The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 19, 1878, Image 4

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f<SWWrWsrh. ,
\ hiuc, baking, churning,
Next day twining must be dona,
And tb b any housewife tindeth
rest till net of sun.
The., the knitting and the *ewtng
With the bnttonholas to make;
Oh, the twitching and the darning,
Ho*- they make our finger* ache.
bnt of all the varied duties
That wa busy housewives find.
1 do think that washing dishss
Is the most provoking kind.
Whv, the times they must be handled.
O'er and o'er, day after day.
Almost makes ona wish the china
Were in bits for children's play.
Now, don't tell me 1 am wicked
I know that as well as you ;
Hut somehow, when 1 am weary.
Pishes make me feal so blue.
And the only cure I've found yet
Is a (wilier or a book.
When my family are settled
Each in his own ooay nook.
I know well that very many
Have obtained the needed grace.
With a patient, cheerful spirit.
All life's petty ids to face.
Oh, that I were of that uumbei '
Then, with heart for any fate.
I might, with cheerful spirit.
" Learu to labor and to wait.''
New Vera Fttahlea* la Far*.
The fahionable furs of the season are
seal, beaver, otter, chinchilla and mink
—seal and otter leading the list. Tn
donbtedly the richest-looking fur that is
worn is sealskin, hence its continued
popularity over ail other*. The beauty
of sealskin consists in the density of its
fur, and its dark, rich color. For fine
ness of fleece ami depth of color the
Shetland sealskin* are chosen, but these
arc very scarce and very high-priced.
The stroug Alaska skin*, with thick,
warm pelt, arc preferred for garment*
that are to be subjected to hard service,
as they are more durable. Well-made
seal sacqnes have the pile of the fleece
turned upward, as it then uaturally fall*
backward and open* slightly, thus allow
ing the depth and thickness of the pile
effectively, and giving a darker look;
for this reason, when stroking the fur
with the hand the strokes should pass
upward, as dowu stroke* make the fur
too smooth and glossy. Saeques that
have the fewest seams are commended,
as the pile is apt to wear off in the
New ssal saoques are made slightly
longer, and now the favorite length is
from thirty-five to thirty-eight inches,
individual height has, of course, a mod
ifying in fliieuce. Doable-breasted fronts
are stylish, an.l may fold over straight
from the throat down, or else be turned
back en never* like a gentleman's coat
The collar is broader than that of last
year. CVat sleeves without cnffs are
preferred, as cuffs are thick and clumsy
about the wrists. In the way of fasten
ing. passementerie and links of fur are
both used. Occasionally seal sacqnes
are found reaching almost to the wear
er's feet, but, althongh very handsome,
they are exceptional rather than in ac
cordance with the general style, and
from their great warmth better adapted
to a colder climate than that of New
York. There is a fact connected with
sealskin that ladies would do well to
remember. After it has been exposed
to rain or snow it shonld not be left
damp, but should immediately be well
shaken and spread out to dry "in a room
where there is no artificial heat; 1
brought ;■ contact with the heat of a
fire while wet the fleece will be matted
together and defaced.
A great ail vantage that fur has over
every other fabric is that it is so very
and so universally becoming. Its deptn
and softness lend a charm to a fair com
plexion greater than that imparted by
dark velvet A princessdreas exhibited
at the Paris exposition was made almost
entirely of the darkest and finest seal
far, opening on a plaited train of mag
nificent black faille. The opening was
tied with knots of ribbon, the tablier
was of plaited faille, and extended to
the bodice, farming a plastron.
Silk circulars and dolmans are ex
ceedingly fashionable, and the majority
of these wraps are lined with squirrel
lock fur, bnt exclusive styles show ele
gant and expensive linings of ermine,
sable or chinchilla A very rich gar
ment ia lined with chinchilla and
trimmed with the same. A very hand
some dolman has deep, wide sleeves,
and its length is forty-eight inches—
long enough for distinction, but not to
conceal the trimming upon the bottom
of the dress or to be felt as a burden.
It is made of thick black silk, lined with
squirrel and bordered with beaver,
pointed with the white hairs, which are
set in with the needle and form a charm
ing addition to a deep, dark fur. This
trimming is five inches in depth, and
imparts to the garment a most elegant
appearance, which is heightened by the
thorough and harmonious design of the
A very popular garment, of French
design, is a sacqne cloak of medium
length, with short side forms somewhat
in coat shape; the front lays on the left
side, and the collar is shawl shaped.
This is very handsome made of black
satin, lined with squirrel far and bor
dered with beaver.
Sealskin hats and bonnets, the latter
trimmed with ostrich tips, are very
dressy. One of the most fashionable
shapes worn is the countess, a large hat
with raised brim and of dashing de
sign. It js trimmed with a long, fall
brown ostrich feather placed across the
froDt and aronnd the crown, the stem
concealed by a bird, made of seal far.
The tnrban. the Brighton and the prin
cess are other shapes, the latter being
in the style of the English walking hat
and ia trimmed with an ostrich feather.
The I'nlted State* Army.
The annual report of the oommanding
general of the United States army,
shows that there are 7,829 enlisted men
in the ten regimeuts of cavalry in the
army, 2,630 men in the five regiments of
artillery, and 11.205 in the twenty
five regiments of infantry, making" a
total of 21,664. Besides these there are
in the engineer batallion 199; permanent
and recruiting parties, music, bovs and
recruits in depots, 1,121; enlisted men
detached on general service, 372 ; ord
nance department, 344 ; West Point de
tachments, 190 ; prison guard, seventy-,
one ; hospital stewards, 188 ; ordnance
sergeants; 114 ; commissary sergeants,
348 and Indian aeonta, 340, a total of
1097, making the whole number of en
listed men in the army, 27,761.
General Sherman's report concludes
as follows: In conclusion I beg to
Htate that from personal inspections and
from official report'*, I am snre the army
is well and economically supplied. Its
discipline and instruction are as good as
could be expected from its scattered
condition, and from the vast amount of
labor necessarily imposed on it; that it
has met 'promptly and cheerfully every
call of duty and of hardship ; it has ac
complished an amount of work which,
as General Sheridan *.aa well said, " No
other nation in the world would have
attempted with less than sixty thousand
or seventy thousand men."
-Show and Clear Skies.
It is a familiar fact to inhabitants in
Alpine iHstricts that avalanches rarely
fall while the sky remains oovered,
wliereas they fall rapidly and in great
number,Especially iu the morning, when
the heavens are clear. On this acoonnt
the monis of the great St. Bernard do
not leave the convent in the latter case.
M. Dnfonr attributes this more frequent
fall of avalanches to the lowering of
temperature when the sky is clear,
especially before sunrise. The small
filaments of ice which retain the snow
on the sides of the mountain then oon
tract and break and the snow begins to
slide, cairymg down other portions be
low. It' is known that very slight dis
turbances, the flight of a 'bird, a few
words in a deep voice, etc., suffice to
bring down avalanches.
A yoong lady who has a young man
"keeping*company" with her, who is
employed in a telegraph office, calls him
" the elefctric spark."
Romance f Bismarck's Daughter.
On the c Del union of their honeymoon
the bride and bridegroom will join the
chancellor ami hi* family at V arson,
vhere a fatnilv gathering in contem
plated about Chriatma* time. Sopara
tion from hi* daughter is aaid to have
ben vert painful to Prmoe Bismarck,
who i tievoteolv attached to this, hi*
favorite child. &he had Ih-ou hi* faith
ful companion for many rear*. While
her brother* were at t\ie university
or in the army ahe rarely left him.
In former year*, when Prince Bismarck
paa akll a passionate horseman, ahe
often accompanied him for hours in hi* ,
ride* over tne plains and through the j
woods of Yarsiiu. Owing to the attach |
ment existing I vet ween the father and
his dsughter many doubted whether sh>
would ever marry. These supposition*
were not groundless, for she was no
longer young when she contracted her
first betrothal with Count Wend vou Eu
lenlmrg, a young uobleiuau of emincut
capacities, who had won her heart dur
iug his stay at Vamn as an attache on
the chancellor's staff. This engagement
was a very happy one. The day of
marriage had been tlx ml and the mvita
tions were on the point of tieiug issue,!,
when suddenly the bridegroom was at.
tacked by a severe illness, which, not
withstanding the greatest cure and at
tention, terminated fatally At his (the
theyouug count's)burial, the Iron Chan
cellor was so moved that he wept bitter
ly. On the expiration of the time of ,
mourning many youth* of noble birth
aspired to the hand of Prince Bmmarck's
only vlanghter. She refused, however,
the most tempting offers. until, moved
perhaps by the entreaties of h-r family,
she finally admitted the attentions of
Count Hantaan, whom she had kuown
when a child. Some jwctend that he
was smitten by her elisruis even in tlicir
earliest youth, when he, as a boy at the ,
gymnasium, waited for the young
countess, the a a little damsel, to carry
her books from school. Co nut Hantaan
a descendant of an ancient, noble, but
not very wealthy family, was, after an
honorable termination of bis university
conrao, for some time an officer in the
Third regimeut of the Prussian I'hlans
of the guards. He subsequently changed
his proftwsiou and entered on the diplo
matic career. On account of hi* great
talents and general a-wiuplishuuiits, he
attracted the attention of Prince Bis
marck, who not only attached him to the
foreign office, bnt often invited him to
his house. During the congress the
count acted as cne of its secretaries, a
distinction which gave rise at the time
to some envious reports. As Count
Hantaan is in p eeessien of a yearly in
come of only about 3.000 thaler*, a sum
certainlv inadequate to maintain a house
hohl worthy ot the daughter of Ger
manv's leaning statesman, a handsome
dowry, asserted by some to bo 500,000
thaler.-s was bestowed by the chancellor
on the young couple.
Diphtheria and Its Treatment.
Diphtheria is a disease which
spriugs from the growth of a real
fungus on some of the mnoous sur
faces of the system, more gener
ally of the throat. It may be
spread by coutact of the mucous sur
faces of a diseased with those of a
healthy person, as in kissing, and is to |
a limited degree epidemic. From the ,
local parts affected it spreads to the
whole body, affecting the muscular and
nervous systems, vitiating the lymph
and nutrient fluids, and producing paral
ysis. As soon us ihe bacterium or
fungus appears in white patches on the
threat, it should no more be neglected
than a bleeding gash or a broken aim,
and there is almost as little need of a
fatal termination of one incident as of
ttie other. It has been found by actual
experiment, both in and ont of the hu
man svstem. that this is killed
bv several drugs, the safest and most
certain of which is chlorine water,
diluted with the addition of from two to
four times the volume of water. This .
wash is harmless, even when swallowed,
and pretty certain to arrest the disease
The great cyeloj>edia of Ztemeasen on I
the practice of medicine gives the high
est place to this method of treatment.
To keep the patient well boused and
warm, with additional flannel clothing
if necessary, and to keep the system
well nourished and kie Ixiwels open
are matters of nursing often neglected ;
but, with care in these respects and
early application of the remedies above
suggested, there is no need of the dis- j
ease proceeding to a fatal termination,
ox even to the debilitating illness and
painful cauterizations which go together
ID ita later stages. As to the origin of
diphtheria, the weight of testimony is
that it belongs to the claas of filth dis
eases, bnt further than that its source
is not clear. Families which would be
scandalized at the suggestion of untidi
ness are attacked, while others of filthy
surrounding* escape. This simply shows
that our sense of cleanliness needs cul
tivation, so that we may discriminate
between what is offensive to the system
and what offensive to our falsely-edn
cated tastes. The farmer's wife, to whom
the closed and carefully-dusted parlor
or the preternaturally scrubbed floor
are the essentials of neatness, may en- >
dare the proximity of a soar swamp or
of the kitchen cesspool for years with
out taking offense. To many a careful
and laborious housekeeper, a chance
cobweb or the children's •' litter " of a
few honrs' play will outrank m beiuons
ness a defective drain for the cellar or a
badly conducted privy.— Springfield
Tigers at Auction.
A score or more of meu assembled in
the menagerie in Central park, New
York. The king of lieasts resented the
intrusion and roared with such force
that be shook down the monkeys who
were hanging by their tails from the
wire* of a cage in another bpilding.
The monkeys rubbed their heads and
chattered till they a roused the bald
eagles. The eagles screamed so loud
that the red little birds iu another cage
were terrified into a pale pink, and the
one-legged storks, who were standing
around and speculating on the length of
time the seals could stay under water,
actually went so far as to let down an
other leg from underneath their feathers,
and looketl as though they were going
to move into different tracks for the
winter. While this commotion was
going on without, the noises within the
room of cages had become bewildering
and almost deafening. The Bengal
tiger, presumably a royal one, seconded
the lion's objections to the intrusion.
The hyenas pawed up supismititions
graves nnd laughed fiendishly. The
panthers slid their sleek hides around
over their bone work and give forth
deep gutturals. The lionesses put in
their roar and the sun bear fondled
his paw with increased industry, and
gave forth a soutkl as though he were
winding himself np to join in the gener
al outcry. And the black wolf stood on
bis hind claws, pointed his nose toward
the zeni'h and howled dismally. The
other animals stopped to listen to him,
and he stopped for the reason that he
only started becnuse the rest of them
were making noises.
Then Auctioneer Burdett said :
" Gentlemen, the two tigers in tbo*o
cages yonder aud the one np in that
cage, will lie sold by order of the col
lector of customs. The terms are cash.
What do I hear for the three tigers?"
Calvin Willy started them at S2O.
John Nathan, in bulialf of Burnum, bid
S3O. The tigerH leaped to S7O by ten
Hollar jumps, when Robert Robertson
bid SBO for the three. They rapidly
went up to $2lO, where they hung for
some time and then went ss high as
8250, at which figure they were sold to
Mr. Robertson.
At a dinner recently given by a well
known English peer, one of the guests, a
very young mar., made himself ob
noxious by persistently la ring down the
law on every possible subject, and talk
ing long and loudly. At length he ex
pressed, in no measured terms, hi
hatred of a class of people whom he
called Philistines. An elderly gentle
man, sitting opposite to him, mildly in
quired, " And pray, sir, how do yon de
fine a Philistine ?" The host interposed,
saying, "I will give yon the informa
tion. Philistines are persons who are
inoonvenienced by the jaw of an ass."
Whrrs Tlis* t'sms From. H*• I •* thrm,
■ nil linn VtsS*.
Carpet* come froiu the Past, snvs an
American paper, and their manufacture
date* far back iuto antiquity. The
Babylonian* made them; they form
ed noted briuieb of manufacture in
Turkey aud Persia before flier were
known iu England. They Is-long to
that Oriental luxuriousne** of tw*te
which wu* the exact opposite of the
Salon. The Mohammedan who prostrut ••*
himself many tunes a day nj*n the
ground found it convenient to have
somethiug on which to kneel and which
he could easily Oarry with linn, while a
like habit of sitting crows-legged upon
the floor made the same material first a
comfort, then an ortiamcut to hi* house.
To these use-- we may prolwbly trace
the custom in *ll Oriental countries,
copied largely by France, ot having ear
j>ets in one piece und then to only par
tudly cover the fiHr, or of the use of
rug* merely Ivefor* nnneipal picoes
of furniture. It i* only in America,
England and Germany nt the present
dav that carpets are universally lined
covering the entire I*. ■ r, ami wheie the
plan of waxiug floor*, as iu France, i*
almost entirely nuknowu. Those who
have painfully walked through some of
the palaces ot Europe, shuffling along in
felt slipper*, or endeavoring to stand
upright without them, rvalue the com
forts of a well covered floor, as well as
the groat addition to the beauty of u well
furnished house.
It l* somewhat singular that the F.tlg
lish should have been so late as they
were iu discovering the utility of car
pets, for while they did not need them
(or the act of wumiiip, the climate would
naturally sugg*t such an additiou to
warmth. Yet we learu from history
that as late a* the reigns of G UIH,U *
Mary and Elisabeth rushes were used,
even in the palaces, though carpets had
l>eeu imporbal to some extent from the
East. Hhakspearc occasionally refers
to them, and Baoou, who was contempo
rary with him, describes a reception
thus : *• Against the wall, iu the middle
of the halt-pace, i* a chair placed In-fore
him with a table and a carpet liefore
it from which it will lie seeu that the
first carpet* iu u*e then were the same
as we flinliu the East n>w, mere squares
or rugs. At that day tliey were consid
ered as luxuries, ami for eomtuou daily
use the English adhered as tenaciously
to their straw and rushes a* they do uow
to their roa*t beef and ale.
Not much i* known of the earliest
Eastern fabrics, but as those nation*
change bnt slowly it is safe to assume
that the first carets were thin tapes
trie*, made by hand, a* they are mode
at the pn~ent day. The process of fast
euing tufts of woolen uito a warp with
the finger* was exceedingly slow and
tedious, but this is of small account in
<v>uutries where labor is of so little
value. The same pro-ess in France at
the present day make* the (hrK-lius
tapestries of immense value, so that they
rarely, if ever, came into the market,
but are reserved for royalty. Manv
year* are sometimes occupied iu pro
ducing some of the more ornate pieces.
Portraits and pictures of bird*, annual*
and flowers arc accurately and leutt
fully reproduced, aud what is more won
derful i, that the artist doe* his work
Willi the back of the tapestry toward
him. He can only see what he has ac
complished by going round to incpect
it when he stops for dinner or leaves at
From this tapestry has sprung un
doubtedly all onr modern carpet*.
When the manufacture was taken up in
England, devices were employed to mul
tiply the fabrics and to chea|>en them.
This led to hand-loom and subsequently
to machinery and the use of power.
Good imitations of Turkish carpets were
made at Axminster, and were called
after the name of the town. Few people
have any idea of the process of manu
facture. It is one of the few remaining
branches of Turkish indnstry.
The methods of work in the ancient
towns of Oushak, Ilonla and Ghoirdofs
are of the simplest and rudest descrip
tion. A vertical frame snpj>ortH two
horizontal rollers about five feet simrt.
The warp, of any required length, con
sisting of an upper and lower thread, is
wound around the upper roller and the
ends fastened to the lower one by the
girls, who sit cross-legged in a row be
fore the frame. Each workwoman bass
certain width allotted to her, and pro
ceeds to knot the tufts which form the
pile in rows, nsiug different colors to
form the pattern. The tying of the tufts
and the picking ont of the various color
ed wools, which hang in balls over the
frame, is earned on with surprising
rapiditv, the pattern being worked
solely from memory. Yet w>th the aid of
the rude frame, a pair of shears and
oomb, the workers contrive to produce
the most harmoniouslv colored and cer
tainly the most durable carpets in the
trade. European taste has done much
to foster this manufacture, but has
never been able to improve it. A live
lier class of goods is produced to meet
the American demand thau those used
by transatlantic purchasers.
It would lie interesting to follow the
growth of this manufacture, ami to de
scribe the machinery by which it is pro
duced, bnt that is impossible here. It
is only fair to say, however, that no
Country has made more rapid strides
than this branch of manufacture.
More has been accomplished in one
hundred years than in all the centuries
preceding. Public taste, united to a
desire to economize, ha* led to an im
meae production of ingrains, three
plya and Rrohseli, and this demand has
stimulated the inventive genius of the
weavers and artist*, until, iD colors,
designs and quality of frbric, there is
nothing left to desire. It is a jierfect
mystery how goods uniting such qualities
of beauty and of sulwtAutiii] wear can be
produced at such prices. The ingrains
can Ixi had as low a* the home-made
" rag " carpet, and the Brussels as low
as the ingrains were formerly, while in
the latter there is hardly an end to the
patterns that may be produced.
The largest concern in America runs
700 looms, and emplovs thousands of
hands. There is a different form or
mauner of mechanism employed for
every carpet, from the methodical East
lake to the elaborate Queen Aune.
Wonderful effects are produced iu
He Bet the Pa**.
There are those who are constitution
ally opposed to granting favor* to their
fellow-being*—an uncomfortable clans,
who deserve no consideration from any
one. Then there are those who are cou
tinnally thrusting their favor* upon
others—a class almost as uncomfortable
to get along with, especially as the re
cipient of their attentions is invariably
left under a sense of obligation. Hut
there is a class of favors which may lie
accepted without any Mich feeling, since
they cost the giver nothing, either iu
time or money, yet are invaluable to the
recipient. A poor fellow who had been
badly injnred in a rail run 1 accident ont
West " drew the line " admirably. He
was a brakeman, and had been hurt in
the discharge of his dnty. . lfis home
was in the Eist, and the road which he
had served passed him to the terminus
of its line. The next did the same, and
also the next ; bnt at last he came to a
superintendent who hesitated. The poor
fellow pleaded Ins case. He was a rail
road man. He hod been hnrt at his
[wist. He had been pnssed bv all the
other roads. "All very well," said the
superintendent; "but I can't see my
way clear to give yon n pass. If yon
were working for a farmer, and were to
get hurt iu his employ, would yon ex
pect another farmer to get ont his team
and take yon to the next town ?" " No,
sir," said the brakeman ; "not that ex
actly, bnt if he was hitched up and go
ing n>y way, I should think he was
mighty mean if he wouldn't give me a
ride." He got the pass.
A farmer of Boise City, Idaho, catches
400 rabbits a day. Along his fences
he places traps, boards lnnged''upon
pivots above deep pits; the rabbits jnmp
over the fences and light on the boards,
which tip up, spill their occupants into
the pits and reset themselves. About
400 rabbits a day is the yield. The farm
er gets a cent bounty for each ear. The
rest of the rabbits he feeds to hi* hogs.
M. Dm JUiruujl, in a work on pruning
ktu! tmituuK (ruit Inwwt lmbliehrwl m
Krainwi, Uyw ilowti ilia following rulon
Inuif.l on the fundamental |>riucij>l>B nu
ilorlyiug the wrholu luctlnnl :
I. Tho |Skrtnaii<'noy of form in train ml
lrw<t ia tliipcoileiit on llntw|tial iltlTuntoii
of HH|).
'J. IVuuc tin* Htrmig brtuiolu" aliorl
but allow tin* wt'txk ouue to grow long.
It. Doiiroru* tin* Ntrong jmitn of tli
Iwc, aiul i lovato tin- wt-iik branoliiwi.
t. Htl|)|ll'i'nM tin* uaclr'Hn btl>U Oil tlx*
ntrong |iurta its mum nn iMmmblo, mid tin
lute an |*oeniblo oil tin* w>ak |>ai4n.
ft. Null up tln strong parti* very curly,
and very oloec to tin* wull.
ti, Ib'luy nuibug tin* weak parts an
long aa poaiubin.
7. Mupproea a utuulmr >f l'uv**i nu
the ntrotig nidc, utul li'itd thrill ou tin*
**i ak nido.
ft. AlU*wiu- lurgr a i|uaiitityof fruit ae
poemblit till tin* strong nidc, ami supplies
all ti|*ott flit* wi<ak aiiit*.
'.l. Itnug forwaril tbt< woak etdc front
the wall, and ktv-p the strong nnlo i-loso
to it.
1(1. Thi* sap lfVt*to|>e the branchce
much more vigorously upon a branch cut
nhort than U|HIU one left long.
11. The mora the sap te Tt*tardcd in
its circulation, the lees wmsl aiul the .
more (nut buds will develop.
l'i. To retard esceaaivo growth, either
during atituiuu rxeit prune, or remove
the treoe, or in the euring expoao the
roota to the sun, aud keep manure aiul
water from them; retarding the exces
sive vigor of the tree leads to its fruit- '
HI. Keep the fruits ae far as |>oßSiblc
vertical, and their eteinn lowermost.
Id. Let the leaves lap over the fruit
till nearly ripe, when the light as well
ae heat must be allowed to l*ear ou the
reatlrv Neiee.
Kt*ep a barrel in the hen-yard. Clean
the lieu-houses weekly, and throw
manure iuto the barrel—then Cover with
a layer of dry noil or muck.
Flour of aulphur, dmlged treely
atnoug the feathers of chickens or fowls
that are iU!iu*ted with vermin, will
cleanse tliew at if by magic. A very
simple and inexpensive treatment to re
move a great peat.
The average chemical comixmitiou of
the desii of poultry, when tit for the
market, in 100 parte is seventy-four
parts water, twenty-one parts uitroge
nous or flesh-forming, thr* • and eight
tenths parts fat and one and iwixtcnths
half of salt.
A breeder of poultry says: "Evwy
spring 1 procure it quantity of col at
bough* autl scatter thrui plentifully in
and arouud tLc hen-bouse. TLtui is all
that n neoe*-s*ry, as tin* odor til cedar
keep* away lie®. This remedy is cheap,
simple and effective, and is well worth
lh<cU>ring chicken* i a jH>r business
at the lieet. It is true that valuable ma
ture fowl* are worth aaviug i( they fall
ill, when we know what their trouble is,
and have a remedy for the malady they
mar be suffering with, ltut the attempt
to "doctor sick youug chickens will
scarcely pay. If the birds do not grow
thriftily in the first three or four mouths
after hatching they will never pay for
the raising for any purpose.
A correspondent of the Vuuntry (Jen
firman gives the following recipe for
keepiug eggs Uirough winter, and says:
'• it has never failed during the twenty
five rears that I have used it. It is
simply to set the eggs on end as soou as
gathered and keep them in a cool place.
1 have kept eggs laid in September un
til April, and they were just as nice to
fry with ham, or any other use as new
eggs. There is no use of any pickle.
If the eggs are good and fresh when
pat in position, they will be good all
lllairr Haiai'sral ml Plaaia.
As there hsve tieen so insny inquiries
about the care of plants in the home,
and they are such an source
of deliglit to me, I will tell how I man
age mine with perfect success. Sly
large geraniums of last winter I put,
early iu Juue, into tho border, and at
the same time pat well-wooded *II|M into
wet land, and after three weeks, into
the pots they are now in, and theT are
large slips, and I have had to pick Viuds
off, though it doea seem sacrilegious.
My calla, fuchsias, oxalis, etc,, I gsve a
long rest, only giving water enough to
keep alive, and transplanted in Septem
ber. My calla I treated in this way :
l'ut charcoal for draiuage, ouc pint heti
m inure, and fill up the p>t with ground
from the woods, and its large green
leaves insure me that I hsve mane no
mistake. Pelargouiuma the same as
geraniums, if they wire not so shy of
their lovely blossom*. Carnation* I
have takeu just from the border, and
they have grown very thrifty, and I
love them dearly; perliaps tiecause they
were always mv mother's favorites.
Begonias weitenisis I cut bsck in June,
transphuiteil, anil they arc beginning to
bloom. There has been so little said
in the home about ornamenting otir
houses with ivies. I cannot refrain from
giving my plan. Nothing caujbe prettier
than dainty coliseum ivy for a basket,
and the large-leaved ivies Gil a place
nothing else can. T give them plenty
of water and sunshine all summer, and
tbey will be fresh and green all winter
without ranch of either; and can be
twined over any defect, and add to the
beauty of any spot. Qovaa are flue for
twining on pictures, but are such
exotics that they need the warmest nook.
Mr*. P. Smythe, in Jnt> r-< Mr an.
\I>M run TIA nnd Khuhnrb.
W. D. Thilbrick, writing in the Ant'-ri
can tnr, says: "After the frost
has killed the leave* of the rhubarb sud
the stems of asparagus, it is a good plan
to clean up the bed and give it a good
dressing of manure. To bo sure, this
cau be done iu the spring, but the spring
is usually a very busv season in the gar
den, and time as well as mauure is more
iu demand then for other things. More-
Over, the manure applied now becomes
thoroughly incorporated with the soil
by the winter rains, and is all ready for*
the early stalks of these vegetable* in
the spring. The method I generally
follow is to clear off the sterna and other
rubbish from the bed aud then run a
small plow on each side of the rows
lightly, so BH to tlistnrb the roots as lit
tle as may lie; the manure, which may
be rather coarse, is then spread along
the furrows and covered by turning the
loam back with the plow. A liberal
dressing of ten cords or uioro |>er acre
is needed by these vegetable* to insure
a good crop. If it is desired to plant a
new bed of rhubarb it may lie done in
the fall, though the spring is preferable.
The rows are usually ma le three and a
half feet npnrt and a good dressing of
manure applied in the furrow. The old
root* are cut np so as to have one or two
eyes to each piece or set, and these are
planted about three feet spart in the
rows. A lew may be expected to fall,
and will ueoil replanting in May, when
tho missing places can be seen. If plant
ed in spring it is n littlo less likely to
mis* growing evenly. Asparagus Is al
ways planted in spring."
Corns tiro nothing moro than thick
etied, condensed scarf-skin, which, ris
•ng alovo the general surface, produce
pain and preeanre. They arc id ways
tho result of an tun <]unl pressure, mace
by an ill-lilting .shoo or Ixsit. A tight
shoe, simply, never produced a corn,
provided the shoe tit well, wart equally
tight at all points, HO AS not to produce
unequal pressure. A tight shofc, how
ever, ahonld never be worn, as it im
pedes circulation and causes results
equally H bail n corns. A shoe or Iwiot
too largo, is productive of corns, especi
ally if the leather is hard and unyield
ing. Hnch a shoe will be very apt to
produce a corn wherever it touches sen
sitive |>srts of the foot. The proper
way is to have hoots and shoes made
to tit neither too large or too small, but
just right—and then, bathe the feet fre
quently in warm water, to remove the
Hcarf-skin. This ia the best cure, alao,
for corna. Bathe the feet every night
in warru water, and remove ull the acarf
skiu possible, and wear ouly well-fitting
shoes or boots, made of soft, pliable
leather. Ignore fashieu, and use twin
mou aense in selecting yonr shoes or
boots, and corns will never trouble you.
■ astern and Wtmiiaktatei
The it, ti notion of the I'aelttc itur mill*. |
111 ItiMMiklyn, reuscal all catiliiated lose of
<'tinettail K H.w* lis* not yet abandoned tl.o
sicli for hi* sou, t'harllc, and was recently
follow tug up a ilippiMUx] clue to the nuaalug i
hcv tu the iiciutty of Wllkesliarre, t'a.
Margaret Ihiwtilug waa kn lost to deaiA by
her drunken liilabaud 111 New York,
hacki'tt, l*avta A Co., one of lite otdeal and
largeat Jewelry tiouaea of Proytdnuce, II 1.
liave aitrjieiided. with llahtlltlea of about
l>r. Mary Walkir n>n art noted tu Broadway,
New Votk, for a|i|H>artug tu the street tu men •
1-tuthsß and attracting a large crowd, but waa
dirchaiged I * tlie au|>ertuteiidMit of police,
The " I Victor waa alao lefnacd admlaviou at
two hotela.
Fojnnrucr Tratli, who ta conatderably over
ItKI * eels old, ai d was lorn a alaio tu New
York, lectured lu New York oily the other day.
S. 11. Claxtou. a wool uietchaut of Troy,
N Y waa robbed Of *IO.OtN) iu bouds aud
at our I tic a.
The ai'hooner Caledonia went aahorr on
l.lbbv Island, off the coast of Malue, aud the
captain and orew of Ave mm were lost.
Virginia State d?bt ptojier la auuouuoed to
Iw dl'i 567, '.W*.
Waatern arid Houtnarn Mtataa.
Tie fli no tight waged helweeu two |sutlea
of men lu Jet'kou, Ky., over the o**lou of
a prisoner erruned of luurderuig hlf wifo, laal
Vd utiio daya, durtug winch aevnral men were
killed and a number wouudod. Fonda growing
out of |ailltlcat content. Were at the bottom of J
the trouble Barricade* were thrown up lu the
.treet* and an altuoat contiuuou* ftro of mus
ketry was kept up. Finally, notwithstanding
dtwperate effcit* on the part of the frieiidaof
Je*oU 1.1 tlie, the murderer, to release him,
Sheriff Higgiu* eucceeded in delivering him U>
tbe jailoi of Madleoii county, where be we*
ordered for safe keeping by Judge lUudkll.
tlov. MoCreary teatuet instructkui* foi a special
term of the court lu Jackson a* soon a* prac
ticable, tu Indict and punish all the |-r>r*on*
who partidiiated in tbe late distnrbance, and
also cidered the McCroel v guards to b ready
to march to aid the court if hecosaary.
A large bolter at Haydeu's rolling mill, Co
lumbus, Ohio, exploded while a number of
workmen were standing around, kllliug two of
thetu and eeriously injuring six more. Cue of
tbe uctiiu* had hJa head btow from t-i* tsidy.
A commercial couientlou at New Orleans
adojiied resolutions calling for the improve
ment of tbe Mtaalaalppt, and llatene.l to SO ad
dress by Jefferson liavis upon the tuipurtauce
of such actich.
A gang of resurrectKHiisU, consulting of five
liereoiie two of them Women was unearthed
bv the police of CttsamuaU. Two of the gang
Mere arrested just a* they had delivered the
body of a colored girl to the Miami medical
The ctbxcnt of New Orleans, in iu meet
lug assembled adopted resolutions of heartfelt
gratitude to the Jwoplr of all eccliolia. for Uie
help extended during the period of yellow fever
Chou Vow, a Chinamen, was hanged at
Bridgejwwl, Cel.. for the murder of a country
man, last May.
tiuruig a run on the I nlaw savings bank, of
liaJtlhitre, over fIUO.OOo were drawn out tu
three davs. The deposits amount to over
Bobert Brown, of llsrtram. lowa, has been
caught Cottnterfetliug silver half dollars
from dfaeftlngton.
The public debt statement for November
shows an increase of d3,'ilt,3th6l.
A long address to the (irectiback party has
tieen issued by the central executive commit
tee. from the national capital The address
cunsraiulates the party upon Its Vote at the
late elections, tells the i ■ men barkers to stand
by their principles aud Jfophsale* ultimate
rtiovaa (' !'. 1 lewsea, as chairman pro k*n
Alexander TVoup as arcretsry, I'eter Cooper
slid others signed the address
T he i'reaidenl sent m a large l>atch of humi
liations to the Senate, including K A. Morrill
for collector of customs at New York . Johu K.
M st y, of Virginia to be ouushl at ll jug
K ug. etc.
K M Boyntou arid! <v-nteet the election of
Mr. Irortng in the sixth Massachusetts con
gressional distrx-t
There are betweeri l,** 1 and 1 .AX' claims I*- ,
fore Congress, to be disposed of by that body.
Secretary tv-horx appeared before the joint
ci>minisr)on having under (xramderatloo the
transfer of the Indian bureau to the war de
partment, and gave hta views on the ant jort of
Indian management. Ho stated that tbe real
cause of Indian wars had been the breaking
of treaties
Tbe Hen ate yellow fever c* -m mission has
A dnjiaich from the naiiurxsJ capsUi sty*
tienera! oraut has fiuaily dstermxtxwl to visit
Asia before return! ng to the I'hi bed H tales.
feralgn New*.
A new Turkish ministry has been formed.
Huh imau I'asha, one of the leading Turkish
generals in tbe war w ttb ltoasia. has been sen
tenced to fifteen year.' impriwuimeut for mis
conduct during the ear. lie ha* sp(*eaied.
t'jxiti the arrtral of Lome and the Trinooss
la.mse at Ottawa, the Canadian capital, they
met with an enthusiastic welcome, and a series
of festivities in their honor took jdace.
At the openiiag of the British j -art lament
guren Victoria's speech was prwsetiled by a
roval commisaioh. The document is short .
refers to the war with Afghanistan, and asserts
that there is every reason to bvlteve that the
arrangements for the pacification of Europe.
tu4< by the treaty of herhn, will he suoceae
fully carried Into i (feet '
The emperor of Germany, upon his return to
Berlin after a long ahseure in search of renew
ed health hercaallated by the wounds rrcrived
from Nohiling's shot-gun, was enthusiastically
received hy the pojudsor. The trade sodetlee
and public bodies generally paraded past the
royal palace
That jHjrtiou of the Urtttah army invading
Afghanistan by the I'eiwar jaase has gained a
signal victory after a desperate straggl*. cap
turing eighteen guns ivud occupying I'elwar-
Khotal. I'he British loss waa onlr about ten
killed inelud'ttg one major, and aoventy
wounded. The enemy fought bravely end lust
The Bnlih government la meeting with
much from the Lilwral jarty in
I'arliameut in regard to the war with Af
From details recssvid onnoerntng the d<ath
of I'ardo, formerly president of Peru, it seems
that he was strtckeodown by an assassin who* ,
entering the Peruvian senate ehamlxr.
Mr. Mavis, of West Virginia submitted a res
olution in tbe Kenaie; mat rue bug the commit- i
tee on sgrieultuie to momre as to the best
means to promote sgricui Ural inter, sta
' Mr. .wauUbnry tntriwlncd a bill resrutatiug tbs
rrdem(ition of legal tenders In gold and silver
Mr Harris resolution for the appoiutmeut
of a committee to investigate the CSUM** of
vellow fever was adopted, after which Mr.
Matthew* moved to take tip the Tela- Pacific
bill. hut :he motion was rej ected .The mili
tary academy and fortification bills were re
-ferred to the appropriation cmmiltee. Ad
' journed after an executive .e.-ien.
Among tha bills tntrodnced wore several
making apiwoprtelioti* for ttie improvement of
rivers on llie Pacific alone The Vice Pfwai
dent appointed Messrs. Ilarn. Matthe vs, La
mar. Paddock, ( mover. Garland am! Eualls
the yellow fevor investigating ci,mm.i;ee, an
thorlred hy Mr. Harria' reaoiuii >a .... Several
changes lu the sxanding ooiuiuitteea w. re an
nounced .... 1 loan!lit.OOS sir- adopted calling
on the Pre-- dent f-r inform* ion regarding j
postal and tntsunouiM with hontli
American countries and on to-' secretarr of
the treasure for Information relative io the
Freedman's savings ami trust company, lHk
ing to tbe winding .ip of its affair.. AdJ'iurned.
In the llooae. on the opening of the third
aeasion of the Korty fifth Congress, sixty-three
momtiera failed to renpoud at roll ca'l. The
credentials of M< *-r*. Bailey, < rNew York, and
Major, of Vebraakx. elected to fill the vac an- ,
clea canar d bv the death of Messrs. Qnlnn and
Welch, weie preent<d The Prundent'a
message was read, and aft< r a long dobs to In .
regard to that portion of it relating to Henth- '
em affairs tt s rvferrwl to the proper com
mittee and ordered to te | rint d .. Ihe tilth- 1
tary acarlemv and the fortification this ware
reported, after wliich the Hon-e adjonrnr tl.
Under the call of Hlatcs a large number of j
hills were liitri-rlnced. among them several to
ruvke the trade do'lar legal tender or provid
ing fr.r it recotnage. to j>nniah election frauds,
to repeat the r< sumption act. etc The mlli
tai v academy nd fortificatton appropriation j
l ille having been conaidererl lu committee of
thr whole, were both rej*>rted and Jiaased. Ad-
J our >i'd
A mat >| ut ton was adopted calling on the Pres
ident for documents in r* Terence to MextOau
relations .... A bill was passed correcting the
error In tho civil oindry appropnaUon bill iu
relation to the Hot Bnringa Mr. Fort, of
IlHnois, offered a resolution for the pnniafa
111, n( of banks which discriminate against tbs
standard silver dollar, but it was uol received.
Mr. Brentaao.of II mois, offered a resolution, I
which was adopted, for the invratigatiou of a
charge of bribery made against him and others
hy a Washington nowsjiaper It was ordered j
that thr. toattmnnv taken hy the Hewitt lalmr ;
OommitUM' lx> jirmted ... Mr. Garfiled rcjiortod
a concurrent resolution for the appointment of
a comiuission to investigate the ceases of yel
low fever, etc , and spoke in support of its
adoption. Mr. Hooker, of Mississippi, also
spoke iii favor of the resolution, and It was
adopted. Adjourned.
A Pirtlaud (Me.) man has a mocking
bird and parrot which are on very good
terms with each other. Occasionally
their cages are placed together that
they may enjoy a little social intercourse.
The parrot will then thrust its poll
through the bars nud say, "Scratch my
head," whereupon the mocking - bird
will peck the parrot's head with its bill
with un air of great gravity.
How to He A Gentleman.
Do not Iwitray tin* oouflilono* oi any
Never laugh at tin* unafortnuMi of
j other*.
Never give a promise that yon tlo
not intend to (ulOll.
Never give a preeeut, hoping for one
; in return.
Never fail to In* punctual at tho time
Never make youraelf tho hero uf your
' own atory. *
Never pick tha teeth or clean the uatU
in company. *
Never fail to give a |xtlite answer to a
civil ijuowliou.
Never miration a servant or child
a Unit family mattrra.
Never present a gift, saying that it is
of no use to youraeif.
Never rx*axt letters which you may find
addressed to others.
Never call attention to tho foaturoa or
form of any one preaeut.
Never refer to a gift you have mode
' <r a favor you have rendered.
Never associate with bad company.
Have good company, or none,
i Never look over tho shoulder of
another who is reading or writing.
No*or appear to notice ascot, deform
ity or defect of any one jrramt.
' I N'over answer questions, in general
company, that have been put to otherw.
Never call a uew acquaintance by tb%
flist uanio, tinlera requested to do so.
Never lend an article you have bor
rowed, unless you have {wrmtsaiou to
do 80.
Never paaa between two persona who
, are talking together, without an apology.
Never enter the loom noisily; never
fail to clsk* the door after you, and never
slam it.
Never fail to tell the truth. If truthful,
you get your reward. You will get your
punishment it you deoetve.
Never cuter a room filled with people
without a slight bow to tbe general
companyjwben first entering.
Never fail to answer on itiTi tat ions
either |eronally or by letter, within a
weak after the invitation is teoeiveit.
Never a<x*rpt of favors or hospitaltUra
without rendering an exchange of civili
ties when opportunity offer*.
Never twrrow moner and neglect to
pay. If you do yua will auon be known
as a (Minion of no business integrity.
Never cross the leg or put uoe foot
over the other in the street cor ur place*
where it will trouble other* when pausing
Never refuse to receive an apology.
You may not receive friendship, but
courtesy wiU require, wben an apology
is offered, that you sooept it,
Nevejr examine the cards ui the card
basket. While they may be expoaad in
the drawiug-toom, you are not expected
8' turn them over antes* invited to do oa
Never, when walking arm in arm with
a young lady, be continually changing
and going round to the other side, be
, cause of change of corner*. It shows
too much attention to form.
( rat of the I ulted Mates Capital.
Last June (V>tigress called upon the
secretary of the treasury for a tabulated
statement of all money spent by the
government, since its origin, in the Dis
trict of Colombia. Thus statement has
been prepared, and is full uf interesting
figures. The total ex|>enditurra for
what may be called permanent improve
ments, including original expenditures,
the coet of repair*, furnishing and keep
ing in order the public iqititutions in
Waahinglaa are as follow* :
TtMoafMoi Hi.iaassi it
TO* parent cftxor IS.!*S,WS 1
TXe < rnsMit) drparUoMtl V,uKi,Mt ii
atrwo and uebiM at WaatxlbOXos 9S
tte stare drfsrtsreot tilMB.M* XI
.re , W Ut* Mtalrtrt tg OxtliunUa g3',2VW
treiM-K'lrlit tsMltuMuti* *.7sa,**# n
Ivtial laaututtun* t.Ulx* 1
>lmli 4.UW.MI 1
let} daiwrtiorot (tlx lodise >ar\ll V 04
Ix-tortmrat ul •arnrultnr* VK4.IV3 TB
Smithaoataa X,**e.4t H
hatofto* X.1V4.V04 as
War drpsntuasl X.*.!*! 41
I'arX* sad pvlalre *rvt,da . ;.*JS,4aT X*
Thr. r na-ato* maaaxw sad frousd* •.*
Tlx titxr|rd (Vapn*! M
Urxd**. I.JSi.WI* !J
Tt t.-'aiitr farsro TtLOJ SS
Works at art. lolaUttca. *tatsarv—Oor
cv-raa xallrrj *-l.*St IS
t ana.. M 1,41 ald
Mtreilxaa-v* XV.Mu 04
Fir* drparuarat (IxxUdloaa, <-agttuw,
•te.) . 1K4.3M tu
C0urt*............................ . TS.4S4 SJ
Total .'. irt.iii.Mas
(wmarerre in tbe Arctic Van,
There is oue hardy navigator who
pursues laudable ambition to explore
the Arctic regions iu the way in which
all the early ilntoovertea were made in
other aaa*—by commercial venture*.
Tina is Captain Wlggw*. In l£?7 he
male a voyage to the Kara sea, the
gulf of Obi aud tbe mouth of the Yeni
seiriver, ou tlie Arctic coast of Siberia.
His report of his experience there and
the inference* drawn were that voyage*
could be made along that const in aum
tner all tlie way from the Northern
ocean to the iWiflc, aud that they
might be mode commercially important
An effort was mode to interest tbe
Hritish admiralty in the subject and to
induce tlie government lo defray tlie
cxjx'nse of au exploration that would
Ultimately, it waa held, develop a great
trade in wheat. Hut the government
would not undertake it. In tbe last
rummer Captain Wiggins repeat***! Ins
voyage, and carried a cargo from Liver
pool to the mouth of the Obi ami return
ed with another of the products of tbe
country. He made iu that Arctic bay
the singular discovery that a commerce
more or less irregular now actually ex
ist* l*etweon the Siberian rivers and
A I'rshlsn l.ssa Wlsrs Msl***.
How to romrelv tiioss prolifir caoas* of Jia
oaas. an ioipovi-rtalisd circulation aud an im
jiairi-d digestion, was a tiroblsm tlie roiution
of whirls ha.l often tiafflsd msdto*l skill, but
which was aolvsd ovnr a quarter of a ocntnry
ago t>v the Introduction of Hoatetter'* Stom
ach Lit tor. to pablic and jirofesatonal notice.
Hi in* that time, which may wsil be said to
bevc initiated a new epoch in tbe hiatorr of
turdicto*, the lemedy and preventive nrferrsd
to he* obtain •! a foothold in the omfldnuce
of the tnioriran people that each enoraieding
yrrr haa only aervod to strengthen. It la re
o,.;tii d throagbont tbe I nion as a tonic of
tl.o first order, a remedy for and ure moaaa
of preventing fever end ague, and dtaordera of
tbe aioraach and t.iwela as a reliable nx-ana
of reformi'ig a duordorod state of tbe liver,
.d of ceioterarting a tendency to rhouma, gout, nrinarr and nterine disorders.
Dr. R. V. Pieree, of Buffalo, N. V.. the pro
prietor of Dr. Pierce* Family Medicine*, and
also of the Invalid*' and TouruU' Hotel, of
that city.hva r*eutly been ejected to Oongree*
by the very flattering tnaj irity of nearly 8.000.
He ha* already errxod bi con*titnDcy ai State
Senator, and thi* renewed mdoraoment rimd
fle* that hi* service* hare been highly satisfac
tory Ilia extend ve pract c* in the treatment
of Chronic Dice*e# will not, we are informed,
t>e neglected or suffer iu the leaat when the
time arrive* for him to take lu* eeat in Con
pro**, it being miniated to hi* brother and
other ex|Minenced medical gentlemen who hare
long been aaauciated with the Doctor in the
Medical nepartiueut of bi celebrated World"*
Di'pcnmrr and Invalid*' Hotel, Besides, a* the
Forty-filth Congre** doe* not oowNM until
December, 1870. Dr. Fierce'* patient* wiU not
low hi* j* i nouai atteutlou for some mouth* yet.
A *|>eedy quietus UgiVeu toa harking congh
;.v that ineauiuable epeolflc for pulmonary,
throat and bronchial eoui|>laintM, Mali* Hal rata
for the Luuga, which core* oouoaninitun.
branch iti a, pneumonia. pleurisy, labored
breathing and other disorder* of respiratory
organ* When a cough manifest* itself, the
early uc of thi* beuctloenl medicine i* earnentiy
recomuiouded. aa the difficulty ia m re eaaily
overcome iu it* incipieut lage than later on.
Hold by all drnggiate.
We alnay* take pleasure in reoommeuding
a really good article. Hoob ■* Vandervoort *
Flexible Cement, for (topping all water leak*
everywhere. Von can render anything purfeotly
water-tight with a 60c. or 75c. oan of it. Hold
by hardware and paint supply store*. Send
stamp to Vandervoort. 118 th t., New York,
for oirtralar. Agent* wanted.
Pimple*. Freckle*, eic.
The most wouderful discovery yet known.
Mr*. Dr. L. K. Shaw's Moth and Freckle
Lotion. May ho had of your druggist. Prioe
oulv • 1.00. For particular*, addre*Alra. Dr.
L. K. Hhaw. I*o Fast 28ih Street. New York.
Mr*. Hhaw's Liver Pills. Beet in the world.
For upward* of thirty years Mrs. WLNHLOWB
BOOTHING HY HUP has beeu used for children
with never-foiling uooes. It oorrucU acidity
of the (tomocb, relieve* wiud ooiio, regulates
the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhma,
whether arising from teething or other causes.
An old and well-tried remedv. 36 eta. a battle.
wist* lirtnktna Vinegar.
How many young woman who have Inherited |
a iirmttaixmition To nntxmpotnl have mined 1
Uirtr health by drinking vinegar to redoes Uiwi ;
forms to graceful proportions Allan's AnU-
Fal It absolutely harm lew*. It promotes dlgas-
Uon, winl ancotnptuhsa IU work simply by Of - '
venting an undue sjoemllalloa of the fatty
lugrediouU of the food. Excessive fstnea* la
a vexatious burlt it, and flour i* no luuger auy
icn*e for enduring It, aluoe Allan a Anti-fat
la an affaotuai remedy fur this abnormal oou
Cobiuto HraiMoa, <Jol., July IMb, lA7H.
Horaan- Minii iss Co.. Buffalo. N, Y.i
Gentlemen J loal throe pound* while taking
one bottle of Allau'a Anti rat
Yonra truly, Mra M It MYF.IW.
The fVlretao
W*m>l Tag I'iog
Tan Cmain Tom™ Uowrsar,
Mew York. Hoe ton, and Chicago
8 liealera will, of rnurae, often recommend an
organ ae heat beoeuae Uiey have It In eoU, or
ian make mora on il llul it hae been demon- 1
elrated el all w.wlj a *x|o*lUou* fur twelve '
tear* that thoae mailo by the Maaon A Hamlin
Organ On. excel all other a
for throat llseaiin and affeoUuu* of the
rheet " Brown a Bronchial Trochee " are of ,
vaJueu fur ouugha, trrtlaUou of the throat j
oauand by oukt, or unaeual eierUon of the
vuoai organs, in speaking in public, or staging,
they produce lauuAtu! results.
Valuable informatiou iuhueon a Anodyne
Uoiment will powtueety prevent diphtheria,
thai most to Ire drwaded of all dreadful die- 1
ease* Hun I delay a woman! , prevention la
better than core. No family should be with-
out the Anodyne In the houee.
To partially alone for our many aina during
the year now closing we wish to expose a fraud.
We lefar to the large nacfca of horee and cattle
ja,wderv now wild. Mieridan t are abeoialely
pure and immeinety valuable. Tki* eUtemeni
la true.
To cteauee and whiteu the teeth, to aweetan
the breath, use Brown's Camphorated Hupcma
oeoQa Dentifrice Twenty-Ave oeuta a buttle
Hon. C. H. I'areoua, mayor of Kunh—Aar. was
radieaUy cured of bright ■ lmmi by Craig v
kidney Cure Input 4i University PL, S T
Cpew Jackson a Beat hwaet Navy Tobacco.
IMrUKTANT KOTIIX - farmers. faaeU
as* Uanerv see yarstiaea x.o Heeiwlr aqael le B.
ivjsiafc' VKNmaN liwtwvwrter ua nn W
OLelssa, Uisrvncea, Ujaaeisry. OmalMia wl ass
aieSrau. lakae tsisrcally <jt la unteutif barauas*. eaa
ueu. .<ueaeera aaea 'swabl ess MtereeUr tar
Okaaeu ja' ' Hewtaetia. Tostkeabe, ma
rntwah Oaia. Bare* a*.l Hags iruna Maw,use
Waa Old Aeeaa. Pales *a limbs. Mask wfUiaU fie
VKMYTIAN UNlMßNTesaieiawlaeU is I*C. sad
so ana !■ • I>w uaad il bat eualiaeas U be. aw|
■'cat if n was Tea laaiieia a Botxi* test wel4 ear ba
wtr.oui >l. IVmin ti at IWuXoaw ess be esse et
lbs Uapu*. epaseias of lie vaeiarlai our all a* erwtwr
Us Sold Of uw Unmateu u tO ere. Dwal II
Marvsr 10 . It"* Vert
TUr Markets,
aew toes
Meal UetUe—Mauve a g 11
Terse and Ckeratn (4 i (kg
Milek 0ewt...................... tt IkUl
bags—htea. US • Ctg
Brassed . <Si M%
Hkeee ..................... M A ii
Uab MM# id
OeUcn- MiAdilbg rpieude ...... i*Sd W
r.or— Waaler*—tw*i*.. i 1 aI M
Were—Choice le faery...... Oi IS
Wheal-So I I Mkg 1 lV
White Male. ....... .. 1 '• g 1 ha
ttye-Aol. t' f AM
nartey—Stan . . ... *-H0
RarleyMaii ..... ■■., ..a I* II *
Qate—Mimei *t#r .... 1 4 lk'
Oera—Miiwt Weatera I'ngtwdad .. Uh* ***
May, percwl.. •* • *
-.rae. per cwihong Kja. M f U
, Bevw—rburd io Prun* New Crop. fl i '
Pork-rnre family *! ....... M> • Ti
hard—uny eaeasa. >e.iig U.OS
fflak "Marhere: Me. 1. Hay lib gltO
•*Ml4vTWie W
I>ry OeX, per ce1...1 it g I M
Kerr-.:,.. i a'ad, per I1 It M a
Patrol aw i.—tirv • t'maiti Aeknad. Ok
Meet—Calif err Uprmg. 1 0 V
Tviaa •* ....... n 0 IT
BetMr—Male Orcatnsry ....... !• 0 *•
iianry ,* • I
Weetmi i roamsry It 0 i
fartery It k ie
Llheee. Male factory. 01 • (M
Male tx-.iun.ed.... tit A Oi
Wester:. (1 • WV
%t~ mate ang peanrrlvauia X A Sa
Plear—P*u:.ry!vattia trtre lie.t. M 0
Wheal -A. '. PwioiylTania...... I 01 1 Mh
Aye n d kk
Oofc—Teiit d d
bail *ti .... ei s* *k
Om -Mixed . 0
fetreUem—<Voda........• *S♦.'TS k-4ed, O*M
Weei—Colerado 0 M
Tela*. Id
Oa.: fore i*. Xi •
rni.oo.. - l* ilk
Whrnk- had w-iuis.- n 0 n
Oera—Mixed. uM# MM
I urnm d
iy* ... *0 •
Aarte, k dl
idariry Mall IK * 1 to
Hoed — U 0 MM
eeeep .. * i tdM
'io*e '**• WN
floor— MTarwfce.i, aed Mlaeeecia b 0 101
Oera- Mixed .......... SIMM *
, date— •• * • •
'Wool—Okie and ! rAie.'hacla XX. t* 0 H
Oa-lfort'.. g M
Muewwoe. asm
liaaf Catha . U||d 0M
Mkarp . Mk
Lfcc.he M 0 Od
Ham... -uag MJk
watahvoww. Maes
Mar! rbv.'a—ptwrxc Chotet, .—, tMM ( *
nw; (4 4 idM
i laaria. .. 'dk * d
-v WAIVES BSC'S ::ssrrs
r.4is;n> Mir cuts*? ta <*••
• i *• f •••• •** ••
Jf .*•. •.•!< I fcir*
A i
/1 < 4 - ." TMNI UIIiiOOMRIi
Wffl .i I I *' *** •* • —I
V-J *• <* If IHm4 .f
\i/ U>U BROS., *l taadwai, A. I.
■ Bav *Sb mm direct from tba Ira
■ m ™ " partem it Half tba
•i.aal ml Raal plan a*w Srd to Clab im!i and
New larva f RKR
31 and 33 \ w< at reel, Maw l ark.
r. o iw m-
Tkr (aiMalr <• ilnkal Rtatf al lax.
la a cmuu takawfiMi* luMaaaw<a It dm
a Arof all opw-tite fur aieobobe hgtara aof build, op
kbe ur mi traaaaa After a tfrk, ar nay
latrwaaraia- ladalarnrr. a alaak irrapaaa*
fal artll rraaar all aralal aad aamral da.
I'raaalaa. Ii aiaa earaa >rj kind a) Fiul Dxa
rarata and TiiartmrT or rna l.irca. Sold t all
.Iranaia 111 partial!l* Pamphlet ea " Aiaabel. ita
tflSacta no t '.a Human K.l a ard 1 ntaiaparaaca a* a
p.aaaaa." aar.i fraa Parnra M.rarw Ttlrriaai.'i
.* MairrracTi ataa Co ■ 3 S*d X. S.aVwk
Y Hnt d*rt> Ho**'* Nam*
I\J L 1 WniTtKci. VAMPT HTm mjio
I r * 1 At Attamm.
| 1 I car to appto ♦to ar* m*w\ng
\ ' • / mtcisiiM, and with (t Ui opar
\ / at or tab aa(ly darn tx-ktKk*
\ / a* wall at tahia and tod Itaan.
' i - S tond for It
Room 4, Sao Butidm*.
hiar~ —?*#• York.
Excursions to Lincoln. Nebraska.,
Lrxr Maw Yark and Maw Kaßlaad tba
Third Taaadaa la rtatt Maallj. Racumioo
"'•i law XkH VIIHH. TIKtdUAY.
Ilaaamkar I7lb. Para akaal half raaalar
Kalaa. Fail train* and ttrat-alaaa ucootntnodalaaM
tnanuilaad rot deucnptir. land Oircolara. Hforma
on about TtckMa-elo. and addmm oa Pnaial (lard la
PI.IMA" HIKIHR. 317 Broadm ar. Mew Y arh.
to A W M Or I* I HIM KNH.
H.I Fall .far-law# wad /rai/a aff fVaaaarla. e
rrrry Stmts o/ she I'Md*.
A fl.Hia roa RraaYnoPT Raplalnlna tba
dWdm. and .Abea'toe, of all tba ralalroaa of tita. aa Ball
a. ararr kind of oootrard and laaal obligation
A naort. toHHiaM, and aP Omaeafcr and
(lakp iliraetkwa for eeary pro reading. and at.oainp
l-.oa to .Iran an.l .aueute arwr kind ol legal tnaua
merit ITie only reliable Rook of Ita Wad
Head daaortptira nr. alar ami Oral
fd. N. (°Kt>T(IM A CO.. Hartfard, ( ana.
REMEDY Caaali*. I olda. I •••aarllaa.
A.tknn, Itronokttla. aad all
rno Tbraut and l. ,tSmU
run rnitoreril br ifin Prr.a nad
_ Pnratntan*. Takra kt ihaa.
(ltt.ll UlS.t'l us Uiaarr. H'bfat aad Tra
j tM. 14W It | i Y'ln#* Knjtrfcrwd (iotiisMW If I
• do*. IvAjry-Witllod T*bl knifw. fH dot Hoiisb
Kx*rti b rt qimi 'isM# Oorvla toaod f*wo i'-WMr* Pnor
f.HM frMk Nnhtirt YVsniir l*'hrt K Y •('
$lO to SIOOO
Atdrwa WAin a, , L I
■■■■■■■■■l tni'.i Maaa.
® 'I li. '. r-!d rf k>L I.J,*. r Mtttaii V'ur.
i !l I • \ • '•< ' ' l". W >
TO TIIK KroiNrkTirt Fever* iNeauMva, Kto.—
Uf*ilio* uyh. -.h *Hif ruri too •rteSetai
Miff" A P drum bumbaf) wnt /rw, on rc*iii of
lip AP Mdrp'i *nd cL*tn| I>k UAMi'BKLL.
i 'k
.tlurblnr will out •mooita and tnw. Price tkio 11-
luairatiMt citO'ilar flaa. K Rodh d llro. t Naa lltford.Pa.
IVlMf*' firm llalr-l'rta.para! Hampla Boi
I .<! eta R"tile •"! Pll mil b/ n WbnlMalo Notion
ITouw In tba I'liitrkt Stale, Nnad far oiroular*. Maaa
faoiiimd on'.r by K. Ivtaa, RIRI3 If. Rlftb 3t..Phila..Pa.
|Mff Hour, .11 antra I liKlmnlon * If*
lill Now Knit land ('.wnmlor. Mitaio Mil
IAV HtH.I 1 ' WaWS
Hin t'A Y. - Witu Maucil tTuVnu w nat ooau 4
K I 111 o( rapidly lor 641 Ha. OatalwftM tra
UIU K M Srrao**. 11 a Waab'nKt..Boiton.Maaa
A iiEM's WANTkO.—For tba bad anilToatait l
A aaillnA Piotortol llookiand llitilri Prtooa raduoadj
3,| i-er rrn' (dIr.M NAT Pflß (X) . P0.1a., Pa.t
„e. mm , trait io eiuwauinuiii .a. -u* r n MI,.
fh/Vlattor. Tarm, and'Ju tflt Kraa. Addroaa
<9 t V. t> VItIKKRV Aacoata. Main.
Something New for Agents w"^
wanted in arm dll Ma. addriwt 80. 7RR. Want Tart
N k ih £*& vtVR
VKli and ItoautTftil Pbotacraph UarasatUt Nanw.
i.A Rainplaa Sa. Raad ptolora to 8. Pu.r.lfaatwtT.
GI.AHfd H t1.1... Trap,, do Pruw Hat fraa. Ad
draaa Oraat wmtem (Inn Worka. Pittabgry. Pa
CQQnnATIAR. Haw da Make tt. Ra.dy-w
OOOUU'wde UM * lOkfil, iknN3kßa
Oaenpias • flald thßt bo othae jonrnal
■ltoispta lo fill. ItUMM>OttBIITB|PW
for fumiliM, A raid in# til poUttoß Bud
quasli on* of Uii dtj, it drroUo Hi ool
amui to healthy flotion for tba antar
taiome&t of tU read***, and wall-writtan,
agraaablj-mstruotivß artiolaa for tb#
bu EBB dirol*, tliofTßpbißß of tbo food
B&d great, anaaaotas, art, InvanUon,
travel*, onrio*ltia of foreign Ufa, the
taateaof the day, tbomarritoniianatal*
and art, Maaye, attractive reeding for
tba little (AM at tbau motbar'a knee,
and for tboae of larger growth, oombia
ad with piotoree that aitraot tba eya nod
fix it&praaaiona vividly oa tba mind.# XI
ia iaaoad every Monday, and oan ba bad
at all nawa dapota; nrloe 10 onto. An
nual aabeoriptiou, St. Tbnan nenclha,
sl. Poatpaid.
IM. wfco kai d >■?]■■*■
MMi _ ar<i.
Frank LatHt't PubUahtog Hotiaa,
U lt>- H. 4. I.alrtl laacrotrr, a .4 •••*•• l k,l
*aaib • i#d
Sewing Machine
rvrr lavts-ifi. l .•**, #*4 bu • fOI*T* mf XX
< M.l.i Mr. Um ill. ta- K "■""■**■ Mlileal
rr bl.hM* VI ST I l IM Mwtam* >— m
*i. *vl nnwwiM
30 Union Squara, Maw York,
ormtr, Una,.. riuOurt, !*.. I kirao, IM, ,
THE siiraor
j Viral Kelnbll.hod ! Moat OamWjil!
TBEIU !!CirrHT*MKNT* liar* a etandard i
value la at Ua
Kv,.lr, reruyaW a* ike ri.VKk*]
OVEN 80,000
Madr and ia ate. .It* Deaifta < i.aetaatiy.
it*al work **■<! lewai ]*.<,
ad' StU lot a tdal*|M.
Seffi 1 tjj. Wiiiis L Sac. Eta
U iJbt Old Baiiilia OameemtraM Lf
. irsstccacrscK? - ""
it a rati viiiir ar grams arm
rta mtrtai ia **.44 ud le*w*U*4l C hi
a* <ah la alakawnl wBB at* aad Matt, atd WKW*
! "*** *A rm m*nr. hi irr raa
ftnaaylTuuia Rait Maanf# Oa,
_ rtyLAart-rjfilAi
200,000ki^* 52 -
tar Ba*d fM l Batrat-3 Palapi Wl, ftO of ftOU. dl
I.axi I —latltaer. laailaf. Mm.
At Itialhbia tad taamaiOad UMiiy for
Flit. KNlrfai tr ValllM Nlttb"
warraaiM In *ff*M t torn *dy tad
■—B da rKKMVK>ra
■ | o, y *.','r' r *J* ■;
.ajoabt* !>**•. aaol to
I I g M an, eoßarer *ndm kb#
I V V V O tad Ktyrna eddram
Dt H ll ROOT. INX Paart Bait UttTai
ist; ■;
BtlhneMlaa.m Moiiora.*i Vaito—for lano WaijLlß
fLmlonmam*. IB Kmfco*MdlP—*W Fancy Omn
a,aula. I f-almKWr. t book Varka, i black IM"**.*
Fidam Card .• Per** ■* Fwt*M.l Jaaluw.
I Gas. Ad* 1 Xmtt Otidt. 11 Top Httteol PWO*.
41— bpJ*i£" ata Kiai' uiw U a oa* <*—
! Ml,. J JA V i.OI'LD. HHna<iMU,t —a.M—
Cure* Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Sour Stomach, Sick Headache.
Matthew Hale Smith's new book.
h hmIMU paracaa Mat tad •"<
ualfi*). iml *artrllt #f A. T.
eeeeaii-e of tb* a*aaoa Jtw a 'ba t.iaa foe
ACC WTC I* aacnra laiiMa> AddMta for
Botlt I J aaenrr rirralara and tail Ma.
MKKUAN rVSUfßlgiif*
llaehid, C—.
IMIIIH Jt 11 ■ ftSl |
Far BMIT •* fSSjtvtMl l.Wi\ (
at dnb ralM Tl—. tre—G tad tt|Mßtt at*d fcy tab
acntnai Ukmub ibt Keckj MotaUbto Bob—ipMoß
' Adtncj.brbirlTftrniabta anj nt(itr
i ibattd . tht Uarttd Stall, M uaittl laMrumanu. ft*"
nc Maabiaaa of til kind*. I hroroo*. Vramaa. a**lt
i Mac it* Nmdla* tod AUtcbmaaU at will** pnett
' I *:) aiaa (*rn,b R*ka M all kind# al ln***l prtota
; Rocky Mountain Stereoscopic Views
i Ha a*M He■ Iktl <tl w-nl* ti met K* oar tiMtltrt.
, AU nt. -k. b.. njjnj T( , AjjhjM.
ll oontttai BT X Ba* bistonri' anartrlaat tad IYMO
lar* datiila kalfn Md' tad It lb* *t a—plelt
Hialorrof tb* Woride*** pa -li*d. It Mil* tl alabt.
Bead it* ipMlan ** aim -!** I arm* to Aevnlt.
n: al Ut>T. V 1 i\m. WJI: BanTlaoo. 187*;
Pmlumirlu.lfC4. Park. l*T*. and Grarp Bwxdiu
Bold Mrbal, lit Onlf Aaarnai Onran* trae
avirdtd hi(b**l Honor* at nj aucb Bold for oath or
milallmonta. lU-rTRAT*P OtTtLoorx* anc Ciroa-
Ur* *nb new atrlaa and prioaa, a*ot frtt. MASON A
11X MI.IN ORli AN OO . Bottoa. Naw York or OMetan,
a u a<d frtna Malt* to San KVanrUco. bnntind <rtth It
or to manjr mot bar* WOOLRIUH A 00. on arory
ahr I i'aka no otbar. I
For Dtcoratinc and Kane* Work. Finoat dock Import
•d. incluoiQt Flowara. llatda. I,ar*a. lnracla,
Fururta.Ao. 7 ab.ata for Sfo . II for tH0.,&l or It lor If WL
OaltlOßUa of 1400 ab**(. do. Ay*. 1* mnir'l. SUmpa
tktn F. TKIFKT. H1 HonrtSlraat. Boaton. Mtat
Dl AMIIC ea oo— ii ba—bfMkae
I Iflllllo owl bouor* -MaitnaOoKSi aotla
■ *VW" *w *r for aquaraa- flnaat upri(bta In
Amariot-nrtr U.uu in it—ro*oltrly inoornortktd {
Mr 00.- Pitnoa aanl on '.rial 4*-im* ottaiocn* trim.
Mandala* hn Piaao Oo .J1 K lilta Ktraat. N. IT
of Crmanm. Portary and P roalaln, by Mr* Asnia
K OoMitf Paptr. U mo.. Atu wantmLoMa
pootna frtt ml** noormnaa: proßu libtrtL Xdd'a I
CtkJUL Aart Ptb. Oo . d bmyraiant Snaar*. M. Y. '
Bill IQilli* Bmt Saiupl* Tat. |I.H; I Ibt. Vary 1
I IbAX " ,w erne Tat (grota or bltok), O.
s U,n ad in paekngta of 6 Ibt. tad tpward to
t°lid,drr.on raoript of print. Oiroulara mtilad frtt.
THIS OAN roil TEA COL Importer*. 148 C'hamb*ra
sbr**l. Tim York. Potlomot boi g7X AgtoU wan tod.
( IA It II Print rr*, bay Blanii Oardi tram Johnatoa
Vf.AOo.. Card MTra, Htrrwbtua. Pa. Baad for Lfat.
w una# a PAJuran
Kftlu Money by Fsnslac
A BBTOND tu noon*.
The Country Gentleman*
Wfetak tea • kwatr ole*Rla*Mt UMa any Mtor ***** of
Bad akat Pr— !■—t Jaaraali aay i
m. Hruaatiim rirn of iitia tend
1 iJTmiR I*— f**d* Badia—
H-s— al^rasr•~ 4 '"- , —•
; *
O'-xzzsrxtt r&TJzzr*' ** 1
M aa* *aa Mad tu—t Mb—* ad a* dan
k—a# I Lm.l UMa a A^i
rl**l fm r' mmaJaCT * *
K-7T ~
Y -irffTiT- •*•*'*'
Edaad trMB tßOaf I k— —... j>_
vuAta aw kaoemdet-Ow" "*"■
N MAM a*M *4 (A* ka HMrntdi! IB"
lllnrIiH ' Mwnpk.
rittm oAoaot mBM* dl the rriuaf *4 tßd OWF ft—
-1 tana— l it tat tetaWf —F d.nkMta.
1- r -—■ - * ura dtraa. 18.a.r emmm td—t
MZt ■<■■■"" *■<.
X'tezzrxtf-'" *' * Tan* a*-AO MKMM. #M >IH
RIO. Beta eeRMd. a do. tad * SOe— , I
■MI tldt ptd. lUbMbMl rtl^ a—M*n— •
LCTBBB mail* * MM. ra*.twk
. sb———i
Who want u'lo^s}. Inxnrisnt
ami wavi trp—pit of abradant,
beantifiiJ Hair moat ase
clesmnt. cbea article always
makes the Hair grow freely
ami fast, keep* it from falling
ouL arrests and cures grmj
neas, remove* dandruff aad
itching, makes the Hair
strong, giving it n curling
tendency and keeping il in
any desired position. Beau
tiful. healthy Hair is the are
result of using Kathairoa*
Holiday Music Books!
"S'oL"! tfoarS lirlal w.' ■
• MrrlWK- •* PM tit— O. ""KM Iftt
Mn ai laanta A aatiaA* bata m t k'laltb-
N * AW *A): ttaa STMMr
Blat* Carat* <A t# l *)•
Church Offering.
2Err J?ss: frAvssririr
not* ol ibt ptar. A Mam bnwk.
vr 1 By bnrdunilUiib caw——
The School Song Book.
r.iaaiaailMßthmkKr Otrw. Hifh r Raiml
.j* for Nnnnanma. Goad MMnclaiai warn
B<i> *B~ "e'lTw o'FWKT E iSi
aV.AW). UKkatt * ki i t
tm~ Atf bMft atiM. natM. fcr k* Mm p—m.
M ftiMlPßl, naw Tbftu
i. U. PITWON dk Hfl^
Gargling Oil Liniment
Vrliy, Wrapprrlnr Anunal **d Wbi foe f*
Ham rtnk.
n soop to*
H'.rti 8d fCRjdV bpr*l*t tad Bnutea.
.*. Froat Rncß.Sttsttrha.t. Wlaigellk.
•—. I R* M Nutp |
lluapi ikhi, Foaadatl KM,
I*l cU 8 .-and*. Kk-ji> t* PtlUf.
Hp.* fitl Pmm, to#' 4 Hiris
>K-'J Cmrki, HiptrfKdic, ,
I i litliA of nil kind* l.jnw Bark.
| Sirfa*!, Ktagftuor, Hemorrkoa : Fms
i :: iiU. Torch*
JAir-lmgc, Tamara. kkr Art.
ti.liit ir. C >*r. f .via*. S*rtK*.
Cracked Trail. r iCaU, M*"t*
CalkniA LAiaraett, Caked BneaMi. ft
Horn Dultmea. *<- Nisr*>.
Cr***n*c*b. Ou. ~ Curt*. OH Sot**,
a-*U L icrra. Farij. Cam*. WbaUourt, L
fi Abf*-Ii ot tbr t'dder, Cramp*. BrOi,
-S".*4.rd Lrr*. Wraknni erf Sk Jo-Irtl
Th.-J*h, Conirtrtboßol Mutclrt. )
Nrrrkaat'a Gtnlltr 0(1 ia Ok Mandnd
Lituiarat of the Cnßad Slabat Lars* mm.
11l medium, y^c. imaiL JJC. SU MIIX t;
ianuTr ut, act. Maautactwrrf at l*prt. '
N T, b* Midi kaan Owgium Oil Giapanr.
' aomiE, SMC-* 1
■ diftr. by Al Bid— 4 or alkir* AM*. A ri a
WOvNa* ?• I' JVkl
SKI*. TDK artn ■''TEH' Mil
Maod BB real* l R *PT af *•
•M PKNMION*. BOr*TT A L D )|tt
Lino I IAIM. Pml btaaay Drim ■
CtrrßUra. W ■
WB. r. CtMIHSBB M, mj|
a B CLAIM AST* tßd PATENT iltll
Baa Baa. tt aablaatr*. P. C.
iDsm Turiupr
Daily and; Weekly, Guarto.
float on. Mm*.
Tb* btfßaat. Uhaapaat and B*at Family Nawaptif*
m *, Ktiß'ari.i Edibad *ilb aptaitl mftraoot * la
nnrd laataa and Moturamont* of tb home oircl* A I
tbarorakm and boaai u**a pahllafead promptly.
Daily Tranaorlpt. SIU pm anuam m adianaa '
lieopiaataanaaddM**.) STJM) pat
aanaa in adraiKu*.
Thr Croaf Fiftrnftf M'rrk'v.
SBi r.IBJH," 0 "™'!
An UnaectariiAii.lxidepandant Joarnal,
l.aratad to R-limon, M eala. Hafarn. Naw*. Lltara
tor*. Hoaaabold Ma tiara. Ayrnoaltar*. Ao.
per r mam. l>*iae prrpaJUL
A I are* oaab onmm ation paid to a<nU Hand I bal
P *UNION'f?T Park'Ptßoa, W. T.
I* i*rfrwtly pnro. Pronounoed the boat by the hlh
--m4 medical aothorltiea In the arorld. Gtren hurtiee!
award at til Worlil'* Expcettlona, and at Paria, IS7A.
Boldby DmCTtata. W~H. SiklekbHß ACO..N.Y,
remedy mm-
HUNT'S IIK.HKUVmm Uronay,Gratal. *^|*j
PtaatbM of tb* Kdiayi, Bladder aad Onnnry Or (an,
tmd for ,-MMj. clark r t
We will pay Agent* a Salary of S.OO per month and
UMOKS or allow a iarae nmmipae bo tall our awe
n.l aonderfui inr.mttooa. uv inn wlal ra*
Bau-pbr fiae A*oa*ee,
aIIEtt.MAN A tO.. Sankpll, Mirk.
AftnA A VIONITH— Aaeata Vfanied— 36 fceai
IaHII Mllinc article# in tb* world : ana ar
fUVU Addrem JAY BBQITBOS he'rou.Mlol)
Snnillll Maftll dk kk't Dleeeaew Tbotc
IIHIIIH andaenrad lowaetPr ce* UapatfaH
ft#riiy— to writ*. Dr.F.K-Marab.qnlney J4bob
AT.T, wkpMWu>Ukeßyt7.K.iaad,warktie-M|warr,
*b "(II" arllab that pnea. Kea.l tl.tafer nr. .
lan, A- r. Laetiroo fcenu.. -erven*. Halt Lake. Ctai. Ty.