The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 07, 1878, Image 1
Tltr Afterglow. When far bsneath the horison ht* sank tb* •un, Aft or their first bright flash hu faded alow On the low cicada oft liea a lovslv glow, A smile that weloomee nighl when day ia done. And after summer her ardent coots* baa ran As fair aa ertt In June the roaca blow, With soeot aa sweet, and u delighted show be pearls which they from seas of dark hare won. I would that when the night of death draws near Such afterglow an that the dnak discloses. Prom good deeds done the twilight then may oheer. And when my life ir< sntnmn calm reposes, 111 would of lore and sympathy the roses May bloom like those of the rear. W. / JShoenwihsr. Holdon-Rod. When fortune waves her wand of gold O at cities by the see. The wild sea-shore takes fashion's mould, And blooms in gyrety. There pleasure brings her iris throng To fret the dark cliff's way, And tuook with air? dance and eong The ocean's somber sway. All anrnmer long the creaiu-white sail laughs at the see gull s toil And bracen hoofs like quick-dropped hail Beat the surf-haunted soil t And tightest fall bar* grandest meet The trysting land and sea Sweet TOWS of love, formed but to greet The hpa of revetry. To hide the heart 's pent woes that wake. Oh rest less sea. with thee, Whose billows set to rhythms that ache A reckless melody . Tfe htde the eont's Knk*d-d*wp unreel. Wilu tb**, Oh dreaming see,' Whose kiss is on the boriaou's breast. Where heaven stoop* to thee. I* life, then, such and idle fete, A wild swift dance and free, With ravished draught of wine pourd late In dream>lasds by the sea'.' Ah, gaywty- us bat the mask. Subtle as eorrow'* o* u. To bide wan pptyera that vainly ask And tears that smile* disown. KATE DALTONS DUTY. "Aye, air, it all happened in one night.' Do yon ask if any one was kill ed ? Tee, sir ; yet thar might o' been s g*e* many more, bat for the sense and pluck o* one yoiflig gal. "You look sarpriftai. air, but if ver'll ait down for a bit iu the shadow of this old breaker, I'll tell yer all about it. provided yer'll let an old man spin his yarn in bis own fashion. " Wal, sir, yer see this valley is an ex hausted coel mine. The coal had been taken out o' the workin's beneath the ■pot whar this cave-in occurred a long while ago. "Indeed, sir, thar'd been three stories or veins worked oat and abandoned ; bnt in number three they were diggin' yet, and a good many families were still Livin' in those houses yer see below us. That creek didn't inn so close then, and they were not quite so broken, though they were werry old and ont of repair. Many of the miners feared a cave-in, and those that were able moved awav. , " Bnt thar's alien a reckless dnukia' set 'boat these old collieries who stay on, or haven't- means to leave. Joe Dal ton (the father o' Kate, the young gal I'm going to tell yer 'bout) was one o' the wuaa specimens. They lived in the cabin nearest the creek, whar only the walls are stand in'. " His wife died when Kate was jnst twenty, ami left to her keer a baby gal, two little boys and Mary, who was • 'most twelve. I foil yer, sir, Kate allers bad a hard Ufe ; for when Joe was fired with liqaor he was a perfect brute, and mouy's the time we neighbors were afeered that he'd kill her. "The little uns allers flew to her for protection, and she'd take ail the blows if she could save them. "Joe spent what he earned for liquor, and to support the family, Kate used to walk two miles every morning to Mr. Lawson's (one o' the company, air), to do their wash in'; then come borne and toil till midnight over her own tasks. Mrs. Myers, a kind old soul who lived next door, took keer o' the baby during the day, and Mary looked arter the boys. " Tan may think this isn't tellin' 'boot the accident, bnt I'm comin' to it, sir. Yon say yon want to hear all about Kate ? Wal, sir, she was a werry on common giil, thongb thar was nothin' in her looks to make yer notioe her. She was a thin, tall rreetur, with a pale face, but she had great black eyes, that looked so aad if anybody grieved her, it alien made 'im feel sorry. And it's few would o' dared to iU-treat ber Rave her father, for she had a sweetheart who waa alien ready to protect her. " He waa a great brawny feller, called Joba Pearson, He'd been keepin' com pany with her for a good many years, but he hadn't enough ahead to marry till arter ber mother died; then she'd allers refuse to leave the children, no matter how hard he'd or MIX. " Joe Dalton took a great dislike to this fellow, and declared he'd punish him if he came to the hoase, or even if he caught Kate with him. "About three years ago, one cold afternoon in March, as I was up on that mountain opposite arter brush to burn, I saw Kate, with an old shawl palled over her head, comin' up the path, and I knew she was goin' to meet John in a little resting-place by the way; so I crept to a bowery spot close' by. I know what yon think o' that, sir; bnt it waco't on purpose to hear what they said, bnt give 'em warnin' if f saw her father, for I know'd he'd be as good as his word. " Wal, sir, I conld hear what they said, and I must tell ye, so you'll under stand her doin's arter wards. John was in werry good sperrits, and takin' both her If etie worn hands in his great fists, exclaimed: "'0 Kate, I've web good news for yer! Mr. Jones has offered me a posi tion as fire engineer of the Diamond mines, and I'm goin' to qnit this Mon day, and what's more, take yon with me. Yer needn't shake yer head. Mary's old enough to look arter the boys. I'll let yer keep the baby; thar's no use askin' yer to leave that behind. I shall be able to give you a nice little home, Kate. Next Monday night, when yer father goes inter the mines with the night, shift, yon jine me on the other side o' the creek; I'll have a wagon thar, and we'll drive off and be married. Come now, Kate darlin', think how long I've waited.' "' O John, I can't, I can't!' she cried, tryin' to draw away her hands. " But the fooliab teller thought he'd scare her into goin' with him, so he said, ' I tell yer, Kate, it isn't safe (or ns to stay. TThar'l! be a terrible cave-in here soon, and the houses will all go down together. The quicker we're out o'this hole the better.' • At this she drew away with a shiver, and replied, in a trembling voice.— '' I know tbar's danger, but father won't heed it, so I've given up my place, and stay at borne to watch and try to save the children if it comes. You're very good to say I might keep the baby, but I promised mother I'd take keer o' | them all. Tbar'll be nothin' left if yer j go, but no smart young feller ougbter 1 stay here, and it's no use o' yer waitin' any longer for me." "But John put his arms "bout her, and began talk in' so low I couldn't hear, yet I knew he was tryin' to coax her to give in and go Monday. I could Bee her face grow whiter and whiter yet she allers shook her head, till at last he lost his temper, and poshin* her roughly from him, said, in on angry voice, 4 X believe you've been foolin' me and real ly mean to marry that driokin' Tom Taylor, as soon as my back is turned!' 44 She denied it; but he replied, that • Taylor was allers visiting their house, her father boasted of his'marryin'her, and the only way she could prove she hadn't been playin' him fake wan to go with him Monday, or he wouldn't an swer/or the oonsequenoea.' FRED. KURTZ, FCditor and Proprietor. VOLUME XI. •• My blood was got tin* up, but 1 waited to see what she'd do. Hhe aUxxl perfectly still, au>l *tarxl at him with a soared look iu those great sorrowful eyre, thru sprang away aud ran with all her might buck to her eta home. I kept out o' sight till after dark, tneu wout to her window and kxtked tu. "She had the young una all seated at supper, with the baby asleep on her lap. Thar wasn't much to eat, and they soou cleared the plates, smi uone noticed that she didn't take her share. Her father was cumin' aud swearm' at her. and the chiUlreu all quarrelin' together; but she didn't seem to hear any of Vm, and I'll uevr forget, sir, the look of paiu in her eye*. "I could hardly keep from goiu'in and aileucm' her father. Iw. s uigh as mad at Johu lYarsou, for his cruel threats 'moat broke her heart, though they couldn't make her Wri ak her prom ise." But 1 kuow'd I'd only make mat ters wnss, so 1 weut home aud relieved my min i, talkiu' it all over wsth my old woman. " 'Bout twelve o'clock that night, arter Kate had finished her work, she went to the door to look out. It was werry dark and cold, and as she stood thar the ground seemed to quake be neath her. "Bhe started with fright, Lw she knew what those sigus meant—.work in's", the miners call Vm. She turned to light a lantern aud wake the children, when she bterd a doll heavy thud, and then a low distant rnmblin'. " She uitautly ran next Jour, gave a load kuook, and called to Bill Mvern (who lived thar) to get up at once and give the alarm, for she was sure thar waa goin' to bo a cave-in. •• He came to the wiudow half-asleep, and told her ahe'd been dreanuu' ; but his oar, too, caught that mmbliu' noise, and at once kuowin' the danger, he woke up his wife, and they dressed and ran out. And they were uoue too soon, air, for the whole surface suddenly drop ped down from live to seren feet, takiu' the houses with it. " Of course those who w ere iu 'em were terrioly frightened, and rushed out, men, women and children, just as they woke up, screamin" and flyiu' in all directions. "Bill Myers' first thought was for Kate and the young uus, for the naif ef their house had instantly crushed in. But she had 'tun all iu a group outside, cliugin' to her, the baby in ber arms, and a lighted lantern at her feet Bill caught up the two boys and said to Kate : "' We must hurry out o' this quick as we can ; but which wsy shall we go ?' "I'lhe path up tile mountain! I'll hold the lantern; all follow !' she cried, running ahead, while a crowd rushed arter her. "Suddenly she stopped and gave a loud cry, for throwm' her lantern for- , ward, she saw a wide seam, into which we would all have fallen bnt for her light. Every one pushed to the edge and looked into the black pit, which, I believe, opened to the lowest vein, three hundred and fifty feet " The faces were white with terrcr that the lantern shone on, bnt Kste turned quickly and said : "Follow me; I know another way.'! " Yet we soon found that this was not the only seam, but many more were opening, as if made by an earthquake, and down one of ttieee Coal creek poured its whole stream into the mines beneath, and it was fearful to hear it hiss and roar through the fissures of the disturbed rocks. "Some of the people were so scarf they became perfectly crazy, and would have run right into it but for Kate's coolness and Bill Myers' threats if they didn't obey orders. They two went ahead with the lantern, and found that the seams a'l opened from east to west, so by moviu' south, they brought the whole party safely out o' the sunken portion to the high land opposite us. " I can tell yer, sir, it was good to feel the solid rocks beneath yer feet, and know there was no deep pita that might at any moment yawn open and swallow yer np. " All this happened in a werry little while, thongb it 'peared like a lifetime since I'd been on that mountain before. " We were a cold, miserable set that crowded into a little vacant hut Some of the men built a roasin" fire outside, aud when we talked the matter over. Bill Myers and two other chaps set off by a round-about path to reach this brekker ; for yer see, sir, we feared that thirty ruen were shut up in the mines, for none oould tell how great the crush was inside, and we knew the stream was rapidly floodin' the different tunnels. "You want to know if these men es caped. Wal, I'll tell yer how some of 'em got out, for Kate Daltou's work wasn't done yet. Indeed, sir, it was then she allowed the most pluck, for both her father and sweetheart were down in the mines. " It seama, sir, that the men had been in the mines several hours, wheu the boes, goin' from the shaft to whar they were diggin', noticed some well-known signs o' trouble, and ordered all to leave at once. He told Joe Dalton to go warn three of the men who were workin" abreast in a distant part of the tnunel ; then he, with the rest of the miners, were ilrawn up the shaft. " They'd hardly reached the surface when the first crash came. They wait ed in dreadful suspense to hear the sig nal for the other* to eome up ; but time paaaed and the gong didn't sound, while the heavy thuds o' fallin' earth and crashin' o rocks warned them that terri ble work WM goin' on lieneath, and it was probable the other men had been killed at once by the powerfnl con cussion. 44 While they were talkin' it over, some discovered the cave-in on the sur face, and alarmed 'bout their families, took lanterns and went iu sarch o' thorn. When Bill Myers reached the tweaker, the crush in the mines seemed to have gone as far as it would, and the few men left round the shaft were discusain' as to whether the imprisoned men were alive yet, and if it could be possible to save 'em. 44 Most all but Bill Myers was of the opinion that they were already dead. 44 While he was arguing with an experi enced miner, who should suddenly ap pear but Kate Daltou, still holdin' her lantern, but with a face as white as s ghost, and her eyes wild-lookin' and big ger than ever. " She ran to the boss Bnd cried, 44 4 Did John Pearson come up ?" 44 But she instantly saw by onr faces he hadn't, and rushing to the engine room, she begged the engineer to let her down on the elevator; but Bill Myers held her back, while the boas told her that the tunnels were all filled with fal len rocks between the shaft and whar they were at work. 4 ' 4 Can they still be living ?' she asked. 44 4 Possibly,' he replied ; 4 but thar'B no way to reach 'em.' 41 She sank back heavily in Bill Myers' arms, and all thought she was goin' to faint, and, sir, those rough fellers' vis ion was werry dim just then, for their hearts ached for poor Kate. But with j a shudder she rose up, and sorter gath ering her strength, as for a struggle, she asked question after question, till she knew the exact spot whar they were at work, for she'd often been in the mines. " Arter think in' desperately for a few minutes, she sprang forward and cried : 44 4 Thar's the drift at number four. The tunnel from that opening crosses THE CENTRE REPORTER. Ute oue whar they are. I'm goiu' to aave Vm. Who will help me?' " Heveral offered, satin* they'd forgot sll alx>nt that way; but the lows shook Ins head aud said : '* • It's two miles iu whar they were at work. If tliey could have oooie out, they'd 'a' been here uow. All who go tu may be caught in auother crush, or drowued by the rising water.' Hut more to herself than the uieu she re plied, wildly: " 'John said 1 didn't care tor him, but I love him too much to let him die down there. I must save him !' And at that site started off aud ran for the drift, Bill Mvers alone followtu". "It was a giHxl bit off, and she did not notice that he was oomiu' till she reached the broad wooden doors in the side of the hill. She only thanked hun with her eves, but stop|>ed s moment .and looked back at the mountain whar she'd left the children. "The moruin* sun was just risin'over it, aud the clouds above were all crimson and gold. Liftin' her hamls towards 'em, we cried, beseechingly : " • Mother, mother, 1 wouldn't 'a' left them to be happy, but he a permlnu' iu the dark ! I must tlu.l him or die!' Then site ran down the tunuel so fast Bill had to hurry to catch up with her. "Thar wasn't more water than usual on the sides for a mile aud a half. As they went on, Bill shouted the names of the men ; but all was still as death, till they t<egan to hear the swash ui a stream forcing its way through narrow passages. "• It's uo'uae, Kate," cried Bill; 'they can't be livin.' We'll be drowned if we go further. Think o' the young uus; what would they do without von ? For their sake* come oat o' this !' "Bat she looked at him like one dazed, theu aaid, pitifully, ' Come down here a little way and give oue more loud call.' "To satisfy her he did, and fo> his great surprise aud joy, distant voices ; eplitni. Kate was crazy to rush forward aud find 'em, bnt Bill aaiu they might miss each other if thev moved ; so both kept hallooin' aud tlie answers me nearer and nearer, till two men ap proached from a side tunnel, aud Kate sprang forward and] found Pearson's hand clasped iu her own. "It seems wheu her father brought the warms', he aud Mick Coon insisted on Iryin to reach ihe shaft arter they heered the first crash, and of course were killed. Pearson and Wells hfcd sense enough to star whar they were: but the drift entrance "had not been used iu a long time, and they, too, hail for gotten it. If Kate hadn't insisted on goin' arter them, they'd aooji have been drowned. " You ask if Kate married him arter this? Wal, gals is euros ; she wouldn't cmseut till BUI Myers and his wife in sisted on takiu' the boy*, and as thev also wen t to the Diamond mines and lieoame next-door neighbors again, Kate felt as if she might be happy at last and still keep her promise. " And, sir, them boys are growm' up wonderful smart chapfcf*' I tell Mrs. Myers I'm as proud of 'em as if they were our own, and *ot a drop o' old Daltou's blood in their veins. Bnt— but—l forgot; I didn't mean to tell yer that I was Bill Myers."— Youth's Com• ftanion. Heat aud Light in the Sick Boon. A recent wnter given the following sensible suggest win on this subject; Each person in a room ahonld be sup plied with 3,000 cubic feet of air per hour; and this should be done, where possible, without creating a jwroeptible draft, for the nervous irritation induced by drafts ia liable to produce internal inflammation*. The temperature of tl 3 sick room should be kiqit at a uniform height, the liest average being from sixty-five to seventy degrees Fahrenheit, except for infanta or very old people, who require a temperature from seventy-five to eighty degrees Fahrenheit; and for those it is especially important to guard against changes, and keep it as nniform as pos sible. All cases of fever require a tern j>erature lower than the average, aa from fifty to sixty degrees Fahrenheit, to assist in reducing the high temperature of the body; but when the fever subsides, and there is much debilitv remaining, the temperature shonld be raised aomewh t above the average. AH A patieut can bear a greater degree of cold when in bed than when ont of it, convalescents frota svere disease, fever* especially, should have the temperature of their rooms higher than that main tained daring the height of the attack. Diseases of the air f*ansagea, as cronp and diphtheria, require a high tempera tare (eighty to eighty-five degreea Fahrenheit) and a moist atmosphere. The lest metbixl for heating the sick room is by the open grate fire. The room should not be darkened by blinds, except where there in disease of the eyes, with photo phobia, or when the patient is very rest less and cannot sleep; then strong light mast be excluded. Otherwise the sun light mast be allowed to enter aiul act chemically by decomposing the noxious gases, and thus purify the air. Of course it is not advisable to place the patient under a strong uncomfortable glare of sunlight, nor in summer to allow the son's rays to shine into the room and raise the temperatnre too high. Artificial light has no nsefnl effect, but does harm by burning op oxygen. Eugenie's Correspondent. The ex-empress Eugenie, during her recent visit to Vienna, received the usual immense quantity of begging letters and petitions. Among them was one from a little girl at Tulbing, Wilina Wifllwhz by name, which ran as follows : " Papa read to us in the paper that yon were empress of Franco bnt preferred living in Vienna, and that you wished to buy a bouse in the Buburbs. If you like, em prese, I will sell you ours. Papa wonld like to sell it I know, for he said to mamma : 'We ought to think about the children ; if I conld sell the house I would try to find a place in Vienna, where they conld study bettor.' That is what he said, and when I heard him say it I thought I wonld try and sell the honse to you. It has just been repaired all through, and is painted pink, with green shutters; it is prstty—swful pretty, as you will say, emt rest, when yon see it. If you would only buy it. I would like it so much better, because here I can't learn much. We have a Dew teacher, and he is very nice, but I want U> learn embroidery, so as to make pretty things for mamma—cushions all over embroidery like thoee at the mayor's honse, which is full of fine fnrniture. 80, empress, if you really want to bay a house near Vienna, don't buy any till yon hare seen mine. Everything is cheap here ; milk is only five kreutzers a litre, and there are rabbits and hens. I like rabbits, and you will, too, when yon Bee how nice ours are. We have apples, too—trees fnll of them—and they are so good that my little brother ate too many of them and took siok, bnt the doctor Bays he will get welL There , are also some pigeons and a dog ; his i name is Hansl, and my little brother plays with him because" he doesn't bite. I hope the honse will please your em press!) ip. If you want to buy it do not write to papa, bnt to me, for 1 want to surprise nim. If yon come to see it, stop at the Golden Clock and ask the landlord's daughter to go for me. Marie iB her name, and she is my best friend." CENTRE HALL, CENTRE CO., PA„ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1878. FOR Till: FAIR SEX. kashln* >,!•. Young ladir*' and luiasea' round hat* arc principally lu turban shape. CubMeel bangle* that sparkle like diamond* are worn in New York. flairliue stripe* aud large clock* are to be the style for wiuter stocking*. Plaita of at! kinds front wide double box to Hue kuife plaita are popular. Fire bars of lace in voat sha|e are sold for ornamenting the front* of dreeaee. Basket woven Milks in large plaids of fancy colore are abuwu for trimming*. Silver foi aud chinchilla will !• the furs moat lined for trimming this winter. Fair one* with gulden locks have had thuir dav. Dark hair ia uow fashmua ble. Ivory aud atuber oombe are worn for dreaa, tortoiae ahell for orvliuary occa sions. Black satin l>ouuet*, ornamented with jet beads, are worn by middle-aged ladies. J\lr tin sit'i i/iif is the name given to loosely woven worsted fabric for stylish fall auiU Tartan cloaks with oxidised silver clasps are popular for school girls from ten years up. Rosette* of crimped silk fringe, with a i central bow of silk braid, are lined for trimming dreams. Tint camel's- hmr fabrics irr tnaJe from lint hair of the Thibet goat or the wool of the Merino sheep. The richest novelty in fans is of gold, wrought in delicate open work, like the Chinese ivory fans. Many basques are double-breasted and open very long vests in the Fraukliu and tne Louis XIV. styles. Bias velvet cut from the piece ta much used for trimming*; plain tlat garniture very much affected tkia seaaon. Four or five rows of piping, each ter minating in a ballet button, is a fashion able trimming for a coat sleeve. The panier scarf is seen on sotne of tile new dresses, and it is said to be the precursor of the pamera proper. Brocade velvet has quaint irregular figures, partly of cut and partly of nucut velvet, showing the satin groundwork in the spaces between. The drapery at the back of walking dresses is now placed higher uji, and a plaiting of stiff-corded muslin is placed inside to give a bouffant effect. Novel cravats, quite like those worn by geutlemeu, will grace the feminine neck. Those cravats are tied 111 a nest bow, in a somewhat prim style. Those craay shopping bags oui grand mothers used to carry about have been revived in all their ancient glory, and a few modern embellishments tacked on. Flannel underskirts are finu hed with lace knit from Baxony yarn, or cro cheted from red ice wool. Any of the pretty .Smyrna patterns may be imi tated. Black velvet hats are elaborately trimmed with feathers, fancy velvets, crimson roses, round gilt cord, and odd ornaments in gold, silver, jet, steel or garnet. Very heavy gilt braid ie used to trim many of the new winter bonueta. Two rows are put around the brim, one serv ing as s face trimming, the other as a binding. Eighteen yards, single width, and fourteen yards of double-width woolen goods, is all that is required for a short suit, and a clever dress maker can man age with lees. French mother* are dressing their baiiie* in low necked dreaaea again. The newcet slips, mab (or the American trade, have (nil waist* and sleeve* and straight skirt*. Black lace vails, hemmed and em broidered at the top of the hem* with gold thread, eha n-atitohed design*, and black lace scarfs in the same style, are the latest novelties. Very liaudaome inlaid buttons are be ing imported in colorato match coat time*. Very small jet buttons will be sold by the gross for trimming a single dress of black silk or of wool. Smooth hair is just now the distin gaiahiug feature of Parisian beauties. It is very trying to plain faces, and un less particularly vorng and pretty, ladies d< not adopt c. Diamond lace, thai is to say lace of silver wire, with Cj, ires of fine dia monds, ia the last thing that French women have devised to rid themselves of their anrplus money. Flowers made of for are among the novelties prepared in Paris for thu win ter season, Thev are described as being charming in color and light as down, having a moat striking effect. The newest short dresses have three kilt-plaited flounce* crossing the back breadths from belt to foot. In front there ia an apron wrinkled across and one wide knife-plaited flounce at the foot. A very pretty hood is made of pale bine lustring covered with white silk gauze, and ia trimmed with bows of light bine satin ribbon an inch and a quarter wide and white lace three quar ter* of an inch wide. "Clarissa Harlowe" lionneta have made their appearance. They are of white felt, picturesque and dreasv, with wide flaring fronts faoed with ruliy vel vet, and are tied on by a band of rib bon passed over the crowu. How the Hullrea In llunaarr NpraS si Mylvontrr'a Nlshl. Bt. Sylvester's night in Huugary is one of the most romantic moments of the year. All sorts of superstitions l>e- Uefs are attached to this night. Maid ens of all ranks and sit ages throng to the slirine of the excellent saint, who is supposed to know all abont the future husband of every unmarried lady of Christendom—a belief which easts him dear. If he hasn't been driven crasy long ago by the thousands of questions addressed to him on this one special night, at the moment when the clook strikes twelve, he will snrelv become so now, when the number of eligible hus bands diminishes in the same degree aa the number of nnmarried ladies, eager to change their position, increases from year to year. As a civilised saint, whose prestige has outlived that of a great numlier of his brethren, Ht. Hylveater gives his attention first of all to the par lors—that is, to those who should fill them, but who on this night prefer to follow the ySnng people to the kitchen, where the young ladies are ooonpied with the manufacture of dumplingn. Huch culinary exertion in elatiorata even ing drosses must have an important cause. The dumplings prepared by those delicate hands ore no ordinary dumplings, whose destiny is to be eaten. Fate has chosen this simple farinaceous food to be the interpreter of its degrees. Every young lady of the oomjpany writes the names of all the eligible gentlemen of her acquaintance upon scraps of paper, whioh she hides in the dumplings, and at the moment the dock strikes twelve she throws them into boiling water. Now, it is the habit of dumplings, when sufficiently oooked, to resppear on the surface of the water, and the first dumpling which reappears on St. Sylv iter's eve contains the young lady's doom that ia. the name of her future husband. The second dumpling showing itself on the surface Ixwra in variably the name of tbe happy lover's rival, while the third contains the name of the miserable ortwlure who haa been refused by the more or leaa fascinating lady. The acreamiug and laughing of the yuuug people, the blushing and frowuiug on all those yonthful faces at the monieiit when the buitiug water sends up the flret herald of matrimony, ta auch a pretty sight that it ia not to be wonder ed at wheu the dumpliuga sometimes guess rightly. t*rlsrrM Hlasin k. The wife of Prince Bismarck, Johan na von Ptitkstuiuer, of an old and noble Pomeranian family, waa liorn iu 1824. He made her acquaintance at tha mar riage of one of his friends, where she acted as bridesmaid, and two years later, 1H47, he asked her to lieoume his wife. Her family waa not at first dis|><>Kd to accept tr.s proposals. At that tiuie Herr Von Bismarck enjoyed a rather curious reputation. He waa auruamed " drr tolle Bitvxarck" (mad Bismarcki, and had earned this title by his numerous duels, his dartug frata of horseuiauakip, and -ouie widely-spread anecdotes con cerning his attitude generally toward professor*, burgomasters and other re spectable members of what Herman students call " Philistine society." But mure especially he owed hia surname to the wry noisy revels he used to hold with a number of exceedingly loud vouug men at Kniepbof and at Bchoan hanseu. To quiet, ree|>*otsble, religious people like the Putkammera, be did not appear a very eligible suitor for an only aud beloved child. Bismarck, however, settled the quention at once, lie walked up to Miss Johanna, and having aeecr tamed by a look that she aided with him, he folded her in bis arms and said, turning to her astonished relatives: " What (tod has united, no man ahull put asunder." Princes# Bunnarck has preserved all the simplicity of her youth. Blie is a pcrfet specimen, in the beat sense of the word, of the Ger man Htuutrau (housewife). Hhe is very quiet, bears her honors as the most uatiiral thing in the world, holds fast by the old friends of humbler days, and lim but one great object in life—to make ber huabaiul and children happy. Bhe cart s for them in a }>e*oefnl, motherly way, aud her serenity and patience, winch have always secured for Bismarck a quiet home, have oerteinly contributed to his success in life. "She it is," he once said to a friend, " who haa made me what I am." *aa Worship. The Indians of the great aouthwest, as were the natives of ancient Mexico and Peru, are all inn worshiper*. They have various titles for their go-1, and worship huu under various symbol*; but it is the sun, the great giver of life and health, that is worships! every where as the supreme jower. The moon and the stare see. however, considered m god* of a lower order, and subject in souic mysterious wty to the sun, ami to have control, in a limited manner, over the rain, wind, storms aud weather in general. They all have their sorcerers or medicine men, who are held in some degree of suparatttfcxis awe by the peo ple. In sickness thev use incantation# of various kind*, sod administer herbs of different classes, many of which, as we know from experience, are very ef fective in giving relief. If a medicine man undertakes to enrr a patient he must do so, for if the patient dies, the doctor die* slso. nulesa indeed the doc tor propheeiae that the patient will die, for then, m ease the person recovers, the medicine man is killed as being s liar and not understanding his business. We have seen places where auch s law or custom would work well at the pres ent time. All savages are naturally very super stuioua, and the Indiana of Arixona are no exception to the rule. Indeed, we arc inclined to believe they are, if possible, more superstitious than the natives of other parts of the land. The worship of these Indians is different among the various tribe*. We have acen among the Hnalspaia what among civilised people would be called family worahip. At the first peep of day the band would sit or squat on the top of a small hill, facing the east, ami raise a most dismal sort of a' LowL Then the patriarch of the band would apeak a few words or utter what we supposed to be an invocation, in a most solemn tone of voice. Then another howl would arise from those around bim. Then the old man would say a few word* more. At thia time the sun appeared above the horixon, and all prostrating thrmnelves with their faces to the cast raised a joyful shout, which wae kept up nntil the sun hail scarcely risen above Uic mountain tops, after which they went back to the rancberia. The Pueblo Indians worship the sun nnder the name of Montezuma. They also believe in inferior gods, and par ticularly in evil spirits. They claim that manv years ago, before they came to the lsn'l where they now dwell, Mon tetunia visited them and leal tliem through the wilderness to the land where they have ever since lived. They also tmlieve that it ia hia intention to return again to them at some fntnre day, and make them a great and prosperous people. Tlio Navajoes do not believe in Mon tezuma. They worship what they call the Great Father and the Great Mother. The Great Father lives where the ann riaes and ia the author of all that ia bad, while the Greet Mother lives at the set ting sun snd is the giver of good and the protector of those who do right. The Mohsves worship a god they call Matevil, whom they **J <,noe dwelt among their people, ana that he will aome day return. They also wonihip and fear an evil spirit they call News tliie, and who inflicts dire calamities on them at times. All these Indians fear ' to go abroad at uigrt, as the devils and evil spirits are then at their work— according to their belief. After the Hern. In IH6 a grand base-ball tournament was held in Roflkford, Ills., where the first prise was a gold ball, and there w#re other premiums, the last being a huge tin horn, to the little end of which was tied a diminutive black porcelain baby. This trophy was designed for the worst nine. It was late in the day when the Detroit club and a team from Pecatonica, 111, entered the lists. The Pecatonica organisation was the pride and joy of the Pooatonicans, who backed it wariulv; one enthusiast in particular ventured, aa an exact chronicler has re corded, the proceeds of the sale of three loads of hay and a yearling calf. llav ing put his fortune to the touch, the son of Pecatonica sat himself down upon a fence aud prepared to register by notches upon a stick the runs made by either party. His countenance was at first exultant, then it becamo bland merely, then it assumed a look of pa tient resignation commingled with wild surprise, the latter predominating. The play of his fellow-townsmen bod been utterly unaccountable; but presently his countenance brightened, and after he had counted up sixty-two notches on the Detroit side snd one (unesrned) notch on the Pecatonica side, he said, with a soft, low whistle of one upon whom the truth has suddenly dawned, "Why, the goshblamed fools are after the horn I" iMIAL IhTKLLIfIKM'E. Hkai ■ Maitl aarrrotai ikla Kak< Irri laitraatlN Kaian>l al HrMa iadiataai aa# Mraaaa. Annual intelligence, *aid Mr. Hu mane#, iu Ik rtMUI Ittflurr Ul l>ubliu, la a subject which lia always been of con siderable interest to philosophical miutla, but, aa inoat of you are probably aware, the interest attaching to Una subject baa of lata year* lieeu greatly increased by 111* significance winch it baa acquired in relation to the theory of descent. Aa the human intelligence la Lha only order of lutelligeuce with which we arc direct ly acquainted, ami aa it la moreover the highest order of intelligence known to science, we may conveniently adopt it aa our • tandard of comparison. It la naually aanl that am tun la do not p< aura* the faculty of abatmcUou, and therefore that the distinction between auiund in telligence and human iutelligrtice on aiate in thia—that annuals are not able to form abstract idea*. But thia ntate meat ia moat erroneous. You will re member the distinction which I laid i down between abatract ideaa that may be developed by simple feehnga, auch aa hunger, and abstract idea* that can i only be developed by the aid of lan guage. Well, remembering thu dia tiurtiou, we h*y And that the only difference between animal intelligence and bnmau intelligence consists iu thia —that animal intelligence ia unable to elaborate that claaa of alietrart ideaa,the formation of which depends upon the faculty of tpeech. Iu other worda, ani mals are quite aa able to form abstract id see aa we are, if under abatract ideas we Include general ideaa of qualities which are ao far simple aa not to re quire to be hied in onr thoughts by names. For instance, if 1 see a fen prowling a loot a farmyard, I cannot doubt that he haa been led by hunger to viail a place where he has a general idea that a number of good things are to be fallen in with, jnt aa I myself am led by a similar impulse to visit a restau rant. And, to take only one other in stance, there can be Do question that animals have a generalised conception of eause ami effect. For example, I had a setter dog which was greatly afraid of thunder. One day a number of apples were being shot upon the wooden ffnor of an apple-room, and aa each bag of apples were shot it products! through the rewt of the houae a noise resembling that of distant thunder. My dug became terror-etricken at the sound; but aa soon aa I brought him to the apple-room and ah<>wed him the true cause of the noise, he beoame again buoyant and cheerful aa usual. Another dog which I had used to play at biasing dry bones to give them the appearance of life. Aa an experiment I one Jay attached a fine throad to a dry bone before giving him the latter to play with; after he had tossed the bone fur a while as usual, I stood a long way off anJ slowly began to draw it away from him. Ho anon aa he perceived that the tame waa really ! moving on its own account his wbol< .lemeanor changed, ami. rushing under the sofa, he waited horror-stricken to watch the uncanny spectacle of a dry tame earn mif to life, 1 have also great | ly frightened this dog by blowing snap bubbles along the floor; one of these he summoned courage enough to touch with his paw, but as aoon aa it vanished he ran oat of the room terrified at ao ' mflanoa a disappearance. Lastly, I ■ have pot thia dug into a paroxysm of fear by ladling I m into a room alone and aliently making a aeries of horrible grimaces. Although I had never iu my life hurt thia became greatly frightened at mv unusual liehavinr, 1 which ao seriously conflicted with his 1 general idea of uniformity in matters psychologies 1. Of course, in thus claimiog for ani mals the power of forming general con ceptions, 1 mean only eucn general con ceptions aa can be arrived at by the logic of feelings. So far, then, aa the logic of feelings can carry, I main tain that the intellectual operations of animals are indistinguishable from those of ourselves. Mv friend. Dr. Rae, the well • known traveler and naturalist, knew a dog in Orkney which used to accompany Uia master to church on ai ' tern ate Sundava. To do ao hs had to swim a channel about a mile wide ; and tiefore taking tn the water he used to run about a mile to the north when the tide waa flowing, and a nearly equal dwtnnor to the south when the tide was ebbing, "almost invariably calculating his distance ao well that he landed at the nearest point to the ehnrch." In his letter to me Dr. Rae continues: " How the dog managed to calculate the strength of the spriug and neap tides at their va rious rates of speed, ami always to swim at the proper angle, ia moat surprising " Ho much, then, for judgment. For some good instances of reasoning in ani mals I am also indebted to l>r. Bae. Desiring to obtain some Arctic foxes, he set various kinds of traps ; but. a the ■ foxes knew these traps from previous experience, he waa unsuccessful. Aoccrd ■ ingly he set a kind of trap with which the "foxes in that part of the country were not acquainted. Thia consisted of a loaded guu set upon a stand pointing at the bait A string connected the trigger of the gun with the twit, so that when the fox seised the twit he dis charged the gun, ami tlina committed suicide. In this arrangement the gun was separated from the bait by a distance of about thirty yards, and the string whioh connected the trigger with the bait was concealed throughout nearly its whole distance in the snow. The gun trap thus set was successful in killing one fox, but never in killing a second; for the foxes afterward adopted either of two devices whereby to aeonre the bait without injuring themselves. One of Uiaec devices was to bite through the string at its exposed part near the trig ger, and the otner device was to burrow up to the bait through the snow at right angles to the line of Are, so that, al though thev discharged the gun, they escaped with perhaps only a pellet or two in the nose. Now both of these devices exhibited a wonderful degree of whst I think must fairly be called power of reasoning. I have carefully interrogated Dr. Rae on all the circumstances of the osse, and he tells me that in that part of the world traps are never set with strnufs; so that there can have been no special associa tion in the foxes' minda between strings and traps. Moreover, after the death of fox number one, the track on the snow showed that fox number two, notwith standing the temptation offered by the bait, had expended a great deal of sci entific oliservation on the gtm before he undertook to never the eorcl Lastly, with regard to burrowing at right tingles to the line of lire, Dr. Use justly deemed this so extraordinary a circumstance that he repeated the experiment a number of times in order to satisfy himself that the direction of the burrowing was really to bo at tributed to thought and not to chanoe. passing on to tho emotional life of animals, we find that thia ia very slightly, if at ail, developed in the lower orders, but remarkably well developed in the higher—that is to say, the emotion* are vivid and easily excited, although they are shallow and evanescent. They thus differ from those of most civilized men in being more easily aroused and more impetnons while they last, though leav ing behind them but little trace of their oocurreuoe. As regards the particular emotions TERMS: stf.OO a Year, in -A-dvanoo. which ooear among the higher animal*, 1 can afllrtu from my own obsereal lima that ail lh following give unmistaka ble token* of their prenenoc: Fear, af fectum, paasiofjatwnena, pugnacity, jealousy, sympathy. pride ruvareuce, emulation, "ahame, hate, cariosity, re venge, cruelty, emotion of the ludinroua, and etmibon at the beautiful. Now Una list include* nearly all the human emotion* except Lhuae which refer to re ligion ami to the perception of the aub lune. Three, of o<>ume, are uecessanly absent in animal*, becauae they depend upon idea* of too atwtract a nature to le reached by the mind when aided by the logic of eigne. Of course the moral sense aa it oc curs in ourselves involves ideas of high abstraction, ao that in animals we can only exjeet to meet with a moral sense in a very rudimentary form ; and, there fore, evi-n if it ia true that no indiaa tiona of such a sense are to be met with iu animals, the fact would not establish any difference iu kind beta ecu animaj uitelligeuoe and human. But lam in clined to believe that in highly-intelli gent, highly-sympathetic, and tolerably well-treated animals, the germ a of a moral sense become apparent. To give an instance, a Kkve terrier I bad was only once in his life known to steal; and <>n thia occasion, when very hungry, he took a cutlet from a table and carried it under a sofa. I saw him Crforrn thia act of larceny, but pre ided not to have dune ao, and fur a number of minutes he remained under the sofa with his feelings of hunger struggling against his fee lings of duty. At last the latter triumphed, for he brought the atolen cutlet and laid il at my feet Immediately after doing ao he ran under the sofa, and from thia re treat no coaxing could draw him. When I patted bis head be turned away bia face iu a ludicrously oousoieoce-atnokM manner. Terrible Famine In Morocee. The Lsmdon Globe publishes a letter from alogador, Morocco, which says The crop# having been a total failure the farmers aud peasants in the interior were ruined, and, failing to pay taxes and imposts, all their oattte and little property were confiscated by the local authorities, so Uisl they bad left their ruined homesteads and tramped to the seaports in a starving condition, many dying on the rued. At Mogwdor there were over two thousand of these poor refugees, besides thousands of the poor townsfolk, both Moors and Jews, in a state of utter dostitutern. Living skel etons of men, women and children might l>e aeen groping on foul refuse heaps for hideous bits of offaL Down at the Waterport *ud in the streets along which gram nags are carried poor starring wretches were constantly scratching and sifting the sand, dust and mud fur stray grains of rice or barley. Over the rooky ledges trudged at low tide half naked women, eagerly collecting mueaeia, limpets and other shell fiah. Beggars were swarming in the streets, corpses were often aeeu, smallpox was bomtdv rife among the poor folk, who all hud dled together— those afflicted with the diaease were neither isolated nor tended. Hick, sound and dead might be seen ly ing together in foul, fetid dsns. Owners of horsee aud mules oouUl no longer af ford to feed them. Outside the town gates and along the sea beach lay scores and scores of carcasses and skeletons of Iteaets of burden which had been brought out there to die of starvation— rich feasts for jackals, dogs and carrion crows. The wild country M ors were very desperate with hunger and misery. Murd*r were frequent, one man being k Ued for a bunch of grapes, another for s loaf of bread, and so on. Bob beries were, of coarse, also frequent. The Eughah people were pretty aafe ; we were in hign esteem and received greetings and blessings everywhere. The committee bed been giving relief for many weeks pest to from 1.200 to 2,000 people daily -first in breed and afierwsnl soup. The poor refugees were wry grmtefnL Death# were from t wentv to forty per day among the coun try folk alone"; of course many other deaths in the Mojriefa and Jewish quar tern. The rattle left to the townsfolk were nearly starving. There is no grass in the land : the cattle and sbeep go out miles into the country daily to feed on scrubby brushwood and dry, prickly filants, and come back at evening alow y, thin and bun gry loolißg still. Cincinnati "Breakfast Table" Diet. Can the boss of a swimming school be said to be a doctor of dive-in ity? A Vienna Arm is now manufacturing glass slippers. One objection to them ia they will not run down at the heel. A mule haa no horn# to frighten peo !>le. It ia the promiacnousneaa of his eet that mak careful people give him good distance. " Brace np " ia good edvioe under al most any circumstances, but especially Slopes coming from a vender of ouider-braoea. The man who can invent some kind of hold-fast, warranted to keep the rear button ou a shirt oollar, will save much profanity and vexation of spirit. "This world ia all a fleeting show," and a man never realizes H more fully than when he drops a thirty- three-dollar set of false teeth into a deep and dark sewer. We would we were a boy again, but— well, since we come to think of it, we don't know as we would, either; for next time we might get our proper installment of physical training. Cricket is the new pie that th rattens to displace Hate ball, and if it should, what will lieoome of the poor pitchers who hare been eking ont a miserable existence on three thousand dollars a year ? OrlefTs Trumpet. Among the curiosities preserved in the museum of the mar's country palace st Tsarskoe-Selo, (osar's village,) six teen miles from Ht. Petersburg, there is one very singulsr relic, known ss " Or loffs-kava Trnbotehka," (OrlofTs trum pet) It is s large silver dish, rolled together like a sheet of music, the legend attached to which la as follows : When Count Gregory OrlofT, one of the innumerable favorites of Catharine 11., and the leading agent in the murder of her husband, Peter HI., presented him self at the winter palace on bis promo tion to tbc r&uk of admiral of the fleet, the hall porter, who had but newly en tered the imperial household, inquired his name. Orloff, whose feats of strength had made him almost as well kuown in tit. Petersburg as the empress herself, looked indignantly at the man, aud taking np a salver from the table beside him, twisted it up like a scroll of paper. " There," growled he, handing it to tho terrified lackey, " Give that to the go***darii%a (empress), aud ahe will know who I am." In later days it was a favorite enterprise with the more athletic members of the court to attempt the undoing of thia modern Gordian knot, but all their efforts were in vain. An artiole has been going the rounds of the papers entitled, "What Most Women Need." The Rome (N. T.) <S timcl savs that most of tbe women in that part of the State knead bread. This is very strange. The women in this part of the State knead dough.— Neto York Nxpres*. NUMBER 46. TIMELY TOPIC*. The Britiah cooanl in Pekin pnto tha deaths from famine in China at 7.000,000 The province of Bhaost alone I out 6,00",. 000. nre I am for yoo I" were the laat words of M**b*met Alt aa he rushed out from the burning tower at Jachova into toe midat of hto a—aaaipa. He wan ruthieaaly cat down with 300 attendante. The totmt idea ia England to gtoaa furniture. Glass can be worked into most extraordinary and lovely forma, and we receive the almost incredible as surance that H to more durable than wood, and to exceedingly cheap. The Boaaian government baa de termined to send a scientific exploring expedition to the lofty tibbluJ of trmi Asia, known as the pamir, or root of the world. It will constat of toragra pher and two liotaniata, who wfU ba ac companied by an aeaort of Ooagaoki, , The import*] Russian commission *P C tinted to inquire into the araiy frauds ive reported. They stele that the corruption and venality was widespread. Pi re hundred ortoere. including forty colonels, are sorrowed by Ue oem mission of misappropriation of money daring the late war. Throughout France gaidcutag to practically tanght in the primary and elementary aeuoota. There are, at preaent, tweuty-eurht thousand of these schools, each erf which has a garden at tached to it, and to under the care af a master capable of imparting a knowl edge of the first principles of horticul ture. An English steamer lately made a atop at Lord Howe Island, in the Boutb Pa cific. It bad juat twenty-five inhabi tant*—man, women and children—who very rarely beard anything of the rate of the world. They were said to bve in happy con Lent, their only complaint being the want of a schoolmaster and of clothing. A carious package waa retained as " nnm.iihl ** in the searcher*' depart ment at the Mew York postoffloe not kmg ago. It waa a small tin oaae containing a very beautiful insert of the spider species. It was address ad to Sir John Lnbltock, the banker-entomologist, of London. The spider waa nearly an inch in length. The body, bead, and legs were of a gloasy black color, bat the peine sac was covered with a velvety growth of flue hair of a brilliant orange hue. The inaeet was alive, and was sap plied with provision in the shape of a lump of sugar fastened to the bottom of the tin oaae. * The Sjrmbel ef Hep*. There is a bird that mariners call the " frigate bird," of strange habits and of strange power. Men see kirn in all dimes, but never yet has human eye seen him near the earth. With wings of might v wtrrteh, high home, he nails along, klen of the far north see him moving on amid auroral fifes, sailing with set wings amid those awful flames, taking the oolor of the waves' light which swell sad heave aroaad him. Men in the tropics see him of bottefct noon, his plantag# all iocertiadiDed by the fieroe rays that smite rnnocuous upon him. Amid their ardent fervor he bears along, majestic, tireless. Never wss he known to stoop from his lo ty line of flight, never to sw.rve. To many be ia a myth; to all a mvatery. Woere i his perch? Where does be rest ? Where was be bred f Noes know. They only know that nbovn ck>ud, above the reach of tempest, above the tumult oi transverse currents, the bird of heaven—so let us calf him— on self supporting vans that disdain to beet the air on whicn they rest, moves gradually on. So shall my hope be. At either pole of life, above the cloud* of sorrow, superior to all ternjon lofty and tireless wing, seroing the earth, it shall move along. Never shall it stoop, never swerve from its anbUma line of flight. Men have earn it in the morning of my life; they shall see it in its hot noonday; and when the shadows fall, my sun having set tusing yoor atyle of speech, but using mine when the shadows disappear,my sun having rises J, the last they see of me shall b this hope of gain in dying, as it sails oat on steady wing, and disappears amid the everlasting light. Charlie Rm la a Battle. We find thU item ia ft Philadelphia paper : John Hasselwander, ft carpen ter, reaiding at Lancaster, Pa., being of the opinion tbat through the aid of " limbadae," ft power supposed to be given certain persona born in he could ascertain the whereabout# of tba kidnapped Charlie Ruaa, communicated with Christian K Boaa on the nb}Mt, and the reanlt waa that Mr. Boaa visited Lancaster a few days ago, and had an interview with Haaaelwander. The lat ter churned that through the aid of " aim badea" he had aeon Charlie by means of a bottle, anil that the ohild ia still alive ; hot that to get an accurate knowl edge aa to his exact present whereabouts it would be necessary for him to viait Oermantown and look at Mr. Boas' bouse and its surrounding*. Mr. Boaa Raid he had no fnuds with whieh to pay the expense of each a trip, bat that the finder of Charlie will be richly reward ed. Mr. Roes, though not a believer in "simbadee," clairvoyance, fortune-tell ing, or other supernatural mysteries, ia inclined to think that it ia through some one or other of these agencies that the boy will be restored, because those hav ing him in possession or knowing where he ia will most likely make nee of these I menus aa a cover to conceal any oom plioity they may have bad in his abduc tion and long" detention. Mr. Rosa 1 states that hia visit to Lancaster is the I sixth hondreth that he has made to ! various parts of the oonntrv ia hopes of having Charlie returned to nim. Army Enlistments. A Washington letter says : Col. H. Carlin, recruiting officer of the United Bute* army for the District of Colum bia, baa, during the last six months, en listed at this station 158 men. Of these there were : Soldiers, twenty-seven ; lawyer, one ; merchant, one ; engineers, three ; telegraph operator, one; mu sician, one ; draughtsman, one; plumb ers, fonr; clerks, eighteen ; conductor, one ; tinners, three ; iron molders, four; druggists, two ; carpenters, six ; shoe makers, fire ; blacksmiths, six ; print ers, four ; spinner, one ; oooper, one ; bookkeepers, three; bakers, two ; sea men, two ; polisher, one; oooks, two; boilermakers, three; butchers, two; gardeners, two; machinists, two; coachman, one ; laborers, forty-seven. There are on an average about ten ap plicants daily. Not half of the number presenting themselves are accepted. It ia noticeable likewise that the character of thoae seeking enlistment is far above the average in point of intelligence and general morals An incident illustrative of this is the fact that among the en listments as a private soldier was a graduate of West Point, a captain ia the United States army before the war, and a major-general in the Confederacy. .. [fc ,|gi items af latemt. Via* taUt—" fSS mml 4 m terfall 4 ratey autumn. lWlwi4wr General Butter wMta an 4,000 yaan ago. fJeaipoetry, Uk# good saaek. is rarely lift INI, ▲ marked change— 4 tfw qu*ter with a bote is it. A Vienna firm ia nuking beantifnl •Uppers of woven glaaa. Thar* are in the United Steles nearly 800 pottery ratabttehmeota. Working hi a cornfield at night to apt to make a maoto *oi*e toaaky. rk. mi liiif ti— to iwe m-irr nit ltd in raia- One million hmsdanreragigad in rain ing and manufacturing tobacco. Very flue sulphur haa hem discovered Id great quantities at ObiUao, Chili. About the ohaapmt thing of the age to ahaat rouaic. ion nan bay it for s •ong. North America haa over a hundred ad forty treat that grow over thirty feet high. More than fl,ooo dogs wore token to tha pound and kilted, in Saw fork oity \§gi QBnMr, A haohekw merchant'aadvioa in aalaot a wife: "Get hold of a ptooa of <*loo that will waah." Mora than one half the population of I Fraaoa depanda on agriculture aa aaanaof bring. The Anglo-Aaxona need what they called living money, that to to any alavaa, m a medium of atchaaga. Soma thoughtful person thinka it to i eaater to get op with the lark whan yon go to bed without one. The youth who atobbornly aaya. " I don't cart," aoon finds that the world baa the aama opinion of him Only two thirda of the ara of Itely, capable of prodaettom. are cultivated, while the baiaaoa bee waate. The meaeurea adopted in Pntaaia for tha wi-of tha Colorado beetle have bra. entirely suoeratfuL Agg revering—To think up a good take after going to bad, and not be able to meall a word of it next morning. One stole of hat far ladiea to oalted tha "bnaaa/' That to baeaaaa it to ao cheerful for tha husband who paya tha bills. He Skat ran may read-* gnat man/ thing* j—h—"f hto ebanmter, aapea ally If ha rut* lor an oMoa. —Edmbury ffiillf There arc 71000 acree devoted to hope in England. To cultivate theee lands ooata yearly about 82,800,000. and tha average value of the product for the laat thirty yuan haa boon about $18,000,800 yaady. Editor* am generally poorly off for When you hear of one of than .bvv :.{? two mate, you can eaten late that ooe to tha rait be wean every day and Sdndavt, too, and the other to a libel suit. One Profeaaor Bexoegerona, of Loo don, to claimed to be the mart accom plished hngaiat ia the world, speaking fortv-stx toeguagea. and acquainted with every abamotex uead by any people to expreac Round. We would like to see him spell out what a man aaya when ha sneexee. The Roman peasants found the fleab of the aas palatable, and the celebrated Msscenas, having tasted it, introduced it to the tables of the gnat and rich, bnt the fashion of eating it lasted no longer than his life. Galrn compares the flesh of the ass to that of the stag. It is said to be eaten plentifully in the cheap res taurants of Pans, under the denomina tion of vaaL • mn-rLT lumnss. I The day was waning. Whan t, ntgfc by A isfgwsod kaottv ciak. Jok spots To tew I yon grow Prom a small sprout out steel; Erooss lbs gnary-Bat new bow boagk Vow steely bsnnteie. ns Wg rig twig And soorns mencti T~ Tton the tree de- Termlued not to • by fan aadoos. Oars a rougb berk •Baibldark- L>Sd maadna. Td as tsaf ctuaf gnsf, 1 Or mv broad ebrot. row— feasant MnroiMA Heidi bold Yeaeg ——*' and ero my root aboot aaoot! In the almanacs are still pub lished with pictures instead of reading matter, after the ancient fashion, before typos bad been invented. They are very to tbnaa ignorant even of the alphabet, who understand that the figure l of a Mint means a holiday ; a plow, the time to break the soil ; a dower-leaf, the < •aason for sending ; an ax, the time to ,chop mood. A band denotes cold; a month wind ; a pitohar, tain, and a hat warm weather. *• Nothing." aaya the Basar, " looks sweeter on a little girl than a white ! am-hn princeae drees." Doesn't it, old lady ? If yon will jnat happen aronod , ban some time when our young mania ' looking bis sweetest an a little girl aboot seventeen years old, von will bfoah for the tame, eipreseionlees atn psdity of a asaahn drees. And we'll , WW it to the little girl benelf, which of the two looka sweeter on her.—Bur limgton Hawk* ye. Any person, man or woman, eaa float without any difficulty. If a man nnda himself snddenly immersed, not know ing bow to swim, be wilt eaeape drown ing provided be baa the presence of mind ! to ha at fall length flat cm his beck, clasp bis h —yds across his cheat or be hind his back, or they may be placed on his hips, his face tamed toward the aeoith, hi* head well back in the water, his feet together and under water, ex cept fate toes, and keep perpetually looking at the sky right over him. In II ilia position be may float for boors at tease and in perfect safety; bat stir or thrast np one of his hands, and down be We are requested by a pale, aad spirited father to insert the following : "Johnnv P— All is forgiven. Come buna. Father in recovering from the explosion and has bought a new pipe. The minister has forgiven yon for plac ing backet of water over the door. Yonr staler Annie longs to see you, and ■ays you mav keep the gold pen if yon will restore her tooth. The dog ia still , living, bnt its hair ia all singed off; the oat ia getting along nicely, and the cook is MDTIDW that you meant no harm when you put pepper on the stove." ' Johnny, von had better come home; the country can't spare any of its ener getic and promising boys.— Keokuk Comtitution. a mn-LT tone. What to it that's shouted, bowled and song , By awry class, in every tongue, ISt old and middle-aged and young ? Grandfather's Clock. What is H that I hear all day, That's whittled from Dan to Beerehe-ha, That every piano's mads to play ? Grandfather s Clock. m bib . , kt night, what rouses me from bed ? At work, what rtarts my aching bead ? I At bone, what hammed by wife and maid ? Grandfather'• Clock. What weight for no one, works apaoe. Confronts all hands with braaen face, And springs at tham from every place ? Grandfather'o Clock. L. -F W*. Se Irenes" There. 1 A gentleman living in the northern tnbuxbe secured a hive of bees two or three weeks ago as a nucleus for an apiary, and in the oonrse of ten days he ; had read ten different works on the honey bee and invented half a dozen I patent hives. The other forenoon a man called at the house on business and , was informed by the wife that her has , band was oat inspecting the bees. "Is he looking np honey ?" inquired the man. " Oh, no—he's looking to see if there are any drones in the hives." * At that moment both were startled by a series of whoops and yells, and the '■ husband came around the corner of the bouse on the jump, his hat striking the | air oo all Sides of him. He rushed through the current bushes and back, . rolled over the grass and lit out for the [ bam, and the amazed wife shaded her eyes from the sun as she looked after him, and con tinned, in a disappointed I tone: " But I don't believe be found a single drone, by the way they stick to him."— | Detroit Free Press.