The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 23, 1879, Image 3
R TM K CKSTITE K KPORTO Centre Hall, Pa, Th'rd..Tau. 23, '7! , .f-Tvnv* s'2ytr yfar, whm paid 1 i , mcf : $'2.00 t< hm not p0.,1 m adonir '" 12iV/ fir'- i-ir ".>r tkrrt k'rti a*. ond brfifMprr I,if 4 or trrrv ; ,rpr if iwserfion. Adrertinfmrnf* by it i * /f<ir of n hhfral diooovii, Suhnfi'ihfrs • ufxuif 'V * etunlt *hoN. ■ H i.iit K.< 10 Cfs, •>/" O'lf ij> ><< ;p, iti> trn / o/SXWt in /i r'lfrlv trhrn J'di fy thftnnrlrr ,V ihnrrx ■* c..<i . -ay* >•■•• ?' " " ' <noif sfnti.f of Me Srtiorfff fljtff <" tnHinff #Ae tnhlrs on.Mrit* jMjvrs 1 I'> UMtrmia "John KMIJM'IV 1 IT that John i.s i 'olrhifd Jor subscript •' *v* 4 Mi M . jf Jfmmry, 1875, o*<V Mtf (f i fmo Af i. o* *is j no f 4r pi-infcr. # ; i _. LOCAL ITEMS. LODvIK MEETINGS 'I, 1 HVI! *, \l- "W I <> of O 1 . TOS#t ~rri No' nr Is* "*snlti* tn litfVM ( IW*• HU, 1 I. I-■. i.. So.'; .11 VU*\MMT.X < O: !> I ,'T l.Cral*, No. MT, V A At,. ",•!' •' \> „.fr -vntig .in or l'for s.-h full "toon in Hi H. 1., > oil. ... 11.11, ... i i Him , **. Soot. .1 .1 HA Si ri.intminvit.Sf,* Tof I, moot* t the! t'o-uro H-llon tho Snf.mHr on or Soloro In. Kom 111 f M n,t f <•' i* • * 1 Wol'ot M-,.'or t.roN R1- > s -~- For Pure Drugs go to Zeller s Prus store, BrockerhotT row. 14 no* Sm. George lloffsr'i farm stack at rub * lie sx'e, at Centra Hall, I el*. 1-. Dirges still burs Poultry. Call si once __ Colfax will lecture at Bel etonlf. Jan. 28. for thebeuefit of the Young Men's } CA. Jobn Wert's ho.uo in the eat end of the Brush valley narrow* was burneJ on ova of sh. -A fallow report us t' at ,1 inr.g t'- later U nap, his thermometer shod ' • feet below . or -Sorry t, loam that Mr*. P*~'el l>err. of U Uefonte. by a fall on the ice a few day* ago, broke ono of her lej. Wo ha 1 about ten inches of-now on Thursday lu. Sls-ighing ha* been tather gooA since. • L 1.. Brown, grain merchant, anj Mr. Mi lor,of t! , model he. ' -t re, both of Bellefonte, honored our sanctum with a \ l>ii, on Mca Jay. shirt in tho State, or any other clothing, go to the K,gle Clothing hi. , there - the place whire you get it ti.i to llodor'*, in the BrocaerhoU block for all kinds ot gaod*. assortment always complete and cheap. Pry givals, groceries and clothing can be b- ught there to advantage. Mr. P. Mer-inger, writes us from Jolliet. 11l , that the thermometer on New Years Jay stood 27 below *ero Phil pi 4 in the sewing machine business and glad to hear is doing well. Hon. 1,. \ Marker was re-elected j# 1 and at the same time the following six ds rectors were chosen to serve for the fol lowing year: Col. Taos. A. Scott. Ei- Gov. Curtin, Hv.n, C. A. Mayer, Col. A C. Xoyes, James Gamble and John Irvia. Jr E-;. Edmund Biancbard, Secretary and Treasurer- On Saturilay rvecing some lr mem bers of the Miilheira lodge of Odd Fel lows, :aid the Centre Hall lodge a visit, where they passed a pleasant time. The M.'lfceim brass band accompanied the vis itors, and discoursed some of their excel lent music here. The new Howe Sewing Machine—a perfect novelty, caii at this office nr.d see it. Works iiko a charm. A. (\ Mocre. Agt, cfEce MitesbuJg Pa. Any man can be rigged out, up to litest style and to \> ; noat as a pin, by calling at Newman's an I getting one of his rctnarkabiv cheap suits of clothing— cheapest in the w rl i. It ain't Newman against the curtv, but Newman nguln-t the world. He has any thing you need to wear between head and foot, ar.d the larg et assortment in the county. • Now jus', listen to a bit of good a l •v ce, ar.d buy your g'ocer es at ters, which is at Sachler's, in the Bush bouse block, the most complete g- in this state. Good- always fresh aed of be?: quality. An effort is making to incorporate a turnpike company for the road from Millbeim to Coburn. We think it would make pretty good stock. The musical convention, beld bere last week, was well attended throughout, ar.d the concert on Friday evening had a full house. The muic was excellent. V Goto Brown's, near the depot, with your grain, you get the highest prices there. He keeps the cheapest coal, ar.d ail kinds. The new IT no Machine, sold by H f the most perfect mac ,ir>e made. We say |g£ so too—have tried It. At Miller's Book store. nxt door to post-, ffice, Bellefonte, you will find head quarters for books, sfationery, fancy arti cles, tojs, and Sne confectioneries. Dr. M'Coy, of Milesburg, died sud denly on last Sabbath morning, of heart disease. Dr.'M Coy was a p rem inert and well known citizen of this county, and bis death will he generally regretted. Hit death wns very sudden and unexpected. He was aboutto dress hia.'elf in the morn ing, and complained of a pain .a his beck. He was turned around to be examined, f and died while be was being turned. We understand that some time in March there will be an exclusive Dry Goods .Store opened at Bellefonte, in the building now occupied by Bunnell A Ai ken*. Mr. J. H. Bauland, ot Chicago, will be its proprietor, he having bought the good will and lease of Bunnell <k Ai kens- Look out for Bargains now. Mr. B. is & brother-in-law of Mr. Newman, the famous clothier. Get your sugar, coffee, tea and syr ups at Sechler's grocery, and ycu will be certain of an article fresh and genuine. You can buy dried and canned fru tsof all kinds, cheaper of them, than put them up yourselves, thus saving all trouble and > risk. Call and examine their goods and prices, and you will find it so. Jacob Emerick, *g>d about thirty eight, a. resident of Warrior's Murk Huntingdon county, was struck by the mail train east, a short distance above w Huntingdon on 1.1, and killed almost in * stantly. He leaves a wife and two chil dren. llowo Sewing Machine office. Milesburg, Pa., you can have your Howe machine put in good running order, free of charge. There is but one verdict, and that is that in thirty-three years Dr. Bull's Cough Sytup has never failed to cure a Ceugh, Cold or General Hoarseness. At Drug stores. Price cents ; five bottles, §l. sumption, get Frank P. Green's compound syrup of tar and honey. The best coal sold in this county, * ( you find at L. L. Brown's near the Belle fonte depot, where farmers get the high est cush price for all kinds of grain. drugs and medicines, go to Green's, in tbf Bush house block, where are also kepi fancy and toilet articles. I WANTED, a reliable agent in each twp. in Centre county, to sell the Summil I Stove-Pipe Shelf and Stand. Handiest thing out. Every body wants it. Priei $1.50. F. P. Vox A DA, Madlsonburg, IV L % 9jan3t L. L. Brown, at the depot, Belle' fente. gives the best Cash prices for al kinds of grain, and sells coal low as anj other dealer tn this county, if not lower. Drop in at Dinges' store and prici i h is groceries, which he is selling very low -At Ngwmaa's chwpt Clothing. M- S. A Tsggart. of Pillsburg StateSec'y of Ihe Y> ung Men s Christie) '!*. i A soi-istio: . accompanied by saveral mem her of the Beliofoe: M. I' A , wil ■ , hold an ever go' - meeting, at t'cntri rr Hall, next Sabbath afternoon si .* ; o'clock, in the M f. Churl). All ihouli i,, alter 1 the mr tiny I T t meet inter. g place to visit a .. jße lc'o- :e, is Miller's book st >re. It is i id pe-frcl museum of fee and curious things Why let your Baby sutler ar.d per •i. haps die, u'tor n battle of l>r Ball's Baby 'i? Syrup would at on ?ve o' t and etlect a *" cure. Price 2 cents, n Jo! Hark i writes they hav lie g' inc i \ iii. nis, but no cold weath er, and that plow ig w ill soon commence New go ds received almost dad* at C. IV -ge' new store. it> • • MADISON ttrUU. ? n Plet.iv of -r at I r-• 'it. and sleighing t good. w lt Mr. Jeseph Bicrly >kot a gray fox on 111 last Friday. Pol• to c-< mak - a tl.e other aocom* ~ pli or. -s easy s- J agreeable Po its Ivi lage. aspeiiaiiy auioitf tho young Treat al' po;< —.- r.s you wish than* to treat you. it 1 The si < g c'. as as bought tcw books, "Uarve-t of Song Pro! C 1. Gramley -i £rs. si -4 j ing teacher. Mr. T W. lis.-. •' has purchased the ■ prepert \ >f Po r\ MeDowo'., Sme of eur a rg adies e to le n j armed wo.ha young gentleman's arm. G ncrt.T. - -w- . V ANTING FISH. i S ,vs the r-.tnht'y Giuet'e Afr I . Cr***ling. of the t *H ha.cning house i iat Mar 11 a. *xc, I thin plus eon Thursday, with six largo oans contain-: tng 24.ias* small fv of tho California salmon, which ho w.ia taking to Buffalo r crook in Union omntr. The tish were j alx'ut t ' months old and hetiveen one . and two inches ia length, and were as 1 lively as crickets. The eggn from which ! thev were hatched wore sent ia from * California, wliere they were impregna- ■ ted, and Wert- en days on the way. i* * * r Tkir'.v-t * CI ayei las wero killed dur- • ing the tlight fn m Fort llobinson. Neb, and if th '?e rvept'irJ feortean ara wounded, l'.ie of i..' tr vps ware killed. Vigorous measures bean taken te pur s .io and capture the sxvagas. JANUARY Jl'liY LIST. T:io following "s a I. -t oftlrand and Travtrse Jur >ra. for January Seaner., , IST .i: IIRAND Ji aoßs—rtßs-r WCKK. Bellefonte —B. Va entine, J. I>. Eurtx, W. Shortlidge B-uner —J. W. Marshall. Ferguson—Amos Rover, J. E KiJor Haines—J. J Overdorf. Harris—Henry Frederick. 11 ward Jacob Leather*. Milesburg—J. M.Grewa. Pnilipsburg—J II Genoe. Potter— * ron Durst. Bush—Thos. W au. ipriag 1 is? !>•• r . M. J. l'sle, A. Bartholomew Henry Gentxol. Taylor—J. Merryman. I •. —\\ il-on i':i • mn. Osoar Musser. Walker Ira C. Neicht <v, M. Cortnan, Jr. # I Worth—A U dring, Aloe. Chen -1 j TRAVER-E JVROttS —KIRrT WEI A. , 1) M Butts, Bellconte. \V Cowdtick, Bellefonte. Simui'l Aley. Marion. , I 1 gen Muecr, Penn. ' Tlieo Destine-. Bellefonte. D M G rt en. Har: *. Nosth Stover. Spring. K C Hendersen, Hmtei: .1 N U.-de, Howard. A Br ckerhoff. B-l!ef".te Daniel Hall, Uni'-nville. JaC 9 (trey. Patten. So "• I r-el. Hush. A Cornelius, Halt Moon. Jerrv Ebbs, Haii Moor:- Jas tee. Petter. James Cond't. Penn. J W Gray. Half Moon J W Young, Curtin. Howard Hemen. Harris I J Hoy. Jr . Marion. William Foster, College, j Jac Pankey, Penn. .lac Gobble, Walker. | K B-dlingsr. Pmlipsburjf. G Alexander, I'nionvd e J.'ha Caldren. t'regj;. B .lone*. Philips burg. W It Mattern. Huston. Wtn Keller, College. Wm Coiyer. Potter. Cotrad S.nger. Curtin. David Brichlev. Curtin. (i S Ftegal. Philipsburg. Win Eakan, Potter W E irtin, I'hiliptburg 1 ' Geo R.iwer, Haines, j 1) C lUarick. Spring. I .la Ki-her, Union. | 1) W Zeigler, Pean. ' G R Spnglemeyer, Haines. I Grorgo Etnrirk, Bu-h. (j William =, ('oi t-ge. (> Galhrailh, Builefosta. The- Frank. Penn lIK Hick-. Bllton?e. i . i Austin (iram'.ey, Sliles. Joe! Kever, Miles. TRAVERSK JI-RORS —SEiOXD WEEK, *1 Win Kaup, Spr'ng. F'rank Knarr, Pern. •Ino Harrison, Spring. James An til. Howard. J W Sweet wood, Gregg. B F Beck, Walker. , 11 15 Heterman, Haine*. , i .Jr.o It Tate Spring. ' Henry Fou;z. .-pring. & Sls L'-athers, Howard. > Jno Iti-hell. Benner. Jasper Broakf, Spring. ' j \ sltDtiss Rn'is, Union. * W Sterritt, jrg. . | da (ramlej'. Wall r. ' John Decker, Walk r. John T. Harter, l'enn. Km'l Croneniiller. iiaines. i Jacob Bitner, G-egg. _ Jacob Crotzor, Gregg. EJ Notan, Snow Shoe. 0 j John Meese, Belletonte. - j Daniel Ulrich. Penn. I J Gensemer, Half Moon, , j W M Clellen, Philipsburg. ; Jared Krearner, Miles. C W Hockiuan, penn. Micbael Confer, Howard. „ F S Cow her. Worth J G Hess. Ferguson. | J P Seibert, henner. -I CriHa Brown, Ballafonta, t' JnoSbiffler, Ferguson Jno Chambers, I'vnn. .1 S Boat, Harris * Jacob Weaver, Howard. j j 'J RIAL LlST.— Trial list for the ilist and } weoks of January Term, 1879, ; commencing on the 27th day of January, j A. D. 1879 : FIRST WIIK. " i John Smith vs Henry Krone, e 2 Boyd C Packer va John McC'auley. e 3 Boyd C Packer vs II Garbrick. 4 Boyd C Packer v Jacob Garbrick. ' b Boyd C Packer vsjohn lloy. 0 Adam Baurn va Mary L Miller,Adm'i 7 Geo Reeser vs John Musser. 8 Alex iJarpster rs Wm Bxumfardner. '.I George B Jack v Lizzie Humuiel 10 John Miller v* Penn township. i?ECOXD MEEK. ' | Ili II llackinan V w.fe vs J 15 Hen c derson. j, i 2 Caroline Cummings v J 15 Hender son. •I 3 Francis Hacker vs Jls Henderson. 'A 4 Abbie Grirn et a! v- J 15 Hendersoa. b Lazarus Moyer vs John S (iruy i Samuel Harnster Adnirs vs Centre Hall Man'fn g Co. 1 "J II Linn vs George Walker. 8 H W Hoover et ai v* Christ Sharrer. 10 Dan'l Khoadcs et al vs Isaac Haupt. i 11 J H Long vs II Merritnan. i- 12 John S Gray vs VV C McCuetcheon. 13 14 F Clow u-e of vs Derbv Coal Co. et al. 14 Isaac Thomas vs J M McCoy. it 15 J D Shugert vs C C Keller with p clause. 10 E M Sbuey vs Samuel Linn. >l 17 J DShugertvs.) B Morris. 18 Wm Allison. J r , ys J A Bright. , 10 1' 15 Wilson Ex'rs vs Thomas K llicks. 20 Z L Hoover vs Wtn P Ard. it 21 John Eline vs Wm P Duncan, it 22 Wm V Hughes ys Jas L Sommer vi"e. 23 McClellan & Speer vs Wm II ITumes. 't 24 S W McNitt vs W J Thompson. 25 Jacob Neidigh vs I W Bholl. 20 Adam Weight vs G Dorsey Green. a "" 2J S D Ball use of vs Jacob Yearick. II 28 School Dist of Philipsburg rs E Perks yet al. 29 T M Hall Trustee vs J P Shope. 30 John Mcßride's heirs is W. J. Tib ,e bens. ' 31 Jaeob*Bower, Jr. vs BA Y Turnpike Com p. 32 Sophia Rouse n Joseph Eiorick; g. SrillNCt MILLS, " 11. Kutravino \ Son gave a ilir.u l>i their many iViotnls ami rtistoim cuo d.n\ last week ; it tva.< gotton t a , by Mr. (loorge l>roin, at tho lloti It ■ - sail! to lit'.vo boon ijuito a sticor but nt boing nrosont MO aro not ah t, vo an noc unl of it. Judgii ti\ in tho iat • tl i v intist havo -lii|>jn it) or (it> mr loatls of wheat t lii • ta! be-;il ' trloy, corn, oats ami clove sct'il. SUCCOR* to them. ■ T I. ,1. (Jronolilo n(i|H>r* to bo iloiii * jtiito a busino*.* in tho grain trade, r he hit- nt off 11 car loads of nlion * -in obo c.': iID, nccil. Tho |>ast tw " not k lie ha* averaged 700 bushel ' !of wheat jior dav, and -ituv Oct. li l! has shipped NM bu* of clovcr-occ bi-:,lf- quite a lot of barley, oa (a an Corn. May !i always bo sueee.-.-lu and do bu-me- 'tithe square, ff Mi?- Loui-a lint rol, oldest daugh ier of Pavid lturrol, fell and injure hcrspitit one day l?t week, but -b is mending. l'liilip lleiui and Sarah/ettla won " 'on a Uhris'nias \ -it to Snyder coun r ty, ntni on the lid inst. they got mar ntd by lxev. Mr. lie-- of that conn ty. The happy couple ha* our be wi-hi s. Marv I. , youngest daughter o Wm. ,1. Alexander, fall just as -In was coming on the pike in front o , their house, and fractured her knee she is grttmg along ns well as can b< , expected, but suffers deal o pain. Jerrv J. Com'.o is making prepara tion* to build an addition to hit hou< earlv in the spring. X ; IOWA'S till KATES r WONUKII The greatest wonder in the state o lowa, and perhaps ativ other state, i' what is called the "Walled Lake, it I Wright eouutv, l'J miles uorth ot tin Dubuque and Pacific railway, aud lM milt? north of Dubuque city. The | lake is front two to three feet higher ; than the iarili - - irtaee. In tome j i lactti the wall is 10 feet high, 15 feet wide at the bottom and five feet wide at the top. Another fact is the size ot the stones used in construction, the whole ot theru varying in weight from three tons down t > lOOpnuuds. There is an abundance of stones in Wright County, but surrounding the lake to the extent of five or ten miles there are none. No otie can form an idea as to the means employed to bring them to the -;u t or who constructed it. Around the entire lake is a belt uf woodland half a mile in length, composed of oak. With this excep tion the country is a rolling prairie. The trees niu-t have been planted there at tho time of the building of 1 the wall. In the spring of the year there was a great storm and the ice on the lake broke the wall in sev eral place*, and the farmer* in the vt einitv were obliged to repair the dam agt s to prevent inundation. The lake occupies a gr und surface of 2.80G acres ; depth of water as great as 2~ feet. The water is clear and cold, soil sandv and loamy. It is siugular that no tie has been able to a-ceriaiu ! where the water come* froui nor w here jit goes, yet it is alwav* clear and | fresh. MARKETS. Philadelphia, January 20.—Grain— i Wheat is quiet anJ unchanged. > of -i ) b'.:! s. including red. at Hi <a j 00; umber, ~t J1 Ciul ('■}; unit No. red. in elevator. ;,t il u4,*l tW;. Corn |nt4lji ()at- th' .ce white at > U Jje. Seed.- In e! verseed the transactions are i;:ht. We quoteut osr'ijc. Flaxseed i* waiite lat f 1 74. CHICAGO. Chicago, January 29. —Wheat fairly active, shade higher; No. 2 red winter Mie; No, 2 Chicago spring s.'jc for 'Corn active, tirm* and higner; !t?c for cash; liat.s in gn.t.l demand; shade high er: li'i for cash; Barley easier, tX%92c. A terrible tragedy took place at Big Creek, Waterloo, lowa. Ttiomas tjuinn. a farmer, cut his wtfs's liiroat, r then his own. i'hs dying wife tried to ' Ktop the flow of I lood from hi* throat with her hand*. VN SU A L STATEM KNT ttsc of the F. M. In. Company ot Cen tre County, l'a. Centre Hail, Jar 15, 1-70 la compliance with liie provitiont of their charter the Twenty-first An.nun' Statement of the tramectioni of the Com pany is herewith presented. ASSETS. Bill* receivable i-ir-g premium notes d'.o arid payable by ruetnhers for inturance the part ycxr $35,318 31 Paid on tame SOJ.T'.I Leaving due on premium notes uken.the past year 34,513.5'J , To which add tax ' No. i• $4,067.15 per cent for collection ...... 303.35 Cash in treasury. 602.94 Making the Lotei aveilab'e a-tcts ot the past year. 38,880.21 EXPENSES. Compensation ot directiois $ 250.40 Committee* on appraiemer,ts. 20.82 Salary ef Seo'v 100.00 " Tress' r 50.00 Printing, office rent, po-tage A stationery 138. bh Elecl'iin board... 4.00 J. F. Putter suit for services 7.80 Ilenry Neighdigh lots on bouse and furniture... 033.12 \V J. Jackson on store 1411.00 J Brett bal. due on bouse, (sum on note retain ed) 17.10 Kuitoberder on barn O'sT.'O J. Hazel on b*rii 763.28 Mrs J. W. ('on ly on bouse and furniture.. 1110.72 : Totalaccruinij as sets and funds I of thcCompany | the past year i after deducting expenses 33,415.1' To which add nctea of 1874, 5, it and 7 *' 109,197 0 142,012.4 Minus caih pie miums, caritel la'ions, carpen j ters risks and tax on notes, in cluding tax on notes taken be | tween Jan. 14, and Jan. 28, '7B. 10,582,4' Total available assets of the company this •lay 182,029.9 Risks and insur ances taken the past year 39.5,407.12 Bisks and insur ances of 1874, 5, 6 and 7 1,346,242 83 Making the risks * of the Compa ny this day 1,740,049 9 . Am't outstanding 298 4 At an election beld the same day tli following named members were eleete * directors for tho ensuinir year: J. IV Kruuirine, 11. C. Campbell, Henry Kel ler. .Jes Baker, Fred Kurtz, John Uishu Maj. J. B. Fisher, S. J. Herring, Ain< Alexander, J. 11. Musser, Sam'! Oram! and H. G. Rover. Whereupon the boar organized and klected the following off s cers : President—Henry Keller. Vice President—S. J. Herring. Secretary—D- F. Luse. Treasurer —Wm. Wolf, a D. F. Lcsk, UKVRT KELLER. deo'y. Prnt. 10 ju 3t INN (1 MOKI Mtll.l II DON K nor A Reprieve tenn iimciu I >• er# Ki'Cfivrd O'toM.i i.e \ti-i up l liev \N i-ii Hut - ,'. 1 Maui'U Chun' , I'.' , i' s 11 ' 'l 4 ' feared the neck* <( Sh-rp •n M I M'H Ene "? have bee brol < ■ ' d After * *hn:l • err I lUhrtiff,ked ifG .yI I .* yt' *' * Both ri•''oil. N' 1' in I! • I'lT for wlt >!> lid nil t • !'<' i . • ■ a* guilty fone "it'.'" ; !'•' " " at'murder J. wli. li lie I ' i-oife(e<l I' *0 on >rri ill iv, i '!# It Miln I ill ■ * III' SI p# •' '*i' 1 ' m id •mr.ic, but li'' iv**.' i'i > i j I' j| **l.l ho Intoßilivl in roi •ti!" nont xx Mr. II *\ e, oI t ( ■ .1' [, him, but In' w >uul n >" ~| Ho sUJ Mr 11 i I . 11 lff hit I -! w * With 111 • ; 1 " xifiL'vra of the jai! H tli men #pokr t i'.li' n j out* IroiiiOT 1 I.' pr .■•'. then in,, tho |>ri*.• t-.*• r- I'.irt' . 'i : k 0.1 I hum g.Hixi • Shorill KoU'l nbu- 1 ! 1 - "tu. It ru* li then ahax'hle.l tho in. ti, i ail an foot, |> u t tho ro;- >* a r out' !''■*.riir *' <1 .'the W llto *ll' ill*'l l 1 h r '• ' in- Tho p-ioitt It 11 W ~-l'*rul W 'till o " itiaiolation in thoir o*-<, anil # but " < L> ' tlii.imoii mm) ri' r# i (r.-iu tim • i '.I ' The sheriff w*. tin '#•.*• !•*• a'i I 1..' a' .'iH'o loot up I positi n anJ t > '' ;li r >po atta. hexl to ll.i *pii ' Jutt at '' . moment a ' > : b the f*.'Ht i. ■ r aura •'•• I *'.'.•• ■® Tho thariA !> . !ol ti.o r p<? m-l mon foil hdavily. Nl D &< - the <-*m->! ho ax-arc.-'y nuvr ! a if ih iliap foil. Aftr hang ■ . -harpe struggled x >'ul!v, a: 1 111 ijo a jiounil. * 'moth ig lik# a grunt ll# '*' it 1 o ii tor half a mmu'#, ant thoti ; • "lltap. A* lb* witnMMf of tho tidftill## *.camo out of tho door, ih.-y xxoro shocked (l M hear that Go*. Ilarlnufl had ginTiied a *" reprieve to the two m--. til M ■ -•■ r i IIoil) li e nieiienjfer a 1 tho ma' ugi-r f f the t erraph r mpanv •*, t. I f *i t a* la-t ai thoy c. .1.1 run. '1 ' wax w hat t'.art oi tho i ;lo • ! .ie' ne ' a . m nut* I *o ■ I t* After tho ahoritl had pull I it'- ll another ringing xra heart, a: i ,'.xe e ilirooll jn to a poiiooman t > t' out at: 1 ar rot tho parlir- who art inaai' : tl.u' 0 none at tie ilo r, little th nimiit if a re e pneve n 'I he DeUyoJ liu-sai.... U At half-pat*, nine the -.: i r-: 1 ar. 1 at .>mo oi.'.ere.l ih i 11* < s arpo t ami M l' -r.f.ell, : rt ayr< t g * ,:h l * i, Sher S" that twenty i . ut. i s*: i o'clock thou' lb ll - w -u t ev * I would come their mil htntieu aed the J Sheri" begin the iterne r du; - la] f A ie*' a', if. oin Mr liv . I' *x ; taxier M! 1 u* i a.lca- It >. !r. ' j aroulil arrive at la ■ •.v-f.vt lum.iUt [ - . ton, anJ a*Winp a p -tp-u ni. • •.. :. • _ terthath- .ir wt •> ii. i*■ 1 no agreed that the meeting m k '■ M l>jn 11 a J •. c !. • family ro ge--J Thie merciful d< > ■ brought ebvuf a rr,e. . ; f- . e< I Mr M' i> . c -i e' 1 *• - - a. . oft..# JT.- n who-, the : if brought the te eerai hie reprieve, a i . the ego i -rg lamentat " • "•* ' . I children pre* en tad ti •• doorl hearing tho I -a' i:* *'.- to I vto mil* 1 . • -1: ar i 'I i • * t 1 . Jvpa'. li at le*.* n fvw pr.-t Too Ut. . " The eroxxd ruikej forward t gather t ahi ut the gT.I *.*, '■ .t vre ■' oby a mot.-:, o-.tii ;•••• s * V* ' * 1 ter xxire listen r.g I t lime O? '. death it w xUiperaJ ;Ua'. . reprii x# had " coiuo for the pru 'Her*. 1 n an -tu " t ' there w* an upr ar. tine ct M lot • i brother* nearly fait.'.el, an.i tho loud v df out; ed the Sheriff a a in.. le** r er Ska-: o br. '. v .< '. * ■ bad t * I within thrnn feet • I the gallowi win i- \greatly n H<- •' . vengeance on the She*.'! :%• 1 a .i ed in the haag ng 1' oe..e l at if there would be a dugra "ful < In t i , re 11 mien Of the 4|ier-.-le.! dying m - : . h .t to * good rente of Father* 111" a- 1 ilt- I ■ and I: e Sher 'f " ' r -red r i--r \t ' twenty*!!. *• mi' !•> ell v. in: -tpa tigne-1 by Govern r Hartra* :t •.* r- - eeived at the M.*J J t'hunl T ■ <■.;"• f fice reprieving tl.o in ■■■ I'tie boy xx a a! <>nce-iarpat e<l to the ;*;' - it. Manager Mart.n t--. !, vtr: .• o • would delay, and run t tho 1 - of ti ■ prison, lie eh uled ati < -*an.. I t ; , ,keeper of tho d""r, l!ob'-rt Calvin, fal'e! to rtUnil him. lie climbed up and p. U' ded at tho Witt i i*. at i at ,a' t:la .Calv. i hear lum Tt latter at -n - r '• .the deipetch to u pol. -tn i .and ; r.t ter started for the gallon--. It- fore I 1 *d gone twenty toet the I.<l shock of the 1 falling trap revour.-le-l in h • ears. II" did ' not kn.-w the importarre fthmln, but he got it in the Sher I. in ... i as pcsib!e It read a* fo! The Reprieve. Ji AkkimH'R'.. J'a , dan. 11. 1 s T'h To .1. NV. Hai deniit'sii, K*', . Sheriff of Carbon county, M .oh < r .ii„. I'a. 1 have respited 1' I) -tin- ■ ! *-oa*i c " until M- ndy. the 'JOth inrt. Tuerrpr;.-x ' will he forwarded hv next mail, at I x- i xvill suspend exe<ution o! your pr :t ~ 1 warrant vn receipt "1 Ih is telegram. ®j d. h'. It xR i i-.ix ri. For hog cholera U*P a mixture < 1 Hoft soap ami rnilk. Four soap Ml<! 'of wash days into the swill barrel#, il will make hogs thrive. 1) KG IS I ER'S NOTICK. 1 • V ing accuunt* hav been examined i mid t'**-ed by n>\ and remain file-i , record in this office for the inpcrtiin of ! heirs, legatees, creditors, an I all oth< r* in any xxav interested and xx; 1 bo preset.'.' 1 to th" Orphan r Court of Centre i omty. -m Wvdnaaday, tknSUth -lax' oi January, SA. I' IST'J, for confirmation im. 1 allow an re I Th- second p-irtiul ncc'-unt of Wrn. Allison, jr., execiltoi • of A . of lhix . I Lamb, late of Marion (xvp.. di'-en-i i . The account of \\ liliiim All:-'-:.. 'r.• guardian ot il>inll H li Dioigln-ntiii to child of .I*. )b I)HUg!o-n-aUgh. lato Ol ■ Centre "cunty, deceased. H. The nrcount i 1 Hr .1 It l,oi'•■ !, guardian of M artha I*., Frir - is A , I'. - 'cixal H and 1.-thi-r M H*rshberger. I:i i v j nor children of Samuel llnrliborger, l.i'.i I i f I'ottrr township, -lecoa e I. I The lirst and final account of J. W I Campbell, exei-utor of Ac of Sarniu' i llarpstnr, late , i' Ferguson township, de. | ceased ln o The final account of Win. W . Spam 1 glor, administrator de bonis non cum te tarnento annexo of Ac <l Kev liana lvi-rr, Ulo o Potter t- x"n1 .p, d---'en I. li Tho aci-ount of J. .*• Ilauberinan s? ~ .John .Jordon, executor* of A of Hani • ! Daub erinan, late of Potter town-lop. d< Ci-ased. a tiled by John Jo: lon, on< of . executors 7. The account ol William Garner, n-i --ministrator ol sV> oi Samuel (iarin-r, lat< et lie rr is town -hip, deci-me I. 1 h The final account of Joopli F. Will J inius, guardian of Nexvton tiiin -r ~ ' ehild of John Spotts, late of llu -lon toxvn ship, deceased. ~~ y. The second account of Ji >b Strohm guardian ol David Kerr ami Su-uii i! . Kerr, minor children of Daniel and He '' liecca Kerr, Annio/.i-rhy, John uerr nm . Klmira Kerr, minor grand children of thi ' -aid Daniel and Kehecca K rr, Into of Pol | icr township, deceased. 10. The fourth and partial account a Peter Holler and Currie K Wolf, admin istriitor* of Ac of Hon. M. S. Wolf, lalo o Potter township, dei eased, as file i by P . ter Holler, one of the administrators. •*" 11. 'i'he account of John Kishel, guar j" dian of .Samuel Stover, a sen of Catharim '''' Stover, late of Gregg township, deceased a* filed by M. S. Kishel and Wm F. Ilea! y ick, administrators of John Kishel, de 'j* ceased. 12. Tho account of John Kishel, gu-ir |' h dian of Mary June Smith (formerly 'y'Neese). a minor child of William Nrese '{late of Potter township, deceased. "'J 13. Tho final account ol John M. Fu Jrey. guardian of Surah F.. Stone, rnino 1' child of Joseph O. Stone, late of township, deceased prin, executJr h of a Sr U of-Jo. r , ih ai#l Fl ? i * hei jPottor towDibip, decea'. d ° S " % ImU 0 9jan E ., Rvgisler. Tlic Fa!! Season lor (he year ls;s is now opening; and a New and EXCELLENT STOCK OK FALL AND WINTER GOODs IS COMING IN Ai i.l < 11 ' li'lMl U A Cd.'S.t IN i ill* if A LL, and which will bv told at LOWEST FIOLIIiJSS. They hnve an immenan slot k ao<l well aborted in every line. THEY HAVE ///vns (lu(Mls m Clothing* Hals V/yy.v* Hoot* Shoes, *Vofions, Groceries, 6fe., at Lowest / } rir". ! 1 WI ! I.r.i: ro vol' ll IN n;ui:sr To-FATUONI/K Yon: HOME MERCHANTS,"INSTEAD OF GOING AWAY FROM HOME. GIVE US A CALL IMMEDIA li X KEEPS THE BEST SOLE LEATHER VERY CHEAP. ISAAC GUGGEN HEIMER iV. ' SI V PK N ' K 11.1.!", I I.i'idon, Jn. '■< A St. Petershu At r. dl. I Jan. 11, say* "A eolltsl "* i CUM Jn ibe NVti aw Kailway, thir it 'to t P.-ti-rtburg on the 10 IT •* . l-c '•e- tv ( --T xve'rt k ..J and thirt-. f. . IT un-1 twenty-oi Ie AFt HAM IAN ::'IU0STI Ll b KILLED. L iI. ti, ilntu nrx P.-- A telegra from t' icm i i\ "On Tiu- !n ti 'tt. li -Ih'i :, i mlii 1. -.*ti!o triln illocted in (Hin*td( able tiutnher a ,acked lion xxii'i three column* an xas cutupietrly victorious. Fori ■tro'i'S '. Fini'nuli cavalry ehni-ed iii.t** ..rll. iu< 'UV , killing nearly 3D L i iit'ilii-i*. i he llu*~!U drove ill ciieiny I'riuti Brotiun (iromo. A hut !r il pr * :. i, a -j utility of grai ami a 'ai/e uumlier of cuttle xxer . eaphii 1. Thi* British Jo*# v.;ti t tit Ui.'. i lie vie! id expected to hav pit great moral t-flcet. COLLIERY I XI'LOSION. I'll iV ! Ist It r Ml xKRM ID Itil.lJ i TJI t*i r. ('.iiuiil, Jutiu"\ l i.—An < xpl M itceurrrd in tie* De-.1 t* i' rliierv, Rlion i VaKeV, I-nt night. '1 *ie gr ut sc i-meiit prevaiia in the district. 1 • t* *.t;d there are lit' ye ght men in th pit, and thai n >ne ccape l. No at i tempt at Hr< tie can be made a> yel a* tl,- bottom of the shaft ternpra ri!y itnpassible. 187'.*. THE PATRIOT. 1879 GET CP A Cl.t ll AND KKCEIVI Vut'K PAP Kit FlthK T." ilati. r P* igi t ai'.. be sent I'! r man t ' * at thn ! rate* : . fit <*i per el * t er xesr to a club ol fee. , ; > per n -v |- r year to a c ut lit ten. - '■e i,,•, . i v j r 11 rtoac ub of twvnlx % | . c r . ~v per year lu a club of itariy 11> icrti j y per ji-xr to a i.ub of fifty. And i- r ;x free t. r ca> xtr in everi c*t t ■ the pert' *i getting up the club , p* * fa! - ti:-. '.I - ' a year. , Tt \Vrrxi.i Piii.i ji * !ts i*at Ij , mall at tho toil rates r jer*i a m ! r sii.g'.e < ; x f I ~o i #r annum per c -pv to a club f fou $ 1 -pt s .i p' i-r t a >ub o . >tt' pl-'aaaym JO to a club of fif $ <0 per annum jn r cap" to a club o ' thirty. • S per m per oiy to *el .1 of fj\\ > ;j • f ?;mi •- copy i * club ti urn And A " fe e for ont ye*r trsr 3 ' x'fi> I trf up of tl ih. ■ its ; (::• A • n iV ..'J l Jfi* 1 •.iff •ll u ii U l/k tit risk. A : i I'M*, r PiUUMnsoCo , i Hmrr .Liu*. PA. , M? lii 1. Junimrv 3-I—A p'&ie ot the < ##:- Cai;< !a an ! F rtu *n pgu*t"i grea! list ruction of sural! craft S■■vet.iv oh rn an and the.** art 1 r parted drown !. ' 0e> *-. 1. -.!"N* It * Mi KTING ' I',-r. -ii* having I** with the i ' t' jtiinii-* -ner . ar- ti -he 1 ilia! i-.v l bo..r ! w,ti meet rcg <r-V at '-*< •' **'- 1 ' M 'tni.iv i e. h tnoutli, a- I during < ;.r! Hpm.v Hr x, an ,- t'lerk n lUscir.o. II J , i. J-' • I: • x- l , tin Jan s Wm. Alien I'rev > Bar*k J! I lei. Sawyer, a.l of Hogg I li' ■ (in 1> - * . ' I y l!i x IS e. Js-. e I. .* sau'l Miss San. . E Ssioa, alio , um—air -wt-nsaia-m Tirvre-'jiaw^rji t1I.l>. tin the . t'.h of O !b7\ of paralysis, r. ll.u ri 1- f* f Mr Jostßh H ys. o • Ondat Spring*, Clinton u ly, P . Mr Saium Pt lit. 4R- 1 b.' ye*n tn 1 I'-' days. ' D i Dacnmbcr It. lb>. at tho r. i Unci ■Mi Mr*. A. m Ctnir, i l i I 100, ... entrn inly. Mr*. Am alh La \ In to Loop. Ji.a. J . K- stHh Ho n. b:.x i.. iv .'■ ) • • ' h N* | At !!• 1 "'*' irg Fx , en Jan •>. ' 1 Mr*. Chr-.ti*i * Mil ar, : i" "f I'.xnie ' ilt or. dee'd. afi' tfJ years, b mc: U• am ' II day*. IT Perry. Jvff- rsan oeur.'.y, Ksr.***, <■ 1 ib2n4olJai lary. 1171, ("carles 1 . ■ f Koa* and Eve /.nimormsn. ol Mill- I isr .Pa . * ,-ek i yean, 2 tuxitiths and I day I, Spring Mill# Market. Wheat j Kj e, toe. ! t'orn, ears, per hu new, .1- < 'nt, ?2c. Buckwheat. T'> | 4'hn|>, cround i<r t >tj, $!• OU Flour, pr btl |6 00 t Itui or, 1 . Tallow. '<c. Hag*. 2e. Egg* per do* , I s -'. . Tub wa*he<l wind IV, , Paeke I butter worked over, 10e. I C"al, K tall Ilv ("*r, I'fvo , Egg, s*&', 'A' i Stove, S'.tvi $4 •-> ,1 Ghvftnut, $4 ?i SI HI Pea, ?2.n $2 -V. | )i m.icsM.r j The follow;, g farm Do k ixtul inxpl m> ut* will h" so' lat jiublie #a'#. at ('en . tie Ball, Wednesday, F< b Itth, 1SI OMISPIN or 111 Li s. >fH()K<ES. 1 TWO YE \K Ol,I COM 1 ; (>o I Tiiilk Cox. in-I lor ft be* lof C*l , ' "ne Extra llreeding Sow. 2 gn<> - idiintation \\ agon*, both broad wheel an i- *i <> ix iih tied, 1 2 horse AN ag -n. I Sprin e Wagon. I pair llot alods, nng.e S • -g , TIIKKSHING MA("11 INK, ,j Shaker, Power and Strap, lteajxer, Dril . Hay rake. Hayfork and rope. Com planto i'loxx-. Harrows, Cultivator*. I large Ti t'u'ti vnt'-r, ll . -* ui i!! - r-'-d 'I r " ('•••II* "I ex < ry d- ei ption. F--i k*. It the . j (lhaiiii of ii ' l k n.d, Sing'.'-tree' and Don I 1.-tree*, nr. J u.any other tanning utensil i Sa!o to eonino- ee at I o'clock <. IOIH.E IIPFFFK. DESIRABLE PROPERTY I'lHt UK AT. ' Tiie w*'ll known store *'nn I at Farmer Mills, with dwelling lioum', barn, ar.d ou building* an ) about twenty 'i'i acres i r turning land is ofl. re lf -r rat Th.* i* capital rhnrtcc to open up husinvas. k > p.-irticulhrl rnlivn r nddre** V J. II FISHER, j'* j an G | Iji- I I I H MILES. Ie l_ P.y virtue of sundry writa .f / ' < I'll" j u.- , /.' i ' I Faring and IVu/ifio/ii ci . i iif issued out of t(m Court of Coram ti Plm j.! of ('.mtro ( >unty and PMiindirOc! I, thei )f will be exposed ut public sale at the ('"U ii House in lb-defonte, on Saturdax', Jai A. I)., I#7'J. Ilt 1 o'clock. P. M.. tl j loiloxx ing describe 1 real estate of the il< ,t fondants t > xx it j, No. 1. t. All that certain lot <>r piece of grounc t .. situated in the village of Port Matild Worth township, Centre county, bound'- r. and described us follow* . On the norl y by lot latn of Geo. \V. ltasson, deccasei ,1 on the cast by an alley, on tho *••*' plauk road street, and * *' -xii t y. street, the . *no west by Hif jX COS'' ,••* being a corner lot ut ..auiing on High street tit) feet, and u igi tending back along Plunk road aire i about 200 feet. Til croon crojted ft lur, ir, I Hlabl". Seized, taken in execution and oiihesxld as tho property of K. D. Cut (mings. No. 2. All tknt corlain lot or piece of grown itiints* in lloalshnrg. Hair's township (Tut!, ro ,(hounded and described a* f.I urg mi tln tliu east hv Mill strnct, ell tin II south by street, on the west and north hi r!v Bf4>'- rard, containing i a te, more oi ileis Ttiercon cm t"4 a tw-story brict • ,Church building. f*ci;*ed, taken In exe 11-1 cut inn and t-' be sold a* the property r>! n /ion'* chn' li. ol the Evangi'ln nl l.uth er-n r I.gregx'.l ll (.1 II it'sbuig. No. ;i 1 All t ii right, ti( is* and interest of said l'*B delendariU, 111 ai d t > that < trialti tract ol fiiece of land, situate in Liberty ton ushlp, Centre couuty, hounded and described •• tm fellows ! x* it Meginiuog at a |>i>*t e>ii , v a-i li hank "I Meld b ag'e Cre- k, thence by lands oi Hi* heirs ol ,Samuel liecbxlol, " * dei eatetl, north t' l , xx exl u7 peri lu*s to a it* Pot, them e alol-g lands ol Michael i )( | Scio in ix 4D pett lies i> a p *t, ' inncnsouth 4(1". i*t *peieheto llnld I agle Creek, IN tlienc'- up the Mid crn-k by its s.xeral a course* to the place of beg inning, con* 11! ailliiig about I'l aie* a lot a low em e. I •* lii r Ibo same tract ol and surveyed to F. D Ligg<-i by Joi.n L-trv'-t, un the k'llb ll* day of August, IH F 'i'hrieon erected a j,, Iran.i it x<- ing house, hanu. turn and ulh* ier outhuildiug*. r j ALSO, f!•' AIIII < right, title and interest of the de y, leiitlanla in that (<-rtain tract ol unseated ii i situate in i.lberty townxbip. Centre •x, irveyoj uiolrr a warrant granted |to NN in llaye .containing acrts more Al*so t :A! the right, I.lie and intere*: of Ihc de It. -(ants in H i i ertain tract of unsealed I :i id- situate in Liberty township, Centii i ir, surv e> ed under ii warrant graalmd j, J or Christ an N estlero-io, contain*) ; i.g u a- r- i ore or 1 •- - d, taken ' ui v item and to be so uat the ptopi r >l :y i f iicrj. Ligget and F. I>. L:gg -t It - N " ' A ! the right, title- and inl.-rnst of the IvD-ndanO lu and to all In at certain trart I*l or | iei-e of land situate in Snowshoe town ; I_ IMP. i entre county, aiiuining lands of \ l Hint.ui, John 11 I' • and lands of in- v . owsh. t Lai. 1 Assin .ation, contain ' il g M acies m >• .>r !.->• , about 12 Wrn] .'•* re.l a'.id u- der lence, vs Ithout any oth- - or imp: ivniitati ll.i-rV -u. Suiaed, lakeiii nev itioii .nd to be s jid si tun proper*) • 'y ol Sarah H t hrusnisn. No ... i I e f .1] .wing dwscr.hed building aridi i' tol ground, to Wit The ss. l building • situate o.u the .-uth side ot Lamb stieetl • a the borough ol Its!lef.-a:e. on a lot ii r.. i.g on Lamb street, and bounded on :n we '. by Jot t 11. M Hulls, on south v. t x all at . jt, and eaxl 1 V lot of Jatue y. t oi pbell, fa.d huiiJil g is a tWO-alorv : i frame house, about 2 1 .' led .a Iron'. r !.* t.-ej- Sail id, tixkoti in etc* . .: . n und l" he . >ld a* the property of. ' Dsx.l A. Kenoelv, i vter r reputed ow ■ -rand coulra<-ter. iy No. i"\ 'I : .i -xx.r.g building ai l lot o C? ii.d, to w.t Said building located in .- -i t rough of He,it-, oite. ou the a -utb >r *id e ■ Linn street, in said borough, on t, •'' lot a ! fining ground ot J aim-• Armor on ! i si. 1 Li' .b si'. *1 . -. tin sauth, a thirty t -t street .n the west, and Linn at re. t oa the p. rth, at. I is a 1w,.-story mme I. use, ibiriy-lw . fc.-i front on I. t ■ s-.r l. a- i twenty !eel In depth, and .t it i' . t. k< .ha a building lu hx '• *-f.*ed. U*tn ti exvulion, and, :u- t':• propany < i MOBRM Ar -T :.-ior. owner or r putcd owner and COD IT- A'l th*", certain Ut or t-vce of ground. .t ist- i iUr ii -xiT p, i or,ire couiiiy. s v.. t: • -rt'i I Nitlany tnoun and lh( Yali I ie hairs, ..a the east by xit -ef John .V li ,on the south b) i a tid i : J tin K 1. tt. I on the west by' nn.s'fJas M. II" < ht.*-ni?ig 90acrk. I, ii:"-e of lest Thereon ere-d a large br'.. . ..weiii j h, use, ban* i.atn and oth t . " < I utt eg# a ... sen ity-LX" acres i. cloxrr l --f ad, laki-ti in ( i< utiur. and J.-.. -r . ■ ty : NV I- K -s No (X AH that certain I t or pi era of ground. ■ tie . .ritV, bounded 1.n.l d> r rihvd asfol*) .. tin tfc>. nortt. b> i c'lirbhra prop ; b k i ... s ct. ire t. i , c-r' y, and on the w' ! I' 11. -.1 (-late, c ntaino g , on '. d B tw.'-rl >ry dw.- ling hs.ute. 2 tw<- '. ry ch. ! b> - d ngf. stable and other, outbui drag, M . C.takiriin execution' k-" bat 'J a '. o-H< .Isfoute Acadnwy. | A 1 the right, title And ;nle-e*t of l'eler NN*' rt Tind to t it *er 11*,o! -r i *cx ° of gr?- T.J. situ*!. In tba borongh offbil j's' •C< r.'.T v ' u-. IaTI il de* - ,! 1*• follows, t" *it (In the nurd v tof Un s* t Hsx sard ", on (Ft ;t - ,i-t by N >r".b J* mi tree"., on the soutl. ■ of 1. ' rt L-oyd. and -n the west !r ,N rt' FT M st-cef. If 'itihg on it.e said N I'. . f Tti| sir.-- . at ; be", and ex : g \ axk Vl' fx : "... >d >' rth S •i. i street Tl-cre rre< ted one twa*!s* 'ry frame dweiiing e, a two-|.>ry log dw lif.g house, frame stable and other r cd. taken ia evecutior. T. • I*. be • ds* '. e J': iperiy of I'eter 3t Wthi-r. '■ Na. Id A " tL Tetw.i I. ts of grx'ur.J situate it, i Ba vfaata, C aira tunit, Maaadafi Md . ii-scribed a* f-'ilows !• wit : Gne thereof , in Jed of the north tv 80 feet of It *hoj ■ir l. on th wit by lot of J. B. Hutu . !, utH by I. gsn si 20 f'-''t. east ■* by 1.1 .! D. NV. *l' •. •2 feel. Thereat. * creel. Ja t vo-sti r*- - f:-;... citx,c!(iag house , An- :,.• r ; are (boot Jed north bv l-rn e j p.*c, i tithe (st by the heirs ol Harris. Jn I . son*. . by Valentines. Thereon ' I nrt etc J a two-story frame dwelling house, i tc. ."-fixed, t*k> n in execution and to ba ■n , Ja* the property of Cbarle-llrowr. M No. 11. s- ak i'.v! artala tract of laad, aituata wj I * F.-rgu in t xxnship, Centrecouaty, bound* eI on tl." north bv lsn 1 of Jantfs F _ Kraps, on the east Vy lands be' r ging to C" , r Hind Eckel and Andrew! H-'U-T -ir. on the snulb by land* of Thorn* M F. PaUMI and Henry Snyder, ana M li> wes* by nd- of Jonathan Muaser and lienry Bloom, coalaioi.ig iol aorns, toire •r Is'xs. There.r erected a two story briek h>Ue. b*nk 1 arn, and othsr out* I Tigs ; all clear.-id and in a go dMM if jitivalinn. tsclVad, taken in exe -utior. and to be lax the pr perly of NV. 1). Kiss No. 12. N , rorlaio b* Jintf a:.4 •' ground. t. ait. Said budding two slorios high, hax ing a front of lwenty*aevcn feet, . . a daplk • f MVMIMI feel. Situate ujs oii a certain lot of ground in Rush lovx n xlnp. Cettro county. Founded on the soiith-xr. thy at da! Atherton heirs, on the sotith-er.t by He'lefop.te and Ph'litsa- Isurg turnpike, un the north-east by lot ol 11 diorl Sievenxop, and on the north* nest by h.n.l* of PtMt (Mllllk B*itMi taken in execution and to be sold a the property of L 1 under Sieinrcok. e . No. lu All that certain l >t or piece of ground. . situ i!e in Spring towns >if. Centre county, Isounui'il and doscibcd as foihiwa, viz: Ib-ginnii.K at a pin. tn e on tho south-east T. . rner of San.ui . Uule a lot on road lead it- ing t" I'erii. m * farm, tlicncu along said I ro i I north til , e.'i-t *lxt en porches to a id Make, theni >• north 2.' 1 , west 1(1 perches to .i ,o or ste-.e, thenc - south/'! 0 , ea-lsix ti .-u ( .-rche to n Kiako on iiorih-eat cor r"f Samuel K to s lot, thence along ,| .HP! lot south .eal H' porches to lh( place I lieglTlT T!:g. < !'' g 'IS MCtX ii or le * I •ic ei erect. I two-*t.> ,""|ry frame dwolLng bouse and utlior out buildings. Sc.. I. taken in execution itcl to b soM :c the property <f A. H u" Cox. No. 14. All tbat certain !<t or p.ere >1 ground. —• -itunto in I'll, p-hurg li.u !<gh. Centre county, h.iutidvd and <?e>scrili(d as fel low* s (in the north by lot "1 L(• I i". , gin, on the east by South F- urth street, on tttics south bv lot ••( (' t> Herlingcr, and : eutlie wet hv South Centre street front jlv' i:ig on the sai l South Centre street '4 feet, x.l and extending bark 210 to'-t to sap) South . M Fourth street l'hercon creeled al'twis* yi -lory frame dwelling house, stable and other outbu'.ldinga. seixad. taken in as ecution and to be sold as the property ol L. A. Shearer. No. 13. All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate in I'otter township. Centre county, hounded on the north by lauds of Wm. '' Mu I burger, on the east by lands af Joseph '" k Strum, on the south by lunds of John ' r ' Wagner, anil on the xve*t bv lands of 4rl ) Wm. M nlba-icr, containing about I acre* in moro or less ; thereon erected a two-story be frame house, small barn, and other out- B- buildings. Seized, taken in execution and | to bo sold as the property of John Jordon. No. Id. id.i All that certain lot or piece of ground l. situate in the borough of Belief"-' "'J ire county, bounded -- ...e. Cen< "th Church aile" * *>i the north bj id, | H"."- on tho east by lot of 11 K . ....s, on the south by Linn street, and oi by I the xvest by lot of George Potter, (rontinf go on said Linn stroot tifi* feet, and uxtendini n.l. back 2tXI feet to said Church alley. There *• on orocted a two-stoiy frame dwellinj cet house and othor outbuildings. Seized r gc 'taken in execution and to be sold as th to pr.merty of Thomas A. Ilicks. ut* Terms Cask. No deuds will he ac knoxvledged until the Durchßse rnonwy i I paid in full. JOHN 9PANGLEK, B<V<jjan3t bherifl. ; HARRY K. HICKS, y ' >r. k' (Bucct -r to T. A. Hick* Bro.) WHOLESALE A RETAIL DKALKU IN Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Clu£Z f Sec., Sec. CX- ' ATHO BUS ilie aycuc] f (he Noulli llcnd i'ltlllctl l'lotr forthitt coitu.y/WJ |] 1,1 -i! b| 1 WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FARTY THAT SELI#S TIIE SAME QUALITY OF GOODS 'j t I'M-! -NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of Win Allison, lt of l'"Uer twp , de jceaard, having been grariu-d to tli" under i signed, all peiaoni indchtx* 1 to said i stuta J are rc.jnired l" inak" imm. iiate paym ut. I and th "-having, alms agu.,*l the -ami . to present them, duly authenticated by "law. for settlement. Alt ai . iiutils remaining unt itled after Jen vl, ,j, xvtil be pla* xd in tbe handa ol a J utixo "or . .( -non, NVM M. ALLISON, ii JAS A HKAYKK, loo.Doii li """ • •12b> 21 per day. AgenU are now rut - ( ing that .ti nun! Addresr, with cpe lint >tanip. Lev. P. T. Hl't'K, Milton, Pa. 2G dec 4t y;. a. ; n ;'7 a, MI'lCMt Hi lt. j Respectfully informs the citifcer.sof C. li tre Hail and vicinity that he hat opened a new shop in the old Hank Huilding. New work turned out according u>style,and all Kinds of repairing neatly dune, and on short notice. Price, reduced and to suit ( 'ie , 7 feb. j 1111 11 ■" ,/ IKS'I ' v . HALL Furniture Rooms! F.ZK4 KKI NHINE, rcspoctiully informs the citizen* of Centre county, that tic has bought out the old stand oi J. O. Dtfii'ioger, ai.d has reduced the prices H> has constantly on hand and makes In order BEDS I K 4 DS, HI REAFH, M N KS. WA-HSTANDS. ( (RN Kit CI'I'BOARDS, TABLES, Ac.. Ac. 11 ii stuck of ready made Furniture i large and warranted of good workman ship, arid is all made under bis iminediati ; uperv .s on, and is o2c-r U at rat* j chcapet than elsew * Call ar.d see hit fto* k tefore pur. i.asing w ! ere (el. V ix ar.icil the" H tntia at. i Fbi!adt-!phig. E. xk 11. T. ANTHONY A CO. •1 Hr, adwav.New York. Mar.ufac'u-crs, Irr;,-rterr ± Dealer, in) Yt I vet Frame#, Album*, Cirsapho .-cujMS, Sicrci, -.•(TjK'a atiii \ ie*#, Er.grav gs, C'hromi -. Pk •! graph,, and; kli.drcci goods -OwlebriUea, A '. . *-e*,(U | rue )TOU RA FH IC M ATI". LI A NYc arx- hea,' ,-a:tcrs for every thi g Ir. th>- a ay of >:er ec/trc.-as ami Ma/ic L&nterus,l Each stvle being the be-t cf 'U clas, in tb( Mr.rk(t lleaulifui PhxxU'giwphic Tracsparancies ol Statuary and Engravings for the w.ud -w. ' t"..nvex gla-x Mar.ufacturrs of \(ivet Franie for N" niiature, ar.d Convex (.ar Picture,. Cataloguvs of Lanurtis ar.d S.idea, with) directions fur L-:l.g, scut C o." 1(C) I'JdcCt , HENRY BOOZER, ( KM'ICi: ilALl*, Msarrx. asm or Saddle, Bndltt, Collars Whips Flynets. a! a!., k>cp on 1 and C tr. N. t, etc. Prices l -vti t.tiy uh> re • Ise All kind* of repairing J i.e. The test ► lock always kept on hand All xvorfc w.*r-j rants- 1 A* share of lb• pul c | atronagi i kindly 5,.1.< itcd. 11 apr. 1j y PENNSVACLLY BANKING CO. CENTRE HALL. PA. KECEIY K DKl'osns. n .ia: ".winter; et: Discount Notrx; Huy and Sell (JoTcrnnicntSecuritiex, Gold and C. . pons WM. WO: r. WM B. Mtwci S, f - •'i •< _r Ml'oKi AN lO TIIA VELEIIB. -TIIF.—- BUSH HOUSE! nni t.xroxTX, r*. lls been recently thoroughly renovated xr d T( i aireil, and under tt;" ma: i of the Nexv Proprietor, Mr. GEORGE HOl'l'K-i. formerly of W'msport, • first claxs in aii lis appointments SPECIAL INM CEMENTB Are ff-r. d t >th •" in aitenJnnce at court j.ii 1 other* r'-iTifi ing in toxin Cut a few davi at a lime. The largexi nr..; mtisl superbly Dasigned II tel inGentntl Peetfjlriiit, Allmolernc, Gotrythf . Bush hcuso. , --aug GEO. HOPPES, I'ropr. OCI LT PIDCLAM VTION. Wh r#ifi,lh* llm Chfiflf* A rtf*,deit( vl tib# court a.# i '.xitxtncn I*)ra* to tlr Jfi ib JbsdUci*! Dl f trict eonV>ilny of tbmxttn * frnir* t * i(iAtfSUJ. *na Ihf Hoauf*tir Nam I I r*nA. .a>4PN ► llniifirMn .lutih DlTcni. 4lfi9cUlHft Jildtri il ( Aftlr* couvtf bfifiM Iwukl Ibdir tiMiiu dt< thd I* | i| Of Ju \ I .1 - t4IT 'x I -1 I'll hx.ix'.ir.g ' i ocMtrt of o)r*r *>4 YtralMv ud JUI Dmln . **ij kr. t gn*rtrT NuMttioo*of lh IVar Hrpfct##' UdH, , ATISL C*'UT' < I ( K 'UIR.FO PLDFIK T BELWONU P., LO (h unlf •( (''ilr, and l romnienr* or \b* 4h I U? fcii I < .ng th S'lb t)j of JuDuary 1*79. ft 4 I . '*. rck \ | Ihcrrforo Vvrrhj firm lo |h* I* rrnrr. .In* I ticwe of lb* AMer>kti nud of th* . •• itl county ,ft #*• !f*. H*t ILcjr t• Ihen *l*4 (Mr* in thlr iirxvjcr If o'clock in th# I.trvncxMi of • MHI J*). witti tbrlr morU. ittq lidUod*. F Wnr* i* it.ini. id th4t own wmen ' mnfo. to do thr thirr* which t tbrlr wfßi U IMI d4i#. unii ti**e" w ! . . ' I. ! tt t •• • lijat ißi# iirMiinenHiiit fit# i b*l! !#• In I' ■ .tail * ! i #ni; count v . In* thru Utl Vhttl* l#> |*tv-. x Ik|g*ka*i I * if haii lr ju! <•!**" nttUr mjr L*r.U ftl lidlirf<Mktr. thr I*l dixf o' sltiti. ir ll.u 'i.#f x./our ly !;i, ard in ti# Ikii 1 . iui lutld,,Dtl<io# f th I'nltrd JOHN si'ANt.i i ii. Sfcwii* i A FREE GIFT! Of * cojvt of my W i lift *AI. V M( >N SK \<! n fttH)h.t< nj •nffmu* with 4 n*nn t t> n ttthmi, F*Urr! Erob hit I*. L*m* ol Voir#, O# ThnMkt Hcnd nmo und |*o#' lc - 1 crut t'ftiuf*. fttvd ttc roar Th# c hook • illuotruiod 144 Pl*, li <• k Til# inforiuati tl It fnuU.M, 4G ilsr. tir.n id cat •of i*.J 1 da* IIIAHJ lite* IBe uuiLnrluk* (>ccn tr**ttQA , i',!*c*iei of tL" N. •o.T'hi **t *"•* IsUn#*. •• a pra tifc in I'm. tnnaii IfL- VUi*m PR. !S i> \SOI.I K ( 1 loeiuMU. Ohio# U lan 41 n \KCI TOR S N' TICK, Letters testamentary on tlie extalc i ! (tex>rgc Murray, laleofCollega to* nihip. I,'deceased, having been granti I to tho un x dersignei, all persons indebted l<< sai 1 e, talu are required to mnke immediate pay ment, and thine having claims again-i the : xniiie to present them, duly authenticated i by law. tor -eitlciuent. Claims can he pre-ontc I t x e Dior of the (Inderal nod J. D. XDKKAY. NVM. \ Ml KRAY. 9 jn Ot. Executors l! I "ICENSE N"ti< is berohy given that tho fallowing named '' persons have tlle.l thoir petition* lor Li t-SDis, in the office of the clerk of tli* Court of General (Juarter Sessions of the Peace In nnd for (Vntro county, and that > application will be made to the next See* ' sions of said Court to grant the same. James L. Dolong, Liberty twp., Tavern. " A. WILLIAMS, t'lci*. v 1 L > I'A Nx I.r. H," Attorriey at- ],x. Oonsultalions in EngH-.h ami ,1; 1 1 erinan. Dtlice in Furst'* n>w building ) OAI TION _^ av j njt purchttsotl tb, I I tolloxviug perot<al property a . constable's sale as the property cf Amoi Koch, of Gregg township, 1 will Ivavc th' V same in hi possession at my pleaeure All I■ persons are cautionod against nieddllnf n with tho same, namely : One Cook in j Stovo, 2 pairs Bedsteads, J do* (Jiairs !R Tuble, Chest Clock. Doughtray. c- Ho-ie, 1 Spring. Hay and Corn, Brtdli ■k and Harness, 1 Cow. 1 Pig. and Iron Ket tie, together with all defendant'* proper ie ly . JOHN COLDROV_ , , ia )*jr own town. |3 Outfit ft C* |v_ __ (WX R<ud#r, il you want a lioxmsu i is WI II Owbkh persona ol sit bar art can make gT*i tl/ V Vrixay all Ibo tUno lbs, work, writ# tor j>iu I ti^WU.UAUJUi4(Jo.FrtikB<<J( l J* ajjr, y BRICK FUR BALE - - Kirat class briel ti har d for tale el Zerhe't C'etiiro iiai f brick yards. 1 tivao brick ar< ~tiered so low that it w.ll pay person, at , | -li* Lance to Come here for them. ! Intending to i ouitnue in the manufac jtuieof brick they will he kept Coriuanlij ua Land, and fair inducemeriU offered ti ' purchui ra. Ci.rt! H.K.ZKRBEj ty G. (al l KLI I Dentikt, MHlheim. OHe-r* hi* pf'deMl.rtik 1 ifrf.i MUs lis* B! lie ll* It | V ptrivj w bIJ -4>wbu*i it. lU eiildipr*' le**! t*m. H. I. aw f..i:j|i*y#rd la sstrtct laalt abawlsll) '"boat pat* Wi,*lS Bpring Mill>, Fa., (iRAIN HOUSE COAL YARD. J J. D. UJ.M. 8 New Grain House it Now for The Reception of WHEAT. at the HIGHEST CASH PRICE and tb. HK.sT C<JAL in Market sold at the rrrj I iow*at price. Hides! Hides! Rr.i.g your Hides anJ receive Iht iiighea' ; | Price fur them. ! I alio keep lor sale UPPERS. KIP* CALF bKINS, and .-OLE LKATHEh j at lowest prices. A )iu a full orie -if Harness, baddies. Collars, Bridles, Halters. Whips, etc. • t lie very Lou til Pri p. J iOoci xsfti | NEW Grocery and Con feci ionerva [AT CENTRE HALL. The und. rsig: t-<i cpened a new Gro- I "ery ai . C-'D ret;. tiiTV. a- d will alwav i seep a lull line > f gxsoxls. at lowrstpossihli orice*. and kind v ask* a share of tbe put ne patronage. IDs stuck consist* of CGFFEKS, •iUGKKS. i£A>. SYRYPS. SOAPS, SALT. All kinds of j CHOICE JOB AC: OEix AND SEGALS ; and ail fru.t* of tfca st-aua generally in Stock. BEST SW KF.T POTATOES. Alto a full line o!CONFECTIONERIES 1 All kinds of country produce taken in ex change. I I sell low for CASH and PRODUCE, zuaepl y C. DINOK.i. Spring Mills O. Iv.! NEW ROOM ! NEW" GOODS ! a', I. J. Grenoble'# Store ! SPRING MILLS, hat the goods. Largest clock 1 SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower llian 1 * hver. And i -w extends a cordial invitation L b s friend,, pniront, and public gcnrral ,i ly- Also a Complete Assortment ol Ready Made Clolhiug for men an. boys. Suit# a# low a# to be bad iu iht city. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Full licei f MERINO UNDKRWEARS, For Ladie#, Gents, Boys. Misses and Children. '• Hn-ierv. Glove#. B iol# and Shoes, II ATS,"CAPS, CARPETS AND Oil. CLOTHS, 1 And the uo*t complete atiorlment of NOTIONS , n (VntrsTPennaylvania. ard price* thai vrillcomtxci vou in mlf defence to buy ol jtim. Also Fiak, Salt, etc. 18or ' A ful! line of Howe S wing Machine* and Needle# for all kiud# ol mHchitie# <i Alto deal* in all kind* of Grain. Mar ket price paid for the nam# A ,pecalty m OGA L by the car load ' n a riT-n-w mi i. , __ -"BE*TX . m . Jas. Harris • AV CO. C| J% . V NO. 5, BROCKKRHOFFROW. lllilllllllL IRON, NAILS, J* A IN T S, on^Frc., i JAS. HARRIS* CO. Hellofonle. r I ' bay BARGAINS. n •i Bargains! u Bargains! | In MEN'S and BOYS, '. BOOTS and SHOES! t also a LARGE VARIETY of it CHILDREN'S SHOES, a LOUIS DOLL'S Shoe SDrc g opposite the Bush house, Bellefonte s- room formerly occupied by Jobi J. Powers. apr2sy T 1 a I*'. FORTNEY Attorney at Lai r " JL# Bcllefontix, Pa. Office over Rej ixclda ban k I4(iiqy'e " Lincoltwlluie7Pow"D<rrmMke'- bui ter sweet andhard, and quicker to chur it—for rale at "Wm. WolP# stote. Ji'candy Manufactory & Bakery. •r Mr. AH*-ri kauth, BlfcHOP STIIEET BAKERY, is do* the very bert < i n,., BnEU) ' CAKES AD PIM, 10 utf*. I Can die* and CoDfectlona. He riiin,ufclor< * all kind* of caa ' a "f too wi low ■* in me. \y. Cm.d ic of all kidai , way* on I.and, together with OraaeM Lemon,, t'ifr*, Date*. Xuta, Syrupi, Jel l} iiaa and everything good. CENTRE C OUNTY OYfcTKB DEPOT. Au l.xcelleut oyater a alao at laelicd l'j the Baker*. Call aitd a m*. ALBERT KAUTH. U'" •)' " >' I.'ila -rk frr u laaaalaay '*)"! 1 *•* n all] Malt ) * i i ,.4 u> ib iitjuub *"*• ** l - • • bwj* m 4 flf • n>il ma *'"* im "■ *"• i*. ' no |, M . ACUlrualoiiA i" - * I, r-ai.y_ ! 1 * h • y i ft> - ' " v,. ? \J • . ICr . ' * War! War! War! ORGANS!ORGANS!ORGANS I ersnno xachikei: Machines! M KISI ;lnrlr Organa, Srtt- !1. For *llO < n^li. • )• r " if.-, >•••-. ' t b7<> '*>— Prico $330.00 Searing Machine* Guaranteed Nov, and as Beprn-f-nted, for 125 00. OOMK. MM*. AMI BK CONVINCED < >ME (fNg, CoME ALL 0 lb* N. M • A "-owing M ) inr- itora .f BUNNELL & A IKKNS. Aiifßbr-f j Street. £ju!jr Belleioato, p W. A. ICURRT, Boti & iiiuher, i'L.VrRE lIALL.PA. Woul in rt rerpectfu'ly inform tbe eit tern oft ..a t: -i'. iiy, that be L* t*rted a li..nt aria S! >p, and would ba banklul ' ira .bar# or the public natron *ge. 11. -t and Shoe made to order and 1.1 r : tottvle. i d an-moU bo work toequni yi: ad< *lo* hero. jfrej. ri 4 d-'nc, an J ctnrge, reamnabla lire bit < C1 'A 1* New Pianos 5125 K*ch. si <1 all #Ct *. " ■ '■ ng GRAND, >yI"AUE and UPRIGHT all rtrictly 1 •>( da**, tuid al the loweit net ca*b • holer Ate faetii; v pr. < din tto the pur*- .■barer. "1 Li . i.aOe one of the in ftidi'p'tri iitth C ilri nia! Eibibuioß, •nd *• re i a <>u*!y r< . rrtr,< r d_ed for theHu.'tr-T IIop— * v.r 12 000 in u. ttewul'.riv :r < '| -at i )lr i farturira Co. —Factorv s.-ittl d overß6 jrenrt. iba Square Ctr* !- < n Matbuihek'i new aatant t i Orn ti tag Sc ale, tba frci'.i'i! i the bUiorj of Pi <notial "i. t ta'iare tbe £:.e*l in Atnerti i. r• -t tr *l. Don't fail lour : ■ for U'uitraat-d aid tlncrip tire Ci.isl ?e of Up. ?■< m*i'rd free. WENDELN>C)HN PIANO Cel., ' tir: ic i .*.i • : >;rc-ft. N . Y. VIBaATOR'/ i ma MankW. tut/ V THE ORI6IHAL & ONLY GENUINE ♦'Vibrator" Thrr-ltri*. wrra irm-rw MOUNTED HORSE POWERS, | ! And Steam TUmhrr rajtaM, • I Hade only fcj NICHOLS, SHEPARD A CO., BATTLE ("ItF.EK, Mlt H. THE Matrhleiaa (lraii*Mrla|, Time h. ' h- ivwnm (:.• dj mm 4 , fenr - I. i ->4 t'l -e ' fUfid a.O^ 1 j Scr* CUauui of. ajbb M Ul%*a tMNK V >a>m. nUAIX Italwr* stIII not Sobiatt lo (be J n • X • ■ ♦ v #jr • k J ItM U<r; ttaa- v ,a < I U d liw^ TBK KK Tl n B Tbmkifiiff Yxprwmm l Ml' • *" V a r. C-IMW. |f * Una Utt* u. *- r iiVU) i>/ (ImhM .fcprorta Ei. alaM. * tiO Rcvthrlv Isbidr the Feye fl r 1 . ■ i a; t> at in t t-oanpS fl|K i • l* k . iv'WH a>4Cnh dt onaol k (. ..t,,M,U;I .L -iuiU l.lira^.tUwal HOT ci -IT Vtljr Snpcrltr for Whrau i.Com.Mt IMI •. his , M'tftruuia-ait •£ " rrltilkdlM * 15 ' •VrijOl'S for Wwpllflijr of Part*. ! kej . b<* , rot T >rtc fl M"air'itor* Mntie. raaa- IH | lii'l* *1 r it. l.r Ui, I .1 1. I' I -* ... a... QfrAM t'swrr Threshers* a f*wecinlT. OCR Certsraled ktenm Thresher F.a ■g ces*'". \i ulta iiaproi inin. mm! hiUaua IN Therotirh Vorknißsikip, V.teeaaC 1 > - ■ —■ i.. wa •it .MT >lia . .iMhi ! poit ?*nriirn , nrs. cnlt on nor Oealeiw %• . cartu ua . .. . * i .r, w> .kN WvMalllPaab ATLIIS* Orchestrion cliimrs ORGAN -x iilhr imlhtgwUfttl . i r . in style oni perfeet 1 C.'lfe!^ in tone ever maite. . ">£-'V£ • . • lit;:." it lrbrtited !• g i.Cis (S*! t.ri.-i-rto!oit, sshi- Sfl * CM-t >s ch . a line iu..-nitou vj , i Iluuinu lulce, nß' -A"?'' j ,i.t I i\*u und it half I tiHllßills many writhttare •!. i&lkiilH ill & . ir efleet im *• "aCtrlli lip leal *V eleetrlfs "• ' ON A, lilit . \I .1 ONCKItTO.VEffPEK. CFNTKNNIAI. 1 t 111 MKS, < IIAI'FI.i and COTTAttK OW tJANS, in I'niquf CrcncU C onin ur- >) - 3 ' IttFTIIEBKSTMAUE-.tAc Tone, ToorL. e> \VorkiiiunsUi|.,A Mnrahllll* I usurpanaeW. ID Uurrtinted for MX YKABK- I'ltlt Kit KXTHKIIELV t.ttW for eaab. I iilonthly laatallmenta rereived. A Liberal - liiaeaunt t" Tearkert. H">'m, Cfcure/Mt,ie ,W #.A(iESTSWAJ(*EI. >iecial iudaew- V ! menu to the trade.lllnatrated fntnlooaoa (■ iiaiU-a.-ci oni'.-hand instri.nienuoiOrea* J Baraain*. lift UA EE W ATE Us* Jt bOJ*e It-i Alauafaoltirera u 'd Oenlens iv-, unuui 4() T , 4?(J KTUPET , CMO* | S.QVAKL, NPV VViiUi RvAt ddtn.