The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 02, 1879, Image 3

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Owl re Hall, P, Th'rsd. .Tan y <•'
gJFTrnxia. #2 per i/eur. srAen paid in
idrnner : $2 FflwAen not paid sn advance.
idvertiscsntnts'blbei* per line lor three t
tertians. and &eenlfper line 'or rrr-v tut -
itqvent tn*er ft on. Adrrrhtcmenl* by ' '
year ni a liberal ihSMtulf.
Stibtf ibersoutside the .-ei.nfj, JAON.O e
m I us 10 eis, nniownf of one v'flf" * po.*'-
•ge, instead c/'lSVf.s nsforsne-ty schest paid
tl Ihen\selrts.
Subscriber* eon alcsyi f'"' '"'ir 1 .eir
counts sinnd at tbc Reporter of "*e bv c>y*~
suit *>q thr tables on tseir payr-s. I
tabU reads "John Roe 1 jan tb" if •*">"*
that Jo' m i* indsbled for tuhsrrspUon from
til lf of January, ISTA. and that st s.
. me h* seas paying the prsntrr.
CsNT**nAt.ilxsis.. *•.*. I *ief*y,J
Ni,\>avenltxt In tbe tA.I f *"••*' ' M
V A . roaaw.a, S-'r. J Al*a*oa*. S O
>ie Tear looea. ae W, A M
M.n.U, a.anlna oo ar tiafora each foil a>-n lain
fVdd tallow* Hall. „ ~ M
x- I tl*i , aia. Se.-t p P. Kxi iaa W w
ea<xu*-s. . .a.voa.'Va.wi ffH. asaela at I
Italt. CWntee Halt aw ha e ar t>af<sr. ful
ami'tf M au.l a.r* two ..ata .flat .Ua a
It altar Maater. I.txxnaao Kwoaa. N.'
For Pure lArug* co to '■* * r * Frug
store, RTTickerhoflr n>w It noe'm
lxead Chairman tlephart * avixlress.
Sheriff Spongier, in this issue, pub
-1 xhts hi* first oflicial document
AVhat has not get its mouth at its
hnad? A river.
Sheriff Spacgler has had his ton
Ueuken *worn in as deputy Ha is x-em-
Px'loit for the position.
Mr AA'm J. Hoaterman. eears ago
w e'l known a* N me chant in Rru,ha iff
d.adat St Louia, some weeks ago.
sunption. gel Frank V Green's compound
syrsp of tar and honey,
Good advice In cold weather—in ell
kirvis of weather —buy your groceries at
Sexhier's, where they kep the best.
marhine is the roost xiurable machine
Farmers always wish to learn things
to.heir interest—they can gst the highest
ctsh pr : ce for grain bv takieg it to L L.
Bown. succnseor to Shortiidge.
Christwias is over and done
Tic re will not be another Christmas until
lbc. 25. l)*79—which will be a long time
fj the little stocking brigade to wait
The commissioners, told board elected Capt. Jacob Ki-enhutb. of
Aillheiru, mercantile appraise* for 18T9
! good appointment.
AVro. 11. Ripka, millwright, has
clanged his residence from Lewistown to
leiser, AliflJin county, end continues in
lis trade.
One Jav '.as: xxeek while Jacob B:-
cn. of Form township, was taking out ice
•n KrtVs dam, be fell in and got a severe
The new board of commissioners
save re-electsd Henry Beck, as their clerk
end C. Y1 Bc>weras attorney. All coat
p<dec: for the position*.
AYm.Barter, of Aaroasburgt while
getting out sawiogs a short time ago, by a
a. -stroke with the axe cut off the index
finger of nis left nand, near the lirat joint
The best coal sold in this county,
you find at L L Brewr. s near the Beiis
fonte depot, where farmers gst the high
er: cash price for all kiedsof grain.
Gov Hnrtranf: hts appcir.tse Johc
I. Har.kin Justice i~-f the Faace. in placeof
J. P. Gepfcert, our present represec'.etiee
Allow us to congratulate you, John.
The Centre count* Pomona Grange
will meet at Centre Hal! on Tuesday, Jan.
Nth. Tfcree sessions, 10 a m.. 2, and Tp.
drugs and medicine*, go to Greer's, in the
Bu.b house block, where sire also kept
fancy and toilet articles.
The newly elected county offers
Titrw a* 1 been sworn in. They are a* geod
and hone*: a se; of mer. as can be selected
in the county
Sheriff Spar.gler now occupies th#
V-b'ic h'-use on the hill back of the court
house. His flitting left our town last Mon
day. accompanied by quite a number of
his old re. gbhors.
Thursday r.ght and Friday morn
iag, Ird, we suppose wa* the coldest
weather we have yet had in this section.
At she ut •' a m. the mercury stood 11 be
r.ero. wi-b fierce winds all the time.
Our neighbor across the street, Ja- i
cob Htrpster, was fortunate enougn to kill j
two wild turkeys on kd ult, making thr.e .
shot by b:m this season. AYe'd hate to be
a wild turkey when Jake's abeut.
Oa last Friday aioraing the ther
mometer stood 17 below rero in the wouid
beborough of Millhsim AA's wonder b. w
the Journal man could keep those big
feet from congealing.
E M. Leitsel, writes ui from Dodge
county, Neb., Dec 19. Times ar# bard in
this part of th# country ; hogs, live, at 1.90
per hundred : wheat .00 : oa'-s 1o; corn 12;
potatoes 20:JMr. L. intends to l#ave that
The new Howe i* admitted tn'be the
king of sewing machines—it sets ail others
in the shade. Don't buy any other until
vou beve tried tbe new Howe.
WANTED, a reliable agent in each
t wr. "> n Centre county, to sell the ffumm it
Stove-Pipe Shelf and Stand. Handiest
thing out Every body wants it. Price
$1.50. P. P. Vox a DA, MadUonburg, Pa,
Mr. G- P. Gentzel, of Zion, brings
up'the rear and beats all—he killed a bog
not quite 15 months old that dretred WO
pounds. This porker was a cross between
Chester white and Poland China The
band can serenade Mr. Gentzel.
To start tbe New Year right, and on
sound business principles, you want to j
buy your groceries at Sechier's where you J
get em best, freshest and cheapest. Just
try it—it's no hoax. Huadreds of fami
lies are saving money in just this way-
Wanted—the follow who predicted
this would be a mild winter. When last
beard of he was as far south as Riehmond
and still pressing on tor a warmer climate.
A*. Baltimore be purchased an overcoat,
and at Richmond he was snow-ballad by
naughty boy*. If we can get bis addres,
will kindly inform him how mercury
stood at Centre Hall, on 2nd.
A boy named Andy Dubb?, aged
abcct' IS. living some three miles from
here, had a narrow escape from freezing
to death on Christmas night. Accompan
ied by a companion named Yesger, be
started ft home in the afternoon, and
when about half way, Dubhs being intoxi
cated, was unable to proceed, and Yeager
bad to leave him in tbe fields and proceed
to Alfred lloslerman a for assistance. It
was after dark when Dubbs was found in
sensible and bis legs frozen. It is feared
that ho will be crippled for life in his feet.
Another warniag against the us# of strong
L. L. Brown, at tbe depot, Belle
femte. gives the best Cash prices for all
kinds of grain, and sells coal low as any
other dealer tn this county, ifjot lower.
Goto Brown's, near the depot, with
your grain, you get the highest prices
there. He keeps the cheapest coal, and
all kinds.
Try the Howe before you get any
other sewing machine—A. C. Moore,
agent, Milesburg, will give you one on
—-If you wait the best fitting and
cbaapest shirt in tbe State, or any other
clothing, go to the pagle Clothing hall,
there's the place where you get it
Ask for Grin's Compound Syrup
of Tar and Honey, if you suffer lrom
,-aoiu:h' or affections of the throat. Tbe
t>; remedy out.
unlav tiigkt x'd last wsek tho tics '*
d officers rfOIJ Fort Lodge, No .Vl7, F
AI d A M 1 vetted in th: place itur.) ir--
•tailed with the u od appropriate core
monies, as follow*: AN M.,Jno. •W
--ne* ;S. W., JwM A KltlW .'. AA . AY.
A Kric . Tro-isurer, P. 0 Keller ; Ser'y,
C F Herlacher ; S P. AV. Sheep \ .1 P..
J. Uinhel ; Chap!l, .1 N M'Corraick ;
Pursuivant, Pr. J. V Alexan.lsr; S M
of O,J. T. Lee .1. Mof V . Auman.
F. Pott* Greer, P M of Rellefonte
Lodge, NogltS, clod as inl*l!ioc officer,
m thoparformiair of which duty ha wa<
li*ted ht L. Spangler, P M, P 8.
Keller, S. AN' , and AY L\ Heinle, all ot
No. 26A. and AV R. Pa nip, \\ M , of
Altlrev Lodge, No. 4 'J.
*t the cloia of tha exereoet the M a>tar
and A\'ardent iavitod tha meaihor* and
\ isiting brethern to the Ma'.hoditt Fe-ti
ral where an oyt#r supper had heart pre
oarevl for them.
It was throughout a ve-r pleasant af
At the Sdate Grange that met in
Hellefonto resolution* were adopted to pa
xiti >n the Legslat.ire to past ne-e*sar*
agit'.ation to -to away with uuou 'mr.t
diacriaaination in freight. They aiao ash
that the State t>range ha repreAnted on
the State Board of Agriculture, and rec
. mrcetnl the Pennsylvania *-Ute Ceßeg*
.a the patronage of the Patrons of Ilut
t>n account cf the extreme colJ
weather on last Thursday evening. Jar.
\, a large number o' people were hindered
ffx m going to the Jubilee Concert, held in
iho M K church at Centre tlai ; hut in
erder to saltsft a!!, the concert will Se ro
tieate on Friday area ng, Jan 10, xsuli
additiena! songs, charming l> l.sten to
The Jubilee Singers are tha be*' troupe
ravelling, as concert Admission
Ift cl*; child-en under I'd years, Pets.
Gvatere will be svreed in the chapel, du
'it:g the entire eeening
Mr. A Shannon. • ! , writes us
trxxm Lena. 111.. Dec 28: Have fin#
• gh ing which commenced three weeks
agxi. and if the present stats of the alnxw
i here continues, we will have sleighing
on the Ith of July r.#xt. Since last Bun
dv morning m#rcury ra; ged frx>m rero
to 20° below Times are pretty *nug b#r#,
produc# of all k nds low AYkeat TtV;
. a'.s 14c; rye sc.- corn Kc lL'g* t2(<v2.10,
and eex-rything else in proportion. On
Tuesday evening, De<*. 31, Theodore Til
ton will orate to us. Subject, Heart's
There is no use mincing matters and
keeping.back th# truth—l#t it go right #u:
te in# world that an* Clothing you buy
'at s Kagl# Clothing Hall, is
cheaper than an* you buy elsewhere. He
is hound to keep ahead even if he lese
aioney by it, and wa knew he doe. lose
nnetimes, but we never knew a customer
to lose—" and if yen don't believe, we'll
bet you Jifly cents.
Blind man's is of Grecian ori
gin, and is mentioned b* Plulareb. In
Pennsylvania Dutch it : s called, "Blind
meisle," and no doubt nearly every read
er of the Rep -ter has played in the days
whsc. apple-butter parties we-e so com
There is but one erdict, and that is
that in thirty-three years Dr. Bali's Cough
Syrup has never fai ed te euro a Ceugh
Cold or General Hoarseness. At Drug
stores. Price2ocenU; five bottles, sl.
Catechetical icstrtction in Geo Yal
>7 Lutheran Church, Saturday a week,
i-;b) at 2o'clock, p. m. Pas Ton.
Lift of Letter; remaining .a the
Pott Ollico at Centre Hall. Pa , Jan. Mh,
Jlri. Rachael Merrit 1, P. F. Durst 1,
Mr Will U Ererhart 1, A; t Adams'
Express Co. 1.
Persons calling for latter* will
please sav advertised. J. A. KiEStitK,
P. M
A little son of Wru. Fbrhard wea
wounded in the hand the other day,
while he and a com no 1 ware handling u
pistol. Don't fool with that kiud of in
Since Tuesday the weal her has
been more moderate.
The Death of an Eminent Pennsylva
niun With a Notable Ancestry.
The funeral of General Samuel Miles
Green, w i.o died at his re-idem aon BuOa
to Run. Centre C".. on Saturday. 21, ult.,
lock p'ace from the Presbyter aa Church
at Bellefonte on Monday a!tern>on. lis
was a grandson of Colore! Samuel M >lea,
who cutnmanded oneof the ritlle batallion
in the revolution and was captured at Loag
Island. August 27. 1770; subsequent
Judge of the Court of E-ror and A"peal
and Mayor of Phi adeiphia. He was born
;at bil grandfather's iron works, nea-
I M lesburg, April 11, 1797. and w*s„there
|f< re. ia the 82d rear of his age Ha slid
ied law with lien. John Blancbard and
was admitted te tbc bar co'.emporarr with
the ate Hon JL S. Wilson, John G. Miles,
Esq., etc. Shortly after be was appointed
Deputy Attorney General for Clearfield
county, whence he removed to Mradvi'.le
In 1 S3l be abandoned the practice of law
I and became manager at Centre Iron
i Work*, whence he removed to Harre, in
Huntingdon county, carrying on the iron
works thcro until 1873, when he sold eut
and retired to his farm. Hi# wife, ner
Rachael Doreey, died some years since
' He was a man of handsome presence, very
hospitable and sociable, with manners of
the old school of gentlemen, and was high
ly esteemed by bis very large circle of ac
Gen. Miles Green was the father of
druggist F. P. Green, of Bellefonle.
The Centre Co. T. Inst. as#aibled at
Beilefonte on Tuesday morning 24 aad
called to order by Prof. Meyer. Mis*
Laura Graham, of Beilefonte, was elected
to a vacancy ia tbe office of vice president.
Prof. Weirick wn re-elected roll-clerk,
having preven so efficient at the previous
Prof. Buckbout, of tbe Slat# College,
was introduced and spoke upon the sub
ject of Natural Scienca In tbe afternoon
session Miss Weaver, Miss Weston and
Mr. Foreman were chosen critics. Mr
Newcomer read a paper, subject, Trans
position of the Scale, ID music, after which
Prof Buckbout resumed his treatise on
Natural Science
At the evening sessian Prof. Scbe flVr
delivered an interesting lecture, suvject,
Education among the Greeks and Ro
mans, drawing a comparison between the
two and in favor of lb* Greeks
On Cbristmss moraing Prof Buckbout
again continued bis remarks upon Nat
Prof. Stabr, of Lance*ter, followed on
the subject of Mental Science, and w*s
followed by Mr. Harpster who read a pa
per oa a practical tubjert, School-room
Deficiencies, fallowed by remarks by
Grarnly, Moyer, and others.
In tbe afternoon Prof. Buckbout again
touched upon his subject.
Prof. Krise, of Centre Hall, then follow
ed, hi* topic being Primary Teaching, up .
on which be laid much stress and impor
tance; bis paper was able And well re
Prof. Sam'l M. Enmriek read a highly
interesting treatise upon Moral Training,
which was favorably received and called
up further remarks by various members of
tbe Institute.
At the evening session Pref. Stahr lec
tured upon The Results and Tendencies
of Modern Science.
Thursday morning prof. Buckheut dis
coursed upon Botany showing by charts
tbe origin of plants from seeds, and drew
upon the blackboard form* of familiar
plants, with interesting explanations.
Prof. cii*ff#r followed upeii the Differ-
- in i i urn hi it ii I iiaasiiiwiii
etit Systems of Notation, upon winch I'rof.
'-lahr followed in Ater.tal S ( "anc.\
In the evening AYalluce Ilritc* ecturad
upon Robert Put ThU lecture Is high
ly apekan of br nil and crantad a x erjf
favorable impression in favor . Air.
Pro!" Shulti, on Friday, road a paper
in favor of tho atate paying for nil school,
hooks. AA'o d' not think the taxpayer
will so toon get to that war of thinking
people who par for their hooks wi knew
tha value of taking care of them, which
would not he the oate if thee were furnith- i
ad at the public expense For those too.
i>Oor to buy books far their children, a
guarded enactment to turaiafclbem at pub
lic expense might net he objectionable
\ matnorial wat then read be the eomj
I niiitaa appointed to prepare the tanir
upon the death t two dr. eased member*.
Mr David Bollinger, of Aaronsburg, and
\i.s Caldwell of the other side cf the
. a only.
Phis was followed by a report of the
general committee an reeolulione, which
wound up that the tame bo printed in the
Bnl Intent* pnpnrn How high Mnt
country :el lows will become whan they get
,nio a big town. Tlie attendance ofleach*
:a was largo All tho sessions waro open
ad with prayer and music, and a spirit sit
g.K'd will prevailed throughout. Tho lac
lures by the distinguished gentlemen from
abroad wereiich literary treats and high
ly appreciated. The instituta was a suc
cess throug mult
>1 ,Mi|iON BP KG
Last week it was c Id enough to hug the
Christmas was txo cold tor enjoyment
and on New Year sice sewing ead haul
mg was going on. lis the evening a par
tv ot youngster* went to Millheini
On last Saturday Mr. Jobu Stiater, ar
mer, lest his b#*t inare. Sha was '.at out
to water, and was runaing around in the
yard ; but in * short time she was found
dead It is supposed that sha ran againal
something and broke her skull, at least
her skull was found fractured
Prof. C. L. Oram!#* has a singing cla.s
.here which he will teach form few months
Mr. Kmeriek has left us and moved to
AYelfs stand, east >f Reberabu'g
Toe Kvau. Sabbath School has started
a Bible reading class.
The Brush valley girls always rca I the
weather probabilities ; first in order to see
how the weather wll be the coining Sat
urday night then carry wood in accord-1
ingly. |
AYhen speaking of a person • tau.tsj
pray don't forget your own. Remember i
that persons slis live .a gla-s houses
should not throw stones. Cris;it.T. ,
A tew weeks ago at Farmers Mills, there
took places wedding whi -h deserves mere
than tho mere ephemeral .• nl-o/ m, nth
notice. AVe were nt fortunate enough
to see the heavy of good things, but
a friend told u* ef - :ue heavy 'adies pres
ent Four of the lady guests aggregated
ten •: irtd . '• 1 .irfect •' AYhen
ws heard th is .rfcsAy story we mentally con
gratula'.ei ourselves that we did not
get a bid-to that affair. AVhere would
our small bodily presence have been under
the shadow of such a mountain of flesh
Whc can beat that xvedding in weighty
guest* ? F. '
The Festival IseLi in the
Evangelical Church, in Millhoim, on
Christmas eveuiug, was a grund sux>
ces. Before tlark the people c-ui
mencetl gathering in. ami long before
the h"ur of opouing hail arrived the
house was packed full. The seats and
aisles were so full that it was almost
impossible to get through. The Fes
tival was held io the interest of tlu.
Evangelical Sunday School of Mill
heim. Two trees had been placed in
the church, and both were groaning
umier the load of gilts they had to
hear. The church was beautifully■
decorated with evergreens which also
added to the beauty of the occamoo
I'he exercises were rpened with music
followed with piaver bv Rev. C. F.j
D'eninger, who also deliveresl a short
hut interesting address, principally to
the little foiks; explaining to them
the meaning of (Inristmas d'C. lie
was followed bv H"n. \V. K. Alex
ander who addressed himself more to
parents, showing them the great
crimes they were committing and
causing to he committed, bv not in
ducing their children to go to Sals
hath school. Both addresses were
good, short and to the point. The ex
ercises were interspersed with music,
Miss. 11. Theresta Laoich, presiding
at the orcan. The order was as good
a* could be expected under the cirs
cumstances. Many persons could not
be seated, consequently they were
restlcas. causing more or less noise.
Upon the whole all passed off harmo
niotielv, and to the satisfaction of all
concerned. Let Christmas come again.
To cure hams. —Take the hams a?
soon as cut, lay on a dry shelf, take
one lablespoonful of saltpetre to a ham
and rub thoroughly on the fleshy side
of the bam ; as soon as dissolved the
next day rnb all ov p r with dry salt,
in the bone and evry crevice; after
rubbing two or three times, they al
ready for smoking; cover well, and
hang up to dry.
A young woman i 9 said by the
London World to have argued, in
the midst of a dinner party discussion
of Brighaiu Young's death, that the
principles of Mormonism ought to be
reversed. "Times," she said, "are so
had, and fashions soexpensive ( that it
is absurd for one man to have four or
five wives ; whereas, if each woman
had four or five husbands, see how
mueh cheaper it would be for each
husband, and how much better
wives could dress."
C 1 ACTlON.— Having purchased the
/ following personal property at
constable's sale as the property ef Amos ,
Koch, of Gregg township. I will leave the
nut in bit pe*eion at my pleature All
peraoos are cautioned against meddling :
ith the tame, namely : One Coeking
Stove, 2 pair* Bedstead!. i dot Chair*.
Table. Meal Cheat Clock. Poughtray. 1
Ho-se, 1 Spring Ilav and Corn, ltridlc
and Harneat. 1 Cow 1 Pig, and Iron Ket
tle, together with all defendant'a proper
By virtue of aundry writs of h'itri Faci
an, Isvari I'ncinn and I radtliwt erjioiuin
iaaued out of the Courj of Common Picas
of Centre county and to tne directed, there
will be exposed at public aale at the Court
Heme in Bellefente, on Saturday. Jan
•lb, A P., 187'.'. at I o clock. P. M., tha
following deacribed real etate of the de
fendanta to wit /
No. 1.
All that cartain lot or piece of ground,
aituated in the village of Port Matilda
Worth township, Centre county, bounded]
and deacribed aa follow# : OB the north
by lot late of Geo. W Haaaon, deceased,
on the east by an alley, on the south l>
plank road atreet, and on the weal by High
ctreet, the sarn being a corner lot and
containing on High atreet tiO faet, and ex
tending back along Plank road street
about LMO feet. Thereon erected a large
atabl". Seized, taken in execution and to
be sold as the property of It. P. Cum>
No. 2.
All that certain lot or piece of greund,
situate in Boaiahurg, Harris township,!
Centre co., bounded and described aa fel
lows : Pn the eaat by Mill atreet. on the
south by street, on the west sad north by
grave vard, containing i acre, mora or
Jess. Thereon erected a'twe-atory brick
Church building Seized, taken in exe |
oution and to be sold aa the property of
Zion'-church, of the Evangelical LutbJ
conjrregation at Boaluburg.
No 3
All tb*s risbt, tillt mil interest of said
' dcl.iulanl., ill and to tha > ertain l.>'
{piece o!' laud, situat. in Liberty tow nship.
(Centre county b iu ird a> 1 l cr hv! *
follow- l. i! I : in ng •' * I
lorlh bank f l'*b l.agli c - k ' b<"*> p
. hv lands of th# belt* of ;-'iimud Bed
deceased, north I . u. t i .icho. to
post, tli.or. along land* •:
Sehenck 4t p.r>! to po-t. thence• utli
|<i ...I J.S p.w-h** to It.M" t if. i up til. ..til >• b T It '<irl
course* to th. place , b.ginning.
turning thout UWv ' I avowant# be.
ing th. iinio tr.< tof irn I :-urv*s to I
P logg.l bv John Liggit. ou th" '-'lib
■ day of August, lMt Thereon <r# *
(rani, iiw#l init hou*\ kank baut an I o. -
1 .r outbuilding*
All th# tight, till, and In.ere-t ot the >. in that certain tract • ' unseated
|t®®4 situat® In Liberty town.h p. Otnt i
( i jn'.V, lU'irrn.l tl lor a warrant g-anle
to \\ in 11. if, conta ning b*' actr. n ■!
or leu.
All the right, till, .'id int.r.l of tbo .<•
teinlanU in th. certain tr.ot ofuneated|
land, dtntlt it Liberty township C.nir.|
county, urve\ .tl under a wan.tit graa'.'
to John or Clirl.lian N *>ll. Ole, c ■ • tali -
; u g IM> acra* aior. or 1... B.irc.t, ti.#n
in .locution and to b. .1 .. tlie proper
t* of B.nj. Ligget and 1 D Ligget
No I
A 1 the r ght, title a- I in'.<-'*t of r>*
d.fcudauU in a>l to allt it c.rtaiU tract;
or pin ot land t.tu.te Li Snowt'io t * n-,
|ehi|>, Centre inint*. eCuining and. of
i At 1 llinton, John G Urel. arid and* of
thaSnowiho. Land At '• on, i '.ta'n
ing H> acr. more or li.i about - a,r-i
and utul.r feuc. * houl anv olh
• if. .on S .J, take
in and to be ild a. the prop.*
tv of Sarah I'. Cbrianian.
No o.
Th. f'llov. tig described bin ding ano
l.'tot gro md, to rt it ■ Ibe aaid btuniit a
i. itoat. an the .outii :d. ot L.rnb
in th. borough ot B.ll.foai# oa a >t
fronting n L.mb irr a [ I bt>i.n I.
in. v..l by Jot af l M Hutt., hi . in
b> an abay. aao "aal nv 't
Canipb.ll, §a.u bunding i two-itor.
p a", frame nou.e. ■! - • fw#
■ lid IS fori tl.|> >.l*.d, :hn
cutiun and to be aold a th. propurt* ot
I),id A Kenned*, oaner or reputeu
owner and contrai nr.
No. 0.
The following building aa.l Jot ot
ground, to wit Said building located in
line borough of HeU.ionte, ou the . ui
i.ije of Lien .tre.t, in .aid borough, on a
lot adjoining erugrjd ol Jainei Armor on
the eaat, and Lamb .treat on the .outh, a
thirty foot t.-eet en the weat, #nd Linn
at:eat oa the north, and la a UMlory
frame home, thirty-two fact front on
Lmn airoet, and twenty feet in depth, aud
a twu-alory kitchen, a back building 1 > b)
llSfct. Sei/..U, taken in elocution, ana
Wbe .old a. the p-.perty ot Moor. * Ar
mor, owner or repu'.ea owner and con
tract >r.
Ko. y. (
All that certain lot or piece ef gr . d,
situate in Harris town ship. C.-atra county, i
bounded en tha north bi N.ttany Brown*!
tain, and the Ya'eat • e heir., .-a the cart
by and. of John S B !, on t •<* • mlh by
lands ot John ft >\ and on the w.: b* i
lands o: Jaa M U ... c ml. mag A)acre
mere or lea*. Tbareon ere ted a a
brick dweiimg house, bene barn and .-ta
.r outbuildings . about e*i.iytf acre,
cleared. Sained, taaen ib axaCUtibß ajo
to be sold as th# property of \Y D. Uou.
No 8. ,
Ail tha. certain lot or j >cce o: ground,
aituate in lb# bo:ough of Hei ~'onle, v en
trecoUß'.T. bounded and .te. ribed a> tol
low. (.'a the north bv the Brisbin prop
ark] ■ th# ea! bv an ailev, on the ..u.h
bv PHbwd a etiurcu p ipbrty, BI > on 'be
West by the Harris ••tats. - "la on g
about two acre., m re or • i i
erected a two-story ow.' ■ use U '.wo
story school bui.d MWol* an 1 othei
outbaildinga. Seized, taaen 111 cm
and to be sold a. the ne!,!otile A -ademy.
No. *
All the right, title end ietercit i I'.'.er
Weber in and to that certain Jot cr i e
ef ground, situate in the borough of Phil
ipsburg, Colore county, teuaded a id ue
.cribeT as fanoyri, to vit t'n the nur'.'i
by I t ef Kicbard Hays and otCa.t, on f
eait by North Secon T itr.e:, on the south
by Jet of Robert Lloyd, and on the west
bv North Front street, ifonting on tii. sai l
North Front street about 06 feet, and cj.
l.r. :;i g laca SMO feet to i Norm Sac
<it;d street. There n erected 0..e twe-it. -
ry frame da..lit. if i 0u.., a two-.l ry eg 1
(welling house, irs—. stats a:,
outbuilding. Se .sd. taken me; cut
and ti) be sold as the property Ol Pete,
\\ eber.
No. 10
All tbi se two lots of gro- d situate u".
(Beliefeate. Centre county, b i iwde : .a .
described #• follows. t> >it : On* there ?
bonndrd on Its ..orth by JO feci <>f B.nop
street en in* w-t n ,n, f J It But.a
'JU.I feet, south by Logan .'. "J> ! *l. eH
by let of i>. Wood ring JJSJ feet. Thereon
• reeled a two-.torv frame dw. a* ho_te
• Another there ft urcled t rtti 1 v fur:,
jpike. i u the east by the titirs ol ila -•.
a., I . e be Va -nt.m. 1' • -
c;eci*d a lwo**'.nry frame dwelling 1. u.c,
letc. SeizeJ, Ulrm in gsecutionawe to ha
to:d ss the property ofCt aries i.rodn
No. U.
All that certain tract of land, situate a
Ft rgu.on lown.tiio, Crotrecountv. bound
cd wu the north by land, of James >.
K rape, on til# • ast by nd. belonging 10
the estate of Daniel Eckel a <i Andrew
IHi U:i en, or. 11 o . iutb by la: d. • . T nom
as F Paiton and flt-firy a; u on
.the west he lai.a- ol Jonathan sJur a: u
Henry bloom, containing KM acre, more
or lass I'tiere.n ereted a • ilo-y
brick bouse, bank barn, and other out
buildings all cleared and in s good state
of cultivation. N .'sd. la<en in ois ul n
and to bs sold at ta. property of W. D.
No 11 J
All that certain building and let of
ground, t<> wu Said buildmrtwu .trie,
high, having a front of twenty-seven faat,
1a: -d a del th ef seventeen fact Situate no
on a certain let of ground in Hush town
ship. Centre county, bounded on the
: south-west by land, of Alherton heirs, on
1 the south-east by BeUefoatt and Philips
'lburg turapike, on the north-east by lot
jot Kobcrl Sievea.on, and en the north
west by land, of Petar Schmidt, Seized,
taken in exreut on an 1 to bo so'd as the
; preperty of Lcar.tler Steinro k.
I No 1-1.
All that ttarUin lot or piaco of ground, 1
situate in .spring towr.ihip. Centra county,
bounued and de.cib.U a. follow., via:
Begiumog at a pia® tr.r on tlie touta-esktt .
c-irn#: of Sariiuei Koi.'s lot .n roa l lead
ing to l'.rdeau farm, thence along .aid '
road n.rtli (>i , va.t ilxtean perch*, to a
.take, thence norm IT.' . west 10 pt-rcbe. to .
a stake or atane, thence southhll . ofln
taen perch*- to a "lake on north-east cer of Bamuel Kl. s lot, thenca along '
•aid lot aouth 29", eii.t 10 perehee to lb*
place sif bfginniag, containing on# acre
more or ie.. Thereon erected a two-xlo- ,
ry frame dwelling iinu.e und other out
building. Seized, taken in execution
andtobeaoJd as the property of A. li.
Cox- !
No. 14 '1
All fbat certain lot or tiiece ot ground, 1
situate in Pnilipsburg borough, L's'ntre 1
county, bouudea and described HS fol- t
1 low. :On the north by 10-ot L. G. Lin i
g!e, on th" eat by South Fourth street, tat
the .outh bv lot 'f C. fi Herliuger. and'i
on the west by South Ceatre atreel front
! ing on the .aid South ('entrc .trcet' feet,
'and extending hack 21" feet to sitid South
Fourth street Tiierssen erected n|"two
.tory frame tiwclling house, stable aad |
I other outbuildings. v ei/.ird. taken in ex <
I ecutior and to be aold r.i the property of I
L. A. Shearer.
No. 16. I
AH that certain lot or pieca of ground, 1
aituate in Potter township, Centre county, 1
bounded on tho north by land, of VVIII 1
Mulbarger, on lb# east by land,af Joaenl
Strum, on the south by lends of Jonn|<
VV'agrior, and on the west by land, ofj I
Wut. Mulbarger, containing about 4 iicre.ji
mere or let.; tliere<>a erected H two-story
frnnm hou-c. small barn, and other out 1
building. Seized, taken in execution and 11
to be aold as the property of John Jordon.
No. 16.
All that certain lot or of ground,
.itueto in the borough ol llellefonte Cen
tre county, bounded on tho north bv 1
Church ailey, on the ea-t by lot of II K
H.rks. on the aou'h by Liftn .troot, and on 1
the weal by lot of George Potter, fronting
on said Linn street (K - feet, und extending j
back '-.HO feet to said Church alley Then
n erected a two-story frame dwelling
house and other outbuilding* Seized,
taken in execution and to ba .old u the
proi erty of Thorn*. A Hick.
Term* Cash No deeds will he ac
knowledged until the purchase money it
paid in full JOHN SL'A NG I.K It,
NU jail It Slier ill
pv>KcnoK s NOTICE
Getters testamentary on the e-tato of
George Murray, iate of College township,
deceased, having been granted to the un
dersignnl, aU persons indebted to said e.
tate are required to make immediate pay
ment, and iho.-e having claims against the
same to present them, duly authenticated
by law, for settlement.
Claims can bo presented to either of the
undersigned. J D-MUKKAY.
,9 jan Ot. Executors.
T ICEN3K. —N.lice is hereby given
1 |_i that the fallowing n*rovd
parsons have filed their petitions tor Cl
eans., in th. office of tbe clerk of th.
Court of General Ouarter Sessions of the
f | Peace in arid for Centre county, and that
.application will be mado to the next Ses
• sions of said Court te grant th. same
.Jatnes L. Delong, Libertv twp., Tavern.
l t Cltrk.
. i II if - ■ W--JlM—-*s mm r ISM IHI 11l I !■■■ U•• :••*■- I ■llllllll MS* > - ■—n—, ■— W - : ~ -
Tlie Call Season for (he year 1878 is now opening and a Mew and EXCELLENT STOCK OF
v roiUJUKNIiriMKU.V CO. 'B, (KMI UK HALL, and will be ol lat LOWEST FIGURED They Han lumens® stock an I we 1 ! a Wf.d ui every lint. IIAVB
l)r, >S 's (woods* Clothing* jlitis cy ( ftps, Hoots iy Shoes, Notions, Groceries, *8 fc., (it Lowest Pricey.
~~ NEWMAN King Clothtier
of -Jexatre county.
Winter Suits Over Coats 82.50. Underwear 20c. Boots $1.75.
Challenge the County fit Heat my PRICKS and QUALITY,
I li 011-iu
Cnsforoil, bmiilee beitijr nti
•nt tlrc*sinj fut It-aflirr, tctnlnre til
rcriuin prtxi'. It -Imulil lie miel ' >
•.v littlf tiriil linlf, with tullotvor othnll.
■it. Neither rata, ronclu*, nor other! 1 ,,
I'ermio will uftnek It'iillier ro |r*-j>ur- j
•<i. :
Tlie I'lillowiuj is litf (li rinatitow n v
lVlror ili'. simple rente lv for frost
itics Kxtittcl tin fr> -i by liie np { „
•lii-utiiiti-J e wit r till the frozen
•art is pliable, lul lei no artificial
>rut touch it; then apply a salve ui.uh •
•f npial pnrt. ol In jp,' lard and
[loader, rubbed together until it forme (
t paste, and iu K- thtsis twenty four i
tours the frozen part will be well.
■ABMIE9. '•
tin Jat, 'J at in* home of tha b-ida.j"
ariv'iU. b Le\ \V. 1! Fisclitr Jau:.i "
Lltcli and f.niinti It. Weaver, both o!
iea Farmer t Mills. !'a
' >■■■ ?> uit ,I v K v \S m 1!, M - |'
"'ranltri B. ll.i v. ! L.r- *J. Pair -, "
"Uiity It. ,an ll.s Ire.a D. Gr
'-■tt.r twp,
t I t1.,. ult ,! v Uee J.Teu. r.a t. •<
,t-i.'.e ! ti liei A Lsr.d.s, Mr t L. .I
■ rain!* lu II i.a A \S oster. 1 th of Re- ; .
larsburg, C.ntr.
Bs thiJath ult . hv ti>. same, tt the -l
in !* • res ua-ice IU M ..tiaiiu Mr J L| J
of Lewiibtirg. t • M .# A T Mus U
ar, ■•: Was L Ma.srr
fi -.hv "4 u':t hv K.v K a-t Ha
) D , ki Italicv I , Miss 1. tr e
laugater of Sir. Jamas G.ei.n, all.fCol-l '
•go twp
A: the I'aj'. i hy Ke W
t Ji.c rt - I'uaadai • ■, Mr. | •
i- rgaM Mailer]7 MtM Emma Wia
>lh of lieli.lotite. l'a
At tl.e resident of the br le • ' Iter
m !•• loth. Is s ! v KT W JI. Divti
llr J. J' lorr* ot ila-'or Pa aini'
il si i aiale 'War. il :v < c - I
re aunty, Pa.
tin thl .. t. hv a 11cv Ge. . P
iart. a.; Mr. ( t.a . G er to NA..a 1
iuima Bart:.- ki*, s'.l si*. '
hit couaty. '
At the Lutheran parsonage I'.cvers- "
>urg, o: 1 1 . u' •Ja v . I tv Ka* f
Vuran i, Mr Wrti P I all *rn an ' ki
ie m. am M•• K • t'. i Krenter .f L j
;ns o.
At the .sue j see.- n tae e*o of De . ,
• bv the .a • Mr. Perry 1" onfar and •
j •: L'a v V Ho.- M it l; .
,'entre ccui :v. Pa
In ftg'e;* M lit ec-uctr. Pa. <•'
. - ga.iion e. ii Jereu. a. li i
ige J 4 ' year., 'J months and 1 day.
An at i roe* ale M"fn< n or tne w r
te die t*gait ' •'.* ivrred bv Itev. J
iY. Wt'te of M r. v Kcv h O tjiiae
n mtlia t.v i",iiuat ii' aras ic-ng t ,
la rer.iemb* ; I :.e <|e nu '. wa. a i n '
if James G- •#. sr. of nea- farmer.
M • a' i for a number >f y- • a -e.-
• a ■ Peg : >a \ He e: •IB:s in j
yfea.e copy
In \ a v. De . John lie;:-
is . tged ' vrsri • ■ au# days.
Departed t: < 'ite c l.eaa. l . He.- >"i.' s
Mr. Uatl triss ti oaawiaa w
ism m Cath.ria. Bbeae, igtd U yn
: mas abd 8d
S-.ewa.b -n <• t'aa'.-e c üb'.v I'er • t
Bee as - ' latwh Gtc. nai * ■ •
Its IS, l fc > in h - Ktd year She em*
ti.etxjuthe- o' ! ' chi 'ran nine are : II (
living. ,-'e e'.fg •" g-e. dl* i
She wet a ai.t.r t< M-s. tler.bberger ]
Hut ertburg. sad Mr. K tb.l of near
Penn Hall, Pa . who depe-ted lbi !i (
w ilhin the'a.l yc*r. At tie age e'
taen yaar. tt a e ne. r*red herte'f to
L'nn.t, sad unitad w tb tha Lutheran
church, ren-a nirg a teith'uL con.i.taui
member uiii i,rr oereae. tlavic.g isuiit
into Stepb*n n count) 11, nea- l,*:.a
it a and iter hu!ta',d wore among th -se
who secured tße trst preaching of lUe
g<l>el t'V a Lutheran iu niter in the
t->wn of Lena, and vu prearr.ed bv t ->.r
son in-law liav. D-nmoyer, wfc-t. (hay
and lua>- faun y • £h.;-o.aJ nutr-y tha a..-
tira congregattun.
() ,v.r n. vu |>B <f Ira J. and Ma la
\Va ! ker, a'. Keber.burg, Dc. I'd aget '
yaar*. f> moath. and 1 dsr Mr Wa ae
livaa in Bt.phenton county. 11l lie with
hi. family, w if*. on and daughter, .am.
•; about th lt of D*c to v.nt their
friend. Thev wera h<- e but a few cats
wiien thev ,-nr 1 I ? a l exper anc# that
in tbe midst of ire with all It. erjavu.ent.
we ere in death, in that thev bare I n
bereft i an oniy ion. Nuch ar. Ih. ways,
of providence and our praver should be
"teach u. to num sr our days, tbal wa
may app-y eur neans unto * iLm . f.,-
"thou turne.t man to Intra lion. a . i say
e.t. Keiurn. yacl ildrer. I f men |"
In Karthaus twp., Cloarilald county,
Dei .Vl th alter a lingering ilineas, Mrs
Adalioe Gilliland. w of JcsepJi G ...-[
land, aged ab >ul S2 year..
In B gc t-'wn-up. Centre c.unty, l'a
I >•' Mn A: cttxa ileaton. wife of
Enoch lleeton, ag<-d b s vears, 7 month*
and 'dVdays.
Ia Hailef.nte. Pa., Dec. 20. Mr. lifnry
Koch lor. aged 88 years
On 'doth ult . in Haines twp., Fanny
Yearick, egeu I year., 17 days
I> EfIISTF.IPS NOTICE.-The fol!o"w
k i: g accounts have boon exam ned
and par-e l by n,e. and remain filed of.
record in tli- office for the inspection of]
heirs, legatee*, creditors, an 1 a!) other- ii .
any war it '.•rusted and will ba pre-enled
to lit** Orphan s Court of ('iiiitre otinty
on Wednesday, lb*'."ith day of January,!
A. I). 18T9, for confirmat n and allow 1
I Thr second |artial account of Win.
Allison, jr., executers of Ac. of David
Lamb, late of Marion two , deceased.
2, Tue account ol William Allison, jr.,
guardian <>f Hannah Daugbenbai I>. minoi
chilil of Jacob Datighenbaugh, late of
Ontr county, deceased.
.1. Tim account et Or J. It Leitzel,;
guardian of Martha P, Fran<us A., Per
cival LI and Kather M Harshborger, mi
nor children of Samuel Hnrshberger, lati
of Potter lewnthin, deceased.
1 The first and final account of J. W •
Campbell, executor of Ac of Samoa 11
Harpater, ia'.e of Ferguson township, de
The final account of Wm. W. Span-;
gler, administrator de bonis non cum tus- j
lamento anneio of Ac of lie* Daniel
Kerr, late of Putter township, deceased.
0 The account of J. S I Isubermsn aari
John Jordon, executors of Ac of Hannah j
Daub ems*, late>f Petter township, de-1
ceased, at filed by John Jerdoij, one ottlu |
7- Ttie acceunt of Willtnna Garner, ad
[ ministratwr of Ac of Samuel Garner, >ate
! ef Harris township, deceased.
8 The tlnal account of Joseph F. \\ ill
taias. guardian ef Newton Spoils, minor
child of John Spoils, late of Huston town
ship, dcceaed
'J. The second account of Jacob Strolim,
cuardian of David Kerr and Susannah
Karr, minor children of Daniel and lle
hecca Kerr. Annie Zerby. John oerr and I
Klrmra Kerr, minor grand children of thi
said Dan e> and itebii ca Kerr, late of Pot
ter township, deceased.
11l The fourth and partial account el
Peter llofferand Carrie I. \Vo|( t admin
isl i a tors ol Ac of II on. S. S Wolf, I ale of
INslter lownahip dcenea. as filed by Pe
ter lioffer, one of the administrators.
11 Th account of John Hishel, guar
d inn of Samuel Stover, a sen of Calharim
Stover, late of Gregg township, deceased
a* Glad by M S. Kiabeland Win F. Kear
ick, administrators ef John Hishel, de
12 The account of Jehn Hishel, guar
dian of Mary Jane Smith (fermorlj
Neese), a minor child of William Neese.
late ot Potter township, deceased.
13 The tlnal account of John M. Fu
> ray. guardian ef Sarah E. Stone, minor
• child of Jetaph G Stone, late of Spring
i township, deceased
14 The account of Daniel Fleisher.
executor of Ac of Josiah Buyer, late of
Petter township, deceased
9 j stn KegUler.
" s|
nhtrki i II • ' sr,e % Mirir, <•!
I '.* , . i e t . li kt il. •' . 11 - i a'' iMI
Ifkll y.'iiila(iß| 111 ibßiuUttitMut I'sillrs * llßluu Shd
l'iaC;< Id, aid tin |l<suuialti Natla'l I latth. ut| l-r
liut. ... te.l IMG Ate.Hl.lod Ja.l|clut ciGo
. ouulj , . .Ilug ÜbUrwi ID, i itfjjrH, Lcailum dlle tu
lei tit] .i.lti, \ I* -• i me din-* id fur L-Hi*
• iui l o( Ufrt end I ornltt4*r Ui4 Lc|*r! Jell IWll
eij tt I h< •' i.< ' llio I'r xi rlo liLof *.L ft
(M . bll I t t:. 11 r . t I i wll> It.C Itf 0 cobs itsn lib
Mui.ii .) . f *u l iLf itr r Hi Ol JEMMfy
N- ' •
IhNM f list I**4.. . A id, iibkii A'- - ohrUt'iri • j1 thr
•aid (htUblj uf I al 1... )lc the U and Ificit lu '
(llßlf j B'j'rf fwfM'h .1 li i Iff fit* f of
•aid d|i Mlt h llißlf i ds, ikrv| kSißlll • 1, I iallilU*
iioti: - ■lor II uaii |t .r :t la■• w, la* flo I tsfauaf ( olngs
sT|U 'i in ' - 4,'ti b(4>lM duitß. *bd IDs.a*
•a L*i <af • I . 1 ill i , . is lu {'lteMM ul b||AlUa(
UiS |*t i<rttf(lull mr if • .1 ie*# Ir ILa .l*li sif I .Hire
-I * - . r | r s iU ll.l,
a' s •
Olleu uts.ler my httd, ll hr.Ufußl* Ida I>( dtf o!
Jm lull* 111 f v-l I I" 5 U. tU la/.
;• wl ll*'tvoU4cncf ' tf.e. I :;1 cd M*l*b
JOHN G'ANiil> li. NLfrtft
\ l DPI OK S NOTICE dhe auditor
appointed !> wt. or| bans' Court
of ( < aire cotsuly, to distribute tho fund.
in toe ban I. of th- idiu.' .str-.tor .( John
Kuhr , dec J wh ea.cxr-l.tor of tlx* <w
taleof Peter Dur*f, dee'd, •# .hewn by
:Se Lrst, ,• r.<l and ttii'd partial a fltints
tiled, ni.d air •to bes' m 1 pas u ■ m the
cxceptior-. tiled to the fourth and final ac|
COUM ' HI" -a : <-*< a. I * . by thai
•, .. ra and make dtsirtbuf ri
US a'. . ant eg I tl. K-ga. y ef.tiliAi 1
thereto, wt uiii lit®;' ■ d .ii*. • lit. ap-1
PSiltinSTlt xt his office, in IleJJef. nte, oaj
>ato' tv : e e'-v.-nth ,1a .! January.
A D 37V, at 10 • A M ■ ■ .aid
day D. E EoKTNKY,
171 <ic, it Auditor.
TOtt Ol'k
x* ix PRuta.
Be eg a cx I .ryof a tbe its-j
portant ind i-. <•- f America, including
\g: , .;p. -a . Mec .ao.ral. Mauutacluring.j
M ; ' - -a i, •: t.rp* *
ii. AU'i.l. ' argo f'lavo pageaaitd oik"
tin. • ria* ll g*.
For Isrm tyr apply at once to i
Th. Henry !i. ! l'uhlis:.. £ 4. Nor
wich, Conn. I'J dec f<
AvinM ihe lliohcel Medal at Vi-i
ebtta aad PhusdfclpltU.
i: Ail. T. AN IHONY .V CT>.
691 Bc-'adwaj, New York.
Ma: afc*.are *, T. ; ter A Dc ers in
Velvet Fraru< , Album:. Gruphov
icopo, Btcm 'ropfx and \ ittvs,
Knyat gi • - re. Phot jrap' ar I
kindred g da—Cel.bnt •• Actre-e.- etc.
\Yo a-e ItnluMtMß for avervthirg in thai
way of
Sterueoj tiootii auJ Mn/.C Laatcrue,
Ka.•'.via l>s k" • best ,<( (ti da.-t in the
Beautiful Photographic Trarsparercies of
Ma". ,a v a i I . grax 'g-f, r the w iaCf.
C-CBVCS ('.#!' Y.a t-.*e, of Velvet
Eramrs fr Mtmap.'.res ar.d Convex • s.
CaUl gu. f l.r". ' -■ a:-1 S de., with
dire '. r.s f ru* c. s. nl.n ra.* pt of us
MM ttißfc
' W(lUr<iX.
** Vibrator"* Threshers,
Awd Mrsai Thr< hrr l.ugino,
Baa. culjr by
BATTiai 4 BECM, Wirn.
TIIK Mnlrhleaa SJrwln-Hwvtne- Tlwte.
hsvlat aid Mm* -saitu Dtmaiwrx 4 lht vy ar*-l 1" r- ul ail Kl*a!rT fc*r !W 4 i, J\r*
lid *A for ft-ria* otmim U|t
n HAITI KtiUrmwlll ut HmbmU tc Ho
• aowr *• wa*'*. c* Grill A limit >. rto* mth if
*4Lrt ttsthoKl r* t *t 4MKW ynrlBol. Uro 410®.
TIIK tKTIKK TbrrrtMnj K*|Miisrs
,n4tr.®t •. 0.. i f
. th* Kitm Onua BATED | y U.c 22*. ten*.
IJO RPTOIYIIV ) ln"ldi' lh' Srji.
' -• •
|t r.a rrrfeMly ai'-apled *•> ' Elm), tnd Omd'fl -uiuf
r j I.raio, W#i Dry, L* . 4ter wi,li. aj*4i>rH t>i
k|(FT snlr Vnttir Hiffriar for Whrm,
VI <Nsf. li.tVwT* l* r •"'I 1 *' lS *
f " rrwlu 4-r in FT*k*. TH ' . M M. ,awf.4Ml
| I keh. ia Itemtt • ' •••lUa-! .. *. "fMfttt&UaC*'
I • v teftri frvu Gram to 8w >•-
MAKVKfeOrM for Slaipllrln PnrtM*
...tng 'ten • Half • ■ •
EsAte t*a Lltrtc* * tMtterii
pOl'H Hlfrn of HpprniorN lliulr, rnng.
■ mtmAAiSSmAfimm ®
SVF.ATi Tower THrflirm n H|*ciitltr.
t ifMritltix -uadvi i|a <■*,; !<< Mwtm IVlrtr,
Ol lt l"nrivnt,-I S-ienm Tttrmbrr Ka
sigßg, wrtitt V sins; <• Ls|4HrM*'l Itrtlfc* U**
I'raiurti*, far l*jt*J aii) fiber uutkv kiftl
IN Thoronirh Wotßmnnohtf. Fleannt
llais . Kfifix n •* I'sits 4 ntpiurr,,.. nJ Eq dtmMil,
I ®lr , sex*t "Vi*4Tvm TkteMrt • >uICU a/w in< npsgro/ttMo.
••(til I'nrtlralnra. coll on our ftpoleru
C-. will- - - i* w-aailllew
■R ATERS'OrrhctitrionrltiraesOßGA!!
utkr moat IM-aallful
ft I PR' 4 'onerrtoatop. wkl*
HI i h ,i sin
|jv2 ' two no<l n bull
|(j jrall! i"sn wlih'karweda,
S 111.114 X, 4-IIAI'KE. and 4 IITTA4;K 4IK-
T: A Bsi, in rniuiir L-'rrneb COM-* ORE eve
ry reapers FtKKT CI.AaH.
S All It TIIK ItltHT Jtl AIIK,(Ac Tone, Tourh,
Warbmnnhtp,il Itnrnhllltv I uaurpuased.
i. WarruKril lr MIX YKAKM.
' PRU'KM BXTKEOIKI.V I.lltV for raah.
nimilbtv lnalnllmeola reeelved. A I.lbeml
H ItUrounl ( TKi'Vcrii. Mni\itart,Clturckm,i>rl>eol,
XxAbENTa WASTED. Mperla I Isidore,
r snrnta so Ihe irndr.Hlualriitrd I'nlalogaei
,i Mnlled.Ms-rond-hnnd InaSriiosenl.ii<4Jreol
" llnrontnn. IIOHAI'E VVATKKM Jk MONM,
Wouui'iieStirera 0*11! Ilrali-r.,
WtJI'AJIJS, -N*WJh\7il4, LV>, VWT.
', lUicFr
i-- \
(SuccoMor to T. A. Hick* A Bro.) *
Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, Putty, &c., See.
yog- \lw4 liiim the itKi-nry of Ibe Souih lieuU Cliilled Plot* for (hla <nBl).lR
- 11 J
Lettr testamentary on the estate of„f(
Wm All. ton. late of Potter twp., do
. l, having boon granted to the under
,>iglled, nil tut lint f hie i U told estate,, u ,
nr.- TI jutrcd t iiuiU iminedlate (>a J i ,eM (
and those . aims against the nUßi* [U
ti present them, du y authenticated by
i law. f..r si t'... .... j .
AII accounts retual" .eg .'.n-tlled sflf I
•Inn yl. T*i. *il be |il>. ad l.'iu bands e: A.
a Jutlice fur collection
JAS. A BLA, f™
Executor*. ii
• ♦ • O
Spring Milla Market. i
"Wheat VO. '
' Rye, 4!tc. ,
(' i-n, oars, per bu. new, .4 c
I flat*, I*7. .
(.'inverter J, % SO to $4 0(5
, Chop, per ton, t JU.OO.
Piaster, ground per ton, f 10.00
Flour, per bb! |iW
' Butter, H.
T. c. *
ting*. Jlc-
Egg* j. r d.z , It. J
I . Warhed . sol C,
Parked butter worked over. 10c. J J
Coat, Ki t*.l Bv Car. (irktt
r.ts M6 Ni
I Slot a, liim $!•., i ,
Chestnut, 4 St $i (Si
i' a i. • i to V,
C -tapewad of \\ >ol and bilk Pelted to u
gather with tbabilk aait to the foul. A H
■uro ra af 'or Rheumatism ar.d proof
against (Vid and Lamp Frtt Many a
co.d a' J the a'.tandant cenarquen es pre- at
wcled by thaae good* Bdt Lj W
mail to any address on receipt of S> Cent* j
State air< i ahoa worn, and if for liact
Lady or Child. t
CaMUaan ar.J Ap<*nU da wad w.'.h 1
1 1heaa gw Jt 11, VV JOHNSON. I
jl'.idctt .. Arch Street. I'ki a.
—— lit
, Takes p'c.ure in announcing to the po> -
p.a of M ilihciiu and vicinity.
has opened a New and Elegant a
, on Saturday, October 19tb. IB7K M
A full lice of choice and laatiiuna
geodt always on band at popular pncea i
IkrrsHUtulaine. and all kinds of '
Plailer and Trimmer f : making all kinds'*
of aide-knife, box and lan Plaits; Fluting
tjuiliing, and /.eiw.vri: g. n ill be a prom-j
inent tealure <>f I 14 ocl '2m
inn nnn Mar. and Women are'
|\'U,UUW Wanted, to make from)
$2 l sl6 per day Agents a-e now tnak- j
ii.g t! at amount Ado-ess. with ope cent,
stamp, Hv. s. T. BUCK, Miiloa, Pa. 'i
36 dec 4t i
rt-to ALL WHOM II MAY CoN- '
1 CEKN.— The books and Tendus
i notes of the late Dr Peter Sur th, deed.,
have been left v. in Wm II Miugie.
where all interested w.H pit-are Call and ]
, make settlement without further delay, ar
after January 1. !h77. the iiooks and p. te
will be placed in hands of a Justice of tl*i
Peace lor collection bv legal process {
Mcetlf Cli AELKS ti MITH. F.x.
|—The following described property, :i
John Kinmert. de. d. tuate in Hams'
' twp.. Centre county, >n* FARM, contain-,!
ing one hundred and thirty-three acres. | or Jos-, bounded by iandaol B. Kv-.
erhnrt, died, J allies Glenn, McFallen.J
l>r. llenderaon, dec'.!, and others. i ofle.-- |
!ed at private sale The farm is well wa- ■
; to red, a never failing stream of water ruti- :
j nine through the tariu and within thirty
I yards of the barn, also, a weil of never-,
, failing water at Iho house, w ilh good puiup
in it Tbo improvements are a targej
FItAMK tw alorir- high, al
moit new. a FRAME BANK BARN,
i forty-five ov eighty feet and all <ther tie - '
loasaryloasary oulbuildirgs. This is one of tbo
best producing farms in tin- >e tion lorali
j kinds of gram ,- it all hmostono land. A
largeOKCUAitD oi choice Iruit on the,
For particulars inquire of Wm. Werti
on the farm,
i Also one HOUSE and LOT situated in;
Uoaisburg, Centre county, the house i#2j
m gtoriea high, with kitci i n atMw bed t-• it,
and all necessary outbuildings, also a goo.l
stable, a never failing well of water with
good punip. The lot is well set with fruit,
tree* of best quality. ,
Also' 2 acres and 123 perches i i oicollei.'
land situated near the German Reformed
church in Boalsburg, within two squares c-:
iabove house
JOSIAII NEFF, Executor of J Em-i
inert, dee'd. Sept 6 if
vy. a. s>l A ? £A,
Respectfully informs the citixensof Cen
tre Halt and vicinity that he has opened a
new shop ill tho old Bank Building. New
work turned out according to style,and allj
_ Kind* of repairing neatly done, and on
| -hurt notice. Price# reduced and to suit
I .he times. 7M.
1 Furniture (looms!
> respectfully informs the citixeua ot Centre
" county, that lie has bought >ut the >ld
i slanJ ot J. O. Deininger, and has reduced
• the |>rices He has constantly on hand
L, and makes to order
i TABLES, &c., Ac.
t His stock of ready made Furniture is
j large aud warranted of good workman
r, ship, and is all made under his immediate
>- supervision, aud is offered at rates cheaper
• than elsewhere.
£ , Call and see his rtock before purchasing
I elsewhere. feb 211
BRICK JTOR BALE —Find claa. brick
n hand fur sale at Zerbo t Centre iieil
rick vat-it Theee brick ere w
4'red ea low that it will pay persona et e
.stance to come here for them. .
Intending to <oniinue in the menu far*
ire of brick the* will be kept constantly
i hand, and lair inducement* ottered to
\K i> 6D{IUOS|
Dentist. MiUheim.
bitituwntlM> Mtile !!• it
1 pMltitßi •iiuptrbUwDi u. iLm CtbUi pro* _
itiitiftwfuilfjifiptrfdle tiUMt tNtlai-Mielir I
ilWul f>ln tXi)f tt
Spring Mills, Pa.,
Nfew Grain Hou?e is f
Ready for The
Reception of
t th* HIGHEST CASH PRICK end the
IK'-T CoAL il Market oid at the very
,i*l price.
Hides ! Hides !
ttii-K >'f.' Hide* and receive the Highe*t
'rice for them.
1 * • < kr+t> tor tale UPPERS. K!Ps.
'A LF s I Ns, and tiOLh IKATHRB a
l low-t price.
Alto a lull lino of
iarness. Saddles. Collars,
Bridles, Halters, Whips, etc. L
tltie very Lowest Price*.
aoctSm : 0
[irocerj and (
Confectionery J
The undersigned baa opened a new Gro- j ii
•ery and Confectionery. and will alwavt :
seep a full line • f good*, at loweet possible j.
jrscet. and kindlv asks a thare of the pub
ic patronage. l! it ttock consist* of
All kind, of
tod all fruiU of the season generally in '
>uck t
Ai.o a lull hue <>l CON 1 LCI ltlN KRIKS
\ii kind# <f country produce taken in •
I eelt low for CASH and PRODUCE. i
.Wept v . C. DINGES.
Spring Mills 0. K !
at I. J. Greocble'a Store !
bat the good*. Largest stock 1
Prices Lower than
At ,i now attend# a cordial invitation t->
hit friends, patron*. and public gdneral
Also a Complete Assortment ot
Reedy Made Clothiug :'or men and :
boy*. Suits as low as to be bad in the
Imported and Domestic
Full line# of
For Ladies, Gent?, Roys, Misaes and
Hoaiery, Gloves, Root* and Shoe*,
And tho tuotl complete a#sortment of
'n Central Pennsylvania, and prices that
wiUcoiniul YOU in self defence to buy of
hm . Alto Pith, Salt, olc. 18oc
A full line of Howe Sewiup Machines
and Needle* forall kinds oi machine?.
Alto dealt in all kindt of Grain. Mar
ket price paid for the tame. A specialty
'in COAL by the car load.
New Pianos $125
Much, ari.l all ttylpt, including GRAND,
sgITARK and UPRIGHT nil strictly
ri rut'dnm, told at the lowast net cash
wholesale factory price#, direct tothe pur
|cha*er Thotc Piano# made one of the fin
c#l display# at the Centennial Exhibition,
yuid were unanimously recommendod for
iha llh. ikst Hovoks— over 12.000 in ute.
Regularly incorporated ManufacturingC<>,
—Fnctorv established over 86 year#, ibe
Square Grand# contain Mnthushok't new
■patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the
treatcft iiiiprovcment in the history of Pi
nto making. Tho Upright* are the finest
in America. Piano* sent on trial. Don't
c'fail t" write for lllu-tralod and Deserip
i live Catalogue of 4S page*—mailed free
1 jseiit ly 21 East loth Street, N. Y.
Would moet respectfully inform the oi'l
zens of this vicinity, that bo has started a
t new Boot and Shoo Shop, and would be
- thankful for a share of the public patron
e age. Boots and Shoes made to order and
r,according to stylp, and warrant* hit work
■to equal any made, elsewhere. All kinds
g of repairing done, and charges reasonable
'-VQive him a call. I'eblß ly
- fca
Jas. Harris Co.
P A I N T S,
Bargains ! ,
In MEN'S and BOYS,
LOUIS DOLL'S Shoe Store,
opposite the Bueh bouse, Beilt-foau,
roona formerly occupied by J eh*
Powers. *pr2sy
Candy Manufactory & Bakery.
Mr. Albert Kauth,
At tha
is now making tbe very beet
in Bellefonie.
Candies and Confections.
He alto manufactures all kinds of can
die#, and dealers can purchase #f Bias as
low a# in the city. Cendiea of all kiadaal
ways on hand, together with Oraagaa,
Lemon*. Fig*. Datus, Nuta, Byrupa, J al
lies and everything good.
An Excellent oyster saloon also ik
tachod to the Bakery. Call and see
liEt-LKiFuNTK, Pa.
Hat been recently thoroughly renovated
and repaired, and under toe -naragemeat
of tbe New Proprietor, Mr. GEORGE
HOPPKS. formerly of W'msport, is lot
clat* in all tt# appointment*
Are offered to those in attendance at court
and other* remaining in town for a few
davs at a lime.
The large#t and most superbly Desigsod
H > tel in Central Pennsylvania
Al l modern convenience*. Go try Ike
Bush Louse.
S-ug GEO. HOPPES, Prepr.
Masirsr-rrnaa or
Saddles. Harness, Bridles. Collars, Whip*.
Fly net*, and also keeps on hand Colt* a
Net*, etc. Price* low as any where els*.
All kinds of repairing done. The beat
stock always kept on hand- All work war
ranted. A share of the public patronage
i# kindly solicited. 11 apr, H y
W;t7: War! War!
Sewing Machines!
XF.W 1.1 Stop Parlor OrnOu.
Price s3#o, For f 110 Caata.
"J Stop Organ#, New, for S7O-00 Prie*
Sewing Machines Guaranteed NW,
aud as Represented, for $25 00.
to the New Music A Sawing Machine store
, Alleghany Street,
2fijuly Belief ante, P
. m #ar owm Sowb II Oultl Im
w art. Kuihr. It #on want a ' M
,111 If Iwhlcti pwraoaw of wllhor hi ema Bi*k mil
td/WVrp**ll tbw iline ihr work, vrlu hr mt,
ucularw to ii. Hi I rriACe PertlaeCiie
IS mar. y
DF. FOKTNEY Attorney et Lew
Be'.lefonte. Pe. Office over Sot
nuld# bank 14inay"a^
RECEIVE DEPOSITS, and all >w lnter
est: Discount Notes; Buy md
Bel< GovernmentSeonritiw
(Gold and Coupons
WM. Wolf. Wn. B M i-oti,
Pr—'L Jaskise
¥ L SPANGLER, Attorner at Lew*
aw a uoaaultations in Engli*h .and Ger
aaaa uute in Furn's new building.
Ucsn make money faster at won for a, thaa at aa*
thln aWa. Capital ao raair*d ; we wIU atask
you. *U per day at liotaa mad, by Ike ladsatri
ooa lieu, women. ho> aad gtrla wanted ewa
wbere to work for us Now U tbe Uae. daw
outfit and term* free. A Jdreaa Tmua A Co. AaewaC.
Maine. SSmarTy
Lincoln Butter Powder, makes
ter sweet andhard, and guickar to ckttr*
Try it—for sale at W. Woifs