The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 21, 1878, Image 4

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Wr. Marina* Armani a. HI" Klhl
Yn.ra' Kn-Utencr an a Palar lalaaM-
Wfcnl Alaska la Watlk.
A Journal reporter interviewed Mr,
John M. Morton, who ha* recently re
turned to the city after a lengthened
absence in Alaska, where he has leeh
occupied in his official duties under the
United States governtuent.
Mr. Morton has spent eight years iu
the Territory of Alaska, and has had
better oppo>tnuitie of brooming ac
qnatnted with that almost unknown
region than most men who have sought
to learn it* resources and future p Mo
bilities. n' has Uam officially eoumvt
ed with the islands of Bt. Paul and 8k
George—two of the Aleutian group—
and his duties, in counectiou with three
assistants, were to aet in Ivhalf of the
government in enforcing the terms of
the lease under which three islam!* are
held for twenty years by the Alaska
Commercial company. In regard to
these islands, the luhahitans and their
principal occupation, Mr. Morton says:
The population of the island of St.
Paul is about "did natives, ami that of
St. George 10ft There are not more
than 1,300 people upon the Aleutian
group, aud those who live npon the two
islands named are unquestionably much
better off aud in a higher condition of
civilisation than any of their neighbors.
There has been a marked improvement
in their condition duriug the lasi sewn
years. When the contract of the United
Urates government oaiue into existence
these people lived in mud tents, partly
dug out, aud so low that they were
oblige.! to crawl in anu out, while these
miserable dwellitgs had no ventilation
whatever. Under the conditions of the
lease the qoiupauy is compelled to do
certain things tor the inhabitants of the
island ; but they have done more than
was required of them. All the men are
employe.! in the seal fisheries, which
occupy less than two mouths in the year.
They drive the seal in shore, kill and
skin them, and salt and otherwise pre
ps c the skins for shipment to Bau
Francisco. For this work, which rarely
lasts more than six weeks, each man
receives S4OO ar sMft and all the re*u of
the year they have nothing in the world
to do. The company also ate compelled
to furnish the people with fuel, salt fish
for ■ he winter, and sufficient salt in bar
rels with which they may preserve toe
fleab of the seal for winter consumption,
this being theirq'ruK'iual article of die*.
All the money the jwople have to Sfteud
is in the purchase of bread and such
other things as they may desire to gel
from the company's store.
They nee.! ot spend much far drees,
as they can obtain plenty of sealskin
slothing. but as 4 matter of tact some of
them do buy ferv fine clothes, and drees
in quite sty hah fashions. It rests with
the people themselves whether they will
save money or waste it on fluery and
trinkets. The companv's store keep a
good assortment, and they have plenty
of opportunity to spend money there if
they are so inclined. Bnt many of them
are getting quite rich. Some of them I
know have as ranch a 83.U00 in the sav
ings bank at San Francoc : and there
are no class of laborers getting more
money with less work than these natives
engaged n the sea! fishery. The com
pany provides a school eight months in
tr e year, au.i has budt each family a
comfortable frame house, thus bettering
their condition to a very great extent.
Last year a church was erected at a cost
of sl6 00Q, for which the people con
tributed oat of their earnings. and have
paid off the whole amount. Ttiey are
devout members f the Greek church,
and attend to their religious duties with
great regularity.
One stipulation of the lease is that not
more than 100.000 seals shall be killed
in any j ear, and as the lease extends
over twenty years, and the company ex
pects to renew it at theeud of that term,
it is as rnafli to their interest as that of
the government to observe this condi
tion. 1 In# present year the full number
lias be-n killed, but in 1876 and 1877
only 75,i^A-seal* were caagtit each year,
tke" being that the pnee of seal
skins ha.l beoMtiM somewhat minced.
This year both the demand aud the price
improved. "There is no danger of killing
off the seals under the system at present
adopted, as care is taken to catch only
the young malea from two to four years
of age. They never kill a female seal,
nor yet an old male, and as there are
several million seals around these two
islands—more than all other parts of the
world combined—the reprod action is
m-re thsuenough to perpetuate the
stock. *■*
lue eompanv pars to the government
yearly alxmt sl2fl.uoo, and this amount
may be sa'd to represent at >out alt that
Alaska c attributes to the United States.
The rest eft the country, which is of vast
extent, covering six hundred thousand
square nlftes, is practically unproduc
tive, but no time the spruce, pine and
yellow oe<iar timber upon the mainland
will become valuable, and it is probable
that extensive mineral resources will be
developed; their existence in some local
ities is already known. The tempera
tare on the islands where I retide i- not
of such extreme cold as in other parts of
Alaska. Last winter was the coldest I
have known, and the thermometer was
never more than 22 degrees below zero.
Strong winds and frequent storms pre
vail- however, ten months out of the
twelve, ad this makes the weather
much coUer than would otherwise tie
the case. The two months of summer,
June and Jttly, are usually wet, but th t
is the only time in, the year when there
are no wifjd storms. There is but little
moving about in the long winter, and
the half dozen white people on the
islands relf upon a good library and
such indaflf amusements as they can
follow to occupy thrir rime. /ndiant
polit JourygU.
n Epn,
As food eggs are exceedingly nutri
tious. are eay of digestion, and,
when the snell is included, they may be
said to curtain in them-elves all that is
required for the construction of the
body. It has been claimed for them
that they may be served in about 600
ways, although it is generally fouud
that the more simply they are prepared
the more they are approval Although
other eggs than those of birds are eaten
—for instance, turtles' eggs—it is gen
erally conceded that the eggs of the
common fond an i of the plover possess
the richest and flavor. An or
dinary hUn'e-egg weighs fsiui one act
half to two and a naif ounces avoirdu
pois, and the quantity of dry and solid
matter in it amounts to about
200 grains. In 100 parts about ten
parts consist of shell, sixty of white and
thirty of yelk. The white of the egg
contains a larger proportion of water
than the |e}k. It contains no fatty mut
ter, bnt consists chiefly of albumeu in
a dissolved state. All-the fatty matter
of the egg is accumulated in the yelk,
which relatively a smaller pro
portion of nitrogenous matter, and a
larger proportion of solid matter than
the white. Jt is said that raw eggs are
more easily digested than cooked ones.
A hard-brmed egg presents a decided
resistance to gastric solution.
An flattest Buy's Peward.
John MfcWaflr, a tbireenyear-old lad,
came into*iu> Baa Francisco police sta
tion bringing apackage containing S3OO,
there bring two SIOO greenbacks and a
treasury nbtb for SIOO. He said he bad
found Ui£ " pack age on K-arney street.
He left it at the station to await the
owner's claims. The owner appear
ed the nest afternoon in the person of
W. W.* of the firm of
Wotherspoon Brother", of New Tork,
who identified tho package and its con
tents, Learning that young McNally
has no father, nd that Mrs. McNalJy
(who has five other children besides the
one that found the money), is sick and a
widow Mp. Wotherspeon resolved to
reward the boy's honesty with a sub
stantial token of approbation. He ac
cordingly handed the chief of police
SIOO, with a request that it be placed in
some hash * or the lad's benefit. The
chief deposited the generous gift in the
Hiberfiia. bank in the boy's name, to be
paid toj h|n when he shall come of age.
Moflre, fir watered ailk, in stripes, is
lie favorite material for combining
vcith faille or gros grain silk in costumes
or wraps.
Nolra far d abaal tt antra.
) The married women of Japan blacken
their teeth to add to their iittractive-
I ness !
Tlie woman-suffrage question was first
preaealed to the Massachusetts legists
lure in 185S, by Mrs. Abby 11. Aloott
Miss Martha Atalanta Lampkin, for
whom the capital of Georgia was name.!,
has !>eeii visitiug the city. lt none
was first Marthsaville aud then At*
lanta, and bow Atlanta.
Worth, the famous Pan* dressmaker
au Kuglwhmau by birth, gives to each
I woman employed by bun a new anas
every year upon wutcli he expends his
grandest fancy and taste.
The costly display of bridal presents
. at some pretentious weddings iu No
York, embrace* mauy artielea hired
trom the jewelers ,ur the purpose, Can
vanity and fashion go further?
The municipal oonucil of Paris have
decided that part of the local cmnuis
laiouera to inspect faoToriea shall lie w,-
meu. This is because half Ihe childreu
who work iu such places are girls.
Florence Nightingale is sick unto
death. Heroes are mostly re in ember, si
for the blood they have shed. This
sister of merry will be remembered
for the human suffering she has alle
Mr*. Graham, an old lady near Arba,
Wayne county, luu., ha.! a fit of epi
lepsy while iu tlie baru-vard, ami before
she recovered the hoga ha.l torn off an
ear, very badly mutilated her shoulder,
and almost devoured one hand.
Mrs. E. R Grauuis. editor and pub
lisher of the Church I num. is constantly
addressed as •• LWr Brother Gramas '
by her correspondents, who are uuder
Uie imurr*Mv-u that the paper is cou
diietod V>y a in an and a minister.
A woman iu Ohio has just got $5,000
from a rnsu who went a-oourtuig of her
fifteen years and then made up his
mind he could ut. This lietug st the
rate of $333 33} a year, strikes the
bachelor mind :is rather a heavy pay
ment lor las fun.
A Cleveland (Ohio) lady, Mr*. Oorue
lia E. Beaumont, has mveutevl and pat
ented an arraugement to keep small
txiats from capdkaig and sinking. A
aeries of rubber tabes are attached
above water-mark around the outside of
the boat*. These tubes are filled with
compressed air.
I'wtlM Naln.
Mi ffs are of medium size.
Slaeves are tighter than ever.
Hepped fabrics are in high favor.
Black dresses are as popular as ever.
| Only light furs are ustxl for evening
Watered silk—moire—is very fashion
Gold brocaded cap ribbons are much
Medium-sized bonnets are not fash
Balayeuses are seen on very abort
All dresses of woolen materials are
cat short.
All the a. w bonnets are very email or
very large.
Visite paletot is the name of the new
est steel wrap.
Toques made of seal will be much
worn this winter.
Stockings are in more bizarre styles
than ever before.
Slashes at the elbow and at the top
are seen on many Parisian dress sleeves.
All winter wraps aDd cloaks are very
long, but very short jackets are also
Striped goods in Pekin silk and
satin or silk and moire are very fash
Tlie clan tartan and Scotch plaid short
costumes are the fancy of the passing
Si'iu, velvet, moire, and grew faille
are favorite combinations in composite
Striped Pekins and striped moire* are
in d' maud for parts of dressy composite
Dresses, to be fashionable, must be
very short in front even when trained
in the back.
Leather buttons for country costumes,
or •' suits for the moorlands," are among
the London dress novelties.
The talma is a new mantle which is
simply a revival of an old style, with the
only difference of a tight back.
The newest buttons are bullet shaped.
They are of colore,! pearl, jet, brass,
steel, crochet, and fine porcelain.
Japanese designs appear on the sur
face of silver and gilt buttons or in
ebony, gold, and silver buttons for short
Silk or span ailk stockings to match
oostnmee are to he worn with black kkl
low shoes, with a strap across the instep
and a steel buckle, but no bows.
The large b ef eater hats, which are
to be worn in New York this winter,
have the brim rolled upon the left and
trimmed with plumes, some bending
forward and some sweeping around tne
Burlington Hawk-Ejetem*.
" You're an gnawful thirg," as the
bone said to the dog. " Yoi're two
jawfnl for anything," the dog said to
the bone.
Some weeks ago the telegraph "fatal
j ly wounded " Sitting Bull, bnt the old
man hasn't heard anything about it him
self yet.
"Chained in the market place he stood,"
tinr knew hia heart one throb of fear ;
But oc- one either oould or would
Buy a nice, two-year-old red ateer.
Did yon ever notice the innocent bnt
very practical ease and celerity with
which a cat, when it sees a philanthropist
coming down the street, plaoes itself on
the more inaccessible side of the tree
We can't see why the world should be
so bard on rat* because they desert a
sinking ship. Does it never occur to
people to think bow awfully the sinking
ship would go back on the rats if they
wonid only stand by it?
" What is the bane of beanty ?" asks
Harper # llazar. Ah, don't touch on
such a tender theme, dear heaven knows
how much wo have suffered from it.
Sometimes we almost wish we hail been
lorn plain-featured but rich, bnt it is
hard for a man to fight the fates.
" Prisoner st the bar," said the judge,
"is there anything yon wish to say tie
fore sentence is passed upon you ?"
The prisoner looked wistfully toward
the door, aud remarked that b wonid
like to say " good-evening," if it wonid
lie agreeable to die company. Bnt tLey
wouldn't let him.
Science has led the world into an at
mosphere of intelligence aud discovery
that is fairly startling, education has de
veloped the human mind to a point but
little r moved from perfection, but the
world has not TJt advanced to that stage
of progress when the average man can
tell when the 3itting-room carpet has
been turned the oilier side pp.
" Now then," growled old Mr. Boeby
shell, when be was about ready to "tart
down town. " what fool moved that
hat?" A little search in silence ; then,
" What idiot touched that list, I'd like
to know ?" Silence and search. " Some
empty-beaded ninny has got my hat
again." Hes it sticking on top ot liis
cane, where ho leaned it up iu the
corner. Dead tolence.
Where Wit Won.
" What'a the woman charged with ?" ,
said the court. " She's a dead-beat and
vagrant, yonr donor," said the offloer
who arrested ner. Then tlie woman
spoke up and said: •If I can prove
that I'm all right, will your honor let
me go?" "Of course,' said the court,
" Then," said the prisoner, " here's the
family Bible, by which you'll see I'm
Moll Wright"— "Saw my leg off,"
shouted the officer, who saw the point,
" if she hasn't beat the court, too." And
the court rubbed its nose with its fore
finger and gently murmured: "Dis
charge the prisoner."— Mobile Register,
A Bear Story.
Ho vm ■ young mat), almost a boy.
Tie WHS from the rural district* without
I h possible doubt. But lie was sharp and
measurably intelligent, lie found Ins
I wav into the t.ratter office Yesterday
II tuoruuig, at atout 11:30 o'clock, and
. , found one of the reporter*, who had just
. ; dropped iu.
, ! "My name is Fremont Thorp," lie
| frankly said.
', j " Well, Fremont, 1 am glad to sou
you. From what part of tho Country do
you hail f '
" I am from Bath township, sir, ami
I have come to tell you a real bear story,
1 if you waul it,"
• "Well, Fremont, proceed," said the
• reporter, grouping a pencil.
The voting mail had Ins story "at Ins
• tongue 1 a cud," as they say, and lie was
1 precise and accurate. He talked as ful
1 lows :
' " Junius Thorp, an aimle of tuute, **
riding down a hack road 111 the nutth
> | cast corner of Bath to nalnp " -
. | " Let's sec where is Bath town
. ship ? "
1 | " Wliv, it's iu the wiwt part of Huiauut
county, the first town lielow Uichfiehl.
, It's not very (ar from here, sir."
I ' "All right; I have that down."
"Well, as 1 said, Junius Thorp was
• j passing along the road, aud he saw a
bear making his way across a four-acre
field iu the opposite direction. Junius
had a large dog with liirn, and he set
• him after the I car, while he, himself,
hitched his horse and ran on, too. By
' the time he reached the spot the dog
1 had the licast at t>ay, and a struggl' en
• sued, in which the dog got the l>ear
down. Thorp then got a rail aud platxsl
- 1 it across the !>ear iu such away, as he
r hoped, to hold him while he went fur
" i help. He ran across the fields toward
r the house and called to me. We t>oth
- went back to the spot presently; and
meanwhile the ta-ar had esca|H\i fri>ui
l the rail, and, having crowed the road,
r had chtubed a small locust tre-.
, t " What was it int udeil by Mr. Thorp
, to do?"
, | " Wliv, to capture the brute alive, to
. j be sure."
, " lie waau't full gruwu. Lheu'l "
" Well, he was a good chunk of a
" War. but oue of our old neighbors, who
" baa trapped lavu* in the iarly ilfcy# and
' knows ali about 'em, said he wa> about
1 scveo months old."
" Well, what did you do when he hail
climlwxl a tree?"
' *' Why, we began to study bow we
could get him down, to be sure. No one
wanted to climb the tree —for by this
time there were several gathered around
—and so I at length volunteered and
went up near enough to j>oke him down
I with a pole. He struck with his back
I across the fence, and with a good deal of
' force, but he immediately got up and
' star to! to climb the tree again. He
soon saw me, and then he turned back,
• and, ruuuing along for a short distance,
climbed a smaller locust tree. It now
1 took three men to knock him ont of the
second tree, and then, by careful en
gineering, he was haltered and led away
in triumph."— Ctrcr land (Ohio) leader
B onder ful Fishing.
- The Deposit (N. Y. ) (\turier print*
! the following extract from Mr. W. B
r Deyereux: " 1 must tell you alamt
white fishing at Sault Ste. Marie,
Michigan. While our boat sUq jvl 1
went down to the l>eaoh where a dozen
Indians live, who are the moat wouder
-1 j ful fishermeu in the world that 1 know
of, whether the fish be whales or sar
1 i dines For twenty-five cent* I was given
a apecial show. Seating myself iu a
, cauoe, one Indian hx>k his jHantioc iu
the stem and another stood in the bow
The one in the stern used a paddle to
r ! keep the U>at's head up stream, while
' 1 the other nsed s pole to -temly the boat.
We had a dsp-uel aliout tour tool in di
1 amcter, with a handle twelve or fifteen
- feet long. This was bung over the pro
• jeotion of the cutwater, wTule the handle
t trailed back in the water. Thus equipped,
, we salhtxl out into the rapid*, wuich are
half a mile in length and one mile wide,
, At the f<*t of the rapida the fishiug is
( doua. The water boils and tumbles like
tlie swiftest rift on the IMaware, and is
generally half white with breakiug foam.
Yith his pole the Indian in the Ixiw
holds the cafifx', or let* it float ateaihly
j sideways, now no a little and then down,
' bat always under perfect ouutrol, and
1 al ways dancing with the rash of water
He watches the water constantly, which
varies in depth from two to nine feet,
r Hnddt nly with a qnick motion he shoves
the end of the pole nnder the bow piece,
, I grasping the net at the same time with
( i the otiier hand, and never taking his eye
from the water, plunges it in, perhaps
ten feet away, and forces it to the bot
tom, or a* the canoe sags back with the
; current, let* it drop a few feet, and then
with a peculiar twist raise* it to the
surface, and with a toss like turning a
flap-jsck, drops a five-pound white fish
j into the canoe. This was repeated time
and again, right in the swiftest water,
and seldom only one fish was caught,
but once six that would weigh eighteen
, pounds. Often 1 could not see the bot
torn, and one was caught in eight or len
, ! feet of water. I could see no fish until
they were brought to the surface. It
was the onlv kind of fishing that I ever
ssw that I did not think I could learn to
do. It is said no white man ever did
learn. The Indian I was with took 1,800
in oue day. We wore oat an hour and
| took about thirty. .
Advice to Correspondents.
Nme but an editor can fully appreci
ate the following advice given by the
editor of the lowa Normal Monthlu:
All our correspondent* will oblige as
by observing strictly the following gen
eral niles :
1. Write with the blunt eml of a
broom-bau.'le, and'draw your sleeve over
the page !>efore it is dry.
2. Commence all prepositions and
conjunctions with capitals, and if that
doesn't Mem to set off the pag' with
nuicient flourish, bring the articles to
the rescue.
3. Whenever yon nse a word that any
ono else has ever used, don't forget to
put it in quotation marks, especially if
it is a proper name.
4. When information is desired on any
subject, be sure that the answer may
easily be found in any common school
I 5. In writing baaineen letters, be care
ful to give n* a full description of your
self. All physical defects are of special
interest to us.
6. Be careful to make a# many para
graphs as you have sentences. It looks
stingy to commence a new sentence ut
the middle of a line; and don't forget
to underline at least oue-fourth of the
words; nothing sets off a page more
than this.
7. Each thought should be expressed
at least three times, or it may esenpe
8. Grammatical constructions, orthog
raphy, historicid and geographical ac
curacy, are of no especial importance— j
we like to see independence, and have
epocial admiration for those of onr cor- j
respondents who hold tradition in oon
teinpt. ,
9. The pa'er 1 your ink the 1 >otter,
especially when n#ed by the puilful.
Bid 4 the Nation.
Newaru, N. J., claims to have n re
markable couple of centenarians. They
are Mr. and Mrs. Wright, aged 106 aud
100 years respectively. Mr. Wright
w* born in M"rris county, N. J., some
time during 1772 or 1773, and remem
tiers seeing General Wustiington riding
out on horseback while the Continental j
army WHS encamped neni' Pompton. j
Notwithstanding his advanced age lie is
quite as full of life m a man of sixty
usually is. But a few weeks ago lie i
walked from Bloomtield to Pine Brook, |
and he walks to church every Bunday.
His senses seern ns acute as ever, and he
relates stories of his life with evident '
relish. He is not addicted to tlie use of ;
. liquor, aud says he never smoked but
onca Mr. and Mrs. Wright have been |
married for seventy years, and have 1
| several great-great-grandchildren.
Friend (to practical joker) : " Hello /
whero are yoti going?" Joker (solemn
ly): "Going to eat some dead fish."
Friond (borror-strack) : " Dead fish I"
Joker (still more solemnly): "Do you
eat it alive ?" 1 Exit.)
Ittale WW llerae Haawtae-
Tito will* atoll is a luxury, and ought
to IHI six or even ten feet wule, df nxun
con bo *| mi oil. IkmiNo I Hikea am tlllpUl
taut for horav* of grind voluo; Iu auoll
atalls thev oau get perfect refxiee by
changing their |xiitiou, rtwovcr from the
fnUguc of a hard day a drive, and bo ,
ready for tlieir tiuk the next day. The
food b*"vt adopted W tho horaeiaixila
ami h-y.J the beat quality, ix-oeionnUy
vuricxl with a bum tutuih, with turuipn or
carrots *m an alternative. The growth
ami development of Ixnie and intiaivleiie
jvcad gr*t!y on the fixxl they eat. It in
|lU|Mirtnut to ael.vt auch a* ooutalliN all
the elixUMitjta needed t • form the twine
ami ttiuaeie of the hurwe. It te aelf-evi- ;
ih ut that the nutritive matter atipphod
by thefiMxi tuuat tie e|ual to the exhaita
Hon or natural waate of the laxly to
keep tip isitditnm.
The horse that i* abetil to be driven
on a jouruey IHMMI* hatdeinng by exer
oiae—preparing by a westing out Hie
lxxly to tetirify ami (ucroaae the cireula
tkui of tle blood, and aim by baud
rubbiug the leg to make them firm ami
etoatlti—* jireparatiou in some ilegree
ixirreepondiiig with that uttaluixi ly u
horse that i* daily driven on the rood for
urdiuary work. Km una week from tho |
a tart thev uml ilnly eztirciae, c uiuucniv
tug with eight or ten unlea and gradually
increasing to twenty per day. This ex
efOnve, With appropriate It.xl, Will haldeil
their intteutes, atreugthvu their luuba, j
ami prepare them to perform their tank*
without giving out ou tlio I>nnl, material
ly declining lis fleh, or seriously cx
haueting their phy amol powuxa,
If we perform long drive* with borvav#
accitetumod to short work <m!y, the eud
den tnuaithui from indolence to great
exertion will relax tboif ruitecleM, weaken
their pant*, deprta* theif apmbv and
break down their constitution. The leatl- I
iug CM uae ot eo many v*luath' horae* le
--uig *|Miiled by lung driven ia being hort
of work. They are uot prepared for
such torn-re exertion*. Ouivlitiou will prw
jntre their w*>rk cheerfully, laat ut with
aouuvl luuba, and preaerve their ixiuatitu
tionid vigor for future naefnlueaa.— i
I'retscllea ta X xaa Trcrafiwui Hwrrreaad
We tnHl ou experiment lout year on
cabbage plants which aatiatieeua that the
Mime thing uiay be corned out on u 1
larger acale with trees It is to wind
Uxvaely the lower imrt of the body from
close U> root to a foot above with paper,
iKuuueoruig the outsiie of paper with a
thin coot of gun tor, Uiiuuing it by mix
ing thoroughly with water, or if noth
ing is put ou paper, it auawera a good
purpose if newspaper is UMMI, w worms
and grabe have no liking for the iuk.
We put out two or three bundrod cab
bage plant* last aprtug wound with
uewspajver, and, notwithstanding a gixxl
uniny grub* were in the grouud and oth
er plants were cut off, not a cabbage
was cut • <ff, ami now as we pull them
we find the |>aper all around the truuk.
Peach treen new! protection, e* j vern
al ly when young, from the grub, and if
started well tuid grubs kept away for
ouly flret two or three years they will
live and yield beautiful crop* for manv
years, while if grub is allowed to work
in them when young they are aiokly and
spindliug ami atxm die. When 1 hey sra 1
set oat and before paper is put around
them, scrape the l>ark well and <Wwtn>y
all grubs. These arc plainly detected
by the gum exuding from the bark in
places. After planting out the tree*
scatter around them a sjxxvuful of ealt
and if y<m have them a quart of wood
ashes, being careful not to hill tip
against the body.— fruit /<reorder.
I*r*a*ml!.a h? I aula#*.
Many thing* can be prcpagated easi
ly and "rapidly by cutting*. This is ap
plicable U many trees, shrubs, vines,
plants and flowers. And in oold climates
it is (vest to save the cuttings in the
toll. The liest time to save cuttings
is in the fall after the leaves have
faib-n. Bury them in a dry plsoe in Uve
ground A sandy soil is the Wst.
Such tree# as the wtUow, catnip*. Lom
bordy poplar, multnTry. cottonwrxxl
and many other kuuls can Ixv multiplied
rapidly in this way. So also can goose
berries, currants, grapes, snow ball*
roses and many of the ornamental
shrulvs. Xow is the time to look to till*
matter. They may not, like the hog or
the ox, bnug money directly to the
pocket*, but such things by Yare add
largely to the value of real estate, and
still niore largely to the great sum of
human happiness. A* ooii as the
leavtv* drop, select enftings of various
things. If one has them not, probably
a neighbor has, anil to one who shows a
spirit to Uk core of them, they are
generally freoly given. Than lairy till
spring in the ground where tho water
will uot stand, and set out ia the spriuc.
— lou a Rrffistt i 4.
The Vols* or worn..
There are hunkfe.!* of families in
comfortable eireoJWtAtioes who never
have aonp at diuocr (which witnCut
tioup ia always a failure), unless It be ft
sort of ragont, the product of what
farmer* call a boiled dinner, l'hey are
I not aware how easv it is to prepare Or
dinary soup, and how cheap it is, ton,
It can be made of nlaa *t anything, and
a pot of water placed on the atove may
he the recipient of diver* nddaaod cab*
of meat and vegetnbfhß to excellent nd
vantage. After these have linen boiled
a few hours there will be found in the
pot a very good soup, wholesome, nonr
i lahing, appetizing, and its cost will be
nominal. If the experiment were trcv,
many families would be surprised and
pleased at the result, They would have
j a much better dinner for almost noth
ing than they have hitherto had any
idea of, and once accustomed to soup
they oould not be j*rstiaded to relin
quish it. A simple soup lieneflts at
once health, appetite snd the purse.
The Author of ** WrandMher's Clock."
" Grandfather's Clock " is one of three
songs published early in 1876, but which
did not reach the " Whoa Emma" peri
od of universal popularity until within |
the past few mouths. Its author, Henry
C. Work, a resident of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
has written several other songs whose
prominence at one time will be remem
bered by many. The Church Cniou
presents a sketch of Mr. Work, from
which we make tbu Liiiqwmg extracts ; (
Henry 0. Work, now a resident of
Brixiklyn, N. Y., ws born Octolier 1,
IK 12, in Middletowu, Conn., and is the
son of Alan sou Work, who, with Messrs.
Burr and Thompson, was in 1841 con
demned to twelve years' servitude in
the Mississippi state penitentiary for
assisting fugitive slavi s across the Mis
sissippi river. At the beginning of the
wsr he wns a poor priuter., Ho wrote ,
" Kingdom Coniiug," the great temper
anco song "Come Home. Father;"'
also "Marching Through Georgia,"
"Wake, Nioodemua," " Bsliylos is
Fallen," and others relating to the war,
which had large sales, lie was no long
er the |K>or printer. He was a sueci ss
fnl man. He traveled in Europe, he
explored this continent, and when be
left Chicago, in 1867, he was worth a
small fortune. At that time he ennie to
Viaeland, N. J., bo ght (in c
with his brother) two or three hut'b'ftl
seres of land in that unique rnn.t city,
bnilt two houses, and for a time engug
cd heartily in the preliminary arrange
ments for establishing a great farm. Hi*
fHisseHsions aud his comforts were swept
away, one by one, till finally there WHS 4
but a solitary blessing left to cheer him
—that blessing being his young daugh
ter, Nellie L >uia. He never drank ft
drop of liquor in his life, never used fo* !
baeoo and never took God's name in
Don't point your gun at yourself.
Don't point your gun at any one else.
Don't carry jour gnu so that its range
includes ail your hunting companions.
Don't try to find out whether your gun
is loaded or not by shutting one eye and
looking down the barrel with the other.
Don't nse yonr gun for a walking-stack, i
Don't climb over a fence and pull your
gun through muzzle foremost. Don't
throw your gun into a boat so that the
trigger will catch in the seat and the
charge bo dejiosited in your stomach.
Don't use your gun for a sledge humnu r. I
Don't carry your gnu fnll-coeked. Don't
carry your gun with the hammer down.
Don't be a fool. Don't you forget if.— j
Forest and stream.
tlaataiii and MUtdl* Ola tea
(!|iarlea Hum, a hcll Wncan New York dealer
IU hat*. Mid f*ailll*rly kiaiwu aa "luiot the
Patter, i* a Iwlikrupl, wtth'tutaliUa* *muut.
iug to alxmt SHOO nut).
Tb Novel*tier rlwHoni bavn taken g!a*o,
and llio |ititical cauldr.m, which ha* tioeli
acethbig and tmlililliig for wceka |iae(, I* >|tll I
once timre Kieolioue In Ihuty HlaUai tm
iMelv* guvarunr*. nineteen leglxiatui < • and 'JS7
•'nWgreeameti xetri held. TurollgL lt the
N# Kugloud and Mlitdle BUlaa the vote wa.
goßeial i ijutte largo, aa 111 reveral SaMM uu
ndUal inh ><>al waa taken til I lie reault of the
natlh t the (Mills 111 New York lbs lUi|iul'-
110*11. Mere ; o**fl|l. the bglalature Ixslng
I.tilciv Ue|ml>li.-*iL which Inaiua* the reiitrn
of at nlleit Hialea eeualor to aiiaceed Uoeooe
ll.MikhiiK The hitler Qght in New York ollv
U-tween ranimaiiy Hall atxl a " OdWhlnallou '
ink. i, dlvid.d among Auti rammauv Ibno
oral# and II <put>tlca!is roaulted la S >wi>e|miN
victory for the latter WIH* aondldale for
tuayoi Id ward I oOJMTr. a eon of Tctar tkx>(x>r
-WW. elocleil over ill* opixiualil AUglietna
g.h 11, by nutjortty. The ttepabliaaaa
• lao K.ined a ttuhltrer of im mgfo—niah IU Uw
1 tuj-lig ate. in I'ettliaybauia Urtmral lloyt,
He lle|iatdiosn candidal! ia tdoobad. and Ui
I lei* n are Ibe l>emocr*te iindiiq** fur guv
ernur end tVaixreaa .ere*L In Ma
-n!i Talbut, the tte|ml4ioai> candidate
for governor, .itli thattnUre etatetleket, wa#
elect ml over lluilor and Abbott the Oeimo
t.te vleetlug one caagraeauian and the (ir*en
hacker, uoue. In lUioda I.laud Uie lleinihliaou
catidldale. tor Ctinxreae were elected, tkiu
nectlcm give* the ttepnMlcon# a rein in eWi-
KreaMueli and Uie iegtaialure, which ee(eoU a
t'ut!ad Siate* senator to aospsed W H. Bar
Quia, Iu Vermoat Harlow, the Oroonhaoi
candidate for tkiugrrw*. hae a plurality.
Wilkinooo lire thorn A Co 'a paper mill iu
•hehon. Conn,, one of in# largem paper mill*
ia the ootmuy. haa been dcatrovod ly lire, en
toiUng a loaa of more than tlho Otx 1 .
Aiv iandci huntb u elaete.) to
(rum Uie twelfth New York district on the
RepwtiUimu ticket, to aucoeed Hon. Clarkeen
N I'otlet lhiiuig Uie cofivana Mr. Htnilh
caught cold, and died tm the night of dlerttim
dav, juet aftei the anuouncuiei4,of hi* victory
gad leeu made to him.
In New Hanipehtre the llepnl Uoati* eleeUd
Natl. Head, governor. Thev liava a ma>oAty
of about autj font on Joint ballot in the Wgi
latum-, and vend a Miitd delegation toOiugroea
The Hepuhlieana gain eight ooitgraaoweu in
New York
osurge 11 Lortug hoa Uses ilethartwl elected
to (V<U({ree* from Uie aiith Maaaaclinai tta dla
trict by a amoll plnr*hty. over K M. lioyulou,
tlteei.tavcfc .Mtvililate. ho era. at first an
uotiiMxxi victorious.
A (in mornings g<> * startling sensation wa
cnitlwl la Nww Yck cur Or tfa, diaeuvery (hat,
; oil (he tugbl previous, the body of Aleiaudt-r
T. Stewart. ilia tuilHoiiaire merchant, had twi
stolen from the fhaii'v vault tn (H, Murk ■
' cliurrhyard, uu hecai'i moiiUi-. t*ue Utile
mo UAeice attempted to carry off the UkJv,
bat were frightened away before accomplish
lug their design . aud a watchman aa wt
npou employe 1 fur a time to guar J the vault,
but lie had been dismissed only a itav or two
before the corpse wa* (lotan A kitu u
al* (totuiol by Mr bU-wart, threatening the
removal of the body if money waa not eeut the
writer. The cburchvard 1* located tn a Uuekly
populated |<art of the city, and U eeeiua almost
iiK-redible that the body an a trier- aboukl have
been able to remove the heavy -lab above the
tomb, enter the vault, break Iqwn the coffin,
aealo a high-fence and c try awav the corpse
without twtug eeti or beard. The body tnuat
have been in an advanew! state of devomisisi-
Uou. a* a h.wrlMe stanch aroee from the tubal
vault, and thia made th< midnight work of the
robber a, and the sub-. aent concealment of
the b *ly, all the more d-fficuit. The thieve#
w<*rr douhlleea incited to the gnouli*h deed by
the hope of obtaining a large reward for the
return of the body.
We*tors and Southern atatoa.
liuaineoMi i being actively roan mod in the
diatneta of the Houlh lately deeolatei by
yellow fever.
For forty mile# on the Sine of the Baltimore
and Qhio railroad, eaat of l'arker* burg W. Vs.,
diphtheria baa been raging to an r a tool hither
to unknown in thai region- l waive children
dying in four day*, and Wore than half the
faunhea along Um road having had at least one
A band of one hundred tramp* captured a
train, drove oil the railroad employes* and ran
it to Fihton. Kr., where they were del by
aruied citiartw, wbo rouipollcd the would-be
deadh ada to pursue thru juurney on foot.
Many venaelt were beached or #unk. and a
number of Uvea loat, during a heavy atorm on
hake Michigan.
From the Beaver and Kaps valley* of Kousaa
cornea a terrible eiory of murder, outrage and
jilnnd r by the Indiana during the rwwnt up
ruing At-out thirty peraoua were klUed in
the two valley-, all the women and girl# met
by the red flcud# were maltreated, and the
prop, riy of the acttlcr* waa evervwhtwe da
#>roved or c*mcd off. The low* of the vaV
agra during (he raid waa trifling
The British bark !h-oou8eld, from Dublin,
arrive in ltalUmore a few dava ago, having on
hoard the tirvivor of two htp wrecked Vessels
' an Italian Nig and a Portuguese • cboooer.
From the former the cap*a.n and bla two
brother* were washed overboard and drowned,
and from the latter flee pa*angwr* - a woman,
i taw sua and threw tan- wrre loat.
Bobbing the grave* of Iheir dead acotna to
tie a matter of c- tin: an orvarrenoe in port hint
of the ffiwl. In D trott. Mich., two men were
diaoovefed and tired upon Jnat aa they had ex
humed the body of a woman, and a borer and
wagop stan.Uiig boar by were rvcogmrwJ aa Ur
! ugKtg to • wjU-fcown undertaker. At
Keokuk, la , if baa> dt*e<vi*r*d that A.
Marker, of that city, baa been receiving bodies
of roortith-buried tieopb- -grave* having iweu
robbed at Beacon, la., and the bodies barreled
aim a tupped to Mak> y, who woid thrtff to m<*l
icai tvriloga*. TTio wbohwalo wrthiTcotlmUat e
am ated. bat declared thai he waa Innocent.
The election* in Georgia, Kentuckv. Louisi
sua Alabama, Virauiia, rwn'ie*av% Maryland,
South l aruhtt 8 *'h (Vdiw, r" id:, and
Texas have reouiled in the auccexwof tie Dero
idT'tic Mtl* ticket* In every undone* und the
return of a solid Jb-moorstic delegation to
Oungrea* ka •* < rai Stall . South Carolina rc
elgcta Wade H*ia}dr>n for governor j and In
Ixmiaiana Burke a majority for -Tate treasurer
t about MLMk In Tonne**ie and Texas al
i burl K Mark* and (Iran M. Boberl* are elected
f governors. In Georgia Alexander R Stetdieur
waa re elected to Congrnw. The political con
tra le in the Wtrtm Slate* wore not *o ope
aldeii aa tn tie Mouth Kanea*. UkiiLim,
Nebrafka. Wtaconetn, Illinot* and Mitmenota
going BepubUcaa wlwrv- State ticket* were In
the held, while Ua> I>eClMT*Ui urn ghead Id
The l'tiuaix <-b'vtor si Hoot*®, IU., with
over lftu.OUO bndhcl* of gram, h* Intti <h?
atniyed by tire.
Missouri and S nth Carolina is-nd solid item
ocrour dsi<'gHion u> i ugrc** a gain of four
member* In tlie former State and of tbree in
the Utter.
The Hffmhlic*ns gain one congressmau in
Illinois and one in Michigan.
The holler in the sawmill of Joseph Kats at
Hsvmnuah. Mo,, explode 1. killing J. Emmons
and W. 8. Farrow, and injuring two others.
From Washington.
Tho national debt statement for Ortolier
shews Cosh in the treasury, #275.217,473.93
debt, less cash in tho In-osnrv, November 1,
IH7H, *S 024.260.f1K3.ia ; decrease of debt dur
ing October. 11 705,402.5i1; dearwoso of debt
since June 30, IS7H, f11.586.74H.64.
. During Qotehir the total amonut of coinage
at the various mints of the United Mate* was
ffi 625.40(1: divided thus Double eagles, #3,-
464 Gtlft ; eagles. 6737.800 ; quarter coile*.
6346,800 ; standard silver dollars, 62 070,000 ;
; coma. $6,700.
Hslbert K. I'aine, of Wisconsin, has boon
appointed conitni-sroner of pan nt < in place of
Ellis Hpear. resigned.
' According tn esttmatew made the d*v after
election, tho Democratic raajonly m the House
will be about twelve, exclusive of the Green
backers, h > have shout thirteen members, in
the Senate the Democrats will have six major -
Foreign Now*.
Maynooih collet e. near Dnhltu, Ireland, a
prominent Catholic cc!esitic*l iuHtitntion,
has been partially destroyed by Are.
; Becent otect on* in France have wiped out ■
t the conservative majority in the senate, which
will now lie republican.
Louis Antoine Garner-!'age*. French states- '
man *nd hwcwian. •*• may, i of pari* and ,
minister of Muss, i* den! at tho age of
seventy five.
St. Petersburg paper* report large number
of suicide* and attempted suicides in tho l!n
sian army in Bulgaria.
M. Balthazar Jacolin, a French senator ac
dm d of cheating at cards, has been coni[ciled
to resi.e.
Fourteen villages in (he district of Dorno
-1 liCii 'ive bee* I dirtied by a body of Bulgarians
i>Cnfb#ring 4,(S"U
The detail* of a secret treaty have br* n made
public, by which England and Austria agreed
st Berlin, before the plenipotentiaries left that
Hv hat July, to fclsi*' njion the withdrawal of
the Itris-iaii troops from Turkey in May, 18711. .
the (late rUpalated in the treatv of Berlin. It
wa* alo arranged that K> gland and Anatna
should fnrtilsb a garrison to replace the Itua
; sians. if necessary.
Kim luge and N|Hingcs.
In many os the Greek island* *pouge
flshiug form* tlie occupation of the in
babitanta. The method of flailing i* by
diving, and for many hundred your* the :
buMiicigi hiiH been carried on. An old
historian, writing of a (singular custom
prevailing at Himia, a littlo island op
ponito Rhode*, fy* :
A girl in thin inland in not permitted
by her relatives to mgrry before alio has
i brought up a certain quantity of nj>oug-
CH, and Iwfore she can give proof of her
agility by taking them from a certain j
depth. In other inland* the name cna- ,
torn prevails, but with reversed appiioa- j
tiou, IH in Nicarua, where tho lather of i
a marriageable daughter bestows her |
on the best diver nmong her suitors.
" Ho tliati'su slay in the water ;
and gather the most sponges marries |
the maid." 1
Haw J ark I.eeaaN Jla H" Mallarala Ma?
Oar Haadi <l Mkarra a( Mtrrra N#v4a,
aa4 V* km ( uiue a I 11.
The Hun I'runnav) .Stock H' fUtrt aay* :
11 re i n bright little oasis iu the |
desert of aoltlahnex* that stretches ita
dreary waste over ntxmt everything iu
theso days. It g>** tie pleasure to al
Ittde t • it. it ta HO bright ami lrcob ami
original. Iu a certain big wholesale '
house down iu Front at root there IN ,
young man employed, who, by <liut of i
hard work artil rather frugal habit*, ban
managed to save op some t2<Kt from lu*
meager salary. An acquaintance of hu* '
man in mining circle*-—aaid to hiin
one day, about three mouth* ago,
"Jim, if you want to make something ,
orpe aom.' money together and buy a .
huudrad share* of Sierra Nevada; it will '
go up, ma>l>e, mm of these day*, and i
you eon get oometbmg pretty uico out ,
of it" Tiis yooug man auiiled at first—
he had hod point* Ixdortv—but the more
he tliiNigtit of it the more he wu* taker,
with Uie idea. He knew hia informairt
was in a {Mxtitioti to know oomething
about Hierra Nevada and get ewrljr In
formation, ami an he had never before
a*lv IH1 nun to buy stocks it impressed
him ami more atrongly that there
wan Houk'Uiiug in it. But be only had (
S2OO, hud hm iuformaut told him to buy
a hundred aharea. 'Flic *tock wo* then
pegging along at about $4 a share. To
get a hundred eliaiea he muat have f'JIM)
more, lie lin ax led oyer the subject a
few day*, and theu hia frteud a*kal, ,
" Have you gut that stuck vet?" " No." <
" Better get it," aaid the friend, " you
haven't much time." The young man
went and put up hia watch ami got an- !
other SIOO. Theu he aohl aume other
trinket and raised anoitier SSO. Bonn
thing elae went and he hie) ju*t $386 all |
told. Ho watched the stock Hat, but '
I Sierra Nevada hung at Si with tantalis
ing iteraialeucy. Finally he *aid to a
feilnw-elork, " Here, Jack, laud me $5
for a wmple of w#lu j I'm ahurL"
Jack went down into hia pocket and
handed him $5, and then Uie coveted
S4OO wo* intact The day he gave the
order to buy Sierra *nhl at $5. bot the
broker told him "All right; 111 buy it 1
ON the S4OO margin and carry it for JOB."
The stock was bought and iu two day*
wa* Helling at 87.50. Then it weut to
$lO and g 12, and finally the whole street
knew of the new bonanza. At atvoat
sl2 and Sls the young men waa crazy to
sell, but the original informant would
not let huu, or rather begged him to
bold on. There ia uo use elaborating
the story, the point ia not iu the rise or
in what he made of It Sufficient to my
that he dually got $220 for the slock,
and walked off with a check for over
$21,000. He put it in bunk, and the
next day walked down to the store
where the young mou ia employed who
loaned hint the $5. " Jack." Le aaid.
"do you know 1 owe you $5 7" Jack
looked puzzled for a moment "Yea,
by Jove, I believe you do I Cbnl, I'd
have forgotten all about it if vou hadn't
spoken." *• Well," aaid the lucky one,
" I've oome down to pay it and apologize
for uot doing it before. I've been *ort
of hard prea*ed of late, ltut here it ia
with many thank*." And handing the
young man an envelope be hurnad from
the store. Jack VM busy at the time,
Uii, mapposing a fire-dollar gold note to
be in the enrelope, crammed it into his
vest jxveket and went on with hi* work,
lie never Uiought of it again until that
night, diarobiug for bt*l, a corner of the
envelope peepiug from hi* pket *t
| tractevl hi* attention. It occurred to
1 him what it was and be opened it, when
to hi* utter amazement he found a cheek
for Su'.utX) with this litt'o not*- pinned to
! " DESK JACK : I return you $5 with
i interest to dale. Your readiness to
' oblige me aid<xi me in buying 10U whore*
of Uu rr* Nevada at and I hare just
i sold it for $220. Th inclosed is the
evidence of my gratitude. Take it and
be happy. fjinocrely, ——."
This is a pleasant little lncideat, and
it has the merit of l>eing true. The
i ywuig gentleman i* well-knowu in weial
rirdea, and his modesty ithe only rea
ms why we withhold hi* name.
The population of Paria, oue-eigh- of timet of PruiM, Mjri tivurly •*
mOch e* *ll the rant of Konce 'pat to
got her in local toxin. Parte in taxed
fcio per hem! of its jwpnlation. The
real of France pave only about 81 SO
per iieaj of the |Hipul*tion. Lvoua.
which ranks etoutid m the lint of town*
with tlio largest I.kjbl cuipenditure, pap
only about SO.BO per bead of the popu- j
latum. Manwnllea pay* u little mure.
No other twn nearly apjiroache*
ftrwmrr af CXn* Karilaaia.
And use. if you i *cd a to we acmutant and
alteraiivw. il wKdtor a Stomach thttera The
Uqncara of couituerce, even when they arc act
adiilteiated, fail to produce n.ore thau a t*m
(•orwry axhilaratnm. uaoally followed by a
dc, reaamg rvactKMi. arythibg but beneficial
to a weakly oonatit uliou. Not only do the 1
potent botanic Ingredient* combined with the '
alcoholic at Iloatetter'a Stomach Hitter* min
iter to the health and vigor of those who tin
it, but the loair- pure old rye, the finest and
moat ealnbrioas liquor distilled - t* no mean
. promoter of a healthful condition of the dtgaa
] Lew organ* It* presence in the Bitter* . j
ceaeaUal to preaerve their vi gwtablw constitu
i nta from f<rmentation, and it nnq leatiooably j
' augn.eut* their remrdui value. Few uiodMllta.
!ir*!<arati<Mi* of a propnvtary ua'nr* have evrv t
, received >ooh su-i I.R coauueDdatJoii* from,
I hWdicai m*.
The Nailaaal Mewarae.
, It la cetunsted that tiig annual lanugo*
' Caused bv the ravage* of iuaect* and worai*
exceed 11V,009,C00 ill tha I'uitevl State* alone. ,
Truly an rmraeui loaa'. Vet it aitk* into in- ]
signifies no© when oomparwd with the rmragaa
nf that mure terrible scoflrge, Onenoiption.
which annually sweep* hundred* of thcneaml*
lof hmnaa eonls into oteruity. The cauaea of ,
consumption are various, depending tn every
j instance for the development of the di*e**r
1 upon the dcrofnlcns dlathewi*. or temperament, '■
of the victim. Thus the same came which will j
! produce in one peraon an artaek of acute die.
eaae or a slight tiervona nroatraUon, wilt en- <
gender <wm*nmptuw in a person of aerofnlon*
batnt That oonsmupunit ean be cured by
pm)f treatment will be readily |ioro>wvd j
when U>e exact nature of fha liaeaet i under
shwkl. via.: tlie nnrmat'.laiiou slid depoaition of
•crcfukms matter ('Ubaroi*>ui the lung*. Ob
viously, tlwi principal r< tncdloa rtquired are(l) ,
a powerful alterative, or bloud purifier, to
I arrest tlie accumulation* and also cli anse the 1
blood of tlx- scrofulous matter, and (21 a mild .
cathartic to <n>el the diseased matter from the
system. Thi* course of treatment in oonjnne- 1
lion wtth a strict hygienic regime. ha proved
the nio*t sirceeesfnl method of enrine this dis
ease lr. PlMSri Golden Medical Discovery
and I'leasant I'nrgsnve IVllet* are the Iwwt
alterative and catosrtic ronicdies before the
pnblic, and have been sfriiif naodtn tbonaands
of casrs of consumption wtth the roost marked
efficacy. Dr. Fierce"# Invalid#' Hotel, at But- 5
falo, S Y., affords spuria! and unequal ad
vantage# to consumptive*, not only possessing
the best medical mil hygienic means of treat
ment, hut having the essential advantage of
tieing situated in a climate where the inhabi
tant# ate notably free from Ihia disease
Familiarity wtth tbw writings of tba grea
port a is a necessity to anv one who wishes to
ajqwaar well in coro|)4iiy. For 10c. we will fend
, (took of lAOaelmtawi# from the beautiful ma!- 1
ndie# of Mooru, the grand poems of Bvtoo. and |
I (he tme,innied aongs of Burns, and So popular
song#. rVwßSond A On., I>lß Itaco st., I htla.
The Oelebrated
W.wst Tag ring
Tut Frotyxa Tosipoo OaptraNT,
New V<>rk. Bostou. and Cldaago.
for upward#of fhlrty year* Mrs. WINHIAiWV
(KiTluNO BYBDF bait been uaed for children
with revr-failing sttcoea#. It ocrrwda a,wdity
of thv, stomach, relieve# w.nd colic, rwgniate#
the bowel*, enrea dyooulery and iLaarhira, ,
whethwr arising from t wthitig or other cauaa#.
An old and well-tried remedv. 'id ct* a ImtUa
Have von agne in the face, and is it l>adly,
awolleuT' Have von severe pain# in the eiiest. 1
(•ark or side? Have yon cramp# or pains in
the itmlia. or rhoumaUani u any form ? If so
g-f Johnson's Anodyne Tdntment. It will giva
nistaiit relief and Oaally cure yon.
If each one < f several makers had taken the j
higha#t medal at one of the great world's expo
sitions there would be room to question which ;
was best: bnt Mason A Hamlin have taken the •
highest houiusat every such comporition for j
twelve years.
If any person would M-e the difforeuoe be
tween real worth ami real worthlcssnesa let him 1
buy a small pack of Hbcrldan's horse and cattle
powder* and fead it out to hia lien*. The iu
-orosso of egg* will surprise rou.
To obanaw and whiten Uie teoib, to swoetun
the breatli, uae Brown 1 Omphorsted Sajiona
oeon# Deutifrioe. Twouty-five cuts a bottle.
For Cough#, Golds and Throal Disorder# a#e
" Brown'# Bronchial Trochoa," having proved
tdbir efficacy by a teat of man? years. 35 eta. !
a box. '
llou. 0. It. Parsons, mayor of Bortiester, was 1 ,
radically cured Of Bright'# Difeksti by Cralg'e |
Kidney Cure. Depot 42 University Pl„ N. Y. |
Til* delicate niMDlxan* whtnli envelop# the
lung* and line# the air MHMM, la MMsdinglv
sensitive, and a elighl lmtelTou of It lner*a*a
and spreads vary rapidly. lUmienilnirtug this,
nee, it you are attacked by a cough or oold,
thai incoiii|>aralile ixilmonie sad preveotlve of
cniietuiiplum. Or. Hall ■ llalaocn for the Lung*,
! ehicli Invariably gives epoody reltaf and utu-
I match effect* a complete cur* In alios**# where
Uie Iwetiinng urgone *r afftwted, bee It in
I line end piavaul MTioß* bronchial trouble,
hold by all druggists.
Chew Jaokanti * Heel Hweet Navy Tobacoo.
I.VtPOKTANT NUI II K.-r*reiMt, Nab
J liae and (Maw* aa* aerebae* ae Hei* e*aal W Or.
TO* law vaawriA* UHIMKNI i m># ewe •
I Übeteee, IMafftMee. Dmeatery. Ortmti, uehe aa<l Oae
•MIMM. laOen uearaaU? (It HMIII ianelaea. MM
ua'h *4*. tnieiir mh l414*I aaa egieraaley for
I . *•>•>ilee. llwlMUi, Hera
Tieel, Oaternunw. *allu, Hralee, MoMiilt*
Hilea, 1 lid Name, r*te* 1# tea**. Daek and lAeot.
TIM vsaanalf IJSiaiaXT lalreSae-N le ifit,
I m>4 eo MM eOe he *ht leu •uatuaaa* M St. ejun
, •(alia* it il *m Tea toMiare e buMle ia ewa*4 MM im
1 aeilMtil il TaeaMuS* M OamScaue eaa be eaea al
1 11 . IJM~I. •t.a*iaa <S lie enaSerfal earanr* Stomc
K1.i.1 t.i ihteiMlM tl 40 rte. Ue*o 4t
1 Murray Ok., Sea Vet
The Israel*.
aw *aa
uar' rama- metOe. WAS C*
Teaa# asd OheeeOe* 0* f b*K
wiiu. i-o"M #au So
Mt f *
OreeaaU o*k O*M
' **•,. *ki OS*
; MM.. •• 0* • OS*
Oof! - "Ai*.'oyu*s. of.* 'S*
I near— * eeter- -OOalM te fancy. 4 OSS*
Stale-Fair le Ottetoe • i •ZS
Whew No.t. Set .....MM* .... t SS*# 1 tft
UnsH a late IT • 1 "
I'.jre man. .MM. f S
t barley Ooaa la Me 1 t (In # IOS
liar ley *%U 1 IS t SO
' data—Hi zee Weeim<...M. 4 O
Ojne— Wiael weeter* UugradeU... *# J?
day. per eWT,,. MM -.* 4* # •
straw, cerrwl tuug Kye... .... I 4 •
I Oent i faimr gew Cre!>... • H
i Cork -t itra yml!y Mm 10 T # I SO
Uel-hllV HUU . ...XXM .... Al A *ll
VIM.-M.Uer.!. Ste I, hey ... 6 #>o°
• Jo 1 Mm* MV ** •*' *S
Dry e*k,)wr wv............ 4 * 41 4 SO
Hmixa, reaJ.d,per net. II # It
' ,-ee*.eep—* ra4 .'.T*#W * fc Sned. W*
I Wle" -i*.lfarul. aptill # M
Ttm " TO • *
, Übtter—etate Oreamawy ... . II 4 •'
WaMerti - mturrj. . IS k It
Uilry IS * tl
•• tartery IT <0 Ml
• e etolTaoterj,...Ma..MM. ®f * if
a.4"!. St-iitttrl...... OS SI SS
WM*n, m US ig 01
Kgye—et.i.tuO r.aafl*aol. Si g M
r araanaar are.
floor—*acney l vast. Kalra SSO |IN
Wheal—itel I vi; i v aiila tOSa* 1 00*
.mm. Si • tl
, Oorn-VeiUw SO • to
Han *!a4. C*f SS*
oaa—Mixed SS • Ss
. iWnXeCJi-Oruda. Ula#oT* 8af1w1....(*
•**-(.Vitotede mm SO • IB
Tela# i *0
Ua'Uariii*..MM...MM * 4 *
rtowr * n;m *
' Whm*—lted *•* <g M
. Oara-Mlted mm. i
Hale mm. So* ST*
*# J*
8ar1ey...... HO g it
Barley Mall J 00 1 OS
Baal Oatti* (**• OS*
Hbaep ....... ....... ...M 0r| USa
Haw* ex..MM.. MM.....M. 0IJ
r Kir— Wiaccu*j. Mi a Mitineaota.. ■ a* 41 • SO
' Ik. ro—Ml led. . . tl • M
Gala— " X id IS
Woai—Ohio an* eenneT.raula XX.. U g II
OallforolS Mprins 12*41 1*
• XMMtlwa, HIM.
*'! Ca'.Ce. s 0 (Ta
%<•[ .MM. om# (aa
L*-n*.„M (4 0 U\
He**... IMMO (4*
wavaavuwa, waa.
Beaf oatile—*oar leCOoiae. (4 0 IT*
TOeap >**
naja 4 m*
1 Ct &
■ —'•wg-wstgr
.A Vtinmkl* Frrfnult. ißmipa w xbt
HiA k*turir pr wnTum uirmnr Surytwm u* Cm
•Jaiucw- army. Tltnnih Ho a*wr nv mid tAutt
MM!* c-f tlhffi ms>l Bar fT>U* ** BUS 4 (Nlbd I hmt
laafflceil fhv affile I .xf thffi !!.•*! mlbcnt of
, fttS* d*t, MtiJ iMM ty ffiii *bgs&rw hliu m*
a pUtiHr Utirf juior.
1 j riJMll WOt-*la rifcCi:* UKb. Mil ffijtwu. rwiLW.jkiw*
, j iKsffiffi MULkIsT m-n* lit* KYwrhl k* RJ<Ji omjßo.
( AU Vkkv wr KLL* kHirrtM hi*l*
•mm C a srrtjßa m/*N
' wnfM, rroa*, wnpxiux,
HMNK, w**K rruak
rtlft Ab"BMk. IWKLBt.
wmivshm, imiNN fcuii*.
ffimßh. rTTffi WMfTUrNra.
*k urr* KJVTIRM, 14*.
, . mnik (x*ki. *rtmr.
trrm istu. *mtJE r*mi. t**i in. m
FUU ffij-riah, onhu%.
And all cuiMUcKK.x OUand rruptfcma
I j '
Three dorr* ftaae* 1-4 tree., will he
aeut TO I'KUDI.CBia. WTOIt thKEI'ZH*.
llli I IU.IBT*, (rtrrrware W-ldb wa rerrlH
•I 81.00 -about rlevaa ceala a tma.
raxriixa rv
For Rsssl) of Polish, )• vlo loihor, Clrss
sfcelT\ • Sd -ipoditjou* b|T s ooodor
61*1 IiAIAv fsihxw hrTM'duunn. Pans
/7|n' ili/iX stHOklnt*. nsk. s&rmsMs.
l\) dP ( \ "''K sod had lloso. outrSs
f / Aiwj Vh I cloUuas, sod dM sil Inter
I * j mtmitdartßo m quukiy m
I ' I r'lin Mini WT ot-d n>
\ / > s>* Trf a Hood tor <m
(V / tor. Addiws; R()NR
RCKHB 4. Han Smm
' J Yfrt Oktf.<wm*9AiSt
It MdUinr 411 Sw hsdoi*" t ***TBMHS sod I VOO
('•** iaoMoooibrui PSM. It.* M *t c*sp ts
M -ion of ih world •*#• p n -hod. p soils *< sirbt
No, I lor i*kuo*o psoos s< d --<• im.IIS AIWMS NArfosAi. pvm. arirxcmi
trvtx-ors rvcrvwhor*.
tlooufocfuiwd l * THE CI likAl.s M'Fo CO.
i roLLMOK PLAOK. aam*.
Hrosw ** rotpuMiit o la thisssnois'stssso
o7ih, AOKNTN HJISLAU> Ksaptort-itios ItJiss's
wUh ssmplo osrd sod Itit' psfTios sssof (bo ASK*ts'
MAT m* st d (sosijilaJ ImU saa. ft thy Snntbo
grspht At. I MS* reft !>(> . SsnstwoM . Pt, t . Ps.
$lO i $25 rerfr.wncs Novelties
Mff a Outfit Free 7
J li. hi"SrOlip'K SOKK. Msesfsctannt PnUtshsrs
t 4 t V t47 r-sokllt: Ntrsol. Bcstor.. Msas
ralhk'Uhl- vsturtr Hftt waairw
CiPSSIHTIIiv lllttnrr. H'sCd sod Too
j S*s. It pf, so. WI4 Ft no Knsrsootl (tobMs 9 •
sd'.i. lO*t ttuulWs 'lsblsKtuot, *(U.ltti Hoi-t
Knrctshibd (ioods twiso,l (Vso Puts
JJsf r t. H.of>d. ivotpor Insilioio. X Y dh.
|P I >TKI> Tott I'"tort ti-tr* V.-unr f srmors. s
TT ItorOMM r. utd s Bis knSli Sood o tsk,so-td
s*s. If* tooill twvno ÜbsßOo la *T* 111 Ot-J n Ills
J II 11 IfIT.IS. Oi'SNTC*. Vs . tor psrttcu rs
■ month Hissllsslorf whilslssroino Sltostiuo too
otsftoit. Adds— B- Vslonuns. >tssssr.JoosTiil.Wio
dilll to rlllfl.l inrsoianni Wsii tn. ntaSss nun
slll lo HUOif •"'
Addross BAXTFM A <d/Bs tbo-s. 7 WsirHo..Jl. V
WW~: i
nan FAT, VI ! BOSS U OaUMo West casts 4
AQpft A MONTH \K-nl Unnlrd .Ml boot
>4K|I solium sruolos m tho world,sos ssmuls/r
tpOVll AH.tross JAY HHONMIV, i>otroH, Jiioh
Otosss A I>AY to A*-tU s. ssssinK for lbs I Irooldt
MEI g f tailor. IVrii.e and OntOl Vtos. Addrsm
e # e O. VIOKKI4Y Asrss.-is. Kolas
AHUIU (iNhll & Mkls IIISOIISOB. Thons
ilUl 118 snilA oamd lswool Prtcos Do um Istl
Ul 111 IfS to writs. IVr. K K.Msrsh .1/ UIBOT.MhMI.
Something New for Agents
wsidwt in SWT villous, Oddwm Box 79H, Vv*
Kirttn gratis b lr. H. Jiurs htu Rscst Ki . Pints
©QQCIrtAVBAK- Haw to aisfcr Ik r.A*.
Ovt)UU M '4b wa; a iu.m.l;. SI. UISI>.m%
llunltoo. Point Lsoo Braids. Porlinr*. Kno'sTtirosd
St..,pi os tor Xosol atsrsp. O. UlaißK. BlKfosd. ft.
aI.AHH KA1.1.8, Traits Ac Prtos list Tt Ad
dtsas (irssi Wostorn tiaa Wjko. FitlSbtiru. rs
,'TII s tlsj t* Aosols lo Mil s ilousohOld AJAltas
?ptf Addrsss Huchovr TtTsr < v", Marios. Olio
awisr'r nsoscHui. rauosas, iwwsru M suds
II luflai haaa wrldal* adwarllaad a art**
rh I iiptlaa •(
•, America Ahead in Spool Cotton,
thai mr Jar* aa CaMaw laaillaa. ara mm*
ifr-..*.. at ia* farta Atpaillaa.
IJalii U*4al *ad Uraa* Friaa la lha Ml*
. ahi If* Man llaipaat far apaal I ailaa
*.p*rt*llr adaplrd lar aaa aa Ura'M ••
rblHrH," avar all lha araai lhr#ad mmmmlm*.
iara •( lha aarlli aa li aa a lal la
tfea iiahile aal la Ntatafa. J. * F- Vmmm ••
aaaaaaaa thai
No Grand Prizee were decreed at Parie
for Spool Cotton.
Wa ara adttaad h* oahta at ih* Mlaataf
a war a# i
Wiltiiantic Lines Co., Silrer Hedii.
; .ad WW rlaim lar lha wlaaaraaf lha PUI
j frla# thai* aa lha* ha*a rotahtlahodla Khed*
I*l* ad lha larcaat Maaat I'aliaa AMI* la
lb* I'allrliuaiM, wbar* Ihalr Mpawl ( ailaa
! la *w*th*atad ihraadh aaart pra*#a*
(raw tha daw .atiaa la Ma kh**i Waal,
, HURM i, aa r*pr*aM*d h* Jfrir* J. A
1 r. (OltW la ami AHEAD is iPOOL
i l unii*.
Audita Briers,
Mia Agwttii ia Maw York lar
rtrai KatablUhad I Mewl Siir.atlall
TUfcJK 15WTK< BEirrn hk* a d*udll
iila 1,. ail lie*
KtorrwHift ** tb FIWICIII
11 fOVTB.
OVER 80 , 000
Mad* and l aa*. Maw Dralgea euaalaatlf.
Ural wurk aaJ iuwH |riw*
lr BcM tM a ( ktoh|w.
host Sl ijf. We 9L, Sua, lte
li tha e i U*.iUi touMtuiM Lr
. raattua* iiaaiatrai•* aw Mr •****• Mam
I •/> aak Taiial haan aalahly.
it it mi ffmr ttmmmmrm
fit war* xm h**f!*4 atta mttial. Ua mlmUl
aa at*,), 1* adalwtai.4 ana >t i a~4 rasia. aaJ wr
Mii.l B* TH
fhai*ylvanih Salt M scoff Co.,
rm** WfU'fe
r^. 1 safety L
. fjars
: ySSmSF™
IM. IwtUlll btlftH C*t
w u*a II u n**p taa
| aa*ihaiii i* a *a*t warn
I luu*l$ I, W. e Kw*44* i^*^?^Smmimiha Ma
.1 _t.. tafl lutta wot *M***t*d with lt ■ alwlaa
' Mr It. pa, mot* Oar Itauut mm* wan aiM
' mma*! " ®* Waaiaaa U -■——■ at aa*
*rffl C'MtCAid' LRDUKR lata. lar***, Hit tat
< ••t.wHi Faawli ft tar la ua >. aiiad Wlajaa. p b
: printed *pi lata*. plim Urpa. mod oaa haaaall* twlh
old Of *.* aaa ay*. M tw la Htq bniw.uil,
litaiaiW. ***** MUfOaaw ol on* ol Uwat Emu hi
w*HnniK<nuCA;o /juaivh t.n e amarim *w
*a mw aaaraw Til M l.mwilt. falwaa IM
Dual j audi Weekly, aaertoj
iinaion, Uoaa.
Th. Uwat 'jbata—r aed BMI Family Naaaaafat
la Kv Pa*..i.- Bfitaa *Ml>t*Mi*l raWnaa* tawa
.rw4 I naa in *f>4 Ht .iua al ■* lam he at farcla. A-
Uw I •: -at ltd iaaal pbU*b*d pmajMp.
U. I Tranceac*, J 10 |wr utaa it adraaa*.
1 (i*aifaf *lwia.| >IJO pai
ataai idaaa
I _ r.EKD ros I AMP OB COPT.
al dob ral** Tin*, tnwbt* and a*a* **r*d t>* t>
I acnl ina kn*u*t. tb* Rock, Mi>ata Kahaailpliaa
Aaatc*. Vt.cb ui* p*|H* •i.**' haaii aab
-1 iwVwd nUw foiici Malta MBBMHI I *ai awai 11. Baa
. lr.# Maaß-oaa .4 atl kiadt. Utmaaoa, Intwt. a;a
Maa* .nan***:.** tea' K 'lt! at -#eJoe*o |>rkat
• I will alto (arwMß Halt rt it kind, at liaa mmktm
Rocky Mountain Stereoscopic viewi
• j • ophcuhH# Ikwsl tail to orrtto al omo for oor eimtaH
. ( ka.u nak. Oaw
' | Th, tmldol* la Ainahal fmmmt al IdUk,
The Father Matliew Remeiv
il* a err;.lß and H-mOl ur* lor tatntp*rao .(I a*-
{ at, at. a all ai'iwtrt* fr alßaßoiMr Uota>** and op
• ,I*P Bonr.nta **ta*a All** a aabaark, ar aatt
itiranrrait Indalanaa*.a tlNalr Iraftt*.
' lal will rratar* *ll writla] and nbraHrki dr*
l>r***laa. It aJao tun ***** IM *f fW, Ilka
rami a and l runout or ttu Una Mali hr *U
| dnia*ia pi par Haiti" PanoTlrt " ""klortM. Ra
' rtlnia n in* hpiM* v}|. and luinwitaa Ma
U>mt>, H tat tna linkb M.rair* (irilt l
t Mam r, :rcu>'i Ua., 'JO h>wk IX. >* *<*k .
As ißfaliAl* and IMIMIM ratrad* Par
mia. 801 l WW* ar Pallia* aickMt
wmrrawlna Ma*rt a.iaa.'j aad PIN.
0 fl ■ asß**w atodtra n ki
■ 0 wBP Patiahet aad Rapt'"
Pa. H O ROOT. I Nfftw Hum R*a Tork
• Staßiar'* <>* akar* i* *a* a*part> **iaw* of • km
j Paukß, k leu. raoi Ereaaavu,,*- rarer o.r
RE Mi. Mo mwip-'!* o i "dk*d. hlkbaoa*#
i prion Papular Hoot* al Popular Pi tun, it oar NtMo.
a ATICTR dm't atwah*. wtatf 'ar OKtltnpi.
ItuXfit lu M <or an-.mal went Udm
Omt MBta* Bjfi Hartlord. Uoaa . Ctmaao, til.
ar* Uw tw*i mad* tnrrastnd bar * pan. ami Mil h*
•old IVW IM* mown at b*ft ;-nm for tak or a
*> 'ltwit llrißt'fV tw(f* oSarrd A*ni**astad
lllurat*d Uaialaptn* maliod BMUOaw ATICR3I k
UN> Maat'**tur*raadl>*%i*r, Im lar. IM .R.T
kl*o inmral Aiwu for SHOMKuKKt, UaMrrMod
OROAMB, *hwh mttd tb rRft'MPHAVr
Ml Dkl.*f AWARD at U>" TARir KRPWUTiai. "
The Great Remedy for
Alt Kidney Diseases I
*•'* l i tpntai *ff*i*ttt re Rf Dr .1 R Rtafctr,
W .IB|V B D 0 . G T. li*Wor. ■ D.. RaaSM
dock. Co, Pa i JOBB U Kmr, Ra) . Korioik, ViT
Dt J. H Won*. T Faith Ar*, !•* York; 6r O
k. Daaa. !'#:,, N Y , Hoe 0. K. I'uwot. pm
mt M*f f of Knobntwr. M 1 Ark ronr InM
SrnJ rr **. l MdipHr. |lr. I it kill,
Cores Dyspepsia, Indigestion
Sour Stomach, Sick Headache,
WttKI.D'N RYi*rSfr!ii*s PUH rWFt.VB YRAKK
. aa Ptiii. MR; \ik**a, i* rtaßTiaaa. 1T
rpiu*ri.i r*tt.. l-" Pima. lf* andlim.Ku r<trßni*k
OOU MUUI.. t'ik, Oati Atawnsac Onras* on*
i*wM bb*< wot* al tnj airob raw tor rnab or
inMaii'DfiOta tv. iitTkaTrP CUialcmi K, .ad OUvo
HrtiUiow! Wuifl 6ii,*.iwit tttt, MANOR A
IIAMUN QK< AM OU„ Awn*. N*wYrk.orUbKMa
m R Uipnn -An Ami ta mrry uwe in th*
W All I P II t-Mnd MM* to mlrodao* iM>
ff All 1 LU Mi hot* loan tin ataraati*
lilnrtrainl MtmUilj. *• Hnmwt*'* kanklir tar
l.ltllr i hltßr*. ." F* tad ttluabi* Fwii
üßut tin t ■ (lunatik vbrot *aat>i" tn* to o>**r
fiwui pll to •SO rwc **k K*nd *t,mp for Weoltrk
,*.t t.. R*v J HKBBT KHTTKR. ear* ot BKAid)
A PPSfhXJ*> Hlßpro** now. Kow York. _
ell Drilling, Boring,
Minerml ProepacUßß A Qnarryuiß TmJs.
IfM r*d *1 OnlotKilal Kih.twlioo Baad Ma
r>.'t„n*lc and pntwlitt. fib* A root* aaataA.
| .11 not d*| toar*r.tood. Mn-i, boot or, adid taafe
wiKMild. Ad.lnaa. P1 KUP Whli. iIXOS
YA IOR tXi. kxuti Flm Ara^ly^oiMiaJNeia^
iff ii 11 ipj
Mt rr. no, to w> BOM- ymet •*'>*,too it at ono*
i> K,4d*S> K„Maiuiiactnnni |i| WOtlJUltlClt A
tX . Prim. r. M , •
F.w IVorattei and Faact Wor* Hut* itnck import
*d, uictodia* Etow*r, liirdt, Htia;*, Iwayr*, linrotr.
K irisr.#, SoTi ibtrlt for .HaZl- lor SOe . JU ot fii t. r II Hi,
Ortaiukn* ot W *ho*t, :io. ly-l, mrrW
tak.n r. TKIKKT.ei Owrt Mawk,Btattm. MM*.
W* HiW paj - at a Salter of CIUO p*r munt!. add
•rpontu*. or allow a lar(* eommtnkai to **>) our n*
and Hondortal intMlratu. W fiia, -,akol - my.
ampl* lr**.. Addnw*.
WHKKWikNdk CO., MarwtiiUl. .Miiii.
niIMAP etx.r to RkOO- faotorr pnow
r I AN Ud li!.*•' bunoit—Matiiorhck". neat*
■ imiww (or Miliar** —Bu,t nprlcbl* to
Amnio*—ow IS.WU ia u** -roeolarU moorporiitad
Ml't Oo.—Piamw wtm oa—lH-pas* oataloan* frm.
M nvUlMobo Piaoo 00., 31 K. lRh R. T.
®tBVTH IB s.
Ssjsx kdHfad/
au , Uoc. oard. (or 3& eta.; 3 dot. 50 old. Sand pletar*
nn i f* 5 lt>- Root dampl* Toa. SIJW; Sib*. Vary
I r.fl\ B**l N*w Drop Taa (croon or hiaokj. B
UlUl Sent ta paekacoa of Alb*, and upward to
anraddrwa on rooeipi of priwi Circular* mu*d fr**.
TUB CARTON TKA <X> , rtnpartara. lit Chamber*
Ntrwat, Now York.*)c* b,ui Iffl Acusta wastad.
* a
ih** haw* aoridead at lha PetlS RkMhtilaa
•flift la
mKsJP* JMla JHa
. I
■est eIX-to* tfw cyregp- J**
r*l*hr*frd far #>* **•.
I aad ai rPtIfOKM eTKHMiCItt tehaahar"
atwardad KRIFAI.Miu Mwereeklsimeltlaee,
(raw lha era* ai Parte, IS ISM. Mi Ih* Cam
irß-i.f at Phlfad.Whi*, la te, la tht.
I ••••!•** C!*ABII , W t SKk
la nldrli katwa ta all aaaila— IMP •* ha*
a*rtar I * ratt*a*a laMaahtaa aad Haad Maw -
! taa. Th*fr IWlUadd Aamaak, M. I~B* rai>-
, lay. Nnailaad. ara lha latomi mm* wawaaw
-1 piria la iha.araadd. Tha aadtra prantaa at
aiatfifl*" la raadaotad Madav aha
I oawpioi* aad caaafal mm* ihay
faa ihalr Awarlea* Rfadaadaa hi laaal
mm aaaal mrrll la lhai pradwrad tm IhdMf
Pal May MUla. Aa
He Grand Priaea were awarded
at Paris for Spool Cotton*
. (itad la BUT ilha AJsaMaam
P.MI* lhal thay
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Mk*Caad wpaal OadMß. .
George i Clark I Brottor,
w Mala Ajrmntm, •
j Ho. 400 Broadway, HowTtork-
For Singing Classes.
JOHfISOW WW fcr &(.
g~SSK3SnSS f .t^
GEAMIiH SfflOOL cm, h"
4 A COu Bolton
| 1% 11, BlfMfN h AU- . .. _
li* •ra.dwar. k Vartl
j. r. aima* * s, , ipa^, 2ai j*. n'*
Illustrated newspaper.
A Pictorial Record of Correal Ernest*
at Home sad Abroad.
M&4immis** Ulmtmrm mf **mr Tlmmmm.
: ThaCaansia ■mbm"fieM' 1 an*""*a
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Admlrahl* I'ariaaM. >ia*;df SMMaa •
p*r*!uw null kill, pnwa, .t Mhrn, taafcmt. *a*.
**lm Maria t aad Shirt hat*, jut fwmM,
. Tkl. Pa**ur Waakfr ha* mmm imkiid-da
BK tuaifuwo yam*, tad . ih*r*ia*. a *k*u
lihrtry of mUmmim
; muumrnm ffppr mum tun r.
Wmr Gste Ry sU 111 will Ud n. Prim 10 mblb *
■ Copy. Aiumki ikbkcnpnikh. S4. rattphUL
; Frank Leslie's Publishing House,
1 53. 55 57 Pert Pfeee. New Yort.
! Tltro*" , dn
Gargling Oil Liniment
r "rOau Wi.tppr-f.i. Aniisxl
llußdui 1 la*,
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?i | as majmNA
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j StTßt: hM .* (i*H (M (tot 1 bhtir;.,.
* Ch**;> j H**db l-vu.u!i.-*e I'wl,
* Tlr i Ik f-uwl. Rf*n Ih rktdnrr,
I Kktom,' !*.,.**. . Ofidml llmt
haad k'tachfc, Hauwlc
Grs ofkS Mad. Iu* Back.
!*ar-:. ftinx r nr. Urbtirrhuldkai Ihiea, I
ftoli Evil. Tafdimrhe,
f S*
* tiara* < *~
r MH. Dwtirra,.. (>l*Z Bwrb, ,
Hard IVhrsati. !-., w*cpK%
Cww>; ih, Q.H' (MSnfrt,
U -• MWiUM,
Abut *F IbklUkln. Chtr.a- IP-, >
Swelled I V'. MtMcnr* if Mm fH
Tbrimh. t JBkratv-1,-1 Muscea. (
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ft; medium >amU. *. SarnJi *ll tof,
family , rpc. MasptßvM*4 M 1-"
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r JMM* BUPht- h*rF
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KIDOERB PlßTlllißßd6^fe&
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