The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 24, 1878, Image 4
FOR THE TOPSH PEOPLE. Tfcc l.tnncl's Vr. OJCB 1 x*w a wee brown Munet binning on * tree, I lancing on * tree. How her feet flew every minnte As she (tsaoed *t me-e- . How her feet flew every minnte As she da.uoel at roe " Sing a song for ins, wee linnet. Sing a song for roe. Sing * song for me." "Ob, Miss, if you'll wait a minute. Till my mate I see-e-e ; Oh. M.s*. if you'll wait s m nuts. He will sing for thee.'' ••> you, thsnk you. wee brown linnet For amusing me. For amusing me ; You have danced for many a minute, You must tired be-e c. Ton hsve sung formany minnte*. Yon must tired be." '' Thanks would starve us." cried the hnuet* As he at me. As she danced at me— " Should yon sing like tin* ten minutes. You would want a fee-e-e ; Should you dance like ibis t< u miuutee You would want a fee." " Taivton me, I pray, dear linnet. Fly down from your tree. Fly down fr. ro your tree. 1 will come back m a ruinate With souSa e<d for thee-e-e ; I will oome back in a minute With some seed for thee.' —Mr* A. A, iVesft**, in J®. JffrkiiM. Tfce Rrave t.lllle Mswrr tilrl. At the entrance of one if the large hotels iu Boston, you will frequently s-e, at noon, and early iu the evening, a I t tie flaxen haired girl, with buttou hole bouquets to sell. iiho is rather tall for her *ge, has ,4 tweet, gentle face, sad looks as if she might have a story—and *.< she has. Well, here it is, just as lit tle bltto eyed Mary told it to me herself; 1 though it does read "like a book," I ftud it ail true : "I WHS nine years old, ma'am, when I first began %0 sell flowers, but that foui years ago. You see we were very poor. Father was dead aud mother was sick iu bod. I was the oldest, and there weie lots of tittle One* younger than mo. Oue day mother was sicker than usual, aud we hadn't a bit of ooal in t':e house, oeanvthing to eat Mother had just twenty-five cents left in her pocket-book— thai was ail— but I hap pened to remember how au aunt of nune need to make a good deal of money by selling flower*. So I asked mother to let me have the quarter to see what I c mid uo with it Well, she let me have it, and I went right to a florist aud get xome flowers—it don't take many, you fc'Mr. for a button hole, just a little bit c:"(CD aud a few buds are enough and then I want around to the St. James' aud some other hotels to sell them. Folks were real kind, ma'am, aud I made fifty cents on the first quar ter. "Ever since then I've kept on selling flowers. I never go near the saloons, ma'am, bat I have fennd good sales fer my bouquet* at the large hotels. Now. I always come here, for the ladies and gentlemen ail know me, and do a great d al to help met Sometimes they give me great oeantifnl bouquets, that 1 can matt up into fc-v of little ones. Here arc some of them," and the little girl showed rue two or three dainty little bunches—a pansy and white pink with a bit of smiUx between rosebud and heliotrope bouquets—that she sold at fifteen cents ncee. "Tiov navd to give me nice things, too. to carry Some to mpther—pieces of chicken, yon know, and sneh like. Why, there's one particular place in the din ing-room now, where they put my brown p.q r "tag ; and I m always sure to find it full when I go home at night! Mother .< 1 last winter, abont Christ mas time, so I live with grandmother now. I"- tally, I earn about six dollar* a week that 1 carry home to her ! but sometimes I can make ten." Brave little Miry! She tells her story in the simplest, most unaffected way; lut I know that for nearly four y. xrs she w.s* the sole support axul com i >ri of that poor sick mother and those little helpless ebihirea. — H'idc Awake. The New World's Nomenclature. The names of American cities are a study; the face of the continent is stud d• witu illustrious names as thickly as the surface of the moou. Washington is of course the favorite; he the father of tne couutry, has left his autograph in every State, if not in every county of our confederation. The capital of the repub lic bears his name. Twenty-seven coun ts or more bear it; of cities, towns and villages, there are not lees than one hundred and fifty Washingtons, besides the Washington Hollows, Washington H ight*. Washington Lakes and half a dozen W ishmptonvillea. If there be gratitude at baptismal fonta, Americans are certainly not ungrateful to the man whose genius- achieved their freedom, an i wh >-e virtnee founded their em pire. Franklin has given Ilia name to •bout t wenty counties ami one of more parishes, to one hundred and sixteen c 'i-*s, towns Sad villages, to say nothing of oompoanAa of his name, such as Fraaklinton, Frautlinville and the like. Jefferson add Madison follow these worthies, there being nearly twenty counties, with no less than eighty towns, villages and hamlets named for each of these presidents. There is nearly a quarter hundred Jeffersonvillee. Lin coln has his name preserved in several Western eonHties and townshios, as has also Douglas; while Fremort, and mili tary heroes, have given their names to several harulefs. In time we shall have Stanleys, E IbWns, etc., in plenty. There are at least thirty-seven Miltons, and several with ue Miltous burg. The* are quite a number of II amp Jens, .ad seven Sidneys. Crom well dnds tiv cities named after him in America, and Sic great admiral of the commonwealth has given his name to two B lakes burgs and one Blakcsvilie. There are several Napoleons, Nelsons and Wellingtons. Next to. Milton, By ron among the poets seems to carry oil the prize of popularity as thus tested. No less than u dozen" towns and cities bear the poet's name. Nearly twenty towns are called Marlborough ami one Marlbrook. Commoner names jostle each other oddily—Troys, Londons, Homes, Jerusalems, Calcuttas, Cairos and the like. There are twenty Viennar, 8-venteen Ihsboaa, and twenty-two Parises, but not one Constantinople. But the City of the Saltan in these stir ring and trying times may now look for these trans-jkHantic recognition. Every event iu Europe seems to write its story on the blank spaces of the new world, for already there are a dozen Kossuths, comities ami towns here, one or more villages named Jenny Lind and Bismarck, while LarmarUne baa seven towns grofflng laurels for his brow. Curiously uuoiigh, there is not a single Bhak >neai\ though there are not less than three and two Hamlets. 41! Editor who Wouldn't be Cowhided. We find ibis story in some reminis eeiiciee of Justice Mtiler, of the United States supreme court, written up for the C nciuifcti Enquirer, by George Alfred T<wnwnd: Judge Miller .related ■mother incident of the fighting days in Kentucky, when an editor by the name, I th nk, of Mattbewson, was applied to },v a citizen of Richmond to famish h*iu with the name of the author of a j.ersou ii graph in his paper. The editor replied that he required nntil the next day to see the author and get his permission., "Very well," raid the caller, "yon give it me to-morrow, or I w'll cowhide you for concealing the mime of 2fo miscreant? " Next day, •it the iterated time in came the 'p-entlemiaStu pursuit; of , avenge, with a cowhide iniiis hand, as he had promised. Matthew** said: "I decline to give the naniqiJf the author. I have seen 1 ini aud^n^Withholds his permission." ' Very well." said the man drawing his cowhide— but at this instant the editor shot him dead. No judicial proceedings followed these little Kentucky pnvi leges. Experiment* with Rattlesnake PHINIII. An Indianapolis llnd.) paper says: A series of experiments w* recently made in thin city by Dr. I. It. Huyuc* , with the view ot studying the effect* o( snake peisou npon the blood and tissues j of the animal system. The experiment* were witnessed by Professor It. U. Pi- j i>er, of Chicago, who caused a descrip- ; tion of the same to be pnbliahod iu tin* Tim** of that city. One object of the experiments, a* stated by the TVinm, ! was t< note the eftecta of the p>ii*nii with reference to its use as a remedial agent in certain eases of diaaaaa. The eliief factor iu the experiments was s fine rattlesnake about elevt 11 years old and thraa and a half or four feet long, which Or. Hayuea has confined iu a wire cage. Some thirty animals were used in the experiments, sneh ss rats, hens, pigeons and rabbits. They lived varying peri j oda after being bitten, death m*! follow- ' ing in an* regular sequence of tune, as s generally believed. One rat died in eight minute*, one in twelve, aud the next rat lived twenty-seven hours, the next one surviving twenty hours. A pigeon died iu seventy-five minutes. A hen, which was struck three times, j lived for three days in a stupid rnidi- | tion, and dually recovered. The symptoms were labored breath ing, paralysis of the hind axtretailia* in the quadrupeds, and absence of blood in the extiemities. After death the hearts were found gorged with txlood in a fluid state. This nou-coagulation of blood Professor Piper was inclined to attribute to fright or excitement just tadore death. It waa uoticed during the experiments that the suak# apfieared e[ alile of strik ing from several different nositious, ac cording as it suited his convenience, but when about to strike there were always two lateral curves of the H-vty, one buck ward and one forward. The rattlesnake spriugsouly two-thirds of his own length, and always strikes at the neck, or as high up as he can get. Iu the experiments 1 iu this city every animal t>ut into the snake's cage was struck iu the neck, ex cvpt oue that received the fatal blow immediately over the eve. The anake's faug makes a very small wound, and but little blood escapee. Inflammation sets iu at once. The animal struck seems to suffer very little pain, but to be rather in a stupefied condition. Human being* are said to suffer acute pain from the wound. Iu the course of the investiga tion here Professor Piper trust to get au j idea of the method in which the snake struck, but it was impossible. The snake's motion wa* so rapid that no eye could follow it. Lightniug was not more sudden iu its movements. S me additional facts concerning the ex periments in this citv are described m the Jim** as follows; " L>r. Haynes ent off the jioints of the teeth of a large rat that he had put into the cage, lest the snake should tie rendered incapable of perform ing any experiments. The rat tried to keep away from the snake, but the latter felt that his premises were invaded, and struck at the rat. The latter, partially disarmed as he was, at once turned roand and made a sturdy fight for a few seconds. He bit the snake, and the snake struck him three or four times. At last he felt the effects of the poison, and walked off as far from the snake as he could get He lived for twenty-seven hour* after this. A dove put iuto tb. cage exhibited no fear of the snake, and showed no sigus of suffering after being struck. Nor, in fact, did the wound seem to have any effect on the bird for a time. About an hour after the wound was made the bird's breathing was short and hard. This was the first symptoms of poisoning, and in flfteeu minutes more the bird was dead. Iu the ease of ail these animals no blood flowed after death, and yet the blood at the heart was not coagulated. The authorities differ a* to the liability of the blood to coagulate after a snake bite, but in all these cases the blood was unooagnlated." Saved Becju*e She Could Swim. The London Standard says: Among the few survivors from the terrible wreck of the Princess Alice are three members of the same family—Mr. Thorpe, of the old Kent road, a young man seventeen years of age ; his sister. Miss Thorpe, who is a year older than himself, and his brother, a mere boy of nine. All three owe their lives to the fact that they could swim. When the t<trribla crash was beard and the doomed vessel began to settle down, these three children —for children they almost are in years,, if not in courage and pres ence of mind—found themselves strug gling in the water. The boys, it would seem, were somewhat separated from their sister. They were both picked up by the same boat, and were, when it helped them from their perilous posi tion, swimming side by side. The sis ter, who was older than either, achieved her own safety. She struck boldly out, and—in spite of the encumbrance of her garments, the force of the tide, the darkness of the night and the danger to which she cannot bat have been sub jected by the frantic efforts at those who were straggling aronnd her in the water to catch and cling to any object within their grasp—succeeded in reachiug the bank. It seems little short of a miracle that, nnder snch circumstances, a mere girl, not twenty years of ago, weight**! with her heavy woman's dress, bewil dered by the suddenness cf the catas trophe, frightened—as she must have been —by the terrible nature of the scene, and helpless for want of her natu ral protectors, should have been able, single-handed, to save her life. The feat is the more remarkable when we bear in mind the fact that Miss Thorpe is not —as are some young women of her age—a swimmer of endurance. That she can hold her own gallantly in the water the result has sufficiently shown. But she is merely an English girl who, like her brothers, had been taaght to swim. She has never at tempted the distance from London bridge to Greenwich ; she has never, so far as appears, competed for any prize ; and, were it not for the fact that she owes her life to her own skill and pres ence of mind, her abiiitv to defy a sharp current ou a cold, chill, dark night would be no matter of public record ; nd yet the exploit she accomplished is, if we consider it, almost marvelous The tide was rushing swiftly down ; the water must have been cold and lonnmb ing ; the night, as we know, was dark and foggy ; there were round about her all the horrors of the scene ; the " last farewell" was rising from river to sky ; in the water the stragglers were grap pling, in their last agony, each with each—and yet through all thwe horrors she fought'ber way with a calm, quiet confidence which men who have stood under fire and confronted death in other and even mere sudden shapes might well envy her. The Spirits He Smrlkd. Ata recent trial of a liquor case the witness on the stand was under examina tion as to what he had seen in the defend ant's domicile, which he said ho had visited " a number of times." " Did you ever see any spirits there, or anything you regarded as spirits?'' naked the presiding justice. " Why, yea—l don't know but I have," was the reply of the witness. •' Do you know w hat kind of spirits ?" " Yes." " How do yon know ?" " I kinder smelt it." " Well, now," said the judge, straight ening himself for the convicting answer, which he supposed would be given, "will you please tell me what kind of spirits it was V "Spirits o' turpentine!" As soon as the roars of laughter thai rseulted bad subsided, the witness was at once discharged, the opinion being that his testimony was not to the point. Dan Newman, of Sierra valley, Cal., killed 205 blackbirds by emptying only two barrels from a shotgun into a flock of them the other day. This may appear a rather improbable story, but it is vouched for by a half dozen or so reli able witnesses. The birds were huddled together in a grain field where a thresh ing machine had shortly before been in operation, when Newman fired at them, and each shot seemed to have brought down a separate victim. FOR THE FAIR ST.X. N>hla Mote.. The old scoop bonnet is revived. Trains are not so long a* last ye ir. Elbow sleeves are very fashionable. laxee pendants are attached to the fronts of wide lace collar*. The latest novelty tn veils is black dotted, net lined, with white illusion. I Oordttrov velvet* will l* largely naed ! for the underskirt* of wiuter costumes. The embroidered handkerchief cap* worn over s round tuob cap of Itruaatils net, edged with a frill, are called •' Creole cajia. ' Twelve and six button white kid gloves are ahowu for evening wear, with ' the small mother of pearl buttons in stead of gilt ones. White barege ia used fox luwxpeustv* bridal dresses. Hush dresses are trim • med with white satin add garland* <>f orange blossoms. On some of the dreawee for next sea son sre to t>e woru saoriea that 1* to say, plastrons, pockets ami cull* composed entirely of feathers. Black felt bouuet* in close pnueeaae shsjie, trimmed with a band of cashmere feathers, or else with an AUaeian ls>w of velvet ami satin ribbon, Will be pipular !y worn during the tall ami winter. llnUst-sha|Hsl buttons oome iu colored pearl, in brass, iu steel, ami crocheted ill colors and iu black, for wiuter dresses. When two colors appear tn the dress good#, the round silk button is of the lighter color, nearly .oovered with cro cheted netting of the darker shade. Satin, this season, has unusual eon shlerattoti Plain satm will be very much employed, especially black satin in oombiuatiou wit Ik black silk. There are also satin striped grcs grain and lengthwise outvied silk- 1 , with satin striped, aud plain nutir** anlit/ut*. The newest black velvet bags are etn hroidered iu gold aud tu other colors iu fioral patterns. Wide velvet la-Its are wrought iu the same colors to bo worn with them. Plain velvet bags have gilt bands and monograms. The old-time 1 leaded reticules are again revived. Hosiery for the fall is in hair-line stripes around the limb, ami is embroi dered up each side. This is not new, but promises to IK- the popular design. More expensive stocking* are of solid dark color, with the instep and ankle of a light shade, *tri|>ed across with ptu -1 cilled lines of the ilark oolor. Mrws Bad Malra Vbaal \\ mmrm. A Spauisb woman walks in the Paris 1 boulevard leadings dove with a ribbon. So woman can l>e employed iu an Austrian railway office imleaa slie is under twenty-five and will promise not to marrv under three vears. Elisabeth C.-uly Stank>u has prepared for the eonung season three new lectures: " Home Life." " The Rights of Cbil dreu" and "The Peterkiu Family." M'lle Marguerite Oidel, daughter of the principal of Henri IV. college iu Paris, has just passed with success the first part of her examination a* Bachelor of Arts at the Paris Faculty of la-tters. The young lady is only sixteen yt am of age. " AH honor to that brave Wisoousin woman, Mrs. Charles Schlevs, who left a luxurious home in Milwaukee to nurse the sick in the yellow fever hospital at Jackson, Miss. There is more heroism in such an act than leading a charge smul the fear-forgetting excitement of battle.— Utica Ht raid. Chicago has a woman's medical col lege which has lived through some eight year* of varied existence. It i* called the Woman's Hospital Medical college. I)r. W. H. Byford is president of a faculty of sixteen memlier*, aud Dr. Sarah H. Stevenson is professor of physi ology. Candidates must be graduates of a high school, or its equivalent, or they must show a teacher's certificate from a county superintendent of schools. In the absence of either of these they must pass au examination before the faculty on the branches of a good common school education. Mrs. Van Cott, the preacher, wan born in New York city, and she is nearly tifty years of age. Her father was Major Newton, manager of John Jacob Astor's estate. He became insane. Marrying and soon becoming a widow, she attend ed to her husband's business of drug broker. She was converted ou a Fulton ferryboat while thinking about religion. Becoming a preacher, she traveled through the couutry. and she counts more than twenty seven thousand con versions as the result of her labors. She weighs 225 pounds, and is now iu Cali fornia. Waking up the Baby. Just at dust the other dismal day r the children, the oldest of whom did not seem over ten years old, were hud dled together on the rickety steps of an old house on Beanbien street. A pedes trian peeped over their heads to read the number on the door, and the chil dren looken so frightened that he asked : " Children, where are your father and mother t" " Father's lsen gone way off for ever so long, arid mother goes out to wnali and hasn't got home yet," answered the eldest, a girl. " And vou are all alouo ?" "Yes, sir, but baby is on the bed. lie's been asleep i.n awful long time, and we can't wake him up. If we con Id we'd play hide and seek and let him And us." " Is the baby sick," inquired the man. "We don't know, sir, but we cau't wake him up ; I touched him and toncb, ed him. and Charlie he tickled his feet bnt little Sandy never moved once. I guess he is awful sleepy. Don't yon think you could wake him np ?" " I'll try," replied the man as he went in, aud when the girl hat! lighted the lamp he followed her into a bod room in which there was neither carpet nor furniture. Pushed back against the broken wall was a poor old straw tick and a single quilt. He bent over to look at the child, and the first glance showed him that little Sandy was dead. On the window sill were some pieces of bread and a cup of milk which the children intended to feed him. The dead child's hand clasped a rag doll made of an old calico apron, and its thin little feet aud pale face were evidences that it had known sickness and hunger throughout its brief life. While the children waited for him to open his eyes aud romp with them and drive the gloom out of the house, the angels hail whispered to him and his eyes had nodosal to behold the splendors of heaven. " Won't he wnke np ?" asked one of the children, standing hack in the shadow. "Children, you mnst not come in here nntil your mother comes!" he raid as be left the room. " Won't he be afraid to wake up in the dark, they naked. "He will nleep n long time yet!" he whispered, not daring to tell them (he truth, ami aa he went out they put the light in on the bedroom floor, that little Sandy might not And darkness around him when hid aleep had ended. Poor tbinga f They knew not and they conld not see the crown of glory on the dead child'a brow—a crown whoso light all the shadows of earth ran never darken in the leant.— Free Pre**. Archers were a formidable part of all ancient armies, and the use of the bow seems to have lieen known to all nations when first discovered. The Hcytbiaus were the best HDcient archers, and the English among the moderns. The vic tories of dressy, Poictiersand Aginconrt were chiefly gained by the English archers. The Scythian bow was of horn. The Euglisb long liow was five feet six, and they were made of steel and brass. Arrows were from three to five feet. Ash was used by the English, and goose feathexed, two of the fledges white and one black. The heads were iron or brass, with light steel points and small barbs. The strings wore of gut or hide or hemp. A sheaf pf arrows was twenty fonr, and the archer was armed with* a maul and a dagger. The English archer drew to the ear steadily. A furlong was the distance of the butt in shooting at marks. The Parthians and other nations had horse archers. Th Mun-KaUng Nbark. Tho warmth of ihe water in tmpioal latitudes aorma to hare tho name client nil the mo tie torn of the deep that tho rlnnato haaou the tempernnieiit of man. Tho barracuda ia anvape ami aptfrensive aa a tißor, and tho onto! voracity of tho king of tho (hmnihal island* ia quite eolirveed by ttie horritdo, treacherous, stealthy tiatnro of that is pirite, llw man-eating ahark. ft ia stated, ami front what I liavo hoard 1 aui iiicliued to think it ia true, that tho ahark prefers wluto uion t> negroes, and will only attack and oat tho latter on raro OMNA aioua. An Knglish frigate's orow ou tho edge of tho llaliaum hank killed suty of thoas tn-maters in one day'a ajx.rt a fow years ago, so numerous are they iu thoao water*. Thia might hare been a uioaua taken tiy tho ltritiah government to rovonga itaolf, aa on s>>tue ravage tiilM< ri'garrtlopa of diplomatic rmiou tranooa ami fh onurteey of nations, for tho lilierty taken by tho sharks with tlio crow of an Kughsh ship-of-war aouie yoara earlier. Tho Magpie schooner waa cruising off (Julia for pirates when alio was struck by an "ovoye" squall a wind coming with.ait other warning than a small round cloud m a clear ky, rushing with tho rapidity of a oauuoti latll. She was over in an luatant, and, to make a long story abort, tho whole crow but two were devoured by a school of aharka whieh were lying iu wait. (Hiding in among tne horror-atriekea crowd of scanieu, they played with theui for awhile aa a oat .iocs with her prey. Hut the tlrat taste ol bhaii was like alcohol ton druukard, and in a few mo ments only two of the crew survived iu a boat which had (touted off from the vessel as she went dowu. After they had been in the ivoat several days, parched, starve.) and roasted by the tropic suu, a brig hove in sight, slowly passing two utiles away with a very light morning air just tilling tho sails. As she did not seetu to see the boat, one of the men jumped into the water and swam off to her. He was followed by two sharks, which kept him company the whole of that long, awful swim. But he scared them off by Happing his jacket- the shark Is a great coward. Just as he was about to give up the race in despair, the man at the w le-el looked over the rail and saw him. A boat was lowered, and he and his shipmate were saved. Nothing one sees at sea so sends au involuntary shudder through him as to ice the edge of the dorsal fin •( a shark floating like an upright sparou the surface of the water. You know at slice that mischief is lurking there.— .(ppfrtun'i Journal. Ihe Olile.t Huiltiiutr in >en I rig la ml. The oldest building ui New Eugltuid is the "Ctmlock house," situated on Ship strict, Medford, MMuchuetU, one mile from the town-bonne. It wa* bmlt bv Governor Orftdock's mechanic* —tlie owner never left England—tn lUB4, or two hundred end forty-four yean ago. It i* ou the north luiuk of the Mystic, opposite the " Ten Hilla farm," which ia in Somerville, on the south hank. The Ten Ildla farm ana located by Uem&or Winthrop, a year or two previous to 11i34, but the bouse he built wan of wood, and a hundred yearn ago gave way to the present old mansion on the farm. The Cradock house was locwtei) opposite to Governor Wiuthmp's, in order that Winlhrop might have an oversight over the mechanics x>f his Kugbsh friend, who was a leading man with him in the Massachusetts company, organized by royal charter, and probably the richest man. The mechauion of Cradock w.-re ship oarpenfera and builder*. They bmlt their hon sea of brick from clay dug and burned on the sjuit, probably the first brick made in Massachusetts, save at Salem in and not excepting the pilgrims on'lvmouth, whose firwt house was bnilt of i.igs. The Cradock house is not only the oldest house, but it is the first built in Medford, and the mechan ics who lived ia it founded the ship building business for which the town was no famous. The house, as before stated, is of brick, is two stories high, abont fifty by thrty-five, with a roof neither " gambrelnor •' pitch,** hnt i a compromise between the two. The walls are pierced with four port boles in the fn nt and two on each - end, through which it is supposed the inmate* could attend to any Indians who might hsve had a disposition to be trouble some. It is a quaint-looking old building, apparently good for another hundred f yearn, though the front wall ha* wabble*! a little out o( plutub by time. The house ta well worthy of a visit by tlioae inter estcd in American antiquitu-a.— l\>ttcr' American Monthly. .1 l'uz/lt-d Hoy, The young iwn of a widow litring on I'ark BtrxN t enteral the liouiw> the other day with excited step, and called to hta mother: " Yon'd better get this hottae all slick ed up, for there's • n? range man gomg to call aa ftoou an he gets through talking with the grocer on the corner !" " Man with the gas bill, I KaptKawj,' was her indifferent reply. " Not by a jug fnll *!" continued the Ixiy. •' He' all dressed in broadcloth, ha* a big gold watch, looks a* if he owned a bank and he wot usktug tne abont yon." "Is that possible? I wonder who it can l>e ? What did he a*k 1" "He asked if yon were as handsome as ever, ami if yon had grown old very fast, and if yon had married again !" " He did ? Gracious ! but who can it be?" " I don't kuow, only he ia good-look ing and rich, and—and— !" " And what did yon tell him ?" " I told him yon wouldn't marry the best man in the world, aud it wouldn't do fcim any good to come spooking"— " I'll give you an awful licking if yon don't split the rest of that wood!" in terrupted the mother with sudden ener gy, and he was run into the back yard and given a cnfT on tho ear aa he left the door. He leaned on the axe-helve and surveyed the windows in wonder ment, and by-and-bve he mused: " She is alius saying she's going to live for her dear children alone, but if this looks like it then I don't know tho famf ly ! I'll fell the next man that the whole six of ns are on the marry for taters in the cellar and a posish in society 1" A (roil Free Pre HI. Comfort in Ntnall Room*. Iu furnishing tonall room* so that they will bt> comfortable aa well tie tidy, a few rules mnut be observed. The wall-paper should be of some small pattern, iu the llrst place. If the rooms are low, hnug the pictures low, the more space there is between the top of the picture ami the ceiling, the higher your room will look. It is a very common mistake to imagine that the higher *lO pictures are hung the higher the room will apjtear. The next to be considered is the lurui ture. Anything large ought to la avoid ed. It is not the quantity, but t!w size of furniture in a room that seems to crowd it. A number of small tables in a small drawing-room will take np fat less room, and lie much more useful than one big one. Eveu the ornament* should he chosen judiciously; they ought all to be small and delicately shaped, and har monious in color. It is not easy to keep a small house tidy nolens yon have plen ty of places iu which to Stow away tilings. There is no possible room lor large chests of drawers, chiffoniers, or eveu that conveuieut thing a box otto man, iu to limited a space as that we are considering. One must resort to shelves and small cupboards, put up on the wall in any unoccupied corner that can be fonnd. Even tla-se may lie turned to orua*ental as well a* useful purposes, for nothing is easier than to get plain deal cupboards, painted black and gold, and with pretty designs on the panels. Shelves, too, covered with cloth the same oolor as the curtains or furniture in the room, add to it* effect, and help to keep it tidy. It is by no means im possible to live very comfortably and tastefully in a small house. Half a dozen onions planted in the cellar, where they oan get a little light, will do much toward absorbing and cor recting the atmospheric impurities that are ao apt to lurk in such places. Dr. Foot*'a Health Monthly. NEWS SUMMARY. ■ ■•turn and Aniridia state*. \\ ll(l is supposed to have txXNI UlB shock of 1 ail earthquake was frit along the Hudson, from Wot Point to IStrlnklll, ttin other mom lug. A rumbling round |u reeded ami foi ) lowed the shock, rlilrh loafed about thirty minutes, irilling windows and waking U|i people. A nil-days' ehauiptoushin pedestrian mstcli between LUnlol O'LnP *ud Tla-iuaa Hughes, t.s.k place iu Nsw fork, suit *•< won by U taui. sliu covered 4(13 Utiles tu Ills up ponsot'a 310. Ttis siulwl u fur (ho chuu |i|ou Imlt, won bv O I.ssi vtu louden some tluie ago, sud slsait 40,a o persona aers j>re out during the f uise of the match. A tire In I'stersou, N, J., dnstruyed por ! t on of the l'asaalc i oiling tulll, dou.g damage in Its •!<• nt of over (bki.Ono, and throwing j dun hands tew|M>rarily out of euitduynieut. Tlio aeeood cncket match betaestt the Alls j Italian eleveu and aa American teem look place lu I'lolad. IpUia, the Ujnvottaats of the visitors being • picked eleveu from the V un ,- America club. The ma'.-b resulted In s diss, I the A Inn leans having 34'.'runs and the AU tialiens when tunc was celled At Wood! rntge, sit miles frotu New Haven, Cnuu . the cloUtlug of Mrs. Jacob Knur caught dr. from the kitchen stove. The sufferer rushed nt the haru In a frtrnny. sod rot hug stunt the floor set the bay and building ou Ore. Shortly after she rushed into ttie open air, her clothing having heel! burned off and her body literally roast.d black Hhe jumped tutu a sell to aaeher sufferings ami was drowned, though her burns were sufficiently serious to have caused death. A lire tn West Thirty fourth street, New York, parliollv deeUoywd the large piano manu factory of tieorge Hi.s k, entailing a loss of ' slcml (till (UNI, on which th insurance Is In the I vicinity uf dso.uoo. Au .vicursion tram, consisting of twenty cars and two krc-uaotlvea, was returning from a regatta on Kilver lake, Mass., and when atnul seven tulles from ttoslon the engines jumped the track, oarrylug wilh them Ave cars, ail of winch were stocked. The am-idsut >currej i at the YVolk.ton gravel pits, where there la a slo|ug enihankineut of s .ute twenty feet. The •v .ndin lot had orUored the brakes applied, and the engineer of lire eeouisd engine had applied j a presuie of ninety five pounds when h<- felt , his engine J mip the track. His engine pulled t' e ft'st from the track, and IsHh piuugel down the euilMinkuieut in a wreck. The tig g ge car, which lmmedtstety fallowed, was pushed slnng the track and loft standing. The compartment car strut k the t-uruer of tho sec j ond tender and had its eutire aide turn out. In this were UsUiug uiou and their ladies and re I ctrtof-, and every person ou the left hand side } of the car were either aillnl or badly injured ; The neat car was hurled to the other side of the track, and broken lu two. The three fol , lowing cars plunged down Ihe t>euk, and were l>ded upon each other m one mass of broken ) timbers, with hundreds of people dead, dying and letrihly hurt jammed togethai u an inex trlcahle confusion. I h.-se in the care at the rear etpertenced a slight shock as of a sttddeii stop, hut sat .juietly for fully fifteen miliu es before ascertaining that there was aor sc-rlotl* trouble. The sceue iuat after the crash was a repoUUuu of llis tmefmiiientiy drawn ghastly picture - mangled 1--.lies of the dead lying in the huge confusion of broken care . the injured living struggling to free th.-tneelves , m.siuu g men { with t-Token arms aud atiattm-d legs lylug helpless, here and there the al ghtly Injured rushing about in aud helpless con dition . and v.anic and distress r.. rywhere YYutd wsa unuiedlalel- telegraphed lo lkwton aud relief or, wtiti phratclans on h>ai-i and tna'erlt) for the wouudnl was at once tent out, while the townspeople of WolasbHi end the local pbyaM-tant were pro... jg to lend g hands wheleVrr poeathie Keagan. one of the 1 prtuctpalalu the day's boat race, was arm ng the fatally injured, aud he dlcal eriou after his removal from tne |*iace-oar iu whwh he had beeu r.dtug wi h the managers of the race and a number of leading local celebrities About twenty persons were kilted and over 10l in t jured more .r lees severely. Am ng the deed aud wounded were several members of the presa. By aa explosion of fire-damp la Ihs l"r>>pret •haft i t the t-rtagb coal company, u*or VVliko*- 1 twrrs, Fa., Jsßkui* L-wie, (ivcwge lasher (iotiu W t .iuxiaa sud Jams* Ruaruta four minors who •o a! "virk together in a dletant chamber orre burled agamat tbo aide of the gangway, sad received u,June* frvm abteh they dud. Tt: other day aboat forty large wagon*. pfnmlnl by bora, ho wal the inmate* of bouse!- of their approach, went through the street* of Now Viak and person* accompany iug tl r-m gathered clolhu g for the yellow fever sufferer# of thr Hoatb A large juantity of cioUung of eirrt description aw obtained Twelve buildings—one of tbsm a large chair far-tow on huly flrat and adjacent at lest ain New Vorfc, were J**t roved by tire, causing a to i'f about ttOO.OUO, on wh.cL there la a {-arUal plan ranee. Wddtarn and Southern State*. It? the explosion of a boikr >u Hatclil'>r sawmill, at lorinan Mtation. Mich . Jeose For man wa killed. rd four other men wrre -nou*!y Injured. The mi!! was totally de siroied. l)!Bcer Usee, of the Chicago pohca, was shot end instantly killed by a man driving a wagon, who wa# acting au*ptou-!y, and who dia apiwared after tnurdcrtug the poboeman. Much alarm <n oocasiontd throughout Ktnaa- and C dorado by an or.tbpeak among the Indiana, who lef' Ib- ir reserratxm and be gan to plunder and kiii the at tiler* and ranch mni. Seventoeu tawjiee of white*, who bad been murdered were found. United Stale* troops were ent in pur unit of the marauder*, and settlers and stock turn organised for de feose. Heury Grwftoobaum, ex-preatdrnt of the . (lertuan uvuig- bank of Chicago has been ar retted ou the charge of embeaaltng 4225.000. IVputy Ilevenue Collector Fhtihpa recently r. turned to Nashville, Tenn., b--m a raid aiming dlir I disthiertas in Overton, Jackanti. F- litres* and But nam eouutu-a Several Ail d.#til!eru- werw destroyed The revenue offi cr had a aevwrt. fight with a party of about fifty men, armed with long-range itfi.e and p-t. don a Idnff. Four of the distiller* were killed and other* wounded, but (ha officer# filially retreated, for want of ammtinftxin. I The Octidier elections in Ohio, Indiana, lovra, and Waal \ Irguu* hav# t-oen l>ald. vntii varying rv-sulto. lu Ohio, on the day after election,' th< ancceos of the Republican Stale ticket wa# con -a-l<il; tk* IVmocrwUi nlftotrd tlirtr Slate Ucket ' in Indiana tiie llopubtlcoiw Uieiro in lowa, and ui West.Yi'gitna the entire liptnoeratic con givwsioiAl ikiiegatwu was declared elected. In several of the congressional district* Us con test as close. The tin-en hack or* ele-tr-d two v-ngriwameu in lowa. The Missouri Kepnblican Niate convention, in aasskm at Nt. toui*. nominated a ticket Itradrd by Alexander F. iMiuy for supreme court j.idgis on a bard-innney platf-mu. A boiler explosion at Burns' mills, near Hope, Ail, , killed two meu and severely in jured several others. Charles Everman and a neighbor, wlio were cutting corn in a field near Ilecaiur. 111., became invoivnd in an aftercatioo. Kverroan struck hi* iw-igbbar three blow* on the neck wltb k corn cutter, severing tho bead fftito the body. In the Indiana legislature the lNm<*-r*t* have a majority of about six on j--int ballot, insuring ttann the flection of a V nitcd But*<* senator, to succeed Ibmiel W. Voorhies. The cotigrsasioual delegation stand#nine I>emocrat* to four JU-publicau*, a Democratic gain of three. In Ohio the Republican plurality on the Rtate tirket Is vsrioaslv estim ited from thr e to eight thousand. The congee* mina] delega tion stands eleven Democrat* to nine lleptib -1 leans ; a gain of three for the former party. A prairie lire m Hwift county, Minn., cleared everything in its track on thirty *<piar<> miles of territory, compelling the farmers to flee for their safety, and MMriM tlie farms of all combustible material. Where once were hun dreds of prosperous farms, all is now a black, desolate area, amTw-areoly a dollar of property remains. The farmers m the Are-devoured regii'H are deddnto, having lost everything except their lives. From Washington. The United Mates steamer Plymouth has sailed from the Portsmouth (Ta ) navy yard for Santa t'rux to protect American resident* there during the insurrection. Hhe carries twelve guns and -JO oihoers and men. including twenty marines. Government clerk* will be allowed ten days to go home and vote. The presides' ha* published a proclamation commanding a!! |M>r*on* iu New Mexico, and espcctailv in Lincoln county, who are obstruct ing the execution of the law* of the United States, to disperse and go peae.-ablv to their respective abodes on or before Oct. 13. In ac cordance w th this proclamation. the secretary of war sent the fallowing to Gen. Sherman • The president ha* issued a proclamation declaring thst. bv roason of nnlawfnt obstruo tiotia, combinations and assemblage* of ier- SOIIS the law* of Ihe United Stales within • tie territory of New Mexico, and especially In Lincoln county therein, cannot be enforced by the ordinary Course of judicial proceedings, stel commanding the (icrsons comprising such combination*or assemblages to disperse end repair urawably to their r.-specttve abodes be fore tea Iv® ©clock. n<s>n, on the 13th Inst. Tht* proclamation 1* preliminary t" the em ptovmerit of troops of the DdM State* to pre serve the pemca and enforce the law*, in o*e di*tnrbanv and nnlawfnl oombtnation* con tinue after the time named. The president, th. r> fore, direct* that yen Instruct the proper military ofltccr th*t after Ihetlni* above men tioned ha* expired he will proceed ta. disperse bv military force all *urb unlawful oombina tJoßH or ami-mblage* of i*r*ou* within '.he said territory, and that h will by tbe ON of tuoh force, anil so long a* resistance to the law* shall continu -, aid the governor and authori ties of the territory in keeping jieace and en forcing the laws." The number of silver dollars coined up to the ninth i* 17.0(H).000. of which not more than ■J 000,000 ire I*-1 loved by the tresoury depart ment to be iu actus! circulation. From reports forwarded by ten of the l-ge*t nostoffirea iu the oountry, it I* believed the sys tem of TigiHtration of tbird-olse* mail inslter, which went into effect recently, is a success. | {Secretary Sherman haa decided to iaaue legal tender note* of the denomination* of $9,000 and tin,ooo, and designs for the platea are now lad tig prepared at the bureau of engraving and printing. The highest denomination of United States note* now ianiied is #I,OOO. The uw note* will not lie issued until .fan. 1 and are Intended to take the place of coin oertil cales, which, tt ts eipeoted, the notes of Ifat largei dnnomlueUou will In a great measure, ll not entirely, supersede. Porniarn dw, The etoi y is revived ttiat mauv colored atU sens of the Culled Htales are held In h-odagi on the island of Cuba, havlug been kidiiap|>ed from the Htales of Klcrtda and l. mlslaua and sold Into slavery. Curing the progreaa of the ou the Island of Cuba, tuvestlga tton was obstructed, hut as difficulties are imw removed by the restoration of |eace, our gov ernment will promptly act on all reoroeenta lions from re|msilde soureoa charging the kidnapping of colored (itlcehs. The whole of Itosula and llerMgovtlia is snlMtunt and the country is In tba hands of the Atisttian army of vswupatlon. Ha ad Hetdsli Par ha and 1M soldiers htm wsis massacred In Albania hv Ihe Itifurt st.-d luhahllanls when they were informed by the |l.a that the suKsn of Turk. * had sen him to arrange for the transfer of Podgurtlt to MonteuaffVO, Au iusanffictp u among the colored jsipula Uoti of Hants Gnu. an Island tn the West Indies, is re|Hted. lire insurgents burned one town, d. slioyod sugar estates and murdrrtd several leading planters. In one engagement the h.aurreoUonhria ntre touted and 300 of litem killed. The Pacific mall steamship Ooorgta ran over some concealed risks on a sandy (sunt tUi miles uf Panama, and became a total sink The passengers and crew were saved, and tt was thought must of the cargo would be recovered. Ihe vessel Was valued at •laoooo. The Canadian goveriimritl has teisgued and Mir John A. Mcliouald has been lull beted with the formation of a cabinet. Over 100 estates on the island of Hauls Ctu* were laid waste by the tusturertiotdals. There has been quite a panic among per sous holding stock in lAM.don gas companies owing to the discover y of professor Kdlsoti, the American inventor, that by the dislnuuttou of electric light a rbaajwr Illuminating agent is al tamable. Ths %'elless fsisr svrwerae, A New (Ifleans dispatch of the foort'i to a New York paper give# the following fearful details "The f> vol seem - slid to ma utaiu lis hold UJXIU the outer borders of the city, more especially in ths rear aud lower limits with a further extension out of Algiers up lo (Ireins tu the center uf the city only a few cases still linger. The best authorities say that there i have nut been less thau twenty-five thousand oases of fever tu this cvty up to the present tune, hast night aud this morning, annum panted by two physicians of the Howard and Young Men's (Jbruttau associations, lira, j t.rossrt and Unorge Hlutnpf, 1 drove along the rear jiorlusu of the ally, where large numbers of our |w.|utlutiou are now suffering from the fever. In some places 1 found two, three and four chihtriu iu one twd, all down with the fever At one plans there were eight in the family father, mother and aix children some sick and some well, hut only one bed for them alb Hover al 1 found iviug on the hare floor, having under them only a few rag*, and with filth and vile odor* lu every aurner. la this bouse I noticed one of the pollen s partkcalerly, a young girl of about seventeen summers, with handsome, regular features and large dark eves that wera iueijvrwsaibty sod Mhe seemed sinking amid the squalor and inde cency of the apartment At another place 1 saw four children lying ui one bed, all of whom had learn taken sack within a few hours ..f each other Hull another family was vkUed "here three Children had hewtu stricken duwu withi u about lift ecu minutes of each other. It seems mar vci.ios thai many uf these caatw ever iwcovrred. Home would take no medicine what ever, In one instance, through the Ignorance and stnjadity of parent a. the medicine was mixed all together, and ail givter at una does. The great tendency with the children aeetns to 'w toward re la j wing Ona little creature had had two rvlajwM, utrna through eaUng acorns after be had town up and about for sutr days. A considerable number of the patients i saw bad no strength. indeed, they seemed to have beru utterly broken down before they warn taken sick. Home of those had nut taken a mouthful of food fur several days. There waa filth, destitution, and almost etarvatluu, every where." lus deaths from yellow fever, in the places named, up the aixlL were as follow New Or leant- ... 3.171 Water \ alley. Miss 17 iiatou Itottge, La Id Ocykft, Ml** 17 l\a<l uetullHj. I.a . 65 Jackson. Mi ... 9 Patterson tills La. 'Hernando. Miea. Unbo-leant, I.a 34 Hay St. I *>ol*.. .. 37 j Morgan City, Iji lOKUoxi, Mi** 14 I UabadicvUie. Ia . 7lsi i irean Miwruga. M . "it i Port llada, Ia 13 Tetrv, Mssa.. ~.. 13 1 lMbi. U .33 Hefuge, Mia* ... 15 ' ffwrr limns LA 'jn (IrasueiUo, Mio# .380 ' Memphi*. Twnn ..2,713 IAKO, MIO# FTW Chattauf >'*, T. . 4i- itlckuiau, hi 105 ; Uruwitsville, Tstin. so Ixtuiavtiie, Ke 41 1 (Irand Junctlim,T. 54 (iaiiipult*. Onto .. Id ' (irwnada. Mi** ... 274 ( .unmiiali. Ukio 14 ' IA (iraogf. Ti-tu. 21 Nt I*mi*. Mu 41 i NaabvlUe. Teuu . ft Chldftgo. 1 Holly Hprtns*,MiM XSVCortu. 11l 12 ! Vicksburg. Ml*a 1 ("O* Mot-lie 17 (laulun. Miao. ... 11* Kev Wast 5 Port (Itboou. M-o*. lift l'aaaUhnstiau Ilia ft; T0ta1......... 3,933 Urv Owvd, Mice ft There have been k few doaths aj*o at atUftl! town* in Temaessee, Minaka* pfg and I*>uiaiaoa, of which no are*! rate report can IA made. The total unmber of cases has In New Orltsans, 10.4*5: in Hatou Runge. 1.497; in i 'anti-n. 745 . in Memphis about .OW. and In ; Yickebutg about 3.00(1. The rhatruMui of the relief comm-tlre, a! Holly Hpnnga reported to { Burgnoti tieueral Wo dworth, at Waahmatoo . I '' Our ait nation t* indescrlhshls and mme would ttelicve ti uhkfas they caw fur themst ires. 1 am (he only riuaeo who has not had the fever, and almost daily the trfhee has l-eeu *wepi of clerks, nif-Ms-tigara and other mpk>yes. I'hem is great deoUtution among the pn-plr. and we arw ning every mesne to (wry-nt suffering. Von j hsve bten exceedingly kind U us. and 1 vrtll > hereexprnsa our deep and lasting gratitude From Baton itouge, l.a . ojumc the foil->wing | dispatch dated toe seventh : ** tine hundred and eleven new caves and eleven deaths of yellow fever were officially reported, witli one . physicuui to bear from, during forty-elgl t hours ending this rooming. The aoourge ta ; steadily and ooustantly dxmg Ma work. Them is no prospect >-f abalcwm at Tbs weather omit tinea hot and opt wee-an. A great many , re*sw are reported as doing badly. A cry fur asdftUtim is oomtug from ever- Tbs - Howards are sorely prvamed. Their axpeuars I now amount to hundreds of dollars daily, and [ their rwooun-ee are fairlv roelunz away. Km * (stance is u.w much tiewied." The fttssMship J -bu M. Cbknit-era, from HL Ixuiia, laden with cftpphee for infected imtnt* 1-etween that ty d Virkatmrg arrived at Meinplii*. Surgeon i Keys, on botn) the steamer reported that i 11<0ktuan Kv , was the only place between St. Louis and Memphis needing stares. Reports on the tenth staled that the dowAse was spreading in Temweeee. wbils in Nickc hnrg, Mi**,. ime of the tisanly afflictefl c-tiea, the plague wa* on Ui* decrease. The following <l patoti from New lirleans to the New York | //r'.iid will be read with inDreat " To-du I ; bad an opportunity to obowrve the admirable cvatfMu die Young Meu'e Christian association have adopted lu attending to their yellow fever liaiienU. All their employee*, cxaept nurses erst diiebww, Islair incessantly to alleviate the •ufforing* and sorrows of the ck. and give tbeir err-ices without the slightest compensa tion. looking for their reward t-nty tn the estimation of good men and what they hops for in the next world. The aaeoc stum em braces among its members Kirns of the most re#|* I'tntl men in the city, and is a charitable a*—.-nation in the tallest, broadest sense of the term Each meinl-er has his district, and the nv-ment a ease is reported at tin- office— indeed, ofteu before ii is rejauted there—a mem tier visits and takes charge of it. This promplcnssis most uuportanl. aa many case* rvtpiiri- attention at once ; often |fUuts die befort- a physician can get to them. Oho poor creature the other day wa* found lying in a chicken coop, and a whole family was diecov i*rwd in a mere shed, the roof of which was par tially covered with au old piece of tar ran In. The'Vonug Meu's I'bnstian association is uu gularly fortunate lu having some of the 1-ost young pliy-aicxans in our city. As sufiicieut time has now lapod suioe my visit in the very worst district# in town. I am now ali o to indgw of tins. Ail till eases I saw than, upward of a hundred and there were some vary desperate one* are doing well, with two exception*. The case* under the car.- of Dr. M. F. Orosart are |>artloularly noticeable for the care with whiob they have l-(-n treated. Till* energetic young tihysician, who since the fourth of August ha* iieen going inceswantly dav and night, has at tended 275 oase* an 1 has lost only twelve. This good Kamantan, 1 am informed, lias not only attended the sick free, but, in some I instancoH, ha* also buried the dead at hi* otvu coat." _____ Holland*** Mar with Atchecii. Th© 1 >ll toll have Htill got that war uu their hands in Atoheen. Th© contest ha* nnw Iwn UHgmg for shout eight years, and has cost tit© Hollander* ft pretty penny. A correspondent lately writing from Amsterdam says, "The Atoheen war ia likely to ruin onr tl uancea. Heareely has the chamber ac corded a cmlit of several millions for the war than the government find* itself under the necessity of asking for new subsidies. This time it asks for eight million*. In order to oover the deficit entailed by the war, which has already involved a loan of forty-throe millions of florins—the government haa had to persuade the chamber to oonaont to a tax which has stirred np lively discon tent among all c.hwc*." Atoheen is the northweat portion of the great ISIO of Sumatra, which at the nearest point ia distant only thirty-five miles from Java; but Sumatra ia 900 milea long, and Atoheen the portion moat remote from Java. The Dutch have always viewed Atcheen with great jealousy and dislike, inasmuch aa they regard the vicinity of a free and independent state as setting a hwl example to their Malay population, which ia in a state of nerfage i'ttle re moved from slavery. The Atcheeneae are the most advanced of the native racea of Hnmatra, and are evidently a very formidable foe, with a great deal of ataying power. To oleinaa and whiten th* tenth, to aweeten the breath, tine Brown'* Camphorated Hapona otxms Dentifrioe. Twenty-A re oent* a bottle A Ifrwlib-tlearrwvlea Vewwr , la gwneraied by the aetiou of the nun's rays ' npou damp, oecarlng vegetation, stagnant pools and marshy, (nw lying tracts The true nature of this miasms ts by no means clearly understood, but tl.are are two facta U> relation to it that are The Mrst is, that the jmrtndloal 4 fevers which tt breeds are of the most virulent type | the second Is, ttiat these matadtas are rarely cured, although they may he aatelio taUd, by the ordinary re mediae employed tn overcome them. The true antidote to the ef fects of miasms is Itrwtettar s Htumsrh Hitters This medtctue ts one of the most popular remedies of an age of auooeeaful proprietary e|m-iilcs, and Is In irameriM drmstid wherever on this coutluent fever and ague allots. A wlneglassfill three tunes a day is the beet poa slid, prwparativs fur ehcuuntaring a ruaiarious atm.wpliere. regulating the Itvar, and luvtgor atlhg the stomach. The Pal Vise's Pee tee. lee. We ran are some pleasure, if no reason, in the coo wuii.g ufa bwhy show, hut we aoarese , wecoillt nevir see the a Ugh teat cause, reason ! able or otherwise tor a fal man's coavenUua, I unless 11 Iw Ihe fee* that misery loves rem I any. lor ttfty or a hundred men whose sea <>rsl weights range from two hundred in thiWe ' hundred pounds In hold a couvstiUon simply twmaose of SO much surplus avoirdupois, ts abssnd lo say the least. Ii becomes eo ■ 1.11. We redact that ohestly ts a disease. What would we think of as many parentis emanated ' by ooiisumpikm holding a oooveotnui to cum I are Umtr relative weights t Therw ia hot cue ground spun which we would advocate another fat men s i - uvoiilion. and that is that the* will meet In discuss the merits of Allan's Anil-Pet, ' the known remedy for obesity It is safe and reliable Hold by druggtsla. The professional indorsement which has beau accorded by feaduig medical men in varum* )*ris of the ounutry to I>r. Win. Hail s i>stasia for the l.uogs, ts a suffioleut guaranty 6f Its efficacy Ui erailtealiug diseases of tbe hraeth lug organs. These gentlemen have thoroughly , tested the lemedy. and Vbpu eanrerrout MJ muuy is tu ihe effect that it la a positive fur long, bioiM-hial and thrust affecUona of everv description, and a most rwltahle preven tive uf that dreaded scourge, aunsOßiptinti. firugglsts set) It. Por upwards of thirty years Mrs W tNMIAJ'A'V HOfJTtnNO KYltt'P has hewn used forehlhlras, wph iievei -falling tit ourreete acidity of the stomach, rehevca wind oolle, regulates the bowels, cures dysnutary and diarrhcea, whether arijatng from teething or other eaosee An old end well tried remedy 36 eta, a botUa. CHEW Ttie (V-lel-rated "Mat-HUM* Wood Tag flag Ttwxm iHa Pu-wzaa Tonaouo UoariM, New York. Ikwtaia, and c'bioago. Familiarity with the writings of the great iv*-ta la a nr-rawalty to any one who wriahwe to appear well in company. For 10c. wa will eend e hook of 160 selection# froth the beautiful tool odww (iI Moore, tha grand |eauof Bytou, and (tie nueouaMed MBtfof Burns. and So popular tonga, Desmond iCo 916 ltaoe at., Utile. A Fav<maata Noroaiati. —1 b goud rwpw ation of " brown a bronchial Troches " for tha relit! of oongba ©old* and throat diseases, baa given them e favorable notoriety. Tweuty iieerU. a UX. The moat dangerous freer* are typhoid, fctl totia. malartoua and gaatiic. These all < algi nate in the stomach, liver or bowel# and may I* easily prevented. One of Parsons' 1' art alive lilts each night for a week will drive disease from tha aywl—L A missionary Just returned says he rwgatd* Johnsons Anodyne J-iamout a* beyond all I we, and rfflcaaious beyond any other msdi ' cine. It is adapted to a great variety of special cases, and is lbs boat pain killer in ine world Thirty of the beet organ makers of tha world are oucnpetltura at tha Pans Finortinti. A cable dispatch to the Associated Press mere two highest award* have barn awarded to tha American makers, Mason A Hamlin. Hon C. It. Parsons, mayor of 1 loch enter, was radically rund of Hright s Diana as by Craig's Kidney Dure. Depoi 42 University PI. K. I 1 t-ea \. rn.. N. V. A PA. P. O. 11l KK( Tt*. J. J IM. * Co of CbsWa. Mam., an anMwm a Buait-o## DtloeUwy, is s back wtl be neurdad eas uwdar IB sack lews and cuj wb* ta* he tan Pike's Oaoleeolal ball Kbests Halve Tot diaeana of U>* akin, anek aa Halt Kuan, km Up*. ('Lapped lUata Out*. tans, Koala#. Ptlaa. Uww, honteea, lugroeiac Malta. He., tkn aaive fea* we oqaai I.HPOKTANT NDTI' K. Parmero, Parol, laac end OtMass ean peecbese as Itnaaadf nqsnl M Dr TVIBIA*' VkftrriAM MNIMKNT fas Iks sees of Üboiosa. P-a-tScna lijMeiisfj. ov si> Ocdas and Han •trktxaa. (*Ju* taleraOlf ill la scrtsllj besmla-s an* sakh aevwmimirlag aaek kettle) and osTsrwaltf fee ( atonic Kloantl .*is Hoadaek*. TuoUiacfen. Hare Thr-al, Cat*, bursa. Meelknoa. Hruaao, MaoqWfo Mssa Old Hers* Paioa m luaalt*. Back and Ukcea Tk* VKMrrikW UNIMRNt eaa ittleedne-d la MM?, and no no* otto baa ocod H kol ooottoooc la do aa. aaci *< allow it II eac Tee Itollafe a 801 li* ikot w0.3 t.i.f I* e-itk ol H of tWoAoaaoe eae be aeeeattba Pepof.aHeaa-.osol >la woodertoi impuHM hold b lb# Pruiu at 4U. . Dopot 4 g Murrar #f_. Mew York The Market*. •WW lest Beef OtWa-RMtn..._ I* • Oi Teas# and Cfcsraka* C*J# OS* MUflhOew* ~*._..K>o *•> J Koga—Use. ..... mff hrssesd kvl fih 1anat...... ■■ ......... M fi CSV doe--MiactlctU'ldands ....„ It'.i IC* etpwr-Wmsore—tt-tel u. Obaloa. 4!• gt H HtaU — Ohoiet IS Fancy 4 < • 41 ft 10 Wksat-No. W if ftsw trute Wat* l of 1 ft bye-Bl*-- # ftl Barley— itansds No. !...._ t It Sft ' '0 Dan*y>u.i '"Wis—Mixed Waslerk. ZTtl# (Wrs—Mla*d Waaler* Ungraded ... tft # tft day. per cwt.. OO # '.ft Straw tier t* Iwmg Ry# .. W (A SO Hans— ihted m Prfat* Mew Crop. . W d t Pork— Extra Family Mots .—.IT ift ftll M Laid—Oliy maatb. .<o# ftft-fto • tab -Mackoral. No. I. Bay 1 UO ' 00 Mo. 1 tVlncs Edw'd] to 10 ft Dry Pod, per ewi...— Tl ft I Barrtus. 8 aled, par b0x.... U # t l atrolsem—Or* • .0* 4ft-* fc Msftwsd rt\ Moot —Oaltforr Bprmg *1 A Jft Texas . a • • UiMr-wa* Cmorry.,. ...—a... I* ft ft Oreamery .... "ft # Ift Dairy .—. 0* # 1* ji actory (ft a It (Iftssss-Mate ractcrj. Oft f 10 Wale htte med. 01 A 01 Wasiern f A 01 ■gga—4Mat and Poeiv*ytvaHta. ... 31 A JIM rtm.aowt.ewie Fleer—Pwxore eacif g-*a Mo. A 4 fty A ftO vrueal-Bvd IVnnsylvwnu 1 t A 11l t # !• oSn-T.foe - 'ft A ft* hall Mixed..— - .... MMA *0 'Jai —Mtaod A i aiMlsam—Grwds..— ..JlfMAVtM SAnsd, 0N Uoo! - pfxera-J0............ ftn Aw rwxas..— Ift A ' Oklsfernia...— ....—.... k A ft mtaia. flnt.. ft A A*** W.Taat H*d Winter.—. M A 0 ru-M art - >3 A ** 0i15.... - - - ft A ft* By* '• A I* Barley 1 10 A > 10 Barley Malt 1 00 A ' • BOStOW Bssif Oettia..— Oft A MB 5H5J1...... . . AM A WTI Hog* ABA B Floor— Wisconsin and Minnesota ft SO 4 IK • lorn-Mixed. ftcNA ** ->s4o— " J# A It -tool—Ohio and t-snusylranla XI. ft' A M Pattfomla.. 13 A BkIWHTWW, eat*. Serf OstUa..— ... 04 A <*B Ktiesp..... C*BA (<• k1cha,......................... .. 04 A tl ings ... 04BA I* w* two to wit, mass Best OatUe—Foorto Okoico..— . rfc A Id HhfWß (ft A *B ftrS ... 14*S (ft Ae SALVE V >l-RE RKUEP FOR THE M'FFERKR. I 1 dm MM. | f - A VrvMtllf PrfMratUa, tnwnt! In th# IT:H rr ntunr by V*r TtlllUru Mr*##, Burgvon in King JAM#** army. Through It* ARVIICV HA KND thou*- uint* of th* mot! arrkm* norm am! wound* thai th# *kt I of th# vnnwt rmfm-nt phimtrtans of hi* fl.iv. and wa* rrfrardtvl try all who km w him a* a jnihUo bra?fuuUr. CUES n.r-tt wot-wpa, nm urn**, Aif given*. mitvuna, t jir i HKAfrr, noaa ur%. rnYxmcLA*, lus'tHi****, f vixftts. SCALD WKAT. CHAWED h OT**. caw ania r* u M \JW, MM. rti iaa, ! ATM VIM, ffivh\ Hnit*sa MN.Tr KM, WFX*. KTIKK, ISD*. AMI, rRECKUMa n* m vs m*r Aju*. aoaa. "■'*T V . ItlWj WHiTLOWa, - huifiau TAN, r# j>. ffti*, *ct-*TT, I IN t iftowtMf VAits. vtrrru: BAWV, MOCKJITTO AXD rutA BITE* iiunt rruiw*. An 1 tnifiinrwi* dlmiai and eruption* rmeraUy. FRIT* . CENTS A BOX. BY MAIL CENTS. , Throe dozen Boin 11 —I gro**, will he , Weill TO PEDU I.F.RM, WTORr. KEEPERS. ! Ift t WdbTSi (ex -eaeege said* at receipt ol H.OlHibsst eleven cents a bos. | nUCPAJIKD BY BETH W. FOWLE A SON*. m HAIMUBO* AVF.STPR IKKSTON. MARA , Onw Jx*aoPf Bwrt Nwry Tobfeeo. GV~ SSSSttfK UILUPII" • ••* YOUR PHOTOGRAPH AND NAME /!■• \ ►ITR.SSRSUWW.'CJ / <P9 1 IQP COLUMBIAN HOTEL, NLKTNMI/T WMTWIF*.. .. ... RRSIR.WJ.^-'V^.SU ItßlfflßfiH feFaagaEßSg flH * T ■• AitlMt U ILMKH IM MIM The Father Mathew Remedy I* a MTTBIB aixt >BBfe ear* fat MMBpNWa l*fr AJVF ILAMIUU ** BLWUIIBTW !***•*• **f ■■*!■■ *• Xe mmiimt •)•*•*• ill* • BFOEIFEFC. BP fmt HeMtM. It alee erne mrf Ul •* fMufM; **•*!+ MM TWIMV R T UNT ,}FM IT RI GARFCFFSRR .RJFINFI Mmm. * ~e. r. . P.rwßjCtSiFWwpsSßpae ABI> M AJRRRBTIPHNI 00, W Baal At, wtw -V *R>MM ****** ISPI :CUS?B n*xiL* m%r mmm*r n* *■•> EmrHwm (U VUFE MSFML *•• E*D * *♦ JP M S - 4 MJ I *"*♦ W***l mttM n* m M / ' ' FLK g f 'IH fietrVl luikUJHMI fa 1 |J ii / u* • Ae kM.'t.t.i ■ *fee* VFI FF F r-r •* *# ky .;< i4M*i,e* ent-rfaeteoi HiK inuHH„Hilmint.x.l. \nftsiair J^CLELBATTDFL wlw MM, B> iktr u|- " fa w Vuia, Kifff** Hi tifii, CV- SnibtUUc tt<w!*fk*!a lUTBIuaUB IB OMMMBI UeMlMl B&4 dHIIMMi <* W*Mlir el the aaad. A rtfii •rra(>,--<ieUUJBp ♦ tnjlifVHtf iti#r4kuU Ho '*-•* MMy fcftA r*~* * etw*#* *>uoieUa tfc<46 tdjii Umgi***__ , P AGENTS WANTED ION THE XCTORIAL HISTORY-""WORLD fesirsi sMur-saTtt *^zjzr m ?stts , *?£ feTLiSwrpS foj 11 "' FREE! | IJU .aleUlbW t>i aaminAal r.B.m tm 1 1 Kite. KfMMtf #F ValtlM IHfhMM J rift* ] ITC ■ I W MMVM4 f ilt m 4 *• * I-m •*'• TPMtla* MM* U •? 11 UiteL^ IN. H O BOOT. I IjfßlrilM*, Bb* Tart Cures Uyspepsia, Indiirestlon Sour Stomach, Sick JSeadftche. HEW RICE BLOOD! hirta'a KrBtlv* rtlta maka Ha* Ink Btowi aod a,a catoiteaij rbaßfa tba Mrad to It* anurc u if IBrra ntatu Aat para* ba ail 1 ak I ;*-i t jb Et' frara I to II waaka ma* tm laama" to Of aat M L. tf ac'C a <BIM Bo pmto.Ma- Ml #sra lafci I a e* r#af H sraff /to >c*' .after rtaaraa I R. JlMUtej* * 00. >—m. mmm. I^l!TT^7rrttr^^- l)ropar> i all ■* **• *■ too Illltf|r. Huwalrr ut I rtaart <**"l est* ?££siVTr?r I rant i'ctoratejt 1 irn US!'m aanastrd. Mat! laW.I L. Ctotor t-wteaa. R1 „ 1.-- ...uatrotoOoompkat I p— DBrain* Buck* AbobiM So Son fttMctl Pitta*: ■ '' - *V MX Rao.*. Rata# Wrtiit A Dora /1/ M l % i Altar! aarat for Kaonc I / t I Marbtara xapW pat aocA r -1 r I tol tpval UI agtiai aal t..< \ 1 act tied of toaabiaa . it Of. \ / oartr a. noma (too Bracßtaa V J rtce Ua Dollar AaA a Ma yV _S rig M Jtoa oaator taooia oonttod R * ROSE. Sua - Rotld tto. mo Tort Ror Kraal 1 of I'all.b. lsai|ii C l.alrar. ( Irao- WHO WANTS A FARM WHERE FARMING PAYS TEE BEST? FOR SALE. mooof^^ssS! t4 |Mi >r*ww3' AVMB nnn Acres of Choice Pine oUU.UUU 1 l *. "kni Uattor Wurtrla If" Road torTtiuatrotoa Ramphlot. foil of footo J|| It. K. H A KMC*. I a tod I owwlraiattrr. I. Htrda. j.ESTrr&co. BRATTLEBORO, VT. tW Sesd for lilest rated Calslofße# 111 SMITH IREII CO. first EtUhlUhM) I Most SumwMl THF-tR JXRTRt UKXTS hew a eUndard value la all the LEADING MARKETS OP THE WORLD! Kwi t wlx-rr rooognfifd >• U'" FINKIiT IN TONS. OVER 8O , 000 - Mad* and In uw. Jfrtr IValgn* ootrethmUy. Brat work eml ko*t prir<- # 9 ~ S<-11<1 bi a l 7; Si,opp. faftkis Si, SostaL Xi& y-nrvS? Seven Shot* 0 I /M. 1 |r " n ru.Jm § e totcrl Knr.W fa Jrrl Se OliMlrr. I 6 Wf tin rrr I A plirtH w 5 J , UkILMUn< * nmw A Wrymm thh"auhti R.rultwraoba 17 di* beat rrm eft*r*A for tki " fc WON I, to bo ptmap w> Uor. ptohu .1 maasfactui.., ol u toot Kughali Meal an.l Bntobo., to th highaatprtrwi H.v.ilrar ID UM Otarkrt W barotold MMinf t'.rin bim tho Unit ol Jm*. aad ba, last coaua. tad >lt> Uw muuloctom for Hi.rte ra ro <hir g-.rmnlrv ar com panto. ooob Ha vulva, l.nrtdgsa I* fit Umoua baotiUtned at so* ganaral torn*. THK CHH'AGC TVlXlKßirUir UnnW. IMaa<! I Cboatuot f .mil? Pir In tha In Hod Stoioa. It to 1 printed upon Uitr, plain tn. and can In oaatl> rood ht old or young. and akould ho In srerr hooaehoid. KrmrmlM*, "wrr pnrchaaar of onoof thoao Karon mfouTHKi Hx'AtrO LKIHiKK lor t) months. post toriwd 4iWrn Tllk I.kIMiKK. I airnrr 11, For Singing Schools and Choirs. UO KtoKßanß** ONWARD a now book for bracing hvhoels. fully oi,nal lo any arar tastied, la reedy for a*. g, pages o) taMructraot, tto pegs. • f Ciena, and l>acoa ol Sarr d M uk 15 canla; *1 AO fordoten Cmaara'a ChllFCh ofFtiTl U C,' a now book lor Ob. Irs. oontaina a largo and adrairtbl* collection of Anttiama, wtuob at perfectly to tba Episcopal htr- Titm. but ara of iha boat quality for aa; aorriok. Alto a largo number of Boa Chant- AI.9A; or AI 2 per Daaen. Kmarson's Seidell QllclftCtteS, . book for Quartern, Chain, baa a moat musical ooltaction of naw pieuas >• ths most popular autborr. sod pro ridas at oat "no saw ona for ererj dab hath in Ida year Boards £2.00. Cloth 52.25. Ooan'a Festival Chorus Book m.^ h* * fine •election of chorcea* , W O Tmrs* REQUIEM a naw and eosranirnt collection of b>mna and luuaa for Eantral occasions. I*r.e oO cents Hand for Oalalomsaa containing tba dmenptioaa af mam othar eieeUaot books lor Oooira or hinging Claaaoa. Aa* Aaat availed geto/rcaJV *•' fb-ior OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. C. H. DITNO.N A CO., N43 Mroitriway, New York. J. K. IMTtoON & CO., 921f hratani Bb, Phllit. ■•PVFI BEOWEGI*S TWO**<■ W* **< ?EE mil !?£•- tiJgy&iekJZ UPHAMS 'GUBFYAAJRAHV? wiiSaE^iKetßsßiae S33oQLJ*gi^r.s~t , JiS^r SEND lasri^'&igtL'ayvigir A COOO WIU OILFTOI'ME Immmm I dajr erllA mmt 4 Wfclt ACDBA A*e* TROW. W. MI 88. •, LNII, M<B AAFLA A WORTH ■•*•• Wa*ta- hee I 1 J350 GZS&TIR BUT..-:;...- ' Ml B UTFA Re* MM* HW. M IMGTP Ml *1 WAN I til •*• >W " ill lioy't "•• i<n.nar : t7^-"#i^Bgasr Something New for Agents ST.T! ■MHiIP BMP Ml—B. 11l II I 111 A—_ IPP.Rb*Tm. KIPPERS PBT!LLEBXTREBR MBMMfgggpgp UlAiltitA. MM* ill in unit EBH"^F== ..TMj3g335V a ■• MAKE MONEY S?AUSSA JS-SS -LYGF ACENTB. READ THIBI W. md pt AiMb • Aobrr • * Mr a*MMt a* ES|L>IM *I F <# ,4E A MW* WMSTATP N <** ••• •fed MMSET*KJ ATTFEWI*OMFC. N *M WMT ** IT, JMFPPPFE, *..... Siof $25 FFCSW.TS: Novemes '!maum*m' b Outfit FR©© tafiSsie-, m 4. B. upturn MORIL KaBBIMCBncM r- iniw -•''4 V**' ****■ M ASO N S H A KLIN C ABI NET ORGA NS. -PIIIFFLT WL - SAJFS ip" <H,i| iiwenrirai FLRIPME #wr I Li j j l W l ' tSjtXP' iSl ■..: ' .. .. ... IMGIF IFEAIIIF J.IRO MTJI ■I W Gl' v JH^HBraraaonßil HOMES IN THE WEST Ixcarsioiu to Liaoola, Mcbruka, > IPWJAA vmh* *MJTW MWA IT* : ERL£&V" T I'K''J:'WGRN; H T. IAT A. Par# §*■ MB If R*BLA> , It ALE.. AM* MMM aaß IAIL **■ i< im faiißni #aar,tH.' F<* iaF(M LAM Olw*W. LAF">MA : YRRTR R* RCTTVS! ' TV- PD M(iq TRTMARVNTTDR 1/TI BIIAIUIS HIUNITL I u TTJU TN Crtai R*may for * Alt Kidney Oieeeees I m*t— Nr tfmml jmrmttmtmm t Ra* Or. 4. • BBBWBI. VMMMM. o <f~ a T. WMIM, M O MM jafe Oa. P.. J'%a 1. law, , jjarMk, Vi Of J m wima : nwrth t-m. mm f aXTvt, 0 iaiXlnfyr "iiariin-'tA""SS , 'XmSS A 1 "'" JIEWSPAFEFS and MJKGA^NM '■ Mart M M toB. CfeMßßaaTß^ila^SaMßß , Marhtsu* FINWIIILLIW I E4 STTEIF H I—'Ll eft nuifii: r—irft I anti aia, lartutß R"i> ml a8 'ftafe u B ■* jiim Rocky Mountain Stereoscopic View* A eaweitr Oue'r fail *a vrßa a* ear alf mm aMaaMJM UJII. caaaMka^"gj?oorf£r33l flMaaafMa _ ■rO_ ' • ~r **■•*, ML . rat *:••*< mm m* r-4 - Mr- too. tat. . 4. -nniw. Lrat CmMt. Mra. '"if MAKE HENS LAY. As Kac&ab Yttiiaan Num. b.4 CtaM m MaaolHra uo iba .atr>, W Uoi mm at IB* ttaraa act i a>ia Pvttw. all MM in aortfc at* BM'i Ha tan Lot Nwttu'i OotoUßaaa Ibatodora a* *NanttK/ pora ami ttotoooo t raioaMo. Vattuao Ml aartt *0) mU Bono Sat ftko iaarwl.a% (MMfet riradora Dora <Mtweoeetni to obo |WM *"—* w *? *? ~&*SSi[Z" SsaffumttSKjnM&i Tk o'Orat. largo* ut aaij lwta.Mt IM mobo > Matttoa I oouraa at *tdi. Osnram rad SBtofcßdtto bob. tiara •Ml raloa fecct d. a tnt-MUm. >■— i OB fi'lMl.a. at Hra Tort M.rbra Jtra ■. Jtttoaa. tatoo toe. OitluM ooaittol t ctaotinao Rftfl casta raaalaat aat -o* da* Rate to hutaa o mi Oradßaiaa to nauri* arar art* Bad mat. IMmb (to HmoM tmra tat. Plain atottod*. *c. K*aTM*TvuU4tt;k. Paagßtonwiti. T I ißf*o* cord This LIGHTNING A W HORSK k Mod • wonderful larrntfca. Thaw rug tit of tk* gun ofo la MtwiOC AooO onetuilf o( Use work- IttoUloow tojca of yoioo. II will MW off • 2 foot log in 2 ftolnotro. Clrcultr* fm. Addroao. VT. 11l UM. Rt. frmfa. Mo. 3APONIFIEf| la iha Old lolUklo OwmoactaM ty FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. ra. .. -a. tmm ftV —agkM Vtk. tJrt Roat iaoo coullyr tr j> rwn wmnmr awb itßJurw*. Tha ■ailpi 9 la I otu (ooalM) Onutobatol Lgo.whCfcto adaflnkltilMkfcaaAaodrtoOo, tolai - ajw APT rrnr Saponifieß MAD* AY THA PojuoAjlTAAiA Salt Maamf g Co., rmiaAgKLfm*, —, THE LIGHT RUNNING NEW HOME la tba it rat. I.atrat loprmad. and most Ttoor. ooctoi} t aoatrnrled Sewing Machine rtar lavaalrd. UM MlltKbkMN, and km mora POINT* of IX. < CI.a.KM I. than all othar Marnraaaouaabioad IT" ACK.Ms WANTEII ia looolitwa whrna oa ara not rapraaaotad JOHNSON, CLARK & CO., 30 Union Square, New York Maaa., Pittsburg, Pa., I hlnu til., *U 1 oolgi Wo. AMBMMWMiRNiMiaiB Ettablimhad IMS. X 1 T JT& Gargling OH Liniment Yrli.m- Wrapper tor Animal tad White tor Uuoua Flesh it coot> rog I'un. .tud hcalda. Sprains and ttrniaea, CWlSUin*. Frost mut.Stringnaib Wtodffslla, Srratchea or Greasr, Foot Rot in Sheep, chapprd Hand*, Foundered Fret, Fltsh VV uonds. Roup in Pooltrr, kxtrnui Puiaoui,, Cracked Heel*, Sand Creek*, Episootic, Galls of all kind*. lime Back. Sitfast, Ringbone, Hemorrhoids sr Pile*. Poll Evil, Toothache, Swelling*. Tumor*, KSeumaUsrr Garret in Cpwi, Spavins, S-.ermev, Cracked Trat. . FUto- Mangt, Callous, Lounrnce, Caked Breast*. Horu Distemper, Sore Xipples, Crowuscab, Qii.ft 'r, Curb, Old Sores, Foul l.'toervFanrr. Com*. WjhitWo.*, Thrmh, Coiuraetteool Nlaae.ea. EerehadtN Gargling Oil to tha staedard Uiumt of tba United State*. , i-sr** tea, 4t, niedoutn, 50c, small, S<b Small *>** Af family uat. Jfe- Mamifai-turrd at Locjtport, j] N. V.. hy Sitrchaafa GargliggdU Coeupauy. (/ •* i Kii? i'. Jem nones, w*. i <