The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 02, 1879, Image 2

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    flit Ceatrt Itptrttr.
It is setltttmlW thought that John B.
T.inn, the present of the Com
monwealth, will be retained by Gover
nor HoyL
A SIO,OOO package was stolen from the
ecivernaent printing office, at N\ ashing
ton, one day last wsek. The most ex
pert thief can not do that from the he
porter office.
Caleb Onshing died at Newbury port
on ."s bv which New F-ugland has lost
perhaps, the ablest, most accomplished
And versatile of all ner sons. As a law
yer, a diplomatist and a statesman h
stood in the very front rank of the men
of the present time.
From the Sua : l appears that in Ne
York eitv soma churches are diaturbe.
about the kind of wine to use at the
communion table and that it is kept up
in soma of the churches with unabated
energv. In soma eaaaa worn-out clergy
men are emploved in vending the n
fermented' article, and in expounding
its merits and enforcing its excellence a
meetiugs of ecclesiastical bodies. f
not unusual for these hrethern to carrv
with them to such meeting* a demijohn
of their favorite tiuid, or A '•* bottles l r
both. On a recent occasion, whan a
cetaosnnioa service was to be held, the
clerical agent took a demijohn of wine
with him. and deposited it in the re, r
of the church, in which the brethern as
sembled. When the communion table
was to be spread the wine was sent for
bnt the discovery which was made cast a
gloom over the advocates of the tin
fermented." The wine had burst the
cork out of the demijohn anil overflow ed
and the cellar smelt as if it belonged to
a barroom. The agent retired in d:s*
may as ,]uietly as he could, and other
Arrangements were at once mad# for
such as had always been used at that
church atcommuuioa.
While a Christmas gift '• an agmable
thing to take, w# would advise any
reader of the Reporter to beware of a
Chrietmaa check —or a check givsn on
any other legal holiday. Iu Cincinnati
Messrs. R. C. Wheeler A Co., the com
pany being Mr. Charies I*. Forbua, en
gaged in buying and selling hogs on
comtniesion, bought a urge lot of stock
from different parties on Christmas day
and gave their checks for the aame. and
aold them to another dealer on the aauie
day. When the original owners of the
stock pre seated the checks next at
the hank where Meesre. Wheeler A Co.
deposited, it was found that Mr. Forhus
had withdrawn the entire amount of the
firm's deposits, amounting to S*J3,OOO,
snd that the checks were worthless. Mr.
Forhus WAS arrested and imprisoned
next night He admits drawing the
money, and saya it WAS appliad in dis
charging other indebtedness of the
If Curtin can not prove fraud, as the
radical organs assert, then why are they
so ill at ease about the contest ' they
should be composed if they be.iev# what
they say.
Their concern and uneasiness over
Yocum, shows tlwt the rsds hate all the
stock there is in Sth, and that his green
backiscn was all a sham to deceive dem
ocratic voters. As soon as a democrat
doubts that Yocum was fairly elected,
up goes a howl front radical organs
Queer, isn't it? Thie Yocum matter re
minds us of a story about a pussy, thai
was the joint property of two little si
tets, and which, for the sake of peace,
was portioned off by the parents that
Dolly should own the tail end and I.irry
the head end. While Liny waa up stairs
one day, Dolly trod on putsic's tail,
causing a fearful tneauw. Li try, tLw
owner of the head enJ, hearing the cat s
cry, called down to Dolly : What are
yeu 'busing my end of the cat for." To
which Dolly replied, "I only atepped on
my end, and your end hollered." So
with Yocum—tread on his tail, and you
hear an awful yell at the radical end of
the greenback kitten.
In Milton, a few daya ago, a party of
young men were in Buff's hotel, when
a colored man entered who waa known
to have a weakness for whisky. Tne
men entered into a bet as to how much
he coald drink, the liquor to be furnish
ed and paid by them. He drank 3 pints
right along, and soon gave signß of be
iag in a bad way. He waa then carried
on the side walk in the piercing cold
and covered with a blanket where he
remained unconscious for over an hour
when he was taksn home and died next
day. He has a wife and two children.
This we would make out murder in
tbe highest degree.
Under the familiar name, The Cm/re
Democrat, the new democratic paper at
Bellefonte, by Messrs Sbngert A I-orster,
made its appearance last week. It ia a
handsome sheet and the ability and ex
perience of the proprietors, as editors,
and politicians, are a guarantee that ii
will be a well edited paper and conduct
ed with no selfish purpose hut with a
view to the good of the democratic party
of the county and state. In this object
the REPORTER welcomes the Democrat as
a co* worker for the eucceee of tbe great
democratic party and its time honored
principles. We wish our new neighbor
abundant success financially and other
wise. Tbe proprietors are ao well known
to Centre county people as men of char
acter and sound democracy that they
need no further introduction at our
Robfert Mackey.tbe head of th# re
publican party of tbis state, died at
Philadelphia, on 2nd. Mr. Mickey was
the man the Camerons most depended
upon to keep themselves in power. He
knew how to carry out their work suc
cessfully and served them well, and his
death will be a severe blow to tbeir
domination, as it given encouragement
to others to rise up and claim seals ic
high places from which they were de
prived through fear of the Cameron dis
The Mifflinburg Telegraph sports a
right good new head. But wliate the
uaeunless it adopts right good ideas
(political)? _
The snow fall in Great Britain h**
been the heaviest had in thirty years.
In North Scotland ill the railways are
blocked up, and in some places the snow
ii twelve feet deep.
The Centre Herald has oeaaed to ex
iat. We will miss it— it waa a well got
ten up and interesting eheet, and a cred
it to the Bailey's. May succeee attend
them in any future undertaking.
Gold as good as greenbacks now, and ,
• white man as good as a nigper.
Blaine ha* succeeded in making*
self a laughing stock by -the committee
ho got tip to investigate Allogedsouthern
In the first place, there was no intimi
dation and > et he w us foohah enough to j
make the charge in a blustering speech,
which fell still horn.
In the second place, the democrat*
voted along that he should have his
In the third place he weakened and
refused to go on his own committee
In the fonrth place t'onkling. I d*
munds, Hour and all the othar able ie
pnhlican senators refused to go on
Blaine's committee
In the fifth place, he was obliged to
till up the re pu hi lean membership on
his committee out of third rate men.
In the sixth place, the dem •> tats put
t heir ablest uien on hi* committee
In the seventh place. Blame's com* |
mittee met and (bund there was no ap
propriation to pay and it c m t
eti on now mil it the democratic h •" -• j
tirxt jmssc* m appropriation which it j
will do.
In the e,g th place. the committee:
*ent a iMUtn rttH-toß him
what he wist hem to investigate to
itrtiish them t and data to go on.
In the unit place. Blaine couldn t
give 'em any ft t*and data that w-'ti
te a starter for is committee.
V>n did eve* itiv Trader of the Re
in.rter hear !r of a more ridiculous
farce" Isn't it < most sqjuMiigtix m
ever saw a uiai. i and wont lon* hug
and Kdmunds aud Blaine sother radical
rivals he tickeled to see how nicely
Blaine made a fool of himself
, The Maine senator thought that this
i move would make him the next pre*i
dent—it may, i( *>.' * f' ul> of * NM "'
forms a society.
, Poor Blaine!
Lares.— aince penning the sbov*. the
, Blaine committee has got out of its
trouble for funds. Attorney (jen'l Philips
. decided that f'JO.tXW heretofore appro
priated for purpose of investigating
, might be used. Now let the circus open.
Oa Ist inst., the Resumption act sent
into fore*-, ssJ greenba, ks arc now the
same as gold. Of Uu? workings of Un
law at the New York custom house toe
the Herald of 3 says:
4: ten o'clock yesterday morning,
when the doors of the bub-Treasury
were opened, it "as expected that a
large crowd of people would rush to the
redemption counter to hate I ailed sta
tes notes AUd uOUpollS redeemed in gold
snd all preparation? had been made for
anv emergency 1 ifteeu clerk"* were
ready to attend to their demand? and
behind the glass were piled immense
quantities of gold coin all the way from
dollars to double cag.*- lo tiie sur
prise of the government empu) es only
one jsrrsou was pre-teni at the opening
j hour, and he received |2lo iu gold (of
the same amount of I uited Mates notes.
For the next half hour not a soul put in
an appearance at the counter, and from
that Line until halfpast one o'clock the
applicants were not more than fifteen or
twenty st any caw time, the general de
mand being for#.'*', th*smallest amount
that the profisious of th# is* allow the
hub Treasury to pay out. There w*c no
excitement during "the day among the
parties in line, and tne majority of those
wtio asked for gold wanted it simply for
the purpose of having the coin in their
poaaseaton. tine majority of those who
attended, when asked if they wauteo
gold or greenbacks, invariably preferred
the latter A mimtfr of small coin
I operations which fed uue yesterday were
generally paid iu grcenlne ks. I i> to
hall past one o'clock only v.','* 1 " 111 I til
ted Mate* n< te had been redeemed,
and the iargrst sum demanded bv any
single appinani Wesl.'**'. I hiring the
day the bants of Ne* York turned into
the Sub-Treasury in go.<: certi
ficates and tool in exchange for theui
i lea ring house •ernfiiates, which repre
sent legai tend- r notes. The amount of
United Males lotes redeemed at tin
Sub Tr asury y -tenia* wa.- #h>o ,(.**• and
j-punssi ,IJ mi, i rtihintes were reoe *-
ed, for which c ring house certificates
Mjutvaleul to i ii leader notes were
paid out The I IV laughable jnc dent
that occurred at the Sub-l reaaury yes
terday was cause by au individual who
received4">.oooin :old com and express
ed bis de.jght by in attempt to thruw n
in the air. it fol to the ground, and
the string whit kept the bag closed
breaking, the sh ng eagia. were m-a:-
tered iu all dir. ions. Alter picking
ibarn up, which tcvupied considerable
time, the owner approached tiie couuter
again and begged to have his coin
changed hi greenbacks. When his de
mand was compiled with he expressed
himself as feeling much relieved. At
the Sub-Treasury u was sUted yesterday
that the total coin now held by the go#
eminent for resumption purposes
amounted t0|145,1>40,000, and from the
looks of thiiqpi on the first dav of re
sumption it would be a difficult matter
to get rid of the meiai, the people refus
ing to take it. General Hiiiiasijse said
ti.iit be was not at all surprised ac th*
light demand for gold com, as in his
opinion Ui* people would prefer green
backs so long a# they w ere as valuable.
Mr. White, the cashier of the Nub-Treas
ury, expressed the op>uio;i that all
classes would rather have paper money
when it represented the same value as
gold, as it was much easier to carry.
Greenbacks, he said, are now redeema
ble in coin ail over the world, and no
body is going to load himself down with
the metal w hen the paper money is just
as serviceable.
A very noticeable fact which teuas to
show ticat silver is not needed in such
large quantities wan tbe fact that not one
dollar in that inetcj was paid out at the
Sub Treasury yesterday.
Leprosy, which it ha# been thought
did not exist in this country, has been
developed in Louisiana. It is said that
there are now some fifty cases of leprosy
in that State, all originating from one
person, who, some twenty years ego,
sealed on the lower part of I'.ayou
Lafouche. Legislative investigation is
aeked for.
A# the Blaine committee is doomed to
a water haul in investigating southern
intimidation, let it try iu skill on lep
Maine baa a democratic Governor.
Gareelon, demcx-rat, was elected by tlie
legislature on 14. The republicans
joined with the democrats in tbis elec
tion. Carry the news to Rlaine.
It will l>e remembered by the readers
|of the Reporter that at the election in
Maine two months ago, there was a fail
ure to elect bv the people.
The House sent to the senate, which
elects, the names of two candidates,
Garosfon, detn., and Smith, gr., and the
republicans preferred the democrat to
the greenba A Swr. All the other offices
were divided beuteen the democrats
and preen barken-.
j The election >f Go*. G avert ob )n
J Maine makes the twenty-fourth demo
| erdjtic governor 01 of thirty-eight.
' An aow&t.ric n -derer is on hand
.now at Eaatoc, j# I he clamors to he
hung. He will no: commit suicide, for
fear of his soul. Tie hiffory of Jbe man
and his crime i* giv a m follows
The detective win Rnday 3b, Left H*r
risburg for Memphis lo bring hack Allan
C. Laroe, returned it evening with the
murderer of his partita and their old
friend Sckug, Hi" weakened conscience
having deprt*a4 him of sleep, after
working several ea*fc* in Memphis at
his trade (carpentering,, £/ mingled
with yellow fever suffere.-aip hope
that he would be among the dead. fail
ing in his purpose, he went to Arkansas
and gave himself up to a sheriff, to
whom he confessed Lie crime and ex-1
>re**ed a desire tlmt he in got he bang-1
id Fast on, la . o few milr* from
which ho committed the murdet f-r
which lie is nw under sentence of
death, lie was returned to the ll rris*
I .rstate Lunatic 11 >sj- tal hist night.
About ten weeks ago he escaped from
there to save himself from expected ex
ecution. but last tiight he *id he would
much lather die on the gallows than
puss anv fhrthor tune in the hospital,
lie claims to be sane and opposed hit
return to the institution from which he
I'lie 1 teutenaiit governor of this state
gets } o,i ;l vem, and has nothing at all
to do, hut act AS pi raiding officer of the
we *enatr, d un . a thiee months aes
*1 >n. He salary should be cut down to
that of senator, which >s •'• ww> In or
der to have bun do something to make
liiin earn his pm . win not hav* him
carry in coal, help keep the chamber
, Iran. v\:i*h the spitti oli*. slot hand
' members a match when wanting to light
'a pipe
I Lie :epuhli .uis in i attcua have chosen
j Hon. II M Long, of Allegheny for
*p k< r ol the House at llarrishurv. He
! 11us heru ft ui tern *in that IKHIV.
The town suinri! of the city of fork,
Ireland, oil rrltiard to jjne lien,
liraut un olio tal reception Just let
lhf*r I -ike!* Wat until ' I.v rsrss grts
ha, kto ttna i mtrv at d see what a re
.riveihc l>c!kna| and BabeOck brigade |
w til give turn.
The heading s over ia-t week a cold
snap Itcii • :'r,ui d rtvrent p. ml# - f ike
i .unify run us follow*
New \ork \ tleet f wran steam
ship* ft>. icn into thrir docka Railroad
trade with the wrst suspended
Hydrants frozen— Milch Ice on the riv
ers l*ratb* In freezing- Mails delayed.
The Hudson froren for the first lims in
•jtj yea.s opposite Vonkers.
At iiulialo taiir-ad trahc suspendfd
- snowdrifts.
Snow blockade at Albany, Watertown
aud other towns.
At Norfolk .cc nterfrres with navira
The James river blocked and business
In Texas "J to 10 inches of snow and
frozen ground.
All summinguj shows that that
the coldest day in ten years that cold
Royalty ts already partially establish
ed among us Hereditary privileges are
coming in vogue. A son of t,en. hi rant
is accorded privileges which would not
be extended to hiui but for the fact that
he is a son of lien; Urant. Birth g:v<-a
to political advantages over Ameri
can citizens in general.
In the army i-'reder:ck Pent . 1 rant had
already l-eeti rapidly promoted, not cm
the ground ot merit, but owing to Ihs
a.vidsnt of birth. Now he has been
granted leave of absence for two years
or, as some a - ni say, for un unlimit
ed time—UJ anonm nam/ h.s father on a
tiovernment vessel to India, china, and
Japan. Hia place, meanwhile, on Cisu.
Sheridan's staff is to Is retained for
Mere i-a favoritism—flagrant favorit
ism—on account of birth. It is akin to
oh hereditary nobility a departure in
the J.'f monarchical govern
We have no persona! ill iti
this young man . but we will spare no
one who stands in the sunlight of the
vital .lineman print :pie of equality.
Yet out "f thi- nelt'e daucrr will we
pluck the flower oafety. Tins unwar
ranted favoritism to youug Grant will
serce to u.ske ina very ui.meot Grant —
as the v but.) me or au upi-'.ari hered*
itarv nobility- hated and abhorred by
ilie inaa-t- if Ihe American jwople.—
I great groan rumwi from The I.on
tlon lime? - I the la-t day of the last
year, over Ih* financial condition oi
England. The number of insolvencies
iu Iliat country in IMS is set down at
not lesa than greater than that ot
last year. Ibe artisan (population is iu
a miserable condition, many thousand*
being in aitual want or uupleaaautly
near to it, and tbe distress particularly
a fie Us wnat is designated as the "lower
middle ciaaa." ''l course, labor lOlß
ptlcattona continue to be numerous, in
tricate and troublesome, Ihe uiri Liani
cat sotietie* are prepariug to resist any
experiment ot lucreaslug the hours oi
iai>or. Tbe newspapers dis< iiss many
schemes lor tbe bettering of busiuess,
ah<iaa..gii various iai.Mß for tiie pres
ent depression, h;:t meanwhile trade
and production are iu a high!/ emhar
rasse-l condition, with no briglit pros
pect of improvement. As evidence of
the magnitude of some ol these labor so
cieties, it may he stated that the Amal
gam a ted Engineers have a fund of a
quarter of s atiliion of dollars, which
would seem to indicate * good deal of
past prosperity, to ssy tiie least, and it
is difficult to see why labor should not
full back upon its accumulations, when
times are hard, just as capital is compell
ed to do.
Judge Orvu occasionally expresses
himself very freeiv, when he thinks
that a jury fails to discharge us duty ac
cording to the law and the evidence,
lie recently held court in Cambria
county, and in asee-aing tbe costs u|on
a party of defendants who bad been ac
quitted of riot, administered the follow
ing .-tinging rebuke to the jury for their
verdict of acquittal, lie warned thede
fendanta against rowdyism or a repeti
tion of their offense, and said : "If you
t'o, you will scarcely tind twelve men in
Cambria county so utterly oblivious of
their oaths as jurors, as to bring in a
verdict in your favor. Ir. the light of
the testimony adduced, this is a verdict
unfit to he made."
The project of forming a new county
out of parts of Blair, • ambria, Clearfield,
Centre and Huntingdon counties is again
being agitated. The urea of the propos
ed district is indicated by the following
pro|>ot*ed distribution. From Cambria
county, take White township, Ciearbelil
county, (iulich, Beccaria, Woodward,
Decatur, Hoggs, Morris and (irahani
townships ; Centre county, Rush, Hus
ton, Worth and Taylor towashipe, and
from Blair county, Snyder and Antia—
fourteen townships in all. The scheme
does uotmref with much favor with the
people, hut some of ti.e politicians are
actively pushing it.
There is a great deal of complaint
among Republicans as to J >Oll Cameron'*
jm-apacity. The fact 1* much used
against him, that on Tuesday last, when
Senator Wallace made a raking charge
ou the Republican party ol this State—
its corruption and frauds — Don Cameron
declined to repel the assault of hia col
league, and slipped into one of the Sen
ate cloak rooms to aVoid appearances.
The poor man couldn't make a speet h,
and was wise in not attempting it.
Rlaine of Maine, came to the reacnc, and
supplied the deficiency. Rut Ihere is a
humiliation to Republicans of the State
in having a representative in the Senate
unable to face the music of debate in
their own defence.
The . ,c*?roj of India telegraphs offi
cial information oi ;b" condition of af
fairs in Afghaniaisn. vel £ Ameer haa
withdrawn from the country, j;iJ jr;il
seek Russian protection ami place hia
case before a European Congress, which
will hardly meet lo pass upon it . His
null, Yukoob Kbun, ia left ill charge hav
ing Ocx-i, sworn to administer affairs aa
hia f#t*uv ; "ild direct. The Ameer
left 4'ubul for ht. R.ctersblirg, December
13th. The Eugiiab ypif.ory appears to
t>e complete.
The business ol the i'ennsylvaniu
Railroad Company for eleven months of
1878, as compared with the sums period
of 1877, shows an increase in gross earn
ings of $755,685, and a decrease in ex
penses ol $591,047 —an increase of Bet
earning? of $1,348,732. All lines weal of
Pittsburgh and Erie for eleven months
ol 1878 show's a surplus over all liabili
ties of $47,809, 1 ieing an increase over,
the samo period in 1877 of $235,340.
Hi# senatorial elections n held
m Franc# last Sunday and th# mon*
r> bical party ha* met w Itli a w*r de
feat, ami n great Kepubltcan victory, all
the retiring Senator* of that party hav
ing been re-elected. while the place* of
all hut 14 f the 47 retiring Coneervak
11 TOW have been tilled by Uepublicana
alao,an tut they will have a majority in
the Senate of about flfi.
London, January 11. A Pundee cor
respondent, writing laat night, eaid a
fresh snow storm had begun in Scot
land. It was not unlikely tbat there
would he a renewal of the railway
blockade in the North. The froet was
keen s ever, ami the air piercingly
cohl. All out door labor, which had trecn
tinitially resumed, had again 1-een inter
A l'aiia c©nea|Hndent telegiaphs that
the rivers continue to rise in conse
quenee of the rapid thaw, the Kbone.
s aono and I otre being among the river,
principally atlec-ted. the Aube has
overflowed its hank- in the direction ot
In the twelve months ending N'ovem
licr h>. 1877, we exported sls,K'f4,''lt
more gold ntid sOver twin than ww tin
ported In ttie correepondine period
ending November JO, ltvfc, we imported
$1,517,074 more than we nported
IMi MtKDKRhI' NIN r. l'F.ll
Clticianati, Dec. k't, I*7B
A special dctpalch from Kteubenville,
t'hio, lavs *-*aph*n 1* Richards, whs i* ip
i! i! that |>lais i barjjcd #ilk tas murder
o* th. ii*.ei p lautoy at Rasrnsy, Mb
has msde u full ceb'eeslon. acknowledge
ing the cemmission of nine murders within
ths 'asl thrss year*
His fir*', u.urde we* aousmiUed aeer
hand 11111a. Nab., where ke had an alter
cation with a man unknown to him ana
• hat him through tha baad. The nail w
that af Mrs. Harelaen and tkraa children.
ia October la*t. 11a mat ktr*. Uertlsyn ip
jail, tha hiving been arreted un a chstg®
of aid" g her huibaad to escape juetioe Richards wo reeased ho visited
Mri Llarelton. remaining two weeks,
whan he concluded to murder bar an i
take charge of her farm, wuieh fc had pre
a...plea Ha Lr*.ae jaw atid smashed
It. tha hack of bar skull with a smoothing
it o, than killed her two older children
with the same instrument, and seizing bar
babe dashed its head against the tloer. lie
then gave out Mrs. Haralson bad gone to
Texas to Jein her fugilive hutband. Sus
picion was, however, aroused, and search
being made the bodies were found uade. %
drtv >. . whereupon t)i(,bard> *d
Hofora ika Harelloa murder Hicbardx
wax assisting a Swede, nataml Pilar As
;, in putting up a building A ndar*
•on told tome naigkbars he believed thai
, Kichardo had pi<isonod him. Tha neigh
-1 hers n' cd the next but Andertot.
cow d net be found, Richer Jo wax a poo
-1 testion of Anders* a'o herseo and wagon
vt > '.he neighbors wart .earchtug ibv
bouse he made his es ; s Richard* sd- ■
mils he kil'ied Anderson yuii a ktmmer
li. sa*s ke commilled iw*. other murders.
but refuses to give the names of tha w:c-,
The Skerifis of Kearney and Buffalo
couGite. is ku ailhut ill to Jfebri|n tw
day. Tbav think ha is s member of an
organized gang of outlaw* and cut-throats
, m that region.
Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly.
i The January Number ol ih.t favorite
periodical cotatreacet n use volume, and
ROW i. the time therfnre to subtcribi tof
I-" It hat powerful claims lor public
patronage . ft it ably cendacted , tke liter
a'.ure . of the highest order and it it tha
chsej e*t and most comprahansive maga
zine, probably in the world. The present
number it remarkably interesting, open
ing witb an elaborate, descriptive article,
bea itif .tly illustrated, entitici, British
Royalty in America There arc pleasing
Chruinia. tales "Three Christmas Eve*
in Ethel Clinton s Life, "Margaret Ar
t Cbriftmes," end "The Oaptnin t
Christmas Wead ng ' "Ijorm n I)es
borougb'c Son," a powerful serial story by
Benedict is continued ; and there are alio
severe! short stones of great merit. "A
Visit to Wbiltier, with Original Sketch*
as," by Sir Randall Roberts is peculiarly
interesting , a. is also an article bv Lady
B a: che Murphy, Fisheries of
M dern Europe,' Lrgely illustrated (
Prof C. A. Joy has an admirable, illus
trated article on "Tne leduetnel Appli
rations of Solar Heal"; tbereare poems by
K .*a Cook end of her popular p<>eu, end
a miscellany embracing a large variety of
enterta:■ ing end instructive ere 128 quarto psget, over AO illus
irations, end a beautiful colored froniii*
piece, "Tke Badonia and his Dying BteeJ ' j
The subscription is only |3 n year, post
paid, and single capias 26 cents If our
readers desire a *deligktful, entertaining
and highly Instruativo menlbly visitor for
the coming year, they Lansot do bettor
then subscribe far Frank Loelit # Popular
Monthly. Address Freak Leslie's Tab*
isbing House, 63, •'*!) A 67 Park Place.
New Y'ork
London, J*nury 3, IST9 —A despatch
ti the Standard from liruid tsyi s thirty*
tight ton gun bunt during praclics on tbs
British maa-of-wsr Tbundtrtr. Th# vss
•el's turret >• destroyed. Strtn men
wtrt killed and forty wounded.
Great dlitrtu prevails in Switr.erlend.
There are six tbouund unemployed per
on in Geneve.
Wc publish the following became
the experiment may be aafely tried,
and it is worth trying. Diphtheria
is becoming a dreadful scourge, and
the writer of what it here said taw the
working of this cure in the hands of
an English physician, at a time when
the disease was prevalent in an Eng
lish IOWD. Hpeaking of the physi
cian's application, the writer says :
All he took with him wai powder
of sulphur, and a quill, and with these
he cured every case without excep
tion. He put a spoonful of the Hour
of brimstone into a wineglass of water
and stirrod it with his finger instead
of a spoon, as the sulphur does not
readily amalgamate with water. —:
When the sulphur was well mixed hr
gave it as a gargle, and in ten min 1
ules the patient was out of danger!;
Hrimstone kills every species of fun
gus in man, beast or plant in a few
minutes. Instead of spitting out the!
gargle, he recommends the swallow
ing of it. —In extreme cases in which
he had beeu called just in the nick of
time, when the fungus was too nearly
closed to allow the gargle, he blew
the sulphur through u quill into the
throat, and after the fungus had
shrunk to allow of it, then the garg
ling. He never lost a patient from
diphtheria. If a patient cannot gar
gle, lake a live coal, put it iu ashovel
au.j sprinkle a spoonful or two of
Hour hriiuntowu4.£ Jime upon it, let
the sufferer luhale it, holntnglh; £ed
over it, and the fungus will die. If
plentifully used the whole room may
be filled almeat to suffocation, the pa
tient can walk about in it, inhaling
tbp fumed with doors and windows
shut, The pian of ting a room,
with Hulphur has often cured Wtt
violent attacks of cold in the head <
and chest.
SIMPUII nijiliU and ckrlM day*
will be trayantad if you uae Dr. Bull'*
Baby Si rup to indue* deep and compos i
tire for the baby. Prica lUt eptt-
11IA IKM AN OF I'll K I)RM< 'CKAT- i
/.' f'f /Vui 'ffiitii 1 I i'II • ( rVntrf < i'ttn*
'y •'
At (he I'tinneratic counts eonvanlieu
he.d in Mepttuiker, 1*77, the delegates lis
proper to is I act tna to serva In Ilia petition
oft hairnian of the County Committee for
the year 1878. I aecapttd the petition in
good fbith, determined to fl srhergs ths
dupes sail mast the reapontiliilltiea ul tha
situation to tha heat of my abilities, ami
with ths single purpose t.f promoting tba
walfara and auceeti of our j>artv When
1 snlared upon tha disrherge of these du
bee one vsar sgo, I did not anticipate an
unusually sidting eettipaign, nor any
unusual disaffection or factiousness in th#
party , and now in looking he< k mar the
psal year, 1 raa confidently saarrt thai
nothing which 1. as Chairman of ths Coun
ty ♦ oaitmtiea did, la to an? degree cherg
sb e with tbia disaffection nnd feclioueness
which ashihitsd themselves during the
It i trua that vary large euunlv and
lialrii-t ticket* wers to be nominated end
elected, and there were many candtdst.s
ior every noiuittstioa Th# eanvaaa prior
■" I## delegate sisi llult wsa long, reeloUS
n# untoriuiislrly, in some instance*. t>il
ter. Ths ci>DsaK|ueoee was that w h#ti ths
• muinatiiin* warn msde Itisie were a large
number o| tliseppoihled aspiraeu, who, lb
man? ditaa,#r. had hec< urn bitler againtl
-belr SUCCSMIUI oooipeiiler*, aud solus o!
whom fell uo w illicg to erquirti* is the
decision ol the convention. The bumhsr
of Candida's* wtio thus vio!*i*d ihsir
pledge to tubrnit lo iha rule* of His party,
•*• fortunately very *mall; moil of the
gentlemen who failed lo make Ik- tiotui
nstu n they reepet tivsly stksd cheer tu I y
•hd r.aalously up period tha entire ticket
thus proving Iheiutelves worthy of (ha fu
iure eoafidance anJ support of tba party.
I would euggest that tha party, as far o
practicabla, discountenance the custom
which kas bacoma o prevaleat in tkaiasi
faw years, af wkiidulates canvassing tha
couuty *>r weeks before the delegate alar
tioa. It i* a great aspensa and lose af
lima to tha candidatae, and a source of tn
flaile annoyance to tha people, while ia
many instances tha candidata. ak.u thus
traeelltng over the country, are not salt*,
had u.s.oi> advocating thair own ctaiins,
but spend tbalr time in depr-- aling the
claims and assailing the i Leracter el other
candidates, thus laying the foundation lor
gvavral dissatisfaction with the ticket whan
Dominated, The announcement of the
candidacy of a |*ron in tna newspaper of
the county should be sufficient Whether
a standing rule of the party upon the tub*
jaol would ke advisable, I am not prepared
[to lay
The of the Greenback orgar.i*
istion as a third party in this county,
drawing as it did soma four or Eve bun*
dred voles from our party, came near
leaving us in the minority, and gave *
chance to the opposition wherever they
would unite, to elect their candidates
The republican! we-e * Ling te seize the
epportunsty end sac ritce all their pretend-!
Ed principles for the mere purpose of de'.he den, ratu i.cott I nay ihu.l
supported the Greenback candidate for
Congress for Senator, for Assembly and!
'for County Treasurer, b„t owing to the
gaavral seal and fidelity af our people,*
this combination ta ed to carry the co-.u
'ly for nrythicg fdlklic allMlhl ol
honast-moaey republicans, with inft|iiun
I repudiatloaiau was trying ano.iga wbau
aided by the traaten of a few pretended
Idemocrele, end by a corrupt use of mon
ey to drfval our cendidate for Congress
That these elite* a! the enrwiy, wha have
heretofore ashed and re- viced support
and recognition from our ( arty, will here
after be reeof nijed ar.d treated as tkey de
serve. I have an abiding confide ce
To the eerps of able young speakers who
canvassed the county, and to iho manv
..ther real ms end fai bfu democrats who
aided the assiduous .b. rs • f he campaign
I am under mar.y obligations To tne
| members of tha vigilance committees o!
the sub d strict*, aad to most of the a.em-
Ibere of tne county •o<mmillv, 1 return my
sincere thanks lor their vary efhcieni )
labor*. The very few members of the
I county committee who hetreyad ibetrys:
re posed in them by the t arty they pro
fess to beleng to, end treacherously gave
aid and assistance to tha anamy, I leave to
tha future tender m-rcies of the party,
and to the pangs of their . wn consciences
Having, fallew Je no. re'.s, hischargad
to the best of my abilities, the trust you
'reposed in nie lor the allotted term. 1
gladly resign it into tbo hands of try du y
appointed successor, and bespeak for bitu
your earnest support and confidence
J. P. tiiritiT.
Bellefoote. Dec Jl, 1878.
At 6 o'clock on the evening of the'Jd,'
the ibermomoler iadieetod as follows
Rrockeakrtdge. Minn , 'Ju bolow zero, Al
bany 16 abava. Boston'A* above, Buffalo 71
above, Chicago 9 below, Cleveland V be
low, Detroit If below, Louisville 3 eaove.i
Milwaukee if below. Madison, ty.s Ik' 1
below, Pittsburg Ik* below, Leevenworth]
3 below, St. Louis 1 above, Rochasterbi
Yenktown, I). T , January li—The mer
cury went dewn to 26 degrees below zero
lest nirht, the coldest since 1862.
til. Paul, January 2—Various ther
mometers regiktered 2J to 30 degrees be
low zero last night.
tipringfield. 111., January 2.—Tke ther*
mometer this morning at seven o'clock
markod 20 degree* below xero It is re
ported to the KtaU Board that fruit trees
and peach tree* especially havo been
greatly injured in tbia vicinity.
Watertown, N. Y., January 2 An
other greet snow storm and high wind
prevailed nil day along noarly the entire
length of the Rome, Watortown A Og
densburg Uailtuad Eighteen inches ol
snosr baa fallen. Raiir.-ad cut. ar* full.
Train* ere all abandoned.
Oswego, January 2—The snow which
cemmenced to-day has increased in vio*
lane* and all railroads Ice ling to the city
aro again blockaded No attempt* ar# be
ing made to-night to start trains
Detroit, Mich., January 2.—The weath
er has again become very cold, the ther
mometer at 10 o'clock being 13 degrees
beiew zero.
Ft. Louie, January 2. To-dey was the
coldest of the season, the mercury rang
ing froia six to ten degree, belnw zero and
still sinking to night. Dispalcbos from
Wostern Missouri, Rentes and Central
anJ Southern Illinois note extremely cold
weather, the mercury everywhere being
severe! degrees below zero In *om<-
places it fell to more than twenty degrees
below, end two or tbreo dontha by freez
ing aro reported.
of Centre County. Pa —Centre Hall. Dec
21, 1878 The Annual meeting af I
Mem era and election ol 12 Directors to
manege the affaire of the Company for lh
ensuing year, will ba held at tha bouse <•'
D. 61 oyer, at Centra Hall, on Moadev
January 18, 187' J. between the hours of 10
a m. and 3p. m of aeid day. Members
generally aro requested to attend
Bee'.?. Pre.'t,
A LDla'OP.'S NOTICE —ln the Coun
ol CUmmon jf ies of Contra coun
iv Dio. 268, Nov T. 1877. Lev. a'n- i"
118 Aug T. 1878
Bollotnnte B end L. Association vs. Ruh
and Oaull.
The undersigned auditor appointed bv
tba Court to distribute tha fund in th
handa of tha Sheriff, arising (rota tha sale
ol tba ties I EGL#t# of Ruh I and ÜBUR, t -
and among those legally autitlad (.hereto '
will altaod to his dutiea at tha afflaa ot
Alagandar A Bower, in tha borouch o>
Rallelonte, on Monday the 13tb day ot
January, 1879, at 10 o'clock a. nr., ol
which all parties take notice.
19 dc 8t Auditor.
——The Lock Haver, Democrat say:|
"Depotdors in Lock Haven National.
Hank will pla># taka notice that a divi
dend of ten per crril. has been ordered to
th# Comptroller of the Treasury to I s | md
to Ih#III, which they can got by ( idling at
the bank. Till# will put about %.• OOt) lb
circulation. Tins dividend will msk* for
ty percent, that has been paid to J, i>..s
The Chicago posl-oltlee was destroyed
by Are on 4.
FOR 1879
>Ve wdl pay the i'ostsge anil ssnd
The New York
Weekly World*
An Klghl |'gn Newspaper,
From Now Until January Ist, 18S0,
'O Certs for <i* M-'btiit.
10 Cents to January 1. 187!'.
Mow i* the tuna to
Head the following :
Tit CLUB AtiKNTM An ext>a copy
for club <>f teli. separately addressed
The ."venn Weekly World lor club of
twsaly. separately eJdreamd. The
Dsilv World lor rlub of fifty, separate-
I? addressed
TIkKMM Cash in advance Seu j !*■>(
11<11. i ruou'-v order, b.rik draft or i#v
oter-d letter Kills sent by inaii will t e
at risk of sender
Addltien to club litis II if be msde at
• n ■ time in lbs year at t> - above rale*
Spa. .Wen eopies posters. A- , sent tree
wherever and tirti-v,-r Jr.:rJ Address
all orders U> "TH K WORLD.'
l'Jde<4k llf. I'ark Row Mew York
Weekly Herald.
I *
ONE Ik O 1, I. 4 K A lEA 11.
Tke cirauialiOß of tkis nwpuiar aewtpa
per has users than irebDd during tke past
r year. It contains all tba laading newt
eoataHiad ta tha Daily Hkralk, and is
arraagad ID handy departments. The
• Foreiyc News
embraces dispatches from all '|uar
lore of the glube. L ndar tba hrnct of
Americau News
, era given tke Telegraphic Despatches of
the week ?r .m all parts of tba I nun. This'
faatura alena makes
tha moat valuable ebroaicla in the rid.
is it is the cheapest. Every weak it given
a faithful report of
Political Newt,
embracing complete aad comprehensive
Jeepalcbee from Washington, including
I full reports of the spaa, nee of eminent pol
' uideas on the questions of tha hour.
Th Farm Department
of the Weekly Hen sip gives the latest
as well as the mutt practical suggestions
■ and diacoveriea relating to the duties of
,'the farmer, hints for raising Cattle, Poul
try, Grains. Trees. Vepetebles, Ac . Ae
' with suggestion, for keeping huLd.ngt
Land farming uteris!.s in repair This s
sutiplcmantai by a well edited depart
f inent, widalv copied, under tha head o'
m The Home,
giving recaips ft r * ditaes. hints
" I In* mat tug ciotbiug and for keeping up
> with the latest fashions at the lowest price.
r Every item of c-ok ag or economy sug
. gas'.ad in this department it prart s Iv
lasted by experts before publication Lei*
" tars from our Paris and London rerre
. tpocdet t> oa tba vary latevt Ka.' ioos
.il be Home Department of the Wimr
'HaaaLDwil! save the boua**w>fe mora
•jtaan ane hundred time* the price of the
Tha interests'd
, Hkillssi Labor
.Are lacked after, end evarvlhing relating
to mechanics and ikee- saving it careful y
s There it a pege devoted to all the lataet
• phases of the tiusir.evs markets C-o| s.
Merchandize A , Ae A valuable fea
ture it found in the specially reperted prt*
- ces sej < "edition# f
The i'rutiuor Market.
i t>porting News at knits and abroad, to
, galhar wiia a Story eve'? week. aMe-mon
by tM aaeiaeat oiv r.r, Utsverv, Hviei
'fral. Dramatic Personal, and Sea Notes
i There is no pai>er in the world which r on
, lain* so much mvi matter every weak at
the W EKELT tlcaAi P who h is sent, post
age free. tor sine Duller You can sub
■ '-riba at any t*ne
in * wwrklv t->rm
N *
. In drafts on New Y-'rk or P.-at < iffioe rnoa-'
•ey orders, end whe-e neither of these car.'
' t pr.cured and the money in a register*
1 ed letter.
Uroadwsv A Ann St.. New York.
IB dc At
WMT WO l v.
. New Goods
r, ■ <
-< LOOKOUT! =i
A splendid slock of New a
Goods kas arrived at ■■■
~z wsa. WOLF'S
apl —U TBI
1 ! Bank Building, ji ,
' S\
Prices Are Down.
re ___
The Hock rnatieU tf t
'jf full line of Merchandise, e
M carefully selected, etn- I
breuing all kinds of
w ETC., ETC.,
T"" Muslin & Calico ~
era at be;torn prices.
of nil kind*. !
< I
""5 II ATS isud FA I*K.
■■S PRODUCE received ia w
exchange for goods. |
.... : #
w M . W"INNR.
Philadelphia and Kne Kilrad Division
O.snlstl.r Hl ltn*V, *# % l|t. to# l;.<>. ..
ih. I'blisdsiptUs A rtiv KsllrtMir Dlrtsloe will taa ■
ollows WEKTWRD.
KKIE Mill I. sr.. I'bllsA.lpMs llU*s
HwMwf Skksa.
" " MvaUixLn II? i s
~ WUilessseort Ills.
'• " Lock tisres fstsi*
" Kssvrs tine sib
vtAaA u A A' lejseeVu.e t * 1
" H."l. s IS Lib
Hue leasee j os p n.
arret willtsenporl I <rn
" " Lek lle.ea Itip.
FAST I.IXE leave. Pbilxtalphie it i. • n
H.rtl.hurg I 4i a li
•• Maeteedoe ris pa
arret Wllllem.|>ort 7Mpw
M " l-ock M vea 141 p e
PACIFIC II Ivh IsM-k tl.v.e S4O sb
•BT Maura 7 IS . a*
Wltlleluspurt iUte
Moateadoa t ue a a
" arret Herilsbwra llUib
" " PblUdeipbla Sup.
DAT rt !Mie.Sasi(t 10 nt • a.
" leek lleven tlio.n
" " Wtlllaiaeport llSOpai
" " |tonlandoe JSi pa
" err at Herrlefcaiw S'S*.
" •• PblUdelpalß > to p n
KRtK MAIL testes H.nuis SUpm
•• •• Lock tfsvsa tup.
•• WUUeapport It ok pBI
'• Meeteodoa igllsni
FA LIMB losveo WllUsaoport 15 .a.
errst Hsrrrtobarc kUin
err st FbllsdslphU 7st . n
Psr csrs will me oetwaea Pbll.d.lpkts sa<l Wli
llsmonnrtoe Nlsgsrs Kx Vtsst, Rria Ki Wast, FkUa
dalpb Eipr.ußsst.sßd Par F.i East sad l.aStr
Ex. E it. Bluiitasoßr.Sß stlßlebttrail s
i WM. a. MiLgWIW. Ovavrxi m.par>^e—
C 111 IIIIISITIMI AiS!!— — 1
Kacli siii ■ lip--, yn n ii> p'tit tbo lacl that there i# a rapidly
gi< wing tate for Ho!< hp (itftf, combining ~ cfulntss with beauty and
correct tart
llu\. mado very *t n r.c pre jraraton* for supplying tlio prevailing
taste, and !mvc now ou daily csliihitioi) the liu.eUltook of useful nnd beau-j
liful atticl. s ever pin t d i. nle in I'hiladelpbia. An examination will
convin ■ miy euctoai aim .it t \.-ry department of tha house contains arti*
clfs in >rc a pioprr t i Chit ,o.t, oflvtitigi than gifts of silvar or gold.
All w 1 o liri'l it inc itivcnitt.i to visit Philadelphia, are cordially invited
fo male their selections nnd rder their goods through our
Of late the * transacted through this dcpaitrneut l,as been e>
heavy n to nteemiiau- the employmeut of additional help, '.>ut the perfeo
system to practic- enables us to promptly answer every request for samples,
aud to fill at once every order in the most satisfactory manner.
llelutv we give a uccesaarily brief list of articles especially adapted foi
Holiday Gifts. •
JUEMMITi Hi 1 llAMiKr.lii l!lEFr>
'iCOL !• ItoKDt.R li A N IK KKI ni IKm
For Ladle* <i> ! •■•nai, at I Children
MKKh Ml I'H.i
j CASH MI. HI nil C
For Lailier (itillli.f >)nl ( ■ rah-
, INDI AND I'A i LI \ -.'AW l.f>
. LADIL CO.. . > . D.- I I 1.-
AC.. .
'iTwenh - Five Cent Dress Goods.
F- ■<. u. v A'la]>!v i i r CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.
Our r ally enl.v l" Ift :• r ,m, this x-ti-on, enables us to comfortable
I acoum i.odaie the many hundrtds of our customer* wbo may herato-
Ct'ore found dirticulty in (jetting waited upon at our crowded counters.
The price of everything is olarantec !1 be abtoluielv the lowest.
;J N..W. Cor, Eighth and Market Sts.,
II A R I) WAR E'.-i -
T 11 A
% \
sro\l-.N Fits It AM.FN
i : u
: h
* * H
We would epecia"y caii attention to tj;f
Iliiililanti rjiicen Cook Slove.
V7£LDOii)£ D'dl£ HSJVmiS 3?DY2.
C9*<)nr Slock being entire's* New. Wa v-Skr special Ba-gains iitl
WII.SOV R FAHUM: 4 (<i. (
! a\. I ' •
no* a* a p au< ti"oer, • iter. ba.err ice# U
he peoplu l Centre county. He spraki
both Uernißii and Kngiib, and
he invaluehl' gift in an auctioneer ol s
ioud, clear voice. *.id in be di.tinit'..
heard a long di.tance, Thoe having work
ot this kind do, w ill d" wei Ito give bini
a call Charm** tumoral** Cali on *>J
address him el 11■ lefoist* l*>. 17 a;
Harness. Saddles. &c
T It* rodffrt 9ncl >l*tvm>!tivil u mMt lh |W|iulli
d#nK4 lor Is.tsrf price v rlcTfallj rtlli ll># tllei
llob af Ui pal'lto li> hlt< kt I
aot offered t lhAoiil t*ml t .ij It,
popl and thr linirik thr lirssf and n <>* l tarir
aad cumplala aa*>ttmrnt t>( Mart: i *. te,i
HHdlaa.of •yorfda aiul tiuahif . wtun. .><
m fat 1 C4w|lla a Ural fiaa* rnYtM.ap
mail ha tot •! pru-c* allien tillltill t£tlroi
aTAt tin > I' 11.11
I OHN F POTTER, Ait'-riifj
ft i+w t oltr. sip**# p.* (.a hi taia
ellatUttt |ITBU Id timer li'ittß| Unilfi OTpmpril) <*'
Mia will draw and ha\f ackauwlrvlgctl |>* rdi
.\lortff af at. A < <• in lha diamoud. boitt
111. Marl houM. RelUlunU <tcl'.f ii"t|
llaallh aad Happlncaa am priowl***. Woltii ta thati
poaaaaaora, aad fat thry ara within lha ivath of awrji
oua w ho will uao
Tbe nalr eu,e cure lor Turpld Uver. |x.|iei>i.,
HBBdecbe. Roar Slow**'l.. ii*ilci,on listultif. Nw
•m. sod >ll tt.Hlc complxlct., e-i 111. uU UU- rCt.
None ceeotae mdl<. "Wu> Wslgbr. Will* '
H jour Druagi.t will uul .u|i|>L' Mini 3 r..>i lor n.
b # i to BanTA. Roller ACo .Tu.Y Sthbt. Phila TscrSai
Alexander a bowV:r, At-
tlv.a to Collect 100.. tod Orphans' Court practicr.
I.j b* C08.011.H1 iu Ueraxn aad EngUsb i)oicc in
Uximas's buUthow, urSe 71 U.
! NAPKINS ft MA I t'll
AO., AC.
I'm mine our Canti Prlcm of
Houl* ami Shoe*. -We ait
out the good* IJttly, because we ch-y*
lets for theiu tnan w* ever known. t\ e
keen up the quality and keep down the
price#. We are bound to sell off tbie tre
mendous tock. and trut in the loe price*
to do the business. We will offer you
Men * fineealf boot* at.......... 6f
Mi& ektp b 'ot m 2u>
t\ omen's kip shoes a,. .................. 1 OH
t'hildron's school boe* at 76
Men * wool lined yuta boot* at 280
II iy" wool lined yum boot* at........... 1 yO
Mer. wool-lined buckle overtheee... 1 40
Men wool-lined Alaika oeenboe*... 90
Men's plain yum overshoes flo
{ Lu nberiaen * eutaa, aolid baei 125
\\ omen * Alaska over
shoes 75
"Women * plain yum oversbeas......... 36
* ><' tslain yum o#rboe*.. SO
Children's plain rum ®verho(# 25
The above rubber rood* are all flrst
cl** and an# warrantad and will ba aoldl
> Oec 6. Bellsfouts, ]'*
ntNKT UKOCkKKllorv . a. I>. sytulkt.
President. Cashier.!
''l V.''
iLate Milliken, Hoover A Co.)
Keeeive Deposits,
v And Allow Interest,
Discount Notes,
. Buv and Sell
Cliweiaroeut Securities, Gold A
a| lOfthlf Coupons
J Furnitare Rccjns!
1 manufacture a!, i- .< J* of f ur r .;^re?£r
% t'bambers. Uininy Koorus, Libraries and.
•' Hall*
i If v>u want Furniture ofany kind,don't
. buy until you see my stock.
H In ail it* branches. I keep in nock all
tho latest and mo*t improved Coffins
I and Caskets, and have every facH
. ity lor properly conducting
this branch oftny business.
1 have a patent Corpse
B Preserver, in which
bodies can be
n preserved for a considerable length oftinoe
W. . OA*r. .
ffloccesaor to J K. Miller A Son.)
Dealer in Pure Drug*, Medicine*. Fun
cy Article*, Dye R lo ff,. n
Druggist'* Hundrie*. Fnl
■tork of Confec
tioner! en,
For Medici**! Purpose*
Til* H C*T
; Have secured Ibc at rvlcet of I>r. J. F.
Alexander, who will attend to th* Com- <
podndlng of Praaeriptions. 28 mtr j f _
It aunt* AWP flAtßr>RßM~in lb* has*.
ment of lb* building. All work do**
u fashionable atyl*. I July
111? O rn b "'*i ••• www i*. 7.
K li V I •*Wf4ifwll>r u;*rk •'
I 1 l it 1 I 'li lslSu **|se*ll
1 r IJU A lie* rtiti,gat.uxatairiM not
M fr*v. !!>•• *o aer urn*
■uliiMiiiw. Addrss* ariesse * Ov, Psritea*, Ma
In Hank Building, Contr* Hal).
Would respectfully announo to lb* till*
cent .if tin* vicinity that bo fan* takaa
iMinoa in abovo building where ho it pre
are-l to do all kind* of work belong:**
o hi* line, for men and boy*, and accord* '
ng to lat eat styles God* aold by sam
.ile. Having bad *tno yeora aapariaae*
•o guarantee* all work to rooder perfect
tilia' - lion, and aelieita a abaro of lb*
uHlir |ttr<*nge ftiavy
Mauliood: How Lohl, How KrtUr
i 4A J-oi iniMuliad a mmw edlusa at t>r. Caltav
-*• W **" • alatxaia* laui aa tOa radiaal aaia
a.ihaal atadtataai ai -pr*..rr*e •* a*ai
| aat *-*>-• lavalaaurf aaaalaal l.i mi, liapelaa.
It Maaui • rkniMl laaapaeltf I npeglM**. la
aytuaa aw... aiaa I aaaaatpdua. B*tiev -ad klV*
an ucaa I.* aaU-iadatpaeaa at auaai olini|OM
''Mam. ta a aaalad aaralapa, ami/ Ml aaaia.
T•• .-aietifalad aalOar. ui It* adwoafcta aaaar,
tantrdamamidrmtam tram a Ihtrtf pan aawaaafai
ttilika tai| unaamf aTaail eaaii
"I karaAlaaltf nn4 ana ai tha daaearae* aaa at
I.(araai madniaaai taa appllaailaa at ia# fcatla,
aat a mada at mrnrm at on Waste aartata.
• a agarimii, by maama it rklct nary rmtarar. ma
w*a aw aaadmaa war ka. wax rata aiwaalf
baapto, ft map #•* ratteen*,
law lanuntkm ba la tha tub of arary raalk
■ • i aaary am. a ia it,. Wad
tteal uadri aaa!. la a Ml* aaralapa la tar >4*rata
I*WI paid, aa renal** at alt aeeta at taa paataaa
rtfKC , U fc LV*EKtrkLL MRDICAL CO.,
41 Ann hi. New York; P. O. Box, 44M
tftuct y
Forks House!
Tha Pork* flooao, at Coborn atolioo, it
now and rorr.ntodioua, ar.d i* kvpt i* boat
manner, lied and board aacond to **a*
in th* county. Stabling for 80 borao*.
A a summer retort it will bo found all
that cuid be den red. right in th* heart ol
good fithing and bunting ground*, and
-urrounded Ly the moat romantic xconory.
Inov y
No. 6 Brockcrhoff Row, Bellfot*
Hcalerain Irtigm.C beralral*.
Pcrlkmcry, |'*m )Goda dlc„
Pure Wine* and Liquor* for medical
purposes alway* kept. saaySl *2
a would respectfully annouec* to tb*
aixen* ot Penna Valley that ho ha* par- a
i nenenUy located in Centra tlali where ka
• a prepared to do *ll kind* of Denul work,
ill work warranted or no monvy aakod.
Price* low to aaH tbo time*. 31 la*, f.
Hardware Store.
A new, comple:* Hardware Store hat
been opened by the undersigned ia Co*-
. tra Ha!!, a hero bo i* prepared to aoll *ll
kinds ol Building and Houa# Purnithing
Hardware. Nmle. Ac.
Ciroolar and Hand Saw*, Tanner. Saw,
Webb Sow*, Clothe* Hack*, a full aaaort
•nect ot < im and Mirror Piat* Pictur*
Frwmea, {spoke*. Fvllo-s. and Hub., labia
I'utlery, Shovel*. Spade* and Pork*,
Lock*, Hinge*. Screw*. Sash Spring*.
Horse-Shoe*. Noil*. Norway Rod*. Oil*,
Tee Bells, Carpenter Toole, Pai*t, V*rt>
Picture# framed in tha finest siyl#
Anything not pn band, ordered cpo*
.ihortret notice. .
WW Kooiember, all good* oFarod cbaay
Jar than elcewbvre.
By calurg at tbo new and oitoa
iaivo bakery e tab Hob ment of
'Succoaaorte J. H. Sandt.l
iopporite the Iron Front o* Allvghaoy
' -ireet where he lurnube* arary day
Froh Bread,
Cake* of all kiada.
Pie*, etc.. etc.,
I- 5H*.
Anything and everything belonging to
the buineM. Having bad year* <-f expe
rience in the bu*ioeva, be falter* bimtelf
• bat bo can guarantee aallaction to ail
•ho raav favor bim with their Miroag* v
nfiVr* his acmces to lb* citizoo* of
i'ontr* coaoty in
llon*e. sign and Ornam**l*l
Striping, ornamenting and gilding,
j Graining
Plain and Fasty Paper banging. Order*
"eapeUfu.ity solicited. Terms reasonsbie,
20 apr tf
r at hi* cauiblibment at Centre Hell, keep
(on band, and for sale, at th* m**tr*a*oa*
?lble rate*.
, Carriages,
A Spring "Wagons.
ii and vehicle* of every description mad# te
0 order, and warranted to be mad* ot tha
( i be#t seasoned material, and by tb* mett
U skilled and competent workmen. Bodies
5 for buggies and spring-wa. <is Ac., of tb#
0 most improved patterns made to order,
1 l*o Gearing of all kinds made to order.
0 All kinds of repairing done promptly aad
[I at tb* lowest possible rates.
[I Persons wanting anything in hie lis* ar*
requasted to call ana examine hi* work,
th will find it not to be excelled for dar-
S ' ility and wear. may 8 tf.
I „ , „C H EA P
! We own and control the Kailwar laads
equally divided by th* Karsa* Facile
Kali way. which wear* aeliint at an avar
age of per acre on east terms of pay
ment. Alternate sections of Gosaf*me*t
, lands can be taken a* homesteads by actu
' a I settlers
These lands lie in the GREAT LIMK
• STONE BELT of C'eatral Kansas, the
nest winter wheat producing district of the
'•nitfd S'.kiei, >iuidiDg IrOBJ *0 u35
Btubals per Acr*.
The average yearly rainlall ia this coua
'7 is nearly 33 inches per annum, oae
third greater than in lb* oiucb-axtoiled
Akaansas Yallsy which has a yearly
rainfall of ies k ikas inches par annum
in the *an>a longitude.
Stock Kbising and Wool-Growing are
very Remunerative The winter- are
short and tuild Stock will live all ike
j year on gra*st Living Streams and
Spring* are numerous. Pure water i*
found in well* from 30 to t'O feel deep.
Tke Healthiest Climate in the Uoild ! No
j fever and sgue theie No muddy or im
passable roads P' ent > 1"* building
stone, lime and sand. These lands are be
ing rapidly settled by the best class ot
Northern and Eastern people, and will to
appreciate in value by the improvement*
1 now being made a* lomakotbeir purchase
at prespnt prices one of tbe very best in
vestments ibat can he made aside from
tie profitsi to be derived from their culti-
Tfr 1 !!" 1 .; ww.?2fSl 8r * of our reside w
WA-K EES El, *nd will show lards at
any time. A pamphlet, giving full infor
mation in regard to toil, climate, water
- supply, ac., will be sent free on request
I Address, WA KRF.N, KKKNKY A Co.
. 106 Dearborn NL, Chicago,
Or vt Trcjjo to. Ks. T/wrfni