v\. Centra Reporter. ft iD.KCXTX ....... EDITOR. fssTm Hktt., P>M Aug. 2'2.IRTS. row OOVFR!OR: ANDREW 11. DILU of Union to. yOWSrPKKMK JVTKiX: ilfitfßY P. ROSS, of Montgomery to. pott t.tttrTXNANT OoVKRKOR : JOHN FERTIU, efCrawfardCo. -nn sr.'titTKßY ev UTTRRXAI. AFFAIRS : J!SIMPSON AFRICA, of Huntingdon. We do nOt think the greenbackers took the heaviest material for their county ticket. _— —— F. E Orvis esq., brother of Judge Orvis, is the greenback nominee for Congress in Columbia county. .Ir. Orvis is a gentleman of great ability nod of integrity of character, and would l>o an improvement on the average cvn gresaman. The BcMefonte Herald last week rais ed the National state ticket to its mast head, and in a leader announces itae.f as an organ of the new party. We thought alt along the Herald had a greenish cast aud it now cornea oat green front sad green-back. Jav Cooke's estate has btwn badly cooked since be failed, bv the chaps who are settling it up— over $200,000 in expenses, is a fat thing for the fingers in the pie, but a sorry one for the credi tors. _____ Tails is a gay and wicked city in many respects, none of which we w to c-vnnt in the Reporter just now be cause wc have wickedness enough to ..t --tend to in our own American cities. Rut there is some pood in Paris which is rare in American cities and towns a virtue that will well bear imitation here. The government of Paris is one of the most economical and honest. There > no scrambling for official position, be cause it does not pay. A police officer receives from $240 to S3OO per annum. The head of the police, who is the high est salaried officer, receives but $2,400. There are twenty-two Mayors, each ward having one. The authority of the Prefect of the Seine extends over the whole city. To steal the public money, or defraud the taxpayer, is regarded in Paris as the most heinous offense a man can commit. The officers of the Kng lish municipalities are also distinguish ed for their probity. It is not possible to make a fortune out of local offices in in London or Paris. There is a rigid system of checks and balances, and ac countability, that of itself prevents mis application of the public moneys. Com paratively few of the subordinate offi cers are elective. They are chosen for their superior qualifications, and kept in office aa long as they perform' their duties properlv. Their low- salaries ena ble them barely to get a decent living, never to get rich. There are no official nabobs in the American cities. The Bellefonte Republican opens fire on the democratic committee and Cy Alexander, reporting the latter as say ing the democrats deserve a good thresh ing. That may have been a slip of the tongue, for if we understand Cy be in tends helping give the pubs a threshing, for he counsel oil harmony before the committee as the above organ correctly states; how then and why could he wish the democrats to be whalloped ? Vnion county is yetting up a party which is on the war path against laws years, and don't want any of them to hoid offices. Out west, the other day, a tramp, who to interfere with a train was shot by the conductor. This raises conduc tors 10 per cent, in the estimation of the Reporter, because this one has solved the trr.mp problem for which no copy patent need be granted, as all that kind of ver min that does not understand its mission wants similar application. A tramp has no business to do more than ask lor work or something to eat. Stopping tra ; ns and endangering the lives of in nocent men and women is not what the tramp was predestined for, and he needs be taught that a railroad train has rights which a tramp is bound to respect The great county of Luzerne was cut in twain on the 13th inst., by a vote of, its people, and now our State contaius 66 counties. The upper end of Luzerne has cut loose from the lower end. The new county seat will be Scranton. The Reporter seconds the motion. The proposition to re-establish the whipping post for a certain class of of fenses, seems to be growing into favor in some quarters. When little Dela ware was the only State in which the whipping post was made to do service in the administration of justice it was fre quently referred to as the last relic of a barbarous law. Bat circumstances alter cases. Virginia has adopted it for cer-l tain crimes, and now we find the Net* York Sun inquiring if "a sound lashing would not be effectual" in stopping the street robberies, accompanied by as saults of the person, that have been so frequent of late in New York and in the suburbs of Brooklyn. It is suggested that the New York Legislature be ask ed to pass a severe flogging law for such cases, and reference 1b made to the re revival of the whipping post in Eng land & few years ago. It was in conse quence of "garroting," which became alarmingly frequent, that a most strin gent flogging law was enacted in Eng land, and in less than Bix months this style of robbery went entirely out of favor with the roughs. Hard labor was endurable, but a flogging in addition was too much. A Baker City On., despatch says that a courier arrived from Malheur Ae the opening for Chinese cheap labor In Hint city ami leaving of the Crispins out in the cold. A despatch of August 12 nays : The Chinese question has suddenly come to the front here in a practical shape. Over a thousand of the working shoemakers of thecitv were on the strike. They complain that af ter their wages had reached the starva tion point a ftirther reduction was made by the bosses, that their wrotk is not constant, and that in many eases they do not average sis months a year on the pay roll. The manufacturers, on the other hand, after threatening to send their work to New Kngland or to pro cure convict lahor, which would be slid cheaper, have entered into negotiations for obtaining Chinese workmen at very low rates. At a meeting of the manu facturers, held here on Saturday even ing, a proposition was submitted from the St* Consolidated Chinese Importing Companies of California to ftirnish 1,500 Chinamen, half practical shoemakers, and half green hands, for three years, at seventy-five cents a day per man. They held a conference with the agent of the "California ?-ix Companies." The members all agreed that the scheme was a good one, but differed as to the price, aoine maintaining that forty cents a day wo* enough, and none being w tiling to pay over sixty cents. The plan to t>e pursued is the same as that follower! by Satu|<*on, the big slow* manufacturer, who has for a number of years employ ed Chinese labor. The importing com panies simply send the laborers, so to speak, to the manufacturers, aud the manufacturers, instead of paying the hands, turn in the money to the import ing companies. Tho idea in having 1,500 men to take the place of the l,iX>o str.kers ia that since half of the former will lie green bauds, and all of them will work much as convicts do, the whole 1,500 will perform only just nbout as much labor as 1,000 utu working for themselves. One crowned head will feel asy- Kinil Hoedel. tho tinsmith from Leipsig who attempted the assassination of the rduperor \N illiatu on May 11, in the avenne Unterdou Linden, as the empe ror was reiaruirtr fri,r * rivtf with laughter, the duchess of Radon, has l-mju executed. He •>*.- toiu-aj.'J on 10 at an evly h>ur ' u court >' au * of the new prison. The iui|H*rial war rant decreeing that justice should 29 for Lackawanna, or 629 votes rnore than its most sanguine friends antici pated. A dispatch from Malheur agency via Bake* City, savs seventy-seven Indians, including sixty warriors, surrendered on 16th. This leaves but very few hostile Snakes anaccounted for. The surrendered Indians say the Bannorks did all the murdering and the stealing. Nine prisoners bid a sudden good-bye to the Hamilton, 0., jail, and at l'ough keepeie fire prisoners also did the same thing—all in the morning of 16. Are the millennium a coming? CLIS TOS CO r.VI YAA Tl OS A IS. Lock Haven, I'a., August 15.—The green backers of Clinton county made the following nominations to-day ; For the assembly, S. Wood Caldwell; sheriff LE. T. Swaiu; treasurer, S. W. Merry; attorney. C. E. Lyman ; commis sioners, John Ligett and K. A. iSbaw. The congressional oonCerrees were in structed for T. P. Itynder for congress and James Chatham for state sensor. The judiciary conferrees are uniustrucl- 1 e-I. SMALL BUSINESS.. The republican journalsfean not fit give Mr. Dill for being a *on of a Metho dist preacher, anu'bence they a re con stantly making flings at bini for lu.i having had apcrruanent residence while a boy. But as Andy didn't happen to have control of that ina'ter we do not see why any blame should attach to hiui. If the itinerant system of the Ifethodist denomination as applied to the clsrgy 18 wrong in the judgment of the highly religious sensitiveness of these republi can editors, or if they mean to have it understood that they believe it is im proper for Methodist preachers to have sons, let them attack the system and the progenitors of the sons. Probably the system would survive the ponderous blows of the pious editors, hut such an assault would be far more manly than the insidious one of attacking the inno> cent product of the system who was not consulted and could make no choice in the matter. It would seem that unless Methodist clergymen are willing that their sons shall be politically ostracised, they must see to it that their birthplace iB within the State lines, arid that in stead of changing residence with their parents they be kept in one spot during youth. Is there money in berries? Henry Ouch and family of Northumberland gathered this season 290 qts. raspberries 150 qts. dewberries, and 1,200 qts. black berries. These were worth about us fol lows : 290 qts. raspberries at 10 els. $29.00 160 " dewberriesaUlcts. 9.00 1,200 " blackberries at 4 cts. 4411) Total value. SBO.OO Some poor people who may look at this, will probably see now what they might have earned if they had been only up and doing wheu the tiwe for action was here. r i A revolution has broken out in Ran 5 the partizans of Baez and 5-Wr rton unifiuß against Gonzales. A trunk WRB robbed at the Palmer , House, -Chicago, of $15,000 worth of jew ' elry, belonging(WA l ** *reund & Co., of _ j Sew Yock. Two thousand cottflu of j Bristol ha-we struck. Rf.'.V. CO. CONYF.XTIOS. According to tho amended rules the democraticconnty convention assembles on tho :trd Tuesday of September dele gate elections Saturday previous. Hence the date fi convent ion thin yetU is Tuesday IT, and delegate elections Sat urday H. The rules were also amended, striking out "after 5 1 allot." and inserting "after ;ird ballot" when the lowest candidates name shall he dropped, and thus at eat'h subsequent ballot until a nontinntion is made. Candidates will bear in mind this important change in the rules, for if they do not keep pretty well up on the ladder, they will have to drop ear ly. SO JMORE TRA\ hi IS <• 77/A" IOCS TY. The democrats of Clinton seeut to have been reading the heporter ami acted u|ton the suggestions we msde to the democracy of our county, ami adopt ed for themsolvi - a resolution against the traveling system by candidates, be low is the resolution adopted. On motion of Mr. Unycr, it was unanimous ly /i,.. That whereas traveling the county by candidates seeking the nomi nations of the Democratic party lias Iwen carried to such an extent that it has become an evil and brings reproach upon the Jtcrty. we, us representatives of the democracy of Clinton, do em* phatii-ally eondemn and discountenance it, ami urge upon tho voters to put their face against tt. and iusisl upon candi dates simply announcing their names and leaving''the discussion of their ret>- peetive ouahtications to the people uu* presms.l by personal aolteitatiuns. As our own oounty convention will meet in a few weeks we agnin suggest tho passage of a similar resolution. Let it be tried and if it is not an improve ment on the electioneering business it can easily In? done away with again. THE ACCOUNT OF COS W AC TIOS. The St. 1-ouiu Republican has an old subscriber who wants to know what auiouut of pglier money was in circula tion in the i nited Ltatca during the year W">l. The Republican answers by referring to "Spaulding's Financial Hi*- tory of tho War," as follows: "It will be observed that 'j>aper circulation' or 'paper tuouev circulation' are broader terms than 'currency,' which is common ly understood to embraceonly legal ten der notes, rrSTfioual eurreucv and na tioual Mr. Fpau'lding sets down 'the currency items and others Op erating to intlate prices" (thai ty, cir culation I as follows : U.tl. notes .gfernbank) ?431,ITS,ii7oSi Postal fractional currency. 22,MM,577 25 Interest bearing legal ten der treasury notes. 1C5,571,450 U0 of indebted -100,720.000 00 National bank uuU-4, 25,825,005 00 Add State bank circulation -7-30 treasury notes. 109,000,150 00 Temp'y deposit, for which certificates were issued. 72,330,191 44 Total paper issued June SO, l4. f1,125,877,034 53 We have now in circulation frjrnf thing less than seven hundred millions of greenbacks and National bank notes, Cut it is circulated over the entire I'nion whereas in l*til the eleven hundred mil lions and over of paper money in circu lation was conn tied to States over which the Federal authority was su preme. in 1504, the Government paper was eleven hundred millions, and the Na tional bank notes but twenty-five mil lions. The Government made the pro fits on the paper circulation then, and did not pay National for their use of the privilege of loaning uuw;' to citixens at whatever interest they could get, as government now does. If novelty ac be ascribed to anything under the sun, the pininojraph is enti tled to that praise; yet a corespondent of the XIXe Siecle is reminded by a phonograph shown on the Boulevard des ( apuciues, that more than two cen turies ago Cyranode Bergerac had a con eeption of this wonderful device. In his "Journey in the Moon," that author, it would appear, wrote thus: "My demon told me, 'To amuse you, I leave you this book." This book was in u boa. On opening the box 1 found a metallic arrangement something like a clock, full of all aorta of little springs and minute machinery. It is a Inxik. to be sure; but a miraculous book, with neither leaves nor letters; a book, in short, to read which eyui are useless, and one only needs ears. When any body wishes to read, he ties up the ma chine with a great quantity of cords of various sorts, then turns the needle on the chapter he w ants to hear, and at once come out, as from a human mouth or a musical instrument, all the distinct and different sounds which serve among the great lunarians for the expression of language. We think, however, that a patent couid hardly have been got on so ex tremely general a method of grinding language out of a box. In Mr. Edison's invention there is no moonshine, nor anything moonr. It is true, however that he hns made visible and audible more than the most daring dreams of moon voyagers as olimj pjonarch of the .magi nation. Advices from insurgent sources report that General i-zapary's defeat on the 10th inat., was disastrous. Thirty Turkish battalions in Bosnia, including five of the regular troops, have joined the insurgents. • A cloud burst at AusLfl, £.O?. did f 100,000 damage. LIGHTNING STRIKES A I'OTTS YILLK POWDER MAGAZINE WITH TERRIBLE EFFECT. Twelve Hundred Kegs Explodo and Cut a riwalji JCifty Feet Wide in a Forest, PctUville, Pa-, Auguit 17.—At 4.0 o'clock this afternoon while a sky over l'ottsvillo was in full possession of the terrible storm, and bolts of electric fluids warn playing among the neighboring mountain*, ft shaft of roil hot forked light* ning descended wile & frightful roar into the very foundations of n powder maga zine. The arsenal belonged to Weldy A Co. About 1,200 kegs of giant blasting powder w ere stored away in the recesses of the massive building. But with the uuieirnbablo brightness of tbe lightning the wagarinp and all the buildings around it were literally blown into atoms. Words can give no idea of the shock. It was like the burning forth of a vol canic crater, where explosive gases have been accumulating for ages. All the earth around it shook as if a planet had ■truck thorn. To recount the numberless distant windows destroyed on this re merkable occasion give but a faint idea of the terrible force of tho powor. Inmates of houses wero hurled from chairs as if they were in the path of an avalanche. Large and deeply rooted trees which had withstood the elemental fury of a hundred storms wero torn asunder, snapped off like twigs, while their massive fragments were scattered to tho winds. All this was but tho work of an instant, yet ttie destruction was terrible and com plete. Twenty-five houses wero crushed as if they were eggs under a locomotive. toli4 and substantial bouses wero literally torn into kift4b"R wo°d. Cheerful hearthstone; and pianos were hurled into gutters a miie a*/ay. The fragments of ail these houses and business structures went flying through the air like bursting abulia. In tho midst of thi; scene of wild and pwful splendor a long nigMg meteor of light hurled its dnxr.Ung mass of light into the bowels of tho powder maguaine, and before tho astonished company could eatcb their lost breath, a swath ilfty feet wide was mown through the lorest. T}'® picnic grounds lay uirectly in its dreadful j '"The thousands of cubic yards of stono in tho foundation! of tlio magnxlnc were rent into squnre cannon ball* as !*rgo at dry (ooiii boxes anil propelled with tho *wift mm of bird* shot through the swaying treat *.> thut venerable trunk* were cut offlovel with the ground, and the bvdlti thrown with remorseless fury among the helpless children Tliore wai no lime to prav, no time to call mother | no time to teek iholter behind the adjoining roe lit. All nature wat In combat; ail nature wat •coking the innocent pleasure seekers to destroy them. Trrea, boulder*, timbers, roofs of houses, block* of stone, founda tion*, iron girders, tranche* ol tree* all came thundering down ainid darkno**, rain ami Hying deputation. The sight revealed I* beyond descrip lion Ruin and death have joined hand*, and they have devastated a fair and eon tiderable proportion of our prosperous city With confusion all around, and the groans of suffering and dying, with moth er* looking for lost children, with chil dren seeking the mutilated remains of' parents, it I* difficult to get full detail* of this carnival of meteorological lior-i ror. Two persons were killed and 11 wound ed. NEW PARTY CONVENTION. Wo see from the Lewisburg CArosieU that Union coutity threaten* to give birth to a new party. We copy as follow* Agreeably to a call, a number of men convened at the Court House, in this place, last Saturday afternoon, and held a meeting preliminary to a more solid or ganisation at some tuture date. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Ktisha Shorkley, who nominated for tem porary chairman, Mr. Joa. \V- Hhriner, of Buffalo township, J. C Htiiilh, ol Lew isburg, Vice President, and 11. K. Hursb, of llutlalo, Secretary. Tho gentlemen present appointed dele gates were as follow* : Kelly—John lirovo, A Urove, Hon. K1 Hlifer. Buffalo— E. Molxoil, W. L. Wilson. W. X. Brown, J. W Hhriner. Kxst Buffalo -John Reber, J. A. Gun dy. Mifflinburg—O. W. Sghocb l.owijburj—p. Spyker, fc J. Hull, Jes se Cornelius, K. Hhorkley, Rev. M. W.J Ziegler, J. C. Hurilb. West Buffalo—Mr. I'eUr Kimple. Other districts failed to furnish repre tatives. A committee on resolutions reported the following, as expressive of tbe sense of the meeting i Wiikrxa-, The interests of thli county hare lor many yean been represented by members o ice nnd in ell or nearly all caso: theV l ave fhj\>rsd the in crease of salaries or aYT officers, Ihefefojw, AVso/rfd. That it it the etie of this rutM-ice tint anv nominations for office that may be maje by fbp delegates U> a, nominating convention should be n:J< from men -ot sr'Aiiy ojKee and fro in the la boring or producing interests o loe coun ty, and be pledged to retrenchment in al! JeparlrpenU— National, State and coun ty- Nt*ol red, That each eieotlun district of the county be requested to tend two dele-j gate- to a county convention, to be held in: tho Court House, on the '. v >th day ot Au gust, IBTb, for the purposo of nominating a full county ticket. The obi ecu of the party were fully ex pressed Ky Mr. W-ifell in the following | brief paragraphs : The abolishment of Co. {school supt. 1 The abolishment of Jury Commission- 1 I en. The nbolUhruoulof Associate Judges I The pay of Co. Commissioners to be f 100 a year. Tho Legislature to meet but once in 5 years, except in case of emergency. That all talarics be reduced one-half present rates 'thai *.O WWaber of legal fraternity be tent to the Legislate, That no further expenditure be saada oaj the Governor's mansion. That no man be elected to office but erce, until all shall have a turn. That too /L'cntitulion be amended to conform with theso reav**J^jn- That this organization be known a* isic "Independent Retrenchment and Kefortn Party." That a Constitution be immediately drafted for the new party. A committee of three waj appointed on Resolutions and Permanent Organisation, as follows; Messrs. John A. Gundy, Elaru Meixell! and \Y uj. L. Wilson. this new party will form an en tire new ticket, or lalert their candidates from tickets of tho parties, is not yet known. Tho men composing the pre liminary meeting arc among our best citi zens, and evidently "mean business"* al though seme oflbcin shrink from the pub* licity thrust upon them In naming them a* delegates. After a number of brief but pointed speeches, the preliminary meeting ad journed, to meet for permanent organixx tioa on the 2*Hb in ft. We are indebted to our colampo,*ary of Mifllinburg for the above report, but we have boon compelled to cut it down oon* sidorably. ♦• - - A DRUNKEN MANE RIDE TO DEATH. Cincinnati, J*.—A special dis patch says that while a passenger Uaip on tho Rprlngfield, Jackson and Pomeroy narrow guage railroad was standing at the Bainbridgc, Ohio, station at noon yester day, the engineer and fireman being at dinner, Albert l'rpplo, a resident of Rain bridge, erased by drink, detached the en gine from the J;nin, pulled the throttle valve wide open, and before any one could interfere tho engine was flying over the rails at the rato of fifty miles an hour. Coming to a short curve, the engine Jump ed the track and fell on its aide, a complete wreck, Popple was mangled in a fearful manner and died soon aflorwaids, London, August I'.—Advices frcm south Africa to tho 24th of July represent that tho condition of affairs in Zulu land is still ominous. Tho Cape government still continues to mako preparations for war on tho frontier. Privato letters from the west coast of Africa conflict with the reports received here yesterday and assert that the health of tho people is good at Bonny, Fernando Po, Old (Jaiabar. Ac cra, Cape Coast Castle, Monrovia and Sierra Leone. There was oxcitoraant among the Liber ians caused by a war among native tribes, forty miles in the interior, and they were considering fhe advisability of interven- 1 ing. FRANK LESLIE'S POPULAR MONTHLY. The Berlin Congress—The U. 8. Sig nal Service, aod Hiatorv of Steam Navigation. Tbo September number of thie excellent magaainn u ; ..ft ularl S distinguished lor the publication of tun three abovo-nnmod article*, which, for the interesting and val uablo information they contain, are alone worth more than the periodical. The first give* full particular* of tbo proceeding* of that important hiitorical event, "The Berlin Congre**" , the entire text of the treaty ; map "bowing the territoral read* ju*tmontof tho Turkish province*; por trait* of tho morpber* of the Congre**, and numcrou* other engraving*. Tho article on "Tho United State* Signal Service" it detcriptivo of the interior and exterior working* of the Bureau, and explain* the modun uptratuii by which tho dutia* are accomplished. Proletaor Chariot A Joy'* "Hi*tory of Steam Navigation" will be rend with great internal, describing, a* it doe*, thp vaHou* experiment with tleam a* a motive power from ancient to modern lime*. There aro copioua llluttrgtjon* and portraits. Through the Untrodden Wood* of Paraguay. Tho Terrible Nino Day*, un Episode ot tho Kuitiian Conquest of Ontral Asia. A Night 1 * Sharking in the Woit Indies, aro of thrilling interest. Mr*. Etta W. Pierce'* serial, Tlio Amorf. can CJounteaa. i* concluded. Among the i abort storie*. Proud Mr*. Urandletb, The Colony'* Goddaughter, The Chance Shot, •ind Over the yuickiand*. are particular ly noteworthy. The content* are tnore than usually variud ; interesting Ante dotes, Paragraph! of Natural llistorv. Po em*. Science, and the Kino Arts, Enter taming Column, etc. etc. The number contains 128 quarto page*, and over 11*) engraving*, with a colored frontispiece, Tho Terrace o( th Palaxro Itealn at Naples, The price of a single number is only 26 cent#, ami iho annual subscription spostage free. Address, | r tank Leslie'* Publishing House. 63, 46! mortality is infinite duration. Aud absolute immortality is meant, when we speak ol the immortality ef tha soul. The second question concerns the philo sophical argument* for tbe immortality of the soul. I The metaphysical This argument is Jrawn Irotu tbe immateriality and indivis ibility of the soul Tho soul being imma terial and indivisible, we infer iu incor ruptibility, I. o. the impossibility of the diiiili,lioit of tha soul into paru t'alove calls this natural immortality. See, T. XII. fo. 16. Aniiuanatuora sua, immor tal i, et ex Gratiabeate immortali* est 2. The Teleological argument. Teleol ogy it tha science of the final cause* of things. Msu has spiritual puwers, abili ties, faculties and talenu, which cannot bo ■fully developed cut earth and as (sod due* nothing in vaia, and ail other creature* attain tbuir end. a new existence must it wait Arm hereafter -after death. H The Theological. This argument is drawn from the wisdom, goodness and Justice of God. How tar this argument is j drawn from th* wisdom of God, the Telu ological argument shows. And it is to be expected that tbe goodness of God having given human beings powers for and aspi rations alter immortality, would bestow upon them immortality itself. Goodness consists in bestowing on creeled beings all the happiness of which they are capable. From the justice of God, it tollews that He should reward virtue and punish vice;| aud *• this does not occur here on CgrMb it will in a ruiur* lite 4 The Uofwl atgumviil. This is deriv ed from thfi morai law. This law abso lutely enjoin* and demands the sacrifice of I life, entire obedience through the whole of lifo, Th fulfillment of this law is not impossible, bqt also necessarily connected with correspondent happiuet*.— This law is the condition of the gospel and the o*7y expedient of happiness). Now if neither one lakes place in this life, and the law ol Reason ho uuth, it follows that both will ! ensue in another world, 6. The Analogical. There are many things, appearances and phenomena, in nature by which wo may illustrate the de velopment of a now lifo from death—from which we may conclude, that there will be a new and similar devalopment of man. 6. The Coemological argument. The conclusion from the greatness, multiplici ty and physical solaii&n of the Heavenly bodies, istbnta moral relation of the in habitants, is poaibie and probable. 7. The liistoricat. This argument is founded UM n matters of fact, e. g appari tions, tho uoivorsal belief uf this doctrine and positive Revelation, etc., which pre suppose and teaoh the Immortality of the soul. When, therefore, the materialist as serts that man dies like another animal, and that immortality is only a gift be stowed upon such as prove themselves worthy of it after death, he attacks both philosophy and the word of God. Ac cording to the Divine Word the immor tality of the soul, is an x< UAMTT and slriffiy a raxvTiAt-in Bead, Ec 8:21. li 7. Maith. V 2 'S'i "Luke pi —parable of the rich man and Laaarus. Luke 23: 43 Acts 7:5®. Phil- 1:88 J T., Asronsburg, Pa. —Uodcy for Septomber is up to the old standard as the best lady's magtxino in the country—get Harper's Magazine for September contains a number of finely illustrated ar ticles, among which "Sheen the Beauti ful," "Reformed Wiesbaden," and a "Spring Jaunt in SlaUn Island," take bigb rank, lu literary, scientific, histori cal and humorous article! constitute afUhu which cannot fail to entertain the reader. Every intelligent household ought to have a copy of Harper. PARIS VERSUS PHILADELPHIA [Paris Letter to Graphic.] ; Paris Exposition falls below Certenniw) lat Philadelphia, as follows: Smaller grounds. Fewer trees; no hills, dales, j groves and running streams as at Fair 'mount Park. No buildings for interior ' beauty and simplicity of construction equal to the I,'colonnin!. Agricultural or Horti cultural Hall. No circular railway te save legs and brtalh in getting abeut. No such free toilet convanlencoe. No press pavil ion open from the start Nothing equal to our Government building exhibit. No woman's pavilion. No special outside structures so unique, individual and at tractive *, L;e various £U|le buildings. No froe samples of Urbana wine, el ais. No system of fheap hotels. Fewer good Ha marltans found among landlords. No such cosy retreats for bear among the trees. No encampments of citizen soldiery. No "State Pays." No "Granger Encamp menta." No free toilet conveniences, such u w;b howls, towels and soap. Far less provision for general aveomuiuuation of the public. No newspapers printed on the grounds and distributed gratis. No bulle tin boards with latest telegraphic nawi. Pari* Exposition ahead in Trocaderc Palace. Better and simpler system of ar rangement in the various National exhi bits. Belter ventilation in Main Building. More copvoniwnl of uccets to the pity. No rush and overcrowding of stroet cars. En trance fee cheaper than our Centonnial. Entrance system simpler. More paintings and statuary. Better arrangement of art galleries. Less sunstroke and fever- More elegant fountains find elaborate squirt*. But less water to wash with. More an tiques. More well turned ankles visible. More fancy stockings and siipprs. CELEBRATED AMERICAN IN YEN TORS AND INVENTIONS. A DESCRIPTION or IMPORTANT AMERICAS IK VJt.NTIO.NS, WITH A CONDENSED lIIS TOKT OF PRINTING. American inventions, as a general rule, precede in importanco, European inven tions. There may bo exceptions to this rule, but even the most prejudiced Euro peant will not deny that the inrontionr ruado by Yankee ingenuity during the past one hundred and 11 fly years far sur pass those of their own country in the same period. True, the groatest art—printing— was tbo invontion of a native of Europe, but it was roservod for America to bring printing to its prcaoot >l4(o—almost perfec tion ; this particularly applies to prosses In fact the two last cculurtes have been an epoch of inventions and discoveries in both America and Europe, but, equitably Judg ing, the genius of this country has produc ed the moat important and useful things A description of the more important in ventions and inventors of America, with a description of the progress of printing In this country and Kurope will bo lntcrost iat: Foremost amonji Amerioan inventors is Benjamin Franklin, the statasman, diplo matisl, patriot and printer. Born in 1700, at the MR" of twelve war apprenticed to a printer, and at forty years of age com menced to atudy electricity. In 17651 he inventod the lightning rod, which hat sav ed many million dollar* in properly. Uno of the heat invention* for saving manual labor i* the ootton-giu, invented by Eli Whitney, in 1790. One machine perform* the labor of live thousand per ton*, l'rc* iously the cleaning of a pound of cotton wm an entire day'* work for one poraon. The labor-saving power of thie machine i* immense. Next in utility is the eat-iron plow This wa invented by Jetbro Wood, in 1814. Previously the plow in use was a slick of wood plated with iron. An Amer ican statesman unco *aid of the inventor of this plow; "No man has benefitted the country pecuniarily more than Jelhro Wood, ami no man ha* bo< n as inade quately rewarded." This la trus, for law tuil* against Infringers consumed hi* means, ami lie, like Jefferson, died poor. Cyrus 11. McCurmtck, inventor of the groat labor-saving machine—the harvest er was born in IHIW. At the World'* fair, London, In IH6I, he exhibited his invention with great luccoas, A boy with a mowing-machine now eul* ten unu in a day, Imfore this invention the mowing of on acre was a day'* work for one wan. The Inventor of the aewing. machine, Klias liowc, wet born in IHltf. llu ma chine wa* invented in IMt). There I* prob ably no machine of any kind that rases the labor of women more than the aewing machine The fatiguing oocupallon of tewing by hand it by the sewing-machine almost entirely superseded. The sewing machine companies for many years mo nopolized the inanulaclure and sale of ma chines, but their patents having lately run out, the prices of machines have fallen to nearly one-half the former prioe*. The success of Robert Pulton's steam boet in 1807, led to wonderful results in steam navigation. The first steam war vessel was built by him in 18H. lis wss i born in 1706 James ii. Ksds, the great bridge-con structor, was born in 18*). lie was the designer end builder of the greet steel biidgx across the Mississippi et Hi. Louis, in Iml he built and delivered complete to the government, seven iron-clad steamers. tsA) tons each, in the increditable time of silly-five days. The inventor of the electric telegrepb was Haniuel K. It Morse He wa* born in 17V1. In 16SA he opened e half-mile wire, and in IMS the first telegraph line was opened beiwrou Baltimore and Washing ton. Kos W inatis was bore is 1728. lie was a greet inventor of things relating to rail-, road*. He designed the pivoted, double truck, long passenger car bow in cemmoti use. Thomas lllanchard, inventor of the tack; machine, IMJS, was born in 17*8. lie also invented the atom-wheel boat for shallow water, much uaed ia Western rivers, and! STOVES! HEATERS! RANGES! —- Hardware! Hardware!! Hardware !!! IVILSON 4 M'FARLANE, Hellefontc, Penn'a. Have juat received and placed on Exhibition and Hale, at tbeir Store* no lew than Fifty-Three Varieties and Styles of Cook and Parlor Stoves, and Double ii paters, Portable RaDgea, Ac., embracing all Lit* lateat improvements, newest make*, tlvlea and novelties in lb market, combining all tbo deairable nualitiee, auch aa beauty, durability, convenience and econo my. Tbey have the only Portable Ranges that will bake in BOTH OVENS for sale ia tbe county. ENTIRELY NEW. Every Stove WARRANTED in every particular. LOWEST PRICE and satisfaction guaranteed. Our stock of Hardware, Tinware, Oils, Pure Leads, and PAINTB cannot be excelled for variety, quality and chrapneos. EVERYBODY IS REQUESTED TO CARD whether wishing to pup chase or uo(. Special Bargains for Cash Buyers ! 12jul.tf WILSON & McFARLANE, Hume.' Block, Bellefonte. *- BARGAINS. liargaiiis! Bargains! In MEN'S >ii.l BO VS. BOU'tt and SHOES! also a LAUGE VARIETY of CHILDREN'S SHOES, at LOUIS DOLL'S Shoe Store, • opposite the Bush house, Bellefonte, room formerly occupied by Jcbh Powerg. pW Lincoln Bullar"Powder, makes bu ler sweet andhard, and quicker to churn I \Ti!T!BpeSronssr!T!rrr™ ~ PIMPLES, _ I will null (I'm Uu rartp* far a alalia \ acotsMo 1 Hola, thai will rwmoo* TAB. rKSCKMUf I'IMPUtS -a J hiuubaa. loan a* U> akin anfl alowr sad basali fa!, alas taotrarusa* for , roJartaa a laiarlsat §rvwtb of hair am a La.J hasd ar null far*. ASdiaan. la- Moain, lc;, Itaoiv. Ron V'aadalf A Co. S Au St., To Consumptives. Tho adraruaor, hala< baaa MrmaaoaU, nnd of thai draad diaoaaa. LoaaaiaetMa, l>f a oUwilo ratuod/ H aatiooa to ml, kwowa to kta fallow oufforan ISa ataat of car*. To all obo daWra U. a* vtU aaad a ao W Of ISO aroornpUoa aaad. ifraa af nhaorai. wftb lh dlrvcUoaa forpraatuaaad aata ISoaaao. which ihrr vil! Sad araiaCata lu C'aaaaaUaa. Ilr^bfihlUt uos&a&M itica Ua> hor* Wditaroai arlntlc doatcaa. Tho aaUra po>k aaal trao far IS a*a carraac, or Maaipa. Vaa Datf A Ue-SOAaa Sh. IMT fit* OffA DrrdStr (f wook Wit! 2>*J 4 aDU uar forfoil kk. Now aru ERBORN OF YOUTH. AUKKTLKMAN aho anSaiad for raara frtaa !ar. rot Dohitttf Troaulura Iooaj aad all tha agarla of rorflhfhl ladlacrrUua. a ill for ft* aaVa of auirrlnr ■iaao ii|, aaad fraa to all aha aaad It. tha roc Ino and plrarUoa for maklof tha IB|>la rataodi which ho wao curod ftaforafa wlahlaa to prodt tif tho adowrtlaar'a oiporlaaro caa da *o b> addraaalnc la parfact aoaS *°Jl)H!f B. tXJDKJf. a Oadar St.. Bow Tort. M Jan fu. | Spring Mills O. k! NEW ROOM 1 NEW GOODS! st I. J. Grenoble's Store! 1 SPRING MILLS, bu the goods. Largest slock I SELECTION UNSURPASSED!' Prices Lower than! Ever, And now extends a cordial invitation to 1 his friends, patrons, and public general ; '*• Also Complete Assortment of Ready Made Clothing for men and boyt. Suite ae low aa to be had in the city. • Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Full lino* of MERINO UNDERWEARB, For Ladiea, Gents, Boys, Misses and Children. Hosiery, Gloves, Boots and Shoes, HATS, CAPS, CAKFKTB AND OIL CLOTUB. And the moat complete assortment of NOTIONS n Contral Ponpsylvimln, and prkeslthut willoompol you In self defence to buy of hm . Also Fish, Halt, etc. Hsoa A full line of Howe Sewing Machines and Neodles for all kinds of machines, i |l I In I*4J, the lalbn for turning forms, now In general use throughout tbo world. Charles (ioodyear was horn in 180 ft. He Invented the milium of rubber end sul phur by accident in 1889 This is the ba sis ol thn present rubber industries of the jworld. The credit of bringing thn germ of printing u life belong* to the Egyptians, 1 who, more than three thousand yeara ago. 1 engraved raised characters on tiles and i cylinders, which were afterwards impress- Jed upon soft clay tablets, which were than baked and hardened. Thl# wat a rude process, and lbs art lay almost dormant until the fifteenth century, when the In vention of letter-press printing was made 'by.John Gulleiiibarg, of Meiita. After • exhausting his means, he took into pari ■ rmrsbip a wealthy man, Jobu Faust; af 'lerwards the two associated with them • I'.iter Hcl.o iTer Home tiiuaafter Kausland ' Schu-ffer separated from Uutlemberg, end in August, 1447 issued lbs celebrated I'sa!- ter, and other works, Uutlemburg died ijin I#J7. In 1471 the Uoman type, which • Is uaed to-day, was introduced et Venice, iltaly. The art of printing was introduc ed Into England in 1474; Paris, 147f; Vl > enna, 14*2; and Geneva. 1478 •| The first printing press sat up In Amer -1 ica was in Mexico in 16t, and in 1639 one was setup at Cambridge, Mass.,— the first in the United Hiates In IWrfi a printing. 1 office was established in Philadelphia. The Boston News Letter was the first perma nent npw.peper in the United Mutes, and was published in 1704; the Federal Orrery.! first daily. In 17V2 In 1760 there ware 'only sewn newspapers in the United Mutes. This was 13t year* ago, and. com pared with tbe present number, I* a strik ing example of newrpaper growth. Thor* are about 8,600 newspapers end magaxmn* 1 et the present time. The improvement in printing presses a* well as newspaper* over those of earlier 1 times is a brilliaut page in tha world'* his ,U>ry. When, in 1814, the first power press run by steam was built, the wbele frater nity denounced it and were loud in their predictions of iu failure ; but when iheir presses are compared with Iho leading > steam priming.presses of to-day, they are left far behind, and their prodiclion* have !proved false. MB*. HARRIET IT(iI.EN, FASHIONABLE ORESSMAK'R CCI-IHK BALL. FA. ' Offers her services to the ladies of Can- Mire Hall and vicinity, in all kinds of work ' pertaining to dress making Terms reas -1 enable, and satisfaction guaranteed Kiodly solicits a share of patronage. 2 may 3m , ? GUAIIAM & SON, BELLI FONTS, PA., i HAVE THE FINEST AND BEST ; ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS I AND SHOES IN CEN TRE COUNTY. Ladies fine Button Qiu lied. Hoarding from ft to f1 Ml per week including room No reduction in tuition will be made on account of absence eicopt in ceaea or Hi nt**. Addre**. 0. W KOKTNKY. Centre Hell, Pa. Power's Shoe Store HAH HICK Pi removed from the old room oppotiie the Ituab bouse to a larger'rootn iin the Hush Arcade, for the purpoao of I'-arrying a larger stock of 8001W t hIIOIA, ETC., and all IP>"di belonging to that branch of trade. We now beve the largest clock in Centre county, and alao the very best quality of good* which can be lubstantia to by eur cuatomera. i . nwl P ro P° to quote price*, but let people come and Judge for tbemaelves. Kuriber. wa will aelf the came quality of good* cheaper than any other* advertiaed or unadvertiacd. IKATHIB. ~ i H l co ' p _ on hand Hummervill*'* Celebrated Oak Tanned Leather, which at the Centennial wa* awarded 2 inedaU for U auperiorsty over other leather, and cell ill cheap as can ba bought at tba Un yard. Alao the best of Hemlock Leather, urlirfonie, |0 may 2m - 1 - BARGAINS NEW GOODS!! —NOW, KJ.\S, z WEI, DKF.I FOK A ~HAim!Ml' T J ,,K WKST— — BAKOAINb IN NEW GOODS— -AT- WM. WOLF'S IN THE Aew Bank Building. A Full Line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, carefully selec ted, sod embracing all manner of DRESS GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, GROCERIES, GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, TINWARE, FISH, AC.. AC. Furnishing Goods OF ALL KINDS. NEW AND CHOICE INVOICE OF CLOTHS AND CASSI MERES. Full lice of Hats and Caps For Men, Boy* and Children, j LADIES ANDGENTLEMEN Call and be Convinced that this is the Cheapest place to bny good* in thi* section. • PRODUCE received in exchange for good*. Rememdrr the place—in the New Bank Building, opposite the Old Stand. C. C. CONKER. MERCHANT TAILOR. In Bank Building, CepUe Hail. Would respoctfully asnoune to the citi cent of this vicinity that he has taken rooms in above building where he is pro pared to do all kinds of work belonging to bis line, for men and boys, and accord ing to latest styles. Goods sold by sam ple Having bad nine years experience be guarantees all work te render perfect satisfaction, and solicits a share of the public patronage fldecy H***Y *aoCf*er. J. D. siU'UKRT President. Cuhier. QENTRK COUNTY BAN KING CO. I (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) Receive Deposit*, And Allow Interest, Discount Not^ . Bat And Sell Government securities, Gold & aplOMtf Coupons We ere BOW selling ' New Pianos 18125 JUcS. u4 tU (trtaw lo< ludinc Onid. tad t UprtgM, *1) or* ud trtdU fr-c lM. t ih loml •< eah wfcoWeele tertorr pnow. <1 tract to Um par cbat Ho Jjnu ►, eorealHmi MteouU rUM* ter IV. -awr. rici; Mat Ud S.glhw tu, d t nt late It!* •lu>M qa*Ut? • uulwd. Vu . Imi It Aavtct Cunn Ml ■ I *UI Itm l tell lo writ* fat lUuUtM ud Dwirtt h CMdatw-aullid fraa. M KMD KLtiHHOJff PIANO CO., No. 21 East Fifteenth direct "Ifebsevm New York CENTRE HAW e Hardware Store. J.O. DEINIKGER. A new. complete Herd were Store hu been opened by the undersigned in Cen tre Hell, where he it prepared to sell ell kinds oi Building and iloute furnishing Hardware, Nails, sc. Circular and Hand Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, Clothes Racks, a full assort ment of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture Frames, Sp*fkes, Felloes, nod Hubr. table Cutlery, Shovels, Spades end Fork#,! Locks. Hinges, Screws, Sash Springy Horse-Shoes. Nails, Norway Rods, Otis, Tea Bells, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varn ishes. Pictures framed in the finest style. Anything not on band, ordered upon shortest nolioe. *•"Remember, ell goods offered cheap er than elsewhere. VISITING CARDS tstTiso CARPS. —Your name . printed en 60 Mixed Cards for 15 cb., on6o White Bristol for 12 cts., on 25 Transpa rent cards tor 20 eta. Other Styles as low WM. KURTZ. Ckntrk Hall, PA- The Forks House, at Cohurn station, is new and commodious, and is kept in best manner. Bed and board second to none in the county. Stabling for 80 horse*. As a summer resort it will be found all that could be desired, right in the heart ol ' good fishing and hunting grounds, and surrounded ty the most romantic scenerv. 1 lnov y MUCK TO* ■ ALE.—First class brick on band for sale at Zorbe's Centre Hall brick yards. These brick are offered so low that it will pay persons at a distance to come here for them. Intending to continue in the manufac ture of brick they will bo kept constantly on hand, and fair inducement* offered to purchasers. iT sur if. H. I. ZBRBK IITTIPI r"n bn * ln *"r° u "n>!,**• In. as to |< Id Wrn I *2" par worker of I 1 I fl 1 I aWhartai. rtaht ta thatr owatooall- A'AJKV X 11M. l',it, u Uw> ND umplM worlk ti lr. Improvs foer •parr- ttn# itiklibtitnu. lildno SUuta t Ca, I'wUiad. Ht S3 mar, J We pript envelopes as low as J! per thousand. Send u* V"', r Cffe'vt?*. We print letter heads, and -sU.ivitu nu as low as $1,25 per ]OOO, when persons find the paper. This is lower than you can get it done for in the city. ~T! VEAGENTB WTTEJDT" To sell Dr. Chase's Recipes; or Informa tion for Everybody, in every county in the United States and Canada*. Enlarged by the publisher to 64$ pages. It contains over 2000 household recipe* and is suited to all classes and conditions of society. A wonderful hook and a household necessi ty. It sells at fight. Greatest induce ment* ever offered to book agents. Sam ple copies sent by mail, Postpaid, fors2.oo. Exclusive territory giveu. Agents more than double their money. Address Dr., Chase's Steam Printing House, AnnJArborl Michigan. \i may 18t J. D. MURRAY, [Bocc**or to J K. SI iller A Son.) Dealer in Parr Drug*. Medicine*, Fn --<7 Article*. Dye Ntnffs, an! Druggist's Sundries. Full stock of (yonfcc „ tioreries. PUK J t M J N , E ANr> UQOOIB For Nediciaal Purpose* o > a, . 2KB B,H,T **A*M or CIOARH A M D TOIIACCO ALWAYH IN STOCK. ™ CB cffia K ß , '' ,UT *SiC^PS2S I i£. kL pounding of Prescription*. 2H roar. Iy. vmim -MtTtmwa i del l our l'hotogrph Enlarged I The undersigned i* prepared to enlarge nil Pbotoprapb* in which tho feature* are plain, especially the ayea. In sending pic turn* always mention lb* Color ofYy*. and Hair. Price: fl for on* picture Frame* ftirnlthed < beep. For further particular*, address, CHAJ. W. DEMTIVZ OnUr* limit, />„ £JB,B.G. OUTKLITTS; * Dentist, Millhelm. ££tsrtr u , ss=2s:x:'si u .„". UW eria MMrfulM M work for u tlua .< -V, S"irSsSSS-SSS >BW,| Fashionable Dressmaker. ~ „"7T"* ,r * Bttith. drcaa maker, Centre Hall, desire* to call attootion to her asm- • * pie* of trimming* of all kind*, also. ram t>le* of new atyl dry good*. Cutting and cuing don* to order, and old dreirea cleaned and done over by her. - Gentle, men a abirta, tuff* and collars made to or ler and warranted to fit Ha* alao just faahoi r'lJl** #tOCk 0f Mprin * faahton platea, pattern*. Ac. Call and a * >{ tf " No. 6 Brockerhoff Row, BellefcnU Peon's. !v PMryfiaad* Pura Wince end Liquors for medical j urpotc* alwaya kept. maySl 73 * w. 3. sit APTZn, MIOKKiKtiR. tr ® "V 1 >d vicinity thai he hat opened a new .hop in the old Bank Building. New kin^. lU f 01,1 ' ccordi ®f to style, and ail I JU!M noticc Mcag reduced sr,d to rait "* 7 feb. Ga. JC. MENTIRR DElTfis?, • would respectfully annoaccato the 1 oidaeßi of l enm V alley that be hat per manently located In Centra Hell wht-re he '• P"Prd to do all kind* of Dental work. All work warranted or no money asked. Prices low to suit the times. *1 lea. y. GET GOOD BREAD, By calling at the new and eaten •ire bakery establishment of JOSEPH CEDARS, (Successor to J. H. Sands.) Opposite the Iron Front on Allegheny street whore he furnishes every day Fresh Bresd, Cakes of ail kinds. Pins, etc.. etc.. Candies. Spices. NuU, lt end everything belonging ta the bur.neet. Having bed years of expe rience in the business, be flatters himself that be can guarantee satkiactioa hi all who may fator him with their patroaagc. SOaugtf JOSEPH CEDARS D.F.LtJSE, PAINTER, flffiEL offers bis services to the citizens Q( Centre countv in Honse, Mn and Orapaseatal Pwtgltpgx ornamenting and gilding, WALNUT, CHESTNUT, Etc. Plain and Fancy Paper hanging. Orders respectfully solicited. Terms rensonabla. 30 spr tf. QENTREHALL furniture Rooms! EZRA KHI MBIM , respectfully informs the citisens of Centro county, that he has bought out the old stand ot J. O. Deininger, and has reduced the prices. He has constantly on hand I and makes to order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS. WASHSTANDB, CORN IK CUPBOARDS, TABLES, Ac.. Ac. His stock of ready-made Furaiture ie large and warrmntod of good workman ship, and is all made under his immediate supervision, and it offered at rate* cheaper than elsewhere. Call and see his stock before purchasing j elsewhere. feb $ F. FORTNKY Attoravy'llTTe Bellefoaie, Pa. Offce over BIT ! nolds bank. 14may' made oi the best seasoned material, and by the rest skilled and competent workmen. Bodies for buggies and spring- wagons Ac., of the most improved patterns made to order, alto Gearing of all kinds made to order. All kinds of repairing done promptly and at the lowest possible rates. Persons wanting anything in his line are requested to call and examine his work, th. will find it not to be excelled for dur* I ility end wear. may 8 ft j.:; KANSAS DANES' control the Railway lands of TREtiO COUNTY, KANSAS, about •qually divided by Ihe Kansas Pacific Bkilwav, which wo are selling at an aver age of $8.25 per acre on easy terms of pay ment. Alternate sections of Government land* can be taken a* homesteads by uciu al settler*. 1 He in the GBRAT LIME, STONE BELT of Central Kansas, the ' best winter wheat producing district of tho United tiutes, yielding from 20 to SI Bushel* per Acre. The average yearly rainfall in this conn, 1 tv is nearly £3 inches per annum, one third greater than in the much-extolled ARKANSAS VIIMY, which has a yearly rainfall of loss than 23 inches per annum ! in the same longitude, Stock-Raising and Wool-Growta§ a ' very Remunerative. The winters are | short and mild. Stock will Vive all the year on grass \ Living Streams and Springs „re numerous. Pure water is found in wells from 20 to CO feet deep. The Healthiest Climate in the World ! No fever and ague there. No muddy or im, passable roads. Plenty of fine building stone, lime and sand. These land# ere he, ing rapidly settled by the best clsss oi Northern and Eastern people, and will so appreciate in value by the improvements now being piade a> tomako their purchase at present prices one of the very hest in vestments that can be made, aside from the profits to be derived from their culti vation. Members of our firm reside in WA-KEENEY, and will show lands at any time. A pamphlet, giving full infor mation in regard to soil, climate, water supply, dec., will be sent free on request. Address, WARREN, KEENEY & Co. 100 Dearborn St., Chicago, Or Wa-Kceney, Trego co. Ks. 25apl0m