TV Plague. pestilence and famine 1 These are threw, I*at walk together in thi< world of woe; Their comrade Death, and thee no othar know. Prom such deliver , prays onr l.itany. Oh I might one etand, as Aaron wtood of old, Betwixt the dead and living, and might nay, The plagne i etayed that walka abroad to day ; • Heaven ehoweth mercy to ita stricken fold One grateful throb would animate a land lVwi-.l to the dustnow triumphs over death, That power which measure# ocean in Hi# hand That stirs or quickeu* onr faint mortal breath. And stays the plagnr ; —the Shepherd knoweth best What lionr to call His (lock and give it net. —Boston TVon*vqv. " Fsrgct Thee P* "Porgei-thee?" If to dream by night and anse on thee by day . If all the worship Jeep and wild a lover'# heart can pay; If prayer* In absence, breathed for thee to heaven's protecting power ; If winged thought# that flit to thee, a thousand in an hour -. If busv fancy blending ibee with all my future lot,— If this then call'at '* forgetting," then indeed •halt be forgot. "Forgot the*'. ' BiJ th* finest bint# forge their sweetest tuns. " Forget thee?" Bhl tha sea forget to swell beneath the moou ; Bui thirsty flower, fin get to drink the eve's refreshing dew ; Thyself forget thine own drar laud, its water* deep and blue . Forget each old familiar face, each long-re membered spot. • When these thing* are forgot by ihee, then thou shall be forgot. Keep, if thou wilt, thy maiJeu iwaoe, *UU .-aim MM] fmo v free ; tor God forbid U.y gtadaom hear! to gro !<•*• Ud for me ; ■bile that heart i* (till uawoa, Oh, hid no mine to maw. But let it keop vta hnn- faith atvl vvvwi piauiing love. If theoe, pre*srred for pattern year*, at la* avail me not. Forget me then but ne'er believe that thou eaa*t be forgot. OFF NAXOS. •'Yea. We are almost islanders," Dor* said. "Here we have oar triangu lar island The bay on one side and the river on the other aide, and the creek skirting the third aide. Isn't it pretty, Ada?' "Lovely. Blue sky and blue water, and the nice picturesque old houses." The two had climbed to the top of the ancient Port Royal State-house to see all tbi*. Dora, peeping over the rail ing, tried to make out her husband— who was a lawyer, and had a case in court that day—among the crowd of men standing in front of the courthouse. Ada gased out upon the glancing, shin ing waters of the bay. Presently, to them a third person; a man—lean, gaunt, as yellow as parch ment, bnt with a look of self gratulation at present in his eyes which lighted up his ugly face. "I saw you ladies, as you turned iato the State-house. 1 was two blocks off." Ada laid the ends of her fingers in his. Dora shook hands cordially. But, in spite of Dora's warmer greeting, he seated himself by Ada, and Dora return ed to her post of observation. There was a high wind, under the borer of which the two talked. "I might have known you would not be glad to see me," began the young man. "I am surprised at myself for coming," "Yes!" "I conclude that I was overcome by the suicidal instinct of the moth." No answer. "It is a year to-day since T first saw you. Miss Ada." Still no answer. "A year which has not proved alto gether propitious to oar acquaintance. I wonder why it is that I can not please von? I fancied— Ido not think I was entirely mistaken—that we need to be very good fritnds. I should like to know why it is that yon dislike me now," he pnrrnki, plaintively, "Do not let ns disease it," Ada aaid, brusquely. Have patience with her. Her harshness and selfishness are not without parallels in others of her sex and age. "I would do anything to please you. I sometimes think it is my manner* that offend you. I know that lam awkward. I assure you that my manners give me more concern than my salvation." This bad an irreligious sound, as Ada vaguely felt; she was therefore called upon to bestow upon him a look of orthodox reproof. "Of course they do," he continued. " The one matter is entirely my own personal responsibility; the other is not." Ada gave over the theme. She hail no theological opinions. She merely re marked, calmly: "You surprise me. I should have said you were a very self complacent person." "On the contrary, I always feel as though everyone—you especially—were laughing at me. If von would only give me a hint now and then—" " Thank you, but I do not feel equal to carrying on your education." " And I give yon so much ! ' A pres nt for a mighty king.' " Ada, with hot cheeks, remembered wh§re George Herbert says thst " Love is a present for a mighty king." In a sentimental mood, such an she now no longer ex,ierienoed in her intercourse with Professor Luce, she had onoe made fall quotation herself. She said, /retfnllv, " I was having such a peaceful tim up here before you came." "And produced discord. If you would only say how or thr?" "I think it is your clothes," Ada re joined, recklessly. She longed to add: "And your hair," but refrained, on the possibility that Dora might overhear and denounce her afterward for ber rude ness. It seemed to her intolerable that a man should approach ber, basking in the beauty of this perfect day, with that crop of long, lank, light hair, so nearly the shade of his complexion. Professor Luce drew a long breath. He who had hitherto profeased to hold all outside shows in lofty contempt had con descended to debate the external of his manners; but to be ouarrelled with for such mere superficial considerations as coat and trousers ! He had gone on en during Ada for some time past, as some women are sometimes endured by some men. Now he wanted to get up and leave. Only he did not know exactly how. That wretched awkwardness of his was in the way of a dignified depart ure. Ada spoke next, quite cheerfully, since she h&d silenced him, the least in the world afraid that she had gone too far. " I love the baj. One never knows what new shape it may bring in from the s-a from day to day. It is like life, freighted with surprises." He rose and folded his hands. A more graceful man would have folded his arms, but his hnng limp at his side. "I tremble to think what life may have in store for me. ' Prophet, said I, thing of evil.'" declaimed Ada. " Yes. Of discipline. Borne natures " would seem to demand purgatorial fires before they rise to their highest possi bilities." " Thank you for your good opinion." "You well may. I have a most ex-, oellent opinion of you. Have I not paid vou the highest compliment a man can pay a *voman ?" " Yon certainly are fully sensible of the honor you have done me." Nor is it to be denied that there was a self-asser tion in Professor Luce's tone which most women would have resented under the circumstances. Dora now sauntered toward the pair. She did not approve of the intonations of voioe. Professor Luce said "Good morning" stiffly, and left. "Ada. you treat him abominably," Dora said; "and yon certainly Mmmr aged him at one tima." FRED. KUHTZ. Editor and Vropriotor. VOLUME XI. " I liked him at one time. Huw i one to tell one will change oue • muni?" "Haiti geuina," Dora commented; ' 1 TTERY one MYK SO. Papa says he will nakc hi* mark. Ho discovered two now -tar* laid year. So ofcourse ho is rocen trio, But 1 rath or hko that; ami you did too whou ho first came to the college. You aro so >mtrary. You wot yourself against huu now ln-o*uao ho ahoww htw devotion too plainly. All tho aauie, you led him on." " Well, 1 miglit have liked him," They clambered down the dark, dusty stairway and came out into the spacious entrance hall of the State house. "Wliv," Dora said, ' there's John." Her husband was showing off tho architectura! features of the hall to a stranger. He presented Mr. Vatic to hts wife and her sister. The two girls wore fresh white dresses, Ada's with a green bordering, and their blonde tyur and blue eye* were shaded by juetnr eeque palmetto hats. Mr. Vaneviewtd them with the spontaneous admiration of the man and the artist. "Mr. Vane briug* mo a letter from my fnend Stevens, Dora," John said, rtien, to hi* iter-iu-law; "Ada, Mr. Vane is fresh from K >uie, where he ha* been painting for a year or *o. You can talk art to your heart's txvnteut." "VYheu I talk art it i* to my heart'* discount," Philip Yaue said, a* they walked away, he and Ada together. Dora, of course, put her arm through John's. She had uot seen him for three hours, and fifty things had happened in the interval she must tU him about. "Because your ideal eludes you ?" answered Ada to Philip. "No; for a more commonplace reason: because lam lazy. 1 work fast enough when I am once at it, but I hate to get to work. lam an inveterate procraoti nator.'' "What a pity !" Ada said, seriously. "I can't understand that. If I were an artist with a gift, I should be breathless until I had reached my goal. There is always the possible immortality." Philip was impressed. Ada was noth ing if not in earnest. In this instance a breath of her enthusiasm passed into her susceptible companion. He looked eagerly into the depthscf her sternly, clear blue eyes with his liquid dark ones. "There is oxygen in your voice and in your words," he said. He passed his hand over his brow. "Yon have put backbone into me." She laughed. She was accustomed to act as a kino of mental tonic. But the stimulus took effect with unwonted sud denness upon this new patient. How unconventional he was ! Ada followed in the wake of Dora and John down one of the queer little dark alleys, of which there were many in Port Royal, and which served as short-cuts from street to street. "Where are wef" laughed Philip. " Ah ! I see " —as they emerged at the other end. "' 0 strange uew world that hath such people in it!" (this with a half-deprecating, lingering infection and a little smile). Yonr quaint little city is a tangle of labyrinths, in which you play the part of Ariadne to my The seus," His companion slightly started and blushed, and gave a low, odd laugh. " What ia it ?" he begau ; but she put him off with a gesture, and he contin ued : " Bnt what skiee you have ! And what an atmosphere! When I woke up this morning I thought I had sailed into Paradise during the night." "Sailed ?" " Yes. My friend Sinclair brought me here on his yacht There she lies now. I ara to pitch my tent on shore, while he craises in and out of the har bor for a while. I want to make some sketches of your old houses. Ada had deserted the college, and her own housekeeping for her father there, and was spending a few days with Dora. They all had dinner in tbe middle of the warm, sunny May afternoon ; then they ransacked the garden beds for violets. Violet Hank was famous for these. They bloomed early and lingered late. Dora picked a great bunch, aud divided them between Philip and Ada. Philip held his thoughtfully, and smelted them ten derly. He had a habit of theorizing abont people ; he was thinking now that Dora was fall of unselfish womanly traits. There was something even in her way of doing little things which pleased him, rested him. Dora said; "Violets are my favorite flowers. We have such quantities of them here!" And Philip answered: "It would seen to be their native soil. They al ways suggest to me, with their subtle, penetrating perfume, the most precious thing in ife—sympathy." There were more in tins than tbe mere words, but it escaped Dora. Ada, how ever, as she said " Yes," smiled Boftly. She laid great'stress npou sympathy. She was always talking about it or the absence of it. It was a pleasure to lier to infer that Mr. Vanee felt in sympathy with them—with her. They saw much of him after that He was easily magnetized, although the im pression was apt to wear off soon, and Ada bad magnetized him in a fit of ener gy. He took a fresh departnre in his profession during those days, painting more diligently than he hail done for years. In truth, that was an eventful epoch in his art life. The pictures he painted then laid the foundation of his future success. Atlas secret ideal had always been a man whose life should be dedicated to the interpretation of beautv, to whom a sunset should be of infinitely greater im portance than logarithm or a title deed. The men of Port Royal all gravitated either toward the law, like John, or toward science and letters, like her father aud Professor Luce. Ada made no secret of her pleasure in her new acquaintance. Dora liked him too. John, to be sure, insisted that he wan a bit effeminate. Hut he was a lithe, active, strongly built young fellow, with a manly air, in spite of his faultless fea tures and golden hair and mustache. This blondedelicacvcontrasted peculiar ly with a skin so dark that it might tie called olive, and splendid dark eyes. Moreov< r, his tailor hod done aa much for him as Professor Luce's had failed to do for that gentleman. So a month went by. Philip and Ada went rowing almost every afternoon in ber little boat, exploring annsets and woods, and bring ing home stacks of laurel. The woods were bowers of laurel then. "I should like to transfer some of this loveliness to canvas," Philip said, breaking off a bough that hung down into the water; "but I despair. Itia maddening that one has nothing more ethereal than mud to work with." " Mud ? Oh, you mean yonr paints." He laughed. "I mean my paints. How literal you are I" Then, as her face changed: "I like it; I applaud it. You never let me wander long off the track; yon are my friendly Ariadne, us I told yon the first time I saw you. What is it t You smiled in that same odd way then." "I was only thinking— No, I won't tell yon." He was all curiosity now, teasiug, in sisting. "If I must, then: It's something I've always been ashamed of, obildislily, since 1 had nothing to do with it. But wasn't it aggravating of my sponsors in baptism to give me such an outlandish name as Ariadne ?" "Really ?" "Really!" He laughed. They Ixifh laughed. THE CENTRE REPORTER. ••Si> you aro undoubtedly who. Tlio coincidences have it. It is oliariumg ! Ariadne I It haw anch an uuuaual wound that ouo might call you that and uot fool that ouo wai taking a liberty with your Chrlatum uamo, Do you kuow 1 wiah 1 might—wo iuot ituoa ?" "Very woll, you may." Occasionally aftor that ho did wo. And tho uamo, hitherto dotoatod, became muaio to hor ears. "I wiah you would paint this laurel," she naid, " thin particular trough. Call it a annset study. It looks as though it had been dipped iutoa rose-colyred sun art." " I should have to engage in a sharp tussle until my Miuotattr of Isxiueaa if 1 w to him witli sinning, hapoy eves, 'lhe earth was transfigured for her. That was no longer Port Koyal in the distance : this no longer the pta cid stream she had known jdl her life ; it was a land of romance : the same laud, let us say, in which the fabled j Cretan maiden atiayed with her beauti ful Greek and listened to hia fleeting vows. '• It is all of a piece," Vaue laughed, presently. " You—Ariadne ; this island vou hve'on ; the laurel. tJuantiUes of laurel grew on Naxoa." " But Ariadne lived on Crete." "At Naxoa afterward. Don't you remember ? It was there she parted from Theseus." " I had forgotten that she had (varied from Theseus." "Oh, certainly. She was not for ' the false Athenian youth," but for * Baoehu* bright—a god m place of mortal.' " It suited Ad* to compare Philip just here to this latter personage ; although, drolly enough, Philip hailed from the modern Athens, a* it happened. Row ing home, he sang an exquisite Venetian gondola song that tilled her eyes with tears. She held out the laurel branch at parting. " You have no time to lose," she said. " You had better take it." " No. You keep it for me. I'll vune audsketch it to morrow morning, if von will give it ami me house-room. Shall we say ten o'clock ?" But the next morning Philip met a friend, who beguiled him into taking a stroll about town. The clock struck noon, and he remembered his engage ment, and hurried to the college. He found Ada's bright face clouded for tue first time. " 1 beg ten thousand par dons," he began, his own countenance kindled with eagerness, in the way Ada found so irreaißtible. " Have you thrown aav the thread, Ariadue?" Her brow cleared. " No. Of course it was business letters. It alwavs is with business men. Tuose horrid busi ness letter* !" " Yoa know all about them, don't you ?" he rejoined, neither affirming nor denying. Then be made a few marks with bis pencil. Then Dora came in and said : " The students are to have a band here on the campus to-night, and the town are invited to stroll about in the moonlight. Ada, I want you and Mr. Vaue to dine with John and me, and then we can all come back together." Agreed. On their way to Violet Bank a stylish woman, unknown to our sisters, walking, however, witn a Port Royal acquaintance - Mrs. Smith— stopped with an exclamation of surprise, ami put out her hand to Philip. Mr*. Smith then presented Mrs. Forsyth, her guest, adding : " Mrs. Poi yth wants to come up and see President Field a>>oat her brother, who it in college. Shall we find him in to-morrow morning i" Ada said yea, she thought so ; and they walked on. "Mrs. Forsyth's stunning, isn't she?" inquired Philip. At which Ada was stupidly displeased. Somehow there was a lack in tbe moonlight concert on the campus, and Ada went home lees gay than she had i>een of late. Hat Philip had promised to come the next morning, and when the time came she proceeded to make her self lovely for him. One of the student * had brought her some fresh laurel, and she pinned bright bits of it in her hair and at her throat. Bbe should always associate laurel u>w with the one per son. Then she seated herself in a deep window-Feat. Steps came up the walk ; stopped at the door; the t>ell rang. Talk and laughter cams in to her through the open window. That surely Mr*. Smith ; yes, and that horrid Mr*. Forsyth was witn her, saying: *' Mr. Vance"—ah ! so Philip was there too ; they hail met on the way, no doubt —"did not go to the promenade ooncert last night?" And Philip replied, carelessly, in hi* delicious flute-like voice, " Yes, worse luck. It was a Stupid affair." A mere passing speech ; but Ada sprang to her feet, and confronted her flaming face and angrv eyes in tbe mir ror clone at hand. She pulled out tbe laurel blossoms she had adorned herself with, and stamped on them. She hated them ; shu hated herself, A stupid affair! And they had been together; , and when they parted be had kisaed the rose she gave him. The next moment the three guests were announced, and j she oooled down, as we all must on snob occasions. The morning went by aim- lessly. Philip lingered a little behind Mrs. Forsyth, as she was leaving, to say, " I notice that our laurel is begin- | uing to be worn about the edges. Hard ly worth while to attempt it, is it ?" And Ada answered, "No, it is only worth throwing away." Then Philip followed in the wake of bis stunning friend, care less, charming, idle. His tit of work . was over for the present. A, 1878. iuixmstaut. A parting equivocation ! A very trifle, yet still the "little flaw withiu the lute." Then alie Itsiked up at the clear blue aky with gathering tear*. "1 am glad there are aoiue tiling* that do uot deceive." alio thought. After this episode Ada was gentler, more tolerant evru of Professor Luce's clothes. However, he marked au era m his life just here by purchasing a new suit. lie also put himself into the hands of a bar be r ; perhajia aoiue one suggested to hitu that his hstr was too loug ; not Ada, however, I am positive. The result was marvelous. It is incred ibla what an effect the outward man has npou the interpretation of the inward man. Hut lam convinced that it was for Mime cause still deeper than this that when Ada aud lie uext met she felt that they had both uudeigoue a transforming power. Professor Luce, for hut part, mentally and with coutritiou revoked those harsh remarks 1 quoted alsive about purgatorial fir< a. Ada was once more the girl with whom he fell in love at first sight in the g<*sl old-fashioned wav. fVople thought it vw a ntiang!• match. He might be brilliant, hut he waa tiu.lo niably uncouth. However, Ada told Dora : •' ilo may uot have the outward making of an ideal lover ; but no one else haa aueh a true, true heart." Moreover, he gave her abundant cauae to la* proud of him in other way*. In fact, there ta no telling what reflected hon ore may uot be iu store for her through him. Some uevr plan -t may yet be culled by her name. Harper'ißantr. False Confession* of Nurtler. Mr. Henry CL Lea'a "Huiwretitiou and Force" gives many remarkable lU ataucea of (alee coufeaaious of murder, extracted by torture, and capital pun lihnieut luflicted in e->u*equeuoe there of, followed by the detect too of the real culprits. Boyviu dn Villare relates that during the war iu Piedmont, iu 15511, he released from the duugcoua of the Marquis of Manner olio au uiifortuuat geutleman who liikl beeu secretly kept Uiere for eighteen years, iu consequence of haviug attempted to serve a prooeea from tlie Duke of Savoy on the Mar quis. His diaapiwaruuce haviug untu rallv leen attributed to foul play, his kindred prosecuted au enemy of the family who, tiuder stress of torture, j duly confessed to hsvtng committed the murder, snd was accordingly executed, iu a town where Masserono himself was residing. Qudelmatiu relate* that a monument in a church iu Upper (ier ruauy, representing a man broken ou a wheel, commemorated a case iu which two youug journeymen set out together to make the accustomed tour of the country. One of them returned alone, clad iu the garments of the other, anil was suspected of having made way with him. He was arrested, and, in the ab sence of all other evidence, was prompt ly put to the torture, when he confessed tke crime in all its details, and was ex ecuted on the wheel, after which his coispauion returned. Another ca*e was thst of s young man uenr Bremen, whose widowed mother lived with u servant. The sou quarrel**! with the mau, who fled and took service at s distance. His father, uot kuowiug his departure, accused the youth of mur der; aud torture speedily drew from the latter a full confession of the crime, in cluding his throwiug the cor}>sc tuto the Wesar. Not long after his execu tion the serving-man reappeared and was duly put to death, as also Was his father, to make amends for the blun ders of the laws. Few, when ones en gaged in aueh pursuit, could be ex pected to follow the example of the Milanoac judge who resolved his doubts as to the efficacy of torture in evidence by killing a favorite mule aud allowing the accusation to fall upou one of his servants. The man of course denied the offense, was duly tortured,confessed aud persisted iu his confession after torture. The judge, tlina convinced by experiment of the fallacy of the sys tem, resigned the office whose duties he could no louger conscientiously dis charge, aud in his subsequent career rose to the cardinalate. The mood in which these untoward results were usu ally treated is illustrate! 1a another somewhat similar case, which was told to Atiguatiu Nicholas, at Amsterdam, in explanation of the fact that the city was obliged to borrow a headsman from the neighboring towns whenever the services of one were required for an ex ecution. It apjtear* that a youug man of Amsterdam, returning home late at night from a revel, sank upou a door step, in s drunken sleep. A thief emp tied his pockets, securing among other things, a dirk, with which, s few min utes later, he *tsblel s mau in a quar rel. Returning to the sleeper, he slip ped the bloody weajsm back to its place. The young mau awoke, but be fore he liaen a few handftils of uuts with a stone, and, after toasting the kernels in an earthenware dish, grind tliern into flour. The oil is extracted by adding water in small quantities to the flour, which is stirred in a bowl. As the oil is being formed by this process, the flour hardens into a cake, which is Anally squeezed, leaving the oil perfectly clear and fit for nse. This kind of oilcake then serves a* an excellent food for cat tle, as also the dry rind of the nut, which is generally given to them with the cake, forming together their princi pal and most nutritions fond during tho year, snd is invaluable to the natives iu time of drought; for the organ tree is very hardy, and a dry year haa little if any* effect upon it. Even the empty I husk of the nut when broken is uot thrown awxy by the peasants, but is I used as fuel. The best charcoal is made from the argan tree, and the dry timber is excelleut firewood. Tlie goats feed also upon the leaves of the tree, snd when browsing in the argan forest may be seen climbing among the trees, pluck ing aud nibbling the nuts and leaves. TIMELY TOPItK Prussia h is what la sai l to lie a sure rxlcrnilliator of the Colorado beetle. The well known steamship Great Eastern the large-it in the world —is to traus|Kirt cattle from Texas to Kuglaud. It is estimated that 5,(MM),000 sheep, valued at flt 1 A,fer of y mutt, r how many lled's sins may 1h, bt* kiUiinees to his mother will obliterate tlicm all in the eyse of Ue people." The Bine Hen Hotel. "Borne time ago," said the drummer, " I had occasion to visit the city of D—, in the State of Delaware', aud 1 con cluded to stop at the Blue Hen hotel, where I had spent one night during s previous visit. When 1 reached the spot where the hotel used to be, I was surprised to see thst the tall building h l given place to a low structure with a single row of windows, mid the roof close to tlie ground. However, I recog- U!7cd the keeper of the old hotel sitting on a chair in front of one of the win dows. and I asked him where hi* estab lishment was. " There she is, sir. I've enlarged her since you were here Inst, " Indeed I Enlarged ' I don't ex actly understand." ••Oh, I know she look* smaller ; but, stranger, I tell yon that I've added four stories to this hotel since January, '75." •' What became of them ?" "I'll explain. After the hotel had been bnilt a year or two she suddenly began to sink. I dunno what the re*, son is. A quicksand tinder her, I reck on. Anyhow, she kept going down and down, nutil tke ft ret story passed under ground. Then I moved the bar-room up stairs, put another story an top and legan business again. Pretty aooo she sank to another floor, and we moved tip a second time and added another story. It's been nothing unusual in this house to go to bod in tbe second story and wake up in the morning to find yourself in the cellar. The milkman has regu lar instructions to pour the milk down the chimney in case he comes some morning earlv and can't dig out a win dow. Last month I overslept myself for forty-eigt hours because the room remained dark, and when I did get up, the roof was just even with the streets. "This part of the bouse that you a.*' now I built on early last week. The property became too valuable to lease. There sre sixteen stories to the Blue Hen now, snd I have got to add another before the week is out. If this hotel was spread out sidewavs she d be aliont three hundred yards long. Eventually I ei|>ect she'll be an or seven hundred stories high, and it 'll take you a week to get into tho oeller. I s'poso if I keep on, this here hotel will reach clean through, from Delaware to China. The lower end will come bursting ont into Hong Kong or Hhanghai, snd maybe I'll lie taken Chinamen for boarders without knowing it. Then, very likclv, they'll tax both ends of the hotel sod take money out of my pocket. They're alwsvs grinding a poor man so'* he can hardly get along. Costs like thunder, you know, to run n hotel like this that requires so much to keep up a respects hie appearance. I dnno exactly wlmt I'll do if she breaks out on the other side of the earth aud then slips through the hole. I can't carry on s hotel float ing out into ethereal space, you know. " I have aomo hopes tkat may be, lie fore she sinks more'u a mile or two,she 11 strike a volcanic vein or something and get a shove tip ; come all the way out, for all I know, and stand on solid ground. If she does, you come ronnd and see me. and I'll take yon up snd show you the view. I'll bet you cnu sec Peru aud Oahkosh aud Nova Zexnbla and Turkertowu, aud all those places— regular bird's eye view. You come round anyway and I'll take you down into the cellar." I said I would, aud then I hunted np a safer hotel. The Blue Hen is too original, too eccentric for comfort. Ma i- J deter, in Philadelphia Bulletin. A Tbirlj Hey. I aaw the laiy who wanted a ilrtuk a restless, questioning, uneasy, thirsty IKJV. lie lot tlio window fall ON Hl* linger* l>oforo tho train had gone a nolo. Ho sUssl out ou tlio pisiform uutil ho was iucrusted two inchtw deep with ashes •ud duat and cinder*. H wout to the water cooler and got a drink; thou he came lurk and told hia mother he waa hot, and went back and got another drink, lie drank atnmt four timea |>er mile, seldom ofteuer, unless he waa *-izd with a sudden uuooutrollatde Hpaatn of thirst. If ho waa dnukiug, and aottieliody else came after a drink, the boy would suddenly seize the cup he had just act dowu and refill it, aud drink aa though he had wrapped hia stomach in the desert of Sahara, glaring sua] UCIOII sIy over the top of the cttp at the waiting jMessenger aa lie drank. When he waa in hn> seat, he watched the aisle narrowly, aud it he aaw any pas aenger get up aud move toward tie water-cooler, lie would jump up and race for it. il he got there first, he would driuk aud ahore over the cup uatil the thiratj traveler forgot what he went down there after. People liegtw to wonder how much the boy waa gauged for, aud if he wasn't rather straining hi* capacity. The remotest hint or suggestion wu enough to neud him hack to the cooler. When the tram ran over a creek, the water made him think of hia thirst. When it rattled over a long stretch of dry prairie, the slmeuce of water drove him mad. I was afraid the supply of water would give out before the boy was filled up, and he was rather a small bov. too. Hia in terior circumference, 1 think,traus have inclosed au area double iu eitent to that iucloaed by the exterior* belt. Near Waseca we ran nearly a mile without the boy making a stop at the tank. I grew very nervous now, for I waa feartul that during such au uuheard of abstiueuoe from water hia pumps would ruu dry, ruat out, aud he might blow up. Ho I leaued over the edge of the seat aud said carelessly ; " lfy George, but I am tliiraty. I wonder if there ia any water in this oar t" You want to understand me now, as recording very plainly, and without any mental reservation, the fact that the boy's mother, sitting beside him. was no fool. Her eyes snapped when she heard my careleea and iuuooent remark, she took iu every syllable of it, and she turned on me in a flash with " I wish voti would mind your owu buaiuees and leave my boy alone !" A low, mocking murmur of applause weut through the car, a little of it for the indignant mother, some of it for the charity bov, but most of it for me. Hhe suppressed "yours truly" vervsuccessful ly, but it was too late. Long before she had finished thst brief sentence her boy was down at the water-omder holding his eyes tight shut to keep the water from running out of them, while he flooded his system as though he had taken a contract to keep tip s perennial freshet inside of lumaelf. - l>urtlrtte, in Burlington Haukcvt. t ontiuuallj in Bet Hater. The woman who is always falling to piece* cams to the station a little late and had to make a rush for the train. When she reached her seat her hat fell off. Hhe got it on, but it toppled ov r to one side, and wheu she tried to straighten it up her hair came tumbling down. Hhe lost her ticket twice beforu the conductor reached her, and would have lost it again if he hadn't taken it away from her. She reached np to put a bundle iu tlie rack alove hr bead, and buret the collar button off ber dus ter, ami stuck her fingers ou four pins in her dree* before she could find one tliat she dared take out to repair tbe damage. Then just as she thought she li al got comfortably setUcd ber little hand valise, packed to burstiug with euongh things to load a Saratoga trunk to the muzzle, exphahvL, and she nearly worked herself into fragments getting it together again. Then by the time abe got the valise ahnt up her hat tumbled off again, and bv tbe time she got the hat straightened back into its place, her hair tumbled dawn agaiu, and as srem as she got her hair twisted up, and harpooned in with a couple of hair pius, the valise went off, and when she got off at New Prague she tucked the gaapmg valiae under her arm, and tried to corral her toppling list aud wander ing hair with one hand, and as *!• weut fluttering and straggling into the depot, one couldn't help thiukiug that it would be safer and more convenient to run her in sections and flag her against every thing. I have seen this woman on sev eral o.her trains, and she has never l*>en able to keep herself together. She keq>a yon in a state of agonizing sus pense, for yon never know where she is going to give way next.— Burlington Hatrkeye. County Fairs. The fair, as a pretext for bringiug peo ple together, hs* tor twenty tears taken the place of the ancient political maes meetingsof the North, and the barbecues and camp-mi-etings of the Hoiith. All the tribes of the farm districts go up to it. Not the fancy-stock raiser alouc, with hia fashionable clothes, lngb erowned list, shining sulky and thor oughbred mare, or his neighbor, the Squire, solid aud keen-eyed, in his nimbly "Jsraey," the broad osck of his ooat sunburned s doxen shades ; but their wivva and their daughters also, the store keeper with whom they trade in the village, the lawyer who expounds green backs or tlie labor question to them in the drug shop of an evening, the editor of the country paper, and his youug college-bred msn-of-all-work, who write* leading articles, gums wrappers and mails the paper by turn. Specimens of all the farm stock join the great cara vans ; monster oxen and enormous pigs, dainty Alderueysand miniature bantams, famous imporb*! ewes and bulla, heavily insured before they go, and seut with a corporal's guard of watchers. Then there arc marvelous cheeses and butter, crvstal qellies and homemade wines, invariably attended by their anxious owners, sharp-eyed matrons or pretty but loud-voiced girls. N. I". Tribune. Hindoo Wedding*. Among the Hindoos early marriages are the rule. By the time a boy of good family has reached the age of fourteen or fifteen, a wife ha* been selected for , him, usually a girla year or twoyounger than himself. Very possibly he has never seeu her until the msrriage cere mony is about to be performed. At the , wedding both families lay themselves ' out to make tho utmost possible display. Relatives, friends and guests are gath ered iu the house of the bride's father. Clad iu her richest attire, tbe girl kneels on a slight platform oovered with a rich tissue, flic bov sitting cross-legged op posite her. The bride's father raises her hand over a vase filled with the holy water of tlie Ganges, snd places her hand in that of tlie bridegroom, who puts the ring on her finger, amid the prayers of tho Brahmins. This is the essential part of tho ceremony, which makes them husband and wife. The genealogy of the husband is then form ally read, aud the stipulated dowry is paid over to him. After this, the fes tivities begin, aad are kent up for sev eral dsvs. TERMS: #2.00 a. Year, in Advance. KUNXIfU TIIK PAST TRAM. liabialsa.Uks Maltreat **•* Msiws Nsw Hark sat fSllstslehla- a Mils la Psriv-KI*l ssrMi*. The train leaving tbia city at 7.5& in the morning for New York over the Peuuaylvauia Badrood la among the fastest iu the world. Indeed, a portiou of the distance ia made at a rate scarcely obtained by any other caul in Euiope or America. The distance between West Philadelphia and Jersey City ia eighty nine miles, aooumpliahed in owe boar and fifty four minutes, with a single stop, while the return la aii minutes less, including two stop*. Tbta give# a rate iu going, of nearly fifty mi lea, and in returning of alightly more than fifty mi lea an hour, surpassing that of the celebrated lotion's mall Itetweeu Lou don aud Holyhead, where the ran of 264 miles occupies seven hours. At half past seven o'clock on the morning wheat a Time* man, by |M-rmmaiou, boarded the engine at the West Philadelphia depot the steam guage marked 121) pounds aud "still rising."' Precisely five miuutee later the bell clinked over the engineer'a head, and almost annul* taueously he gave a alight clutch of the lev r and the traia of four cera was off. It stopped at (icrmautuwu Junction thirteen minutes Inter. As soon aa the engine got clear of the sohurbe she shrieked aud bounded away at greater speed. About twenty minute* after it wound it* way through Bristol, and in till less time the irou bridge over the Delaware was sighted and Trenton wa* bisected at the same moderate speed which bad becu adhered to through Philadelphia. Hut it wse neocesarv to do better iu order to reach Jersey City, nearly sixty nulee away at the appointed time. Trenton was aoircelv passed when the engineer tou< be 1 up Li* steed, i let ween the first two mite posts noted, the distance was passed in sixty-three seconds; the next in a little leas, and a third in precisely sixty. Hurrah! The train wa* spinning along at the rate of a mile a minute. And yet everything proceeded with so much smoothness that it wa* imoosaible to appreciate the amazing swiftness. There was no unu sual jolting, ana in the aars the passen gers were smoking, dozing or reading, just as though it wa* an ordinary train in which they were riding. Juat beyond Princeton, the speed rose to the rate of a mile in fifty-eight seconds and con tinued it wit Lout dimmutior, except a slight " slowing up" at Monmouth Junction, until New Brunswick wa* in view. As soon aa the town was left behind the engine waa at it sgaiu, and in the neighborhood of Menlo Park the tpeed became prodigious, aa if the loco motive wa* snorting defiance to to tho wonderful Edison in his laboratory un der th- hilL" In this neighborhood Conductor Bi lauce, with watob in hand, carefully timed the train for three miles. The first was passed in fifty-four seconds, the second in fifty two, and the third in fifty. Tlie last was seventy-two miles an hour. The puff* from the engine bad become s contu.uou-* shuddering rs move, without hearing anything shove the deafening reing blown off. Tbe engineer with his hand upon tbe lever watches, with a cat-like vigilance, the r*l* sweep ing under his wheels. The whole train i* constantly under his eye, snd he never allows his attention to be diverted for an instant. One Saturday tr >rning, a* the train wha approaching New Hrunawick, and before iU li*l diminished, F/l OntoDil, the engineer, felt a andden thump tteoeath h>m It waa repeated instantly, and then hia entire aide of the cab Oft off aa if from a thunderbolt, lint the veteran knew like a flnah what waa coming when he heard the tlrat thump, and with one lion ml he threw h:maelf astride 'he lioiler, ahnt off ateam, and applied the automatic air brake. Thia atopped the train with anch nd denneea a* el moat to throw the passen ger# off their aeaU; bnt no one waa hnrt, and the alight scratch of the engineer'a mate and the blow on hia arm did not prevent hi running back to Philadel phia in the evening. Thia ia the only accident which the faat traiu haa enconu. tered aince it began running on the Bth of July laat Aa proof of the caae with which the extraordinary speed ia main tained, it may bo said that the train goca into the Jersey City depot frequently ahead of the acbodule time. One day the passenger# began atepping off just a minnte and a half before the train waa due. Of the twenty-nine trip# from Went Philadelphia to \'ev York, twenty fl*-e were made on time connection. The train haa been mowed only twice. Once waa on account of the accident mention ed, and the other waa a twelve minute detention canaed by an excaraion train gettirg in the way. The other delaya were jnat two minutes apieoe, oocaaioned by the draw in the river. The return trip faila oftener, it being difficult to get away from Jeraey city at the exact moj ment. while the run ia harder, mclndiug more up grade. The train generally consists of four or five cara, including a juilace one, and average# about 900 passengers a day. It ia under the eharge of Lionia Silanee, an experiencel condnetor, while the two engines, wliich alternately do the work, are ran by the vetarua Edward 0 - mond, who haa been on the road twenty one year# and haa handled n locomotive aixteen years, and Frank Peacock, eqnallv skilled and carefnl. The regie tor show# that many a mile haa been made ha forty-eight sooonda, which is at the rale of seventy-five mile# an hour, doing eastward the train make# one and in returning two stops. The driving wheel# of the engine are only five feet in diameter, but thia will probably be in creased to five and a half feet.—Phila dttphia Tiinc*. There are 40,000 Germane in San Francisco, and 30,000 more in the States and Territories of the Pacific coast. They take an active interest in politics and in stock speculations. There are two daily U(>wpa[>crs published in Ger man in the California metropolis, and five weeklies, two of them illustrated. A large proportion of the German ele ment is devoted to agriculture and stock-raising, and many lead a seafaring life. Most of the trade with the Mexi can coast, and inncb of the bay and Sacramento river trade is in the hands of the German ship owners and shipping and oouimission agents. Customer. —" Walter, this bit of tar bot is not so good as that you gave us yesterday." Waiter.-"Beg pardon, air; it's "off the same fish." NUMBER 41. A Camel en the Rampage. We hare often laughed over tba atort ' of the man who had a tiger by tlie toil, and dared not lot go. Bat eren bia nn ploaaant aitunlkic baa often been aur paMMvl by the comedy of a thief a pnn lahtnent who rawtook the quality of hi* plunder. Th Virginia Oitv CAeontote telia a long and aery droll "toryof a I night adreutare of aome prowling Mexi can* with an old camel. Tbe following ia the Bulmtenee of it: • Jt seems that a certain French asttlear in Nevada owna a herd of camel*. which Orn-utal aniuiala be mature* . suspender button in hia hand, and won tiering whether it will hurt lea* to ptui the needle ont of hie thorn'., the same way it went in, or poah it oa through.— FTawkrye. iUM us spirit of bsantf dwwia Korwuel* to tha "fiiawto! ettae*, The black bird flwa fteei oar fragrant 4eU* To leagfltoh in SootL.-n, 4ida of rosas. Tianorr new styles ef bate eclipse j ▲arttkaebwylefareweniby woßwe: T now the efao lbc.T packers ha> Hps. aa be dak. hiataeih in the rsgne laon. -Arw Tor* Graph*. Mr. a D. Baa Una, of Parker-Ming, Woet Virginia, ia a tall, straight, robuat man, between fifty and aixty. He 'its not slept for fifteen years; he feels tared sometimea, but newer deep*; tfaoogl be baa tried working contnou!y for tec or eleven day* and night#. Hoary opiates hare no effort npon him At night be goes to bed, •* an aa to be out of the way," and liea there sod thinks, but done not sleep. The big picture of the Berlin tnngreMi br Director Werner, painted to the or < r of the city of Berliu, ia under way. The artist took separate aketcbo . * color of all the members of i be ex?agrees, sod that of Lord Benontisfleid is among the beat In the pieturr be is U. be r* prevented atsn-btig at the npjvr end of the ooogHM table, leaning over the chs r of Pnnoe Qortchmkoff, and laughing ia a friendly way with that celebrity. Prince Bismarck stand* firmly planted beside them, and Counts Andrassy and Sebon valofi are depicted advuea g to sbak. banu-. The picture promises to be of interest and exoeileooe. km imanlH Herrible !>en(fc. Cousidswable has been *aJ of late eon ermine the time, pi** u l manner of the >k**th of Prwt. LaMutntaia, the mro nanL Notwithstanding it has been onlv about five rem tooee hit dead) tvrnrml, ami notwithstanding (be fart that hta death warn simply horrible to think of and waa given great publicity at the tame, aoarcvtr any person or .' u remember it This illustrate how quickly important events even pass froc the minda of the people, OB the fourth of July, 1873, Prof. Mountain made an aseeaaiou fr >m lonia, M ch. The arrangemente of tips ropes before the balloon started were thought to be wrong, but the professor thought everything waa all right There was a tremendous crowd present. Immedi ately after leaving the ground the moiitb of tie canvas began to flop around with great violence. When half a mile from the earth, the balloon slipped between the ropra and WM instantly inverted. The oar and its occupant dropped like a shot With the most terrific velocity the unfortunate man descended, cling ing to the basket That he waa oots scioaa wua evident from bis struggle!!. He strove to raise the basket above him, .evidently hoping to use it as aparachutr 'He succeeded in his object, but wb ; about one hundred feet high, he ioose i his hold, folded his bauds and arms be fore his faoejand, feet first, struck tit ground with a dull heavy thud. Thei: ensued a panic among the multitude , almost indiscrihable. Women faulted ; men wept, and to add to the confusion, the canvas came flying over the crowd like a hug® bird. Bme one cried to get out of the way, as it would fall with crushing force. At this a general rush was made (or istfety, in which many were injured, and somefoi life. LaMountain was crushed into a literal pulp. Not a sign of motion of life was risible when his body was reached. Medical examination disclosed the fact ttiat hardly a whole bone was left Manv were ground and splintei ed to powder. His jaws fell noon his arm* and were pulverised. W a ere be struck there was an indention made in the hard ?-avel ground of several inches deep, he corpse waa laid out in the pnblie square aud was viewed by thousands. A Fan Drill. A correspondent of the Boston 7Von ortp.\ writing] from Phmoa'h, N. H , thus describe* what she calls a fan drill : •* I arrived here just in time : for last night was a gala night in the hotel. The young lsdies of the village, who have established a library through simi lar efforts, gave a very novel entertain ment, which I fancy will some day be come quite popular. A ' fan drdl their performance was called, and it was nothing more than a company of charm ing young ladies in Marie Stuart rnfSes and'powdered hair going through all the evolntions and motions of a military com pan v. using their bright fans in a most effective manner. To these were added many tactics of their own de vising, including 4 flutters,' all ia perfect time, and to mnsic. There was the •angry flutter,' the 'haughty flutter, the 4 modest flutter' and the 4 coquettish flatter," ending up with a grand march. Each vonng lady wore instead of a comb a small Japanese fan in h r hair, an ex ceedingly pretty and becoming head j dress."