The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 14, 1878, Image 2

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    Ceatr Eeportw.
.'ISO. - IBXTO*.
CEKTR* ttALt,P*., 14
Hoyt is elected governor and Jack Ke
hoe feels much easier now. He knows
he'll not hang. What a fine thing for a
Mollie murderer to have the "old man
at Harrisburg" on his side.
Frank Brown can now realise that the
Reporter told him the truth, three weeks
ago. Sorry von put your foot in ,
Jake Thomas' greenback seed didn't
sprout, hence the failure in the cn r
Well, Mr. Thomas was chairman of th
little side-show, and there is something
in that.
In the Sheriff, the democrats
did it up Brown last week, and the Cur
tin drops without any Peckeration.
The democrats and greenbackers of
R intingdon county have elected B. R.
Foist and Rev. Doyls for Assembly.
This is a snub for Cameron, as Uunitng
don is a republican couaty.
Qnigley, the independent candidate
for Assembly in Clinton, is defaatml by
Eldre*!, democrat, by 26 majority. Clin
ton don't encourage independent uisor
The Watchman is asking for some one
to steal Its list. Never mind, good
neighbor, it will disappear fast enough.
Of the working of the Kehoe buaineas
the ruuburf Poet says: I-uierne (in
eluding Uckawanna) is reported 7.000
for Hojt. Thie is astoniahing. as the
county gave Tiiden over S,(k*o majority
two years ago. An explanation of it may
be found in the secret operations of the
Republican managers with the Mollis
Maguires and other eecret societies in
terested in sating Jack Kehoe from the
gallows. This was the leter by which
floyt made his gr#t gains in the an
thracite region. In 1875 he helped
Hartranft through with this same class
by the use of pardons and money, di
rectly treating with Kehoe. ltwasonly
a reciprocal act of friendship, therefore,
for Hartranft to awing the gallows before
the ignorant and degraded as away to
make votes for Hoy t. Hereafter, in all
important electoral struggles, we judge
the Republicans wilt find it to their con
renience and profit to have a Mollie un
der death sentence or in the States
prison for trading purposes. It will be
come a recognized institution in our
State politic*. We know of men whose
votes were influenced by Kehoe's per*',
who could not be bought with money.
The damning dishonor Hartranft has
heaped on himself by this business, will
consign his name to historic infamy.
Already as he isaboot quitting the Gov
ernor's office, Republican journals are
preparing to open their batteries on
him for his share in the Kehoe conspira
In an interview with a reporter of the
New York Evening Post on Friday, rel
ative to the cipher dispatches, Ex-Con
gressman Hewitt, who was chairman ol
the Democratic National Committe in
1876, said :
I never received any cipher despatches
from Florida, and could not have trans
lated them it I had.
I have examined the amount of ex
penditures made daring the elector can
vass with my knowledge or under mv
direction as Chairman of the National
Committee, and find that daring the
whole period intervening between the
day of the election and my resignation
as Chairman on the 4th of March follow
ing. the whole amount did not exceed
$15,0U0, and this amount consists of
items which I am ready and willing to
show. From beginning to end I reso
.utely refused to make any expenditure
or to entertain any proposition looking
to any expenditure designed to in
fluence the vote of any Presidential
Relative to the resumption of specie
payments the Washington Star says that
it can be stated on good authority that
▼hen the resumption of specie payment
by the United States Treasury begins it
will be a gold resumption and not a sil
ver resumption, although if the run on
the Treasury for gold in exchange for
United States notes should come close to
the amount of that coin in possession of
the government, it is stated that a retreat
may be made to Hirer. The coin bal
ance in the Treasury yesterday at the
close of business was $228,526,453 28. Of
this amount about was gold
artilable for resumption. There sre
outstanding about $326,000,000 in Uni
ted States notes to be redeemed if pre
sented. The plates for the fire and ten
thousand dollar greenback notes are
nearly completed and the notes will be
ready for circulation by tbe day fixed
for resumption. Ther are intended to
do double duty—for convenience in
haudliDK large amounts of greenbacks
and to take the place cf coin certificates.
Their size will be tbe same as that of
the rest of the greenback currency.
Ben. Butler the mogul of greenback
ism was defeated for governor last week
—one of the good things among some of
last week's bad results. But Butler will
not be dead—be will turn up somewhere
again to make a fuss and trouble—the Is questionable to us whether
Butler ever will die. lie is sent here
only to bother somebody and make
himself disagreeable to some people. He
troubled the democracy once and voted
150 times in the Charleston convention
for Jeff Davis, for preaidant. Next he
got to stealing silver ware and spoons in
New Orleans, Then gets into the re
publican party and makes them wish
the old Harry had him. Last he turns
communist and greenbacker end kicks
np a scare among all parties in Massa
chusetts. Just now Ben is on his way
up Salt River.
And now where are the greenback
The Bellefonte Herald says the radical
meeting at Philipaburg was disgraced
by drunkenness. Can't say any thing
of the kind of any democratic meeting
in this county.
The defeat of Butler in Massachusetts
is occasion for congratulation among all
good citizens who desire to see blatant
demagogism and inctlement to "'s*
cord and disturbance in society rebuk
Democratic greenbackers can now see
it—they are the cause of Dill's defeat
and 4 years more of Cameron sway to
Cameron is not yet out of danger. The
democrats, greenbackers and anti-Came
ron republicans can, if they will, organ
ise the house of representives and de
feat his election.
The slim vote of the National or
Greenback party everywhere, and the
meagre results from the exertions made
to build it up as a power to supplant one
or both of the old parties, will end the
hones of the agitators of the political
heresy of an irredeemable currency.
The whole 'movement has fallen bar.
That the democracy of old Centre
came ont of the late struggle without a
broken bone or a black eye, is surpris
ing, when we take into consideration
[the raried character of the opposition
that was pitted ngnitist our ticket. We
never knew an election where
there was such a vicious opposition
against the democratic ticket, as this
year. We had to face tho republicans,
the greenbackers and a dissatisfied f* c "
lion in our own party that plotted to
ruin the party because it could not rule
it and dictate its nominations. AH these
elements, sided by Cameron's money,
were in the fight to defeat the democratic
nominees in this county. Of the tlve
political newspapers, the Reporter *■
the on/y one that was out and out for
the triumph of our whole ticket, the
ticket did triumph, thanks to the firm
stand of those democrats who belong to
the partv uot/or tkt office, **' '
arc democrats wAcfAer fey o aom.'iwfoM
Against at least four of tin democratic
nominees there was double teaming to
defeat them.
The republicans, greenbsckera and
Meek centered on \ *vum to defeat t ur
The'eame combination operate*! aiuM
Judge Mayer, yet he was elected.
The same straoge gjjmbination sought
to defeat our legislative AJd elect
Simler and tlramley, but failed W
The same double team con-bination
operated for the defeat of Adam Yaarick
for Treasurer and centered on Mr. Burk
et, but they also came out at the little
end of the horn.
The democracy of CdDtiu has beer |
proof against double-teaming and the,
foulest treason in its own ranks.
It is a wonder that with tueh an op
petition the democratic party not only
saved ita ticket, but saved it with near
the ordinary majority too!
But democrats have learned to know)
whom to trust, and whom they have
trusted too long and too well. Men who
have been well served have been found
traitors unless office was given them to
keep them in the ranka.
We mistake the temper of the honest
democratic voters if these ingrates have
not been marked. The storm is over
and the "independents" who violated
sacred pledgee, have been dashed upon
the breaker* through their own reck
lessness, while the democratic ship has
safely ontridden the storm, and proven
that it can get along quite well without
tnoeo who have only beenaboard for the
sake of office and who were a continual
source of trouble In tho camp and a dis
grace to the party.
The victory achieved by the demo
crat* of Centre on Tueaday, 5, is the
proudest in it* history. It took hard
work, and constant watching on the
part of the faithful, and (toy have the
Salification of seeing the campaign and
with a glorious triumph. All honor to
those gallant democrat* who stood by
our organisation MSJ maintained it* in
By the late elections the Democrat*
gained Senator* (In lieu of carpet-bag
gers! from South Carolina (Patterson!,
Florida (Connovar), Arkansas ( Doting),j
and probably from Nevada. The Re
publicans gained but one seat occupied
by a Democrat—that Barnum
of Connecticut. Conceding Che Nevadal
Senator to the Republicans, the Benate
after the 4th of March next, will stand'
Democrats 42, Republicans 33, Independ
ent* (Davis of Illinois!, 1.
Should California elect a* in the pres
ent House, the next House will be norn
posed of L&> Democrats against 156 in
the preseut; 124 Republicans against 127
in the present House, and six Nationals
—all of whom but one were elected by
the joint action of the Democrat* and
Nationals. The Democrats will have,
gained five vote*, and the Republicans
lost eleven.
In the matter of the vote of States in
the House in case the election of Presi
dent goes to the House in 1881, the
Democrats have nineteen States, the
Republicans seventeen, with California
to elect. We will have the majority.
The failure of tbe "independent*
business, at the polls, last week, should
teach a wholesome lesson, viz: That
when the democrats nominate a ticket
fairly, the independent candidate is not
wanted. There was nothing unfair in
Charles A. Mayer'stnomination and noth
ing in his private or official character,
that warranted any democrat coming out
independent —least of all one who had
pledged himself to abide by the decision
of tbe democratic nominating conven
The same is true with reference to the
democratic candidate for Sheriff, who
waa fairly nominated, and whose past
record entitled him to the vote of every
demcorat. Let it be understood then,
when candidates are fairly nominated
by the democracy they mean to stand
by the action of the convention. If this
were not ao, the party organization had |
better be disbanded. The "independ
ent" candidate now finds himself check
ed for the very back woods of Salt river,
and there let him politically perish.
B. 0. D's "intellectual" Millbeim
Journal, growles because we mentioned
hiring its columns for the use of repub
lican Caldwell to defeat the democratic
nominee for senator. It was nothing
astonishing to us nor to any body else,
for Ben always did flinch our party in
time of need but it got along inspite of it
all. There are fellows who only are dem
ocrats when the party is upermost and
leave it when they think it is going into
a minority. It's a pretty democratic sheet
that will hire out its columns to defeat a;
Better you had your Journal edited at
New York than hire out its columns to
be edited by radicals and for the defeat
of a democratic senator. Not so ?
Gen. Joseph E. Johnson is one of the
new congressmen elect from \ irginia.
The Herald, now that the election la
over, intends to get out of politics.
Who'll sing for greenbacks now ?
The greenbackers have sold their sec
ond hand chairs and tables and shut up
Where are the 3000 greenback voters
in Centre count* ? Gone to see Charley
Ross, suspect.
| The greenback side show having col
lapsed there is now room for another
Wolverton, democrat, is elected sena
tor to succeed Dill. His majority is over
l&d). Good, it is a rad district.
The president has appointed
Thursday N0*.;39 as Thanksgiving day
Let turkey gobblers ttiJte their last will
and testament.
Twenty anti-Camerom republicans in
the legislature will make things lively
for the son of bis father.
The Democrats of Missouri have elect
ed the entire Congressional delegation,
except in the Ninth District, wheie Kord
(Greenback-Rep. beat Rea (Dem.J
lIIsTORUVt I. RKM 1XI* ?( "1-XlXV,
OR A CKVTHK cot ten ST\TKSM*K (?}.
Now that the political campaign has
ended, and people can once more look
at matters front an intelligent and rea
sonable point of view, it mnv be well for
the Pernor rata of Centre county to reflect
as to the kind of mnn they have chosen
fhr a leader and dictator—who he is that
requires front regular candidates pledges
that they will not, after election, support
land grants and subsidies to corporations,
and in esse of refusal does all to bis
power through the columns of his paper,
by personal effort and the use of money
to defeat the party and ssutsA f/o'npsgen
erallv. We propose from time to time
to regale the renders of the Kt: court*
with occasional chapters gathere.l from
the public career of this ant.H-rat. and by
way of Introduction ask them to read
carefully the following copy of a Hill in
i Kqnity on tile in the l'rothonotary's
Office of Centre county, at Itcllefonte, to
No. 2i4t of August Term, tsTrt, which will
explain itself. This bill has been on tile
over two years, and although the rulea
of Court require that it should l* ans
weredunder oath within twenty days,
or the facts will be taken as admitted,
. ,icA u isto'c h>u dr bftufilnl. It is no
reckless statement of fa. ts, hut every
fact is sworn to by a man whose veracity
is unimpeachable. iVmor rats, read and
between G. W". Welsh,) In the Court ot
lMainiis, *1,4 Common Plea*
P.Gray Meek, Defend it of Contra couuiy
StTTtSO t* Kol'tTT.
To tut HoKoaant * rut Jtwin or in*
satp Count —Your erator co:up!aini
and nay :
lit That the General A**embly of the
Commonwealth of Peuiuyiranis by s:i act
entitled An Act to incorporate The Big
o.„ ' Uun Improvement Company in
Centre county. >l*. !- . 18:0 PW
Ac .) approved the eighth day ot .uav, ...
D I!"'', "created andtnado a body cor
porate in deed and in law by the name,
tv !e and Ulte •! The Uig Sandy Kun Im
provement Company."
2d. That taid Company was on or about
the 11 lb day of September. A D ltsW. du
ly organised under faid Act of Aeiubly.
llrd. That the capital *tock of aid cor
poration Go* rge \V. Wel*h, you orator,
and one William 1,. Allen, who vu then
hi* co partner in a lumbering operation on
the *aid big Sandy Kun, took one hun
dred and forty-five shares, f which ev
enty-two and one-half (bare* belong to
your orator, and seventy-two share* and a
halt belonged to the a d William L- Al
■Ub. That on or about the 11th dav of
September, A. D I*■!!>, the aid I*. Gray
Meek, was duly chosen Treasurer of aiJ
corporation, which position lie held until
the transfer of the -tock and franchises of
sa<d Gojopauy to lie-srs. Crider, Christ
and Crider, ai hereinafter mentioned
,">lh. That your said orator did a large
amount of work for said Corporation in the
fall of the year Ik"' that is to say. thirty
two day* work on the dam and crib* he
longing to said Company, woith two dol
lar* and twsnty-fiva cent* per day. and
eleven day* and a half work with a team
of horses on the -amedam and cribs, worth
five dollar* per day ; he a!o attended as
a * ;- nes*and paid witnesses for said Om
panv In a i'jit br. ught by the Company
against Savior, xla' and Moray, in the
Court of Common Plea- oil'""ton coun
tv. No iino. loepkauiucr Term. A. D. InTO.
for which services at wiue f,, r **'3
money paid, the sa'u Comuauy
is indebted to your orator in the further
sum of seventeen dollars, for which work,
money and service* the said Corporation
has iivl paid your orator anything, nor ha*
any one paid b,m.
bth. That someiiuia o, the spring of the
year, K. D 1873, the whole uocm wed all
the franchise* of said Corporation werei
sold to Measr*. Crider, Christ A Crider
in making which sale and the transfer of
the itcck in said Corporation, the said I*
Grav Meek acted at the agent and trustee
of your orator, and your orator signed pa
per* to complete the transfer of hi* said
slock at the imunce and request of the
said P. Gray Meek, who by letter to your
orator under date of the '2Bth day of March,
A.p JB7B, agreed that if your orator
would s'g. csr'.eip paper* enc in said
letter to complete .aid e*.ianient, he, the
said P. Gray M<tk, would Secure in*, your
said orator's, interest in said Company and
hi* said claims against the same,and would
see that your orator should be paid the
saute in full; and your orator, relying ui>
on said projjilie* o'f said Meek, signed said
paper enclosed in said letter, and thereup
on returned said psperto said Meek as he
had been requested to do by said Meek,
by the use of which papertho said Mewk
was enabled to get the money hereinafter
mentioned Irom the said purchasers of said
stock and franchises.!
7th. That Treasurer of said Corpora
tion and as agent and trustee of yeur ora
tor as aforesaid the said P. Qry Meek
has come into possession of diver* sums of
money, the property of thesaid sti-ckbold
ers and your orator as follow*, to wit:
Cash received from said Saylor,
Day and Morey, defendant*
in the suit aforesaid $ 553 ,%
Cash ree'd from Crider, Christ
and Crider, purchasers of said
stock a* aforesaid SI AG 00
fctb- That he the said I* Gray Meek has
hitherto wholly failed and refused to ac
count and pay over to vour orator bis part,
proportion or share of said moneys, and
though ofteo requested so to do, and still
refuse* to pay the same to your said ora
.Uh. That your orator is entitled to re
ceive from 1* Gray Meek, as Treasurer of
The Disc iMUidy Run Improvement Com
pany, and as agent and trustee as afore
said, the sum oi about eight hundred and
fifty dollars, with interest from the time
the same became due, and owing to your
10th. The said P Gray Meek acknowl
edging that h has in bi bands money re
ceiveJ by him as aforesaid, belonging to
your orator, claims to set-o'J against tbo
same certain drafts which he, the said
Meek holds, to wit:
Draft of Welsh A Allen on Win.
Parsons A Son, dated Sept.
it. 1809. for $ 833 33
Draft of Welsh A Allen on Wm
Parsons A tion, Dated May
21, l*.'.'. for- $ *33-33
11th. That the said P. Gray Meek was
duly elected at the general election oflMstf
to represent the Countv of Centre in the
House of Representatives of the State of
12lh. That the -aid P. Gray Meek took
bis seat in said House of Representatives
and acted as a member of tho General As
sembly of the Stuto ol Pennsylvania dur
ing tbejegislutive session of 1808*9.
13th. That while acting in his official
capacity as such representative of the
County of Centre in the House of Repre
sentatives of Pennsylvania, during said
legislative session, the said P. Grav Me<-k
was reques cd by your orator and the said
Wra. L Allen to have an act passed by
the said legislature to incorporate The Big
Sandy Run Improvement Company,
whereupon the said P. Gray Mock then
aad there on or about the 21ih day of Jan
uary A. D. lbo'.i, demanded in considers
lion of his services a* a member of the
General Assembly of Pennsylvania in tho
premises, and as a condition precedent to
the introduction by him, the said Meek,
of the said proposed act to incorporate Tbo
Big|Sandy Run Improvement into the
said Homo of Representatives, and to se
cure tho passage of the same by tho said
legislature, certain moneys from tbo said
Welsh At Alien, whereupon, in order to
obtain said desired legislation, it wus then
promised and agreed upon the paft of tho
said Welsh A Allen, bv William L Al
len, that be the said 1' Gray Meek should
have and receive the sum of one thouiand
do lire for having said act psssed by tbe
said legislature; that accordingly three
oralU werodrawn by the said William L
Allen in the name of Welsh A Allen on
William Parsons A Son, of Lock Haven,
each for the sum of three hundred and
thirty-throe dollars and thirty-three cents,
and dated as your orator beliovcs on or
about tbo 21th day of January. A. I>. 18(50.
the 21th day of May, A. D. iBS'J, and the
2!lh day of September, A. D. 1800, all
which drafts were delivered to said P.
.(/ray Meek and by him received on ac
count of bis services performed by bim as
a member of tfjp legislature of tbo Slate
of Pennsylvania in pacing said act of in
lltli. That at another time, to wit, on
the 2-*>th day of March, A IJ. 1809, the
said P. Gray Meek demanded and receiv
ed, in consideration of hit said services es
a member of tbo General Assembly afore
said, in passing said act of incorporation,
another sum of monoy, that is to say the
sun of/our hundred dollar, by a draft
drawn by William L. Allen in the name
of Welsh A Allen, on tho said firm of
William Parsons A Son, for said last men
tioned sum, which last mentioned draft
was accepted by the said William l'arsons
& Son, and by them duly paid to the said
P. Gray Meek.
15th. That said drafts fbr three hundred
and thirty three dollars and tbirty-three
cents each are st'll wholly or in part held
by the said Meek.
ICth. The two of said drafts, each fur
the sum of three hundred and tbirty-three
dollars and thirty-tbreo cents so held by
said Meek, be claims to set off against
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; whet he owes your Mid arstor a* store
d M' 4. > V
u lttb That your orator prelet* snd <>b
li jecu to Mid draft*. or any part thereof be
* mg charged to him by the laid 1 Gray
- Meek, or paid out of money belonging to
r your orator In the bsnds of the raid Mrk,
e the raid drafU being without legal constd
- eration and batingbeew executed a*afore
i aaid and received at before mentioned by
j the aaid I* Gray Meek whlla a member of
> ifcs House of Representatives of lb# Stat#
r ofVenu*>*.a.;it !or hia official service* a
aforeaa d. and therefore v 0... .3 lw.
ri Yeur orator tbehefor* prkya, i
a 1 That the aaid P. Gray Meek may be
commanded by ordar and decree of thU
e honorable Court to count to your orator
II for all aaid moneys which have come into
e h.e baad; at!} ooaeaaion a. aforesaid as
Treasurer, ageitt ana _ J aforesaid.
,f 11. That the aaid P. Gray MeO* be
' roctod by tbi* honorable Court to pay!
e your orator for the work labor, money
expended aod sereicea he did for aaid cor-
J poretion al afaraaaid.
c 111. 'thai the laid J • Gray Meek u di
r reeled to pay your orator such part of md
i, moneys, as may be found in bu hands at
r Treasurer, agent or Uuaieeaa aforesaid.
Jat be, your said orator, .. I * d 10
e ceive a* ver.dor of bli ilock on aaid cor*
r poretion as aforesaid. j
i if vour orator may have such
1 further ami oG.ei relief i; the circutnsun-;
e ceaofthe case may retpiirf a*. to year.
honora may seem meet.
! S. D. HAI L. '
AU'y for Plaintiff. j
E CLtarojc COC*TT, NO
George W. Welsh, the aforesaid plain
i tiff being duly aworn according to laa
r doth depbio and say that the fecU atalec
1 in the forgoihg bid are Due o far aa they
are staled, upen the knowledge of the,
* plaintiff, and so far aa they aro deriTtol
- from information from otter person? he
' believes them to be true.
Sworn mil subscribed before e,e thi
3rd day of June, A. D. I®"*'-
a. P. MOommca.
Notary Public,
We do hereby certify that our client,
the above mentioned plaintiff, George W.
Welsh, by reason orhia poverty u unable
3 to pay lor the printing of thia bill, and for
thia riaron it ia filed without being print
ed b* 11 ALL,
. * • Att fffer Plaintiff.
Besides the ti each err of a few pre
f Dndpd democrats in thia county, who
I did all they ooyld to defeat GOT. Cor-j
1 tin by poisoning tha mind* of A few
' scores of democrats as to bis soundntaa
in the faith, and falsehoods and misrep
resentations to get cotes against him, ,
thers come well founded reports of
fraudulent votes that were cast against,
him. In one township some ft) illegal ;
votes were polled upon fraudulent tax- ,
receipts ; in another upwards of 40 rotes ,
were obtained upon forged Dtttiralisa* (
tion papers. This will suffice as to how ,
it was done. Cameron was at the bot- 1
torn of it all, and by uaing a few torrupt ,
democrats, whose skirts are stained with ~
usuality, the thing was accomplish
The mumerings of the outraged demo- 1
cracy are loud and deep over the treason J
of a few in our county who aided Came>- (
ron, for Cameron's money, against Curtin (
and we mistake the temper of the in-s
dignant democracy of old Centre if these j
men do not go down with the stain of f
Benedict Arnold marked upon them. ,
Men who have been long and well aervj)
ed, have betrayed you, democrats of
Centre, and during the campaign just j
closed have worked night and day to
breed disorganization in your ranks, s
Mark these disorgsnizers.
If the reported frauds can lie proven
i beyond a doubt, then Gov. Curtin is ,|
j the congressman, elect; and it ia due the o
democracy who so nobly stood up for j|
hitn, that a contest be made, and the
seat awarded to the one who has a ma- n
jority of the legal voles. We would not,*
have Gov. Curtin take the seat, unless it
can be clearly proven that he has a fair L
majority. Gov. Curtin Is not the maii|W
either to nrcept of It upon any other ( r<
ground. Gov. Curtin can live down this
defeat; our people will fael proud of htm ~
long after the few wretches who sold tt
themselres to Cameron will be forgot* Tl
. # n
ten. !„
The best reply to Charley M'Cormick'a
charges against Judge Mayer, is given
by tbp people of Clinton county, who
gave Mayer 2000 votca at the primary
election and M Cormick 000. Again, at
the general election, last week, Mayer
received a handsome majority over MV
Cormick. Judge Mayer can he satisfied
with such a vindication. M'Oormick*
campaign was very unbecoming one
who wanted to be a Judge, and has
greatly lessened him in the estimation
of the people.
Judge Mayer's majority in the dis
trict will be near 1800—every county in
the district giving a handsome majority
in his favor. Judge Mayer needs no
further vindication
The following are the majorities for
Alexander in this senatorial district .*
Centre, 11""
Clearfield, 800
Clinton, IT**
Total, 1602
Yootitn Curtin
h Union (official] msj. * 772
'Elk reported' " 207
Mifflin " " 1
Centre " " 49
; Clinton " " 301
'"leartteld " 120
772 063
Yocun.a majority 79.
lioyl s tusjoJlty will be abont 17ft; over
Dill, lloyt will be a mioerity governor,
•• Mill and Mason together will bare
j about JO,oft) more votea than Hoyt.
J The return* „i.og ibgi Gov. Curtin
keeps up with the democratic state ticket
in most of the counties in this district,
and his defeat is simply owing to the
democratic greenback vote that was
drawn sway from our nominee.
!In I nion county the democratic vote
on Lire slate ticket stand* Fertig 144S ;
Africa 1446, 11 jsa 1449. and Curtin 144b
,—of course Dill runs ahead in Union,
hut vote being 1656. Good for the dem*
ocracy of Dill's county—tbev have shown
the true democratic spirit of devotion to
their party and its distinguished nomi
nee, Gov. Curtin.
Wm. E. Barchfield, runs the highest
rote and largest majority of any candi
date In the county. This is s compli
ment which is deaorvod and of which he
may well feel proud. He has been a
good Register.
i The grandest fight the democracy of
this county ever made, and the most
glorious victory they have gained, was
in the campaign just closed. We bad to
face the radical party, the greenback
party, and s faction in our own party
that attempted to defeat our local ticket,
because of disappointment, in getting a
plsce upon the ticket. In the fsce of all
such sn opposition combined against ns.
our local ticket went through triumph
antly, and the secret plotters against the
ticket in our party find the party got
along quite well without them and In
spite of their treachery.
Speaking of Curtin s defeat the Phila
delphia Times says : Among the many
political eccentricities of the late elec
tion in this State, the probable defeat of
Governor Purlin for Congress in the
Centre district is the most unexpected ;
and yet, with the Republicans and Na
tionals formally united against bun,
backed bv the exhaustive efforts and
moans of Cameron, tbe resultis not sur
prising when the vote is analyzed
while Dill haa n large plurality in the
district, tho united vote of Hoyt and
Mason is larger than that received by
Dill, and the entire confidence felt in
I'lirtin's success, doubt leas prevented
special efforts by many of his friends to
secure ids election. If he haa been de
feated bv the combination, it will be
profoundly regretted by thousands of
tbe best citizens of all parties through
out the State, for he would he one of the
few men in the councils of tbe nation to
whom all could point with just pride as
i Representative from Pennsylvania. It
nay be deemed a grateful victory lo
auieronand his followers who exhaust
ed themselves to com pass the defeat of
L'urtin; but of all the many regrets which
sill be felt because of the result, none
sill be so keen as the regrets of the he
-oes of Curtin'a defeat ua lime, in its in
exorable march, makes all things even
ind calls the mills of the gods to their
ippointed work. Hince Cameron's vic
ory is so nearly complete in Pennsyl
vania, it mty be well tliat Curtin should
rot stand as tho only exception to his
iweeping triumph, and if Curtin lias
fallen, the recoil' will certainly not be
delayed or enfeebled thereby.
I Hogs am now selling in the Cincin
'nati market at $2,40 to $3,00 per 100
lbs, gross. The Gazette says this is the
.lowest price paid within the last twenty
eight years, with the exception of 1850,
J£sl and IMU. Tiu depression in the
latter year was caused by Hi# panic fol
lowing the outbreak of the rebellion.
During the hard times between 105b
and lib* hogs were higher than they are
At a Urge dsmoe-atic mats ousting h)
Heeding traitors ware read out of the p*r.-
ly for trying to defeat the congressman.
The remains of
p gnr m—k.
Ingrate and traitor to his party,
dug his political grave in the Big Sandy,
and owned bv Cameron.
The yellow fever has now quits spent
its force In Memphis one death and in
New Orleans four deaths only are re
The Memphis telegraphers stood by
one another and died st their post like
heroes during the weeks of plague. Oat
of twenty-five men employed in the ser
vice eleven died, nine recovered and
five escaped; but inasmuch as there
w ere several newcomers, only one man
has bad tbe good fortune to hold hie
ground from first to last. ThU man was
rutnam, and many a long night while
the fever was raging he was the only
man in the operating room. Tbe mana
ger, the operators and the clerks went
down one after another until be was
the only man left to cope with the enor
mous prose of business.
Probably there was never a sharper
sermon upon the uncertainty of life than
the death of Alexander Smith on 5, st
Yonkers, before the volee had been
counted which elected him to Con
Parent*, mothers, nurses, do not fail
to give Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup to tbe lit
tle one* for all cases of cough or colds.
Cost* only 26 cents.
W M . W tt 1, F .
New Goods
! " lts
A splendid *thck of New h> *
"J Good* has arrived st ■■
's i I
TUi n k Bu ildin
a |
| prices Are Down. Jg'
. The stock consists of a
full line of Merchandise, *•
carefully selected, em.
bracing all kinds of
" ETC.. ETC.. a
k* *
S Muslin & Calico S
are st bottom prices.
of all kinds.
ipm !
lIATH and CAPS. •
J ! ——
—a PRODUCE received in
I exchange for goods. K _
I NEW (i00I)S !!! |
We own and control the Railway land*
equally divided by the Kama} Pacific
Hal I war. which wc *~o selling at to aver
ago of {A.'JS per aero on terpis of pay
mcnt. Alternato icctioni of Government
land* can be taken a; homesteads by actu
al settlers.
Thrie lands lie in tbe GREAT LIME
STONE BELT of Central Kansaa, tbe
beat win lor wheat producing diatrictofthe
United Stales, yielding ire in JlO to 86
Bushels per Aero.
The average yearly rainfall in this coun
ty is nearly 83 inches per annum, one
third greater than in iho much-extolled
AKKAIHAH VALLEY. which has a yearly
rainfall of less than US £ches per annum
in the same longitude.
Stock-Raising and Wool-Growing are
very Remunerative. The winters are
short and mild Stock will live all tbe
year on grata I Living Streams and
Springs are numerous. Pure water is
found in weils from 'JO to 60 feet deep.
The Healthiest Climate in the World ! No
favor and ague theie. No muddy or im
pta f oUo roads. Plenty of fine building
stone, lime ahi} rand. J'h'eie'wntji are pe
ingrapidly settled by the best class ol
Northern and Eastern people, and will so]
appreciate in vhlue by the improvement* 1
now being made as lomako their purchase
jjt present prices one of tbo very best in
vejfMiaji U can be made, asida from
tfu> fra tlmrefl from their culti
vation. Member# of our rw rosido in
WA-KEENEY. and will b6w fZAd* at
anytime. A pamphlet, giving full infor
mation in regard to toll, climate, water
supply, &c.. will be sent free on request.
Address, WAKRKN, KKENEY * Co.
106 Dearborn St., Chicago,
Or Wa-Kceney, Trego co. Ks. ItfeplOm
lutlh ihe altealiuD of bujuri •▼erywhere to an inspection of their won*
<lerf'ul and almost uuequalled facilities for the distribution of ail kinds of
at prices but little orer thee<*t of production.
Our new and magnificent store, lately opened and now thoroughly or
ganized, is filled from basement to roof with one oftb * finest Hoeh of eeery
variety of
arer shown in an American house.
While we keep a large stock of the
We make a specialty of
mmm-pmti® rzxvvxzz
Which are worn by the people largely, in city and country, all over the
CHASES give us advantages that are shared by but few bouses, wkieh
advantages are secured by all who deal with ua.
To those who cannot conveniently visit the city
gives everv advantage in making selections and purchasing goeds that rs
lidents of Philadelphia enjoy
The assortment we display this season is scarcely equalled in this country,
and cannot be surpassed, especially in
A visit to the city will be amply repaid by an inspection of oor magnifi
cent establishment, and an examination ef the immense steek of the latest
novelties in the finest Foreign Fabrics ; the wonderful assortment of medi
um priced Dress Textnres, end the general stock throughout the house,
which is not surpassed in America,
N. W. Cor. Eighth and Market Sts ,
Goods at Cost!— Great Bargains,,
Dry Goods. Nations, Groceries, Qusenswaro, Ready Made
Clothing. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Drugs, &c.
Ac Invitation estecdtA to all to come and see the stock, and bay low. Goods at
Cost, al Farmer's Mills. ( 12 sept til
==H Alt D WARE !==
a H a
O A If
We would especially call attention to the
Highland Queen Cook Stove,
®ft-Our Stock being ceiirely New. We offer special Bargains in-**
,''!/!) I BKLLKKONTF, PA..
djrj j a :„ en *
'Urn Hdlf'a l>P *Bh' pP^l>, '* m ' I^6
jjOaß Boots. kaMiasde. 8 .'S
j, .Ht- All kind of PLOW RHMI Bor
iMfy * Men nd Boys.
" Th * l,lMt ,lyl * ° r LADIE ' S rRKNC H
* HEEL BOOTS, m-d on the P-sneh
.J^mSibE Lest. Call and • them. ▲ floe 1
stock of tee Best Buenos Ayres
Sole Leather, Calf Skins.
Keeps Lasts, Pegs. etc.
always a full
w SC L .
Aucnomnnrs -eAßfv pmhp
Teats, who has had large experi
ence as an auctioneer, offers his services to
the people ot Centre county, tie speaks
both German and Kogliah, and pottessee
the invaluable gift in an auctioneer of a
loud, clear voice, and can be distinctly
heard a long diiunpe, Tboi havipg work
of this kind to do, will do wellto give bin
a call. Charges moderate. Call on or
addrees him at Bellefonte, Pa. 17 ap.
_ r,; it.
>| President. Ceihier.
■ (LeteJtilliken, Uoffer A Co.)
Recti ye Dsftwits,
i And Allow Interest,
Discount Notes,
Buy and Sell ]
Government Securities, Gold 4 j
•plWStf Ceupoar.
(BuM*wr toJ K.Mltlr A Son ]
Dealer in Pure Drug*, MedWnea, Fan
c s r _^ rlic J Dye Stuff*. an
Druggist's Sandrit*. Ful
stock tjf Confoc-
For Jdediclasl "—[mm
uart secured lbs rv> rm of Dr*. f
A Inlander who will attend to the <Jra
pound In* of Proscription*. 38 mar. ly.
Haania. a*d U Ai*r>*E*aa_in the Un
■•t of tha bank bu,| dti*. All work duos
n fashionable stylo ljuly
c. V. GUftMAti.
„ In Bank Building. Ceotro Hall.
Would rsepeclfally acnouns to lb* etti*
unt uf thia vicinity that ha hat takes
room la abora building wkara ha la or*,
pared to do all klad* of work belonging
to hi* Imo. for man and boys, and accord*
tag to latoot stylos. Goods aold 1/ aam*
CI•- Havlag bad nlaa yanrs experience
a guarantees all work to rondar pdrfaet
satisfaction, and aolicita a abara of lbs
pablia patrenasa Maty
Muubotxi: How Lo*t II ow si*trma*'sk2r^
t ton' l 111 welspe, —lm m* RIRH
Tl fSMMiai Mllsr. tft lEG aAmlnhU MM*.
, rs: £S
Mtoaf away a* aaa* tw|li aHata .
lively* * k ' P * °* Bot ' * IM
Tfe k ?„fe%i..r
Tha Forks House, at Cabnrn autloc, Id
aaw and commodiawa, and is kept la bast
manner. Bed aad board saomd to naaa
In tbt county. Stabling for 10 boraoa.
As a summer retort it will be found nil
that could bo d eel red, right la tbo heart of
good Ashing and hunting grounds, and
surrounded by tha most romantic r ceo err.
la or y
No. 0 Brockrrheff Row, Bellrfonie
Dealers la l>r|s,Cbminh.
Prrfhaerj, Fam }Gaads dkc**
Pur* Wlsaa and Liquors fog modicat
purposes always kept. mayll T*
• would respectnaßy aanouccoto tha
. ettiaens of Peuas Valley that ha has per
. manaatly located in Centra Hall wbara ho
is prepared to do all kiads of Dental work.
■ AU work warrantod or no money naked.
, Pricaa low to suit the timaa. M taa. y.
Hardware Store.
A new, complete Hardware Store bae
been opened by the underpinned ia Cen
tre Hall, where be is prepared to eel! all
'kinds oi Building aad House Furnishing
Hardware, Nail*. Ac.
Circular aad Haad Saw*, Teaaoa Saw*.
Webb Saw*, Clothe* Bach*, a full assort
ment of Glass and Mirror Plata Picture
Fraaiea, Spoke*. Felloe*, aad Bah*, table
Cutlery, SnoieU, Spedee aad Perk*.
Locke, Hinges, Screw*, Sa*k Spring*,
Hona-Sboat. Nail*. Norway Rode, Otis,
Tea Haiti, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Tarn
| ithat.
Picture* framed in the fceet style
I Anything not on haad, ordered apoa
I shortest notice.
pB" Remember, all goods offered cheap
er then elsewhere.
\J . .By calling at the M tad ww
•iT bakerr teaklfckmasl of
(SttceoMorto J. H. Sands. >
Oppoatto the (roe Fku as ABogteny
•tmet where ke hi rabbet every day
Fresh Rred,
Cakes of oil kind*,
Pita, ate., etc.,
Anything aed everything belonging to
tko kwsiaaet. Having bad yoara of UH<
nor.eo ia tko busieeea, bo latter* himself
that ho can guaraatae satisfaction to all
who mar favor bin with their rwlrorag*
10 aug if JOSEPH CIDA EE.
D. F. I/USE,
,offers hi* services to the eitizeoa of
Cantrc county ia
HaiM, kin aa<l OriMiaaUi
Striping, ornamenting ana gilding,
Plata and Fancy Paper hanging. Orders
respectfully solicited. Term* reasoosble.
'JO apr tf.
st his establishment *t Centre Hall, heap
on band, and for sale, at tha moat reasons
ble rales.
A Spring Wagons,
and vehicles of a* try deacription made to
ordor, and warranted to bo made of tko
boat seasoned matorial, and by tko matt
•killed and com pet an l workmen. Bodioa
for buggioo and spring-wagons Ac., of tko
moat improved patterns made to order,
also Gearing of all kind* made to ordor.
Ail kinds of repairing done promptly and
at tba lowest poaaiblo ratoa.
Persona wanting anything in hia lino aro
requested to call and examine bit work,
th. will Hod it not to ke excelled for dwr
1 illty and wear. may t tf.
Harness, Saddles, &c.
Tbeswiweleewt dew*MU U.
Irrai"* *" 1 ntoM. nmctlaUf o*Ua thZTtM
UMtllk, pmMf to kUltMk ol
mi Cat*l M tbaM tol DttlnW tr
Um (MpW uS b Urn*. tij Ur|„t ud *mm Hrl*4
w R ; CAMP'S
Furniture Rooms!
I manufacture all kind* of Furniture far
Chamber*, Dining Boom*, Librerioa end
If you went Furniture of any kind, don't
buy until you see my atock.
In all its brencbea. I keep ie eiock ell
the latest end mmt improved Ooffine
end Oetkel*, end beve every feeiK
ity far properly conducting
this branch ofmybuilneee.
. I bave e pat eat Oerpeol.
preserved for aroneiderebfalengtk of time.
Jull9 tf W. B. CABf.