The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 23, 1879, Image 1
A Warning. 1 knew two filands as mtioh alike As aver yon saw two stumps ; And no phrenologist could find A difforonoe in the bumps One took paper, and his life * as happier than a king s , His children all oonld real and write. And talk of men and things. The other took no pajxn rd. White strolling tin ui. the w.svl, A tree fell down upon Ins crown, And killed him as t should. Had he bean reading of tlia news At home, like neighbor Jim. I d bet a cent Uiis accident Had not tiefalleu hini The Poor Kiildlcr'" (Me TV % Ht* OiD "\in*UL, tAT. jtrwwM, I u ourti; l*d. N*vt, niwa . Maiioi (fttup, i'ttnlU itour ; lHiu at door, H*!f k wvjy NVtTr li Uin. 1 wrtttw wmklti . aiim*. Nurwr a rwiiiUK. RiUy % hoopit^, \\ao jxvr Jvw. WMh fcalrrtxl |Ot Com* tUrn. ui> ndd. mj oUtct. fitttr oru fr.rml. With Jojvu*. **t .it *. I ;. tut . utid. Notlit' iJuHIgU lni;a rOt, ol*o* i*Ul Thy tMilikh* I i P it; i-liwc embrhix \ )o\ i,.iiiiit my tmns-. >vhiku ovrr lh> I dr*w m> bow M> hfwtiTtwtfvl rtwr; A Uvxix wfrwiu ! tonoh, aiut to! 1 to njeumt tvx* thr •!!. Thrv on Kimnti l woor, H**rdk of fkli Ih* dun*l door; Otllvivttt* *11; X few m> vivy uo monr IlUt a>W the tnU£*. A my vkid (Mite Willi;*. ' <v.vxt u anter. You rn> taxi! kiuw 1 WUI ftliat muwu It you iwili tlu.t K^wr, I to Alt, to li twlow. KmH|CU<xl, I IDM * > ■ AU|,e the tilt— lor worn* .<t mi. t>4 •*! . WithgnaiMxitlon thetmmat*nu; M\ U**r(. rva|*i'iia:\e to th# ohortu. niT\"*be ; h !! e*rr \ hra.t!i-a\>rr\i!lti|t ourr phWir*t*SV*l;iJUlahcJ |*y the aaxft u e2tlt!uott air More I'lamtixe tux eyo with tear* O rriow And }\aU*tKX> milil,w*.xm amivtb*tut wrmklod br\*w Krev'.> h*U!tVTC*U *s.le*i waiai:.* tfule c%U th *er|Wi:t if• . and t' trotutwue tuwjbow Hut my lVii.* mjf (4d < V.the | riiuw of thru*, a. Ooukt eVn l>r> Jen return, thy i rainc to reltr^-. Ill# odr to l>lu %VUkl weetu rUjfifvsl xerwe. Now to thy c+*t iu ft*: el warm to ItUcmlWd to :Ux u.islrr by. * A ixkiio. SHOOTING FOR LIFE: A CXVsSiAi K'S ADtXVn in: ts l-i'KHAKA. When the Turkomans captured me on the Syr-l>aria (said Captain Koeta retiko, handing me a tumbler of tea and lemon-juice, with the air id a man who knew that I would uetvt some refresh • ment before his story ended 1, they ear ned me south and sold me at Khiva. But I didn't stay there long—for iu Central Asia a slave changes hands as often as a horse does among us—anil insfore I hail time to aee more of Khivu than that it was a little cobweb of dirty streets, with a big palace in the middle and a mud wall ten feet high all round it, I found myself handed over to a mer chant from Bokhara, who was just start ing home again across the Kizil-Koum (EUxl Saudi desert. I was a strapping young fellow in f hose days, and could manage a horse or a saber with any man. Moreover, I knew the native language well, which was a rare thing with a Russian in those days; so my new master counted npou getting a good price for me in Bokhara, and took all possible care of me on the road. I needn t teil you about the desert journey, for you've seen it all for your self— the thirst, and the scorching, aud the hot, j nckly sand, and the prayer at sunset, and .he halts beside the wells, and the cat is strung out in single file, nose and ts . together. But we had one adventun -a the wa% that was to have consequences wh . u I little dreamed of. There were three or four Afghans in our comp i y, ah noted marksmen, who one day umusid themselves by having a shooting ui'.tcfc. I pot leave to join them, and lial the whole lot, to the great deli put of my master, who Lad bet high on me, and the amazement of the men themselves. I heard one of them whisper to another, " This will be news for Seta Ali, if he is still in Bok hara: ' tint 1 thought nothing > f it t the time. The evening -that we reached Bokhara, after we had got ourselves settled in one of the gr at caravansaries, the four Afghans and I sat down at the door to have a game of "pasha vnnma" 1 described :t once to an Knpbshman, and he told me that tiiev have a gam" some thing like it. cait-1 *'forfeit*," which they rlay it Roj leatvo (Ghriatnas). It's played with du . and La- four throws, three of which are called shah (king), wnnc.-r (vizier) aud ghorcmsaug (rob ber). The fourth (farmer) counts for nothing. Wl en any two players have thrown king and vizier, the first who throws robber, is seized by the vizier, who ltads him np to the king, saying, "I've caught a robber." The king asks, "What ha" be done?" and the vizier answers, " He's stolen his sister's trous ers,"or, "He'spulled a horse's feathers off," or some snch nonsense. Then the king orders him to stand on his head, or throw down his turban and pick it np with his teeth, or anything else he may think of; and so the game g.n on till everv one has had his turn. While we were playing, a tall, hand some man in a rich dress, who looked like a Persian, cam*' swaggering by. Just as he got close to ns, I hapi-cued to throw "robber." One of the ifghans gave the others a look, as much as to say: "5 ow you'll see some fuu !" and, catching hold of me, called out: " I've caught a rob ber." " What has he done, then ?" " He has shown himself a better shot than Seid Ali," answered the other, at the top of his voice. The Persian's face grew black as night, and with one stride lie was among us, looking at me as if he conld eat me raw. "Are yon he who can shoot better than I caxi, then ? They have taken vou too soon from your mother, child ; yon are no match for a man !" "Men fight with weapons ; women aud Persians with their tongues. Try me," Like lightning the fellow whipped out a pistol, aiul let fiy at me. I sprang aside just in time; but he was drawing his second pistol, when my master, see ing what was gojng on, came rushing up <es if ho were mad. " Help, brothers !" he yelled; " this slave is a present for Hazret (his majes tv). Let DO one dare to harm him ?" " "What is all this?" asked a sharp voice; and through the crowd came a tall, thin, hatched face fellow, so grand ly-dre-sed that I made sure he must be some great man, especially as every body got out of his way as if he had been a tiger. I learned afterward that lie was the captain of the palace guard, Sbabrookh Kuan. My master told his Btory, and the Afghans, on being questioned, gave the whole history of the shooting-match in which I had beaten them. At the men tion of that, I thought I saw Shah rookh's face brighten, as if he had come upon the very thing he wanted. " This is a matter for the ameer (king) to decide," said be. " Let the Oorooss (Russian) be kept here to-night; to morrow be shall be sent for.' Sure enough, the first thing next morning, three men made their appear ance at the door of the room into which I hail lie en put. The foremost (who wore a rich robe of flowered silk) had round his forehead the yellow band which was the badge of the ameer s makhrav, * (confidential servants); the other two appeared to be soldiers. " Follow ns, Oorooss," said themakh • ram; " his majesty calls you." Away we went, right through the heart of the city. It seemed much larger and more populous than Khiva; i;ud aiiei the silence and loneliness of FRED. KUHTZ, Kditor and Proprietor. VOLUME XIL J the desert, *ll t liik crowd ami bustle porters, fruit sellers, trader*, cauiela mil wagons with seven toot wl\wE fairly made tuy head go round. Ever* race of Ana, from the east to the west, seemed to N gathered there. Sallow, narrow eyed Tartars, with tho dust of tho desert ft ill upon thoiu; tall, gaunt, hiok iueed rurkomaus; fat, lumpy Sari*, and Kan, 1 gh-ohreked Persians; fiiuat, gu uic ill • Bashkir , who lad almost tin look if I vara on biud log*; yellow-faced (.'. ; anion, wiih loug pig-tail*. and shaggy, niotikev-hko Dhouwaua*, in lot go fur bonnets; slender, graceful Hindi-*s, woariug silver ring* on their wrist* aud ankles; portly KUokaudeae n -v'! , will filthy Kirghiz pilgrims, skinny Kashgarirs, with hngo hat-like no projecting from under their little -vitnoer-fliapi\l cap* ; and tall, stately Afghans, tu white frocks anil green sasrea, stuck all over with pistols aud dagger* like the wall of an armory At the corner i: one of the principal streets there M<euied to lie something s}ivtal going on, for such a crowd had c .IcvtCi. there that the street was quite bhicked up. But the makhraw flourish ed li's saWr tipped rod, shouting " Make way for the servant* of the king 1 ' and the soldiers let fall tin r musket butt* on the tiv<* of the fieople, o jroddtvl tiiem behind with their hayo: eta, so that then* was away open id for us iu uo tune. Aud when we got into f e middle of the tliroug, wiiat should 1 fis but twi men shaking a lot of human I.* als out oi a sack, just like vi many pomtiss a sight which ! saw often enough iu after days," but which rather took me aback just then. The makhram, seeing that 1 haiked puxxled, kindly explained to me that it was one of the ameer's pleasant habits, whenever any towu or village offended him, to levy upon it a tribute of so many heads, ami that if the man who >* Hooted them happened to be short iu his reckon ing, off wont his own head to make matters straight—which must have greatly encouraged the popular study of arithmetic. A little farther on we heard a terrific yelling and scree-lung, proceeding ap parently from a group of native soldiers, in the midst of which lay a man flat ou his back, with a huge fa! fellow seated cross-legged on his chest like a night u ire. byway of keeping him comfort able, while two sturdy Bokhartotes were iviug ou to the soles of his feet with whips wiili all their might and main. But the best of the whole affair was that tne fellow who was heiug flogged never U'tered a sound, wh: e the two who were flogging him screannsl ami howled like demons incarnat to save him the trouble, perhaps, of doing it himself. So he got his five-aml-twenty whacks, and was cast off; when instantly up jump" d two more soldier*, and whacked the first two (for not hitting hard enough. I suppose); and thou a corpu lent old officer, who had been looking on with a pleasant smile, waddled up and gravely boxed their ears all round, as if he hail been giving them his bless ing, after which the congregation dis oerseil. At last we came to a steep hill, and as we ascended it, I began to see overhead, as well si the clouds of dust would let me (for walking through the streets of an Asiatic towu when the wind's bi< * ing is quite a* bail as meeting a siai*- in the desert), a Luge fortross-lik building, s metlung after the style our governor-gt'iitral's place at Oren burg, wi ich, with it- i amtetl parapets, and msay oolnr< 1 towers, and great white battlement\ made quite a grand show in the bright ap-rning Miush no. The wakhram told ait- that tin.- was the ameer's palace, and that they were going to take nie before him at once ; bat when I v i to ask what he wanted with iu<, tue ltikhariote only shook his head in away that wasn't at all encouraging. It was curious to see, as we neared the entrance, how sileut all three of them became, and how the swagger with which they had marchei through the town changed to a cautions timid e tep, like some one approaching the lair of a wil.l beast, from which fact I could pretty well guc.s* u'.it th: s worthv ameer must be like. Just outside the great pate stood fifty or sixty cannon i mostly brass twelve ponnders), all in a row—like Napoleon's guns in the Kremlin at Moscow. I no ticed one that was made of iron and silver bands, turn about ; and the makhram told me it had la-en taken at the capture of Khokand, ten years l>efore. Two soldiers were standing at the gate as we entered ; and I saw one of them point to me aud draw his hand acnes his throat, and the other nodded, which didn't raise my spirits much, I can assure von. Inside, tadl Was deadly still ; and the loneliness of that great wide court, with its grim silence, as if the whole place were holding its breath liefore some thing dreadfnl, struck colder upon me than anything yet. However, I hadn't much time to think of it. for the next moment I was led through a deep arch way into the inner court. It was very much like the other, only not so lonely, for the sarbazi (soldiers) of the palace guard were drawn up in line along either side of it. in their red jackets, leather trousers, and high black sheep skin caps, and at their head was Hbahrookh Khan, with He id Ali beside him. I had just time to notice a si ne bal cony on the further side, with a curtain of yellow silk before it, when the cer tain was sudddenly drawn back, and this is what I saw : Heated cross-legged on pile of cushions wan a abort fat man, with a broad, heavy face, without a sign of life in it except its srasil, restless black eyes. He wore a long blue rolw; and pointed red cap, and his breast was covered with medals. I saw the makhram bow to the earth, and then I knew that this dnmpv little feliow was the ameer himself, who was going to de cide whether I should live or die. " Is this the man ?" asked the ameer. His voice was low and rather pleasant; but, every time he spoke, one side of his face twitched as if jerked with a string. " Your majesty lias said it," answered Hhahrookh Khan. The ameer looked hard at me for a moment, aud then clapped his hands twice. Instantly a door flew open in the wall, and out came a tall, gaunt, hideous-looking black man, wearing nothing but a pair of white cotton draw ers, splashed with blood, and carrying a huge broad-bladed knife, just like a butcher's chopper. Then I thought all over, aud I settled my face as firmly as I could, that the unbelievers might not think me afraid. But I fancy it was only done to try me; for the ameer, after watching me for a momeDt to see how I took it, waved the headsman back with his hand, and said to the makhram. " Make proclama tion !" The makhram raised his arms, and shouted thrice "Ooshai 1" (attend) and then went on: " This ia the command of Nasr' Ullah Khan Bahadoor, the great ameer of Bokhara: Heid Ali and the Oorooss shall shoot three times at a mark in his majesty's presence, and he who is beaten shall be beheaded on the spot. May his majesty live a hundred and twenty years!" This was more than the Persian had bargained for, and when he saw that in stead of getting me knocked on the head, THE CENTRE REPORTER. it waa my life or Ilia own, he looked uo happttr than a wolf lu a trap. However, there waa no ilrawtug back now, auil be hail just t> make the Ixnt of it. They put ilown a little aipiare carpet iu one corner, ti> show where we aln<uhi stand,and then they brought ua a ooupl* of long Afghan ritlea.witti about a iloten cartridges each. In the mulnt of a dead silence, with all thoae countless eyes watching ua curiously, we hauled our pieces, and sti*d ready. All this while there was uo sign of a target ; but suddenly Shuhrookh Kahu came forward with u small round shield ljust big enough to cover a man's breast), with a polished stone tu the middle, I'heu he stationed two soldiers m the corner opjuisite ours, about three loot apart, and passing a light rift through the strap of the shield, reeled the two ends on their shoulder., rill* was to l>e our mark a target with living supporters, who might be killed or sot, just as it happened. At a sign from the ameer, Hold Ah stood forth, and aiuiedso long aud care fully, that I saw he wasn't quite sure of wiumug. At last he let tlv. There was a dull thud, and the shield rocki d violently. His bull had gone through it pretty uear the center, but without touch lug the stone. The ameer uodded, and 1 stepped for ward in turn. 1 knew that, with uiv own life for the stake, I should Ih> the shakier the long er 1 waited, so I tired the moment 1 got my aim fair on the sparkle of the central stone. There was a sharp crash, aud a shower of sparks seemed to rty up frutu the shield. 1 had split the stoue ! We loaded and fired again. lhe Persian did better this time, but lie was still wide of the center. 1 went wide of it, too, but I tiittuoged to graze tlie ring that had held the central stoue, and that was still a good iuch nearer than he was. Just then leaught sight of the auieer face, and n grewsome sight it was. It had flushed purple, and the great thick lips were drawn back, showing his sharp white fangs, like the teeth of a mail dog; and his cruel black eyes looked at Sen! All, as if they could *•> the knife already at his throat. 1 saw the same look ou his face many a time afterward, but it never seemed half so hideous as it did then. And when I looked at Seid A!i, hi* proud handsome face seemed to have grown pinched and ghastly all of a su i den, as if death were clutching it with unseen fingers. It was pitiful to see him trying to steady his hand for the final shot, knowing that it was his last chance of life; but at Ust hi* gun went off almost at random, and the bullet struck full ou the breast of our of the target bearers, who dropped dead with out a crv. The ameer wavt\i his baud ami another soldier stepped forward, pushed away the corpse with his foot, and laid the end of the rod upon his owti shoul der. The moment the target was straight again, I fired, and weut right into the center. The echo of the shot was still ringing, when the headman's knife flushed and fell, and He id Alt's head rolled on the pavement, hlotfmg the smooth white stones with its blissi. "Ken Kan pxdisbali hast ilt is the king's doing)! cried the executioner, holding tip the Iv til by its long black beard. The soldiers, with one voice, repeat e I, •• It is the king's dying." And the sums r himself rubles! his great fat bands for seeing people killed always put turn in : ssl humor) and said to me, " It is the will of Allan—hence forth thou art my soldier." And so was fulfilled tin old saying, '• He who sets a trap for is uoighbor may get caught himself."— liavid A'/ - , in Spirit of (he Time*. "The Five Mirer Donkeys." A very wealthy man fimltug himself near his end, called his five sons to his bedside aud presented each with a silver on key, equipped witii pauniers. ami ■ id : " There was a merchaid travel ing from Hasira to Bagda-i w;tr a cargo of silk, but as this, however, was not sufficient to fill more than one of the panniers, he balanced the burden by tilling the other with stones. As he was journeying he was overtaken by a wayfarer who fell into conversation with him, and iu course of it remarked, • What a fool yon must be.' ' Very pro bably,' was the reply, ' but in what par t.cnlar?' 'Why.' said the other, ' don't yon see that, if you were to dis tribute your silk equally between the two panniers and throw away your stones you would diminish your ses' burden by one-half?' 'Very true,' rejoined the other. 1 I thank you for your wise counsel;' aud forthwith the silk merchant threw his stones out on the road, and distributed the cargo in equal V ro P or fions between the two panniers. As, however, they continued their journey, the merchant remarked, ' Yon are a very elever and discerning person, but how is it that you are in such evil case? Your clothes are soiled sud threadbare, and you have scarcely a shoe to your foot.' ' The truth i,' was the reply, ' I am an nuf< rtntiate man.' 'Are yon nn unfortunate man ? Then I will go back and pick up my stones,' which he accordingly did, ami replaced the silk in xtatu 'put. It hap pened that when he arrived at Bagdad, lie found that the caliph was building a new palace, but was brought to a stand still fcr want of stones. Ho the mer chant. soi<! his stones for more than be got for his silk, and returned rejoicing. Now, my sons, in presenting yon each with the silver donkey, I wish to impress npou you this maxim, Never take the advice of an unfortunate man."'— The. f'nirrritif Magtuine. A Ladj Knotting Kiectric Sparks. A Nevada City lady of high social standing presents a singular case for the consideration of scientists, Hays the Nevada Tranxcript. For many years past she Jias been afflicted with acute neuralgia pains 111 various parts of the body, and some time since, hoping to find relief, resorted to the use of an electric battery. Hhc used the appara tus for six months, but found no relief. At the time nothing was noted of an unusual character as a result, and al though several months ha?- 1 since elapsed, it was only when the recent cold weather commenced that any extraordi nary- symptoms follows!. One night the lady had occasion to enter a dark room and pick up a woolen coat that was lying there. As she did so she was both surprised and frightened to observe a bright light siujonndiug the hand that held the garmeiff. At the same time electric currents passed along the arm, shocking her quite severely. When her husband was informed of the fact he discredited its reality, thinking there was more imagination than anything else in it. 80 the next evening, to convince the incredulous better-half, she turned the gas out in the room where they wore sitting, and letting her hair down began combing it. A remarkable display of light WBH the result. The sparks tlew in every direction, aud there was a sharp, crackling sound as the teeth of the comb passed between the hairs. In laying her hands upon iron the lady does not observe the peculiarities referred to, but the instant she touches woolen cloth the fire begins to fly, and the shocks follow one another in rapid succession. CENTRE HALL, CENTRE CO., RA., THURSDAY, JANUARY IH7O. KAKI, HAKIIK> A>U IIUI hKHOI. I Krlt* LkVII'N C'r*TAßt. — MAKE the juice of a largo lemon very sweet, UN'U pour IU gently pint of tabling cream, mill stir it till nearly ixW. I'oi'-tlrittH. One pint flour, uuf pint milk, two egg*; gK K l "ton Ui frotli, iuii quioklv, mul Imke in hot buttered Clip*. Serve witli hot Ml lit*. (.ktrrlK OAKK.—Otic clip of angar, 'i'c cup of butter, ono cup of molasses. olio cup of col>t eotfec, four cup of dour, tw • oupn of raisins, two toae|H>ouful* of bakuig powder. Spice to taste. MINI'* lias. Boil A fresh tougue, chop it very flue, alter removing the skill ami nx.ts; wholi oolil, luhl ouo poiaul of chopped suet, two pound* of stoned raisins, two poiiuiU curratita, two jiouiula citron cut tu flue piece*, nil cloves powered. two tcaspoouful* iMunauiou. half U-aaJHKiuful Uiaoe, ouo pint i'liior, two ponutl* augur; put tins all in a stone jar ami cover well; ui mak rng pie* chop aotuc apples very tiue, mul to ouo bowl of the prepared meat take two apples; add ui ire sugar, according to taste, auii *Wcet cider enough to make the pnw ju cy, but uot thin; mix, ami warm the ingredient* tiefore putting luto your pto-platoe; always liake with an upper auil uu.ier cruat, m*le with one cup of lanl, one of butter, one of waier ami four of dour. CIIICXKN Soil-. 'lake a cillckCU weighing at*oiit three pounds, t'ut it in ijuartera and place in a porcelain |H>t. Add two quarts of water and let it IH.HI one hour. Then have a frying pau roaity with a lump of butter, and lemove the chiekeu to it, aud have aotne Ixitlod rice ready, cooked in another avucepau snout oue cupful of biiileil rice aa boiling the rice with the chick en improves the flavor of the aoup. Add alxmt one tal>les|xx>nful of chopped parsley, one onion, and a mi*)! carrot, in verv thin slices ; boil the giblets separately, and when the chicken is a rich brown remove it to make a gravy by adding a half cup of water, one table s{xx>uful of flour, aud the giblets chopped flue. Serve the gravy sejai rate'v. nil Urusftlsn. (i. M. F. writes to a New York paper; '• What kiud of soil is l>est adapted fir strawberries'' Is uot clay, well worked tip with loam or muck and manure, good * When should the rtmners lie clip|Nsd oil * Should the vines l>e cov ered in the winter with straw or horse manure, or uot at all? Also, nutil how old should grajevine- be kept trimmed down f He ply. —Some straw Ix-rrie* succeed lietU'r IX(H>XI clay soils than upon light ones, ami others do very ill upon clay. A moderately clayey 1 ami is the best for this fruit. For clay soils triomphe de gaud, jucnuda, black dellance, Boy den's, and Colonel Cheney may lie chosen; for light soils, Wilson, pion, Kentucky seedling, monarch of tlie west, and Downer * prolific will be better. The runners mould b -In jx i when the bliHiioujs and trmt form iug, so aa to turn all the vigor of the plant to the frn.t Horse manure is rot good b r a covering, nor even lor ma nure for strawlierriex. Cow dropping* well rotted, with a little guano, iu the spring, make the best fertiliser. C arse hav, corustalks. aud lar or pine brush are the best for covering. Litter (rom the oi>w stable is Very good. drape vines should lx- kept ttimmisl alwavs. If they are a hundred years old, they will need trimming a* we ] as when but oue year old. lUrtitti !(••(• Wheu turnips. b - < t* aud other rools are buried oit-.lfr, the connnou rootle for protecting th-m trotu the trost is to put on a moderate layer of sttuw ami then a thick coat of earth. Hut if more straw and leas earth are employed it will be 1 letter for the roots, as they will be dryer, the straw atxtorhing the mois ture. A neighbor has Ixx nin the prac tioe of plie-iug sixty or seventy bushels of potat cs in each iicap, covering them with a foot of comjiact straw aud three inches of i .irtli. lie has not lost one bushel iu a hundred. If straw cannot la* had m suflicii ut quantity, it i* a good way ..Iter covering with a few •nehe* of earth, to apply to the whole exterior of the heap a layer of leaves. These act as a non-conductor, and n shingles, keeping the rain from entering the inner coat. A not! er moderate layer of <*arth completes tlie covering. Ven tilation is never to iH omitted. FT change. To KrTltrp Krotird I'lnnta- Plants are often frosted thrwugh neg lect and allowed to die through ignor ance. Those that have been quite se verely pipped may bo saved if treated rightly. The proper way is, when the frost lias been partially drawn out of Ihem, naturally, to drench them with cold water from a flne-noaed watenug iKit, and immediately ©over again and lot them so remain until they regain their natural color. When they are re moved, clip ofT all such jmrts as are blackened. As soon s it is discovered that a plant has I wen touched by frost, remove it to a cool, dark room, and on no account suffer the sun to shine on it. If they can lie covered so as to exclude air as well as light, it is better still. Dahlias, carinas and the like need not lie removed uutil the frosls are severe enough to blacken the leaves. Herald. Koine Nenlitiel llreillies. The average dairymau is a good astronomer ; at least he knows all about the nnlkv whey. It in reported that the ntneer of Af ghanistan IIM fbsl the capital, Wving )ii wn, Yuakoob Kalin, in power. If Yaakoob Kahn uot master the ait nation, who Kalin ? When people flock into a place of business aa if they were making a run on a Having hank, there ia no occasion for alarm. It ia only an evidence that the eatahliahinent advertiaea. When a paragraplier geta hard (ireawal for an item with a Rood point, he inva riably recolleeta that aonieliody lately ant down ii|>on au upturned ear|>et taok, a 1 piu, or the huHineaa end of a humble tiee. A kindergarten pupil who hud re ceived hia tlrat lessons in anatomy, had beau told that the object < f the finger naila wan to protect ttie enda of the fingers. Thia part of hia leaaon hail not been very clearly itnpreeacd njain the yonng atudeut'a mind, and when hia teacher naked him, " What are linger naila for?" hia anawer waa, "To scratch with." An advertisement in aa exchange says a "large gray geutleman's" shawl has been lost. That'a singular. Now, if it had been a large gentleman's gray shawl, bra gray gentleman's largo shawl, or a gray large gentleman's ahawl, or a gentleman's large gray shawl, it would, of coureo, have been different; but the thief who would atcal a shawl from a large gray gentleman deserve* to liavo his hair turn gray in one night, and ought to lie made to wear a gray-striped anit the balance of hia days. A preacher in Kentucky oue Sunday, liecoming exasperated, paused in his discourse to say : " Ladies and gentle men, if you will give me your close at tention i will keep a lookout on that door, and if anything worse than a man enters I will warn you in time to make your escape." Ike hrl American flag. "The History of the First American Flag," though often told more or less minutely, still possesses all interest, and especially to younger readers, (hit. J. K. Ueignrt, of llarrisbtirg, Pa., has written actmctsn little aivHiuut of it, and from his sketch we gain many interesting facts. There is a certain romance *nnecteil with the emblem, from the fact that it was designed and first made by a patriotic wi-tnau. Miss Klizals-tli (iris coin wan born in I'hlladelphla in 1712. In 1762 she married John Boss, a inei ohant m that city. Bhe was known iu I'hlladclphia as bring the most ingen ious and fin. st embroiderer iu the city. She delighted in her art, aud the most costly nut ins and velvets were imported t< her orders, upon which she displayed her marvelous skill. Hhe called to her aid her sisters, daughters and nieces, so that at least a dozen were thus constant ly engaged IU this class of work, and many relics arc yet preserved as souve nirs by the descendant* of the old fami lies. Amoug those njmn her list of visi tors were (leorge Washington, tieu. Hand, Thomas Miflliu and (lov. Morns. She adorned the halls of the Continental Congress ami the governor's reception room. bhe designed and made the streamers for Caleb ami Thomas Cope's packet ships, of rod, white and blue. At the request of l>r. Franklin, Roliort Mortis and Col. Oeorgc It, ahe de sigiiml and maile the (lag of the Cuited .States, consisting of thirteen red and white strq>es, a bine field as a square on the left ami llp|er corner. I'jaiU Uie blue field was a spread eagle, with thir teen stars, in a circle of rays of glory surrounding its head. This design, and another of a shield of rod, white and blue on the breast of au eagle, holding in its talons an olive branch and thirteen urrows, and in it* lwak a scroll, with the motto, " F Pluribtu I HUM," WH* approved by the committee and adopted bv Congress, before the words " United States of America " were legally used. The conn try was at that Um called Columbia, and the C<uigriw was i-wlled •• The Continental Cougriws of the North American Colouiea;" nevertlielesa Itetsy iiiMn worked upon her flag, in words of prophetic ritioo "Tbe TmUitl .State* of America." In 1775, !>r. Franklin, John Adam* and Tuorna* Jefferson were upl* anted u secret committer of (Vn grcsa to prepare a tlag and *!. I'pun the fonrtli Jay of July, 1776, the L>eola ration of Independence was mguni and read. 'Hie ltev. Ir. Dnche, cliaplaih of Congress, offered prayer, anil Hetay HOMI' " Htar Spangled Fanner " | a-*s 1 froiii Lor keeping to HIP hands of the truest and brve*t men of the nation, to !m forever, it la hinted, an emblem of liberty and union, xhe nxl stripe* were emblematical of fervency and fai; the white of integrity and purity; the blue tield, with atari, of unity, power and glorv. The number, thirteen, w*a to symbolise thirteen original colonial State*. In IHIM Congress passed an art adding a star upon the admission of enrh n w Stat. Word* of Widoui. A man will confess hi* fault*, bill uev er hla follies. The tir*t and worat of all fraud* is to cheat onc*elf. The solemn thought of the touib i the skeleton at every leant. Countries are well cultivated, not a* they aie f< ilije, but as they are lree. The r<ch tuau wroug* himself by every stijwrflmtv which he doe* not Kliare. Nothing exasperate# more lOau a oou- Kiderale, <|tnct hatred; n | a**i'<n*tc hatred doc* ao far lea*. Make but few explanatiou*. the char acter that run not otherwise defend itself i* iet worth vindicating. The reputation of a man i* like his shadow -gigantic when it precedes him, and pigmy in it* proportion* when it follow* him. Ho that is proud eat* up ilimaclf; pnde i* hi* own glass, hi* own trumjiet, in* wt' chronicle; and whatever prai*e* t*elf but in the deed, devours the deed u the praise*. How ooantifnl i* youth; a little mt*>n ahitie, few musical water drops, the strain of a song, and the voting heart* ex|>erietioe poetry aa it never could be intrusted to paper. Will not a tiny sjieck very close to our viaion blot out the glory of the world and leave ouly a margin by which we see the blot? I know no s|uvk ao t ronbltwomo aa self. Itrave heart arise 1 He free from every chain, though it be glittering with gold. He nobly courageous. Fol low the true pride of thy life, even if her name l*> sorrow. Let the shell |or isli, tliat the pearl may appear. The lilil that Followed the IHnucr. An American ge.utleman paid n round sum for a dinner he gave to six friend* at a fashionable Pan* rc*tanmnt a few week* ago, according to the corre spondent of a London paper. After coffee and cigars he asked for the hill, and the waiter, Isiwing with great def erence, presented it to the host, who ran his eye over the several items. Asking pardon of his guest* he showed them the lull, and desired to know if thev thought '2*o francs ($66) a reaaona ble'aum to charge for the dinner they had had. The opinion was nnanimons that the amount asked for so ordinary a dinner was more than exorbitant. The proprietor was called in. He entered with a pompon* bearing, and, after hear ing the ease, regretted that it was not the custom of Ins house to reduce any of the charge* made. Two hundred francs 1840) were oflered him and refused,with great dignity and when he found that the American gentleman was inclined to argtie out each item with him, he waived his hand deprisuitingly, told hi* custom ers that he was uuuhio to give them any more time, and asked tliem, since thev appeared unwilling to pay the amount of lna bill, to do him the favor of consid ering themselves his guesta. He left the room; the 200 franc* were sent down to him, but were reftiaed, and the party quitted the place, furious at the imper tinent manner In which the dinner had l>een offered gratuitously. In the morn ing the 200 franca were offered him again by a public notary, and be accepted them. Thibet and It* People Captain Gill, n recent address be fore the Bntiah Geographical aooiety, gave aomo Infereatmg information re specting the lttbita of the TlnlieUna, contraating them with thoae of the Chi nese. Owing to thair originally nomad mode of living, they have no l.lea of inn accommodation, and the owner of a gixal houae will aa often aa not be fonud aleeping on the flat roof, whiletho hardy people in winter can aleep with their olotiiea half off, and their hare shouldera in the anow. Tallica, chairs, and bed steads are unknown iu their hotiaea. Thibet ia a laud flowing with milk and 1 mtter, the euormoua quantity of the latter consumed by a Thibetan being very startling ; there ia butter in hia oatmeal porridge, and there are hnge Inmpa of butter in hia tea. Aa a rule, he does not drink much milk, whioh ia mostly made iuto butter, lint be ia fond of aour cream, curds aud cheese ; and thia brings a Thibetan bill of fare to an end. KOK THE FAIR HEX. yaoßtra Has. Oream color is a favorite shade fol evening gtovea. The newest chatelaine >ag# are of sealskin, with silver mountings. The favorite flower this Bessou is tlie rose ; fine fiowi-rti are out of fashion Haudkerehiefn with colored embroider ed edge# are Converted into '* breakfast Una." Htyliah coat* are made of wool da masse with vest and ruffs of silk inate lssae. New ehalelaiue pockets are of black fuorucou, inlaid with red gold. Belt buckle* are mode to match. A yellow gauze dress trimmed with knots of blue aiul red waa recently made in l'sri* aud prououuceJ |wrfectly sweet Conch shell chains of roses and medal lions, with amphorw ami c*rabi*i pen dant*, are used this season, and are iu high favor. Home of the late im|K>rted costumes are remarkable for their plaintitws, being mode without flounce or ruffle of any description. New white uudressed kid gloves are trtmmed with three row* of inch-wide Valenciennes insertion and a knife plaited frill of lace. Among the new fashion* for house hold affairs ta the one of having table cloths and napkins with colored borders, embroidered by hand or with the oulor woveu into the goods. There is a fancy for putting fan* of plaitesl satin i alxmt as deep a tlie fan carried in the hand) at intervals art mud the foot instead of a flounce. 1! is oou sidered e|>eeialiy stylish to liave the rich fabric of the overakirt reach from the licit to the fiait, where it is fringed, and these fans are then inserted, either iu the seams or )>erhai>a in the middle of the breadths as well. Fur lined and fur-trimmed wraps will t>e fashionable. Sealskin sacks will take the lead in fur garments. These garments are cut longer than formerly worn, aud are trimmed with a band of black inartiu. chinchilla, or silver-point ed otter fur. Muffs are smaller and Is .as are worn flat. Of oonrw, all rich fara will tx-worn, bnt sealskin is the tun fur for the winter of IH7B-79. Nrwi mm 4 Mte for \%wmeu. Worth uses thousands of yards of lire ton lace daily. A woman may wear anything ahe pleases nowadays, except a one-button glove. A French lady never varies the flower that she wear* for a button-hole bou quet. . Tlie Japanese ladies, when attending the theater, change their dreaaes be t ween each act. During the last century the head drew* of a f.tshionable lsilr added three fee* to her stature. Among the favor* given at n " Ger man " reocntiv lu New York, were gold *c*rf piu* for gentlemen and bangles for ladies. Avoid the extremes of fashion. To dree* up to its entire demand is to sub mit to a condition of per|ietual self burlesque. Gwnera nf jxarl jewelry should lie enreful Ui ke*p it from exjH>un- to gn a*y surfaces, as ixiutact of this kind destroys its luster. A m< lical writer inforn.s laiiiea that by a too active use of their fans tliey check (xirapiratiou and pttalnce cutane nn* diseaa*s. A I*>ndon magistrate lately declared the outside pockets on ladies' drosses to l>e an indnoement to thieves. He pro uonnceit them to lx< a fooliah ami mi pnuier faslnoti, nor did he pity any one (or losses thu* incurred. A Iwanliful Kngliah woman was walk ing in the Rue de La Pail, when a Fn-nch puppy greatly anuoyed her by p**rtiua eiimfy lier and glaring at her. Hhc tiirueil upon him and said : •' Ihwlly, I have not a son to give yon." About Language*. The following interesting extracts are from a sermon preached by Rev. Joseph Wild in Brooklyn and pnblish*l in the New York Champion : A British poet haa preaenteil in poe try the sjiecul feature* of aevtiral of the Eoropeau langnagva, which we give : '• Ureek • * bsrji we love to bear ; latin Is • trumpet clear ; Spsnbh '*ke *n organ swells . Italian rings its brutal bells . trance, with mat.v * frolic mien. Tunes iler sprig btiv violin , lead the Itenoan rolls bis drum Wben Hussia * clashing oTubals oame 1 tut Britain s s<itis may well njoice. For Knglish is the human voice." There are eight languages in the hounds of Christian civilisation that m*v Ih> accounted powerful, because , they are the tongues of vigorous peo ple ; tbcv are the English. Russian, Herman. Vrench, Spanish. Italian, Por tuguese aud Scandinavian. But of these all an 1 indigenous, eicept the English, so that they die if transplanted. Look ' at this country and behold what a ceme tery it is for languages. Once the French had strong hold ami promised to abide here ; but it is now nearly gone, even from the State of Louisiana and Cana tla, the last places of retreat. If we take note of the population ac cording to these several language*, we Hhall see the prophetic future of the Eng lish. It is spoken by almnt ninety mil lions. Hußsiaiiaoventy-flve, German flfty six, French forty, Spanish thirty-eight, tali an twenty-nine, Portuguese four teen ami Scandinavian nine. Within the control of the government* of these languages we find England to have rule over '266,000,000 people, who do not, as yet, s|>eak English, and wo find that the other seven have onlv seventy-five millions out side of themselves ; here is au im portant difference. If we look at them by territorial limits, leaving out Knsaiti, we And the English language to u 12,382,686 square miles, Oormauv 4451.- 684. French 671,678, Spanish 4,654.811, Italian 114,46(1, Portuguese 4,028,311, and Scandinavian 1,808,830. The ag gregnte numlier of square miles pos sessed by these six languages, is 11,187,- 620, which altogether, you see, own 1,215,066 miles square less than the English, This IsUaneo itself is more than Germany, France and Spain put together. The English language is di vided only into two governments, but the other "six are divided into twenty six. * * * In one hundred jrears from now the English language will be spoken by a thousand million people. Thns we need no stretch of fancy to see that what the prophet s|>eaks of iu the text will be accomplished in due time. Thiß lauguage will soon lie universal; by common oonseut it will become the language of the world. All the changes going on among nntious forecast its übiquity. China, by an imperial de cree, has just added to her language 700 | English words. Her sons by the thou i sand ure with us, aud by the thousand they are loaruiug our mother tongue. The Japiuietie, till a few years ago, car ried on their foreign coriespondeuce through the Dutch, but now they liave changed to the English. Besides, in the 60,000 schools in Japan English is being taught. TKKMB: ?g*2.00 a Year, in Advance. When (he *ultan Die*. "Scarcely haa the sultan drawn hia last breath," saya a recently published work, " wheu his wives, his favorites, in short, all tlie women whose power is now at an end, are desired to be ' off' within four-and-tweuty hours. Thla clisnge of scene is a veritable rout. It may rather lie compared to a ship wreck, wheu each passenger tries to lsv hold of some means of safety, by which she may float on the surface, and may be prevented from sinking into the deep where all are forgotten—that is to aay, the depth of the old seraglio. Thither are transferred those of the kadiues and favorites whom their sterility had already condemned. Those who are mothers slone art allotted the protection of the imperial palace, for reasons of state make it unadvisabte that they should be removal) from the su perintendence of the heir of the empire. As to the other ladiea, they mil* disap pear with their slave* and female at teudanta, although, iwrhapa, there may be some among the latter who, thanks to fresh patronage, flud the means of lodgiug themselves in the little female court* which are formed upon the old oues. The old seraglio, situated at the extreme cud of the palace, is a sad and lugubrious building, a verv tomb, where human lieings are buried alive. Im agine a medieval castle, with it* lofty crenelated walls aud it* narrow windows, the whole surrounded by a thick ami dark moss of ancient cypreaaea : one may then perhaps form a correct idea of the retreat which, as in a prison, con fines the fallen goddesses of the harem. Beyond the apartment* destined to the ladiea, the old seraglio also contains a nunitter of buildings, among which may lie reckun*l the imperial treasury, the library, the mosque, which contains such relics a* the standard of the prophet, hi* beard, etc. There it is, tinder the shadow of theae religious souvenirs, that the j oor abandoned lieaut le* of a former Ottoman court have to submit to the most severe se clusion. Their goings in and oat are confined to what are strictly neonasary, and their relations with the world strict ly watched. Bucb are the suspicions of their new sovereign, which cause them, doubtless, to regret the uncertain affection of their defunct husband. Poor souls, thus placed between the jealousy of the dead and the living ! But reasons of state cannot listen to the dictates of the heart. Each sultan looks upon , himself as tlie responsible guardian of the hon:>r of his predecessor*, and in this capacity be is bound to take care that the widows"of these pnnces(or whatever their title may le i should lie subject to strict and watchful supervision. This seclu sion, however, is not for life, and with time the jailer shows himself more com placent, and relax* m some degree the seventy of his watch. The indulgence ir not shown until those who are thus confined have passed the p rioJ of temptation. It is when the amiable kadme has reached her fiftieth year that the rtigniug snltau places at her dis posal one of the royal residences, and begh her to act as she pleases. Hunrii Treasure Brought te Ught. J There has been considerable excite ment among the residents of Rossville, Htaten island, over the good fortune of Christopher Meister, a German market gurdener, living on the Lake farm on Lake i*laud. near the sound shore. Mr. Meister and his sou, while digging a pit to hory turnip*, in a aaauy pot near the shore, struck a large atone three feet Iwlow the Upon re moving the stone they uwooveral an old-fashioned mn pot. of about a peek'#capacity, filled with what *pj>ear txl to lie large copjer oo;ns. They at once removed tlie Pot to the In-nse, and after cleaning a few coma, which were black with age, found them to be Span ish silver dollar*, some of them bearing date 17AH. Tlie farm occupied by Mr. Meister w*a owned and occupied by the Lake family tiefore aud during the revolutionary war. It seems probable that the treasure found by Mr. Meister was hidden where found by some of the Lake family during one of the raids made by toriea on the island. About five yeara ago a number of gold and silver coius were dug up in the garden of ex Sheriff Negnant at Rossville, and still later a l*>x fnllof Spanish dubloous was fonud on tlie farm of Mr. Jrxmpean. n*r the old Methodist Episcopal church at Rossville. Mr. Meister was highly elateil over his good fortune, and intended making further eiplorationa, lieheving that there is more burial treasure in the vicinity.—Aev }ork Trilatne. Heath in a Maa\ Bite. IK k mn a poisonous animal? It would seem KO when he is verv angry, and that be poisons those he bites, as other bea*t* often do. Every once in a while the press records a case of some body dying from the bite of a man, and the eases appear to bo well authenticat ed. The lattMit instance was in Wash ington, where Peter MeNamara died from the bite of one Danaher, with whom he liatl had a light two montha before. The physicians discovered poi non in hia blood, and amputated the tluger on which the brute had fastened lna teeth. The poiaon Lad spread, how ev r, to the arm, which would alao hare lieen removed had the sufferer been able, in the opinion of the surgeon, to endure it, Deaths of this sort demand investi gation of the ablest physicians. If we can impart mortal poison by our bite, as dogs au<l other animals can, we ought to know it. Fortunately, it ia not our habit to bite ; but, if it were, we might be as dangerous as mad doga. There haa l>een a rast deal of discuaaion latter ly on the subject of hydrophobia, some medical authorities maintaining that no such disease can 1* engendered by the canine species. Can hydrophobia or aught approaching it be communicat ed by the human species? We certainly need light on this point. If man is capable of rabies and of conveying it by a bite, it would appear to be a new ar gument IU favor of evolution. Virtues of a Vvaila Nut. Piucnuts are now to l*> found on sale at most of our fruit ptands where other uuta are kept. They are a pro duction, and are therefore suited to the requirements of our people iu the nut li no —good to be esteu iu this climate. They are quite sweet and agreeable to the taste, notwithstanding a faint flavor of pine or balsam. It has long been known that these nuts were exoellent for all diseases of the kidneys—the early settlers made that discovery— but it is not generally known that they are abont the best medicine that cau be takeu in case of bronchial affections and throat ailments. There is iu the nuts just a sufficient amount of a peculiar piney balsam, combined with a sweet aud agreeable oil to soothe aud heul the throat, aud to clear and strengthen the lungs. It is only necessary to carry them in the pocket and nibble at tnem as at uuts of any other kind. No one need tie afraid of eating too mauy of the nuts. They are the bread of the Pintes, who fatten on them. Children devour these uuta with aridity, and in this climate aud thin atmosphere they should be se lected for them in preference to nuts from the tropics or other foreign regions. In case of throat troubles or weak Inngs, pinenuts are the best anil cheap est medicine that can be fonnd by the little folks; big folks ditto.— f?ry*ita (>'•.) Rnterpri#e. NUMBER 4. TIMKLY TOPICS. Hpam is of more account In this world Hin >• generally souposad It look, together wilh tU colonies, 2,000 dis tinctions of all ktuds at the Parta exhi bition, while Kugbuu] and her noloniea took '2,400. A consignment of H7O sheep from Kentucky, said to be the fluest ever raised iu this country, brought eight and in** l*!J oenta a pound in a Mansarhn artta market receutly, whereat the Boe tou Cultivator .-xelaims: " How ia that, Northern fanner* f" Pbilipjiua wntoa to the London J\trui that he finds a horae'a ahoM will by de greea (he being worked lightly at first) wear down till a a train m of the boof ia reached at which he can perfectly well lie worked without ahoea—in fact, goea better without them. In January, 1871, a Frrucb gunner *u struck by ■> fragment of • Pruaaiau shell which carried away hi* jaw, uoae and both eyea. TLe surgeon# have at laat devised for him a metallic maak, with ryes, a fall* nuae and an artificial jaw that permits him to masticate hia food. The woman he was engaged to when the war broke oat married htm. Willie Williams waa taken from the poorhonae iu Detroit, Mich., when he was a little boy, aud made a drudge m a physician's family. He waa sent to school, where he frequently complained of hard work at home, inanfflcient food, and severe punishment. A few days ago he went to market with five dollars to make some purchases. He returned with the cbauge two dollars short, and said, on being questioned, thai he had spent the miming money for a pistol with which to shoot himself. The phy sician tried to take the weapon away from him, but he ran into another nxna, locked the door and committed anode. English photographers avoid the strain on the sitter's eyes, which usually re sults in a ghastly stare, by having a clock-face as the point to which they are directed, the eyea being allowed to travel slowly from the figure XIL all round. The rotatory movement of the eyeball in adapting itself, step by step, tii the figures upon so small a circle at such a distance, is ao excessively fine as to cause no interference with the pho tographic process. The eyea are excel lently well defined, even to the iris, and the pictures have a marked superiority over those previously taken in the man ner in which the details of the eyea are reproduced. The titters have expressed themselves aa not having had any atrain upon their eyes. The latest exploit of the Ban Francis co reporter is the alleged exposure of a process for manufacturing hens' eggs from deleterious materials. Acoorl-i g to the narrative the albumen is imitated by a mixture of sulphur, carbon and fatty matter obtained from the slaughter houses and rendered sticky with muci lage. The yelk is made of blood, phos phate of lime, magnesia, muriate of am monia. oleic aud margaric acids and colored with chrome yellow. The shells are shaped by a blow-pipe from a mass of gypsum, plaster of Paris, carbonate of lime and oxide of iron. After the shells sre blown the slbumen is forced in through a hole in the small end and sticks to the sides; then the velk it added, and after being covered with more of the albumen mixture the hole is sealed with cement, the complete egg is rubbed prettv smooth and hud aside for packing. It is asserted that many barrels of these eggs have been shipped eastward tor ctuiiumption. Hereditary FMreta ef llrink. l>r. Wiliard Parker, referring to the hereditary effect of drink, aaul to a New York repot tor: "Of all agents, alcohol is the most potent in establishing hered ity that exhibits itself in the destruction oi mind sud body. It transmits an ap petite for strong drink to the children, sou the e are hkelv to have that form of drunkenness which may be termed paroxysmal; that is, they will go for a considerable period without any indul gence. nntil at last all barriers of self control give way. The drunkard by in heritance is a more helpless slave than hi 3 progenitor, and the children be begets are more helpless stilL Heredi tary effects of drink are shown in insani ty, idiocy, epilepsy and other affections of the brain and nervous system. Prit chard and Esquirol, two great authori ties on the subject, attribute one-half of the cases of insanity in England to the use of alcohol, and the same is prob ably true in this country. One-half of the*idiots are of drunken parentage. I liave been acquainted with several men. having brilliant and cultivated minds, who inherited the vice, and they have staUvi to me that there were times when tbe impulse to drink strong liquor was irresistible, and that nothing had power to dissuade them from yielding to it. An instance of how a mother, aocus tnmed to tbe nse of alcohol, influences her offspring, may be related from mv own experience. A merchant in good circumstance* came to me for medical advice. He was in the habit of getting intoxicated every night before retiring. His mother also drank habitually, and died of paralysis. He bail two brothers and three sisters. The oldest brother died a paroxysmal drunkard. My patient was always in a state of mental discom fort and was suspicions and jealous to the most unreasonable degree. The third brother and child died a drunkard, and the fourth child, a sister, was an inmate of s lunatic asylum. The filth child was intolerable on account of her eccentricity. The sixth child, also a woman, diedofoonsumption. The second son, my patient, married a woman of fine physical and mental organization. They hail two sons; the elder was asso ciated with his father in business, and was an energetic man, but very excitable, and although not an habitual drunkard, was a slave to hia other animal appetite, The other child was in reality a moral idiot Here, in spite of the restraining influence of the fine mental and physical organization of the mother, we see the effects of alcohol cropping out in the third generation. We do not always see the worst effects of the hereditary influence of alcohol, because of the fre quent mingling of good blood with that which is tainted. From my own obser vations and tbetestimouyof others, 1 am led to the conclusion that by far the larger share of mental disease, poverty and crime is the direct heritage of alco hol It is also the cause of a great share of our bodily disease, and is shortening the average duration of life. Bobbins, in a work on sanitary science, says that tbe average duration of life in this city in 1810 was between twenty-six and twenty-seven years. Sinoe then it has decreased until the average age does not now exceed fifteen years. If we reduced the death rate to what it was flfty years ago there would be a saving of more than 11,000 lives every yeur. Our city ought to be one of the healthiest in the world. A careful examination will al ways reveal the fact that indulgence in alooholic beverages and the death rate, as well as the increase in mental and nervous diseases, have a relative propor tion. Of oourse there are other de generative causes, but tbey go back to intomjieranee as the primary one." Item* af later eat A grata wit Ooal. Always awake—A vessel's track. Played out—An extinguished fire. A editable dower for a widow—A widower. Pruauia baa 26,724,404 inhabitants and 8, 228 physicians. A philosopher fall sick, and waa or dered to drink aage tea. Ninety-six murderer* were hanged in the United Htatee last year. A handsome pair of alippera—Two pretty girls sliding on the ice. Edison now aleepa in the day time and works st night, to avoid riaitnrs. ! The nose is red, the lipe are bine; the i weather ia ooki, and so are yon. The electric light is to be used in the streets ut Liverpool IDS teed of gas. Geography bees bare replaced spell ing bees ss s winter amusement in the Wert. ' Green-haired children are sometimes bora in Aleaee, bnt the color disappears after a few month#. Many a boy who handle* s billiard cat with consummate skill, can't get the hang of a snow above). Uncle Ham's large family has licked nearly ten billion jxatsge stamps since their introduction in 1847. There are two kinds of men who tell the truth—one from force of circum stances and the other for a change. Kalakaua, king of the Handwirb islands, has invented a gun, and thinks of taking out s patent in this country. The moat beabful girl we ever bean! of was the young lady who blushed when she was asked if she had not been courting sleep. A friendship that makes the least noise is very often the most useful- for which reason I should prefer s prJuent friend to s sealooa one. Home one says that nothing is healthy that ia friad. This is probably ao. Even Pri'day is unhealthy—for oou rioted murderers. A cloek la being exhibited at Pari* which fires e shot every boor. Home body says that its graat practical utili ty is " to kill time." " Pants for $5 ?" said a seedy-looking mn reading a sign in the window of a clothing store be was passing. "Ho do I. I never panted so for $5 in all my life." An Idaho editor propone* to nail another editor's " vulnerable hide to the wall, and make it look like a wood chock-akin on a country barndoor in bean time." • Hurrah for the beautiful snow !" he cned; "how brilliant, sparkling and clear I" But ha quick changed his tone, for a wicked gossoon plastered some on the flap of his ear. A country lad says his Uncle Ben made s scarecrow ao frightful that one of the black- ffathered thieves went and ' brought back all the corn be had stolen daring the six previous days. Pride is ss loud s beggar as want, and a great deal mere saucy. Wheo you haTe bought one fine thing, you must buy ten more, that your appear ance may be all of a pieee: but it is easier to' suppress the first desire than to satisfy all that follow it. Tts gnddlscskseome days as** otms. When prood Malinda'.paaes. Her utile platelet back for more and sops 'am with asnlsssin Metinds. prood Melinite Jane. I lees* for mere*'* mke ! ties, piling in those gnddis-cskee Too 11 get the lomsrh asks. And then. Mshads, loaded down With gnddle-oskas. TOO d sse Thsl viands doughnut ease the sool— How waffle that would be! —SL Louis Timm Jounna.. 1890. —Only two sovereigns erenow left alive in Europe. The socialists have got the thing down to a dot, and pop the new ones off as soon as they are crowned. The emperor of Germany hasn't starred from a castle on an island in the Rhine lot six months. N J body can be trusted ! They put poison in the kingly food, born their palaces, blow them np in their csetlea J The king of Italy lives in the cellar. A so ciety for the prevention of cruelty to kings is now is process of formation. — j Hae York Graphic. A I*JT who arnv*l recently from the Eaat in Sacramento, CaL, on a train, had in her poeweiwoo a rare pat—a land turtle—which ab seemed to think very much. The animal'a ah ell had been highly poliahed until it reaembled one of the* large back comb* worn by . ladies, and he waa moat obediert to the calls of hie mistreaa. A call or low clock from the lady waa sufficient to bring him from under the aeata in the oar, and with bat little encouragement or aaautancr he would climb to the lady's lap. The pet would also tear a pin*from the lady's dress. It will be remembered that in Ger mane some of the men bearing the names of Hoedel and N'obehng have testifies their loyalty to Emperor Wil liam by asking legal authority to change their names. But now the entire com munity of Bslna, in Italy, the birth place of Pa**anante, have', it appears, asked the privilege of changing ite name to Savui* —thus, by a two-fold stroke, cu rising the oook and compli menting the king. If the regicidal at tempts in Spam, in Denmark, and in Austria should be followed by like change*, the renaming* of men and places for this one eanse will reach a re markable number for a single year. The following anecdote was told to show the informal and domestic man ners of the crown princess of Germany and tbe rigid etiquette of the German court: One d*T, at a ball in Potsdam, the princess could not find the prinoe, and meeting the empress, saked her where her husband could possibly be. ' " I do not know where your husband is," said the empress; •• bat I can tell you where the crown prince is. ' The prinoeaa made no reply; but soon after ward, seeing her husband, she com plained of the rebuke she received- The pnnoe bit his lip*, and walking up to the empress, said, " Mamma, will you be good enough to toll me where my wife is F* An account is given in the French journals of a new and interesting inven tion, namely, a method of producing a cloth from glaga, which ha* some special advantages over ordinary textile* ; that ia, it is produoed in all colors tod of different strengths, ami is also incom bustible, thi* latter property rendering in valuable for thoae who have to work near a fire or flames. It is also adapted for ladies' dreeea*, and for other pur poses, in place of silk, and it is said t > be more glossy and lustrous, and is. moreover, easily washed. It is stated to have all the ap|>earance characterizing beaw ailk, and ia soft and elastic like the latter. Its usefulness, however, must of oourse depend in a great degree on its durability. A Fatherly Man. Griswold street, from Fort to Con gress, offer* such superior facilities for falling down in the winter, that all the newsboys and bootblacks who look upon the bright and cheerful fide of life loaf around that section a great deal in order to be on hand when the climax occurs. Seven of them stood in a row yesterday morning as a fatherly, unwieldy citizen turned the oorner of tbe Moffatt block. " Select your spot ! " they yelled a* he reached the descent, and in about a minute he reached the conclusion that they had gather* d there to sec him fall. Some men would have jumped aside into the street, but this fatherly man contin ued on. He resolved to himself : ••Now theee boys are poor, forlorn boys. They Beldom" have auy fun. They are hungry, ragged, and do not look forward to Christmas. They wish me to fall If, by falling, I can add to their happiness, it ia my duty to do so." 'lTioee bovs may never know that the good man fell on purpose to please them. He suddenlv made a slip to the left, stretching ont bis leg nntil it look ed to be ten feet long—then a slip to the right, and as he recovered he stuck his heels toward the south pole, clawed out like a million angle worms fastened to gether, and the anow where he struck flew sixteen feet He didn't get np and tell the boys that it was a put-up job to lighten their hardens of care and sorrow for a moment, but he knows, and tbe reader knows, that it was.— Frte. Pre**