The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 30, 1879, Image 1

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    A Winter Landscape.
A solemn aileno* Dili the lonely wood* .
Thsoold motet leaves lie motionless below.
The brook, in lev cloak ermined with nvo,
Mnte a* * meek, forget* ell summer moot*
TYie weed* like witohe* weird, in tattered
Are etill as death, for faint the hreeve*
blow ,
Winter * thin choir t* bushed, nor oft the
Give* voice to the elee roiceleiw solitude*
Under the muffled *kv broode everywhere
A *oft, half Kmiling gloom all life iawhiat.
And nature, kneeliug, make* uuuttertd
prayer ;
The world i a oatlnslral vast and bare.
The road along-drawn *i*le, where. awad
I lint
The singing wire*' loud anthem thrill the air,
The Son* of the Stream.
Over the moeae* and gr**<>•
Tlie white cloud paee*.
Silent and eoft a* a dream
And the earth, in her *hy emlwwc**.
Conceal* the trace*
Of the secret birtli of the *trv*iu
Till tot t!ir**,lr are braided and woven
And *pe<*t through the cloven
Channel*, and gather and atnk.
And wind, and sparkle, and dally
With song in the valley
And ahont from the terrible brink
Then the whirl of the wind divide* me.
And the rainbow hide* me.
A* I midway scatter in air .
And 1 hath with endle** shower*
The feet of the flower*,
vnd the lock* of the forest'a hair
Till proudly, with ater* welded
My strength l* bedded
Hy meadow, and slope, and lea
And the laud* at last deliver
Their tribute river
To the universal *ea.
Ktiytici Tiy.c.
To say that Harvey Frotiiingbam was
in a bad temper was to put the mildest
form of words to express the savage
mood in which he fonud himself one
winter's evening, as he shot through the
main street of the town of L , on his
way homeward. Everything hail gone
cootmrv to his wishes all the week.
Eutirely ignorant of the fact that Har
vey Frothingham was a man of standing
anil wealth in L , pretty Joaie al
lowed the minor facts, that he was in
sultinglv free in his addresses, to in
fluence tier so strongiy, that her digni
fied reserve taught him the lessor: he
needed; and when he sought her for his
wife she refused the houor.
To add to this discomfiture, the heir
ess, M i-.- Maude Chesterton—whom he
had hel-i in reserve, that his ambition
might win a wife if his love would not—
had cool'v informed him that she was en
gaged to Fred Holman.
Now, ii there was oue man above
another who was ntterly detestable in
the eye* of Harvey Frothingham it
was F red Hal mar
Tiny bad both been rivals at school,
where stood well in talent, appli
cation an I social position; and Fred was
ever a lit' le in advance in every study,
carrying away the contested prizes far
more fr< quently than it suited Harvey
he ebon la.
Iu society, Fred's handsome face,
ready wit, courteous manners, and
frank, sunny temper kept him ever
iu higher favor than Harvey Frothing
bam's sullen, cold disposition could
And now, when Maude hail been ever
gracious to the son of the wealthy
banker, Silas Frothingham, she an
swered his love-snit by the tidings that
his life-lcug rival had won the prorais*
to be his bride.
" And the worst of it is, it will be just
the match to s lit his uncle," muttered
Harvt-y, savagely •' No fear o! him
disinheriting Fred now."
For Harvey knew that Fred depended
entirely upon the good-will of his
mother's brotbei, James Rutherford, a
wealthy and eccentric bachelor, for his
income. He had been left an orphan
when a mere boy, ami his uncle had
adopted and educated him, and would
prolwblv make him his heir.
But the bachelor, having long ago put
away sentiment, if he ever felt it, looked
to Fred to make a match that would in
crease his fortune and social position.
It was tue wish of his heart to see Fred
the husband of Mande Chesterton, and
his wish was to i>e fulfilled.
Harvey Frothiagham, at odds with
love, would like to see his rival refused,
disinherited, humbled as he felt himself
humbled, since neither love nor money
would ace j>t him.
He strode over the pavemeut in a sav
age mood, aud started suddenly to see
Josephine Onnund coming ont of a
shop a few steps m advance of him.
In her ban 1 were several small pack
ages, and her face T.HS pade and anxions.
In a moment Harvey was at her side.
" Let me carry some of your parcels,"
he said, lifting his hat as he spoke.
" Thank you, I onlv a few steps
logo," answered JL WE ; hnrrying for
ward nervonslv.
"Yon need not be afraid of me,"
Harvey said, noting ber nervous man
ner. "I will not annoy you! Why
will you not believe my respect is as
great for you as my love f"
And before he knew exactly where his
words were leading him, the young
man was renewing the offer he haJ made
At th door of a small lodging-house
Joeie stopped and faced him.
"You have spoken so before, Mr.
Frothingham," #he said, gently; and
because I believe yon are sincere. I
will tell yon what I have kept sreret for
Rix months ; I am already married !"
"Josie! Be quick! Why do yon
stand there ?" cried a voice in the nar
row h&llwav, and a man stepped into
the bar of light thrown across the open
door by a street lamp.
" Fred Holman !" muttered Harvey,
starting forward. " Married ! and to
Fred Holman!"
It almost consoled him in his own dis
appointment to think of the hold he had
npon his rival. Engaged to Mande
Chesterton, and married to Josie Or
mnnd ' FSDCV the proud face when she
knew she had been deceived for a girl
who worked in a factory. And sweeter
still was it to Harvey Frotbingham to
think of the wrath of James Rutherford
when the news reached him.
But in his triumph Harvey Frothing
ham had resolved to be very cautions to
have strong proof of his rival's marriage
before venturing to accuse, to either bis
uncle or his betrothed.
He had noticed the number of the
house in the glare of the street lamp:
"No 28 Ralph street."
This waß the entry he made in his
note-liook, in case his memory proved
It Beemed as if fortune favored his
Only the next day, happening to go
into a large fruit and flower Bhop, he
saw Fred Holman selecting the contents
of a large fancy basket of choicest fruits
and rarest blossoms.
Nodding carelessly to Harvey, he
wrote the address upon a card and
attached it to the pretty basket.
" You will send this at once," he said,
and then left the shop.
And Harvey, taking the place Fred
had jnst vacated, read the card:
" Mrs. F. Holman, No. 28 Ralph
Wbal proof was needed now ? It was
not in the nature of Harvey Frothing
bam to work openly in any scheme. A
blow in the dark suited him better.
Feeling sure of his position now, he
hurried homeward to write two anony
mous letters, that would, he fondly
hoped, disinherit and utterly confound
his long successful rival.
One of these venomous missives found
Maude Chesterton in her pretty boudoir,
trifling with some embroidery, and
dreaming sweet dreams of her love and
Fred Holmau's sweet devotion.
She was a handsome, dignified girl of
nineteen, full of all womanly sweetness,
unspoiled by her great wealth.
She loved Fred Holman with the
FRED. Kl l IM Z, Kilitor and l-'ropritHor.
' whole strength of her young heart, and
abr was sure that her love ta* rein rued.
The daiuty work under the slender
linger* progressed slowly, an Mamie lay
hack iu nor deep arm-chair, looking into
the glowing fire, ana building castle* of
future happinena.
From this tender reverie he was
aroused by a servant, who handed her a
squarely-folded letter, awkwardly ad
dressed, and fastened with a wafer.
Wondering who her uukuowu eor
respomtent could le, she opened the
pflper. The aatuv straggliug baud inaido
met her eye*. Only a few line* were
" If yon would have a proof of the
falsehood of one yon believe true, go at
eight o'clock tliia evening t<i the second
flivir of No. 28 Ralph street, and you
will find Mr. Frederick Holmau and his
" Anonymous 1" the proud girl said,
her lip* curling and her eve* dashing.
" It is a falsehood I"
She threw the not* upon the i>alß a*
she spoke, Slut watched the flames curl
and blacken the paper till it flashed out
of sight up the chimney.
Then, with nil the color stricken from
her fmv, she tok up her embroidery.
Had Harvey watched her then, he
would have tfiought that that poisoned
arrow had missed its aim.
But it was not so. The work was
thrown aside, the piano rang out nuder
her restless ringer-, a novel was opened,
a room was put in order; but while the
calm face betrayed no secret suffering,
the girl was tortured all day by the
w**rds of the anonymous note;
" Frederick Holman and his wife."
Could it be I Had the frank, browu
eyes that had looked so lovingly into
hers mirrored only a false heart ? Was
she, indeed, so far deceived ?
Long before eight o'ch'ck Maude
Chesterton hail resolved to prove or
falsify the words that seemed burned
upon her brain.
Surely, of all the world she hail the
beet right to test the truth of such a
monstrous charge against her betrothed
And while she was striving to hide
from any eves the tortures she endured,
James Rutherford was storming up and
down his library, holding the second of
■Harvey Frothingham"* communications
in his hand.
Iu the same awkward haudwriting,
the same facts were stated, the same
hour and "place to verify the writer's
But the peppery old bachelor made
no secret of his wrath. To have listened
to him, oue would have supposed that
making mince-meat of his disobedient
nephew was the least he intended. He
called him all the pet name* suggested
by a furious rage; he nsed up all the
abusive adjective* in the dictionary to
describe Mr. Frederick Holman.
He exhausted every threat that he
oonld devise; long before eight o'clock
he had wrought himself up to a rage
that was frightful to witne*a.
It was with a chuckle of satisfaction
that Harvey Frothingham, secretly hid
den in a uarww court way, watched a
tall,stately figure leave a carriage at the
head of Ralph street, and walk to the
door of No. 2#.
In the quiet of the street he hear 1 u
clear voice ask the servant who opened
the door;
" Poca Mr*. Holrnau iive here ?"
'• Yes, ma'am; sooond floor."
"Is her husband at home?"
"Oh, yea, ma'am; you'll find them
both there."
Then Maude Chesterton entered the
house, just as a short, panting man
dashed np the steps, and, not pausing
to make inquiry^!so entered.
In the passage, Maude Chesterton,
turning, as rapid steps followed her,
faced James Rutherford.
"Yon here!" he said. "You have
heard too, then, of the trick this un
grateful hound has played upon us?"
"I have heard," she answered, iu
cold voice, "that your nephew's wife
lives in this bouse. I wish to ascertniu
if it is true."
" We will soon see ! we will soon see !
Second floor. Here we are. Now,
then I"
And the old gentleman's raps proved
the excitement under which he was
A very pale, sweet woman opened the
door, her eyee showing that she had been
weeping very recently.
" Doe* Mrs. Holman live here ?" the
old gentleman asked.
"That is my name, sir."
" Can I see your husband ?"
The soft eyes, fall of deep trouble,
were lifted.
" Is it on business, sir r"
" iTery important business," was the
rather dry response.
" Because the doctor said to day be
must not have sny mental excitement.
He is so very much worse to-day; I—l
am afraid he is dying !"
And sobs broke out again.
"Dying I"
Mande Chesterton reeled into the
room, and sank dizzily upon a chair.
ines Rutherford, with a face white
as death, said: " Dying f An accident ?"
" No, sir; it is a fever from over
" Fever—over-work 1"
" Josie—Josie !"
If ever Fred Holman spoke, he spoke
then from an inner room, and the little
wife, seeming to forget her strange visi
tors, answered, quickly:
" I'm coming, Fred."
She went at once to the room from
which the voice came, and again the
two, listening intently, heard Fred's
hnskv voioe.
"firing the last oordial, Josie. Ten
drops ! lam sure be knew me ; but he
is faint."
A moment later the same cheery
voice Bpoke again : " Drink this, old
fellow. So ! See, here is Josie ! Don't
yon know Josie?"
Then another voioe—<>b ! so very
faint!—said ;
"Josie—little wife !"
A moment of utter silence followed,
and then Josie ssid :
" There is a gentleman and lady in
the other room, Fred, who want to see
Frank. Will yon see them ?"
And Fred, appearing in compliance
with this request, fonnd his uncle vig
orously fanning Maude Chesterton with
a newspaper to bring her out of a faint
ing fit.
Before he oonld frame a question, bis
nnele said, quickly:
"Get me some water!" And* he
Then, Maude's blue eyes opened with
a bewildered stare, the old gentleman
aontinued :
"We wore sent here to see your
domestic felicity, and we seem to IK*
"My domestic felicity !" cried Fred.
"Read that," said his uncle, handing
the anonymouß note. And Fred com
" Humph ! yes," he said. "So you
came to see Mrs. Fred'rick Holman.
Well, that lady has made me a happy
man ;" and his eyes flashed merrily
upon Maude. " But I will introduce
you to my cousin's wife, Mrs. Frank
Holm&D. Maude," he continued, with
gentle gravity, " since you have come
here, it will be an act of Christian
charity to remain, for " —and his voice
sank very low—" we are afraid the poor
little woman will be a widow before the
" Poor fellow !" said James Rnther
ford. " What ia the trouble ? "
" (Over work. He thought he could
increase ht* amall salary by tolling over
Rue engravings in the evening, and he
broke down, I new r knew of htn mar
riage till last week, when he wrote tue a
pamful m te, lieggtug tue to care for hi*
wife If he died. 1 eaiue hero at uuoe,
and was fortunate enough to win poor
little Joste's sisterly confidence and
affection. Maude, if the great trouble
wo fear comes "
*'l will lie hor true sister, Fred!"
interrupted Mamie.
Hero was a deep ailem. of aevorul
uimutea; then Josie, verv pale still,
crept softly into the room.
*' He is aaleep !" she whispered.
" The doctor sai-l if he slept lie would
And wheu she broke iub- hysterical
| weeping, Maude held her clone in loviug
arms, whispering that she mnst let her
stav and comfort her, for Fred'* sake.
Nearly eleven o'clock came, ami still
Harvey Frothiugham waited, hnlf
froaen, iu the dark oourtwav, to *-<* the
discomfiture of hi* rival. Then his pa
tience was rewarded by seeing Frsl am!
his uuele come out of No. 28, arm-tn
arm, evidently the Invti of trieuda, and
enter Mis* Cheater ton's carriage and
drive awav.
Sot until the day of the wedding,
when he saw Jusie an honored guest,
and was introduced to Mr. Frank Uol
uiau, did Harvey Fro thing ham under
stand the slight mistake he had mailt*.
Tile Oetopuv
Though all the ootopods, large or
small, ean swim freely at will, such is
not their halut; they prefer to lie con
cealed, or partially so, 011 the aide or in
the clefts of rooks. There the vcto|H>d't
body is protected from the attacks of
other animals, while it can extend its
long feelers in search of prey, of which
fish, mollusks, and crustaceans are the
principal objects. Its movements,when
an object of focal is perceived, are mar
velously rapid, swifter than the fiight of
an arrow from the bow of an exj>en
tuioed hunter. The long, flexible arms
grasp the victim; its hundreds of suck
ers, acting like pneumatic holders, make
escape impossible; and, as the long
arms draw the object nearer and u*urer,
the other shorter arms add their multi
plied disks, forming "a perfect mitrail
leuse of inverted air guns, which take
horrid hold, and the pressure of the air
is so great that nothing but closing the
throttle-valve cau produce relaxation."
This throttle-valve is the neck as we
have described. Tuose lengthy
apjwudages, the limbs, are rather IU the
way when the auimal is swimming, and
wonld act as drag-anchors if left pen
deut; but the octopus usually draws
them close alongside, whence they ex
tend in a horizontal position, acting the
part of a tail to a kite. It propel* it
self by drawing iu and expelling water
through its loeomotory tnl>e. The oc
topus swims backward, and it has beeu
remarked that it change* its color to a
darker hue when it starts out for a sw.m.
This change of line, apparently at
will, is one of the most peculiar charac
teristics of the octopus. It may !>e con
sidered the chameleon of the sea. Its
ordinary color when 111 repose is a rnot
tl*l brown; but if irritated it assume* a
reddish hue, approaching to purple.
Nature seem* to have been iiinc *t sn
perflnouslyacarvftil ia furnishing this ani
mal with protecting elements; for thia
coloring matter, which reside* between
the inner and outer skiu, enables it even
to assume the color of tue ground or
rocks over which it travels, so that oue
can hardly say what oolor it is !>efore it
niav have changed to something .quite
different. When exhausted after a bat
tle or a struggle to get out of a trap, it
turns pale like a hntnau IK- .;g.
Others beside* Victor Hugo's hero
have hail a chance to t*st the strength
of these devil fishes. Major Xewsoiae,
R. E., when stationed on the east coast
of Africa in 1H56-07, undertook to bathe
iu a pool of water left by the retiring
waves. He says: "As I swam from
one end to the other, I was horn xl at
feeling something around my ankle, and
made for 'the side as speeihly as I could.
I thought at first it was only sea weed;
but as 1 lauded and trod with my foot
on the rock, my disgust was heighten, d
at feeling a fit-shy and slippery sul>-
stanoe under me. I was, 1 confess,
alarmed; and so apparently was tin
beast on which 1 trod, for he detached
himself and made for the water. Home
fellow bathers came to my assistance,
and he was eventually lauded. * *
As the grasp of an ordinary-sized oeto
pits holding to a rock is not less than
thirty pounds, while the floating power
of a man is between live arid six pounds,
I believe if I had not kept in mid-chan
nel it would have been a life-aud-death
struggle between myself and the In-ast
on my ankle. In the open water I wus
the best man; bnt near the bottom or
side*, which he could have reached with
his arms, but which I could not liare
reached with mine, he would certainly
have drowned me."— Popular .Science
( anning FNh-BalN.
For several year* past a firm iu this
city, says the Boston Advrrfltrr, have
sought to discover a method by which
rninoed fish, or fish-balls, could be
canned so as to retain its original fresh
ness and that peculiar flavor that ia sup
posed to be one of the secrets of the
oook'a art. After months of trials they
at length succeeded in producing au
article, composed of butter, fish and
potatoes, that hail the flavor of the old
fashioned New England fish balls, ami
that wonld bear transhipment around
the world and retain its virtnes iu nuy
The flsli are killed by beiug stuck in
the neck, md are hung up nntil every
drop of blood is removed, and the napes
re carefully scraped and cleaned.
When salted and tlrieil, it is equal to
the best Phillips' beach flsli. The best
Nova Scotia potatoes are used, and, in
stead of pork fnt, tne best Vermont and
New York butter is contracted for at the
dairy. The tlsh-balla are packed solid
in tin cans, ami hermetically sealed,
after which they are put up in eases of
ten dozen each, when they are ready for
the market. The first sale was made in
New York last May, and to such an ex
tent has the business grown in nine
months that tl e firm employ s force of
2ijo men and women in preparing and
packing the fish-balls, snd sixty tinners
in making the cans. Since the first of
Heptemlwr 2<t,(XX) bushels of potatoes
have been used, and the codfish com
prises several hundred quintals. The
goods are shipped by the cnr-lond to
Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco,
Pittsburgh, and other Western points.
A case of the good* was on exhibition at
the Paris exposition, for which a medal
was awarded, and orders have been
filled for France, England, Sootland and
South America. A few weeks ago an
order was received from Turkey, and the
firm has received one from China. The
business has ontgrown the most san
guine expectations of the proprietors,
and it will soon require additional room
and u larger force to fill them. This
article of food has only been offered to
the pnblic for a few mouths, and in
every case orders have t>een duplicated',
and a steadily-increasing demand in re
ported by the grocers who have retailed
it. It is as popular in England, France
and South America as it is on Cape Cod,
and seems likely to become quite as
famous abroad as American cheese.
*r % rrv IUI UMI Kicrrci* lrm i***
I.Miral OfH ll HiunMr.
The Chinese Offii iat Jltnanar i* la
mod annually in December, mi J is care
fully pivpriHl by the IMMUVI of astmuo
my, an important (ssiy, imperially up
(minted, presided over by prince of
1 tic* roy nl IIIIKHI, mnl oijual tu dignity t
suv other government body tu tbti cm
pire. Tlif alumnae is IwUiWtnl as n
-p.vial art of gimv by the emperor on
the Goreaua, 1. HK'booauh, Auuamites
and other tributary males. A* tins
publication is RO highly respected by
the Chinese, it may fairly be considered
as the representative of the highest
state of astronomical science reached by
them. A largo part of the astrological
portion of the alumnae i lutwiJisl for u
" practical guide in the oouimou affairs
of life." A translation is gtv i >f the
aduiouitioua for the lirM .lays of the
current year, as follow*
The first ilav is favorable for • acrifico
anil for entering school ; at noou it is
allowable to bathe. It is unfavorable
for startup; on a journey or exchanging
The MeOlhl dsv is favorable for sacn
flee ami bathtnj. It ia unfavorable for
ou p-urney, removing or
practicing acupuncture.
The tliirfi ilav : there ate no indica
The fourth ilav may receive or make
Visits and cut out clothes ; at seveu
*. H may ilraw tip isiutraets, barter
and make pieaent*. May not go ou a
journey or break ground.
The fifth ilav : may visit, bathe, suave
ami clean up ; may not plant arid sow.
The sixth is favorable for sacrifice,
visiting, taking on a new servaut, stsit
lug on a journey, removing, marrying, re
pairing, breaking ground; at three A. M.
may draw np contracts, opeu shop.liarter,
.send presents, seal, test the soil and
The seventh day : may level roads,
but must uot start on a journey.
The eighth : may sacrifice, memorial
ize, enter office, -assume ceremonial
clothes ; at five a. u. may sit toward the
southeast ; also favorable for conjugal
union, visits, weddings, taking on a new
servant, starting on journey, erecting
uprights and putt tug on crosslu-ams,
budding, removing so'l and burying.
The writer gives a few more items and
comment* us follows :
And so it goes ou for nearly every day
iu the yewr. Kuough tia* been trana
lated to show tUe excessive childishness
ami aliaurdity of this, the principal part
of the imperial almanac. On the seven
teenth one may be treated for ;Hu<-**
aud opeu cachcv of provision. Ou the
twenty-third it is allowable to pull down
old house* and walls, but drains must
uot be oj>cunl or wells dug until the
twenty-seventh. Arrest* should be made
ou the fifteenth ; this is the only favor
able day in the month a very satisfac
tory arrangement for criminals. There
are four days iu thirty on which our
mtv cut out clothes, and the same num
ber on which one may sweep and clean
up. It is advised to shave on ttie fifth,
twenth-third and twenty-ninth, and to
bathe seven times in the month. Un
fortunately, the intervals between the
liath days aro unequal. aud the believer
iu the almanac must wait from the fifth
to the thirteenth and from the fourteenth
to the twenty-third. Beside*, on the
first, bathing is favorable at an incon
venient hour—viz., mam; the hour on
the twenty-ninth (five o'clock! is much
These indications --eetu b*> "illy to *f
feet sensible mcu. v-t while the China
man in not only sensible, but actually
shrewd and keen, lie guide* in->st of hi*
more important iiffair* by the almanac.
The poorer chins--* watrn the almanac
aarefnlly, ami marry, bnry ami do other
things only when it advises, and it i to
le feared that the Ivetter educated do
not start on a journey nor enter office
except on favorable days, though it ia to
be hoped they bathe, abate and clean
much oftener.— American Journal.
I riehiaoHis,
Tina ia a parasitic disease, caused by
eating |>ork infeated with minutest hair
like worms, called trichina*. It is only
since IH6O that the disease has Wen
fully investigated and understood, tint
it can now be traced lack, nnder other
names, at least two eentnnes. Hmce
the alxivr date it has been recoguisad
wherever pork is eateu raw or imper
fectly cooked; and there have been
many epidemics of if.
The trichinia, after passing through
the stomach, rapidly multiply in the
intestines, aud thence they work thei
wav into the substance of the muscles
generally aud of the internal organs,
where they soon roll themselves up into
coils, like worms of the earth.
If comparatively few trichina' are taken
into the stomach, either because the
pork is but slightly diseased, or is eaten
sparingly, or the meal is not repeated,
the disease is light ami soon over.
In severer cases there is vomiting;
diarrhea, followed often by obstinate
constipation; profuse sweating; fever;
great pain in the limbs; difficulty of
chewing, swallowing and breathing;
hoarseness, often with entire loss of
voice; neuralgic attscks and sleepless
ness, except in children, with whom the
opposite condition of stnjwrr prevails.
in the milder cases the patients liegfn
to recover in five or six weeks; m severer
forms, convalescence is deferred for four
months, while the full strength is not
restored for a much longer time. A
fatal termination is very common, gen
erally from paralysis of the respiratory
organs. In children, recovery is the
rule. No means have yet been found to
destroy the trieliinic.
American hog* seem to 1h especially
liable to the disease. Tliey should be
noli! for the market, home or foreign,
only after legal inspection. Hot thorough
cooking kills the trichina*, Lard, of
eonrae, having been subjected to a high
heat, cannot contain them.- Youth'*
A lake's Hystericus Sounds
Manitoba lake, which lien northwest
of Fort Oarry, and has given a title to
the provinces formed out of the Itcd
nver region, derives its name from
a small island from which in the
stillness of the night issues a mys
terious noise. On 110 account will
the Ojibway Indian approach or land
on this islnnd, supposing it to be the
home of the Manitoba, the "Speaking
God." The cause of this curious sound
IH the beating of tho waves against the
" shingle" or large pebbles lining the
shores. Along the northern coast of the
island is a long, low elifl of tlne-grain
ed, compact limestone, which under the
stroke of a hammer cliuka like steel.
The waves beatiug on the shore at the
foot of the clitl cause the falleu frag
ments to rub against each other and to
give out a sound resembling the chimes
of distant church lells. The phenom
enon occurs when the gales blow from
the north, anil then as the winds sub
side. low, wailing sounds, like whisper
ing voices are heard in the air.
Travelers assert that the effect is
impressive, and that they have beeu
awakened at night under the impression
that they were listening to church bells.
Helena (Mont.) Independent.
Old bnttons are in demand in Paris as
articles of parlor ornament, and large
prices are paid for those in steel, jasper,
silver, pebbles or Alenoon diamonds.
Till IH'KI.H OF I 111! I'AST VIA It.
lira H! llrl MS ISr Mrl.l si Itsusr. ssrf
Jan. I'd. At the luucttou of the A.
and (1. and H. and (V , three tulles
from Savanna, between Walter A. Hut
lev, lawvcr, and Hubert Vlshburu, ten
paces, (toll's revolvers, llarley killed;
cause, |>olities
Feb. It A J. Niooh ptilo and (ieorge
Villere fought with swords at Moiitgom
ery station, ou the N. (). and M It It ;
Nns'lopulo wounded IU hand.
Fell. 'Jli. - lu I'hartes City OoUUtT, Va.,
fortv miles from Htchmoud, Tiiomas
Wilooi ami Hichard Walker, dispute
about lainls adjoining; two shots llreif
ami Walker fell; Wilom slighfly wound
ed ill the urni. Both parties were ar
resteil. After the first shot Wilcox said
" Hold ou, mv pistol is out of order aud
won't tire." "All right; I'm not iu a
hurry and I'll wait," was his opponent's
"i-iy- -
March 7. Vt l'auton, neaf I niversi
ty of Virginia, It. T. Johnson, Jr., aud
Mr. Cookroll f night with bowie knives;
(Va-krell called Johnson a liar over a
game of billiards; the young men were
aged alnnit twenty two; neither party
March dp. At Kaatvilh , Va., Mulnev
l'ltta aud A I*. Thomas fought with
pistols, to settle a quarrel alsuit sdd;
two rounds at six feet apart. Fitts was
killed, ami Thomas fatally wounded.
July 4. —On Luxembourg frontier,
Jorree Uaoedo, minister to Itelgnim from
San Salvador, tuid Medira, minister
from Guatemala. Uacedo wounded in
shoulder. I>r. William Auberv and
Adolph Flummer; Colt's six sheading
OisU>U; uear Latouia Springs, Ken
tucky; one ahot. Dr. Aubery wouud*l
in foot, tyuarrel atsiut a lady; fifteen
July 14. Th. llev. Dr. Wade Hail,
Baptist, and Andrew Scroggina, sou in
law, fought duel, ten jiace*, in Ilutlier
ford county, N. Scroggina spanked
Dr. Hell's daughter and the doctor re
proved him. A quarrel and fight eu
iu*l, doctor coming out test. Scrog
gins challenged, tiie r> vereud deeliued.
Scroggins \ owed revenge, it he jioiaou
eel his coffee. The reverend Wa*
armed. Thee met on borarback. Major
•* 11a. I've got you 1I>W." The rever- -
aud "Keepcool." Major " Ten min
ute* t> say your prayers." The rever
end— 4 'Well. sir, I'm ready," drawing
derringer. Major "And so am I
mav the Lord have tuerey ou ua Itotb,"
ami fired, wnth no effect. The reverend
tired ami killed Scroggins.
Aug. 1. lt. S. Salisbury an IJ. 8.
Iveraon of August*, Ga., met ou Caro
lina side of river and exchanged shot*;
uohodv hurt.
Sept. 14.- John Riley and unknown
man, at Catholic cemetery, San Francis
co,ten paces an 1 advance; Riley wound
ed; refuses to tell.
Paris, Nov. 21.—-A duel with pistol*
lietween M. (iambetta and M. de Four
ton, arising out of the passage in the
chamtver of deputies on the lath inst.,
when the latter was unseated, wa* fought
to-day at Pleases Picquet. They fought
at thirty-five i>acr. Onlv oue exchange
of ah >t wrw* had, and ueitlier party wa*
Columbia. S. C., Jan. 2.—A duel was
fought last Monday night near Biahop
ville, tiie principals being Mr Canter,
of Camden and Mr Cash, of Cash's De
pot. Two shots were exchanged with
onkefieet. ('mcinnitti fViwm" ial
A Model \ea Fnglaad Farm.
Mr. Burnett, the owner of the three
hundred aero in Hiuthboro, Me.,
known as Deerfoot frm, makes a spe
cialty of breeding, raisiug and fattening
hogs, and converting them into various
articles of f.Hxi, and of the product* of
the dairy. Tb conversion of the car
casses int.• tiaina ami bacou, and the
manufacture of sausages and lard are
carried on in the most systematic man
ner an.i on an extensive scale; extra
pains being taken to province for the
private consumption of customers in
Boston. New York and Philadelphia,
the choicest and most palatable articles.
Mr. Burnett raises about 850 hogs an
nually. aud purchases from the fanners
of Vermont 1,500 fat Berkshire*, winch
make the l>est jork. After Imiug dress
ed, the hogs are kept in a refrigerator
for forty eight hoars, wbeu thev are cut
up, the ham* and bacon enred ia the
most approved manner, the lard tried
out and canned free from adulteration,
and the pork packed in kegs of fifteen
aud twenty pound* weight; the sausage
meat chopped by machinery aud sea
Boned with the best quality of sage aud
pepper that can Ih* obtained, ami theu
made into aansages. Mr. Burnett's
baoon hna taken the place of imported
English bacon in the Boston market,
and has become so popular in Philadel
phia that one dealer has offered to take
the entire product of Deerfoot farm,
which amonnts to 300 side* a day, while
3,000 hams are-cured annnallv. The
product of sausages averages about
1,000 pounds a dav. Another s|>ecialty
of Mr. Bnruett ia the canning of pigs'
feet, which are sold largely iu the sea
son to yachting |>arties. The piggery at
Deerfoot farm is an extensive affair,
located at some distance from the main
butldiugs, and consists of a building
eighty by forty feet, with a wing sixty
by twenty feet, containing pens, in
which were seen about 250 swine of .all
ages, from the sucking pig to the hog
ready for the scalding vat The animals
are fed twice a day, on a cooked mixture
of two-thirds corn ineal aud one-third
ground oats, which Mr. Burnett has de
monstrated to be the most profitable
food for fattening hogs. In the dairy,
the Devonshire process of producing
clotted cream is used. New milk, scald
ed, is placed in long, large pans, which
are placed under a refrigerator, where it
is cooled rapidly, the temperature Wing
reduced in ttiree hours from 100 degrees
to thirtv-two degrees, aud cream raised
to the thickness of three-fonrths of an
inch, which ordinarily required forty
eight hours. This "cream will keep
sweet several days, and is sold for sixty
Mali quart to' Boston families. Mr.
Bnrneft also mannfactnrea from 250 to
300 pounds of butter a week from the
milk of fifty cows, of which twenty-five
are thoroughbred Jerseys, The bntter
readily sells nt seventv-flve cents b
pou n<l. Bo*ton '/Van*cri]tt.
A Buhl Operation
Prof. Alan T. Smith has perform.*! a
most difficult and dangerous operation
on the nine-year-old son of Mr. 8. J.
Hopkins, of Cambridge, Md. Ten
months ago the chilu swallowed a tin
ferrule from an umbrella. The ferrule,
which was open at both ends, after going
some distance down the throat, canght,
in the anterior wall of the >sopliagiiH
pressing against the windpipe, giving
rise to senoua trouble. All efforts to
extract it were unavailing. The child
was brought to town some days ago.
Prof. Smith, finding that the obstruc
tion eonld not be reached by means of
any of the forceps in use or that oonld
tie devised, on account of it lieing ini
bedded in the mucous m< mbraues and
the difficulties of its position, forced
his fingers down the child's throat and
extracted it in that way. To do this,
the child jhad to be held by the heels,
head down ward. It was completely suf
focated for the time being bv the opera
tion. Artificial respiration bad to lie re
sorted to, which, after some time,
brought him to a normal state. The
child ia now doing well.— Baltimore
After Orli/ltr*.
A letter from Biamarek, Dakota 'l'er
ritory, tells uf the arrival there of a
Mr. te-asiire, who had 1 KM-N hunting in
the Judith baaiti and the Muaeleahell
valley, le-anitre Was Willi Meaniter, the
English aporUmaU, part of the time.
They had their czpericuoo#. The grimly
(rear is the big game. He la an Ugly
enemy at short range. The boy* were
always ou the alert for hi* approach, line
luinty night Leaaure and his companion
were startled by a specter moving slow
ly toward their eamptire after the up
aud down movement of a grizzly. It
was not a safe investment, hut the
hunters thought they would lodge two
bullets fore and aft of the brute. They
tired, ami la>th bullet* passed through
the animal where they aimed. It turned
and disappeared. Neit morning the
boya went in search of their wounded
grizzly. They found him. He was
their old gray pony, who had broken
loose from Ins picket and was grazing
in the direction of the cam)). The
wounds were not serious, sml the pony
soon recovered.
A few veurs ##•• three men iu mix
week* killed 1,500 deer in the Big
Snowy mountains. Thev killed theni
for their hide*. It wa* prulublj the
ni<wt auooeaaful slaughter of the forest
luu-ieeiite that ever oorurred iu this aec
tiou. Wlieu Measilcr and 001. Pickett
of Kentucky sUrted into the Judith
basin oil their fall hunt, their first ex
(►erieuce wan with * big grizxlv, which
suddenly charged thetu from the wood*.
The hunter* and their two gulden were
oa horseback. The hurwea were
frightened, and the rider* unable to
take aim. The liear would charge oue
hor*- and then another. Volley after
volley wan fired at random. The borne*
(■ltched about, and the Iteuir entered inio
the fun with all the spirit of hta great
nature The crack of the rifle anm*ed
him. lie would run hack into the wimml,
and then tamiice out again, taking after
the nearest home. A rifle shot from
hi* aide or rear would make him turn
an : ctiarge in the direction of the cue
my. The tight wan kept up for hour*,
when darkness terminated the unsatis
factory con teat. The lwr wan safe.
Me*niter saw a fine grizzly run into a
very heavy thicket. He peratiided hia
pointer dog to go into the thicket by
throwing a ntone into it. The dog went
in to retrieve the atone, hut name out
with hia tail lietweeu hia leg*, and on a
clean run that never top(>ed until he
got into camp. The bear followed him
to the edge of the thicket, wheeled altout
face aud dl*api>eareiL Just a* hia hind
quartern were paasiug out of aight,
Measiter discharged both barrel* of hi*
Express rifle. Thev were loatled with
exploaive bullet*. Tiie liear removed
them. Thev hurt, but didn't kill. Mr.
Me**iter *# now iu a quandary. The
fhall of one barrel cotildn t lw removal,
aud the l>eivr wan too cunning to make
fight Meaaiter threw a cartload of
atone* into the thicket, hoping that the
Ix-ar would take offense and come out
The bear had men enough. He would
take the ehanoe* of Iteiug hit by the
•uine*. M<-*iter could *hoot straighter
than Le could throw. He tol I the re*t
of the torv iu about the following
w >rd* "Gentlemen, lam sorry to say
it, hut 1 deliberated an hour and a half
before I decided to go in after that
Issir. 1 knew that he w*a wounded,
and that iu all | (liability he would die
Iwfore moruing and hi* meat spoil. It
was getting late in the afternoon, and 1
mn*t decide. Having but one useful
barrel of my rifle made the aitualion all
the more interesting. I got down ou
my hands and knee* and crawled into
the thicket a few hundred yards, when I
caw something just in front of me mov
ing up and dowu. It was the lower jaw
of the grizzly. He wa* whetting his ap
petite. I plaxsl my rifle to my ahonl-
Jer. The Is-ar I* gan to rajse tip. It
was death to one of* us. I flred. The
ta-ar fell hack. The bullet |>aa*cd
directly through the hall of his left
Messiter ha* g"ue directly to Harris
burg, Pa., to sjhmk! the winter and
spring. He lives near that city, but
get* hia wealth fr>m England. He ia
the proprietor of 12,000 acres of land
and three small villages. His income is
jirincely. He ha* hunted everything
from an elephant to a jack rabbit. He
was three year* the chief of a band of
A rub* in Arabia. His object was adven
ture and a knowledge of the people
He is by tar the moat accompli shed
gentleman who has ever traveled Ibis
war a a hunter. His rough life simply
refines lorn. He is au artist iu his line.
Medal* at World'* Fair*.
So far as the general public is con
cerned. it always is aud always will lie
in a atate of hopeless confusion con
cerning the medal* awarded to the dif
ferent firms that have exhibited at the
world's fair*. Each firm seems, accord
ing to circulars an.l advertisements, to
have taken the highest prize for its
specially, whatever it le, so that the
community at large is unable to see
how or wherein one firm his any ndvau.
tage over auother. Philadelphia,
Vienna, anil Paris expositions are mys
teries to the many who cannot perceive
the benefit of competition if everything
exhibited is worthy of the same honor.
Although this may appear so, quite the
contrary is the fact. Different me<lals
are given, as at the Paris expc .ition,
for articles of different degrees of
merit. There are the grand gold
metal, the gold, the silver, and the
bronze ni(<dala, the honorable mention,
which is the regular descending scale.
Exhibitors who have gained any prite
are ingenious enough to advertise in a
way to make people believe that they
have carried off the highest honors, ft
is growing to lie a question among mer
chants and manufacturers whether
world's fairs do any good commensnrate
with the trouble and cost of exhibiting
there ; and it is not at all unlikely tlint
these fairs will henceforth diminish iu
importance and interest. They cer
tainly seem to have had their beat days
in the opiniou of a New York paper
from which the foregoing ia taken.
A hiving fishhook.
A curious way of catching turtles off
the coast of Cuba is employed by the
natives, and with entire success. A
specicß of muora, or feet*, inhabits
those waters; it has an oval disk on the
top of the head and the adjacent parts
of the back, the surface of which is
crossed by transverse cartilaginous
plates, and on the middle of the under
surface are hook-like projections, con •
nected bv abort bands with the skull
and vertebras, aud their upper margin
is st with fine teeth. By means of this
apparatus, partly suctorial, partly pre
hensile through the hooks, the retnora
attaches itself to rocks, vessels, floating
timber and the bodies of other fish, us
ing them either for anchorage or labor
saving transit. Boatmen seeking for
turtles carry several feet** iu a tub, and
when near their game n properly equip
ped feet* is cast off. The tlsh fastens
itself to the turtle so firmly—it will |>er
mit itself to be torn asunder before it
will release itself from any object to
which it is attached —that the turtle can
readily be secured. The living fishhook
is held by a ring in the tail, aud a strong
line made of the fibre of palm bark. By
a peculiar manipulation, the flail is
made to let go its hold of the turtle when
botL have been hauled into the boat.
The remnra ia then returned to its tub
to await the discovery of another turtle.
TKRMH: #2.00 . Yoar, in Advanoe.
Lima went into mourning for eight
days for Don Manuel I'ardo, late ureal
dent of Peru, who was assassinated by a
Denver, Colorado's chief city, twen
ty years old, lias a (topulatiou of thirty
t hum-ami, t wruty ehurchoa, nine educa
tions! institutions, eight newspapers,
four banks ami one theater.
A New York p*|>er says that in New
York city alone there are wore ien*oua
with £I2,DUO moomea than in all Prua
sla. Jt estimates at leaat 2,000 such
against 1,500 in Prussia.
hiate savings banks in Maine have
been reduced to fifty tune in number,
five loss thsu three years ago, and of
these thirteen have had their deposit*
scaled down by the supreme court
The electric light has been applied to
the velocipede m England. The ltgld
is equal to oue hundred aud twenty
eaudlea, and it lights up the road two
hundred yards ahtwwl on a dark night.
The Vtckshurg i Miss, i Herald print
ed in U-u columns a hat of all tbr gifts
that have been received there by the
yellow fever committees, and has had a
copv mailed to each of the place* whenor
the contributions came.
The home of lierr August Wilhelmj,
the noted violinist, now playing in the
United Htales, is at Biebricb, on the
I dune, where hi* father owns many
large vineyards, and next to the emper
or is the largest vineyard proprietor tu
King Ludwig's royal chateau, which
he haa aet alnmt building on the laland
of Herren-Chiemsoc, in Bavaria, after
the model of the palace at Versailles,
will find him, when completed, ouly
forty-eight ycara old; and he baa set
apart til teen years for the building of it.
Since June 90th, 1H47, 9,719.308,527
postage stamps have been issued by the
United State* government, worth over
f-JNb.iMIo.UOU. For the tirwt four years
they amounted to hardly $1,000,000 a
year. Sow New York eity alone takes
gJ.M66.000 a year, Philadelphia, $95,-
000, Chicago, $971,000, Boston, $946,-
000, and St. Louis, $465,000.
The public work* of the general gov
ernment in New England have ouet, the last two year*, a? follow* :
I*7" I*7*
Maow . .s*U.l*.7 yxs.xssas
New Haiupsbirc ... 10.4W U Zc.KX4.OO
Vermont - -• 11 000.00 14.d00.00
Mvssaetiusotis .. ..0M.40550 1*4.8*7.66
Uvum- aud Mo* ....
(unnnrtieut WIJ44.M 56 10170
lthode Island ... 27.W1 itt 45,00(100
Statistic* given by Mr. Richard Hall,
secretary to the meeting of cattle im
porter* at Liverpool, show that there
bus I<-n a very substantial growth in
ana cat lie trade, especially in regard to
the citations from thia country. The
lmpeaae ha* t>eeu *-imething enormous,
incrha* oeearred within a few months,
instead of by alow accumulations. In
1875 onlv 7<J2 cattle were imported,
while iu 1*714, up to the commencement
of December, the number was >50,000.
The total for the rear wruld probably
reach 86,000, or, including abeep aud
ptga, not far abort of 130,410 animals.
The Liotiae iu which tUe Emperor of
Germany prefers to live is tilled with
the parspberualia of war. Portraits
and Inst* of great soldier*, pictures of
famous battles, are it* chief ornament.
Models of cannon, rifle* aud sheila
wooden statuette# clothed in all the
uniforms of the world, fill the niches
and vacant place*. Hi* inkstand is half
a cannon ball, and his paperweights
the hoots of favorite charger*. Military
books and rnapa fill hia library, aud his
own im(erial signature is given with a
penholder cnt from splinter* of an
Uhlan lance.
Where the Work 1* lBr.
Au important place the speaker's
room is, write* a Washington correspond
ent. Poaaibly not half of those famil
iar with the capito! know where it
i*. Not the jveaker's room down in the
guide book*--a big, tile-floored, well
win Jowed room just back of the cham
ber id which the House ta. That room
is currently known as the sjieaker'sroom,
but the spiaker never sees any one there
whom he want* to see. It is too open
and accessible by half. The conferences
winch the speaker ha* at which anything
is done are not held in thia marble
walled (Moon. It is a little close! in a
dark entry below the hall. It is hard
by a private staircase. The glazed door
is screened by green li*e. There is
not the sign of name or note on the
door, and it l* one of the few doors un
marked in the eapitol The corridor has
no light, and ou a cloudy day ia dark.
Once inside, yon see a room partly
covered by a carpet partly ragged. The
window —there is onlv one—is screened
in some cheap way. "there ia room tor a
straggling table, one lounge sod three
chairs. There is room for nothing else.
If you know him, yon have got in with
out a card. If yon do not know him.
yon have uot got in at all. And iu such
N room yon find the third officer of the
government hard at work. It is signifi
cant of the publicity of pnolic life when
it ia nnfeuoed bv claaa rank that it ia
onlv in some such coal-hole that he can
get time to work. Unless he hides him
self, so many people have a right to aee
him that hia whole time runs to waste.
It ia in thia little hole in the wall that
three speakers. Oolfax, Blaine and Ran
dall. have done the real work of legisla
tion. Hpeaking guardedly, I fancy more
of the business of goveruiug is done in
thst room than in any other one room
in Washington.
She Couldn't IU
, A young man and his girl sat near the
front, at Rurdette's lecture, tlie other
evening. Ttie young man carried his
head on one side, it being forced into
that position by the weight of half a
i verv tender mustache which was com
posed of seven hairs upon one side and
eleven on the other side of his nose.
When the Hawkeye man hail jnst flu
' ished convulsing his hearers with an
account of a youth's first shaving en
counter with a barber, the young man
leaned over to his girl, and whispered :
•• That's true to life, 1 can tell you."
" How can yon tell me?" inquired the
"How?" he repeated in a whisper;
" why, by experience; that's just the
way i felt when I first got shaved."
" When was that?" ahe asked,
"Oh, before I raised my mustache,"
he returned.
"What mush che?" she queried,
little surprised.
"What mustache do you suppose?"
he retorted, turning red.
" Why, Charlie," whispered the girl,
" I never saw any mustache. Do yon
"Never miud what I mean," hissed
the young man betweeu his clenched
teeth. Aud he stared very hard at the
lecturer all the rest of the evening, but
somehow oculdn't see anything to langh
at. Sunday night he went to see a new
girl. Bockland Ctourier.
44 The Tug •( War. M
The recent two daya' exhibition of
amateur athletic games, in Oilmore'a
gariieu. New York, reanlted in a aerie*
at interesting contests, consisting of
running and walking matchea, veloei
|>ede and hurdle re* ing, and " tuga of
war," in which two " tuama " catch hold
ufa rope aud try to pull ea-h other
over a mark, the laat event in the ex
hibition—a tug of war between twenty
men—ia described thna by a reporter:
The concluding event waa a tug of
war—the final of the contest of the
previous evening— tet ween the Boottiah-
Atu-ricjnj team and the team of the Em
pire {'ity gymnasium. Tlie former had
uever lief ore lieen tieeten, and looked
like winners in their pretty uniform*,
displaying magnificently-developed mus
cles. The Empire City meu were knot
ly fellow*, apparently workiugmen.and
were airnpiy stripped to their abirte and
pantaloons. The struggle waa the tin
eat that ever took place. At the fivah of
the piatol the Hoots went to work imme
diately with every muacle of their bod
ies anil all the skill fur which they have
won a reputation, but they did not
budge their opponent* an inch. Then
the Empire City men pulled for ail they
were worth, and succeeded in dragging
their opponent* a foot toward the hue.
The cheers, yella. whistles an J cat call*
that arose from the assemblage a* this
were simply deafening. The triumph
of the Hootch ruen pad been regarded aa
a foregone conclusion,and the delight of
the crowd at this indication that the con
test was not to be altogether one-aided
was indescribable. Men lost their heads
and jumped around like In nation, at the time shouting thennaeivt* hoarse
at one team or the other. Until the end
of the contest the din bad no cessation
nor the excitement any abatement. The
mortified Scotchmen rallied and made a
supreme effort, but they loet another
inch in so doing. Pull followed pull in
quick suooemnon; the bunched muaclea
on the arms, baeka, and legs of the
Scotchmen swelled and writhed, and
their powerful bodies swayed from aide
to side under so intermittent strain that
seemed almost enough to pari the thick
rofie, but the others were like rocks,and
yielded nut a hair's breadth. On the
contrary, they proved quick to take ad
vantage of every relaxation of their op
ponents, and added meb after inch to
their advantage, until ther had a clear
gain of four or five feet, "fhen they just
anchored themselves and held on. The
Scotchmen got mad at length, and began
tannting the Empire City men, bnt they
stopped on being promptly hissed. The
fifteen minutes were fast slipping away.
Bracing themselves, the Scotchmen
partly arose, and pulled until it would
seem that something mast break. But
to no avail. The pistol shot went off
which gave the Empire City men the
victory, and a shout arose that shook
the building.
Xiaiag Numrai laturi
Nsmee of mines, like one's emotions
when eating L'.mburger cheese for the
first time, are peculiar. The locator of
Dry Hash probably showed his prefer
ence fcr s dish which is a prominent
featnre in a boarding-house, and has a
large circle of acquaintance*. Little
Bilk leave* one to infer that there is a
Big Bilk; in tact, on consideration, we
concede that there are a great many of
them. Mollia Darling shows that, al
though *he is getting to be an old maid,
she still has admirers. The Fraud is no
exhibition of human nature; the locator
wanted to pique the pride of the vein
and spur it to bebe its name. On in
quiring of one miner whv he had named
his claim "I Know All/' he explained:
" When I left the East I left mv girl
there, and—and some tronble I bad with
another lady. When I got out here I
wrote to my girl that I waa doing bully.
That wasn't so; but you know how a fel
low will write. Wrote that I expected
to return soon and cage her in a palace.
She answered: * I know ail. Yours no
more, Jane.'" Asking another whv be
ch<>* to name his " Terror." he replied:
"For a lady." "Howl Didn't know
that was a female name." " Well, you
see, that s mv wife; she's a terror. Left
in Gold Hill." Tom Pike being ques
tioned as to hie naming a location Josh
Johnson, said: " That—that was my
uame in the Btates." I asked the pro
prietor of the Last Chance if he really
considered this bis last chance for a for
tune; if he failed, would he try again ?
" No, sir; no, sir; will go to rcijbin' the
stages." To the man who vu showing
me bis two claims I remarked: " From
the name, the Treasury, von must have (
high hope* of this?" " faint isn't why
I named her that.". "Why, then ?"
"There's ntithin' in it" "And thir
second one. Hector. Yon admired the j
valiant Trojan ?" •' Named for my dog
• Hector.' He's dead now. Buried
over tbar. Come an'see his grave."—
Salt I akr Trihunr.
Koes in Wlater.
At a recent regular monthly meeting
of the New York Horticultural society
the business waa to elect half a dosen
new members and to listen to the reed
ing of a priae esaay. Mr. Peter Hender
son, the veteran florist, offered in No
vember lsst a special prize of $25 to the
writer of the beat es*ay on " Rose Cul
ture for Winter Blooming." The prime
went to William Bennett, florist, Flat
busb. Mr. Bennett advised that cuttings
should tie taken from the strongest roots,
as early as Jannary if possible. In
March plant them in the rose-house.
The border in which they are to be set
should 1* of strong loamy soil, with no
manure. Drainage of the border should
lie perfect. While the roses are grow
ing during the summer months, they
must lie well watered continually. The
varieties liest to grow for winter are
Bon Silene. Saffrano, Sprunt, Cornelia
Cook, Nephitos, Douglas. Madain, Tal
oot. Pearl of the Garden and Marshal
Neil. These comprise all shades of
color known in rosea. Pruning should
tie doue sparingly ; rosea are nsnally
hnrt by ocereealotts pruners. The tem
perature in tbe night should not average
-bove tifty-flve digreee Fahrenheit, and
by day seventy-five degrees. Finally
Mr. Bennett said that the causes of
failure to produce winter rose blooms
are not only that the bonier is nsnally
manured too riehlv, bnt also that the
liorders are badly drained and the roses
too closely prnned. Great care should
be taken to begin the temperature low
when the rose-house is closed up in the
fall If weather permits, the tempera
ture at the beginning shonld be forty
five degrees in the night, ranging np to
fifty five degrees in daylight.
Words of Wisdom.
Truth is as impossible to be soiled by
any outward tonch as the snnbeam.
No man is the wiser for bis learning.
Wit and wisdom are born with a man.
Reason is the life of the law v nay, the
common law itself is nothing else but
To write well is to think well, to feel
well anil to render well; it is to possess
at once intellect, soul and taste.
A man can do without his own appro
bation in mnch society, bnt mnst make
great exertious to gain it wheu be lives
Oar hopes, though they never happen,
yet are some kind of happiness; as trees,
whilst they are growing, please in the
ItMi ef liUmt.
" Anti-fat remedy'—Killing UM bog
when young.
Winter is the aeaaou beat raited to
frame speech.
A hotel bill may be called iun-debted
The population of the Oerman empire
is 75, Of, 000.
Why ia a healthy tree like a dogf
Beoaoae the bark ia sound.
Look ont for the girl who thrown bar
whole soul into a pair of slipper* for the
The annnal batter and cbeme product
.if the United HUten ia $50,000,000
great* r than the wheat crop.
Wolves and wild bear* are at til nu
merous and troubleaome in France,
owing to ibe extenaire tracts of foreat
j laud.
i How aome people keep from freeaing
jin the winter By keeping 'bemselves
, nonatautly in bot water with their mugb
Woman a capabilities are great, but
hardly sufflmeutly developed to allow of
her driving a nail without hitting ber
A man who bought a box of cigar*,
when asked what they were, replied,
" Tickets for a course of lectures from
my wife."
A romantic young mu *y* that a
yonng woman's heart is fiae the moon—
It changes continually, but always baa a
man in it.
Instead of leaving flowers Mid wreaths
on the graves of deed friends, eastern
expects the people of Madrid to leave
visiting cards.
* Two boys recently found in the gem
district of Ceylon a blue sapphire weigh
ing no less than two pounds in tha
rough, and valued at $60,000.
Nothing can exceed the intense affec
tion which a girl deals ont to ber father
for a day or two before the time when
slit's going to ask for a new dries.
To oommenoe with, he bad fallen in
love with Josephine Ormand, whose
pretty faoe was her only fortune, and
who worked in a paper-box factory fcr
her daily bread.
He that i* found reasonable in one
thing ia sonelnd*4 u> Be so in all; and
to think or my otherwise is thought so
unjust an affront and no arnaeiee* a cen
sure that nobody venture* to do it
New Mexico has seven different tfibes
of Poeblo Indiana, each speaking a dif
ferent language. Am."as has one tribe
that live in seven different villages, ad
jacent to each other, however, and in
several town* a different dialect is
spoken—the Moquia.
Ths 8L Loaik JUpuLlioan Mya: The
"correct way to prooounee the name of
thia Btate ta m though it were spelled
Missouri, end that of its southern
neighbor a* ihongh it were spelled Ar
kanaaw. Dictionaries and gaseiteera
often give other pronunciations, bnt
theee are the one* which the people of
the respective Bute* generally follow.
The only Frenchman ever heard of
who did a fanny thing st * duel was
Bainte heuve. who, hawing to fight on a
very rainy morning, persisted in hold
ing an nmbrella over his head with his
left band. In wain did bta seconds
remonstrate with him, and tell him that
such conduct was out of order. "I
don't mind being shot." said the greet
critic, " bat I newer came here to get
wet" And he stood his adwersary's fire
with his nmbrella waring proudly ower
his head.
A eanoas old manuseriptlrontaimng
an sUuatoo to the death of Outtenborg,
the great in wen tor of printing, has re
cently been fonnd in the Walraf museum
at Cologne. It contains the poemr,
written in Latin, of a certain Jan Bart*
bark, who speaks in one of them of " a
recent invention by means of which the
works of authors "can be rapidly multi
plied;" adding that thia invention "uad
proved fatal to the discoverer, for a
•and of malountenU bad entered his
house, borne him sway iu a carriage,
and then cat his throat" Tie mora!
that the wise medieval poet derives from
1 this eiretunstanoe is that " the love of
gain is often the cause of oar rain."
The pot m is dated 1441, and is sou
poaed of 2,000 verses
A wealthy Scutcli gentleman, while
traveling by rail in his native country,
in 1876. lcet his portmanteau, contain
ing $500,000 in bonds of various nations,
smong which were $5,000 in United
Btates six per centum coupon bonds.
Bom# time ago the polme <if Scotland
, arrest*! two meu and one woman upon
suspicion of having stolen the portiaan
:<*n. Upon being arraigned they ca
ptained that, not being able to rrad, they
were not aware of the value of the pa
per*, and. fearing to retain them, they
were burned. A relative of the Scotch
man, living in the United Btates. now
comes forward with an application for
the issue of dupboster for the bonds
stolen, a full description of which is
given. Similar applications to European
governments, whose bonds were among
those alleged to have been burned, have
I won granted.
Li vint: la ud 1879.
A correspondent of the Cincinnati
Vasrttf has been digging into the past
and has brought up a comparative
statement of prices of living, which w
not uninteresting. November, 1828, the
following were the prices of food in that
Floor 00
H0(t -■ ■; S J2
bogtr— Sew Orleans....
Hsrd White
I 5
'off* (fobs) ;
Coal T 19 W
In 1852 the prices were:
Flour W 90
r <**>
Hews 6 w
Kngtr—New Orleans S
Coffee. "
doing into the market to-day, he finds
this list of prices:
Floor *"* 52
Oon ... "
Hog* 4
Sugar— New Orlesne
Hard White 1"
Lard ,'(■
Coffee J*
Coal - 10 00
Toad Poisoning.
The following singular aocount of the.
action of toad poisoning on the human
body, is reported in the lsst number of
the London Chrmi*t:
A child of si* years old followed a
large toad on a hot summer's day. throw
ing stones at it. Suddenly he felt that
the animal had spurted some moisture
into his eye. There suddenly set in a
slight pain and spasmodic twitching of
the slightly-injected eye, but two hours
after coma, jumping' sight, dosire to
bite, a dread of food and drink, consti
pation, abundant urine, great agitation,
manifested themselves, followed on the
sixth day by sickness, apathy, and a
kind of stupor, but with regular pulse.
Some days later, having become oom
faratively quiet, the hoy left his bed ;
is eyes are injected, the skin dry, the
pulse free from fever. He iiowls and
behaves himself like s madman, sinks
into imbecility and speechlessness, from
which condition he never rallies.
Digging Fp a Palace.
Tradition has long pointed out a cer
tain field about e miie from Wed more
church, in England, as the site of the
old palace of King Alfred nnd the West
Saxon kings. This field is called the
Court Garden, and there have been many
storiee of the treasure hidden there.
And now the rector, Mr. Sydenham
Hervey, has dug tip in this place the re
mains of the palaoe where, I.OCO years
ago, the great peace was signed with the
Danes. The walls are massive, the
mortar of an ancient character, and the
whole appearance of the bnildingspeaks
its great age. A large quantity of pot
tery has been fonnd, some Roman and
some of the early English character.
Some of the walls are bnried at a depth
beneath the surface of the land of six to
ten feet; others, which are on rock, are
bnt thinly covered with earth.