Sao* WhMiner l'on Cab. Whsu tains* don't go to suit yon. And iht world a**m* upswts down. Don't wmU your tun* in fnctttn(. But drive sway tbst frown ; Since life ie oft perplexing, "Tie much the wieeet plen To beer ell bravely. And mile whene'er von can. Why should TOO dreed to-morrow And thne despoil to-day 1 For when von borrow trouble. Yon always here to pay. It ie a Rood old maxim. Which ehonld he often preached • Don't croe* the bridge before you t *ntil the bridge t reached. thurn Moult. A little maid in the morning ann Stood merrily singing and oh n ruing - 44 Dh, how I wiah tht* bntter tu dour. Then off to the held* I'd be turning Ho ahe hurried the daaher up and down TIM the firmer called, with a half - made frown, " Churn elowty ! " Don't ply the dasher. eo fast, my dear. It'* not eo good for the hotter, • And will make your arm* ache, too, I fear ; And put you all in a flutter— For Una ia a rule, wherever we turn, Dual be Ut haste whenever you churn Chnru alowty 4 " If you'd eee your butter come nice and sweet Don't Chum with a nervous jerking. But ply the daaher alewly and neat You 11 hardly know that you're working . And whan the latter has come, you'll tay. 4 Yea, thta i* aurely the very beat way '— Churn alowty '* Now. little folk*, do yon Hunk that you A leeaou can And in butter? Don't be in a haste. whatever yea do. Or get youraelf in a flutter ; And while vou stand at life a great churn, IM the fanner s word* to you rejnro, •• Churn alowty !" — .ltral Asa Mrs Hum. OUR TRAMP. Our tramp came to us footeure and dnst-begrimmed one evening last June. Perhaps it was the title of 44 madam " prefix ml to his petition for something to eat and a clianiv to sleep on the liay mow, which moved Mrs. X to a* 4 - quieece —somehow agaiuat my own judgment—or it might have oeen the weariness visible in his air and speech. Be this as it may, he wa* inducted kitch enward, with instructions to wipe his feet carefully, where I judge his per formances with knife and for* gave rise to Bridget's remark the next morn ing, that he'd breed a famine in any community inside of a week ! 44 What con you do, Jim?" I asked of him the next morning, as, embolden ed by a breakfast, he begged for a job. 44 A'most anything, sir, that's hard work," was his answer. 44 Them ss goes to sea for a livin", gen'ly speakiu', can tarn their hands to all sorts." 44 There's the strawberry-bod to be weeded, John," suggested Mrs. X , seemingly interested in the wanderer, who, barring the loos of two trout teeth, and hair suggestive of brick-dust iu its hue, was not a bad-looking fellow. I do n>< assert that Mrs. X *s gentle will is law in mix family, bnt I find it more conducive to harmony to fall in with her suggestions with as much dignity as possible ; so, with an air of indifference, I acquiesced, and Jim proceeded to his task, which, being accomplished with celerity and neatness, my wife conducted him to the dower garden—the pride of her own heart, and, as far as keeping the same free from weeds is concerned, the detestation of my own. "Ain't they hau'sum, mum!" said Jim, kneeling and turning with his rough forefinger the modest face of an English daisy outward. "'Minds sue of that 'ere young Lady on the veraudy this tnornin', as mnst be your twin-sis ter ?" Hi* reference to a 'resemblance be tween Nellie aud herself was not at all displeasing to Mrs. X , who is five years older than her sister, although she effected incredulity at the double barreled compliment. " He has a rough sense of refinement, quite uuonmmon for one in his station of life," she said to me afterward, by which I knew the leaven of flattery was working ; and when, the next day, she decided that we had better keep him till the gardening season was over —"it will save yon so much hard work, John," uhe remarked, en parent fate) —l knew that Jim, our tramp, had found favor in ber eves. "Shall you ever go to sea again, Jim ? " asked Mrs. X , as we made a family group on the piazza in the cool of a summer's evening, while Jim loiter ed near by, picking np the garden-tools, and whistling softly to himself. " Yes'm," was the answer, somewhat constrained withal. "You must have met with some strange adventures in your life," said Nellie, who was just crossing the threshold of an age when all things are touched with the glamour of romance ; moreover, anything pertaining to the sea had of late beet# full of interest to her—ever since the dashing Captain Hanson had made her acquaintance at Hastings, where she had spent part of the Bummer. I had lately learned, through the me dium of Mrs. X , that Cap'sfn Han eon was daily expected to favor Ley bridge with his presence, ostensibly to see one of his ship's owners—possibly and probably to renew his acquaintance with my pretty sister-in-law. "Weil, mum," answered J'n. who I have left sitting nneasiljr on tin handle ot the wheelbarrow, "advei.tnres is mostiv in sea-yams, as is wi ' for the story-papers ; but had c con siderable bard pulls, what ■with bein' wrecked four times—the las' tinio losin' of as good a chiat of clo's as a feller would want, to say uotliiu' of bein' in u open boat 'leven days—me, the mate an' four men—with never bit or sup the blessed time. We was picked up," continued Jim, "by a blasted—beg your pardon, mum, for swearin*—pack et ship, boun' from Liverpool to New York. OT Beansole was the cap'n— mebbe you've heerd of him, sir?"— this to me. Wasn't it he," I asked, as a dim re membrance of the name brought to mind a newspaper narration of cruelties on shipboard, which -wjinebow died ont very snddenly, "who was heavily fined for brutality * toward some of the emi grant passengers?" " Wot's a flue, that the ow-ners steps up an' pays," said Jim, in scorn, "to lettin' a woman die on deck from the wet an' cold? An' why didn't they bring no some of his other cruelties— shootin' men off in the tops'l yard, dri vin' em overboard in the Mersoy, or breakiij' 9 rib or an arm wi' an iron be layin'-pin? " " Ob, come now, Jim," said I, " yon don't mean that there are men on ship board to-day who are such brntea as all that ? Why, the law wonld" " The law ! " repeated Jim. " Law's for cap'n an' owners, not for us sailors, though they did manage to>bove the petty officers of the Jack Frost, Jr., into prison, a few years ago, arter they'd killed two or three men aboard on the passage though I mind it was said that the eap'n and mate 'scaped punishment by happeniu' to both die—sing'lar, wasn't it ?—just t afore the ship was hauled into doek, "But such men are tne exception. There are plenty of kind-hearted men who go as captains now-a-days," I urged after a short pause " Indeed there are I" suddenly broke in Miss Nellie, with energy. "Char that is, a captain whom I know,"she said, interrupting herself suddenly, " says that the trouble is with the men ; that thev are a drunken, reckless lot of" * "Nellie," said Mrs. X , reprov inglv. " Well, I don't care!" said the willful girl. "Only I beg Jims pardon; I didn't uiesusucb men as he is." " It's all right, mum," returned Jim, FRKD. KURTZ, Kditor and Vropriotor. VOLUME XI. quietly. " 'Taint to be expected that the like* o' one o' you young women, wt' a heart like one a' them ere big J'pan Ifltea, knows of men's badness slsiard ship—why shonld you !" 44 But are there no captaius who are kiud to their men ?" asked Mrs. X , in some perplexity; and Miss Nellie was heard by me to say, under her breath, that she knew one, at least. 44 Bless you. yes'in," said Jim, 44 there's lots of 'em; oa"y tt hasn't been uiy luck to sad with 'em. There's eap'u* sails out o' Xt w York to-day, a* 1 hear don't allow sweanu' from men uor odieers; givey 'cai good grub, watch an' watch, ail' lias 'em iu tlie cabin of a Sunday for prayer*. Though," be added, 44 where there's oue o' them, there's a dozen that's either fiends themselves, else they're thst careless a* they let the Officers do jest as they happen to feel. 1 don't mind telhu' you, ' he,continued, seemingly betrayed into au unwouted confidence, 44 that mv btisiuess ashore is mostly to niu foul of a cert'n man as l m sure to meet sooner or later. I know he's roan' these part*. An' when he an' 1 cfoer meet," said Jim, rising and striking a brawny, clinched fist into the hollow of the other hand, apparently forgetful of everything but some remembered wrongs, 44 there'll be a ban! reckon in !" 44 1 think," said Mrs. X , risi' g, with as much dignity as is consistent with a height of five feet four, " that we fcave heard quite enough. Come. Xcilie 1" Whereupon the twain (the latter a lit tle unwillingly, as I fancied) entered the house, manifestly to the discomfi ture of the sailor. 44 There they go,"he said, dropping his head and speaking iu a rather sad voice, 44 a tbiukin' bow I'm only a low, r'vengeful critter, with no fcelin'tin r'u the ship's dog ! But, sir, s'poein' a man should call the mother that bore you 6v the wnst name aa is in this here laug widge of onrn, not o'ny once, but a doz en time* a day, aoeordin' as he's mad or not, wot wnd yon do, sir ? How far wud you forgive a man as had you strung np to the raain-riggin' for a full hour by the two thumb*, an' all for that I begged of him to send me up to stow a r'yal in a gale, 'stead of a little chap a was a stowaway, an' no more fit to go than a girl babv ?" agaiu asked Jim. Before I could frame a suitable an swer, which should combine prudence with the usual forms of good advice, si ways proffered aud seldom heeded in such cases, Jim bad taken himself off. I saw no more of him until the follow ing morning, when he abruptly in formed me that it wa*t >be his last day; no persuasion or inducement of mine being sufficient to turn him fiom his purpose. Clad in a pair of voluminous overalls and a dilapidated fell hat, 1 was assist' mg at the turfing of a flower-bed in front of the house ; and while awaiting the return of Jim with the wheelbarrow, I was accosted by an elegantly-dressed and gentlemanly-looking young man, who, accosting me by the rather familiar title of " old chap," demanded in a somewhat peremptory tone, to know "where Mrs. X hung ont." With an inward chuckle, I mildly designated the bouse behind me as the residence in question, aud asked if he wished to see Mrs. X . " What's that to yon ?" was the rather unexpected answer, in a tone and with a maimer that savored rather of coarse ness, but which contrasted strongly with the suavitv of manner with which he greeted Miss Nellie, who just then ap peared on the scene with both hands full of flowers. As the yonng lady blushed charming ly, and murmured her surprise at meet ing Captain Hanson, that gentleman, not at all disconcerted by his introduc tion to myself, which immediately fol lowed, expressed, with great ease and fluency, his unadulterated satisfaction and surprise at the meeting, as though it had been on the banks of the Nile. Completely ignoring my own presence, as the two stood by the gate, the creak ing of the wheelbarrow was heard, and in another moment Master Jim came bearing down upon us, the wheel just grazing the doeskin-clad leg of ike gal lant captAin, who, turning, remarked, with languid reproach in his tone : "My gxxl fellow, pray be a little more"— Captain Han to the best of my knowledge, has never finished his ex postulation. With an oath, the sailor dropped the barrow and sprang forward, exclaiming: "I knew I'd run foul of you ! " but too late to lay violent hands upon Caj t&in Hficson, who, catching a glance of the sailor's face, muttered au inarticu late remark, and, turning down the drive way, ran like the startled fawn, closely pursued by the avenger, leaving Miss Nellie and myself gazing blankly at each other. "Oh, John, he'll kill him— indeed he will! " said the girl, with white face and clasped hands, as she watched the i<air diappearing over the brow of the little hill which led to the town. " You needn't be alarmed, young lady," was my confident reply. "Cap tain Hanson has the lead, so to speak, by at least three lengths, and is gaiuiLg all the time." But to this day I have never learned satisfactorily concerning the result of the race, tor neither Captaiu Hanson or Jim has ever returned to tell the tale. When lait seen, as per report of old Rogers, ex mariner, now mail carrier, " they were beadin' for Philadelpbv, with ev'rything set, the clipper"—by which I understood Mr. Rogers to refer to Capta<n Hanson—"bein' two knots ahead, an' workin' to win'ard all the time." For aught I know, they kept on nntil they reached the Atlantic; and it is quite doubtful whether Miss Nellie, now engaged to be married to the son of our neighbor Jones, will soon bear the last joke against her runaway lover, But, being somewhat a methodical man, I have estimated the cash value of oar exi>eriment somewhat us follows : ■iervfoes of Jim for ten day*.. * 15.00 Old clothe* left behind. 50 ttatisfaction at having saved my en ter- in-law from a possible mar riage with a brute 10,000.00 Total 10,015.50 I would remark, in conclusion, that my wife takes all the credit of the invest ment.—Frank 11. Convert'. An Old Kelle. The following remarkable list of arti cles found in a servant's drawer was published in a New York paper more than thirty years ago : Two aprons, a stocking, a brush and a comb, A piece of white string, and a dry marrow bone. A duster, two walnuts, a reel of black cotton, An old silver spoon that had long been for gotten. A bodkin, a fruit knife, a glass rolling-pin, A bottle containing a wee drop of giu. A lot of curl-papers, an old pair of stays. A tract telling sinners to mend their bad Ways. A paper of tea put there on the sly. Her mistress' bustle (I cannot tell why). A thimble, some needles, an old book of songs, Three clothes-pegs, a slipper, to the house hold belongs. The claw of a lobster but recently boiled, A new cambric handkerchief, never been soiled. A letter from a lover away in strange lands. A pot of goose-grease for chaps on the hands ; Some buttons, a pencil, a bit of bath brick, A small looking-glaes. and a broken toothpick. A bundle of rags, and a fortune telhug book, Were the things that were found in the drawer of the oook. THE CENTRE REPORTER. WHden-shoe Milkers, The following is uti extract telling about the sort of people who make woodeu shoes: Let lis describe a party of wimdeu *ln>e makers, or, as they are termed, sabotiert, at work near a clear stream. The whole family is together; the father with his sou and aou-mdaw, the ap prentioes, the mother and children run uiug about tu tbe led of cress. Uudcr the trees rise * hut of planks, where ail sleep; uot far off, the two uiules which carry the belongings of the encampment are tethered. They are birds of passage, traversing the forest, and sojourning where the wood is cheap, lu this green comb several tlue beech tree* are marked for the axe; they are fifty feet higli and three feet in girth. Kacii will probably give six dozen pairs of wooden shoes. Other kinds of wood are spongy and soon penetrated with damp; but the beech Mbot are light, of a close gram, and keep the feet dry in spite of snow or mud; aud in this respect are greatly sup* rior to leather. All is animation. The men cut down the tree; the trunk is sawn into lengths, and if the pieoca prove too large, they are divided into quarters. The first workman faahious the naftof roughly with a hatchet, taking cart to give the bend for right and left; the second takes it in hand, pierces the holes for the interior, and scoops the wood out w'th au instrument called the ctiUUr. The third is the artist of the company; it is his work to finish and polish it; carving ft rose or primrose upon the top, if it be for the fair sex. Sometimes he cut* au own border round the edge, so that the blue or white stocking may be shown by a coquettish girl. As tbey are finished, they are placed in rows under the white shavings; twice a week the apprentice exposes them b> a tire, which smokes and hardens the wrood, giving it a warm, golden brown hue. The largest sizes are cut from the lowest part of the bole, to cover the workman's feet, who is out in ram from morning to night. The middle part is for the bu.y housewife who is treading the wash house, the dairy, or stands beside the village fountain. S'ext come those of the little shepherd, who wanders all day long with his flock, and still smaller ones for the school boy. Tboee for the babies have the happiest lot; they are seldom worn out. As the foot grows, the m.ither keep* the little sabott in a corner of her clipboard be side the baptismal robe. Long after, when the child has l>ecume a man, and Ins chair is vacant by tbe hearth, they are drawu out to be looked at. some times with a smile, too often with tears. During all his toil tbe workman talks aud sings; be is not taciturn, like the charcoal burner; bis muscles oont nually in action, bis work iu the open air keeps him in good temper, and gives him re freshing sleep and appetite. He sings like a linnet, while the women chatter and mend the family garments. When the trees have l>cen all cot np. the camp is raised, the males are loaded, adieu to the gr*en hollow, and another plane is sought for. Thus all the year leng, whether the forest IK 4 tinted with pale spring verdure < r covered with the yel low autumn leaves, 111 some corner will be heard the workers, busy a bees jn a hive, gayly carrying on their simple, healtbv forest-life. A Hoc as a Doctor A correspondent of the London (Jrtele a Week writes : Ido not know wheth er you will think the following suffi ciently interesting for a place in your otvnmne. I have a little brown dog of a mongrel breed, and, at the name time, an interesting-looking little fel low, a general Lvonte with every one, and so intelligent and artful in his ways that he is known n* 'The Dxfg er." I hail intended that he should be my only canine companion, having lost so many well-bred and valuable dogs during ten years' residence in the sub urb of Brixton. I felt he would be safe from the dog-stealing fraternity, lxing of no value in the market. I was, however, persuaded, some six months since, to accept a young fox-terrier dog, and Spot's intrusion was at first resented to snch an extent by "The Dodger " that, after several sharp skir mishes, they api>eared to mutually agree on a pitched battle, in which Inith got badly pnnished. I am unable to say which was the victor, but certain it is that they have ever since been the best of frieuds. Some time since a wart made its ap pearance on the inside corner of Spot's eve, and gradually increased to the size of a horse-bean, and as it extended part ly over the hall of the eye, it was, no doubt, very painful, aud a source of an noy ance to him. As soon as " The Dodger" saw there was really some thing seriously wrong, he was much concerned, and made a good deal more noise and fuss about it than tiie patient himself. But he not only pitied, he also relieved ; for he set to work and licked it from day to day, ami it has now almost entirely disappeared. It is most amusing to see him follow Spot altout the first thing in the morn ing to put him through the operation, and will even place- his paws on bis head to keep him quiet. I rememler, when a child, being troubled with warta, and the remedy was te wet them every morning fasting with saliva. Is it pos sible that some instinct induced the dog to attend upon the other in this way, knowing that the wart was in a part where the other could not attend on himself? John Burroughs on "Cows." Blessed is he whose youth was passed upon the farm, and if it was a dairy farm his memories will be all the more fragrant. The driving of the oows to and from the pasture, every day and every season for years—how much of summer and of nature he got into him on these journeys ! What rambles and exeursiohs did this errand furnish the excuse for ! The birds and birds' nests, the berries, the squirrels, the wood chucks, the beech woods with their treasure* into which the oows loved so to wander and to browse, the fragrant wintergreens and a hundred nameless adventures all 6trung upon that brief journey of half a mile to and from the remote pastur a. Sometimes one cow or two will be .aissing when the herd is brought home at night; then to hunt them np is another adventure. My grandfather went out one night to look up an absentee from the yard, when he heard something in the brush and out stepped a bear into the path before him. Every Sunday morning the oows must be salted. The farm-boy takes a pail with three or four quarts of coarse salt and, followed by the eager herd, goes to the field and deposits the salt in hand* fuls upon smooth stones and rocks and upon clean places on the turf. If you want to know how good salt is, see a cow eat it. She gives the true saline smack. How she dwells upon it and Foaws the sward and licks the stones where it has been deposited ! The cow is the most delightfnl feeder among ani mals. It makes one's mouth water to see her eat pumpkins, and to see her at a pile of apples is distracting. How she sweeps off the delectable grass I The sound of her grazing is appetizing ; the grass letrays all its sweetness and snc culency in parting under her sickle. "Farm lAfe in New York," in Scrib ner. CENTRE HALL, CENTRE CO., PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1878. AM HOIK 81111 HI J AII. T*r l 4 lr M*|lr Kllalr A U* • Its* |lrM NML Rijali is iu receipt of letter* almost daily asking liim to come to this or that place ami apply the Michigan Piue Slnngle Kltxir to hoy* whose constitu tion* are out of order; and thist* to give notice to aiuioii* parents, aunts and guardian* that hi* engagements here prevent hi* leaving the eitv. However, Isiys can be shipped to Luu from auy part of the country by express, and they will le kindly received, the elixir up plied with promote*** ami dispatch, and the tails returned home more or less curcil. lu obstinate cases, where the doae may have to 4h< repeated every twelve hours, a small sum of rnouey should le forwarded to pay hotel ex penses. A woman weighing plump 215 pounds, and measuring ulwntt three feet across the shoulders, was tbe first caller as tbe old janitor's parlor was throwu open to the public Saturday. Her eyes fell UJH.IU the India rubtwreut as she entered the door, aud she uttered a scream of alarm and called out; 44 Muzzle yer hyena—call ofl yer dog!" "Be pensive, :iiad:ini be pensive; this is only an 'ujy rubber oat. warraut ed docile in u 1 climates or money re funded. Take . chair, madam- take three of em." '• Oh, dear! if it had been a real cat and if it hail clawed me to death, aud if the turf was growing ab >ve in* 1 , aud if 1 was in heaven, it would have lecu juet my luck," she sighed a* she dropped down with a weight which made every thing jar. " Madam, has the price of 'taters nz?" teuderly inquired the old man. 44 'Taters ! 'taters !" she almost shriek ed. "If my thought* didn't soar higher nor 'taters I'd commit suicide this very day!" 44 Well, madam, I love to soar, and I love—'taters. but we will drop the sub ject and turn to your sad case. Has your husband evinced a disjKMution tu— to —that is"— 44 1 never had one," she interrupted. " You didn't 7" " No, sir. Home of ns girls have got married, and mime of ns haven't. If I am single it is nut because I have not had a hundred chance* to marry. lam determined never to marry unless it i* a case of love." 44 That's the talk, madam. I always married for love, and I always shall. This marrying a woman because she owns a mule and a recipe for prr|>aring a cough remedy alwav* results in broken hearts and blasted Vopes, and 1 know it. You remember that painful poem : " Let dog* delight to bark and tight, For ti* then- nature to. '* 44 But 1 don't want any fight in mine. When my day's labor is o'er I want to return to my woodbine cottage on the brow of a romantic precipice aud find j my darling waiting at the" 44 Do von believe in dreams ?" she suddenly asked. 44 Dreams 1 Xow you've touched a tender spot. Mndirr, I exjiect I've had more dreams than any other hald-hcad ed man in the U. K. A." " Well, I've had dreams," she con tinued, us she bent her eyes ou the car pet. "I've hail such dreams as I never heard tell of, aud, t>eiug as a woman tuld me that yoa conld a>lvise me, I've called to talk with voti." "Go right ahead on the starboard tack, madam." " There'* man—there'* a man com ing to oar hotw. air," site said, a* she partly hid her fa*e. "Cornea to read the gas-meter, I sup pose! Well, goon." " He cornea to ace me," ahe said, giv ing her head an indignant to** " 1 might aa well 04:1 up tliat mv face or form, or conversational ;s><rs have at tnxcted. Judging from hia action, he seem* to love me." " Dooa, eh 1 Haa he ever brought you peppermint dropa? Ha* he ever read poetry to yon ? Have yon ever noticed him gazing at the moo* like a goat looking tip at a hunch of grass on the cmvch of a nhed f" " I am satisfied that he loves me,' ahe musingly replied, " and I con fess" " That you love him ? She blushed. Which was very, very proper in her. "Same aa ever—old, old atory—and in the nual way—no cards," he sighed, aa he shifted the c* that her yellow eye* glared serosa the room at a jug of sweet cider juat hn tv 'it in by a farmer. " After he left me last night I had a dream," ahe aaid. "1 dreamed that I was trying to daru a pair of aocka with a door-key for a needle and aome tele graph wire for yarn. While I was try ng to mend the holea I heard a born blow, and looking out of the window 1 saw—what i" "A flali peddler, of course." " No, air 1 I aaw a two-horse wagon loaded with coffin* ! The dream awoke me, and 1 found myaelf sitting up in l>ed. It hue worried me ever since, and I want to know if yon can interpret it?" " Madam," liegau Hijah, a* he rose no and smoothed down hi* head, "yon have ootne to the right man, and at the right time. I have never bragged around any on my power to interpret dream*, but being it's you, I will say that I can knock the spots off of auy other human being in this town on the < I ream busi ness." " And yon can tell me the significance of this one ?" "Humph! Should think I could ! In the first place yon dreamed of socks That's a sign that the woman next door is jeslons because you are better looking than she is, and she's been slandering you." "She has I Then I'll pull her peaked nose 1" exclaimed the dreamer. "Then you dreamed of a door-key. That's a sign of an aocident. Be care ful, madam, and don't hit the clothes line in splitting wood, and don't go up on a ladder over ten or fifteen feet." " I never, never climb a ladder, air !" "Don't yon? So ranch the hotter. Bnt ho careful how yoa go down collar during the next few weeks. I alius back down a pair of stairs. That gtvcH yon II chance to dig in your toe-nails if yon KO to f ill. Alao, don't jump on a street car when in motion." " I never do, sir." " Then von dreamed of telegraph wire, madam, that's another bad sign. Don't you go around the back-yard bare footed, or yon may cut your heel on an old bottlo nnd have a fatal ease of lock jaw." " I go barefooted ?" she gasped. " I hope not, madam, and if yon eat any peanuts for a month to oomo throw tho shucka away. Even if they don't hurt you there is only two per cent, af nourishment in 'em. ' She looked at htm in amazement, and he kindly went on : •' You heard a horn blow, and that is a good sign. I've known women who hod straggled with cold foet for eigh teen straight years to dream of a horn blowing and be perfectly cured in five hours," "Sir I" "That's me, madam, and I rejoioo from the bottom of my heart at yonr good Inck. Then yon dreamed of cof fins. Did yon Bee any fignres on 'em ?" " I don't remember." "Well, I s'pose the undertaker will put enough figures on 'em for that mat ter. To dream of coffins, madam, sig- ' uifles that you will ahertly have an ,4 ls -that—so f" she softly replied, blushing again. "It la, in a. lain. Lees than a month ago a woman came to me who hail boon drromiUK of coffins, aud within three days she had au offer." 41 And she accepted bin ? " 44 It was an offer, madam, to nurse woman with the ruouiytis ; salary gd per week ami found.'' 41 Mr. Joy," sold the geutle dreamer, as she rose up aud made a grab for her tralh, " 1 shan't go out as uurae— Uot just yet." "I wouldn't either. It's a very try ing position, patUoitiarly where Uie patit lit is deajaiudebt, uu.f imagines that yuii want to murder her. " Mr. Jov, 1 am very much obliged." 44 "INs well—'tis Well, thssl-day." She sailed uway, bor face as red as a mm! and her nose Up, and be sat down and muttered to himself: 44 She believml every word of it up to the 4 offer,' and just cau*e 1 wouldn't he aliuut it, she goes away, teeliug dis persed and put out. That'* the way with 'cm—onsartin, unhappy, and un grateful."— ihtnjtt AVe /Vr*. Has it Animal Magmtlsu! 1 had at one time a flue flock of white turkeys, which were always shy, though much petted by the family because of their great beauty. There was a cover ed gallery betweeu the dining-room and kit-'uexi, with broad folding-door* at each end, in which we were in the habit of sitting to read, sew, as Women will, and where was * cradle fur the baby. Our turkeys would sometimes stalk rapidly through Una gallery aa a sort of short cut on Uieir wst to'tlic poultrv yard. Oue day I was sitting here, the baby in the cradle asleep, when in strutted a tail lieu turkey, and tuateu 1 of hurrying through a* was the habit, she stopped iu front of the cradle, stretched out her long no k and began a sort of guttural cry, and stood motionless. Prceeutiy another and another entered, aud were each trans fixed in the same war. I arose and approached them, but not one stirred aside, as was their habit when any one came near them. 1 noticed their eye* all bad a strained, unnatural look, their wings drooped, as if relaxed; they all kept their necks craned out iu a stiff, constrained manner. At firet I thought of the sleeping ehHd, but they were used to it and never took notice of its presence. Looking in the direction of their eye* I beheld • large snake of the adder kind, with its body jiartialiy ooiied, head eroct, and tongue oscillating, while to me its color, ordinarily of a dirty black, with orange rosette*, seemed remarkably brilliant. The creature was iu high cxcitemeht of some kind. No sooner did I move the cradle than its whole aapect changed, and it was s common, sluggish adder win. h slunk aside to wcaje. Tne turkeys aU jump *l into the air with a ridiculous antic of delight, aud ran or rather flew out of the olace. Now, leaving all but the tiit turkey out of the question, wliat vai it that arnstel her ? It is possible that all but the first were actuated by imitation when they first panmvl on their way; but the whole eight or ten tnrkeT* fell at once into a semicircle around the reptile, and the action of all was precisely alike, aud like the first. Was it terror that caused then: to halt? Did the reptile magnetite the first cue, and was it s ewe of faacina- Uim ? Are fascination and magueiism identical, ami are they a paralysis of the nervous syatcm, for the time being, from whatever cause ? A remarkable degree of mental action, imagination, and otservation were evolvtw in this case. I have before me a natural drum, the withered vertebra of a rattlesnake, wbicti was killed by a neighbor of rains, a woman of some skill in lianJling a rifle, which may further illustrate the subject. Her house was bniit on the side of a lull, making it one eh>ry in the rear and two in the front, where wna an open una, free for the poultry of the farm-hon*e, atid covered with low grass, plantain, etc.; a sunny spot, sheltered from the cold of the north winds by a woody hill, whose trees quite embower ed the cottage. One day she was attracted to the witi ' dow by a low plaint from her poiiltty, winch seemed to l>e all hurrying In one direction. Looking down she saw them ranging in a semi-circle, with all their heads I tent IU one iliwtion. There were at least twenty or thirty silly crea -1 tures all looking the i-auia way. and in tent npou the same object. Leamug from the window, she tieheld a mon strous rattlesnake coiled in a pile, with 1 tail vibrating in a soft, gentle motion, which just stirred the mnsie of the rat tles, ami the head keeping time; tongue red and qnivering, and the motion of the neck swaying from side to aide, ; sweeping iu tho whole array of stupefied ckickendom. Watching all this some time, with no ! change on the part of snake or poultry, she went to the back of the house, took 'down her husband's rifle, snd flrod st the head of the creature, killing him at once. The spell was broken, snd the {{Kuiltry sproug away with the same ridiculous kind of jump sud fly I had i observed in my turseyz, as if relieved from a spell. Now, what brought all these hona and chickens to rauge themselves in this dangerous companionship around thi* nneannie monster ? Was it sympathy? Wa* it imitation ? Was the raagmtmni extended to a distance in its action f Why should the snake so long Continue his insidious movement? It wa* evi dently not hunger that actuated him, -r , he Would have seized his prey and made his exit. Did lie enjoy his nwe-struek auditory, aud was ho fond of the dis play of hut power. Fli*al"'th llaJtfit \ Smith. \ Hurder Mjntery. The recent murder of the \ aoelot family, near Vinceunoa, lud., was an strange aa it was atrocious. The Yaoe lota wore four in number, two bung hoys, nnd they lived in their own com fortable farmhonse. John D. Vaeolot, the lather, waa a aim pie-minded French man, who never quarreled with auy- Imdy, and waa generous to the limit of his small meaua. The latter quality led him to employ Pierre l'rovoat, a doati tute Frenchman, who trnrapod that way. Earlj one morning Provost aroused the neighbors with the news that all the Vaeelots had been killed. To that ex tent. at least, he told the troth, for it was found that they had been ruthlessly slaughtered with an axe—the boy a and their mother aa they slept, aud the father after a combat. Provost sajß that he was awakened by a noise, and aaw five men in the room, upon which he jtimped out of a window and ran to call help. The window was afterward fonnd fastened on the inaido, and cobwebs showed that it had not recently been opened. Other facts proved that Pro vost lied, nnd be was arrested as the murderer; lint the mystery of the case is not to be cleared np by his trial. Fearing that he would be hanged, he chose to be his own executioner, and hanged himself in his coll. Gold mines of great richness have late ly been discovered in the province of Maranham, South America. \UNi:.H MARK TO ORDER. I It 11.1 JMI A FHI'IT THIEP. A R*i lata a Carta " <atl* " fiHrn • I Aaalllar Oiaaataala aa Marl Matiaa. I sympathise with people who have a uoae, observe# a l'arm oorrreiHiiideijt of th# Unit nuore .S'uu, 1 have one myself. CuUHequcntly, wlit>o pureiug through the Oitie tin Ketiro, IU that region of the Uuo itoiaey d'Anglaaa known U> every American uniting Paria, I waa rut hot drawn toward tlie aigu near the photog rapber'a, which says, " Suae# made to onlcr. " Wc ace art brought to the anl j of nature iu tin- shape of wigs, tooth and a few other matter* and thluga I need not particular!/.#, atul we never ahou ! "thou deceitful one " at the dear in dulgre therein. The art of being agree a tile and looking no IN an rethetical aortal aiHvimpl kali men t Ho in Igo to aec the j none inaehiuint He amlle* all ovor, | and at ouce e bo htm a good euetomer. 1 rather, in a nasal way, pooh-pooh htm. Mowing and ncruptug, and sqnecxiiig hia band# like a polite ogre, he ap- I |-roadi en and pertly say* : "An aqui liue will unit you, air." 1 disdain to re ply, but take up hia photograph book of restored or reformed uoaea. May the i aauctity of all privacy pardon law, but ; the flrat photograph I see is labeled Mr. , Baltimore, 0. 8. A." Well there i a uaaal balm in thia Uilead of * the Citie du Retire, and at ouce I feel at ! home. " Pray, BIT," I boldly aaked, ' . " what ia your process V With a acien tiflc ailonce, a " m gbtv mute manner," aa John Randolph, of Roanoke, im<d to nay, the nose dealer place# hi# hand on my forehead aud pata it affectionately like Profeeaor Fowler, the phreuologiat. " Good froutal cuticle, *|>aoe large, hair falling down in freedom ; you eau afford jto have a real Roman, air " But tell me how?" " Well, air, we cut an angle ■ of the frontal cuticle, that i# to aay, an angle ttpmde down of the forehead akin, aud bring it from the apex over the n<>e, aud by applying thia lotion, that I i halve, three angneuui aud that plaater, and three baudagee, and three Waahea, and the folio wing rulea of friction, and thia preemption of diet, and three rulea iof everciae, in three months yon are another man with another noec " Yes, I quietly think, there oau be no poani h# doubt about that, whatever aort the other man and other nose may lie. " Auyttaog elms, monaieur?" I aak. Looking at me aa a tailor does when he contract# to taakca aix toot mau a auit of clothes at a boy's price, the voluble •• we " adda : " ire, to a man of power- , ful physique, like jou, air, we command dumb be 11 a, ahoulder-tioard*, gymnastic cxcrciaea, the <v>u#amiDg of a agar and wafer only byway of drink (it imparts brilliancy to the eye*, aud a good none au l bad eye* are a failure), and the lib eral eaUn'g of flreh giving food, aud - then air. what a pleasing prraowa' f" I" And the ©ret of attoh a uoae -a Ro in-ti. a full lhsnaii ? ' "(July |k)o, air." I bow and retire with my own uoae, and mentally embrace all the #nf freer* that ever came out of the Citie du Retire, and heartily shake hauda with all the cork-legged men, condoling with them that they are not completely of the same fleah aud blood with myself and other deformed ones, and 1 mentally ' kick out the powders, Columbian lialma, banJoliocs, ingenious paddiuga, fearful ly and won dm ally made, and deter mine to gii through life aa I am, but never omitting to note on uoeea to order, aa well a other matters, orderly and disorderly. Journalism in Ureal Britain. There ia a provincial newspaper so ciety, i Htahlisiied in 1880, which Ims its hi adquartera at No. 7 Wins-office court. Fleet street, London. Its object is to promote the welfare of the ** country " paper*— those of Kngland, Wales Scot land, Ireland, etc.—by making editors aud proprietors acquainted with each other ; also to watch the acta of parlia ment, and to exercise a careful sneer vision over doubtful advertisers and ad vertising agents. Its officers are deck ed annually. Admisaiou fae, J5 ; annu al subscription, 85. The members meet in May, but their secretary keep* a record of all the proceedings, aud issues monthly circulars to the adhering editors and proprietors. There are eleven telegraphic sad pre** association a, all established in London but one. The list includes Renter's telegram company, and several organisation* to collect news, write let ters, ditorisl aud foreign correspuiid enoe. There are tonrteao morning and five evening, and 327 weekly, semi weeklv and monthly papers in London. There are 1,006 daily, semi-weekly, weekly and monthly paper*in the Brit ish provinces, fifty-six to the Welsh provinces, 16H hi Hcothujd. 140 in Ire land, five in the Isle of Man, eight in Jersey and six in Guernsey. There are 600 niagaxiues review* and periodical*, or monthly and weekly mag axine*, in Great Britain. Anil there are 120 quarterly reviews in Groat Britain. This catalogue does not inolnde all; but it only illustrates the labor and money expended in transient and peri odica? literature in Great Britain, ont "tilti the incalculable mass of standard works. Now, taking up this ruaaaof rending matter in one country —an aggregate of 1,700 newspajH'rs of all grades and 720 magazine* aud reviews of all grades let us glance at the interests they rep. resent, aud the so>jeets they discus* ; snd here you hsve an insight into the marvelous aptitudes and eccentricities of human intellect. Home of the coun try newspapers are verv old. The Bath tfironicfr. wa* established in 1757; the Bstb Hcratd in 1?92 ; B rmingham (latrftr hi 1741 ; Boston Hazrttf, 1780; Bristol M' ecsrw, 1790; Bnoj and Nor wie.h t\mt, 1782 ; Carlisle .lomrnal.; IT'.W; Chelmsford Chronicle. 1764 Hark Lane Journal, 1787; Coventry ■St ami aid, 1741 ; Cumberland Pacgut L, 1774 ; Exeter Flying Pott, 1763; t|>*- wieli Journal, 1725; lens l*s Sfcroury 1718; Northampton M rrury, 1720; U •adiug (Berk* eountv) Mrreurj/. 1723; Fv'ng fotl, 1736 ; Worcester Journal, 1690(1). We have newspapers devoted to brew era, bakers, horse*, bicycles, photog raphy, builders, bullion, capital. Catholics, chemistry, ohnrch bell*, court gossip, farm, field, finance, flab, fire. Free M*auus, furniture, grocers, gardens, insurance, justice, law, leather, live-stock, meat, m< dicine, millers, money, mince and music. Then we have nature and naval affairs; oil and orohen tra; new* and nm-conformists; pictures and poor laws; printers and primitive Moth, abate; referee and the rock; schools and shoes; spiritualist* aud sport; tem perance ami tin trnmpet; war and the watchman; wine and the world. Then for specialties: magazines devoted to the linen and flax trade; to billiards; to breeding and feeding cattle; to shells; to cricketers; music fur brass hands; to working girla; to hair-dremera and per fumers; to hatters and umbrella-makers; to watches and watchmakers; to yacht ing; to time tables; to marriage and conjugal felicity; to matrimonial adver tisements; to jMxbgroes and armorial grants; anti-tobaooo; to identity of the British nation to the ten lost tribes; to the repeal of the contagious diseases act; to the mineral-water trade; the organ of tho jewelers and silversmiths. Philadelphia Press. Winter clothing is desirable, bnt m slippery weather every man should wear his fall suit. TERMW: 52.00 a Year, in JVdvanoo. Uesall St a Trtl tar nhaatlaa a -Maa HI rail as Faarkaa. lteferring to the cloae uf tbe TVnuehiil murder trial, a letter from Washington, IV. *avs ; Tbe facta in lb* caae are brirfh the** : On the evening of August I'd, I*7*, William MaNutt, aged twenty six, went to tbe tdachamilh shop of laaae Patch, in ilonatoavilla, and ppe Cooed that they shonld goto Mr, Tanne ill's peach orchard, about five and a half mi la* distant, and g*t some peach ns. The proposition was agreed to, and tliey set out in a one-borae wagon On the way they passed the bouae of Samu el White, ano persuaded Joseph Me- Nutt, who was working at White's, to aoeoinpanv Uiem. The three arrived at Tsunehill's s little before nine v. M. lu passing the TauuehHl house they saw a window raised and a light burning, and tiitvefore drove past tbe orchard, hiteb d the horse s short distance in the wood, near the road, and waited nearly half an hour for the Tannehills to re tire. From the wpod they went to the orchard. They had not been there more than a minute, as Joseph McXutt and Patch testify, before a shot was fired. None of them knew from what directum it came. The three jumped over the fence and ran laughing np the road. After they had run a abort distance William McXutt began to stagger and then fell by tbe roadside. Patch hur ried for a neighbor, and in ahout half an hour tbey bad brought Ahe wagon and started borne, but William died on the way. Tbe tnau that fired the abot was Jo\in Tannehill. In lea* than bve minute* after the shooting he returned to the house, and, ou being asked if he had seen auy person, aaid that be had seen three men in tbe orohard and had shot to scare them away. He did not know that he had abut any one until tbe next morning. The shouting created much excite ment, and there was some talk of lynch ing Tannohiß. who was arreated and released on bail. At the trial there was a strong array of counsel on !>oth sides. Tue defense sbosed that Tsu uehiil did not see the man ; that he did not about with intent to kill; that pub lic sentiment applauds a man for de fending his property in this way from nocturnal thtrvea and plunderers, and proved the unexceptionable good char acter of Tauueliili. The proaecntion i held that Tannehill carelessly, if not purposely, abot in the direction of tbe thieves, knowing tliem to be al>out; that it was s criminal uffenae so to do, aud tliat the law give* no man tbe right to defend his property by such violent means. Hie jury, after a delilteration of aix hour*, rendered a verdict of 44 man slaughter. " Presidents af tbe tailed States. The following is a list of the presi dent* of the (jilted H'Htes, from Wash ington down, with the date ut their birth, inauguration and death. 1. <J >rge Wasfciogt in, of Virginia, boru FfbrSurt 22. 1732; rlwld wm matnier-in-ohief ot tbe ooetim*nta) msjr u> 1775 : first inaugurated, M p resident, m tbe city of New York, April .30; se cond inauguration,iD 1793; di*it Decem ber 14, 1799, aged siity-eiglit year*. 2. John Adams, of Massachusetts, born in 17745; inaugurated March 4, 1797 ; <lid July 4, 1826, aged ninety year*. 3. Thomas Jefferson, of Virginia, lv>rn in 1743; first inaugurated in Washington, in 1801 ; second inaugura tion in IHGS; died July 4, 1826, aged eighty-two Tears. . A James Madison, of Virginia, born in 1761; flrat inaugurated in IK)9 ; sec ond inauguration in 1813.; died in 1837, aged ytiara. 5. J tinea Monroe, of Virginia, bora in 1750 ; flrat inaugurated in 1817 ; se oood inauguration in 1821 ; died in 1831, aged sevwitv-two years. 6. John Qniney Adams, of Massa chusetts, born in 1767 ; inaugurated in 1825 ; died in 1848, aged eighty yeara. 7. Andrew Jackson, of Tennessee, born 1767 ; flrat inangnr a ted in 1829 second inauguration in 1833 ; died in 1845, aged seventy eight years. 8. Martin Van Ruren, of New York, born in 1782 ; inaugurated in 1837; died in 1862, aged eighty years. 9. William Henry Harrison, of Ohio, born in 1773; inaugurated in 1841 ; died in office, April, 1811, aged sixty eight yeara. 10. John Tyler, of Virginia, born in 1790; elected VM- president, and in augnrated as president in April. 1841 ; died in 1882, aged seventy-two yeara. 11. Janxw K. Polk, of Tennessee, I Kirn in 1796 ; inaugurated in 1845; died in 1849, aged fifty-four years. 12. Zacharv Taylor, of Louisiana, born in 1784; inaugurated in 1849; died in office in 1850, aged aixty-six yeera. 13. Millard Fillmore, of New York, born in 1800 ; elected rice-president in 1848, sn.l insngnrated as president on the death of General Tavlor, in 1850 ; died March 8, 1874, aged seventy-four year*. 14. Franklin Pierce, of New Hamp shire, born in 18 4; insngnrated in 1853; died in 1869, aged sixty-five years. 15. James Buchanan, of Pennsyl vania, born in 1791; insngnrated in 1857 ; died in 1864, aged seventy-seven years. 16. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, b->rn ID 18 '9 ; flrat inaugnra'ed in 1861 ; second inauguration in 1865 ; assaaai listed April 14, 1865, agt>l fifty-six years. 17. Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, horn in 1808; elected vice-president, and insngnrated as president in April, 1865; died Jnly 31, 1875, aged sixty seven veers. 19 iPljm** S. Grant, of Illinois, horn in 1822; first inauguration in 1889; second inauguration n 1873 ; term ex pired 4th of March, 1877. Kiting the Bay a Start. A lonesome looking boy waa yester day hanging aronnd a wo>d-yard in the northern part of the city, when the owner of the yard, having both eharity and philanthropy for boys with tears in their eyea, asked the lad why he didnt peddle apples or do something to earn a few ahillinga. The boy replied that he had no capital, aad the wood-yard man took ont a niokel, aDd said : " Now, my boy, I'm going to start yon in life. Take this nickel and go and make a purchase of something or other. I'll buy it-of yon for ten cent*, no matter what it is. Come, now, let's see what sort of a business head yon have on yon." The boy took the nickel and went off, bnt in ten minutes was back with a gal lon jag which he had purchased with the nickel. " Well, you are a keener," replied the man. " I never saw one of those sold leas than fifteen cents to any one. I wan't snch a jog, and here's its fair price. Go now and lay ont your fifteen canta in apple* and I'll buy half yoor stock." The boy did not return. Perhaps he fell into a sower somewhere ; but yon can't make the wood-yard man believe so. When he lifted the jng from under the table where the boy had carefully C laced it, he fonnd a hole in the bottom irge enough to let in a black and tan terrier. — Detroit Free Press. NUMBEK 47. V „A' I "1* MAtUKATINtt TttfklM. iih ml ate nerteoa FeeM* Tm tm ladte. The Cardiff Matt aaya : Tba follawiu mtract from a latter written lay Dundee geutleautn, manager of the roewnjv formed lUnK.rn.ti tea garden- in tte province of Assam, abowa ttet tte p*o uaaro m tea planting tef in addition UJ their hard wort : It l. with great regret that I ba*a lo report a tel ooeurrrmeo that teijlaa* at lUofaft* three days ago- Throe Morhir wen wars cuUtng J OU f I uar.UirT to opening out, whan I left m> nnlru on Monday at 11:90 A. MS* LAM half an hour'aiterwaid ■ ti|ff *d <ten!y .prang oat, struck one <ff <hf> "j a blow the head, which partially tijpij caught him bj tba throat, and dragged him Out of llgot [ . This happened about four beolrai rarda in front of the lines at the Oariis reaa, am <4 whom aaw tba whole uopar reeoe. Every one. Madura and Cache roes, why were working nmt, fled from the spot, and two man onme over two bnura afterward and gar# mm informa tion. Leviek, Blank well and I kwt au tune m K<tng ever. We loand and fol lowed up the track for over 450 yarda in the jungle, when we came tqon the lody, minna n leg. It WM toe Into to get n "chang" erected, m thero were no tree, at hand, and. ontfonataly, we ooald not manage to procure poiaofk N. it day we went out on the Sama goorie " hiti " (elephant), beat In circtei round the body, which bad bwe dragged fifty Tarda further, minus both leg#, and in thick, hate jangle, of twmty feet in height. We hung about, keattug for hours, bat ooald neither hear nor we anything of tha tiger. It waa moat annoying that we had no poison, for a tietter ehanee of destroying Una man* rotor could nut be had. lam g -uing an old mw tied every evening at the edge of the jangle, in hope, of hi* taking the bait—that ia. coming for the ouw to en able ua to shoot him. The unfortunate Mrokir wma one of my beet workera regular in hia all en dance, and generally giving me two "haxreee " per day. He ia the fourth victim within the laat throe months that hsa fallen to this man eating tiger, and all the " kilia " have 1 taken place within a mile aod a half of my ooroponn iat Rangamali, Hie eu tomary royalty for a tiger'a aknll ia twentv-flve mpeea. Lenck and t will ourselves add twenty-five, and I have requested the deputy oommwakmer to grant fifty ranee, (tu ell 100 rupee.) for this brute', destruction. It erwansttist there are a tiger and t great in the part of Haagamati which I atn now eleMiag. However, fortunately, there ia enough jungle, oat, fired, and ready lor hoeing, eo that the Cechareea will not be de tained in their work. The place abounds with wild animals. A panther earned away a dog from the ■toor of a coolie's tint (n Uw lines); a wild elephant cbarod the Meckire from cutting bamboo.; and I, myself, while walking from N moi, suddenly found myself U yarda from a fall-grown bear, which detai'nol nie for about fivem tintm. However, after the place ia oisaved, hoed an t planted, there will be a small cover left. Iksmm Lilwr I'frtwwi bjr Bras. Nectar ik the Iwm applied by botan ists to the sweet-tasting fluul which is secieted within the hope of flowed ; and the object gamed to plant* by ita prve eooe is that insert*, indnoed to visit flowers lor its sake, are useful to tha plants by effecting a cross fertiliaaUoa. an additional amount of vigor being thus conferral on the seed* which sub sequently results in contrast with the en I effect*, produced by continuous "breeding in and in." The farmarion of nectar m observed to take place moat frtniy iu hot weather, and to be prevent ed by cold at wet So great economy i exercised by the plant that it is only formed st file time when uiaaota' visits would be beneficial, that is, when the anthers are ripe and shedding their pol len, or when the stigma i* mature and ready to receive pollen. By biologists the visits of been, butterflies, and uthsr insect* are believed to bave exercised in i past time an important influence in modifying the sine, shape, oolor, etc., ol flower*, Nectar 1* of course the source 1 wheoee bee* derive honey, but it ah afford* food to many kinds of insects which do not possess the same habit as the former of storing it up. Professor Alexander S. Wilaou, of Glasgow, has recently investigated the amount* of su gar contained in the nectar of various flowers, and laid the results of liis la bors before tlie British association. Be extracted the nectar with water, ac I de termined the sugar before and after in version by mean* of Falling's copper solution. From his table of analyses, which for onr present purposes It is un necceaary to reproduce here, we select clover as an example. He found that, approximataly, 100 heads of rwd clover vield 0 8 gramme of sugar, or 125 give 1 gramme (16 grain*), or 125,000 1 kilo (2 1 5 lbs) of sugar; and a* each bead contains about 60 floret* (125,000x80), 7.500 000 distinct flower tube* must be sucked in enter to obtain t 1 5 lbs. of •agar. Now as honey, roughly, may be seal to oootain 75 per cent, sugar, we have 1 kilogramme (2 1 5 lbs.) equiws lentios.6oo,oooflowers in round num bers, or, suy, two and a half Bullions of visits for one pound of houey. This b<>ws what au am axing s mount of labor the bees must perform, for their indus try would thn* appear to be indispensa ble to their very exist en oe.— Scientific American. Par Mas Rata. The meet numerous, although cer tainly not the most popular animals iu Paris, era the rata. They ahoun •it all etreet gutter* end there i* hardly a house bet what is inteeted with them. A* aono as night c>rae thee eome creep ing oat by the thousand* from fhe-r biding places and eeek their sabaistMiee on the heaps of offal and among the garbage before the boose doom. Ou these excnraiona many of these animals lose their lives, for the Parisians wage a continual warfare with the celestial ro dents. Bat imspits of all parseentioos with fire and water, with dogs, poison, trace, and oinbe, tbey increase so rapidly that each animal killed is soon replaced by several others. Well, the rat is aleb an object of industrial ex donation*. "Hiey are not only killed by the wholesale, iu order to get their skins, but tbey are alo captured alive to engage in fierce oorobata. Very few people know that, as in London, rat-fights take place also in Paris. There are individunls in Paris who feed the captured rats, and then go with a few dosen of them and a number of rat-terriers to the lovers of this sport, when they engage iu bloody cam bate with the dogs which always coats them their lives iu spite of the most heroic defense. These com bate generally take place in tha ateliers of the animal paint ers, and the impresario of the hapless four-footed troupe is richly rewarded. That was a bltter-sonled man who said to his enemy : " I wish you had 1,000 countries, and each country one thousand cities, and each city 1,000 streets, and each Btreot 1,000 houses, and each bouse 1,000 beds, and that yoa would have to lie in each of those 1,000 beds 1,000 years, with the moat fearful toothache. The Haowßirn months IIIM abed, i v Aai ma If H* ■■ 11% mam ma mam an deep, 4od tbs #•*• " Aad tba hldm daad, la* tba abtoa ara O' or tmt I Oray ud gloomy. rnam ate waul. Ate tte Mfttag mow t drtfttng Thiwgh tea air. Tte*, ted anow-drtfta Uto. Though tte bear an baaa, ; Oomaa tba MOW- tod krtd, la tte winter'* aotd , Quick, ate route, ate MgM. Light te Map* aaroastte mow, OUN ha net *R wtads tte* Maw. Though tte alfting MOW te drifting Through tte air. Dora ted Oateb, te rtrtbew. ' Items at Iff t A tiny tMng-A fork. France levies U *■• An unpopular daemaksir—Mia. Film The bedouins eat loeuata tried in but ter. A well-known country—The oil re gions. An fngennrma mind fuels in unmerit ed praise the bitterest reproof. They bare at the university of Ley den aa oyster shell whieh weighs 180 pounds. Any man pay* 100 muck for his whis tle who baa to wet it fifteen or twenty times a day. It ja now believed that every hooey fgjwm has not only a man but a woman a it aa well. There are 7,000 workman employed in Takto, Japan, ia making safety matches alone. • <oa this point I am vary uneasy" m the fly roid to th* boy who had aknek efria through ktm.* In Oblna the agricultural laborer is a eort of aristocrat Pablio opinion pate him above the mechanic. Far of ail ad words that evar warn was wrtt- Tini JSim vrajfeei. "T'f— "•* " TMawampaw _%atey Ifcruid. An English agricultural paper re ports farmer aa having planted six hundred wit ties of potatoes the pert ii menn. The difference bet ween a good farm and a boor hr very simple, and w |urt this : The farm ia cultivated, and the boor teat A men ia Santa Barbara county, California, ia making a living by clear ing farms of aquirrrta at ten eanta an acre, and guarantees thorough work. At Pulaaka. H. Y. f on a Saturday night, the fioor at a stable fell and left five tied cowe banging by the seek. When found on Sunday morning they were aO deed. The man who steps on a grope akin sad etta down cm tbr lag. baa one chanoe out of thirty-two millions of discovering the perawn arho ate the grapes.— Detroit free /Veal. There ia aa oak tree ia Yexaa, upon which have been grafted apnga at pine, bollv, dogwood, du, tab, walnut, ap ple " and peach. The apnga have all badded and give promise of thrift. M<mt Blaoe has a cold in it# head, lint Etia Area up it you even hint that i hare is aa eruption at ita m elk Tula ,ia a rm>n i.tein.wis etatemMit, but it comes from the rte-pand rugged path of truth. •• How many people have gooe to de struction over these terrible falls P Mid a gentleman to a temperanoe lecturer at Niagara. ** A great many more have been destroyed by the little cask-aids," roeponded the teetotaler. B.lata ia the name of a gnm obtained from the bully-tree, whist* flourishes on the baokji <rf fbeAmat ® and Ortnooo rivers, iu Booth America. It said to ' be equal to gotta p,-reha, and will be a lval to thai article of oommerce. What we know of stellar distances make* our a* stow seem like a group of island* id a set asa, far removed from other buds. &-{*■ 2.775.000 000 mil— from the son; and the nearest star 11* mora than 7,000 times as far! Woman are like tulips; the mora modest ami retiring tbev are the better wtf love them. " Tea," added Snod- I grass, " and men are like bugles ; the mora brass they contain the farther you can hear them." Condor banters are warmly welcomed by inhabitants of the South American sierras, as the birds commit great havoc among the herds. Waiting till the mother of a calf to at some distance from her offspring, they will swoop down and strike the young animal to the ground, immediately ripping out ita tongue to prevent it from raising any alarm. In a few minntas nothing but the skeleton is left, A young man aeods us a long easay on "The True Aim of Journalism. " We haven't rami the artaeic, but suppose the autboc. like almost every one else, Brefers8 refers the Smith k Wesson, navy sua, 'a 44 caliber, to any other pistol In this locality, especially, is the aim of the iouraalist of the graataat importance, and the man whose hand shakes and who oaa't hit an outraged community's •bird vest button three times oat of five has no business trying to ran s paper in California.— Sun FraneUtm Nam-*-Lot far. One night last week, at a party m Torooto, a yewag man wsa frightening oi the young ladies toy a daring exhibition of a revolver, when the wea !pe-r was sceideiitilly discharged, the bn* entering the young man's side, ißflicting s serioaa wound. We have i said a great many harsh thing* about ttires young man whose revolvers oon laln more than their heeds, but we re tract everything now. At laat u ravo. *er has been found that knows which man to shoot. May his tribe increase. I Burlington Hawiryc. aatr. Best is act quitting Beat is the tiring Of asif tor oast sphere- Tte the brack * motion. Otaar without strife, Fleeting to osaan, After this Mfa Tm taring and serving The highest sad bast. TU onward, unswerving, And this is true rest Advertising fsr a Husband. A New York paper faoehooalv ob serves : Advertising for hm-bands snd wives we had supposed to be confined to the Western nations ; hot it seems that tbey understand the peculiar art also in the* East A yoang woman in Goa, a maritine eitv of India, has adopted a novel method of securing a matrimonial partner. She haa posted in the muni cipal chamber an announcement that a young lady of eighteen, of good position and comely appesranoe, having an an nual income of 1,500 xerafias, wishes to wed a man who understands English and Portuguese (she herself is of Portu guese descent), and the metrical system lof accounts, and has an income of 1,000 xeraima. She adds that on a given day, at noon, she will walk through the prin cipal street* with a green umbrella in her right hand end a green handkerchief in her left, after which she will, at a cer tain place, receive proposals from suitors in person, and select him she likes best. The latest advices from Qoa are earlier than the date of her proposed prome 1 nade, and we await intelligence as to the 1 result thereof with burning expectation. 1 We are confident that a young woman with ao much enterprise, energy and audacity will have a number of suitors, who mnht be attracted, if not by her look* and carriage, at least by her green umbrella and green handkerchief. It ia pleasant to observe that the is ao particular about the metrical system, I full knowledge of which is indispensa ble to a well regulated husband. Men I unacquainted wita the system often [make wretched husbands; bat a man who baa the the metrical system at his finger-ends never feils in the fullest per foraaaoe o! his eonnnbiel defy.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers