The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 31, 1878, Image 4

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    A boat W hit* Etcplunts.
In Knmf parts of the Ea*t they believe
that the aoala of some of their (rode go
into elephant* that are white, and when
they get hold of a white one they make
a wonderful to-do over it, and worship
it. In a book of travels there ia an ao
oonnt of one which wa a male with white
eyee afid a forehead and eara swotted
Whites aa if they had been rubbed with
sand-paper, but the remainder of the
bodv wa* black aa ooal. He waa a viei
ona brute, chained by the fore leg* in
tha center of a large shed, and there
were all around it some gold and white
cloth muUrellaa, an embroidered canopy
above him, and some bundle* of aj>car*
in the oomera of the room. The attend
ant* aaid that a young one had lately
died, and that the king had been poorly
ever since. This animal was suckled by
twelve nnrrea, hired for the purpose,
who thought it a great honor to uurae a
white elephant. Ralph Fitch, whoj
traveled through Ikinail about the year
1582, speaking of the king who reigned
at that time, says that "he hath four
white elephant*, which are very strange
and rare, for there is no other king hath
them but he; if any other king hath one,
he will send nnto him for it. When any
of these white elephanta are brought nnto
the king, all the merchant* in the city
are coßimiuiJod to se them, and giv*
him a "present of half a ducat, which
doth cotue to a great sum, for that there
an* msny merehsnts in tlie city. After
that yen have given your present, yon
may come ana see them at your plea
anre, although they stand in the king's
honse. The king, in hit title, ia called ,
the King of the White Elephants, It
any other king have one, aud will not
send it him, he will make war with him
for it, for be had rather lose a great part
ol hia kingdom than not conquer lum.
They do very great service unto theae
white elephants; every one of them
atandeth in a house gilded with gold,
and th> y do fee*! iu vessels of silver aud
gilt One of them, when he doth go to
the river to lie washed, as every dav they
do, goeth under a canopy of cloth of ,
gold, or of silk, carried over him by sit
or eight men, and eight or ten men go
bchvo him playing ou drnmmee, shawm*
(olurioneta), or other instrument; ami
when he is washed, and oumeth mil of
the river, there is a gentleman which
doth wash hi* feet in a silver basis,
which is his office given him by the king.
There is uo account made of any biaca
elephants, be be never so great, and
some be nine cubits in height"
In Father Sar eorniano's " Description
of the Burmese Empire," some two hmi-
later, we have an acount of
the capture and treatment of a white ele
phant. When caught in the forests oil
F.gia it was bound with scarlet cords
and waited upon by the highest man
darins of the empire; the place where it
was taken being fall with mosquitoes, a
silken net was made to protect it from
them. It waa carried to Atnarupoora in a j
boat a pavilion draped with g>!J
euibroidervd silk, and covared with a
roof similar to those covering the royal
palace* On its arrival in the citv a
grand festival, continuing for three days,
was celebrated in its honor; and the
most cost!* presents were brought to it
by the mandarins, en# offering a vase of
gold weighing four hundred and eighty
ounces. This animal was honored no
ess after its death than daring its life
time. Being a female, its funeral was
conducted with the same forms snd rites
as those practiced at the death of a
queen. YueboJy was burned upon a
pile of sassafras, sandal, acd other anv
matio woods, the pyre being fired with
the help of four immense gilt bellows
which were placed at its corners. Three
Jars afterwards its ashes were gathers*!
b.T the chief mandarins, pnt into gilt
nrns. and buried in the rural cemeterv.
A superb mausoleum, bnilt of brick,
was afterward raised over the tomb.
This is what the book of travels says.
I snrooee wa all know that a mausoleum
is a large tnnkbng pnt over a grave in
honor of the dead. It is a sort of tem
ple, instead of a mere tombstone. Some
mausoleums of both ancient and modem
times have been built of marble, and
have been very, very splendid.
Thb keep ot a white elephant is so ex
pensive that sometimes when an Oriental
king wants to punish a man, and wants
to pretend to do him an honor, be just
makes liim a present of one, and then
the poor man is ruined with the expense
of t .t!jn j care of the brote. This is what
the old saying. " He has an elephant on
lis hands," is derived from.— The
Words ef Wisdom.
On? to-d.av is fully worfh two to-mor
He truly lives who lives in other's
Sensible men show their sense by say
ing much in a few words.
The manly part is to do with might
and main what yon can do.
Jeajonsy is al ways born with love, bnt
does not always die with it.
Self-love is more cunning than the
most cunning man in the world.
Give, if thon canst, an alms ; if not,
afford instead of that a sweet and gentle
Among those who labor for future
happiness, he is grateful who lives well
in his own household.
There are some natures who do not
know how to fail, and who never do
fail in what they set themselves to ac
Power is not always proportionate to
the will. One should be oonsnlted be
fore tW other; bnt the generality of
men Begin by willing, and act aiter
wards -as they can.
There are treasures laid up in the
heart—Jrea*ures of charity, piety, tem
perance and soberness. These treasures
a man takes with him beyond death,
when he leaves this world.
That family is the best who obtain
not nnjnstly, keep not unfaithfully, and
spends in away that produces no re
Tread not in crooked paths. Deceive
not in the secrecy of your hoase. Recti
fy your own Hearts, that you may im
prove others.
The path of duty is near, yet men
seek it afar off. The way is wide ;it is
not hard to find. Go home and aeek it,
and van will not lack teachers.
A Bead Failure.
A small newsboy who is every morn
ing to be found on the steps of the Peo
ple's savings bank was yesterday morn
ing observed by a policeman to remove
hia stociiings and shoes at an early hour
end hid them under the steps. The lad
then took great pains to exhibit biß bare
feet to all passers, aDd was often noticed
standing on one leg, as if the cold pave
ment was very painful, Man after mar.
passedtwiihput a word of sympathy, and
the sales of paper* did not increase by
one. By and by along came a man with
a red nose and a gopsl-natared look, and
the boj hold out a paper and suid :
" Have a paper—my feet are almost
44 Eh? Barefooted ?" queried the
man, asliehalted and looked down.
44 Yes, and my feet are freezing."
44 Are, eh? See here bab, I'll put
younff Td muff. Let 'em freeze, and
then tithe a lay-off in the hoepital for all
winter'? Nice fries—chicken soup
nothing to do, and your feet'll thaw out
early in the spring and shed every stone
bruise ! Fact, bub—tried it seven win
ters myself." .
The boy looked after him in a doubt
ful waj, and then made for his shoes on
a skip, muttering:
44 Mebbe he lies and mebby he don't,
but I'm busted up as dean as the chap
who held his watermelon* over winter
for a rise ! Ouch I Wbar's them stcck
uns and cow-hides!"— Detroit Free
A government secret service detective
in the West mentions a case in which a
little girl unwittingly caused the amst
of her father for counterfeiting. On her
way to sciiool on 3 morning she stopped
at a confectioner's to buy five cents'
worth*ef candy, and handed the proprie
tor aodckel five-cent piece. He ei-
it and said he did not think it
was good. 44 Oh, I know it is," she ex
claimsti innocently, 44 because papa
made It Papa makes lots just like
that.' fc
Eruptions of Vesuvius.
This remarkable volcano stands on
the east shore #f the hay of Nanlca, and
about ten miles from the eity. It stands
alone on the plain of Oompam* upon a
base of about tliirty miles in circuuifer
enee. Tn its upper portion it divides
into two peaks, one of which, called the
Soma*, attains the lw .lit of 8,747 feet
above the sew ; and the other. \nn>wu a*
Vesuvius, reaches an elevation of 8,949
feet, but varies t>oth in height and
ahaia> m oonsequenco of the eruptions
of tne Tokmo,
Vesuvius ia often mentioned by an
cient Roman writers without allusion to
it* volcanic character. The tirst record
j ed eruption occurred in August, A. D.
79, and it waa during this that the citie*
iof Pompeii and Hcrculaucum ware
buried beneath the ahea. The mate
rials ejected from the mountain wen l
lacorie and aahe* alone, the quantities
of which exceeded it* owu bulk ; and in
the oecwaioual eruptions which succeed
ed, those were the only volcanic product*
uutil the year likhi, when the tirst flow
of lava occurred. The total uunil>er of
it* great eruptions, dowu to the present
time, ha* been about sixty, and some of
them have t>eeti remarkable for the vast
movements taking place in a short time.
Between the years 1 ltiH> and lt>sl no
eruption occurred, exoept a slight cue
in 1500. lint throughout tins period
Etna was iu a state of unusual activity,
aud this, perhaps, gave vent to elastic
vapors and lava that would otherwise
have fouud a passage through the orators
of Vesuvius.
The eruption of ltWl was accompanied
j with gn at current* of lava, which flowed
over most of tlie villages at the base of
the mountain, aud at the same time tor
rents of boiling water were aeut forth.
The eruption of 1779 is described a*
among the grandest and most terrible of
tlieae phenomena. White sulphurous
smoke, like heaps of cotton, rose up
four times as high as the volcano, and
spread about to a proportional extent.
In June, 17m. occurred a terrible erup
tion, which destroyed the town of Torre
del Greco, A single stream of lava was
estimated by Breislak a* containing
more than 4.000,900 cubic feet. The
eruption of 1822 broke up the whole top
of the mountain and formed an elliptical
chasm about three miles in circumfer
ence and supposed to t>e 3,000 feet deep.
In May, 1855, the Ataxia of lava de
stroys! the village of Cereolo.
An eruption of great violence occurred
in December, lSt>l. The disturbances
commenced ou Sunday morning, the
eighth, in tremblings of the ground. In
the afternoon a large opening waa made
in the ground a lutio above Tone del
Greco, about half-way op the mountain,
which waa won followed by other*, from
all of which proceeded torrido explo
sions and jets of flame. Streams of lava
poaml forth, and on the morning of the
ninth wore flowiug in a current half a
mile brood. The explosions, like the
aound of heavy artillery, continued till
toward evening, and at night were suc
ceeded by the moat brilliant display of
electric lights, forked lightning and col
umns of fire and smoke continually ris
ing from the crater. The convulsions
continued for several days, and even up
to January 1, 1892, the trembling of the
earth hail not ceased. The effect of this
eruption was to materially alter the
shape of Vesuvius, deepening the old
crater and forming several new ones,—
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Some Stove-IMpe Jokes.
Last week we advertised for a brand
new stove-pipe joke The following
hare been handed ic, and the authors all
settled with save two, aud our detective
has just telegraphed us that he will have
both of these before another moon is
hung and quartered :
No. 1. Why is a stove-pipe like a
political candidate? Because it is all
holier. [Author killed on the spot. ]
No. 1 Why is a stove-pipe like a
broken leg?" Because it is n painful
operation to join it together. [Postman
who brought this su foully murdered. ]
No. 3. " Mr. Editor: You can get
np a new joke on a stove-pipe about it's
being like a toper's arm ; always crook
ing ita elbow." [No name ; detective
on the traiL j
No. 4. *' A stove-pipe is satan's best
ally. It makes even oeacous fall from
grace." [Hunted him two days. Found
him ; verdict : " Death from unknown
No. 5. " A swallow bnilt a nest in a
stove-pipe, but when the hired girl
bnilt a tire with kerosene he flue away."
[Convicted, and will be hung next Fri
No. 6. What pipe is never the pipe
of peace ? A stove-pi pe. [The other
one the detective is after. Chances
good U> catch him. Look up that stuffed
club, John. Yum, Ynm! Be-lud, be
lud !]
No. 7. Tfce season of the year ap
proaches when the fond husband and
father Is called upon to arrauge the
stove-pipe in the winter kitchen. A
strong man can endure the presenta
tion of a aotice to pay a note in bank
when he has no money ; he can endnre
the gentle persnasious of the highway
robber, but when he comes to adjust
ing the joints of the stove-pipe, the
climax of hnman endurance is reached.
[Saved ue any trouble by dying on his
own motion. ]
No. 8. A Groesback boy, in answer to
our advertisement for a new stove-pipe
"choke," thinks we would "get enough
to soot by burning egg coal for awhile."
[Eggs-actly! We smoke the pun I A
man haa been sent on to smoke him oat.
The entries for stove-pipe jokes will
positively close this week. Cincinnati
Break/ant Table.
He "Greased the Baggj - '
The man who obeyed directions to
"trim the orchard," by first catting
down all the trees, has found a kindred
spirit as thorough as himself. Ttie Yal
lejo (£3* l.) Chronicle, says:
J. W. Farmer hired an old sailor to
work around hiß place the other day.
The man is a willing soul, but his
knowledge of farm matters is fearfully
limited. This morning Mr. Farmer told
him to go out and grease the buggy.
The man went, and when Mr. Farmer
not long after stepped to get into the
vehicle to some to town, he drew bis
hands back in wonder to find them
greased. Examination showe<* that the
whole baggy, from top to bottom, run
ning-gear, body, eh alts and all, were
covered witk a slick coating of grease;
everything was greased except the axles.
The man had also greased a carriage in
the same careful and thorough manner,
even to its whole top, and stood by ad
miring his handiwork with all the satis
faction of a person who thinks he has
done a job exceedingly well.
Mr. Farmer got into the carriage and
sadly drove to town. When he got here
it was probably ODe of the most horrible
looking sights in the shape of a vehicle
ever seen. The road was. of course,
dusty, and the dust bad gathered to
somewhere near the depth of an inch on
every square inch of its surface.* The
carriage looked as if it had been built
dusty and then driven across the plains
anc on a trip through the Yosemite, and
had tipped over numberless times on
the route. It is now at Henderson's
being cleaned. We have not learned
whether the man's wages have been
raised or not.
Fish as lfrain Food.
For the schoolmaster—whale.
For the pupils—blubber.
For the critic—carp.
For the soldier—sword-fish and pike.
For the office-seeker— plaice.
For a house painter—graining.
For a shoemaker—sole.
For a carpenter—saw-fish.
For a smoker—pipe-fish and whiff.
For the idiots who crows the ooean in
small boat—doree.
For a blacksmith—hollows-fish.
For lean persone—chub.
For a sculptor—sen 1 pin', of course.
For a Limburger cheese manufacturer
For the basso singer of a minstrel
troupe—black bass.
For a sea captain—skipper.
For persona who patronize lotteries—
For dwarfs—minnows.
Then there is the archer-fish for arch
ers, the drum-fish for drummers, the
pilot-fish for pilots, the skate for skaters,
and the hound-fish Jur hunters.
slews an* Men* tmr IVsms*.
The maidau'a blush ia nature's signal
j of warning.
Mra. Hherman drosses the moat gor
gooualy of any of the cabinet ladiea.
The handsomest compliment you can
pay to a woman of * ue, ia U) address
her aa audi.
•• Boots aud glove* to tit, ud a pret
ty handkerchief," answered the French
woman when challenged to name three
essentials of an elegant costume.
In China girl" r ** considered ef *>
little oonaequeuee that Uieir parent* do
not name, but designate them by a nun.
Ix>r. Thus, flrst daughter, necuut
daughter, aud ao ou.
Mra. Macktiy, wife of the California
Ixuiuuxa king, has liought a set of dt*
monda and sapphires, worth $l7O.
at the Pan* Exposition, and a diamond
necklace worth 325,000.
A German has taken out a patent for
making up furs without sewing. lie
varnishes the wrong aide with a solution
of India rubber in benxine, and then
pas* the fur betweeu rollers.
The Kiisatau government has forbid
den several women doctors, who have
reoeutly taken diploma*, to practice ui
tha proviaoe of Novgorod. Rn-*iati/e
--male jihyatciaua arc usually nihilist*.
A standing army is useful sometime*.
A battalion of soldiers was reoeutly or
dered to dance in tme of the ris'iiva o<
the imperial palace at Potadam, ti> se> if
the thx>r were strong enough to tx-ar the
Princess Mario's wedding party.
A miller in Eagland, who bad beaten
hta wife and threatened hta ehtldren be
cause summoned for ui>t sending the
latter to school, was InM mouth soiled
by forty women, who flogged him aud
then dragged hitn to a pond, where,
while drenched with water, lie implored
pardon for hia misdeed*.
Recently a lady living in Huron, Ohio,
gave birth to a girl baby which ia quite
a curiosity iu the way of weight. \\ lien
born, after being dleased, tlie little
creature weighed one and a half pounds,
and now its weight is only two pounds.
A small teacup covers the head mud
neck very easily, while a common linger
riug can le passed pver either haml,
arm or shoulder. The child is doing
The regal splendor iu which
Victoria travels is evidenced by the
richness mi her railway carriage. Its
window* *re shaded with greeu silk cur
tains, trimmed with costly white I are ;
it* ottomans are covered with cream
colored ailk, embroidered with the royal
arms and uiouogram in purple and gold,
and a carpet costing over SSOO covers
the dt*>r. The entire cost of the vehi
cle is 800,000.
A young lieanty beheld one evening
two horses running off at locomotive
speed with a light wngou. As they ap
proacbed she was hcrritied at recognis
ing, in the occupants of the vehicle, two
gentlemen of her acquaintance. " ltoya !
boya!" alie screamed in terror, "jump
out quick jump out especially
Charley I" It is needless to say that
her sentiments as to ••Charley" were,
from that time forth, no secret.
Kfiahltfo N(f*
Dresses for autumn are cut with long
Flowers of fur will be among the
winter novelties.
The postilion back basque is revived
in the fall cost rues.
The latest style of sleeve-buttons is a
miniature folded newspaper.
The newest costumes are trimmed with
pipings of black satin instead of silk.
Sew felt bonnets are of rough appear
ance, and are called " camera-hair felt."
Fancy coverings for the head are made
out of navy blue Spanish lace with car
dinal bonier.
New satin ribbons are double-faced,
the favorite colors beiDg a dark crimson
with n light shade of manve.
The fashions announce a great change
in the shapes of ladies' bate ; broader
brims will be worn with much larger
For a simple bridal dress select white
barege and have it trimmed with white
satin, with here and there garlands of
orange bnds and bloasoms, with a feu
Double vails are coming in with the
incoming of fashionable young ladies.
The outer one is of dotted black thread
lace or black net dotted with chenille.
The interior one is plain black tulle, uml
the combination of the two is very be
Belts are very fashionable nnd very
wide. Some are embroidered by hand
on satin or grne gnun ribbon. The fast
enings are large, square buckles of
silver or mixture of oxydtzed silver and
gilt in filigree patterns. Jeweled
clasps are to be use*! this season instead
of buckles.
A Fearful Famine.
A correspondent, writing from Rio
Janeiro, Brazil, gives an extended ac
count of a terrible famine and jwstilenoe
which have been prevailing iuthe pro
vinces of Pauhy, Ceara, Rio Grande de
Norte, Parnahvba, Pernambuco, Ala
goas, Sergipe, and part of the province
of Bahia. This territory thus visited,
which is equal in extent to New Euglaud,
the Middle Atlantic States, West Vir
ginia, Ohio aud I idiaDH combined, bas
been without ram since July, 1876.
The brooks, springs nnd wells long ago
dried up. Even the river beds have now
become dusty channels. The cattle, of
which there were vast herds, have died
of thirst The people perishing for
want of food and water, have fled from
their homes, mauy of them dying—
sometimes whole families together—be
fore reaching a place of refuge. Those
who escaped have overcrowded the eitiea
of refuge so greatly as, in some cases, to
multiply the population by five, and
they are now herded together in the
open streets, living like swine noon
scanty rations issued by the government
and upon such refnse as they can gather
in the gutters. Well-iiigh naked and
utterly debased by their sufferings, they
live in bestial immorality, not scrupling
even to resort to cannibalism in some
instances, while smallpox, yellow fever,
dysentery aud some other diseases are
sweeping them away by thousands. As
if to leave no element of wretchedness
oat of the account, they are the victims
of the most brutal ill-treatment at the
hands of tho police aud soldiery, and
worse still at the hands of vile specula
tors, who make trade of those wretches'
woes. The picture which the corres
pondent presents is scarcely matched in
ita ghastliness even by the old records of
the oriental plngne, aud the story is the
more distressing by reason of tho fact
that these people were peaceful herds
men and planters, cultivators ol the soil,
whose homes have been made desolate
by a cause which could neither bo fore
im or provided agaiust. Their woes
are not those of men who have chosen
a life of crime, but those of an industri
ous agricultural people, afflicted first
with drought, then with famine, theu
with pestilence, and finally with that,
loss of moral sense which brutalizes men
into criminals without ohoice of their
wills. Until now this terrible story has
not been told in this cenntry; we have
auowu only that in parts of Brazil the
rainy season has failed, but we have not
hitherto dreamed that such a famine sa
this afflicted so vast a territory.— New
York <)bimter.
.lefferson'H Tea Rules.
Take things always by the smooth
Never spend your money before you
bav e it.
We beldoin repent of having eaten too
Pride costs more than hunger, thirst
and cold.
Nothing is troublesome ihat we do
Never put off till to-morrow what you
can do to-day
Never trouble another for what you
can do yonself.
Never buy what jou don't want be
cause it is cheap.
How much pain the evils have cost ns
that, never have happened.
When angry, count ten before yon
speak ; if very angry, count a hundred.
Thing on In# Hollars Virak.
A <wi#a wealthy merchant writ#* to a
Now York paper, tailing how lie mii*g(*s
> It to in thit ty on two doliAixt week.
ll.' mfn "1 have boon an rttv% steady
worker wince T left school, where I wua
the recipient of • thorough English,
French and classical education. 1W dint
|of herd wotjl Slid cIOM application to
j biiMiN-xH f worked up • large trftde. and
was in lout* tho principal of * tirui tho
1 profits of ft)ich am>itft#d to many
thousandsyewtiy. Buf,hiannimou with
• tliotisuivis on thin continent, I liiml re
verse*. I'lvpui ty and Imfm*** wptt
quickly awv Mv lift for aoino
time hmt l*eii a clone struggle with
j .tfutli in tho attempt to t-ttfu fcUflh'ieiit
for utT wunto, stil lin fir I nm
• thankful to IHI ithli* to ui liutl iMit urn*
tiny itnn ptu* in w inch 1 had not nt
. l<-u*l una U).#l, uut liavo 1 njupt out of
'door ut nttvJbiA
•* **n !ho |>4|pr*, and
rffphfta nl! a.fv.rli*enierme, hot sri fur
without MhvcMn; niiii wo nil kuow that
I'hope deferred mnkxth the heart nick.'
Soil!# Wreh* slliee I obtained tho chance
to cabeit orders for nrticlon of prune ne
cessity in oftlcca Mill warehouses, *Uil
,mu "till devoting tho dny to it. Mttuy
ou whom 1 enll nitv |mlitoly timt they
*ro not in ueqd of tho articles other**
fofftr mo to tho lii lli oof ' I'Dildii jv Hud
tHygnrs not allowed on tin* protunton,'
forgetting, prolmhlv, thnt thoir travel,
orn lu too South Mid Wont nro (until fiitf,
peddlcis ;hvais. Ivtw. An |n>vorty tends
to t)\|iko * in*n wry meek, 1 never ro
mi nil thom of thin Inot.
" I nvcrnitc "ulj - two JoiUra wtwtklj t
tliia trntlc, as ths oitr m WMtvnaiwil,
but ou tins arnouut 1 live, my room
i i-oetmw 91.HA n wreck, nnd ecrcn mcitlu
j*r week, thirty live rciita; tlx* halMioc
Suing for {HietAgt* atampe and washing. I
o not Huiuke, aud my role drink is w*it*r,
.** Codt-w Mhl h i *r- lag) cxpounive
Should my exceed Ifcc aivfivc
I scud tho mtrpUu whom 1
luivw it is nttmt txwaioil. J'ttc tlyo-* on
e.oal (h n fair oue, Mid no Than need
*t*rv< ln*re win* oau couuitMxi tliat itrnall
Htiw daily; bill I am not *urj rfm.i wiifn )
I nee go many attempt to drown thefr
u< '.nw iu lnjuor, fur live (rub will buy
a h. oner of hqyr iuni a plate iff
" 1 have not applied solely for the berth
of laaikkoejirr ~r acqoiuitaut, but have,
trie*! a* Interpreter, watchman, garden
er etc. 1 havw had mudi ei|reriri|oe in
tbe ltdt< r "ocupnuou, l*etK naturally
foul of flowers Mid the ()oai*<iuu>r for 1
tunny v dAT of a largo fruit, flower aud
vegetable garden, which 1 worked rn
• % Nww, tiicrasuv .houaauil** even worm*
off*than 1 am, who are trying to exist
houetly, and who never teg. 1 write
that it may bo th" moana of
tlrawing, in aome caaea, at least, a kind
wojd for the Hour ioUller wb*> m addb*
tn a to lhdi*iiigl (if litiugffr which Dnxt
la* borne putiently, has also the greater
hunger by the hea.l boWoi down,
which can la wllawd only by a few
words of sympathy kiadly beatowed aud
coating the giver not'img. "
Who Was tbe Uead>maxi.
In hit history of bis life and time*,
Lilly, the famous English astrologer of
the seventeenth century, when examined
tasfore the timt parliament uf Charles
, IL, anent tlie virored executioner of
j Charles 1., said that the next Sunday ,
but one after Charles 1. was beheaded,
liobert Spavin, Cromwell's
and other* dine*! with him, when the
chief subject <f iviuversatiou was wbo
belioatlud the king. Uue said it v*s tke
iMinmou Lauguun, others Hugh l'etera,
bnk no one s|N*ke with certainty. After
dinner, however. Spavin privately c*n
f< s-tsl to Lilly that the axueutioner wa*
CoL Joyce. •• I was in the room," he
said, " when he fitted himself for the
work ; stood behind him when he did >
it ; when done, went in with him again.
Then* is no man knows this but my
master" (Cromwell). On the t other
liaud, Willuuu Ifulett, a/Li* Howletf,
WAS tried and couvieted of having strack
llie fatal blow. But there waa very j
. strong evidence timt he was not the nian, '
and founded u belief tiiat hi* oimviottou
mainly arose out of a determination to
fastei tke RUiit somewhere. One of tbe
wituoNMS for lug defense aaid : " When |
my la>nd Capell, the Duke of Hamilton,
niul tin* Ear! of Holland were behea*lei
in the palace-yard, Westminster, my
Lard Capell naked tiie common hang- |
mau : * Did you cut off my maaU-r'a
head?' 'Yes,' smith he. * Where is
the iualruiueut that did it ?' He then
brought the sxe. 'ls this the same axe;
are vuu sure?' said my lord. ' Ye*, my
1 rd,' aaid the hangman, 'I am very i
sure it is th** same.' My Lord Oapei]'
took the nxe ami kissed it and gave him
five pieces of gold. I heard him say :
i ' Sirrah, wort thon not afraid?' tVith
tlx* baptrugui: ''il*y made oieout it* fl, [
and I had £ftO for my pains.'" One
Walksr, who died so late a* 1700, also
labored under a suspicion 'f having done j
the d< evl, and xla > one H'-nry Porler,
but the identity haa, we b* liev>\ never
been thoroughly ectablislMd. Itae* nrs
that a like invstery hang Wound the ex
ocntionerof Itol>*rt Emuiot, the sevffuty
fifth amiivertuiry of whose death' occur- !
rt*d recently, for the report cornea from
Ireland thnt Ihsruey Horan, who lately j
died iu a wnrkhonse in that ccnntry,
near 100 years old, confessed Uiftt iw
woe F.niiuet'* exrcutiouer. Hla life, ur
doubt, diM*mled at one time oil at crecy.
Farmers yersns Miners.
In the early uays of Califoruiau gold
mining there were no inhabitant* whose
rights tlx* miners felt thomaelvee bound
to respect, and when hydraulic mmiug
came iu, the habit of getting gold re
gardlees of consequence* had ixy*ome ao
firmly fixed that vast quantifies of aand
were recklessly washed down upon the j
fertile lowlauda. The d' brit from tbe
mines chokes the rivers, raises their
beds, and is spread by freshets over the
alluvial bottoms which c institute the
richest agricultural lauds in the Htate.
The land-owners on Boar river, a tnbn- |
tary of the Sacramento, seem to have
taken the initiative in organizing pro
tective associations. They have brought
unit agninst the company whose mines
have wrought damage to the farm of one
of their number, and the trial is arous
ing great interest among miners
and' agriculturists. The testimony
abows that twenty yesrs ago Bear river
win a elear stream flowing between
banks ten or twelve feet high, that the
bed has been ruaed by mining itrbria (
until the river straggles all over the
bottom lands and has in one place form
ed an entirely new channel, and the
plaintiff's farm haa leen reduced seventy
per <7ent. in value. All ia ascribed to
mining operations; directly in filling
tho river and bottoms, and indirectly iu
laving bare the rocka on the hillsides,
wiierebv tho suddenuess and violeuce of
floods i* ranch increased. California in f
now so largely an agricultural Stale thnt
hei Bgricnllnrista can make themaelven
heard even where the great TtiiiJbg jp- J
terest ia against them. ChrUtian
Ten .Minute* With a Wizard.
"The cabinet? Oil, that's the myt
tery," aaid Hermann. "I can go in it,
and yon can lock the door, and I will
disappear—you can not Me roe."/ i
Homebody id the party Ad ring
about that being " too thin." 1
"Lock the door," said Hermann, on
he Atepped into tbe cabinet. The door
waa locked on the outside.
"Nowyou can open it," said a voice
Ttie door wwt o|>ennd; the oabiile
was empty.
" Let me show you mv dog," said tho
magician ; " lie's the boy that makes
my money. Here, Minty."
A little' black dog ran np, and Her
matn pnt a sifver qnnrter into the dog's
mouth. The dog chewed it, uad looked
an if he meant to swallow it.
"Hpit it ont, sir," said Hermann.
The dog dropped from his mouth as
bright and shining a twenty-doUM gold <
piece as ever cume orjt of the miut.
Hermann hail not been near him after
giving him tbe quarter. v * |J
After saying that America is a grcaf
country, and that the air ia full o
money, Hermann kindly changed the
reporter's only ooiD, a trade dollar, into
a doable eagle, and retired to the mys
teries of his trade.—A'ctn York Paper, i
Throughout the world 7,000,000 He
brews are scattered.
fhgtmii ami Middle tttataa
At tha mjtirst of tha Masaachuaalta hank
iioirtiiiiaai.rtirta tho Islington aavlnga hank has
liaail onJitilled from IIOIIIK further bllaluaaa,
and ita a(Taiia will b wound up without loaa to I
tlw depo.Uoiß.
Ilaar .1 t>\., New Voth atoak hrolmfa, liar*
falltal for about •'ilHi.nntt.
The CVmoord aavlnga bank, of Oouoord,
N. 11., has aua|*eilded.
Jiittbi H, Ml.I rill, baa been re alerted Vnitad
Slatea wnalor by Ilia Vermont leglalstur*
In tie of lUv. 11. II llavitail, rhatgrd
wltti the murder of Marv Stannaid, In Mailiaoii,
I UU.. the sitaad tar* fuiiinl a tree bill of
indtetuirut for murder lu Iho flrat librae.
A.*i*otiluig to l>ua, Harlow \ Oo.'a New York
luM.auliln a*eiiey ||,n nnmlier of fallrtra# in
the I 'lilted lit' ate • during Ihefllat nine mouths
in IH?h la i A7>. the amount of Itabiltttea twiug
♦ 1 'JI 71 MM, Purim lha outn<a|>udtug i-rrluil
in 11*77 there ware A Sflfl fallurea, with Mtl,-
idl ,J .% of Uabthiiea lu (!ana<la there aero
1 JfJ 'ail area in l l *?**. with fit ISA.SJt of lia
blliliea and lu 1*77 Ibe faiiuroa number .
1 r. trt, with 9'JO 504,g76 tg liahlliUea.
'1 be New llaiupnhiiy Prohll'ltloii party met
lu contention at and nominated a
ticket beaded by Aaa H. Kaoda I for governor.
The bark Huaan, of Nae liodford, Maaa.,'
('apt I'eaka, vailed from New liodford U a re
oeul ha'.niday. with a crew of twruty llve men,
ou a a liattgg voyage. At twelve o clock .tie
eiuvmalafad a num. an. ami ataevan t a. the
* iwanl oapatoed. Eight Biau ware in (hi fore
eaatt* at the tuna. Tba; got on boards ohaat.
and dunnage a ulfa. and kept above the watar
Oa Monday at n*>ou two of them dived down
and came up outaid# i nruugh the ouaipanion
way. Oue man •ho ounld not awuu was left
ill the forecaatie. rue other Ave at length fell j
through into the water and were drowned
I'he two who r oat laahed Ummaeivea on j
the aeMhervldo of Uia wreck. Ou I uoeday
uiortiliig New York pilot boat No. • fall In with
the Wleuk. Louh off tha two men who were
ou the outalde, an I cyl through the bluff of
lite bow and took out the man iuaide allVo.
One uiau. who had laahed himself lu tile rig
ging at the time the ahlp capaiced, waa left
T ie toll of the veaael haid nearly cut hlui In i
two. Tbr*e* men only of tho ahip a ooiiioany i
of tweaty-flre wore saved namely, Joseph 0.
lteig, Henry tiouaalve and Manuel Alpho
Tho li. lawaie ilrneubaek party bald a Kta'e
conveiiUon tu WilmmgitMi, nominated lr. K
J. Stewart for gmernor and John tl. Jack*, n :
for Cougreaa, and adopted a platform which j
demand, the payment of the bouda in green
back a - that greenbacks be made a legal under
for all debt*, etc.
Woe torn and Southern Stetaa.
, Hiatal diepalcht-s atato that Mount Yemen,
lud.. was |u the wildest state of etciteineut
Our a aertee of the moat revol.iux Crimea anJ
tree 10 Vengeances that evor txx'urred in that
region. On a recent Monday ulght, at elerwn
o'clncli, a party of seven or eight colored man
sent to a disreputable hou*e lu the outskirts
of the tuwu and knocked for admittancr.
There were three white girls in the houaa, and
aj>ou their Un)ulr ng what was wanted they re-
Oriset the repiv Uiiat a ineaaengitr with a note
*as watting One of the girl* opened the
door, when a g•gantlcsfeliow with a cocked re
. voircr mterel and orUgfod Uin guia into one
room, while the paAy fiansarked the hotiae for
plunder. After aectiruig all the valuables they
assaulted the women Sell luoruujg there was
great excitement tu ttie town. Tba otß<<ars
inlefly arrested Jim flood Jeff Hopkins, E .
Warner and VVrtlaiu Chamber*, who were *C
, rtisrd of twlng in the party. At night Itapwly-
Khertff Thotuaa the bouse of Dan
llama, a colored man • i ity years old, with a
warrant for hia aon. Me wav rcfti-ed admit
tance. Thomas then- nt p. the rile window
to parley, > hen a double barreled shotgun was
!<tisbe>l nut ana discharged 11 bill three feet of
lum. eighteen buckshot striking Themes in the
face and brratx, and cutting his Jugular win.
He staggered a few feet and fell dead. The
officers assisting him rushwd into the house and
•ecured the old '"* p. but hi* son was not there.
Harrl* as looked up with the others. A mob
gathered about the Jail tu the rooming and de
manded the prisoner*. but they were refuses!,
ai d the uiob cooc uded to Wait ÜBUI night
(Tfldav before proceed.tig furthvT. A Colored
man who wr<# iu the m-. b and talked (reelv In
lafsaceof the prisoner*, was ahot and woundost
in the neck. Early in the day dlapetcbrs were
' sent to Evausvtlle, whs re man* leading ciUrsna
were attending the United g alea court, and It
aas ram-col that Governor Williams had tie
termmed to send the Evans* lie rific# and
tight guard and tha inhlUS. This new* put the
mob in a frenry of excitement Two hundred
men. well armed, wars stationed at the de|A
to prevent the nulitia from leaving the cars A
f cannon was brought out by the rest of tha
mob and pianied in front of the court boose,
facing the street to the d<-p >L The luudl*
did not come, and the ricitement 011
•cure aulwldot. altisuugh the aimed mob fepi
lla pivsition in front of the jail ail day. At leu
ou the following Friday evening one hundred
' na-kid men fired upou the uffl.-er* around the
| .tail and eutered the building, and by meant of
a si.- !- and crow-bar gamed access
to the prisoners ; the latter In the tu-autuns
t rraying and singing most earnestly. The old
man Harris, who bail been wounded when
j Hbcnff Thomas was shot, waa lying upon a
pallet, apparently Indifferent to lut end One
I of Die masked men setaed liim by the thrt at
acd plunged a knife into hit heart, At wlMfnri
| o'clock the four mlured men. with rope# aaoanit
their uscka, were i-t out upon the square, tin
' der a locust tree, w hen the rope# were thrown
over the limb* of the tree, and all four of
'hem bung Although identified by the wuutcn,
they denied their guilt.
Nine convict# dug through the wall of the
pnann at Koaotno, Ind., and escaped to the
' woods.
' During the progress ef a mart.***- at a
solurwd llaptisl church tu Lrnchburg, Va. eoroc
f the ceding jdastentig felb and tn immense
■Towd at once t>ecsine par.i - sir! ken. man* m
:he gfillertoa Jumping Dom the Singowa gf Uw
•era 4-4 and third atone*. wfule others threw
th<-niwive# headlong down the stairway oa the
; surging people below, There was-only one
door <>t nit down stairs, and through this men
aud women crowded frantically ■•' of the
j killed br .ag UUWally crn-hed to death. Ten
• omen'sar- kt lei three more fatally Injured,
vn-l about U.irty persons iivoirtvl wound* mure
i or U>sga<*re.
FivfiiiHrit lia til lanes were recently destroyed
I in one day in Pnt-iam county, Teua., by United
States revenue officer*,
i Oft ul returns from Ohio gins I Mm**,
j !>o ' oaii candidate fur ■*•: tarjr of -lata, a
' plurality of 3, lot.
lh<- California rvn*utwtiou*l oou visit urn
adnt- •1 a resolution to roetaora.hte the Prewi
duut and the United States Senate to so tuodifv
tlx- I ir ogaicc treaty a- tuprwtubit - hi pass
Five people wire droartied near Sand ford,
in i faiua-evwaitv. ff.a., a s<• d*vw ape. rwv
•aerti lafln-s named Ifugfiey, and tW6 were
childriMi of Calvin Martin. The fifth was a man
named Mclvea. They were in a wagon rn rowi*
for honiu from a cauip turwhug and drove into
a tlorphale at ttiw lake side. A sixth person
waa rswelled after -tsfi-libg up in the wagon for
several hour* with tho water up to hia chin.
George T. Nelson, while climbing a fence
rear Renuedwidv, Md., waa aoctdetifally
killed bv the discharge of hia gun. When the
new# of the acciteu reached hia mother, six
hours after, she waa eo overcome that she died
; of grwt
From Washington.
I At a recent meeting of the cebinet the ques
tion whether tho military should be called up
on to proceed against fortified distiller* In
Arkauaaa wan discussed. It was decided not
J to use tho military until the civil power had
eibaneted all rat-ana to enforce the law against
the illicit distUleriea.
Tho opening session of the United States
supreme Court was held a few day a ago.
The post-office authorities throughout the
country are now registering third-class mail '
matter upon the receipt of thertyrnlar postage,
and ail additional fee of b n cents for registra
tion. Since the eyeten of letter registration
i wen* into effect, this la the meet Important in
novation that has been made in the postal
service. Third class mail matter consists of
pamphlets, occasional puhliuanons, transient
newspapers, magar.inrs, handbill*, posters, un
sealed circulars, prospectuses, books, maun
script*, proof-hrot*. maps, engraving*, blanks,
tli xihle pattern*, article" of merchandise, sam
I pie cards, phonographic paper, letter en
velopes and wrappers, plain and ornamental
pa|ier. photographic representations of dif
ferent types, -ceil*, cuttings, bulbs, root*, and
I all matter which may bo declared mailable bv
law, in package* nut exceeding four pounds
in weight.
[ The ruorrit'lcriMoa in the internal revenue
i Mtraan that ] -#**o who sell certain patent
medicines known as " bhter*." either by the
drink ir in broken package*, are liquor donlcr*.
a h| *ru liable to *|>erial taxes a* such, will take
effect from and after January 1, 187*. as here
t fore ordered.
Foreign News.
At a performance in a variety theater and
dance h'Ul in Lin rpool a fight nnder the gal
|iry * followed by a pane-, some one having
rati-fiil the #rv of ffrx Eke jveople rnhed for
Ilia floor, wil l vlWring the ternhlo atruagle that
followed thirty-five men and boys and two
woman w- re suffocated, while many {icraona
weM ff-vurdly U^tircd.
The Uuited State* ootistl! at St. Thomas
bdegrat'bs to the department of State, oon
csnuny the inmirri ction at St. Croix, in llie
islkiid 6f Santa Crux : "The planters are
s> arching the oonntry for rioter*. One English
yefiaal i* at Fre<lericksled. and a French vessel
At CitrlatiwiHtiMl. Four-fifihs of the mills,
dva-ilitig*, Ciaua, rum and sugar ou plantation*
w. re dealrnyed : also -fffi business bou*ea of
Fn-derick*bd. Many families are destitute,
slid all liuniiuis* is U ipOTarily *u*|iended."
IL-tigh, liaifour A (So., one of the oldest
Eastern shipping he isea of Manchester, Eng
land, have failed for *10,000.0(10.
Ono thousand weaver*of Glasgow, Scotland,
have struck against a reduction of wages.
Tfx* foHrtwdng arc the details of tho slanghter
at the Colosseum theater, in Liverpool. This
o*tahli*hnieut is capable, of holding no tuna i
than i.MM people. Hta a large one, somewhat
flTniidTy eoiiHlnicleaTaucl much frequeu'ed by
those who like to witness the variety perform- 1
ance which i* nightly given. The programme
consists of aurobatio fiata, witli comic songs
ai d r citation* slternatiug. Several of the 1
large audience under the gallery were seen to
bo, when the enrtain went np. under the In- ;
fluence of liquor, and the officers on duty i
remonstrated with them aud told them that if
they wore not better behaved they would bo !
ejected from the place a* disorderly characters. '
j After Ilila quiet reigned for a short Ume,
namely, Ul] atxmt half past sight, while the
favorite end " Kmnlker, Mr. Ooyna, waa giv
ing one of bla humorous aonga. The dispute
aliis time waa between aome of the audience,
soA* drunken sailors, It la said, I icing the in
stigators of Ute affair. The singing waa soon
'. pied, beeauac a porfrot baliel of uolae el
latcd. While this eicltement waa progressing a
general Aghl eotumrnced /ham a wotuan a
voice raised the cry of "Ore!" "flre!" Tlx*
alarm waa a false uue. Almost as if tgr magic
a atMupede waa made for the door. Men.
women and eh Idreu rue bed wildly to make
their eeea|M>, ami, M they thought, to gave
their Uvea. I'eople from the galleries who had
slid down liv the pillars fell (iff into the pit ami
orchestra alalia, seriously wounding and In
VJUIV caeca Ailing the uufutlnnate wretches
|*euiHM] up below, who were wanting to rush
out of (he place m masse. The scene that
mamd baffles description. I'rayeia, ctiraea,
sobbing were heald ou all aides. It waa lm
(Hiaalble for any of the crowd to make tbelr
out till they fougnt witb do|*erate energy to
reach the street All dtscipllno and system on
the part of (be ofttivra of (be tbeator were at an
end. Tha building waa originally * I'ultarlan
chapel The only entrance and ent waa a
divided staircase leading Into lbs street On
the slatrs a frightful struggle to k place. Men.
forgetting all their manbuod, trampled over
helpless women and children The erreawlug
of women and the made an uu
earthiy chorus, as of lost souls boon a mast
of qulveriug arid dying hit nan dcah waa (go led
tu a heap at the bead of tha stairs struggling
for life. They weie aoou suffocated, while
others fell on them Others who had passed
this point were met by a barrier planed a tattle
beyond H"* stairway, where dead and wuauxUd
acre i*a*'knd up In a |>tle antu six or awveb feet
deep Tbe Art men ruatted In k try and aavo
life, but It waa some time beforw the panic bait
at all subaldad aud |>eople would again listen
,to reason At laal the theater Was ei|>tlad.
and the pois*e and bteUMU mails thrlr way til
and removed the dead, the dying and wuUuuod.
Two of the dead were woutru, three were boys,
and thirty-two were strong, ahte-budled man
of the laboring class.
Three-fourth of the town on the west end
> of the island of Hants (Vila waa burned and
pblaged by the ibaurraeUouiato i and oat uf
seventy sir sugar eatalra only niue remain, the
rent having been deatro'ed
Tbe Emperor Eraneia Joaeph has ordered
the formation of a new Australian nabinet.
t'oaut Von Hisiuarck, a nephew of the tier
man citanooUor, tv>minittod aan-lle in Venice,
white labortug under physical Buffering.
The failure of the Hank of (ilasgow was
followed .by the suspension of ssvermi large
(iiaagow firm*, and a feeling uf insecurity
amounting to a panic prevailed throughout the
business circle# of the city. A large number of
failures In Loudon are also announced.
The H >tii*cliil la have agriwxl to raise a loan
of 8S ',000,000 tor Lgjpt.
Tbe urs Canadian caUmet haa been formed,
with Sir John Mk-IS-'UaJd as planner and lulu is
tor uf the interior.
A Luu-lon diepah-h aara the offldal rejxirt of
the luveatlgahita Into ttie affairs uf the CU; uf
(i league batik. JUt laellod, la worse thkli tbe
niuW xlouluT lun-U.Jii,ga. 'I be loes abowu in
the balance sheet la Bzs,t/5t SIS. Tbla lose,
with Ule addition of #6,000.000 rauttal. tbe
shaiehuldeta will have- to make guud. Hun
dreds of the shareholder, are persons in
hiuuble rirruQiatanene, who have Invested
Ltuu liUle aavtnga to the b.nk a stock . aud
aooordiug to tbe laws of tbe country Uw r
will Lave to suffer f,*r ttie frauds of those in
whom the; trusted implicitly. I'he official re
port abuse the of svatetuatlc dt*cep
tion. Thus, since the commencement of the
year, the weekly returns of the amount of
huiuuu to hand, which the uauk was obliged
to make to the government, at* as to show
that ita fluid# were maintkined iu due
proportion to lie note leene. have been fabuAnd
I'V adding thereto imaginary auius varying from
• to •l.auo.UOO The director* reports
to shareholders alec overstated the amounts of
securities and bnlhou held in reserve by #,-
63S.KJ0 and #1 000,000 respectively, and under
stated the loans they grautad by ♦5,655,X10.
The directors furtharmore have beau lu the
habit of treating tn the balance aherts #3C,-
72A 7**.S of bad debts (over half of which la due
by four debtors) as an available del*
The 1 rlters fever Vssrs.
A dispatch from Baton Bouge. La., aavs there
are man* new cases there, aud U ia evident
that ttuhtae cold weather conies the disease
will pursue its march. As each ''ay rolls by
the aitnatieu becomes wars*. The Howards
are oooipelled to fnrr.isb beds and bedding
for numcruus pour, wbo are found dying three
or four together on the same court,. The
number of sick is m> great and ts so constantly
larreastog thai the meet active efforts have to
be tuade to give ttie ueoo*ary attentions to tho
victims of the fever. The physicians her*,
aided by good hurauig, are acorn,pUshlng good
Home of the dis'rw-sing incidents that fol
low utuc the heels of the tomble aOuurge are
recorded in special dispatches from New Or
leans. one of which aavs " Not a day paaaee
that 1 do not hoar of some interesting incident
connected with the scourge which la now
sweeping over us. Hornet.a,as uis of atroag
men, sometimes of ]<oor weak women and
sometimes of the little ones, who stem eape
dally to have bv--n singled nut to bear much in
this terrible tfflMHm. I beard today of a
man. a painter by trade, with a family of
twelve, all of wbnw he nurwed bimaelf without
the at lend ance of a |>byaclan Tbe rxpenae of
tbe stcknoat however, was htwry, and he waa
obliged to sell, plea* by piece, all of bis little
furniture. At last when the man waa taken
sick htrnwif au order eacie to paint some
headboards. Ilr got up from his sick bed and
painted Uiem. The Inlie money received for
this was soon ex pruded in a relapse which
followed. When at last relief calm-, through
tiie apphcetioa of aome of the netghLwa. it
was found that all th* nourishment that the
ebol* family had reor.vcd id the courae of two
days was tbe half of a loaf of bread- Anothe
incident was told of a ladv of refinement and
deheately brought up who had been obliged to
pawe, even to a rtng taken from the
hand of a daughter who had Just diwd, in ordir
to bay food;
A Terrible |)ixlcr,
WodnomLy 'nornuiN the jxieaetiger
train aouth on tbe Kouknk iliriaion waa
lifting itself rißtit off tbe rail*. Hue waa
running an fart the noiae of the wheel*
waa rattling* along aliout two hnndnsl
Tarda behind the Train, doing ita level
i*ert to keep m aiffiit, bat loetng ground
every jump. Suddonly the train etoppwd,
•way out between stat iona; no cattle on
tlx* track, no water tank tn Mjrht, noth
ing apparently to atop for. Bbe palled
ap eo cloac to an orchard that tbe farmer
came ont and out on the fence with a gnu
in bia band and a ouuulu of bold, bad
doga, looking deceitfully pleaaaut, tag
ging along at hie btela. He evidently
ilidli't care about "aetting np" the apple*.
Tbe paaarjgera w.*re alarmod, not at the
determined neutrality of tbe farmer, bat
at tbe andden stoppage of the train.
They knew Burnetiiuig Berioua had hap
jiened. Preaentiy the fireman came
walking dowu along Ute aide of the track,
looking carefully, a* tliough be had
dropped his diamond ont of the cab
*' What ia it ?" aakod the flrat paaaen
" What ia the matter ?" aakod the sec
ond pa*aengiT.
" What haa happened ?" aaked the
third jvaaaenger.
"What broke?" aaked the fourth
" Why did we atop ?" aaketl the fifth
" What's ap ?" asked tbe sixth paaaen
" What's broke loose?" aakod the sev
enth pasasvnger.
"What done it?" asked the eighth
" Broke spring hunger," gravely
replied tbe fireman, and penned on, and
all tbe questioning passengers drew
their liesd* back and oinaeit their win
dows, and with great gravity was re
fieatsvl the fireman's statement to the
other passengers who had not been able
to get to n window m Lime to aak the
fireman anything :
" Broke a spring hammer."
" Broke a sling li si tier."
" Broke a screen hanger."
" Broke s string hammer."
" Broke a sting ander.
" Broke a MX*ne banner."
•' Broke a steam lmuimer."
" Broko a swing Langer."
And if Bunjaiuin F. Franklin aud i
Christopher 0. Oolnmhns had been in
that coach, tbey couldn't have looked
wiser nor been more thoroughly ignor
ant of the nature of the accident, than
the awe-struck paHci-ngers who impart
ed aud received this information and
tried to look as though they weren't
wondering whnt it won. There should
lie a law compel ling railroad people to
apeak United Btates wlieti impartiug in
formation relative to the nature of ne
oidonta to the inquiring passengers.
There wasn't a passenger in that coach
that ever expected to see goo,! Dave
Hlackboru er the engineer alive again.
We all supjMised that when a spring
hanger broke, it jnst tore the engine all
to pieces, stood it oa end mid rammed it
into the ground, and then ran on ahead,
tore up the track, set flre to a bridge
mid blew up a culvert. The average
Eiasaengar lias au idea that a spring
langer OWDB about tho whole engine,
that it is one of those, things that can
even swear at a brakeman and walk np
to a baggageman and call him a " wood
en headed, flat-backed, trnuk-liftin' hnr
rioane of wrath," aud consequently when
a passenger is told that tha spring
hanger is broke, he ha* tin impression j
that it will take every dollar there is on |
tbe train to aet the old thing np again, j
—Burlinpton Jfawk'iie.
Two sculptors nt Home recently fought
■ duel with pistol* and without seconds.
Each on* nhot tlx* other in tho log, and
they had to In* where they fall till a
chance paeser came aloug and offered
IrcM Aral* la I braalr
1* tha essjr stage in caaa* of <lr*|Wt>al*. A
• light attack of Imllgaation, e|w*cullv wiwni
tiutra is ■ printlapoaiUori u> dig native waakaaaa
of tho atomsab. must Mwawllty .niliuiusla la tha
nora ohatinata firm of U>a dlaaaaa. It la wall,
Uatrafnra, to aOopt prvvanUvs maaanraa aarty.
Although Hoatattara Htoosch Blttara over
comes, if imratalwl in, oasns f dyspepsia of
kmg aUiHltiig, It la ohvWmslv tha part of
wllum to uaa it ara Ilia malady aaaamaa a
cl>rmoo pfaaaa Ttua is |artlniluly trus, ba
csuan #• dyaprpsl* advtnosa, It aogaodarr
other IhmliW arils, such an iiiaotd<ra of tha
liver, ooriatipatioii or audua luoaaaeaa of tha
Urwala, norvoaadianrdrra, bypochrondrU,alaap-
Inaaouaa. I). M> malaallea ara IxHh pravantad
ami rt-uiadlad by tba liltlera , bat bow much
batter to rli'ai thafu In tbatr ontaat with tha
graal altaraUaa, man to wait until the; aatab
l.ali a firmer foothold Ul tha system rtoraly
tha ad* taabilK; of this must ba apparent
Havre* Tills.
However varied may is the opwtmiS coo
ewrmng ths validity of Hayea' tills to the prwM
deiMvy, there is not a qimetlon in the mlnda at
etlbor Hemoorwu ur lieuubltoana upon one
in j. .riaui pomt, via.: The unquestionable
ngUt <*f Ih. f'rrae's Family Medialbes to Use
lute of the Hlsodard Itomediee of tha aga.
Ltaten to the vutos of the sovereign pawpte .
New Du nn June 10th, I*7.
lbs. 11 V Fnuirm, Huffato, N Y.;
/ tat- tour Fleeaanl I'nrgaUve PeUeta
eeeau to bo (•rtu-ularly adapted to the wants
of the paoplw m gins warm climate, wbers
bilsouv • Unctions an particularly prevalent. I
regard ibem as the best cathartic I have ewer
tried. Yonrw truly, JOBS 0. Hr*ineoe.
B<arrow, Mass., Ma; It, 1878
lis it. V. hijv g, tin ITaio. N. Y ;
Itmar Nr—lour Ouldeu Medical iMacovery
baa cured niv boy of a fever sore of two years'
standing. I'lease aoavpl our grab lode.
Yours truly, Hcwur Warawu.
A Svaaaaakla Mia*.
The Itowton fV.mmcvrui,' Bullitt*, ramlndbg
lu readers that the next few weeks gives thd
ut season of the year to " plant fanaiwp 'gswe*-
pliaa some very remarkable flgurwa as to the
use of wire fpiiow. aud epec*Miy of the Barb
Feline uf the Washburn A Moan Manufacturing
Company. Hince the introduction of wire fence,
twenty veara ago, owe Atoefrvsf vwf U/Ty tKou
mamt i nUi of wire fence have been couatroMed.
The Hart Feuos bu been before the pub Ila
onjT lures irwow, yol llfMdj hMWy four
thousand uairi of this fence ue in oar in this
country and various parte of (he world. It l
in the highest favor witii land ownara. lor farm
and hocus protect ton against depredator a of
the crop# and orchard*. The fence is con
structed of UaWaniMd MtweJ Wire, and .cwrrtoa
at eel bart-* Until* attached Ly the process of
manufacture patented in Una ooontry and *er*
widely abruwd The hart. Peace Isliterally a
steel thorn hedge with all the defensive quail
uea of the inoet perfect hedge, and ail the
durability of galvanised stead wire. It la cheap
m a material, caa la conetrnctlon, and ha
almoet the life and tenacity of a atone wall
Ttie Herb Faoaa Wire la beuu est-enaivelv need
u> single strands to perfect and give ethiaeoc*
to walla and fence* of old construction. It
will turn the breachiact steer, and la as useful
in the home mcloeorwa as In the outlying
Perfect purity ia reotorwd to the ctreolaUoo
when outitaruliialed, if KoorlU'e blood and liver
syrup is taken. Scrofulous. BvphitlUc and
mercurial disorders are completely vanquished
by It : persistence w the use of tbe remedv be
ing alone required to acoompbah a core. Erup
tions of ah kinds, soraa, chronic rbeamatlam.
gout, liver complaint and goitre yield to Its
remedial action, and it not only purifies the
blood bat viulmee the system. Hold by all
Familiarity with the writings of the great
poets is a usoeeaity to any oue who wtahee Ck
appear well is company Fur 10c. we will send
a book of 160 selections from the hsentlfal met
odies of Moora, the grai/d poems of Brroo and
the unequal**! songa of Herns, and S6 popular
sung a. Lwemoud A Co.. lt tiace ah, itula.
Tha Ms aon A Hamiim Orgaa Co haa takao
the big host hauors at ah lbs world's sxhlbWaiua
fur more than twelve vaars, via . At Tana,
IMI7 ; Vienna, DCS . Hantiagxi. 1876 ; Philadel
phia, 1876. and l*arts, 1878 ; and they are the
only American maker* who have taken suah at
t irnpw arda or Piny years Mrs WIJPHLGW®
tsuOTHINO HYKIT* has been used for children
•nth never-failing s'icmwaa. It corrects acidity
uf the stomach, relieves wind eobc, rwgnlalee
the bowels, cores dyseotery aud diarrho*,
whether anniig from teething or other caaaee.
An old and wwh-tned remedy. SA eta. a bottle.
Tha tWhrated
Wood lag Plug
Tax I'iuxta Tusaoco (Vwrtxr.
New York. Boston, and Chioaffo
last winter w warned our reader* against
buying the large packs of worthies* horse and
cat lis I* wdri a. and as U ia now tune to begin
to use them, we again urge then not te throe
• way tbeir money. Knendan'a Powder* are
strictly pure, but we know of DO others that
A cough or cold taken between now and
Christmas frequently last* ail winter. This is
certainly the case with jveople who have weak
lungs. The most convenient, tenable and in
expensive remedy it Johnson a Anodyne Lini
ment. It is to be used internally and eitemailT.
Coughs and ouida are often overlooked. A
continuance of any length of time causes irri
tation of the lungs or some chrome throat die
ease. " lirovru'i Bronchial Trochee " are aa
effectual cough remedy. 25 oetita.
If you fail to find Pike Bait
K' - nm Halve in your city or village, and will
send a# the adirees of your be- - , druggist, we
will put him in away to supply - ou.
J. J. Pia* A Co .'O.elaea, Mass.
Hon. C. R. I'arson*, mayor of Uocbeater, waa
radically cured of Height • Disease by Craig a
Kidney Cure. Depot 42 University PL. N i
To cioanee and whiteo lbs teeth, to aweetao
the breath, nee Brown • Camphorated Bapooa
aeoua Dentifrice. Twenty-five cents a battle
Chew Jackson * Beet Hweet Navy Tobaooa
IviPfMiTAhT DOTirR.-Pwtv.ssew. Pwml
besasd UUvnaui psraasasse Umili ayssl te D*.
(.kxlsrs, IHarrtitwa. th-ssnlaey, lima i vj asfi Ass
iidaas. tskm >Blerasltr~iU •* pwtcvitr barmtses ;
•. nctll arc- -mcanf-.n* eseS holl. aa* sxxarsaltr tar
fbranvr Kbenmaiiasi. UasAasbs, Tsorbasils. Sort
Throat Can. Barsa. Svllii4, Bralssa, Maaotlk
Httas. ->■ : bans. )'* n* is Uaibs. Bsc# satf t'bs i Tbs
VEXKTI AN Us IMF NT wsa latrvtabesd a IST. asC
ssssssbo baa wad It bat aasuamn* Is fis sv aaaal
sisiin*. II waa Two Uolsra a ins da lbs* vsosM mat
tw wvlhoul IX TbaaaanS* ad Owttvßsalwa saa bs awas at
Ibw Dwpol. •nalurrtiu swoOsrta: carattsa |iy un
ssj b tba Dvscawwsi OrU Dvm fig Uartar.WL
Sse York
lOr itxnn>.
Www X. WW.
lissf DatUr halivr .... -h if
Issba and Charckaa. (* <# tfi
■Yileh con • 10fi iW-V .c
Bag*: Livs. ... -ffhM M
Dr*s**>.■ ... .... 0* fit tfi >**,
d1ifty,,,.M,........M,M0.,,.M MYfi fi S
Ufik.M..-w.Mw-.e 0* S
Cot ton : MUM hug 10 fill %
rieor • WsetSTD Oood to Cbetoa. 10} tfi 10
ffteta lair to Choice.. . 4A3 ca cIS
vThset: K*iv> ... M # *lfi
White Stale. 1 (fi tfi 1 til
Br* : Sta-.f W 0 to
liarlsy : Stale lid fi 1
Barley Mall 1U 0 1 10
(lata- M'ted i'h# U
Oorn: Mlaefi Wasters Pnrraded. 4C 0 }
!tay. p*r cwl. * 1 tfi
Kirovs, per cwt tc fit 40
Bore W'a—r,s fffilfi
Pork : Family Mtwa •50 a II
hart) ! Vlly auaa . Mo# .(MO
Flab : Maokarsl, Ho. 1, new It-Si fill*
Ko. 1. .]r e I 010 (0
Dry Oofi, per cwt ... 11l fill
Herriuir, Haalafi. par b0*.... 14 fit !•
Patrrlewis : Orafia „CT tMk BSoe<!. ,
Woo' Oallfornla Flaeoe. fit i<
T in Fiaeee W • Ifi
Ani;-a!ian Fiseos. 34 fi 41
HtetaX* 31 • *4
Bun r State Creamery............ S fil 79
Oreamrry...... i* tfi >1
Dvlry I • 1
Partory , MM . ........ 0* 0 1}
Oheaa ; rttats Faciory I# tfi MM
d' ate Kktsmed Ufi fi* (•
U ##l.-11...... ............ 04 0 (h
F(r eutr and ranrsyirista. .. Vlffi 11
Firnr. IN • 4 IH
W-inal-—Nu. 1
Own—MlXfi - *OM 41
owta *> • m
Kys 55 45 45
rtarlwy...... n,, Ito tfi 110
Bxrlay Malt 1 00 # 1(4
Flour—pwnnsylvsma Extra 450 fi 410
"hit—h-Walters *7 0 101
(lye . * • •
Cera -VeHcs 4M# 41M
Rati M1X.n1...... 49 0 49M
(tata—M ixefi fil H
ff ra,tur.i—Lrsda oSMfifiteH tkeftwsfi, IfiS
Wool—Colorado 1- dk *
Tvxar Ifi S *0
CaKfcna'a.,......... fit fil Ifi
BaetOattl* - M 0 M
Baser. - WR
llpa-a - M 0 MM
Floor—Wtaccnrtn sc.; Mlnnsaota.. • Tfi tfi 1 fit
Corn-Mixed II tfi M
data- " B fi II
Wool—OStoand Penravlvanla XX. M tfi IT
Oaliforola Hpnnjt.lo 4 k
•aiaatos, WaAS.'Cait.a. MM# MM
Beer Ofi 0 Ufi
basils U> 0 10M
Bwt oikfi 50*
vary avows. Sana
BaafOsttla—Poor to Ohcloa OOM# tN
Hha* < * 4t|M o*
lira • 04fit* MM
tin in riiir n wrsatsd ID Wall M, Stooka makaa
lu siUull '"toil## rrary month. Hook test
frse aaplatsioa avwi aahtaa.
Addrwsa PAXTKK A CO.. Raskera. 17 Wallet, ,V.
Per Measly sf Pwilsh, Nwelnw lskar, rlewq- i
hcrs%. DNiWlli|y *Okraseta l aeaaaW.
MOBHE BBOtk, Prop rs. two ton. It BBS j
nA jastfiHSparite fcsr AS
J*m' Army. Tbrouah iu awwrr ha cwad Uwm
aukdi f ilia ml **"•*>• aura* aad w.nmda ibat
iMßlrd tba Ml. I rfttl MM MIIKMI lilllilwi of
hu dar, *l*l a* irtii-'M by all wlu baaw IDa a*
a palate bwwfactor.
fur*i. *nr*a*. raoaaa i;m. *i aaarm, miruiK
aua ►!.. **r, auaa on. Runurvun, Hi aril
< iu. •*. KiD n*t<. mmu> m*M,
•mil' mhM, asnUA
ranrui. ***, ma.
niA* tmtm itdlUA
at •>*• uiiua auaa,
tu'im <ma vMiuwa
WI* tllllUl. *1 ■. '
rum**. naa xrwrr.
m awoaiN uiu. umi nua aoawrno u
rut* mrtm, *ru*i* artaa*.
Aa4 ail riUHua II mil aad arapuoo* §■ ually.
nut e itm a mx. Mr mau. cevtr
Tin* inn lUira 1.4 iraaai, will ba
mm TO rt.ufii.UM, MToauupuM,
■ PHI WiIMTM, leaareeeae# mH, aa raeatM
at 14.M abaat rlrvca caata a baa.
mruo ar
Ml HAKiuaok AVE*CX.
|AJ I MTCfI *•" *" IM.H bl* a ark aft
WA™ I uU ""* •"'! '• J ' Im '.*
• <* hW KimaM • <laa Haaw
faWlar liaal i* UuliUyttbi fta-aa a* firtw
liMiw PaaatarA. -a*t l-MMat*. W.T Otp
PI ait oionc thiii NAJIITI. NiUHIi aaa
uAmfc DIHUO, *o* to *mi THIN
Br 1 Ai-*t Ai#*a aatftrta -|rM ftM IM.
!.'*■ *rw Alio.: la* tutwar, a u* an* bat at
UA/OIBK bow bu atuM* ~ B lb* Wlaa " wtlb MMW
Msbt fur tb* ptirpo**. ujiSaatft abtruUMiajW f-.a!
a>.jftii'.r h*a 4rr*>>* U- wlm, By aad tltri
Uaau. ■■ 111 ii, irw futtaui* ftuut4. uai>uu tb A*a,
U.r Rtß* aad 11* aar. witb aaa nbfbll. *r fi" V
li..,tiUuu Ta* t>**t I—it aa Ll.* ,*o)ae*. Ma
mm at oatf 0 rwata Aott b* all RrwiHi riJMt.
or aJoiaa* llono. lt*j. Daaarlta t L|4. Tba
La*rata* Übrar). t hieaxa < atai<<%* fraa
It >jai* .BT * Ba* Nawrird .'.**rla aad IMO
I- r. <fte*t*uu* eaii a*#**. u1 a laa auM waftNM
H w urr of tb* Wort* w pu.xi*4 It a*B* at *|il
bawd h- rtwriaMi ** 4 *.i- ***•• w AaaNa
JUCU ... MATftOb AL rUUj. MRjlftO OO^
Thi Crsat Remedy tor
All Kidney Diseases I
Arfm ftp w*Ma: awbrti* t* Ra D*. J. ■ fttaakfta
*'< D <T7 U T Hartaa. H. D, Katrtaa.
Raafia tV. Pa . Jana L Raaw. fie.jMlß V*l;
FZ^o&J/T , sffc ,, r
•at Mapor of Recbeeaer. * T Art raw t'UfWt
rNltEK^r^.r~E^ r YoJ(A! ti ' 4 "
IxeLba. I
1 Dr*wiiijiii^irwiiiw~in-'wMbir
-w a 4WA X Aim BAO'S zoum
V >/
..m aatiu ■■*.ai.n iwu
, u. .n .u aw
ls ff rn at* *u* t*n*n mm. m* a w*a
Jr m ■.>. l* ■•>< . n*aa*a* .*
/ ) . * . . (..<> itw*.
/ i ibftjraraatat*Qi aarrw
\ ■ uxaftMr
\"i a' r*r**.t arai>twae*ax*AaßaA
V/ b una ■., m iißßtsßi. M.
■ Y ■ w <f
Tbr AiiMMr ta Alrabal Fataft at feat.
The Father Mathew Remedy
I* a oxU a aad ;iw l> car* tm utiapmi . tftaa-
APft.x *j: ki pul.t* >c* alaaooltc bcaora aad bal'u* *r
Ib* anw *ft* Alter a Sebaarb. ar mar
lat ratfirrair tadr laraor. a alaal* Ira>> aaa -
fal win rratrr all wratai aaa abraftral 4a>
rrr*.i*o. I ata* cm* *r*cr kftad of firn. Dra
rtru *ad Toartpirr or INI Ursa Said be aB
draanat* •! par ft ottia. PampHrt aa "Aiaaftkul Ma
Mkru aa ta* baa*a bodf. aad iMiaiwaw u a
Daw." *w< ftrw PiTsaa Maiww narntMl
aMb M**t-rju-rr*lli Co.. SB Bood St. K*a Taftfi. .
~ < Iftll.UtTIOM'M
>YI7FjTftX * 1 f••■** i. a >ni(*w
/I If_ Ii \ j M UiitHf btd DejXtt A f t .'.(rf
/1/ hT' L 1 ! Mil tot BMMW-.f#8 MMW-.f# ll*- rmm
I r ■fel' ft ft ' •'* °wa tar* t* ta . roaawt
I 1 ' Ki * I frVtoa •I. AM •a* ■>-
V HI /1 n* Maabla* d*a'r Bp mil
\ WF / | u'nltia ft*c aacb bind *f
\ / I aacbtaa. la ordana*. aaat*
_y\ft y Itba atdib* AxwDaatdad.
afißCjS - Tat
Dvily aad Weekly. Quarto.
Boaton, Maa*.
Tfr Laa*t.OhaipaM aad Raw PaeUr WaaNpap*
b Raw Kaxtaad. EdJtad witb tpaa 1 rMaraaoa >a tb*
•anad laatw aa.l rag air aw ait* ot tba bflwa atralb. At
thaforawa aad kwa] baaa pablubad plawt*l|
JJOpw wa M t. dnw
°" P !ZX^ *?-**> •
First Established ! Moat ■■nioefori
value In all tk*
Everywhere recognised as lb* FINEST
OVER 80,000
Mad* and la us. Few Dttlm MMfiMfitV*
Beat work aad lowest poeea
tOr Send for a ikuhfw.
Iwcßt 3L, op?. Maa SL Bocta, Xis.
Is the Old Bali able Concentrated Lye
Diraettoaa Honfunu aaak aaa let maAtac Uart,
tort and Tetto Roar eeteatv.
11* market ta Sototo with (so sailed) OoeaacitruU.
Ito. whieh la toalteralwl wtlt tall aad raata. aad aaa'
Panneylwßnia Salt Masufg Cc. t
Pit it a owt rut a
iT Sesd for Illaslrated laUlorof L
For Singing Schools and Choirs.
L O Kweosoß'a ONWARD!.to.tookto
Rinctn* School*, fulljr aqoal to *□, aver tomad, ia laady
(oral* dt pace* of inalrjolkona. Of pac** of Uleaa, sod
Bl pagea ol Sacred Music.
I&oaota; BI.&O par doaan.
iM(wi Church Offering, im
(or Übotra, eoniain. a large and admirSbla eotlaettea
cd Aatbama. which fit p*r(cUj to the Bptowpal bar
vice, but are of Ibe be* qualitr (or anr aarvioa. Also a
large number at floe Obauta or g I * per doaan.
!.*•. Sacred Quartettes,, ...
book (TT f la*rlrtn Ch-i-a nn n mtal m-mn] nollaalum
of now i-wooa by the most popular auUwra, aad pro
vidao about on* now on* f.>r every Rabbath in the rear.
Boards gB.UO; Ototh B.M.
Ooos'a Festival Chorus Book • I.IM
has a fin* sal vol ion id eboroaau.
W O rxaatur KLU U ILM Is a new aad
aour.event cvoileotwi aad taeu tor Fuaaral
ooessltuw Prto* Ml oanta
Rand tor aalaloguM contaiutag tha toaaripdpma of
many other naoadant books foe Uhoira or Wtmm*
day Baa* melted paai fr—far Jletad Nrira.
MS Broadway, New Y ark.
Blflt Cheatwat fib, PBUn.
S3 A ttz
Qmßsm tvw;, •* Tr*.a**—* I?
m ix-Msg,?;^"rgeuafe
nSiJr** IffS'.LSr 1 BaSVwf^lSlwi?""
W* _!_.• <> vtr'srtt*. AMMNbfC--'
Something New for Agents t?.
—H< Hi mn (llliii.iMimi N lU, Rn ti
A 0000 WILL ■—
da? wllb wr 4 foal WALL AI ttKR. Am *
naoh ire*. w. mm. ba.laafta, a..* ■
OPIUM 2i^r^%ri.2w
t* imawb.Qwaei.nDt
■jjggppjggjgggggggp W IwWiinwß, MaA*
.Iriha'lß"" 1
SZSS. Outfit Free 2-X- Z
* VffCW^.fc232=.Er~
HeabftbSad aaartf qh wmm.
W* wul par >a*n a *lu d fib* bar •*•*' —*
OT UM a i**a aam ft* w..r mm
aad 111 iilalil im"■""■■ • !*•• *"** "* m *'
'-"SUmSnTZ. ■*.. *.*.... I"*^
rail i— taiin KM;EaAta. >AN uuml
X£3bss P-ss,
Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Sour Stomach, Sick Headache.
Muaica! Marre!. ( Mi rSbm Sft., ItuUda . Fjw
iia* I>-aM it* u tafta iwtMwUxn"f a*.t. aad
ul RfJwu rn W <Mrapstvaat
Tba mat Marl a j ."weupti-airf tba tar* HU . B •!
ru i~> 11 Mw Eaftwawwe aaa ia* uwt aad
p*.rlm <• r>i>r* Mrsmi. Dr. ftta.aa d* iD tba*
7>w*nn Tba ami IU I ami ID*. fttiaama bo* ■
W ,l£J' L ffisr^i.tKiS.'Wr'
tr> U M mto onwaaled for . eto will to
•M tar. at mtm tfc to lower Km 1M ul Moe
sraa*., fmSSr
As wtaiMU* totot uuimU T i**d| tor
film I- pti< to* "F ► ~m< a mrhHM
""■ W a 'iwediaal rfe*-
I I U ••* ijWi
■ ■ %r' r m iif B*piw
Da. M. fl BOOT, 9mm Tmt
eMMitty rdm* ar.d. AW* •rnws"w**fw
AU PAlsq utfilu itohlad.ia line A
o* <,.!, bt tmM'M ■ Mkrrwto. A */ *
xSe&ISZht ut Jm
itrritAcu mm RKorabiro! Vh
AH rwu Um At **J of An. |'li
to rnio*, MCVTT ArafKll
r CLAia*. ■ !■ to ito> tmr!■ ■
wa. r. naanrn a c*-. MJI
a & ct aim att mo fatskt Ajrtm ■RI
_ _ Ito* MO. Wa.*l*|Mn. D. C. Wli*
A* bto Vtomsto* tor*** to GhSUfcfi m
m thin wmn. atfi ibal **t at the Bora,
•to t to*to IV* too Mil mh* mra wonfclaae tm A kin
•to* that Utodu't Ooeduioa Poadao am •bnthWj
torn nto wutok valaabt*. Nntbiu. am earth eUJ
uU ton* toy lit a (UmtuUii'i tVndltioo V *d*r
1V can n*nntol ta ama pin) (into
SaU !■■•>>>■ *r •*! S Ml! Cm- •#•' bM Hum.
C a JOMyi A 00.
la to Knl. Luteal iMprarrl, but moot Tkni.
•* u* bI ( oa.tranrd
Sewing Machine
rw la.rito. II >•
MOINKI.K**, to to ■*• POINTH af EX.
1 KI.LkX K lb** *U other Mackum* aumbuoad
arm But rapraaauted
SO Union Square. New York,
Ol* aet% ♦•**., I'lit.bur*, Pa., Iklrua 111 ,
at. leela. Ma.
Established ISM.
Gargling Oil Liniment
Yellow Wrapper for Animal and \Vhlte lot
Human Fleih.
n 0000 roe
Burns and Scalds, Sprains and Brumes.
Chilblains, Frost Bitrc,.Strinch.ilt, Windfall*.
Scratches or Grease, Foot Rot ia Sharp.
Chapped Hands, Foundered Feet,
Flesh W ..lands, Roup in Poultry,
External Poisons, Cracked ijeels.
Sand Cracks, Epic*- die.
Galls ofSii kinds, Lame Back,
Silfast, Ringbone, Hemorrhoids oa Mka.
Poll Evil, Toothache,
Swelling, Tamors. Rheumatism,
Garget in Cows, Spavin*, Sweeney,
Cracked Teats, Fistula, Mange,
Callous, Lameness, Caked Breasts,
Horn Distemper. Sore Jj ipplcs,
trwwneeah, Qu ttor, Curb, Ola Scree.
Foul Ulcers. Farcy, Corns, Whi-.u wa, •
Abccaa of the Udder, Cramps. Boil'
Swelled Legs, Weakntsol At 'elmn
Thrusi, ~ Contract,ano; Hx i*
Serckaaf. GanrUar OH V the Canda.r
Liniment df the T'nitrd 9*s>f Larg' rse.
As; medium, jpc; small, aac. Smail star rOT
sra &*3*Jfrs!s&i age?.