The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 28, 1878, Image 4

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The OIS Uss's Kerlee tar Tamla* a Small
A woman and boy slowly approached
the station.
They were mother and am.
The boy looked serions and the moth
er was doing a great ileal of talking, She
sni 1 she'd heard that they had opeued
a museum at the station, and she asked
John Henry if he'd like to pi and see
the animals.
" 'Spose they're got any snakes I" he
" Lota of 'em."
" And baboons ?"
" More'n a dozen."
" And stuffed bridegrooms ?"
" Yea, heaps of 'em.'
Tlie IHJV had his suspicious, but curi
osity overcame them, and he Anally
consented to go in. Ashe entered the
parlor the mother winked at Hijah over
Ins head, whispered the one won!
" elixir," and she was gone before John
lioutv could realize the situation.
" I am glad to see yon, my boy," re
marked Hvjah, byway of breaking the
" Where's them baboon* ?" demanded
the Ixn-, as he looked arouiui.
" My son, the way of the transgressor
is hard, no matter whether the spolliug-
Kx>k says so or not."
" Where'* that stuffed bridegroom f"
shouted the boy.
" He has gone out for a walk in tlie
mellow sunlight, Johnny, but come up
stairs and I'll RIIOW you the elixir."
" Yon can't fool me !"
" There is no fooling about this. On
tlie contrary, this is a very solemn occa
sion. Come on."
The bov suspected the worst, and
making a dive to get under the table he
upset it and came uear getting out
doors. He was finally secured and ele
vated to the second storv, the door look
ed, and as he was placed in the big chair
labeled, " Meditation *' he hail made up
his mind to die iu the last dik-li.
" Yonr mother didn't have tame to ex
plain your eoodoct nor detail your his
tory," remarked Hijah iu a fatherly tone,
" lint 1 think she wants the elixir ap
plied on general principle*."
"Murder!" shonted the boy as he
tried to pit out of the chair.
" I should like to sit here and study
yonr disposition," mused Hijah, " but
times flies, and I'm a leetle bit anxions
to try this new spanker."
" Dou't you ilare!" alionted the boy,
having a dim idea of what was coming.
"Yon observe, my son, that I fasten
this sheet-iron pad around my left leg as
a protection. If yon feel like biting,
Into away. Then I place the elixir
handy, bring yon out ot the chair, so,
bond yon over iu this shape, and now
we are ready for business. Let me re
mark at this stage of the proceedings
that my heart aehes for yoa."
" Maw ! maw!" screamed John Henry.
" Your dear maw is far, far away, my
SOD, and I am now ready for business.
Here 1 go!"
He went The sound of a shingle
striking a boy was heard in the land.
It was also felt in the laud; but from
the first stroke the boy shut his teeth
together hard refused to utter a
sound. He hail been there before, and
he didn't believe it was going to be much
of a shower.
With a steady, even motion.
1 aie the roll of mother ocean,
And with no undue conimoUou,
The spanker Mi.
" 1 bate to do it, but-! " remarked
Bijah, as he worked his elbow with more
real, and the silence waa broken only by
the deep-toned whaoks of the shingle.
It was shingle ra. boy, and the boy had
bet ten to one that" he would come in
ahead. After twft minutes' steady mo
tion Bijah let up and kindly inquired :
" My son, do you now feel as if you
owned this town ? "
"I feel as I'm a mind to! " was the
brief rep y.
•' What ! haven't I got down to your
feelings jit! ..Tist wait a minute l "
Tae lad was adjusted and the elixir
agaiu applied. The arm rose higher
aud came down faster, and at the filth
stroke a new stratum of soil was reach
ed. At the tenth the boy wasn't sure
which would beat. At the fifteenth he
concluded that he was a goner, but just
then Bijah halted and asked :
'• My son, do you think you run the
house ? "
*' I kin run half of it," replied the
lad, suddenly taking courage.
" Am I growing weak in my old age ?"
sighed the janitor, as he reached for a
new spanker, "or is this an unusual
case ?" t
It was simply an unusual case. The
ne* spanker started off like a dose of
buckshot and had only got the regular
motion when the boy gave in. Before the
shingle let go he was ready to do any
thing. He took the most solemn vow
to stay in nights, quit fighting and earn
money for I*l* mother, and as a proof of
his firm desire to reform, he took a
tablespoon ful of castor cU without a
"Don't yon shudder when yon real
ize what a narrer escape yon've had
from the galius?" queried Bijab, as he
wiped off the spoon on his elbow.
" I do ; and I shall alwavs love yon."
"One day longer and yon might have
turned ont a pirate. I tell you, boy, a
shingle of the right sue, will put new
and better thoughts into a boy's mind
as Fure's you're born. Ton can't men
tion a singly great man in this country
who didn't get a regular doee of the
elixir wheq a boy. Yon can now sit
with me down stairs and learn a leseon
in history while I darn my socks."
When the mother came softly in, a
look of maternal anxiety on her counte
nance, Rijah was pushing a darning
needle threaded with pink twine through
an Bxlo hole in the heel of a sky-blue
woolen sock, ami the boy was reeding
aloud :
"Is the hen on her nest? Yes, the
ben is on her nest. Is the snn np ? Yes,
the snn is up, and no good boy will
laugh at a BUM who is blind."
The elixir is a success. All orders by
mail promptly attended to. — Detroit
Free Press.
Infixing Street lad.
Belgium, like China, has too many
mouths to feed to allow of her neglect
ing any honest means of turning a penny
by husbanding the resources of a small
and densely reopled country. M. Peter
mann, thellirector of the government
agricultural school at Gemblonx, has
been trying, not unsuccessfully, to make
the best of what most of us regard as an 1
unmitigated annoyanoe—the slimy, te
nacious mod that Ix-smear* the pave
ment of our crowded thorough fares.
Ten tons of' this uninviting product be
ing duly transported to the State model
farm and destnbuted in fifty heaps on
the turf of biggest meadow, the offi
cial's next a. re was to subtract a ponud
of mad from each heap, to mix, dry and
sift the sample*. Having tiras. as it
were, shuffled his cards and insured per- i
feet fainJßß* of treatment for his fifty
jxiunds of representative mnd, Mr. |
Petermau* next took out his blowpipe
and cufieiH, his assay tubes and case of
rc-agedls, stid proceeded to spbj ect the
raw material to a strict and searching
analysis, mud, it is evident by
the result of M. Petermann's examina
tion, would bfe worth having on a farm,
if only the farmer lived near enough to
a great tsawn, or the oost of railway or
canal trafapt were sufficiently low to ad
mit of itsbeing cheaply put upon the
laud. Tlfere 'was water, but not musli
—only fqflj'two parts in the thousand.
Dime thews was, and a little potash, and
almost exact ly the same amount of soda,
and, odd ha -enough, us much magnesia
as the boot and potash together. Oxide
.of iron there wan, combined with alumi
na, and tlifere were fonr acids—the car
bonic, the chloric, the sulphnric and the
phosphoric. There were 640 parts of
useless, inert, insoluble bulk—mere
sand, gravel, flint and clay. There were
288 parts of organic matter, and for the
pake of fljese fertilizing agents it was
considered worth the cost of transfer
ring the -scrapings of the town pave
ments to ike pasture and arable hand of
the modejfarm at Gemblonx—poor and
hungry laud, it may be remarked, but
which y£t*repavß the care and skill that
have been expended on its cultivation.
—Casscft's Magazine.
Commend a fool for his wit and a
knave for his honesty, and they will re
ceive you into their bosom.
" RrWtERK."
How Thm WlulM AoWm r- Made.
Tlie first operatiou, after receiving
the crude gum from the importer, is to
cleanse it. To facilitate tliia process
the rubber, which oomca iu luiu|>n re
sembling in aiac and shape a soldier'a
canteen, ia cut into thin slices by nicana
of a large circular knife, revolving with
great apocd and constantly wotted.
Then those slices are cut into small
pieces bjr meaua of a chopper a ma
chine winch resembles in it a action a
common hay-entter—ami afterward the
piece* arc reduced to minute part idea
iu another machine, which, at the nine
time, waaliea out all the dirt aud aaud.
llcside the accidental admixture of
foreign substances with the sap, the
native* are in the habit of throwing in
aaud and aahca to increaac the weight.
Thia grit, nnleaa completely removal
from the gum, will ahow itaclf in the
ah.H, iuipninug it* aiuooth aurfaoe ; and
heuco much of the flue finish depend*
upou tite care taken at this stage.
The annul particle* of rubber, all
clean, are now shoveled into another
machine which rolla them together lute
rough sheet*. These sheets arc then
taken to the drying-room, where they
remaiu about three mouths to admit of
the evnuplete evaporation if the uiois
ttua It is an important point thorough
ly to extract the luouMore freui the gum,
for if it is made up into shoce before it
is sufficiently dry, the watery particles
will expand under the heat of vuiemnsa
tion and cause blisters. After the gum
ia sufficiently dry it is carried mto the
grinding room, and fed into machines
called gnnders, where, passiug betwjcn
heavy iron rolls, heattvl witli steam, it
ia softened K aa to permit of the admix
ture of the vulcanizing material. The
call for low-priced gooda has led to ex
tensive cheapening, by which less ex
pensive material than rubber is added
to lessen the cost. Coal tar, lampblack
and other cheap and bulky article* are
thua sometimes used. The gum is then
run into long sheets between calenders.
These sheets, as delivered from the
calenders, after being cut into con
venient lengths, are earned to the cut
ting machine and cnt into uppers and
soles by means of patterns and sharp
wet knives in the hauds id skilled work
men. The uppers and sole* are now
readT to be lasted. Meanwhile in an
other department, the linings- whethet
Of purple stocking net for shoes, or of
woolen fleecy cloth for "Arctics," or of
heavy felt for boots—are coated on one
side with rubber, by passing a batch of
gum in company with the cloth between
steel rolls in another calender, and, after
being cnt into various sizes, many thick
nesses at once, with dies in a drop press,
are distributed to those who make np
the boots and shoes.
After affixing various strengthening
pieces of cloth—stiffening*, etc.—the
rubber upper i* carefully laid on sticks
fast to the rubber on the cloth, with a
light pressure and smoothing movement
of the hand. No pegging or sewing is
required. The edges are then trimmed,
the sole is put on and rolled down firm
ly, so as to adhere closely in every part.
The shoes are now collected and carried
to the varnish room, where a coat of
elastic varnish is quickly applied, and
the shoe, now of a greenish brown color,
is hung in tlie heater. The varnish, be
side imparting the luster and tlnish,
protects the rubber from being injured
by the intense lieat of mkvinisation, and
further protects the shoes when in
nse from the effect* of the atmosphere.
It is found that goous which are made
np with a dull finish, and not having the
protection of the varnish, do not last so
long as the varnished goods.
The heater is a large fireproof room,
heated by means of a large number of
steam-pipes. In the evening, when the
heater is full of goods, the doors are
closed, the steam turned on and the
baking begins. The heat is gradually
run up to nearly three hundred degrees,
nnder the supervision of experienced
hands, who remain all night carefully
watching the progress of the baking, a*
indicated by thermometers hung up in
side but visible through small windows
in the wall of the heater. Too much heat
renders the rubber brittle and rotten,
and not quite enongh heat retains the
sulphur in the shoe, and causes its ap
pearance afterward—when they become
what are called " white " goods. These
white or sulphnrons goods are really
better to wear than those completely
cured. Daring vulcanization the gum
becomes very soft and runs together into
one homogeneous mass, and finally, when
a higher point is reached, it hardens
again. After remaining in the heater a
sufficient time—about eight or ten hours
in all—the shoes are carried, at au early
hoar in the morning, into the packing
room, where, after being removed from
the lasts, they are laid in long, glittrrifig
rows on the tables. Then comes along
the inspector, who examines every pair
very closely and passes judgment accord
ing to the character of the workman
ship.—Trade Circular.
How a Hunter's Coolness Saved His Life.
Ned Wallace, of Jesus Maria, killed a
oongar the other (lay that measured eight
feet in length. Mr. Wallace was out
hunting, and during his search for game
came across a couple of young cougars.
He shot one of the cubs dead and wound
ed the other. The wounded one sat up
a crying and whining that was heard by
its mother, and before Wallace could re
load his rifle he was startled by a terri
fying scream. He is an experienced
hunter, and he well understood the sig
nificance of that cry. He knew it came
from the female cougar, an animal that,
when aroused and enraged, has no su
perior in strength, activity and ferocity.
A crash in the brush on the hillside
above him, and a repetition of the
frightful scream that sounded almost
human, warned Wallace of his perilous
situation, and he prepared to face the
danger. His rifle was empty. With
the utmost celenty he threw a handful
of powder into the barrel and shoved a
bullet down after it without the formal
ity of incasing the latter in a patch. As
be hurriedly finished capping the weap
on and drew his knife, the eongar was
within twenty feet of him preparing for
the spring that would have probably
cost him his life. Quick as thought
Wallace leveled his rifle and fired, the
bullet luckily striking the animal in the
breast, inflicting a fatal wound. The
cougar leaped fully ten feet in the air
and fell dead at Wallace's feet. The
skins of the oongar and her cub are on
exhibition in Jeans Maria. That of the
fnli-grown animal measures eight feet
in length.— Calaveras (Oat.) Chronicle.
Facts for Kerosene Burners.
Every lamp filled with the flnid is lia
ble to explode after burning several
hours. But no explosion will ever hap
pen when the lamp is fall. The danger
comes from the constant generation of
an invisible vtpor in the conflnod space
above the oil. The vapor, which is in
flammable, is caused by the heat of the
bnrner communicated to the oil; lnt it
will not explode unless exposed to flame
The metal atacument ou lamps often
become forty degrees warmer tbun the
oil, which is iteclf sometimes as high as
200 degrees. Hence, kerosene, to be
entirely Hafc, should be nearly 150 de
grees proof.
In the United States alone, last year,
over 100 deaths per week were reported
from accidents by kerosene.
A simple test is to place a tablespoon
fill of the oil in a saucer and apply a
lighted match; if the oil ignites It is un
safe; never use it. II it does not take
fire it is not necessarily safe, because
the temperature of the oil in open air is
not so great as that in a burning lamp.
Keep tbo metallic parts of lamps clean
and their air passages open. After a
lamp has been burning three or fonr
hoars at one time, never relight again
till filled.
In extinguishing the light, turn the
wick down q.iite low and allow a few
seoonds to intervene liefore blowing ont
the flickering flame, or, l>etter still, do
not blow it out, bat let it flicker out.
Prairie Farmer.
A favorite design for gold jewelry for
earrings, the clasp of bracelets or ends
of pins, is the head of the Assyrian
ram, with curled horns.
The recent foundation* of the Nile
v<vt 'if*) human Iwnngs add ffi, 500,-
000 iu property.
l*tst year bankrupt liabilities in Eng
land were over g.T'25,000,000; assets
alsuit s.'ti 1,000,000.
The garments helouging to the Moor*
who die from cholera Iti Morocco instead
ot beiug burnt, are old by auction in
the public market.
While the funeral eortegeof a wniwlal
Milwaukee citizen, Dr. Memrod ltu-ch,
was ou its way t> the cemetery, a bull
rushed at it and incontinently broke up
the procession, butting and overturning
the mourners' carriage ami injuring tlie
hearse *o much that the eortin bad to l>e
rem-J*ed to au otuitibun.
The luiuers sud tlie farmers iu Oali
foruia have begun a controversy of great
ixmaequeucc. The mining operations
in mueral counties have ruined great
areas of faruuug land by choking the
rivers with which causes them to
overflow and cover the alluvial valleys
with mud. Test law suits have boeu in
Huudrodaof thousands of peasants iu
Italy ar- witliout work, and those who
are employed are glad to labor twelve
hours a day for nineteen cents and foal,
which mvanably consist* of dry black
bread at ten a. and u/u<i-*/e soup
at the oloee of the day the said soup
Iteing a bowl of hot water salted ami fla
vored with a few drops of olive oil.
Oreat droughts like that which has raged
over India and China this year, produce
a aort of disease among the inland dshes,
and thev die by millions, Nor will any
but the most intelligent and enterprising
of the Hindoos gather the carcasses with
which to fertilize their flekla, and thii*
the vast anil valuable deposits of pho*-
phate manure along hundreds of miles
of river banks is wasted.
James Hill entered the 'Frisco swim
ming tournament for " tlie longest swtm
under water." Spectator* watched his
mud-columl, sprawlmg body s it tug
gis.l from stoue to stoue under the trans
parent, green water of the bay. After a
long while the swimmer itrupi>ed to the
bottom aud laid prone, back up. Every
body thought it was an antic of some sort
and stood still until some sensible per mm
dived down and pulled out the apparent
ly-drowned professional. Much rubbing
and pumping gave life back.
The wonderfully joined twin Itabies
from 8t Bauoit, Canada, who were ex
hibited in Sew York, have been critical
ly examined in Philadelphia by IVofea
sor Pancoaat. They are separate to the
hip*, bat liave only two leg* in the ag
gregale. The Siamese twins were a dis
tiuet pair, so are the colored twius called
MiUie and Christine, but the proleasur
savs of the Cauadian babies; "They
have separate lung* and heart*, the union
beginning at the tvlge of the rib*, and
forming common digestive and genera
tive organs."
The Toronto Mail of a recent dale re
late* an incident which Udell Mr. John
O. Howard while duck-shooting ou the
Bt. Clair flats, a marsh preserve of some
3d,(KM) acres. A large black duck went
oarmg aver bim some forty or fiftv
yarvls iu the air, and he fired at it with
such true aim that it fell directly upon
him. lie tried to dodge it, bnt his loat
was ti*> small to admit of his moving far,
and he was struck fair iu the laek by tbe
falling dnck. The blow knocked him
senseless in the boat. He instinctively
seized his prey and saved it, but was
confined to his lied for two days from the
effects of his injury.
•Kcmarkuhle Bank Kobherirs.
Iu 1870 a man dressed in the uniform
of a polioe officer weut into the Kensing
ton bank of Philadelphia and said to
the cashier : "I am Lieut. uf
precinct There's a plan on foot to rob
your bank to-night. I want yon to have
your watchmen here and I will have mv
men to assist. Do not say a word, and
by to-morrow the game will be bagged."
The cashier extended his hand and
thanked tbo officer, and left all in his
charge. The night came, and the lieu
tenant, with his men, were admitted to
the bank. There was a parley, and
throe of the officers ami one watchman
of tbe bank were detailed to take a walk
to shallow some of the men outside.
The watchman was sent bnrk after s
certain time hail elapsed, and when ho
returned he fonnd his partner hand
cuffed and tied, the vaults open, and
$500,000 in nagittialrte paper and mouey
gonP. Wlieu the cashier came around
be fonnd ont that there hail been a rob
bery, ami then he suddenly rememliered
that he didn't know the lientenant —
didn't even know his name. The Kens
ington bank never recovered a dollar.
In 1872 three men went to the owner
of the Third National bank iu Baltimore
and hired a room adjoining the bank.
" Gentlemen," inquired one of the bank
officers, " what are yoti going to do with
jit?" "We are speculators now," they
said, " and if we succeed in our business 1
we think of opening a bank." Tbo
papers were made out, the rent paid,
snuboaineea commenced. In two week*
they did open a l>ank—the Third Na- ■
■ banal bank, next door—by bnrrowuig
! under the vnnlt. They left the country
with 8400,000, not a "dollar of which
came back.
The vault of the Ocean bank of New
York was opened by one man—Maxi- j
milian Hhinburn, and robbed of 870(1,- ,
000. He frequented the bank nntil his I
acute ears learned by the peculiar click
of the combination precisely how to
work it. And he mode it, after listen
ing for months, the very fir*t time, ne
fled to Belgium, where be purchased a
title, and is now living there as one of j
the nobility.
Abont eight years ago fonr men hired ;
! a room nnder the Boylston bank of Bos- '
ton, opened business iu the trio did in 1
Baltimore, and dug up into the vanlt at
their leisnre. The amount with which
j they dug ont was 8850,000.
The Beneficial savings fund of Phils- |
delphia was robbed of §1,600,000 a few
years ago, by forcing the cashier to give '
the combination. Every dollar of the !
amount was recovered by negotiation, i
and the "cracksmen " retired on a com- \
Country filrl* and City tilrK
Referring to a discussion which Jin*
been going on between two yonng la
dies of lteading and Lancaster, Pa.,
concerning the relative meritsof oountry
girls and city maidens, the Philadelphia
'Dines humorously settles the matter to j
its own satisfaction thns : j I
! It is a matter of regret that neithpr j
side Las gone far enough with the dis- ,
mission as yet to have settled any im- i
portaut poiiitsof the controversy, but it
looks to an impartial observer as though '
i a city girl's strong point is ioe orcein,
while the country girls declines em- ,
phatioaUy to be left on the subject ol
ginger-bread. When it cornea to mak
ing a choice between the country girl
and the city girl, however, the irapnr- !
[ tial observer never hesitates a moment ,
—he selects Ixith. There is no reason
. , why he shouldn't, and he shows a lively 1(
i knowledge aud appreciation of lovely ,
, human nature in doing so. These is (
, nothing In natural things to make a oity ! (
, girl any sweeter than the country girl,
, or the reverse. There is something in
fiure air, but it doesn't curl the hair |
ike a hot slate pencil or give attraction j
[ to the eyes like a bright mind, and yet,
r there is no more of God's noble work in
, the silken-robed girls of the city par- j
I lore than in the calico-draped girls of j
, i the country kitchens. Intelligence j
j and grace ore not now, as was so much
t I the case in other years, eontinod to the
j centers of population ; there are noble
j hearts and minds, and beautiful and
useful women everywhere in this land,
and, while wo love the conntij girls,
! we also love the city girls ; it's impossi
r ble to spare either kind, ns the world is
h : now made np. Hadn't the disenssion
i I now going on better be decided beth
I waye ?
laitsrn and Mldrili ttata*.
At aKmt eight o'clock In Uia niOrnlug * Bra
htvks out In the Oaouu houa, a large hotel lb
Ihe heart of (Je|a< Mav, N. J. th<- wulMumvn
summer roanrt ana lieforu Ula flame# could
l<e sttUhied a number of the promlueut tsdela
111 Uia place, l>cak>tas many pftvute ivutUga*.
ware deetfoyod, The lira department vauitisle
of only a single angina, and telegram# wera
sent to l'lilla>le)phla, t'siudeli and other pla<-<<*
for aid , but a high wind prevailed, and imlid
tng the aritvul cf help ttie ffame* bad fntt
•way. notwtitiftan.iiuc the bbole t<>wn tui,,a.t
out to eitiugulsh thaw. Ilaar the Oeaan
house were several hotel* and ,-ottkga#
among them t'ougrea* hall, a uiagmnccut
atan. lure, and Ilia so>>iud largest of Its kind 111
the place and lUeaa were alt llrktvl up by Ibe
leetatlcas tlafueu, Ylu- Htocklou hotel the
iargpat one In (Mpa May, was saved. Hit
hotel*, twenty eottagea, tiiiee large install
rani# and sevecal tiuudred tuith-houaa* Were
burned, enlalltug all oaUuialed loa# of gLOO.UUII.
Jones A Kogeta, atalloiiera to the uotorkous
Nea YiWk Tweed "ring. ' tmpiKOU'd for the
past twv, Uiuyths tu tdliSciw stro.l jail, Wen
irleastnl upm eoiuprvuiilstug tlmir claim* of
t'i,lK)U.iiOll. and the city 1 * counter *uit fur
♦'.>oo,ooo, by the pavmriit of tMI.CkH'.
Motion for a new Utgl having been deuied,
lk-njaaun 11 outer was akuiarvrxl to be banged
on January 10, lffTV. for the murder of John
M. Armsuvug lu Camden, N. J.
Two large building* eonntaged with Hwrgiver
A Kngel's brewery, tu Philadelphia, were da>
strove*! by fire, causing a loss of ♦'.100,000 j
aud a Ufa UI lira Utwlaau chemical ouinuauji a
woiks, at lWHth.>u. dauiagad projaity lo tire ex
tent of ♦<K),OQO.
Mia. AtexwuderT. Maea:l offered a reward
of IJA.lkill for the return of hnr hustwud *
taalr and liifoi tuaUuu which would lead to the
ouuvtcUon of Uie |KWeu engaged In the put,
rage, or a libera! rvwaul for information which
would lead lo either of these resblls.
I'ubUc schools Ui Jeraqy U'lly, N. J., have
ttveii com|glled to olose for lack of coal, the
appropriation for that pur(*>se having become
Mr#. D. K. Alexander's trial at Bridgeport,
tXS., fat comolicily lu Ihe murdar of Frank
WaUibacker, oadsd m a vsrdlct of murder iu
(ha MKXiud itagree. *uj aho was Sentenced to
imprisonment For life.
lu UUxaU-fh, N. J , tt was disoevered mat
William Knllsr, a auaoMaful calidstsp far
justice of lbs jvace, bad beeu dead aIX luoulb".
Victor Hafls I'axltoii Butler, of New York, a
hookkee|<*-r aged forty-two rauirned to his
t-uardiiig boune after prolonged debauch and
blew out bis brain# tu the presence ef throe
young ladles
Kranct* Murphy ba* begun a series of tem
lrxu< uimUdvi iu New Vmt cuy.
llttiuig a quarrel David Taber, of Pa*tle
< eok. N. V., klllevt bl* brother, James. Willi a
iiitchfork aud after srard Commuted suieliD
by abuoUng lunia, f Ihroogh lbs tread.
INro cars of the hyring colliery la I ajpusl
liap.. Pa., became uncoupled and one ran
funouoly down a alope, killing three workmen
iu its path- Martin and Jobu Murray aud
jouie* Mcilagii.
J. 11 Keed. one of the alleged conspirator*
in the W hi takas Will case at Philadelphia, bos
been arrested, cbargwl with forguig aud sell
lag the title -loot* k> upward of half a million
acres of loud Ui West YitgUii* aud North Caro-
The Centra) saving* hank, of Jersey City,
N. J., ha* closed it* doors, owing to want or
bestnea*. Its liabilities are givcu at 115,H00.
Hie Mmuonua house, at the Mtuucqua
Hprtng*. nar Williamsport. Pa, a nutumri
liotel able to oo*o(u anal ale botweeu four aud
Ave hundred guests, has been but not I
estimated at ♦75,00t, upou which the
is *6o,that.
W. W. UurntiACP, a U>oUw| in Iba k< w
York Jock d< j-artmeut, fu rrud for cm
U-rrlui* tls.ii*' llie defalcation look |iaro
•otue time bat dul not <v.m to Ihtlit until
tho other ilu, u the duck •Bmink 1 uor had
made niiotl ti lou not or tkolr o*ll paekek
Hurt am • method of operatmna u to ooheol
rente for kirftie and fail to outer the
amount* received uiwu lite book*. 11* had
bean trua'.od imi'UoUi J.
Gowrnor Mci'Mlao. > hie ThatikafitYitiK
1 roobuuati 111 to the p*nple of Nov Joreev,
referred to the TOMI * ferer aoourve la the
South, and i-ugifeeCed thai, "Mi thank offer
lug to the Lord for Ilia abnmlaut njwciea
toward ua," collectioua be takru at> in the
cburvheo on J'Ueiikatfmut •bay. for Uio relief
lof the afflicted auff. irra of the feter diatlicta.
Mir Kltribe&h It. Urwnaou, *bo died ui the
New York tuodical eollrc® hwejntnl for
woman the other dar, left a win b)ao*thiiig
her bod? to the maUluUoU m which ahe died,
for dlaaeetitiy jjurjoewa, and dirrrtlug further
. "' that the akoielou ho well mounted and thru
' I'reMrrnd for the ttae of aald ooUetfe and lta
Tha t'ougrceoional labor committee held a
seesioii in Her an tan, l'a, in diwusoion wtUi
some of tlie labor h juk-c* and local puliUctatis
ou •iUe*ti<>n* that affect the indu#tr.s of the
ccal rugious.
The AUeulowu iron rcmpany. of Philadel
phia, has suspended The company had foar
furnace* in full blast, aud Uieir stoppage
threw a large number of men oat of oni|>loy
ment. A director slated the total UabUittu*
would not exceed #500,000. while the com
pany s profxrty In Allantown exceeded ♦1,000,-
IVUr I>rake, * ctear-maker, was stabbed
wilt, * snlolt. and killed in Chatham square,
Sew York, bj Aogoio Kpwgnobt, * Maltese,
with wham bo haj ittarrete<l.
I The tipw city hall of lYoriJetieo, It. 1., com
pleted it l mit of orcr $1,000,000, wu Jail
aeted wttli appropriate orremonic".
W. V Aklnch, rcoiffvgr ot the Uuk- si Mutual
benefit saving* bank, of New York. died a
work after hi* son bad committed micide.
Tbe crew of tlie llostou schooner George K.
Thatcher imwJ lit Now York <>a board the
bark reran, fßoffl Lirerput'l The etdtooser
fouuderod at sea during a storm. Tbe captain
wae drowned and the crew were Are day* In an
open boat without water.
Deleft*!** from different parte of 11* cofßdrT
wore present at an international roto4:.tlOti df
societies for the prevention of cruelty 14 aul
, mall, held in Baltimore
Wattorn and Soutnorn Statffa.
The liabilities of Jcffeph ITerniairti * Co.,
Cineiauati baukeri who failed recently, are
$288,Q00 anil asset* $133,000-
Peter Krohntan, who murdartd hie I*ftn#r
' at (Vanfort, N. C.. lat Jane, wu run orer and
killed by a railroad trail at Augusta. OK.
while attempting te cecape from an artwr who
had brought bun lark frmj England underlie
extradition treaty*
Purine!* ,* re*nmfug it* wonted activity ki
I New Orlean*. Memphis and other Portion* of
the Houth recently deolated by yellow fever.
decree Phillip* wa* found dead in Id* ld
in Ctnetnhati, and a po*t-mirtem examinalion
(Unclosed the fact that hi* stomach oootained
half a gallon of whi*ky and f.wu largu oj so r*.
All the coal miner* in the vtrfaity of ZxtnW
ville, Ohio. * truck. demanding an advance of
a qnarter of a cent per bnabel.
Tbe ninth annual oonvenlion of the women
mffrage association wa* held in Indianajioh*,
A report that the Nevada bonanxa minor
(were becoming o poor in ore thai it would not
pay longer t<> work them, coupled with the dis
charge of JPG miner*, created a sensation in
Man Francisco and causod a heavy dec it t in
!>onanza tock.
Conrad Kapp starved him*elf to death at
Keokuk. lowa, going Uurty-two day* without
bread or water.
Three children named Kascborieti were
I burned In death at Wing field, Wi., while their
, parent* were at work tn a field.
! At Zaueaville, Ohio, a policeman'* upicion*
. were aroused by ttie movement* of several
men in a wagon, and he ordered them to halt,
when tlicy whipped op the horse and drove
rapidly away. Procuring help the officer fol
lowed'the wagon fourteen mile*, when the
' men in it left the vehicle *hd escaped to tbe
woods. The wagon wa* found to contain the
, bodie* nt four well known cituou* who had
been burled only a few day* before. One of the
! punning |>ollceinen w wouodoJ by the gtave
, robber*during the chaee.
Mr*. Itebeoea N. Hazard, of Miouri, wa*
' elected president of the American women *
suffrage convention, in session at Indianapolis.
From Washlnitton.
Gen. Paine, the new commissioner of patents,
hs* issued an order, with the anproval of the
secretary of the interior, changing the office
regulations so aa to provide that tbo few of
required l>v law to be paid for the fogMtraMan
of trado-mark* shall hereafter be parable 111
two install'.iciita, the first, of tlO, on filing the
petition, and the remainder wlum tba rogiatra
' ton la granted.
| TI.WI full text of a dispatch of Secretary
l'varta to Mr. Welsh, United Blade* minister to
(ireat llritam. giving the nbjoglions of the
Aumricui government to the Italifm fisheries
award, is made public. Mr. E**rt qeutond
that ill the award they made the oominissfcti'f a
<l. farted from tbesplrit of the tiWafT afldwttd
ii|ion grounds not nbmittcd tt> thim in tno
I'iirati. n . and lie *n sUiitiaUy directs Mr
Welsh to notify the British gofenimenl that
> iho Halifax award will only 1* paid ii|ipn iU
declaration that it adopt* as it* own tbo inter
pretations of the treaty argued ■gainst iu this
: dispatch.
' The annual rejHirt of the human of engrav
i ing and printing of the tr.ssifry department
shows tliat the ggregate cx|* UM in o|ra|jng
tho bureau during the year uta $638. dM|BB.
I huioo October, 1M77, all tho work niKjfi Unltdd
Kfate* notes and the national bank currency
lias been done by tho bureau, which einpioys
j 812 potions.
| B<*retary Hhorman and a committee of New
York bank president* held a conference in r
' gard to resumption, the committee promising
| to co-operate with tho treasurer in any action
be might take.
Deferring to a rumorod withdrawal of the
one and two dollar United Stales notes, the
secretary of the treasury denies tho truth of
the rumor and adds : " After the let of Janu
ary, no billa of a less denomination than five
dollar* can bo issued by national banks, and
no doubt If the one and two dollar United
State* notes were withdrawn it would make a
place for more silver. I think, however, that
the public at large ought to havo the o|tion to
ake gold, silver or paper of any denomination
ooined or printed ; this is the best way to ee
-1 cure tbe largest circulation."
In his annual report l>r. Lindeman, director
of the mint; estimates the probable amount of
gold oonsumed in tha arte and manufacture*
Oil* year at t2,!WH,0110, and r*impnts the steel
of gold bullion In ilia country lit f ill,HAS,ltln.
Tlia amount of silver coin and bullion i|K>rlcd
during Uia yon above 0i amount of Imports
Uon ha flxr at ♦ *,045,600, and Ula |wot>at>ls
amount uml In tbs sits ami maiiiifavluo-a at
♦:i.0UO,000 He says this wit) leave am l I*l
anoe of ♦ a* til* Ht<k of pltvrr ivhii
and bullion Ui lha country J una 90. I*7*. a
total of both gold and allvrt of ♦55'J.445. Hi?,
etiloh la an Uu-reaan during tha raar of
581(0*9, 110 baliava* that #911,01111,1)00 wo*
addml to that amount up to October 1.
Tha atata doparliuout uiakna public the
reply of U>rd SauUbury to tha dta|iat< li of
Secretary I yarl* ronoorutug tha Injurle* aua
tamed liy Amartoail fUhernu n In Fortune l.ay j
and the attitude of the IhiUali home govern
maul In regard to ootoulal IngtaJaUua aff< ctlng
Vim I loan rigbla under tha W aelitugtoh treat
Ttie llntlali fotrign mmiater substantially
ylelda to Mi . Kvaita' r*<|nal that tha lirltirh
government should acbaowledgv that the treaty
of Waahluglon override* Colonial lafteUtiou.
foralun Nawt.
At a L>elii|oet glvou upon the twaarlug ku of
the lord mayor of Loudon, Lewd Bea-ouallei.l
(I itararll I mala a aueeeh defining and defend
lug thai Haitian of the government in regard to
the Kastel qUMUou lie alated that as lu
i anion of I tuna by a foreign power waa tmprar
tneibie and that tha (irovtaloue of tha Berlin
treaty -lioutd be carried out
A lintiah deUebment of InO troop# mi at
tacked by an overwhelming foroa of Kafltra in
Soulli Africa and uuapeU<3 to retreat. Kaliee
daetitly the uattvoa made a night attack apon
lue trviope and Wore repulsed.
The emiwroi of Austria bo* granted agon
oral ainiied) to the insurgent# In TVumla and
W, IL Aiidarson. ehortlf of Dallas, Texas.
aUrUkpbal to arrest William (Vjllina, a train
robber, in Petal,ma. flaketa Collin* reakated
and the men exchanged ebota with fatal cf
feA, both dropping dead tu two niUiUtee.
like British ahlp Klfewhlre wae totally loet
while uu thepaaeage from Madrae to ljvorjmol.
and twenty iwo of tha errw were drowned.
Italic vie, Matter A Co., l/.Jidofi comiiiiaalnn
uerebant*. have failed for #i.V>,OOO
A new koiniatrr hga bean farmed m (ireooe,
with M. Coamoundouroe a* jireenlmt of the
council. I
The caar of Ituaata'a poor health aausee
great auitoty In that oooutry.
Ttie Pane exposition baa l-ecu rioaed. Tha •
total receipt* were #2,5J0,74'J,
More than #SOO,OUO have been subscribed in |
Rdlabtirg and lilaagow for tha relief of the i
broken City of ki league hank ahareholdera. ,
Jnau Moucaat. who attempted to aeaaaakuata
tha king of fipsiu in Madrid, ba* beeu triad
and condemned to death. ,
At a Binding o a aomimttee ef the haul and ,
Kesoex latiorera' union, lu Knglaud, It wae j
imanlneiiial) rtaadvod to accept the offer of the
Canadian government to eat off 5,000 acre* of
laud for kecked-out laborer who may emigrate '
to t'anada.
Banian the Canadian who defeated Court
ney for the American etiampiouahip. la matched
to row 1 law ilon, an KngUahtuau. over tha i rue
oourae nail May fur #I,OOO a aide.
ltuwua assert* that ahr mteiade to carry out
the proi iaiooa of the Berlin treaty, rumora to
the contrary notwithstanding.
The Anmnoan bark Devonshire, ("apt. Talk
uer waa sained by a Chilian corvette, while
loading guano in the alrail of Magellan and
Ukou to Punt a Arena*.
Tha departure from Kugland of Canada'a
uea guvcrnor. the Marquis of Long acoom
latI at led by hi* wife, the Prtnoeaa l*>utae, waa
attended with uumorout errmncmir*.
Heavy rain* in Italy ran aed the Tiber to ovpi- ,
llow Ita banke and mandate a part of Rome. ,
fifty-three Japane**- mihta-v mutineers !
have been shot by order of a court martial.
( hoati- Before a Jury.
The power with which Unfit* Ohrto, s
Ums chMiaubt Maiwmchusettn lawyer, J
controlled the minds of a jury, ia depict- (
vl by K. T. Whipple, who says, in ;
UiLri*cr'l .Vaoajxrw! .-
in jury trials his main object vu to
tuflu-ocr the wills of the twelve men'
before liitn. Ho addresml their tin
dt-rwiAh-iihg*; he fuscinatevl their im
aginations ; he stimvl their feelings ;
bnt, after all, lie used all his power*,
in subordination of tliat one primal ;
power which dwelt iu b>s magnetic t
individuality, by wlflch lie subdued i
them, bringing on that part of their
being which uttered its reluctant " yes " |
or "no," the pressure of a stronger
usture as well as of s larger mind.
A* an advocate, he thoroughly under- i
stool that men in the aggregate are m-t
reasonable beings, but men with the i
i-apmuty of being oceaMoually made
reasoaable, if their prejuilioes are ouee ,
blown sway by s superior force of blend- j
o<l rciwiou aud emotion —in ether word*,
by fiwoe of being. His triumphs at the '
bar were due to the fact that he waa s
powerful man, victorious over other
men twraos*- he had a stronger manhood,
a stronger selfhood, than any body )ou
the jury he addressed. On one uarasiou !
I hsj>putd to be a witness in a case ,
where s trailer was prosecuted for ob- ;
tainiug goods under false pretenses, j
Mr. Ciioate took the ground that the
seeming knavery of the accused was due
to the circumstance that he liad n de
ficient Imsmi* mtalhgenar— 'u "hurt, 1
that he had uueouscksislv ratol all his j
geese as swans, lie was right tu his
view. The foreman of the jury, how
ever, was a hard-headed practical man, j
a model of luißlbfffs mb-llcet and it.teg '
rity, but with an incapacity of under- i
standing any intellect or conscience
ndujslly dißaffing from Ins own. Mr.
L 'h<site's * rgußu-ut, us far as th<- bet*
nod the law were concerned, wo*
through in an liour. Still ho mrui on
sjH-nkiug. B nr after hour after pas<-d,
and yet he cvffltinned to nj :ik With o>n
-stautly mcreasmg eloquence, re|tcating
and reoacitulating, witliont any seenxuig <
reason, facts which he had alree-ly dated j
and arguments which he had aTrea*ly
urged. Thff Utith was, as I gradually .
learned, that he was engaged in a hand-1
to-handr or rather ia a braiu-to-brain *
aad a heart-to-heart--contest with thej
foreman, whose resistance he was de
termineii to break <loxru, Imt who jott- i
fronted hhn for three hrmr* with dgfl i
ance olvservablc iu every rigid line of
his honest countenance. " You f<x>l I"
was the burden <>f tltp Rivvsiikr's in go
nious argumetit ; "you nigral!" was
the phrase legibly printed on the fore
man's incredulous face. But at last the
features of the foreman began to relax, 1
and at the end the stem lines melted
into aequiewceaoe with the opinion of j
tho advocate, who had been storming At
the defenses of his mind, his heart aud
his conscience for Ave hours, and had 1
now cnteml as victor. He oompelled
the foreman to admit the unpleasant
fact that there were existing human
beings whose mental nn<l moral consti
tution differed from his own, aud who
were yet as honest in intention a he
was. but Ucked his clear perception
and sound judgment The verdict wax,
"Not guilty." It wus a just verdict,
buti was mercilessly assailed by met- |
chants who hail lost monev by the prison
er, ""■! who were him down i
as au raemj* to the hnmln rnce, a* '
Another instance of Chnste's lack of
mental And moral honesty in the de
fense of jiersous accuseti of crime. The !
fact that the foreman of the jnry that ;
returned tho verdict belonged to the j
class that most vehemently attacked
ChoAtc was sufficient of itsolE to disprove
such allegations. As I listened to
oho*U)'a argument in this cose, I felt
assured that he would go on speaking
until lie dropped dead on the floor rather |
than have raJiuquisbed his clutch on the
soul of Use one wim on the jury whom
he knew would control the opinion of j
tho others.
||p Hot Another Hill.
An Indiana man had n $5 national
note chewed np by hi* dog. He sent
two fragment* of the note to the tren*-
tiff* hf the Uhiled Ut iles ntid waut<- i n
gixulpiße ill fftfini, XreaMtrer (iiltillnn
refused to rehtrn a good note, there
being nothing to show that the other
fr*gnii tit* might not be sent in for
another new bill. The Indiana man
then *ent the two fragment* back ngHin,
pint**! to an uthdnvit he hml made
a notary |.ublic,iu< follow* : " Personally
appeared lief ore me thifiday, , who,
Ijeihg liy me duly sworn, miik<> oath
tAmt the' remainder of the bank-bill
hereunto attached wa* totally deatmyed
by hi* dog ; that he delected him in the
act it nil Tenoned those temuant*, taking
them from tbo dog * mouth, and that
the remainder of t his bill wa* chewed
and swallowed by the aforesaid dog, and
thereby totally destroyed. Subscribed
slid sworn Ufow tue,' ©<'• This being
considered sufficient ffridenoe of the
dog'* voracity and the Indiana man's
▼eracfty, the' treamiiwr *eut ou a new
A fnll-lHiardetl grandfather recently
had liia beard shaved off, showing a
clean face for tho ttrat time for a number
of yeara. At thedinner-table his three
year-old granddaughter noticed it, gazed
long with wondering eyea, and Anally
ejaculated, " Grandfather, whoso head
you got on ? "
18-trult Frw Prr** Currancj.
fhwirlot mul Bl" atuckinipi ouuUun
|Miisiiti, Lout nut 'gin.
Tim cmpiUl of Oyprtui M Isnrmrm. It
is to IR> nviuotleled alul the " L " lft off.
Tim cEur is • lighl iwUvr, though ho
guhhlcil down u sixth of Turkey nt <>u<-
Two ilnys of " thngoutly fulling ruin "
lakes Iho stairh out of the uiost r>
Augnll, the- |mla<-o oar ilofaulthr, is '
Sit|']M'eral to 111 111 MoIiOO, lUlll Ull fill
titer |)UUihiuoiit is urwlbl,
Tlio only roasoti w ilo not soo nnr
wt-lvt-H as others son ns, is iHwaiisd wo
<'ll u i Imj looking oxi rywher* at onoo.
C'a|,t. It,'gar,lns t-laims to ho thr
ohaiuiiiou wing shot of tho workl, and a
Now York rough is tho champion slung
Homo voting men sp|mar to Usiuk that
• tug rvatio will answor for sii overcoat
durihg the winter, and big owner are in
domain I.
Tho rolnu who knows tua busiuoss
won't fisd around iu this rliuiato much
longer iu hooea to draw an angle- worm
out of his hole.
Out is Nobraaka whou two gooil mau
want lilt samo <,fli<ve tho mum)* deeules
in favor of tho on# who lias a door-plate
ou his frout door.
A Kcgtucky oditor **ya that in one
week ho was mldroasod tu> " governor,
"general," " oolonal," "major," " jiar
soii " ami " old h<."
Lob (|<Mhan, till giant, never handles
wonl with a hm-k driver. Jf such ac
tton is instilled he UjSMvta the hack verj
caycfnllj and jiasaoa on.
Persia pronnros to main lain a ueutral
puutnm until the Eaateru question ia
north*l. A mau withouA arm* or lega i
gonoraHy peaoofully iliajKiaed.
The jWwe for drawing a tooth in Ohi
aago ia due dollar. Thia would seam an
oatmgoous pries, hut it takes one man
to bold the patient's cheek hack.
The Boston 7W wants some one to
tell it how earthquakes are atarted.
Well, you see, one fellow he makoa an
aasertion, and the other fellew save it's a
blasted lie, ami—and— the rest is crowd
ed oat thia work.
The wan who wad* to get three cats iu
a line before he about*, will some day
find the poor house waiting for him. It
, ia the man who jveppers away at eats
whenever chsnee offers who will hy np
duruta for old age.
r.aee aitalaablr by the ttbessiaUn.
Yea, sjthough they may despair of relief, it
Is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there
is a remedy which earns* off. by mean# of
increased activity of the kidney# important
channel# for blood purification the acrid
e.euioiit to which patbotogiststbe moat *tnind
attribute tha paiiifol aymptoiua - a theory
completely Uvoe out by urinary auaJysis. The
name of this grand depurcnt is Hastenor"
lilt tor a.a preparation likewise celebrated 111
remedy for cusoiipoUou. blah cosiss* contami
nation of the blood with the title aud a oer
tain means of relief in dv*ptq>ie, fever and
ayrne and nerruus ailmanU. Al is, perhnw. the
flueet (ouic ox tan L, aud 1# highly reamimcuded
as a medicinal sUmulant by distinguished phv
aidaaa and anolyvS*. who pwiaoanoe tt to ba
emuiantlv pure aud vary beaehauxl. The prea*
also indorse-* U.
Wllltssa tiroes. #
Asa general loqturv ef " WW. is (traces
Salve, and who is lis originator ' " may Mwm
to L# a .|uestion worUiv of bales answered, ft
hare been iudnoed to gtre tbs foUowuj® brief,
yet truthful ooouau! of us history This halve
is a vegetable preparation. Invented lo thh
seventaatilb oentory by Dr. tYiUlom (trace,
who was sargson in King Jams* army, and
who from that Urn* always used it In his pro
fessional i rod loa. whenever soreness ar Inflam
mation presented lUelf. As s nsedioal agent
for the care of fsutmda. II was followed with
giaei sr.coes*, and thousand• of the vett-r*:.*
that were worn ded in the campaigns of M.M
and ICA'J owed Lo this sstve the aalfatton of
their lives. 001. Ktchard (Inter, who was King
James chxml-crlain, lntro<lnoed this Halve info
the royal palace, where tt wo# oaed With tbo
uroa test suoeeaa, and IdghJy eW eon ted for lis
vtrtoe* in the care of nurea. Al the aiege t<f
Athlone, Col Oraoe ordered it to be adminis
tered to hit compatriots who www wranded
during the memorable day at the haUie , aud
it aa* used with each Ml cooes that the bead
"tirgeoh of the army at Anghrim ordered Dr.
Uraee to manufacture 180 (prose, and dwtnbau,
it amung the hosjalais before the baiilv. ((a
tlu *ad defeat al Aughrim. afterOlnkle * army
took ! yosseesioti of the nestle-field. Mvsral
ambnlancss, which had bean abandoned by the
rrlroattng army, war* fonnd to contain sealed
com* of the Halve. The F.ugllsh surgeon# test
ed It upon their wonadsd and asoeriained its
valne, and Uias war* both of ths contending
or uuca bafnrnded by U. Both I>r. WUllom
Orore and riol Richard Grace died In the cam
l-*i£!i of 1691—the former of discs sr. LbelsUer
ailioil in the tntranchmcnts of Athlone, with
the Cog of his country wrapped around him,
cheering his man on to victory. After the
death of Dr. Grace, tha Halve was not need
much outside of his family, until the rebellion
of 179*. when William Grace, grandfather of
the st-.'ecclLec, applied Us virions, at the bat
tle of lU-so. to hi# bravs comrades who fail
wounded while flghUng ft* Ibe ngbbi of their
country This salve was anils extsnsivsiy aaed
m rtrUin luoahues of Lroland, being furnished
cmtuhously by the .übaeribar's parents nntfl
IMH, when thev left the Mud of thair nativity
and came to lias country, bnugUig with them
the *eret of the Halve they received from their
anceetors. They contlnoed to make tba ftalva,
a* Iwfore, for UisSr n.aghboro, free of ohssge.
until the fall of I*6l. when the freqaent calls
for it, and the serious case# cured by It, tn
du- ed the •uhserit-er to bring tt tut* mere K
• ral unties, and U> charm a small pnee far th*
article that has received the recommendation
of patriots tijKin the battle-field# of yora, as
well ** from perao! # of the rraeent day.—
t ■ Arias i flaw. Mortk 6, W7A
Xa be of permanent benefit a medicine must
roach the source of the disease. The reason
why HccvtH's Bh>ad and Diver Htrup is So U>
caosfui in overcoming acrpfulous, syphilitic
aad eruptive complaints is that it entirely
root# out those Impurities give rise to
Uisffn. The aauiw of the evil twuig thus re
eiobwl aud the normal panty of the circulati n
restored, the *kin re*nme# Its original clearness
and sore# and pimple# disappear. Hold by all
drug gists.
The Coiabreted
"MiTvumw" ,
Wood Teg Plug
Turn PioNEtn Toaaooo Oo*p*in,
New York. Boston, and Chicago.
For upwards of thirty years Mrs. WLN'HWWT
WOOTHINO KYRUF ha* boeui used for children
With never-failing success. It corrects acidity
r.f the stoinaoh. rein ve# w.nd COho, regulates
the tiowela, curca dysentery and diarrbaw,
p hiJhsr arising from I ftthiug or Other eansca.
An old and well -triad r*m*tv. ffi* eta. a hot da.
Familiarity with the wriUng* of the grea
poet* is a nccesaity to anv one who wishes to
appear well iu oomj>aay. For 10c. we wilt send
a book of ltV' selections from the bcaotiful mal
odnw of Moore, the grand i<oem of Ilvron. and
tho nnequaVcd aongs of Burns, and 60 popular
song* LHimionit <k Ota, Wlfc Baea at., I hUa.
I'he Warapta.
saw loss.
I*s-r oatU# —Rattw... ÜB6 P*
l*a** and Ckarak**.. U*t4 <f \
- ** <* <*W 00
Hrc—Livt>..... 0* * l'*N
Pressed 04H
"•'(# oak
re l*H
Pott - -dUin'rptan'ts tW'.wa 'V
rionr-W**Urc -ttholce to Fancy.. 0 tg (0
Mat*--Fair to Uhote* i 9t (*6 3*
Wheal— No. S. KM 1 OX ,4 1
Whiet Stale I IT * 1 ' 9
Hff-—Btat* *3 • •'
Barley-Canada No. 1. 1 00 fh I 01
Barley Mall **•**
Oat*—Mixed Western.. 3 .4 l
Pjra—Mixed Western Ungraded... 3l<* StJ
day, perewt .4... ......... it ** AO
Straw, pr.r owt Long Bye.- L! ** 40
no-- -Oood to Prime New 00p.._. ft (4 1*
Pork—t'-xlr* Family Miw* T to (4 fOO
Larl—fUiy H1***........0A M 4 .07.1U
F!*h—Macksrsl, No. ljlay 16 00 (41- 00
'• ffo.l Trinee FdWdX' AO dMU 00
Dry :'od, rer t-w'............ 4 34 <4 4 60
li*rr!i -, Healed, per boa 31 <4 2!
fatrolenm—etude. Brined, Pl>W
Wee'-iWllfernl* * s *# 8,1
Texas " to w 70
!ln:r—*•** Creamery 1 <4 2'
Western < reamcry,..,.. . 14 14 21
Pxlry J* OS 3t
•• : aet-ry. .. ... 11 *4 2
mr.* lte raau') ...... ...... "6 >4 t
Nie e Mktir.tred............ r>l u4 04
e,-v.-suate and J'etinij tvani 21 04 24
r onr- •yennsvlvmnl* Bat .a.*3o g| * PS
Wh4l— Bed l'ron*ylvanla.. .. 1 03 4 I I®
By 9* 04 41
Pern 40 <A 10
.-vail Mixed US'* 44*
Octs— Visd. _ 2* A >4
peer disc, a - Oranta ...oT)a#Ut\ *fln#o....Ct
Wool- *' iff 24
Texas la iff SO
0a11a0tnia....... *l4 3
rocr *'J
Wheat— Bed W'ostern *7 iff 111
Oorxa—Mixed 41
I'.ye W f 6d
W •
Barley Ma1t...... 1 11 iff 1 2i
Beef Cattle '4'aff Mff
—... igUlff PJ4
t*S< 01*
Flour--Wleeouatn apd Mlimraota. 4 24 SIM
Oor—Mixed.. 12 iff M
Oat*— " 84 iff at
Wool—Ohio and Fannaytrarn* 11.. (4 (1
California Hiring........... 121*44 18 o. Has*.
BesfOattt*. 18 • <7lB
5heep.............. ........ ...... 04lag| '441
Lambs 0* •* 14K
Hog*.ClMlff 1414
w.xaaxowa, at .as.
Beat Utttle—Poor to Oboie-.. ...... t6 4 ITI(
Shsp —■ -- >lB6 IWK
Lamb* . 04* ff o*l*
A aaMra lleath.
There la aomethmg terrible in tha thought of
having oar frtetida stricken down at our aide,
without a parting word of endearment or eon
anlation one moment at our aide lu Uia lluah
of vlgoroua life, cheering our haarU with their
loving vrmpathy ; trie neit at our feat, pale
wltti death, deaf to (HIT ortee and hendJeea of
our tear*. Kvery ejoaaatveiy fat peraou ia In
Undent danger of auoh a death. Kcvwi-t<nth*
of the vu-tiiuaof obesity die of heart dlaaaaa or
a)M>plavy. Allaa * -VnU-Kat, the only remedy
for obesity, reduaea the weight by regalaUn*
the digestion and aMlmilatioii of the food. It
i* perfectly hartnlna*. and lia ue will Insure in
every instance, a rodaottou of weight from two
to Ave pounds a week.
Heat organ* as a whole and beat workman
*bip lu detail, la the conclusion reached at tlie
Pan* Fkp.sitiiiu a* to the Mason A Hamlin
Cabinet Organs. Organs frutu thirty beet
maker* in the wurld were tooted and compared
by four )uriee via. the olaea jury, group jury.
Jnry of prmldents and enpretu# jury, who
awarded to Mason A Uaiuiiu two highest awards.
The aeaaou has arrived when everybody who
owns bureau, eattla, ahuep, huge and (owia
aboUtd laglu In feed out hberidaa's Ooudition
Powders. They all need to be braoed up for
winter (let Hhertdau a. The large pack* are
A gentismau affile led with the chronic rk*J
maUam say* "No doacrtpU< >ll of mi case can
ouuvey the ra*t amount of Umefll I have re
orjvod from the use of Johnson's Anodyne
liniment. 1 believe It IS the best Mllole Lu the
wurld fvir rheumatism,
A neglected cough, o-ld or aura throat,
which might be Hitched by a simple remedy
Uka " Hfuwu's Uruuchial Troches," If allowed
lu progress way uwminaW seriously. "J8 ets.
To cleanse and whibmi the teetu, to sweeten
the breath use llrovu * Catuphuraied Hapona
I ,v> Dentifrice. Twouty-Bve omits a '<*tla.
Hon. C. It. Parsons, msvor of Boobestar, was
radically cured of Bright'* Dieoaaa by Craig's
Kidney < rw Depot *lll invar sit y Ph. ki. I.
Chew J ark son's Beat Hwest Navy Tobacco.
| inrottTtAT aai-|
Uaa <Juaa eeu eaietae* lu, ><aal| as eel Is Of.
IvjHlaS' VKgrrtkN UNtMkNT m tea ease el |
' "bolera. tnaare<ea IVfewomv. I roas.OWa aas bee |
ra ~
OSa-em Kn.uaj.l*-, Aeae
nmL C'K, Bwva, MNMtft, ■nOHMg
Il l I baa aanlK bat euaMeaea uj <u> eu.aiaer
asainas i> it waa Tee Doitara a bulli* ibaf eeeld at* ta
en bee* ll IWela at C'nuSiSaine eaa be aaae si
tba Uwwt. *|hmU>u <rf vta eueiWrtul earauaa pranr
i!m >yTi,m. Si U eta. Deem gg
Muararbi See Vera
i m. -in i.i.l
A I rwrlablr Prrg* rellen. laveuled toi Ih.
rih ,-ats urv by I>r wtr.iam ilrerr Narrram 1* Ktne
Jam ax eo iinvaisb U* asear* be ruxval Wo .-
MT<S f tbtf irtfMM Mcnmu rrv"4 and wnandt (Hat
tMkAn) f hf Atu tuf ih* #•! tti ot
hi* ilmt, fct*f ra* rt>*rdtx! ty nil whokuc* Ulin a*
M } UUit isCUMf*A*jC.
ruwM wncir* IMB u*it kUTWifri.
mom muur. ** * MI nana **. *jwufeju.
am *i aij m i tuAim>
mmia Aik-m**. MKJK
or*itm. *mmL turn
wn hDM. ttmm jn.
MTTUtiv Wtm. *T\M>s
mm* mncuA
fcmoM. **mwn,
• 4*t tm, KUOTKMK ***
Ptwn r* txwn hn m
1 trm. *hw*kA/wnMi haba nmu n*m. mum* nv AW
r.ii tarn*, envmrn #rr*u,
I AB<l all diiK Mm* mad cumpckm* grumrmny.
j Three derea lleaea (I -4 Teea . will be
I seat TO I'Knni.Clt*. eTOltkll I KHIHa.
Hit I i;*l""T*n leasri-seaa* paid-, ae rarrlK
•t kLW nbeul rlrvra reals a be*.
rur<to> ar
w HiK>uao> avfxca
IMtTOS. Mama
D tha Old Boliakia tieuaaatralee lye
tMaeetteav aaa* aas lev wakiap Kara
4efl as* Thm baa* aatekl*.
IT it rtu. i MT*i**ra
Tha aaaxk it l*<i all! (e-sallad O-oaatnaalai
Lpe, sktaa w aSaltaraaeS <rek aas ea4 'aaia. sad •*-
***' urm aoa/i, ass arr rss
MADK IT TU! Salt Ma: uTg Co.,
THE 111 l MICH CO.
First established ! Moat fovifkl!
THTIB IN'STinnr.TTS Have a stands*)
ralue in ait Ika
Kftcrvvbii rrttjftiiii \j* iL lIN KKI
OVER 80,000
M|r and In uh. JCfw
I~ S* a4 Ina( a Cdrtstori*.
Tna® Si, epp, Vihaa St:. Btjs, Ky:
111 far D r*p*T *• ell C •>■** ef ■
rwrv<l UkOttMkbai*. £itfj bu*l R*t4 to W. I
t (lartai A. I. f*r ■
ff pmr
Cures Dyßpepsia, Indigestion
Sour Stomach, Sick Headache.
REMEDY ft naile. _elda. feeaeevpilee,
| \alhmn. Hrenahlila. n,.t all
r-fID Tkraal sad l.ees *Be<-iles.
lUn laderaed kv Ihe rreea ned
I l*k v atrlnn., Tskea bv |,)ea
? M n •••"•-
| 2.__ |W* xil.n KVKRYVrHIfIIK
I H' mm fnv all. near R. R . noma, and oat toes (gl SS
! par aeeal U.-untry (kmrable la avef* ear. rroCual#
i varied Fre.ehlala bvel markeia vevyjnw R ICOI I -
; MKllk. All who eiab a Farm of Uvetr -we and
.laaite In b<M iheW can.Uilm, abould sand Uia.r fall
atblrava for niaiw. v.avr* and fall iofxn>U"o. B. T.
kfllTII A 111., IV Para Hew. New Verb.
Well Drilling, Boring,
" Mineral Prtwpuetlßir A Quarrying thSC I
VkTOMOO . tionkle keen Fhßstiluhli, B—% _
, ,%T i,OWf*T PBirrv
v - .is 'Uf f >
'i'..s, f ntulnyneMii'horturmM, .'? IleoAiy Ur.
tU C* .UUiMW.i Til /.lb J. UAHIiACII,
r •• 1 V ;t Ul. 1 |FJhcrlSi.■ I'll'b.,l a. P,
_ aKt'l'lt IB StIMMTVI
' P®
j .o, aa 0u.., X. til
$lO2 $25 Novelties
* Outfit Free applioalion U
' J II BUPFORD'B ROTS, Manafaotarlow PuMlshaia
141 to 147 Franklin Mtank, Ojtlcn, Mass
RataJvliahed -vearlr B'tr reaxa
IVIMN' Palenl llelr-t'rlmpera: Sample Boi
1 TO ets Hetailara aum'lied by any Wholesale Botioo
lloaaa in lb* United state-. St-nd i„r circular* Mann
(aotnrcd only br KJviaa IflWld W.Ftftb Sa. Phi la. .Pa.
SAB A A dMIWTM- Aaoel- WaaleSM heel
$350 gMk'v i'oa:
naowK-. uomnU Taocuw*. to, eaaue* add *oe
___ ___
A fumA iwMulM of Uu ilartateia. Uw aaUai.
ud IA. BmuUTU. okfc l t nn.r.,1... Ud W
pamliwlikii PHIIKIttr. k KAKI.V B.
WUA .. a.niiul.d )•'. tnlum la. .pi MI did Ml iriU.rM,
gwk af Ac M 4 Tk l.lM'a Mrtda, I A.PI
lint., muaai-d an unMi l~ aallllia MJ*.
um. Ifoad paalal m<d l Tall uniulu. Addmw
11 Kui lAUk Mtraat. If" lark.
(PrtaUna iiuaas kgaara. app IA. YTIUum Baiidiaa )
Newspaper Advertising Bureau.
Nan Tou A am,, nt .u. 11 iiianar is la*
I it.! mt. ud Owk
a urnuuunm mmcw.bimo .mi (u mUnAj,
m.' 3i r mr^'s;
deal tee o*d WeoAiiw
nSfilmkipu W) fMi w Ibla
n or AMBBk AB MKWIiPA I' r1 • 11i hI ■ 1*• k 1
rn. wa(> WA&m 9XO*l SCUX7S
i ticiM-vrosiTioy,
ir •Haai? ua a,
M * u ria.iah. aa, wU i am
ilu7M*LTii eokurua >. m.
Mf) n , . .. . . •.-< '•
/ < JH§ .. * utmcaamra
I" ' "• '' '■ lOaFH IW. MACHt"**
xmrr<rS „js ta'n'sL,
Ai\l limfK akHh to *
/ j< \ Foac j Nutrtiar ftd NO■ •
ft/ flp L 1 *iar hi ui.liaaMs j a.
V K- ) t.XLl€ttJr:
\ W ) 8K
V y ml, |. tt| of
Ii raiut.l &1 T tM uaurio! aintiap wf I MO
!. g kli i.iamn pu*a. aad >. tha maa. aMaphna
IT Hrr of Uir World w. fin Sad ll aall. p ipri
tw • fi. .pactmu pap mJ nia Aaact*.
Pkitd>p>l. Pa
An mfUbbW usd aaaiaallad riM.dp to
Plla. fcpilapap ac f.lU.a -Irkm
oirrulM u> .aaci. ijordi ud PIE.
I r.'. nMpobu'lH
A aUla Troll i.. mat (a ui
11 mJS
!a n n moor. 11ffeal'AmiA Waa Ihk
bAM Mymud fn. af to-
llaitad fir* Adur<„
XXOB O aytAJL*. fltoto and Hot,rußAauMo
Th. A Midair la Al'-ahal haund at lak.
The Father Mathew Eemedv
fo . ud uud# earetar tolrmpMiaw. K*P
.Ira., all a,ipat :i lor atooSaia iiqan ud kulh op
if. dor...u ./n.m Aflrr a a.haark, or aai
lnrmi ' iii ludaUroara, a ataal. ira.p.aa
(al will rrata.r all m.aial and ..i.1r.l tn
prr.ataa. It IU aoma w> kind al Prrtk, ott ud Toartitrr <<t rtt iju. Bold to aa UT m tk.ilo PmbpAM mm "Aimral. a.
ICmii .a I. . b.aioa l<adp. ud i; itw w .
It waM.** Mai ft*. rrmnt W.m* Trarrauaw
|U Mprrammu 'n 341 BaadPA, Bu T—k. .
tuai'i own .tor, IB aaa uparb 'atuaof mar Mi
r.iuia. a imrtu E*oa,Taa rut n.i
BP i>U. Fa oaopnlj BO pthadaad. i.<hlaaed
pnm Pupu.'i itookaal PopaiarPrlom, amir Mmta.
a nrtlTS doo'l aads.sand to
AUti 13 uaour unmaal am Addrm.
QoLmm.a Bixia . HMilord. COBB Ulai. til.
Th. meal rtartlm* mt Itotonto mtmrnrn of
ram mar an Hon Kai™m atoo tto Ufa M and
uuchmoT Turra tor.rax. Dr BapeeM. end tto*
CO to!.-mm Tto .Tool Bam Ud Rail Ito.d beak.
IT rsote^iMhkSEr
Np* Vadku
■ tho bau dailf diat far i tiiMru. Tm. mmmto.
will thx Vu. half . not <•! inuk Bd aaiar. m.iuu a
unat.nti.l inulfor a aroanaaUild
ap.' i-.'-d <—< to IthiMßriT HOUDH-S AT AU
mat mi I'.ata, WC.Vhkm.WT., 141
PmiiarxiJTii..P:>tat. I*. udOm.rpnnapiu
Mutn ttlß'ta lr>. itot, taauu Onau. mrm
•OMdod t-,c—l I)MOOT. U u, .act Aodd tor aih or
nnt.Hi. nil h.inrtiTttiOiriimrai ud Otraa
an alt-h no* rtda ud prima, mat fra HAM'S A
HAMI.I* ORUAJt iA,BMoa. .*k, or t!htoae
T. fill I 111/ "" >"* bomm rhm uuaatlx MouUil,. ** Mamma Mnnofclar l
l.llltr I'klldrr.." fittuta ud raiiiUio Prwa"
aim iiw to OUIMMI. whien .nut* ifttoa In rtoar
from PI If to toWXpar aoak. toairtwi' to nirojuj
Ud tormv lo R,v .1 Hrii.l RKAIJ
A kUKTKH. No t Stnat. ftoa Votk. y
VI. Will pa, Arroni. . ftotorx of fti nor amw aud
•■rma. or Uw . tors, mmato ia faU oat now
ud aondarful toraniioaa M • am, wtot wr my
- unpto froo Advlrw*.
allkKMtk A U. M.r.aall. Mich.
ffn ant IV*. Bm Ta. IIAC. klto. Vary
;Tlft A to v w imt Too lyrao. or htoakk B.
A liltw Natl ta putwa id A p.. and aroard to
1 .ni atdrm. on rmaipto! tirwo I it. .tor. nuulod flak.
I nil! CAimth TFk OO . topuriwi. t 4M Oh.mtano
; sum. haw T-i.-k. fomoihoo a-* m. Ar*a wutod.
rar ItovnUrc ud Fuc, Work Flnoot dock impnM
ml. mclndiao Ftowom. H H!l, bum. laMOto.
Funro.. A* . .hoot, for a v... IS for Mc .Mor it for M M.
itolatoyo* of ton .hmd, to iv.u waatnt Muopo
I.kor V TKIKKT.I itooit mm. Bomna. Mou
i in>l HlATliis Uliior, M-ur.l and Trai
V ' SM. 1> pmora. Hit f in. Ksmnd M>Mr|l
ado*. l -- hudtod TUI. Knlr*., Bf< .doc Houm
Viirn-.b'tw lomptot* tkmd. Ini.l fma. WOH* Print
U>! fro. li.miard, Uoatwr lait rol., K. T. oil,.
Hhrhlae wilt cat a(v*h etifl true. Priew fe v D
: hestreiwd circular frwe K. Rut h A Hro .New OtfrWfi.Pn.
\|T ANTKII -TW K'n Ti"Arn TKMC Fanuerß. •
vf (i*r,l#nnr. bi><l eftleckwwiiii. Stwiuly froth, rood
•AfTt. p!e*Mflt htmc. UlLUtcn lu SBrc m iner. Write
.1 11 ll KU !S ;i VkToN. V* . fnr j>entetitr.
ire relief |oxL.m
u u. Mess.
B month Hm.llullm, whileluralno. MlinUaafju
aptod- Addrcaoß V.tootto^Muyr.Juiiwllto.W^
Pin t(l tlflnn Icratadin Wll at. Muoa. mum
Jfci ] ! .'j J lllll} fortuno. .r, month. Hook mot
w l " * M fro. uplunlna mrnhtu.
Addrm. BAXTitK 4QO ..YUnkam. IT WtoTSi. H T.
ATT who with loteki art lud, worth lltawraiw,
•*ad*d I*I.H. wl all .1 rial plor. Awl ll AOT.-r rtrrii r Ulh. rA. th. Awr.jw,hh Uki. rut T*.
<CQQfiftA riAII. How una,, it. ,<
OdOUU'"to. Otto; VOMifc. KU tmwto. Mo.
CCI t KT*LA*AlT(<*bd.U>rlMln.ttornu.
OCuflC I ■*' ''- I*l- Ldifrma, with .unit,,
WfvVfH ii-'-i l- -i ,1,1 Sonuv I rincmnMi. ft.
/to am A DA Y lo Ao.nU *-, Mln* tor tto 1 Irwwfdy
Ik/ klaltar. Torni. and Outfit Prm. Ac arm*
P- O. VICgBBT AvantoUklatok
Something New for Agents
wutod in orwr, rfllua, addram Bojr.lßW.Fap Yotk.
n 11% PAY, -With Sl.noU Oot*m.~Whaooom 4
UI b s M-Hrmclal I
DPQf rarrn. to Acanu ovat cS.rod Hand itimD foe
Duut ..niplo. Wnekly, Wmhinetoe, D. O.
NEW and Buatifnl—Phofcvrkph Oarda with Homo.
Suipla. go. Hondptomratpj.,yaa.lVmmtolf.-
ki ku •**•< thfkifcfcNkl**
•r i m* ••
nr.. ix.(AK uroof. rTT©*. II It
celebrated f— *T*OJU. Bt.A"TIC.
..IrtrNlialMllTKllNtirH. llhaabeoa
award** M BOJkWk M *• '• lOwtHwii
(, wm ,• mt Porta, l l**i • • li
M( ti m l*hiudrtrbt, l IiTB. I mm
|. W |4f|)f ka*> Is sll sssllsss Its
ptri*r Kissllssi* !• Jtsfklss •< Hs*4
ST Tsrir mmm *4 W. J-. m*
Iff, nm+tissli sf tte# MvsH HtM*
,1... i. Ik* artd. Tfc eeilre >"■*
moaaUelere r.eihmwl oadof the MM
aM | caM wk(ki *•! ik*
M I M-k'i "SSflsrss? us
riMk! ww*. *
No Grand PrUot were awarded
at Paris for
HUOAIn Mm Ik* klkM #taa
k|M IMttea.
George A Clark ft Srciter,
No. 400 Broadway. Now York
For Singing Claasoa
JOHSawi MM to SngAjj*.
THE LADEELI'KriiE/i'iro*!^^
feMaad r? MM oeria**- •• *-•*
AM bee ■llin* AMI kw.MraMa#l**
c.. H Vew^
J. PTT * O " * .
Who want, trtof*y, I 818 riant
tad wiir tfrwii of ibiadwt,
besßtifut 11 atr ew4 no*
iterant, cheap arOrh* alway*
mnki'x fhr Hair imw freely
and fwL keeps it from far ion
001, smart* :sd care* gray
new, remote* tfaiidruiT and
itrhhur, make* the Hair
Ktrouc:, giriag it a cnrlins
tendency and keeping it ia
any desired fiosilioa. Beau
tiful, healthy Hair is the sure
ressH of using fcoUisirott.
uotmrunca ar
rmr <lk Unk of ikMn*rn.
Ttm *r*i'T Mtooxnrt aim * "Mr pata
o,U kuMM t* Urn drtw aiM WMj-bar
to medwKjrotlV °* owda uri •
-BWk will bo hawM ootfr
hi .r. m *MM s
frw fuel iolwiwWl Will NSRM VPr
M9Uf.oU|ilh>w|kf sssMi* kareUha eawa
Tk. lUWMW ■" be enUMd IkrMßti m BeMisMM
Frank Leslie's Publishing House.
63, 66 and 67.P&rk Place,
war Taaa.
■ tafr " • : dp
Gargling Oil Liniment
**Uow Wrapper fee A"tml tad Wblkt far
H<MM* MM*,
iimm rob
Bum, led Snllk spr*l nd Bikbo,
OulKain., tract Biln,S(nefM. \\ adcalb. ■
Berett Sr. or ij rreei, Footl Sheep, ■
Clrte,f Hood*. Fmrdkrd Fuel,
Fleet. Wound* Kmia in HruJtry,
Sttmul NKU, CVAcd H(%
San l tVeeke, KpUnDte.
Guile of nil kiade. Lurtc Back.
SitfjKe. R.agtxwe, Wtmorrfconle ®r File*,
foil Evil. Toot ha,he.
Swc.Ungv, Turonm, Rhrvmotieat.
C*r f rt ia r*, SpfMos, Sweoeey,
CmCKeJ Team Autelh Mp,
CtU 'uk !■,'<>,, CiL,i Bnaiu.
Horn f>itempe, VotwfXlpplMk
CrmiHak, ij.rt'>r, Curb, Oici ieorc*.
Foul l icet*, Fn v. Cotae, WHiUoor*,
Ahor of the IMAH, Cntlfu, Bob*.
SooUeb Lcjf*. UVtlaru 0* Or J"M
I'hrueh, CoMmctMbof Mueckße.
Verrbmnt'e AorvHob Oil the rtMOrf
UuMtt of U Cooed botes. Lpw';
it: medium, pe; i, tjc. Sbtaill
fMbUv w,. tic. Maau&tbwod M
N. VL, by JfoUtaoCt k>or(lu>( Oil lompooy.
u ~ R ~- 'saya'ssaa* —
Sewing Machine
crer la treated, lib
NOIKKI K**. ut bat bo* POIFTO af ■*-
111.L KNC BUoa aU alb* Maebaw eaMiowd
tw At; KIkTM W AMTKiI ia koMhtm. abtu at
al* md raproMStM
30 Union Square, hew VorF,
Oratit, MM>.I FU tab or, Fk.. t'klrM*. I*l
- * —f- **-
Daily and Weekly, ftuartoj
liontnn, Mao. 1 f !
tba laiM ad laajm■dlßW*' l •* P*aaet> T
DulrTraiiMript, fIO par aabtun iaadtjaab
* '' (I uoplaa toooo * iaajj BT.AO vm
DIAMfIIC orai t# aiW notmrpr—-