The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 16, 1879, Image 4

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    Shut (tut from the World.
When bor majesty's ship Emerald
sailed for West Australia last summer,
she received orders to call at the rarely
freqnentod little islan.l of Tristinu
d'Acttnha, to learn bow the little colony
fared, an,i inquire for some shipwrecked
passengers; also to land a score of eats
sent out by the admiralty in eoneeqoenoe
of reports that the island was imjKtver
ished by srrarms of mice, A letter just
received fronf the Emerald's officers
state the result. The nominal governor
of Tristrau. one Peter Grant, and his
ninety subjects, received their visitors
cordially, and the hooks and paj>ers
brought were nnist welcome; but the
present of eats eausc.l amar.ement and
dismay, for tlrant told his visitors he
could supply them with hundreds of
cat's skins. It was true the island was
overrun by mice, but it also swarmed
witli eats, and it was doubtful which
was the greatest plague.
The mice destroy every green blade
on the island, hut the cata live ou
friendly terms with the mum, ami dis
dain to eat them, preferring to live oil
young sea birds and chickens. Thete
f ire cats are trapped and destroyed by
hundreds by the settlers, who sell their
skins. No important changes had oc
curred on the island siuoe the visit of
her ma;< -ty's ship Wolverine iu IS7H,
which was the last English man of war
the inhabitants had seen till the arrival
. i the Emerald. In the presence of
Captain Maxwell the start' surgeon,
the chaplain administered the rite of
baptism to seven children. There sie
live marriageable youug men, but only
two possible wives for them as yet, and
a* no request was made for a wedding
service, it is to IH< presumed the youug
ladies have not made up their minds.
last May a disss irons wreck occurred
on the western-end of the island. The
American ship Mabel t'larke, bound
from Liverpool to liong Kong with 2,000
tons of eosd, struck on the r.vks during
the uiglit, the master twlieving himself
to be twenty miles further to the north
ward, and six livt s were lost in attempt
ing to establiabcomuiunication with the
shore. The remaining eighteen, includ
ing two women, were savtsl by the
heroic efforts of oue ot the sons of Mr.
Peter Green, who is looked upon AS the
governor of the island, having resided
there since he was cast away, forty-two
years ago. Tonng Green, at the risk of
his life, swam through the snrf to the
wreck with a rope, and all on board
wan got safely to the land. The wo
men had been lashed to the mixsen
rigciug for many hours, and had tem
porarily lost their reason. After staying
on the island for some time, during
which they w<rc well fed and hospitably
treated, a passing ship took them off to
tbe cape; bat being short of proviaians,
►re could not room re them till tbe
landers bad subscribed a sufficient
.mount of fo \i for the shipwrecked jver
.-ons. Considering how bard a life tbe
settlers lead, au occasional barrel of
t'onr from tbe home government would
iot be thrown away.— 7brou.'o Glob*\
Marriage Anion? Indians,
An interesting account of how Indians
marry and are given in marriage is
given by Commissioner Hayt. He says
that at present there are no valid mar
riages among the Indians, except where,
in a few instances, a marriage cere
mony is performed by tbe agent Tbe
custom among the Osage* is aboat tbe
same as am >ng other tribes not fully
civilised, and is somewhat as follows :
A mau who J-sires to marry gives to the
lodge of the woman be proposes to marry
and sits d wn outside of tbe door,
awaiting au irwitation * go in. At first
be sends a present of one pony, and if
in response the gift there is no invi
tation to cotae w.thin the lodge, he
sends another pony as a present ; if the
second do* * not answer tbe purpose, a
third, f -trtU, fiftli or even a tenth is
sent. Whea the number of ponies is
satisfactory to the father of the woman
the di nor is invited into tbe lodge and
tbe barest! is completed. If it so hap
pens th..t hi takes tbe oldest girl in the
fimilv, Le i> entitled to take all her
vouager sisters to himself, or if be does
not take them for himself be bargains
wirh any after applicant for their pos
session. The whole proceeding is a
mere matter of bargain and sale, in
which women are di*}>oeed of without
their o isentand very much like cattle
in the market TLtre is nowhere any
limit to the number of wives, as they
are called, which an Indian may have,
and by their custom he can change the
occupants of his lodge as often as he
choes. "As our civilization is op
posed to p< Jygaray, ' says the commis
sioner, " s -me decisive action should be
taken regulating and establishing mar
nage in all Indian communities. An ac
ofCongr. ss should provide
and proper marriage laws for Indian
The Empire state"* Population.
A Sew York. paper says: It will, we
imagine, surprise most Sew Yorkers to
learn that, according to tue last census
of this State, 12,859 families are now
living in log cabins. Of other dwellings,
588,031 are built of wood, 98,290 of
bnek, and 18,718 of stone. More than
one-half of all these cost lesa than
82,000 apiece; more than one-third less
than SI,OOO, and 7,104 less thau SSO
each, showing that any extravagance
w> ich interior New Yorkers may have is
not of an architectural order. In the
countT or city of New York, booses, as
may be snppceed, laave much more value
than in the emntry, 56,010 baring cost
$5,000 and upward, mainly upward. In
deed, the dwellings of the metropolis
alone have coat about as much a the
dwellings in alt the rest of the State.
O? 1,537,727 productive New Yorkers.
.'151,628 ar- farmers or farm hands. Of
(he working women of the State, one
half or 137.-416 of them, are house
servants. Over 150,000 men earn their
bread as <lar laborers. There are 50,-
IC3 clerks, 40,496 tailors, and seam
*tre*- s, and 83,476 milliners and dress
maker*. Celibacy seems to le- in favor
with New Yorkers. There are 2,673,813
unmarried, to 1,776,018 married.
Widows and widowers number 248,778,
and divorcad people 1.349. 1 taring the
last census vuar, in only one family out
of forty-five families was there a wed
ding. * ■
Cnrien* I kings.
A pair of ladies' shoes that areu t "a
mile too big.."
A newsptfTVT communication that
wasn't strncji off in a hurry.
A clown's joke lees than forty years
A country residence for sale that isn't
" within five minutes' walk of the rail
road station."
A newspaper that isn't " the best ad
vertising medium in the county."
An impartial base ball umpire.
An infant that isn't " just the sweetest
baby in the world."
Anything advertised three weeks be
for< Chtisitma-v that isu't "suitable for
holiday present- .**
A paragraph that never made a pun
rn tnrkey, in connection "with Thanks
giving day.
A d:dn't-know it-was-loaded gun that
never killei anyliody.
A polities] stnmp speaker who never
abased the opposition candidates.
A young lady who can pass a plate
glass window on the Sabbath without
turning her head.— Norrisfoum Herald.
(lainblfn? in .New Yerk.
The Graphic savs that poker has be
come the rage among New York ciubs,
and it is said on good authority that
more is lost aud won on an evening in
this garni than in any other. Regular
poker olnbf are in existence in almost
every ward-in the city, aud are the re
sort atnighf of tue merchants, bunkers,
business Imm, clerks and mechanics,
who plav ffcpm a penny ante up to $lO
and §IOO. locations in many in
stances are-known to the police, who,
however, do r.ct interfere with them. It
s also saiitthut there is scarcely an up
town hotel'kmt that has apartments set
apart for Uiib purpose. The published
rules of ouw of the most important clubs
of the city—a club which numbers
among its members some of the most
noted men of the country—define the
games tbbt shall be played and the
amount of money tiis f may be staked.
Thr (Jarrn ol Ike Fnlrlr.
The late duchess of Gordou, says an
English paper, taking nn airing alone
in her carriage, hi remote part of the
.Scottish highlands, observed at soma
distance from the ron.t a neat cottage
surrounded by a garden. Her grace
pulled the check-string, and asked the
servants to go round with the carriage
to where she desired theui to stop, while
she crossed the moor to pay the cottage
a visit. The duchess happened to wear
a pelisse trimmed with gold lace, and
her hat was ornamented with golden
spangles. A girl atniut twelve years
old, the only jierson iu the cottage, was
spinning at the wheel and singing a
merry strain. As soon as tier ryes
caught the figure of the duchess ap
proachitig, the green dress, the slnuiug
ap|>e*rancc of the hut, .ui which the sun
shone, the singularity .if such a visitant
in so louety a situation, all so worked on
the imagination of the little girl that
she verily believed the queen of the
fairies had come to rvveal to her some
fearful mystery of fate. In groat terror
she escaped t.i a hack closet, where,
through a small aperture, she could
see Without being seen. L'lie supptwed
fairy qiuvu entered, surveyed the apart
ment with a curious eye. and then see
ing the wbe. 1, bethought herself of try
ing to Spin. She gave the wheel several
turns, but could not uiake a tolerable
thread, though abc twisted up all the
carded W.H>l she could find. As some
compensation for any injury her awk
warvUiess might have, her
grace tusi a crown piece in a hain'ker
chief that lay ujsiu the table, it to
a sjxiko of the wh.vl, an 1 departed.
The girl could uot summon courage to
venture from her hiding-place before her
father and sister catue in, nor till some
tnue after could they extract from her
an explanation of the extraordinary state
of perturbation in which tliev found her.
Their surprise was scarcely less than
hers wheu they were informed that
somebody, who could be no other than
the .jneeu of the fairies, f.r alio was all
in green and gold, and shiuiug bright as
the suu, lia.l corue into the house, and
seeing UOIHHIV there, had fallen to be
witching the wheel, which, as sure as
fam* were fairies, would never go
•' Aud see," ivintiuuad the youug en
thusiast, pointing to the handkerchief
tied to the spoke, "something which she
had left."
The father untied the handkerchief,
and the sight of the sterling piece of
coin which it contained soon dispelled
from his mind ..11 suspicion as to the
terrestrial aitributes of the lady who
had been hou. ring his cottage with a
The women of the cottage, however,
were of a very different opinion. With
them the lady could be no other thau
the fairy queen, who must doubtless
have come to tell pvr Isabel her for
tune ; the spoiled thread was a sign that
the tlist .lays of their life would Ih>
marked with disappointment and sorrow,
and the crown piece tied iu a haudkei
chief to the sj>oke <>T the wheel lie
tokened that she would iu the end ar
rive by honest industry to wealth and
.simfort. Harmless delusion ! It lasted
but for a day. Sunday caiae. and the
appearance of the queen of the fairies,
m the same drees at church is the
duchess of the manor, convinced even
Isabel that she had been deceived.
>,w. and >olr- lor Women.
San Francisco has a female painter
named Strong, who sells portraits of a
dog for $250.
The original '"Grecian bend" came
from Japan, and is found in many of
their pictures.
An overdressed women is offensive to
good taste, no matter how costly the
material she wears.
Sets of coffee and teaspoons are now
made up of odd pieces, no two articles
being the same in pattern.
Dinner cards, mold • 1 into the shai e
of {dates and oval platters, and painted
with graceful water color designs, are
a Boston notion.
It is more than hinted that the com
ing spring bonnet will be too elegant
for anything. Expectation it> already
ou tipt>e.
Gabrielle dresses for little girls are
finished with a kilt plaiting around the
lower edge, with a sash covering the
top of it.
American flannel underwear is now
made so well that it cau hardly be dis
tinguished from that which is imported.
A German writer defines women as
being something between a flower and an
A New York lady ha* invented and
patented a device for raising, turning
over and moving hospital iiatienw aud
other sick people in bed.
Mrs. Burton, the wife of the English
traveler, will publish an account of her
journey with her husband through India
ami Egypt
Tbyra, of Denmark, is nn extremely
pretty and accomplished young lady of
twenty five. She has a beautifully
shaped face, large, gentle eyes, and a
very sweet expression. The duke of
Cumberland, her future husband, is in
his thirty-fourth year, and has a plump,
good-natured countenance of the Ger
man type. The Princess Emm i, of
Waldeck, who is about to marry the old
king of Holland, is u graceful, warm
hearted little person, with bright eyes
and a piquant face.
Backwoods Courting in Missouri.
He sat on the side of the room, in a
big white oak rocking-cbr.jr. A long
eared deerhound snapping at fiies was
by his side; a basket of sewing by hers,
liotii rocked incessantly—that is, the
yonng people—not the dog or basket. He
sighs heavily and looks out of the west
window at a crape myrtle tree; she sighs
lightly and gazes out of the east window
—at a turnip patch. At last he re
"This i* mighty good weather to pick
"Tis that—if wc only had any to
The rocking continues.
" What's your dog's naui" "
" Coony."
Another sigh-broken stillness.
"What is he good fur ?"
" What is he good fur ?" said she, ab
" Yonr dog, Coony."
" Fnr ketchin' possums."
Silence of half an hour.
" He looks like a deer dog."
"Who looks like a deer dog ?'*
"He is—but he's kiuder bellowed,
and gettin' old an' slow now. Aud he
ain't no count on a cold trail.''
" Your ma raisin' many chickens?"
" Forty oild."
Tuen more racking, and somehow,
after awhile ! big rocking-chair ami
ibe little roc! -chair wire jammed
side bv aide. J don't kuow how it hap
pened. Alter awhile the conversation
was regime il.
" H jw many lias yonr nia got ?"
" How many what ?"
" Chickens."
" Nigh on to a hundred."
By this time the chairs were so ch, se
together that rocking was impossible.
"The mink lias eat most, of ours."
More silence, when he says:
" Do you like cabbage I"
" I do"that."
" Presently his hand is accidentally
placed on hera. She does not know it—
at least does not seem to be aware of it.
Then, after a half hour spent in sighing,
coughing, and clearing of throats, he
" I've a great mind to bite you."
" What you great a-mind to bite me
fur ?"•
" Kase you won't have me."
" Kase yon ain't axed me."
" Well, now I ax you."
"Then, now I has you."
Theu C >ouy dreams he hears a sound
of kissing.
Then the next day the young man
goes to Tigerville after a marriage
license— "Wednesday the followingweek.
No cards.—AV. lA>UIH (Jlube-Democrat.
Eight '.qas of paper are used daily in
the of paper collars.
The Ib-pth of Depravity.
A Western paper tells of a new and
dreadfully mean swindle. A atranger
calls at a groccrv and calls for two quarts
of molasses. The grocer draws the
artiele and aks if the stranger has a
jug to put it m. " No," say a the
Strang, r, "but you cau put it mmy
hat." The grocer smiles a broad smile,
questions to himself whet her the at ranger
jis a fool or a great American humorist,
and disposes of the niolass.s as roqiicat
ed, laughing halt to death as ho com -
I letes the job, and thinking w hat a rare
g.kk! story he will be able to toll the
bova who gattier around his stove dur
ing the long e\onitigs to discuss polities
and oliow tobiu'iv. Suddenly he starts,
however, aud with most excellent rea
son. The disgust lug stranger liaa clap
ped the hat ou the gr.kvr's hea.l and
firmly drawn it .lowu, the molasses au.l
all, over his ears. It takes hint live
minutes to partially recover from his
astonishment, the tuolass.-a ami the list,
ami when he has sufficiently removed
the sweetness sud tears from his eyes to
l.s'k around the deoMviug person has
gone, taking with hitu the Ck'Utouts of
his money-drawer an.l such other arti
cles as )ia{i{H<u to Is. jktrtatile. The
mind which could uiv. tit such an out
rage is l.ktt; the man who could transact
it is as ihatkilieal as anything in human
shape this si.le of Airs. H.irgia \V Inle
we have not that respect (or a confiding
gr.k-k l which induces awe, we dt. l.kik
upon him aaa r>-sp viable fellow eitiKeu, to all the immunities; *a.l to
think of the feehnga of that person iv
lie en.leavois to tear off the liat uii.l the
aoootnpauyiug molasses -f his .ud.ieu
revulsion from g.kkl uautre t > aatoinsh
lueut, au.l then to the extreme of Ul -st
impotent auger and indignation is to
contemplate a depth of anguish not
heretofore reached by any -viupathy in
the world. We rememlw r the melau
choly spectacle, a gixsi many years ago.
of a police justice of great cute mriao aud
dignity sallying out to do a htt.o arrest
iug on his own hook. He arrested two
unpleasant uieu for being disorderly,
aud started with them for his , tflce. oue
.>n either side. Suddenly oue of those
young men jumped high and brought
his fist down .>u the high hat of the g. >sl
old public functionary, audio a moment
the run of that hat was resting peace
fully ou his shoulders, the crown there
of covering his oouuteusuce, and fitting
as firmly aud chw>lv as if it ha.l been so
much uuoompromising stovepipe. Tiie
wicked young men ran away, taking a
mean advantage of the frantic efforts of
his lienor to release himself. The l.vk
of pain, of wounded dignity, of < xtreme
astonishment, of mingled horror, anger
and humiliation that rested ou the face
of that police justice wheu be had final
ly got out of the list can never be for
gotten. Of the many who saw it there
is uot one who will u.'t take it with him
to his lonely grave. But what was this
outrage in comparison with the molas
ses atrocity ? What bad this honored
gentleman to complain of when one
considers the confiding grocer and the
wholly misplaced sw. etnes* that agitat
ed his hair ! We cannot do justice to this
subject. It is more complex an i hope
less to the humanitarian than the Bnl
garisu fieuditihueas.— Huffalo Krprtss.
A Race for a Bride.
A romantic elopement from Kentncky
cante to light at Cincinnati, Ohio,
recently. Kev. J. Oliver is the man au.l
Emma Abbott is the i.iy in the .vise.
Rev. Oliver is a preacher, thirtv year*
old, located near Bedford, Kv., and
Mir-s Abbott is a teacher and the daughter
of a rich farmer ai the same p!aee. She
:• eighteen years old. Ho loved and was
beloved, projk's.-d an 1 was grti fully
accepUkl by the lady, but not by her
parents. Elopement WAS determine.]
upon. One afternoon he was to call at
her sch.K>l and take her on horselrsok to
the nearest railroad station, eighteen
miles. She her clothing, and
hid the bundle in u thicket, where lie
was to go and get it. He procured two
swift saddle horses. When ho approach
ed the thicket he saw the bride's big
brother walking away, bearing Hie
clothing on his arm. He went at once
with the horses to the schoolhonse. She
disraiHsed school, and presently both
were moving toward the railr>>ad
station, eighteen miles awny. Not long
after starting they heard a horseman
Whind them. It was her father in pur
suit, accompanied by bis sou". For half
an hour there was a race, flight and par
suit, the pursuers gaining. The ftigi
tires, thanks to darkuess au ! a by-road,
eluded their pursuers, and, crossing
fields aud swimming streams, made a
station a little further on just iu time.
Arriving in Louisville, the first man the
youug lady spied was her uncle. Judge
Abbott. She managed to avonl being
observed by him, and the |*nir ( anppos
iugthey were watched, went by private
conveyance to New Alliany, and tlx ace
took a train to Cincinnati. Her.> the
Rev. Oliver applied for a marriage
license, anil learned that he rniiNt sw. ir
that he and she were residents of Ohio,
which he would not do. On the str.s t
the lady espied "Emma Abbott" in
large letters on handbills. It was Kmroa
Abb- tt, the vocalist; but she stitqN>ed
it WAS her father's doing, and that she
was the person meant. The two, in
alarm, took a hack at the depot and
boar.kkl an early aftenn>on train to
Lawrencebnrg, I u 1., where they were
Head Downward for Ten Hour*.
A couple of nig. As ago a youug man
named Adam*, living near the railroad
be: ween here and Columbia, was riding
ou horseback at a gallop down the rail
road track. The night was not very
dark, and the young man presumed up
on his knowledg of that part of the
track an 1 his ability to see anything
dangerous before getting to it, to in
dulge in the fast ri ling. But this time
he had risked too much; for he eame
upon a deep eulvrt with .nt noticing it
in time to stop hi* horse. The animal
made a nobl" effort t<> hold up, bat his
fore feet went down and the rider w.aa
thrown several feet forward over the
animal's head. In falling, one foot
passed between the iron rail and a sill
that lie* beneath it, but separated by
the thickness of the er". --ties, and his
body passed beneath (lie ties, thus bang
ing liirn by the nukle.
Iu this perilous position ho hung for
two or three hours, wheu l e heard iu
the distauce the heavy rumbling of an
advancing freight train. By this, fear
was converted into frenzy, for be was
not able under th- circumstances to
know whether the weight of the cars
wonl.l pass over any part of his foot, or
make his situation more painful. But
the cars came and paginal without bring
ing any more pain or anybody to hear
the piercing cries thnt he sent forth for
assistance. He hallooed himself t<>hoarse
ness during the night, but no aid came
until morning, when he was found and
taken from hiH situation nearer dead
thau alive. He was at once taken to n
near lionse nnd remedii a applied until
he began to show signs of irapr vement,
since which time he lias been gradually
getting better, and has now only to
nurse his ankle aud foot, which will be
useless to him for some tim< yet.
HounUm T< legram.
From What White I'll per i* Made.
There is hardly any portion of the
world which has uot be. n ransacked for
material of which to make cheap paper.
The "American Encyclopedia" gives
the following ext naive, though incom
plete, list of substances from which
paper has been made: "Acacia,
altliea, Americau aloe or maguey, arti
choke, asparagus, aspen, bamboo, ba
nana, bass wood, beau viues, blue grass,
broom, buckwheat straw, bulrushes,
cane, cattail, cedar, ol ina grass, clemo
j tis, clover, cork, corn msks nnd talks,
I cotton, couch grass, . ..lor, elm, ispurto
j grass, ferns, fir, tings, flux, grape vine,
I many grasses, hemp, hop vines, horse
J chestnut, indigo, jnte, mulberry bark
| and wood, mummy cloth, oak, oakum
and straw, osier, palm, pal met to, pain
pan gra"-s, papyrus, pea vines,pine, plfcn
taiu, poplar, potato vines, rags of all
kinds, reeds, rice straw, rbpua, rye straw,
sedge grass, Bilk, silk cotton (bombax),
sorghum, spruce, thistles, tobacco,
; wheat straw, waste pap- r, willow and
| wool." Tho principal inuteriats are;
I "1, cotton and linen rags; 2, waste
| paper ; 3, atraw : 4, esparto gra*s ; 5,
j wood ; 6, cane ; 7. jute and mauila."
U km wto.ll llr Uu Ilk ll*r t
Tliih IM n urn!, hut abort, talc alHiut
a out, >r porliiqw about it rabbit that
proton.lo.l to ho it out 1 ili> uot know
wbioli. Y.>u w ill proaonfly hoc why it
luiiiit In> short.
Home time ago " anppoeofl fricn.l sent
mo, im it proecut. what purported to ho
n t'huioko out. Thereby hangs rt talc V
Not at all. The out liudn t u sign of it
tail. It wan kuitl bv way of apology ami
explanation that afl Ohitieeo eato have i
no tat la. If thin ia a faot ui natural hia
torv, it ik an alwutrd fact, for it ia known j
that all China molt even the tiiualloat
have tails, tthloii are called ipu ilea, ami
sometimes pig-tatls, hilt uover cat tails.
Ami it Manned improbable auil heartless
that a Chinaman won hi deny tail to
Ink oatk. However, I took the kitten
ill, ami name.) her "Ohiua a name
ahe lout never reapouded to, to thia tlay.
Ami this ehows (hp muumi i instuiot
for wln'ti I oaiiic to lisik tti ih< .lictiotl
tut, i found that, in nil iimbwhility. sho
whs a Manx oat from tho islo <■( Man a
sin ail Knglmh utlaiul (hanlly us-ru
oumtph 1.1 turn round) *hrc i*U arc
olihgod to do without tails. It is tsiu
sidortsl a vt-rv uioo kind of oat, if it is n
oat, of which* 1 have doubt*. It is mod
that Turner, tho K r,, t ooiuter who
wits prohahlv as ft'ssi a iihipe of outs as
ott r lit .si kept seven Manx oats always
iu las hoilrto. IVrhajHl it was tiecoosary
t*> have si*vi 11 Manx i'ats to get tho
isjuivali iit ot nun real cat; iu uiy tx
lu-rioiioo it require* more.
,\s I rtii.l, I doubt if Chiua is a cat,
take h.-r all together. Mhe ha.l, as a
kitten, no tail. Her grown tail now i*
li ks than an inch loug, tuul nuat of that
is fur. It is exactly liko a rubhit tail;
that is, a kind of |>looc for a tail. When
China t'Ust began to reali*e her ekiet
etiiN*, she evidently thought she was a
cat, and her tirst bisirtive effort was to
play with her tail. She looked aroutui,
aud* there wasn't any tall there; the
other end of her was u rabbit. Sue
wan tunrtitled; hut what could she do?
Hlhe I-eg u 11, without any ajiology, to play
with her lund leg, t> ehaae tt round and
round as if it were a tail; aud ever after
that she has amused herself wilh hex
hind leg.
Aud bur Uttid legs are worth jdaviug
with; for they are not like the laud
legs of a cat, but are long au.l beut
under exactly like the legs of n rabbit.
\V hcu Chiua site down, she site ilowu
like a rabbit. So she is neither oue
thing tior auother; and I cannot make
out whether she is u rabbit trymg to be
a cat, or a eat trying to be a rabbit. She
succeeds, any way. China i* rather
handsome, lier coat is the most biwtii
tiful combination of soft buff and er
mine a most pleasing color—and she
is a shapely little thing beside*, with a
tine head and pretty fait*. I.ike some
other bwtntico, however, bhe is not as
good as she u> iKMtulifnl. has a
temper—can IK- very playful aud affec
tionate one minute, au.l scratch and bite
the next without provooatiou. From an
infant she seemed to have no oonarience.
She was a perfect whirlwind in the
house, wheu the whim took her to frolic;
went uvt-r chairs aud All sorts ot tur
niturc like a dying squirrel; sucoeoded
iu sis>ut a wtK<k in tearing off ad the
gimp from the chairs and lounges,
climbed the araha tres-si, shook off the
blosfoms, aud then broke the stems,
l'uuiahmi-nt sin* minded uot at all
OLly to escape Ironi it lor the moment.
1 tlunk she had n*>t, as a kitten, a grain
of moral sense, and yet she was *' awful
canning " and entertoiutug—mre so
than a spoilel child. We got a
old cat to come and live with China.
She drove that cat i-Ut of the house
and off tne premises iu leas than half a
day; aud that, too, when she wasn't
more than seven inches long. She went
at the big cat with incredible fury, with
tim blaze an-I momentum of a little fire
Now that China has come to l>e of de
cent size, sumo of the vivacity and pl*y
fnlness has gone out of her, but she is
really untamed—goes for things on the
table, steals, mal all that; ami it is
more difficult than ever to tell whether
she is a rabbit or ft cat. We have
another companion fur her—a mild,
staid old grandmother of u cat, with a
very big tail, enough for two, if ti.ey
would share it. China treats her witti
no respect, but, on the whole, they get
on well, quarreling only hslf the time,
and consent to live in the same house.
China overlooks the intrusion.
But aa to the nature of China, this is
what happened recently, ('bias's mis
tress had undertaken to raise some rad
ishes in advance of the season, iu a box
iu her conservatory. It was a slow pro
cess, owing to a lack of heat or lack ot
disposition in the radisln .-> to grow.
They conn- tip, shot up. grew slender,
tall and pale. Occasionally the mistress
would pull up oue to sec why the bot
toms di.ln't grow so that wo eonld eat
tliem; but aUe never discovered why.
Tb<* plants spindled tip, all top and no
radish; and hy-ami-by they got tired
and laid down to rest. They might in
time 00me to something. In fact, they
1 tH'gan to look as if they were thickening
in the stem and going to grow in the
, root. One morning they were gone.
Gone, after weeks of |ntticut watch
ing, watering, and anxious expectation 1
Nibbled off fiose to the ground. China
ha i eateu evi-ry one of them slnirt.
Now, doesn't that show that China is
I a rablyt ? Will a out eat radish tops ?
This is one thing f want t kn>w.
There came once to our house a face
tious person; that is. s person who
makes jokes likely to hurt your feelings;
and he limited at tho cat, and said it
>iidn't mstter if it ha.l no tail, that I
could write one for it. I have done so.
But that makes no difference. What
I waut to know from the children of
St. .Vi rhnltin is this; What can Ido
with ner ? I can neither give her away
for a cat nor sell her for 11 rabbit. I)o
you tiimk it would OOHX a tail out of her
to pnt her under bine glass ?—' hartr*
Jhullri/ W'arru r, in St. Nichola*.
' Hunter*" ut an Knirllli Show
Tho HIIOW of borfti-s wa* very largo
nuil vorv lino, no fowor tliau tliroo hun
drol nnJ fifty ontrion appcnri'ig in tho
oaUlogno, aiid hartily ouo ahsont frotu
tho stalls. In tbe Imuter i'lnna alone
there weri* over eighty j and eighty Hitch
horsoH, it is quite safe to HIT, as w*re
uover oecn together <n f of Eoglathl
hipjli-hrtMi, iju'ttlei-tnif, eloxu-iiuitied,
strong-honcj, gloriotn 10-iking atjimln,
in tho c-iiiditi-m and Ihe tlnoHt
epintx. There wore 1 wonty-stx fottr
year-olda in tho rixiit one time, mul
tboir 4'xnniinutinn i>e<" i;'iol nearly four
houra; flr-t nirn- w. r< thrown out, ttnd
th<;n ten, mid r hi"i came 11 eontost of
nearly two hon* , between the remain
ing ones, ut nil p:U' --, tintlor dtfforent
ridiTH, nuil w'th tho most crefn\ and
critical exHminution. a*i-l evidently very from nn agreement in the mintla of
}bo ju-lKos. When, rt; lnat, the color*
were mutinied, ami the wmnerfl f(le out
of ibc ring, it wnv phiiw h> sec thai the
aaoooHfiful nuimaiH wore quite worthy of
their lionors, but by no menus clear
that injustice hn<! not hivti done to thoir
To one hnviuK n real fondnesH for fine
Hftdtlle-horaee, Uui toiu{)tsl>on. u Htruug
to po 011 and fill (Hilnuifi after oo'ntßU
wit!) deacriptiopH of individual animal*
where tbcie were HO tiiftny of nHtoninh
itiß excellence, lot my purpoae hetnß
ruther to RIVC the lmprcsfioti of tho
agricultural HIIOW at Itriatol upon an
Ameriism fiuraer. .'ih a farmer, I must
leave this branch of the nubject with
the Hiiuple remark that the bret-dinß of
the hunter ih, with msny farmcra, n
regulur branch of their biißlncsH, HUC
OCHH in this breeding producing a capi
tal profit. Even au ordinarily good
hunter IH sure to ho worth from $50!) to
S7OO, and $'2,000 or for perfect,
strong, weight - carrying horiw H, well
trained and with gixni temper, is l>y no
mean* unusual. Incidentally, tho farm
er gets out of the breaking and training
of hiH young horeoH a grent deal of ginnl
riding which ho otherwise could not
afforil, for to aucoeod well in this bnni
llOHH one mnat be a g.Hkl crosn-country
rider, and show his niiimala iu the frtnit
flight of fh field. t/nr/ r'n Mwja
Tho Euglikli officera in the Indian
regiment* have lcen inatructcd to pro
vide themseives with turbaua, in order
that tlicy may uot bo diHtinguinhed from
their Indian comradoH.
Kaatern unit Middle States.
All eXpUwlou of Ultru K Wool lite hi the "J J.. !
Kami Heudruck Works, ' at Block Oak llldg*
N J , can.nit a shock Ilk* Uial of an eorlh
quake, Utterly demolishing the building Ui I
which tlm trnihlr matnrlal wo* stored anit
tearliia t" atom* Ituoe wmkutuu John Man
ley, t'harlc* llenarl amt Kntdluond Mail* Ho
(emtio w* Ihe torn- of Ihe eipioeloii that the
froanii ground about looked like a plowed (told,
ami there wo* a hole tlfleen feet itne|. ill
the rock en which the a licit containing llie
nitro glycerin* .looil.
Upon rtk| ue.t of the New York State hank
d< part maul the llavei.tlaw as.iug* hank haa
Uxn enjoined from doing further baahuws
Actinii Huperiuteudenl l-aiub charging that
the UirUtuUoll la luoolvtutl
t he JkH'keUkMik loat by Ihe "i —iitli|tr ilf the
New York Importers' amt Traders national
I ank, wa. i•turned In an eutolo|w> aent Uiroti|(li
the |a>atofltoe hut nearly t\lkiof the s2oll.l**l
comprising It. cuu tenia, had heeu a ban acted
tleht A Jutiea, Newi York hmkera, purchased
tie,lK*) Ui government 1-oinD for John \Y
Hull a afwcnlaloi Mull ohlaliukl puaaeaaloli
of the t.iiiita, left tlio tlriu a olhoe without |y
lug for thcru ami forgot to lotuiu.
During a struggle 111 the hallway of the
Metropolitan hotel, lu New York, between a
lunatic named 1 'aliuer and arvera! poliuomen
tlffiiwr A.a it Kuriu-aa rnwlvwl two bullet
wound., from the rSect of which he died the
net I day.
The t'ncheoo print work* at Ihiver, N II ,
hate Incurred a lor. of nearly ♦7&,UIRI ty the
tint'liltig of their cheating room.
The New Y'ork Hlatnrleal aoe>o4y hahl a meet
ing al ihe A.-i.lrmv f Ytuma, U tHißaar-Uiurale
(he death of William t'uihui ltryant, and llateti
rd to a memorial addte** U|a>U Uie dead port a
life by lleorge YYiiUaiu CttriU. Among those
l-rea<-ul weft- Um I'rcaijeul, bud Mr*. lUyea,
Vtoe Trial.lrtil YVhreler. Ko.-rrtrv Kvartr, At
torney (iriH-ial Brvrm, fleuorol* Mtinnnan,
ilancocA and llrUtow, prtrt l oopwr. aiid many
other men well-known to the country
i'bs United Htstse *team *k>opKg.wAr Ituih
luuud arrive.! ut the Driutklyti uavy yard, a few
.lays ago after a trial trip from Uuelou. The
Itii timoud will proceed lo iluuff Kong, but uu
tbe say Will utop al uoiiie station lu the Ms.ll
tetrwuoau. to l*kr npdiuerai flraut aud In*
toMi. I'oloi.el Kre.l fir aut, wbo luteud v tolling
lite l.**t ludlee t'lnit* and Japou.
A boy named i'eler HtreU-b was killed by a
tamo I -ear belonging to a hotel Ui the outskirts
of Urookiyn.
Cyra* \Y I't.-id'* |wopo*lUoit to erect s monu
ment to the memory uf Major Andre, the
Uritish spy. m American ground, ha* brought
forth many letter* from ix>rre*|iudeut* in the
N*w York l|wr*, some approving and other*
I>rulee4mg agam*l the erectiou of the memorial
•to no.
The Now York Uard of *1 j>orUoumeut hav*
appropriate.! s3P.<R7.off7 J7 fur lite government
of thr city lu ts..i Thi* *um igckudo* the
j city' Kioto tax ami tutor est ou the city debt.
Bixloeu liai.k* lu Now York cuty have rednoed
their cajru*. from tM.OOO.nOU to Jl,!6&,UtAi.
Mayor tVK>j>er a* ushered mlo office tu New
York, with Miinplo oeremuuMe
Tighty tl.ouuaud emigrant* amvod |ti New
) York last year -an lncteasouf liVdOO over
K-du-rt W Mackcy a leading Pennsylvania
Kepubhcon poUUctan, and late Ktte treaaurer.
dio.l tu Philadelphia, the other day. aged fcirty
' one year*.
Thr Ma**achu*elt* and Maine legislature*
met aud organic.-J. A hard money resolution
which |Ae~ d tho Mu:r sctiate, wa* tabled lu
the house
1 >uring I*7* there w. te -.17 failure* tejuirtod
in New York city, witl. liabilltle* aggregating
sfa,&S,4o3, and a*weU t IS.fhft N3l.
lYclegatos of the fireentock party frutu the
seteralNew England Mates met in Itwton to
discus* the tst method for c.>ndntlng Ute
ca:a|algu. IU-solution* favoring the forma
tion >.f *ome Orernback orgamoaticn of the
New England States, and asserting that the
" |-erraanet.t issue in the (irwenback Ijib. r
movement I* the ttatnodlate aubetltulloa of
grreotiaek* for natiocal curreta-y, etc.. were
adopted. The delegate* wire addressed by
YY. .dell I'hnhp* and Carl M u.r
\ heavy snow storm along the tine of the
Homo, YVat-rt.-un and Dgdmsburg railroad
*xrOi{wiled the al eudoumeut of all traioa. and
caused an entire .ew sat ton of traffic. The road
had jn*t raised au right day*' blockade ft urn *
ptevyou* stunu.
The death of i'*leb ('ashing at Newlmrvtiort.
Mas* ,ts announced lie was t*:i In Baits-
bury Mas* . lu l*Hki. and graduated from Har
vard college He began to practice law at
twenty Ave. was loth houses of the
Stale leg lalat tire sever a. tiuisw, and tu INU
pabliahod two voiuiuws of rvrmiuacwiictw of a
Uur iu Spain. lu IKB hs wa* sent to (Vhi
gms* and srrve.l four oousecuttve terms Preel
dent TtU-T noinmaud bun to he secre'.ary of
the Ucasury ia WJ, lut he failed of o .iffnna
tlou by the Ssua'.e. 11# wont tu the Mexican
war as cdouel of a Massachusetts regiment,
ami while iu Mexico wa# nominated for gov
en.or of the Stale by the lYumocrmta. but was
df feated Thru Ice" apjwar* In public life as
mayor of Sewburrpt rt. aad justice ot the su
preme court of Massachusetts, which joaltko*.
be restgo<d to twHvim* I't.ftsd Huiaw atkorney
geuera. tu Pteree'* catuueh Be was pmaictegd
of the t'harieston livmurraUe cocrectUou Just
prevn p* to the war. and al*-. presided over tho
convention of sivwder* fruia that body, winch
mot iu ltailtuiorw and nommaUd Johu C.
lUeck.-undge (iu- war Mr. Cashing
d.-t led hlowelf luai-.t.y to hi* JwfcssKVi. OUd
1a l s 7.' he became *ouuir cuuustl at th* Orncva
-1:1 feretto- lu seUlemou' Of th* Aik'ama
claim*. Ill* Domination by President Oront
to the l'bite.l Stale* *utwme oourt twnch was
rejected by the Seuato. but hi* appottitmen! a*
minuter to Spain was conflrmesl to 1H74, aiwl
bo served until 1H76 Since ht* relurvt from
Madnd fat* almost exclusive ■V.eulioo ha* bee a
devoted to hi* law proctic-
The weather in New York city on the third
of January was the coldest in tea yoara -liie
th*rwom*irr at a. M. registering two degree*
below xero. Throughout tbe State a funou*
•torm of snow and wind had ragsd tor thirty
six hour*, corupolling the almoot complete *u*-
{.euston of bn*tne* in many place*. Travel
ou the New York teutral. the Erie aud the
hake Hbore railroad* wo* at a *taudatiii. aud
the cold wa* intense iu oil parte of lha Easleru
and Middle Malea.
Out of twelve children. Edward William*,
of Martiuebnrg. N. Y , lost sevou through
diphtheria—all .lylug within a few days.
ru-uuett phelp* A Co., hankor*. of WTlkew
liarre. Pa, have failed fur s6oo.ot<U. of whioh
tJib.tAHi are duo depoeitoro.
Atunxo (tareslon, IYemocrot, and Jo**>h L.
Hmith, lirwettliacker. werwohoauu by tbe Mam*
hou-e, as candidate* to be eent to tho seaate
fog gcv.-rnor. Th# eonetc eoiectod Mr fiai
colon- all the ih pab'.KWD# vuiiog for him
and a corunutU* waa apixunted to inform him
of hi* ebction. Che candidate* of the auited
I 'etii.H-rati--tireouback csucu* ware ejected to
1 the other hlate ottce*.
Woetani and Southern Blatwa.
The viaduct which couuectethe two sec!ion*
of C.ebeland. Ohio, over the Cuyahoga river,
was npi-ued with great ceremonies, tu |ir<wane
of Ouv.-rnor Hishop. the military and vil
..K-i.-tics, and a large nnrutwr of gncsta. Th#
viaduct i over half a mile long, built of irou
and masonry, and cost t J.IoO.WX).
Twenty Illicit dirtlllcne* were destroyed and
•iitv prisoner* oaptnrod in Toonossce and Kn
tncky, during a recent raid by rvvetivc offlo-r*.
The lh-Kalb county courthouse at Msyville,
Mo.. w* destroyed t>y Ore. and nearly alt tbe
county record# were oaaeamed I.<>. STiO.-
A mih-cnmmittiw of the committee appointed
under the Blaine resolution fo Inquire Into
election practices, has gone to New Orlean*. to
take tosttmoDv. The sub commiltoe connists
of Heuatnrs Teller. I'amerott and Ktrkwt* d.
Kcpuhltcuis, and Borland and Bailey. Demo
Thr<w< bcilcve tielcnvcig to a distillery In
T*rr- fUnie. lud.. exp!o>td. ktiimg the colorvd
lirniuau and :• bor.
Judge Charlea T. Ht rram. brother of Hee
rwtorv Hheruiaii sud Ocneral Sherman, and
fath.-V it. law ..f Uuiti 1 9l*4a ttenahw Gam
vrott. di'Hl inOtevelsiid, (hio. a few days since.
A Urn in Charleston. K. (' . destroyed prop
erty of the t r ni it* f)<ttun l'r ss contpany. tn-
I cln ling 10,1'Jl bale# of cotton. Lis* ou prop
erty, about s|iK),oos : on cotton. $475.0t*).
The cxtr ntelv rold weather In the Eastern
and Middle States extended to the Northwest- -
the thermometer fsllitig all the wv from
fifteen to thirty degrees below sere.
The Second Baptist church, of St. Loni*. a
new orifice aud ono of the finest in the city,
was gutted by tire, causing a low of sloo,oss,
From Wa#lung-ton.
In reuponee to the re.|ueht of tlie Senate
committee ap|<ointad to uiveetigalc the mau
tit r tu which the recent elections wcro conduct
ed in vwioiis States, Senator Blaine s|>ectllrd,
111 a letter to the conmilttee. a uumls-r of
ft auits. outrages and Instances of violence al
tered to hare terti coniniitted iu Ismislaii* and
, tv uUi Carolina, pave tile names of several wit
j B< 6561- t > be called, slid TfffiWXWd Uie rrmmlitee
to " a Urge tna*s of Information in the office
of the attorney-general of the Uuiled Slabs.'
letter . 1 Sheridan has replied to Secretary
Hohui/' request for sjtociflicatioiia 111 KU|>]K.H
of charges of mi*niaiiagemeiit of Indian af
fairs in the West.
According to Ibc annual iwport of Public
Printer !> - Frees, tie goifflpHbent offlea during
i lit" pest -car turned "111 74.957,fi5.'1 blanks, on
vrlopcs, etc.. P/O.V iff Wank book* and 44.10S
mler-llancon* vf'luffifc. to addiUmi to 1831,031
page* of d( s-nnienkdiatter printed only.
The Potter oOmniUtee returned to Washing
ton sftcr < vaßtini 'K several wltixto*"* in New
Orb-sits, and 6elrting ouu genUemau to repre
*( ut I hem and anothei Mr. Sherman, to take
MO fuiiiiaeteMitnouy tliat might be required
fiuu UM Orescent aty.
Following the example of Mr. Blaine. Sena
tor Tbutmxu has rt plied to the Senate commit
i. e of inquiry Into tba manner iu which the ro-
I wiit eiiH"iion* were oonductiHl in the varum*
I Stales, for tho rottiw* of information upou
wliii-b h- haeed his amendment extending the
the resolution as a* to iucludetlie ele<
no *in the North. Be refer* the committee to
the iic*q>iier* generally, and calls attention
to the ipluiut of New York cilireus against
tie til< giil aud oppressive coudnrt of Sni>er
. i -or I 'avt ii|Hirt and other federal officials, aud
lo CoiigieHHiuf.ii Kelly's letter, sjiccifring the
oiema employed hT federal official* hi feun
ryivauia to deftat hi* nominatiou aud electiou.
ITiio customary reception waa held at the
White house on New War's day.
The gold and silver product for 1878 in the
I'ant He slope tniulUK rnwloua, la report®!- by
i Vtrlla, Forgo A (Jo. at ♦ Hl.OOO.OUt), which la
$I7,OOO.IX0 laaa than In 1877.
During December Uia public debt wua iu
; oreaaed ♦ 1,4*1,7H5.H0. Total cash 1u their***
ary, s:t?S,*tii 1)27.75 lk>bt Inaa caah lu the
treaanrv fj ton,<lll,lll 0, Decrease of debt
since June ao. lira. $7,138.7*) 75. tWumwU
th various mllile during the uiuuth, 3.J78.J4C
pieces of all kluda, $\74H ,300-50 Value
The law calling for Uie re*nru|>Uon of afmcie
(•ayiuriita went Into prwcUcal tied January
i, at which date the United Hlato* ourrencir
onnaleted of ohl deuiand idea $t"i2,035 legal
tender no tea all Issues, S74<UIBI (fill one year
note, of lkrtj, $.70,366 , two-year imUe of MM,
tit,liOll , Iwo-yoar coupon noloa of JHtIS. t'J3,
7M) , Compound Uitereat uotea, ♦ 2f'.s,7iO ; free
th>uai oWHMfi all laauea, ' '
total Moa.atlH M4.U6 (treat urepwraUoua wwo
im lr at the auh 111 Willi 111 Now York to meet
all dciuauila foi goUJ coin, but tbe calia for
the yellow metal wore not manv, or fur lrc
muounta A few |wreona wbo offered uaUoual
bank notee fur gulil ixiin wore tuforuied that
only legal tender notea were recetyed Hie
vaulta of the aub-troaeury bald alajut •11U,-
UtKI.UUO lu gold ready to lie paid out, and
luring the day ♦1541.000 IU g"ld were called
for and $400,000 jiatd lu, Tlio banka retorled
no demand for gold in the ctty, but aotuo UUJe
-all from IboU country oorreapondeuU Tbe
gold room auit gold oi' haiigc bank bare l-eeii
abohahed. Flaga were rataed ->*er all the banka
and aalulea fired In holnjr of the tWiad.
Thieve* clllerad UIC I'Aalllbf a tiftice of the
government |i|iuttug ufflcw Ami twrrusl off
about slo.titU pot up lu ji4VelM|*
Yorolgu How*.
KoM-crd alUakeil a Ualu near I'ucl-la Melliru
kiliwt tho l.aggage uiaater, wounded thb m
duetor, aud oarriod off S'J7,UIAI lu alive*.
A tiro in I long Kong—a itrtUah tilaud afl
the aouthOaSt r->a*( of Ohiua, ouiitaiuliig ah*.lit
1M.OIJI) uibat'itante dortroyed a large numtwr
of buildUi|a
It le ato led that UlO oaplUi neoeeaary for a
lJtulg>Hi.l UrW cbtilo Ketwern the Tnited HtatOb
and Vraiww, haa been goarauieod hy Uiree
l'arietaii Itliancial iuatltuUoua.
Kroru KJiigatou. Jam nca, coun-i hitellqjeuae
that the steAUiei Kuilly B Hotider fnwi New
York txouuil to Mali ItaaUtiffO, has fuuutlwml.
Tl.e new* ffo* tireught tu Kiugstou by two of
the aloaim-r * crew, and it wa .pppisod the
rest of tbe offlc. ru aud crew -twsoly-aaveu lu
nuiutwi and tier uuie paaaausers were lout.
A plot to a#*A*Uiat the cwuporor of Auutrta
urcp.rted to have been dinoovored and a dyer
was amuted Ui Alleoburg Kaxouy. chaigod
with thi. atoning to murder Ute monarch.
Two titled Trenchlunu fftught a dual with
sword* recently one of them Count Tairuntt
—receiving two wound*.
nrty-oue failure*, with UaUbtm* aggrogat
lug fI.sX3.UA) and ouel* I l,7e'J,oou,hve token
place tn Monlreol within the |Oet three mouth*.
A .Uepat.-h glviug detail* pf the riot of the
•indent# of the I'nfeeret.y of Kleff. lhiwta,
save " The ttudenU. in a meeting held out
•lie the town, decided to prole*t again#t the
cktoiiLg of the univeriuty. A body of theta,
well armed, otwrdingly pruoeeded in ll* uni
versity and forced their way in. after diaarm
lug the town police. Tbeu they flie.l 011 a
blackboard an en.vget-, proter* against the
arbttrarv (wooeedlng* of the aulborltiea. *3 wo
otKU|uutto of bieal militia trie.l to dl*|u>r*e the
•ttldeule, who rvtotftei!, and therwilpon a riot
euettod 111 which eighty perwon* were killed and
Wounded OU both aide*.'
T:.e J*|iii**e *loam.( 1 ooaelioci* Mera,
ruuulug botweeu Osaka and Heva wa* l.itally
dsHtruyed by the eiploeiou of a .jaautlly of
gunpowder among her cargo, and eighty threw
(Ktfuou* were drvwuod.
Much damage ba* bewu caused by heavy
ffood* ui Kngiand and Scotland.
A great national exhlbttmu will be held iu
M-MSVOW ID INSO. Uihouorof the twent?-fifth an
mveraary of the CUT's accession to tne throne.
A thirty-eight tun gun bnrt during prac
tice on the llnusb man-of war Thunderer at
Ismtd killing seven meu and wounding forty.
(lees* si ressie are Morivru
To sick headsche, that infullltJe •? mptom of
a disordered stooaoch, il*cr aud bowels Many
suffer from it a* many a* threw or four times a
wewk They do so newdlewsl*. for Hostel let *
Stomach lUUer*. Ly twning the digasUve .wgan*
and regulaUug tbe bowel* and liver, remove*
the ratlw, and d**jw.* the painful symptom.
The Intimate sympathy hotweru the brain aud
Uie abdominal region causes the slightest dis
order affecting lit* latter to be reflected, a* it
were, lu tho organ of thought. TW reform
instituted by the hitter* wheu the digestive,
sacnOtve and o vac nails c function* ore in a
■tats uf ritaus, hAs otissr and more bene-.- -si
r. salts, vu the curaphde uulmtun of the
• hula physical economy, the restoration of ap
petite and repowe, and an increase in the pow.r
of the system to resist* of s malaria
Wbv be an animated wheu Allan a
A nit-Eat i a safe and eure rwmsdy for oUsttv,
<* corpulence, and will rwlooe the awl tll
pruitortiotjed farm Ut a frocwful ouUltM wnthiu
a few wtwka. It contalna no IngredienU that
ran |w*bly prove dclelertous tu thr *y*t<im.
A well-known chemist after exomiutng Itscen
stitoeot* and the method* of its prri*r*<ion
gives it id* unqualtflsd Indorsement a* a
remedy that "cannot hut act favorably upon
the system and I* well calcnlated to atlain the
object for which It t intended.
lUbTTMoaa Md . July 17th. 5H78.
Prop r Ada*'* Autt-Fab. Buffalo N. Y
Itoarhm 1 have taku two bottle* of Alton •
AuU Pat and it ha# reduced me eight i*Huda
respectfully. Mr* I. K. C.r..
Tlttrr ia no Am to he loet wheo a cone'' *1
ta. k* o*. tu wdoptlog moan* of prevention
against cc:iumptlon ami bronfhitl* A cough
tur a ith '.wrfert truth, be termed the 10-
ctpim! stage of th.*r IsstrucllTe mola<Ji.-*
and it i* the height ■ f fully to disregard it.
If ur-glected. It will as*n:ed]y rulmlnate in ew
dai foroa* putounary *flecU -n, I*ol if l>r. Yt'm
na!!>!lal*am nw th* lstug* In uesd the oorn
plaint i* stwwwliiv vanquished and at! danger
averted. There i* no nulaatimc comjtarable lo
thi* great epwciffc. bold by druggtot*.
Th* t'-olenrated
Wood Tog Plug
Tag Piohmz Tookuco Oowrawv,
New York. Huston, and Chicago
Ovu Foa Cotmn k Cui.t>.—A* soon a* there
1* toe *iigoni uneawneee of the chest, with
-llfflculQr cf breathing,or indication of Cough,
taketlarlng tho day a few " Brown * Bronchial
Trochee." oent* a box.
I-i-aky roof* or water pipes, wa cr trough* or
other jiocea. roust be mode tight. One 60c. or
75c. can of Kimble Cement will do it thoremgb
-1 lr. Any one can ajiplv It with stick or knife
Liberal inducement* ufrcred lo local agenU to
cativao* In tbefr neightgwlmod. Addnww Van
denoorfs lldth *t . Port river. New York
Forui'Ward* of thirty yeara Mr*. WTN'mLOWYI
KOUTHrNO HYRTP ha* been need for children
wtlh never failing gticceo*. It oorrect* oddity
- of the stomach, rulieve* wind eolko, regulate*
the bow el, curse dysentery and diarrhoia,
whether arlstug from lacthtug or other oanee*.
An old and Weli-tricd reaedv. 3S eta. a bottt*.
Tbs famous Mtoon A Huiliii Cahioet Or
gatis.'whicb are oerlauily the beet of theee m
•iriinioiits in lha world, are now eold for pav
ment by imUllnieota, bring in k them within
reach of those who can make only small pav
roent* at a tune. Any agent for their sale will
give particular*.
4 hew Janksou S Heel Bw—t Navy Tobacco
Ml I'IIUTk.MT Nirril R.-ffsrsiera. ffaiwl.
ia* an < < Nban ean earv aase BO Heomli eoaaJ u> I>r
UIHIIK' VKHKTIaH UNIMKHT fe* lb* ear* of
Otiolera. I wvf.rwa. t>>*ecis<T. >rop. Molto **d a*
■K-knsa*. t*k*c tal*ro*Uf ill >• perfsrtlr r.rnil##* we
oeta 11 iiiaisuii 1* **tti boltit) an-1 *itern*llr for
Otimtio H.h*m*<torn. Baadaoh*. Tootbaeb*. bcr*
Throet, Ibils. bnmi. Hwwllioa*. Brni*#*, Miwqnile
BUO*. <>M Bore*. Be-i to Isms. Back aod Cb*#t. Ib.
VgffWTiaH I.fHIMI HTsas utrcdowil In 1T. and
1 no on* wbs baa nw>d " *1 wirtinne* te do o **nf
•latins If M witoTsn Hollar* a 'lofW* the* wonld DO*
be without > Tl -a**iel* of t'srlifioale* oar. lie sw
*t tn* I>,,- :. #t-e*Lin* qf It* woedsrfal enrausw proper,
lis. K. .<! lbs l>- IK( sis *t All ct. It*pot n
The fforit*.*.
ffltof 4l*ns— **-)• ••- * • "®|*
'ii .0 'v' I*--**# syj* urn*
Wlicit Cows 41 cv •*<" Ito
it.*b-J.V ovs ll
DrwieA.....•••*•*. - - ?w-A 4
Hheep. ••• **•* "•
Unit* 'i S
oct '-'.H- PoUnd* "HA ta
glear— Wistrrr - . I.# to Kncy U. # 11
1 |*Wr •* A 4
Wheat—Nc. t Bed • 1 1* •# 1 H
It'll let Hlalo I •*s(• I I®*
Bj-v—U'-atr W •• ®
B*r'i*y -(Yanbd* No 1...~ s W 74
Ba.'lsy Man > •* 1 *°
Ual—Mixed V—a ts i"ft........ 1' A '
1 PjrD-vtlxed Wssem t7ngr*dod... R i$ 4f
itiy.prrcsl B d 4*
Htraw, pr nvt !** Bve... .... <A *0
Ifotto—4oi-.1 In Prime Now Crop 0' .At*
Park—Extra Earal'.y Me** ...... UYd R f*o
Isvrd—4.l.r Bto.IL -<-7
, n.h Maokerel.Nt 1 n*7 ' ™ *l-'
•• ."to I,l'rluc* Edw'dtl IM ,A'jn i*l" cw...... 4 * t* 4 *
Kerrli-r. Hoa.ed, per bcx.. 19 t$ 1
C*lre>*nm—-Orude ~O7S4sW h-fltir.l, W
~oc* Kprln*'...... K A tl
7. ~ .... IS A 74
11 t ti.r dt**' C"r**nt*rf. 17 t* e
Dairy )# .A >3
W.-etern L.fv*Biery........ ID (A 1W
•• factory,.., .. Oil v 4 IS
( ••.. .Ktato K*rt'j:y....M. 0' tA W
lllat# Hkl"l'V *d...... "* (A (f
•* (A <*V
Be*-fttal*and Penotrlvaul .... 4 17
IMb •'*< bl
Hour— P*v.n*ylTa!ilK Kx'rs # ' "
Wheat—lied I>un*ylvaDi. . .. I 09 *A 104
By* " $ * B
o.r—T*llow...„ -- 4 # 4
Hrw Pennsylvania. ... •! # 42
Data- kiixsd -.. " * .9
r*4l<l—li Crni"- ......t7VSCH kidin4,.,.f|Jf
Wool-Oolor<to 20 .A 2
Tsias IB <A B0
Dailforuta *> *4 2&
Flour —•••—• 79 4k 4 36
Womt—ttrd pruCsylvaitla.s... I ' t 1 12
Ovrn—MlXckl . 41 d 4j
- 26 4$ 26
Hy*..... *0 0 60
8ar1ey.......................... HO 4$ l 00
Barley Malt >1) 44 . 22
Bsaf Oatll* <4 iH
Hheep. tl'vA 16
Hog* "Hi* t-J*
Flour— IVlAcoiieln and Mtouiwtrt* 429 >A Ben
Ooru—Mlird 40 A til
Oat— " Hi t$
Wool—Dhloand Pmiueylvatila XX 5* A 47
UeUforulaHprlug... 2Ha 76
ultima*, m
B*ef UatUe U4W4 16
BUcwp 02 N*4 t4
Lamka 04 A >4%
Beg >..... I>4M 4M
Beef Oatti*—Focr toObo'c.. ..._ USA (4k
Aheap 1 SJ*
Umba (4 • 06
Tim son iblntl every Juy inllhej|year
•t Iteuver, tJuloratlo, uoorrtfiug h>
new*pa{>er of that city, which utatea
that an ohl feaitiaut, who haa kept a
reconl of the l*Vk wlien the auu waa
viaibio or inviaihle for a uumlier of
yoara, flhila tnte uerhxl in hta nwnnta
where there had >een nnoliacnrtHl ann
khiue for JWI rnuaortitive ilaya.
A (lliiuiwu chop hgtiae, or roatarirant
the flrat in the eity~WM O|HMIO<I a
few ilaya airnvi in New York.
1 tta at k eill he giiulad iiwr >l.l <l'i'i.| tk. raar la
wtum 11. |i I, r;w w in .Ik iet elit ha Ik. Mia. aa I.
Uia ywl To yiMMI ail Ika law lu a iwa-lai-la akay.
...A Ui Ml lb. Irwin Uuiacb lb. baanw. fall
lit bun haa baea. la. aaJ elli ianibu. la ba lad.
le-udaul id okflwl) trnl ik|lti| MM lb# Talk
Mill liaeeu boanatlaaaaf 4uif Thai a Iba iai]| |Uar
eblab aa Uuaaat uawmaw.i wel law lua u m.
iw...y ein.ii naa *w In it. u...ywi.r lb. waUdeea.
Mid fi> of eldar aoa.Ulaot tbaa n MM
wa)o|M by .or Kla Awaii.aa j-i.rul
Tua bi'k I. ia. ui|M|W el tba iiwyk It la aol fot
it. nab 1...• .#•■ iu. (M. man. M lei Ilia ma Mt
M-| kiln net m.b, but II ..• Ui da fualtea ta
.11 IBWMU la lb. u>uo.e. lt tr m aut iba etgaa .1
w , piraian alaas. aaM, m tell Tbaa. tM bs aa
tat.tart ebvet tla leMa and balaa. It la fur tba tiuaaal
—— aaiuai u.a mwua. arf luaa It ta be Iba kwaa
1k.ui.1.1 u lb. dlabuaaat tUgutllaaa, aad let
Lb. buaawi lba(.abaaa M w.ul iba tnheel line ;
arat it Cm net Mb# Ua .aa fi Ura eitaraaiua of
aur t*.!in<aa>* er peluiaal uraaaiaaOua ll altaa Ita !
.ai.i"-el airaaarll ahaa aa iu anaeu at* .a
nmowl .ilu UU. l eeuliiWi and em. u,. |uwwi
p.. uueu eh.ab una rapablt. *u b/uedad fin til.
u. uia WbM.w lb" I-anatu utkua bad aunai i.o-HMI
tela. p.M nulal a! II lyati eal la. lie ngkt fan
U tea liwi Ida. •$ ladapeedeaee ta Uit. iMpaa*
lb#., w :: b. aa cUaug. ia IU fiu irw
laa M • UM tal'.r aaiaad <b. baart. bairaa al re
aai. Iraed* .ad bionl.e#. cd ail aIU and iin II
beLM b> lean (UM bUH aat ua la Ika rm iry
tbaa lu lf trn, M>l la.' l" b Tat dt'b it |
rti .lel ha tea aril and w-aaaa id W-oi. raw eaw- i
Msrt l* ei.kwfiy •Hit UU* o# t day II ItM Utli I
11,. diriewWh u ml iu. ikillli u. iT- d iu lead.!* tba i
piernwait, ii-.-aai, *l-4 Mk-at aaaaiata lalaitlgawaa ef ,
I. Ui Uia alia war.C (. earti. atlaairaa T lan
and lira iwaeuia. balobgUia ur eah aatal lliued veer I
warily alii In liirara.iy aptea4
The yranl aemUUea el pan la* la ta.r
aauuui aud Iba auearudair uf tba fa!era Uad MI j
.at . rdiaarratgrueMmn Ulkrrwek.l Iba amalag
MM 1- praaaul Witt aaeataar bad o rrnmlb. .1
Mil iiiuiaawwk td Ita .arfiua pkai..aad ta at
uwewd auaordi Wto Ua eal. kuoaa tba pr.E
~ c'm iU.I > -.-Id raid, tu tureaab ib. l.uriata, all.
ta ao ua bar taor hart uf Tw Hrk'r ark fur lio
W. hat* Iba arm at adoi 111 HI a* a rein
ua , a.lVarao attJ a aaaral uaa.eauar atura Meat
laiuioa 111 ta...* aaafai tbaa tie Wtea . aaJ aa
uraab tu ageir U.M Oaab .
Our ratia of .ulaonbU -a ran..a artMaaraC u r.e
lb. Ualb* bib, a foul bb. if.a#i of agki
.u uaiur lb. ,uua by an, bmlp. d. ta ."id uanla ., or MkMI . rear . ar. aieUdn* lb. haed.y
.ear au l-lnga Urrl of "!• aeiSMna. Lb.
I M iatld earn, a taenia, or St-IO a roar.(ra!aa
ho Sunday adt'iuw o< 7a bc wniaufrpunUod aof.
arataly.t al.fU a yaav br'M'M Tlr Imul
Hew. iu Midi too totna rurtM traar. gauu a am
•trfarUyhilw s&<) imlrntA'< of lnrj) isd •
aollanre-ut tu.ll.r IB ha* blo a* yaei aed lb a.
. Ml —l-1 er U, Lbai I>f tua beat utor.OJy u-aaar.eo. <d Uu
dr. at oealMlfc of ittuf* rod.
TW nul" -i Mpatlailr odaidail lot tboea em
1 do no< tk a .Hoe Vo. lady begai Th. aaar id iba
, Ml la funy M-e'd. ita uMut ropurta aru fur
' . in. laiaar motuoat. aud It. armuHurai da
i bMliMil,ad (Od our. and ab. Ny i uuaut
■ yafttrd Tho Willi 1 bryi to pn bubfy >aad to-day by
I etora famtreu tbaa aur ntbar pagM eah.iauad A abmea
' Moiy aflb "ul.or nara'uhi praMOlaideallaay. aegur
l toto W W Tba eeaaly rMnli .ta IUjl bx bat
r na ll* • oiitui pfiomoi fru4 $Ra cbbi
! !•#. <1 fr* .*• tt-rm vdl lw >mmm m
U*n e Wot *u -rmro.
| nsjir*iif Ui *jt*L¥ k*4r^
, aoi .tuna. UWI . yaai p M f.e • a>.r of l.
I aoad au llftw alii MI -a .i<ra i tr. ..Ad
i dioM I w K i,h Ho
P- M.e of TVt aew. Hoo fat Cl'y
Mis and New Years
OEMS ?,7 ".1
Oil J " " it* kit ilwil h W* " strd Jath •** *ls
I tdl i:, /tri fk*.wty f.# •ic*iuuski4 r4
. thuiiji LL*l v/I mtls '-ti •nimtlhf'i •••
i n|o paaou.
ranlllMtk n. gtua Otb Hludlbr. !•
, NOVELLO S Musical Present!.
Elegant London Gift Book*.
Hi M.ltrliv tP ao>U.lM < HltlyT'l 4*
,11 KOI.-. MUTHM titHg .nkUb
! lilga, Ibki. all proruaoiy hiaalaatod ia uw Ural
H. M. S PINAFORE.~^^pir*
! Err- b IUI iuu... fall of fan aad fratta. aad -u.auop.
u -uat . u m.r... Jaat be* Utlag he atoataur pea
kmnauoa Ir oi |>R
far Mad OMa rat rwdto. puubaa U Ha aaw
al urea, u IU. >lu.lri Keeard. *mab to
pablnWd a.kiy * par raa.
: c. H. OIThWH a to..
ad* Bread way, New V ark.
| B. orawaoN * W-.
""a a., nr.
Newspaper Directory
tt it.i. HI: uhtin HIK HI V
J |M ANY /ink.
It a <-atolltor mural-tod la data, of all area, iu ebtdb
Hr at are pal -.hod, aad .ro ibo ilutu. giaM.
gdilen. P i-lict aad (krculwicuu of an
GEO. P. ROWELL A CO.. Publisher*.
f Syirrtcr- Htrert. -%>r 1 ark.
Curee Dyspepsia, Indigestion
Sour Stomac v , Sick Headache.
Pensioners, - ..
%ll psr.iu3B risimi h*f*t*lsrw sia'tifl sriJl b$ rmpsod.
thm*aSYtts ? mr tnrtOQ* t- mm ante srili h droy pmd
irots ti> roil* *nd >jut cm Seem For foil par
Uf ttisn fso4 I.+ nsf ot TM KsTinasL Tamrw. an
• [gk| jfspe>r iisof l mfwUslr.and to ihe mt*r
MU of aoidMire and MUW*. and thntr hnirs OnotAine
ail *rw porn TY and rKVttoff uai be tn
bands of
Hrmr4 inducsmsuU tn elut*s copi
Adilrsnstubos. URORtiK r I KH'K AOT .
Excurvion* to Lincoln. Nebraika,
Ustf Nrs Verk a>d Nrw Mnfflaad Ike Third
Tnetiiav In nrr >|on(b onul lWos!wf Ricnr
•ion Ho 111 iNtto New YfllfK. Tl ltauo,
Jannnru VI at. Kara nbeui half rreelwr
Mwlae. Faai train, aad lira! fee aixxuaaioitatiotto
rar*oiHHl Km dwcriptitpi Ua<l iircalar*. Tnforma
Una abont Tirksts, <M . ssn<l sddms on FWfs Gsrd to
PI.IMI TtOOKK. 3IY Hrssdws.>fV#rk
Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Urruu.
Ileenanrl Sr.l hj ll lI.HKST HCIHOKb AT AU
it at Ptata. l*T . Viaaaa, ln. Naktiao". INK
I - PtEII, INK sndltUSPlVMa
fiOLJ MRHAL. \*> tknlf Aa*n*a Organs #m
*- *r.Ul hicbssl h oo *i *ny inch Md for ssah or
inatallm* ts lueiTlATtP CATALOOCM Aod tHrcu
itrs with r# stylos and nnosn. asmt frsm MASON A
KAMI INORi.VN o Hshm.Nrs \ ork.or i
I all \ ? ,n P r,< H*a*i opportunity ?h elsb
I Lnv • MrwU and lTfk 'U7rs All aspruas
chaTgaspaid R*sr tarms frsm
|4 S ' • t;, *..f. S r.M.t Nnw \ ♦* I' I' |C-lS7^.
For Doo-irallni and Fanry Work. K\ns*rt stock import
•1. toe Ind in* Kiasvura. Htrda, llssdt. Ima rem. lns*c a
Ifaim, Al . f r. IS for fcnc . or S forfl tAi
(laUUttma of Itan* shN*ta. v. > *nt~4 Stamp#
Isksn K TRIKICT.IiI t imri Strssf, Hrmion. M*m
PIANOS"' " .
A AikAl vU f ur atjtiamr upn!iU in ths
I Ahsrios <if !!.*■' tli nic *m#ularlf ineon*nr*|#d
IMCfIVi Plan >• mnl f*o Irial 4* p*|s oala!-'.) frss.
kUsiair-"'* Puaoil . *1 K lAih St , Hem York,
ja -.* _ ■ ail .lay. 11l- f .V
cIIII ■ IU pursiHkd l-r roursol Cat ta.
\ |dtton and Vmnna physicians Scml on moatpt of 91.
Ia DftOt'wT. 170 latißfloa Afskts, Row Ttfl
t[f> tNa#i
If 11 I I 1 ll hro Mtla:*. ram. IMTh
Km Pa ll ll ,\
II 1J II II ll A|'U wri*t to T Kuwuod
jmm mm mm mm m* •
| 'UUHINAi'iin mniiri. n'ltt'a. m.u t>*
, \ SfU, li*i pisbCd' ,R I 4 Fns KncYarbd lAoblaU 9 •
A dot lTfrr MUitllod TshJa Kutrria. nfi a dor Mues
lift; SMp die Owfll b -led ftra* fel ;>Asl*i IVim
''• Hswlerd. (Vwpsi la •• t m*. N't cly
1 niorith K*er> sr*dtiat* ffuarsnt*d a payiua sit
nation AIIIIISM kt Vslmtin*. Mmuus J*nr.rlJ,VA is
V#• /-i titj wiMi-Ai KXTKKTAKMKNT
f I v/Llll . N.sli i k By st i WIHNRR Sam
sl9 lo SIOOU
tg 1 WJUVIU fn,...pUirine.rr.t7tJl.aa-
Addtw.. lItXTKK Ami .Banker*. 17 WallH. ,K.V
IV INW I'wlanl IIHIt-I rlitntt-r* .Sample Bet
I .VI rU. Ho'iill.n. supplied i.y any WhoiMaln Hotioo
(Toil*, ID lha I'nllrel Stalw. M.u.l lor circular. Mann
fa..f ural only by K IV IK a. VIH 111 N K.ftb S. .Pa
AnillU llnbll A Whlß 111. an era '
I aIfiNIIIH abdicated I oml Prico. (binntliM.'
Ul IW in to writ. Ir I- K Mar.b.gniucy.Mka.
>l:*rhlnr will col aroocth and Irua Price Hhv ll
ioatrstml circular free K Rot h A Hro , Nan Oxford, Pa
AHPNT<i MRIII 111(41 tills jus. Hll im.
rtUCIV I O dosan Bmina fra# Sarin f.r Calalcaun#
OoyrriggHTALtlßAOWO 4Vi.. VH Warrwn SI , HawVork
snnn t TJIINTII tyrni. XVi.iiirit llr. hr.i
JIijSU "a Bp arlicla. in th# world 00# umpla /rre.
w w A.hlra.. .1A Y BKUHBUN, Utoroit.Miah.
. A I*a ttw An .uu aaatiMina -or tua 111
f ii / V latter. Tarmaan.l OotOl Kraa. Addraai
*'l P O. VICKKKV, Aogaatw, Main*
I t till Yl II k PKHhIINs danrinu to in .
1 UU.UUU *3 to w I.Y a day will addrwaa Kav
a T BL'OK. Mil lon. Horttiumtiarland Uo„ Pa.
4 sh YOLK 11. HiKsKI.I.KK it Or POO fir 1
A MCIRHCK IN WTIIKV, for lha Hohdaya.
MoiHii Hll.l. I'db. Uo„ I vjll K. asih St.. Naw Tort.
a>rc t UKO.TfO I tKlls, Pl.erra .llwtiwra,
M r) no two alike, with aaui. fra# Sand lOcante to
pay poatAww HASH AO HARD 00.. Waaaan. W. To
<£Qinn* VIA*. Il.wl.*lirll *to Ayua
OuOUU VUk lOXIiK, kl. latoa Ma
v UrtMl, l lMftm •< —""
ml ikt Mulklf M^kk
Jgmrm UrilHwrflv iMrwrfltk.
■Mb u••!>•• •"■*>" ■ *y .*yf, tsLtS
. Piul tr""* tiu ml MM aeaatk
3.00 *• Ammnm. *5 ••. *• Wmmhtm.
Frank leafle't Publishing Hout*
63, 66 and 57 Park Plaoo,
IS 'thcJß est.
MMaadlaabiailnitoa A
jof daw, b> Ardkwi m\±mrm\mm k rA .
*oiMi tt i us 4 f < >'i- Jr
bm.TOkM he HI m ■.
it boi i bfi'i. •' k-Cikk*.
mi XTV inmcimm U* bsuud >-■ ■&
MHtujlun |l<M rru. aMaaat*.
lmi Hwm. oMI *■•■• Mar
HI m|l M ar (I*l ma M4(l*4. H
jri f kit rillla moriiKk. V
MM " tm I l*w •'
mm rrkbllll*. Hkl TV ** D lßw
LiiuiUlki iMkiuaiprtrlßH
(IrraUn. ID ■
na. r.d aaiidkdM.. Hjl
c * ygmv-izx? IE? ML
Contracted Limbt and Curved Spine
tie* mam Ua wand aiuott mat • ar*c*i H>aUoc. pais
Muaa*<>M.Mil Ha* aad ••imomwo kait~i t*e d
eerdws ba ilu|. I * MUHMUaa lH It AKM boa
UJ Uttro mat loan' uiMiuaa OSm- IS3 wan
liaktnai. IM Tut (Uaium M a*4 kinaaliaa dal
a*on Muat'.aj A.. M AaUiaud lluaaa.ftaaluu. I a, laf,
at.a WaaooaJan . . ~
" It* Sue >• a s<or**ma aojauaiaaa at talos. H#
ta abitlfai. auo. oaatu. a*a b<*ooat I aaaaid pal a child
at BUd.r bj can f I aaa aa o*ba> aa to aaad
aaci. aar*too " < Hot II W hirt tm
Habit lot ajaaian ____
As Htlaillbla aud aootooMod rotalj to*
Pll*. Kpllru.f mt ftalllaw fhlrMaaas
uarraai ra ta oflact a apwad t aud
■■p A rI.K *1 AM S r ea*o
ITfl •• A Ira* ItMCIM "ml ta
■ ft rastawxtod • pacific bad a
t-alual. .a i toat .ao oaoi ta
I I I ft a*| lutaM aablftrtk Bba hta
I I \0 P O au<Kl|ooaa addnaa.
lis. It. O ftOOT. m rssrl OMal. Ito T*.
W lb Btt
1 \ l'l>a n
Hy i rl
f f A •. Ml *•
w '
\ J 1 /
UOk..l lnttk),*.l.
I ''b " ' '
Tbr Abitdata ta klr-abat ratal *1 la*.
k a rortala aad apta l| ran far it, 11 Tin too ll da
aur> ail aftpotiia ft" aioultotkc lt,aan aud buitda up
tta tiaraoe* tfUMs Atlrr a drbaaeh. ar art
tairaaprratr ladalirara, a ataalr irMlaaa- :
I fal *aill rraair all aaralal aal aSeaU-al dr
i prraalas. li aiao tttra* aaarj 1 tad m P r*, itft I
' fiittt aud Toarutrrr or TBI Urrfi. Said tj af I
f itmfftri* 91 in* lull la faatklalaa " Alak-ii. t I
Mou | Ota I*utaau Hodf. and Intanpe, aa i
Il.aoaaa." art I f*aa I IMftb Mlfa :. Bt lta< 1 I
l lii'lt'tuiii to. . :l boat) h* . Nr. \ oa ,
O. >• /<r i'9%rr i.**'*.
■r ■
Military. Sot** and rn-air*it' Croda.
la larfardr |nr*. l*r.*D(ifitKd Utr Im*l *>7 tbr hib
aai Qioltatl aiitb.-nuroto Ihr bMrld fltrrjj t.trtiaal
award al I J VlurM'a KAaoattt ma. and a* *" . jt, I"TA
St4J by ItruMfW* AA'.li. •arhlrCr' . ,..S.T.
M)d 80 vutSt. itifla pftumpht9*m %a bp njL I
d Thk *.• o ftwd frr * add
•onH t ins tm Utwr i nooics anthoat rukist 9mm oval
Write for partjcnlara to
W. H. Comstock,
Marrlatawa. Ml. laamr* 4 a.. Naar \ art. j
! Wf Jk V II I
■ H f Tha nr, total swuda
■am twp ■ dlrort fr* a t*a lot
■ portan al Half Uta ,
nana! uoal . Baat plau o*r dlaoi to (dlab A(an aad
terra tniwt. A 1.1. KXPKKIO CMAKI.Kb PAID
■aw larata KKKK
TheGreatAmerlcanTea Company, j
31 aad 33 Vra> atrrrl. Mrw \ aih.
P.O But 4*33
Btelobrßtft Tim#, tnwnhle Bad ipn wvftd bp rat> .
•or.t'in* throub lb* Rnckj MmalßAn Ab^npfcoo
Afr&rf, tift T'lrnahv uijjHper vvkovpf koo8!) b j
iMbvd ir Ih* Usltvl stAtvv mwmmmi
trc MBch>rHi of Bil kind*, fbroeoaß. VYxm** bvmqg
Mftfik BP Rttwdivft Bnd Attßc timBl8 8t rvdoc*! pnew
! tl! MH faratßb Hook* • t In lA HMMII MSM j
Rocky Mountain Stereoscopic Views
a apariAttr Iknal (all lo wm* al tea lor oaratrcalara !
Aanta can maka bta B>*>a* Addnaa
JaMKK nniIKNN. Kiaaa ttglo
8 HOI.P faftl.K I'Ht.r* Tit
Broom Corn, Broom Handles,
Broom Manufacturer's Supplies.
oa Union St.a Schenecf d. W. Y.
ttanto ta anthnaaad ' u Uta ltd apd tba Übal baa tba ate
Baton ( WOOLKK'H 11>.
lutstlk I>TKD KIH
Thv mnaf rUrflioi d*<*trtpli <n of lb* l*rrtblv oRm-U
of rum •*** w*ir> Rmhrkfii sbr the flf* emrk Bfd
•i-bwof > Mcm-HT.Dr Rvroolut 88T tbvsr
evlatuw* Th ffMt Mi l*. and KkU KlftfttiV v k
n#ll at Mrbi • par** IVicw Hit f r
Ad<tmft. 11. *. MmiIKPEKII A i t O .
New Y •rh.
b Hjpdvx'i I llllnftlMl Wcri rvady A|*U .
Wa&tNl on aaUty or (xmtmiMiocL litwt
#mn rwlftciti* in pnee# of Hook* aod ft. ;
Nk jr Srnd f rMtftWiia Ivpdriiac J (Va . Mmobic
| Ti- iidtToro. 7.1 I Rnukdnf. >" > Heeut j
▼ x .•! a tr .-na K.' >• - oflvr* 1
IUI II! I- V 14.11 I \ _ .
& S
i u trsi Hper ific for ail R (dtw Ifu oawkr
ir. aai d*BwM of the KtdAon m tkv j*8l three
tear* Send for i**nu>hM, att j ftddreM |Pr. I K M(,
4* I 1!. 41' K. >KW Y OHh.
Aaßoutßi. Xloact Tlxls :
We will par Aentik a Malar) of f ltft' ;*er mooth and
*m aUow a Urr .wm*** to eell our ue
art voCftdorfui inreauon*. n- •*+* wkmi Mty.
Sample fkwe \ddre**.
NilKK.Yfl \> At II ,if iimtinil, Mlfi.
Nrw Nfu. " heerel l'orreep*.*>tWnoe *' lln todn it.
roll luNi >olAooi,yo jwttpbd Roy A Co., Raeaau.N.Y j
A IMY PKftl I i 44 renta.
TMF MARS At' Xa>aao. K. Y.
Improvements September, 1878!
Ba*taf rtgwd for the dMad of this
F N l*rcaivo , wo LOW offer to the World
Important Improvements.
Isotwitlistwiding the VICTOR has long been
the peer of any machine in the market a fact
supported by a hunt of volunteer witne*-s—we
now confidently claim for it greater
PP* simplicity, a wonderful reduction of
friction, and nlt<:':.i r a /.'<irv f
I'tmitioHQf Desirable QuuiitUs. I'or sal*
x by Merchants and others.
lM Send far Illustrated Circular and Prices. Liberal Terms to the Trade. "S"; * *
Don't buy until you have seen the lightest running machine in
World, —the Ever Reliable "VICTOR." •
* / Y $ .
i ' BL*
Who want ghnj. Imn.*ak
aad waf) tnnaea of abundant.
beautiful llnlr miwt nit*
eleeanL fhrap article alwav*
nukea the Hair irrow freelj
and faat, keep 3 It from falllm;
out, arrceta aud curie era)•
neoa, remove* dandruff and
itching, make* the Hair
atrong, giving It a curling
tendency and beeping It in
any dteired position. Bean
tifbl, healthy Hah i the sure
rconlt of using Kathairon.
DAILY AWV weejcly
Quarto Slicct—s6 Coluni.^s
ruft umt. rnft*rwT atv ttnr roni *
skwrpapmi W *e ftiwi^*®
■VSw'M T-i T
u * VASfn xrwrirr*.
tLSKr—te. • J v? if 1
' 9 JLmm~~'~9>-*0
uaraaaom to a'';?* 4 '*
roi Aaitpi <•*.
aai aalUac aad kaat.
km It kad a aaap
ta. uwkautci-. ta
tli' 7S Tana a i
Is ika Old BalUMa t abrsatraiad 1.7#
Pu.Mljbi liiaawaml aaafa. n.ttna M***
M sad fatlat Sasr (akklf.
tr if mi wßt*mr Attn
Tba Marbai ■ laodad wk (aaabilad) Uib m lndii ir
Lra wtuak M ad bba r, lad wttfc aa sad twa. aad aat
MAM IT nil
Pwaftylvaaia Bait Kaaufg Co.,
IFire KatablUhnl ! Most SutxaW.l!
THKIB IStrfurttKNTS h*a atai^Afd
ralar in all Ibe
Kmrakri* noofulurd aa lit FlftttlT
i ■ TOka.
OVER 80,000
Mad* and la uaa. Krw Intna oooatar'.ly.
l Brat work and lowwat pnnw
•T ftaoad lot a Catalogs*.
tai Sl .t:, Wiiaa k Basr. t::
wokkl ftftoa. Frwa'ra, twaaaa, Maa. _
irnnprn ass?"
" " BraHPWkis*"^
ITfl arjrteisi-tigz
1U BSSiSJSrs^ss
■ Wtt a CLAakft. Pawndaaea. ft
Matthew Hale Smith*, new boeh.
I, Proauaaat P.noaa aac aud won-,
uaifiat. Mirel Part r lis af A- T
aaaasuoo at tha aaaaoa. S. wta Ui use ;
a(>r*kiTC toawcure turritoo Addran fot
AuCN I 3 scar* ctraaian aad tartba.
% ttKKlC'.t> PI'BI.IHHIMI. J'O..
II arl I ard. laMta.
hgldu * iwtt p|*M.air afiiTeoaaaiiw
fa. nrfalita OTA Lafajwm_Ar .Brwoklwv* X
II ooatataaU?* da# butonos! wnra*:n, and I *t O
' lara* d.TablaooJttma paaaa. aad ta tha waat cotapi.!.'
H .t.trjal tba W.'rld aosr pattitahad. Ii aalU at ttchl
Swnd for atMemian nana and ,tt*t term, ta Amu
Addnaa HaTIOMAL Pt'BUßaiau t >O.. Pbtladaipbta. Pa
Qfteey. llnmer. FTa^A
Tbta Nt*wrbi nntform *rlfh th. Sorka, and ."ontaina
an ther Mt M>*ti>aplemltd Doruaaattoi.e and
lßOpp. l'rtoa, jOCIA, Balladfrao. tiuldhjUuokaeil. t
■HKUiHIHHaattI htt rrltrf i.'Tnv 1
nrp PAY .-W>tt> Me no it Dutflte. WtiM 4U 4
ikiDi ipitv e eaitDCDinorrv ee ■