THE CENTRE REPORTER. Centre Hell, Pa. Th'iwd.Octt. 17,78. rTiRMK f2per year, when paid n tdranee ,• f'i.6o when not paid in adoanee. Adnertitement* Wet* p*r line/or three in nrrtion*, and fieenttper lint for everv tub iequent ineertion. AdrertiirmrnH by Ik* year at a liberal discount. Subteriber* outride the county *honld re nil n 10 ett, ntnownt of on* y#r' } '<>** aft, inttead of'&Vt* a*formerly when paid by themeelre*. * . ' Suhteriher* fan alway* ttll how their or* fount* itand at the Reporter ofliee W *" mltint) the lahle* on Aetr paper*. If the table read* "John Roe 1 jan '76" *f mean that John i* indebted for *ub*cnption from the l*f of January, 1875, and that it i* time he wo* paying the printer. LOCAL ITEMS. Ladle's Coats have arrived at Gug genheiroer A Comp., Centre Hall, end will b J old cheeper than anywhere. Don't forget to call at Guggenheim er A Co. when you are ready to sell your clover seed, they will pay the higheri market price. —Over Coat* and all other Clothing have now come in, and will be soldeheap er than any othar heuse In the county can •ell, then give Guggenhcimer A Co. a call- Visit J. H, Krumbine's new 01a and Stoneware store, in Gift A Horys store room. 10 001 41 Hon. Alex. Jordan, formerly preai dentjudge of this district, deid at Sunbury or & inst. Go to Isaac Uaupl's Store, Belle fonte, for Hove*, pipe and tinware at cost. l7oct. St. Vote for John Spangler, the life long working democrat, and who always was ready to help a friend and neighbor in any hour. —Swab and Duakel are patterns ol good men, and all admit them to be lb# Vest men that could have been nominated for Commissioners. They are honest hard working farmer* aad tax payer*, who will take good care of the people's interest*. Vote tor Swab aad Dunkel. B The Gregg township Dill Club, m<Kt every Sat. evening from now until election, in Grenoble's Hell. Addresses by speakers from a distance. All are in vited. - Absolutely free from Morphia and other dangerous agents Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is valued most highly as a remedy for the disorders of babyhood. Price only ID cents a bottle. We clip the following from the Suuinei Co.,(Kas,) Democrat, of aug. 2s, Mr. Wolf was formerly of Aaronsburg. Mr. Cha<. Wolf, formerly one of the proprietors of the Moreland House, while at work last Friday at threshing grain, was sun stroke. The stroke was quite a severe one, and for a time was supposed to be fatal, but under the care of Drs. Wood and West is recovering, and hopes are entertained that he will again be able to he about in a few-days. Vote fer John Spangler, for Sheriff, —he never flinched. Through victory and defeat he was always the same untiring democrat. Democrats of Pennsvalley, and of lha entire ceunty, should remember that upon the vote for governor this fall, the next apportionment of delegates Is made for each township—one delegate for every fifty voters. Get out the vote then and gain all the delegates you can. If any district falls off in its democratic vote, it may lose one or two delegates thereby. This is important. Get out the fdll democratic vote! J. Xxwxax, jg.—To his friends and patrons, Greeting: He comes to you this time, not for office, which it now the rage, but merely to tall you of his vast stock of Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hsts, Capt, Shirts, Gloves, and everything in that line, just purchased in Philadelphia and ivcw York, and which he is telling nt prices far beyond any thing that has ever been known. He can and will sell you good goods, for less money, than any oth er man in this County, snd defies any one to beat his prices and quality. He is sell ing good over coats at $2.50, wintdr suits at $3 50, ander wear at 20 eta., boots at $1.75, and everything in proportion low. You will save not less than 15 per cent by buying from him. The nomination of Hon. C. T. Alex ander, for Senator, is endorsed all over the district by the democracy, and his election is one of the things certain. Mr. Alexander will represent the district in the senate with ability and satisfaction to his constituents, and the democracy will have in him an active defender. Let him have the full party vote. Accommodation for borse* at Brown's grain depot, Bellefonta, for all teams going there with grain. Ho pays the highest market price, and you will find him fair and square in all bia dealings. Coal •( all kinds always on hand, and for tale low. There is a great rush at the Stand ard Clothing Hall, people find that suits are told to low there, and all are withing to get a bargain. Go and price Gold man's clothing—be it determined to sell the lowest in the county, and no mistake about it. An immense stack on hand. Corner Allegheny and Bishop streets. —lf any farmer wants the highest price for his grain, let him haul it to L. L. Brown, successor to Bbortlidge A Co. The finest lot of quoensware, at Secblers, in tbo Bush bouse block. If you want something bandaome for setting your table, Secbler s is the place where you find it Tbeirstock of queensware is thee hoicesl in the central part of the state. Goldman, who has established the New standard Clothing Hall, corner Bish ep and Allegheny street, Bellefonte, is determined to sell clothing cheaper than any one else in the county. This be guar antees. Get your coffee, sugar, teas, spices, dried and canned fruit, at SechtePs, if you want a good and fresh article. They al ways keep the best family groceries that are in market, and you are sure of a gen uine article in whatever you get They sell at the least margin, and always deal honestly with customer*. Try Secbler A Co., in the Bush house block, and you will be pleased with the quality of groce ries you get, satisfied with their prices, and have the politest attention besides. Give the new Standard Clothing Bail, at Bellefonte, a call, where vou can bay clothing cheaper than elsewhere. Goldman promises to give the best bar* gains. Grand Excursion to Philadelphia, for the benefit of the Lutheran Church, at Yeargertown, Pa., Tuesday, October 22, 1878. Good for four days. Passengers can return on any regular train within the specified time, only $5.00 for the trip. Children, half price. .Regular train will leave Milroy at 8:40a, m., connecting with train on Main Line, at Lewislown Junc tion, at 9:51 a. m. For fhrtber informa tion apply to Kxv. 8. G. SHAXXOS, Mil roy, Pa. In 1872 the Cameron ringsentthousands of dollars into this county to buy demo cratic votes, in order that the election re turns might show that Gov. Curtin bad no influence in his own County. Then the money was sent to the republican politi cians, now the money for the same pur pose is sent to whom ? Hopeful trotted in Chicago in 2.181. 2.17 and 2.16, beating Rarus and Great East ern. POTTER DILL CLUB, meets in Murrey's Hall, Saturday evening, 19th. Speakers from a dis tance will be present. Turn out, all, and bear the issues discussed. —The Fair last weak was not M Rood a< la*t year, *o far a* diiplay wns con* earned, with the exception of the stock department, which waa belter than any previous year- The department far fruit and agricultural product* wa* meagre compared with last year, which may be attributable to the dry aeaaon, which ha* told upon all product* of the aoil. Hut auch article* a* were there were fine. In the department for fancy foods and of home manufacture there were many empty ahelyea which were Ailed lust year, and there wa* a notable falling off in the grange department Thie lack of entrie* wa* certainly not owing to any fault of the officer* of the Society, a* the*# left noth ing undone to make the fair a races**, and they labored hard in that direction, and offered the beat inducement* to eihlbitort. The people of our county were too indif ferent in the matter, and failed totakethat interest in our annual fair which made the one of l**t year *uch a grand ucco*. The attendance on Thur*day wa* large, and came very near up to the bel day of last year. , Messrs. Bunnell A Aiken had a building of their own on the ground, where they could exhibit their organ* and piano* to belter adranUre than in the limited paco ef the main building. They had the b*t dUplay oforgyi* and piano*, sod are do ing s Isrge bu*tne** in that line. The Singer Sew lag Machine Company alto had a small building for tha exhibi tion of their machine*. Farmers if you take your grain to L. L. Brown, near depot, Bollefonte, you will get the highest ca*h price, lie alio sell* alt kind* of coal at lowest prices. Our County Fair, lat week, wa* a mccess financially, we think. tin Thurs day over were taken in at the gate The bettand cheapest in the world. Dr. Bull's Cough Svrup eot* you only '.'s cent*, and if it does not cure your cough you can get your money back. Knglnud now has a big failure, a Manchester house went un with liabil ities of $ 10,000,000. Wi!kebarre, Fa., October ll.—An ex plosion of ga* last night in the Prospect mine, operated by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, and situated about one mile north of this city, killed four miner*. A religious war betweea tlje native Christian missions and native fanatics rages in China. ATTENTION TARE NTS. Pu**M 1&.1 otAer* parcluuiac school fcooAt all' hssr m mlu.l Ihst Iters srs Ihrs* spslllt> or ward bwoks baloßgiac thw new eertea about te he talrw dueed in the k'Ljola of Poller tewaahtp.fU Taw Word Brtmtr. Word Boo* . aad Word AmUvwlw- Thw twt M tatwndwd fur liiw Irst twu teara wf wuhooJ life aid to tw ueed by ttnil and wwcood rea'er puptla. The •ecjid ti for thw ewtvthl two fwaru of ichooJ aad to bw oawd by *d and 4th Kwadwr puptia. At thw Sd Koh wtit not bw Lnirvducwd this rwar. thw lh Header wcholarw will also uaw thw fWaond txK* Thoww eb.-M chlklrwn rwad lu thw lit or Id Rwadwr wtll aak for the WORD B KIM UK" whwa thwj gw u> bujr a epwlltn* book .storwkwwiwr a will make a Bote of thU aad bwl! thw Word Printer to Ut aad Sd Reader puptU. aad thw W.vwd k to Sd 4th aad Kh Kwadwr wchoUr*. whoa lhf a*k for • pel hag booka 1 makw thtw atatwmrnt with thw pwrlwwk>a of thw Preet of thw b*ard of dlrw* tora. ha*lag lwarawd that thw m.wt of the chtldrva of thw lUatrw Rail primary Kkoul had to carrr thwtr back to thw wtorw aad gwt the Ward Book wachaogwd for thw Word Brimwr. X JgLELTION PROCLAMATION.— God Save the Common wealth. I, L. W Munson, High Sheriff of the county ofCentre, Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of the eountv afore said, that an election will be held in the said county of Centre, on Tuesday, November sth, IS7B, it being the Tuesday following the first Monday of of November, (the polls to be opened at seven o'clock, a. sad closed at seven o'clock, p. m.) at which time the Freemen of Centre county will vote by ballot for the following officers, namely : One person for Governor of Pennsylva nia. One person for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania. One person for Secretary of Internal Af fairs of Pennsylvania. One person for Judge of Supreme Court of Pennsylvania One person to represent the counties of Union. Clinton, Clearfield, Klk, Mifflin ar.d Centre in the Congress of the United States. One person to represent the counties of Centre. Clinton and Clearfield in the Sen ate of Pennsylvania. One person as President Judge for the counties of Centre, Clinton and Clear field. Two persons to represent the county of Centre in the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania. One person for High Sheriff for the county ot Centre. One person for the office o( Treasurer for the county ot Centre. One person for the office of Prothonota ry and Clerk of the Court of Quarter Ses sions for the county ot Centre. Three persons (or the office of Commis sioner for the county of Centre. One person tor the office of Register and Clerk of the Orphan's Court of the coun ty of Centre. One person for the office of Recorder for the county of Centre. Three persons for the office of Auditor for the county of Centre. One person for the office of Coroner for the county ot Centre. I also hereby make known and give no tice that the place of holding the aforesaid election in the several Borough* and townships within the county of Centre, ore as follows, to wit.- For the township of Haines, atthe pub lic house of I. D. Boyer (Aaronsburg.) For the township of Haif Moon, at the School house In Stormstown. For the township of Taylor, atthe house erected for the purpose, on the property ef Leonard Merryraan. For the township of Miles, in the school bouse in the town of Rebersburg. For the township of Potter, (northern precinct) at the public house of John Spangler in Cenlro Hall. For the township of Potter, (southern precicct) at the public house of Mart. Leitzell, at Potters Mills. For the township of Gregg, at tho pub lic bouse owned by J. B. Fisher, Penn Hall. For the township of College, ia the school house at Lemont. For the township of Fergusen, (old pre cinct) in the school bouse at Pine Grove. For the township of Ferguson, (new precinct (in the school house at Bailey ville. For the township of Harris, in the school house at Boalsburg. For the township of Patton, at the house of Peter Murray. | (For the borough of Bellefonte and the townships of Spring and Benner, at the Court House ia Bellefonte. For townhip of Walker, in the ichool house at Hubiersburg. * For the township of Rush, at the Cold Stream school house. For the township of Show Shoe, at the school bouse at Snow Shoe station. For the township of Marion, at the house of Joel Kline, in Jacksonville. For the borough of Milcsburg, at tb# school house in Miletburg. For the township of Boggs, at the sew school house in Central City. Forth# township of Huston, atthe house of John Reed. For the township of l'enn, at the public house of Wm. 8. Muster. For the township of Liberty, in the school house at Engleville. Fer the borough and township of How ard, at the school house in said borough. For the township of Worth, at the school house at Port Matilda. For the township of Burnside at the house of J. K. Boak. For the township of Curtin, attheschool house near Robert Mann's. For the borough ot Unionville and the township of Union, at new school house in Unionville. For the borough of Philipsburg in the new school house in said borough NOTICE is also hereby given, "That every person, excepting the justices of the peace, who shall bold any office, ap pointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, or of this State or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officeror otherwise, subordinate officer or agent, who ia or shall be employed under the legislative, executive, or judiciary depart ment of this Slate or of the United States, or of any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress, and of the State Legislature, and of the select or common council of any city or commis sioners of any incorporated district, Is by ! law incapable of holding or exercising, at the same time, the office or appointment of judge, inspector, or clerk, of any election of this commonwealth; and that no in spector, judge or other officer of any such election, shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for." Given under my band and teal, at my office in Bellefonte, this 2nd day of Octo ber. in the year ot our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and in the seventy-eight, and in the ene hundred ,and second year of the Independence of the United States. L. W. MUNSON, Sheriff of Centre comity. 1 Should the democrat* of Centre county * patronise any bank or other in*titutlon, s although run by pretended democrat*, at* r ter they become the agent* of the Came* t ron ring to a**it in the defeat of a demo * rratic candidate for Congre** * * IfCurtin wa* good enough to nuke a * eonttitution for democrat* in 187' i, i* he t not good enough to make common law* for ut in 1878? I am* - - r THEOCTOBEK ELECTIONS. A RK.riIIIIJOAN 1.088 IN INDIANA, OHIO AND IOWA OK AT I.KAKT KIGIIT CONOUBBBMKN. > ___ " A MM WRATH* MAJORITY OR JOINS RAUOT 1 or Stout IS TIIK ISO! AN A I. Ell ml. A - I TPS*. The victory of the democracy becomes * grander tu more complete return# of t List weeks elections are received. The ! dispatches show that even lowa, which has sent an unbroken republican dele gation to congress for tuany years and ' which usually pivea from tO.Uhi to i<o,itoo 1 republican majority, has faltered, two greenl>aokdemorrata having beeuelect r ed by decisive majorities and the re i publican majority on the sute ticket , liaving dwindlotito very amall propor-i , tiona. From Indiana the news is of the most ' cheering description, the dennH-rats not only having carried the state ticket by a large majority but elected seven of the thirteen members of congress and ob . tained a clear majority in the legisla ture, notwithstanding the republican gerrymander with which the state baa been cursed. In Ohio the democrats have certainly elected eleven congressmen, a gain of three. The indications now are that the republican majority in the state will be less than 5,000. In West Virginia the democrats have made a clean sweej>, notwithstanding the republican and green luck era pooled their issues. The congressional delega tion is solidly and the legislature over whelmingly democratic. Cameron will ipend thou*andof dollar* to defeat Curtin or reduce hi* majority; and person* are found in tki* county, who heretofore claimed to be democrat*, who are willing to take bis money and act a* 1 hi* agent*. Let no honest democrat be deceived by them. ADDRESS OE CHAIRMAN SPIER. To the Democrats of Peiuwvlvauis. , The command of the hour is forward V The duty of the hour i* prompt, earnest, I 1 thorough organiration. With the result of the late taie election* before u*. the ' highway to victory i* o plain that even.' the blind can walk in it Let democrat*. 1 worship at their own altar 1 Let the men who hare stood by our standard through storm and bail—through defeat and dwai ter—strike their locks again and present [an unbroken front to the common foe 1 Road with open eje. and consider with ' honest heart, the result in Ohio and In- I diana. They bring you fruitful lesson*. ji In Indian* the democrat* followed tbe'i old flag, and Hood ihoulder te shoulder in t the shock of battle. Victory now gild* t their ensign; a majority approaching twen- j Iv thousand for our state ticket, and the { election of nine out of thirteen member* { of congre**—a gain of fire—and a majori ty in the legislature are the substantial | fruit* of their devotion. In Ohio we have elected eleven mem ber* of congress, a gain of three ; but, ' while in a pitiable minority of the whole ' popular vote, the republicans have elected their state ticket by a small plurality, through the folly of our own people, A sufficient number of democrat* wandered ,* into the greenback organiaation to secure 11 the defeat of their old faith and the tern-' 1 porary success of their relentless foe. The i republicans who pretended to be green- t backer* betrayed their professions, and at g the poll* deserted their new party. And i now the democrats who were misled and I deceived in the consuming shame and tor g row of their betrayal awake to the truth J that they hare been made the instrument* i to perpetuate republican misrule and to r defeat their old friends and cause. Democrat* of Pennsylvania, I cull upon you to swear with uplifted bond that like tactic* and treachery, led by corrupt men and mean*, thall not succeed here in No vember. To pause in your duty now is a crime. United, the state is ours, and the least of Indiana will be spread upon our table. If you waste your ballot upon a third candidate the spoiler will reap the harvest and rob you of your own ! Loaded with the plunder of many years, there publican managers are debauching the people, and are maintaining greenback or ganizations in democratic counties for the cunning purpose of dividing our forces and thus securing eur defeat. Hopelessly de moralized themselves, in their utter de spair, they seek to divide us. Shall the lesson of Ohio and Indiana pass unheed ed ? If faithful to our flag no human pow er can arrest our march or delay our tri umph- And why should democrats desert their party now ? The evils and burdens under which the people groan are the bitter fruits of republican rule. Shall eur folly perpetuate in power the authors of our woe ? Or shall we not, burying minor differences, unite our forces and go for-j ward to their overthrow? The path of duty and of safety is beforo u, and I sum mon every democrat in the state to walk in it. If any of our poople have been hes itating they must now see that the only hope of success is with us. With a history dating from the birth of the nation ; hon ored with illustrious names and deeds, toe democratic party calls it* wayward chil dren back to its fold, that they may share in the joy and rejoicing of it* coming vic tory, R. 11. Si-Kza, Chairman State Democratic Committee. A vote against Curtin is a vole for his arch-enemy Cameron. No honest demo crat should permit his prejudices to be made an instrument in the hands of Cam eron or his agents. MR. EDITOR RETORTER:— I was hand ed by a friend a copy of the Herald, or Greenback sheet of Bellefonto for examin ation, and expected to find something ol worth for the poor voter, but sadly fooled. The editors Herald seetn to be acquainted with the interests of Centre county better than any other of its editors, and evan in tho State, for their advice to the poor vo ters is to drag them in to the ditch entire ly. But then an empty barrel makearoore noise than a packed one. It seoms to have quite a tick spell over Curtin. Examine the Clearfield Republican ol Oct. 2, tor sensihle words, viz: Ex. Gov. Curtin is a volu me ol puro facts against corporations, etc., and predict* 6,000 majority in the district for him. The same says of Mason (the Greenback nominee" for Gov.) has been the especial attorney for a score of corporations, while A. 11. Dill, Dem- nom- I, in his extensive law practice, never appeared for corporations. Voturs con sider this part well. The Herald has a letter signed "I'enns Valley Dom," which I believe is nobody than a greenback fraud. Democrats on this side take care of themselves and always did, and vote •more intelligently than the Herald speaks It speaks of Cal. Harper asaboy nominee for Proth. lie is quite young, but ad mitted by all fit for the the position in all respects, also says he has voted only ones or twice ; that is oftener than the Green back nominee for Legislature on this side, as 1 doubt if he has voted at all; and be is to represent Centre county and the poor man's interest, when he has no more judg ment than a boy has at best; beside he is no more the poor man's friend than Simon and Don, which would use him for a tool if he were to get to the Legislature. But never fear. No GRXCRUACK. Watch the pretended democrats whoj are opposing Curtin since tbe nomination. l They may have Cameron's money in£their pockets- THE ALLEGHENY MAIL ON' LTHTIN. Ths Allrghrny Unit, nn independent )N|>r>r. talks thus to the Cameron <*••.- of Pittsburg: I Tbo (\oH,-(ias- l very bitlor towards ' Hon. A. U. Curtin, and very indiscreetly ' attacks bU war record, *nd attempts to r j throw discredit upon tb* incerily of bit loyalty. Thli is most unfortunsto. Ono would think tht tb* Cameren orgsn in ' tlii* county would have enough te do this rail In watching it* local candidate with ' out |foin§ ftbroßtl to Intsrftre with lbs 1 on* graaiional candidate* in tba 1 wentleth i District. Fortunately, tlie people of the ' State do not need to bo reminded ol the service* to the cause of the I nion which make Andrew O. Curtin pre-eminent. > which have endeared him to every man. ' woman and child, and which made hi* name one of the brightest and mot endur ing on the page* of our history. No *ol dier went to the field who did not feel 'that in Andrew G. Curtin be had a per sonal friend; In the midt of rare*, en growing day. and night*, be naver failed to antwer a soldier'* letter, although the eieculive table bent beneath the weight of hi* official correspondence. Many a poor fellow went to the front with a light or heart on the assurance from the great War Governor that hi* family *hould be protected aad that if he fell in battle hi* children should he provided for as the ward* of the Slate. How uobly thi* prom iitvit redeemed cannot be unknown to any one whoi* familiar with tbo history of Pennsylvania during the last seventeen year* , nor can it be unknown to such that it wa* owing to Governor Curtin untir ing seal and extraordinary energy that it was done. No other Stale in the Union j can *ay, a* Pennsylvania can, that the honored remain* of every one of her sol- ■ diers who died iu the service of the I uion are buried ia the soil of their own Stele, and that every soldier'* widow and aol. dier'* orphan who needed assistance ha* ' been cared for at her expense. Over sev en thousand orphan* are living witnesses ® of Andrew G. Curtin # pa- 1 Iriotic duty. This story, as well as that of ' his fulfillment of all the obligations ofloy alty in lha raising and equipment of troop* j I with an enthusiasm that overrode all ob- ' staclee. Is known to the whole country. * There may be honest difference of opinion 1 as to bis political faith and conduct, but 1 no attack upon the war record of Gover- c nor Curtin can be charged to any other ae- 1 count than ignorance or malevolence, and 1 its motive cannot be hidden even by the ' ample though threadbare cloak of partis- anry. | c We believe there is no nomination that gives such universal satisfaction its that of Wm. K. Burrhfleld for re-elec tion as Register. He has held the office three years and the people have found him both competent and obliging lie is always found at his post, and his work is performed in accordance with all the requirements of the law. The duties of that office were never more faithfully and satisfactorily discharged than under Mr. Uurvhheld, and he is one of the beat men upon the democratic ticket. Every democrat niey support or oppose whom be pleasee for a nomination, but when a nomination is once made, a!! good democrats will support the ticket. MADIBONBURG. —Coon hunting about over. Two weeks ago Mr. Jno. Ocker's house was robbed of meat, lard, canned fruit and other thing? ; when the family arose in the morning they 'found doors open and the floor strewn with matches. Attempts were made to rob John Emerick s store, hut failed. Sam'l Ziegler got minus a watch and some tobacco. Mr. Lew Koush and lady had a bad unset at the fair last week, buggy and horse rolled clean over. Mr. G. W. Keber of Spring bsnk has bought a new Geiser separator, one of the best machines wo ever heard of. Farmer* having a crop to thresh should engage George to do it. D. Roush, J. Grun and A. Guiscr were out coon hunting last week, and got two, a third one making its escape. Grbkly. A vote for M'Cormmk is a vote.for a bolter who violates his pledge to submit to the deciiion of the democratic conven tion. Have you a cougb, then use Green's Compound Syrup of Tar, Honey and Blnodroot, it cures all af fections of the throat and lungs, such as colds, coughs, hoarseness, asthma, croup, and the earlier stages of con* sumption. Ask for it at your stores, or send to F. P. Green, druggist, Belle fonte, where all fresh drugs and med icines are kept. —Rev. Fiuley B. Riddle, A. M.,of Huntingdon, Pa., will preach in the Centre llall M. E. Church next Fri ,day evening, 18tb. Also in Spruce* town M. E. Church on Sab. eve., 20tb. There will be no preaching in the latter place on Sab. morn. —People of Pennsvallej! Read this carefully and reflect over it ! We call your attention to our superior stock of Boots and Shoes, and especi ally our prices. If you consult your interests you will call on John Pow ers, Bush Arcade, Bellefonte. We now and then hear of a democrat who is reported aa wantingto scratch Mr. Spangler, the democratic nominee for Sheriff. Wo trust there is no ground for such reports, aa Mr. Spangler has given no democrat any reason for do ing such an act, He has always been an earnest, active democrat, and helped to pall through every ticket we have had for the last 18 years in this county. Then why scratch him? No] good democrat will do that—it would be base Ingrati tude towards one of the lhardeet work ing democrats in the ranks. He made the nomination fairly, and it is the duty of every one claiming to be a democrat to stand by him. Fennsvalley has had no Bheriff for a long time, and we trust that now when the nominee comes from this side he will get that support which we ows him. THE COIfOSESSIONAL NOMINEE j [Lock Haven Democrat] lion. Andrew G. Curlin was nominated for Congress by the Democratic Conferee* of this district, ai will be teen by the pro* ceedingt %lewhere in thie istue. Ill* fit ne** for the petition 1* *o well known that it will bo universally acknowledged. Hi* petition on current affair* i* *uch a* to mako him one of the mot acceptable can didate* in the Congrettional Held. He *land* squaroly on the Pittsburg platform, and a* bis greenback procliyitic* were freoly czpretted and widely known be fore the platform wa* made, and long be fore bo thought of being a candidate for Congrett, hit position wat taken in ad vance, and what he tay* now can in no wite be taken a* assumed for the occasion, but at old convictions finding endorse* ment in preterit platforms. It is. te Con gress that the peoplo must look lor finan cial legislation and relorm. To the Con* grestional nominee they mutt therefore turn, and as Governor Curtin is abreast of the timet, and will have a commanding influence in Congrets, they will find him to be just the man for the place and the times, and we look for a very handsome majority in endorsement of the nomina tion, Governor Curtin began to be identified fllik till OwwWbti© party *>ii The Fall Season for Ihc joar 187S is now opening and a New and EXCELLENT STOCK OIJ FALL AND "WINTER GOOD* IS COMING IN AT GUGGKN II KIM EH A CO.'B, CENTRE lIALL, and which will be told at LOWEST FIGURES. They have an immense ate?k and wall a orted *n every line. THEY HAV®. Dress Goods, Clothing, Hutu Caps, Boots § Shoes, Notions, Groceries, §c., at Lowest Pricea. IT WILL BE TO YOUK INTEREST TO "PATRONIZE YOUR HOME MERCHANTS," INSTEAD OF GOING AWAY FROM HOME. GIVE US A CALL IMMEDIATELT* 2tiaen 2m G UGOEN H KIM EE * CO. . 1 - ■■ NEWMAN King Clothier O of Centre county- JPyX IS SELLING IS SELLING IS BELLING Wilder Suits 83.50. Over Coats 83.50. Underwear 30c. Boots 81.75* I Challenge the County to Beat my PItICES and QUALITY, I * AH LARGE A STOCK OF CLOTHING AS I lIAVI. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER BY FIRST CLASS TAILORS AT VERY LOW FKICM troui Ku*>ia. Governor liigter retired, from the Constitutional Convention ticket to give place to him. In lhTti he gave Til den and Hendricks an earnest support,' and last year took the stump for Colonel Noye* and the rest of the Democratic ticket, and betook the stump this year be fore he was announced a candidate for Congress. He has nut been in the party as long as soma others, but he is in it, andij ha* been in it longer than others when they began to share it# honor*. The phll-j, ueophy of political changes teaches that j tke longer he is in the stronger he is like- , ly to became in the faith. Tba lUdicalj party is full of such cases of men drawn ' from our ranks, who were soon put in po-;' sition and became the strongest advocate* ! of their new alliance. Further, as we leach and claim that the opposition should 1 drop the Issue* of the war and lake up liv-| ing issues, so should we practice what we teach, and when we get able accessions like Governor Curtin, presented and en- < densed by so stalwart a Democracy as that of Centre, we should take them at their t worth and give the liberal and hearty sup port their experience and ability de- | serva. " The Lewisburg /ourww'eays: We hare heard of a number of Republican* in our borough who intend to vote for liov. C'urtJn for Congress. The Ureeubackers will also pretty generally support htm, as his views on the financial question agree very closely with those of their leaders, CRUSHED IHA THEATRE. A false alarm of fire in a Liverpool theatre, on night of 11, caused the crushing to death of 37 persona and wounding of 100. On the aUirs a frightful struggle took place. Men, forgetting all their manhood, trampled over helpless o tneu and children. The screaming ol the women and the imprecations made an unearthly chorus, as of lost souls. Soon a mass of quivering and dying human beiogs was packed in a heap at the foot of the stair* struggling for life. They weresoon suffocated, while others fell on them. Others who had passed this point were met by a barri er placed a little beyond the stairway, where daad and wounded were packed up in a piie aoroe six or seven feet deep. The most severe storta for fifteen rears prevailed along the Massachu- THE PLACE—S. & A. LOEB. For 25 rears we have been (lie leaders it in rum and for the same length of time have demonstrated the fact beyond dispute, and are selling all classes of goods cheaper than ever. *XOTE OUR PRICES: SA LT, • 1.00 TEH SACK OF 200 LIW. SALT. 51.50 PER BARREL OF 280 LBS. UNBLEACHED MUSLINS ATS CENTS PER Yl>. DRESS GOODS AT 8 CENTS PER YD. ALPACAS AT 15 CENTS PER YARD. LADIES MOROCCO BOOTS AT $1.25. MEN'S BOOTS FOR TWO DOLLARS. LADIES BLACK COATS as LOW as $2.50. With an assortment never equalled in this county. BLACK all WOOL CASHMERES at 50c # W# carry ths largest snd cheapest tock of Clothing is Csnlre county—xoesur good 1 j before purchMing. VALENTINES & CO. Til X I.ASOKST DEALER# IX -DRY GOODS.- Gaocsarss, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, &c., &c., IN CENTRE COUNTY. BELLEFONTE, PA. sett* coast on Saturday. Tbo damage to shipping ia itutucuao and there is .sotue loaa of life. THE WICKEDNESS OF THE WEST. Indianapolis, Oct. 12. —A dispatch to the Indianapolis News says: On Monday night seven negroes outraged four white women near ML Vernon, IWy county. Last night Deputy •Sheriff Oscar Thomas, while attempt ing to arrest some of them, waa killed by Daniel Williawaon (oolered). This morning a mob of nearly three thous and gathered, shot Williamson, hang ed two others, and are preparing to hang the rest. Great excitement pre vails. YELLOW FEVER NOTES. Yellow fever cases are on the in* crease in New Orleans. The number of deaths, to date, in the fever districts, is 10,000. In Tennessee the plague is also get ting worse. EDENBURQ BURNED. , Edeuburg, in Clarion county, on the morning of 13 a fire broke out which destroyed over 200 houses in the business and fines) portion of the town. MA It It IK t>. 1 On ths Cth isL, by He*. W. M Landii. jM r Samuel Bcbrecksngaxt U< II iu Calbs rins Greniagvr, all of Wugar Valley. On l.Hh lt at M E Parsonage in Pot ior, Mills, Pa., b* lU*. W. RlWhitaey. Mr. Albert A. Milir, to Miss Mary A Kramer. All of Millheim Pa. On ith insL at residence of bride, ia Pollers Mills, Fa by 1U. W. K Whit ney. Mr. Henry Crawford to Mrs. Maggis Marks. All of Potters Mills, Pa. DIED. On the 14th. near Centre Hall, Daniel Slorer, aged 04 years 6 months and&daya Mr. btover bad been ill for the past 8 months, and was a respected ciltaen. So a Tax Ccrras Kjtvosrxa Mi. *PI M. at Ik* Si. k alt ban*. Jim f. S<4 Ua#at, t* saara, S t>, aU uJ 9S Sara iMad aim\ Oti S. Mr Ita.tS BalUayar. iaa (athar la# ifc aaltataaaia l-a .i-t. nu>l. fraaa uta aSrfU lata rail t™ aa arsk lw. axad %> raara. t amaUM, aaOf 4aj MoO ••. w# ana rtae**<S tram UM atar. Jllj >7 "1 spuing >: . naaaati-aas at Laaill <P--ra IS. ri IM aSI. Maaull# Sal .hat mid *a aa) UUm a.r u n.l tit tba RltUr < >t-m d A. .Si,ud nl. of < "SfSW K I ast IS) baadaa oa IS. Ind. Il.stliauiuiili, a.lsg Uq> con oa sua. tvr Oa coast#, tat fog. IIARUY K . 111 CK 8, i (Successor to T. A. Hiclts A Bro.) WHOLESALE ± RETAIL DEALER IN Hardware* Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, Putty, &c., fficT Alw© him Use agency #f the Neuih Itcnd Chilled ri#w for Oil* roßßfy.lffi I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY PARTY THAT SELLB THE SAME QUALITY OF GOODO England seems to be getting in dis tress, and is on the eve of going to war 1 besides. Spring Mills Market. —Old whexl 90, new 90. J N 2 wheat S6 Rye. 45c. Cora, ears. per ba. sew, ,40c Oats, 22c. Buckwheat, ?sc. Cloverseed. $8 00 to S3.To Chop, per ton, s2l 00. , Blaster, ground per tori, SIO.OO Flour, per bbl $6.00 Butler, lftc. Tallow. 7c. Hams l$&- i Ekouldurs Sc. Sides Wc- Hags. lie. Eltrs per dog., 15c. Tub washed wool 46c, —— I QKPHAN'B OOURTSALB.- Eaute of Etra D. Brisbin, deceased. By virtue of an order of the Orphan'# Court of Centre cousty, made In the mat . ter of the Partition of the Real Estate of said decedent, the undersigned, Trustee ' appointed by aaid order, wiil expose u> tale by public vendue or outcry, on the , premises near BOALBBUHO, SATURDAY, OCT. 19. j the following described REAL ESTATE, i late of said Etra D. Brisbin, via: No. 1. A Valuable Farm, situate in ; Harris township, adjoining lands of Geo. ! Fortney, B. r. Brown. Daniel Mutserj and other#, containing about One Hundred and Fifly Acres, more or less, all under cultivation ; there on crcted a twoastory FRAME DWEL LING HOUSE, a log lUro and other out buildings. There is a good ORCHARD) on the premises and sevens! XEVKB- F AILING SPRINGS OF EXCELLENT A TER. convenient to house and barn. The t*rm is just on the outskirts of Boals burg, in close proximity to schools and; churches, etc. No. 2. Hie undivided half of a tract' of MOUNAIN LAND, In the township; of Harris, adjoining lands of Moses Thompson, Jonathan Trwasler, Robert; Ualbraith and others, containing about thirty-eight and three-fourths acres. TERMS OK SALE -One-third cash upon confirmation of sale, balance in one and two years, with interest, to be secur ed by bonds and mortgage upon the prem ises. Sale to begin at 1 o'clock, p. m. DAVID KELLER, s*p2o _ Trustee to Sell, etc QRPHANS' COURT SALE I By order of ths Orphans' Court of Cen tre countv. the following described pro- S#rtv of W. "W. Love, deceased, situate in Pop •• twp., Centre county, will be offered at P .idio sala, on Friday, Oct. 18: One FARM contain in* 103 ACRES, more or leas; bounded by lands of John Stoner on the west; on the north by lands of Jacobj Strohm ; on the ea#t by lands of From # heirs ; south bv lands ol William Kishel and others. The farm is well watered, a never-failing spring of cold limastono wa ter near the house, also a well of never failing water at the barn, with good pump in it; large cistern at the house Improve ment. . A large TWO-STORY HOUSE, with kitchen and wash-house attached, a PKAMK BANK BARN, *1 by 46 feet, with horse-power shed attached. A good frame wagon shed and corn bouse, 40 by 'JO feet, pig pen and wood house, A Bearing Orchard ofCboicc Fruit on the premises This is one of the best producing farm# in this section for all kinds of grain and grass, nearly all limestone land. It i# within one-half mile of two churches, school house, post office, store and black-t smith shons. Also a tract of good TIM-; BEKLAN D. situated on Tussey mountain, bounded by lands of S. Wingert, Andy Jordan anil John Allen, containing *3 ACRES, more or lass. Sale to commence al l o'clock, p. in., when terms will be made known. JANE LOVE, G. : M. BOAL, 19 sept Administrators. PRIVATE SAL K -A CHOICE FARM AND HOUSE AND LOT. —The following described property, of John Kmmert, dee'd, situate in Harris twp., Centre county, one FARM, contain ing one hundred and thirty-three acres, more or lest, bounded by lands ot B Kv erliart, dee'd, James Glenn. McFatien, Dr. Henderson, dee'd. and other*, is oller ed at private sale. The tarm is well wa tered, a never failing stream of water run ning through the farm and wilbin thirty vsrds of the barn, also, a well of never failing water at the house, with good pump in it. The improvements are a large FRAME HOUSE, two stories high, al most new, a FRAME BANK BARN, forty-five by eighty feet and all other nec essary oulbuildirgi. This is ono of the be*t producing faruis in this section for all kinds ol grain .- is all limestone land. A large ORCHARD of choice fruit on tbr premises. For particulars inquire of Wm. Wcrtx on the farm. Also one HOUSE and LOT situated in Roatsburg, Centre county, the house is 2; storio* high, with kitchen attached to it, and all necessary outbuildings, also* good, stable, n never (ailing well of water withj good puinp. Tlia lot is well sot with fruit trees of best quality. Also 2 seres and 124 perches of excellent land situs!ed near the German Reformed church in Bosisburg, within two squares ot above house JOSIAII NEFF, Executor of J. Km mert, dee'd- tsept 6 If Candy Manufactory &. Bakery. Mr. Albert Rautb, At the BISHOP STREET BAKERY, is now making the very best BREAD, CAKES AND PIKd, in Bellefonle. Candies and Confections. He also manufketurea all kinds of can dles, and dealers can purchase of him as low as in ths city. Candies of all kinds al ways on hand, together with Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Dates, Nuts, Syrups, Jel lies and everything good. CENTRE COUNTY OYSTER DEPOT. An Excellent oyster saloon also at tached to the Bakery. Call and see we. ALBERT KAUTH, "¥il QEPHAJTS COURT SALE W ill be eold by order of the Orphan's Court of Centre county, on Saturday, November 2d, 1878, the property of George Uarpstcr, dec d. to wit: 50. 1, Bounded south by land* of David B lover, east by land* of Jacob Arney, north by land* of Henry Winner, west by road, containing TW<> ACRKK and Kixty five nerche*. No. 2, bounded ouih by lot of D. K. Gal*. a*t by an at ley, north by lot of ¥ red Kurt*, wast b} turnpike road. Tharoc.n erected a DWELLING HOUSE, Wa*b and Wood house, Stable, and other outbuilding:*. Emit of all kind# on the Lot. Condition* of Kale will be one half of the purchase money on confirmation of tale, tha balance in one year thereafter, to be secured on the premise*. Kale to com mence at one o'clock, p. ra. of said day when due attendance will be rivet by JOHN SHANNON, 10 oct Adm'r. ■' ' i ■ j ! 1 KARM FOR SALE! Tne following property will be exposed at I'ublk- Sale, on FRIDAY, OCT -Jidh, l7b, at the residence of George Frederick, | i.tec d, tn Gregg Township, a Farm con taining ONE HUNDRED ACRES, •nore or lea*; is well watered, baside* a stream running near the buildings, water it brourbt to the hoate in inpes ; also a two-story DWELLING HOUSE. Barn and other outbuildings; alto sufficient Orchard of apple and other fruit Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, p. m., when terms will be made known by SAMLGRAMLY, Administrator. Spring Mills, Pa., | GRAINHOUSE COAL YARD. • i 4. D. LONG S New Grain House is Now Ready for The Reception of WHEAT. at the HIGHEST CASH PRICE and the BEST COAL in Market told at the very lowest price. Hides! Hides! Bring your Hides and receive the Highest Price for them. I also keep tor sale UPPERS, KIPS. CALF SKINS, and SOLE LEATHER at lowest price*. Also a full line of Harness, Saddles, Collars. Bridles, Halters, Whips, etc. |at the very Lowest Prices. lOoct 3m NEW Grocerv and Confectionery, AT CENTRE HALL. The undersigned has opened a new Gro cery and Confectionery, and will always keep a full line of good*, at lowest possible price*, and kindly ask* a share of the pub lic patronage. liii stock con*ills of COFFEES, SUGBRS. TEAS, SYRTrS, SOAPS, SALT, All kind* of CHOICE TOBACCOES AND SEGARS, and all fruits of the earon generally in Slock. BEST SWEET POTATOES. At no a full line of CONFECTIONERIES All kinds of country produce taken in ex change. I sell low for CASH and PRODUCE. 26e#pt y C. DINGES. Spring Mills 0. K ! NEW ROOM! NEW GOODS! | at I. J. Grenoble'* Store ! SPRING MILLS, has the goods. Largest stock 1 SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower than Ever, And now extends a cordial invitation to his friends, patrons, and public general- Also a Complete Assortment oi Ready Made Clothing for men and; boys.* Suits as low as to be had in the city. Imported and Domestic DIIYGOODS ! .1 Full lines of MERINO UNDERWEARB, For Ladies, Gents, Boys, Misses and Children. Hosiery, Gloves, Boots and Shoes, HATS, CAPS, CARI'KTS AND OIL CLOTHS, And the most complote assortment of NOTIONS n Central Pennsylvania, and prices'that ' willcompel you in self defence to buy of . bm . Also Fish, Salt, etc. 18oc , A full line of Howe Sewing Machines - and Needles for all kinds of machines. Also deals in all kinds..of Grain. Mar r kit price paid for the tame. A specialty ! a COAL by the ear load. i ! Jas. Harris <sr SO. 6. BROCKKRHOKF ROW. IRONTNAILS, P A IN T S, OILS.ETC., 4AS. HARRIS A CO. Bellcfoata, W~BARGAINS. " Bargains! Bargains! In MEN'S and BOYS, BOOTS and SHOES t also a LARGE VARIETY of CHILDREN'S SHOES, at LOUIS DOLL'S Shoe Store, | opposite the Bosh house, Ikllefoata, room formerly occupied by Joka I Powers. apr'i&v it IMPORTAN TO TRAVELER^" —TH E— BUSH HOUSE I BKu.aroKTt, ra. Has been recently thoroughly renovated , and repaired, and under the management ; of the New Proprietor, Mr. GEO RGB , UOPPEK. formerly of W'msport, is first* class in alt )U appointments SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Are offered to those ia attendance at court and ethers remain lag in town for a few I days at a lime. The largest and tno*l superbly Designed . Hotel in Central Pennsylvania, i All modern conveniences. Go try the Bush house. bsug GEO. HOPFE3, Propr. HENRY BOOZEH ( KNTRK HAUL, _ lunirinvaß or Saddles. Harness. Bridles, Collars, Whips, Flyneu. and also keeps on hand Gotten Nets. etc. Prices low as any where els*. AH kinds of repairing done. The beat slock always kept on hand. All work war ranted. A share of the public patronage is kindly solicited. 11 apr, J# y I -p.XECUTORS NOTld£— . Letters testamentary oa the estate of f Jacob Decker, late of College twp., 4* . ceased, having been granted to the under -1 Mgned. all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the awe to present them, duly authenticated by ■ law, for settlement. DANIEL HKBS, JAMES GLENN. Executors. tfl AfV rlOcts l stODDAWM JP 1, ifU \ musical LI beaut Twelve full pages of music, embrscfag Opera*. Popular Bongs, Dances, Brilliant Compositions, by the greatest authors, printed on full-sice music paper of tha best quality. For Sale by all news aad book deal en, or will be mailed on receipt of 10 cento, and 2 cents for postage, by J. M. STODDAKT A CO., 723 Chestnut Street. 8 oct 8t Philadelphia.' War! War! War! ORGANS!ORGANS!ORGANSI 'j SEWIHO MACHINES I Sewing Machines I [ SEW IB Slop Parlor Organ. I PrioortßlO. For MHO C**h. ! Stop Organs, New, for f 70.00— Prloe * o.ooa * Sewing Machines Guaranteed New, aud as Represented, for 125.00. COME, SEE, AND BE CONVINCED. I COME ONE. COME ALL > to the Now Music & Sowing Machine store of BUNNELL & AJKENS, Allegheny Street, 25july Bellefocte, Fa The oldest and best appointed li titu tton for obtaining a Business Education. For circulars address, P. DUFF & SONS, ( Soct 4t Pittsburgh, I. f" " c ft* f* OV""* u r wr , owm •* O.MI hat r\r\ No rUk Header, tfyou want a baalaaaad 8 111 l whlol ? l p *? ,#0 ® # °' * emu naki gv J T\~F J FO'RTN E Y~Attorney at lA ■"!_/ Bellefoate, Fa. Office over Jfov nvlds bank. Hmay'if r . i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers