THE CENTRE REPORTER. Centre Hull, P*. Th'rod. Nov. 14, 18. w*-Tkrm*.— $2 per year, wAen paid in ideanet; sahen ml *>rtd in Aaec-iutesnmi* 20et* per tme/or three i erfton, and . r iecnt*rer fine for ei. ry sub sequent insertion. Adeerfuctnenf* by the ytar at • liberal diteaunl. Subscriber*outside the rtunty should re mit ue 10 e<, amownf of one year's post n.ce, metenn o/'JOcts at formerly srhen paia by themselves. . Subscriber* can ahrayi tell hose thesr ac counts stand at the Reverter office by con suiting the lables on <\etr paper* V the lable reads "John Ron 1 Jan 75" it means that John is indebted for subscription from the Ist of January, 1875. and that t * time he seas paying the printer. LOCAL ITEMS. LODQB METIEQi. CKVTM tt*u 1/iewa. Ne. at*. I. g.ef O ,F;, M • VT. ThurU-..lit tm th (US t II C. 8. *. KMcatca. Sre'r. B. D Bawaw.*• < OI o F at J r it and rrarr taw waate •*. oaa. a Kellat Maatar. l*0 ***. Bee*. For Pure Deug* go to 7.eller* Drug •tore, Brockerhoff row. Sn |- Some raia on Monday night. Weather raw. Hon. L. A. Mackej will please ac cept our thank* for bound copies of the Corg. Record. John Conlcy * new brick houe l already under roof. Gov. Curtin ka* to far recovered from hi* late illoea* a* to be able to ait up. Hit illness wa* bilieu* intermittent fever. Joseph Baker, esq , of Herri* twp . fell from an appln tree, a few days ago. and wa* picked up unconscious. —WhoaelU the new Howe Sewing Machine? Why A. C. Moore, who U the only authorised agent in Centre county. Otßce, Milesburg. Mr. David Mover, of Aaronthurg. will take chargt of t'ue C*ntro Hall hotel at toon a* Sheriß Spangler leave* fer Bellefonte. David will make a good land lerd. The Bush house, under Mr. lloppes, is run in first class style, and gaining trad*. Guests ara all pleased with the rich table and find everything else admirable about the house, and charges very reasonable. Mr. Uartaell, the clerk, is alwtys at hand ready to make you feel st home. Try the Bush house. Judge Alliaon of Howard, is a for tunate hunter. He shot a spike buck, on Thursday SI. on Beech creek. The fol lowing day. Friday, he weal out again, and shot a large four pronged buck. The Judge tells us that that is about bit usual luck. Wish we could hunt with such suc cess. The elections are over and some body has been defeated, but the people are safe so long at money is saved by the low price of Clothing at Newman's In the Es gle CI 'thing hall—where you can buy cheapest and best Clothing in the county, and this is the mason why Newman is called by ell "King Clothier," and he in besides the very prince of good fellows. Go and see him anyway, when at Belle fonte. On# of ear eldest and roost respec ted citizens, Mr. George Hoffer, will leave us shortly. Mr. Hoffer intends taking charge of the State College Hotel. We will miss him and his family here, and College township will make a good gain. Pur# spice* at Zellers Drug store, Brockerhoff row. Sheriff Spangler kept a pubiic house many years in this place, and it was a fond stopping place for boarders and others. He will soon keep the large pub lic house in the rear of tho court house, and we would caution folks against any thing that would make them his boarders there. Everybody should t\v Lamb's Glass end Silver-boil Polish, for cleaning j!* were of ell kindi; it saves time end troub le, end does its work splendidly. Manu factured by C. Dinges, Centre Hall. machine is the most durable machine made. Brown, at the depot, Bellefonte, is doing a big trade in grain, for tha reason that he pays farmers the highest prices. All kinds o? coal always on hand and sold low. The best price paid for Cloverseed and all kinds of grain, by L. L. Brown, successor to Shortlidge A Co. A large Government stable at Leaven worth was destroyed by fire Sunday after noon • Fifty coulee perished in the flames. Foed greatly benefits when gives properly at the right periods, but to over feed the baby is to sicken it, and induce a degree of suffering ; Dr. Bull's Baby Syr up is the best remedy for the discomfort arising from overfeeding the baby. Price 25 cents- A fine Urge bank barn belonging to L. W. Meek of Gregg Twp.. Union county, was destroyed by fire on Satur day evening, the 2nd inst, together with vontecta, consisting oftbre* heed of bortti seven head of cattle, five or six hundred bush a'.a of wheet, rye, corn, large quanti ties of hay and straw, harnesa, wagon, drill, wheat-cultivator and many other ar ticle#. Barn on the same property and spot was daaUoved by fire about eight years ago. It is supposed to have been set on fireon both occasions. It wasinsured in the Danville Co.—Telegreph, Largest assortment of Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Ac. at Zellcrs drug store Brockerhoff row. cheeae in the itate, you can get it at Sech lev's. If you want the beat of any other groceries, Sechler's is always tbe place to get it sure. —-Mrs. Charles Beck, of Lamar, For tar township, Clinton county, died sud denly on Friday night last of paralysis. Mr. Beck was away from home, and on re turning was surprised to find no light in tha house. On going into the yerd be found bis wife in an expiring condition, having fallen over while engaged in milk ing. The deceased was in the 08th yeer of her age.— Watchman. Sweet potatoes el 20 cU per peck, at Sechler's whera a fresh supply of eve ■ ry tbieg in the grocery line is alwayakept and pricea low. Farmers, remembar that the highest price is peid for all kinds of hides, by Charles Sbefller, at the Centre HaJI tan yard. 31 net jj. 5 __The £enn'a 3tat* Grange of the Pa trons of Husbandry, will meet in Belle fontt, on Tuesday, Dec. 10, and will be in session three op four dgys. LBOXABP Rnoxv _r~Wm. Wolf it heving big uh tince be bet opened bit itock of winter goodt. Thit it ettily accounted for, et he bu the largest end bctt itock ever brought to Penntvalley end there it none cheeper i a the county. Cell end tee. No machine runt et eety as the new Howe It runt fetter than ell otheri. Oodey't Lady'i Book, a welcome end cherished visitor in has ef'er been receired, ontri tba IOIIOW ina low rates for tbe coming year . One copy 1 year, $2.00. 2 copies 1 year, $3 80. 3 copied 1 year, 5 40, 4 1 year $6 00. 6 copies 1 year, and n " tr * *d grub, by going for the ch-ap and ex celleni groceries athechler*. Tou will get coffee, sugar, syrup*, cheese, ham, dried and canned fruit, rice, beans, potatoes and other vegetable*—Sechler* keep all the*e and many more, of the best quality and cheap. Pop in to Sechler * before you take the train. Slop at Wolf* and soe hi* immense stock ot dry good*, all at panic price*. M APISONBI'RG —On last Friday O W. R*ber' hand* threshed 420 buthel* ef oaU in four hour*; if there it a machine in the neighborhood that can beat that we w.iuid like to hear of it. When uncle Ben followed the bear up the mountain he hollered, "stop," "step", but bruin would not stop. Heard since that G Grenoble and I). Krtle hot one at that place. J CRY LIST.—The following is the Ju re list for November term, commencing Monday November 2o • Grand Jurors. Bellefooto—Wro. McClellan. Boggs—Andrew H eaten Burnside —Oscar Holt. Gregg—James Duck. Harri-—Uenrv Gioghricb. Howard— R. C. L athers, William Tay Marion—laac Praia. Miles—H G. Rover Fatten— W. F. Thompson. Potter—J. H. Keller. Michael Dentine, Alfred Hoaterinan. C. F. Herlacher. Rush—Harrison Ross. J. C. Wasaon. Snow Shoe—Georee Fran el. Taylor—Richard Newman. Union—John Musser, J. H. Stover. Unionville—Toner Leathers. Walker—Jacob Garbriek, Robert Thompson. Worth—W. V. Beckwith. Traverse Jurors—First Week. Bellefeate— Daniel Kverhart, H. O. Holler, Isaac Mitchell. Benner—John Thomas, Joseph Eck ley. Boggs—C. Curtin. Ed. Shannon. College—Peter Schrock, William Good hart- Gregg—Michael Hettinger, James G. Evans, John Shook Haines—Henry Mowery, C. W Ho terman. Noah Leitcell, David Bower, Frank Weaver. Half Moon—Wm. Cole. Huston—Daniel Yothere, John Q Miles, E. R. William. Miles—George H. Royer, D. Smull, jr. Patton—Sam'l Hornan. Peiter—William Etnrick, H. D Tan Pelt. W. W. Spangler, J. 11. Odenkirk, li Roal. Rush—Johr Todd. Spring—John L. Rockev. Union—John G- Hall. W. P. Fisher. Walker—J. T. Dunkel, Daniel Emor ick, Cbaries S Beck Traverse Jurors —Second Week. Bellefontc—W Jenkins, Charles Heis ler, Alert Cunningham, G W Downing. R C Chessman. D W Woodring, J C Williams, Charles McClure. Benner—Sara'! Yearick, Christian Dale, Jr. Bores— H L Harvey, John Mayes, Fred Moyer. College—E B Wesson, Austin Dale, J C Batbgale. Ferguson—C H Struble. G W Woman. Gregg—Tobias Bailey, George Gorman. Haiues—W J Mussel, Israel Voaada, Sr. Harris—J II Jacobs. David Sparr, M Hess. Howard bore—William Mahalee. Liberty—Beni Liggett, Joseph Bech tie. Fenn—W S Maize. James U Van Or mer, B F Miller. J C Smith Philipsburg—C Broadhead. Potter—J A Dale, D LKerr, John Mes sinaer, W A Kerr. Rush—William Bates. Snow Shoe—Abel Campbell. Spring— H C Weaver. David Shearer. Taylor—Thomas Merrjman. Uni' n—Jamrs Alexander, Harris Way. Walker— Pbilip Gepbart Worth—A B Stevens, Alex. Shellen berger. E R Jones. REM t INS OF A. T. STEWART STO LEN FROM THE FAMILY VAULT. New York. November 7.—"The re mains of A. T. Stewsrt were last night stolen from the family vault in St. Mark's churchyard, Tba casket was found brok en, and the body reracved. Decomposi tion of the remains it to offensive that they cannot be Concealed. Tbit it appa rent from standing at the opening of the vault '.hit morning, consequently it cannot he taken across tbe ferries without discov ery. New York, November 7.—Early on the morning of October 7. just a month ago. the assistant sexton of St. Marks cburrh discovered that the Stewart family vault had been tampered with. Tbe stone slab bad been removed from its position and t the earth dug up several feet. As the slab ' was not over tbe opening of the vault, the ; thieves did not get at the body. Tbe sex- i ton Reported tbe matter to Judge Hilton, I who ordered the slab to be pieced a few ' feet from its true position in order to de ceive any oncatterupting to steal the body. < A watchman was also engsged, and he pa- 1 trolled the graveyard every night until [ very recently. The discovery of tbe out- . rage was made at 6 o'clock thia morning. < Tbe robbers had removed on# stone from the opening to the vault, broken the three coffins in which the body was enclosed and carried away tbe contents, it is sup posed in a sack. Tbe ground directly over the entrance te the vault was as it had been left by the robbers. The clay was scattered about, and one of the three stones which covered the opening to the vault was out of placa, leaving a small aparture about eighteen inches wide and thirty inches long, through which tho persons who stale tho body cfiected an en trance, and after unscrewing tbe lid of the outer box, which was of pine, went to work on tbe leaden box, which enclosed the oak ca*|cet, with a knife, and gradual ly cut tbe cover off. Jt wgs then an aasy matter to open tbe casket and uko the re mains out and hoist thorn Vo tba surface, where they were evidently placed in a wagon and borne away. Tbe robbers wrenched the plate off tbe casket and left a small galvanized iron shovel, with which they dug tbe two feet of earth covering tbe entrance to tbe vault away, and a new pocket lamp behind them. The robbery has caused great excitement in the neigh borhood, and a large crowd surrounds the graveyard. A reward of $26,000 has been offered for the capture of the thieves, but nothir<~ for the u \\, no doujpt was etolen for the pdrpOs# of extorting money. Have you a cougb, then ue Green's Compound Sjrlip of Tar, Honey and Bloodroot, it cures all af fections of the throat and lunge, such as colds, coughs, hoarseness, asthma, croup, and the earlier stages of con sumption. Ask for it at your stores, or send to F. P. Green, druggist, Belle fonte, where all fresh drugs and med icioee are kept. TERM RLE KA RTHQI* AKK IN Til K r. KIM* 111. 1C OF SALVADOR LOSS OF LIFE AND PROPER TV ARBITRARY AO TION OF THE AT THOKITIES IN CO LOM til A. rename. Oct.-*. 187* Ati* o'clock, on the evening of October 'J, an. *re earthquake vu eip rienced in the village of Jucuapa and neighboring town*, in the Department of I'culutan, in the southern portion ot tho Republic of Salvador Nearly all rbe houae* in Jucuapn were Je-. stroyed and manv families buried in the ruin*, particularly In the ouUkirU of the town, where the meant of escape were conlitird to narrow *treel and where the house* were not o Mildly constructed a* in the centre Here the plana fttrnuhed •courtly to the dulrwted people who were trying to avoid tho crumbling wall* aud falling roof* of their ruined dwelling* At last advice* ten bodiet had been recov ered and many more were supposed to be under the ruins, a* many people are mitt ed by friend* or relative*. The town* in cludes! In tho ditattrr are Guadalupe, Nutva Gauda'.upe, t'biuaiueca, I'su'.ataa, the I'aterio del Arena), Sanliao de Maria, which it entirely ruir.isl and *crae lives lol, a condition in which are alto found Tecapa, Triunfo and San lluena-Ventura In Nueva Uaudalupe and Ckinameca the ruin i* complete, and the lot* of life it al to to be lamented San Miguel, fortu r.ately, escaped without injury. The thock which produced the greatest dam age wa* at first a kind of oscillatory move inent, which laited over forty second* and terminated in what felt like a general UP heavl of the earth and wa* so violent that •olid wall* and arches and strongly brac ed roof* were broken and several likepipe stem*. The movements proceeded from the south weet (o the northeast and are tup pote.l to have been occasioned by an erup tion of the volcana of Tecapa. Government Aid. The government has begun the work of erec'ing hi uses forth* unfortunate*. tod will supply thou with food uatil they are able to provide for themselves. The dis trict which has been devastated is one of the most thickly settled portions o! the country. The people devote themselves to the cultivation of indigo, sugar cane nJ tobacco, are industrious and eeouom ical, and many of them were in very com fortable circumstances. The tailureofthe indigo crop, on accoant of the locusts, and the destruction of their homes by this dread visitation, are double calamities which should awnken pity and active sym palby for them in the bosoms of their neighbors. The ld< u of Santa Ana re port* that apprehensions exist in the pub lic mind that the volcano of Santa Ana is about to be in a state of eruption, from thi effects of which serious consequence* are! feared. SCRIBNER'S* WONTHLY, I on slue lost by J. ti, Holland.; The Handsomest Illustrated Magazine in' the World The American edition oftbii periodical' is now MORE THAN 70.000 MONTHLY. Every number contains about on" hun dred and fifty page. and frorn fifty to sev enty-five original wood-cut illustrations. Announcements for 1878-I*. Among the attractions for the coming year are the following : "U A WORTH'S," a serial novel, by Mrs Frances Hodgson Burnett, author of" "That Lass o' Lowrie's " The scene of 1 Mrs. Burnett's new novel is laid in Lan cashire ; the hero is a young inventor of' 1 American birth. It will run through: twelve numbers, beginning with Novem-, ber, IS7S, and will be profusely iilustra-j 1 ted FALCON BERG, a serial novel, by H. H. Boyesen, author of 'Gunnar.' 'The Man who Lost his Name.' Ac In this romance, the author graphically describes the peculiarities of Noreo immigrant life in a Western settlement. A STORY OF NEW ORLEANS, by George W. Cable, to be begun on the con- j elusion of 'Falconberg.' This story will exhibit the state of societ v in Creole Lou isiana about the years 1703-4-5, the time of the Cession, and a period bearing a re markable likeness to the present Recon struction period. PORTRAITS OF AMERICAN PO ETS This series tbegun in August with the portrait of Brvant! will be continued,' that of Longfellow appearing in Novem ber. STUDIES IN THE SIERRAS,-A e --rieaof papers illustrated; br John >1 uir, the California naturalist The se rias will sketrh the California Passes, Lakes, 'Wind Storms and Forests. A XE* VIEW OF BRAZIL. Mr. Herbert n. Smith, of Cornell University, a companion of the late Prof Harlt. is now in Brazil, with Mr J. Wella Champ ney (the artist who accompanied Mr Ed ward King in his tour through 'The Great South'). THE "JOHNNY RF.B' PAPERS, by an 'ex-Confedeta'e' soldier, will beamong the raciest contributions to Scribner dur ing the coming year. THE LEADING EUROPEAN UNI VERSITIES. We are now having pre pared. for Scribner, articles on the lead ing Universities of Europe. Among the additional series of papers; to appear may be mentioned thoae on How Shall we Spell ;two pape r s by Prof. 1 LounsburyThe New South. Lswn-Piaet-1 fngfor Small Place* (bv Samuel Parsons, oj Flushing.., Canada of To-day, Ameri can Art and Artials, American Archsrolo gy, Modern Inventor*; also. Paper* of Travel, History. Physical Science, Studie# in Literature, Political and Social Sci ence, Stories, Poems; "Topics of the! Time.'' by Dr. J G Holland; record of New Inventions and Mechanical Improve ments; Haper* ou Education, Decoration,; Ac. ; Book Reviews ; fresh bits of Wit and Humor. Ac.. Ac. TERMS, $1 CO a year in advance; 36 cents a number. SCRIBNER A CO., 743 A 746 Broad way, New York. ST. NICHOLAS. SCRIBNER'S ILLUSTRATED MAG AZINE FOR GIRLS AND BOYS. An Ideal Children's Magazine. M. ir Scribner A Co.. In 1H73, began the publication of Si. Nicholaa. an Illus trated Magazine for Girla and Boyi, with Mra Mary Mapea Dodge at editor Five year* have paed aince the first number was issued, and the magizone haa won tbe higheat position. It haa a monthly circu lation of OVER 60 000 COPIES. It is published simultaneously in Lon-> don and New York, and the transatlantic; recognition i* almot as general and hearty as the American Although the progress ofihe magazine haa beau a Heady ad- 1 vance. It has not reached it* editor'a ideas of best, because her ideal continually out- ( runs it, and the magazine as swiftly fol-l lows after. To-day St. Nicholas stands ALONE IN TUE WORLD OF BOOKS: The New York Tribart haa said of it: "St. Nicholas baa reached a higher plat form. end commands for ita service wider resources in art and letters than any of ita predecessors or contemporaries.'' The London Literary World says; "There is' no magazine for the young that can said to equal this choice of Scribner'a preaa " Good Thing* for 1878-9. The arrangements for literary and art contribution* for Ihe new volume—the sixth—are complete, drawing from al ready favorite sources, as well as from promising new ones. Mr. Frank K. Stockston's new serial story for boys, "A Jolly Fellowship," Will run through U.Q twelvo monthly pnrti,~bOKl nn ' n ß with tho number for November, 18711 the if ret of the volume,— •ad will be illustrated by James K- Kelly. The story is one of trevel end adventure in Florida end the Hnberaei. For the girls. continued tale, "llalf a Doaen Housekeeper!," Hy Katharine D. Smith, with illustrations , by Frederick Dielman, begins in the ttmc | number ; and a fretb aerial by Susan Coo- , lidge, entitled "Eyebright" with plenty of pictures, will be commenced early in ' the volume. There will also be a contin- < ucd fairy-tale called "liumpty Tower, 1 ' W*'"en ky Julian Hawthorne, and illus trated by Alfred Frederick! About the other familiar features of St'SdcholWi, the editor preserVof a go attic of the Ocean l bouse, ou Perry *lreel, below Washington 1 the new winy of the Cantra huus* inter 1 yelling between the Ocean home and i Wellington ttreal, the lutin thoroughfare i oft Jape May. Tha Are wae evidently the work of en incendiary at there bad been no tiro in the Ocean houte aince the close of the eaon. About 40 acres w. re burned. Kleveti of tha lxi kotela, KM) bath hornet and about .tO cottage* were burneJ : L 7 OPO bushels miied at 20c. S.ed, t l*vei. -ed i* unchanged and sells at .■ i. r*i There is no demand for Timothy, Flai seed it quoted at 1 28,41 -0. CHICAGO. Chicago, November It.—Wheat qui* but shade lower. No. 2 red wintei Sdi<3 bid f r ca->b. Corn quiet and w,av >lc for cah. Oate steady and unchtnged; URc bid for cash, ltye steaJy auJ un ji-UangSvl 16. REGISTER'S NOTICE.-The follow i ing account* have been rierninet k ttU pasted bv me. and remaiued tiled oi record in this office for the inspection o! heirs, legatees, creditors and all others if wnv **v interested, and will l e present' o the Orphans Court of Centre count* ,>n Wednesday, lb- 271h day of Noveui her. A 1).. lfTf, for confirmation and al lowance : ... 1. The final account of Christian Hack del and Win. Fe*ron, executors of Ac ot CbrUttan Bechdal, lata of Liberty t.iwn ship. deceased, a filed by Christian Bach d-1, surviving executor. 2 The final account of Christian Becb del. adruluUrator of Ac of Mary Bechdcl, lain of Liberty l"tfCb'p. lac'd. 3 Theß-1 partial account if John and Salban McCloakey, oxt%ul>>rs of 4c of loseph McCloakay. late of Curtin town ship. as filed by John McCioshey, one ot the executors. 4. The first partial account ef Samuel Hoover and John Hoover, dmmi-lrt.>t> of Ac of Philip Hoover, late of Tayler lowasl.ip. dee d. Si The asuuMinl of Albert Smellier, ad inmislralor of 4a of Christian Ivaup, late of Boggt township, 4*c'J 6 The account of loseob Aom-ripen. administrator of 4c ot John Amxuorman, late of Spring township, dec' 4 7. The account of A. K. Clemson, guar dian of Emma C Ray, minor child ot D vid Ray, late of Ferguson township, da ceased _ ... ... I i g The account of Henrv Linrle, admin-1 ist'alor of Ac of Michaef Lingle, late of Gregg township, deceased. 9. The account of W 1' Wilson, exec utor of 4c of A. A liondersuo. dee d, as filed Dy John Irwin. Jr , and Margaret 11 . j Wilton, executors of W. I*. Wilson, de-| ceased. 10 The account ef Jefferson Bover, | guardian of Kffenger Spangler, minor child of Kivin* Spangler. of Stephenson county. Illinois, deceased. 11. The account of John O. McKinloy, administrator of Ac of William Curtin, lata of Boggs township. deo*Med 12. The final account of Hanry executor of Ac of Daniel Kakin, late ot Walker township, deceased. 15 The account of John J. Orndorff and Catharine Orod.-rff, administrators of Ac o! David Orndorff, lata of Haines town ! ship, deceased. 14 The account of William Showers,! guardian of Adam J. Garbrick. a minor, child of William Garbrick, late of Walk er township, deceased. 15. The account of Dr. 8. B. Potter, guardian of Dora Boaliek. late Dora Jeff-! rise minor child of Wro. j|. Jeffries, lata! of Philipsburg. deceased. 16 The account of John lloffer, admin istrator of Ac of Hugh Knox, late of the township of Bonner, deceased. 17. The second account of A. 0. Furst. executor of Ac of George Livingston, leW of Bellefonte boro., deceased. 18. The account of F. P. Furey, admin-j istrator of Ac of Henry Keller, late of' Philipsburg, deceased -19 The final account of Nathan J. Mitchell, administrator of Ac of John P- Mitchell, late of Howard township de ceases! 2D. The account of Jacob 8. Heed and Joseph Gates, administrators of Ac of Da aid Reed, late of Ferguson township do ceased 21. The account of Samuel OilliJand and Austin W. Dale, administrators of Ac of Bet jemin Pelera, late of Coilego town ihip, deceased. 22. The Art and final account of Clem ent Dale. administrator cam _ trttamrnln iniscxo of Ac of GrO'ge W. Ncff, late of East Portland, Multnomah county, Ore gon, deceased. 23 The final account of Joseph F. Will-' ixtiii, guardian of Jamei W. Peary, minor child "f John C Peary, late of Uaifmoon township, deceased. 24. The final account of W L. Wilson, gwerdan of Jacob Elmer Way, Kmlly Way, Phoebe Jane War, Bonner Wihoo Wry. Ann Elixabath War and John B. L. Wav, minor children of John Way, jr. lata ot Uaifmoon township, deceased. 25. The partial account of Isaac and Su ran Underwood, executors of Ac of Jctsa Underword, lata of Union luwnihjp, de ceased. 2>j. The 2d and account of Wot. J. Dale, guardian of Wa. George, Edmund, and K"b<*rt F. Waring, minor children of Melinda Waring, late of Harris township, deceased 27. The first and partial account of Ann M. Bar,ey and J H Knif-r.yder, adminis trators of Ac of John Haoey, late of Gregg township, deceased 28. The account of Col. John Riahal, ad minislrator of Ac of Catharine Btoeer, lata of Gregg township. dccecd. at tiled by. >l. L. Riahel and W F. Rearick, admin istrator of sain John Kiihal, deceased. 2S. Tho account of Col. John Riahel, •cling executor of Peter Durt. late of Potter township, deceased. a filed by Wa. F. Rearick and M. L. Rirhel, ad ministrator of the said John Rishel, de ceased. 80. The guardianship account of John W. Richards, guardian of Harrison and Thomas McDonald, at filed bv John kj. Miles. W. K. Ht'RCilFl F. LD, 31 oct 4t Register, THE SUN FOR 1879. The Hat* frill be printed every dst during the year u> romr l!f uurpoM ol method will be the sen.* In ill* (>Mt To prevent *ll the riewa la a readable shape, and to tell lha truth though :ue heavens fall. 1 be Hun baa been. la. and will continue U be lad a paodenl of everybody and everything a lb a truth aad tta own convictions of duly. That lalhtool; pal ! Icy which an booaef newspaper uaad have. That la lha, policy which baa won fw ihla newspaper tba conn daoca and friendship of a Wider oonaUtoancr than war at at enjoyed by any othar A taanoi i our- Tha bun la the newspaper for '*• ia uji mt ujliil*"u. MrM|ft!T'y r U V°9k< If do ouuoi mo Ue * .y V* Itkaraaaa ' tka OOHaiuoUj il Jo hoi lha ,poawti fcanatloal 'ha rogues every lima. !l la fr! tba htiodal llaui-K rai aa again*! the dishonest llapub j itFan. and for (tie huttsge< u conspiracy ofilH. by which a man not alerted was fUsctd Ui lha President * ofiee, ehera he still remains f-Utfteakavul fnv the right. Thai is lha Hun s idea af InOcpendanoa. In thU respect tbtra will ba no chanjie in lla programme for The Hun has fairly earned tha haarly hatrad of ras calf, fraud*. and humbugs uf all aorta and sites. It h • as to deserve that hatred not laas la lha yaar l*Tp. than la I*7l 1*77, or say tear gone by. Tha Huo will oontlnua to ablna on ilia wkked with unmitigated , brightness I Wblla tha laaaooaof the past should ba constantly hpt beforw lb# people, Tbo Hue doea not Propose to make itaelf In l*ri a magsrlne of ancient blatc. It la printed for the men and women of Uvday, whnee concern la chiefly with the affntra of today It bas both tba disposition and tha ability to afford Its read ears the promptest, fullest, and most accurate Intalli cence of whatever In the wide world la worth attention To thi* end the resource belonging to well establish* ad prosperity will he liberally employed. Tne present disjointed conditio* of nartiaa In Ibla ■ country, and the uncertainty of the fnture, lend an e traordmary significance to the areata of the coming yaar The diecnaslons of the press. tha debates and acta of Congress, and tba movements of the leaders In every sect lon of the Republic will have a direct bearing en the Presidential election of IM*t- *3 •eut ffcirf maat be regarded wlt K ;fcc ***** ana. >\ml merest by pV flUt*A ■*?—/ Mhtoabrfcft*pl tilt at ideas t* l b,W> bouAHOi * onnWi fb IncrwMtnr f#.blnn of 'Sb fr.uAuUof AuialoWU.tlnu, aad tbo .pr.aJ an 4 .t r ixiK>iialD( oT.i7wtW!eif m haaMbf Of . T Uaa almai r1"" -IT ~T"V 'f'Tj "t W II known Wo hoao Ibo moon, of making ThoHuo, aa a polttt i al. a lltrrarr and a gonor. I n. wapanar. naoro oator Ulntiiif oart mora uao.ul Ibaaoior boloro . and womoon to atiuTy thorn frooi/. _ Oar rolwo ol oubocriptloa romotno ani haof od. For tbo Datl* Sua. o four p(o ohoot of twontr o!hl 00l uaiao, tbo prteo bj moll, puotpold. la oont a month, or t*AU a raar. or. Inaludma tuo bou.Ur papor, a a oi|Tihpaa .boot Jiba Woofi? boß.'tifiit paaaa. fift/aU colomoo lo SI axaar. poatM_Pld For cUba of tool rsvuundXPiwiHtnTnkQia- , The Fall Season for the .rear 1878 is now opening and a New and EXCELLENT STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODa IS COMING IN AT GUGGENHEIMER*.* GO'S, CENTRE BALL, and which will be told at LOW EST FIGURES. They have an immense . ock and We'll sorted in every lian.~ THEY HAVI IJrexx Goods, Clothing, Ilalx § Caps, Itootx if Sh Groceries, ifc., at Lowest . IT WILL HE TO YOLK IN 1 KKEST TO ''PATRON I/.fc YOUR HOME MERCHANTS," INSTEAD OF GOING AWAY F! OM HOME. GIVE US A CALL IMMEDIATELY. 26wp 2m K EKPHTH E HEriT HOLKJLICATH EjR—V EKYCII EA P. ISAAC GUGGENHEIMER NEWMAN Sing Clotliier liSf of Centre county- IS SELLING IS SELLING IS SELLING 18 SELLING Winter Suits 83.50. Over Coats 82.50. Underwear 20c. Boots 81.75. ANI) KVERY THING ELBE L 0W # IN PROIORTION. 1 Challenge the County to Heat my PRICES and QUALITY, ' "Si. ANI> SHOW A.S LARGE A STOCK OF CLOTHING AS 1 HAVE. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER BY FIRST CLASS TAILORS AT VERY LOW FRICXt JIAKKIED. On tb#7th inst., by Ret W. E. Fiseh •r. Lewis E Grenoble and Harriet Lou >a Uensel, both of Spring Mills, l'a. On;.lst ult., I>7S, at Centre lltll, by Key. J K Miller. Mr Wm K. Groveol Lenont, Pn , to Miss Annie K. Zetlle of ,'ollege twp.. (. county. Pa DIED. Oa 3J Oct.. in Spring twp., Elisabeth, wife of Itainuel Tibbeqs, aged 58 years, 8 uiuoths and 24 days. On the Bth inst. in Boalsburg, Pa., aitar a lingering illness. Win. Alien, aged tit* years, 1 month and 7 dayt. At Fillmore. Pa.. October 25, 1d78.J Walter Robert Kendel, youngest son of L. B and N E Melnlire. of putrid sore throat, aged 4 years, 10 months sad 26 days. Now that he is gone hi* parent* •nd friends feel but too deeply their toer. Sudden, indeed, was the transit from life to death—from time to elaraity. The su oerior Ir.ieii'kerite ut the Ku!e boy at' iracted the attention of all. H* evinced a knowledge fir beyond his tender years, j The plant of superior inteliigeaca was* thers. and It needed but the nurture of In .traction to germinate its flowers, but the ruthless tyrant. Death, claimed him for nisewa. The cold band was laid upon him and ha withered under the blighting touch. The bereaved parents,brothers and sisters deeply mourn this sad stroke, and as the Shepherd thought more of lbs sbeep uat si lost than of the ninety and nina which ware left, so it appears to the grief-strioksn parents ihsl the flower which heaven claimed in the spring-time was fairer and britrbler than any that are left to blossom and bear fruit in the chilly atmosphere of time. O. N. St. SCHOOL DIKK ("TORS' M KKTINO.-' The Potter District School broad, Will meat a{ Centre llill. en Saturday the 23d inst., at ona o clock P. M AKper-, sons basing claims to present are request-' ed to attend at that time, as no order* on the treasurer will be issued the week fol lowing By order of the Prest, 14 nov St W. A. Kbkb, Sec'y. Farm—Public Sale The valuable Farm of J|enry Vonada.; dee d, in Marion twp , 2 miles has', of Jacksonville, will be sold at Public bale.! on FRIDAY, NOV. '22, 1878, at 1 o'clock., containing 124 ACRES, more or less, adioinicg lands of Calvin Yearick, Joseph Long and others There on erected a 2-f*P>ry DWELLING HOUSE. LOG BARN, aid outbuildings. \ good OKCH A RD oi choice fruit oa the premises. Runniag water near the barn.! The land it in s high state of outlive-', lion, and under gxi fences. TERMS will be made known on jay* of 1 sale. ADAM VONADA. Ksecutor. THE PLACE—S. &A. LOEB, For 25 years we have been (lie leaders I! I, I! W NIIICS. and for (he same length of time have demonstrated the fact bevond dispute, and are selling all elasscs of goods cheaper than ever. NOTE OUR PRICES: SALT, 11.00 PER SACK OF 200 LBS. SALT. 11.50 PER BARREL OF 280 LBS. UNBLEACHED MUSLINB AT 5 CENTS PER YD. DRESS GOODS AT 8 CENTS PER YD. ALPACAS AT 15 CENTS PER YARD. LADIES MOROCCO BOOTS AT $1.25. MEN'S BOOTS FOR TWO DOLLARS. LADIES BLACK COATS u LOW as $2.50. With nn assortment never equalled in this county. BLACK all WOOL CASHMERES at 50c. Wa carry tka larger', and cheapest ttock of Clothing la Cantra county—saaaur good* before purchasing. VALENTINES & CO. THIS UIOUT PKAI.KM I!* -DRY GOODS,- Gaossanss, WOTIOJiS, clothing, sa. Av".. CENT** COVNTY rellefoyte, pa. , Hiw mx&LiKsar • AT POTTER'B BANK. NI isaaa FlorfUPf Mark*, Vj Would buss respectfully Inform lbs pea >'• pie that she baa opened a ww millimki flaTotg at Poller's Mills, and will aiway keep a FI'LL LIN E OF GOODS at low est prices. ptr Ladies call and scoher goods, 7 nov 41 3 pOURT PROCLAMATION. iVnnu th tlaa fksiiss S Msrsr. frsstSsal t r IMoeul ul Hmusm riut, la !!>• Sttfe JiiltUl t)li , irk I ,ouuUi| ul IS* . vuuh ol Cealf*. I Ualsa sw I IwiS.U, I UM UaeursbW haa't I '**. *ed Ik Itut>ursbl* Jvfea IHims. twuol.uS J wSfi* Is Cease iMa.u.boiM UMklUei srwMV*. Swartaa Lu IS Ul Us/ of Nor S l> . IST*, to so Sirocto* Im boUlai i * ooort ol tiyoo sot Torsiaoi sad iloeonl Jolt Uotli ' rr; aoU UurUi Host ul lis Poooola goltoluaio Io ' ISO Willi Of ISIIO, and lu unssoaoo oa Uii SU , Moods* ul Su* kolas ISO IMS day ol tiyul UTS and lu eoollauo two oooki NoUiO u iSusloro IW;||| u lb# Corses*. Jao u.oo uf ISo Poaoo. AUo'Sao sad I usalsbMo of Um .aid wialf of i oalra. isal ISoy So ISoa sad isoro li ikon ampti eorooaa. ol Is u'.lasS la ISo Iwum u aakd day. alls choir rouorda. lagaialiluaa. oiaraiaa i lost, aaJ (Sou nwa aialiuM|. la da seoao ihiaai "SeAJu Uair i *c sppjrtatssis a gaar of our Lurd, ITS, and ta ISo 111 7nor of ladopoadouoo u ISo I allN lUUa LEVI ML.NTIS Ma . gCHOOLTAX NOTICE.— The Potter Bchool Ta* DupheaUlt now in the hands of lbs Treasurer. Au abate rnenlofSper rent, will be made oa all uses paid before the first of December ; sad el) Uses paid between Ist of Dec- tad list of Jan. 1879, the face of Duplicate will l* Ibuf in •tibia iba raack at swy MM tUbi WtU IBM B RIGHTON LITER PILLk. Tin oalr tsr* cmrs for TucpM Utar, !><•—pw. HHSklw. Maui Sustil. 1 aaaUpaUoa. IMWHI. Was -a uf ul BUllua* < baa i be aeaej of (be South Bend Chilled Flaw forlhU county.-fat I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY PARTY THAT SELLS THE SAME QUALITY OF GOODB Spring MilUMnrket. —Wheat kU No It wheat Kye, 46c. Corn, ears, per bu. new, .4 Oft $4 6i Chestnut, $4 25 $1 70 Pea. $2 HO $2 4u NEW MILLtNERY STORE AT BILLnEIM. MRS. ANNA M. WEAVER Take* pleasure in anr.ounctag lo the peo ple of M illbfcitu aad vicinity thet she k&t opened a New and Elegant STOCK OP MILLINERY GOODS on Saturday. October 10th, 187a. A full line of choice and latbtona goods always on hand at popular prices Drrssstmuklng, and alt kinds of FAMILY SEWING with the new 6-tii Plater ai d Trimmer for making all kind* of tide-knife, bog and tan Plaits ; Fluting Quilting, and Zepnyring, will be a prom-i Inent feature of business. 24 oct 2m. { rpo ALL WHOM IT MAY CON- A CKKN.—The books and vendut notes of the lato Dr Peter Smith, dee d., have hues, left with Wm. B Mingle waareall interested will please call and make settlement without further dadwy. a> aficr January 1. 1871, the books and note* will be placed in hands of a Justus of the Peace tor collection by 'era! process. 24 octtf CHARLES SMITH, Ex. BONNETR, TRIMMINGS,-%■ •or MILLIN E H Y ,-%* MR*. LFCY HFAJTYK, c CENTRE HALL. who has just received from Philadelphia, r the LATEST FASHIONS, and a com 1 plate stock of new Bonaela, new HaU. elegant Trimmings. Ac , which will br S •old or made up. at reasonable prices The new stvias are Tary pretiy. Ladie- t call and see them early. First c<>me, first C served. 24 ocl fit , Pirfv ATETA L K-ACHOICE FARM AND HOUSE ANDLOT. , —The following described property, ol ' John Kromart, dee d, situate in llarru 1 twp.. Centre county, one FARM, contain ing one hundred and thirty three acres, more or less, bounded by lands ot B. Kv ■ - erhart, dee d. James Glenn. McFatlaa, Dr. Henderson, dec d, and others, u ofier ( ed at private sals. The (arm ia well was terod, a never falling stream of water run ning through tba larm and within thirty yards of the barn, alo, a well of never failing water at the house, with good pump in it. The improvements are a large FRAME HOUSE, two atones high, al most new a FRAME BANK BARN, forty-five by eighty feel and all other nec essary outbuildirgs. This is one ot the 1 bast producing farms in this section for ail i kinds ol grain . is all limestone land. A i largeORCUARD of choice Suit on the premises For particulars inquire of Wa. WarU on tbe farm. Also one liOUSK and LOT situated in " Boalsburg, Centre county, the house is 2 . stories high, with kitchen attached t© | (t and all n ciaary outbuildings alio a goo :' stable, a never tailing wall of water with good pump. Tbe let is well set with fruu trees of bes quality. , A .'.*o 2 acres and 128 perches oi excellent, land situated near the German Kelormed church in Boalsburg, within two squares o) above bouse JOSIAH NRFF, Executor of J. Km- I mert, dec d. Sept 5 tf ( ns mast mlsl erwm , For lour lYU'e, |nt#nLE lEATUER i*t lowest prices. Also a full line of Harness. Saddles, Collars. Bridies, Halters, Whips, etc. at the very Lowest Prices, i lOocl Sm NEW Grocery and Confectionery. I AT CENTRE HALL. The undesigned hat opened a new Gro cery ar.d Confectionery, and will elwavt terp a full line nf good*. at lowettpoasible price*, and kindly atka a abare of the pub .ic patronage. Ilia abock consists of COFFEES, SUGERS. TEAS. SYRTPS. SOAPS. SALT. I All kindt of [CHOICE TOBACCOES AND SEGARS. •nd all fruita of the season generally in BEST SWKEF POTATOES Alto a full line ofUONFKCTIONERIES All kindt of country produce taken in ex change. I tell low for CASH and PRODUCE Xeeply C. DINGKS. Spring Mills O. R! NEW ROOM 1 NEW GOODS! st I. J. Grenoble's Store! SPRING MILL?, bat the good*. Largeti tlock I SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower than Ever, ;And now extend* n cordial invitation to kit friend*, patrons, and public general ' >T- Also a Complete Assortment ol Ready Made Clothing for men and [boys. Suits as low as to be bad in the city. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Full lines of MERINO UNDERWEARB, For Ladies, Gents. Boys, Misses and Chili reu. Hosiery. Gloves, i loots and Shoes, HATS. CAPS. CA tPETB AND OIL CLOTHS, And tha uiott com pi < :e aatortmant of NOTIONS n Central Penntylv*' ia, vod price* thai wilicompel mu In self defence to buy of nro . Alto Pith, Salt. >te. lßoc A full line of Howe dewing Machines and Nsedles for all I nds of machines Also deals in all kindtlof Grata. Mar ket price t*>d for the tame. A specialty ih COAL by tbe car load. New Pianos $125 Karh. mid all styles. including GUANO SQUARE and UPRIGHT aU atrial* drst-cla**, sold at the loigwt net caah | wholesale factory prices, direct to the pur chaser. These lMa"t* made on of the Ptw ' eat displays at If* Centennial Exhibition, and were unanimously recomiueaded fori HO.\ORH— orer 1&0Q0 in ttse.l ' ksegulariy incorporated Manufacturing Co.| Factory established over 36 years. 'J he Square Grands contain Mathushek's new) patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the' greatest improvement in the history of Pi* ano making. The Uprights are the finest' in America. Pianos sent on trial. Don'ti fail to writo for Illustrated and Deecrip '""^sSia^rra^cS:* ! sseptly 21 East 16th_Street. N. V. ' First-class accommodation for ruinti Best stabling for homes, Stages arrive and depart eeery fo r gjlpoiata. Jas. Harris Co. NO. 5, BROCKERHOFFROW. IRONJAILI, PAINT S, OHJCETC., JAB. HARRIS AGO. BsilefoaU. •^BARGAINS. Bargains! Bargains! In MEN'S aad BOY'S, BOOTS aad SHOES I al a LARGE VARIETY of CHILDREN'S SHOES, at LOUIS DOLL'S Shoe Store, opposite the Bash house, BellefonU, room formerly occupied by Joke Powers. spr26y Candy Ilalwfacto^& Bakery. Mr. Albert Kauib, At the BISHOP STREET BAKERY, is BOW making tbe very best BREAD, CAiwES AND PIES. la Rellefonte. Candies and Confections. He alao manufactures all kinda of cat diet, snd dealer* can pure hate of hits as low at in tbe city. Candiet of ell kindsal wart on hand, together with Oranges, Lemon*, Fig*, Date*, Nuto, Syrup*, Jel lie* and everything good. CENTRE COUNTY OYSTER DXPOY. An Excellent oyster saloon alee at tached to the Bakery. Call and aaa me. ALBERT KAUTH. ■srl IMPOKfAN TO TRAVEtEISr —THE BUSH HOUSE! tat: xrvxTa, pa. Hat been recently thoroughly renovated and repaired, and under the managemeal of tbe New Proprietor. Mr. GEORGE UOPPKS formerly of W'maport, ia first* clam in all ill appointment* SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Are offend u> iboee in alien dance nt court and other* remaining in town for n few devt at a tin*. The largest and moat tuperbly Desigaei Hotel in Centra) Pennsylvania. All modern convenience*. Go try the Buth house. *u GEO. HOPPBS, Propf. HENRY BOOZEH, CENTRE HALE, .... _ a**rrcmta or •addlee. Ear aaa*. Briiiea. Cellar*, White, Flyaata. and alto keep* on hand Cottoa H®- Prices low es sny where elae. t All kind* of repaiHag done. The best j.tock always kept on bend All work war rented A -hare of tha public patronage u kindly solicited. 11 apr, H J ORGANS!ORGANS!ORGANS] ixwuro BAcHimn? Sewing Machines! NEW is stop Parlor Orgaas, Price 9310. For 9HO Cash. * B s£ooa ralu ' I * ew ' for ,7aoa ~ pri ** Sewing Machines Guaranteed Now, and as Represented, for t25.00. COM&. SEE. AND RE CONVINCED. COME ONE, COME ALL U> the New Music A Sewing Machineiter* of BUNNELL* AIKKNS. out 1 Allegheny Street, 26j")y Bellefonte, F , rJf owe town $* OutSt'ftw, *F. J Foftt.SfiT Attorney at Law Bellefonte, Pa. Ofictovrr 1U I nuIda hank Ida*ar'