The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 30, 1879, Image 2

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    the Centre Reporter.
CKWTRX HAUL, IV, Jan. 80,181!
The republicans of New York re-elect
("tinkling to the senate. He received
the whole party vote in caucus. Send
the news to the Fraudulent,
The democrats in Indiana re-elect
Yorliees to the senate for the long
Hiester Clymer was nude the demo
cratic caucus nominee for senator from
this state, but all know by this time how
it was Don.
Florida elected Wilkinson Call senator
to succeed Conovcr.
Wisconsin has elected Matt. 11. V arpun
ter, to the IT.l T . S. Senate. He was in the
senate from 'fit* to '75.
♦ ■*(► ♦
The York county grand jury wants
the whipping post established for uiinoi
The expense for maintaining the rrg-
IT! AT army is about 1 dollar per head for
every man, woman and child in the I
S. We have a family of six. but don't
see where our six dollar* worth of bene
fit comes in.
Gov. Hartranft. signalised the last day
of his administration by signing two
death warrants, making in all fifty-two
that have issued from his hand. He
so commuted the sentence of Blasius
l'i-torions to imprisonment for life.
At the state Millers' Convention held
at 1 Jin caster, lately the lultx w.iea,
was condemned. There was considera
ble of this grain raised iu Centre county
of late vears. hut the millers, who should
know, do not seem to think much of it,
they passed the following resolution
with but one vote in opposition :
K .1 That'this society] will dis
coutage the growiig of Fultx and Claw
son wheats. For milling purposes they
are not desirable, and have been the
cause of mnch of the complaint about
our flour. We .suggest {Lancaster, Old;
Mediteranean. Houghton. Shoemaker,
Canada White, l*al and Yiek be grown
in preference.
President Hayes is putxled concern
ing the disposition to be made of the bill
to pay arrears of pensions. In the Cab
inet Secretary Schurxjpreeented a letter
from Mr. Bentley, Commissioner of
Pensions, saying that the bill, if approv
ed by the President, will take!-' '• OOKOeO
from tbe Treasury immediately, and in
years to come, as the result of new ap
plications, Ac., about 120,000,000 more.
Secretary Sherman, who is greatly op
posed to the bill becoming a law. in
formed the President that according to
the estimates of the Treasury I>epart
ment through which pensioners are
paid, about; $ 100,000.000 would be re
quired to meet the demands for the pay.
xnent of arrearages. Mr. Sherman said
that it would be impossible to pay this
sum without encroaching upon the fund
for resumption purposes, unless Con
gress authorized him to sell bonds or
passed an act providing lor levying ad
ditional taxes. It was the unanimous
sentiment of the Cabinet that something
must be done to avoid the extraordina
ry draft upon the Treasury which the
approval of the act by the President
would entail. The President was of the
opinion that it would be useless to veto
the bill, as Congress would probably
pass it over his veto. It originally pass
ed the House by a suspension of its rules
which requires a two-tbirJs vote, and
there were only four votes against the
measure in the senate. It is probable
that the President will permit the bill
to become a law, either by approving it
directly or withholding his signature
from it for ten days, and send a message
to Congress calling attention to the ef
fi tof the operation of the act, and re
commending that the deficiency in the
Treasury be supplied either by the sale
of bonds or a tax-levy.
Women will have their own quser
wav, although they get hurt by it some
times. It is well enongh for a woman
to know when to stop talking, and stop;
but she most know that she will stop
walking when she should not stop.
Dr. Hale of Chicago, taking as his text
the case of a woman who was run over
in the street and killed, because she
drew back after starting to croae ahead
of a pair of horses, says that fie is sur
prised that more women are not hurt in
the same way."A woman starts to
cross the streets," he says, "and when
she gets one-thirdjor half way over she
sees a team approaching; the driver in
nearly every instance watches her
movements, and seeks to drive in be
hind her. If she keeps on her way, all
is wsll. still she is
perfectly safe. Bit here comes in the
fatal idiosyncrasy of her sex.
Just as the driver tkinks he can safely
drive behind;her,*she>tops, starts back
a few steps, and, unless the2driver is
prompt, and draws his horse back on his
haunches "the women|i.*|under] his feet
or knocked down."
Since Blaine's Teller committee on
southern intimidation does not promise
to pan outjwell and way for
him to the white house, he will hare to
fall back uponjsomething else to raize a
commotion. Suppose the Maine states
man would raise tbe old cry of 'Two
dollars a day and good roast beef," which
answered so well for "Tippecanoe and
Tyler" too. We thiDk this would take—
the J2 and roast beef we know would in
these times, if set before the thousands
who are out of bread and employ, in
Bpiteofallthe promiseaJof7good times
made by the BlaiDe party within th
last dozen years.
It may Bound strange to hear of a man
freezing to death down in Florida, but
it's so. An old man had himself and his
trunk left on a piece of land that he
imagined he owned in Ocala, Fla., and
declared that he would fi tay there until
his rights were established. It was a
cold night, and in the morning |he was
found frozen to death.
This establishes his right to a lot 3x
Evening Telegram"Probably the
White House has not seen inch poorly
attended receptions for a quarter of a
century. Of course the general dulness
of politics has something to do with this
dulness of the Booial side of official life ;
but this administration never could be
a brilliant one if it were prolonged to
the end of the next quarter of a century.
The only really interesting thing that
has happened at any of the White House
receptions thus far was the presence of
Chief Joseph last week. This savage,
having slaughtered a large number of
United Slates soldiers and battled their
commanders and shown himself a man
of genuine abilities, was the object of no
little attention. The presence of the
President was quite forgotten, and Chief
Joseph was the lion of the occasion—'a
biger man than Old Ilayes,' to speak af
ter the manner of Fitzhugh."
'TIS POSiK). <
Pennsylvania is to have Don Cameron
for one of her senatois. If any ropubli-,
can organ can fell nswliy this young mi an
was chosen to so high ami h movable
I position, no should like to hear it.
Pennsylvania ccrtainly|haa nothing a',
all to feel proud of in IKm Cameron, for
he is not able to de lend our state in a
two min. speech if attacked upon the
floor of the senate, lie can not express
his sentiments, upon any measure that
may come before the body to which he
has just been chosen. I poll finance,
commerce, education, agriculture, 01 un>
of the other great interests of this gieat
state and nation IKm t atuerou wHi he as
silent as an oyster. Farther, we asser!
that he has no thoughts or ideas upon
any important public measure that he
can put upon paper which would le
worth listening to if read by him.
This is Don Cameron ;in<l t enn\
rania is the second state of the t nion
However, Pennsylvania still has a
man theie alio ha the anility lo ivpre
sent and defend toe state, that is Win.
A. Wallace, who makes up for a in
which IX)n Cameron is lacking. It wa*
tirains that took a Buchanan. a
lew, a Cowan and a Wallace to the t
S. Senate, but it is nothing vise but
money that ever made a Senator out of
a Cameron.
The republican party has men of dis
tinguished ability upon whom it should
have bestowed the senatorial mant.e. It
has tiros , and MT'lierson. and Agnew
and Scott. and a dozen others, but all of
them w ere v ct aside for young t ami r n
whose voice sill never have an echo iu
the chamber that rings with the elo
quence of the distinguished and able
men who represent sister common
The republicans could have throw not!
the Cameron yoke on 21, but they Puk
ed tho nerve and mora! courage, and
could not resist the sweet jingle that
sounded from Cameron's chests. M e
can pick out a score of republicans in
our county of Centre, who are better tit
ted for I". S. Senator than Don Cameron,
naruly, 1 wrst. Beaver, Lain. Keller.
Hastings, and others. So in any othsr
county in the state and if Don t atueron
is the standard of the article wanted,
we have just 10,000 in the state as well,
and better, fitted than he is.
Shakespeare would say, Tis Don, ! ut
it were better if'twere well done, when
'tis Dou.
J. Donald Cameron was on re-elect
ed I*. Senator for six years by tho
State Legislature. The vote was : Sen
ate —Cameron 2S. Clytner 16. I Layer !.
M'Pherson 1, Grow 1. Agnew 2; House--
C ameron 107, Clymer .0. Agnew .t, M-
Pherson 2. they being Wolfe, of I nion,
and Mapes, of Yenango,). Cameron bad
'herefore 7 majority in the Senate and
15 majority in the House.
On Tuesday 21, inauguration day,
there was an interval leaving Pennsyl
vania without a governor. Ths inan
guration of Hoyt was delayed until 1.20 p.
ra., while llartrauft's term expired at
noon. Hence for an hour and . mm.
the state was without a governor.
From the city of Brotherly I-ove
comes a sad case of starvation. That a
child should actually starve to death
in the beautiful ar.d Christian city of
of Philadelphia, in a time of plenty and
when the necessaries of life are so
cheap, is almost beyond belief, never
theles it is so. and we give the story re
lateJ by tbe I'hi'aJ. liecord of 22 inst,
as follows:
In a little second story room of the
house in the rear of 1,311 Ogden strest
tbe shrivelled rsmaias of an infant live
months old lie on a rough board, Irigid
in death, and covered with a repulsive
looking calico rag. The emaciated body
and pinched features confirm the deci
sion of the Coroner that the little suffer
er died from debility caused by war.t of
sufficient nourishment. The father of
the released sufl'erer iies in a cell in
Moyamensing Prison, where he has been
aince last Christmas, and whither lie
was sent for attempting to steal a turkey
being driven to the act by the cries of
his famishing wife and children for
something to eat. His wife says it was
his first offence and that she little
dreamed of bis purpose when he left hi*
home on Christmas* morning to procure
food to keep them fnsrn starving. In the
room where the family live the bervav
ed mother sat last evening moaning for
the loss ef her starved baby, while her
children, five in number, plainly show
ed in their wasted forms that they, too.
had felt the pangs of hnDger. These
were thinly clad, one of them having
simply a scant piece of calico pinned
around him to cover kis naked shoul
ders and to protect him from chilling
The furniture in the room is all com
prised in the constable's levy, which lay
on the mantlepiece —a clock, stove and
pipe, looking glasa, table, four chairs
and carpeting, the Sattar a mere rag.
These articles, all that the distressed
family possess, were seized yesterday in
payment.of |lt due to Jacob Sebandein
for two months' rent. The constable
came to the house to make the seizure
on Monday, but while he was there the
child died, and the officer, though used
to scenes of suffering, turned away from
the house without performing his duty;
but the cruel task was performed yester
day. In the evening, their sufferings
having been made public, several kind
hearted people called to tender them aid
and among the number Mr. J. J. De
Kinder, a shipcbandler and grocer, at
Girard Point, who at once offered em
ployment to tbe husband. The broken
hearted wife explained that her hus
band had "been sent below" and could
not work for tbera. Mr. De Kinder,
however, has promised to give the hus
band work as soon as he is discharged
from prison. Provision has been ma le
for the interment of the child to-day in
Cathedral Cemetery. A more complete
picture of destitution and suffering
couid not l>e imagined, nor one that ap
peals more directly to the charity oft be
benevolent. The cause of all this was
rum, both father and mother indulg
From an account in another paper we
see that when little one was in its
coffin the real situation of the family
only become known. There were then
an abundance of kindly offers of assis
tance and scores who said they would
have been willing to render the family
aid if only they had been informed of
their destitution. Perhaps so—but why
notlook around like a Samaritan and
see whether there w ere houses w here the
wolf had entered before death by starva
tion made it known? An abundenceof
all kinds of provisions lias] since been
sent to this family as also considerable
sums of money, enough to make them
all comfortable during the rest of the
winter—but it ia a sad commentary that
in such a city a human being should
starve to death.
Mr. Hayes has signed the Arrears ot
Pensions Bill. This will ho a heavy
drain on the treasury, taking out from
S2O to $25 mill ions annually.
Score one for New Jersey justice.
Nine public functionaries of Warren
county, N. J., have been convicted of
malfeasance in office and sentenced to
hard labor in the State Prison for peri
ods of from one to sixteen years each.
Conspiracy to cheat and defraud the
town, and forgery to help out the pur
poses of the conspiracy, are the crimes
of which all these men have been found
If this kind of justice were to go on all
the jails from New Jersey to California
and from Maine to Florida would be
chuck Aril of public officers who b.ivcli
been public plunderers, mid there wouid !
bo au era ot honest v in high places In-1
align rated that would 1 >ok like tin
Milieuial was at band.
! isAi tin; t itos i \ net i tc.t.vcr.
It is thought the inauguration of lloyt
will o, i tin stale tive times asiiiuih a*
any previous one. There was * big dis
play of military from all parts of the;
state, and ' 'her CM none partacounect j
cd with it, to make a light royal d
play, and the slate pa\* tor the fun.
When this matter was up a t< w d.i>s
before the niaugura. u Mi. 1 n outrout
the Senator from steadv old Herks, ca
ed a little time on the liepuhlicana in
tin Senate when the question of the n
p, lis, , ft! <• 11 a iguration Wrt- bi-cgl t
up incidentally by the committee <
which that pink of polilrne- '
llaudv S ..ill is the i ia t man. vis the
Inauguration Committee. Frmentrout
proposed to limit the to one
thousand dollars aud l acked his in •, m
be a few timely remarks to the point.
| which irritated somewhat the free am!
... % gent>ll.en who never seem t
count the cost ot aov thi-.g.
I have no doubt." said Frmentrout,
"that the (ioverner s message w ill be fuh
of economy talk, ec tiomy in all depait
tuents, the strictest room uiv, am! the
address of our I'resideiit poo tetn , -< io
ator llerr the other day strongly u on
mended economy in municipal and cor-
P irate affairs. I waut to apply it now to
State affaii- Hie e\j cis>e of tin* cere
mony of inaugurating u (lovernot has
gradually crept up getting larger and
larger, and utile-* we call s oue kind of
a halt to it thne is no te ling where it
will stop. Hun \our eye back over the
expenses flu the last twenty vcais. or
since we had a I Vmocratie linvernor in
in kee tbem increase steadily
since then, until they are now twenty
times what they were then.
It cost to inaugurate
tlov. Hacker in Is C
Gov. Curtin in IStil.
Gov. Curt in in 1 s, _*. ,s
■ Gov. Geary m 1 -67.
Gov. Geary in IS 70.
Gov. Hurtranft in 1-7.1.
Gov. Hartranft in l>7o.
T desire now," coutiuued the berk*
countv Senator, "to give notice that 1
will resist the payment of any iitve
amount, deeming it all nonsense to have
such a usele-s display for so trivial at.
i, asi >:i a* the few minute* that ate re
quired to swear in the Governor elect,
■ and 11-ten to his address, ad of w ait It
might be d ne far mere comfortably in
• this warm Senate Chamber than n a
. frost covered platf 'rm on the Cap:to. *
- front portico."
Senab r Alexander is n the fo.. -wing
i committees Corporations, Public I • nld
! ing*. Bilis, Judiciary General.
Mr. Alexander introduced a bill to
empower aldermen, justices of the j eaee
• andc nstables t 'sue for their fees. a!v
' a joint resolution proposing amendment
' to the • m>itut: n reducing the mens
' bers of the house to I'>l also, an act to
■ atith- :..'.e ai'.i fcr mesne j r tits t be
commenced in certain c*z* i before re
covery in e ectment.
Mr. Welsh in the House offered an
■', . i
k; act to niaae -h< ura cay w ra.
Among a tlo >1 ■ f I introduced en
f!22, are the following:
Act allowing I arties in interest to tc
, tifv . providing f r geologic aud Uj>o
graphic survey of the Nate. t-> enable
corporations having one million capital
to avail themselves of the benefit of the
act of 1*74, and to hare their charter re
, newed. amending the mechanics lien
t law to empower aldermen, justices of
■ the peace and constables to sue for fee*
' joint resolution proposing an amend
-1 meut to the Constitution redui sng mem*
• bersuf the House to b'i; to authorise
" actions f r mesne protita be commsnd
f ed in certain cases before recovery on
j j ejectment: regulating collectii a of taxes
i j in boroughs and townships; regulating
' the right of redemption of seated lands
f I returned to commissioners and sold f>>r
. non-payment of taxes: to permit wives
i of defendants, charged with crime, to
' testify in behalf of their bust and in ail
cases where the defendants themselves
, are competent witnesses, a further sup
■ piement to the act to establish an in*
" surance department; an act for the reg
r u'ation of mutual fire insurance compa
nies; a supplement to an act to provide
• for a division of unties, and the erec
'• tion of new counties; a supplement to
' the act to equalise taxation of corpora
, tions; a supplement to the act relating
to lien of mechanics and others upon
' upon building-, a supplement to an act
I dividing lilies of the Stale into three
, classes; to extend provisions of the act to
. exempt the State Agricultural Society,
' and certain county societies from taxa
| tion.
i The Chicago Tribune gives the f"ll iw
i ing pen portrait of Pennsylvania's fav
orite SOU :
Senator Hon Cameron's personal ap
. pearauce is more remarkable than Lis
i mental characteristics. lie is five feet
• eleven inches in (tight, but looks to be
an inch or two taller, lie is aa straight
i as one of Cooper's Indians and poetical
ly slim. 1 iis step is firm and quick.
■ His features are Scotch, florid and wsll
developed. His hair and moustache are
the color of a fox-squirrel. He is in lore
with bis moustac he, which he tries hard
, to domesticate or civilize, but the obdu
rate appendage will not respond to his
affectionate caresses, and grows up and
down and crosswise, verv like the hair
on a cat's back when It is absorbing
wrath, for a battle on the roof. But, aa
it is a veiy good moustache of the kind,
no one has a right to rriticiso it; besides
it has nothing to do with iiis brains.
He is a silent man. He never made a
speech in his life —we were going to say
he never will, hut look at General
i Grant since he went to Europe' That
. I)tib!in speech astonishes two continents.
But it is safe to say that Bon Cameron
will never surpass the ex-I'resideut iu
the graces and profundities of oratory.
, He seldom .■ miles. In this he resent
hies Napoleon. At his marriage in
Cleveland a few months ago, he was
provoked to a mild sort of laughter,
f which induced a friend to a-k him if he
was ill. He has not attempted to laugh
In the House Mr. Gephart has been
placed upon the following committees :
Appropriations, Education and Ac
-1 counts.
Mr. Murray on Judiciary local, Manu
facturing and Compare Bills.
Gov. Hoyt has appointed ex-GoV-
Hartranft a major general of the state
We are in receipt of the "Times Al
manac." It is a valuable work for refer
ence on postage, election laws, election
statistics, and other matter.
Ilarrisburg, Pa., Jan. 26, 1879. —Tbe
Willinmstown anthracite colliery, the
largest in the county, is n fire, having
taught in an unaccountable manner in
the top level. The engine house and
machinery and about twenty mules
were destroyed. The general superin
tendent thinks the fire is under control
but great apprehensions are felt for the
safety of the mine.
Cincinnati, January 2<i. —Managers
Eckert, of the Bell Telephone Company, j
and Steele, of the (irant! Ooera-House,!
gave the subscribers of tbe Bell Tele-i
phone Exchange a free concert by wire 1
last night. Microphones were inserted
ill the Grand Opct a*U uw and Ihe uhi
eio of the nrflmlrt wm Innimiiitlfil by
wir® uiul tciepbiuio I> all jiutl.* of tl r
f ity and eubtitlia l.iilon Ihi r
pciiuu-i.t wui u I I lumu. r I milus
■ 1 m
rnou ii .i.s7//.vg n>.\
t > ll Moiiilm Hon. Juur* v hii hi-,
tho now -I'lmlor from M*>tiri, otileieil
th'* i huinhor few minutes before 1 '
o'clock |>, hi Ho wnR r*< >Mhl to the I
vice president'* desk by Mr. .-<• k.n*ll. u
iinl tho oath of ofllco ihluiiiilU'icil !
j hint. C
111 (ho House tho hill iulrcidui ed bv ,•
Mi \\ i a-hi i I'd lr the U>*ll <>l >.- XI I i
iho Torillllt'llt 111 every pel* II lll't tl
wiU'.h i .who desire- in t-ik ■ nil van .
luge f tlf | tn\ imil- if tt ■ • hoiui'xtnail
! law Im- 11 i n !• f-. .11 l 11 ax n.n x
'•.•I". ' I''
I hi* Duller a iiliimtti'i' mi Monday
ootiuri-nred the invest! ;utioii of t!. I
i ripht'i ihxpilihrx.
Dopfcling has again aiuoeoded iii de-j
ft aling lluycs Now \ - • k oj ;
Iho IVmiuiii Arrfiirn hili will > t tho J
i- ii sit r v fl-i'.'HKl.tx I'
•♦ • 1
provifu tn <>f a mot
ki> sum cult:, h
It now api pi. hiihio that tiio Now
N .>ik Cov in Hoi -o nominations will
not ho deeded fi i - 'tut* itavx unit that i
there will ho a |iroloii|{o.t struggle ovrr (
thoßi. Among tho friends o( tho ml
niluixtration, it i a— lltoil that ai niaiil-1
erahtc uutuher of republican Senator- '
will vote t.' eon !i rut tho nomination!-. I
and that there will he a v igorutta defence .
of the administration hv prominent m ,
publicum*. Until solos to the dispute
keep their i wn counsel vrrv carefully,
and nothing i- ccrtaioly kiiowu a- to;'
the result. It i- evident, howrvei. that
, tlie adumii-liattoti people are in earnest L
and do not mean to he beaten if they
r can help it.
RIGHTS OF MINOR Cll 11.l>lt EN. '
Can a I'alht r i we Money to a Milioi
F. n a Late Decis-iou of the Su- t
i iiir.c Court Enforced in
Montgomery County.
In the case of Harvey 11* deniati v, J
!i u i a barter, J u Jg* Beet recently de- !
; livert 1 in opinion selling torth the * a
• which govern* the business relation* oi j
1 of father > fci minor children. ltarvaf |
Hi.Jem** *l the *ge of sixteen, desired
!o 1.-n-s a trade, butt .i father, wh ■ was a
fa-ts er, 1* '. *grcr,i 1 give him a hers.
. carr.aga and harness, if he would renin. i.
en th# farm until he w*i ct nge Ono o.
the question* involved was wiieihr then
art.c'.o* became the lawful fro perl v oft! ■.<
ton, and a this the Court i*v* thai the
' lather bad a r-ght to resist the wish o! the
" son and the ion was bound to coiiip' v. It '■ '
. it has I en declared by the Supreme C -irt f
i that a father may manumit List n 1
i make i. m entire y independent of pale: '
i l! euth r.'.v. In a muni * it ha- '
- < ne step : .rlher and declared a* la*.--
as June of las', year, that at a father ns* .
mat um t iit child aid enable! n. : -tar.!
. in the conditions cf a creditor, al e may
re! ■ pjish the : ghU or Lis p *'* lerv.i *.-t '
. li.iKlbr, I up; teat* far g
era are -i ricerned, he may also do > • in his
w:i i ase The • n, alth ugt. a min r
"* ititig in the Louse of bta parents, wit! a !
the paternal aud final re al its si I sub-,
' tl :.g niav earn m •• rr from the other
' ! which the father sbi -nil to pV It fol
■ lows that if the father is 5 debt r he is
r 1 b u'.d to | ay, and if tho s >4 a eredi: f
. he has a right to receive, * i tl.e !*w • :
iebi r and cfe*i.:or prevailing tn I'en toy'.
vania applies to father and son when such
re!a'.: n hate •• ce heen cieated A
lathef, wi.tiher or uisoirent, *h
ha* n anunatted hi* s. n, and by s c sntra !
constituted Cat 1 n his cred 1 r, has n
k right to i .y him. Tl.ey are , • tract
1 red dors precisely as if the son was a
p *.-*• ger Tt • pay eat may be ia moiirr
1 or ,t :i ay b ! v arr< etueat t" do any par
e : .ar thing I: lie dees that particular
- thing on J 1 j'.s pr p. rty .nto ti.e hands 1 i
j his so-, hi acct r lance with the laws for de
f livery of pr perty in I'onasylvanla, 11.0 .
s-a ay ho!d teat property in caie the
g sds f the father are selrtd to satisfy
the i Vint 1 f hls'creJ tors. Jcfersonian
II ccrilly Ju lge (lalbraith, of Krie, de
1 cidi 1 a -,u 1 *t;■ -i of some imp stance uu let
• 0 r *. a*. It defined 1 right* 0!
f owners en a p nt that s ar smg continu- ]
s ously mderour complex sjsecial lego!*
r t.v.n, Tho pia atid, John W. Da*!ey, te
. sid<- in Franklin township. Krie c mty
j r. tho 1' pulaticn r J. The defendant-'
I w.-?e th- roa-1 commits er of Frank lit
t w'nship aaJ oiLers emp! red by theia
In l-'lther- ad ctsmmisiioner* of Frank
lin township employed the ct unty jrvey
#r to survey the l'opu'a'.i n r ad, in
structions to fir. 1 the Imo of the original
• survey of the road. According to the line
" run ty Piatt under tbrie directions, the
• road through Dawivy 1 improvement ap
pearid t he fr m three to uvrs feet to
- fr w si, and tho ret 1 e unmi—i •e. s or
; Jered bini to m ve !.:i on the easi
! side of the road back *a-t, in accordance
t with tbia new suryey. Dawley s hous
, and grain barn stood on the east side of the
road, and he Lad built a good fence inj
front of his house, with iron pasts, etc.
' and a nica stake and cap rail leave the
ba' of the distance, in all about
ty rods of fence, and had set shale trees,
along the whole line. All these and nllie
impreeemeiU had been made with refer
• ence to the road as actually opened and' (
trarrled since the year 1831, forty-seren
" years ago. The road was the lawful.
' width, fifty feat, and the fence which the ,
conimi.'sioners required him to more wn J
! twenty-five feet and over fretn the centre
1 of the traveled track, and being advised
in regard to the law of the ease he refuse ! .
f to comply with the order of the read cotu-| (
1 missioners. i.
In the fall of D 75 the road ceiumlssion-j
#rs came on with help and lore down ar.e
threw back the fenco above referred to. j
J and Dawley brought on action of tres-i at*
■ against thein th# same year to recover
; damages.
1 Tho court after a very careful censider
• ationofthe law, ruling that supervisors
1 have no right to relocate a r >ad in order
. to place it on what they may suppose it*
1 recorded site, and that a road on e laitlj 1
arid opened, and used by the pub ic lor *
turm oi years, whether opened on its re |
corded sile or not, cm only bo altered by
a new proceed ing under ILo road law.
The marvelous beauty of tho illustrated i 1
1 magazines of this country is attracting at
, tentinn throughout the world. The cdi-'
tion of Scums sen in England has doubled
; within a few month'. I'be London cor-j
respondent of the AVu>- York TVinc.* says . 1
"The whole lot of magazine annual* ( Kng j
li-li) put together, a r n->t equal in pictor
ial art to a single number of Scßlft.vrk'h| '
t MoHTHI.T." Hut the price at which our '
magazines are sold is even a greater mar- 1
vcl. For example, a single number oft
' Si hiu\Eft. "The Midwinter Number,"
just issued, has a full-page frontispiece 1 !
Portrait of Emerson, of raro excellence,'
and contains one hundred and sixty page*
of letter-press, with more than seventy il '
lustratiens ; many of which ara works of '
- art such as beforn the advent of Soiubvkk
, appeared only in gift-works and purely
art magazines, and yet it is sold for .
cents. Il would be dillicult to find an 1I- 1
lustrated book to rnulcb it at s•'>. 'The sub- "
• scribt-rs for thecurrerit year, get, in .-b a1 n- *
salt, not only four of these full-paged *
portraits of American Poet*, and nearly
two thousand pages of text (equal to -". bOO,
book pages) of the choicest current 1 its-ra-' "
ture, with tuoro than I.OCO illustrations. J *
including a completed aeve!,"llaworth s,"
by Mr*. Uurnalt, but shorter stories, |-> a
ems, reviews, descriptions of travel, bio-i c '
graphical sketches, etc., aad also tbej 1 '
splendid series of paper* and pictures of f
exploration in the graat South American j<j
empire of Brazil, delivered free of post- 1
age, arid all for four dollars.
In Children's Periodicals, too, America I"
lead* the world willi St. Nn 110 l ix "
Prof. Proctor, tho adronoaicr, write* from . J)
London: " What u wuud-rful magazine j'
I it ix for the young folks I Our elilldren are *
[ quite as much delighted with it as Auiari- |'.
' can children can ha. I will not *ay they
[are more delighted, a* that may not be"
'possible." St. Nicbolab is sold for *2fj
j cents a number, aim fourteen numbers •
' (November, 1878 to 1880) are given for sd. "
Sckibfkk dc Co., 7 l'd Broadway, N, V. 1
I ill.A u.N 1N t.EKM AN l.
Berlin, Jau ~ I . (tin iou* reports
I. ; Uflen: hi in to day t'l the elie t that a
iipenor 1 ißcvr i'i tin- (inrinati amiy ha*
letraved t< a tori gn P- wer the most
' onois t u- 11 litaty • ii-. including tlie
ill.import anl | Inti of mat iii dug the army. 1
lie 4 i-.-i :d pcrton is a l> h 1 net and a
uaji I I'fatllllery 11 is hlteudy tllnlrr
irt si. 11.- trial by 1 urt martial must
watan . >.l 1 ti impel al
<i>vri 1 -HI i t 11, |,-at ,11 maintaining isn-
Mil'o Ilb name- if ii, 1 irps 0111.-ars
hi 1 tnv au>l d!• , 1 i.oii: it Winer t
huU up tbi ,i rapi.table all 1 r.
lhutSe man art - - liuiatai show ati
Increase of Stl UO m 4n .
Yakit.iii tv ha i rep ted to have seized
hi'. I- -nai 1 1,: i 1 : M'.|U;-nro the (iinl
f it. have ti n u,n h" lii.e*.
Ft. P • ' •_•, ,lr nr- '. I, ThsGoliit
111* "Kug ..lid : do (into r. it-rigu in
A 'g l atti-lkii, ai dh every 1 hancu for
ar vug thr 1 g', her plans in Asislic
Lot dim, Jai .. > I 'i a M Peter*
b irg Hti-eUs ,v- that Ynki'pb Ivhan has
fled from Afghanistan.
An etii. al report has be- n received ati
Madrid that tl * -leta is itii-rcaiiagly
pr. 1 ale tit 1. At. M ii,- r.
Th'- b' I'etersbu-g ••* e'te say* that
- Mtipiete ai-aii hy prevail* in Kashgar.
1 ti.* it bo'.s I.„mi t.iu i'iiinese force,
of occupation.
It is feared that n geti, at < oiiimarcialJ
collapse is 111111111, :,t tu Swt ion. Farther
!* jrcl S!H ds. y '-|p' led al.d tho isands
ot | or -ns Lave I eon thrown out of em
A I'ril State ot A Halts :tt Jcllulabad.
i\, .Ua. January A dispatch lrom
.i, lainhttJ .-.atcs 1 at NaW , h khan hud
si v-1 K -tt 1 en, b ngingb a Baba- 1
hsl.okhel 1,1. ' ait, tali ing the Chief* pris
. r In i :. ,:>• ct the (sl.i!'sis have
aiiin.' i.i ud 1. *'..: t. - against Yakeob
!vt:a: The Iv Uittanis and Zehais Lave
a', i <!e.-r:a Y'l.'t. ■ a I\ ban.
FLero Ads Mzi'.e: Horse, the grrat op
pi i er.t of British influence, is dead
Afghan tr> p* -it fat al have been with
drawn i SheraH to check leserti ns.
The Ft Petersburg (ialos anaounces
it zathent |tl CC La* been re
irive 1 from tfce (i Trrm-r of Eastern St
!-• a that Pro - - - Nordenski Id's stea
uit', the Nig* i ; e-l'-.itid f-irty m.Us
fr in East f ape. The auti. -fit.#* of Ju
k :'.sk Lave 1 en ir str led to i-sttc a gen
era! s .mm "■ - t t' i- natives to a-- t tie
ext".Fti n. A special relief expedition
!' re Isar and d g s • lge- has besn
'ea:. 'i'd. but it i- and this as-i>lance
w-ilbetoo 'at A Uu-iri man-01-war
Irotu the Pac lie tali ii will shortly pro
i-eeii t Bi Iri g • "-trait- t endeavor to
ex'nrale the Vega r bnr g off jhe crew.
Hi.-inc.— lhpr-m>l n tui Keilway
Tratiic Interniptcd.
1. Ltd. n. Jar, Tl a . atber in Great
Brit* ii nt j • severe, and the number
cf distress! ! j <r greatly tncrea-- s-
In Par • tratfo - da -'. su ;' tided by
In |l: ittar. v . d tV • r pr vir.-es tele
gra a railway . mmuilntleH are
1. gi ts p- a:<- bn li ning their-tations
,n a- .tit ot .e. I"' navigation f the
F ii ar J ds- g . *. a' 1 pilots
are . nly graat I if tl. a-'.ars of the ves
sel, a 11 en imo all responsibility
Advices irt m B • Jansrio to the 7th
ir.t state that dr. .ght er.J smallp-'X are
ir reasmg .n '. . r. -rtLwi-st pr vine##.
Ihi re were A d aths trou. smallpox iu
tke >pi'.a. ■ . t:.o 1': vitue i Uiara dur
ing the twenty d-yst.Jii g December 21.
The Febrasry n imhef, and second of
th* new v dun i ;i* t s even more
r hly fre ghted fan lit'-il ; it ebu.inds
with c! ic and very di 'ightful literature,
end the ill i trat. ns .ire aJmirab'- The
pec.: g article. si.tiilvJ "How Carnival
.-Kept. excee iirg'.y r.tercsting being
a dosciipti nof the i * i f tun and frol
ic during the Carnival n d.-'ferent portions
i f Europe ar.d fe I n.tcd Mates. 'Fanto
Domingo, and the True Ft ry i f Famana
Bay. by Mr*. Wdiiani 10-. e t'srr.eau,
will tot fad to attract • ;-e iel attei.tioi,
at will a'-' Hatkeii t article on
'Rice In e Yie; 1* sr.a Mills of >oulb
Carolina A :>cd 11. Guernsey
tine interesting pertletllMV of 'Forae
M Jem Reg a • *l;.a Northern 1. ght*
.rethisu 1 tifa del htf.l trestiie ly
, \V V*i :;. i',. Thv-e *• let are
i re-fuse ly illustrated. The dej artmeot of
i ttien m this number is exceedingly at
tractive ; besides the admirable isMa! of
Mr. Benedict, 'Normen Desborough't
'F,m,'there ar- svcrai admirable short
prominent among them, "A Tale
of the Caraivt!,' 'Queenie't Ki-#,' 'Miz
pab.' 'Lisr.inga I.nver,' 'Abont a Filver
Bell,' 'Doomed.' ly NN'. l'icrce, at- ,
etc. There are poems by W. Broil/ i,
Mslthisi-n, and other j opular writers, and
a miscellany replete with amusement and
instruction. Those who Intend to sub
scribe to the present v lurnc of this excel
lent perioJo si should not delay; they will
have far m ro thsn the w -rth of their
money. The number contain* 12- pager,
quarto, aci ab -ut 100 illustration*, and a
handsome chromo frontispiece, 'The Ori
ental Dream of Paradise.' The subscrip
tien-price is only J 1 a year ; 25 cent* a
tingle number. Address, Frank Leslie s
Publishing House, 5'., *."> \ 57 Park Place,
New York.
Three Persons Munlcred by an In
sane Man.
Belfast, Me., January 27. —At Mi ntville
about fifteen miles from this city, on Sat
urday evening. Joba M'Farlaed, a fariucr
his wife arid gran 1 daugiiter, were mur
dered by ene Rowel!,an ii:,ancnian. Mrs.
M Karland wu* shot with a gun and tfce
I'lhers bad their brains hcaten out. The
murderer was afterward shot and killed
by n neighbor whom lie Lad attacked.
E. F. Kunkel'e Hitter Wine of Iron.
A sure euro for Dyspepsia or Indiges
tion. Weak Stoiuacb, General Debility,
Diseases of tho Nervous Fystoia, Consti
pation, Acidity of the Stomai h, and for
all case* requiring a Tonic. Every bottle
guaranteed, or the money refunded.
Price, $1 Get the genuine Ask for K.
F. Kiinkel * Bitter Wine of iron and take
no other Price, ?1, or six bottles for fib
If your druggist doe* not bave it, moid to
Proprietor. 'Jo'J N. Ninth St.. Philadel
phi*, Pa. Advice free; enclose three
cent stamp.
K F. Kunkel's Worm Syrup never fail#
to destroy Pin, Seat, and Stomach Worm-.
Dr. Kunkel, the only successful physician
who removes Tape Worm in two hours,
ahvu w itb Con J, and no foe until retnov
•!. Gammon tense teaches if Tepe
Worms be removed all other worms can
he readily destroyed. Advice at otllee
and store, free. Tho doctor caa tell
whether or not tho patient has worms
Thousand* are dying daily, with worms,
and do not know it. Fits, spasms, cramps,
choking and sulfoention, aallew complex
ion, circles around the eyes, swelling and
pain in tho stomach, restless at night,
grinding el the teeth, picking at the nose,
cough, fever, itching at tho seat, head
acbe, tout breath, the patient grows pale
sod thin, tickling and irritation in the
atius,—all these (symptom*, and more,
re me from worms. K. r". Kunkel's Worm
>vrup uavvr fiils to rentot thein. Price,
fl 00 per bo'tle. or six bottles for S-5 IW.
For Tape Worm write and consult the
Doctor ) For all others, buy of your drug
fist the Worm Syrup, nnd it he has it not,
■end to 1)K. E. F. KUNKLK, 25'J N.
Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pu. Advice by
nail, free ; send three-cent stamp.
10 jau it
ilitcoli'i N isii'tt uiul the Augeli.
"KRVI.'N 111 UfeV. iiKORt.R It. IIRI'WORTII. j'
The sceiin wlnrli it rreoided in the chap- *
tor which 1 have rad for our morning
le- - ii.-eid Mr llepwerth, forms an istt-, I
on riant part of the panorama of Old Te*- *
lament ravalalion The pas-age of Scrip-j
t ire roferrud t>> It the twanty-aighth chap- J'
ter ol the Hulk of Itaussit, and the part
selected lor the leit thn twnlfin versa
'"And he dreamed, and behold a ladder
-at up "n the earth, and tha top of it reach- J
ad t i haavtn ; and behold tha angals of t
God ascending and descending on It t
Tl lilt idcnl, contll uad M r llnpworth, it 1
• , a. because it is -vnib"'icel It is
nothing more then an episode in the lilei
of a given man, but it illustrate* a possible i
opisodu in tha life of evary man tn every :J
age, Jacob left his father s flock with his ,
father's prascts and blessings, lie had j
nothing by wlitib to aehiavc success ex- j
ci pt the rtrength of Ins arm, the i iearncst|
of hi# intod and the opulence wf hi* hae" |
111-ass not at ell dlteauraged at the fa-1
tnat ha must fete tha World for himself-
Jacob di allied ll no hardship to use aotn-|<
er i-arlb for a touch and J- stone for
pillow. Ills previous life had fitted bum,
t. J the eajoymeal of such an experience, <
a# he had fer year* atteuded his fathei s J
fl 1. During Ins sleap he was visited by -
what We Call a miracle That miracle w
as though the magician's fit,gar tip* Lad
touched bi* aye fc raw what ha* not been . \
' permitted for mortal thought to see -all
I ladder routing on the ground and resting
also en tho heavens, aid up and down ll- .
-tails ra'i white robed angels bearing mes
' sages up and bringing ttieir goldee bur
lan# dawn. This miracle touched not on
ly hie c>i-s but his ears also, and the song
, that w*s sung sounded itself threugb hit
j heart and ears. It was a song not to be
i rargotten ; it was a revelation not to be oh-
|literate ! by any possible human expert
unci 'Tho vmce of old same la him with
j a d isiinct aud clear promise ef a natural
and pctc -nai pretence G <1 assured liim
that he would himself guide hit servant
an I give b.m strength to crown his efforts
with suel es- so that after Jacob had so
journed in th# north he sheuld come back
and rule ever bis own lend, not at a king,
hut as a priest When Jaceb ley dawn
' that night hit smiy capital was bis arm
and it* strength . when be arose in the
in . ning kis capital bad more than daub
.cd. fur he had added to the strength of
1 hit arm the omnipotence of God.
A True Story.
You ask iue now. brethren, is tbis story,
' which is recorded in the Hook of Geneste,
i literally true' Let me answer that que*-
t in f.r-i, be tute it it of great importance
Most assuredly it is exactly true We
have no doubt of that whatever. Those
event* occurred just as they are related.
The iMd Tostaini iit it full of such start
ling pictures as that. It is very natural
' a tueu to iir*w a contrast ef their expert
cm a in this age with that of earlier ages,
il it very natural for them to say we da
not have luch exnentnee now, and there
i fore there muit t># some mistake II is
scarcely f*ir to contrast our age with oth
er ages We aught to recognize the fact
that the ages are different in their com
• plicati'ins, tn their susceptibility of light,
, at,d that, if there it a (sod at all. there
must bo a difference in tho manifeslatioa
of God.
Hv.w Got] Sftcak* to Men.'
G"J speaks to men according to their
1 j condition, and tha voice has varied from
t the infancy of the race to its majority to
, day We teach the child with pictures,
but the growif nun with philosophy. Gad
' spoke to Mosii and to Jacob through the
- rye and through the imagination. One of
, tiose pictures we have bt-et reading.
I How distinct and clear the outline! J*-
■f carried the that he then fcea*d
in Lis heart for years and years, and even
sn Lis l id age it was a eemfoftiag strain.
T" Jy tfcst song goes to our ear* and out
1 f carts You say that we have no vision*
•now lam not so sura of that. There are j
j isi a* many miracle* in our century a* in
1 at. y ither, only tbey are different in kind.,
r They m> not be so startling, but they are
•iat as real aad just at sure There t>|
tiardly a family that bat cot had iu vision*
f ofsomekittd b.srJly a..tile group !
father, -nether and children that neve not
. ft t that tied was present with them, at;
t some ume, acu at sotae moment have
seo ni-d to fc*ar hit veiee, and have heard j
a ic ti a; •of ac unmistakable chancier !
Those who hat e bctn close to the bounds!
f f Jordan have teen visions hard to de-|
scribe, and heard things sitßcull to tell.
' Li t nto find th# lesson that the story
• teaches, and let us look at the ladder The
ladder had two resting placet First, it,'
rested firmly on the earth, and 1 am glad
j of that. Faople who believe in Übristi
aaity -*tih all their heart hae an abiding
iaitb in the lasss thai govern this world.
We must not forget the commend to holy
b'living. Worldly piant are, I believe,;
righteous in the tight of God. It is our
d i|w :e be "f service U> our fellow men,
and we ran do this by meant of commer
cial enterprise Without the instinct of
trade man would lapse into Barbarism A
farmer does not work selfishly though he
(works fur his own interest, for all reap the
■ benefit of bis toil and h.s labor. The huge
a manufactory spinning the river is not
, * de'y th- representative of a mean use of
gra;#. It represent* something higher
'• aud has a mis*.en that is unparalleled in
({human history. It repraaenu the genius
) of the country, the intelligence and moral
Ji vlepm#nt of society.
Conrtder the Other World.
But if man • plant are confined to this
J world than hit life is a east* He be
c 'ttifi so snthusiastic sbvul this world
- th .t he forgets the other, ll is absolute
ly nece-ssrv tfcst when you build yojr
' p'ans ! r this srarld ycu should take the
•.her into consideration Eternity must
n tou h the cirriaof human life or your days
[j are wasted Sorrow, disappointment, be
re*vement, poverty—you cannot under
' stand thein unless you up la the be
" yend and see something there There is
, many a life in which trouble, sorrow and
' b-ri Nvement are hieroglyphics because!
the philosophy of life does not gel beyond j
• the circumference of time. Tbera is a
'f biassed significance in them, but we e#n-;
. not understand a single letter. Therefor#
f 1 say that we must rail the other end ol
the ladder in tbe heaven*, end that re*t-
it g plai a is just a* firm and ju*t a* real as
I this. Every ladder has two ends, but it is
• only "ne ladder. Every complete life has
two ends, but ;it is one life— one end on
" tfce earth and tbe other resting on eterni
r ly. There is no adequate motive known
t : te man that moves in the direction ef the
i guar qualities of tfca character except
' the motive which i* afforded by miracu
-1 tout Christianity.
-' Lives composed and written ia anticipa
• Uon of visiting relatives and friend* in the
II home of our birth.
Wo come, we come, you all to greet,
I To our dear old n*livehome;
' Gur fci-aru w . Itweil with Joy to meet
With loved ones'round the old hearth
A loving wife a gentle mother,
' Once more with u* will greet you ;
ij A kind daughter and her brother,
Once tnoru our love la you renew.
Once more wc hope to clap tfca hand,
Of brother*, friends, ana sisters, near.
Once mora with brother*, sister* stand,
Around the graTe of parents dear.
Once more to meet in the old hunte
Where childhood's days were passed ;
Once more with grateful hearts we come,
r With love that cannot be expressed.
• j (nce more in childhood's memory green
rf Of days that wore so full of joy,
. Once mora us IgoJ, upon tho scene,
WBen we wero motLer # Jt.-iit-f bay. i
e Once more to shed the silent tear,
For those who loved us best ;
Once mero to kneel in bumble prayer,
• Around those laved once* now at rest.
Onca more with you we'll sing the song'
A mother'* love to us has given ; ,
Onca u*ore in sweetest strain* prolong,
Wkilaiko uoar fipgi it) hcavea.
Th# days will pat# so swiftly iig, ,
The weeks will not be long ;
And tears will cotne to many an eye.
r Whan w# must leave our dear old
But such it life here'on the earth,
We meet in joy and part in toar* ;
Rut bless the nam# that gave us birth,
Though t,oiy asleep fer many y*ar*.
Onca more wa bid you all faruggll.
While hitter tears are (ailing fail,
At last wa hop# with jau to dwell.
In God'* eternal homo e( rest.
. Fitvit, Ohio, Jan. 1(1, '79
Morphia, Opium and ramedie* of
their eias* only stupefy and seldom cure.
Far disease* of Infancy, uie Dr. Bull'* lie
by Syrup,—which i* safe and sure in it*
effect*. J'rice 25 cents.
Yakoob Khan i* ceporlgd to have fled
front Afghanistan. Ho then fcatoofc
Khan can't after all. Well, we gue> John
Bull car.
CORTLAN DT ST . Near Broadway,
IIOTCHKiSS POND, Proprietor#. ,
The roataurunt, cafe and lunch room i
attached, are unsurpassed for cheapiieaa
and eacellence of service. Rooms 50cta. 1
to f 2 per day. fid to s]|) per week. Con
venient to all ferries and city railroads.
Yew Furniture. .YewMunnge- !
incut, -3jau ly *
Special Nolicee
Dr. L D Wavtiurri's Altaralive Svrup, i,
* iMiiMtr I IIIHTV I II I V HKS laapvtrsul
ItfftCUt •, •.! !*•* ill
lit !••*. H. reful#, f Mil Oil#, l.r# '
V#| OlwlseHew 1 all <il#**dM* in M il fji*> t i.sodl i#
Hi.t lo lest |# •• *iH*s*<l UI ill# i*Mi
K*.w I1 #U IIball I► Ggflftl# #e<| 4Mslt)
1., Ih. Wl.Ufi. UZ|. la . I' O 1!,. . Krt-B.
ear,# * _ i
I will id#l) ' I r##) I lev I,if ft
lUliii (l.wl Will i• •*• I*. I re* *>•* fltufN* *•<'
niuLliM, lanliig lite •bin •soft, liner euJ Isetuliiut
• le" iMtrut ti'Mu for |>rs#lu irtft |uguri#.*e gr< *elb) of
half #u # I*ftl4 or frs A tdres*
lis | it •iaitsD. IV#) Vftftdftlf A l-M ft> Ann Mm!, M. T.|
Th# ftlvtriiwr hftvtnff I ne . | eti.n#e(if rtirnl ftfj
tu#l <1 (•••#•. < •nwutiU'tlwi l,p rn •).>!• rv-u.#-l| g
II *mi >G, i# It.*he ii i .*m I-, hi# f#tlkw (A# L
it*##it# of cur# To *ll Who fltthlre II b# *lll wiPf •
<v#f*f of in# ftrwurrlpUot* i*#d*-V ! fr#* of b*(ft#l Willi lb#
dirwHont f>w y.rr j-*rlttg #l*4 uetoft ih# *e#tu#, wlilct;
(h#f witl fl#4 • luit line for C-WibttlipH' u NeH to*.
Uiltß A
I'ftlti*# -•' Iti e Plcer tljdM Mill Ji.r-UM #. 1-1 few#
h. A i lIshDS.MLMh HI W utlwi nl *z c V
z < ZNII.kWSW fi . Inm, War 1
wa LAchkllty |*t eiwatuie !•- #; iltd *Ji Ih# rfe< U of
■scuiiifui mdi# i#(o# , Wlii fur tie# **#• uf #uß*ln# '
UwRit|.Mto4 f*# UI li wbo #Mwl ll lhtis.ip* R#d
dtrwius for iMbltm lie aiwple r#m#>*> 1 hi.'U *%m >
•## <sl#d fentfvrfti# wlchiftft U piwbi i.y lis# ftdvftrtt* I
#•• tipaiwni • ftt) U fto I'f #A if###i#g li ye*(fr t *uft |
id# nt#
JOMN 43 < iftff t . Kw Yorb _
pi I liHi"' #U a*. Ii Mc Hit. <n*ht|r. of'
I B lifftl ui Hiu< ft 4 ftil -lifrftci# of lh# '
MUCH M tgnittbiy ft*4 l*#<f#< ll| a#4 h# • aio.pi# oI I
e-wslhlb| Hs - !; fl lu(iititiaUt>tl. edJlw#
to >*<* IN J * Zlikß .*> ii..n Ana B( . h V ft 1
Weekly Herald, j
Oil) DOLI.AK A T 1)4 IK. '
The circulation ot this papular niwspa '
per has mere than trebled during lie pas: 1
year, ll contain* all th* lea'iir.g news i
euilained in tbe Daji.t II zaat.ii, and is
arranged in fcai.tly department*, fba
Kore AN News
;embraces special dupaU-hes frum all quar i
tar* of tfce globe. Under (tie brad of I
American News
are giveu ilia Telegraphic Despatches of
tbe week from all parts ot tbe Union. This
feature alone makes h
th* most valuable cbroaicla in the world,!i
as it i* the cheapast. Every *r# it given,
a tailhful report of
Political News,
embracing complete aid comprehensive
dospetcbrs from Washington, including I
full reports of the speeches of eminent pui-1
iliciens oa I,Le question* of tbe hour.
The Farm Department
ef the WzzKi.T Hkkai i' gives the latest
a* well at tbe most practical suggestion!
and discoveries relating to the duties of |
the farmer, hints fur raising Cattle, Foul
try, Grains, Trees. Vegetables, Ac . A#., i
with suggestion* fur keeping buildingß i
and farming ulontil* in repair. This is I
supplemented by a well edited depart
menl, widely copied, under the bead af
The lloinc,
giviag receipt for practical dishes, hint*,
for making clo-.btng and for keeping up
with the latest fashions at '.he lowest price.
Every item of c--ckiag or economy sug
gested in ibis department ts practically'
lasted by expert* before publication. Let-,
ters from our I'ari* and London < orre
inoßllefttl oa the very latest Fashions.l
Tbe Home Deparliuenl of the Wkzzlv|
Herzlp will save the house-wife more;
than ene hundred times tfce price of tbe f
Tbe interests ol
Hkillctl LaVr
Are lacked after, and eveiything relating
m mechanic* and labar saving it carefully,
There is a i-age dei ted to all the 'aft*',
phases of tbe busim-st markels. Crops,;
Merchandize A . kc A valuable fea
ture is found in the specially reported pri
ces aad ccndit."tit of
The Produce Market.
•Sporting Nswi at home and abroad, to-1
gather with a Siorv every week, a Sermon
:hy some eminent divine, Liierarv, Musi
cal. Dramatic, l'ersonai. and Sea Note*
There is no paper in the world which con
tains bo much news matter every week as
tie WixstT llxrai p. which isteni. post
age free, for One Duller. You can sub
scribe at any time
I in a weeklv form.
j in drafts on New York or Post Office mon
jey orders, and where neither of these can.
' t" procured send the money it a register-*
ed letter. ■
Br. adway A Ann Ft., N<-w Y'ork.J
H A H I) WAH E!=
11 1
8 H K
T I: A
o A If
V K ' G
t: li JL
We would especially rail mention to the
Highland Queen Cook Stove,
jstrOur Stock being entirely Mew. We offer special Bargains in*** (
• ■ ■ ■ -
j A TtU, who hsi had large eiperi-i
lence at an guctioner, offer* biorvice toi
itho people o! Centre county. Ha *pei,k*
both German and J£iiglifa, and poiieaaer
the invaluable gift in an auctioneer of a
loud, clear voice, and can be distinctly
heard a long distance. Thoae having work
ot thi kind to do, will do well to give him
* call. Charge* moderate. Call on or
addre*him at Bellefonte. Pa. IT ap.
Harness, Saddles, &c.
Jlf anderatgncd. determined M ami lb* popelcr
nowegeredet lfieold e'.and Deglgned eapecUly fo>
I lb* people ad the timer. the large,! and ttl tarleC
and complete aaaorUnml of Kaddlpa. ftarbeaa, I'ollere
' U.tdtea, of >' l deaorlpUon and quality. Wtaipa. aee
i la fact eeeythlug t ppmpleta a ttret claaa aatal liah
meal, ba now ofleia at prtoea e tilth wlllaatt tbal tine*
JOHN F. POTTER, Attorney-at-
Law. CoUaettona promptly mad* and • pacta
| attention gtrea to tboae baring landa or property for
Sic. will draw no aad bar# acknowledged Deede
ortgagee, do. OAre to tbc dUtaoad, north alda of
e court houae. Bellefonte oct3SjSPtf_
HmIUI ABd Happtocas ara PHTMKEM Wvmttft to UI.I
[KHMwwri, tod ;•( Ihmf aro within (lit reach of ormj
cat who Mill UM
IT he onlr raw cure for' Torpid I,iter. Utwiuiit,
I H eadacb*. Hour Stomach, Constipation, Dabtltt}, Nate
•a, and all Billtous complaints and Blood disordars
Nona genuine unless signed, "Wm. Wright, Phlla."
If jour Diuggist will not supply sand %s csau for ons
b # t to bar nek, Hollar 1 Co. <0 ft. 4th Pit. Phila InorVm
IX toraeyaat IAW. bellefonte. Specialattention| {
Area be Collection,, and Orpbana' Conrt practice,
May beceaenUed la Ltiuian aod Buttle* Mwa u .
iißQSia't ImUdUig, w>3 "t It. U
Person* having business wilh tlie Co.]
Vnitniiinii#f*, ire entitled thai said IS,
xmnl will meet regularly at their office]
n Hellefonte nn the fir*! and third!
Monday of each month, and dttrinv court,
II mm Banc,
JJSjan.St Clerk.
W \V O LF\ C
. New Goods I .
-*■ :! —— • I *
— pmm m
•n A splendid stmk of Now W , n
J Goods hai arrived at k - * I
Z WM.WWS £ 1
_ I -IFTMt
lianh HuildinJ.
! M
Prices Are-Down. © "
5 C E
a. The stuck consists of a ' B
J? fail iinecf Mrrahandtse, pi
** carefully selected, em. hi
bracing all kind* of
1 OIL ClA~*Tli*
CK m till EH, y * .
ETC., V.TC.. *Ti ,
m* Mm* ?<
T 0 Muslin & Calico K "
j a •A( bottom pric*t. a*
of .11 Modi. * "
j j
¥• i; ST" u
, < _ _
V II 4IS and C APS. ' 1
M ' * ! j lj
mml PRODUCE received ia 1 '"J
ji exchange for good*. j'
I | #
A 1 OA! KM |
Philadelphia acd Erie Railroad Division. '
j oii,fu> HMay, * lew. the imu •• 1
ih. PSluAviphiß a an* Ktuauaa Itnisl. u will r* *
! f<4k>s
r.Riamailimt.,uup> I
" ll.nUliarf * at .
** M. cioOa IKta '
" Ut t.i*
" H !• 11 IK a a
irr.l til. Ittp. I
Mti.tHt i \ Pi.ii* :*.■ 1
" li.rn.turf IIUtB
" , lor , is
bitbi WmumHwrt l.p* (
'* Uil It i s ,
FAST LINK !•*• Ph>U<J*l|4>u II U m a '
" HutWwi l.tni I
" MaßtKi.diMi tliptt j
uril* itlUmsport
" " Loch li tn M<>>
K.hTW A kit.
PACiriO IX. Iih L*l 1t...a leu
™ J mrmm I Mm Tlt mm.
" WtllUw.iK.rt iUrnm
" Mob , ,4„B lUmmrn
*rrftl tlx-,,,' arc tlU.iB
" '* PtiUltlpiiU l.ri
HIV £1 iHittStuii lectin 1
1/ a Hint list • *
Wiluuttport It M e ib
■otuat'i Hlpa
" area* Hxmxl art 41. pat
Pt>U.4lp£ia tSOpa
i.kla MAILI..X. >Uc .. tut >.
" lark Himi lUpa
•• " W lUl.m.fort 11 at *as )
" MaaUixSi.o * It It aas
err at M.rnoti.rc t t a m
)'t:ud*il.t>ia '.Hi mm i
I A LIIIIhim WsSuwiMrt la ix
art at liarrr !i ur • SU A ■
•nil failailirhi. : p .a,
I Par ranetllm ItMaara K'.ltaA.lpkla aa Wil
'Uaarurort ea Niaaar. Ft Wat. Krtm Km. Waal, rhlla
d.lpbia l>u Ft Fart mmi kasda)
, Ka. F-art. l*rt4a < .r. oa alf nl.hl trate. I
1 WM. A. uiumi.l, tr.a .rtldaparktleeeeat
EiamiuconrCiub Prlccsol J
Hoot* nnd liocw, —We ar* rolling (
out tb* goods lively because w* chare*
less for them than was ever known- We
keep up the quality and keep down tbe
prices. We are bound to sell off Ibis tre
mendous slock, and mm in the low prices *
to do tb* business. We will offer you j ?
Men's fine eelf boots at $2 30 ]
Men skip boot* at *t 00 ,
W omen's kip shoe# at. 1 00
Children's school shoes at_ "6
Men s woo! lined guns boot* at 2SO
B->y' wool-lined gum boot# 1 '.*•
Men's wool-lined buckle overshoes... 1 4k)[ *
Men * wool-lined Aieska overshoe*... 90
Men's plain gum overs hoes 00
Lumbermen's gums, solid Intel 1 25
Women s wtvol-lined Alaska over
hoe# 75
Women's plain gum
Misses' plain gum
Children's plain gum overshoe*- - 25
'f he above rubber good* are all first
rlaas anil are warrentcd, and will be sold
forms* only. E. GRAIfAM ASON,
Dec 6. Bellefonte, Pa !
President. Cashier. I
(Late Uilliken, Hoover A Co.)
Re-'eive Pppofit*, . w
And Allow Interest, il*
Discount Notes, !'
Buy and Sell s
Government Securitie*. Gold A b
aplOGßtf Coupons TJ
W R. camW I
Furniture Rooms! ir
I manufacture all kinds of Furniture for J
Chambers, Dining Rooms, Libraries and
Halls. f<
If you want Furniture of any kind, don't §t
buy upljl you ape jtqpfc. D
In i all iU branches. I keep in atock ail l\
the latest and most improved Coffins tl
and Caskets, and have every facil- vi
Tc- c PSPP er 'y conducting V
this branch of my business. ar
I have a patent Corpse n ,
Preserver, in which lu
bodies can be j
preserved for aconsiderabl* length oftime
iulWtl W, B, CAMP. I
to ) K. Miller A Son.)
h*J*r in Pure Ikrupe. Sfedirinee Fun
py ArtiHrs, Dye Ataffe. en
Drugyieie Mundriee. tSil
h>tk of Onfec
For Medicine) Purpoeee
Till IIKFT Is.A Fll*
Jti A KM A fi I) TOH ACC
Here secured the Mrricet of Dr. J. F
lloi.rider, who will eltend to the Com, 4
ounding of PreMtriplione. *JB aier. ly.
it an nK . and flAinnitkMß—in the kite*
tent of the bank building. All work done
ftuhionnble ttyle. ljuly
I 1 T7I n fH bl "'e**e *— ' NM la.
L>ililS 1 S5 r m£S£S&
ft fraa. loan mt mpmrm uar
Htk twin aw. tMrtu hIMH A Cm.
M au, r
C t'. ( ONnTR
In Bank Building, Centre Hall.
iVould respectfully enneune to ibe eiti
ent of thin vicinity that be hee Uken
oomi in above building where be ii pre
tared to do all kindt of work beieagiag
0 bit line, for men and boya, and actor ti
ng to latent atylen. Uooda sold by aata- ,
lie. Having bad nine yeart tzperienta
i# guarantees alt work to render perfect
ativfaction, and aolioiU a (bare of the
tubUc patronage ftdeey
lust published, in a aonled envolopo. * 1
Price six conta.
A luun wit • N.tar., Traaleiaai. maS KatUeal
I at rrta laai Waakaaa., or UpwaOutUM la
l.caa l Salteae>, Uroiaatary Emt—mmm. Imom
mm CI Nrrrtw LwbUHe, aad loMhauaU M Mar
U.S. aaaat.Ut; OawmsMlaa. aalUta.f. aed flu,
M.BtaTartS laaseeaMf. M Hi MOKKKf
J. • T l.i KktlkU.. M Si aetear of am "tit—m
I. -, k Mm.
Ta at-rte ra.tu.aS ISI. adtairalii* lev
MU. Ctmmmli j tora, I, mm ku . mmmmrtmmmm tkat IS*
■ vtul rnu<(uHCM uf Saif akaM art bm
••"V auiKMit mmdutmm. mm* ettkatrl t..l>ea
rural*.! .fimuM traaeta.. lUUibmU. rtae. ar
1 p-ioUhi oat a taod. of car. at ammm aartala
► •'! cOarlaal. trp tbitii ..) wSarar. mm mmUmr rial
bm eaaSutaa taar M.auu ran BlianW>, art
uui; aad radioaUk
Tf.t. laetar. aid pmi a km la ISatmaSa a*4
baat uMtaraaal. la aplata aaralepa. la kspadlraam
ML ntMfi of i mm, | —i>f lafn
ti Ann ML. New York; F, 0. Boi, 4606
Htoct y ' j
. pSIwoL
The Fork* ffooae, et Cehnrn station, is
new and commodious, and ia kopt in boat
manner. Bed and board aooond to none
in lbs county. Stabling for 10 boraoa.
At a ummer resort it will be found nil
that could be desired, right in ibe heart et
good fikhinr and buoting grounds, and
•urrounded by the most romenik rconery.
tnov y
No. 6 Brockcrhoff Row, Bcllefontc
Dcnlcmln Irnga.f Letuicalo.
Prrfhacry, !'■■ jhoeda 4c„
Pur* and Liquor* for medic
purpose* always kept. maySl 7i
l . would respectfully annouereto tke
citizens of Peans Valley that be baa per
manently located ir Centre Hell where bo
ii prepared to do all kind* of Dental werk. • **
All work warranted or no money asked.
Prices low to suit the times. t fan, v.
Hardware Store.
A new. complete Hardware Store be*
been opened by tbe undersigned ia Cen
tre Hall, where be is prepared to tall all
kinds ol Building and Hous* Furnishing
Hardware, Nails. Ac.
Circular and Hand Saws, Tension haws,
Webb Saw*. Clothes Racks, a full assort
ment of Glass and Mirror Plats Picture
Frames, Spokes, Felloes, and Hub*, table
Cutlery, Sboeel*. Spade* and Ferka,
Locks, Hinges, Screws, Saab Springs,
Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods, OiM,
Tea Bells, Carpenter Tools, 'Paint, Vsm- .
Pictures framed in tbe ftnest stylo
Anything not on band, ordered upoa
shortest notice.
jMW*Remember, all goods offered cheap
er then eisowbere.
By calling at ibe new and eaten
sivs bakery establishment of
{Successor to J. H. Sands,)
Opposite tbe Iron Front on Allegheny
street where be furnishes every day
Fresh Bread,
Cakes of all kinds.
Pies, ele., etc.,
Anything and everything belonging te
tbe business. Having bad vears of cape- '
rience in tbe business, be fatten binsaelf
that be can guarantee satisfaction to all
who may favor him with their patronage.
offer* hi* service* to tha citiuo* of
Centre county in
Ilonae, lica and Ornamental
Striping, ornamenting and gilding.
Plain and Fancy Paper banging. Orders
respectfully solicited. Ttnaa reasonable.
30 apr tf.
at hi* establishment it Centre Hal], keap
on hand, and for sale, at tbe most rvasoea
ble rate*.
A Spring WagonS.
and vehicles of every description man* le
order, and warranted to b* mads of lb*
brat seasoned material, and by the msst
•killed and competent workmen. Bodies
for buggies and spring-wagons Ac., of the
most improved patterns mads to order,
also Gearing of all kinds made to order.
All kinds of repairing don* promptly and
at tb* lowest possible rates.
Person* wanting an vtbing in hit lina art
requested lo call and examina his work,
ib: will find it not to be ezcelltd for dur
> ilivy and wear. may 8 tf.
~ T~
v . cheap
ra!5S* rn an< * tb* Kail way landa
squal.y divided by th* Kansas ?*cifc
ge of U.JS pp r acre on easy terms ©fpJ*
j' - orn *te sections of Government
ands can betaken as homesteads by actu
il settlers.
The lands lie in the GREAT LIME
|TONE BELT of Uentral Kansas, tbe
st? # t winter wheat producing district of the
United States, yielding from ?0 It
Bushels per Acre.
Tho Yaqrly utofgU i# tb eiut J3 inches per annum, one
hird greater than in tbe much-extolled
a hez„sA* Vaixet, which has a y*tly
rainfall of less than 33 incbsa per annum
n the same longitude,
Mock-Raising apd "Waol-Grpwleg *re
fry Remunerative. Tb# winters are
inort and mild. Stock will live all tbe
fear on grass! Living Streams and
>prings are numerous. Pure water is
ound in wells from 130 to <fo feet deep,
rho Healthiest Climate in tb* World I N 9
r ever and ague tbeie. No muddy Of MPs
passable roadt. Plenty of |n* op tiding
■tone, ljm and uod- these land* ate be
nf fspdly spttlsß by the best class of
Northern and Eastern people, and will ao
ippreciate in value by tbe improvement*
low being made as tomaketheir. purchase
it present prices one of tbe very best in-
restments tbat can be made, aside from
he profits to be derived from tbeir cult)-
ration. Members of our firm reside in
IVA-KEKNEY, and will show lands at
iny time. A pamphlet, giving full infoF.
nation in regard to soil, climate, wales
apply, Ac., will be sent free o# request,
. _ _ too Dearborn St., Chicago,
)r Wa-ke*ney, co. Ki.