THECKXlttlfi KtSeOUVER. Centre Hal), Fa, Th'rml. Dec.. 19. "78. gafTKHM*.—s"2 fr yenr, vftru paid in ulranre ; $2.50 w'n-n noj paid ii ad toner. Adrertisemrnts 'AW# per line far three tn nrrtian*. and ficentsper lint far every sub sequent insertion Adrertisemrnts by the year at .V V °- oi.r rout ldmi, o. sr. r a U .\m#s *b Mondtj ermine on or boforn ch fntl oon la la* Odd Follow* Hill. . _ w l\ F Hltumi. oc. D. 0. w - *• Xo. A* Pof M. moot* Roll. iVotro on rho Solurvlny on or boforo foil moon Mil' M and orort two wook* *•*. J " * V.llor Ma;or ijomKO Kv. S*cl For Pure Drug* go to Zeller * Droit •tore. Bmckerboff row. 14 no* 3m. Rend this week * supplement. —Brown'*, near the depet, is need quarter* fer grain and <\>a! —Read the prospectus of the N. Y. Hcr aid, one of the best paper* printed. Don't forget to get your Present* at Ding**' next week. Frank Wearer, of Aaronsburg, kill ed a hog which dressed 586. , George Meyer of Pine Creeks mill*. in Haine*, baa beught an interest in the mill at Linden 11*11, and will go there in the spring. Mr. Co*her has rented the Pine Creek mill. ——Mr. George Swart*, one of the oldest eitisens of Penn tp., died on 11th inst. Hi* age w* about 81 year*. For the lait ten or twelve year* hi* mind ha* been im paired, the retail of a fall In h'.s saw mill about 18 rear* ago. —lf you wish t > buy a Christina* g' G for a friend, go to Dinger" eon feet ion*ry. A big lot of ail kinks of holiday good* just unpacked—and the eery things to plea** the little ones and big one* too. Clere will telllbem low. Call and see Mr. George XlofTr. long a citiaea b*re, left this week toar State Collet*, where he take* charge o{ a public board ing hou. Succets to him. The irate! ling community will Cad hi* house a No 1 place to put up at. For the largest and finest assortment of Chrittma* toys and con fectioneries, go to Cedar"* confectionery, next door to Newman*. A wonderful stock. Mr. Andrew Barter, of Marion tp.. is ahead. He reports killing a Chester white hog which dre*ed otto pound*, and a bee: that diessed 1064. He wishes to know who can beat that. —W# are creditably informed that a new democratic paper will make it* appearance j it Bellefonte, about the beginning of 1870 j with reliable, old-school democrats for it* ed'a and prop'rs, who po*se*e from the fact *' that our young friend and oxcelleat teach er, Mr Bible, wa* an applicant for the { Milesburg school ; his rival was a *eheol it mistrea*. Miss M'Clintick—and the board i" voted three for Bible and three for the la dy, and the result wa* that the cho*l wa* not opened on account of thia dead lock, K which lasted for week* with fruitle** bal Kiting*, and the court had to appoint a new board. Cm*rcm Fair asp Festival.— - The M. E Congregation of Centre Hall, purpose holding a Fair and Festival, on ,t Dec. 31, Jan I and 2, On New Year'* day a "big" dinner will be *erTed. The - Festival will cen*i*t of Fancy Articles, Ice Cream, Cakes. Oy*ter*. etc. ; and will be cfoed with a grand Concert, by the Ju „ bilee Sieger*, of Bvllefonta All levers of , music should avail themelve* of this op r portunitv, a* the troupe come* highly rec ommended Admittance 15 ct*. ; I'hil t draa under 12 years 10 ctt. —The weather wa* cold and cloudy the t la*t five or sit day* On Wednesday morning it commenced to snow. 1 Go to Dinge*' for groeerie*, notions, cigar*, tohaccoes, candies, toys, soaps, t perfumery, novelties, flour, brooms, ta tionerv. hose, stockine>, glove*, ete , etc. t Lopot FraatTfaa —The old Furn- iture belonging te the Odd Fellows' lodge i of Centre Halt, consistingofChaire, De*k and Carpat, will he sold at public sale on Saturday evening, Dec. 21. at 6 p m. By order of tha Lodge. The Holidays. Christmas and New \ ear, —are at hand You will want to lay in a stoek of nice and g.Knl* things for your table*—now then just go to Sechler's grocery ana you get the best of ever vthing —fresh, pure and cheap. They hare laid in a special holiday tock of all kinds of; groceries, at reduced price* and offer ex- j tra inducement* to all buying of theiu be- j t ween now and the holiday* Go and *en j what they have, including the finest con- ! fectionerie*. Very suitable Holiday present* can j ba purehsied at Green's drug store, in the ! Bush house block. Call and see what be | ha*. ! Horses Poisoned —The stable of ! Mr. Samuel Keefer, of Upper Augusta township, wa* entered on Suaday night, November 24th, and three horses poison ed One died on Monday morning and two were saved by application of the' proper remedy. One of hi* hog* was also poisoned. The parties indulging in such tricks when discovered will learn a leon long to bo remembered. Supieion rest*; upon several persons.— Sunbury Democrat. —The Texas Tribune says ; "the late 'atmospherical freshness' ha* brought on J many caes oi Coughs and C Ids, and Dr Bull's Cough Syrup i* in greater demand th#n ever." Price only 25 cents. Three sisters living in Dyer county, j Tenn., have given birth to sixty children. Three other sisters t Somerset, Ky., have \ each brought forth twin* thrice. —Albert Kauth, on BKhop street,) manufactures all kinds of candies, and is' •locked wi'.h all kinds ofChristmas goods Call and s e his goods. Go 6o Brown's, near the depot, with j your grain, you get the highest prices ! there. U< keeps the cheapest coal, and j all kinds. PEN NS Y L V A M AFT ATE GR A N G F.. P. O. U. At the annual convention held at Belle f-nte !st w*eK there were prevent about 350 delegates, representing almost every county in the state, the inclement weather in the early part of the week kipt many granger* awy, who had ex pressed a desire to attend There sre now in good and full stand-1 ing. about 500 organizations of granger* in the state, and the order is in a much ; more prosperous condition than it was a year ago. Tne following officer* were elected to serve the ensuing term : G. M.—Col. Victor, E. Piolett, of Brad ford couety, re-elected. Treasurer.—William l'ocum, of Berk* county. Secretary.—Col. K H. Thoma*, of Cum berland county. Overseer.—Leonard Kohne, of Centre county. Grand Lecturer.—Samuel K. Dowaing, of Cheiter county. FROM VENANGO. Dempsetti W.v. Pa., Dec. 9.1878. A traveler going through Dempteytown would naturally come to Ibe conclusion, tbal bard times never reaehed that flour ishing village, from llie fact that new buildings maae their upoearance in all di rections. Mr. G. A. M'Chntock's house will he finished about Christmas, which will be one of the finest buildings in thi country, located on Grove Avenue Gee. K. WeOer moved into his new house. No veenber 5,'78, when he had a public din ner for all the workmen that worked al bis bouse, and at night he was serenaded by his numerous friends, about fifty in aumber, who were invited into the heuse, aad partook of a sumptueu* meal ; and they claim they never had a more enjoy able time. Mr. A. J. Dempsey has reflt led a very comfortable bouse for his aged mother which adds a gregt deal to hit ' credit. BF. Hazlelt has built a fine lit ' tie bouse in tbo suburbs of Demteytown, known as Canada hill. Mr. John 8. While has built a stable on bis lot on Can ad* hill, thin fall, and also built a carpen . ter shop in the village, located on Grove Avenue. Mmr* Balzer & Weber have built a blacksmith shoo on Main street ' and doing goed work, which is very ideat ing to our farmers. Wm. Aurand ha ' moved his house back about twenty feat i from the sidewalk, and painted It, and it now looks like a new house Mr. Amos r Richenbroad has bought the old school ; bouse and fitted it up and made a hand tome dwelling house out of it, and it oc copied by a man from beyond Coopers ' town, who is building a stave mill about I one-half mile south east ef Denipseylown e Mr. John Marib built a new house this r summer, located on Market street, north ' east ef the Marsh hotel. A company from " Kouseviile bought severity-five acre* of land from Jeremiah Herring, j of a mile Y south e**t of the village of Dempsey town, n'l are buildings slt-am saw mill there, n which will make it very convenient for parties who anticipate building next lum d mer. The school Directors of Oakland r township deserve a great daal of praise for I. building such a grand school house in Dempseytown ; the bou-e is a two story p building with a capacity for 75 in each o room. Mr. J. M. Haslet is teacher in the e upper room, and Miss Alice Meals is teaeher in lower room ; they are both first it class teachers. Building- in conlaupla tion next summer, by the'followingJ. r, N. Weikal, a house; W. H. >Veikal, a i, house; R- C. Duncan ; these buildings are , calculated to be good and costly build - ings, also, the Methodist church will be finished next summer which was eom< y nit-need last summer, bu! on account < a hard limes it was not finished, whirl i- when finished, makes four churches i f- Dompseytown. The Dempseytown shoo 0 ing club met ou last Saturday for the put ,* po(\ Huntingdon 622 Spruce Creek Tunnel 761. Alloona 1178 ..manning Point 1504, East End Tunnel 2126, Gallium 2161, Mineral Point 1414, Conemaugh 1225, Johnstown 1184, Blairs ville Juncten 1113, Latrob# 1006, Carr 1 ! Tunnel I'NNB. Greensburg 1091, Penn 974 Manor 942, Irwin s BS4, Larimer * 860, Stewart'*79l, Wall's 751. Braddock'* 829, H -wkin't Nit, Swissvale 923, Homewood 925, East Liberty 918. Roup'* SB2, Shady Side 836, Lawrenceville 780, Pittsburg De pot 711. Corner ef Liberty and Water u . , foot lamp po*t 721.6. Crest of Allegheav Mountains in Clearfield county, head of Uoshannan Creek :>>ll, Beliefunte 744, H>llidaysbu-g 95;!, Roaring Spring 1196, Martinsburg 1569, Ebanthurg 2022, Indi ana 1317. PRINCESS ALICE DEAD. London, Noveiobar 14 —Princess Alice, whose death from diphtheria is announced to-day, wa* the second daughter and third child of Victoria. She was born in j 1843 and in her nineteenth year was mar j rieJ to IDs Royal M:gbn*ss, Prince Louis Frederick William, of Hee Darmstadt, who is six vasts her senior. Sha has been ; the mother of seven ehiUren, one e! whom it dead. Princess Alica was alway* con sidered by the English people, as one of the most amiable and charming of the j members of the royal family, and her death will ba widely mourned Tbie i* the first death among the children of th# td'ieen of England, of whom thare are eight now living I CHOLERA AND STARVATION IN MOROCCO Despatches received at the Department of State from th* American Consul at Tan gier give deplerable accounts of the con* : Jiti.m of affairs isi Morocco. The cholera itill ravages the country, and unlet* the I outside world come* to tae reliet of the ■ people a fearful decimation of tha popula* , tion by starvation threatens the land. At ' Casa Hlanca ! 3-D deaths by cholera, smal'pox and typhoid fever occurred in i thirty seven day-. To* misery at Tangier j caused by the e-s*ation of busine** as well a* by the epidemic is on the increase, the only communication with the ouuid* world being wrh Gibraltar semi-mcnthly I for flour and other funl supplies. Cholera and famine are carrying off hundreds in 1 the City of Morocco. At Saffi and M important to know them The following i . th* signification of those most commonli i use: One whistle—"Down brakes." Twi whistles—"Off brakes." Three whistle , —"Back up." Continuous whistling- I "Danger." A rapid succession of shor whistle* it the cattle alarm, at which th brake* will always be put down. A lantern raised and lowered verticall; L is a signal for "starting" ; swung at a righ or crosswise the track, to "stop"; swung i j a circle, to "back the train." A red (lag waved over the track mutt b , regarded a* a signal ot danger So f other signals given with energy. A re< , flag or red light hoisted at a station, i* signal for train to "stop." Stuck up b the roadside, is a signal of danger on th P track ahead. Carried upon an engine, i moan.* a train is on the track. r Here it a case of colored bulldozin i that will do for Blaine and the Tribune t f howl over for a weak : j Norfolk, Vs., Dec. 14, 1878.-The da s before yesterday Samuel Jacobs and K s bert Gatling, colored, were tried in th t Inferior Court, at Winton, N. C., for a assault and battery with intent t# ki Marcus William*, colored, for voting ft i J J Yeatei, tb# democratic nominee ft e Congress in the First North Caroliaa ds - trirt. The prisoners were decided guilt e and sentenced to the S.ate Peaitentiar * for six months tech. of CHAMBER? CYCLOPEDI AOF 1 Nt;- , h I.ISII LI IKKATI UK jo Hriot biographic* of *l'. noted Hrittsl 'f ,t- Atnerican authors, from earliest lion'* '■ ir- the prrtent, with specimen* from lliei.- It* writings, making * w..rk m>i only < ■ ,r J ougbly entertaining and useiul to all d- lelligent readers. but nearly indisponsiblo i. to pooplaof culture. Tim nl i-vi-ea * land beautiful edition contains over 1 " t.! pagrs, atoil Die entire work, in eig lit Un<.V it!volume*, i> furnished, tree •" rt-c- ■; ,ffj uatleharfe* lor s'i.t*> it I'M'"- $ > * nj it . loth, or *4.1 in bell morocco l'i t-ub ,f other* tell en y lo subscribers direct, to ri stead of giving dealer* an.l *ge"l the USU )v .i 50 or (*> per cent discount to sell i f p'u.eei, which accounts for the i low price*. Special inducements ait d ''#ted to those sending early order- S|-e a ituen psge* with full particuls- , Ml O# [, I request by postal car I by publisher#, tin d American ltook Exchange, *'s Beektnan i street, New York. J,' David Shepherd, of Bridgeport. Conn d' aged twenty-two year*, boarded with a [. widow aged fllty plus. David w.s tool ri[ prompt in payin* hi# board And •" o r 1 chanced that he owed the painful tutu <" ' JICV She told DaviJ that she wou'd for Lite him this debt if he would marry be lie promised. ra*h y.ttlhl to lea.l her . the hytaaaeal a'tar, ar-1 aho save him, in. L widow 1 a receipt in full. Then. it niuit be told, David backed out, and re* , fused to marry tho ancient lady. She ha> appealed for justice to the law. ol hei i. eouetry. and tha youns hut perfidious D. id ii now defendant in a breach of pretn* l < be readily taken out. He endured the j gony two hour., and then cut hi. throat II with hi. pocket knife. , The Emperor Wilbelm ay ha never ■ 1 ifaala better than when he i at home "in i- hi. own Berlin" There must be to pl*ce tlike, home, considering how only a lew week, back the old man was peppered, L) j with in the Vnleraen Linden. Gov. llartranft ha reprieved Sharp and is' McDonnell, iloilie llaguira. who were toj i- he hanged at Maucb Chunk next Wed nesday, ufltil January lfivh IBT.i. ; | We print envelope, a* low as $1 per | thousand. Bend u. your envelopes. We; j print letter heads, and statements a. low "|S $1.25 per UKIO, when person, find th<- d paper. Thi* is lower than you can get it i done for in llie cay. An explosion ol nitru-glycerine and gunpowder in coal niin<- at Karlington, Ky , blew le piece, a train of car. and killed a negro. '* The Musical G"nvction of Centre " Hall is postponed until lurther notice f, They are .till looking around for a King Ij for tiulgaria Wa Dominate Cliarly M'- Cormick. ro ieen Victoria i. a little unwell. Other ea folk, get a little tick too sometime*. * The tanalo pard Mr. Edmund, elec ft toral bill. Wa printed tha feature, ef it ■v ia la.t Reporter. Tea to twenty inch#, .now, last week in weit.rn Miuouri. Twenty-two inches ia Kaosat. with fearful .lorms. The merits ol Dr. Hull's Baby Byr [)( i up are acknowledged by all who have ev (i j. r u.ed it for the disease, of infancy j Price only 25 cent, a bottle, n Hamilton i improving. jy A PEW DROPS OF AMMONIA WILL HAVE MUCH WORK. 11 liotiie-kceper* ahuulii |iurcimtMt a supply of ammonia to use in house cleaning - The hualiatxl has every-*] thing to lighten his labors. Now sup-* lo pose his wife had her bottle of ammo nia to use . she lakes a basin of water * 7 and a clean cloth, puts on n few drops of the fluid? itud wipes off all the dirt; 8 it is worth more than a half day's *" hard labor and does not hurt the paint either. She could put a few drops in ,° r her dishwater, and see how easily the | dishes could be cleaned ; a few drops t ion a sponge would clean all the win ty dows in the silting room.ui iking them jahine like crystal. It would take The Fall Season lur lite year 187H is now opening and a New and EXC ELLENT STOCK Of FALL AND W INTER GOODs IS COMING IN AT CiIHIOF.N HEIMFU A CO. S, CENTRE II ALL, and which will bi *old *t LOWEST FIGURES. They hae an imtneuse stock ami re'l riored ia every line. THEV HAVE I)rc>ts (hit II Is. Chit It inn;. Hals A" Caps, Hauls >Slioi>s, .Vol ions, Groceries, Ae„ at Lowest Prices. IT WILL UK TO VOIR IN TO "PATRONIZE YOUR HOME MERCHANTS," INSTEAD OF GOINO AWAY FROM HOME. GIVE U3 A c:AL> IMMEDIATELY. KEEPS THE BEST ROLE LEATHER-VERY CHEAP. IS\AC OOOOENHFIMEB •' * ■- - - - - - - - - * __ nyaiii M m mmm aa mam m ana mmm aw*ww m r a an n ISTIC.IVtA.N King ClotHier of Centre county. IS BELLING IS SELLING IS SELLING IS SELLING Winter Suits Sd.s(l. Over Coats $2.50. Underwear 30c. Boots 51.75. ANL> EVERY THING ELSE LOW IN PROPORTION, tmjT"' Challenge the County Heat my PRICES and AND SHOW AH LABUK A STOCK OK CLOTHING AS 1 UAVK. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER BY FIRST CLASS TAILORS AT VERY LOW PRICKS 3 Opt ; m. THE PLACE—S. &A* LOEIL For 25 vears we have been the leaders II 111 II I'KIOS. and for the same length of time have demonstrated the fact beyond dispute, and are selling all classes of goods cheaper than ever. .VOTEOUR .ALT, ...00 I-EU SACK of . LBS . E\CHEI) MUSLINS ATS CENTS PER YD. j nur.Avtie. GOODS AT 8 CENTS PER YD. VI P\C\S AT 15 CENTS PER YAU'V " LA Dl ES MOROCCO BOOTS AT $1.25. MEN'S BOOTS FOR TWO DOLLARS. I. ADIKS BLACK COATS its LOW a. $2.50. With an tssortmcul never equalled in this couutv. BLACK all WOOL CASH MERES at 50c. We carry t*>" l'gr-t and cheapen Hock of Clothing in Centre county-teoourgood* Sefcre the fttains fl treepnons too. mm>nfol iu the mop p*i! wuM d more toward waehuig up the kitchen c fluir ihnn ten pounds of elbow g ease applied Mth<- mp handle. A house wife has just a* much right to make, hr w..rk fi * of malignant diphtheria out of aortic nine or ten he ; had b en calKI to ailcnd had proved , fatal, the mother ot a irk child show ed him an < vrarl fr. m an American ' p|H-r concerning a | ractitioner who t used sulphur n cure the disease. Ac- i eordingly he used milk of sulphur for infanf and flowers of sulphur lor old der children and adults, brought to a creamy consistence with glycerine; ( j, M ._' a tctsjwK.nful or more, accord tag to age. three or f tur time# a day. swallowed slowly, and application of the same to the nostri s with a sponge Resulu; he did tmi InM a case mere or elsewhere, and he succeeded insav mg life when the aHVclton had almost blocked the throat ■ tit it i in. NOT "28 Mr Theophibis Pl#l< her, OFI H.wsrd, to Miss Mary A llai o! Mount „ i Dac. ft, Mr. Wn. II Brown to Miss Sa die 15. Banders, both of Mount Eagle- Dec 1. Win. H Pack-r, of Boech Creek, l's . to Mist Flotilla S. Bolopue, of Eagie*ille, Can re co.. l'a Dec 0, Mr Joseph II Keiile*. to Miss Caliie Siiodgrais, alio! Mill Hail, C inlob roanU, l'a 111 Kit. Ontha llth i"st.. UeoXge Swart*.Sr.j ot I'enn iwp . Centra , l'a . arinttne,;t at bit office, in He!lefotlle, oa s:ti-dav, the eleventh dav of Januarv. \ D If-" * at 1" o'clock, A M of ta:d dav l. t FOHTJKY, 12 dee hi Auditor. I GENTS jj WANTEII roa of a * GREAT WORK xow jx raraa. THE IXDCSTRIAL HISTORY I MTKH STATES. Hi ing a comp.rta history of a' 1 tha im oortai.t tndutiric. of Amanca. including Agricultural. Merhao.oal. Manulaeturing. Mining, (kuumarcial and other aotarpria i-t Ab -ut BMW large , ctavu paKand 3tU fine engraving.. NO WORK 1 IKK. IT EVER Bl'B, LIsIIKD- For term* and territory apply at once to The Henry Bill Publishing Co. Nor wich, Conn. 12 dec fit Awarded the Highe*t Medal at Vi cooa and Philadelphia. E. &H. T. ANTHONY CX). SIM Broadway, New York. Manufacturert, Importeri ft Dealart in Velvet Frames, Album*. Grapho scope*, Stereoscope* and View*, Kngring. Chromot. Phot .graphs, and kindred goods—Ceiebritiet, Actresses, etc. PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. We are headquarter* for everything in tho way of iSteroeoplicous and Magto LaDterni, Kach sly la being the bett of its class in the * Market Beautiful Photographic Transparencies of Statuary *nd Engravings for the window. Convex gists. Manufacturer* of Velvet Frame* for Miniatures and Convex Glas* Picture*. Catalogues of and Slides, with directions for using, sent en receipt of tan cents. 12dr6* | THE WELLS TEA COMPANY Importer* of Pure China and Japan Tea*, Supply Teas to Storekeeper*, in oriainal packages, at lowe-t import prices. Supply Tea* lo Druggi ta, Geu rral Deal er* and others, peeked in handaotno sealed package* of one pound each, ia canister of the same capacity, and 5 ib*., 10 iba, and 20 lbs boxes Supply Tea. to Peddlers in haif pound and --no pound bags, plain or printed, at a more liberal discount than is given elte ' where. Supply Teas for Club Order*, and allow a larger commission than uual, and in all care* guarantee the quality of their good* Tho WolU Ten Co., is one of tha large*' and most reliable house* in the trade, and and all parties requiring Teas should send for a circular THE WELLS TF.A COMPANY. 21)1 Fulton Street, P. O Box 4560. I'ddHt New York W ITERS" Orchestrion chimes ORG AW ixhf snual braiillfal I| e S loaeever made. I'enrertwetep, wkb l lISHI mwnt a'W^srrrd*, AI„N€'KHT,VKHPK."t KNTKNNIAI, tiIIMKN, CIIAI'KL, and I (tTT.tIiX OH r VAN*, is I'slqiir *>each t'ssrssrsMere ry reapeet Fllt-T C I.AHH. ! WATERS'PIANOS,".'.r.fdft AHK THE IIKST MAUK |tA* Tane, Taarh, W orUtnanlil|>,A llurNbllllv t naurpaaaed. Warranted fr i*IX YKAK. RKK KT BXTRKMEI.Y I.OXV far cask. Monihly laaiallmrata received, A IJkeral lllaraiiat t IWUrt. Mtnultrt.Churcka.Sckool*. ' rtc. (lII.ATA \VtlVrt:D. Nperlalladacr. rorntaiolhe trade.lllaatralrd f°ataloere MaHrd.Hecoßd-hand liairumentaiU*real Bsrxsißa IIOKAt K WATER* di SON*. .Manufacturer* Old Dealers, 40 EAST 14ih eTRKKT, t'NION " Wt|t ABE, SEW YViUk, tfajf KM?- l'ddcly ■ ' 1 ■ 111 * EL ~iII II ''l in HI —i——jgp HARRY K. IIICKS, (Sueceattor to T. A. Hick* <1 Bro.) WHOLESALE ft RETAIL DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, Putty, &c., ha* the ttgonrj of the South Bead Chilled Plow Tor thl* fountj.-%* I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY PARTY THAT SELLS THE SAME QUALITY OF GOODS T?X ECU TORS' NOTICfc.— Letters testamentarv on tha as la la of Wtti Allison, late of I'ottar twp . de ceased. having been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said estate ( are required to make immediate payment, and ibu** having claim* against the same to present them, duly authenticated by ' law. for seitirinent. All account* remaining unsettled after. Jn V 1. 'TV. will be placed in tba bands ol a Justice for collection WM M ALLISON. JAS A BEAVER ] Executors. ] Spring Mill* Market. Wheat WJ. Rye, 45c. Corn, ears, per bu. new, ,45c Gals, 22c Buckwheat, 75*. Clovrrseed, $3 00 to SS T5 Chop, per ton, S2O 00. Plaster, grftund per ton, SIO.OO Flour, per tbi $5(1) Butter, 1 etc. Tallow. 7c. Rags. 2c. Eggs per dog., inc. Tub washed wool Ssc, Packed butter worked over, Klc, Coal. Retail By Car. Gross. Eg, $4 65 $4 20 Ntve, SSIV $4 f5 Chestnut $4 25 $t ft) Pea. $2 tsu $2 55 Composed of Wool end hiik Felted to getaer with It aSi'k next to tba foot. A • urt reiiai for Rheuaiatism ar,d proul against C-dd and Damp Feet Many a cold and tha a'.iandam consequances prs vented by using these goods Sent by mail to any address oa receipt of 25 cenD j State sire .f shoe worn, and if tar (seal, 1 Lady or Child. Canvassers and A genu de well with thewe go-ois D W JOHNSON 19dc4t 323 Arch Street, Pbii'a. —. ——~ rrr: r j NEW MILLINERY STORE AT MII.LHEIM. MRS. ANNA M. WEAVER I Takes pleasure in announcing to the pe*>- pie ot M iilbeius and vicinity, that she has opened a >' and Elegant j STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS on Salurdav. October 19th JPTA A full line of choice and tasbiuna geods always on hand at popular pricw IlrraswmakinK, and all kind* oft FAMILY SEWING with the new 6-t*; Planer and Trimmer f--r tnakir g hU kinds f aide knife, b--x and tan Plaiu ; Fluting t Quilting, and Zcphyring, will be a prom-' inenl feature of business. 24 oct 2m. I 'HO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON- L CKRN.—The books and vendue notes of the late Dr Peter .Smith, dee'd., have been ieft with Wm B Mingle, whereall interested will please call and, raaka settlement without further delay, at after January 1, 1*79, tha books and not** will be plqred in hands of a Justice ot the I'owce lorcoilaction by 'egal process. 24 oct U CHARLES SMITH, Ex. ) PrTVATK SAL E - A CHOlC'i FARM AND HUUSK AND LOT. —The f.-llowing described propertv. ol; -John Emmert, dee'd, situate in llarrisi twp., Centra county, one FARM, contain-1 ing ona hundred and thirty three acres, m->re or less, bounded by lands ol R. Kv erhart, dee'd. .lame* Gl-no, McFailea, Dr. Henderson, dee'd, and others, is ofler 1 ed at private sale. The tarm is well Va tered, a never failing stream of waf r run . ning through the tarm and w-lb.n thirty yards of the barn, also, a of never failing w ater at the bous, witu good pump in it The improvement* are a Urge FRAME HOL'SK, two stories high, al raiiti new, a FRAME BANK BARN, loriy-five by eighty feet and ail other nec essary outbuilding* This is one of the best producing farms in this section for all kinds ot grain • is all limestone land. A large ORCHARD ot choice fruit on the premises. For particulars inquire of Wm. Weru on the farm Also one HOUSE and LOT situated in Boalsburg, Centre county, the bouse is 2 st irles high, with kitchen attached to it, and ail necessary outbuilding*, also a goo i stable, a never tailing well of water with good pump. The lot is well set with fruit tree* ol best quality. Also 2 acres and 123 perches oi excellent land situated near the German Reiormeu church in K-ialsburg, witbtii two squares ol above house JOSIAiI NKFF, Executor of J Km inert, due d. Sept 6 if Th* m*t u--ful |>rv*vnl For 1 nr it lie, |nt#n|>iaa trow * Ir >* on as, t-sadle and st srualb Pricsa. klaa I.svsnstd* Maims Iroo, *.l Ji Hum* Holla* sod i'rtmi-ln* Iroß. :*. SKSF I'liKPAltl on rv CVSI>I t'f tit lev fie will Mfg (Jo Pittsburgh, Pa. r. O Bo*. o<*. or lt Psnn tunas I As Aesnl Wanted In Ibis Count*. Honrs* ] V7. i. 3>3A/ / £ a , NnOLMAKLH, Respectfully informs the citixen* of Cen tre Hall and vicinity that he ha* opened a > new shop in the old Bank Building. New work turned out according lo style,and all kinds of repairing neatly done, and on short notice. Price* reduced and to suil the times. 7 feb. OKNTRK HALL Furniture Booms! EZHt KRVMRUVE, respectfully inform* the citizen* of Centri county, tiiHt he tin* bought out the ol* stand ot J. O. Deininger, and ha* reduce* the prices. He has constantly on ham und makes to order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS, WASHBTANDB. CORNER CUPBOARDS, TABLES, ftc., Ac. His stock of ready made Furniture i large und warranted of good workman ship, and is all made under his immedial supervision, and is offered at rates cbeape than elsewhere. Call and see hi* stock before purebasfn, elsewhere. feb 2 BKIOK FOB SAUL —Fira* Ha*, on hand foraalaal Zerbe's Centra Hall brica yards. These brick are < offered so low that it will pay portents at a distance to come here 'or them. Intending to conlii *in the manufar-' tura of brick tbay wtl kept constantly >n hand, and fa'irtnd wments o{fared toj purchasers. Tatigtf H K. ZKRBE pIL S O. GUfKL i US, Dentist, M Uheim. 1 flf,ntli|inlMawtlwm oau* out-tw Its Is !l>rt**i*dl*(art*ißill|e as ta ta* keatal pro 'MSMM* ! H* it sow fall) erepara* u nteaet tHUsStesUi wnam ai an* ! -Spring Mills, Pa., GIUINTIOUSE COAL YARD. J D LONG 8 New Grain House is Now Readv for The] Reception of WHEAT, (at the HIGHEST CASH PRICK and the • !lE>T CUAL tn Market o!d at the very i owest price. Hides! Hides! Bring your Hide* and receive the Ilighert Price for tbrm. I also keep lor sale UPPERS KIP?*,! CALF !">KINS, and HOLE LKATUEK at lowest pncea Also a full line of Harness, Saddles. Collars, Bridles. Halters, Whips, etc. jal the very Lowest Prces. ; lOucl Sm NEW Grocerj and Confectionerj, AT CENTRE HALL The undersigned has opened a new Gro cery and O-nieCtionery. and will alwavsl keep a full line --f goods, at loa<-si poosible fi rices, and kindlv ask* a share of the pub ic patronage. His stock consist* of COFFEES, SUGERS. TEAS, SYRYPS, SOAPS. SALT. A H kinds of CHOICE TOBACCOEB ANDSEGARS, and all fruiu of the season generally in bmck BEST SWEET POTATOES Also a lull tine of CONFECTIONERIES All kinds of country produce taken in ex* j change. I sell low for CASH and PRODUCE. . Bendy Made Clotbii for men and ' boy*. Sitila as low a* to be bad in the ! city. imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Full lines of MERINO UNDERWEAR*, , For Ladies, Gents, Boys, Misses aDd Children. 1 Hosiery. Gloves. Bonis and Shoes, i ' H ATS, CAPS, CARPETS AND OIL ! i CLOTHS, And the most complete assortment of i NOTIONS n Central Pennsylvania, and t>rires that willcompel rou in self defence to buy ol ,btn . Also Fish, Salt. etc. 18 c A full line of Howe Sewing Machine* and Needle* for all kinds ot machine* | Alto deal* in all kind* of Grain. Mar ket prica paid for tha same. A specialty ■'in COAL by the carload. ' New Pianos $125 Krh. and all style*, including GRAND, SQUARE and UPRIGHT all strictly i rirsf flow, sold at the lowe-t net cash nlwholesale fartory price*, direct tothe pur - chacr These Ptan<* made one of the P.n 'e*t displays at the Centennial Exhibition, and were unanimouly recomm-nded for the Ii to'tKST Ho ORS— over 12 000 in use. Regularly incorporated ManufacturingC. I —Factorv established over 86 years, ihe . Square Grand* contain Mathusbek's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the inreatesl improveinetil in the history of I'i anmaking. The Upright* are the finest lujin America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't d fail to write for Illustrated and Descrip Id live Catalogue of 48 l-age-—mailed free I MENDELSMOUN PIANO C 1 |5 sept ly 21 fU-l 15th Street, N. Y W. A. CURRY : 3 ?tlr?R^Ss,S.*Ar" • Would moit respectfully in fort theclt ?2 sen* of thts vjcinity, that he has started i Boot and Shoe Shop, and would hi er thankful for a share'of the public patron age Boots and Shoo* made to order anr * according to style, and warrants hi* worl M to equal any made elsewhere. A1) kind of repairing done, and charges reasonabh Gl?g him a call. fablß lj Jas. Harris § Co. NO 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW. IROiVNAILS, P A 1 N T S, i oilsT ETC., J AS. 11 A,.Kls A CO. tielUfunU. •orBA KG A INS. Bargains! Bargains! In MEN'S sad BOYS, BOOTS and SHOES I also a LARGE VARIETY of CHILDREN'S SHOES, at LOUIS DOLL'S Shoe Store, oppnaitc the Hush h uw, Bellefonta, rtntiw formerly occupied • V Jab* Powers. itpi26y Candy Manufactory & Bakery. Air. Attirri huth, At th BISHOP STREET BAKERY, lis tiuw making trie vrrv lie*t BKEAO. CAiiKS AND PIES, in Beliefonus Candies and Confections. He a)*o manufacture, alt kind* of eau dim. and dealer* can purrba*e of bin a* o a* in the ettj. Canoim f all kind* al* way* on hand, !• get' • r with Orangat, Lvniuna. Frm>iited. Mr 125 00. COME SEE AND RE CONVINCE®. COME ONE. COME ALL to the New Mu-i a Sewing Machinastart I Of BUNNELL A AIKENS. Allegheny UtraaL 2ojuly Belietenta, P (• Jr owo loan St On till trim I I anai"- ia R**or. ii jou want buatnaa* a* ,nli If Iwhkb i-ermju*. t ettbei art can niakagnaS * , \f/ V ll the tun* 'haj w..rk, wrlu, for nam UcuUr* to 11 Hal4J.ll AUC I'orUud'lla I S*ninr. y ________ ■■ IA V. KORTNEY Attorney at Law I 1 / Bellefonte. Pa. Office over Ray n..M* hank l4may'Sf ; PENNSVALL" Y BANKING-CS. ' CENTRIC HAUL PA. „ BEOBIV K DbPOMll.s and allow Inter * test; Discount Not.*; Buy and t B*l Government Seouriti* Gold and Coupon*. WN WOLF, WM B. M ■ >as, Prea't. .hDa ¥ L. SPANGLEP. Auorrie. Law •MM auoiaultation* in* Knglftb . i lI.P -2n tunc* in Fuui'l new buili, Urnn make money faater *1 nork far a* Ilonilu, I bin, else Capital not required; ,r* you *l2 per d.y mt horn* l,y lb* 1 adnata** on. Men. women Ikjjt* and air's vautad nram wbnre to work for o Sow t. tha time CM* ■ onrftt and term* froa. AddrmwTaCK A Co AnraaS. >* Maine. SSmarTx 1 j 1 Lincoln HutterPowder. make* bad , ter sweet andhnrd, and quieker to cbuia l ( Try it—foreaieat Wm. Wo.l'* stota. J