The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 12, 1878, Image 2

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    r w t —w-"ILL—-
US Centra Eaportar.
► lED. KU1T2.....~........ IDITOI.
Okstks Hall, Pm.,S<?i>t. 12,1&<^-
ANDUBW 11. DII.U of Union Co.
W*sVrß*M* JtTtMJ*:
li K > ft V t\ ROSS, of Montgomery < *.
"aFHI gdon.
Election day, Tndr.
Voter, muzt beaded be Thursday.
-Tr*:- - •*->— w
by Saturday. October olb.
Foreign*" murt b# Mlu
urday, October Slh.
Pill and Ourlin at Millheim, F*Wy
night, Tttrn out boys.
Tho Advance, of Chicago. >* in f *™ r
of giving defaulters their right title.
save: -IfJudas had lived in Borfon.
Kew York or Chicago he would not Usee
been called a thief, but when be Oeu>
time to time stole and used tor hitnl
what our T*rd and hi. disciple* had
committed to his care as treasurer, he
would have been spoken of gingerly a
'led by his personal neceeaiues into a
business irregularity.' In this w*n ie
sensitiveness of friends is not wouuJed.
The crimiual persuades himself that he
still belongs to the best society, ainco it
uses its own delicate and deceptive lan
guage in speaking of him. To call an
•mbenler or defaulter a thief is to teach
our children to be honaet-to be un
like Judas in either character or desti
The Greenhackers of this county had
better re-aembl<\ withdraw their ticket
and resolve to vote for the democratic
nominee, they help the pnmezples they
alvocwte far better by supporting the
democrats, than to stand in a separate
organization that can Meomp
Hayes has given the notorious rebel
guerilla chief Mosby a foreign appoint
ment. When Mosby takes his depart
ure from these shores let all the ram
pant rads be present and wave the
bloodr shirt at him as a good-bye.
At last poor Hayes has found an en
dorser —the Minnesota republicans have
endorsed the administration. We reck
on some office holder ran tho machine
np there which may account for the
singular prank.
Two more of the Tammany thieves
have been arrested in New York and
the amonnt they are wanted to disgorge
is the snng little snm of 1 million dollars.
Will they go to see Tweed.
Onriile Grant, brother of the ex-preai
dent, has became insane and is now tn
an asylum. Ilia hobby is speculation
and cornering the market iu sewing
and other machines, which he thinks of
having tip. He had to be taken care of
in order to prevent hitn from entering
into foolish contracts.
Dill and Cnrtin at Millheim, Friday
night. Turn out taxpayers and hear
the ex-governor and next governor.
The extreme rapidity with which the
expenses of the state government have
grown under republican administrations
is shown bv the following figures drawn
from official sources. In three years of
Gov. Packer's administration the total
expenditures of the state government
were $1,209,840.17. in the last term of
Gov. Cnrtin's administration, including
the years 1364, 1365 and 1366, these ex
penditures were $1,385,157.83, including
some extraordinary expenses of the war.
Iu the last three years of Gov. Geary 's
administration the expenditures of gov
ernment leaped op to $2,806,305.07. Gov.
Hartranft's first term cost $3,279,315.28.
In Gov. HartranfVs last term these ex
penditures have swollen to the enor
mous sum of $3,816,316.7 ft. Unless this
extravagance is arrested by the over
throw of the ring in control of the state
government where will it end?
The democratic party has ever been
the party of economy. The record will
always show this. Expenditures have
been ran up by the republican party,
and what reduction has been accom
plished is the work of the democracy.
Appropriations made by three yesrs
of democratic as compared with the pre
ceding three years of republican ascend
ancy in congress, via.:
Estimates J 176.226,348.
At Pasted M0u5e ...... 147,687,739.
At Patted Senate 161,862;268.
Uws 167,200,633.
$6,000,000 additional estimates were sent in
not included in the regular book from the
It appears by these figure* thalthe dem
ooratic house appropriated twenty-eight
and a half milliens less than the estimates;
thst the republican senate raised the bills
of the house more than fourteen millions,
and that the law* as passed exceeded the
house grants by nearly ten millions. In
the last congress, when the house com
menced the work of reducing the public
expenditures, the senate struck off ten
millions from the budget of economy, and
new they have repeated the act ef hostili
ty to the same extent. These are the nak
ed facts.
"Elect a Democratic Congress and you
shoulder a debt of ftiuO,ooo,oo0 —for pro
property taken from the rebels during
the war —on the people. Elect a
publican Congress and vou will tide over
the threatened danger.'
We find tbe foregoing stuffin nearly
all our Radical exchangee. The editors
in question are either very ignorant, or
dishonest, and assume that their read
ers are just as stupid as they are, which
is not very complimentary to either par
ty. Besides.-Tbe allegation is a naked
lie, and if any one was foolish enough
to attempt a thing of the kind, the Con
stitution would interpose and defeat the
measure. The XlXth Amendment to
that instrument reads as follows:
Sec. IV. The validity of the public
debt of the United States authorized by
law, including debts incurred for the
payment of pensions and bounties for
service in suppressing insurrection or
rebellion, shall not be questioned, but
neither tne United States nor any State
shall assume or pay any debt or obliga
tion incurred in aid of insurrection or
rebellion against tbe United States, or
claim for the loss or emancipation of
eoy slave, but all such debts, obligations
and claimß shall be held illegal and
Sec. V. The Congress shall have
Ciwer to enforce, by appropriate Legis
tion, the provisions of this article.
It looks as though "the rebel debt,"
and a few bloody shirts, was all the
stock that the Radicals have invested in
this campaign. This is a mighty cheap
platform for a high toned moral idea
party to stand upon.
Dill and Curtin at Millbeim, Friday
night. Turn out taxpayers and bear the
er-governor and next governor.
Mary Wampler, an inmate of the
County Infirmary, at Dayton, Ohio,
died, aged 117.
—Hon. G. Dawson Coleman, of
Lebanon, died at Lebanon, 9tb.
Two Ottawa rioters were fined SSO
and given three jail and an*
other was fined SlO.
Under this Vend the Philadelphia
Times lias an article which expresses
our sentiment* and which will do for
Centre county democrats to read. The
practice of letting candidates select their
own conferees, is one that leads to
abuses, in nine cases out of ten the can
didate vfants to select his conferees so
ho can control them for corrupt purpos
es, sell them out to the highest bidder.
The proper way—and the duty of the
Co. Convention —is toclect the eon forces
and leave it to their discretion ss to
who should be nominated for congress
or senator, after following their instruc
tion* to the line where instructions
should he no longer binding and a nom
ination made for the beat interests of
the party instead of balloting for weeks
in the Interests of an individual.
The Time* Mrs: t >ne of tho | roll tic
evil* of our prwrnt primary political
system in all parties, is the now com
mon custom of naming a candidate for
a reaponsible district office,ami allots nig
him to select his own conferee*. In 'hs
many struggles for the important posi
tions of Congvsssmcn and Senator in
districts embracing two or more coun
ties, the rule is for every county to otlcr
a candidate, who selects his conferee*
from the circle of his personal followers
and then goes into the political market
to get the best possible price for his
men. We hare known unimportant
men in unimportant A>untie* to crowd
themselves forward as candidate* for
Congress at every Congressional H
tion for rears, get possession of the con
ferees and regularly trade them ort for
post offices, revenue offices or places for
themselves in the document room at
thecapitol. So common ha* this cus
tom become that it has demoralised both
parties fearfully in many sections of the
State. It ha* often effected by potty,
shamefhl barter, making the very worst
or the least desired nominations, and
many local defeats of the majority part>
have hoc?) the fruits of the disgraceful
system. It denies to a political party all
voice iu the selection of it* candidate*,
and invite* hummer* to enter contests
when good men do not offer and when
counties have no jnst claims, merely to
trade themselves into a little prominence
or wl! out their power for so much cash.
At a recent Democratic conference in
the Westmoreland district, ;o adjourn
ment was asked for and enforced be
muse Mr. Wise, one of the candidates,
msisted t,iat ccmU not attend, and
since then Wis*, of Greend, Doyle, of
Fayette, and Lomiaoo, wf Westmorelal!'
the rival candidates, are aco#pm-i fis the
managers the confused conference
that has been meeting and adjourning
for a month just. Instead of the party
selecting comjctent and faithful rej>re
sentative men to vote for the choice of
their county and then exercise a sound
discretion when their choice falls, it is
I understood in these later days that .only
j the candidate is the party to ho consult
! t-d. while his conferees must subordi
j nate themselves to his whims or cuj>idi
: ty. It is high time that all parties took
a manly stand to arrest the growing
evil. It would Tastly impair the power
of adventurers in politics, and majority
I parties would save themselves from
[ many just defeats thereby.
There seems to be an unusually strong
desire on the part of leading democrats
—we may say of all the leading demo
crats—in and outside this congressional
district, to have Gov. Curtin receive the
democratic nomination for congress, and
his friends in this district, and especially
in this county, in response to that de
sire, arc now urging the governor's nom
ination and it seems to meet with a
hearty endorsement from the rank and
file of the democracy everywhere; as it
would in all probability bring to the
support of the democratic ticket the
liberal republican vote.
Gov. Cnrtin has been acting with the
democratic party for six years already—
since his return from Russia. He re
signed one of the highest and most
honorable positions in the gift of Presi
dent Grant —minister to Russia, a first
class mission. The republican party
was in full possession of the government
when Gov.Curtin resigned and he came
home to take the Wtutnp for Bnckalew
and thesnccess of the democratic party,
which was then in a minority. This
course of Gov. Curtin can be taken as
the best evidence of his sincerity—leav
ing a party in power because of its
corruption, and which lent him a high
position, and resigning his place in
order that he might do battle in the
democratic party against the corruptions
of the Grant administration and of the
Cameron ring which was disgracing and
plundering our state. Where is there
another man, in the history of parties
in this country, who has made such a
sacrifice of high position and party for
such reasons as actuated Gov. Curtin in
the step he took ? There is none on re
cord. Gov. Curtin is an acquisition
to the democratic ranks worth having
and deeply regretted by the repnblicans
who would gladly have retained him in
one of the chief places in order to keep
him. But there was a higher duty, and
he followed the dictates of it. A thrill
of joy went through every democrat in
the county when it was announced that
the great war governor, Andrew G. Cur
tin, had turned upon the corruptions of
his party and found that to purify the
government he would have to take his
stand in the democratic ranks. Every
democrat bid him welcome then. He
has been with us since, voting our ticket
all the time, and speaking for our cause
and the cause of an oppressed and plun
dered people.
When such old and tried democrat* as
Gov. Bigler, H. L. Dieffenbach, Chair
man Hpeer, and many other democratic
leaders of the state, advise the nomina
tion ofGov. Curtin for congress, it is ad
vice that deserves respectful attention,
and we may add, safe to follow. These
men seek only the success of the party
and the good of the country— and we
know that many of them regard the
nominatien ofGov. Curtin as one of the
potent agencies to be used in securing
the success of the state ticket. No good
democrat will question their motives.
We know also that the candidates on Iho
democratic state ticket, have exprcused
their opinion and wish for Ourtin's nomi
We do not deem it necessary to offer
any advice here, and give the above
that democrats may fairly understand
the movement in favor of Gov. Curtin
and why it meets with so much favor.
Harrisburg bos a colored Dill club.
That will be an eyesore for white radi*
Hiester C'lymer has been unanimous
ly renominated for Congress by tue
Berks democracy.
Col. Hoyt, the republican candidate
for governor, has put himself upon an
anti-greenback platform in a recent
speech at Butler.
Cheyenne, Wy., September 8. —Two
inches of snow fell here this morning.
Till. \|\Vr I'OMJKWWWAX.
Mr. Ebito*:— Aj the Pemorrat* of
Centre county ro on the -vo of one of the
most Important delegate election* held in
our county for year*. I tru.t you will al
low one who ha noted In the capacity of
high private in their rank* for oroe time,
to ndJro** A few word* to them through
your column*. The convention to he held
And the ticket to l>e nominated, nre ex
eroding!? Important, and whatever I* done
should ho done CArelully, eonaWeratrly,
and only *flor mature dollheration. The
nomination ola Judge ln< been virtually
decide I hy the action or Clinton county,
and we take it for granted Judge Maver
will receive the s-ndorscmant <f our con
vention without *eriou* opposition, if not
unanimously. Hut for representative* in
Congm* and the State Senate the contest
within the pa*t two weak* ha become unv
usually animated and assumed a serious
a*poet Prior to that date little or no in
terc! win manifested, but since then
Messrs. Hoy and Alexander have taken
the aggressive an.l announced themselves
for the latter position, and Hush
and Mock for the termor, while some of
our more disinterested citiiens, actuated
by the best of motives and prompted by
the demand of the leading Democrat* from
a'.l p*et of the District, have presented the
name of Governor Ccrtix, and persuaded
him to agree to accept the nomination if
tendered hun liotb the candidates ft
Senator are *ooJ men and deserving, and
wo have nothing to say for or ugaiusl #ith
er, hut leave them to stand on their respec
tive merits. Hut in regard to the Contest
for Congress, there are a few considera
tions to be urged which we hope will not
be overlooked by all true Democrats who
have tUo welfare of the party gt heart be
fore casting tboir ballots on Saturday,
In thr flr.t place, the nomination of a
Coiißreaaman in thia district tor the pre,
rnt Year u a matter of more than ordinary
importance. It is the district In which our
candidate for tiovernor resides, and he
wilt, in a mea.ure, lie losponsibte (or the
character of the nominee. If a weak man
is nominated, he will weaken the Slate
ticket in the rery section where it should
be strongest. On the other hand, if the
strongest man is nominated, one whose
na'fie I, familiar throughout the length
and bu'adth of the Uut ar.d a tynojiyqi
for ability, integrity and liojie-ty, nu one
can estimate the strength it will clvo to
the State ticket, nut only here but in other
parts of the State Thi would be un
doubPdly the effect of nominating uoh
a man a> Ex Gov. Curtin. There is no
name in the district better known through
out the I'ouiMOutottaUli, popular or
that would be better received in all sec
tions. Secondly 11 is nomination would
be singularly exjedient and popular this
war above all others,— not only with Dem
ocrat- but also with the anti-Cameron Re
publican- The contest this year is one
for tho ovynatoi* "(theCameron dynasty,
and any actiou ve can take jabich will
convince those Republicans who are whal
ing under the Cameron yoke, that we are
sincere in our attempt to exterminate this
dynasty, will inducu thU elaqinot to join
hands with us to liberate tho BUta from
the thraldom to which she has been üb*
ice: for more than twenty years. Certain
ly no step could be taken that would be
iuocd expressive on this point than the
nomination of E.-Qgy. ASDM* (J. Ot'R
TIN for Congress. Thirdly, f I o^rCoun
ty Convention instructs lor Curtin, Kt \s\il
t ••tiuatt I. ; the 7*. strict, which can by
no means be said with any degree of eer
taintv about either of the other candidates.
We do not think there is a man named for
the position, outside of our own county,
who would stand in the way of his nomi
nation. They are all truly patriotic Dem
ocrats. and would not hesitate for a mo
ment to sacrifice their own personal inter
ests Cur tho welfare of the parly. Fourtli
! !y: ilis nomination would reflect boner
und credit upon tho district. IV# l'enn
-ylvanians have a mistaken i4.i that ey
ery official position must be uonceJeJ to
1 the men who run with the machine, who
make thom-clves the party workers, and
that no one is entitled to any consideration
until this clas is provided for. Not so in
New England or the South. The ftirincr
i* represented in our national council by
her Blames, and KJmunds, ksr Dawes,
lloars, Butlers, and Eaton*, and lha iauar
by her Lamars, Stephens, Gordons and
Hills,—names familiar as hou*ehold words
throughout the entire land. Both lections
send their ablest and best men to repre
sent tiicm, and keep them there during
good behavior. The result is that they ex
ext an influence upon and shape the legis
'ation of the nation. Now are we willing
to abandon our mistaken idea and to fol
low their example? If so, wo have the
opportunity. Gov. Ci'RTis's nomination
will be applauded everywhere. If elected
ho will at once become a leader in Con
gress, he will command respect and exert
nn influence for his constituents such ns no
other man can. tVo will confer littla or
no honor upon him thai he does not al
ready possess, but he will honor us.
Such are a few of tho consideration*
which should govern us in our action on
this subject on Saturday next. True, it
will be urged CURTIS has not always been
a Democrat, I care not for that. He is a
good, sound Democrat to-day, as good as
any of us. 110 is in favor of the honest
and economical administration of affairs,
outspoken in his condemnation of the late
electoral fraud, opposed to rings, lobbyists
and jobbers of every ilk, anxious to bury
all animosity existing between tho North
and South and has done more toward this
end than possibly any other man in our
Commonwealth, and is an inveterate foe
of tho Cameron dynasty—this is Democra
cy enough lor me, and for you fellow vo
ters, and for every one except those who
are continually asking, importuning and
domanding offices, and who, like the camp
sutlers, appear to follow the Democratic
party more for the sako of the spoils to bo
gathered than from any patriotic motives.
Besides there are thousands in our ranks
to-day, battling manfully for the over
throw of corruption and peculation, who
aro no better Democrats than Gov. Curtin,
and thousands more ready to come if we
only give them some such ovidence as his
nomination that they will be wolcomo, and
that we are sincere in our declarations.
With CURTIS as our nominee for Congress
and DILL for Governor, victory will be as
sured in tho State. Democrats, of Centro
the responsibility icsls upon you I See
tbatyou discharge it manfully, and in such
away ns will redound to tho best interest*
of the /nirfy atui nation, regardless of tho
claims or fate of individuals. •
Maine held her election on Monday.
Counties that heretofore were reliably
republican are completely revolutioniz
ed. The republicans also sustain heavy
losses in the legislative districts, putting
the legislature in doubt.
Tlieic is no election of governor by
the people, so weak has ttie once strong
republican party of Maine become.
There is besides a republican loss of
two congressmen.
The republican conferees of the 27,
senatorial district, composed of the
counties of Union, Snyder and Nor*
thumberland, met at Lewisburg and
nominated A. M. Smith, of Snyder
county, for state senate.
Omaha, Neb., September o.—At last
night's fire a division wall fell on a squad
of firemen who wore in the corridor of the
hotel, burying four men who bold the
nozzle. Efforts to clear away the debris
and rescue the men were unavailing, the
fire burned all night and at noon to dny
was not extinguished. Thu remans of
the men were found in an unrecognizable
stale this morning. Tbe loss on tho botel
building is $200,000.
There wan a grand rally at Lock
llaveu on Monday night, y. Kx-Hover
nor Curt in arrived at ft p. in. with a
large delegation from Centre. Hand* of
music play*], the at root a wore full and
great enthusiasm prevailed, lion. A.
If. Pill wan greeted with great warmth
and In it short and earnest speech ex
haustively reviewed the address of Mr.
t.'uay and made such telling points
against the opposition na brought cheer
upon cheer from his hearers.
Kx tlovarnor Cnrlin sjKike next. As
his lull and commanding form arose
upon the platform lie was greeted with
deafening applause. Undeclared him
self heart and aoul fbr Andrew 11. Pill
for governor, lie knew Idm to be hon
est, able and fearless -a leader who had
always dared to stand up for the right,
and who aa governor of Pennsylvania
would put the cormorants to (tight and '
bring luck to I'ennaylvauia honest and
economical government. His sjieeeh
was a grand success. Senator Wallace
next spoke.
For the Reporter.
\la. Khitor : Morepretcntalien hav
ing been made in reference to ihe expen
dim re* of ttie county for ISTT, for coal slid
printing, an expissaliori, we think, is not
out of place.
There era- paid in 1877 for coal
for Court House ami Jail f taki id
Ain't that was bought and
ued in ls7ti and paid in
1877 >3lB 80
In fall of 1877 several cart
of coal ware bought,
whleh lasted Into 1&78,
amounting to 900 00— 618 80
Leaving am't paid for contump-
turn of 1877- - $ 417 11 j
There wa* j>td for county printing in
IsTG Hi follow* :
To P. G. Meek }lUs*ieu
ToLred Hurt*... lSiifO
To E. T. Tuten Ri*> 80-1833 8U
The Auditor'* report was printed in
three paper*.
Total county printing for 1K77.. >llll 18
Which include* Urvi*' let
ter in regard to tho elec
tion of Ae**or 13 "A)
Duplicate* for 1373. .... 11 6b
Asw book* fur "1575........ 43 30
Avertixing Comnimioiicr*
U. S. Land tale* 140 30- '214 88
$ 890 31
The Unseated Ijtnd Sales only oecnr
once in five year*, ami therefore did not
have them in 187(1. TheOrvia letter w as 1
aloo extra. The Auditor* Report Vfas ah
oo published in one paper autre in 1877
than in 1876. If the same printing hsd
been done in 1877 that was done iu 1870
it would have cost only >BOO 31. X.
The Sue* canal ia subject to a peculiar
aeries of currents, which change with
the seasons of the year. M. latnaiiton,
the company's engineer, has been tak
ing observations at Port Said, Sue* andj
ail the other stations on the canal, aincv
ls7l. The result of tbase observations
shows that, notwithstanding 1-ako Tim-;
sah and the Bitter Lakes, which form*
two great regulators, the north and
south bunches of thp canal are not un-:
affected by each other. From May to
October the winds cause a riso of le.iel
at Port Said, at the northern entrance
to the canal, and a fall at Suer, the
southern end. This difference of level,;
which reaches nearly forty centimetres
or about sixteen inches, leaJs to a cur
rem thp Mediterranean to the Red
Sea—a current which, though interrupt-i
ed by the tides, drives a considerable
volume of water frem north to south,
in winter, on the contrary, the high
winds give the Bed Sea a level higher,
by 3U contjmetroa, or about twelve incite*
than tho Mediterranean, causing a cur
rent from south to north. About 4fio,-
000,000 cubic yards of water vearly pass;
from oue wa to the other. This, coup
led with the tides, tends to neutralise'
the effects of evaporation from the sur
face of the lakes and to dissolve the ba
sis of salt in the Bitter That ba
sis was four inches in thicknoas, but is
gradually devolving, especially in the
course of V£#e|#- thp velocity of these !
local currents varies belts eon fort figidj
and Lake Timsah from 5.9 Inches to;
15.75 inches per second; while in the
broader part, between Sue* and the Bit
ter 1-aki-s, it is from '.'4.6 to 43.3 inches
;>r second.
The pleasing picture of the lowa he
roiup, yb.Q had two pickerel under har
ness and was u.aV" by them up and!
down a pond in a beautiful itllie boat,
was the sweetest flsh story ever clipped ]
with an exchange editor's sheara. But,
who shall say that the ingenuity of the
local chronicler has got to the end cf it*
tether and devised the gWMtret possible
fish story? Here is tho Whitehall
Times, for instance, with a romance of
tho quoon of the speckled beauties. A
man has an artificial trout pond with at
least 3,iWo fish, each weighing from half,
a pound to two pound*, more or less.
He also has a little girl, five years old,!
who has succeeded the flah;
so that she can go to the edge of the!
pond and with a handful of crums feed
them from her chubby hand. They
have learned to jump out of the water
and snatch worms from her fingcra.and
they au extremely fond of their little
mistress. One day ah# lojt her balance;
and pitched headlong into thp water,
where it was deep, She says that when 1
she went "way down" she called loatily[
for help. Her cries quickly attracted 1
her parents, and they were horrified at
seeing the little girl floating upon the
surface of the pond. The father rushed
to the water's edyc end reached out for
his pet, and as ho raised hv* from the
water a perfect solid mass of trout w**
found beneath her. These faithful sub
jects of the little queen, as she fell quick
ly gathered beneath her and thus show
ed their love for their mistress by bear
ing up her body until aid arrived, thus
preventing her from meeting a watery
grave, 'lisa beautiful tale, but the
next file from the Far West may |j>r
another still lovelier.
A gem from Kearney:—"lf I had
money I could own every paper in the
United States."
Dill and Curtin at Millheim, Friday
night. Turn out taxpayers and hear the
ex-governor and next governor.
A getn from Kearney "If the ballot
boxes are stuffed wo must le prepared to
wade knee-deep in blood."
I)r. J.S. Myea, of Virginia city, Nev.,
has rediscovered a lost Egyptian art.
He tempers copper tools to a more last
ing cutting edge than steel tools will
hold, similar to tbat of the copper im>
plementswith which the atone for the
pyramids was cut.
A gem from Kearney:—"lf any one
nsks you what you will do with the gov
ernment when you get it tell him it's
none of his business.
Dill is the workingman's candidate.
He is not the hired tool of corporations.
His 10 years record in the legislature is
tbat of an honest public servant,
A gem from Kearney"The man
who can build an iron ship out of the
< lay he digit out of the ground is fit to be
in the United States Cabinet."
The Vermont election was held lasl
week, and the republicans came oul
winners, but with a largely reduced ma
A gem from Kearney:—"The hell
hound, cropeared, festering crew oI
whiskey drinking bummers who edit
the loathsome, slimy sheets, would sell
body—and I was going to say BOUl—
would sell body and giszard for mon
Lieut. <Jov. Latta jumped from a mov
ing train at Greensburg, a few pvanjng*
ago. The doctor set his broken arro|
shortly after.
! A gem from Kearney .-—"We sill
block up the Golden Gate with the fes
tering carcasses of the 'lepcrous,' moon
eyed, slimy, iice-andsrat eating Mongo
lian dogs, and when the government
asks for men to break tho blockade let
every workingman get a musket and
one hundred rounds of ammunition and
shoot the first dog that asked him to go
to California."
London, September t.—The excursion
steamer Princess Allco, returning from
Oravesend to London, this evening, with
about HUO passengers on board, wai run
down oir Harking about eight o'clock by a
•crew steamer. It is reported that be
tween 400 and 600 persons wero drown
I he Princess Alice was struck amidships,
and sunk sluiost immediately.
The number of persons drowned Is vari
ously ustlmated at from five hundred to
six hundred and fitly. The higher edi
jmate is the latest, and is given by the
Loudon Steamboat Company, the owi ers
jot the Princess Alice.
The Company's wharf is besieged by
crowds of imople anxious to hear of rela
tives and friends who were passengers on
tho ill-fated boat
The steamer which sunk the Princess
Alice is supposed t<> be the By well Cattle,
a screw collier, bound north in ballast.
The steward id the Princess Alice status
that after the collision the other steamer
proceeded without attempting to render
aid. lie estimates that 700 persons were
on board the Princoat Alice.
She sunk, bow first, in five minutes af
ter the *as struck. Some small boats and
anothtr excursion steamer rendered.what
assistance was possible.
Tho drowned include an extraordinary
proportion of women and children Sever
al of the survivors speak ef having lost
as many as three, five and six children.
They describe the water aa covered with
hundreds of shrieking people. The cap
tain and nearly all ot the crew of the
| Princess Alice were drowned. They baJ
no time to lower the boats and there were
but few life-buoys on tho steamer.
No Abateuiuul of tho Discos®.
Memphi*, Tenn., September B—The
condition of our city to-day beggar* de*
cription. While the lit of new cate* re
ported i* only about tixty, the death rat#
ha* amounted to eighty-iix, paly two of
which were from other cam** ikon yellow
fever. Bodifil wero discovered to-day in
Ptt\of Ik* Vy place* which have the ap
pearance of having been dead ieveral
day*. One peculiarity msnifotled among
maay of the tick it s detire to *ec!ude
themielve*, while among the poor there i*
unreatunable fear of being *tut to the
Msmphii, Tvaa-, be pi. 4, InTi.—TU
doelhthave been ruatar, during the past
twenty-four hour* than ever before in tbli
city. Ninety-eight bodiee were buried
to-dey, end the county undertaker, who
buriee most of those who die at the boe
pilal at well at the paupert, tayt he hat
between forty and fifty ordert that ha can
not give attention till to-morrow. It it'
ithli that maket the titualion to horrible.
These decompiweJ bodtet would caute
[tickacss even in a more healthy atmos
phere, but when the air ie poisoned a* at
j t>rtenl the tact of to uitay bodies rouiain
ing unburied for to long a time cautoe the
bet workert to despair of successfully
fighting the fever.
Suggestion To Burn The Dead
Tbo CHisant' Relief Committee bat em
ployed a burial corps of thirty nrgroca to
stent the ceunty undertaker and bit men
and it hat even been tuggeited to burn
the dead if they cannot be buried more
promptly at corpses arc known to have
lain unburied for forty-eight hours bur
dening the air, with foul odors, sad be
coming to revolting that people have fled
the neighborhoods, and it it with diffiulty
that tail, can be hired to haul them to
Potter's Field.
Holly Springs, Mitt., Sept. 4, 1878
Over sixty catei of yellow fever sad tix
deaths are reported to-day. The stores
are all closed and people who can get
away have gone. There it great need of
nurtet and physicians The physicians are
broken down. Two of them are sick with
fever. Many will die to*day. Gloom. 1
despair and death rule lip Lour. The sit
uation is simply appalling. The outside
world are appealed to for help. The tele
graph operators are going to leave.
Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 4, 1878.—The
deaths trom yellow fever from noon yes
terdsy to noon to-day number twenty-two
lelal deaths to date 300. There is Hi
diminution in the rases under treatment.
Efficacy Of Ice
A cue haa jut been reported winch
threaten* ta rarire Dr. Cboppio's ica ex
periment. A titter of one of tbe inspec-,
tor* at the Cutlom Ijouto wai rloiently
attacked by tba fever, and tba night be
fore latt u in tbe lait stage* of diaaolu
lion. In fact, bar physician left, giving
up bar rate a* utterly he pel MI. After be
j left tba bitterly complained of pain in tbe
kidney* and beggeJ for an application of
ice in order to relieve the burning beat,
ller with wa* made known to her physi
cian, wbaaccedad at once to ber request,
taring that it could do her no possible
, harm, at tbe bad only a few baur* ta live
fat tbe longeit Crushed ice wa* immedi
' alely applied over her kidney* and around
i ber writ. Although the w at then to all
appearance* dead, and it wa* only by tbe
application of a mirror to ber lip* that ber
} friend* could perceive the wa* living. In
• let* than an hour after the ica wa* applied
the rallied and ha* tince continued to im
prove. It wa* thought yeaterday by ber
phytician thgt ihe would undoubtedly re
Sad Condition of Affairs at Hickn
Hickman, Ky,, Sept. 6, 1878.—Tba sit
uation bare i* appalling. Only a few
familie* now remain, and they expect to
leaya op a (pep I*l trjin to-morrow.
There bare baao lour death? during
the part twenty-four hour* nud lifty new
case*. No abatement of the diieaie i ap
parent. A corpto now lie* just ouUida of
the town limit* for want of money to pay
for the burial. There era not enough *ex<>
ton*. If the plague conlinae* a few day*
longer dead bodio* mud remain in the
bauie* and (treet* unburied. Tba panic
among the peoplo j* terrjblo. They now
look upon Hickman a* a graveyard, upon
iboe who are ick a* 10 many dead. The
town teem* wrapped in deop gloom. Tbe
few men who remain bare are acting
bravely, but without aoine relief even
these mutt succumb to overwork. Bonfiroe
aro burned throughout the night bolween
bare nd pnjop City,
Union City In a State of Terror.
, But a few women and children reuiti'n
in tbit town. A man and two children
came here yesterday from Hickman.
* Their whereabouts were at once discover
' ed. At night the door of the house in
: which they had taken shelter was broken
open and the man and children driven
i out. It looks like war Jimps hero, with
i every street picketed and bonftres kept
1 alive throughout the night.
Brownsville, Tenn., Almost Deoert
Brownsville, Sept. 6, 1878 —Ton deaths
from yellow fever and ten new cases are
report#)) here for the past twenty-four
hours. The £orrr is sproading in this
town, also in Crocket county, where grout
excitement prevails. Thoro have been
twenty-threo burials up to to-night. The
prospe -I is gloomy. Kverybody is alarm
ed, and people rush pell mell as from a
besom of destruction. Brownsville asks
her friends for help, l'oor whiles and
nog roes only remain in the town.
The Jahiiit apWf fr°® the fever dis
trict is hill of horror and fplfu it* own |
| story : Sept. 9 there is a wgii br WQS, '
[and an earnest appeal to the govern meat
I for the relief of the sufferers.
Seven thousand people iu Vicksburg i
alone who must be provided for proba- i
bly tiO days. 1
)n Memphis the victimis are dying so 1
rapidly thut Pfi apcognt is taken of the
number. ,
Memphis, Sept. 9,-—'The condition
Goods at Cost!— Great Bargains,
Dry Goods. Notions, Groceries, Queensware, Ready Made
Clothing, Hate, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Drugs, &c.
Mr An Invitation extended to all to rents and see the slock, and buy low. Good* at
Cost, at Parmer's Mills. Riept It
Hardware! Hardware!! Hardware !!!
Bcllefonte, Penn'a.
Have juat received and placed on Exhibition and Sale, at their Store* no laer
Fifty-Three Varieties and Styles of Cook and Parlor Stoves,
Single and Double Heaters, Portable Range*, Ac., embracing all the latest
improvements, Dewwl makes, style* and novelties in the market, combining
all the desirable qualities, such aa beauty, durability,convenience and econo
my. They hava tketmly Portable Ranges that will bake in HOTII OVENS
for sals ta the county. ENTIRELY NEW.
Every Stove WARRANTED in every particular.
LOWEST PRICE and satisfaction guaranteed.
Our stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Oils, Pure Leads,
aitd PAINTS cannot be excelled for variety, quality and cheapness.
EVERYBODY IS REQUESTED TO CALL whether wi.hing to purs
chose or not.
Special Bargains for Cash Buyers ! WILSON A McFARLANE, Humes* Block, Bellefonte.
of this city crows more desnerate eve*
ry hour. Of newj rates it ia uteleaa
longer to keep account. Whole fami
!ta are stricken down within a few
hours, and the call for nurse* is great
er than can be supplied. Yesterday
there were about 100 deaths and 300
new rases sod to-day up to noon 70
deaths had been reported, and the
death rate to-day will probably ex
ceed that of any previous day.
New Orleans, Sept 9.—The death
list includes twentywsix children un
der seven years of age. From noon to
six p. ra., thirty-three deaths were re
Memphis, Tenn., September 9.—To
day's mortuary report is the largest of
any day since the fever appeared, the
undertakers reporting 112 interments
of which 24 were colored. Forty-five,
new cases wers reported to-day by
resident phrsicians'.
I>eer except spotted fawn*. Biey bo kill
ad from October Ito December IC. Pen
alty S6O. peg* running desr may be kill
ed by any person, except in the counties
where such hunting it permitted by spe
cial acta.
Squirrels may be killed (rem September
1 to January 1. Penalty $5 for each squir
lUbhiU can be taken fretn October 15 to
January I. Penalty $6.
Wild turkey* ran b takan from Octo
ber 16 t January 1. Penalty $lO.
No wild fowl, wbtcb include* ducks,
gee**, piaaoni. be , can ho killed letaeet.
Mv U and under a panalty
of <lO.
Woodcock mar be killed from July4 |
to January 1, and upland or ria
from July 15 to January 1. Penalty flOj
in each case.
Pheasants may ke killed from October 1
to January 1. Penalty $lO.
Kail or reed bird* art to be kil!*4 only
Purine the month* of ttailember, Ucloher
end November. Penalty $5.
Sec. 12. No person shall at any time'
within tbie Slate, kill, trap or expose for
tale, or bave in hit or her possession after
the same hat keen killed, any night hawk,
whip-poor-will, sparrow, thrush, lark,
finch, martin, chimney swallow. barn
swallow, woodpecker, flicker, robin, ori
ole, red or cardinal bird, cedar bird, tana
gar, cat bird, blue bird or any other in
sectivorous bird, under a penalty of five
dollars for each bird killed, trapped, ex
posed for sal* or bad in poaassiop.
Robbing or destroying neslsof any wild
[birds except hawks, crows and other pred
atory birds, is prohibited under a penalty
| of $lO.
Killing wild pigeons on their nesting
grounds, or firing guns within one-fourth
of a mile of such nesting place is prohibi
ted under a penalty of $23. Citizens of the
stale can be licensed to trap or catch pig
eons away from their rocsU except during
the netting season py paying >SO.
Nets, traps, snares or torchlight are pro
hibiled to be used in killing wild turkeys,
pertridges, woodcock, rail or reed birds
under a penalty of $lO, and any person
may destroy such nats, traps, Ac., anerev-j
er found.
Sunday bunting or fishing it prohibited
under a penally of $25.
Trout ape to po caught wUfc rod, hook
and line only during April. May, June
and July, under a penalty of $lO, and all
net Gibing in trout stream* i* prohibited
under a penalty of $25.
Tretpaning on land* for the purpose of
taking Gib from any private pend, stream
or spring used for propagating gamo fish,
after public notice of the owner or occu
sant,5 ant, it prohibited under a penalty of
Fish baskeu, gill net*, pond n|ti, c*l
wiers, kiddles, bruin er fiaoine net* or any
other permanently ret tuoan* of taking fish,
are prohibited under a penalty of $26
Seine flibing is prohibited under a penally
of $25, except for had with seine* of three
inches mesli.
Sec. 24 It shall be lawful to fish with
fyke or hoop net* in any of the stream* of
this Commonwealth uninhabited by brook
or ipeckled trout, during tbe month* of
lUrch, April. May, Soptember. October
and Novbmborfli each year; T*rdvlded ;
Tbat the luothe* ef taid net* shall not be
leu than one inch in (ire, and that taid
net or net* (hall not be placed at the con*
fluerceof any wing-walla, either newly
made or abandoned. And provided furth*
er, That it (hall be the duty of any one
taking or capturing by mean* of any fyke
or hoop net a* aforesaid, any talmon, bau,
trout, *peck!ed trout, pike, pickerel or ev
ery kind of filh introduced inte any water*
of tbf* Commonwealth by the authority of
tame (dV the pqrpoio qf *t H the taid
water*, to return the same alien to toe Wa
ter* whence taken ; the violation of any
ef the provision* of tbit taction (hall *ub
jecl tbe offender to a penalty of twenty
five dollar* for each and evory offcnte.
Black baa*, pike and ealmon can be
caught with book and line, scroll or spear
from June Ito January 1. All bau under
six inches in length mutt be returned to
the water. Tbe general length of a man'*
band i* about *ovon incbet, so that any one
can tell ha qqgqf lq jtqep. jjeqglty
No person is allowed to oatob game fish
by shutting or drawing off waters, or drag
ging or drawing smalinets or seines there
in when so drawn off under a penalty of
The using of quicklime, poisonous bait,
any torpedo, giant powder or other oiplo
sire substances far killing flsb, is prohibi
ted under a penalty of SSO.
Tho catching qf bfsjt fish by tpens of
hand nau or cast nets is not prohibited
Lake bass, rock bass, or blue tun tlsli,
species recontly introduced by the fish
commissioners, shall not be caught for
three years, from January 1, 1878. under
a penalty of flee dollars for each offense.
The sale of pheasants, partridges and
woodcock, is allowed for a poriei of fifteen
Jays after thq tiuie limilod for killing the
fame had espired,
'' j t
Lad e's Lnc Button Roots, 51.7&.1
Ladies Lasting Utile r. 1.00.
Ladie * Lasting Slipper*. .AO.
jLedie't Letting Tip Uauerv,!
iLedie'* Coarte Shoes, 1.00
Gent's fine Calf Boots, handmade, 5..10.
Gent's Alexis Buckle Shoes, 1.60.
All kind mf FLOW ft II OK* for
Men and Boj a.
The latest style of LADIES FRENCH ;
HEEL BOUTS, toad# on lt French
Last. Call and see tbeai. A fine
flock of Ut Beat Bueno* Ay re*
Sole Leather, Calf Skint.
Keep* La*u, Pert. etc.
al war* a full
Candy Manufactory & Bakery.
Mr. Albert J\iulb,
' At ike
lis now making tbe very best
iin Bcllefonie.
Caudiea and Confection*,
j He alt" manufacture* all kind* of can
!die, and viealer* can purchase ••f h i ill a*j
low aa in the city. Candiet of all kindsal
y an band, together with Orange*,
Lemon*. Kirt. Date*, NuU, Syrup*, J*l
lliae and everything good.
d An Excellent oyster saloon also at
y I ached to the Hakery. Call and see
j. |
'Spring Mills O. E!
J at I. J. Grenoble's Store !
j ha* the good*. L*rge*l itock I
; Rrioes Lower than
J, And now extend* a cordial invitation to
hie friend*, patron*, end public general
i Ij
t| Also a Complete Assortment o!
f; Ready Made Clothing fcr iand
r |boyt. oui(* a* low a* hi be bad in tbe
! imported and Domestic
Full line* of
For Ladles, Gents, Boys, Misses and j
Children. <
Hosiery, Gloves, Boots and Shoes, (
And the rnoit complete sisortment of (
-• \ ■ T
n Central Penniytvenle, and prtoes'that
willoompel you in *elf defence to buy of •
hm . Also Fish, Salt, etc. 18oc
A full line of Howe Sewing Machines
and Needles forall kinds of machines. j
Alio deal* in all kind* of Grain. Mar- r
ket price paid M the \ specially
in COAL by the car load.
Lincoln Butter Powder, make* but
ter sweet nndhard, and quicker to churn j
!Try it—for sale at Wo. Wolfs slots. i
JLF 8. T. Sbugert, having purchased the'
Drug store on Alleghany street. Belle
ronto, next door to the hardware Store of
lllck* A Hro.. ha* stockod and lllled it out
with all tbe most prpular
* ?
j ARTICLES. Ar„ Ac.. Ac. |
Patent Medicine*. Alcohol, pure Wine*
and I.lijuor* for madical purpose* only,
rbyslcian's proscription* carefully com
pounded and orders answered with car*
and dispatch. Farmer* and Fhyxfeiant
Worn the country will And our rtock of
medicine* complete, warranted genuine
and of the best Quality.
Thli Store will remain under tbe direc
tion of the accomplished drugglt and
pharmari.t heretofura connected with it.
i if .. .l ** o *' 110(1 *• reepectful-l
ly aollelt the eustom of our friend* and
the old patron* of thestore
!9 * >tf S. T. SHUGEKT.
L°O K !
Aew Bank Building.
MERCHANDISE, carefully selec
ted, and embracing all manner of
Furnishing Goods
ift '
or •
Full lice of
t Hats and Caps
For Meo, Boys and Children.
Call and be Convinced that this is tbe
11 Cheapest place to buy good* in this
PRODUCE received in eichange
for good*.
v Reroemdrr the place—in the New
Bank Building, opposite tbe Old,
T ... I* Bank Building, Centra Hall.
ould respectfully announa to tka citi
tens of Ihu vicinity that ka hat taken
roonit in abora building where ba it pre
pared to do all kind* of work belonging
to fan liar, for men and beys, and accord
ing to latest style*. Goods told by tam
0. P'e- Having bad aina yaart experience
0 ka guarantees all work u render perfect
satisfaction, and aolicita a tbara of the
0 public patroaaga. Gdaey
0- BXNBT MKOCKXBIiorr. J. , bffPwEXT
! President. Cnibier.
II (Lata Millikea, Hoover A Co.)
Receive Deposit*,
And Allow Interest,
Discount Notes,
Buy nod Sell
Government Securities, Gold A
j aplOflKlf Coupon*.
i We are now telKag
'• New Pianos 15125
R*eS. tad *ll Mfl— tKladue Utul. Kqur* *a4
lulfll. *ll a# aed autrtlf InUba. *| lb. lim
••I ud •helMi* farter* rnMt, 4 tract to IS* par
rhaor XoAcanU. aa oaiamlaawa. no dlarouu
l iooa far *toc, rwuißlu
5, M ATlilVilEK'S
New Patent Duplex Uverttruag Scale.
wblcb la alUtowt qaaartaa lb. (raaleat la*rnaaaaal
eat lata . Kqaar* product** tka ant
leeWklae power. rtcXaaaa asd depth ol tee*, aod *aa*
Ulnar UtilM ,aarar before allele*! Oar
;• MtTfartl-simN puHo co..
'• No. 81 East Fifteenth Street.
21febsev m New Vorjc
- i
!• " .
5 Hardware Store.
• A new. complete Hardware Store bat
been opened by tbe undersigned in Cen- ,
ire Hall, *bere be it prepared to tell all ,
kinds ol Building and Houte Furnishing i
Hardware, Nails. Ac.
Circular and Hand Saws, Ten joa Saws,
Webb Saws, Clothe* Ra&kx. a full assort
ment of Gl** sail Mirror Plate Picture
Frames, Spokes, Felloes, and Hubs, table
Cntlary, Shovels, Spades and Forks,
Locks, Hinge*, Screw*, Ba*h Spring*. 1
Hore-Shoee, Nail*. Norway Rods, Oil*, {
Tea Bells, Carpenter Tools, rami, Varn- 1
Pictures framed in the finest style.
Anything not on hand, ordered upon r
1 shortest notice. f*
RoTCemkei, en j*ooO* offered cheap- '
er ta* hUewli*re. *
1 J
Vimtixg Card*.—Your nam*
' printed on 60 Mixed Cards for 16cU ,00SO
While Bristol for 12 cU., op % Trauspa
rent cuds fee 20 cU UUffj &Jls at low.
Cemtrk Hall, Pa.
P R. ,
The Forks House, at tohurn sUtion, is 1
new and commodious, and is kept in bet: ]
manner. Bed and board second to nom ,
in the county. Stabling for 80 horses 1
Asa summer resort it will be found all I
that could be desired, right in the heart o! 1
food fishing and hunting grounds, an>.
surrounded by the most romaatic rceacry. :
Inov y |
MOT FOB iAti.—First class brick 1
on hand for sale at Zerbe's Centre Hall 1
brick vards. These brick are
offered so low that it will pay persons at a '
distance to come here for thein. <
Intending to continue in the manufac- J
tureof hrick they will be kept constantly !
on hand, and fair inducements offered to '
17aug tf. H. K. ZKKBE
44UU X BS Wurth 1
SS ftss. lniprjr* roar siuro ilm* 1
at this baslDsss. Address bll own A Co. Portland Ma r
IS ntr, f ' 1
We print envelopes as low as $1 per
thousand. Send us your envelopes. We
print letter heads, and statements as low *
as 1,26 per 1000, when persons find the °
w * *1:
! h
Mrs. Mackey, wife of the Bonanaa „
King, baa a saphire which waa once si
the property of a Russian prince, and -
it cost her $150,000. Jt is n inch ioi 0
diameter. He? pearl necklace cost'
<C * WO,Uj *•*!• A Son.]
i al " ,nl> r©Drt>ge.sledJdn,F*n.
<7 Article., Dye fitoff*, an
Nundriea, Fui
•tock of Con fa.
- . lb a ivfTir#* tkf It. t v
Aloa.ndcr wbowtll attend io tbo iim
|.HiodinKof Prmcrlption,. 'JSs Lu°?y.
. OMYM -i
Get Your Photograph* Enlarged I
> ~ "*' r ; PHeej ft tr one picture
1 Pr \ mM . furn J ,bl cheap. For farther
particular*, eddre**,
1 1TJ K.K G. OtffiUlTti, L -
Dentist, Millhelm.
"mxTuH! •—"* '**" ■yyuii "
U BOMTfaetmat
!3**a>sL *** • 111 Mart
S3" titfl ,2J**, o *"**
Fashionable Dressmaker.
wI7Ti lr f 8 ? ,, lh '.. dr * M nia6fr . Centre
Hell, defiree to call attention to her tem
ple* of trimming* of ell kind*,- aba,* Mm
pie* of new clyle* dry good*. Cutting and
don * *> order, and old dr**ea
cleaned end done over by bar. Gentle
men * shirt*. cuff* end collar* made to or
'"I **rrenled to Ct. Ha. el*o Jutt
rer*ed a new *tock of Spring *tylr*.
fashion plate*, pattern., Ac Call ar.d
• __ _____ aoaept tf.
No. 6 Brockerhoff Row, Bellefcnta
i?ortrir ln i i, n, . < hf*i f ei l ,
rfttuery.f antjGood* e„
JSZJBS. U l ao ' 'or medical
purpce* eiway* kept maySl U
w. 3. BmAp ?e a,
t^ form * ri* citizens of Cen
tre Hell end vicinity tozt he he* opened e
new shop in the old Bank Building. New
*° r . k lu ' B * d 001 •ccordin* to tiy U,end ell .
. "pairing neatly done, and on
short notice. Prtcaa reduced and to auit
> "* t4mwl 7 fab. Cm.
V 0 would respectfully announce to tbe
< citizen* ot I eons \ alley that be be* per
, manenlly located in Centre Hali where be
- • Prepared to do ell kind* of Dental work. j
All work warranted or no money atked. •"
■ 1 rice* low to uit the time*. si i* n . T .
By celling at the new and exten
sive bakery establishment of
(Sucre*for to J. H. Sand*,)
Opposite tbe Iron Front on Allegheny
. where he furnishes every day
* Fresh Bread,
I Cake* of all kinds.
Pie*, etc., etc.,
, Spice*.
. Frail*.
F Anything end everything banging to
■ tbe buainCM. Having bad yearn of expe
rience in the business, be &*M*r bim*lf
teat be can guarantee aetiekeetion to alt
who may favor him with their patronage.
*0 aug tf JOSEPH CEDARS.
offer* hie aervicc* to tbe citizens of
Centre county in
IfwiUM*, Sign and Ornamental
Striping, ornamenting and gilding,
Plain and Fancy Paper hanging. Order*
respectfully solicited. Teraaa reasonable.
30 apr tf.
Furniture Rooms!
respectfully inform* the citizens of Centre
county, that be has bongbt out the old
stand oi J. O. Deinieger, and ba* reduced
the price*. He ba* constantly on hand
and make* to order J>
Hi* stock ef reedy mad# Farniture la
large and warranted ef good workman
ship, and i* all made under hi* immediate
supervision, aad it offered at ratea cheaper
ibaia •Uembcre.
Call and tee hit stock before purchasing
F. FORTNKY Attorney at
Bellefoate, Pa. Ofip* over Bv
nold* bank. Mmaytg
WM. F. WILSON, Attoraey-at-Law
%dlSoate Pa. OBc* in Mrs. Bee
* ft Building. Balleionte Pa.
at hit establishment at Centre Hall, keep
on hand, apd So* tale, at tbe mud* reason*
bla rate*.
& Spring Wagons
Puis ASP Poster,
and vehicles of every description mad* te
order, aud warranted to t*c made of tbe
beat seasoned material, and by the rbeft
•killed and vompeteal workmen. Bodies
for bAggic* and spring-wagon* Jc c ., <fr the
motl improved pattern* made to order,
alo Gearing of all kind* made to order.
All kind* of repairing don* promptly and
at th* lowest possible rate*.
Person* wanting anything in hi* line arq
requested to call and - examine his woig K
tb< will find it not to be excelled for dor. .
lility and wear. my3tS.
V * C H E A p
con lrol the Railway land*
oflßLup COUNTY. KANSAS, about
equally divided by tbe Kansas Pacific
Railway, which we are idling at an aves
age of ♦3.26 per acre on egsy term* of pay-.
menL Alternate section* of Government
land* can be taken n homestead* by actu
al settler*.
| Tbe*e land, lie in the GBEAT LIME.
(STONE KELT of Central Kansa*, tbe
?*? *;nter wheat producing district of tbe
United States, yielding from 20 t* 86
Bushels per Acre.
Th a average yearly rainfall in this coun
nearly 38 inches per annum, one
third greater than in the much-extcllfd
Akkasas Valliv, which hat yetf
rainfall of less than 28 inche* PC* ehou:
m the same longitude.
Stock-Raising aud Wool-Growing in
▼ery Tb# winter* art
short apd mild Stock will live all tke
year on grass I Living Streams and '
Springs are numerous. Pure water is
found in wells from 20 to CO feet deep.
The Healthiest Climate in the World ! No
fever and ague tbeie. No muddy or im>
passable road*. Plenty of fine building
stone, lime and sand. These ere he-,
ing rapidly settled by the best c* oi
Northern and £a|tero people, end will su
appreciate la veiue by the improvemenu
noyf hping made as tomaketheit purchase
at present prices one o( the very best in- •
vestments that can be made, aside frou,
the profits to be derived from their CtiNv.
ration. Members of our firm reside i
WA-KEKNKY, and will show land* at
my time. A pamphlet, giving full inioK
nation in regard to soil climate, water
iupply, Ac., will he sent iree on request.
Add re**, >YAP-KIN, KEENEY A Co.
106 Dearborn St., Chicago,
)x Wa-Kecney, Trego co. Ks. 26apl0xu