■ EBv Tfcs Cantrt Rporttr. FEED. ItTITI „• EDITOR. CKIVTR* HALL, Fa., Pec., 10 187S It is gratifying to know that congress has got to work in earnest. As early as Wednesday of last, in committee, one member called another a liar. Wade Hampton had his leg amputated the same dav, 10th, that he was elected to the United States Senate. >\ e think he will never forget that date. It leaks oat that the Repnblicane of Louisiana raise,! seven thousand dollara to help along their campaign msomeol the Congressional districts;that ffiu thousand dollars were sent to the di* trict where Madison Wells was running and that Wells pocketed the money aud made no contest. There's intimidation for you. We were informed a few days ago that a democrat, who had been we I served with office by hia party, was de tected at the late election, putting out democratic tickets with tMrtin'n name left off. In the entire county there were only about half w doaen democrats who led off in the work of opposition to the democratic nominee for congress and succeeded in leading a fiew dozen voters out of the right path by misrepresent** tion. We imagine that some Urns or other this half doxen will wish if bao not burnt its fingers by going into lb* discreditable job. Now then for pr*U and lager-beer —in Philadelphia, the other day, a Chinaman married a German girl, lhe parties to the ceremony were John hoy, an almond-eyed lanndryman. and a Ger man girl, six feet high, named Frederic* Miller. The courtship was of three weeks duration. The ceremony was per formed by the Rev. Mr. Barrel!, of the Baptist church. In addition to John s friends, there were present the mother, uncle and brother of the bride, and a few other -Melicwn mn." The festivi ties consisted of wine and cake. There are still reports of workmen dying in Braxil, belonging to the expe dition which left Philadelphia last sum mer. A carpenter, who went out with one of P. AT. Collins' expeditions, has jnst returned to Philad. He bays be tried to come home some time ago on account of the weather, aud that Mr. Collins objected for fear there would be a bad report of the place. He save the medical treatment of the sick is herrible the physician in chief prescribing bnt one kind of medicine for all aorta of dis ease, and the temperature rising to 135 degrees in the shade in the daytime. Forty-two died in two months. The break-bone fever is the natural result of the climate, and out of 275, 130 were sick on November 2nd, with an almost positive certainty that 75 would die. England isjust now experiencing what the United States went through within the last four years. We had onr big failnrea, followed by gloomy financial outlooks and a lose of confidence until every hearth in the land felt, and atill feels, the shock. The failure of the city of Glasgow bank, followed by the Caledonian bank are producing the same state of affaire in Brittain. A cable telegram says the fi nancial situation haa become extreme ly gloomy and threatening. It is feared that the losses caused by the failure of the City of Glasgow Bank, the cloeing of the Caledonian Bank, and the suspension of the West of England and South Wales Bank, when all known, will amount to so large an aggregate as to destroy for a season all confidence ; that a general panic will follow, and that the year, will close with a feeling of distrust such as has not been seen in England within the memory of this generation. The failure of the West of England and South Wales District Bank is aow be lieved to be a very bad one, and in some quarters it is thought that its stockhold ers will find themselves compelled to pay not lees than ten or eleven million dollars. The Caledonian Bank's affairs look, worse than was at first thought. The Bellefonte Watchman and a few other republican papers attempt to ridi cule Gov. Curtin's contest against Yo cum. The Watchman declares Curtin can't prove the frauds he specifies, from an innate wish that the rada may gain one congressman at least in Yocnm. In this instance the has not ons word to otter against radical frauds, bnt secretly glories in them, as part of its own work. The HnfcAmun, besides, slyly charges | that dsmocrats committed franda. That's j fine, ain't it? If any dsmocrat is impli cated in any fraud againat Curtin, we'll bet an old hat it was a Meek-Democrat, and not a true blue one of the good old School. There were about a half dozen eo-called democrats, who were educated by Meek, who did work with bim in an underhanded game to defeat Curtin and the rest of the democratic ticket. Conkling, while Blaine was making his big say, sat at bis desk reading a book all the time. Conk don't like bim from Maine. The detectives have not yet got even a smell of Stewart's body. We don't want a smell of it, sure. Seth Yocnm feels much demoralized since last week. All the independent and the more sensible of the republican papers pro mounce Blaine's splurge a failure. A DISGRACE TO THE STATE. The Omaha Herald statas the honor and dignity of the State of Nebraska are at •lake. Vine murdsrs bava occurred in a •ingle week. The fact ii going out to the world that a Commonwealth of 400.00U people ia powerless to maintain order. Desperadoes mob, kill and burn alive at their pleasure. The necessities nl the case are so groat that tho leading citizens of the Bute art called on to devis* some plsn to meet the emergency. If nothing can be done sooner, the Legiitature should, upen assembling, give the matter immediate at tention, and provida maans whereby law sad order can be restored. This is the state of affairs in a so-called yea, a radical, state, and is * pic ture as herribie as any that Blains of any other breeder of sectional strife can paiai for any southern state. If this story were told of Georgia, or Louisiana, or South Carolina, it would be the text for an ava laacbe of abuse of southern democrats aad the "solid south," But since it is from s quarter where radicalism has a seat, of coursa there will not be any tartAer notice taken of it, then that there is a bad *t*t# •f affairs out in Nebraska, and it has nigger in the woodpile, ant. affords no theme upon which to rail out against tbe south. It is reported that the senate electoral bill (Edmund's) will not pass the house. Thurman positively refuses to run for tare . NARY OS K So long a* the republicans do not elect j colored men to congress from some of their numerous districts in the north, it j is all idle l*#h to talk sympathy for the negro in the south. The northern rads have not yet elected a single negro to any office. Hypocrites! And, aaya an exchnnge.- Isn't it some what surprising that, with our large amount of colored population in the North and the large amount of love for them, the Republican party never, no. sk\ kk. thinks of electing a single color ed man to onr State Legislature *>' ought to elect at least a half doten col" ed men to the Legislature for two reasons, Ist. To give the colored ni his just proportion of the officers, hi. To practice that equality that is preach ed by that party. Lnleaa they soon d> something for the colored man and brother," their paat professions ofrqual ity will go for nothing. THE RECORD OF SI I. L F.R The House was brought to a square vo:e on 10, on two ailrer propositions, aud every member was compelled to make a record. They were on bills offered b) Mr. Durham of Kentucky, and Mr. Fort of Illinois. There was a very decided maiority in the House in favor of both propositions, the vote on Durham s standing LVJ yeas to 90 nays, and on Fort's 151 yeaa to s'. nays. However, a two-third vote was required to pass them. Mr. Durham's resolution provided that the trade dollars may be exchang ed at par for legal tender standard doK tars, and that they shall then be rocoin ed.and the resolution of Mr- Fort of Illinois, already published, provided that the 412j-grain standard silver do!, tar shall he maintained and enforced, that no hank shall discriminate against it, and that any bang that does shall be Joemed to have defied the I' tuic-i "rta tea law ud be liable to have its charter forfeited. A comparison of rotes given >th those of last aessiou on the questions, j shows very little change iu the rnent of members since the last elec tions. The members who advocated silver are satisfied that the large majori ty received will have a good effect, and wilt ahow the banks that the represen tatives of the people will not tamely 'submit to their attempt to practically demonetize silver again. CVKTIS'S CONTEST. FRAUDS is CENTRE ASP CLEARFIELD, A special correspondent of the Timet, Dec. 10, writes as follows from Be!!e*, fonte: To-day Governor Curtin served notice of his intention to contest the right ofbeth 11. Yocum to the scat in the Forty-sixth Congress from the 1 wen tietb district of Pennsylvania. This no tice covers about seventy page* of legal cap," closely written, and consists of ninety-two specifications. Illegal votes to the number of four or five hundred are charged to have been polled for \ o rwm in the county of Centre, principally in Belle/onte, Howard, Milesburg and Philipsburg boroughs, and in Rentier, Boggs, Burnaide. College. Ferguson, i Halfmoon, Howard, Huston, Liberty, I Patton, Rush, Snow Shoe, Spring, Tav 'lor and Union townships. In addition 'toillegal votes having been polled for Yocum, gross frauds are charged and . specified ia I'hilipsburg, Benner, Col lege. Ferguson and Lioerty which is be j lieved is aufficaeat to Titiate the entire poll of these district*. Of caozse a grea: ' deal of irregv larity and misconduct on the part of election officers is also speci fied. But as far as.this county ia con cerned the Governor reliss upon the illegal vote* polleJ for his opponent and the actual frauds perpetrated in bfhalf of Yocum. There is enough of this in j Centre county alone to reverse Vocum'a ! majority two or three times. Wholesale j bribery of voters can also be proven, the evidence of which may prove very < troublesome to men heretofore stand-j ing high in political and financial cir-j cles. EIGHT HUNDRED ILLEGAL VOTES IN i*AD FIELD. r In Clearfield county about eight hun dred illegal and fraudulent votes are charged, mostly in the boroughs of C'ur wensville, Houtzdale and Osceola, and in Brady, Bradford, Burnside, liersiar. [ Girard. Graham, Gnlick, Goshen. Hus ton, Morria, Pike, Union and Wood [Wrard townships. In some of these dis- I tricts the grossest frauds were j>erpetra tJ. In er son who first introduced it ialo our rural politics. Whether or not Yocum and his immediate friends will endeav or to defend and screen Arnold we can not, of course, say. If they do they avow themselves as partakers of his guilt. now VOTING WAS DONE. In some of the districts in Clearfield county the election officers were not sworn at all; they did not number the ballots as they were voted : they kept and returned no lists of voters, and did not seal up and guard the ballot-boxes after tbe election, but left them for a week or more open and exposed. These things, it is true, did not occur generally over the county ; they occurred only in a few districts where tbe illegal and fraudulent voting was the greatest and wh Ate Jhe Republicans and Greenback ers combined had the entire election boards. The fraudulent and illegal votes polled for Yocum ip Clearfield county, and which can be clearly and fully proven, amount to several hundred, and when we remember that his certified majority is only eewnty-three the proa pcct of his retaining his seat very long after Congress meets is not very brill iant In the other counties of the district- Clinton, F.lk, Mifflin and Union—no 1 frauds or fatal irregularities aro alleged, although a considerable number of Ille gal votes arc specified in each county. Probably in every Congressional district in the fsiato more illegal votes are polled at every election than Yocum'a majori ty. Generally these illegal votes are about equally divided between the po hliral parties anil would not therefore ! a fleet the result, even in a close contest; hut in the recent campaign in tliia dls* trict, as the supporters of \ oeum were furnished with large sums of money to be used to defeat t'urtin, ihey |>olled nearly every illegal vote in the diss trict. If Governor Curtin believed that his opponent had received a majority of the legal votes ca>t, he would not contest hia right to the seat even though he knew the contest coulil he made successful by resorting to technicalities and following the bad precedents made by Republican committees; but being welt assured that tie received a large majority of all the legal votes cast, he cannot in justice to the thirteen thousand g 1 men and true aho supported iiim permit llieni to be represented a man whom they did not choose. The taking of testimony will begin as soon as Yocntn serves his answer. • • DERATE IS TllF SES'ATE. UIAIMC, niOBNAM A*> IAMAK. Blames great speech, last week, was a great failure - a magnificent tlaah in the pan. lie uiade a great ado because the south does not go radical, and would p S v suffrage taken from the colored men and the southern repr*iiinilou in congress cut down to that extent be cause the blacks have been led into yot 11ng the democratic ticket. From the of!4"s Washington correspondence we copy the following! Fully one-halt of the Republican Rep resentatives and almost as many l>emo crats were on the floor of the chamber. Fxtra chaira and solas had l>een provid ed, but these were soon tilled aud the space between the Senators' desks and the rear wall was tilled with those who were willing to accept standing-room within hearing of the a|>eskers' voices. I'tie doorway-leading from the Cham her to the cloak, rooms were occupied by ladies who stood patiently with this Nciutorial privilege while thediscueeioii was in progress. Among the listeners <>n the tloor were ex-Secretarv of the treasury I "t M. Morrill, ex-Attorney tieuc.aJ I, id.am- Cienerat Sherman and many office-holder,. „f greater and less degree. A stranger lo"\ing at the as -emblage would tiavc fancied that some great change in the policy of the Uov crument was about to take place, rather than that a radical Senator was to make t speech for political purpo ses. An instant silence prevailed in (be Chamber when Mr. Hamlin moved that the Senate proceed to the consideration of the resolution, a silence which waa unbroken until the juuior Senator from Maine concluded !is speech and the noise of mingled applause and hisses was heard. K.verv (senator in the city was present and ail save one listened with the greatest attention. The solita ry exception was Mr. Conkiing, Mr. ltlaiue's ancient enemy, who during the letter's speech did uot look up from the l*ruaal of a bundle ot manuscript which he appeared to be revising. The Sena* tor from New York was almost as much an object of attention from the peculiar ity of bis bearing as the henator from Maine. Mr. Coukling was probably un aware of this or he would hare observed the co4fWy that hedges the Senate on these occasion^." Mr. Blame's speech was ciiaracxerued by a total absence of proof of ail his statements. He began by a virtual ad mission that he had no evidence of the commission of outrages in the South ull r 'ng the recent elections aud followed with a ycaudalous attack up n the Southern lemocrats. He attempted to prorn that the white man . v ot?th exer used by hu vote double the political |Hi*er of the white n.au i'orth upon the Kepublican party had a [>erpolurt i.en on Hie colored vole and that this had been set aside by the exerc se of force, l'be speech was of the old "outrage" type the vernacular of which seemed to be distasteful to the benator. Mr. Blaine closed iu half an hour, and Senator Tburman took tua floor, thrust the fore finger of his left hand in bis vast pocket twirled hiseye-glaasee in bis right bind and introduced tne Hemocratic amend ment to the original resolution. He said that Mr. Blaine seemed to be more anx iousio tesatl .Southern Democrats than to viudicata lix rights ot universal suf frage. He began ina speech ia a very mild tone of voice, but when ti IM tented the resolution as a string upon which to hung speeches ami to arouse hatred the galleries were car ried by his earnestness and cheer ed loudly The Vice-President rapped for order, and gave notice that the gal leries would be cleared if the disorder was repeated. Mr. Tburman resumed tus remarks, and claimed that the noto rious Freedman's Bureau, a republican institution, was the original creator of the color Due and responsible for the warmth of race distinctions in the South which the Senator from Maine .n his speech had attempted to intensify. Mr. Tburman alao saw in the attitude of the Kepublican party in the Senate a dis position to face completely about and re trace the steps taken so boldly a few years ago when the negroes were en franchised without en educational quali fication. The attempt to re dues the representation in Congress from the Southern States was the first note of the backward march. The proposed inves tigation, he contended, was created for this purpose of diverting the attention of the pocpln from the true business of Congress, which x this time was to leg islate in tfte interest of reviving trade and wound finance. In his estimation, American suffrage was threatened far less by the alleged use of threats and violeuce than by the corrupting influen ces of money spent at the polls. In con clusion Mr. Thurman eloquently assert ed that in every part of the country the educated, cultivated and mlpjligent vo ters would govern the ignorant and de based portion rf the community. Both Kdrnundsand Blaine attempted to trip up Mr- Tburman in his argument, but lulled lauuyfably. liluine did not agree with the Ohio deflator's idea that wealth, educa ion and intelligence would rule a community, but Mr. Thurman maintained his assertion, and said that if Mr Blaine lived in the South he would be sure to have an immense ne gro following. Senator J amar was (he neit speaker. In bia usually policed and incisive way Mr. )>aniar rxi.reaaed bu ragret that the Seaator from Maine should, in looking upon the South, instead of regarding those interests which affect the whole country, have concentrated hia whole gare upon the particular partisan feat ure which affected the ascendancy of one p&,-ty or the other, organizations which are unknown to the Conatitution. lie aaid that there were pyife in the South which might call forth the lolly and enlarged meastirea of a patriot, but he evidently did not consider Mr. Blaine a person of that kind, for he oh* | served : "But, air, the gentleman's re rnarka ware devoted exclusively to polit ical parties, and, *;th no intent what ever to utter a latter retort, J cannot but I feel the regret that Qn'e Qf ay eh leaoiute purjxjae, of ttuch tenacious and such daring ambition gn/J |gcto great abilities sh<*uid have so narro*d kit piind at te give t> party what wu meant for jpan ktnd " Mr Lamar went on to say that the rights of troedotn and citizenship bs longiDg to the black* were at nature and Wall enjoyed as those of the whites, lie denii-,4 Mr. Blaine's assertion that one srhite max atfba South exercised twice as much politi al post./ as a tingle white maa in the North, and arfcy.ad that a Sen ator in one ot the populous Slate* of til# East represented twenty limes a< many! peoiiie an H .Senator in ons of tho sparsely populateti States of the Northwest Mr. Lamar's reply to the threats of the Re publican leaders to reduce the representa tion of the Southern Slates in Congress was greeted hi u strong manner by Mr. Edmunds, who persistently attempted to "V.irepresent the moaning of Mr. I.ninar's 1* nguage, but the latter iusiiicd upon cor r acting the** misrepresentations as fast as t itlered, and did not lot* his lempor in to doing, much to tho disgust of the expect ant Republican*. Tb* resolutions went over until to-morrow, without action be ing taken thereon. a m w - —- SURPRISING HEVKI.A TIOKS. INTKItt IKU UMIVgXN TMI IION. KM rtIIKINS A Nil Tltg HON. niMoN PAMKHUN. llarrieburg, Dec. 7.—ln a long talk with .Senator Simon Cameron to-day in liia grand old reeidance on the hank* of the Susquehanna, t commenced hy aek Ing hint what lie thought ofslr. Havre's new departure, "What deitarluro?" naked tho Sena tor, an ho looked quuxically frotu under a pair of ncroggv, Seward-liko eyo brows. "Why, hi* departure from the South* orn pacificatory imlicv, which he has carried out nine* tun innngtirnlion, and hie return to Grant's rigid mtnnsr of governing tho South," 1 replied. '1 don't Uke any etock in Hayes at all sir," replied tho Senator sternly. "1 dislike him so that 1 wouldn't speak to him. He wont hack on hi* frienda— the men who make htm. llayee aaye Grant's policy was a failure It'a no ouch thing Grant'# policy nut Here* in the Whitr Hotter, while llayee'e stupid policy has lost every Southern State to tho Repub lican party." "Can Hayes he a candidate again T" I asked. "No, air. Haws is dead! Ila'a weut over to the wbeia. Ho ktllod Chamber lain, a soldier and a Republican and put that rebel. Wade Hampton, who ahot my brother Jatnee through thr heart, in hie place." "Did Wade Hampton personally kill your brother, Senator?" .1 naked. "Yea. air! I have the evidence unim peachable that Wad# HaitijiUui. who captured Uql- W - T brother, took a carbine, wbiU my brother was a prisoner unarmed, took deliberate aim and ahot him dead. Aad this rascal," rontinued tho Sonator, "thin rascal Hampton, Haves went and made Go*, ernor of South Carolina. Mr. K Nor man Gunniaon. the editor of thf \ftfk J-'vpuiPE J'.gvMd, •* Hetuplun snooting brother James. Yuan! you, Mr. Gun niaon?" asked the Senator, turning to Mr. (., who was present. "Yes, Senator,' replied Mr.Gunniaon, "!, among other#, saw Wade Hampton kiil Col. I amerou. And after Hampton iirtnj, 1 saw them carry tho lifelM h°4i of the Colonpt into tha farm houna neat the ehurck." Changing the aubject, I asked Sena'or| Cameron what ho thought about Grant'* candidacy. "Ob, Grant don't want to be Prosi dent; I know be don't." "But tho report cimst that Grant say* 'he would not feel at liberty to re fuse.'" "I don't care what that report sayn. 1 know Graut. He'e been here with me a] good deal. I tell you Utat Grant don't want the nomination." "If Grant should be nominated, would hia habits be an objection to hi# being President ?" I asked. "Not at all. Grant takca a little whis key now and then,and no do I ; but that don't make him a drunkard. Grant .* a temperate cat r, and ia taking good of huueelf." "How abont Blaine!" "Blaine would auit ma. I think ho would carry New Kngland, too. He'e a strong man. If be hadn't been a etrong man credit Mobtlier would have killed him,as it did Colfax, but Blaine has outlived the Mobtlier butinea*, and I think he aumia a good chance to ba the Republican nominee. Ho would carrv out Grant'# old policy, and re-ostablieh tbe Republican tarty in the South." "What are Coukhug's chgncea ?" "Good, ilea got the gre|t fl|i"!Qf New Yorhbahind him Of cpureo, ny'U he return ed to the Senate. Conkiing ia an conspicuous and as strong as Blaine, as he is not handicapped with the old Credit Mobilier ecandal." "Sam Ttlden V "Don't mention him ; he's daa-l." "Did you eyer ssk a fayor of llayca'" I asked. "No, neyer, I wouldn't-1 daepise him Now. there are aixteen candidate# for the Fost Office down at York, and ther ail want me to peip thaw, but I tell them that my influence 'with this Ad ministration ain't worth a"— 1 -. No Foot Offices new days for fad." "I suppose you got anything you wanted from Grant? "No, sir ; I never got but'one appoint ment from Grant in ray lite." "What was that?" I asked. "Well, there was a Captain in the srmv whooe former servant got a com mission in u nigger regiment. One day the uapiajn met the servant, and rudely tore hi# strep* oil i hoard of it and 1 went and got Gen. Grant to appoint Uia. Canlain to another poaition," "What position did you have him ap pointed to ?" "Why, I got Grant to appoint bins to ( tha high position of a private cititan." "Ana mast did it?' "Yes, Grant it, and hating Captain is a bookkeeper ,rt mill upon the west branch of the Htfa ouehanna now—where I used to rafti down logs when I was a boy," "And the negro?" "Well, he got to be a Major in a color •dff*cent. -N. Y. Suo. * • I KRKINA. CAMERON VS. HAMPTON The Truth About the Death of tbe Ex-Senator's Brother James. "A Soldier" in the Boston Post. The Washington reports contain a state-. meet to the effect that Mr. Simon Came ' ron publicly accused General Wads Hampton of shooting bis brother, Colonel Jsoae# Cameron, while a prisoner, with his own hand, it is dtmcult to believe thsl Mr. Csmeroo mtde to absurd a charge in the face of wall-known fact*. The circumstance* of Colonel Cameron's death at the first Bull Run fight wersfully brought out in an investigation made by tho committee on the conduct of tha war regarding ailegca "rni.il barbarities. ' i Colonel Csmoron's orderly, who was a#*r| him at the time, testified that, the regi ment being under fire, the Colonel, while giving an order to one of hit company of ficers, was hit by a musket ball and in stantly killed, and never spoke after he fell. His bwJy jgas a' once conveyed to the rear by eight soldiers, four of ybom were shot while doing to, showing tbe te-' verity of the fire. It wsa then placed in an ambulance, wbicb in the ensuing rout was captured by the onamy. Thar* was •egta testimony, that ef Mr- Cameron him self among tne rtti, that the remains of his brother were afterwards trraleu with some indignity, but that was all' It it wortby of remark that Captain Kicketts, commanding a regular battery, who wat wounded end taken prisoner at tbe same belli#, while denouncing savaral Confed erate officers by name for their treatment of bim in tho strongest terms said: "Wade Hampton treated me like a kind and gen ereus enemy, giving me two bottle* of ale which he rode tome miles to bring" Kitbar Cameron or Hampton ate grossly slandered in Ibis Wastungton report. Which it it? THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. Professor Charles A. Hesly delivered on interesting discourse on "Tbe electric light." fit pgid The electric light it •uppoiecf by rneny to bo tfaopf the most recent of electrical inventions ; but this it not so. fur Sir Humphrey Dnry exhibited it in the year WO. employing for the pur poses galvanic battery of 3,000 cell*. Since that time it has been familiar to pro fester} of chemistry and tbair students at |4Jlhejafge ffut it wet regard ed only |t s curious fact ojr a brilliant il lustration of icianca. t first tbo poat oostsnd tits annoyances ia it} managix mant did not glva a ratting place fore iff* gastion that it would aver become a utofui light. Probably, alto, Davy was tb* first to exhibit the alectlo light of the incande scence of platinum and carbon; perhaps bis incandescent light it insignificant in tha iik'it yf the ere. The March ot Improvement. In the year 1840 wo commenced to have greatly improved generator* of electrici ty, to ihti electricity came to be cheaper and more manageable* In ltfif the flrit patont for it was iuucd. nml that to an American. Frosn that year thre liaa been a stream of patent* constantly increasing j l*i volume. The alactriral generator* have been steedlly itnpr.ired and the tondl lion* of producing the light are better un-j deraliicil. Electricity i now cheap and we know how to ue It. To day the *olid and permanent success of the electric light I* achieved and guaranteed. Kiperience in it* constant practical u a* a light houte beacon eitead* to fifteen year* 1 cotuid er it eitablieed alw that all the deiirabte qualities and properties of gas-light are found in the electric ligl t and that the electric Itgtit ha* dosirablo qua!.lie* in ad dilioß. Ihe relative odel of equal queilli tie* et gaslight and electric light will gen erally determine which should he med, hut ther* will be many cute* in which the advantage* ef electric light will be tocen epu-uout that gaslight will not be thought of. Ido net want to be understood a* ay ing that the electric light it going to tab* the place of ga* for all purpose*, but for beacon light*, lighting street*, theatre* public and privata picture galleries end libraries there is no doubt it will supercede ga*. If you enuid get the same quantity •f light out of gat, the heat would he sti iliag ; and again, the electric light is much better for the eye. ssi*t people tuppotf that light depend* on beet, but it hat been demonaleted by Dr. Draper that there U{ no relation at all between light and beat 1 be leva there are no mechanical equiva lent# of light and heat. Popularity of the Electric Light \ . u tee 1 am very favorat * to electric light. It wat used filu-sn year* ago lit Kngland and Franc*, and to-day it ie ued by all oivilited nation*, in light house* and on tteamthip*. We her# have the be*t Improvement* in the electric light, sad there i* no good reaton why we should not have utilised it ten year* agu. The electric l'.gl.t wu subdivide# aad used for illuminating jmn*.4** in a private ret) dene* at MhWxu, Mat*., thirteen year* ago , In wMr youth none of u* taw an illumina 1 [lion greatar than that produced bv five wtj til candle* burning in a room. Now, v would not tit la a room under a light thai j wat nut a* strung a* that produced by Lt-' teen or thirty ewadlet. That make* me I think thai when we bavelhe electric light it will not be a cheeper light then ga*. as w* will want (till more light About twelve year* eg* Horace Greeley wat a | member of an aetociation to promote the success of the electric light, in wbkh he .took a great interest, aad hi* p*l-*r pub i lithed eom* articie* at the time which treated the eubiact very intelligently. You read la the newspaper* a g >od deal about the difficulties which lie in the way of di viding the current or dividing the light This idea of a difficulty in dividing the light i* a bugbear Some people teens to think Ibst when yeu divide the whole sou will not have two halve* left. Ktuily Subdivided. W hat is there in nature that canent be divided without leas ing all the part* that were equal to the whole? There u not anythiac under heaven so easy to h* di vided at electricity, all that it neceetary being to divide the conductor* of the cur rent proportionally. It he* been show a by scientific men in ivng'and tbet the •am* effect cen be p-i-duced by the elac trie light at 4'tJ at at lUU mi'ei, and at the >*me expense 1 sugge*t that the d)ffi-ul ties in ihetubdivitieaiofihe electric light ere not greater than those that were met with ia distributing water and ga* over ■ arg# cities. GOD IN NATI*HAL LAW This an tb* subject of Mr Joeepb Cook • lecture in Aseociation Hall, in New York, Thurtdey evening lath The lecturer we* listened to with the closest mention frem the beginning to the and end for clearness of conception, cio**n*t of logic and force of rbct nc, w* never read anything better from Mr. Cook Tb* JVtkn'f rejorl of it it eo good tbf. w# ropy as fit.low* , Suppose to-morrow inornug tbe sun should rise w.tb letter* inscribed scroti it* 'ace that could b* teen an.) understood over the whole earth "IJoiy, holy, holy i* the Lord God of Hag a* tbe friend if the special- ■ list, I propose to sty tbet the universe is sustained in tbe working* of nature! lew by lb* same power thai created it GmJ will it natura! law. I* n "roach Pan. tbcum. We are euro of the Divine per-! meeency and tracsceedencv Christian jhecloj-y declare* that GoJ billows away bovottfi all mat it Cj.iu. I em lb ad rest you on the proofs that! matter cannot original* force or motion— , that natural law it simply the fixed raetb ed of Divine action. Any one can com-! iprebond it who remembers that inertia it ion# of tha properties of matter. I em ■ either denying or affirming the existence |ol second cause*. Only metier and mind I ; exitl in the universe. No one doubt* thi* , Matter cannot originate force or motion.! We know mind as something that car. move ilttlf; matter, a* something that cannot. All force and motion must have sa immediate origin in lb* mind. But the planet* ere moving now , th*V must b*j moved by a mind : tbe motion must orlgi - nale in a mind. Gravitation is tha prtten! effect of a will Ther* are only matter and j mind, but matter ie bandcufied. A short limo ago an earthquake shook t the nerthern part of this .State Dancer*; ia a ballroom, terror-stricken, left it to prey ; gambler* left their game* and be-' jgan to Jsray it it traditional thl profane men in a storm begin to pray, it is be-! j cause God is to near that be is visible. If i s could bind tbi* presence upon our! ! foreheads, we should start up electrified , for spiritual action. Tin* is precitelv tbe glory ef tbe best pert of modern literature. It it tbe power of Carlyle and Kichter that they have lived in the pretence of the Di vine hope. Thi* was the secret of lb* power of that groat poet and philosopher who stood with us when 1 was last bore. But the proof—tbo proof from science: You have in your room a clock and an i vy j plant. The clock it a piece of mechanism, but it it inert matter, and did not put it self together. Did the ivy out its#! to gether? Certainly not. There must be uiind behind both. That force that ha* choice Cannot bo ua'.tgr; it must reside in mind. The clock iuo* by the operation of tbe Is* of gravitation outside of ileell. No on* of man's works runt by a law with in itself. But there it no nature outside #1 nature for nature to run by Outaide of the mill wheel it tbe power of gravitation ineviag it, but outside of the wheel of the universe there it no second wheel moving it. You cent send nature by exprees. 1 am told that atheism is tbe professed creed of hundreds of half-educated mea, but if you aaalyxe it you will find it nothing bet ter than French materialism Why, Fa lit Adinr is not much better than a Fronch atheist. He said tha other day. ' They call us atheists, end let us thank God that wi lts atheist* " But if mattor cannot mo>* it*elf, then wolcome to the truth of the a wfulr.es* of God's presence in every part of spec# When onco this truth ie reach ed w* come within the light ofthat Meunt that could not be touched 'Communicated.) A communication appeared u iit week'a Watchman in regiird to "thai Greenback lt-publican •upper," which it quite in keeping, so far at lack of trulbfuN nai end contemptible flurs arc concerned with the utual tene of that paper. Allow me to correct tome of itt mit-ilatomeett ltd rjppl J'> me of itt intiinatiom While it' mhy be Uiio thai Mo.tf,#. il:laSty end Duahatn, the two geViltetnen to whom the Wetfbwvf? !<*&}sr W fmuiin alludes to m "one of Caaaron' pel P. M'.. end the other mogul of disappointed faottona of all oddt and cads," and of whom tome of the good things to temptingly arranged for the supper by M*t. TV caver's skillful handt—and which tnen purceated and paid for—were tomowhat interested in g-t* ting up the affair, it :s also true that the "prime inovort and most active persona" in it were Colonel Joteph Koyer and Doc* tor Ueoayli two of the most pronounced | and reliable Republicans in lb* ceuity, and W, O ComarferU Kiq , wh, al-' [though ho bat heretofore acted with the • , Democrats, teruit to have seen (he error ■ of bis wsyt a* ha did more to ai-cotriplith - the defeat of tbe old rrbel aympathixing I! party in our borough than any life long 1 Republican In it, working fer the defeat 1 of hia old political aster iatas with all tha ■ the seal of a new convert. Neither of ' tboe* gentleman can truthfully b* accused • of greenback proclivities 1 Mr. Weaver, the proprietor of the Howard House, al which tha supper was had, |s a vary raspe tahla gentleman, who pays Ills bills with as much promptness 'jand punctuality, I venture to say, as lb* j M'ofcAsMfln'i scurrilous correspondent - The fad that he it comparative stranger in ' ourplae* should secure him immunity from such low attacks at this scribler ha* 1 been guiltv of. Being a German, h# may not speak tha Kngliab language quit* so 1 smoothly as the would b# smart cor roe ' pondant of the l(', but thia should ba no excuse for making bim tbe butt of ill-bro-i r-d)cul#. The supper was a very ' respectable affair, gotten up by very res pectable raiillatnan and in a vary aradita ble manner, and although its avowed pur pose wat "a tort of thanksgiving over tbe defeat of the Democrats" in ibis district, ' j that it no reason tbe correspondents of "Democratic organs should Hot tall tb# truth about it, or should aitorr.pt to scan Jalica those concerned in it —lUIU/ itt* Hfyublicnn. A UI'KST HUT WA*N T 11l KOBT. Cholera it raging with unusual severity I ia Morocco. Inotiestnsll village thirty i six out ut thirty seven persons have al i ready died. N..W YORK Weekly lleraid. • 1,1. 4lt A Yi:A H. i Ih* circulation of this popular riewtpa . per has uiara than trabl-d during lb* past 'veer It contains all the leading news . contained in the Dailt llkxsld, and is in handy department* The Foreign News 'l embraces special disuatcbe* from all quar ters of tbe globe. Undertha head of American News sragivanlba Telegraphic Despatches of tha week from all part* of tha t'mun Tbi* i feature alona makes THK WKKKLY HERALD t the most valuable chronicle in tb* world, at Mit tba cheapest Every week it given ' a faithful report of I'olitica! News, • embracing complete aad comprehensive > feepalche* front Washington, including full report* of the spate has of eminent pol iticians oa the quasuoni of the hour. The Farm Department ' of the Wxkxlt Ilea ALP gives tb* latest > as wall aa the moat practical suggestion* i and discover.es relating to the dul at of tha farmer, hint* f.,r raising Cattle, Foul try. Grams, Trees, Vegetable*, Ac . A*., with suggestion* for keeping bui'dtags p end farming utensils in repair Tbtt t* supplemented by a well aditad depart ' ; rnenl, widaly copt- d. under the bead ef tj The Hume, giving receipt for practical dishes, hints r 'or making clothing and for kasping up with the latest fastio as at tha lowest price Kverv item of r-okicg or economy ug. " gaeted in this department is precl cally r tested by experts before publication Lel lers fr>.ui our Far* astd London cerre itwsdenu oa the vary latest Fashion*. ' The Home Department of the Wkkklt - IltßALOwill >a>*lbe house-wife more t than on* hundred lime* tb* price of the ; psp*r The interests of Skilled Labor Ar# lacked a'Var and everything relating to mechanic* and iaber saving it carefully recorded. There it a page devoted to all lb* latest ' phases of the business market*. Oops, 1 Merchandise. A , Ar A valuable 'as • tura ts found ia tbe specially reported pn t ces aad coadiliotis of The Produce Market. , Sporting News at borne and abroad, to gether with a S'.ory every weok. aSe*— by aome eminent divine I.iue L f Yt'iisi. > cal. Dramatic grid s** Not** 1 i Thar# is no paper Itt the world which con tains so m ich raws matter every week at (lb* WIXXIT II ik At d which is sank post age free, for On# Dollar. You can tub-- 1 senba at any ttm* THI ME* YORI HCKALO In * weekly fortn. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR NOTICE T'SUBSCRIBERS.- Remit in draft* on New York or Fiat Office mon ey orders, end where neither of tbet* can b procured send tha mcnav ia a regi-ter ed <ut > 1 srs *1 ' " " tool Haven iXS p m PAST I,INK lFkrvv PhilkcUlplil* II IS • " tUrrlobure SM p m " •" MeaMedae T3op m i srret Willumopcrt TXOpra •• " Icock Hn XStP n ' KASTWAHD. P • PAUIFIt: BX Ivsvvs I.xk llrn S4o*ra . •' lomi Minrv 7 14 *ra ' •• " Wllllsinsport 7SS*ra •• •• Xinn London X 0# • m •rret fUrrUbare llilis •• •• Philadelphia I supra D v.u::j )(jr jira " ,'sli: i " Monundon 1] II a in I rr St HsrrUltur* IStsm t •• PbUadalpuU 700 * n FA LINE IMTVk WlllUm|H.rt IXX* ara ( arrat Harrrtkbor* Siiin arrat Philadelphia 7oa nt Par ears will ron iratevvn Pbttadalpbla and Wll , llaratpnrt on Niagara Ki Wml, Rrl* Ki Wm. Phil* , dvluhin liiirm Enal.ai.d Ukj Kx. Kaat and tiundtp ] Ki. Kait. SUvpinit earn on all niaht trains C VGA. A, LALL)WIN. u.-i'.-albjp.-rtst jadvnt j -=C!HlltlIISITlMIAISI!=- Each aucceesJing jf* r make* plainer tb fact that there ia • ntpidlj I frowiog tMte for Holiday Gift*, combining twefuliMM with beuty nod ' correct taste. i STHAWimiDGE & CLOTHIER . Have made very extct.sive preparations fur supplying the prevailing i Ustf ' have BOVf ou exhibition (he largest stock of uefuland beau yiful article# ever placed on aalu in Philadelphia. * An examination will . convince any oue (hat almost every department of the house contains arti* , clea more appropriate for Christmas offerings than gifts of silver or gold. All who find it inconvenient to vistt Philadelphia, are cordially invited | to make their selections aud order their goods through our r ' — Oflate the busintas IransacUnl through this department has beeo sr. heavy as to ncceeeitate the employment of additional help, but the perfect ' system in practice enable* us to promptly answer every request for samples. i and to fill at once every order in the most satisfactory manner. Below we give a necessarily brief list of articles especially adapted for - Holiday Gills. INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS. CHILDREN'S OOATH AND SUITS. I HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS HOTS CLOTHING A OVERCOATS 1 OOL D HoRDEK HA NDKKKCHI fcPS. 1N F A NTS OL'TPITS FANCY SILK NOVELTIES IN SK IRTS U'NDE RCHIEPS in FANCY BOXES FIANO TABLE AND ORGAN Pr l,*dik Gi-tiilemert and Children COVERS ' °m N AND CASU DAMASK TABLE COVERS. MERE MUFFLERS NAPKINS TO MATCH LADIES EM UKOIDEHED COLLARS TOILET RE.OITSITIUS ' . BLANKETS AND QUILTS [ VM IK " AND BOWS EIDERDOWN OUILTN - RUFFLING AND m'ARFS, CARRIAGE LAP KoBES °**J* KCn VV KAK 0F EVERY >ILK U M BKELLAS hTYLE JaP ANE-SE LACOUER GOODS t FANCY HOSIERY CELLULOIDTOILITsSS. ! ?, I J,\ K J!.°; MKKY POCKET K(H)KS StLTt> - . UNDERWEAR IN SILK. WOOL. WRIsT WARMERS I CA.sH MERE AND MERINO. GLOVES OF ALL KINDS Kr l-.Mil•*■ ijrtiiieuii> Ltssj thililrifl. FANB. KTt' COLLAR-- AM CUFFS. MLKS. SATINS. VELVETS ;1N Il. AND F M-LKY SHAWLS DKEsSGOODS LADIES OOATN and -uits. hunts AND CRETONNES. AC., AC., AC. TWENTY-FIVE CASES ;Twen( v - Five Cent Dress Goods,; Especially Adap'ed fur CHRIsTMAS PRESENTS. r Our greatly enlarged store nam, thi# season, enable# us to comfortably' | aocummoslals' ibe many hundreds of our customer* who may have hereto-! Tore found difficulty in getting waited upon at oor crowded counters. The price of everything is gu* ranteed to be abejlutely the lowed. iSTRAWBRIDGE t CLOTHIER, N. W. Cor. Eighth and Market Sta., PHILADEEPfIU ' WILSON, mRLANEt CO. NSW GOODS—FANrC M H R YEA O A \ MOVES HEATERS RANGES Y E G EKE s s s tb* would oepecisfly call sUcolion U> lbs Highland Queen Cook Stove, -AND THE yy£LCC>uJ£ BOBS MIATIN® TfCYS. a*~'ur Block being entirely New. W# offer special Bargain* io"MM OILS snd PAINTS.-MM WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. B F4HLA\EA(O„ HUMES BLOCK. BELLKFONTE. PENN'A. i - t AUCTIONEER'S CARD - Philir Teete, who hes hd large experi ence as an auctioneer, offer* Ins services tc the people ot Centre county, tin spehki both German and Knglisb, snd posse-ses the invaluable gift in an auctioneer of • loud, clear voice, and can be distinctly heard a long distance. Tbose having ot this kind to do, will do wall to give bim a call. Chart** raoderste. Cell on ot address bim et Bellefonte. P*. 17 *p. Harness, Saddles. &c Thknnd*r*l*n<-.1, JMvrralßM] la mwl lb* popalai dvmanit rarlue*r pru'm. raapaatfaUx calls Ihvatu* ttoa ot U * public l his stock ot BADDLRKV now off*rod *1 1b old *t*nd I>m!cdi- doacrtptton sod qualltx . W'blpi tn( la fact oforjthina to comploto first closo ootabltok ' moot, bo aow offoro o t prlcr* wbtrb trill suit tbottraoi JACOB DIN.iIS Cootrv HaU. TOHN F. POTTER, Attorney-at fF Law. CoUrctlooß pmrnptly mad* and apecU MtUatlon fltwti to fhoMM h*vlrK Undt orpmporfs lot MtU. Will draw op aad hate hredt MorWi|N, Ac OffltM In th# diamond, north ld o! tb* court hotmw. HollofotiU ooiff ffHf HEALTH AND HAPPINESS lloolib and tlspplnru aro prloolon Waalth to tboli possessors, aad ret tbsr aro within tba roach of srsrr one who wtll uas WttlGlll * MKR RII.I-S, Tho ddlj Bur# our* far Torpid I.lyer. l>pwt *u. IfondMrho. SarßUJiuoh. 4 'onwtipMlion. DoHilli/, Natt hfm, *nd All liillioun complaint* and Blood dianrdara. Mom ginuinv uiilpm signed. "Wm Wright. Pbila." If jour Onifgiat will not aupply aond 2 6MU for oa Lox to B Trick, Hollar A Co., ,oS 4th St. I'Lila :nt9tu O. T Alkx*ki>kk. C M. Row kr ALEXANDERS BOWER AT tornSTSat l*w, Bo lie foots. Spoclslattsntion £*oo to (;ollsrtions. aud Oryhans' Coutf praefioe. aj b* coosultsd In OsrciftD and Kngliab OBcs In Oansas'a bttUdlng, aj> 74 11. I Examine our ('auk Prices f Iloolw and Shoe*. -We arc rolling out the god# lively, because we charve Irs* for ihiu than was ever known- We keep up the quality and keep down the price*. Wo are bound to *U off this tr*- niradou* stock, and trust in the low prices to do the business. We will offer you P Men's fine calf boots at. $2 5C Men's kip boot* at 200 t\ omen's kip shoe* at. ........ 100 Children's school shoe* at.. w ...... 76 Men s wool lined quia boots at........ 260 Boys' woo! lined gum booU at 1 90 Men's wool-lined buckle overshoes... 1 40 Men's wool.lined Alaska overshoes... 90 t Men's plain gum overshoes 60 Lumbermen's gums, solid heel __ 126 4 Women'* wool.lined Aia'ska over shoe* „ ~5 Women's plain gum overshoes 86 k Misses' plain gum overshoes ... 30 Children's plain guut overshoes...2s The above rubber guods are all Irst class and arp warranted, and will be sold tor cask only. E. GRAHAM A SON. . D® k Bellefonla, Pa P President. Cashier '-QENTKE COUNTY BANKING CO. ( J' (Lste Milliken, Hoover ft Co.) J Receive Deposits, f And Discount Notes, R BUT and Sell Government .Securities, Gold A splOOßtf Coupons. " W R. CAMP'S POPULAR,. ? J: Furniture Reams! CENTRE HALL. PA. ■J I manufacture a!', kinds of Furniture for £ Chambers, Dining Rooms, Libraries and ' Halls. If you want Furniture ofany kind, don't buy until you see my stock. ' UNDERTAKING '• . iU br * I keep in stock all < j- the latest and most improved Coffins < arid ( and have every faciK 1 * ''J, properly conducting 1 this branch of my business. J & I have a patent Corpse Preserver, in which ' bodies can be t u preserved for a considerable length oftime. 9 Jull9tf W, R. CAMP. J. D. MURRAY [Bucceaoor to J K. Milter A Bon.) Dealer in Pure Drop. Medicine*, Fan <7 Artie)*, hrt ftiofl,, an Droggiat'* ftundrics. Fnl atock of Con foe tionerie* MJM WINE AND LIQUORS For Medicinal PtirpMN THE > IST IUEM CIGARS A Nil TOBACCO A LWAYS IN STUCK " prescriptions Tarefully COM POUNDED " Have secured u. *rvte*o of Dr. J. F Alax-nder, who aril! auond to Ika Ooa> pounding of Proscription!, 28 mar. ly. JEttBY M ILLER Baiiiee avn BAinnaaaon—in tbo base ment of tb* bank building. All work doao n fashionable stylo. 1 July JSeuwiciSES: C CONNER MERCHANT TAILOR. ; In Bank Building, Contra Hall. | Would rooportfolly onnoono to tbo eiti sent tit tbti vicinity tbat bo hot takoa room* in aboro building whoro bo io pro cared to do all kind* or work belong sag u> bl* line, for men and boys, and accord ing to latoat *tyla flood* told by tam pio. litrine bad nlno rear* exponent* Ho guarantee* all work to rondor perfect •oiltfactioo. and aolioiu a abaro of tbo public patroaoae ftdooy Manhood: How Lost, How Debtor ed. M-je rsassi-^-ritr'jairss rSSSBi -xsafFrs b" ssf£f te M!. u t pM* MmloH.M •, M 4^^ PWHid. mm rmin * .U ~7u ar l ewSJi ,*sKes Uw hMrWe, v£fE£&Wftk Tha Fork* BOOM, at Cobwrn tutioe, la now and com mod lout, and it host ia boat mannar. Bed and board second to aoao in to* county. Subline for 10 borooa At a rummer retort it will bo found nil *"•2s daaired. right io tbo boon of good kAbino ond bunting ground*. and -orroundod by tbo moat romantic rconory. \now f 9 J. ZELT.ER & SON. DRUGGISTS, K. 6 Brocktrhoff Row, Belirfunto Pcon'a. Doolfrola brnpClirmirala, PrrfMworry, Fib. jCoodt Re„ Are. Pure Winot and Liquor* for medical purpose* alwajr* kept. may SI T2 JC M ENTIRE. DENTIST, e would rotpecifully nnaouccoto lb* citiaaita t Pennt Valley tbat bo boa per manently located ia Ontro Holt wbero bo