THE OENTKE reporter. Centre 11*11, P*. Th'rtd. Dec.. 26, '7B. ya**TEßM*.—s2 per y Mr, when paid *> ulrante: 5*2.60 when not paid in advance. Advertisements Jlkf* prr linefor t Are* in sertions, and b cents per lint for trtry sub sequent insertion. Advertisements Ay 'A* year at a liberal Jitttmf. Subtrnbertonltidt the county thould re entf us \Q cts. amount of one year s post age, instead o/20cft a* formerly when paid 6v themselves. Subscribers ran always tell bote their ac counts stand at the Reporter ofKcs by con suiting the tables on facir papers If the table roads "John Roe 1 jan "76" it means that John is indebted for subscription frt-m tht I*4 of January, 1876, and that it i* fim A- wa.* paying the printer. LOCAL ITEMS. LODGE MKKTIKOB Cum Hu.i tooom. Mo. w*. 1 Q..f ,*•••" Salantaraaaatae la th* iVdS Faltewa Hall r a ronmaan. *••>. J. > At#xeo.s. <- Oi.o roar tone*. We. Rt. ' -,f' MonUa* avaatu* oa at before *ah fwitl aieen lath* OSS Fallawa Hall. M C. F Hltucill. Sect. D C KEtt *■ w ■ Faonaaaa (latent Wa. tt For H, aaaaja at hat Hall. Oanlra Hall aa tha Salanta* • ev helora an altf M and aver* !.< *;t" anev,.la a Eallar M attar UoattP Rwowa Sac I For Pure Drug* go to Zwller't Drug tlore, Britckerheff row. 14 nov 3m. Thi* issue tho Reporter it published one day in advance of the usual lime, to give Ihn "boyt" un early let off. ——A merry Christmas and a happy New Year, to every reader of the Repor ler. The new Howe it admitted to be the king of tewing machines—it tet* all other* in the shade. Don't buy any other until you hay# tried the new Howe. DP. Lute, of thi# place, hat invtnt ed the hot# au#Age-*tuffer. Get yenr 1879 greceriee at Secbler'* and you'll hare n happy New Year drug* tnd medicines, go to Oreen'a in tho Both house block, where are nlto kept fancy and toilet article*. —Next week, according to cuttoni. there will be no paper ittued from thi* of* flee. Hope our patron* will all eivjoy a merry Christmas, and hate a btppy N w Tear. Had about four inches of tnow on Saturday, which brought out the tltight and merry jingling hell*. The weather was eery stormy and cold. On Monday morning mercury wa* down to t ero- "VTe are in receipt of the fir *t copy of a monthly paper called "The Veechar, published by EldriJge A Bro., I. North Seventh St., Philadelphia, at 50 cU per anuum It it printed on fine panur, w-lb faultless typographic execution. We have no doubt it will be welcomed by ed ucator*. How many of our patrons who are in arrears over a year will makt up their mind* thit 1579 (hall not catch them in that fix? L. L. Brown, at the depot. Belle' fonte, gives the best Cash prieee for all kinds of grain, and sell* coal low at any other dealer tn thisceuity, if not lower. The Lewistewn Gazette says every pa per in the United State* ought occasional ly to keep the fact before its readers that burst corn it a certain and speedy cure for bog cholera. Th# best way is to mske a pile of corn on the cobs, effectually ecorch it and then gire the affeeted hogs free access to it. This rsmedy was dis covered by accident by K- E Lecke, Esq., at the time his distillery was burned in \his county, together with a large lot of stored corn which was so much injured ss to he unfit for use, was hauled out and greedily eaten bj the hogs, several of which wore dying daily. After the sec ond day net n tingle hog was lest, and the disease entirely disappeared. The reme dy has been tried since in n number of ea*e end has never failed. —The Bulgarians are still on tbe bust of a king, and having read in th# Rxroa tbb ef King O'.othier Newman, have eoa eluded te offer him th* D rone. Newmen can't and will not accept—Ceotr* county can't afford to let him go, for clothing would at once go up, and the people would suffer, and tbe consequence would be a war between Bulgaria and Centre counts We must keep Newman here to keep down the price of clothing. Long live Newman king of the clething business. H sella th* best and cheapest. Don't forget th* Festival that will beheld at Centre Hall, Dec. 31, Jan. 1, and 2, closing en Thursday evening, Jan. 2, with a Concert by lb* Jubilee Singers, of Bellefonte. Com*. The St. Louis Globe-Demoerat, of 16, prints an interesting sermon, on "Wralh and Love—Their Relation to Each Othsr in the Divine Economy," by "ur young friend, and former contributor to the Re- PORTER. Rev. S L. Stiver, formerly of Potter's Mills. The Gtobe- Democrat prof acee Mr. Stiver's sermon with these re marks : ▲l the High Street Presbyterian Church yesterday morning, the pastor, Rev. 3 L Stiver, preached a sermon on the Relation of God's Wrath to Hit Love, Tha Rsv. Mr. Stiver ii a recent graduate of the Un* ion Theological Seminary, of New York, and baa bad charge of the High Street Coagregation (lace Septensber last Ua der his ministration th* attendaaee on the various services has increased, and th* members of the church look forward to a hopeful future. The pastor is a gentlemen of medium stature, young in years, who bat evideatly prepared himself for th# sa- cred of bit office by careful and thorough training. Hi# discoorset are characterized by logical strength and an originality and freshness of thought. "I wonder, uncle," taid a little girl, "if men will ever yet live to he five hundred or a thousand years old?" "No my child," responded the old man : "that was tried once and the race grew so bad that th# world bad to ba drawnad." Harper's Magazine, fer January, i* an excellent number and centains a larga amount of interesting and valuabla read ing matter, which every one should reed. It ts eiso profusely illustrated. This i elte of the best publications in tbe coun try, and now is a fevorabla time to sub scribe. Published at $< a year. Address Harper & Bros-, Franklia Square, New York. More Chriatma* good*, of a real sub itaetial nature, have been purchased at Secbler'a grecery, than at any three other boute* in the county. All familiee have retorted to Seehler'a ia order to ley ia • gtore over the holiday*, of Sechler'* lu gari, coffee*, tea*, dried and canned fruiu, cheeee, vegetable*, meat*, nut*, eandiei, iyrup*, and IO on, and in conaequence there bas been pretty good livieg among oar people. They got the purest, freabeit and beat, for Sechler* keep none other*, and they *ell at a trifle above coat. They have the largest trade in the eounty, be came it it known a* headquarter*, wher* you can got any thing and got it right. Very suitable Holiday present* can he purchased at Green'* drug itore, in the Buth home block. Call and see wb*t iie has. Goto Brown'*, near tbe depot, with your grain, you get tbe highest price* there. He keep* tbe cheapest coal, and all kinds. Try the Howe before you get aey other sewing machine —A. C. Moore, agent, Mileiburg, will fit# you one on trial. cbaapest *birt in tha State, or any other clothing, go to the Eagle Clothing hall, there'* the place where you get it. Ask for Green's Compound Syrup ef Tar aad Honey, if you suffer from cough* er affection* of tbe throat. Tbe best remedy out. - Dr. Graff state* that tha decay of a dead body underground, require* from 60 to W yean. CIIIUNTM.4N. Thit it * lailhful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus awx In- TO THE Woßt.n TO BATE SINXIR*. 1 Tim. 1. 16 Future evsnt* often oast their shadow* Oet'ore thorn Thi* em woflhr Revolu tionary war, 1776. the war of 1811?, anunty. The coun sel for the Commonwealth were Simpson. Van lrrer and Grimm; for the defend ant*, Linn & Dill and T. J. Smith. It was moved by the counsel fur the prison ers to try the cases teparmialy, and the Commonwealth decided to try Erb firet. The principal witness for the COMMOl wealth was Miss Mary Hartley. The de fendants opposed the receiving of her evw decce oa the ground that she was an ac complice. The court ruled to accept het evidence, but sa'd it appeared frum the information be bad as if she was an ac complice but her evidence could be re ceived by the jury if the Commonwealth by other witnesses corroborated the mate riol points of her testimony Miss Hart ley testified that she was in the company of the prisoners on the evening of the murder and near by when the murder was committed, and ber evidence was strong proof of the guilt of the parties. But the Commonwealth was unable to product otb-r witnesses to corroborate her evi dence. The defendants presented numer ous witnesses (.most of whom were rela tive: of tha parlies implicated) to prova that the prisoners were not out that night, etc At the closa of the evidence Messrs. Simpson and Van Gezar addressed the ju ry for the Commonwealth and Msrs Linn and Dili for the defendants Judge Backer in his charge to the jury referred to the evidence of Mary Hartley as that of an accomplice and that the material parts of ber evidence were not corrobor ated by other witnesses. The jury went out about ' the place of execution. The procession ' was headed by the sbcr ff and warden, fol ' lowed cleaely by Kehoe aad the officiating ' priests and tbe Jury selected to hold the ' inquest. The atmosphere was piercingly 1 cold and the snow was slowly falling. 1 About 200 persons had assembled in the ' vicinity of the scaffold to witness the 1 hanging, and as th* familliar ferns of the Mollie King emerged from th# priaoa in ' which be had for over two years been in ' carcerated a rush was made to get a 1 glimpse of his fsce. Kahoo hsd throwa ' over a black suit a cloak which he had ' worn before his arrest, and on the lappel 1 •f his coat n bouquet, furnished by hit 1 wife, was displayed Kehoe stood up well ' under the trying ordeal, walking with steadiness nearly flily yard* and cor.d ing the high steps leaJing to tbe gallows unassisted and without betray ing any , yoiisnssi He carried a taper in his hand | which tha wind extinguished before he , reached tha scaffold. The bold manner in which be walked into the jaws of death sxciied much surprise, the general im pression, judging him by his frequent ex hibitions of cowardice, being that he would ' break down under the strain, one of his • old associates, who had tavtd his neck by squealing on hi* partners in crime, having; stated a lew Jays ag > that tbe Mollie king would have to be carried to tbe galiowa. Even while the fatal repe was danglinr. about his shoulders he appeared urtroov-j, ed. As th# time approached for the hang ing he quietly rern"eJ the cioak and re-; eeived the embraces of his priests and ex changed kiust with them. He afterward embraced tbe warden and imparted a kit* on bit neck, whan lbs platform wa* clear ed of all hut the sheriff and bis deputy,; who remtiaed to adjust th* necessary par-; apheraalia about the culprit. Before the ( pe'formanc# of this exertit# the sheriff, asked Kaboe whether he bad anything to say. The Mollie, with head erect, da clared that he wat not guilty of the mur-] der of Lacgdon and that he did not see, tbe crime committed. As this statement was in imitation of those of a number of, the most notorious Mollie mur derer# tha dying declaration confirmed ratter than shook the belief entertained of Keboa'a connection with th# murder ot Langdon, an impression having prevailed among members of tbe order that actual participation in murder wat required to j constitute guilt Having mads his last speech be assumed a prayerful attitude, and until th* white bag bid his face fromj griew hit lips wsre in motion ss if he were sng.-.gcd in supplication. The trap was sprung about b.lfpaU tan, and tbe chief of the murderous organization wat sus pended between heaven and earth Th body remained stationary a few minutes, when violent convulsive movements #n • ued. which clearly indicated that he was; dying by strangulation. From the hip* dewn tbe body was drawn up at least a score of limes. Nine minutes after the platform fell Kehoe was pronounced dead, and two mioulet afterward be was cut down. Tha rope, in spile of the care ex- j ercised by Sheriff Msu in its adjustment, slipped around to tbe front and caught a little to tbe teft ofthe chin, makiag a dis tinct gash. Tbe right eye was slightly lacerated. Tbe body wat placed in a pet ent ica casket by an undertaker who had it in charge and convayed to his residence. Thence it wat tskan on a special train to Frarkville and from there to Shenandoah, where it will be waked for two nights. On Friday it will be conveyed by trsin toTa maqua, where the interment will take { place. After th# remains of tbe fallen Mollie had been removed from the jail yard the large pri*on gates were thrown open and the anxious crowd on the outside admitted to see the gallows and other paraphernal ia of an execution. Among tbo hundreds who ruthei toward tbe tragic scene were many women, who appeared to be even more morbidly curious than tbe men l Among the legacies ltft by Kehoe wat a I card, written by himself, thanking hit spiritual advisers, counsel and others for : the kindnesses shown him. FAThKR AND MOTHER KILLEt) BY I WO SONS AND A BROTH ER AND SISTER SHOT. Knoxville, Teon., Dec. 14, 1878.—A | moil appalling tragedy occurred en the 11th int., between the member* of e fern- ' ily named Epperson, redding in the lower part of Hancock county, a few mile* from Thornhill, near the scene of the Lee and Leger murder*, which occurred a year ace. Jt appear* that from incompatibility uf temi erament, er *ome equally valid caute, Mr. J. N. Epperton and hi* wife could not live pleasantly together In their old age, though the parent* of a large fam ily, and a *eparalion wa* the result—lb# ■elf-divorced huaband leaving home. On Wedneaday morning, however, he re turned, and it wa* not long before he and hi* wife from quarrelling proceeded to blow*. At thi* juncture .John Kpperaon. a one-armed ion endeavored to protect hi* mother, whereupon hi* father drew a pock etknife and inflicted four aeriou* wound* on hi* remaining arm. A fearful struggle eniued, in which the ion lucceeded in wreitlng the knife from the graip of hi* father, and immediately dealt the old man a fatal hlow, the blade penetrating the heart end producing intent death. Soon after the above occurrence anether •on, Thome* Kpperaen, returned home, end aeeing the evidence* of the bloody tragedy before him, aaked John if he took bi* father'* part in the fight with their ( mother? Hi* hrether answered, "Ne ; 1 j took mother'* pert " Thome* thereupon rejoined, "Then I will take father'* part,", and, drawing a piatol, began flring at his brother, who ran into the home, Thome*, following. Tbe mother attempted to keep! bias from entering, but, with all hie worst'j passions aroused to the high eat pitch, be,, raited hit arm tad fired a pistol ball| through her tiro**!, from the effort* ol which rhe died in a few moment* Without an instant * pens* after the commission of this fiendish act the nmr. dcrrr continued firing at hi* brother John, whom, hewever, he failed to hit, though he (hot another bother, (irorge Kppeieon, through the thtgh. indicting n severe Ilrh wound, nnd with another bullet shattered Ibe knsd of oti of hi* siiler* who w in the room, the horrified witrte** of the bloody eot*. though powerless to |>rerent them. It le feared the girl cennot tecuv •r. After committing the atrocious crium*. iThome* Kppereon fled from the *. . ieof murder end hee not yet been apprehand ed. John Kppareea aurrendared himself to the nuihortlle*. hut wei acquitted. the t or oner • jury finding that, in killing hi# fa ther, he only noted in aall-dafeace. DEATH OK HAt ARD TA Y Ll'll.TllK UNITED bTATKS MINIS! Kit TO GERMANY- Berlin, Deceinher 19- Bayard Iylor, minister of the United Stele#, die.) et tour I o'clonk thi* nflernoott. The fete, eymp torn* enmn on udJnnly. He hed keen out of bed end w* transacting • ith the oftloinl* 01 the Aiuri> en .<>g*n> reaterdey. 11* deatu we. peaceful en .latnless. |l*v*id Te*lor we* born et Kenas Square, Cheater county. Ve , on II Jenun T f. ItCo fie ws-a poet, author. newspaps contributor, n greet traveler. end nl l i 1.-atb Aumrlcnn Minit#r et llcrlio, ()*•• mnny. UKOTfIF.It AND BISTER HANOKD Iho Father nud Auother Sou 8ul to the Penitentiary for the Kauie Murder. Savannah. Dec. 19-Raymond aa-i Kilen OtgeoJ. brother end i*ter. wei. net-gad in Liberty County 10-dsy for lb. murder of Sam tieuldin. tin the uigl l Oct. 12 tiuldin w.utto the beu*e of S> won Osgood to inquire about n debt a hie' he awed Otgood, end which Oagond hae given to a contable to collael. Tber we* a dupute, end Simon Osgood. will three of nl* eon* end a gronn daughter beet Oeuldin with ttick*. fence rail*, an' a hoe He dind the neit day. Two of the ton*. Henry end Raymond, are grown men , the other. Jams*. i youth of IS veer*, the girl. Ellen, i* nbout 19. Henri *ap#d. but nil the other* were nrreeled and tried. The old man. Atmon, we* found guilty of voluntary manslaughter end sentenced te twenty year* in the pa-, uentiary, Raymond and Eilen were c>n vicled of murder, and *entenced to be beaged to-day, and Jarue*, convicind of iavolun'.ary manslaughter, w*i sentenced to one year in the penitentiary- ASTKAMKRSVNK AND 10) LIVE LOST London, December 19.—A despatch just received *ay the French steamer Bjr.a tine sunk with one hundred and fifty per son* aboard, the result of a collleion witi > the English steamer Kiaaldo, near Galli polli. The stoamar was ioat on the Sea of Mar mora, near Uallipolli, and about one hun- | jred nnJ fifty ntiln* from Cenuntlnopl* .The Byaantine was commanded by.Cap itain Duerxt aad owned at Marseilles, France. The report that one hundred and fiftj live* ware lot by tt e dia*ter te Ui steamer Byzantine i* confirmed. Four teen persona only were aved from the steamer. MOKTIN AND UUHN SENTENCED TEN YEARS TO THE PENITEN TIARY. Philadelphia, December 17.—John S. Morton. *x-Pr**ideni of the Market Street Railway Company, and Samual Uubn tb# ax Treasurer, wbo bad pleaded guilty aoma time ago to one caunt in an indict mant charging them with forging 11,(XX) • hare* of atock of the company, miking a total valuation of sl.bft>,ooo, ware thi. morni eg on moi ien of tha District At tor ney. rentenced to aa imprisonment of tan yaara each in tha Eastern Penitentiary. FOUROUTOF A FAMILY OF SIX BURNED TO DEATH. Cobcat. N. Y.. December 19—At ha f pan tm o'clock la-t rvralng a fire wadis. covered in tha tenement, No. 42 Bowery itreet. in the Fifth ward. Upon the ar i rival of the firemen it t **c#rtair.ed that ; Patrick Roarke, his *od Timothy. Mar- j tin, Owen and Wi liam, aged raapectively 110. 11, 9 and 6 year*, and two daughter*, ■ M ary aged 22 and Bridget aged 13. were in tha building. The two girla were rat cued. the older ane is *o badly burned that she cannsl turviva, whiletb* younger jo' e vis comparatively uninjured Mr. I Rourk*-lied oon alter beieg taken frvni [the building. Tho boy* were all dead 1 when found. MOTHER AND CHILD BURNED TO DEATH. Allan town, Pa.. December 19 -At: , Trichleri IV, to day, the clothing of a ehild ef Mr*. Mieicb took fir* during har temporary ab*ence, and in the effort* lo ( axtinguiah the flam#* the mother and child ware burned to death. _ AFGHANISTAN. Flight of the Ameer Confirmed. London, December 29.—A correspond ent with General Browne reporu that the British are on the march from Jalalabad. Jutnrood, December 20—It is again reported that the Ameer has fled, leav ing his aon, Yakooth Khan, in power. One day'* crim* in Texa*. a* reported to the Cincinnati Enquirer: At Delia*, in a disturbance in a drinking-*aloon, Frank Lantry was ttabbed and killed. At Fort Worth, in a bar-room quarrel, on man threw a lamp at another ; result, a fire, :n which til hue were burned and a man roaated alive At Lancaster a gang of counterfeiter* wai broken up. At Piano the body of a man butchered with an axe via found. At Lawrence the poatmaster wa* arretted for erub*zzlem*nt. At rr dan dfty mak*d men entered the jail and riddled two prisoners with buckebot. At Caldwell Sydney T. Hudeon killed George ft*wland, the *educar ®f hi* *iter At Jew.u Berry Worm* was beaten and left for dead while trying to recover stolen good* ; tha poe killed on* of the thieve*. lIANG UP THE BABY'S STOCKING. Hang up the baby'a atncking, lie sure tou don't farget. The dear little dimpled darling I She lever w Chriatmaa ret; But I've told her all abut it, And ihe opened her big blue ejea, And I'm aura aha nnderaland* it, She leeka ae funny and viae. Dear I what a tiny Blocking I It doeari't take much to hold Such little pink tnee at bebv'a Away from the froat and cold. But then. fr the buhy'a Chriatmaa It will never do a' all, Why Santa wouldn't be looking For any thing half ao amalll I know what we'll do for the l>aby, I've thought of the vory boat p'an, I'll borrow a atockmg of grandma— The longeat that ever I can ; And yeu'll hang it by mine, dear mother, Kieht here in the corner ao. And write a letter to Santa And faateu it on to the toe. "Thia it the baby'a Blocking, That hanga in the corner here, You never have aeon her, Santa, For ahn only came thia year ; But ahe'a juat the bleaaedcat baby I And now before you go. Juatcram heratoekiog with goodiea From the lop clean down to the toe." Scixxn in Stoet.—la a great work for the young, and the aecular and the ra I gioua praaa all over the country have apoken in bigheat terma of it. It ia humor* oua, inatructive and jut the thing to give children a knowledge of themaelvea. Ite [author ia Dr. E. B. Koote. who wrote Med ical Common Seme Science in Story ir in Ave volume*, for $6, or in one compact i volume for %'L Sent poataga prepaid on! | receipt ui pric* EVideLcw ui Dt, FoPto't • - The Fall Season for the vcur IS7B is now opening and a New and EXCELLENT STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODs IS COMING IN AT UUGGKNUEIMKR A 00.'8, CENTKK HALI#, nd which will be sold at LOWEST FIGURED They havoan im.neoM at* t and well aeor*d in every line. THEY HAVE Itress Goods, Clothing, Hats if Caps, Hoots 4Sf Shoes, Notions, Groceries, 4fc., at Lowest Prices. lIT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO "PATRONIZE YOU R HOME MKRCHA N TO,''ISBTF. A D OF QOINO AWAY FR( M HOME. GIVE US A CALI IMMEDIATELY. KK.EI'K THE BKHTHOLK LEATHER—VERY CHEAP, ISAAC GUOGENHKIMKK 1 " * •r- itw 1 ■r- ■"i •- ■ - - _ NEWMAN King Clothier of Centre county. .gggfew* 18 SELLING IB BELLI NO 18 BELLING 18 SELLING " Winter Suits 88.50. Over Coats 83.50. Underwear 30c. Boots 81.75. AND EVERY THINO KUE LOW IN PROPORTION. Challenge the County to Beat my PRICES and QUALITY, AND SlloW AS LARGE A STOCK OF CLOTHING AH 1 HAVE. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER IJY FIRST CLASH TAILG AS AT VERY LOW TRICKS S Out am. THE PLACE—S. & A. LOEB. For 35 years we have been the leaders II LOW MM, tnd for the same length til time have lemonstrated the fact beyond dispute, ind are selling all classes of goods cheaper than ever. JYOT E OUR PRICES: i .ALT, 5.,00 PER BACK UNBLEACHED MUSLINS CESTO per YD. ALPACAS AT 15 CENTS PER YAR-C MEN'S BOOTS FOR TWO DOLLARS. LADIES BLACK COATS a* LOW as 12.50. With au aaaortmcnt never equalled in thi* county. BLACK all WOOL CASHMERES at 50c. We carry tb* largest and cheapest Hock of Clotbinf ia Centre counly-.eeeur good. Before purchasing. Sucre*! m a writer and praelitieaer i' mailed Be* If y ( Mrtii, N*w York City. Paint which i put on in the Fail i w II last ne-rlr or quite a long again *3 the same grade which is app|ied in 1 the Spring or Summer. The extreme hot weather of Summer months ia not I'aTorable either for the preservation ; or the fine apiearauca of paint. The quickest way to expel foul air t from a well ia to heat a bar of iron red- j hot, and lower it down into the water ; , the sudden formation of steam is etTec- < tual. J THK THARMERS TACTUAL pIRE • INSUItaNt r. COMPANY, ef Centre C unty. Pa -Centre Hall. Pee 21 IS7B Th Annual meeting ef the Mm. .rar>del*U.n .| 12 Ptreclers manage th affsir* of the Company lor it.* *aumg rear, will be held at the houae of D Mover, at Centre Hall, on Moadey. Januarv It, IST® between the hour* or 10 a tn. aud 3p. tn ot laid day. Member* generally are .cquested to at'end. p. F. Luar. llaxar KxLt.xa. Sec'y. "re* t. I NARMIEIK At the of the bride'* parent* in Milton IV. on Tuedv, D-cember 17th. 1878. by Kv. A P. Yorum. .f thi* place, Mr. A. O Fursl of BoUefont*. Pa .} in Mi*i Carrie W. Chamberlain, of the former place . At Berwick, Columbia county, on ThurdaT. Dec 19 1878. by K*v Wilbur F. Reader, E*q . #f Babefonta, to M <•* Lillie Q.itwaiU ot Berwick, 1 a. DIED. In Lewiihurg. Pec. 16th, Mra. Duncan, i wife W. c. Duncan. Krq . aged about 01. year*. Pecea*cd wai tormerly or Mill*, heim. Near Lemont. Ta . on ltb, efparelyai*. John Etter*, aged 84 yaara, 8 month* and 24 day*. AUDITOR'S NOTICE -In the Com tnoti Pleaa of Centre county, No try. Aug. I'. 1877. I.ev. Fa. No. 141, Aug T lh?8 Tbo*. McCoy uie of the heirs of Wendell Bartholomew, dee d, vr. Georgo Bar tholomew. The auditor appointed by tbe*aiJ Court to distribute the fund* in .Sberifl hand*. *ri*ing Ironi the aie of defendant real| estate, to and amone lhoe legally entitled thereto, will attend to the dutiea of hi* ap pointment on Frulav the 3rd day of ,I*au ary 1879. at his <>tßci in Bellelonte. at 1U ( o'clock of said day, where all parties in terested may attend. W. F. KEBKH. j it) dc Auditor. | A UDITOR'B NOTICE-In the Court' ; ot Common I'iea* of Centre coun-1 i }io. 268, Nov T. 1877. Lev. Fa- No.i 113 Aug r. 1878. Betletonte B. and L. Association v*. Ruhr and Ouult. . i The undertigned auditor appointed by the Court to distribute the fund in the! hand* of the Sheriff, arising Iron* the aalr o! the Real Ksta e of Kubl and Geult, tj •nd among those legally entitled thereto , will attend to hi* dutiea at the office of] Alaxandi-r A Bower, in the borough ofj Bellelonte. on Monday the 13th day of January. 187 V, at >0 o'clock a. m., ot which all parties take notice 11, A. MrkRK, 19 dc St. Auditor. SPECIAL OFFER. FOR 1879. We will pay the Postage and *end The New York Weekly World, An Eight Pag" Newspaper, From Now Until January Ist, 1880, FoR ONE DOLLAR. GO Cent* fo' Six Month*, OR 10 Ccnta to January 1, 1379. Now i* the time to FORM OLUBS. P.oad the following.- TO CLUB AGENTS —An extra copT for C'ub of ten, separately addre*ed The Semi Weekly World lor club of twenty, ■leparately add rested. The Daily Worid for club of fitly, oparate ly add reeved TERMS: Cash in advance. Send Post Offlne money order, bink draft or rag istered teller Bill* *ent by mail will bt at risk of sender. ' Addition to club lits may be made at an. lima in the year at the above rale*. Specimen eopiea. po*ter. Ac., sent tree wherever and wheDover desired. Address all orders to "THE WORLD." J uwt 36 Park Row New York. Croup can be cured in one minute, and the remedy is simply fiiutn and suijar. The way to accomplish the deed is to take a knife or grate and shave of in small particles about a teaspoonfu l of alum ; tLen mix it with ta ice it* quantity of sugar, to make it palatable, and administer it as quick a* possible. Almost in*xntarieous re* lief will follow. VUDITOR S NOTICE -The auditor appointed by the Orphan*' Court ol Centre eoanty. to distribute the fund* in the hand* of the adminittrator af John Rishel. dee'd. who wa executor of the es tate of Peter Durat. dee'd, a* *h,wn by the firt, second and third partial account* filed, and also to bear and pas* upon the exception* filed to the fourth and final ac count of the aeid executor a* filed by the laid administrator*, and make distribution to and among-l th. F. FORT - EY, 13 dec St Auditor, 1 WANTEII ro* ova GREAT WORK xow ts raxes. THE IHDOITIIAI lIISTOHV T ; r . UNITED STATES. lining a coma.eta history of ell tha im 'portant industrio* of America, including Agricultural. Mechai.iral, Manutaaturing. Mining, Commercial and other anterpr.a e*. About 1000 large octavo page*and 300 ' fine engravings. 1 NO WORK LIKE IT EVER BUB* LISHKD For term* and territory apply at once to The Henry Bill Publiabing Co. Nor wich, Coen. 12 dec fit Awarded the Highe-l Sledal at Vi enna and Philadelphia. E. A H. T. ANTHONY A CO. 691 Broadway, New York. Manufacturer*, Importer* A Dealer* in Velvet Frames, Albums, Grapho* ■copea, Stereoscopes and Views, Engravings, Chromo*. T'boligraph*. end kindred good*— Celabrilia*. Actress**, etc. I PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. We are headquarter* fbr everything in the way of Steroeopticons and Magic Lanterns, i Each style being the best of it* cla** in the Market. Beautiful Photographic Transparencies of I Statuary and Engravings for the window. Convex glass. Manufacturer* of \ elvet Frames for Miniature* and Convex Ulas* i Picture*. ■jcatalogua* of Lantern* and Slide*, with 'direction* for uing, tent an receipt of tea jcent*. 12dc6t THE WELLS TEA COMPANY Importer* of Pure China and Japan Tea*, .Supply Tea* to Storekeepers, in original ! packages, at low#t import price*. H Supply Tea* to Druggi-la, General Deal f er and others, packed in handsome sealed fj package* of one pound each, in canisters I of the same rapacity, and 6 lb*., 10 lb* , and 20 lb* boxe* Supply Teas to Peddler* in half ponnd and one pound bags, plain or printed, at a more liberal discount than i* given else where. Supply Tea* for Club Order*, and allow a larger commission than u*ual, and in all case* guarantee the quality of their good*. Tha Well* Tea Co., i* one of the largest and most reliable houses in the trade, and tad all parties requiring Teas should send for a circular. THK WELLS TEA COM PANT. 201 Fulton Street, P. O Bex 4560. 12d3t New York \ W ITERS* Orchestrion chl raes ORG AN WlkrsiMlkrasllflil rts ii a Ise lijPlll Wrfrcl bar* * r>l A ,n y* AIM NC BH TO. V BMP KH. V-KNTKNIVIA I. y t'III.WKM,'HAPRI n ee4 < OTTA*B OK- I UANM, uf againit Cold and Damp Feet Many a cold and lb* auendaat censequance* pre- ■ vented by using the** good*. Sent by | mail to any address on receipt of 25 cent*. Hut* lit* of shoe worn, and if far Gent, Lady or Child. Canvasser* and Agent* d* wall with { the** good* D W JOHNSON. 19 dc 4t 323 Arch Street. Phil'a. NEW MILLINERY STORE AT MILLHEIM. _ j MRS. ANNA M. WEAVER i Takes pleasure ia announcing to tha peo ple of Miliheim and vicinity, that she ha* opened a New and Elegant STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS on Saturdav. October 19th, 18781 A full line of choice end tasbiona geods always on band at popular price* Drei*tnakin((, and all kinds of FAMILY SEWING with the new 6-tu Plailer and Trimmer for making all kinds of side knife, box and tan Plaits ; Fluting Quitting, and Zephvring, will baa prom lnnt feature "f business. 24 oct 2m WWI IWIf 1 M*n and Woaivn are I Wanted, to make from $2 u> sls per day Agantsarenow mak ing that amount Address, with on* cent stamp. Kav. S. T. BUCK, Milton, Pa. 26 dec 4t TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON CERN.—Tb* book* and vendue notes of the lata Dr Peter Smith, dee d., have been left with Wm. i> Mingle, where all interested will please call and make settlement without further delay, as after January 1. 1879, the books and note, will be placed in band* of a J ustic* of the! Peace tor collection bv legal proces*. 24 oct if CHARLES SMITH, Ex. | KIVATK S A L K -A CHOICE FARM AND HOUSE ANPLOT. —Tb* following described property, of John Kmmert, dee'd, situate in Ham* twp.. Centre county, one FARM, contain ing one hundred and thirty-three acre*, more or lets, bounded by landiol B. £v-i crhart, d"c'a. .lame* Gi-nn, McFatlen, l)r. Ucndt-r*.in, dee'd, and others, i* uflcr ed at private sale. The farm is well wa tered, a never failing stream of water run ning through the farm and within thirty yard* of the barn, alo, a well of never failing water at the bout*, with good pump in it The improvement* are a large FRAME HOUSE, two stories high, al most new, a FRAME BANK BARN, torty-flve by eighty feel and fill other nec essary outbuildirga. This is one of the best producing farm* in this section for all kind* ol grain ; is all limestone land. A large ORCHARD of choice fruit on the premises. For particulars inquire of Wm. Wertx n the farm Also one HOUSE and LOT situated in Boalsburc, Centre county, the house it 2 sunes high, with kitchen attached toil, and all necessary outbuilding*, also a goo i •table, a never tailing well of wal-r with good pump. The lot i* well set with fruit trees of best quality. Also 2 acre* and 123 perches ot excellent land situated near the German Reiormetl church in Boalsburg, within two tquarea ol above house JOSIAU NKFF, Executor of J. Km mert, dee'd. Sept 6 if VSf. 3. 3>lA / ? 2 Ji, snOEIiKVR, Respectfully Inform* the citizen* of Cen tre Hall and vicinity that he has opened a new (hop in the old Bank Building. New work turned out according to style, and all eind* of repairing neatly done, and on •hort notice. Price* reduced and to suit the time*. _ 7 fb^^ QKNTRK HALL Furniture Rooms! 4 14 Kltf It INK, re*pectf'ully inform* the citizen* of Centri county, that he hat bought out the ol< stand ol J. I). Deininger, and ha* reduce! the prices. He ha* constantly on han< and make* tn order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS, WASHSTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS, TABLES. Ac., Ac Hi* slock of ready made Furniture ii Urge and warranted of good workman ship, and ia all made under hie immediaii supervision, and i* offered at rates cbeapei than elsewhere. Cell and see bis stock before purchaaini elsewhere. feb 2 BftlCK rot SALE -pint elaas brtek nil btnd for sal# ti Zerte t Centre Hall brtea yard. Than brick ara a offered o low tbatit will par persons at a distance to coat bare for them Intending 10 continue ia tbe menufac- • -tire of brick lbey will be kepi COB finally ia hand, and fair inducement* offered to purchasers. if.ogtf. H E. ZFRBE ti. tiCTELIL'B, Dentin, Millheim. OtmbltpralMawtlMnMwHlw MblU. H. It! to petora ilbeKtUMt la tae taatol peer iu'Tnow f.llrprfp.rwdt. .ilrtat TSStk sb.olaUf I alUoal aala. M>* Tt j I Spring Mills, Pn., ] GRAINTIOUSE AND COAL YARD. J. D lA>: G s New Grain House is , Now Readv for The Reception of WHEAT, at the HIGHEST CAS 1 PKlCKand the! BEST COAL in Mark tola al the eery, low ret price. Hides ! Hides! Bring vcur Hide* and rt uivs ibe Highest Price for them. I aW keen for ale UPPERS. KIPS., CALK SKINS, and SOLE LEATHER al lowest price* Alao a. full lina of Harness, baddies. Collars, Bridles, Halters, Whips, etc. | at the eery Loweti hum lOoct SOB I . = NEW ;j Grocery and , Confectionery, AT CENTRE HALL. The undersigned has opened a new Gro- j cere and Confectionery. and will elwav.j Keep a full line good a. at iowet possible,. F ncea. and kindly aaua a share of tbe pub- [ ic patronage, His etnek consists of COFFEES, SCO EES. TEAS. BYRYPS, i SOAPS. SALT. I All kind* of ' CHOICE TOBACCOES ANDSEGARS, 1 and all fruits of the season generally in j I M*. BEST SWEET POTATOES ,< Alto a full line ol CON FBCTION ERWS; All kinds of country produce taken ia ex-| change. I I tell low for CASH and PROOCCE. . .."6-ept y C. DINGES. Spring Mills 0. K.! | NEW ROOM I NEW GOODS! i at I. J. Grenoble'* Store ! SPUING MILLS, hat the gooda. Largest Mock I SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower than: Ever, i And now extends a cordial invitation toi hit friendt, patrons, and public general ly Alto a Complete Assortment ol Ready Made Clothing for men and boys. Suiu as low at to be bad ia the 'city. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS II Full 1 net of MERINO UNDER WEARS, i For Ladies, Genu, Boyt, Misses and' >| Chilfren. Hosierv, Gloves, iloott and Shoes. HATS, CAPS, CA .PETS AND OIL CLOTHS, | And the most complete assortment of NOTIONS n Central Pennsylvai , snd prices Ibai willcompel you in tell tefenc# to buy of , hm . Alto Fish, Salt. etc. 18or i A full line of Howe -tewing Machines , uud Needfor all kind* of machines t l Alto dealt in all kinds of Grain. Mar. ket price paid for lb* tame. A specially in COAL by lbs oar load. New Pianos $125 * Kerb, and all styles, including GRAND, SQUARE and UPRIGHT .11 strictly drtf ela*. told at the lowest net cash " wholesale factory prices, direct to the pur. l 'cha*er. Thete Pianos made one of the fn. est displays at the Centennial Exhibition, {and were unanimously recommended for. ithe HtO'tasT Ho one—over 12.000 in use. : Regularly incorporated Manufacturing Co, I Knctorv established over 86 years. the J Square Grands cn'ain Mathushek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the 1 greatest improvement in the history of Pi. e ano making. The Uprights are tho finest] djin America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't ,d fail to write for Illustrated and Deacrip I d live Catalogue of 48 page.—mailed free MENDELSSOHN PIANO C •, ,5 sept Jy 21 East 15th Street, N. Y W. A. CURRY §3DQII iduksp, t'L.\TKK HALL,PA. is Would most respectfully inform thecit . tens of this vicinity, that he has started a le new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would h, ir thankful for a .hare of the public patron age Boots and Shoe, made to order an< >g according to style, and warrants bis wor' JO to equal any made elsewhere. A)) kind of repairing done, and ohargasreaaoaabl GITS him a oall. Csbtt 1> * Jits. Harris § Co. SO Y BROCKERHOFF ROW. IROTNAILS, P A I N T S, OILSTETC., JAS. iIAHLIs A CO. liuilcfbnta. •FCFBARGAINS. ~ Bargains ! Bargains ! In MEN'S and BOYS, BOOTS and SHOES! also a LARGE VARIETY of CHILDREN'S SHOES, at LOUIS DOLL S Shoe Stare, opposite the Bush house, BdUfonte, room formerly occupied v Joka Powers. apt2sy _ Candy Manufactory & Bakery. Mr. Albert Kauth, At the BISHOP STREET BAKERY, is now making tne very beet BREAD, CAKES AND TIES, in Bellefonte. Candies and Confections. He also manufacture* all kinds of can dies. and dealer, ran purchase of him at low as ia the city. Candies of all kinds al ways on hand, together wtth Oranges, Lemons, Fig. Dates, Nutt, Syrups, Jel lies end everything good. CENTRE COUNTY OYSTER DEPOT. An Excellent oyster saloon alao at tached to the Bakery Call and IN me. ALBEKT KAUTH. aayl I IMPORTAN TO TRAVELERS. BUSH HOUSE! BtLLirM a r* Has been recently thoroughly renovated and reunited. ana undertb< management of -ihe New Proprietor. Mr. GEORGE HOP PES, formerly of W'msport, is first* claw in at if its appointment. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Are offer-d to iboe in attendance et court and others r-tnaining in town for a fsw I days at a time. The largest and most superbly Designed Hotel in Central Pennsylvania. { All modern conveniences. Go try tha ! Bush bouse. GEO HOPPES, Propr. HENRY BOOZES', CE*TRE 1111.1, as(tv' on town ti Outfit frM W gun-" Reader. If jrou want a malum* at ■ fill ll ■*>•<•!> iwrsona uf sltko srx caa auks .1 Hi VV/Vw .11 th. ttm. ita.) wurk, write lwrT3, tlcularslu U. UAU-XI TSCO Hortlakd Mk KTURTNE Y~ATtorney at Law Bellefonte, Pa. Office over Bey , i Tlx, 111. hank l-l may'fig PENNSVALLTY BANKING CL. •' CENTRE HALL PA - REChI\ E DEPOSITb and allow Inter t est: Discount Notes; Bu\ vet I Sel Governtucnt Scouriti Gold and Coupons WM WoLr, Wx. B. y ai. Pres't._ ,ski. Y L. SPANGLEII A'trrn- . i Law* • • mo.unation* in l.rvcli.l <1 Usr twww uwrc IB Pural'. n.\< : io.g. I I can mal. monsy faster al w.rk l.ra*lh .a at aer I thing .Iw Capital not reqi.,r*t!. w.. will rt.r* ■ jrou Sliprru-r athomrm.J* >, lav I;.dau*si w-f on* Man. woman tx... sadctri- wsni.g owr a whsn- to work tor o Now i- lb* ttm. Uaaib sntflt and tsrm. frra. addroxTi.t-x & ('•>. Aoote ' "slus. LV a.,.} teoicoln HuiterP'osder. tnake* ter swent andhard, end quicker to churai Try it—for sale at Wm. Weil's stota. I