T H E CEM fti E HEVORTER. Centre Hall, Pa, *ar-Tniu*.--f2i>r year. •*"• P""* "* iWr*nee;*S.M wknmot paid i n ad ranee. AdvertitemenltWettperline/or iKr,f % T sertion,. arul Sent, per line for every sub siquern insertion. Advertisement* by the year at a liberal ditetmnt. SubfcriheviioutHd* thaeaunty w*w r ■ mit us Wet*. amount of one year * po* * !, instead of Wet l at formerly when r<" iy tkem**lve*. % . . SM6#trt6cr MM W/ a eounls stand at the Ran rter ofliee >V <L> table, on their papers It the {able read, "John Roe 1 Jan ft, ♦< that John U indebted fbom the I*< of January, IS,ft. and that >t t. timi he was paytny the printer. LOCAL ITEMS. lODO£~ilinHM. Carat M t tone*. *•■**•}. O 7*"- .f.i,'* • rj TWwedei "IM t OJ* Flloj*HaJl „,j 8. 8. annate*. >. * ■ *• u Otp rTUw.K..£. T a. -•• M—i.. , m tu M at bafor. c fall '• 10 * CMd FtllemHul vr 11 C. V HnUiltl. J. I>, I Knm M "astro*. •,*. v• u. IUiTOmU* Mali an Ui. rUlordar an rw **!•" 1 moan.isr M * .wo t™ — 4 K.Um Muttr Lto.r The new Howe I* eold on the in itallment plan, o every one can get one very easy , One evening la*t week the dwelling of Jacob Saunders, in Fean twp., was en tered during the absence of the family, and some $lO in money itolen. -A bite from a ra'tlesnake is some time* not more dangerou* than a severe cough or eold. A well merited reputation ha* Dr. Bull'* Cough Syrup, and thi* rem edy i* sold by all druggist*. Price ceati. Lincoln BntterPowder, make* but ter sweet andhard, and quicker to rhuru X:, it—for sale at Wm Wolf* itoie Tho Centre Countr Pomona Grange will meet at Centre Hall, on Tuesday. Nov. 12. Three*o*son, 10 a. m..2 and 7 p, in. L*OSIRD RNOX* —The Pean aSlate Grange of the Fa troas of Husbandry, will meet in Belle fonte, on Tueiday, Dec. 10, and will Ve in session three or four days. LKOXAHD RBOXV lt raut be a true eource of pride for a man in business to know that hi* cus tomer* speak well of him, and recommend him for hi* fair dealing—especially when a merchant, to know that his customers say they get their moaey * worth, and that what tbey buy is no inferior article. Thi* is the credit that hundred* of people give Sechler, who keep* one of the best anJ most complete groceries to be found. And they deserve it—we know it from act ual experience that Sechler keep* no gro ceries that are not fit to go into the fami ly. aad they not only *ell good* chaap, but any thing you wish belonging to that line, so you need not run about for athing. for when Sechler'* can't supply you. be sure it is not in market. Housekeepers try Sechler*. Wo hsvc a new Howe Sowing Ma chine, and like it belter than any other we here yet hid,—aud we hire bsd hilf doa en different kinds before. Call and see it. Thejdemocratic meeting it Spring Mills, on lit Thursday, was well atter.d od, notwhhstinding the cold and nw weither. A company of Grogg twp. horse men in regilin, numbering some To, with Jacob M'Coolischief mars'iall. md Lieut. "W. 11. Krips is assistant, served as escort for the arriving delegations. W# estimate the crowd at 1,300 There was a delega tion of several hundred from Union coun ty and Milton, accompanied by the Lew is burg and Mifflinburg band*. A delega tion from Miles and Fenn with the Re bersburg and Millheim bands. The Far mer's Mills and Centre Hall bunds were also present. A stand had been erected on the hill near Grenoble's store, but ow ing to the high, cold winds, the meeting moved to the more sheltered plmco near Duncan's where addresses were made by Gov. Curtin, Hon. C. T. Alexander, and Mr. Barrett. Hon. S. Gilliland was chos en chairman of the meeting. There was a regular snow squall last Thursday evening 31, and in some places enough of flake* fell to whiten the ground. Get your bells oiled and grease your sleighs, and go to Newman s for one of his cheap and warm suits. —-ASOTHXB HUSTIXQ HORSWR.— The Lewistown Demoerat of 31, relate* On Sunday afternoon last two young men of Naw Lancaster, Solomon Dean, aged about 21 year*, and George Dobaon. a year or two older, went out hunting, but neither knew of the other being ouL Young Dean laid alongside of a fence at a clearing, to watch for turkey*, when Dobaoa came slipping along, and seeing Dean, mistook him for a deer, and fired. Running to bis fallen game, he was hor ror-sticken to find he bad (hot a man. It was found that the ball bad passed into the right lung, a little below the shoulder blade, passing downward and forward. An examination was made in front, and the hall was felt lying under the akin, it having passed directly through the right lung. Young Dean was yet living on Monday morning, but there were no hopes of hi* recovery. The agony of Dobson, "when be found what he had done, was beyend all de scription. He beggod the bystander* to take Dean'* (till loaded gun and iboot htm. 11 is own gun he smashed to pieces on a rock. Young Dean had been urged by hi* father not to go hunting on Sun day, but he did not heed. Dobson helped to carry the wounded man, and the.n fled, and has not been *en or beard of tioce. Two more fearful warning* in one— against Sabbath breaking and carelci* shooting. Sweet potatoes at 20 ct* per peck, at Secbler's where a fresh supply of eve ry thing in the grocery line is always kept and price* low. Farmer*, remember that the highest price is paid for all kinds of hides, by Charle' fibeffler, at the Centre Hall tan ym i. 31 oct 3t Visit J. H. Krumbine's new Glass and Stoneware store, in Gift d; Flory's store room. 19 oct 4t Another grand opening of Ladies' Coats and Ladies' Trimmed Hats of the latest styles at J. B. Fischer's Store on next Saturday, which will be offered at the very lowest figures. Everv one who wants goods at a bargain should call and see his goods before purchasing else where. ——Highest Cash price paid for all kinds of hides nt the Centre Hall tan yard by Chas. Shiffler. 7nov4t Wolf's new Goods hava arriv ed. It is a large and handsome stock —can't be beat in the county. Go and see it for yourselves. You never are disappointed at Wolfs. LITTLE COURTESIES.— The art of "living together" pleasurably is great ly promoted by the habitual exchanges of the little courtesies of this life; they are never unimportant, never unac ceptable, are always grateful to the feeling in every household. Shall brother and sisters be less careful of the feelings of one another than those of a stranger ? And between husband and wife should there be a less gentle ness of deportment, suavity of manner, and courtsey of expression, than is ex tended to outsiders, who have no spec ial claims and may never be seeu again ? Shame upon any member of any family who neglects those affec tionate atteusioos and those suavittiea of deportment towards tbe members of the household, aad even to tbe low est servant, which cannot fail to ele vate tbe giver, and to draw from the teciever those willing and spontaneous reciprocities which make of fismily'aa aooaiioH a little heaven below. Go to I**R< Haupt's Storo. Belle* fonts, for Move*, pipe and tinware at rod 17oct st. 'country, ue l)r. BnU'e Baby Syrup tor , tfce unual disease* of curly childhood. Price 26 cent* a bottlo, "Everybody can keep warm Uiu win tar, itlie withe*, and *av doctor bill*— limply go to Newman'* who ha* put down the prire of over coal* o that the poorest can afford to get one anil keop warm. The fact is N ewnian sell* all kind* of Clothing cheaper than any one in the state, and he has put down hi* price* to suit these hard times. Now just call on hiut and see if this is not so. —— Remember, farmers, that Brown, at the depot. Shorllidge's old -land, give* you the highest price for grain, and sells all kinds of coal cheap. You find good accommodation for horse* there. Go to L. L. Brown with your grain, you will find him a perfect gentleman Now is tho time when you want a ure cough remedy- try F. P.Green's Syr up of Tar, thv best thing out. Ask for it at your More or *end to Frank Green'* at Bellvfonte, the oldest druggist in the county, who keeps one of the mod com plete drug store* in the 'talc, and the tre*het *nd purest good*. ♦awing machine in the world buy the new Howe, A. O. Moore, General Agent, Milesburg, Fa. | The new Howe Sewing Machine with telMfcreatling ihuttle and *elK*Mlinir i needle ; bobbin* wound without running the macbino. Do not buy until you hare ■men thi* wonderful machine. The new Howe machine ba* the treadle on a scale balance, makiug it easy on the operator. JURY LIST.—The following is the Ju ry list fur No*emt>,r term, commencing j Monday November 25 Grand Jurors. | Bellefocta—Wm. MeClellan. Boggs —Andrew Heaten. Burnside—Oscar lloit | Gregg—James Duck. Herri- Unrv Ginghrich. ' Howard—R. (\ L-athers, William Tay- I lor. Marion—Daae Frain. Miles—ll G. Rover Fatten— W. F. Thompson. Fetter—J. H Keller. Michael Derstine, Alfred H.wterman. C. F. Herlachrr Rush—Harrison Russ, J C. Watson. Snow Shoe—Georce Frenel. Taylor—Richard Newman. Union—John Muser, J. U-Stover. . I'nionville—Toner Leathers. Walker— Jacob Garbrick, Robert Thompson. Worth-W. V. Beckwuh. Traverse Jurors—First Week. Bellefente—Daniel Kverhart, U. O. Uoffer. Isaac Mitchell. Benner—John Thomas, Joseph Eck lev. Boggs—C. Curtin. Kd. Shannon. College—Feler Schrock, William Good hart. Gregg—Michael Hettinger, James G. Evan*, John Shook Haines—Henry Mowery C. W Ho* terman, Noah Leitneli, David Bower, ; Frank Weaver. Half Moin—VV'm. Cole. Huston—Daniel Yothers, John O. Milts, i E R. William. Miles—George H. Royer, U. Smull, jr. Fatton—Sam'l Hornan. Fetter— William Kmrick, H. D. Van Fait. W. W. Spangler, J. 11. Odenkirk, U Roal. Rush—John Todd. Spring—John L. Hockey. I"hion—John O- Hall, W. P. Fisher. Walker—J. T. "Dunkel, Daniel Enter iek, Charles S. Beck. Traverse Jurors—Second Week. Bellofonte— W Jenkins. Charle* Ileis ler, Mert Cunningham, G W Downing, R C Cbeesaian, D W Woodring, J C William*, Charle* McCture. Benner—Sam'l Yearick, Christian Dale, Jr. Boggs—U L Harvey, John Mayes, Fred Moyer. Cellege— K B Uesson, Austin Dale, J C Bathgate. Ferguson—C H Struble. G W Roman. Gregg—Tobias Bailey, George Corman. Haiue—W J Russel, Israel Voaada, Sr. Harris—J II Jacobs, David Sparr, M. Flees. Howard boro—William Mahalee. Liberty—Beni Liggett, Joseph Bech tie. Penn—W S Maiae, James U Van Or mer, B F Miller. J C Smith. Philipsburg—C Broadhead. Potter—J A Dale, D L Kerr, John Mes senger. W A Kerr. Kuh— Willism Bates. , Snow Shoe—Abel Campbell. Faring—ll C Weaver, David Shearer. Taylor—Thomas Merryman. Union—James A'exander, Harris Way. Walker—Philip Gephart Worth—A B Stevens, Alex. Shelien berger, E rt Jones. FRANK LESLIE'S SUNDAY MAGA ZIN E. The December number of ibis admira ble periodical is one nt the most intere>t ing that has yet boen issued, and brilliant ly closes its fourth semi annual volume- Its career, for the two years of its exis tence. has been one of almost unprece dented success ; a result justly due to the efforts of the libera) and enteroriing pub lisher, and the talented and discriminat ing editor. It is undoubtedly the cheap eat and best Sunday msgt sine puM shed in the world, and eminently fitted to bean inmate of ••very Christian borne. The editor, the Rev. Dr Deems, promises to continue to strive to make ihia the best re ligiousmonthly in America, and wo would remind our readers that thi* is jul tba time to subscribe for the coming year. The opening paper of tha December num ber is on "Christianity in Madagascar," by Alfred O. Guernsey, embodying a full i account of the moat remarkable missiona ry success which the Protestant Church has achieved within the last three centu ries—with ten engravings A sort of com panion-picture u> this is an article by Da vid A. Curtis. The Martin Luther of In- Jin,' Swsmi Dya Nand Saraswati, who utomise* to take, in relation lo Brahmin i-m, a position similar lo that borne by Martin Luther to the Roman Catholic Church ; both article* are worthy of cave rn! penjssl. The charming juvenile seri al, 'ln Mischief Again,' is continued, and '.Michael Airdree's Freehold' is conclud ed. A new serial of great merit will be commenced in the January number. 'The Yellow Fevar Reminiscence' by John H. Scbenck. refer* to a previou* visitation ol the pestilence, and is peculiarly interest iog. Among the poems is one of singular merit by Margaret J. Preston, entitled 'Comforted.' There is a vast amount of miscellaneous matter exceedingly inter esting and instructive, particular attention having been given to the illustration of curious manners and customs which pre vail in various part* of th world, f 'linn •Home Pulpit' the editor discourses onlbe signifi alion of the scriptural term 'Lest,' he also contiriuea bit Popular Kxegesia. There are 128 quarto pages and nearly 70 handsome illustrations. The annual sub scription is only $3. and a specimen cepy ] wil. be sent on receipt of 26 cent* Beau tiful and substantial Binding Cases are ready for sale at the eloae of each volume, price 75 cents. Address Frank Leslie's Publishing House, 63, 66 * 57 Park Place. New York. Heated milk, not boiled, drank ev ery four bourt in liberal quantity, is pronounced by eminent authority, as frpqueutly an excelent remedy for the ruost violent diarrhoea, stomach ache, incipient cbolery, and dysentery. Cement for Fastening Knives and Forks into thier Handles. —Take one pound rosin and half pound of pow dered sulphur j'melt together, and mix in about twelve ounces of fine powdered brick. Fill the cavity of the handle with this mixture, mel ted. Make the shank of the knife or fork quite warm and Insert in place and let it remain untill cold, when it will be found to be firmly fixed. Tbe handles of knives and forks should not be put in hot water. Paint which is put on in the Fall w 11 last nearly or quite as long again as the same grade which is app[ied iu the Spring or Summer. Tbe extreme hot weather of Summer months is not favorable either for the preservation or the fine appearauce of paint. To cure hams.—-Take tbe hams as goon as cut, lay on a dry shelf, take one tablespoonlulof saltpetre to a ham and rub thoroughly on the fleshy Bide of tbe h&m ; as soon as dissolved the next day rnb all over with dry salt, in the bone and evry crevice; after rubbing two or three times, they are ready for smoking; cover well, and bug op to dry. ' CENTRE CtM' NTY, IBTT OFFICIAL. 1 Auditor General noaovriM* ; - I 11 s I 8 1 f 1111 I?I !> § II I r o TOW \siiipa. Hollefonte, N W til HO 20 do S W 101 I H 29 do W W 46 H Milo.burg 8i>r0...... 24 i 2d W Unionville Boro. i SI Si Howard Boro I 40 I 8* Philiptburg 80r0......... VNI I 74 I Bonner HI > 84 6 Hogg* SO S'_' 111 Boriuide _ 17 '.7* 7 Cuiiin 2b V College I 70 142 '• Ferguson, old 14ft 4b * Ferguson, new ....... 80 ft" Gregg .... .................... I®o 4o oon ....... | 81 6b 1 Hatnes I<W 8V Harm 1111 71 I ! Howard 47 M I 8 1 Union W M | S Liberty 41 7ft ! Marion I HO 20 | 1 Miles | 210 .12 4 Fallon... ...... - 47 tk> Pcntt mm.. tMOH* 222 2S Fuller, old 140 6b | Poller, new 14* 02 Rush W 221 Snow Shoe - 4H SS j 72 Spring 144 180 J 22 Taylor - 20 81 | _ Union ...... ....- ' ft! M j 28 Walker I 12 48 l"j W >rlh J ft'-' I 2j ' To4al I fto-i i i* ,; 7 4.1 j The Elections. DILLS MAJORITY 1600 IN" THE 1 COUNTY. CL'RTIN ASP TILE WHOLE PIS TRKT ANPCO. TICKET ELECT ED. i Old Ceutrc True in Spile of Trcaeh err. The following are the returns of-lhe elections held on last Tuesday, so far as received by us. There was a good deal o{scratching all around —it wa.* a sort of cross-tire and mixture gene rally. CENTRE COUNTY. Dills majority in this county will be about 1500 over lloyt Curtin is elected by a handsome uia- i jority.and we have elected the democratic Co. ticket in spite of the; 1 treachery and treason in certain qnar- j ters. All honor to the Centre county ji democrats who stood up and did tbeir ! duty. We give below such re'urns as , reached us up to Wednesday morning. < BKLLEFONTK, N. W. j Dill *4. 11.-vt loft. Mason 37. Mayer IS7, ] M'Cormick 122. Curtin ISS. Tocum 133. Alexander 176. Caidwell 90. Gephari 116, i ] Murray V 2. iiinilar 142, Grainley 15ft, Lin- j ] ale 80 Bpangler 75, Curtin 143. Dickers7, < Yeartck 107. Burkei 104, llarput 171. hny der 6H. TKU- 80. EwabV2 Dunkle Hjv, Gragg . 144. Taylor IM. Gray 44. Eoathera3H. j, B'JLLEFONTE, S. W. < Iluyt 77. M*on 41, Mayer l;<6, McCor mick OS Curtin 116. Yocum U3. Alexan-,' dar 10A Caldwell 70. Uaphart 121, Murray ' 118, Sim'er 71, Grandey 110, Lingle 43, Spangier'.'4. Curtin 53. Decksr 83, Year- 1 ick 115, Burket 124. Harper 138, Snyder 48, Tale 46. Swab 113, Dunkle |O7. Gregg •< 82, Taylor 68, Gray 61, Leaihen 47 BELLKFONTE, W W. i Dili 52. Hoyt 47, Maon 30; Mayer 00. McCormick 07; Curtin 42, Yocum 84; c Alexander 80 Caldwell 48; Gephart 46, i; Murray 60, Simler44 Gran, ey 78, Lingiei 37; Spangler 49. Curtin Bft. Decker 47; L Yearick 53, Burket 78: Harper 69. Snyder i ••"3, Tate 39; Swab 53. Dunkle 47. Gregg . i 43, Taylor 43, Gray 34. Leathers 34. j j UNTONVILLE. \\ Dill 32. Host 32. Mason 13; Msyer 43. M'Cornnck 35; Curtin 34. Yocum 48; ' Alexander 36. Caldwell 36; Gepbart 83, Murray 34, Simler33, Gram!ev4o, Lingle ' 14; Spauglrr 27. Curtin 39. Decker 16; . Yearick 34. Burket 41; Hamper 30. Snydar 1 31. Tate 14. Swab 32. Dunkle 28 Gregg36. '■ Taylor 37. Gray 14. Leathers 16. BOGGS. Dill 168. Hoyt 72. Mason 171. Mayer! | 215. McCormick 76. , i SNOWSUOK. I Dill 76 Hoyt 30. Mason 107. Curlin 75.' Yocutn 136. SPRING. Dill 191. Hoyt 187. Mason 111. Mayer i 229. McCormick 191. UNION. 1 Dill 70 Hoyt GO Mason 64. WORTH. i Dill 71 Hoyt 37. Mason 40 Curtin 60 < Yocum 88. I, GREGG. Dill 274. Hoyt 40. I'ENN. j) Dill 250 majority. POTTER. South. Dill 194. H>yt 70. Mayer 171. M'Cnrm ick 99. Curtin 169, \ >cum 79. Bush 2, Al-, exander !A)&, Caldwell t>l, Gephart 193, j ftluriay I'JO, Gramlv 73, Kitnlar 67. Lingle lU, Spang er 197, Aua. Curtin 68. Decker! 14, Brown 4, Yearick 192, Burket 82, Har-j] per 183, Snyder 69. Tale 10, Swab 194, > Dunkle 185, Gregg 78, Taylor 23, Gray 9, J Leathers 8. ]< MILES. . Dill 246, Hoyt 45, Mason 29. Mayer 159, M'Cormick 159, Curtin 228. Yocum 78. 1 Alexander 243 Caldwell 78. Gephart 226. H Murray 222. Gramly 150, Simlar3B, Lin- j j gle 38. Spangler '228. Aus Curtin 39, Dec-;] er 44, Yearick 24ft. Burket 76, Harper 246|i Snyder 30, Swah 247. Dunkle 246, .Gregg ' 87, Taylor 29, Gray 39, Keatbers 38. |j P'ENN. Dill 288. Hoyt 37, Mayer 266. McCorm- • ick 59, Curtin 257, Yocun. 34. Alexander! 271. Caldwell 34, Gephart 260. Murrrav 287. Gramly 88, Simhir 36 Spangler 240, Aus Curtin 56. Decker 2, Yearick 277, Burket 39, Harper 248, Snyder 46. Swab 295 Dunkle 277, Greeg 34, Taylor 26. GREGG. Dill 276. Hoyt BU, Mason 2. Mayer 235, M Cormick 96, Curtin 246. Yocum 68. Al exander 274. Caldwell 64. Gephart 270, .Murray 269, Gramly 66. Simlar 60, Lingle 12; Spangler 245, Aust Curtin 62, Decker 7, Brown 6; Yearick 281, Burket 64; Her per 122 Snvder 129; Swab 267, Dunkle 250 Gregg39, Tavlor "9. UNION. Dill 70, Hoyt 50. Maion G4, May er 82, M'Cormick 9l,Curtiu 61, \o cum 110, Alexander 67, Caldwell 100, Gephart 66, Murray 77, Siraler 47, Grauiley 104, Lingle 69, Spangler 59, Curtin 54, Decker 70, Yearick 67, .Burket 103, Harper 66, Snyder 49, Tate 70, Swab 65, Dunkle 62, Gregg 43, Tavlor 62, Gray 67, Leathers 64. BEN NEK. Dill 159, Hoyt 36, Mason 44, Cur tin 107, Yocutn 120, Alexander 108, Caldwell 77, Gephart 147, Murray 165, Simler 35, Grainley 91, Lingle 48, Spaogler 126, Yearick 163, Bur ket 61, llarper 163, Snyder 27, Tate 50, Stvab 163, Dunkle 163, Gregg2->, Taylor 41, Gray 55, Leathers 42. POTTER, North. Dill 172, Ilojrt 64, Mason 12, Koaa 171, Sterretl 64, Aguew 13. Mayer 137, M' Cormick 103. Curtin 166, Yocom 74, Al exander 190, Caldwell 54, Gepbart 145 Murray 155, Simler 68, Gramly 73, Lin gle 185, Cartin 42, Decker 14, Brown 1, Yearick 174, Burket 73, Harper 194, Snyder 43, Tate 10, Swab 196, Dunkle 97, Gregg 131, Taylor 33, Gray 10 Leathers 0. Dill carries Union county by 144- Philadelphia radical by about 15,000; Allegheny 7000. York dein. 3600. Mifflin dem. 350. The democrat* loose no congressmen ( In Pennsylvania. I Hoyt has 12000 to 15000 majority over , Dili, but has not a majority over Dili' and Mason and will be a minority ROV-) { ernor. Republican greenbackers like, in Ohio went bark to their party leaving! democratic greenbackers to fool their! votes away on Mason and thus defeat pill. auM Tuts V.v.cij i Mayw hM a nail majority .In this] jprtnnty over M'Cormick. A Urge proportion of Mr. MVormll i vote in attributable to the granger*, t ' which order he belonged and man* whom aero strongly collated fur him <>i 'that account. In New Jersey the democrats loose t |Congreman. — The Reporter was the only papci ,'in the county that gave the ticket ai [ earnest and sincere support. REGISTER'S NOTICK Tia follow hi a aeeounU hsvo besn examinm land pa..efbr me. *d remainad fil.-d o k |record in ibis office tor the inspection heirs, legatees, creditor# ami all others u ent was ititerestod. and will be presents* • 'to the Orphans lYtirl of Centre countr 1 on Wednesday, th i'Tlh day of Novum . ber, A D.. IKS, for con fl final ion and si >|lowancs: ...... ■> . I. The finnl account of Christian Ueet del and Win. Kearon. a seculars of Ao ol Christian Hechdel, late ®f Liberty town iftbip, deceived, i> filed by Chriiliatt Been , del. surviving eiocutor. , . •i The flnnV account of Christian Bech del. administrator of Ac of Mary B btivl, Ial of Liberty township, dee d, j it. Tiie lid partial account of John and ' Nathan McCleskey. esoeutore of Ac ol .losepb McCloskev. late of Curtin town ship, as tiled by John JdcCloskey, one o the eseeulors. 4 The first partial account ef bamue. Hoover and John Hoover, admini<lr*|or> of Ac o| l'hilio Hoover, late of Tayla> lowrohip, dee d. 5 The account of Albert Sme!ur, ad- Oiiulstrator of Ac f Christian Kaop, lair of B gs township, dre'd. l '1 ho account of Joseph Ammerman adminisirator of Ac ol John Ammerman, lata of Spring township, doe'd 7. The account ot A. K. Clemson, guar dian ifKm ma C Kay, minor child of Ia --vid Ray, late of Ferguson township, de- IcoaSod h The account of Henry I.incle, admin l.t'V'rofAc of Michael Lmgle, late oi Gross township, dectasrd. >. the account of NV. P Wilson, *cc utorofAcol A A Henderson, dee'd, s* filed nv John lrwir, Jr , and Margaret 11 Wi'eon, executors of W. I*. Wilson, ds reared 10 The account ef Jefferson Borer guardian of Kffcnger Spsngler, minor child of Klvina Hnangler. of Stephenson county. Illinois, deceased. It. The account of John O. McKinley administrator of Ac of William Curtin, late of Bogg township, deceased -12. The final account of Henry Kobb. executor of Ac of Daniel Kakin, late of Walker township, deceased. IS The account of John J. Urn Jorff and Catharine Urndorff, administrators of Ac ui David Omdortf, late of Haines town ship, deceased. 14 The account of William Showers, euardian of A lam J. Garbrick, a minor child of William Garbrick, late of Walk- j r township. deceaseJ 15. The account of I>r. S II Potter, guardian of Dora Boalick. late Dora Jeff-! rics minor child of Wm. N. Jeffries, late of Phitipsburg. deceased. 10 The account ot John Hoffer, admin* l istrntor of Ac of Hugh Knox, late of thej township of Benner, deceased. 17. The second account of A. O. Furst ; executor of Ac of George Livingston, lau-j of Boilefonte boro., deceased. IS. The account of F. P Kurey, admin ) istrntor of Ac of Henry Keller, late of- Philipsburg deceased I'J The final account of Nathan J i Min hell, administrator of Ac of John P.) Mitchell, late of Howard township do-, C 'jli The account of Jacob S. Hoed and Joseph Galea. adu.i..l;raiors of Ac ot Da vid Reed, late of Ferguson township de -21. ihe account of Samuel Gilliland and Austin NV. I>*!e, administrators of Ac of Benjamin Peters, late of College town* ship, deceased. 22. The first and final account of Clem* eol Dale, administrator cum _ aHHtru ot Ac <T Geuige NV. Neff, late ol Kast Portland, Multnomah county, Ore gon, deceased. 21 The final account of Joseph F. Will* is mi, guardian of James NV. Peary, minor, child ot John C. Peary, late of llalfmoonl township, deceased. 24. The final account of NV L NVilson,; rwerd'an of Jacob Klmer NVay, Kmily Way, Pboeba Jane Way. Cennar NVilson Way. Ann Kliaabeth NVay and John B. L. NVav, minor children of John NVay, jr. lata ol Ualfiuoon township, deceased 26. Tbe partial account of Isaac and Su •an Underwood, executor* of Ac of Juste Underword, late of Union township, da-1 ceased. 26. Tbe 2d and final account of Wis. J. Dale, guardian of Wta. George. Kdmun.l, and Robert F. Waring, minor children of; Melinda Waring, late of Harris township, deceased. 27. Tbe first and partial account of Ann M iiener and J . U Kuifinjrder, adminis trators of Ac of John iiaoey, lata of Gregg township, deceased 28. Tba account of Cot John Rishst, ad ministrator of Ac of Catharine Storer. into of G rege township, deceased. as filed by M. L. Kitbelmnd W K. Rearick. admin istrator of laid John Kithel, decease.) 29 Tbe account of Col. John Kiahel, lining egcrulor of Peter Durst, late of i Potter township, deceased, as Clod by 1 Wm. F. Kuanck and M L. Hi-bnl, ad niinistrator of the said John Rishel, de ceased | 30. Tbe guardianship account of John |W. Richards, guardian of Harrison and Thomas McDonald, as filed by John fj. Miles. w. K BI RCH FIELD, iBl oct 4t Register. THE SUN FOR 1879. Tb. fn will b* pnaiad etery 4*. during lb >* r tj' cota* luparpoa* **>J will be tb* •>*• mIS lb* pal To pre***! ill In* m la r**d*M I Mid U 101 l tb* truth thrush the h**c*ue fall. Tb* too hub**!),!., and Bill continue lo bo to,!* p#ndent o, ererybody aad *tß,l)lln| Mtt* Kb* truth aad IU owa coartctiuaa ol dot/ Tut L tb* "0./ p- . Icy vbbb OB b<>or*t newspaper awed hare. Thai I. Ui*' policy which bo* bob for Ibta newspaper lb* coob | duct sod friendship >t o elder coortttoenrr Iboa * u r*r tnjoyed by bay otb*r American .'wuraal. Tb* saa U lb# newspaper lor tb* p*oplo It to sot far tb* neb au UIIHI lbs poor maa. or foe lb. poor nib agalast lbs neb sua, bat II oaok. Is d**aal job . ipr# to all Inter**!* in tb* rota ran oily. It to so* lbs! | ira ol ui pcrooß. cUa*. ml ne party. Thar* need bo so myatsry ab"Ot IU prra. aad rial**. Il u Icr 11* boa**t man again*! tb* rogne* *r*ry time. !t la It ! tha bones, Democrat aa ualau lb* dtoboaeat Repab . llcaa. aad lor lb* booaal Republican asaioit lb* til* boa**l deapicrat II do* not lab* Ita cu* fr ta tha at 1 Uranraa ol any politician or political argaalaeUaa | It gtr* II aapport oara*rr*dly wboa m*n or auutra arc la aar*rairrit with Ibr CwatUtattoa aad with lb* principle* upon whiwb Ihla republic *** loandod lor! lb* people Wbanar*r tb* CoaatltaUsn aad coaalHa ttoaul prlaclplM arc rtotiird u la lb* twtiumi coaaplracy of IF!*. by ablcb a man oat *lcled cat placed la tb* f reetceel'* S(* *brtr b* ailll rcmalaa —II *p*ak* out foe lb* right That to lb* bun'* Id** of ladepeadeaeo. la this reepect lb*ra will bo a* change in ll* programme lor 1V Tb* ban bat laiily oaiad tb* hearty balrod of it* i cat*, fraod*. and humbage uf all aart* and all**. Il< bop** lo daMi-r* Ibat hatred aol lea* la lb* yoar lira, than la l*?. ir:. or aey roar eon* by. Tha Bon elli cnatlnoe to ablae n lb* wicked with unralttgatad brightness. While lh lemon* of tha paat ahnnld be eoarlaatly k*p< before lb* people, Tb* Nun do** aol propose lo mall* ttoelf la lire a magutna of ancient bubo 11 to printed for tbe men and women of to day, wboas concern to chlrtli etlb tb# affalra of toMiay. II haa< both lb* Jiap ellloa and the ability lo afford lu read ' earn lb* promote*!, lull**!, and moat accural* lolelH genc* of whaler or la tb* wbt* world to worth alien tloa To thi. end tb* reeourc*n belonging to well etlabltoh. rd pceapetlty will be liberally rmpluyed. Tn* present dtojolnte.l roudlthm of nartlra In tbto coanlry, and lb* uncertainty of tb* lolar*. lead aa *i traoidtnary slgnl&caut* to tb* crania of lb* CM. mini year Th dtacnrn'on* of |h* prear. lb* d*batM aad acta of Congress, aad tbe moremeato of tb* leader* la etaiy tajtlopof the Republic will bareadtrect t.arlna oath* !>re*lde*'la) *l*ctloa or ISSD . *a croat wbicb taael be regarded wltu tb* mostaniluua tautest by *r •rr patriot!* American, wbatcrer his il|Ucal Idas* or allegiance To tb*" element* of Inter*!' mar be ad d**l lb* probability Ibat lb* DetnorraU will control bulb honceaol:on*ra*k. the Increasing fe*bl*u*aa of the frandoleat Administration. and ihe spread and •Irsngtbenlng ersrywbar*of a health, abhorenr* or fraud In any form. To p,***nl with accuracy and closen*a* lbo easel ■ Uualb.n lu t>*, ho| It* rarylng . pbaaea.ani) lo etponnd, aooordtng la lu atll koowa metlt'uis, tu* principle* that • .uuld gald* as thiuugb tb* labyrlbth * 111 be aa Important part of Tb* Bus'* work lor IV!P. W. h. lb* of making Th Han, >• ■ pollU cal. a lll.rar> and a g.nrraf waMtxr, me*. >m. talntag and mora uaaful than a*r tmlura .and wamaaa la appTf Uern Irelf. Our ,ai.i of >ubMlp<iun r.maina um-hang.<t For (ha Kail) Sua, a (uur paa .hart of iw.nli atgbt 00l uaana.tha pilaa by mall. |alpald. ta U rant a month, ia blh a |oar. or, Inalndlna lha haodar paaar, an >lgnt-pag abaat of flltj ti columna, tba prtira U M coota a month, ar if H> a raar poatag. paid. Tba Handa/ adllton of tba ban ta alao farnlahad tap aratafr at 1 1 2o a yaar, poataga pa Id. Thaprlcaof tha Warkl/ duo, alghl pagaa, filtf-aU aolomna, ta (I a >aar. poataga paid For cluba of tan aain'.ing flu wa will aand ao aalra cop/ fraa Addraaa I W? RNULANU. lunr9t Pnbllahar of Tba Son. Nan York t'ltj LIABILITY OF ROAI> CoMMiseorte EM. —The Huperoe Court of this statt has recently decided a case of interest to Road Commisaonera and Supervis ors. The case was appealed from the Common Pleas of Bcbujlbill county. The plaintiff brought suit to recover damages for the death of her husband, the same having being caused, as al leged, through negligeuco pf defend- RDU in not providing a safe toad. The evidence was that where tho accident occurred the road woa barely of suffic ient width to allow two vehicles to was. A wagon was standing on one aide of the road and on the other the end of a log protruded, aud in attempting to drive between the two the husband of the plaintiff struck the end of the log and was thrown out and killed. Iu , the Court Lelow a verdict was render led against the towuship, which was 'appealed to the Supreme Court on the •ground that, as the supervisors had lot I the road out for report to the lowest |bidder, who bad gtvih "bdrids to ftflfil bLt contract, that fact relieved tne supervisors from responsibility, the 3b004 having stipulated to eave the The Fall Season for the vcar 1878 is now opening and a New and EXCELLENT STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODs IS COMING IN AT OUGOKNII KIM KR A CO.'B, CENTRE HALL, and which will I* sold at LOWEST FIGURES. Ibey hart an immense stock ind well UlOOed in (very line. THEY HAVE Dress Goods* Clothing, Hats § Capri, Hoots Shoes, *\ otions, Groceries, §c., at Lowest Prices. IT WILL HE TO Y >l T K INTEREST TO * PATRONIZE*YOUR HOME MEuCHANTR," INSTEAD OF GOING AWAY FROM HOME. GIVE US A CALL IMMEDIATELY. 'Jiisep 'hn KEEPS THE BIST SOLE LEATHER—VEtC* CHEAP. ISAAC GUQGENHEIMER NEWMAN Kins Clothier ujjHp of Centre county. JHwl IS BELLING IS BELLING IB BELLING IB BELLING Winter Suits 83.50. Over Coats 82.50. Underwear 20c. Boots 81.75. AND EVERY THING ELBE LOW IN PROPORTION. I Challenge the County to Beat my PRICES and QUALITY, ANDSIIoW AS LARGE A STOCK OF CLOTHING AS I HAVE. CLOTHING MADKTO OBDER BT FIRST CLASS TAILORS AT VBBY LOW PRICKS " * 8 Oct Bm. townjhip from nil nccidenti. The •ourt, however, decided against this view of the case and held the towunhip liable on rhc general principle tlat if s jury believe a road to be unsafe for •ravel, let the cause bo what it may, tis evidence of negligence and the township is responsible.—/>. A young woman is said by the Loudon World to have argued, in the midst of a dinner party discussion of Brighara Young's death, that the principles of Mormouietn ought to be reversed. "Times, ' she said, "are so aad, and fashions so expensive, tbst it is absurd for one man to have four or five wires ; whereas, if each woman bad four or five husbsuds, see how much cheaper it would be for each husband, and how much better wives could dress." Farm—Public Sale | The raluable Farm of Henry Yor.aJa. Jae'd, in M arion twp., miles Km oi ■ lacktonriile. will be u!d it l'ubiic Sale. ! n FRIDAY. NOV. 22, D7B, all o'clock. I containing m ACRES, j more or lr, adjoining land* of Calrin Yearick, Joseph Long and oiher Tfcere '<>n erected a iWkory DWELLING ! HOUSE, Ld>G HAKN.aad outbuilding! \ good ORCHARD of choice fruit on ibei premises. Running water near the barn.i The land is in a high state of cullira .ion. end under good lencee. TKHMe will be made known on Jav of tale. ADAM VON ADA. I K seen tor. Utu Bsk* mwi luui tl • it tor u Ut> al tar tataa •>•. t'seilsl eel r.j*lr<!. • • "111 at*rt foa. |II r i*j tl ham* *>U* >r "• lediwlrt ••a Maa. roaM. I- t an I ul. "sated atarr abarato "afk tor aa N. > U Ika Uaa Coalb iectCt aad lartaa traa Addnaa Tack a Co. Aa*.i Mala* _ PENNSVALLEY BANKING CO. CENTRE HALL. PA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS and allowlnter est; Discount Notct; Buy and Sell OoTcrnmeniSecurities, Gold and Coupons. Ww. WOLF. **■ B MIHOLB, PretX Cask Ire TL. SPANOLER. Attorney el Law , Consultations In English and Ger man Office in Furst's n. w building j >!P$ #L ' First-class accommodation for gueets Bett ttabling for boiwea. Stages arriTe and depart erery dey for all points. TIIK PLACE—S. &A. LOEB. For 25 years we have been the leaders n ion mm and for the same length of time have demonstrated the fact beyond dispute, and are selling all classes of goods cheaper than ever. JVOTE OUR PRICES: SALT, ~.00 PERSACK OF Qp UNBLEACHED MUSUNB AT 5 CENTS PER YD. DRESS GOODS AT 8 CENTS PER YD. ALPACAS AT 15 CENTS PER YARD. LADIES MOROCCO BOOTS AT 11.25. MEN'S BOOTS FOR TWO DOLLARS. LADIES BLACK COATS as LOW as 12.50. With an assortment never equalled in this county. BLACK ail WOOL CASHMERES at .500. Ws carry th* large .tsntl chaptl stock ofClothlag in Centra county-soe our good* before purchasing. VALENTINES & CO. THE LAMAAST DBALEOSIN -DRY GOODS,- oaocsas, NOTION*, CLOTHING, *A,AT.,INCKNTRK WVKTY, | BEIX*£oNTE, PA. KRW mix ttsiKsar AT POTTKR'B BANK. Hiss Florence Marks, Would must respectfully Inform ths pso* pie that she has opeued ■ sis MJLLiassT srori t Potter's Mills, and wilt always kssp a PULL LIN K OF GOODS at low* t prices. f-tr LsJtes call and sseher goods. 7 nov 4t pOURT PROCLAMATION. iwisree. IS* Km. ('series A Mir*'. PresiSsal ef IS, (u, ,1 CaeßM Mtu. la IS* WIS J adioia. L>u WWI —■ alalia, a# IS* mall,* mt C'aaua. t UaMa eeS iHltaU. us U* Hmw.U, Sara 1 freek, ut (A* (tooaralUa J,Sa L**a*. AhmuwS JoSm* I* U*am wulr, airta, sh*S iSaU i>i*|B. baefie. Set, IS, LM 111 ol No* A. l> . ISTS, to a, SlrMlsS m hois la, > wttl It lire mS TttaiMi uS ll*witl Jotl IMii irj ,eS Uaertoi S,*iine, l IS, f**w Is KoltoiiuU tar ho r..u,i| o Oaetre. a4 to mi IS, SIS s fcU( 'ls*, b*sr IS, WU> s*7 ,ISa|Mim. it. J to oeaUsu, lea ■ Mil lhor*(*t Lu,t, ,1.,, to '.S, (W*IM. Ja, LIM of IS, r*u*. A Iterates eaS CsHibl— of ite ■eld OMiaw Of Coeli*. Ut*l is,, b, Uwa **d ts*r* la iSeir frupa, ,*'*,, i. at I* ,'iM to Uu t,rea,is at wtS a, wlts iSMr ruilS. lates>ll,ai. ,i*Jale* kua* auA is,u o* roMMabit* te iSh, iSiae, ohlth to ialt oW,a|iSMS,>s,toSe tea,. aaS ISsi* ■ hnuihuaSl* rMueaisaavto to simiiato musk IS, fitown IS* I en ebeil h* la to. Jail *S Onln L . aat, b, ttea aaS ISar, to ,isa>n sUMt ISaa, •* iLsli to jsil I*l*,* uatet tor heeS. ai B,ll,fuU. is, la# Sa, , Jol, to IS, i,a> of oar tonS, ICS, *aS to IS, IW fr f tad,(i,*i,*n a 111, I altoS Stole* LKVI MUNetia NSa, . gCHOOLTAX NOTICE.— The Potter School Tai Duplicate is now in the hands of tba Treasurer An abate* men! of & per cent, will be made oa all Usee paid before the first of Deo am bet ; and all Usra paid between Ist of Dec- aaa Ist of Jan. HO*, the face of Duplicate will l>e required. And ell Uses unpaid after Ist of Jan '79, 6 per cent, will be added lor collection. ;W W SPANOLER. <Toct2a Treasurer. i "VTOTICE.—Tba books of L Gugren il heimer and I. Guggenbeim ar A Co. balongicg to lha Centra Ball ttore. will be settled by Iseec Gurgen aimer direct. I. GUGGENHEIM ER. Si oct. 4t Ay MINISTR ATOM SJNOTICB. Letters of adminlelration on the etutr of Daniel Suiter, lata of Patter towaebip, dec d baring been granted to the undar tigned, all pereoas knowing IbemselrM to be indebted to aaid decedent are re quested to make immediate payment, and pereons baring claimt against tbe estate will present them authenticated for settle ment. JOHN SHANNON. 81 oct Ct Adar. "health and happiness. Health aad lltrMii* art flntlf Waal Ik la Utu ptWNNn, aad ret Star tea tiitu tea raac* al tttrbtiU mm WRIGHT** LIVER PILL*. Tb. natr tors rwra for Torpid Ll*tr, DsaeaweU. Header be bar tkaeerk. 'V aetlpelfa, PabUltf. Hae eaa. aad at) llUlieai ■■flunks aad jkaad laeSw. Kaaa (eaatae aaleea eM. "f Wrt|kl. Fhlta " If raer Urnaew. alii aet ea i, I eead St eaa la la* aaa 'bat tu Harrvek. Kallar d C ,N> N.etklM. Pklta ' ao*e HARRY K. HICK S, (Suoceasor to T. A- Hioks A Bro.) WHOLESALE A RETAIL DIALBB IN Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, Patty, dee., & 0 . Mr Alao has Use agenty of (he Mouth Bead Chilled Plow for (his eeaaty.^i I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY PARTY THAT BELLB THE SAME QUALITY OF GOODS Spring Mills Market. Old wheat 90. new *6. No 2 wheat 86 Rye, 46c. Corn, eara, per bu. new, ,40c Oau, 22c. Buckwheat, 76c. Clorerseed, $8 00 to $3.76 Chop, per ton, S2U.UO. Piaster, ground per ton, fIO.OU Flour, per bbl 66 0U Butter, 16c. Tallow, To. Rags, 90. Egg* per dos., 15c. Tub washed woo! 86e. Packed butter worked orer, 10c. Coal, Retail. By Car, Greas. Egg. $4 06 $4 10 btora, $6 00 $4 66 Chastnut, *4 26 $8 70 Pea. $2 Al $2 46 MARRIED. On Tuesday, Oct. 30. br Rer Dr Ham ill. Mr. James Reed, of Pine Grera Milla, < to Miss Sally Ann Sparr, of Harris town* I abip. i NEW MILLINERY STORE AT j MILLUEIM. MRS. ANNA M. WEAVER ] Take* pieaturs in announcing to tba peo ple of M illbeim and ricinity that aha has opened a New and Elegant STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS on Saturday. October 19th, 1879. A fuit line of choice and fashions* goods always on hand at popular prices. DrctwmKklng, and all kinds of FAMILY SEWING with the new 6-iia Plailer and Trimmer for making nil kinds of tide-knife, bos and tan Plaiu , Fluting Quilting, and Zepbyring, will baa prom inent feature of business. 24 oct 2m. rpo ALL WHOM IT MAY CON- X CERN.--Tbe books aad rendur note* of the lato Dr. Peter Smith, dee d., hare been left with Was. B. Mingle, where all interested will please call and! make seltUment without further delay, a> after January 1, 1879, the hooka and note will be placed in hands of a Justice of the Peace for collection by legal process. 24 octtl CHARLES SMITH, Ex. BONNETS, TRIMMINGS,-** MtMILLINERY.-M tuts. Lrci iiE*sri"s, CENTRE HALL, who hesjutt received trow Philadelphia, the LATEST FASHIONS, and a com pleto stock of now Bonaeu, now UaU. elegant Trimmings, dec., which will be sold or made up, at reasonable price*. Tbe new strles are very pretty. Ladle, call and tee them early, First come, irst served. 24 oci 4t T) B I V A T K S A _ CHOIC, Jr FARM AND HOUSE ANDLOT. —The following described property, of John Xmmert, dec'd, eituele in Herri* twp., Centre county, one FARM, contain ing one hundred and thirty-three acre*, more or lee*, bounded by landed B. K erhart, dee d, Jamee Ulaua, Mc Fat ten. Dr. Hendereoo, dec'd, and others, i* offer ed at private tale. The farm it well wa tered, a never Ailing elream of water run ning through the farm and within thirty yardt of the barn, aleo, a well of never railing water at the bouse, with good pump in it. The improvement* are a large FRAME HOL'SR, two Hone* high al moit new. a FRAME BANK BVrN. forty-live by eighty feet and all other nec nttary outbuilding*. Thi* 1* one of the bed producing fenu in thw eeetion for all kind* of grain ; U all limedone land. A large ORCHARD of choice fruit on the premises. For particular* inquire of Wm. WerU on the farm. Alto one HOUSE and LOT situated in Boaliburg, Centre county, the house i* 2 *lorie* high, with kitchen attached toil. 1 and all neceetary outbuilding*. al*o n geoo stable, a never failing well of water with good pump. The lot i* well *el with fruit tree* of bed quality. Alto 2 acre* and 123 pen.he* of excellent land tituatcd near Iba Herman Kalormcd church in Boaliburg, within two square* ol above house. JOSIAH NEFF, Executor of J. Em mart, dee d. Stpt 6 tf W. A. CURRY. !tacrt & ftJafetr, CEXTRE HALL.PA. Would roost respectfully inform the cil tens of this vicinity, that he bee started • new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would bi thankful for a ahare of the public patron age. Boots and Shoes made to order am according to style, and warrants his worl to equal any mado elsewhere. All kind of repairing done, and charges reasonabl Give him a call. fahl> 1 W. 0. SMAITIFSR, snoF.ntKte, t Respectfully informs the citisens of Cen- . tro llali and vicioily that be has opened a new shop in the old Bank Building. New work turned out according to style,and all kinds of repairing neatly done, aad on short notice. Prices reduced aad to suit the times. 7 fab. OKNTRK HALL Furniture Rooms! EZRA KRUMBINE, respectfully inforroa the citizens of Centre county, that be has bought out the old itand ol J. O. Dainlnger, and has reduced tho prifees. He has constantly on hand and makes to order BKDSTKADB, BUREAUS, SINKS. WASHSTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS, TABLES, Ac., Ac. His slock of ready-made Furniture Is Urge and warranted of good workman •hip, and la all made under bia itnmediaK supervision, and it offered atratescbeape than elsewhere. Call and see hit stock before purchasing elsewhere. feb 2i QBPHAN'S COURT SALE Will be Bold by order of lb Orphan's Court of Centre county, on Saturday, November 2d, 1878, the property of Goorea Uarpster, deed, to wit: No. 1, Bounded aoulb by ludi at David Stover, east by land* of Jacob Arncy, north by land of Henry Wit mar, jvfwt by road, containing TWO ACRES land Suty five per r he* No. X, bounded Uouth by lot of I). K. Geim, ooal by an al lay, north by lot of Frei Kurta, wool by turnpike road. Tbaraoa araotod a DWELLING HOUSE, Wash and Wood houta, Stable, and other outbuilding*. [Fruit of all kind* on the Lot. Condition* of Sale will be one half af the purchafa money on confirmation ofj >ale, the balance in one year thereafter, to be secured on the premitee. Sale to com mence at one o'clock, p. na. of taid day when due attendance * '1 be given by JOIIX SHAN NON, 1 10 oct Adm'r. ■RICK FOB BALB -rirat claaa brick on hand foraaleat Ze ba'a Centra Hall brick yard*. Tb. e brick art offered to low tbatit wi pav peraoni at a distance to come here for them. Intending u> continur in the manufac ture of brick tbey will b< kepi conitantly on hand, and fair indue menu offered to purchasers. | ITeua tf. HL. E. ZKBBEI | JQH.S. O. OUTELII S, Dentist, Mlliheim. OffenßupmfeasteeelMrrtoM U. public He le to purl arm . 11 opersuot > Is lb. BeaUl pre fMllML H-u *w rUrpr*pird te ettrael teeth eaeeiettr nitwi peta. ta-IS | Spring Mills, Pa., GRAINHOUSE AND COAL YARD. J. D. LONG'B New Grain Honse is Now Ready for The Reeeption of WHEAT, t the HIGHEST CASH PBICE and the BEST CX>A Lin Market told at the eery oweat price. Hides! Hides! ! Bring your Hide* and recaire the Highest Price for tbem. i also keep for aala UPPERS. KIPS, CALP SKINS, and SOLE LEATHKB at lowest price*. Also a full line of Harness, Saddles, Cellars, j Bridles, Halters, Whips, etc. at the eery Loweal Price*. lOoct T>m NEW Grocery and w Confectionery, AT CENTRE HALL. The undersigned bus opened a new Gro cery and Confectionery, aad will always keep a full line of goods, ut lowest possible rices, and kindly asks s share of the pub c patronage. His stock consists of COFFEES, SUQEBS. TEAS, SYRYPS, SOAPS, SALT. All kinds of CHOICE TOBACCOKS AND SEGARS, and all fruits of tbe season generally in Slock. BEST SWEET POTATOES. Also a full line ofCONFKCTIONERIRS All kinds of country produce taken in ex l change, i 1 sell low for CASH and PRODUCE. SGeept y C. DINGKS. Spring Mills O. K! NEW ROOM 1 NEW GOODS! at I. J. Grenoble's Store ! SPRIXG MILLS, has the goods. Largest stock I SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower than Ever, And now extends a cardial invitation to his friends, patrons, and publie general ly. Also a Complete Assortment oi Ready Made Clothing for men and boys. Buita as low as to be bad in the city.' Imported and Domestic . DRYGOODS! Pull lines of MERINO UNDERWEARS, For Ladies, Gents, Boys, Misses and Children. Hosiery, Gloves, Boots and Shoes, HATB, OAP3, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, l And the most complete assortment of NOTIONS i Central Pennsylvania, aad prieaa that aillcompal you in aelf defence to buy of in . Also Fish, Salt. ate. lßoc A fall line of Howe Bewing Machine* ind Needles for all kinda of machines. Also deals In all Grain: Mar p ut price paid for the same. A specialty 1 oi COAL by the car load. Jas. Harris Co. SO. 5, B ROCKER HOPE ROW. IIHIL IRON, NAILS, P A IN T S, OILS, ETC., o JAB. HARRIS A CO. Bellefonle. Bargains 1 Bargains ! Iu MEN'S and BO YE. BOOTS and BHOES I abo a LARGE VARIETY ot CHILDREN'S SHOES, at LOUIS DOLL'S SHOE STORE, oppoaita THE Bush house, Belle/oata, room formerly occupied by JOBI Powers. apr'isy Candy Manufactory &. Bakery. Mr. Albert Kaotk, BISHOP STREET BAKERY, is DOW making the very best Candies sod Confections. He also maaufactares all kinds of rea dies, and deal en oaa purchase of him as low as in the city. Oaadim of all kinds al ways on hand, together with Oraagea, Lont. Piga, Dates. Nats, SYRUPA/JX JLLU* and ererything good. CENTRE COUNTY OYSTER DEPOT. An Elcellent oyster ealoon also at tached to the Bakery. Call aad tee ma. ALBERT KAUTH. aovl IMPORT AN TO TRAVELERS. —THE— BUSH HOUSE! BTU-KVOS ra I Has been recently thoroughly renovated and repaired, aad under the managemaat of the Xew Proprietor. Mr. GKORGB HOPPKS. formerfy of W maport, TA clam in ail tta appointments. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Are offered to thoaa in attendance aicoart and other* remaining in town for a few days at a time. T LB e largest and most superbly Designed Hotel in Central Pennsylvania. All modern convenience*. Go try the Bush house. GEO. HOPPES, Prepr. FIENHYBOOZEH, CENTRE BAU, ■ IJ, W "<u*crc*aa or toddles. Harness. Bridles. Collars, White, F1 pasts, and also keeps on hand Cotton Nate, ate. Price* low us uny where etna. All kinds of repairing done. Th. to* lock always kept on hand. All work war ranted. A *HARE of the public patronage is kindly solicited. 11 apr. It / War ! War ! War I ORGANSI ORGANS I ORGANSI L*WIH®MACKIRSI! Sewing Machines! \ EW la Simp Parlor Orgui, Price $3lO, For sllO Conk. WoT N * w " lor ,7aoo ~ Fr! * # Sewing Machines Guaranteed New> and as Represented, for 826.00. COMB, SEE, AND BE CONVINCES. COM* ONE, OOME ALL to the New Music A Bewine Machiue store of BUNNELL A AIKEN 3, Alleghany Street, 26ialy Bellefonte. P The oldest and best appointed Institu tion for obtaining a Business Kduratioa. For cireulsrs address, JF, DUFF A 8C , T AEADDL Pittsburgh. Pa. ! ussear ova ten. a* OWSt Was Reed*. Ureuwaate WieSeeeS tTTf.'iwswn Atto...,uv 'XJ Bellefoate, Pa. Office oyer Bar noldi bank. llmay** r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers