirits of your chil
i dreu; half an hour ot merriment
round the lamp and firelight of home
I blot* out the rememherance of many
1 a care and annovanee during the day,
i ami the best safeguard they ran take
with them into the world is the un->
| seen influence of a bright little do
me-tic sanctum.
9 For hog cholera use a mixture of
i soft soap aud milk. I'out soap suds
- of wa.-h days into the swill barrels, it
• will make hogs thrive.
Galls on the shoulder* of draught
] hor*us uiav he cured by diasolviug *ix
drachms of iodine in half a pint of ah
' cohol aud applying twice a day.
Croup can be cured iu one minute,
and the remedy is simply alum and
■tugar. The way to accomplish the
deed is to take a knife or grate aud
shave off in small particle* about a
jteaspoouful of alum ; then mix it with
twice it ijuantity of sugar, to make it
j palatable, and administer it a* quick
as poesible. Almost insantaneous re>
, lief will follow.
. --
i Diphtheria is sprr* tby Llisisg lf
you war; 1.. k:i ycur g'-!, flrt K k Jsn'
Lerthroal and sea if she's g.vt it.
Th* Arlir.gLio ca# L •'..11 n tnal at
A grair. a si a! Dav! n, w.lh li*l,Uil
bush*h ig.aia.iu Aif iu, oat bgiaao
on 24.
Talis bad o Bjcli SHUW las'. Wiiak at to
a.; -da bunfieis .D its ttroi'.s.
Ti.t-re was inuih raiu in t'a. rnia 1 oat
Tl.a Sheriff of l*a!o J*iot (*. unty, Texas
was st. tan 4 taotanily killed ta o street;
fight at Austin
| ______________ J
Philadelphia, January 27 Groin-
Wheel Pan my ran* red, tr* at $1 t •
(. 1 iCi, raiu.sylvaaia ambar track, at
<1 I,* , do t' stater at %1 HSi - J 1 t i. end N"
2 wtern r lin *lpta'.<ir ai 5! iV> ttr* is
tleedy at 50.- for wettern and M' 4ie fr
Teur.sylvar, a Corn at 11 -Ik Seeds
—tij*c:>eed is steady el fi -• ic frc a.- lo !• >}. Flaxseed 1> war.tod at
fi s:i.
C liraC". J** oary _i Lt K are .
w;- t- s ! v"7. ,No 2 Chicago spring ;
far mil. v m •• i: for cash. Oats Itfe
for cash.
Pbilsdelpbie. January 27-Bef Cattle
were in fair demaed and price* were a
fractio* higher - -U head arriv.d and
were ooi iiL. , for l|tq J'.-er syDa-j
ma an 1 western -l**r 4iUbc fir fair t" ;
ge.'d da. an i 3' v4c per lb gro., fur eorr.
mun as to quality.
Sheep were in fair demand 5.000 bead
told at t v'Ac par lb a* to cond tren.
H*g> were quiet, 4,Hk) head *o!d at 51' v j
btc per ib as i > quoiuy.
Siprttif; Mills Market.
Wheat VO.
Rye, 45c.
Corn, ears, per bu. new. ,4'sc
Oat, 22c.
Buckwheat, Tsc.
CloverseeJ, 5 i to f 75
Chop, per tor., S'AVOO.
groui d per ton, {IO.CO
F'our, per bbi $0 uo
Butter. 15c.
Tallow. Gc.
Hag*. 2c.
I Hgg per doz., 20c.
' Tub washed wool 85c,
I Packed butler worked OT*r, 10c.
Coal, Retail. By Car. Gross.
Keg. Ft tst. 51 2t
Stove, $5 00 $4 65
Chestnut, $4 25 rel
r Fee, S2'JO $2 55
"VTOTICE. Notice is hereby given that
r Xv notes given the undersigned, and
j due February 12, IsT'J. are in the bands of |
A. l^uckrai-arh, #s.j , for cdllectien, wheru
parlies inten-ited will alteod
1> vills', Flaming P.O. Pa.
" Fruit. Shade and Ornamental Ti*cs,
, Vines, Ac
j Apple trers 14 cents, or iLi per 100.
Pe%ch trees 12 cent*, or $lO per 100.
l'oar ticcs, standards, 45 cea'.t; dwarfs
j 25 cert".
Stiada trees 4<l to 50 cents.
, Evergreen trees 40cents.
Grape vines 25 ceat*.
sty trees are tbriftv aad *f appr.>veJ
. varieties. WM. P- FISII EH.
J 30 jan 4t.
' T?STKAY.-Came to the residence of
IJ j Kliat Bisliine. in Ferguaon lewn*
|*hip, near Fair Br<x>k ichool-house. some
' time in tlctober, 1878. one Brindle Steer,
• then supposed to be tvr > year* old, a piece
cut out ef upprr V*rt of left car, while
loi g under mde of beliy. The owner is
• requested tu come forward and prove
property *nd take it away, otherwise it
will be disposed of according to law.
r f :SO jan Town Clerk
W ill bo sold at public sale, at CENTK F.
187'J, the following property : :t Steves,
■ 1 Speer Cook, 1 coal slovo So 11, radiant
>1 light. 1 small wood stove,
consisting of sofa, cano seated chairs, cen
i- tre table, Ssc.
i- Book case and de*k, 1 lounge, 2 "etts
>1 chairs, carpet*, 1 dining table, bureaus,
bedsteads, looking glasses, pictures, bar
d rcls, tubs, vinegar by gallon, also all kinds
hot kitchen furailure, potatoes by the bush
!- ei, moked tnoat, and many other arto lev
u Sale to comtnence at I o'clock, when term*
i 11 bo made kaown. PF. KKLLER
| r | The following farm stock and imnle
. I inonl* will bo sold at public sale, at Cen
tre Hall. Wednesday. Feb 12th, 187'J :
3 good milk Cows, and 4 or 5 bead of Cat
'Utle, one Extra Breeding Sow, 2 good
plantation Wagons, both broad wheeland
ono with bed, 1 2 hor-o Wagop, 1 Spring
Wagon, 1 pair Bob-slods, single Sleigh, a
jf Shaker, Power and Strap, Reaper, Drill,
s . Hayrake. Hayfork and rope, Cornnlanter,
Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, 1 large 3-
r horso Cultivator, Blacksmith Tools, Horse
ic Gears of every description, Forks, Rakes.
J, Chains of all kinds, Singloirees and Doub
rl letrees, and many other farming utensils.
i>. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock
The well known store stand at Farmer'i
" r Mills, with dwelling house, barn, and out
'*■ buildings, and about twenty (730) acres o:
farming land is offered for real. This is i
capital chance to open up business. Fe;
particulars call on er address
lfijaatf. l'enn Rail, Pa.
Tim following H the Germantowi
t Te'fgratih'aeiwple reiiiwlv for froe
, bits-*. Extract tbe front by the aj*
plication of ice water till the froter
!( part i* pliable, but let no artificial
' hnt touch if; then apjily aaalve mailt
r of' t-ii iiu 1 part* of hog* lard and gun
I powder, rubbed together until itformi
n paate, ami in lr,-a than twenty foui
( hour* tbu froxeu part will be well.
w—~ • • ■ ■
I Tbe following is a List ef Grand and
. Traverte Jurors, for January Session,
i 187'J
oitasn JI'KOKB iiasTwaix.
, Bellefoale—lJ. Valenliae, J. D. Eurta,
N\ Skortiidge
Henn# I W. Mrshall.
• I'erguson Ainos K< yr, J. E. Rider,
llatiics— J J Ove dorf.
Harris—llenry Kraderluk.
Howard—Jacob Leather*.
I Mlleiburg J. M Greee.
| Tailipitmrg J 11. Genoe.
I Potter Aaron Durst.
I Rash—Thos. Waaon.
Spring Lliai Banev, W. J. Dale, A
Bartholomew Henry Gentxel.
j Taylor—-J. Merrymati.
Union \t ilton Calhoun, Mutter.
Walker Ira C. Naicbtlcy, M. Corman,
j Jr.
Worth—A R WooJring, Alsx C|ien
-vaavgß.g rraoa*—ria*T wm.
1) M Bum, llallefont*
M \\ Cowdrick, Bellefonte.
Samuyl A ley, Marian,
llgt-n Mutter, l'enn.
Theo Deehner, Bcllefon'.e,
1J M Greea, Harris.
Noah Stover, Spring.
K C iienderten, Huston
J N Hale, Howard.
A Hr 'ckrrbort. ltallefonte.
Danial Hall, t'uiunvilie.
Jacob (.rev. l'alten.
Scott Frasel, Rush.
A Cornelia*, Half Moon.
Jerry Ebbs, Half Moon.
Jaa l.eti, l'*tler
Jainr-t Condo, l'enn,
J W Gray, Half Moa.
J W Young, Curlin.
Howard ilamae. Harris.
J Iloy, Jr , Marion.
William Foster, College.
Jac Sankey, Term.
Jac Gobble, Walker.
E Rolnnger, Thihpsburg.
G Alexander, I'aiunville
IJoha Caldron. Gregg,
11 Jane*. I'bi Ipskurg.
W U MsHern. Huston.
Win Roller, College,
W m Colyer, Toiler.
. Conrad S.oger, Curlin.
1 Davol Bnckiay. Curtin.
' GS l egal, I'hiliptburg.
Wm Eaton, Totter.
W E Irvin, I'hilipiLurg,
Geo Bower, llainee.
1> C ltaanck Sur.t.g,
Jat ruber. Union.
1 NV Zaigler, I'aan.
(. K Speigletnayer, Heine*.
Gae-g* Ecurirk, ltuth.
G \\ illiaass. Co age.
G Galbra th, B-lie: n;#.
'1 : at 1 rank, l'enn
11 K llirk", Ballefonte.
\uf.ix (irat. 'y Milt"
; Joe. Uavar. MIIM
Wm Kaup, Spring.
I'rar.k Knarr, Perm.
Jno llarritua, Spring.
Jantes Antis, 1! ward.
J W Swc#;inxl, Gregg.
II F Beck, W* ker.
K II Uas'.erman, Hsina..
JLO 11 'lata, Eprtr.r.
llatry F. utx, Si ring
5 B Leathers, tiuatrJ.
Jno ILthell, Banner.
Jaipar Brooks, Spring
\ tirnuat Keet#, Union.
W siarrr.t, Pbiliptkurj,
JasC.rair. ejr. Walter.
Jotin Decker. Walker.
Jwbn T. llarlar, l'arin.
Km 1 Croaemilfer. Haines.
Jacob Hitcar. Gregg
Jacob Crolxer, Gregg
K.l Nolan, snow Shoe.
Jobn Maeae, Bailafenta.
Danial U'rich. l'enn
J Uansetrer, Half Mwoe,
! Wll Clellen, l'htlipsburg.
Jar*! Kreamer, Miles.
C W Hoekman, Penn.
M ichael Confer, Howard.
F S Caw her. Worth.
J G 11 at* Farguton.
J PSeiberl, Banner.
("has Browr., Bellefonte.
JnoShtfller. Ft-rgutar.
Jno ChkO.leis. fen;.
J H Harris.
Jacob W'eaver, Howard.
Ta:aL LiT.— Trial list for the first and !
second week* of January Tsrm, 187®,!
commercing on the 27th dav of January,]
\ V- ifTO;
1 Jckn Smith vt llenry Keene.
2 Boyd C Packer vs Jobn McCauley.
3 Boyd C Packer vs 11 Garbriek.
4 Boyd C Packer vs Jacok Garbriek.
6 Boyd C Packer vs John Hoy.
6 Adam Kauta vs Mary L i
7 Geo Raetor v Jahn Mutter.
8 Alax Harpstcr vt Wm Baumgardntr
• (."org* B Jack v* I.ixxie Hummel.
10 John Miller vs I'ena towoship.
rtcosp wxxk.
1 II 11 Uackmen A wife vs J B Hen
• 2 Caroline Cucitr.scgs vs J H liaader
.3 Francis Hacker vs J B Henderson.
4 Abb!* Grim *t at vs J B llandersoa.
5 Lazarut Meyer vs John 8 Gray
C Samuel Harrster Adturs vs Centre
Hall klan fn'g Co.
7 J II Lina vs George Walker,
h It W Hoover *t al vs Christ Sharrsr.
10 Dan'l Rboades afi al vs laaac llaupl.
11 J 11 Long v* li Mvrriman.
12 John S Gray vs W C McCuetchaoa.
13 K F Clow use of vs Derby Coal Co. el
14 Isaac Thomas vs J M McCoy.
15 J I) Skugert vs C C Ealler with
16 K M Shuey vs Samuel Linn.
17 J I) Shugert vs J B Morris.
D Wm Allison. Jr. vs J A Bright.
10 T B Wilson Kx r*vs Thomas K llicks.
2k) /. L Hoover vs Wm 1' Ard.
. 21 John Kline v* Wm P Duncan.
> 22 Win Y llughea vs Jas L Sommer
23 McClellan A Speer vs Wna II Humes.
24 S W McNitt vs W J Thomnson.
i 25 Jacob Nairiigb vs .1 \V Sholl.
2i AJHIU Weight vs Dorsey Green.
I 27 81> Ball ute of vs Jacob Yearick.
28 School Dist of I'bilipsburg * E Perks
*t al.
29 T M Hall Trustee vs J P Shop#.
3d John Mcßride's heirs vs W. J. Tib*
31 Jacob Bowar, Jr, vs B A Y Turnpika
- 32 Sophia Rouse vs Josaph Kmriek;
On Dec. 20th, by Rev. W. H. Groh, Mr.
• Jainc* T. Tikben*. of College township,
and Miss Mary K. Bloom, of Forgeson
i towasbip.
On Jaa. 2!st, Uv th# same, Mr. Adam
H Kruuinne, of Ferguson township, and
Miss Rebecca C. Sbucy, of Collage town
i On 8 Dec., by Rev. Earns, of Jelliet,
Mr. John Cold water and Miss Lamanda
■ Lengle, daughter of U. Lengle, both ol
near Jolliet.
On the 31 ult., Mr. Samuel Williams, of
- Martha, Centre county, and Miss Amelia
- Banner, of Woodward.
On the 10th inst . Mr. John W. Gable
to Miss Amanda U. Ertel, both .of I'ena
, llall.
j On Id, R. O. Larimer of Pleasant Gap,
j and Miss Lida Schroch of Uellefoate.
I On 2U J. C. Rrachbill aad Mist Maggil
t Mulbollan, both ot Bellefonte.
Oa 23, C. L. Callaway of Baltimore, tc
, Lixzie, daughter of D. G. Bush, esq., o
, Bellefonte
f On 21. A. J. Weber, of Howard, ant
Mist Kachaol, daughter of Aguew Moore
j ofMilesburg.
. In Curtin twp., on 9 inst., John U
Wnlkins, aged 81 years and 7 month*.
Oa tbe 13th inst., near Rehersburg, Pol
ly Shultz, widow, aged 83 years, 10 month
and 1 day.
On the 19th inst., in l'enn twp., Jacql
,f Ebert, aged 78 years, 4 menths and
>r In Illinois, last week, Mrs. Hesterman
wife of Henry Hosterman, formerly c
Haines twp. She was a daughter of Phil
, ip Stvycr of Haines.
1 i. in .■ i ii ' i i a ■ -
II Alllt Y K . IIICKS,
y '
(Succeaeor to rr . A. Ilicke A Bro.)
Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, Putty, &Ce, dec,
fiar AUo lssssi (he agrßry of the Noiilh Clillli i! Hfiir fUr!?.' "
d ——
Letter* teatainrnlary on the estate of
Wm. Allison, lata of Totter twp., de
eea*td, having beau granted to tbe under
tigned, all person* indebted to said estate
are require J to make immediate payment,
and those having > .aims against the same
to present them, duly authenticated by
law, fur settlement.
All accounts remaining urn ...<d after
Jan y 1, '7'.(, will be placed in lb* hands ul
a J Uatica fur culleclien.
IMM| II 111 H* am! otucn are
I Wantad, to make from
f2 Pi 115 per day. Agent* are now mak
ing that amount. AJJrms, with oue cent
stamp, K< v. S. T. BUCK, Milton, Pa.
2SG dec 41
v;. a. ;iia ;f j ;i,
Respectfully inform* tbe citizens of Cen
tre liail and vicinity that he has opened a
new shop in the old Bank Building. New
work turned out according to style, and ell
kinds of repairing neatly done, and on
short notice. Price* reduced and to suit
the time*. 7 feb.
Furniture Rooms! 4 HRI9IBINE,
respectfully informs the citizens of Centre
county, that ke hat bought out the old
• land ol J. O. Deininger, and hat reduced
the price*. He has cunitently on hand
and makes to order
TABLES. Ac.. Ac.
Hit slock of ready made Furniture is
large and warranted of good workmen
ship, and is all made under his immediat*
supervision, and it offered at relet cheapo?
thai, elsewhere.
Call and tee hit slock before purebatlng
elsewhere. feb 21
Awarded the llighet "mTTTT at Vi
cna and Philadelphia.
551 Broadway, New York. *
'.Manufacturers, Imp rler* A Dealers in
Velvet Kntmc", Albuma, Orapho
aco|ies, Stereoacopee and Views,
Keg-avings. Chromos, Tkot graphs, and
|klr.drjd g >od—Celebrities, Actresses, etc
'W* are headquarter* for everything in lbs
way of
jSteroeoptieona and Magic Lwnterna.
Each tlyla bting the 1-ast of its class in the
Beautiful Photographic Transparencies ol
.Statuary and Engravings fur the window.
'convex g'.a**. Manufacturers of Velvet
Frames for Miniatures end Convex Glass
j Picture*.
'catalogue* of lecterns end Slides, with
'directions fur using, sent en receipt of tan
' cents. 12dcC4
< II 4i.u
■urvKTrtu or
■addles. Harness, Bridles, Collars, Whips.
Flyastt, and also keeps on hand Cotton
j Nel*, etc. Prices low as any where else
All kind* of repairing done. The be*;
>lock always kept on hand. All work war
-1 ranted. A h*re of the pub! "alronaga
1 it kindlr solicited. Itapr, lfiy
RECEIVE DEPOSITS, andallowlnter;
est: Discount Notes; Buy and
Sell GovernmentSeourities,
Gold end Coupons.
WM. WOLF. WM. B. Mikoi*,
Pratt. Cash i'
To thAViiLfili.-.
xLi.iruTi, rx.
lias been recentlv thoroughly renovated
and repaired, anu under the managemani
of the New Mr. GEORGE
HOPPEB. formerly of W msport, ia first
class in ell its appointments.
Are offered to those in attendance at court
and other* remaining in town for a few
days at a lime.
The largcit and roost superbly Designed
Hotel in Central Pennsylvania.
All modern conveniences. Go try th*
Bush house.
haug GEO. HOPI'ES. Propr.
Wb th lion. Char!#® A Mayer, rreaMeri ol
lb* ctwrt of o(M I'leta In U* JadirlaJ Ihi
. *Ficl cunalatinf **f tb# coucl)®® of ClleUn jrt'
1 t iaarAwLl. MM t * • MMtnblt Ii1 fMn, and pix
llnnortbif JtxLn iMrenx. Aaosirutal .lodfealn i erln
cotinli. Uavtbg taaued tbelr prwewpt. dale tL
Wt tlajr ol .lan AH, l r f. naa dirwUKl for holding
a court of Ojrar and Tan&knar and laaawrml Jail Itoli*
•rjr and Quarter hefiftßtoi of Ibt IVar# t >n>hana Court
and oourt of Common )*laaa ta Rail®font® II , f "
• ih® *unty of UenUa. and to Mtanaw® oa tb® 411
Mondag of-ian tmtnc tb® 17Lb dajr of Janaary tPTV
and u contlnu® MM w®ba.
Nolle® ia 1 heref.xre tierebyftrao to tha Ooronar. Jt
- Urea of tb® P®ar*. Altl®rwaact and ConaUth!®® of th<
aatd r OB1 j of t ®#!r9. fikat they b® than and there ti
11hair prop®j miwdi, at 10 o'clock to tb® for®noon o
•aid QAJ>. wtth their rtronja, taqulaitlnaa. atamtna
Uu&a. ana th®U own re nxe in Stance®, to dti® ititogi
whts-h I*, (hair offlre appertain* U> 1 ® don®, and threi
who ar® hound in recogtiltAncM te Troea ute again*
th® priaonae® that mrm or whall U® ia Lb® Jail <uf t wain
oonntg.h® than and tbar® l prvaacut* tben
a® thai I |>® jua:
l (titan under wj hand, at Haiiefoate. th® 1I day
Jan la Ih® tear of oar LmL fMtl", n*l In tha IKS
year of lad®p®udau<j® t| th® Hnl<d Slatwa
.HHIN hPA M. I.IkR. Sheriff
any |*®r%on ®ufl®rln® wlva ruurumpiion
Atthma. C.®tarrb. Uronrbttla. lom cat N n
Thmat. H®nt nama and po®t siftoa a.t.lrwa®, wtib ftvi
; I rent poatagra •taintsa. and aU® four iickaew Tbi
htxxb ia tlfffiDtly lllußfirala-1 (144 pp. IS wu>.
Tha information It OUBUIM. in ih® wrvTtdonr® of
ha® aarad manj llwea Tb® author ha® t>®rn treating
dt®ea® of |h® Nit®®.Throat, and Ungt a® a •twcia
rractlo® In Otnrtenad. atno® 1457. Addrw®® lK N
' B Wit 1.1 K. Cincinnati. Üblo. II 41
Latter* testamentary on the estate oi
7 George Murray, late of College townhip,
deceased, having been granted to the un
dersigael, all persons indebted to laid es
tate are required to make immediate pay
, ment. and those having claims ngainst th<
a ama to proaent them, duly authenticate*
f by law, for settlement.
Claims can be presented to either of tin
, undersigned. J. D. MURRAY,
9 jan fit. Executors.
I" ll'tJWB. S'.IKC Uoreliy give,
e IJ that tbe following namec
n persons kave filed their petitions lor LI
cense, in the office of the clerk of thi
, Court of General Ouartor Sessions of thi
Peace In and for Centre county, and tha
application will be made to the next Se*
e tions of said Court to grant the tamo.
James L. Delong, Libertv twp., Tavorn
.r Clerk.
' T L STANGLUH, Attorney-at- Law
,(I • Consultations in Elngiiih am
" German. Office in Furst's new buildine
CAUTION.— Having purchased th
following personal property a
constable's ale as tha pr-per'v #f Amo
Koch, of Gregg township, 1 >w JI i ßave t h
L same in hit possession at my pleasure Al
persons are cautioned against meddlini
j. with the same, namoly : Ona Cookin,
>• 5. l ®T e ' B®dteadi, 1 dor. Chain
Table, Meal Chest. Clock, Doughtray,
Horse 1 Spring. Hay aad Corn, Briil
lb and Harness, 1 Cow. 1 Fig, and Iron Ket
7 tie, together with all defendant's proper
D, .-#*spw*wt. BIKr on town 5 OuUlt tn
.( A. aawsesikt. (Usdsr, If rou wsot s buatasssi
.WW N Bvhkb psraonsof sllb*r ..icsa
il> vL/ Wpsr .11 tbs ilins the* work, writ# for pa
wc aiaii IV U, UsiAMA A Co. FwttaiAl
1 Rbixi
BRICK FOB BALE -Plwt class brick
on band for sale at Zerbe s Centre llall
>f brick yards. These brick are
* offered to low that it will pay peraona at a
distance U) come here fur thexu.
e Intending to continue in tbe manufac
.. lure of bricl they will be kept ContUntly
* on hand, and fair inducements offered to
Y purchasers.
17 aug If. U.K. ZKKBKJ
; f\k.y.(i.
Dentist, Mlllhelm.
<>•• kb gfoftMoßftl wrTWgto tb Mtittf. If* !•
P i*pMMd U UHr4UoM I* lb® d®aU! prtr
r*®L a
" H® u now fellfttepseei t iitoMl f**tb khMHUy
u j —————■
* Spring Mills, Pa.,
; (iHAiMioi sj;
\ i. D. LONG l
n > New Grain House is
Now Ready for The
Reception of
! t th# HIGHEST CASH FltlCE and ibr
■ BKhT COAL in Market told at tbe very
lowest price.
; Hides ! Hides !
1 Bring year Hide* and receive tbe Highest
J Trice for them.
I else keep lor sale UPPERS. KIPh,
at lowest price*.
Also a full line of
Harness, Saddles. Collars,
Bridles, Halters, Whips, etc.
' at the very Lowest l'nces. '
' 100 13m
' Grocery and
Tl.e undersigned ha* opened a new Gro
eery and C'onioclionrrv. and will alway
aeep a full line of goods, at lowestpotsibi.
prices, and kindlr asks a share of tha pub
ac patronage. His stock consist* of
All kind, uf
•nd all fruits of tbe r- "
, Also a lull hue uf CONFECTION ERIE."
All kinds of country produce taken in ex- ,
1 sell low for CASH and PRODUCE.
Bsspt y C. DINGKS.
Spring Mills (L K!
®t I. J. Grenoble'a Store !
has the goods. Largest stock I
, Prices Lower than
And now extends a cordial invitation t<
' his friends, patrons, and public general*
, , F-
Also ® Complete Agnortineot ol
Ready Made Clothing for men anc
borx. Suit® as lowr at to be had in tht
7 c,t J-
Imported and Domestic
J Full line* of
For Ladies, Gent*, Boys, Miaees and
1 Hoeterv, Gloves, Boots nnd Rhoes,
And the most complete assortment "of
* n Central Pennsylvania, and price# thai
willcompcl vou in self defence to buy of
bm . Also Fish, Salt, etc. ISor
.' A full line of Howe Sewing Machines
,t and Needle* for all kind* of machines
* Also deals in all Grain. Mar
i ket prica paid for the same. A specially
, in COAL by the car load
1 Jas. Harris § Co.
f Bellefonte.
;■ Bargains!
" Bargains!
In MEN'S and BOYS,
5. also a LARGE VARIETY of
LOUIS DOLL S Shoe Store,
ig opposite the Bush house, Bellefonte,
'*• room formerly occupied by Jobn
le Powers. * apr2sy
IT. l T . f) F fi n°? T , IJE I Attorney at Law
r JL/ Bellefonte, Pa. Officeoverßey
_ nuld* hank. 14may'6y
la makee but
and quicker to ehurß
Try it—for sale at Wm. Wolfe stoie, j
Candy manufactory & Bakery*
i • 51 r. Albert ktilth,
i At tba
is oor making tbe very best
in Bellsfonte.
Candies and Confection*.
lis also man afar lure* ail kind* of can.
die*, and dealer* can purchase of bin- at
low a* in the city. Candle* .f all kind*al>
way* on hand, together with Oraagaa
Lemon*, Fig*. Dat-v, NuU, Nyrupa, JsN
lie* and everything good.
An Excellent oyster saloon also at
tached to the Bakery. Call and tea
I I raa ail. aw.*** lum *1 wort far u |ht* .1 si*
I I •*••*•!■ C'apilsl sot r*4oirS • will IUS
I | to* SIS | <.) ukontiuiklii it. - -twrl
""" "• l~r sadjrirto ium
busts u. wort tat u Kuw to ito Uai Casta*
etfi ul Imu (im. AiMnuTtti* "■ —*,
*"" a,Tr
War! War! War!
Sewing Machines!
\ 1 R 11 Klnp INirlor Organs,
PrlreWlO, For alio aah.
s Stop "'Baiit, New, tor $70.00 Priee
Sewing Machines Guaranteed New,
and as Represented, for 126 00.
u> Ike New Mu>ic A Sewing Wa< bine store
Allegheny Street,
dulj Bc-ltelcnla, P
\V. A. CUItRT,
iitfl fit oLlb tiJukar,
W 3d n.t-1 rjcUui;> inform tbecit
bis i< uiiiy, that he ha* started a
v !. .Nt and Shoe bhob. ami would be
hankful for a share of the public patron
ge. Boots and Sboei made to order and
according to *ty!e, and warrant* bit work
to equal any made elsew here. All kinia
of repairing done, and charge* reasonable
'lit* him a call feMl Lf
Ne\TPianos 5125
Each, and all style*, ire uding GRAND,
-yUARK and UPRIGHT all strict!*
Artt eUu, sold at tbe lowest net cask
wholesale factorT prices, direct to the pur
.'baser These Pinw maoe one of the fin
est display* et lbs Centennial Exhibition,
and were unanimously recommended fof
•.he Htont'T Hoo*s—over 12 000 in use.
Regularly incorporated Manufacturing Co,
Factorv < >t*b!i: bed over 06 year*. Ibs
Square Grand* r< - sin Maibmbek's new
patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the
greatest imprcTetner t in tbe history of Pi
mo making. Tbe I plight* are the finest
m America. Piano* sent on trial Don't *
fail to write for Illustrated and Deacrip
tire Catalogue of 4$ page*—mailed free.
5 sent la 21 E--t lbtbßtreet^^^T^^
— s. SeXaUA 0 i
N. *ne
"Vibrator** Thr**bers
wrra raiwonm
And Sinn Thresher Ktogtwea, \
Hade only fcy
BATTLE cnrr.u, Mica.
Til* Malrhtewa i;rala-Sa viae, Time*
Swelßs.awl Kiw.Sx.U liwwwn at UM to, aa*
•wesnurteß Hreoed all Ktralrr lar Bigll *i t ftg,
fact CUsi r|, s4 h* N*lt| yit* Snm * **U|a
BR AIM Rataera will aet Atkwll te Ik*
• aenaoei wastagrelt-rwis A m 'terse ewti Asm by
lbs SUht ka mm* | iUsi Use iIMMk
TBI EMTinC Tkcchlwc Rxweweee
L, Bsira Urals S.VUD i j Ito. Ito*rw4 Mi ) i"
NO Rrrslrlat Shaft* Inside the f-cwa
ratsf. tkuieif h>* •'*• Eeeint, IVim.
end all en k t*saw *ttbj sad r *-a vwiiet iif*-
rti'itM. fbHtotSjr I# K'mAs end f
UrlA, Wl Dry, laf or ChnV UsaM or Bs4
NOT ealr Vartlr r*wwrrir far Wheal.
OsU I-.. Wt. kja. b4 U* Wraiee Ut tkt nut be
Iccwwlbl TWaWr t r *t TtmotL*. Mtiirt. fkittr, eeJ
Ik* see.ia f- *t larliUßte or • :wAw*liß4 '•
to ttoaf* frost Uraia to hwda.
M4KVKI,OI'< for Wmpllrlir of Part#*
nadWf tows l| to*, 4 I a *- $ gaa tse't.
lUkrs bo LlttoriSb* BrmUitru
For* Slceof Seearnlor* Muds, rang-
Inf m-io PA ts ll —we ujO, *tt4 IV* SI.'MR of
11. -uud Uimw IVvrit to bai*
STKAM Power Thresher* a Sperlalir.
toto torutoto auto. u,-*aal] la, I'. vw.
01 R rnrlvalcd Steam Thrrwhcr Ke
f nto. . u. %Un.:l. u.,,. ..nuui, .„ 4 !• ulocUW
'"'"S sr toruej SBI MUr bus. or sis*.
Wenkmwnohlw. ElcrnaC
| rill tt. !>"• n *f i , ,e. i . -t—i-nsra of t , iwnt
I to. —i* • \ ■.*. e "•N.TO.W-. ,S J. IR^g
i POR Port Ira laro, all on ©or Dfilrrt
, f srtrftstebity. i iaMrtod('urtu*sr. si.wS wwtssUOsto
WATERS' Orchestrion rhimosORGAN
i'the moat bcaaUfhl
W. I < lone ever tund*.
J SjjSl* V lihultrrrlrbrslsd
'HIdBMI IS I | onerrlOßlop. whk"
' e ' h " " Unr
I 1 1
|;.\NS, in t'nlune French Cnti ore .*-
rjr renpeel Ft l<-T t'LASS. ... ..
WATERS' PIANOS, ."/Vr.iift
Workinnnshii>,<A BwrwhlHlJ t noarpnow—
Warranted for SI KA H>• .
pit tt'Ks RXTKEMBIA iow .r*?* 1 ;
Monihljr reeetred. A l.lherwf
IHoeount'l* Tnvkert, Hinwter*. Churr teSMOls
etc AI.BNTS WANTED, special indoco
■rnli lo lhe irnde.lllnrtrnted ftI,SW
■ "—"MSf, JSMbninoo
1 sqiARF, NEW Wit It; UVS,