The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 19, 1878, Image 1

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Too who Jodgs by what TWO M.
Often faff to )o<br* aright,
Wars are shining aotamnly
In the day aa in the night.
All the day they lie oonoeaied
By the glqry of the sun,
Bnt at eve they shine revealed
In the aaure one by one.
Ha the daylight of a smile
May bnt vail the ham an face.
Hiding, tor a little while,
Every carp and sorrow's trace.
Look beneath the onlward show
> Through the sunshine to the uight,
And. from what yoa sanely know,
learn to see and judge aright!
lCWinm lllstr.
Horrrobeola Gha.
A strangoppreaohed laet Siuxtsy.
And crowds of people came
To hear a two h,mi> semicu
With a barbarous avnndlng uauie
Twas all about soaie heathen
Tbcusande of miles tfsr,
Who U\ed ui a Uud of darkness.
Called Borrroboola vlhs.
So well Uio'r wants he pictured
That when the plate was pssad
Kach Ustorie: ft It his pocket.
And goOilly stuns were cast.
For aP must lend a 1 colder
To push the rolling car
That carried light and comfort
To Borrrolvxvla tihs.
That night their want# and sorrows
Lay heavy cu my soul.
And in deep moduat ion
I took my morning stroll.
Till eonit-ltuog caught my mantle
With eager grasp and wild.
And looking dew n with w cuder
I saw a little child.
A pale and pnnv or*star*
In dirt and rags forlorn
What ccmld she want, I quoeUooei).
lmpstient to be gone.
With trembling <n she answered,
" We live Jnst down the street.
And Buinu sht '* a-dyin .
And we've notb. ~ft to eat
IViwn in a wreioLid lascmoni,
With mold upon the walls.
Through whose half-tuned windows
Chxl a tuimEine never falls;
Where odd. and want, snd hunger
Crouched near her as she lay,
1 fotitid t fallow-creature
Gasping hor life sway.
A chair, a broken tab'v.
A bed of dirty straw,
A hearth all dark and tireless—
But these I scarcely saw.
For the mournful sight before me,
The sad and sickening show
Oh, never had I pictured
A scene so full of woe—
The famished snd the naked.
The bsbes that pine for bread.
The squalid group that huddled
Around the dying bed;
All this distress aud sorr.
Should be in lands afar.
Waa I suddetuy transplsc'cd ,
To Borrroboola Gha ?
Ah, no 1 the poor aud wretched
Were close beside my door.
And I bad passed them heedless
A thousand times before.
Alas for the cold aud hungry
That met me every day.
Whho ail my tears were given
To the suffering far array.
There's work enough for Christians
In distant lands, we know;
Our Lord commands his servants
Through all the world to go.
Not only to the heathen.
This was his charge to them—
" Go preach the word, beginning
First at Jerusalem.'"
Oh. Christian. God has promised
Whoe'er to thee has given
A cup of pure ooki water
Shall And reward in heaven.
Would you secure the blessing.
Ton need not seek it far.
Go, find in yonder hovel
A Borrroboola Gha.
RrUyicu* Hera i
Singing softly to himself, Robert EJ
bury rode " over dale and over down "
in the sweet stillness of tbe July night.
Hardly a breath of air was stirring in
the branches of the trees. Now and
then an invisible night bird piped a
solitary note to keep him company, and
soft waves of light streamed over the
hills as the queenly moon, well attended
by her guards, rode indolently down the
broad highway of heaven. The bine
dome, looking soft as velvet, was, like
the fabled path of love, strewn thickly
with the golden kisses of the stars.
As he gained the last hill, whose
summit gazed on the little watering
place which was for a few weeks to be
his destination, he iuvoluntanlv drew
rein and sat sliest a moment, enjoying
the moonlight =cene. On his left an
old-fashioned brick house reared its
twisted chimneys aloft. So close w
he to it that its sharp gables seemed to
cut the air over his head, and only a
strip of green lawn, bordered by horse
chestnnt trees, separated him from the
windows, gleaming in the moonlight,
" Ka-pter and crown I'd fling them down,
If I might"—
Robert Edbury hushed his song when
he perceived, for the first time, his very
close proximity to the honse and the
"The substantial IK • me of some sub
stantial fanner," be said to himself. " I
had better move on, or his daughters
may think I am serenading them."
Too late 1 Just then a window was
opened softly overhead, and a lady'a face
appeared at it. In the rush of bright
moonlight Robert caught Bight of the
long ripple of gold-gleaming hair, and
was sure that the face was lovely. At
any rate, the voice was.
" Robert, dear, is it yon ?"
For half a minute Robert Edbury was
mute with surprise, and mode no answer.
"It is yon, Robert. Why don't you
speak ?"
He spoke, then, low, and with hesita
" How do you know it was I ?"
"Of course I knew it was yon."
There was a flash of petulance in the
sweet voioe DOW. " Who else but you
oonld be riding and singing in that ab
surd way at this hour of the night, and
halting before the house ? Have yon a
cold, Robert ? Yonr voice sounds dif
ferent from what it usually does."
" Perhaps it is the night air," answer
ed Robert, wickedly, and getting his
wits partially together. "Or I may
have cracked it with singing." Bnt still
he spoke in the most subdned of tones.
"I did not expect the pleasure of speak
ig v*h y° u -"
"The very idea of your coming np on
horseback at this night hour! You
know yon ought not to be out. Why
did you do it i Where are yan going ?
Into Spifleld ?"
•• To be sure."
" But what for?"
"To see a friend."
"Who i it?" came the quick re
sponse. " Not—not Nelly Cameron?"
—with a shade of jeolonsy in the tone
now. "Are the Comerons receiving
this evening ?"
" Not that I know of, returned Rob
ert E Ibury, promptly. " I swear to
von I was not going to see Nelly Cam
eron I have not spoken with a single
voung ladv to-day, except yourself."
" Poor Robert I" and a little langh
rippled lightly on the air " But do go.
Yon know what yonr health is, and that
you have no business to be ridiug at
this time of night. You ought to take
better care of yourself. You will be
laid up to-morrow ; your voioe already
sounds strange and altered. Good
night." *
" One moment," cried Robert Edbury,
earnestly, as he leaped from his horse,
fastened the bridle to the gate, and
stepped inside beneath the window,
where gleamed that mysterious, encbant
mg face. " Won't yon give me a flow
er—you can easily reach that clustering
FRED. KURTZ, Editor and Proprietor.
vine by your curiurat Perhaps—per
haps 1 shall wish to ask you some tune
to forgive me some gn at offeuse. Won't
you give sue a flower tor a token ?"
" How strangely you talk. Of course
I would give you a Bower ; but these are
ouly honeysuckles, and you kuow wo
promised to give each other nothingbut
roaes. Hut stay !"—tho prettv voioo
caught itself. " I have a bunch of via
lota on my table. Would you like
them ?"
" Anything any tiling that cornea
from your hand!" wluicrcd Robert,
more am cere ly than h always spoke.
The bright face disappeared a moment
from the window and then returned -a
white hand gleamed in the mooulight.
" There, take them, and uow yon muat
go ! Quick ! 1 hear aonie one stirring.
Suppose it ahould be mamma ! Good
night, dear Robert."
The window was softly closed, and in
an instant after Robert was groping for
the violets in tho wet grass. He found
them where they fell. Rut, as they
were falliug, the quick eyes of Robert
Ed bury had discerned something, bright
as a stiu, falling too. The small strip
of grass where he had atood was entirely
n the shade, hidden from the light by
the large horae-oheetuut trees, and he
had hv grope in the dark for thia glitter
ing thing. An instant's search raven'ed
it to bo what he suspected—a lady's
bracelet. It was a aleuder circlet of
gold, studded with crystal. The quick
movement had nnolaspod it from her
arm ; and Robert, with a smile, put it
aide by side with the withered buueh of
violets in his pocket as he rode away.
" SoeiKer and crowu I'd fiiug them down. '
sang Mr. Eilbury as he rode swiftly ou
in the purple dusk of the trees. "Scep
ter and crowu, if I hal them, I'd fling
them down for the one bare chance of
hearing that lovely voice ouoe again. "
He was alone; there was uo one to
see him ; and taking the violets oat of
his pocket he kissed them tenderly.
It was moat alwnrdly sillv of him do it ;
but who of us does not do silly things
in the heyday of our youth's morning ?
Silly things thai we blush'for alterward,
perhaps; just its Robert Edbury bluahed
when patting the violets again quickly
" Scepter and crown I'd fling them down.
If I might"—
But his song got no farther than that ;
it died away iu thonght.
Passing arm-in-arm down the crowded
dancing-room of the Hpa the next even
ing, with his friend Norton, Robert
Edbury's quick ear was caught by a note
which at once arrested his attention.
He had said that he should know that
divine voice again, hear it wherever or
whenever he might, and he was not mis
taken. A certain remonstrance lay in its
tone ; not to say mischief.
"Bnt who could it have been, Robert,
if it was not you? It frightens me to
think of it. It—it was somebody of
vour height and figure. It must have
been yourself, Robert."
"Bat I tell you it was uot, Jessie. 1
should like to know who it was."
*' He was a gentleman, I am sure "
with a stress upon the word. " You
need not be put out, Robert."
Robert Edbary turned and saw close be
side him, leaning on that other Robert's
arm, a young girl surpassingly beautiful.
Roses mingled with tlie bright gold of
her hair, shone in the liosom of her
dress, and a bunch of them was some
how intertwined with the slender gold
wrist-chain attached to her fan.
Mr. Edbury canght his breath, as,
; turning her face, the girl's soft violet
i bine eyeß rested for a moment unrecog-
J nizingiy on bis.
i " Who is she?" be whispered eagerly
;to his friend. " How lovely she is 1
: What is her name ? By heaven ! I never
believed in divine loveliness before ; but
here it is, pure and undefiled. What is
her name?'
"It is Miss Chassdane," was the an
swer. She and her mother live at the
Grove, half a mile out of town."
! " A farm-house," remarked Robert.
"No, it is not. It looks not unlike
one. They are people of property. Yes,
she is very pretty. I'll introduce if
yon like."
Half an honr later Robert Edbury was
bending over the young lady's hand in
the pretty secluded gloom of a vine
wreathed window. They were as much
alone as it is possible for one to be in
the heart of a busy, nuheeding crowd.
The first notes of a Strauss waltz were
beckoning the dancer*, and gay couples
went laughing, hurrying by.
" Yon are not engaged for this valse?"
said Robert eagerly.
Some remembered cadence of his voice
struck the young girl'B memory, aud,
forgetting to answer him, she looked at
him doubtfully, while a rosy blush
swept over her forehead. She half knew
him and half did not.
" Will yon let me look at yonr can! ?"
he pursued, as, with perfect oourtesy in
his voice and manner, be took the bit of
gilt and enameled pasteboard which she
had tucked away amid the roses at he
" I—l half promised this dance to
Robert," she stammered, flinging a
quick glance over her shoulder into the
swaying crowd.
" Then I Bhall claim it," answered the
other Robert, with au audacious smile.
He stooped and picked up a rosebud that
had fallen, and then held it trinmphaut
ly before the flushed and startled face
by bis side.
"See I" he said, gaylv; "I saved it
from being crushed underfoot. Will
you not give it to me ?"
But she reached out her hand impul
sively. " I—l never give rosea to
strangers," she replied, with a cold,
frightened, angry air. "They are Mr.
Robert Stonor s roses. Give it back to
me, if yotf please."
"My name is Robert, too," he said,
in the same gaylv-tender voice, though
bia dark face changed a little at her
frank confession. " My name is Robert,
too, Miss Chassdane. Therefore, may I
not claim the rose?"
The soft bine eyes, filled with tears,
flew np and met iiis. Hbe knew him
then. Frighten-M and ashamed*aud
trembling from head to foot, she rose
impulsively to her feet. He took a step
backward, anil they atood so, facing
each other a moment in the gay unheed
ing crowd.
" I know you now," gasped Jessie.
" How dare you speak to me again—yon
are very presuming, sir. I will not bear
it. Give me back my flower aud leave
" Nay," Mb said gently, but in the
tone of a master, "is tiiere cause for
anger?" And in a low, reasoning, per
suasive voice he spoke to her for some
moments; and the rising spirit was calm
ed. In spite of herself and against her
will she was becoming irresistibly at
tracted to this man.
" Give me this one waltz, MissChass
dane, and then I will give you back yonr
roße. It will be a fair exchange. But
mind what I tell you, as sure as there is
a heaven above us the day is coming
when you will offer me a rose unasked.
The old rose-red flush drifted over
the yonag girl's face; his words, and
more than all, his manner, impressed
her as he meant they should. He stood,
with proffered arm, courteously still be
side her, and, though protesting inward
ly with all her might that she would not
danoe, she gave him her band, and in
another moment they were floating de
liriously together to the strait's of the
seductive music. .
When it watt over, Robert led her to
her seat near acme friends ; her mother
had not gtgio to the rv*>tu that uight.
She looked very pale. The pretty roue
color hail all died out of the sweet round
cheek a.
" Are you tamt ? " bo asked anxiously,
tieudiug over her. "Are you timl?
Shall 1 Ret you aoiue water 1
" No, uo ! " ahe cried, ahtiukiuß awav
frvim him. "I am not faint —but k>ok at
Mr. Robert Stouor. I have offended
him. He ia angry Iveoauae 1 danced
with you. Oh, what Bhall 1 do? He ia
my ooiisiu, ami has ill-health, aud he
must uot te excited.
Robert Kdbury turned, and saw stand
ing near him tliat other Robert, who
threatened to be—or perhaps was—uo
mean rival. His ill-health was evident.
One hand was pressed to his side as if
to still some pain there, and on his
handsome blonde face, which was marked
by uumistakable truces of ixmtiruiod
sickness, a cloud of jealous auger rested
The eyes of the two men met, and
each kuew the other for a rival.
A half smile of scorn, as he looked,
curled Robert Edbory'a lips. In. a case
like this a mail has uo pity for the ail
ments of another. With a grave face, he
took from his pocket the rosebud and
laid it m MissChassdaue's lap.
" Here is your rose," he said, quietly.
" I restore it to vou at your wish. Hut
remember what i said ; and believe me,
time will prove me to be no false
Without waiting for au answer, he
bowed ami disappeared amid the throug
of dancers, seeking her uo more that
"Is Miss Chaasdtuie engaged to tliat
man ? " he questioned of his friend Nor
" I believe there is uo positive engage
ment." was the reply. Mra. Chasadane,
it is said, objects to it."
"On what score does slie object ?
Monev ? "
"Oh, no; Stonor has a sinail, com
pact estate close by, and is well off. On
the score of his uncertain health. Alae,
they are cousins."
'• Wliat is it that is the matter with
him ? "
" Some complication, connected witli
both the luugs and the heart, which, I
conclnde, reuders treatment difficult."
" Do you think Miss Chcssdane cares
for him t"
" I don't think she loves him, Kdbnry
—if that's what you mean. It seems to
me that she likes him more as a brother.
When eligible attentions are paid to
girls, they feel flattered, yon know, and
respond accordingly. Nine ont of ten of
them understood nothing of their own
feelings, and mistake friendship for
love. Robert Stonor and Miss Chaas
(dane have grown np together have
been like brother and sister."
Frequently they met after that. It
was an unusually gay season at Spa
field, and entertainments abounded ac
cordingly. In the morning dnuking
the water, or making believe to drink it;
in the afternoon sauntering in the gar
dens, or on the parade ; in the eveuing
at the rooms, or at private parties ; two
or three times did Mr. E lbury and Miss
Chassdane meet, and linger bigether,
and converse with each other. Robert
Edbury s time was his own, and he stanl
on. He could have staid forever. The
two or three weeks' sojourn he had in
tended had more than doubled itself;
for he had learned to love her passu >n
ately ; and all the world might see it for
aught he cared. She too, might see it,
if she choee ; but whether she did or
not, he could not tell, judging from the
grave and sweet dignity with which she
met and bore back his eager attentions.
At length there came an evening when
he was determined to put his fate to the
test ; to go on in this un crtainty was
worse thin torment. They hail not
I>een much disttirltedby Robert .Stonor ;
a paroxysm of his complaint had rou
tined that gentleman to his own Inline.
And so Roltert Edbury weut np to the
old gabled house, la-fore which his horse
had halted that first night, and nought
an interview with Miss Chassdane. Hhe
was quite alone. The long French win
dow by which she sat was flung wide
open, and the low red sunlurht, stream
ing in over her, lighted np her fair gold
hair and the roses in her dress.
" How beautiful she is !" he thought
as he took her hand in his. "What if
I should not win her after all! But 1
will make a hard fight for it."
Jessie looked up inqninngly into his
face. " Yon are verv silent," she said ;
and then, catching tLe earnest look in
his eyes, she blushed violently and drew
away her hand.
"I love yon," he passionately broke
forth in a low tremulous tone, break
ing his emotional silence. " I have
come to you tins evening to risk my fate
by saying this, to win or to lose all.
Jeesie, yon mnst know how I love you ;
how I have loved you all along, from
that very first night that I spoke to vou,
neither of ns knowiug the other. Will
you not give me some hope of love in
fetnrn ? Do not send me from you an
utterly broken and discouraged man ! "
Jessie was silent for a moment—one
long, cruel moment to Robert Edbnrv
—then the small, sweet face was turned
to him with gentle dignity. Ho knew
his doom l>eforehand, ere she spoke the
"Yon must know how useless it was
to speak to me of this," she said. " You
knew—surely, you mnst have known—
that I was engaged to ny cousin, Rob
ert Htonor."
" Engage*] to him ? "
".Yes. We are engaged."
Neither spoke for a time The scent
of the flower*, blooming iu the lonely
ground* on tlrs Ride of the bouse, away
from the dusty and bn*y highway,
neemed to mock them with it* sweetness;
the clash ing *hrnb* and tree* wavel
gently in the summer evening breeae.
He oonld not apeak at once; the sense
of hi* bitter loss wo* too great. The
netting sun Btreamed in upon him,
lighting UP hi* distressed face. It
seemed to him that the great old-fash
ioned cluck in the hail tickod ont the
jeering word*:
"Lost! Lost!! Lost lit"
" Engage*! I" he Raid, at length, with
a long-drawn breath. " I did not know
it. Hut engagement*, where no love is,
hafre been broken many time* before
" Huflh 1" ciied Jeaaie. "Do not
apeak like that again. It would kill
him I You do not kuow what yon are
" Kill him I"
"If he heard it, I meant. He *ay*
he trutw me."
" Anil you are sacrificing yourself for
him ! —for a fancy I Hear the truth,
Jessie. Yon care not for Mr. Btonor,
except as a cousin or a brother. Ex
amine yonr own heart, and it will tell
von that yon do not. Yon care for me.
You love me. Many a half word, a
half look has betrayed it to me. Yes,
my darling, it is Robert Edbnry yon
have learned to love, not Robert Btonor.
Your blushes, my love, are betraying
it now. Yon "
" What was that ?" shrieked Jessie.
A low, smothered sound, half fcroan,
half cry, came in from the open window.
It was so full of pain that i man wonld
not care to bear it twice in a lifetime.
Before either oould msh ont Robert
Btonor stood in the opening.
It was a figure never to be forgotten.
His handsome face was distorted with
either pain or anger ; his lip* trembled;
his left hand pressed, with the old
familiar gesture, upon his heart.
"False, false that you are!' broke
at leugth from his bloodless li|e,
seined Jessie with his right hiuiii. "I ou
told me that you did uot Wire for Rob
ert Bdbury I You told me "
A pause, a stagger ; and with a fright
ful shiver he fell on the carpet. Robert
Kdbury broke the fsll |>artially, but he
was uot quick enough to quite ssve luiu
from it. Jessie flew from the room for
" Roliert Stouor here !" crusl the be
wildertal Mrs. OhaasJane. " 1 thought
he was eoufiued to hia ehamlier at
He hal been conttued to his chamber;
but, alas, he had crept out of it that
evening, and come up to the house to
see Jeasie. With Uie fond hop® of sur
prising her iu the usual evening-rooni,
he hail gone round the shrubbery, in
tending to cuter by tin- window, and hail
heard all.
On the floor, tin-re as he lay, hia head
raised on a cushion by the bauds of
R >bert Edbury, he died. The medical
men said he could not, in any case, have
lived many months, if weeks, but that
the agitation had killed him.
It was many long days after that,
when she hail : sen from the sick bod to
which this shiKi < of sudden death had
brought her, that Robert Edbury oauic
to say farewell to Miss Chassdaiie.
The interview was brief, studiedly
brief, for, with the shadow of that dead
rnau lying between them, speech was
difficult to both.
" Good-bye," she cried, reaching out
to htm an "attenuated hand. " I hop®
you may tin J happinws and peace !"
"Hut we shall meet again," ened
Robert, eagerly. " Surely surely—
some time m the future I may come to
" Hush !" she cried, the tears rolling
piteoualy doani her cheaka " You
must not speak of that. Robert's
shallow would always come between us.
as he fell there on tlie floor. We killed
him ! We killed him !" aiud ahe wrung
her pale hands together ui strong ex
•'Stop!" said Robert Eilbnry, quite
sternly, " You ar<> taking an altogether
mistaken view of the truth. Ask your
mother; ask any one. Rut you are weak
aud ill yet, Jessie, and the time has uot
come for me to insist on this. Let us
think of him, poor fellow, as one who
must, if he had lived, have suffered
much, and who haa mercifully found
peace in the rest of death."
He stood for a moment looking witii a
fond longing into the small, sw<-vt face,
from which the summer ree had fled
with grudging haute. Thtn taking fr< in
his pocket a fragile gold and crystal
circlet he held it out to her. It was the
bracelet she loat that fir-d uight of their
"I found it under tti® window that
Die lit with the violets," he said. "It
fell from your arm. Will you tfke it
back now ?"
A faint lovely tinge of ml flickered
into her cheeks once more.
"Nol" she answered, looking into
his dark face a ith tender, gt-utle wist
ftiluess; " 1— I don't waut to recall that
night, or anything ooliuected with it.
Yon may keep it if you like.
Ho he kuaied her hand and said fare
well. But he left a whisper behind him.
" When the roei-s bloom again, re
member me."
A year went by, ami no message
came. The sivund rear he said to him
self, " Sur !y the will scud for me
now!" Hat May and June crept by,
ami July caine; bat not one word came
from Jessie Cbassdaue. He wm grow
ing nick with a wild and helpless de
spair, for he felt bow worst- than useless
it would l>e to go, uncalled, when one
day a letter came fluttering like a white
bird to hi* heart:
" The roscn art? in bloom, and there t*
one fiy yon!"
t hnrrhe* In Mew York.
A metropolitan paper says: Now
York han nit ao many churches as i*
generally tnppoaal. The common no
tion of the number is about 600, which
would not be many for a city containing
over l,tk*u 000 peonle. Whila church***
have stesdilv iiemiaei here, it i*
thought by many of the orthodox that
they have not increased ut arly ao rapidlv
aft tl.ey should have done; not, indeed,
in pr"iK>rtion to the growing population
of the metroiKiliß. Too eburchea at
present uuml>er 1175, divided among the
following sect* : Protestant Episcopal,
seventy-three; Human Catholic, fifty
four; Methodist Episcopal, fifty; Prea
bytertan, forty-one; Baptist, thtity-one;
Jews, twentv-tlve ; Lutheran, tweniy
•ne; Dutch Reformed, twenty; Afrioau
Methodist Episcopal, nine; United
Presbyterian, seven; Congregational,
six; Reformed Presbyterian, five ; Uni
versalist, five; Unitariau, four; Friends,
three; miscellaneous,twenty-one; among
the last, one True Dutch Reformed, one
Swedenborgian, one Greek (lath olio, It
often has been said that there is a mosque
here, and also a Josh temple to which
Mohammedans and the Chinese resort ;
hnt this seems to lie mie of the facts of
imagination that so abound nowadays.
There may be a place where the Manhat
tan (lelestialsworship.t'Utit is not worthy
the name of a temple. The churches give,
aecording to the population, abont one
to every 'J,BOO inhabitants; but a very
large proportion of these do not attend
church at all. It is sßid that there are in
thecitv well-nigh 2,ooollcensed liquor or
beer sliopa, or one to every 600 of the
population, which would go to show that
iiodily thirst for alcoholic or malt liquors
is nearly six times as great as hunger of
the soul. But iu great citi'-v the worst
is always on the surface, and appear
ances frequently fail to represent reality.
A tramp's queer romance m reported
fr<>rn Lebanon, 0., pathetic in it* details
ami cruel in its termination. A young
woman at Westchester, Pn., had a lover
at Wilmington, Del., (tome yearn ago,
and her lather smiled on the unit, until
William Udderzook WOH hanged lor
bntrlieribß (rose, to get the iuaurnnce
ou hie life, and it wax known that the
lover was a relative of the criminal.
Then the father forbade the suitor to
come to his house, whieh threw the
daughter into an insane melancholy,
and angered the young man into a course
of dissipation. The old man flnnlly sold
his Pennsylvania home and moved to
Ohio, but the maiden was trne, and a
few afternoons ago threw herself into
the arms of a tramp who came to the
door to lieg for breud. It was tho miss
ing lover, who hod a sad story to tell of
a downward career and of wanderings,
in which he had been to the Honth Afri
can diamond fields. The yonng woman
was too glad to find her lover to recoil
at his rags or at the story of his dissipa
tion, bnt when the fattier appeared on
the scene he was possessed with an in
sane fury, and beat the tramp so that
his life was despaired of. After going
for the doctor, the father became inßane,
and the danghter was with difficulty per
suaded to leave tho wounded man long
enough to allow the doctor to attend
A patent-medicine man posted hand
bills in every available spot in a neigh
boring village the other morning, and
liefore night fifteen goats had enough
medical information in them to run an
eclectic college.
A Strange Romance.
The American Reindeer.
The artwt. Sir. O. C. Ward, has a
paper in Seribnre on "Clrikoii lfttnt
lug," from wbioh we quote tut follows :
The animal is very compact in Intro,
poeaomod of great spaed aud endurance,
aud is a very Ishiuaalite iu it* wander
iug habits ; changing, uathc pest of flies
draws near, frou. the low lying en ami *
and woods where Its principal article of
diet, the (ladtmta rtmqrfrrina, or rein
deer lioheu, abounds, to the highest
mountain faatuessea ; then again as the
cftld nights give warning of tlic chaug
iug season, descending to the plains.
llorus are oouituou to both sexes, but
the horns of the bucks are seldom car
ried later thfcn the month of December,
while the does carry theirs all winter,
and use them to defend tho Iswus
against the attacks of the bucks. Roth
sexes use their hoofs to cleat away the
*uow in searching for uiot>ss on the
Imrrens. lu their biennial migrations
they form well defined tracks or paths,
along winch the herds travel in Indian
file. I have often studied their habit*
on the ex teunive caribou barrens lielwuem
New river and the head of Lake Utopia,
in Charlotte county. New HrunawioA.
Theae barrens are aliout sixteen mii*s
in extent, and marked with well defined
trails, over which the animals were con
stantly |*ssing and re passing, here and
there spending * day where the lichens
afforded good living, then away again
on lbeir uever-eiidtug wanderings.
A friend of mine, who visited New
foundland uu an exploring uX|>®dition,
inform* me that there the canlxiu holds
almost exclusive domain over an un
broken wilderneas of nearly thirty thou
sand square miles, in a eonntry woujer
fully adapted to his habits, and
bountifully supplied with his favorite
food—the "reindeer lichen.
The caribou is po**c*jd of much
curiosity, am! disc* not nastily take alarm
at what he seen. Where hi* haunt*
liave been unmolested, he will unmu
ceroedlv trot up within range of the
rifle. I aps inehut-d to believe that a
great ileal of thu apparent fearlessness
in due to vision. If thia ie o. he
is wmj>us*U-d by having a luanruloua
gift of mvut, quite mlual, if not supe
rior, to that of the mooee. And well
for the oaribou that he i* thus gifted.
The wolf follows the herda throughout
ail thotr wanderings. On tlio plains or
ou the lulls, where thu poor oaribou re
tire to rear their youug, he is constantly
lurking Ui ar, reaily to pounce on any
strsgglt-r, or—if in sufficient numbers
—to boldly attack the hen!.
The woodland caribou isrirerv swift, '
and cunning in device* to escape his
pursuer* , lue gait ia a long twinging
trot, which he |<erfonua with hi head
emit anil scut up, and there ia no ani
mal of the deer tribe that affunla better
sport or more delieioua food wheu cap
tuml. The wandering habit* of the
caribou make it very uncertain where
one will fall in with him, even in his ac
rus bum*! and well-known haunts. When
once started, the chase ia an re to be a
long cne, ami ita results doubtful—-ui
fact so much so that an old huuter sel
dom follows up a retreating herd, bnt
resorts to strategy and tries to heaa
them off, or at ouor proem*!- by the
shortest wav to some other twineo in
bojx* of finding them there
Tne cariboo t very fond of the water,
is a capital swimmer, and in jumpfhg he
is more than the equal of any other
deer. H.s aJveulurou* disposition, no
doubt, in some degree ibnueuci** the
geographical distribution of the specie*.
In the month of December. 1H77, a cari
bou was discovered floating out to w*
on a cake of ice near D dhousie, ou the
BasUgouohu river in New Brunswick,
and was captuml alive by aorue men
who put off to tmn m a host.
It is said thst til very severe NSUIH
Urge number* of csriliou cross Irom
Labrador to Newfoundland c:i the ice.
His admirably-eousUuctisd hoof, with il
sharp, shall-like, cutting edges, enables
him to cross the toy tk*s ; when travel
ing in deep snow, ita lateral txpausiou
prevents him from sinking.
Carry lag Out HH Cost rai l.
The Boston JWwiwipf recalls an in
cident which happened in Huston with
in a few your*. A young fellow, fresh
as a daisy and full of enthusiasm for
work, was employed by a then well
known firm in the dry goods business.
The contract was a simple one, but it
wan a contract. On his part the youth
was to give liis services anil do whut he
win tola. The firm was to pay him slt>o
for the first year's work and teach him
the busmen*. The money oouaideration
was insignificant ; the knowledge ol tbo
business was what the youth was after.
He was put down the cellar, kept open
ing and nailing up boxes, running er
rands anil sweeping the store; in a word,
he WMS madu to do a porter's work, and
his employers no doubt chuckled st the
thought they were getting for two dol
lars a week work that was well worth
fifteen ilollars. But like a sensible fel
low, the youth said nothiug until the
time VIM up. On the morning of the
first anniversary of his coming to the
store he was ou hand early, and, when
! the aeuior partner came in, respectfully
asked to lie allowed to see him ill the
I counting-room on business.
The man of business acceded to the
request, and the two entered the laek
office. "A year ago to-day," said the
vonth, closing the door, "I entered
your service and agreed to give yon my
time and work. Have I done it to tour
satisfaction ? " " Entirely so," said the
merchant, " and I am willing to increase
' your'"— " Excuse mo," said the youth,
"I have more to say. Ton agreed to
I pay me SIOO, and you have done it. You
aim) agreed to teach me the bnsinesi.,
and you have deliberately and kuowiug
ly broken your promise. I know nothing
about the dry goods business, and It is
your fault. Ton have robbed me of a
vear's time. What do yon propose to do
about it?" The merchant looked at
I the "boy," but he did not flinch. He
had right on his aide, and his employer
knew it. He, the roan who jwided him
self that his word was as grind as his
tmnd, hail been accused by a t>earille*B
boy of having failed to keep his agree
ment, and knew that the charge was
true. He said nothing. " What I want,"
said the boy, " is au extra SIOO as an in
crease." " ion shall have it," said the
merchant. "And lieaidoa that, ' con
tinued the youth, "I wnut ftUHI addi
tional to partly make good your broken
Again the merchant looked iu his eye,
hut got no comfort. " Well," lie said,
" it's a good deal to pay a boy tbo sec
ond year, but I will see about it," and
lie did " seealamt it,"for the next morn
ing the " boy " was a salesman on a S4OO
Debts of I'hlcago Churches.
The combined debts of the churches
of various denominations in Chicago are
estimated to he as follows : Presby
terian, $27.1,000 ; Congregationalist,
$222,000 ; Methodist, $210,000 ; Bap
tist, $200,000; Episcopal, $130,000;
Lutheran, $115,000; Unitarian, SBO,-
000 ; Universalist, $50,000 ; Miscrllafic
ous, $100,000; total, $1,880,000. A cor
respondent of Ihe Golden Itulc says ;
/The bulk of this debt may be fairly
set down as the product of an almost
unpardonable pride of worship within
higher walls aud beneath finer frescoes
than one's neighbors.
massacred in red casus.
t altfsrals Mill, Ike Hals narvlvar la
fail, ul Srvrs. Trills# ikr Mlarv.
A recent RlacJt Hills letter saya : Our
' discussion of mining locations, prospect
mg parties end other subject* kindred to
a mining centre lin beeu suddenly
chuugid Ly the return to the frontier
of Witliam Q. Kellou, better known as
" California ltill," whose reputation as
a scout is widespread ou the plains. His
return brings to mind the Indian mas
sacre of April lit, iNTfi, known a* the
Red Gallon inaanucie, I ruin which lu a
party of five men and two women, Cali
fornia llill aione escaped. The Jarty,
consisting of Andrew Slot* and wife.
John liurgeasi r, of Carson, Nevada, fu
Mr. (Irnvitsm, of Missouri, Mr. Htimp
i son, of Colorado, and a Oolorni woman,
otart.-d from Ouster City for Cheyenne
April lA, !*<'.. They were attacked by
ludiatia in Uci Canon two days after
ward, aud all the above were killed out
right, or received mounds that mjou re
' aulted hi death. California Kill received
. a uutier of wounds, but eeewped. Tliese
wounds, however, have made an invalid
of him. Though as yet not really recov
ered, he has returned to the frontier
full of fight. He has related the story
of tbe massacre, particulars of which
have not before been published.
" I started from Custer City on my
way out of the Hills to Cheyeana uu the
morning of the 14th of April. The first
night wv spent in I'leaaaut vallrv. Next
morning we moved on, reaching Ihg
Hp rings early in the afternoon of the
HJtb, and there going into camp. 1 felt
aasured that the passage through the
. Red Canon would b unsafe for a small
jiarty, nnd concluded to await the arnval
of a larger one that aas expected to
overtake ux A short time afterward.
MM**# party arrived with two two-horse
teams, hating Mr. Mini Mis. a
uegro woinu) from CuUr. and a Mr.
.Slimpaou tut passengers. Tito* stopped
to water the stock at the spriug, and
laughed at uy (tar of trouble ahead,
MA vtug tlint they were not afraid of lit
diau*. With thia they went on, and at
the continued urging of my paam-ngcra,
though agaiuat JUT OWU judgment, 1
hiUdiod up aud foliowciL We traveled
together undisturbed iu the afternoon,
and went into carup at the head of the
canon about five o'clock. Everything
went off peaceably during the night,
aud early oti the morning of the 16th,
Raster minday, we started down the
canon, seven in number. About half
way down the canon, where stands a
giant cotton wood tree, there it a line of
tow hills, and close to the aide
of one of them, skulking well down,
I discovered ten or twelve of the
painted impa, under the lewd of Hioux
Jim, well known at the Itnl Cloud
agency, waiting for us. Tbia was about
ten in the morning, and my jwrty w*a
then about a quarter of a mik ahead of
the M-tx ontflt. On seeing tiiat thev
were discovered, wiiii a terrible veil
the Indian* fired at ua, putting a bullet
, through Horgtwaer's leg and one through
my hip. Boeing the attack upon na,
the Met* party turned about tlieir
tHssia auo tu.ieuvur-d to turn up the
canon. Oraspiug my r-de. I'jumped
from the wagon, sud using it aa a
' breastwork, returned their tie with in
terest, knocking two of the cowardly
woouiidnds off ibeir pina, and keening
the dual in a aloud around them. where
aioet of my 1 urriedly sighted abota
••truck. A* I <fui to tire, Graham
started t.< run, and vw ahot through
the atouiach. He fell. After several
voile J, sending a ahower of bullets
over oar bead* and into tbe wagon, but
doing no further damage, the lnuiana
disappeared behind a neighboring hill,
and thinking they were running after
their ponii a to cut ns off, we mouuted
tin wagon and agsm ataried to ruu the
gauntlet. We had gaiueti only a few
and*. however, before the tienda aa
ruddenly appeared on an adjoining
ridge, and gave ua another unexpected
volley, plugging rae through the left
arm into the breset, thrctigh the fleshy
psi t of the calf of my right lew, ami
again through my sinmlder. For a
moment it seemi-d an though I waa per
fectly riddled with Irelleta, but I leaiwd
to the ground Just aa another volley
came, one of tbe bullets striking Itnr
geaer in the thigh, knocking him into
the wagon box. Keeping close to the
front wheel fnrtbeet from tbe Indiana, I
drove and ran alongside the wagon for
half a mile down the canon, when in
cr.x-MDg n Mu all *tream the axle
tsroke, and the wagon waa left in the
mudi There we wore, all severely
wounded, Uie Indiana dose upon ua, and
we limbic to more. There was no time
for thought, and though rapidly losing
courage ami str<*igth from many
woutaN. I quickly unhitched the two
load mules, wausgeai to get ltur/ user
on omj, and while G rash am. whodni not
then appear to be severely wounded,
ran on down the canon, 1 mounted the
othi r and sent tlicm forward as fast as
poaiW<. After riding about a mile
and a half we met n party of six rn muff
la Ouster. and they took na to the
Cheyeuue river stage station, where
Uurgeaser and (iraaham dual ou the fol
lowing morning.
" The mutilated bodies of Met/, and
his wife and Stimpaou aud the oolored
woman were found the next day. Metx
and Stinipson had evidently t>een shot
oul of the wngoti. Mrs. Meta and the
colored woman must have jumped from
tlie wagon, tried to escape, and been
murderod some distance from where the
IKKIIOS of the two men were lying. The
liodte* were brought into camp, and all
buried side by side, and ou the evening
of the 17th of April I found myself the
sole survivor of this ill-fated narty.
" After lying, more ilee.l than alive,
for eight weeks at Cheyenne Hivcr, con
tinued the scout, "a few of
Capt. E.igau's oonip&uy took me to Fort
Tjaramie hospital. Four montha after
ward I was sufficiently recovereil to
return to my home in Colorado ; bnt
two years linve passed, and the wound
in my hips is not fully healed. I'm
ba *k again in the Hills," he concluded,
witji ranch emphaaia, " and though a
little the worse for wear, am ready id
any moment to mount the saddle, tliP'W
the cartridge# into my pet rifle here,
anfl give tin* nil men another chain
to get the scalp of California Bill."
How Ue Astonished the Bull.
A Ulen Buttou (Vh) correspondent
relates that while a young mau named
Pelkte was out hunting s few days ago
he ehnneed to espy a for industriously
digging for nuce about n decayed stump.
Between himself and the mouse-hunter,
reclining upon the prouud, quietly
chewing his cud, was Z. D. Wilson 9
bull. Cautiously advancing, our hero
reached the unsuspecting boviae ; drop
ping upon his knees and carefully rest
ing ills gnu across the animal's back he
pulled the trigger. The aim was true,
and sly Reynold fell dead. But wasn't
the bull astonished though I Springing
to his ieet with a roar, he ran over Pel
kie about forty times, and rushed awuy
snorting with terror. Tho first thing
our friend aw on opening bis eyes was
the hull's Ml cleaving the air like a me
teor, about a mile away, and the dead
foi lying upon the ground hard by. The
night of the latter reassured him, and
semiring it, he limped homeward, re
solved that though great the tribulation
bo would never again use a live bull for
a breastwork
TKRMH: a Yoar, in Advance.
Worlal NK<I utrtil IMOM Haw ••
Haii a IJfr flaaaaal aai frallaUr.
The social potentialities of the average
American village are quite beyond any
luau a calculation. It Would l>e difficult
to find any village in the country which ,
ha* not the material* and the form* of
the l>eat civilsatiuu and culture. If j
liieae toieea aud theae material* were not j
under reatraiiit, if they were only free
to follow their natural impulse* and
counter, there would tie universal pro I
green. The fact, however, la Unit aliuut
universally thr agencies muoerued in
raining the aocivi life of a community
are, for various reasons, held in cheek,
or altogether repreaeed. Let ua try to
pa tut a typical village. It ah all oouaiat,
sav, of a thousand people, more or loan.
The village has its two or three little
churches, and these have their pastor*
—men of (air education and faultless
morals. Bull further, the village has
one or two physicians and a lawyer. In
addition to theac, there is the pjatmas
ter, who is usually a man of activity and
influence ; there is the rich roan of the
village ; there are the three or four men
who are only leas rich than he; there
are the young, well-educated families of
these well-to-do people ; there are a
dozen women who are bright in intellect,
and who read whatever they can lay
hands on ; there is a fair degree of
worldly prosperity, and the schools are
well supported. One would say that
nothing is needed to make it a model
village, full of the liveliest and brightest
social life, and possessing all the means
and institution* of intellectual culture
and progress. To repeat a phase with
which we Iwgau, the social potentialities
of the village are incalculable. All the
agencies and materials aud appurte
nance* for a beautiful social life and
growth seem to exist, yet the fact proba
bly is that the village 1* socially dead.
If we look into the condition of things
we shall find that the little churches are,
through their very littleness and weak
ness, jealous of each other; that their
pastors are poor anil are kepi upon s
starving intellectual diet; that the doc
tors and the lawyer are absorbed in their
professions ; that the rich men are bent
upon their money-getting and money
saving, and that all the young people
are bent upon frivolous amusements.
The village has no public dibrary, no
fiublic hall, no public reading room, no
jneum, no readiag-eluba, no literary
dubs, ami no institutions or instituted
mesas for fostering snJ developing the
intellectual and social life of the. vil
lagers. Wc have seen exactly this condi
tion of things in a village many times,
and we have seen, under all these pos
sibilities and the hard facta of indifTer
eaoe or social inertia associated with
them, a universal desire for something
better. We have seen churches ashamed
of their jealousies and the meager sup
port accorded to their ministers. We
have seen young people dissatisfied with
their life, and wishing that >t could be
changed, and we have seen our dozen of
bright, reading women ready and long
ing to make any sacrifice for the pro
duct ion of a better social atmosphere.
Nay, we believe that the avenge Ameri
can Tillage is ready for improvement,
ready to tie led. The best social leading
ia the one thing lacking. Sometimes it
does not need even this ; only some fit
ting occasion that shall bring people K>
gether, and reveal the under-harmonica
which move and the sympathies which
bind them. The probabilities are that
there is not a village in America that
needs anything m re than good leading
to raiae its whole social and intellectual
life incalculably.
The village that is most dead and
helpless needs but cue harmouiaiug, un
selfish, elevated will to lead and mold it
to the b-st life and the beat issues. We
aanuot illustrate this power of leading
better tiian by citing the result" of the
recent cfode of raising church debts.
One of the two or three men who have
become famous for raising church debts
gov* into the pulpit in the morning and
stands before a bankrupt congregation.
He ia tohl before he enters the building
that every effort has I wen made to raise
the debt,"but in vain ; that, indeed, the
people have not the money, and Oottld
not raise the required sum if they
would. Yet. in two hours, every dollar
is snlwirribed, and the whole church aits
weeping in mute and grateful surprise.
: No *dvantage whatever has been taken
! of them, and they have simply, under
competent leading, done what they have
all along wanted to do, and what they
have known it was their duty to do.
Any man who has ev< t lus i anything to
do in organizing the social life of a vil
lage has, wc vculare to any, been sur
prised, amid what seemed to be univer
sal stagnation, to flud how general was
the desire for reform. Everybody has
been ready. All were waiting for inst
the right man to set them going, and he
OLly needed to say the word, or hft and
point the finger. It ia not necessary to
break up any legitimate family feeling
that may exist m churches, or to inter
fere with social cliques and " seta, or
to break down any walla between class
es. We talk now only of the general
social and intellectual life whtth brings
people together in common high pur
suits, ami gives a village its character
an J influence. It is only from this life
that a strong and efficient public spirit
can come. A village must hold a vig
orous general life outside of sects and
clique* and parties before it can make
great progress, and it is astonishing how
qnieklv this life may be won by the
right leading. We assure them that all
the people need is good leading, and
that there must be one amon*hem who
has the power in some good degree of
1 catling, organizing and inspiring a
united and better life. It is not an office
in which personal ambition has any
legitimate plane—that of social leader
ship. Auy man who enters upon it
with that motive mistake* his position
and hopelessly degrades his undertak
ing. But wherever there is a slnggish
social life, or none at all that is devoted
to culture aud pure and elevating pur
suits, somebodv—and it is probably the
one who is resiling this article —is n<, K"
lectmg a duty from which he is withheld,
most probably, by modesty. Wc assure
him that if he is really fit for his work,
he will find an astonishing amount of
promising msterial ready and for his
bunds. —Scribnw •
A Romance of the Press.
A gentleman of talents and means is
connected witti the press on the Pacific
1 siont. At the house of a friend, uewly
arrived, he saw an album filled with por
traits. The editorial gentleman wan at
tracted by the picture of a New York
lady. A correspondence was opened,
portraits exchanged, an engagement
entered into, and a contract of marriage
made before either had seen the other.
The gentleman shosred that he meant
business by sending on a royal sum to
pay expenses. The lady showed her
pluck by setting out for the land of gold,
all alone, for husband and adiome 3,000
miles away. The parties met at Ogden
and exchanged salutations. The lady
found her expectations more than met,
as her intended weighed over 200 pounds.
The oouple reached the coast in the even
ing and were married the Bame night.
As may be presumed, so excellent a
business man did not fail to have a
dominie engaged for the arrival. There
was no bridal tour, as the ante-nuptial
ride of the bride was sufficient.—" Bur
leigh'* " New York Letter.
A Tarpeda-Baat
Tb* second exhibition of the Hardy
torpedo-boat took place at
N. J., in tb* presence of numerous
11***1 offloera uui r]ir*HObtiTn of
foreign governments, and waa * com
plete success—the opontor director.?
tb* BOTMDWti of the destructive hoot
ball * mil* *t ae* By mean* of an elee
tne current, transmitted through a wire
unreeling from the *t*m of the craft.
Tbi* formidable opponent of the henry
Jronclad* is an iron abell, cigar-like tn
form, and t*j*riug at both ends to a
point In the ahell ace three chamber*
That in the bow ia prepared to bold
dynamite, which will be exploded either
bv perrnaaion or an electric spark. ftf
centra] chamber of the shell contains
tank* of carbonic acul and the engine
which propel* the torpedo. Tbi* en
gine ta driven by the expansive force of
carbunie acid gas generated under prea
aure in the tank*, and drive* a screw -
|iropell*r. In the chamber in tb atera
of the ahell ia a r*d of ineolated wira
connected with a b*V<cry on rhore. By
touching different key* of tbi* battery
the torpedo ia put in motion, turned to
the right or left, backed or a top pod, aa
desired. A apark from tiua battery can
ln be used to explode the torpedo,
if exploakm by oonteet ia not found to
tie the better method. The length of
the shell ia about twelve feet, and ita
greatest diameter nearly eighteen inches.
At 1.30 o'clock the signal waa given and
the torpedo waa goullj lowered to the
water. It waa nearly submerged by it*
own weight. Little red j*ennunta floated
from slender rod* at the bow and stem.
Hardv, the inventor of the torpedo, who
baa worked for more thai twenty yean,
■draggling against .lmooaragernents at
: every kind, in order to perfect bia in
vention, manipulated the key* of the
battery. The boat rented for an in
stant quietly, and then Hardy touched a
key of the battery. A sharp hiaa of es
caping gas followed. The water bab
bled under the atern of the torpedo and
the blades of the screw began to churn
the water. The torpedo moved for
ward, at first alowly, then faster and
(aster, beading straight oat to sea, and
cutting through the water like a rocket,
A broad ripple extending many yard* on
both side* marked its oouxae. It
; swerved from aide to aide in response to
the varioua keys of the battery, the trail
ing wire running off the reel like a long
serpent Hall a mile oot Hardy pressed
another key and the boat stopped abort.
Then it began to tnrn alowly to the left
and swung around with a grand sweep,
under jierfeet control. The torpedo
- was out of sight under water, bat the
| line of the little flags at her bow and
stern marked her motion* perfectly.
Coming np from her sweep to the la/ 1,
she described a corresponding circle to
the right, and returned to the same
, point, having cut a figure eight M the
water. Then she shot backward and
forward, aa Hardy tonched the key*.
" Let her go at fall speed, Hardy," ex
claimed a delighted stockholder. The
torpedo obediently started off, biesmg
through the water, while a slender jet of
*praj forced by the escaping gas
through a bole in the bark of the shell,
1 drenched the little flag in Hie stern ss
it felL The spurt of the torpedo ended,
it turned docilely and headed for the
wharf. The little flag at the bow was
seen plainer and plainer. The bow was
driven under water, but the iteni rose
above the surface as the reel of wire
uncoiled. Near the wharf the hissing
gas was shut off. The shell shot on
with its own momentum and came
quietly to a stop st it* starting place.
Ike HUthM Index.
Mention is made of s device adopted
on the New York ekviitd ruilrofcl to
supply the piece of the meilow-vcnoed
brekc'man in letting the psaaengers
know the QUUM of the etalu>n* the train
oomes to. The detail* of the iuvention
are a* follow*: A shaft made of wood of
iron, one-third of an inch in dutnekert
ran* from end to end of the oar abore
the windows, and to it is attached a
crank wheel that ia worked by the con
ductor, who stand* on the platform.
The wheel is just abore the window at
the aide of the door, and is t" be about
six inches in diameter. On the shaft is
a spooi, around whftch thin canvas or
linen-doth rolls aro wound, ami on this
canvas are painted at regular iutervais
the uames of the different stations. In
the sides of the boxes which inclose
these rolls are windows about fifteen
inches long anil six inches wide. One
turn of the wheel by the oonductor on the
platform revolves the spool in the indi
cator-box and places tnffore the window
the name of the station the train will
next reach. The m<dl shows throe in
dicator boxes, one at *ch end of the
car and one in the middle.
windows are painted the words " Next
Station." The boxes at the cod of the
ear are jast over the doors. The boxes
inn be put on any part of the shaft and
as many of them as may be necessary
can be* put on. When the conductor
closes the platform gate he turns the
wheel and tbc name of the next station
appears in the windows of all the indica
tors. As the train neurs a station the
conductor pulls a knob attached to a
wire, which strikee a gong near the cen
ter indicator, and that warns the passen
gers that they are new a station; ami
when the traiu starts from the station
the gong is sgain struck. The ap|>ara
tns can be operated from both end* of
the car, and thus one man can work two
cars. The wheel is turned in one direc
tion until the end of the route is
rowched. On the return trip the wheel
is worked in the reverse direction. The
indicator-boxes are to be of wood, and
ibont twelve incbee souare. Tbo namee
of the stations painted on canvas rollers
will be in plain, bold letters four inches
in height. '
What s Woman's Were Holds.
A woman's glove is to her what bis
vest pocket is to a man. But it is mare
capacious, and in niuety-uine instances
out of one hand fed it is much better
regulated. A man will carry two dol
lars' worth of small change, four match
ra, half a doaen tooth-picks, a short pen
oil aud a pack of busiuess cards in his
vest pocket and yet never be able to find
a nickel or a match or a tooth-pick or a
pencil or a cant, when be wants it. Not
so with a woman. She has the least bit
of a glove, and in that glove she carries
the tiniest little hand and a wad of bills
and memoranda for her intended pur
chases and dress goods samples and car
tickets and maybe a diminutive powder
rag. We have no idea how she -does it
—how she manages to squeeze those
thousand and one things into that wee
epaoe. But Bhe does it eveiy time, and
the glove never looks the least bit dis
composed or plethoric or ruffled. And
when the woman wants any article con
cealed abont that glove she doesn't
seem to have the least, trouble in the
world getting at it. All that Is required
is a simple turn of the wrist, the mo
mentary disappearance of two fairy fin
gers and the desired article is brought
to light. It is a wouder that no savant
can explain I— £>t. Louis Journal.
In less than thirty years, 72,000 miles
of railroad have been constructed iu the
United States. The value of property
in this oountry has in the same period
increased from $8,000,000,000 to SBO,-
W. tod into U>* ood*d way.
Mow Miridttt* shadows Uy.
Ws rod*, sad wst *• k*dtof 4bj;
Ws mid, "It is too lata.
-n. wwti
Th. bokU hto *o W brmat-
Rb bolls sod bush*# hi* to r * C
For.mrßU too>t#
••To mo Us loaf taks Bro now,
TOM*, mm) than to wood** how
Tb* glory psass* on tb* bough,
Wliil* paettog g*s*-to|>* ■*•*
Wb-*, lo! tb* mlfMl* omm on
A rosdstd* turn—* mommt |0-
Aod for tb* win low-tytag oboo*:
Tb* for**t wood lo ataia.
TrsnsflfUrad *prM<! tb* Ab®l spaes i
Tb* glomnar laapad about tb* ploo*.
And tooofaad ns. swept ,ro ® lum 10
W* orWd, " Mot JT*t too I*l* "
But on*, who o**m to* tbon *ll.
Lssasd (ow ond Wbkpmnd "Sana *f *
Or fta*b, daarbesrt I I ap**h sad e*U
Tow soul onto IU f*l*.
Tread brovsty down lit* a seanlng *Jop*.
liafore tb* n#gbt MM*; do not grop*'
Forever *hla* ton* wsaU, ho P*
And Ood b do! too Hit*."
_ jQooMA n*4 /*Mjw < Harper"*.
Items of latere*!.
Bailable apartment* for a castle in the
air—A brown study.
Mr Astor. of New York, tm in in
omnr of *6OO an hour.
(toots are made on the Pacific coast
with pocket* for pi*tola> their tope.
Patience is s commodity which always
brings a large price, but the market is
seldom overstocked.
Tea waa used in China loag before it
wan cultivated, several varieties of tb
Sh growing wild
We pern our litre ua regretting the
paat, complaining of the present, and
indulging faiae hopes of the future.
Every j-erebo ha* two education*, one
which be receive* from others, and one,
more important, which be ft*"* huß '
Everv <e is the poorer in proportion
aa he lima more wants, and count* not
what he has, but wishes for what he has
The Haekiwesek Repvbhmn savs " a
good pfaymemn snatches many bodies
from untimely graven, aad gets paid for
it, too.**
•• Always pay as yon go," said sa old
man to hui MMv. ** But, uncle, sup
pose I baWt anything to pay with ?
•• Then dent go."
There is no groat difference between
man and man. Superiority depends
on the manner in which we profit by the
lessons of neoausßy.
There are 777 potteries is the United
Btatea, paying annually *2,347,731
wages, and tarofiig out product* to the
value of *6,045,586.
Little joTi refresh tu constantly, like
liouae-bread, *ju<l Deeer bring diagnst;
and greet one*, like ragmr-bread, briaf
!y, and then astietw.
By the mde of the Telle theater, in
Roma, Italy, a ehoseh, built by the
Biptut* at a ooat of HO,OOO,
baa jnat been opened.
haul a mother to bt*r hule aon: "There!
Your totfi are oat erf yoar stockings
again. Seema to me they wear oat in a
hurry." Giwinga comical leer, he aaid :
"Do yon know why etoekiags wear oat
first at the toeer "Kfc" " Beoaoae
toaa wriggle, and beela don't."
Western swindlers happen into m
|,.M mhe bats on future erent# and
See the atakee to the landlord# to hold ;
en, a few days later, happen bank,
and agreeing to draw the bet, obtain
good money from the saloon-keeper,
their baaa oonterfeita baring meanwhile
been mixed up with bin each.
When Prof. Wataoo, or aome other
pro feasor, diaeorera a new star, it ia tel
egraphed all OTer the conn try. Bat
when an unscientific gent steps on tha
slippery mde of a pool at frozen water,
oanwae* the cerement with the back of
hia head, and aeea millions of new me
teors trending at the rate of two billion
miles a aeoomf, and a whole firmament
of new stars shooting hither and thither,
he keeps the wonderful dwjem-ry a ae
oret. He doesn't hanker for newspaper
notoriety.— XarrxMtovn Htrald.
I hare opened and read TOOT fra
grant epistle, dated the fourteenth day
of the third month of the year 1878, ac
cording to your honored reckoning,"
writes Kusumoto Masataks, prefect of
Yeddo, to bis excellency Charles S.
Grundy, prefect of the city of Manches
ter. scan'.*lodging the receipt of aome
desired information as to munxapal
management in Great Britain. The
mmn nniea to on ia iueJoeed in k beautiful
Japanese casket, adorned with gold and
and silver flowers and other objects in
relief. ____________
Wards af Wisdom.
- A uhie man compare* aad estimates
himself by an idea which is higher than
himself, and a mean man by ooe which
is lower than himself. The one pro
duces aspiration, the other ambition.
Ambition is the way in which a vulgar
man aspires.
An infant, a prattling child, dy*ng in
its cradle, will live again in the oettar
thoughts of those who love it, and plays
it* part through them in the redeeming
actions iff the world, though Its body is
burnt to ashes or drowned in the deep
eat sea.—Wchtu.
Nothing at fir* frames nA false in
mates as an imaginative temperament.
It finds the power of areafcon to easy,
the path it fashions ao actual, that no
marvel for a time hope is its own . jcur
ity, and the fancied world appears the
true copy of the real.
The family is the miniature common
wealth upon' whose integrity the safety
of the larger commonwealth depends.
It is the seed-plot of all morality. We
express the noblest longings of the hu
man heart when we speak of a time to
come in which a!! mankind will be
united aa one family.
Men, aa a rule, are easily attracted by
a beautiful face, but stall it ia an in
ternal beauty of character by which a
woman can exert the greatest amount of
influence. A true-minded man, though
*t first enamored by the glare of per
sonal beauty, will soon feel the bollow
neM of its charm when he feels the lack
of beauty in the mind. Inestimably
great is the influence a sweet-minded
woman may wield over those arowff
Yon are walking through a forest. On
the ground, across jour path, lies
stretched in death a mighty tree, tall
and strong, fit mast to carry* cleud of
canvas and bear unbent the attain of
tempests. You put yonr foot lightly on
it, and how great your turprisa when,
breaking through the bark, it sinks deep
into the body of the tree—s result much
less owing to the pressure of your foot
thsn to the poisonous fnnjfi and foul
crawling insects that hare attacked ita
core. They have left the outer rind un
injured, but hollowed out its heart. *
Take care your heart is not hollowed
oat- and nothing left you but a crust and
shell of an empty prof fusion. Shallow
rivers are commonly noisy rivers, and
the drum is load, because it is hollow.
A "Novel Way of Destroying Sharks,
Best of all modes of shark chase, be
cause most scientific, and ooflseqnently
most; amusing, is that recently adopted
in her majesty's navy, of combining tor
pedo drill with shark fishery. ' A minia
ture torpedo is inclosed in a bait of
jonk orpork, and lowered with proper
care. Tne battery is duly charged, and
at the moment when the huge fish seizes
—and as a pike fißher would say,
• pouches "—the tempting fhorsel, the
oireuit is completed. Hie effect is in
stantaneous. The head snd jsws of the
monster are blown into fragments, and a
bubbling circle in tiie water marks the
spot whore a few seoonds before his
dorsal fin was showing sur
face.— London News,
, Every man is made better by the pos
session of a good picture, if it fi only a
landscape on the back of a hundred
dollar note.