THE CENTRE REPORTER. CeDtre HMi, pTTh'd. Nov. 28. '7B. /drTanwa. -f2prr yrvir; srAew paid in idrance ; $2.50 v hen not petd in advance. idrtrlricmenit'2fieti per line for three i)i tertiona, and b cent t per Ixne for every tub requeni sweerttow. Adrrrtitimentt by the year ala liberal ditcount. Subteribmonttidt the county thould re mit ut 10 ett, nmniinf of one year's pott* ape, i net tad o/2lVf* at formerly vhen paid by themtelvtt. Subscribers can ahrays tell hair their ac counts stand at the Reverter a (he* by con sulting the tablet on their papers. If tb* table reads "John Roe 1 jan '75" it meant that John itimiebted for *ubseripti#n from the l*f of January, 1875, and that it t* fime Ae sees paying fAe printer. LOCAL ITEMS. LODGE MUTIVOB. HALLtxieoa, !*.tea. t. o. • o. #**r Thor*t*. *v*ataa ia U# iVdd f•!("*? „ S. K KWTMRCI. Bat**. B. P Baiaai*. N. W. One Foav trfieea, lfe ST. V tt.-njn mulu aa at bafora aarh tall moon la tat Odd Fallawa Halt. M C. V. Huurnt. Saat. P. O. Kvt L*a W. a. R.Ka* o*WO*, Ha, ta Pat H. "J•'.F H all. I'aatea Hall na t*a Saturdtr E" ae BEMEE ™I .AAA >ll T. M and a RAN WR. * Kallar MaXar LcoaamP KWOae. •*' For Pure Drug* go to Seller's Drug •tore, BrockerhdT row. Hnov xm Jno. Spangler's tale. Centre Hall. Dec, 2. A hied quarter of good bcrf will be taken on tubtcription by u*. Sale of perioral property of l>an 1 Stover, dee'd. near Centre Hall, NOT. Hart yon teen the new Hewe ma chine? It works like a charai. The best place to tell wbaat snd do vrrteed, and bay cheap stoges, Is at I J. Grenoble's. Have you priced Din get' Sugars and Syrups yet, if lot, do so, end you will be surprised. The farm of Judge Love, dee d, w* sold to Adam Krumrine, last week, at $BO per acre. Uriah Otman sold his bouse snd lot in this place to Daniel Fleisher, of the Loop, for $llOO. Sana'l Burrell, of Haines, purchaseJ the farm of Dauiel Durst, in Gregg, for $9,000. Farmers, at L. L. Brown's grain warehouse, nestf the depot, is where you get the highest cah price for all kinds of grain and get the cheapest coal. The Clearfield Republican says • Judge Ore is pushed Court business through rapidly last week. Ha held night sessions every evening but two. That way of doing business saves money for the taxpayer. The Lewistown Gazette says the ilillheim hunters cabin in the Sevn mountains was destroyed by fire last week; and several "destroyed" dogs were alto ditcevered in the course of tome hunters. Stealing Stewart's body bas raited almost as great an excitement at the steal* ing of Charley Rose— but, what's the use in fussing over the deed* for the living, for every one in Centre county, it is more important to know that you can get the cheapest and be*t groceries at Sechlers in the Bath bouse block—headquarters. Tb# Miliheim borough question u lo come before court this week. There ere two tide*—one for end one if sinit * borough. The limit* of the prepo*ed bor ough would enobrmco "Tex**'' end bell way to Aerontburg, with e population o< eome 000. Thanksgiving erTice* in the Luth erec church of this piece, on Thursday forenoon, 28, et 10 o'clock. A mistake we* mede by one of the minister* in mek ing the announcement ; but the above U correct We bed e fierce rein etorm from Thursday to Saturday night of lest week, with e good sprinkling of snow on Friday evening, rendering it very dissgreesble outdoor*, Suiday bright suaehine. Mon dey rein egsin. First on deck. There will be e Mu licel Convention heid in Centre Hell dur ing the holiday*, commencieg Dec. 23, end closing on 27. with e Concert. Mettr*. Lowell end Philip Meyer, conductor*. lf there'** any one thing that it is high time should be looked efter, it is some of the boerd walks in this tewn, end especially the scandalous condition of the walk on Church street up to the Ref. church, where life end limb are endanger ed by the holee, trip boards end cussedness of the walk ell eleng. Common decency end respect for the balance of the commu nity demand that the oweers of lota give this metier immediate attention. Housekeepers ere never deceived or disappointed in any thing bought et Sech ler's, headquarter* for grocerie*. They keep the best assortment in tbe county. Tbey tell low. Alwtys have good end fretb goods. Call and you will find it to. Tako your wheat, rye, oats and corn, to L. L. Brown, successor to Short lidge & Co., who always pays the highetl price. All kinds of coal always on head. —— Tk* AVrerry for December is a ricl number of this always beautiful juvenile Filled with pictures and its reeding mattei in large type, it is a welcome vieitoramoni the little folks. $l6O per year. Publish ed by Juhn L. Shorty, 86 Bromfield street Boston. ( ——Who is Regent for the new Howe ; Sewing Me chine? A. 0. Moore, Miles burg. Pa. j Please look et the figure* on jour address end if you find yourself beck two • years end more, send us the money or a \ part, we must bar* money to keep go- . ing. Two more braes bends organized ' within the lest few deye. One et Pleas- , ant Gee, the other at Lemont, end both . have tbeir instrument* already. This will be cheering news for canuidate*. Tfceta live* in Franklin county. North Carolina, a man forty-nine yeare old who never heard a sermon preached, never read a chapter in the Bible, never fired a gun, and never saw a white man married. Home Talk embracing Med ical Common Sense," a book of nearly 1000 pagae and 200 illuatrationa, is now is sued in three styles : Half Morocco. $3 76; English Cloth, Standard Edition, $3 25; Fine Amariaan Clotb, Popular Editioa, containing all matter and illustrations. Jl5O. Thie invaluable work, embracing a practical treatiaa on chronic disease", sexual physiology, and a thousand things worth knowing, is from the pen of Dr. E. B. Foote, of 120 Lexington Avenue, New York City, who has been in extensive practice for twenty-five years. Book sent by mail on receipt of the price. Address Murray Hill Publishing Company, 129 East 28th Street, New Yo.k City. More cloth lag la told at Newman'a than at alt the other clething atores in the couaty-becauae every body knows be aella cheaper thaa all others. Newman is the cleverst clothing man Centre county ever bad, and has done the public mora real benefit, by hissyatem ofaalling cheap, than any business man we ever had in th is county. These are the kind of men that deserve the petronege of the people. By addressing or calling at the Howe Sewing Machine office. Milesburg, Pa., you can have your Howe machine put'in good running order, free of charge. LI ORIS x AKD PORK WANTZD.-A good farm horse and 1,000 lba. of pork wanted, in exchange for wagons, buggios •r work, at the coach shops of Jno. T. Lea, at Centre Hall- 21 Try Green's Compound Syrup of tar, honey and bloodroot. the surest rem edy for threat and lung diseases. Ask for jl yaur store, or send to Green's, Belle foate. .—The Pens'a State Grange of the ?a ;rops of husbandry, in B* ll * foste, on Tuesday, Dec. 10, and will be in sasaion three or four days. Kaboe 1 * counsel will endeavor to bava the Board of fardw iftln consider his •Mt An attempt was made on lt Fri day night to rob th# storeot Judge Frank, at Rebersburg. TbeJudge bring awaks and hearing a noise, got up, which canard the robber* to Icarc. The mark* upon the door of thr tora were plain of a desperate attcuipt to force it open. The *amc night a number of houie* ware aatered and aoma eatable* stolen. -——Court met on Monday, Judge OreU on the bench with associate* Frank and Divent. Tuesday morning the cate of John '/.ettle v*. Kinr.el, in the T Mt , sure ty of the peace, wa* tried. Verdict not guilty, and aacli party to pay colli. Re mainder of Tuetday wa* taken up with ea*e of Shipe vt. Howard Spangler, at aault and battery. Did not learn the re sult. Avoid using tho*e remcdie* contain ing Opium, Morphia, etc ; but when the baby it tick ute l)r. Built Baby Syrup perfectly tafe and always reliable. Price only "3 cents a bottle. J. B. Jordon, of tbe Loop, intends moting to Illinois In a few weekt. Sal# on Dec. 7. GOT. Curtin took a leriout relapte over a week ago . we were pleased to find him able to be up again on Tuesday. Belielonte mcrchanti are paying He in trade for pork. Powera. at Bellefonte, always gives you a fair and square deal in shoes More rain on Wednesday. ITEMS FROM SPRING MILL< AND VICINITY. Mud still continue* two feet deep not 24 inch,'*—but any one having occasion to goon foot from the mill to Krumrine's coal yard can easily get a pair of finely polLh ed boots completely coated to the depth of kit own two feet. A liule effort and slight expense on the part of our citixen* in pro viding a board walk, would add greatly to the appearance of our village and contrib ute a great comfort to the mindt of both ladies and gentlemen. Make an effort gentlemen, and tee what a grand improve ment I Mr. I. J. Grenoble * large store reom is filled to overflowing with a large invoicejof new goods, which will be sold to suit the times. Will, bis obliging clerk, always waits upon customers in a thorough busi ness like manner. Honesty and fair deal ing, is their motto. Mr. G. hss. in con nection with his store, a grain house, where the highest market price is paid in cash for all bind* of grain and seeds Our tuusic friends have ra : *e I a large vocal music class, and have chosen Prof. P. 11. Meyer, of 8.-al*burg, as instructor. Philip is always one of tbe number tbat it in the front rank as a teacher. Prof. J. F. Reerick, our instrumental music teacher, it just about closing a quar ter and starting another with many addi tion* in the way of new pupila. The new bridge across Sinking Creak will in a short time be ready for ute. Hur ry it up, we need it badly. SrßScßiaxa. j We ice it i stated that when Grant de clined the decoration offered him by King Louis of Portugal, John Russell Youag modestly observed tbat, rather than see it wasted, be would take it himself. Knoxville, November 22.—Stephen Guffev was executed st Newport this sf ternoon for the rape of Eva Clark, a white girl under ten years of age William V. Taylor has been left SIOO,- 000 oa condition that he marries before he becomes of age. He is now 20, and is un derstood to have mad# no choice UU pottofice tddreu is Whitehall, N. Y. Sixty-six more employes of the Treas ury have been notified that their services will no longer be needed. Jersey'tramps will not stand any foal ing. One of them the other day assaulted a lady who had offered him breed and but ler on tbe doorstep instead of inviting him to itav to dinner. STARVED TO DEATH. Norfolk, Ya., Novgmbar 20.—Tha hearts of our charitable people will be touched when they r*ad in the morning papers tbe story of a sad case of starva tion. Mrs. Emily Elliott, an estimabla but indigent lady, witb a tick husband and several helpless children dependent upon her, fell dead to-day from weakness while struggling over a sewing machine Upon investigation it turns out that she was lit erally starved and worked to death She ! tiad sold everything in the house but a j shuck mattress and the machine. j TRIAL LIST for the first and second 1 weeks ot November term, commencing | the fourth Monday '26 th day) of No vember, 1878: FIRST WIIK. J H Loncberger v* J Keller Miller James Spott* v G W Hoover A Co do do Isaac Yarnell vs John J Packer E M Shuey vs Samuel Linn ■lame* Packer vs A S Tipton David R >s*man vs John Rockey Joseph lddings vs J W Cooke J A J Fugate vs H W Hoover A Co John S Gray vs W C McCutcheon SRCOND WIIK. J P Mcmanus v C A Wood James T Leonard vs Owea Hancock W H Hacker vs J B Henderaen Caroline Camming! vs do Francis Hacker et al vs do Abbie Grim et al vs do H W Hoover et al vs Christ Sharron et al C Derr vs James Mcmaaus J E Long vs U Marryman et al John 1 Thompson vs Geo Farocler S Bispham & Sons vs E T Gray et al C Guyer, Cashier vs G B Campbell et al .lames Hanna vs Jacob Sankey et al John Spangier vs D Muthersbaugh J H Thomas use of vs Joseph Shirk Hotter Bros vs C C Keller with clause John Spangier vs D Mutbersoaugh J D Shugert vs J B Mrin C M Bowec vs W L Musser J I Foster useofvs Joseph Jordon do do do do William Allison, jr vs J A Bright John Risbel vs Henry Keller Z L Hoover vs W P Arn who was inter pleaded J Reesman's Ex'rs vs Reesman William Wilroer vs A K Hall et al R A McCoy use of vs G B Campbell et al M Swartr. sr vs J P Oepbart Com John Kline vs W P Duncan'Jfc Co JURY LIST.—The following is the Ju ry list for November term, commencing Monday November 25; Grand Jurors. Bellefonte--Wm. McClellsn. Boggt— Andrew Heaten. Burniide—Oscar Holt. Gregg—James Duck. Harris—Henry Ginghrich. Howard—K. C. Leathers, William Tay lor. Marion—lsaac Frain. Miles—U G. Rover Patton—W. F. Thompson. Potter—J. H. Keller. Michsel Dentine, Alfred Hoaterman. C F. Herlacber. Rush—Harrison Ross. J. C. Wesson. Snow Shoe—George Franel. Taylor—Richard Newman. Union —John Mus*er, J, H. Stover. Unionville—Toner Leathers. Walker—Jacob Garbrick, Robert Thompson. Worth—W. V. Beckwith. Traverse Jurort —Second Week. Bellefonte— W Jenkins, Charles Heis ler, Mert Cunningham, G W Downing. R C Cbeesman, D W Woodring, J C Williams, Charles McClure. Benner—Sara'l Yearick, Christian Dale, Jr. Boggs—U L Harvey, John Mayes, Fred Moyer, College—E B Ileeton, Austin Dale, J C Bathgate. Ferguson—C H Struble, G W Hornan. Gregg—Tobias Bailey. George Gorman. Haines—W J Russel, Isrnol Voaada, Sr. .. ~ Harris—J H Jacobs, David Sparr, M. Bess. Howard boro—William Mah alee. Liberty—Beni Liggett, Joseph Bech tle. Penn—W 8 Maize. James U Van Or mer, BF Miller. J C Smith. Philipsburg—C Broadhead. Potter—J A Dale, D LKerr, John Mos singer. W A Kerr. k^h-Wlifh"? a now Shoe—Abel Campbell. Spring—H C Weaver, David Shearer. Taylor—Thomas Merryman. Union— James Alexander, Harris Way. Walker-Philip Gephart. Worth— A B Steven*, Alex. Shellen berger, E R Joaes. Till: NAKKEV'HVMNti €ANK. TWO VNCLKS CHARGED WITH KIDNAPPING A NIKOK FROM ANOTHER UNCLB. AND AUNT. From lh<> Williamsport liulUtin'a re port we make the following extract* ol (he ebovo <*a The o*o of the Commonwealth v*. Sum ui l Sankoy an.l.lamet W. Sankey charge WiUttappinir. wit taken up. 1 >latrict At* torney Hart, J. J. MeUer, Kg., and U. H. Amerling, Ksq., lor tbo commonwealth and 0 It. Krighard, Ktq., for the de tente. Thete defendants are charged with ab-i ducting from the home ol L. tJ. Iluling. at Hughesvillc, on the 15U ol !atl October, j an adopted child and niece, nine year*; old, named Carrie Sankev. The girl it alto a niece of the defendant*, being a daughter of Cyrut K Sankey, a deceaied brother. L. G. lluling sworn—l reaide in llughesvilla ; my titter wat married to Cyrut K Sankoy ; the and her husband are deail ; my tiller died about two weekt after the birth of thit child, Carrie ; her father en hit death bed dealred that 1 thould lake charged her. She hat heer. with me nearly Ave year*. Mi* Elisabeth Richard took the child on a vitit to her uncle. Jacob Kickard, at Millheim ; 1 un derstood that her uncle. Samuel Sankey, wanted to take her to California, to this 1 w mid not content, as 1 contiderJ that the child belonged to me 1 asked the little girl if the wanted to go with her uncle, and the said the didn L They came to my house on the day o! the big itorm, and under the preterite that they wanted to take her to tee her father'* grave, took) her away, and I havn't teen her since. The child wa* with us two yean before the death of her fathar She was with us altegelher about seven year*. Cyrul K Sankey, her father, died at the American Uetel, Uugheaville. When 1 went to-el the father on his death bed, his great anx iety was about bis child. Mr*. L. G. lluling sworn—l never knaw Cyrut Satksy ; knew he wa* very tick at the hotel ; he sent for me and wanted to know if 1 would take charge of hit little girl. 1 finally contented, and we teok good care of her a* well as we poetlbly could, and bad charge of her till last July or August, when the was taken away. Have heard from her only once, through Kev. Mr. Ueitley, who said he had seen her at Miffiinburg. I concluded that it! would not be to the child's advantage to, betaken to California, and I refuted to give my content. Mr, Samuel Sankey taid he was taking out paper* of guardian ship. I saiu then that the child belonged tout; that she had been given to u* by her father on hit death bed Mr. Sankey j 1 then taid: "Since matters are at they are, I will leave her." Mr. Sankey told toe that he lived in 1 San Franciaoo, that hi* little boy was dead, 1 and he wanted the little girl to All hit ' place ; he did not atk me tor the mother's j picture or the mother's clothing to lake i with him for the little girl to have tome-,< thing to remember her mother by. Do not think I ever made ute of any tuch i language at wishing to ti<>d that tbe San ;< keys would come and Lake the child away, j i Mitt Elisabeth Richard wat the girl't nurse for sometime. They agreed to bring the child back when they took her to the cemetery. 1 called Caddie by herself and asked her which the would rather do, go i to Calitornia or stay with me, and the taid: "Aunt I would rather stay with I you ; if I go out west I can't go to Sunday < school ; you just ought to hear how uncle Samuel swears." H Theodore Peter* swore—Wu acquaint ed with Cyrus K. Sankey ; weutto Me hi in twice the week be died. On tbe day be fore he died he teemed to be worried about hi* child. I told hicn there wa no neces sity for that, a* she would be well taken care of. He raid be wanted her grandfa ther and lid ward and Gheesy Holing to hare her. a they fairly idoliced her. itdward Huling sworn—Am a brother of L. G Iluling. In January, lt>74. Cyru< Sankev had become unwell. A* I walked up tbe street Mr. Sankey tapped on the window and requested me to cotae in. Ho said to me if you will go after aay little girl. Carrie, you may hare her 1 drere to Millheim and got tbe little girl, and took bar to my brother's house. A week from that Mr. Sankey sent for my brother to come there. At that lime ar brother and Mr. Sankey were not oa good terms My brother and his wife went there, and ha asked tbera to take Carry, and they consented. Went with the constable to LighUtroet to arrest the Sankey* ; of all the cursing and Billictgaie I erer heard, that which Samuel Sankey gave me there was the worst I ever beard. Peter Sevison sworn—Am a constable of Uugbesville borough ; made the arrest in this case. After the arrest I asked Mr. Sankey where tbe little girl was, and be replied : "She's two hundred miles on her way to California" I said: "Ain't that a little thin ?" to which bo replied : "She's at Mifflinburg." I threatened Samuel with the handcuff*, because be seemed to be wild. Jatnee San key has told me since that tbe little girl was at Light Street when I was tbera. Mr. Samuel Sankey said to me: "Mr. Constable, 1 want to lake that back about the little girl being two hundred mile* on bor way to California, for she is in Mifflin burg " John Houghton 3worn—Was very well acquainted with Cyrus Sankey. In the summer before be died I asked him why he didn't have hi* child closer to him, in stead of having her away out at Millheim; be said he would never let her be amongst his friends. Kev. Helsler, Dr. Stock and other neigh bors of tho Hulings, testified that the child seemed to have been well cared for. The Defense. Samuel Sankey sworn—Cyrus Sankey' deceased, was my brother ; my residence is San Francisco; have a wife but no child, my boy was drowned. Immediately after my brother's death I wrote to old Mr. Huling, and said I would take the child, educate it and rear it as my own. I arriv ed here in August, and went to Hughes villc, and found that tho Hulings were not at home. Learned that the child wes awey, had been taken to Union county. Went to see Edward Huling and told him the object of my visit. He rubbed his hands and seemed to be delighted. Went to Mifilinburg, and found that this child was there waiting for me to come. This was the first time I had seen the child; tho child seemed to be interested in qae, and she put her arms around my neck and kissed me. She had been told that I would have a home for her, and seemed to be pleased with this. I sent her over to my brother Jernes' at Lighlsireet I recaivad ibe child with the full consent of Edward Huliag ; went to Ligbtstreet and was there about two weeks ; bad some business at Laporte, but tbe day was stormy and wo drove to Hugbesvillo. The nest morning wo got Km ma and Carrie and drove out to tbe cemetery, and we invited Mrs. Huling to go with us. It was raining and we bor rowed a shawl from Mrs. Huling to wrap around tbe little girl to keep her coat dry. Wo drove nut to the cemetery and I titled Carrie out of the carriage and took her tc the graves of her father, mother and grandfather. On our return the rnln beat in against us and we changed from the di rect route after giving the shawl to a lady, with the request that she wsuld take it tc Hulings. Before we parted with the shawl the lHtle girl commenced to cry, and or asking her what was the matter, she said she didn't vfant to go back to Hulings We informed ber that we wouldn't tnkt her there, but she did not seem to be pact fled till after the shawl had been given U the lady to take home. I never suspectec that Mrs. Obeesy Huling or any one else until that morning we warn arrested, ha< objection to sift tUiag lbilcbU4l , California. Til* Kd Haling was with the . constables, and 1 roust admit that whofi I s*w him 1 got very angry. I said to hlra m , "Ain't you done yet? You robbed ray J brother of hvo t>r aia thousand dollars and !drofklm into hw gravel" The conoU . bio wanted to comprotuiM at Hlooitmburg. I but 1 tpurncd that, > wo hod not commit ted any offeuifl. Wo wore nil raited in . Contra county, and 1 b.ive u'. the child II to Millhoim. to remain there till I ready to go bunk toCallfarnia, which VII.I bo about tba firt of January mil Ha [fore the nrret Uhee*y Hulmg or any ol hi* family did not ak uia 10 return tha Jchild. lb a morning that wo loft Hug ho* villa Mr*, llulllig did not ny a word about llio child coming bnv , alien 1 got tbo child ho wa* tbinly clad, and up to tbi* time are bava boon prof iding for bor la a *uitablo manner. Have not void that I didn't baiiova in a (iod ; thoro i no man lleiag who lia* more abiding faith in a living Ood 1' ' do what i* right in thio world 1 am willim to take tuy chance* in lb# neit Tlia trial who toy* 1 *truck my wife it a perjuror ho i* the man who. in my nbienee. trl to fell my wife a homo for J'.'.'VI 1 whirl wn not worth $AtlO Jaroof Jonkoy'e evidence wa* eorroboi • livo of that ot hi* brother Samuel Miss Lib. Keigbard. of Millheim, swon I became nurse at Carrie Sankcy wh be was six months old ; was with her a the Uulingt thirteen months, and the took her to Millhaim. where we remaine two years. Mr. Kdward Huling came a • ter Carrie and took her away to Hughe • ville. 1 went to Mr. Oheeey Huling's • August last. Was there aboat one wee! ' ilad a conversation with Gheesy Hulin jabout the child, and he expressed himsei very badly about the child, said that at. !ied and that he had whipped her till h get tired of it. It was just awAit the wa> he said he actsd. I said I would take he overtothaSankeys; that Samuel woub take care of her. Mr. Kdward Bul went to her and slapped her about fron : one side to the other in a terrible manner, when I took Carrie away ber clothing wa. !so bad that 1 wonldn t give three dollar. ! for all of it. Mr*. Huling. when she gavr ! it to me, **id it was all she had to give me. : It was on Friday afternoon that I started j from there with Carrie Mrs. Huling ac 'companied us to the depot. I was taking her away with a full understrnding that she was to be given to the Sankeys, with the full corneal ef the nulingt; at the sup per table, the day previous. When 1 took the child away from Huling s her body was very filthy, and it toek two weeks before 1 got ber fixed up. When Mr. Sankey came to the house where Cnr rie was. and I told him she was his broth er's child, the scene was very affecting. Mr. Sankey was so overrents that be cried and couldn't aat bis dinner. He said he couldn't see how people could so ill treat the little orphan. Cyrus said, while tick, that he didn't want the Huling* to hare his child, to be there to iaarn to lie and brag. That the reason he bad sent for ber to be there was to find out about certain bonds or nr.eney. Miss Reighard S evidence, which cUsed for the dfeeie, brought out a fiery spray of words from two of the attorneys. Mr. Metrger, in cross exsming MIM lUigbsrd. said so and (o wai the fact, when Mr. Reighard instantly replied ; "It's a lie!" "You are no gentleman was Mr. Meu ger's retort. Mr Reighard sprang from hie ebair, evidently to seise John, when he was cajght held of en each side of him by his clients. Samuel and James Sankey. He then resumed his seat, and Judge Gamble informed them that they would both tbiak better of it after a few mo> ment's reflection. They probably did, as it wasn't long after till they treated each other very respectfully. Rebutting Testimony Mr*. Krioim sworn—Am acquainted with Mr.Sankey. He and bis wife board * with ma about eight month*. In bu room bo told mo in lb.< prraenc# of hi* wit* that b didn t believe in betvan or hell or anything elte. Hi* wife it a g.d woman and a tweet woman, and he did not treat her right, and that * the truth note She came back to our houte when they bad reparoled. I never heard Mr. Sankey twear in ray bourn, became I wouldn't allow it George. W. Youngman aworn—l wa* attorney for Samuel Sankey'* wife wher. he waa arreatad, aoree tan yaara ago. Mra.! Sankey ia a aecond ceuain of mine Mr Sankey aaiJ yeaterday. that I had com mitted perjury, that war a lie. Mra. San-| key came to me and made the charge againat Mr. Sankey for deaertion, but tbe 1 charge wai mainly on account of ill-treat mant- That her huabend atruck her with hie flat. Sankey admitted that he aboved bar with hie flat. She aflerwarde with drew tha charge and went end lived with him. I believe that Sankey neither fears God, man. nor the devil. He hae a wife be haa not treated right, and I don't think be ia a fit man to have children in bia cart, j Hit wife ia an excellent, Christian mo man, and. likeOser'e wife, it above tut-; picion. Mra. L Gheety Huling recalled—Heard the lealimony of Mist Keighard. In tbe first place I deny all of what Mr. Samuel Sankey taid took place in our boute. I deny tbe moat ol what Miat Keighard taid I deny having chatlited Caddie at Mias Keighard taid I did. Her clothing waa as good at waa naceetary, and as good at I could afford. With tha above named witneaaea' testi mony the evidence waa about to cloae, whan by ame meant or other the old la dy. Miaa Keighard, managed lo get into tbe witneaa teat again. Sha cummsncaJ to talk, and three attorneya of the protec tion tried to atop her—Meltger yelled, Amerling became hoarse, and llarlihout ed ; "Stop her 1 if you can atop a steam engine!" They didn't atop her, however, and the lady got out what had been mak ing her feel uncomfortable. The jury after being out about four hours rendered the following verdict: "We find the defendants not guilty. Pros ecutor to pay on#tbird of tha coats, and dafendanla to pay two-third* of the coats." The news from England indicates that war with Afghanistan is determined upon,! if it ha* not already been inaugurated by the advance of the British army. A con test between a strong European power like Great Britain and a senii-clvilissd nation' among the mountains of Asia, under or dinary circumstances would be likely to produce no general effect upon the affairs of ether powers, but in lb is case complica lions can hardly be avoided wbich may light the torch of war throughout Europe Tne British Government and the press at tribute the difficulty with Afghanistan en tiroty to Russian Intrigue and influence, end no doubt with eome foundation. The mutual jealousy which exists between the two Powers in regerd to their supremacy in Asia, and the feeling ofaaimosily which will be further aroused by the war with Afghanistan, brought about by this jeal ousy. will in all probability produee com plications wbich will result in war be tween England and Russia A war ba- ( tween these two Powers could hardly fail to involve other nations and briag about a! , geßergl disturbance throughout Europe. J We print envelopes as low as $ 1 per thousand. Bend us your envelopes. We print letter heads, and statements as low las $1,26 per 1000, when persons find the [paper. This is lo war than you can get it ■done for in the city. [ i —— Have you been to sea the naw Howe ? K caa't b beau The Fall Season for lite jcar 1878 is now opening and a New and EXCELLENT STOCK Of FALL AND WINTER GOOD. IS COMING XN AT QUGGKNUKIMKIt A CO. 8, CENTRE HALL, and which will b sold at LOWEST FIGURES. Tbejr have an immense etooi- and well artori?d in every line. THEY HAVE Ureas Good*, Clothing, Hats § Caps, Hoot* y Shoes, Groceries, §c., Lowest Prices. IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO "PATRONIZE YOUR HOME MERCHANTS." INSTEAD OF GOING A WAY FROM HOME. GIVE US A CALL IMMEDIATELY. KEEPS THE BEST BOLE LEATHER—VERY CHEAP ISAAC GUGGENHEIMER m ~ ;jr ~ w "" w nr r -; n- : NEWMAN King Clothier Hffip of Centre county- JHVV 18 SELLING IS SELLING IS SELLING IS SELLING Winter Suits 83.50. Over Coals 82.50. Underwear 20c. Boots 81.75. AND EVERY THING ELSE IAJW IN PROPORTION. Challenge the County to Beat my PRICES and QUALITY, 9 AN J ) o" < 3 ) I J V AS LAR(jk a STOCK OK CLOTHING AN 1 HAVE. CLOTHING MADE TO OKDKIt BY FIR6TCLASS TAILORS AT VERY LOW PRICM KN NSY LV AN IA 0 KKICIA L.-l*7f 11J Iradford —... tkilO 3132 184< luck. .. WW 7601 a* toiler 38v2 3706 22H •mbriw 8342 1001 '.moron 400 211 '*rbun 21*) tm ltMl antra - 3X27 140t better 8173 6406 if 'larioa... ........ 26 WI7 14b', Mearfield l'* WW lltt Jlinton ............. . IXI4 AW) 347 Columbia HM 3278 1161 'rswferd 6957 38iW 36'2T 'umberland ........ 8743 4831 U>< Osupbin...... •••••... 0691 4310 1468 Jelaware...... 4760 8187 804 Klk 434 1100 37* Krie - A7547 16M -'ayelte 2b64 4211 lIMI F0re5t....,,,, 318 307 277 Franklin 4734 4001 41 Fulton 794 KM G rns.. totVi IKN ligj dunttngdon 3078 27 M 6Sy Indiana - S4B 1667 2164 Jefferson 1t.44 2140 ble I .ni.f, .. . 1473 1861 142 Uckaw.ana W4 :w Lencastor.... |4nlh 8714 226 Lawrence 2b76 Ui4 1282 742 dercrr 443/5 87UM 185t> Mifflin 1744 176*5 6b Mon roe ... ut2 7KJV 430 Montgomery l*t*j 91t>4 381 Montour ..... 77*2 1378 483 Northampton....... 4U16 76tt4 1073 Northumberland 3*2* l eocl 1483 l'erry itkbi W?U W Kbiladelphia 70t.3 537 3211 pike - 4v" 1136 56 Potter 1326 tJM tiff 3; 5chuy1ki11......... 6004 7657 65ftt Snyder 1814 147-4 164 Sopierfet '>l;.4 2140 338 Sulliyga 436 002 879 •Susquehanoa—.. 6032 "224' i 1H26 Tuoia -4343 2)28 Ibl Uni0n...... 182' 156 171 Venango. . 84*2 itOtA lTflft- Warren '2173 1028 1822 Washington. r, '2 ,; 3 4 , f.-4 822 Wayne. 1337 1626 1684 Westmoreland.... 47u6 5968 1642 Weeming........ 1417 I<'*o 474 y 0 rk.... 6iX/0 9>i4l TV ToUl iIV/37 "1768 A FAMILY OF EMIGRANTS KILL ED BY INDIANS. Cincinnati, Norember *ii—A special dispatch says John Taylor, with his wife and two children and a Mies Cluta, left Springfield, Missouri, in a wagtn, for Col orado, some two months ago. Nothing was heard from them until a few days ago, when a letter roceitcd frem Mise Cult* staled that tba Indians had captured lb# party and murdered them all except her self. She was afterwards rescued by Uni ted States troops. The letter graphically THE PLACE—S. &A. LOEB. For 25 rears we have been the leaders is uiw mm and feu* the same length of time have demonstrated the fact beyond dispute, and are selling all classes of goods cheaper than ever. NOTE OUR PRICES: SALT, •LOO PER SACK OF Qp UNBLEACHED MUSLINS AT 5 CENTS PER YD. DRESS GOODS AT 8 CENTS PER A D ALPACAS AT 16 CENTS PER YARD. LADIES MOROCCO BOOTS AT $1.25. MEN'S BOOTS FOR TWO DOLLARS. LADIES BLACK COATS M LOW as $2.50. With an assortment never equalled in this county. BLACK all WOOL CASHMERES at 50c. i Wa carry lb* largeit and chrapwt stock of Clothing ia Centre oounty-*eeeurgood before purchasing. VALENTINES 4 CO. THE UIOUT DBALEBS 1* -DRY GOODS,- GBQCSBMS, IVOTIOXS, CLOTHING, Ac., Ac., IN CENTRE COUNTY. BELLEFOIfTE, PA. describee the fight with tha Indian*, about twenty of whom were killed and woundad before capturing Taylor. fi -** to Stewart s body not yet found. Reward C for tba robber* it raised to 060,000. Frrm'ny TtUnram : "What Gambetta b.'taid— 'l'istolt, Kourlou 1' " The Uncida Community pitkad 7,650 I] bushel* ot apple* this year. ® The ruost eminent phyiician* In New York mak* from 040,000 to 070,000 a year. 6 Advices from Salvador state that the >2 volcanoes of Ixalea and Santa Ana are ia * tremendous activity. Tb* following is the vet* cast for the „ prohibition ticket: Governor, Lane, 3 - ~ 668; lieutenant governor, Sballerose, 8,614; „ secretary of intern*! eneirs, Parsons, 3,. 4 667. 8l The following vote vu east for Daniel . Hleck (instead of Michael) for lieutenant 7, governor: Venango 46, Wayne 1.394, 7 Clearfield 837. Jefferson 779, Klk 381. Gun -1 ten 28, Crawford 3.860. Cameron 226, . Weehinrton 814. Total 8^169^ Li wa— — Bswg * ggg> 5 IYUBLIC SALE - 4 X Will be sold at pub lie sale, at the residence of the subscriber * near Mulkvrger't saw mill in Potter twp., 6 en SATURDAY. DEC. 7, at 1 o'clock On* 3) year old Coll, 2 Cewi, 3 head of *1 young Caul#. 1 truck wagon. 1 spring ® wagon, plow, bay bv the toni also carpets, '•'S Übles, chairs, bedsteads, desk, 2 cook stoves, tubs, meat vessels, asdotbsr bouse hold goods. ' ALSO— 7 acre* of timberlend of Hannah ' Da u Harm en. dec d. 'I Terms will be made known en day of 1 tale by JOHN P. JORDAN ; I NSW MtLLtKSHY AT POTTER'S BANK Mlws Florence Mssrkw, ' Would must respectfully inform the peo ' pie tbet she bes opened a mkw ttILLISKhT .IHTOT a at Potter's Mills, end will always flkeepe FULL LINE OF GOODS at low 7est price*. l , am- Ladle* celt end tee her goods. ' 7 aov 44 ) gC'HOOLTAX NOTICE.— | The Potter School Tex Duplicate it now [in the hands of tb* Treasurer. An abate ' ment of 6 per rent, will be made ea ail flaxes paid before the first of December ; and all taxes paid between Ist of Dec and * Ist of Jan II7U. lb* fsceof Duplicate will be required And all taxes unpeld after . 'lst of Jan 79, 6 p*r ceaL will be added I for collection. ;W W SPANGLER. '3loct2m Treasurer. A DMiNISTRAToK StNOTICE - Letters of *dminiitrat*,on oa tka esute of [ Daniel Blover, late of Potter township, dee'd, having been granted to the under ' signed, all persons knowing themselves ',U be indebted to said decedent are re > quested to make immediate payment, and . persons having claims against th* estate I will present them authenticated tor settle ment. John shannon. 3] oft Qt Admr. HAllltY K. HICKS, (Successor to T. A. Hicks A Bro.) WHOLESALE A RETAIL DIALKK IN Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, Putty, A Robinson, Th<>mas Rich ardsen of Aprlng Mills, and Catherine J. Palmer of Po.ters Mills. At th* residence of Mr Charles Shirar on Sabbath meraing, November 17ih. 1878, by Rev A B. Kirtiand. Mr. Wm. Keed. mi# ol Pine Grove Mills, Pa., aao Miss Louis J. Bhirar, of Baline county. Kansas. After services a bountiful diu ner was paruken of by the many friend who witnessed the above marriage cere mony, sad extended their coagralulatiens to the happy coupis. Spring Mills Market. Wheat 90. Bye, 46c. •Corn, ears, per bu. new, ,40c Oata, 22c Buckwheat, 76c. Cluvereeed, 03 00 t-i 03 75 Chop, per ton, S2O (XI. Plaster ground uerton, flO.Ck) Flour, per bbl 06 00 Butler, 18c. Tallow, 7c. Rags, 2c. Eggs per doz., 18c. Tub washed wool 35c, Packed butter worked over, l(ki. Coal, Retail. By Car. Grass Ear. 04 66 04 2u Stove. 0610 04 05 Chestnut, 04 86 $3 HO Pea. 04 00 02 66 NEW MILLINERY STORE AT SILLHEIM. MRS. ANNA M. WEAVER Takes pleasure in announcing to the peo ple of Miilbeim end vicinity, that she has opened a New and Elegant STOCK OK MILLINERY GOODS on Saturday. October 19th, lfi7B. A full line of choice and tasbiona goods always on band at popular prices. Ikrewwmaltlnß, end ell kinde of FAMILY SEWING with the new 6-ti> Platter and Trimmer for making all kinds of side-knife, box end fen Plaiu ; Fluting (juilttng. and Zepbyriag, will be a prom inent leelure of business. 24 oct 2m. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON CERN.—Tb# book* and vendu notae of the late Or. Peter Smith, deed., bare been left with Wtn B Mingle where all intereated will pleate call and make teulement without further delay, a> after January 1, IBTV, the books and note will be placed in banda of a Juatice of the Peace lor collection by legal pr, *-#*. 24 octU CHARLES .-MITU, Ex. PRIVATE SAL 8.-A CHOICE FARM AND HOUSE AND LOT - The following described property. ol John Eraoierl, dee'd, aituate in llarri twp., Centre county, one FAKM, contain ing one hundred and thirty-three acre*, more or lee*, bounded by lands ol B. Kv erhart, doe'd, -lames Glenn, McFailen. Dr. Henderson, dee d, and otbera, it ofler ed at private tale. The farm it well wa tered. e never failing stream of water run ninr through tbetarm end within thirty yard* of the barn, aleo, a well of never failing water at tbe bout*, with good pump in it- The improvement* ere a large FRAME UOUSK, two atoria* high, al most new. a FKAME BANK BARS, forty-five by eighty feel and all other noc catnry oulbuildicg*. Thie ia one of the best producing faruiain this section for all kinds ol grain ; ia all limestone lend. A large ORCHARD of choice fruit an tbe premise*. For particulars inquire of W an. Wnru on tbe farm. Also one HOUSE and LOT situated in Boalsburg. Centre county, the bouse ia '2 stone- bigb, with kitchen attached to it, and all necessary outbuildings, also a goo I, stable, a never tailing well of weter with good pump. Tbe lot ia well set with fruit trees of beat quality. Alto 2 acres and 1*23 perches oi excellent land situated near the German Reformed church in Boalaburg, within two square* of above house. JOSIAII NKFF, Executor of J. Em mert, dec d. Sept 6 tf Tbe moat niefal i reient For V our Hlfr, InUndeJ wtf. mother, or Mater. la oae of oar Nidile Pitted and Poliobod Mat to# or t ruoplo Iroaa. 4 lroaaa oo oow handle and at treat If K*tuc*d Prlreo. KMC Kororaabi* Platlnc Iron. Js h*. HOMO rialtn* a4 t'rlßjiiai Iroi, |li& HKJfT PREPAID Ml w colpt cf prftoo. Hewitt Mfg. Co. Pittsburgh, P*. P. O. Hoi.iW.or te* r.BD Aut-nn. An Ac-nl Uli COBBU. Itotnu W. A. CURRY. CENTRE HALL,FA. Would moot respectfully inform thecil tens of this vicinity, that be has started new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would bi thankful for a share of tne public patron age. Boots and Shoes made to order and according to style, and warrants his work to equal any made elsewhere. All kind of repairing done, and charges reasonabb (Jive him a call. fehlfl It ■SJ. 3. sway?ea, HROEMA K I.R, Respectfully informs the citixens of Cen tre Hall and vicinity that he has opened a new shop in the old Bank Building. New work turned out according to style,and all kinds of repairing neatly done, and on short notice. Prices reduced and to suit tha limes. 7 fab. QENTREHALL Furniture Rooms! EZRA KRCMRINE, respectfully informs the citixens of Centre county, tbst he has bought out the old sund ot J. O. Deininger, and has reduced the prices. He has constantly on hand and makes to order besteads, BUREAUS, SINKS. WASHSTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS, TABLES, Ac., Ac. His slock of ready made Furniture is large and warranted of good workman ship, and is all made under his immediate supervision, and is offered at rates cheaper than elsewhere. Gall and see his stock before purchasing elsewhere. fb 2C IBICE rot fiALI-Fim class brink! on band for sale at Zerbe'i Centra Hall brie* yard*. There brick are; a offered ao low thai it will pay persons at a' distance to come here for them. I Intending to continue in lb* manufac-l rare of brick they mil be kept constantly, •n band, and fair inducements offered to uurchasera. 7 au* tf. H E. ZRRBK ; £JR.S o. Qutkliub; ! Dentist, Mlllheim. OtershUprofemtawolMrrtrsetotbo ssbfl*. Hats oapara* la perform tUopemuene la the destel prs 'assise. I | •I. i, eew fally prepared to attract taaU sheolstly' I psi ■sa-ra ! I Spring Mills, Pa., i GRAINHOUSE AND COAL YARD. j J.D.LONG'S New Grain House is : Now Ready for The Reception of WHEAT, |at tbe HIGHEST CASH 1 KICK and tie REST COAL in Market f< Id at tbe very : owes I price. Hides! Hides! Bring your Hides and receive tbe Highest Price for them. I alio keep tor sale UPPERS. KIPS.j CALP SKINS, and SOLE LEATHER it iowest price*. !• Alio a full Una of Harness. Saddles. Collars, Bridles, Halters. Whips, etc. i at tbe very Lowctl Price*. lOcclSm j ft _____ Grocery and I * I Confectionery. AT CENTRE HALL. Tbe undersigned baa opened a new Gro-,' eery and ConiectinnerT, and will always j aeep a full line of goods, at lowetpo*ible . firicoa, and kindlr ask* a share of tbe pub-! ic patronage. Hie etnek consists of COFFEES, SUGERS TEAS, SYRTPS.'d SOAPS, SALT. All kinds of I* CHOICE TOBACCORS AND SEGARS, t and al! fruits of the season generally in ii Stock. | BEST SWEET POTATOES. ;C Alto a full Una ol CON FECTION ERIIS All kinds of country produce taken in ax*, change. J 1 tail low for CASH and PRODUCE. p Jfaapty C. DINGKS. £ Spring Mills 0. K !■ NEW ROOM! NEW GOODS! jf at I. J. Greooble'aStore! ■ SPRING MILLS, I has the goods. Largest stock I SELECTION j; UNSURPASSED! j Prices Lower thanji Ever, P And now extends a cordial invitation to j j hit friend*, patrons, and public general-1 g 5 '! Alao a Complete Assortment ol i Ready Made Clothing for men and * boys. Suits aa low as to be bad in tbe [ : city. Imported and Domestic DIIYGOODS ! Full lint of MERINO UND I; !RWEARS, ( For Lad lea, Gents, Roys. Misses and < i Children. Hosiery, Gloves, Bo ts and Sboea, HATS, CAPS, CARP .ITS AND OIL CLOTHS, And the most completo r.isortment of NOTIONS' n Central Pennsylvania, end prices that willcompel sou in aelf defence to buy of hra . Alio Fish, Salt. etc. ISoc A full line of Howe Sewing Machines ' and Needlea for all kinds of machines. 1 Alao dealt in all kinds .of Grain. Mar- \ ket price paid for iha tarns. A specially { ' in COAL by tbe oar load. New Pianos $1251 i 1 Each, and all styles, including GRAND, ' nSQUARE and UPRIGHT all strictly 1 drf class, sold at tbe lowest net cash i i wholesale factory prices, direct to tbe pur- t cha*er. These Pianos made one of the fin est displays st tbe Centennial Exhibition. " and were unanimously recommended lor the HIQIKST HO.NORH—over 12,00 ft in use. Keguisrly incorporated Manufacturing Co, , | Factory established over 36 years, iho , Square Grands contain Mathushek's new | patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest improvement in the history of Pi- 1 eano making. Tbe Uprights are the finest din America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't d fail to write for Illustrated and Descrip d live Catalogue of 4ti pages—mailed free. ■ MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO.. 5 sept ly 21_ Kat loth Street, N. I. First-class accommodation for gueats Beat stabling for horses. Stages arrive is and depart every dap for ssll point*. ; AN DER A BOWERTA"* ' Jas. Harris <£* Co. NO. 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW. IROTNAUI, P A IN T S, OILSTETC., JAS. HARRIS A CO. Beliafbala. W-BARGAINS. Bargains! Bargains! In MEN S and BOYS, BOOTS and SHOES ! ilao a LARGE VARIETY of CHILDREN'S SHOES, at LOUIS DOLL'S Shoe Stars* apposite tbe Unsb bout*, BellefonU, room formerly occupied tp organ*, New, tor s7o.oo—PriM I $270.00. Sewing Machines Guaranteed Ntw, and as Represented, for $25 00. COME, SEE. AND BE CONVINCED. COME ONE COME ALL to tbe Now Music & Sewing Machine start of BUNNELL & AIKENS, Allegheny Street, 25j"ljr Bellefonte, P ■ iur own town at On tit free W. trsna-. tea. Rudir. tf yoo want a bualsoaa at ,|l| WW nvhu.'i persons of sillier tsa ess make *nl vf Wpaj *U the Urns they work, writs Is* Mr ttenUis te U. tULLarr AUo. PerUeeCa# t* msr, j _ _ DF; FORTNEY Attorney at Law Bellefonte, Pa. Offlc* over Bay nulris hank Umsyvf PENNSVALLTY BANKING Off. CENTRE HALL. PA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, and allowlnUr: est: Discount Notrs; Buy and Sell Government Securities, Gold and Coupons. WM. WOLF, W I. B. MIKOL*, Pros't. ( iskus JL. SPANGLER, Attorney al Law s Consultation* in Knglitb .am Gar man. Office ip Furst's new boiTdin Ussa make nonef fsstsr st work lor as thsi tl as# thine slss. CsptUl aot rsaaksd. ws will start you. au psr day st homo tssds by ths lsdsstat oos Mec. women, boy, end airls wnatsd arots where to work for ss Now u tbo time. CertW ontllt and Unas free. Address TMVE A Co. Anrasts. Mnlae. SS tnnx, y Lincoln ButterPowdcr, makes but ter sweet andhard, and quicker to churn Try it—for sale at Wm. Wolf s stoia.