THK CKKTiIE REPORTER. Centre Hall, P, Th'rtd.Aug, 15,''78. IS*-TKRM*. -52 per year. u-hen paid in „< twiirf i a.ironce. Urertiscments 20rf* per hnefar three .u --i/rfion*. and line for ercy *ub sequent insertion. Advertisement* by the vear at. a liberal discount. Subsrrihersouteide. the county thouoi re int v* tO eta, irmesmf of one y;•'* r >f r or, instead o/20cf as formerly when paid Av themselves. Subscriber* con ahrays tell ootr fAnr nc count* stand at ike Reporter cfiee by cow eultinp (be lohlrs on ihnr papers. It the /able rrou* "John Roe t jan '76_ ' mean* that John i* indebted for euhsernptronfiym the Ist of January, 1575, o*tfi f is time be u-os paying the printer. LODGE MEETINGS. ccwrnt iuteii,linHt.l; 2K?' 0 - J .t- >• >*\; l v o S. K. KW*RK, *■!. *>• BAWRI*. W.. OLP roar K. Mt. >.*■ -".f.g M>>n TS FRISOV. —On Monday of last H detective from Harrisburg brought to Lewisburg Hugh I'- Rhellor, late eahirt of the Union National Bvnt,. Ho vt *rre-:.d at Ml. Joy. r. Upon the information of itonj- Cowley, before Enquire Hall, n warrant was iwued for hie arrest some time since. The charge* against Mr. Sheller are embexxlement, fraud and perjury. l*pon being brought before Esquire Ball, Mr. Shellcr appeared in very good humor, told a number of anecdotes, and intimated that he thought the object in bringing him here was to extort money l>cm him. He asserted that he had no money and that be would not desert bi friends. Ho did net desire any person to go his bail, and seems to think by going to prison, public sympathy will bo with him. —-Journal. —ORGANS! OltQANal Organ*' Stop Organs, price $270, only ftwk 13 Stop Organs, price s">4o, only sthY 71 Oc tave* Hosts wood Pianos, price s.'oo, only ISO. First class new Sewing Machines complete at stfik Go and see. BcubUtA AIKEN*, Bellefonte, l*a. 8 aug. 4t A young woman residing in the neighborhood of Headly, in Eaglaiul, recently aaoae in her sleep, and tak ing n carving knife from tho kitchen, proceeded to the fowl house, where she cut ofl'the heads of six fine cocks and heus. She afterward slaughter ed five pet rabbits, and wouud up her sumuaiubulistic exploits bv luortalv stabbing a faTorite donkey. Schenectady, August 7, — A heavy thunderstorm visited this city yester day afternoon. The German Odd Fellows were holding n picnic in Tiv li Park at the time. They took refuge in a building on the grounds, which was struck by lightning, stuuning tif* teen persons, three of whom were se riously though not fatally injured. Mantou Marble is out in a long let ter to the press in which he proves by letters ami telegrams what but few probably never doubted, via: That Mr Tikieu was opposed th the Elesto ral Commission. The* had a hail-storm at Fakraci, Slavotiia, last month, which latsed 4 hours. One person was killed, 23 fa tally and 150 slightly injured. Above 400 head of cattle w ere killed. The harvest was destroyed, the fruit-trees were broken and even lartje oak and fir trees were uprooted. Among the hailstones weighed by the autnorities were some of 6 kilogrammes apiece, sav 131 pounds. Colonel Casey has submitted his re port on the Washington Monument to the President, who will call a meet in" of the Joint Commission and lay it before that bodv. Among the rec ommendation in the report is one that the monument be run up to 525 feet instead of 486 feet, and that work be commenced as soon as possible, and continued and carried on until the monument is completed. CANDIDATES. ,Cards must be authorized by seme re- t sponsible person to insure insertion.) PRESIDENT JUDGE. i Hon. C. A. Mayer, of Lock Haven. , will be a candidate for Pres't Judge, sub ject to democratic rales. < We are authorized to announce that C. , S. M'Cortnick, Esq. of Lock Haven, will j be a candidate for President Judge, sub- i, ject to democratic rules. COSGKESS. i We are authorized to announce that i D. G. Bush, of Bellefonte, will be a can- 1 didate for Congress, subject to demo cratic rules. ASSEMBLY. Ja. F. Weaver, of Milesburg, will be a - candidate for Assembly, subject to demo cratic rules. Sam'l Gilliland. of College, will be a can didate for Assembly, subject to democrat ic usages. Jno. F. Krebs, of Ferguson, will be a candidate for Assembly, subject to demo cratic rale*. . W. A. Murray, of Boalsburg, will bo a candidate for Assembly, subject to demo cratic rules. Win. L. Musser, of Penn, will be a can didate for Assembly, subject to democrat ic rules. SHERIFF. John Spangler. of Potter, will bo a can didate for Sheriff, subject to democratic rules. W. H. Noll, of Spring, will be a candi date for Sheriff, subject to democratic rules. John B. Leather*, of Howard twp., will be a candidate for Sheriff, subject to dem ocratic rules. Jeremiah Tressler. cf Harris twp., will be a candidate for Sheriff, subject to dem ocratic rale*. George Uoffer, of Potter will be a can didate for Sheriff, subject to democratic rules. J.S. M'Conr.ick. of Ferguson, will be a candidate for Sheriff, subject to democrat ic rules. L- T. Munson, now of Bellefonte, will be a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county conven tion. John R. Bair. of Penn, will be a candi date for Sheriff, subject to democratic rules. COMMISSIONER. Michael J. Decker, of Potter, will be a candidate for Commissioner, subject to democratic rules. H. A. Mingle, of Haines, will be a can didate for Commissioner, subject to demo cratic rules. J. B. Heckman, of Gregg, will be a can didate for Commissioner, subject lodemo cratic rules. J. N. Hall, of Howard twp., will be a candidate for Commissioner, subject to democratic rules. Jacob Dunkle, of Walker, will be a candidate for Commissioner, subject to democratic rules. John Grove, of Potter, will be a candi date for Commissioner, subject to demo cratic rules. J. 11. Ilahn. of Mile*burg, will be a candidate for Commissioner, subject to democratic rules- A J. Greist, ofVnionville, will be a candidal* for Commissioner, subject to democratic rules- George Swab, of Harris, will be a can didate for Commissioner, subject to dem ocratic rules. John Hoy, jr., of Marion township, will be a candidate for Commissioner, subject to democratic rules. TREASURER. Adam Yearick, of Marion, will be a candidate for Treasurer, subject to demo cratic rules. We are authorized to announce that Wm. Khrhsrd, of Potter, will be a candi date for Treasurer, subject to democratic rules. We are authorised to announce that John 11. Barnbart of Spring townsßip will be a candidate for County Treasurer, sub ject to democratic rules. B. K. Leathers, of Unionviilo. will be a candidate for Treasurer subject to ■ democratic rules. S. A. M'Quistian, ot Bellefonte, will be a candidate for Treasurer, subject to dem ocratic rules. P. W. McDowell, ofHoward boro.,will be a candidate for Treaaurer, subject to democratic rule*. PROTHONOTARY. MR. KCRTZ: Please announce that I purpose to be a candidate for the office of Prothonotary, and if so fortunate as to re , ceive the favorable consideration of my fellow democrats in their primary assem blies. will pledge myself, if elected, to a ' faithful and satisfactory discharge of the , duties of the office. 8 T. SUUOKRT. J. C.Harper, now of Bellefonte, will be a candidate for Prothonotary, subject to democratic rules. Samuel J. Herring of Gregg will be a candidate for Prothonotary, subject to 1 democratic rules. 1 B. F. Shafer, of Walker, will be a can , didate for Prothonotary, aubject to demo cratic rules. [ R. G. Brett, of Ferguson will be a can ' didate for the nomination of Prothonota- I ry subject to democratic rules. I Mr. 8. M. Hwartz, of Potter,, desires to inform his friends and democrats that he will be a candidate for the nomination of , Prothonotary. G. W. Kumberger, of Patton twp., will ' be a candidate for Prothonotary, subject - to democratic rules, s REGISTER. Wm. E. Burcbfield will be a candidate for Register, subject to democratic rules. RECORDER. r Wm. A. Tobias will be a candidate for > Recorder, subject to the usages, of the ■ democratic party. (Communicated) PR P. S. FISIIKR—ASSF.M BLY. The gentleman whoso nanio heads tbi* article we umlorst*nd i a cnM >lato foi ,1110 Legislature. The Doctor is popular. ; everywhere and has dor.o much service for his party and deserves to l>e honored. ' with the nomination. Ho has the interest* of the working cla>< and farming commu nity at heart, ar.l it elected will use his be.-t efforts to reduce the extortionate tin es with which this class ot people are bur-' dened. Centre county needs the services J of men like Dr. Fisher, and the appear-1 anceof hi* name on the ticket would be hailed with delight, not only but by the working classes throughout the county The Doctor'* prospect* are very flattering. w—i e ♦ • A HURRICANE HORROR. TWENTY PERRONS KILLED. Forty Dwelling House* utul Firtv Hum* Demolished. Walllngford, Conn., August W.—A ter rible tornado passed over t\ alltnglord about six o'clock tlii# evening and blow over houses, uprooted tree* and caused the greatest devastation. It Is estimated that the killed will number at len-t twen ty, while the wounded reach twice thai number. The telegraph wires and pole*, were blown down, so that it was impo*i- ■ ble to communicate directly with New Haven or outside points. Alter tho tornado passed it * found] that it had been confined to a belt of torri- j tory about half a mile wide and tho w hole damage and loss of life had occurred on. the saudy plains about a quarter of a mile J. north of tho railroad station near tho line ; of the New York, Now llaven and Hart- i ford railroad. At C o clock, while the men , were testing the several factories in the , vicinity, it began to rain gently. In * few minutes tho rain increased to a perfect deluge, while tho lightning illumined the q darkened sky as bright as day and the ( thander rolled a continu us and deafening Without a second's warning a tornado of wind mingled with ruin and hail swept across the northern part of the town frouij wot to east and everything movable in its track was swept away. It seemed to last but a moment, but its results were fright-' fill. Afterwards light rains fell, which soon passed off, and at 8 e clock when the train arrived with aid, the heavens were clear and the moon shone brightly. By I actual count forty dwelling houses were, demolished and at least 50 barns. In the] Plains school hou-e on the children'- desks lay the dead bodies of twelve per sons—four men, six women and two chil dren. Besides these one man, three wo men and three children and probably one , or two more are believed to be killed and still among the ruins. The list of wounded, many of whom are dying, reaches a*, present above forty, j and will bo increased a* the reports come 1 • ♦ "" COLLISION OF A PASSENGER AND FREIGHTTRAIN WITH TKR KIBLK RESULTS. About Twelve Persona Killed And Forty Wounded in the Ae> cideot. Pittsburg, August 7.— Tiie fast line on the Pittsburg, Cincinnati, and St. Louu railroad, left this city at 11.47 last night, met witn a terrible accident at a point one and a half miles west of Mingo Junction, Ohio. The train was composed of two sleepers, one hotel car. one baggage, two postal cars and two coaches, the latter being occupied by emigrants. At I a. m., at the point named, the fa-t line, which was twenty minutes behind time and running at the rate of torty miles an hour, collided with a freight train, ar.d the entire train, ex cept the hotel car and sleepers, wa thrown from the track and fearfully wrecked. Eleven or twelve persons are reported killed and fifteen to twenty seriously in jured. All the passengers in the sleepers escaped without serious injury, the loss ot life being confined to those in the forward cars occupied by postal clerks and emi grants. The numbor of person* killed by the above collision is 13, and about 'A) were injured. MURDEROUS INSURGENTS Fagua, August 8 —Suleiman Pasha, with 1,500 Asiatic troops, is shut up in Trebinji. He will not allow the insurgents to enter the town, fearing a mas-wcre of the Turkish authorities. Fifteen hundred Bosnian troops have deserted from Trebinji and joined the in surgents at Durbrowo- Bucharest, August B.—By the explosion of the Russian powder magazine at Frates ti yesterday, fifty-live persons were killed and thirty-one injured. THREE WOMEN KILLED BY A FALLING TREE. Cincinnati, August 6. —A special fiom Anna, 111., states that three women— Mrs Smith. Miss Miller and ML* Matthias while seeking shelter from the storm on Sunday evening, were instantly killed by thetop of a large oak tree, which was broke off by the storm and hurled upon them. MINING LIFE. How They Recreate at Virginia City,; Nevada. [Letter to the St. Louis Republican.] This is a terrible place for gambling. Faro is tho favorite game, but for those who like it there is also noker (unlimited), j keno, sixty-six and euchre. One man had a marvellous slice of luck. Ho started in to play faro ; he played thirty-two hours without stopping or sleeping, and eating a hasty bite as be played; lost SII,OOO in that time and wa nearly broke—being loft with s'2o or so, which he staked—he was so exhausted that he fell asleep and yet so excited was the brain tiiat ho con tinued automatically to play, knowing nothing. By this time there was a crowd around. AN ell. he actually won back all he had lost, and about $17,"00 bosiJe. Ho would probably have continued on play ing, but be burst the bank. It i only, then that the spectators discovered he had been sleeping. Eye-witnesses state when ho was awakened, ho was tho most aston ished man they ever saw, though ho man aged to walk off comfortably with $28,000. As I walked along the streets 1 noticed largo numbeis of men with wounded ears, some in ono stage, others healing, some carefully plastered, others again with only a bit of car. some with actually not n ves ta ge left. It appears w hat is called ear chewing is a common occurrence. One miner gets to playing cards with another ; as the gambling goes on tho excitement increases; a little dispute arises, and pres to! before any one can interfere one springs on another, and goes for his ear. If he be a powerful man, with good teeth and strong muscles, he sometime* bite* the ear right off and unconcernedly *pits it on the floor. More Ireijuently, though, he contents himself with simply chewing at it until tho ear is pulpy, or until some by standers just pull him off. In more seri ous rows the bowie-knife and revolver still reign supremo. Tho bowie-knife is carried in the boot-ley, nnd tho revolver slung aside, in full Tiew, around tho waist. With all this, I must say I likotbe people. They are rough, but thoroughly good-tem pered. TIIESRARROWR IN AMERICA.—Dr. Klli ott Coues, the ornithologist, lift* up his voice in the Amn-icnn Naturalist against the sparrows. He speak* or thcin as a nuisance, as "pestilent famine-breeder*," and a* "the wretched interloper* which wo have *o thoughtlessly introduced and played with, and cuddled, like a parcel of hysterical slate-pencil-eating school Kir!*." The doctor asserts that the sparrows in tho country already number "counties* mil lions," and he anticipate* the terrible hav oc they will commit in the grain field* orchards and kitchen gardens a few year* hence when they will have increased to "millions of millions." He brine* a for midable lilt of charge* against the interlo pers and declare* that "prompt and strin gent meafcures should be taken a* a matter, of National economy to check their in crease." Although evidently not a "phil opasserite," Dr. Coues would not wage against tho sparrows a war of extermina tion, but offers these suggestions for keep ing down their numbers : I. Let the birds shift for themselves; turn them loose and put them on the same footing as other birds. That is, take down the boxes and all the special contrivances for sheltering and petting the birds; stop feeding them; stop supplying them with building materi als i let them take care of themselves. 11. lAboliih the legal penalties for killing thrro. ThAWrd* are now under tho arm of the law, which pr itiwli llmm rrm inot of tl i viciittnloa < f bird lift'. Lw u m**l in timololu mulch.* lMt| f.pi>rtnicn. Vest number# tl ptgOOM OfO .!ctrovcd in llil* wnv , lb OK in<' 01" I"p#rrowflubi In vmioii* cltlf#, which ;n*ke a buiinmi of practising on vriouol . nr small bird*, for which Hn European ►parrow* would bo an admirable *ubtii ttite, an*we'i"g ill .lo> camliliot* these inarkmen could desire lnlbU way tho | bird* might oven be made n nourco of <>ntr j j little revenue, lnte I of n burden and n ! pest; they nre to be bad in practically un , limited number*, and could bo onl by tho 11 it) to *uoh person* n might desiro to uo thorn lortporting purpo*e*. . . . HEAVY WHEAT MOVEMENT. , Toledo. Augul 11 Nearly one lliou**, and car* of wheat, aggi''gating about 4i*\- POO buihel*. were rtvsLed at tbi* point, during twenty-four hour* ending at noon to-day, being tho large*', amount ever re eel rod here in the auie length of lime. • ON K-THIRD OF A TOW N DESTROY- El). San Franebco, AuguH I' 2 Our third of the town of ShoU wa* burned tin* morn | ,ng. The p irtion destroyed embraced the l arger portion of the bu*ino* part of the ; place j Vienna. August Id—The Tolilieal Cor ant v im e* 'hat an uprising of ! Mohammedan fanatic* have occurred at Lyon*, in lloraegovina The Turkish , commandant wa* killed The troop# made 11ornmon cauo with the insurgent# at' . j marched with lhen on - s > plie | tiogUtetf, Augut 12.—A ilu**ian ler pardo cutler exploded in the harbor here to-day. killing thirty-four person*, i The official report of tho Initio of the Mb iu*t, place* the number of tnurgenU !at considerably over "-.*. wtH four can nons and a roekel battery. Ihe lighting ' bitted eight hour*, the i iurgonU ©b*l.- t.atelv holding attioee**i".t >1 trong posi tion*. Boinlan* lot 500 killed and wound .ed, andTW prtaot < r*. _—• • 1 j Bismarck, D. T , August ft. IKS-The| gra-thopprr* of the north swooped down uponthia country yesterday and cleared; |the vegetation from all gardens and truck patches, eating every greet, thing Ihry came a little late to do their worst, the most important crops being too faradvanc ed to bo seriously impaired by their rav i#ge. Wheeling, W. Vs., August 5.-L*i Barker, a young man eighteen years of age, was struck by ltghtaiug at his home, near Fetterman. last Saturday, eud in stantly killed. There was only one mark icfthe lightuing en bis r e "on. •"d that via* a slight scorch on hi* hair, yet every |large bone in his body was broken into j small particles. ' Smith Hornet, of Belmont. Kv . tired of the tribulations of thi. wor!d attempted suicide by hanging at ten u'oUck ye*ter-| !usr, but was caught tn the act aud cut luown by a negro named Samuels. 11 or-1 ! net. finding hi- plans frustrated, gathered c chair and procoeded to comb Samuel* iiead with it. A knock-down and drag cut ensued, which ended in Hornet chang ; ing his mind on tho subject of Jtlo-d**r. , The Reporter for the campaign 10 cents. Send on the names. NO IIAHD TUES HKKK. Enplovmsnt For Ladtss and GsattsasD at Home. Our attention wa-> recently altr-cted by rn advertisement in another pa|>er to the "American Housekeepers Jscale, and the txtremtlf t \c prie* induced us to lend for one to uo in our own kitchen. We find the ica!e the . f c uevai'itr an 4 valuable koxutkutd artie'r v< krr ' It is worth /ire times its *', in testing gfj cert' packages, putting up pre-erves. tusU-i ing cake, etc W. H. Thompson A Co., No. 216 Washington street, Boeton, Man., are the manufacturers, and they have the most complimentary Testimonial* < f the Scale possible to be written. They have as vet no General Agent fir this county ; and as the Scales are sold exclusively by canvasser* to families, we cheerfully rec ommend the article for the benefit of our ; numerous lady readers, and paxUiW want -1 ing honorable employment. We would say that the "Church Jour, nal,'" New York. "Christian Cnion," N IY. "Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newapa- 1 per," New York. "Church Union," New York, Boston "Traveller," "Herald," and "Post," and hundreds of oilier paper* all speak in the highest praise of the Scale, its low price, and convenience to house-. , keeper*. Weighs up to 24 pounds, and costs §1 "0 prepaid—or about one-half of any other Platform r-cale in the United Stales. Where is the man who wants the exclu sive control of our county, and thereby se j cure a very profitable businesa ? TDK "AM KRICAN HOUSE KEEP- Klt-S SCALK ." Patented May IMb, 1377. u •- * — limi fct yj jfSL. Vwy **+ I ASTRAY*.—Came to tho residence of j Geo. lioffcr, Aug. Ist, 187b. white pigs, about ten weeks old. The owner will come, prove property and pay damages, and remove the same or other wise thev will be disposed of according L. law. J. F. ALEXANDER, Town Clerk. I E STRAY.—A small while sow with pig, ha* been on the premises of the uadersigned for some time. The owner is recuse ted to prove property, pav costs and remove the isase. J.JJKNRY KELLER. N'OTICE —Parties desiring to uw the topofNittany mountain for pleas ure must in future "first obtain consent of the undersigned, otherwise they will be dealt with according to law. This course ha- huen daemed necessary in order to prevent improper oonduct U|>oii said grounds. J. llr.ek IkUi-fiEK- EVERYTHING IIAS A DOWN j WARD TENDENCY! THE AJOURNMENT ofCONGRESS lias had a happy effect in the prices of GROCERIES, DRY G, sc. call at VALENTINES & CO'S STORES, BeUefonte. and judge for yourselves. The largest stock of Merchandise IN CENTRE COUNTY. i'KAUS NEARLY DESTROYED. t Si. Delcribtirg, August O.—A 'lis* [ patt-h to tlio (U)tos, tlnteil Tiffia, All* gust 2. report* that ttti exnlorioti hail 1 erourrcd in tlio ruins of fit© forliftca tion of Kara, resulting in n fire which j destroyed tho heat portion of the City.' ANOTHER OUTBREAK IN AC II KEN Singapore, August 7, —On July 7 it Irish outbreak of tho native# occur red at Achccn. The Dutch troops at- Hacked and captured a strong position I held by the Acheuese. The loss to 'tho native* was t>Bo and to the Dutch i Tt men. • .niiMai ■■ i Jones (though tho lather ) "Sir auge , I never can grow a good board, mid vet my grandfather had one throe , feet long.' Hairdresser —''Can't ac count for it, sir —utiles* you tnke nf . tcr your grandmother." On the coast of Malabar tiro some 1 lit brews who are black, bolougittg to a'conimunity called Il'nal Israel. '' They clnttn to lm defendant* of the ' Jews sent by King Solomon to India jto collect ivory and precious •tones, i They observd the pusover and the • Jew -It Sabbath. There at© some s t moiig tho British troops at Malta, Havana, August 7.—An official re port shows that 604 deaths from yel* low'fever and 6 from small pox oc curred in Havana during tlio month of July. The' British Commi-sioner to the French Exposition has official)' noti tied the other Commissioners of the International Kxhibit.ou to be held at Melboum, Australia, in 1880, and in* vited the present exhibitors to parti cipate. Emigration front Egypt to Cyprus is proceediug on a large scale and, it | is probable a direct service of steam* ers will be established. MIKRIED. At Salons, Aug. 4th, IK*, by llev. L. U H*<-W, Mr Kichanl H. Suit and Mr*. Ann Ktieabeth Snyder, all of Potter's Hank, Centre county, IV DIED. On 6. in Haines twp., Sadie C., wife of iJautet Leitrel, aged near 19 year*. Id Indiana. Indiana county, IV, July 1L IKS of .lrop*y, Win Keath (former 1 jty of Spring Mtllr', *ged 74 yrs., 9 ini>- !aud I'J Jay*. MARKETS, Philadelphia, August 12.—Wheat quiet, .firm, red J1 t*j'yl 071; aniber fl 051 07; w hite none here Corn flrtn; vellow 51(.y I:'. Butter steady, lib 42*Jc. Kggs scarce,t 15 1.16 c. I Cbit-ago, August I*J. —Wheat in (air de rjtaiid butlowor. No 1 red winterlHm'.' c. U 'urn, for cah. t*u "J2tc for <-*h ltyeatoli.-. Bariey, 'Ve for rash 17 for September. CATTLE MAULKT. Pltiiadelphia, Ac.gutt 12—Cattle dull;I good 51 c, medium &c, common 4i'<44fc. 1 .Sheep dull, gtK*l I'ivtsc, medium . ' 4c. common 14* :<-. I Ifog— Market fair, good to prime, 76 Rye, 5tV Corn, ears, per bu. new. ,40c Gals, Hit. Buckwheat, 76e. Cloveraeed, $3 l*Vto ft. Op Chop, per ton, $23 00. Plaster, ground per ton, f 10.00 Flour, per bbl $6 00 Butter, 10c. Tallow. 7c. liams l'Jc. hbouiders So. Sides he - Rags. *Jc. Keg per do*., lOe. Tub washed wool 35c, f)I'BMC SALE OF HOUSE AND L LOT.- By virtue ofan order o'the Orphan's Court, there will bo sold at Pub lic Sale, on the premises, on SATl'lt- DAY, AUG, 24, IH>. at I o'clock, p. m., the following dcfuribad promts, to wit: All that certain H un and let, hie tpe property of Lydia Shuey, dee'd. situate at i 'ak Hall in College twp.. bounded on the North by the Boalsburg turnpike, on the East by Hubllc School L t, on the S. uth by lai ds ot Wm. Sellers, and on the West ,by lands of Robert liamill, D. D. Con taining about one acre more or less. TERMS of Sale.—One third of pur.hasp money to be paid on confirmation of sale. lOne third in <UBLIC SALE.— On FRIDAY, AU i UST 23, near Zion. will be sold the fol lowing property: Four Horses. 5 fresh Cows, I Bull, 1 Heifer. 8 Calves, 6 Hogs, 1 Sow w-fth Pig.. 22-hohse Wagons, 1 being new ; 2 Spring Wagons, 1 Grain Drill. 1 Hay rake. 1 Land-roller. I Fanning Mill. 1 Patent Straw Cutter, 2 Harrows, 3 Shov el Flaws, 2 Cultivators, 3 Iron Plows. 2 sett Hay-ladders, 1 2-horse Sled, 1 Truck Sled, 1 L g Sled, 2 grain Cradles, 1 sett Black Sm>th Tools, all kinds Of Gears, JOO Chestnut Rails, 160 Cbeatnut Posts, 3 new Bedsteads, and other articles teo numer ous to mention. Sale to commence at 1(1 o'clock. WM. B. SHAFKR. I)MIN ISTKATOR'S SALK.- The undersigned, administrator of the estate ef Daniel W. Sholl. late of Miles | township, decoafed, will sell at public sale,' by order of the Orphan's Court; on SAT URDAY, AUGUST 17. 187P, the follow ing real estate, to wit,- All that cerlainj tract or piece of land situate in Miles twp.! 'Centre county, abOtiOwo miles south east; lof Wolfs Store, hounded on the east by! 'land of Sarah Swint. on the south by land) late of Edward (jrut, on the west by land of George Rine, and on the north by land! of Fdward HauLi, et al, Containing EIGHTY ACRES, and allowance, about thirty actcsofwhich! is cleared, and tbereon erected a Htil'SK, BARN, and other outbuilding*, with flow- 1 ii,g water at the door, also a fine orchard with choice Iruit. Term} of fain i Tho one half of the pur- j chase money on continuation of alo and the balance In one y"ir tbereaftor, with interest, to be secured by bond and mort gege. J 1 Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. m- of said day. F. P. SHOLL, 2."jul " Adm'r. HARRY IC. HICKS We have a \ery large ami coulplele stock of Hardware, tho la.-gur. that was aver boforo oflered by any firm tothbpeoplo ol this county, and arosolUng at tun very lowv •it poksibla rale* Iron, Steel and Nails, Locks, Glass and Putty, Pure White Lead* and Lioseed Oil ; Turpentine* and VarnLhea. all which we warrant to give lalLlactlon Our Pure l-ad will eover as much surface as Any !a th ft&rkfet and cannot ho esoelled fr whiteness. UKAUY MI XEHPA 1 N'T cut up in any quantity to suit people, from one-pound cans to one gallon cons, alt ready tor usa. That* paint* we w arrant t<> l mixed with pure lead and oil, and are Iron from all adulteration. MECHANICS TOOLS We inv special attention t'< tin* branch, and keep a ftil! lino of flaw* Chisels, Hammers and Bailey's Iron Planes; II one hails of all kinds. Trae# Chain*. Haunts, Etc. FULL LINK OFBADDLKKY OK ALL DBHCKIPTIONB. OOAOBfWOOD WOHK.-pkns. Felloes, JVUtnl Whealsoi the mo.,uu P .oyad pat* out*, Mr*, l'otu' Improved Flat 1 run*, cheap, convenient and durable—polished and nickel-plait d. Johna-tt, Prepared Kaliontlne ; put up in, C-gour-d packages; easily put on, and cheaper than paper. NVe have all colors: STOVES. ' | Wo have the only Reversible, Top-nlate Cooking Stoves in thn market The Keyitone, Susquehanna and Juniata, wuteh w© warrant to be the best bakers and Ibeheav* O" IR Y STU VK"I p r I T TiVh ANI r-'osi' vA'fi N W 'n 1K f w't HI lS** WriU "° ' ru,r * nl * M ' Al#o * llklnJ ofßongea and other stoves. COMEANHHKE OUB KEYSTONE Trial List—4th Monday of August, 1878. ■>nr*h 1) Spencer v .1 C Calhoun. \V 1. .Melt .well v M M Dubree. Kdwatd Kabella vs M Marx. K 1. NVian vs .1,. Knbetla VS Victor Kurta vs Charles Kurtx v* John Flagey vs A tired iiuupt vs .lamoa P Tassey vs " Frank Crosthwaite vs " W S Hough vs Fred Christine we .lame* Iretberl v^ K Itaixell vs A BtumvsJehn ltishet. \V 11 McCauxlatid vs Wrn Vankirk, as sign re. 11 W lloover ct al vs Christ Sharrer et C Dorr v* .la* Macmanus. J us II Duck admr v* 1> M. Wagner JURORS. < irami Juror. Milesburg—O Gray, j Gregg—l J Grenoble. ' Walker—J no Rodger*. Roggv—F M Coy. Snyder. Uefielonle—ll C Valentine,K C Humes. Howard bor< N J Mitchell. Snow shoe S Y Lucas, L It leathers. Patter—B M Swart*, A Sellers, Kpr, Keller. llainos —J Yarger, N Stoyer. llalfmoon—J BronsltUer. Taylor—Wm Miller. Patton—S T Gray, A Sellers. College—Geo Raker, i Liberty—J A IJulggle. Spring—L N lJarnhart, M Kersletler. Traverse —3 Monday. lHlncj- Jas Weaver, Jno II Ueinhart. Huston —A Kreps, W Williams, G W Woodring. II Adams. Hoggs—B Zimmerman, J L Neff, L Curtn. . Gregg —D Uartges, M H Guise, J R Heck man. Mileaburg—O 11 Wolf, Ell Carr. Banner— A Grberick, A Y Wagner. Spring—J M Furey, J; ltosa, F Tate, 11 Kline, Bellefonte—J Brachial, 0 Smith, Jo rath Miller. J Schell. llalfmoon—l Beck, College -J K Mitchell, J S 1 osier. Walker -1 Strubie. Mdes-H II Miller, II Miller, Jac. Uaael, ! Snow shoe—WuiAskey, JC Rankin, J Travel. ji .ward—M M Closky, J U Leathers, J C Smith. Howard boro—A Weber, liurnside —G R Book. Worth— A O Richards. Per.n —Wm Smith. . i Potter—John Rishel.G W Boa!, I* Ilof for. l'atlon—J W Wasson, J Chambers. Vuionville— T K Greist. Travcree—4 Monday. Penn—A <> Deininger, S Otto, Wm Geary. , _ -I WalkerUrumgart, Ja Corner, L Zimmerman. Taylor—D Reese, 11 Crain, 1 Moore. College—H Thompson, PS Dale. Rush —Wm lleas. Potter- John Wolf. Philipsburg 11 Stockbridge, C M union L D l>om, K Hudson. Milesburg—L> 11 Parsons. LC Eddy. Liberty—J A Stoyer, H Thompson. Spring— L C Kearick, 1 Dawson. 1 ntwnville—Jno Alexander. i Marion—ll Yearick. llalfmoon—A J Thompson, J C Fisher. Ferguson—David Fye Hoggs—D ii Malone. Pil Haupt, H L Bsrr.harl, J S Barrel O Noll. Cnion—B Alexander. Rollefonte—Ed Tyson, llarr.s—Cyrus Pur;:. PENX II4LL ACADEMY, The next term f the Fenn llall Acade my wid pen M. ndav July 22. Tuition from ss,f to $.00. Boarding with roem 12.50 P> $2,75 per week. D. M Wotr, DjulySt. Principal. KEGISTEHSJ NOTICE- -Tbg fol-. lowing account* have been eiatn ined and passed bv me. and remain filed of record in this otfice tor the inspection of heirs, legatees, creditors arid all others in' any way interested, and will be presented p. the Orphans Court of Centre county, on Wedneaiuy, Hm Jl-t day of August. A. D. i IS7K, fr confirmation and allowance : 1. Tho account of Henry Zeigler, admin istrator ot Ac. o! Michael Dolaney lafo of Marlon township, deceased. 1 Tho final account of J. W. Kelley. admini-trator of Ac. of William McCoy, lato of Taylor toweship, deceased. 3. The account of John P. Zimmerman, guardian of Mary K. Clark, minor child of Lewis L Clark, late of Huntingdon county, deceased. 4 The account of .lofcn P. Zimmerman, guardian ol \V. H. Olaric, mifi'or child of Lewis L. Clark, late of Huntingdon coun ty, deceased. 6. Tho account of David M. Butts, ad ministrator of Ac. of James Armor, late of .Spring township, deceased. G. The account of J. A. Jacobs, admin istrator of John Fox, Sr., late of Harris township, deceased. . The account ol George Kuslonborter, guardian of Ann A. McMahon(now Bran, don) Amanda M., Mary H. and Dota V. McMabon, minor children of George Mc Mahon, lato of Nebraska, deceased. H. The final account of Dr. J M. Blair, administrator of Ac. of James Lucas, late of Union township, deceased. 0. The final account of Jacob C. WalfcarJ guardian of Rlixa Lucas, minor child of Nelson Luca, lateol bnow Shoe township, deceas'-u. 10. Tho account of William Kiddle*, E-'p, ndministrator of Ac. of John late of Rush township, deceased. 11. The account >f p. Wf. Rarnharl, guardian of Mary L l,ealhorsand Harriet J Aikcy, minors of Harriet Leathers, late of Howard township, deceased. 12. Tho sixth and final account of Josi ah Neff, executor of Ac. ol John Neff, late of Potter township, deceased. 13 The first partial account of B. F. Phillip" s tiJ S. J. Herring, executors ol Ac. ol Christopher Meyer, late of Pnn township, deceased. 11. The account of J. A. Ilnzul, admin istrator of Ac of Michael Hazel, late of Mile* tawnship, deoca"d. ]6. The account of Mmnuo! Bailey an*' John tl. Bailey, administrators of Ac ol John Bailey, late of Ferguson township, deceased. ' 10. Tbo final account of Michael Har per, guardian of Sarah Lnvina Hoslernan, formerly Vonada. minor of John Hosier man, Into of Haines township, deceased. 17- Tho guardianship account of A. W. Chcesman. guardian of John A Poorman. minor child of Joseph l'oorruan, lato of lioggs township, docuased. 18. The ltd partial account of Joseph Hol ler and Elizabeth Roller, executors of Ac of John Holler, late of IJenner township, deceased. 19. The final account of Frederick Kurtz, administrator ol etc of David Ack er, late of Haines township, deceased. 'JO. Tho account of K. C. Henderson, administrator of dec of John Henderson, late of Huston township, deceased. 21. Tho final account of I). Z. Kline, ad ministrator ofAc of J. L. Given, late of the borough of Bulleionte. deceased. 22. The account of J. W. Ocpharl, ad ministrator of Ac of Juan Gomez, lato of tho U. S. Army, deceased. 23. Tho partial account of James Dun lap, executor of Ac of Mary Long, late ol Ferguson township, deceased. 24 First and final accoqpl uf George P. llall, administrator uf Ac of Aaron Hall, lato of Union township, deceased. 2.1. The account of Samuel ltoyor, ex ecutor of Ac of Catherino Peter, late of Potter township, deceasod. 20. The first partial account of Aaron Lukcnbnch, Simon P. Ruble and J. C. Ruble, executors of Ac of Peter Ruble, lato of Potter township, deceased. 27. The account of David E. Sparr and Daniel Hess, executors of Ac of Jacob Sparr, lato of Harris township, deceased. WM. K. BUKCHFIKLD. u126 4t Register. W R. CAMP'S iPOPULA R. I Furniture Rooms! CENTRE HALL, PA.: , 1 manufacture all kinds of Furniture for | Chambers, Dining Rooms, Libraries and ilalls. If you want Furniture of any kind, don't buy until you see my stock. UNDERTAKING In all its brancbe*. 1 keep In stock all j the latest and mmit improved Coffins and Caskets, and have every facil ity for properly conducting this branch of my business. 1 have a patent Corpse Preicrver, in which bodies can be preserved for a considers bl e length oftime. joll9tf W.B.CAMP. A' tJCtIONIKB'S CARD. Philip Teats, who has had large experi ence as an auctioneer, offer* bis service* to the people of Centre county, lie speaks both German and English, and possesses | the invaluable gift in an auctioneer of a loud, clear voice, and can be distinctly heard a long distance. Those having work of this kind to do, will do well u> give bint a call. Charg,-* moderate. Call on or! address him at Bellefonle, Pa. 17 ap. J. St. HAZEL, Cttbin-( Maker A I iil-rtnK<-r, SPRING MILLS, l'A., . informs the public that h keeps on hand all kinds of furniture. City and Home made, cane and wood seat chairs, etc. Undertaking in all iu branches promptly attend ed to. Coffin* and ICaskeU of all *lyle furnished ; and ac commodations with hearse. 4 apr. fim. Visiting Cards, 50 Mixed Card* 20 cu- 12 Beautiful Flor al card* only 'Atcta. WM KURTZ, _Centre_Hall. Pa. HENRY BOOZER, CKVIKK li t I.U -.trass ~ Saddles Harness. Bridles. Collars, Whipa, Flynei*. and alto keeps on hand Cotton! Net*, etc. Prices low a* anv where else. | Ail kind* of repairing done. The best stoek always kept on band. All work war-; ranted. A -bare of the public patronage is kindly solicited. 11 apr, 14 y i W. A. CURRY, & ZhLb foJiihtr # CE.YTBE II AI.L.PA. Would most respectfully inform the cil ten* of this vicinity, that he has started a new 800 l and Khoe Shop, and would be thankful for a share of the public natron nge. Boots and Shoes made to order and according to style, and warrants his work to equal any made elsewhere. All kinds of repairing done, and charges reasonable •live him a < all feblft lv JOHN" F.~POTTER, Attorey-t- U> CollKllMasraapUl a4 uS apart* •HsaUfKi ir# u> tt.uM Striss lake* of pnytiU lot S will 4raw oj ami h. artrmal*4t*4 I'roda Vs If 11C.M la Um Stwwaa. aiait* aiSt ol lift* c—Bit i.j.m HaUatvuto oUtlf Harness. Saddles. &c. TSt asimloaS. StUmlaai to moot IS. popalat fiaaaaxifl forlooor prlroa. ro.l—rUullj calls Ibo a I too Uon ul Uio pabltc lo btastocb ot BADDLERT DM oianl >1 lhaolfl .tan 4. lunistt morlllf for tha poopia and Ufa lltaoa, Ihf aa4 a.uat anod • a4 uwploto aaaurunant o) SoOfUoa. Huaro. Oollara Bfitiaa. of ...r) iwrilsbos and . Wbipa, ao4 , latarl o.arsUilac la twspbu a SM rlaaa ratal,hat moot, ti 800 rSrraal irlnaoblra oil)roll Ibriimoa, Jil OH DI.VUBB I. a our llall /x A I I l.trat < hanor to malt mnaas- It i 1 I II I I ym raa't *- ..|4 roa raa rrt I T I II ,|| (rrootiarka. W. No—i a porooo IB vj \ " U I J . rrrn low u> Lair nSKflbUm. ! tro U>r lartrrl. cbrapaK ul bi lUortral—l faaitlr pal.llratloa la Ibr world An? oar raa broom# a aacrraalol ami. Tlljafll oorks .ft art flrra frrr ip ilooa. TSa prior l. ro , It-o Ihal alapu,*,a£Sfr>b aoloonbra. Uarasrsl to ■ p&Hr lt.sklnk ofrrr f ISd la a orrk. A ladr al-sl rr | porlsuslna crctbsaUwilbrra la Ira dkpa. All bo racasr makr ufiorf fart Yoa raa dr.o(a all P-ar , UnaatoLbs bnataraa. or oalj poor rparr Ilia— von rood aok br ao.j from !,<>mo o.rr riant Vor raa do ! | H ft. orl! aa ,4bora Full partlralar*. tllrrrtSoas aafi ' lorro.frro. ftloaarl aad ripraatrr (tales fm If poa I pmeiablr atak arnd ua >ot add.raa al oara. Il roata aoibtaa to to ibr ba.larra >. ,-nr oho aa laaarr fall, to uakrarrat paf. Addrraa'Tba PouptaW lioaiaal." I'. ftirnd. Malar. ! First-class accommodation for guests j Best stabling for horse*. Stage* arrive nd depart every day for all points. C. T. Alex AKPgn. C. M. Bowgn 4 LEXANDER ft ROWER. At -l a. loraasMl Pksi.bauciucsa Sprcla! altmtoa ; fl'sa o IVUvcUbuS. aai Orphans' OoatS prarltor , U*t baCaasaltrd la (irrmaa ail l.aUab Ofbrr in . haildtaa, _________ mjr IS U. U5 GOLD BORDERED t arda for 2< cDt. 20 lllitrk llrlssiol (mine In gold. 15 ctM, W m Ki etz. Centre Hall, Pa. ,? f M NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! III'RRAH FOB GUGGENHEIMER A COM P. FROM THIS DATS (THE COM MENCE MKNT OF THE SEWING SEASON.) I. ii (GO EX II KIM ER, /Offers his immense Stock uf Goods, well assorted in every lino, such as DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, • NOTIONS, f GROCERIES. GROCERIES, CfcOTKIKG, BOOTS, BOOTS, SHOES, snoEs. NATO & GAS'S. at suchlFigurcs that it is n shamo fr any one to go away from home to Buy, when Goods are offered at home at price* that will astonish tho people in this section of tho country. THE STORK ROOM AT SPANULEU'S Hotel, has been en larged and splendidly fit ted up, so that every one who goes in to examine the stock of Goods, is sure not to leave without buying. You will also find a very large and well selected STOCK OF CLOTIIIXU, * forth Mi 81.. Philadelphia, Pa . an Inrtlfole bark* a hick repniatooo for boaorat: ooodoit and |ml„ unal akill. UjatrWn. War! War! War! ORGANS!ORGANS!ORGANS! SEWING MACHINES' Sewing Machines! \K\V i:t Slop Parlor Organ*. Prlre jlllO. ForSHIO C'a*h. 9 Ston Organs, New, for s7o.oo—Price 1 S'i?O.OU. I Sewing Machines Guaranteed New, and as Represented, for $25.00. COME, BEE. AND BE CONVINCED. COM K ON E, COM E A LL to the Now Music fc Sewing Machine store of BUNNELL A AIKENS, Allegheny Street, 25july Bellefonte, Pa. /lOUKT PItOCL AM ATION. !! "•, the Htm. fharle* A. Mum, Pwmldent of the court of toiumon I'lea., in the Sola Judicial Die Utct oonat.Uns of the couutlrr of Cwhtre. Clinton end Clearfield. and the Honorable Sam'l Frank, end the Honorable John Divene, Atmmtej Judaea In Centre county, hetlnii teauedthetr precept. heartna data the Wt dv of July A. 1> Is* to me directed tor lu'ldin, • etmrtofOyernpd Terminer end Owrel Jell lkellv err and yuarbw Seeolou. of Urn Peece In Bellefonte for the couulv of ( outre, and en commence en the Srd MomU| A . belt.* the IWh day of August IKK, .:ul V coutinur two week.. w Notice tethoieforoherat.y, Iran to the Coroner. Jn* tloot el the >*cece, Aldennen and Coaetablet oj tho •aid county of Centre, that they be then and there In the rnroper peraene. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon ol •aid day. with their record., tnqtiUltUma. otaraloa Hone, and their own remembrance., to do thee* ihlnw. which to thetr oc. appertain, to a'. "d tho£ who. re boundtn recoamaancea to prco, ute against the prUonera that are or thai! he In the Jail of Centre SaahlSi *° P">eec'-ite .aintt them ( tinder my hand at Bellefonte. thaltt day ol J'*ll m the >ear of our Lord PCs. ,nd la tha lur year of lodapeodenoe o the Unltod Kutea. LKVI MUMwtIN Khar 5 (J* O Pi*™' in >[ ou ' town. IS Outfit free \ |"V n*!','? Reader, If you want a Po.lnea, at #lll II Iwhich peraona ol cither eexo.n make great N-' " Vepay all the tlm* ihey work, write for par- UcnUra to H Htum* Co. Portland, Me It, mar, y JL, SPANOLEIt, Attorney at Law Consultations in English and (ier ' xu&a. Office in Purst's new building. • A dministratob s notick.- Letter* of administration on the ectate df Ro*anna Little, late of l'otter township, dee'd having boon granted Jo the under signed, all persons knowing tbemselvaa to be indebted to isid decedent are re quested to make immediate payment, and persons having claim* against the estate < will present them authenticated for settle* . went. WM. J. THOMPSON, ; JOjun Ct. Admr. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letter* of Admini *tration De bonis new i cum tetamento nnnexo, on the estate of Peter I)ur*t late of Potter ta p.. Centre ee, Pennsylvania dee'd, have been granted to <*aU'C-rtne Durst and Jamea C lhal reatd ' ng in said town-hip to whom all persoaa , indebted to said estate are requested te •make payment and those having claims ,or demands will make known the came • without delay te JAM KB C BOAL CATHERINE DURST, J. C. BOAL, acting odtniniatrater U July Ct. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ! Letters of administration on the estate of ; Evan Etuis, late of Potter twp, dee'd, ! having been granted to the undersigned s!l persons knowing thetntelvea to be in debted to said decedent are requested te {make immediate payment, and persoaa having claim* against th< estate will pre tent them authenticate d for •cttlcts^fki. GEO. L. GOODHABT. j 30 may Ct Adm* r Jan. Harris § Co. NO. 5. BROCKERHOFF ROW. IROTNAILS, P A I N T S, oilsTetc., J AS. HARRIS A CO. BeiiefbnU. REPORT OP POTTKii TOWNSHIP P AUDITORS, April. UCT. SUPERVISORS. I'LTKB SEIITLSK DR. To am't d'jplirste $ 'X*.' 96 To order on John Emcrick 257 S3 1167 81 CR. % am't received from 5ue!r.......... 44 86 ,T " work. 8® 88 work dona or atauoud by Shiffler 19 * " exonerations 471 " remce* 100 00 " paid water placer 1000 1167 31 _ Jon* S* EEX rr, DR. jTo order Henry M.-C.i*a.e/ ..... 70 00 j duplic*Lc„.. 915 48 " balance .. 105 76 109124 ! „ CONTRA. i By am't work 986 87 exoneration* 107 " error in valuation: ~ 3 80 " services —.... 100 00 109124 OVERSEERS. ! ROBERT LEX, DR. To kecta. Ktshel A Thnmpaon—B2s ' order on 11. Shaddow-....~...~~ —OO "am't duplicate ... 778 55 " received Irons Salhe Trioter~. 14500 " bal. due Orcrseorß7oß4 1819 04 CONTRA. Bv order on self 122 50 ,r " B. Jacob# 11 " receipt* S99<£ " exoneralion - 8 12 " hi 115..., 4294 " provisions forJoba Fye. b'Ji " percentage 45 92 " " Attorney fees lor two years 20 00 error on W. Gohoen lav 1 am't paid John Farncr .. 8 60 " expense# p. Hack in an 48 00 " Med. attend. Sallie Triestcr..— 46 50 " " " township 3500 1319.-04 WM. EMKRICK, DR. To am't duplicate- 614 58 CONTRA By order of John 11 Keller 828 " bill* paid, including salary—. 005 28 " exoneration 24 " balance .......... 88 | 61458 AUDITORS, DR. To am't in Treasury ...... ..... 683 CONTRA. By am't paid Aud.,_ 4 M Balance in Trcas 1 83 682 Jxo. F. AUCXASDER, LEVI MCRRXT, Town Clerk. WM P. JORPOJT, G. L. OENDUALF, 13 jun Auditor* JERRY MILLER BARBER AND HAIRPRX&SE— in the base* ment of tbe bank building. All work dona in fashionable style. 1 July if. PEKHSVALLEY BANKING CO. CENTRE 11 ALL. PA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, AN.! allow Inter* est: Discount Notes ; Buy and Sell Govern ment Securities, Gold and Coupons. Wu. Wotr, Ww. B. MiKota, Prea't. Cashier PENNSYLVANIA RR. Philadelphia and Erie iamlro&d Divisioa. SUKMEB TIKE TABLE. Oasndaftsr SUNDAY, Jena I IK", the train* wa the Philadelphia