The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 01, 1878, Image 3

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Centre Hail, Pa. Th'ntd. A up. 1/78
#~Tiav*. —$2 per year, when paid in
advance, srhen not paidin tuiranee.
Advertisements %kt* per line for tkr*e in
sertions, and becntsper fine for ererv snb
acfwenf insertion. Advertisements by the
year at a liberal discount^
Subcriberoutaide the county should re
mit us 10 efa, amount of one year's pott*
a(jr, instead o/*2tVf* as formerly when paid
by themselves.
Subscribers ran altrays tell how ihesr ae
counts stand at the Reporter office by eon'
suiting th' tables en fXeir papers. If the
table •ends ".lohn Roe 1 jan "16" if*
f.tdf John is indebted for subscription from
the l.f of January. 18*5, and that it is
(imr he was paying the printer.
C**r H-t.u tx>rv*, K<v aas. I, O ef o.
..... Thnrwl*.e.eniaala thO.Sd Petle** Hall
8. K Kmcbtcb. Sec'j M. IV Haw M*.- '•
Or.n Fowr Letvst. Ke. HI. r. A. M.. "•<• *
Mend*, e.ealo* ea or before each full moon la.ins
Odd Voltow* Mall. t* 11
O. P. HiHUt'M*. Seel. D. C. KSII-tS " **•
l-a.'va* iVa-trt*. ffo, (S, P of H, maofa a* *ha''
llrtl.Centre Hall on lha Saturday an or Safora run
uioor, al 1 T M- and orarV to veeka aflar, .'aa *
Keller M—ter LtONAtD Kliea*. Seel.
Sale, of Col Rishel's dcc'J, personal
properly, Aug- IT.
—Sale of W. P. Sharer, Zion, farm
ttock, Aug. 25.
Ssls, real estate, D. W. Shotl, Mile*
Aug. 17.
Garver's Time* says new wheat is
selling at St. Joseph at OOcU per bushel.
-—The next senator from tbia district
will be elected for four years.
Weaver will not be a candidate for re
election to tho House.
The Peon's Reserve* will have
their annual re-union at Bellefonte, Sept.
ed to the Centre llall band pic-ric on Nit
tany mountain, Sat. August on t
there be mu*ic enough to waken up the
Mr. Snook's brick yard, at Mill
heim, has don# a fair business. Mr. S.-
himself, we understand, will put up two
brick houses.
Why don't Millheim or Aarons
burg, or both jointly, erect a good Tele
phone to Coburn station —it would cost so
litile and be of immense benefit, especially
if the branch railroad project is te be
left to sleep. A telephone between the
two points would not cost much oTer
Any one allowing the Canada this
tle to grow on his land is liable to a fine.
We notice patches in this county where
this injurious weed is allowed to grow
Mr. Win. Henny'a handsome brick
dwelling, at Millheim, is up. The brick
work was done by Zerby A Son, ef Centre
Hall, who know how to put up brick build
An Evaagelical camp meeting will
be held a short distance north of Millheim
commencing Augast 22. Strict regula
tions will be adopted against disturbers of
The editor of the Lewistown Gazette
has already pulled roasten-ears from his
garden. Pig. no wonder he's for Hoyt
Don't forget the basket pic nic to be
held on top of Nittany mountain, Satur
day next. It will continue day and night,
and at night the grounds will be illumin
ated. Come 1
First class Italian marble,— the only
place to get a fine tombstone at very low
price, is at Heisler s Bellefonte Marble
YV ork*.
Green's Compound Syrup of Tar,
Honey and Bloodroet, cures all affections
of iheAhreat and lungs—such as colds,
coughs, asthma, croup, whooping cough,
and earlier stages of consumption. Ask
for it at the drug-store—it is a standard
remedy, which should always be on hand
in the family.
Tbe best pleased man we saw for a
long time was a farmer from Buffalo Run,
who bad saved something like eight dol
lars, clean gain, by purchasing a suit of
clothes at Newman's, where you can buy
cheeper than in the city, Go, reader, end
do likewise. At the Eagle Clothing Hall
you can get just what yoy went—cheapest
of all.
Reliable weather predictions: There
will be no freeze sufficient to fill ice-houses
before Nov. 1; there will be no sleighing
before October. November will be cool,
and between the latter part and laat of
February you may expect some cold
weather and snow enough for sleighing.
From long years of observation we are en
abled to assure our readers that these
weather prognostications can
Get you sugar, coffee, tea, syrup,
canned and dried fruits at Secbler's, and
yjoa are sure of the best
/Jr Jacob Dingcs' brick store house
up. J. O. Deinioger is ready for thebrick
work on a new house on church street, al
so for a frame house en tame street.
We have closed our trout season
having hooked about 500-dropped a thou
sand, always plenty of bites from gnats,
serenaded by the muse-quitoea. Such it
A choice lot of stoneware, wholesale
to merchants, and retail to others, at very
low figures, at Sechler's. Bellefonte. Al
so, the chociest lot of queensware in the
Lock Haven Democrat, 25: Las', even
ing. about hatf-past six. the Bald Eagle
freight, on Railroad street between Grove
and Jay, ran over to two-year old children
twins, sons of Widow Ann Elisabeth
Wills, residing in the neighborhood, kill
ing one outright by cutting off its head,
and maiming the other by cutting off both
legs. The maimed child is reported living
this morning.
Delicious Ice Cream can be had at -
Kauth's bakery. Bellefcnto, at 35 cts per
quart. Pic-nics, families, etc., take no- (
tice. 4t "
The cheapest dusters, and nicest and c
best fitting shirts, at Newman's Clothing <
Hall, where you can get a whole suit, from <
hat down to boots for about half what oth- ,
ers will charge you.
The two banks of the Moshannon Coal j
Co., near Houtzdale, are averaging only
about two days a week, but the compeny
expect a revival of trade at an early i
Saturday was a good day for pic
nics. The Kef. Pic-nic and festival in this ,
place was well attended, and $lO3 were
taken in. There were three pic nics—one
from Boalsburg, one from Pleasant Gap,
and ono by the Lobr family, on the moun
tain above our town. Ref. school of Aa
ronsburg alao had a pic-nic which passed
off pleasantly. The Ev. schools of Brush
valley also held a pic-nic on Saturday.
The M. E. church ofSprucetown, also had
a festival same day.
A school will be opened in Centre Hall
on Monday July 20 inst., to continue ten
* Special Instruction in School, Economy.
"Methods of Instruction," and Manuel of
Methods to those preparing to teach.
Terms: Primary course $2,50 per term,
Higher "
Normal 00
i 8 Ju, j- , Keibk
{Communicated.) '
The Aaronsburg Reformed Sunday
School held their annual pic-nic in Sto
ver's woods, near Aaronsburg, on Satur
day Dst. The attendance was large, the
eatables in abundance. Ten minute
speeches, the terror of the young folks,
were among the things that were not ;
the ipeechifying feature having been done
away with. . . .
The Millhelm band, which needs but to
be named to be praised, wai on the grounds
nearly all day, and beside helping to do
away with the dainties prepared for the
stomach, carried home between six and
„n dollars—another demonstration of
Aaronsburg generosity.
All in all, the occasion was a pleasant
one, and as such will he remembered by
On lust Saturday damn*, a son ot
Dr.aicl Gentzel, of Gregg township, mot
wiih a terriblo dralh. The father and aon
were in the art of backing a largo four,
hm-so wagon, loaded with hay, Irons tho
thrashing floor, tho father guiding tho
wagon by tho tongue, and the son having
charge of the lock to chock tho speed,
when hi* feetslippod and hefoll, tho hind
whorl striking hi* face and then
agonally across his breast, crushing his
colar bono, breast, rib* and lung*. Tho
unfortunate hoy breathed but a abort time
and expired in hi* father'* arm*. 11 is ago
wa* 10me over 15 year*; tho funeral on
Sunday wa very large.
A largo barn belonging to J. A.
Williams, on tho Hal J Kaglo \ . UK., wa*
dotrojed by fire on last Friday, with T.VO
doa. of wheat and all this year"* crop.
There wa* no inturnnoe. Suppoted to
have been et on firs.
The eclipc on Monday wa* not vll
--ble here sit account of rainy wtatber. We
observe that in other parts of the country
the sky wa* entirely favorabls for obscrva
Act wisely and prove your economy
by buying your groceries where you ae
money and get full value for it, and a
good article, which is at Sechlsr'a, where
all is kept belonging to their line Meat*.
fTe*h and cured, beef and pork, fih, salt,
fruit* dried and canned, pickles, bean*,
confectioneries, cracker*, soap*, .syrups,
ijueensware, sugar, coftee, fresh fruit,
eheee, or anything else needed in the
familj—-always fresh and pure. Try Scch*
ler's grocery in the Bu-h boue block.
Rev. Fischer will return on Friday,
and preach at Centre llall, next Sabbath
at 10 a. m.
We had welcome rains Monday and
Gold is 100 L
From n Readier of the Reporter.
1. Rub powerfully on tho back, head
and neck, making horiaontal and down
ward movements. This draw* blood away
from the front brain, and vitalise* the in
vatuntary nerve*
While rubbing call for cold water
immediately, which apply to the face, and
to the hair on top and sides of the head.
8, Call for a bucket of water a* hot as
can be borne, and pour it by dipper full*
on the buck, head and neck for several
minute*. The effect will be wonderful for
vitalizing tho whole body, and the patient
will generally start up into full conscioua
life in a very short time.
At Silver Lake, a Mennonite settle
ment, for forty miles north from Yankton
I). T., a cloudburst occurred on Monday
last by which a large portion of the coun
try was submerged and seven persons
drowned. The west branch of the Ver
million river, ordinarily about two rod*
wide, was filled to a width of over a mile,
and a depth from ten to thirty feet. Much
destruction of property is reported.
Charles, a ten-year old son of Charles
I*. Limber, of Sheakleyyille, Crawford
county, was thrown from a horse on
Wednesday evening, and the boy's feet
becoming entangled in the harness, he was
dragged through the streets of Meadville
by the frightened horse until hi braina
were dashed out against the sidewalks and
Moses Ryder, leader of the South Caro
lina counterfeiters, is in jail atSpringfield.
(Cards must be authorised by seme re
sponsible person to insure insertion.)
AVe are authorized to announce that C.
S. M'Corroick, Esq of Lock Haven, w ill
be a candidate for President Judge, sub
ject to democratic rules.
We are authorized to announce that
D. G. Bnsh, of Bellefonte, will be a can
didate for Congress, subject to demo
cratic rules.
Sam'l Gilliland, of College.will be acan
didatc for Assembly, subject to democrat
Jno F. Krebs, of Ferguson, will be a
candidate for Assembly, subject to demo
cratic rules. ~ ... .
W. A. Murray, of Boalsburg, will be a
candidate for Assembly, subject to demo
cratio rules.
Wm. L. Musser, of Penn, will be a can
didate for Assembly, subject to domocrat
John Spangler. of Potter, will bo a can
didate for Sheriff, subject to democratic
rules. . ..., ~
W H. Noll, ol Spring, will be a candi
date for Sheriff, subject to democratic
rules. ' ~
John B. Leathers, of Howard twp., will
be a candidate for Sheriff, subject to dem
ocratic. rulee.
Jeremiah Trewler. of Harris twp., will
be a candidate for Sheriff, subject to dem
.ocratic rules.
George Uoffer, of Potter will be a can
didate for Sheriff, subject to democratic
J. S. M'Cormick. of Ferguson, will be a
candidato for Sheriff, subject to democrat
ic T. Munson, now of Bellefonte, will
be a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the
dec ision of the democratic county conven
'"jobn R. Beir. of Penn, will be a candi
date for Sheriff, subject to democratic
Michael J. Decker, of Potter, will be a
candidate for Commissioner, subject to
democratic rule*.
H. A. Mingle, of Haines, will bo a can
didate for Commissioner, subject to demo
cratic rules.
J. B. Heckman, of Gregg, will be a can
didate for Commissioner, subject to demo
cratic rules. ... ,
J. N. Hall, of Howard twp., will be a
candidate for Commissioner, subiect to
democratic rule*.
Jacob Dunkle, of Walker, will be a
candidate for Commissioner, subject to
democratic rules.
John Grove, of Potter, will be a candi
date for Commissioner, subject to demo,
cralic rule*.
J. 11. Habn, ef Milesburg, will be a
candidate for Commissioner, subject to
democratic rules-
A. J. Greist, of Unionville, will be a
candidate for Commissioner, subject to
democratic rules-
George Swab, of Harris, will be a can
didate for Commissioner, subject to dem
ocratic rulea.
John lfoy, jr., of Marion township, will
be a candidate for Commiasioner, subject
to democratic rules.
Adam Yearick. of Marion, will bo s
candidate for Treasurer, subject to demo
cratic rulea.
We are authorized to announce thai
Wm. Ebrhard, of Potter, will be a eandi
date for Treasurer, subject te democrats
rulea. _
We are authorized to announce tha'
John H. Barnhart of Spring township wil
be a candidate for County Treasurer, sub
ject to democratic rules.
B. F. Leathers, of Unionville, will bo i
candidate for Treasurer subject t<
democratic rules.
8. A. M'Quistian, of Bellefonte, will b<
a candidate for Treasurer, subject to dem
oc ratio rules.
P. W. McDowell, ofHoward boro.,will
be candidate for Treasurer, übject to
deniocrfttic rule*.
MR. KUBTZ: Pleaie announce that I
purpobe to be ft candidate for tbe office of
Prothonotary, and if *o fortunate a* to re
r ceive the favorable consideration of my
fellow democrats in their primary assem
blies. will pledge myself, if elected, to a
1 faithful and satisfactory discharge of the
duties of the office. 8. T. BHPG*RT.
J. C. Harper, now of Bellefonte, will baa
candidate for Prothonotary, subject to
democratic rules.
' Samuel J. Herring ofGregg wiM be a
candidate for Prothonotary, subject to
, democratic rules.
D. F. Sbafer, of Walker, will bo a can
' didato for Prothonotary, subject to demo
-5 cratic rules.
11. G. Brett, of Ferguson will be a can
' didato for the nomination of Prothonota
ry subject to democratic rules.
B Mr. S. M. Swartz, of Potter,, desires to |
inform his friends and democrats that be
o will be a candidate for the nomination of
. Prothonotary.
8 G. W. Rumberger, of Patton twp.. will
0 be a candidate for Prothonotary. subject
e to democratic rules.
, Wm. E. Burcbfield will baa candidate
for Register, ocr * t c
t Wm. A. Tobias will be a candidate for
. Recorder. subject to the usages of the
"J democratic party.
A Lecturer Announce l' iS InUnlioii
to Shoot Himself Alter the Deliv
ery of his Lecture n* * Part
ofthePcrlornmuce —He
Keeps hi# Promise.
Cntcaco, duly 25, 1878.
A ipoclal ditpalch to the 7ivir, from
Capron. til., ay* "A dramatic suicide
occurred here on Tuo-dav night, harlyin
May last George W. Burleigh, who wa*
aa old resident of Ohio, cam* I" thU town
ostensiblv to -tart a ton-orial oi ,bll*h
mout. Iturloigh xvaa a man of varfad ac
complishment* lie had a fine education,
ami wa* vtfttUl# la oonvsrmUon, whits
st Cspron he was often in d'-praased -pir
its. Sunday he published a card in
forming the* that, togrntity an eft
OXpre<nl curiosity on the part et hi
tow nunc n to witnei* tome such tragedy a*
the hanging of Sherry and Connolly, In
Chicago, he would on the evening of the!
28d in*t., Jotivcr a lecture in Thornton
Hall, and at it* conclusion gratify his
hearer* by hooting himelf thiough the
forehead. The price ot admi-sion would
be ft, and the amount realised should he
used in hi* (\mral expense*, and the re
mainder be inverted in the work* at Hux
lev. Tyndall and Darwin tor the town li
brary. His idea in ending hi* lit# wa* to
• ecure eternal peace by annihilation. At
the appointed time the hall wa* crowded,
and alter tha delivery of an intidel lecture
ef wonderful power, in a manner and toae
which marked him a* an adept, he sud
denly drew a Deringer, placed it to hi*
forshsad, and. despite attempt* to rrcvent
the ra*h deed, tired and fell into the arm*
ot two friend* who were on the wing* o!
the stage for the purpose of hindering the
execution of the design. The targe ised
bullet literally tore h>* brain to piece*
lie left a rr<pie*t that hi* body bstorward*
sd to Cincinnati friend*
From the Salt Lake Herald
We with the butcher*' markets, the a
eon*, and the barroom* were all turned
: nlo fruit stall* and dairy houses during
the month* of July, Augu*t and >eptem
ber. In these month* me*t should be pro
hibited, except to men who labor hard;
and we are not certain that even they
would not do better if they let animal fle.-h
alone, and ate plenty of trult, rice and
light biscuits, and drank only water and
milk. It i* a physical fact that those who
have to work in the sun must keep their
head* cool, or suffer in body and brain ; it
is also a fact that the cooliug of either the
head or body helps to cool the other.
Memphis, July '2B.—A special to the
Appeal from Corinth, Mississippi, to-night
says that intelligence lifts just boon receiv
cd there of the murder and robbery of ft
family named Sample, consisting of
twelve person*, in Tippah county, that
State, last night Suspicion rots strongly
on two citiscns of Alcorn county -nJ one
of Tippah county. No other names are
given than that of tt;e murdered family
and no further particulars.
A Fiend Kills Three Persons And
Then Commits Suicide.
Richmond, Y , July 25.—AN iison How
chins, who resides near Flewanr.a Court
House, this State, yesterday niutdered his
wile, iiiolber-in-law nnd one child, and
then killed himself, A son seven years
of age saw his father attack his mother
when he took the baby out of the cradle
and fled to a place of safety.
Peoria, 111., July 22,18.-A balloonist
namedS. D. Atchinsonfell a distance of
200 feet while making an, ascension at
Elrowood last evening, and was instantly
Tho six months' statement ef the earn
ings of the Pennsylvania Railroad has
been made up. As compared with June
last year, the showing is a decreaso in
gross earnings of stv>,'J7o; decrease in ex
pense*. sl36,N*>l; increase in net earnings,
$70,'.£5 The first six months of 1878, com
pared with corresponding period of 1877.
makes the following showing : Increase in
the gross earning* of $115,511 ; decrease in
expenses, $500,837 ; increase in net earn
ings, $616,478. The lines west of PitU
burg and Erie for tho first six months of
this year show a deficiency in meeting all
liabilities of fK8, 877, which is a gain over
the corresponding period of I*.. of $1 ID,-.
This indicates a net surplus of near
ly $5,000,000.
Philadelphia, July 28.—Keports from all
oyer the country show lint in the moat
important places where the eclipse was to*
tal the weather was favorable for observa
tion. At Little Rock. Arkansas. Port
Worth, Texas and Pike's Peak the
obserrations were entirely successful. At
Port Worth fire photographs were taken.
At these and other places in the southwest!
corona ctispis, moon limbs and all contact*
were duly noted. During total eclipse
artificial lights were necessary. A halo
ringed the moon, the surface of the latter
looking like bluish steel. The animals
such as dogs and cats seemad undisturbed
by the eclipso and remainedi during the
darkness lying in the shade where they
had been when the eclipso began and the
cattle continued to browse quietly in the
fields. In most of the places in tho east
where the eclipse was only partial, obser
vation w as hindered by the clouds.
Washington. July 'JO.—Crowds or Idle
people, mostly tramps, are gathered in
the vicinity of the various Government
werks, but no disturbance has taken place
to-day. The police are out in full force,
and the men at work are fully protected.
It is rumored about tho street* that a dis
turbance has been organized for one
o'clock to-day, but the police authorities
discredit the rumor.
A lady on tho northsidc wishing to test
the merits of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
thought it would never do to ask the drug
ist the usino "Bull." Why, dear me,
she couldn't *y Bull to save her life, and ,
called at last on a neighbor woman for|
suggestions on the matter- Dr. Cow's.,
Dr. Calf's, Dr. Buffalo's and Dr. Oxen's
Syrup were all mentioned. The latter!
suited. "Yes. that will do—Dr. Oxen—
tho very thing, the druggist will under
stand that." A walk of two squares found
he* at the counter of Dr. 11—'a store,
when the following dialogue occurred :
"I wish a bottle ol Dr. Oxen's Cough
"Dr. Oxen, Oxen, why, main, I don t
believe I keep that. You mean Cox's
Hive Syrup, don't you ?"
"Oh, no, I mean Dr. Oxen," and then
she seemed wrapped in solemn thought for
a moment, when a bright idea seemed to
beam forth. "Hasn't Dr. Oxen got a re
lation or—"
"Ob, yes, you mean Dr. Bull's Cough,
Syrup, yes, yes." The lady sat down a
moment and all was over.— lndianapolis
We dropped in a few day* since to
sea the enterprising firm of Bunnell & Al
liens. We confess astonishment nt seeing
such ft large and fino stock of instruments
of nil kinds. We saw three grade* of Pi
anos including one of Chickering'a best
make, also Water's Orchestrian Chime
Organ. This is beyond doubt in advance
of any thing wo have ever seen in thai
lino; a fine chime of bells nro tuned so
that they ring in, adding rare richness to
the music. They have all grades of Or
gans, including those so cheaply adver
tised, 0 stop organs at SOS cash, also
stops organs as low as §OS.
In violins their stock is also finer and
cheaper than wo havo met anywhere else,
ranging in prico from $1.50 to $25. They
keep Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Fifes, Ac.
They tell us that they will furnish Sow
ing Machines to parties paying cash and
taking them away, at $25 apiece. These
machines warranted new and complete.
Also SBCD pianos for $250. Alter viewing
their stock and getting tfcoir prices, wo
are convinced that parties wishing citbor
instruments or sowing machines could do
better with this firm than any where else in
the state.
New York, July 'J* The Tunc# le-day
a>'ui to the criminal record ft" ndi'ount <■ f
perhaps tho most audaciou# crlina ever
perpetrated in thi# country. It appear*
thattoino months since, a married ,ady of
Bsaton, of great refinement and beauty,
and occupying a prominent social posilloy
hr.d been visiting friend* in the Interior of
this State, and when leaving took draw
lug-room car on the New York Central
mad for Albany, where her husband
availed her.
Two villlans followed her into the ear,
probably attracted by the valuable Jewel
ry she wore, and when the conductor ap
pi cached the lady for her ticket they |n
iormed him they wri lu-r friends h
she wa* deranged, and th v untortui at> y
had been selected to convoy ber to the
Ulira asylum. In spite of her protesta
tion# and appeal* for protection, the scoun
drel# tucceded in convincing the conduc
tor and pas#engert of the truth of their
I story and towered tie ltuly from the oar*
al I'tica, she swooning as the train moved
away She was then lifted into a coai h,
chloroformed, taken to a house of ill-re-
I pute, outraged and robbed of her jewelry
i and clothing.
The husband learned ot his wife > insan
■ ,!y when tho train airived at Albany, and
! p-©curing a special el gine started for
i Ctioa without delay. Upon arriving, a
;tVw inquiries enabled bim to find the dis
reputable bouse where hi* wile had been
itaken, and there he found her lying upon
a bed almost (tripped of her clothing and
her mind oriou*ly injured by her tcrri
'ble experience. No names are given from
'consideration# of delicacy. Tho husband
inisdt? ovcry effort coiuUlaut with priuc)
to discover llie fiend* but was without
Mr. F. A. Matthews, United Slates
Consul at Tangier, report# to the Depart
ment ol State the prevalence of a terrible
famine in Southern Morocco. The sufler
ir gi* indescribable. It seem# to be an
extension of tho great famine in India.
Some rice and flour are being imported
from England and France. The import
duty of fitty cent# on each sack of flour,
the Consul thinks, hinders importation
from tho United States.
Mortality Among the Cattle.
The cattle are dying by thousand#.
Cow* are driven into the city and sold for
a dollar. Want of rain is the cause of the
distress and famine. Relief societies are
being formed in the citio* in Gibraltar anJ
other adjacent place#. The iew# are said
t.i be acting nobly In the crisis. The
British government subscribed SI,OOO to
tho relief fund raised in Gibraltar.
■ Scran ton, July 27—The employee of the
| Pennsylvania Coal Co.. who have recenN
ly been working tour days a week in the
mines, held a meeting at 1 ittston y ester*
, day and discussed their grievances in a:
calm and determined manner. The wages,
j received have not been sufficient to sus-'
, ta:n their families, and from the tonu of
r |the speeches it looks a if a strike wiil be
„ made. The men organised, elected otli
'cars, and will make a demand on the com
pany for en advance of wages at an early
' date. They say that If they could have
! lull time even at present pay they would
'ibe content, but they have been running
r in debt until merchants will no longer
trust them, and they are growing deeper*
St. Paul, Minn., July 24. A report was
received here last night that a farmer near
Fairtbault hot and intUntly killed two
tramp*, whom he caught in the act of set- (
ting flro to the harvesting machine in his
wheat field. He gave himself up. but was l
instantly released.
• •- • I
Tastes vary, and according to the Pari*
Journal de* Debat*. there are epicures who
have a passion for twollowing pin* and
needles. The majority of *uch persons
are insane. In a craxy woman, at the Sal
petrier Asylum. 1,500 needle* were found,
upon diection. A Dr. \ illart, in l'aris.j
report* having taken AD pin* and needle#
from a young woman of twenty-five, dur
ing the space of nine month*. They had
Wen swallowed two veat* before, and
made their aevoral exit* from the arm, the
side, the abdomen, and from the thigh
down to the knee. AU came from the
left tide, and the pin* made the must rap |
id progreas in traveling. The needle*
were oxidised. Whon taken they had;
reached the kin. and created pimples up
on it* surface. Doctor* Fabrice de HiUen
Gillette, and Lepaulmler in Paris. Otto in
Copenhagen. Bigger in Ireland, and ev
eral in England, havetimilar eaporienca*
,to relate. No inflammation occurred at
the point* from which the pin* and nec
;dle were taken.
When Ben Butler give* an order at thai
dinner table two waiters immediately run]
to execute hi* command*. Such i the
ca*e at the United Htslsi Hotel, Atlantic
City. Tbla i the advantage you gain from
being able te look two waiter* straight In
! the face at the ame time.
Washington, July 29.-No official Bd
fieoa have been received here to confirm
tbo report that Col. MacEenxiehas again
crossed into Mexico, this time with a large
force, in pursuit of Indian and Mexican
thieves. Officials at tho war efllce how
ever do not doubt tho report and expect to
hear from Gen. Ord on tho subject as soon
as MacKcntie returns.
Lord Ueaconsfie'.d (peek* of Mr. Glad
stone a* tho sophistical rhetorician, in
ebriated with the exuberanco of hie own
verbosity and egotistical imagination.
NOTICE.— Parties desiring to use tho
topofNittany mountain fr pleas
ure must in future first obtain content of
ibe undersigned, otherwise will he,
dealt with according to law course
has been deemed necessary ,u uruer to
prevent improper conduct upon sau|
grounds. J- Hknky KntLi.x.
has had a happy effeet in the prices of
call at
and judge for yourselves.
The largest stock of Merchandise
A roost roniitrknMo death from hy
r dro|hobin occurred yesterday near
f Lamar, iu Harton county, Mo. I lie
r|victim una nproroinont ritixen of
that locality named John llallanian.
f Twelve vcara-ago he wan bitten by a
. mad dog', and the wound boa led up.;
! n ver giving him any pain. l#a*t Kria
r iday ho wn* suddenly tukcii with con
vulsions of a terrible uuiurc. He
1 continued thus until! Monday, when l
1 ho died. The tit>t two days of hi#
convulsions ho wa* perfectly rational,
but on Sunday became crazy. His
death and Nufforiu# were terrible to
witness, it f liking four atout men to
hold him. lie lravea a wife and two
Anrou llitncr, of Rrolborsvalley
township, Somerset couuty, lost two
children and hi# wife, his entire family
from diphtheria last week.
1 Washington, July 19.—The attempt re-
ceiitlv made by various parti** to ahiplive
1. bee# a* third e'a#s mail matter has been
. met by an order from tho l'ostoftlrs l)e
--* partment to postmaster* and employees
to rcfus# to receive them.
j Now -York. July 27.—A special from
* I Springfield, Massachusetts, says the
' Grot-aback movement is gall ing strength
r In Western Massachusetts, and (ion. But
* ler is working for the Governorship.
Waterford, OnL, July 21.—Thi# morn
(jing, a farmer named Goorge .Smith, living
j ner Rockland, was murdered by hi# ion,
who also beat hi# sister, supposed fitally,
) and then bung hSunelf.
! George Smith, living near Rockland,
, | Norfolk county, whs murdered by lit* on
< who also beat Ins sister, it is supposed fa
tally, and then banged himself.
A general suspension of mining opera
tions in the Schuylkill regies, began en
July 2b, and will continue until the 6th of
Mexicans are retaliating for American
raids, by shooting recklessly into the bor
der town#.
At Bethany. Mo., on the3oth July, ItC*.
Mr. B. F. Mover, of the Broad-ax. (for
merly of the Worth county, Mo, Time*)
to Mi* Pet llillman, of the above piece.
Good for Frank—he i* a graduate 0 f t|j*
Reporter office, and left us with a good
character for induitry and rteady habits.
All the Reporter crew, from devil up to
Editor, lend their congratulation* to
Frank and hi* bride.
On 22, John A. Gu*twite and Mis* Lovi
na Dorman, both of lln riM.
j On 22 int, in liainc* twp., suddenly,
! Hannah, wife ot Thome* lloslertuan. agoi
near 00 year*.
On July 1, at Unlonvllle, Pa., of cholera 1
morbus, Mr*. Jane Underwood, wife of
Charles Underwood, in her TOth year.
At Howard. on the morning of the lotln
of July, Matilda, wife of Thoma* Sander*, |
aged 40 year*, 'J month > and 27 day*.
! On the 14th instant, in Marion towr.ihip
Mary Weaver, witeof James Weaver,
aeod 20 year*. 10 month* and 17 dav*.
Philadelphia, July 2v.- Wheat weak;
red, 1 (rj(4l Oft amber, I <"),- whilo
1 ue(l 10 Old com weak, r yellow. f
4 wr; 4' if J, 47c. Oat* firmer, l'enniy Ivania
and western white, 82(<i, Utc, wrstern mix
ed, 81f*32c. Rve Butter steadv
icreamary. 19< i 20cc. Kgg* firm; Pennsyl
vania 12 ' 1 c. Petroleum nominal, refn
ied, lo|c. WhUkey *teady we*tern, $1 07
Chicag-', July —Wheat No- 1, red ,
winter, '.sSlf t'dilc, No. - do., tt'-ic for cash,
Corn active firm and high, r:' *i i ;•.• ic for
ca*h. Oat* fairly active, 260 for old. Z
Philadelphia, July 29-—Cattle dull; tale* ,
21.100 head; good 6Jc; medium 4ic; com
mon 3Jc. _ •
Sheep fa.rly active; h.UHi head.,
good 4|c; medium commen
i r > per head.
Hog* -Market fair; tales he*J; ex
tra Chicago. 71c.fair lo go*i 7c.
Spring Mills Market.
Old.wheal W, new SO
Rye, Uk\
Corn, cars, per bu. new,
Oats, 25c. f
Buckwheat, 75c.
J Cloversced, $S00!to j-4 00
I Chop, per ton, s'Al)o.
Plaster, ground per ton, $10,(k
Flour, per bbl, $0 25
Butter. 10c.
Tallow. 7c.
Hams lie.
Shoulders 6c.
j Rags, 2c.
Kgg per doa., 10c.
( Tub washed wool Sic,
G UST 2S, near Zion. will bo sold the fol
lowing property; Four Horses. 5 fresh
Cows, 1 Bull, 1 H. ifcr, J Calves. 8 Hogs, 1
Sow with Pigs. 22-hortc Wag ns, 1 being
' new ; 2 Spring Wagons, 1 Grain Drill. 1
1 Hay rake, I Land-roller, 1 Fanning Mill,
t 1 Patent blrew Cutter. 2 Harrows 3 Shov
el Flaws, 2 Cultivators, A Iron Plows, 2
ett Hay ladders, 1 2-horse Sled, 1 Truck
Sled. 1 Log Sled, 2 gram Cradle*, 1 sett
f Black Smith Tools, all kinds of (sears, KW
Chestnut Kails, 150 Chestnut Posts, 8 new
1 Bedsteads, and other articles tao numer
' out lo mention. Sale to commence at 10
c o'clock. WM. B. 811AFKR.
I'he undersigned, administrator of the
estate ef Daniel W. Shell, late of Miles,
township, decoased, will sell at public sale,
by order of the Orphan's Court; on SAT
URDAY, AUGUST 17. IK7R, the follow
ing real estate, to wit; All that certain
tract or pieco of land situate in Miles twp.
Centre cwunly. about!! wo miles south east
jof Wolfs Store, bounded on tho east by j
land of Sarah Swint, on the uth by land
l*tc of Edward (iratr., on the west by land
of George Bine, and on the north by land
of Edward Haul?., ct al, Containing
and allowance, about thirty acjcsofwhich.
ft nnd tbcreon irct*d *IIOlSK, (
BARN, and olhur outbuilding*. with flow
ing water at the door, also a ano orcbaru
with choice Iruit.
Terms of sale: The one half of the ptir
'r chase money on confirmation of *ale and
[ the balance in one *ear thereafter, with
® interest, to be socured by bond and mort
, J
; Sale 'o commence at 1 o'clock, p. m-of
2.-0 ul i
Wo have ft very large anJ complete stock of Hardware, the largest that usurer boforo offered by any firm to the people of thi# county. and are telling at the v f Y '• w *
o#t possible rate# /il 1 -WT • i -B- ' i £** 1 i
Iron, Steel and IN ails, Locks, Llassand Patty,
Pure White Lead#ami Linseed Oil; Turjmntnos and VarnUhee, .11 which wo warrant to fit* sati#lact!in, Our PureL ad will cover a* much surface at n-y in the market
land catutot be excelled for whiteness. READY Ml X Kl> I'AI Nl nut up In any quantity to #uil people, from ono-pound cans to one gallon ems, all randy for u*o. These
paint. w.' warrant t.> bo niiie.l with pure lead and oil, and art- lrt*> from all adulteration.
MUCH A.ties TOOLS Wo nay special attention to thi# brant h, and Icoop a full lino of flaw*. Ohiwli, Hammer# and Bailey's Iron Planet; llor*c nil* ©fall kind#, Trace
Chains llittmo Ku FULL LINK OK BADDLKRY OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. COACIiI WOOD WORK • -Spokes. Felloe#, Patent Wheel# of tin- most improved pat*
onti lira. Potts' Improved Flat Iron#, chean, runvonienl und durable—polished and nickel-platod. Johnston's Prepared Kalsotulnc ; put up in . 6-pound packages 1
put on, and cheaper than paper. Wo hare all color#: ,
S T O V E S.
We have the only Reversible, Top-plate Cooking Stoves in the market. The Keyitonc, Hu*'|uehatina and Junialn, which wo warrant to he the be-' baker# and the hear*
i*t toyet in the market, we will tell at the'venr lowest price and rive written guarantee*. Alio all kind# of Range* and other itOTf*. COMKANDbJEK OUR KEYSTONE
Trial List— 4th Monday of August,
Sarah D Spencer v# .1 C Calhoun.
W L McDowell v# Si M Dubree
Edward kabella v M Marx. I
K L Wian vs
Jo# Kabella vs
Victor Kurtr. ys
Cbarle Kurlr v#
John Flagey vs
Alfred Haupt v#
James P Taaey vs
Frank Cro#th wails v# '
W S Hough v#
Fred Chri#tine vs
James Seibert vs
K Haleell vs "
A ItaumesJehn Kishel.
W 11 McCauslend v# Wm Vankirk, as
'Tl W Hooter et a! vs Christ Sharrer etj
# C D*rr vs Ja* Macinanus.
Jas 11 Duck ndmr vs D M Wagner
Grand Juror*.
Milwburg—G Gray.
Gregg—l J Grenoble.
Walker— J no Rodger*.
Bocg-F M'Ooy.B Snyder.
Bell e ton te 11 C \ alentine. 8 I Hume*.
Howard boro—N J Mitchell.
Snow shoe —S V Luce*. L U leather*.
Potter- S M SwarU. A Seller*, Lpr,
llaine*—J Yarger, N Stoyer.
Halfmoon—J Bronslitter.
Taylor—Wm Miller.
Patton —8 T Gray, A Seller*.
College- Geo Raker.
Liberty—J A kjulggle.
Spring—L N Bariihart, M kerstetter.
Traverse —3 Monday.
Heine*—Ja* Weaver, Jno Ziegler, H
KuifttiArt- • ... ... g* w* j
Hunon—A Krept. W W illmi&f, u \*
Woodrmg. 11 A iam*.
Hoggs —K Zimmerman, J L Nen, E j
1 Gregg—D Bartge*, M II Gui*e, J B
Mileiburg— O 11 M ojf. E I' ' * rr -
Banner—A Oarberick A \ \\ •£>■
blTring—J M Furey, Ja* Ron*, F Tate,
"ueHcfonla—J Biachtill, C Smith,
Jonath Miller. J Schcll.
Halfmoon—l Bet k.
College- J E Mitchell, J b loiter.
Walker—l Strtible.
Mile*—H H Miller, 11 Miller. Jac.
HRECI. . . u . . ,
*Sno*ihot —Wnj J C. lUnkin, J
T Uow'ikrd-M M Ctosky. J B Leather*,
JC Smith.
Howard boro—A Wctcr
Burnsida —G R Book.
Woilh—A O Richard*.
Per.n- Wm Smith.
Potter —John RUhel, G W lloal, I Ilof-J
L I'atton J W Wesson, J Chamber*. i
Uuionville—T EGrent.
Traverse —4 Monday.
j>, r. n —A O Dcininger, 8 Otto. Wm
Geary. , „ , j
Walker- -A Brumgart, Ja* Corner, L
Zimmerman. ..... ... ..
Tavlor D RCWM, 11 Cram, 1 Moore.
College— 11 Thompson, P 8 Dale.
Rush—Wm H<-*.
Potter John Wolt
I Philipsburg II St< ckbrldge, C Munion
L D Horn. K Hudson
Mi!eburg—o H Panon*. LI Eddy.
Liberty-J A Stover, II Thompson.
Spring— L C Kearick, 1 Daw*n.
Uniunville- Jno Alexauder.
1 Marion—ll \ earick.
Halfmoon A J Thompson, J C ruber.
Forguaor.— David lye.
Bogg— D B Mai one, PII Haupt, II L
Uarnhart, J S Barret U Noll.
Union—B Alexander
Bell, font*- Ed Ty*on.
Harri*—Cyru* Durst.
The next term ofthel'enn Hall Acade
mv will open Mor.dav July 2.'. Tuition
f-om S5 li * ' s*.oo. Bearding with roam
$2.50 to 43,75 per week D M WOLf.
le July dl. Principal.
1) EGISTKK'3: NOTICE. — The ft*l
\ lowing ace Junts have been exam
ined and pa**J bv ni<\ and remain filed
or record in tbi office for the inspection of
heir*, latatecs, creditor* and nil other* in
anv way inlcre*led. end will he presented
to the Orphan* Court of Centre county, on
Wediipsdty, the '.'lstday of August, A- I>.
lt7* ft-r confirmation end allowance :
1. The account of Henry Zeigler, admin
istrator o! Ac. of Michael Delaney late of
Marion township, deceased.
2. The final account of J. W. Kelley,
administrator of Ar. of illiam McCoy,
late of Taylor lowr hip. deceased.
3 Tho account of John i. Aimiuermin.
,'uardian of Marv K. Clark, minor child
iof Lewi* t Clark. lata oi Huntingdon
'rountv, deceased.
I The account of dohn r. /immerman,
guardian of W. H. Clara, minor child oi
Lewi* L. Clark, late of Huntingdon coun*
IT, JcccAiod.
5. The account of Dae id M. 1 lulls, ad
ministrator of Ac. of Jaroc* Armor, late ol
Spring township, deceased.
i u. The account of J. A. JaooU, admin
islraler of John Fox, Br., Jate ot llarni
township, deceased.
7 The account ol George Kustenborter,
guardian of Ann A. McMahoninow llran
l<len) Amanda M , Mar* 11 and Dora \
Mc Mutton, minor children ofOoorra Mc<
i Mahon, late of Nebraska, deceased.
M. The final account of Dr. J. M H air
administrator of Ac. of James Lucas. lnt<
jot Union townibib, d- woaloa. "
9 The final account of Jaoob C. \* alkcr
guardian of Klisa Lucas, minor child
Nelson Lucas, latcol Snow Shoe township
10. The account of William Kiddles
K-| , admini*trali>r of Ac. of John I arey, j
late of Ku*h township, deceased.
11. The account of P. W. Barnhart,
guardian of Mgry C Leathers and Harriet
J Aikey. minors of Harriot Leathers, late
of Howard township, deceased.
12. The sixth and final account of Josi- ,
ah Neff, executor of Ac. of John Neff, late
of Potter township, deceased.
13. The first partial account of B. F.
Phillips and S. J- Herring, oxecutoea of
Ac. ol Christopher Moycr, lata of 1 enn
township, deceased.
14. The account of J. A. Ilaxel, admin
istrator of Ac of Michael Uaael, late of
Miles tewwship, deceased.
16. The account of Samuel lUiley and
John U. Bailey, ftilmii|iatrators of e ol
.lohu liailcy, late of Ferguson township,
dec eased.
11). The final account of Michael liar
per, guardian of Sarah Lavina Hosterman.
formerly Vonada, minor of John Hoster
man, laio of Haines township, deceased.
17. The guardianship account of A. W.
Cheosman. guardian of John A. Poorman,
minor child of Joseph Poorman, laic of
Hogg* township, deceased.
lit. The 'id partial account of Joseph Hol
ler and Elisabeth Holler, executors ot Ac
of Juhn Holler, lato ol Henner township,
19. Tbo final account of Frederick
Kurtx, administrator of etc of David Ack
er, late of Haines township, deceased.
DO. Thti acoount of E. C. Henderson,
administrator of Ac of John Henderson,
lato of Huston township, deceased.
■JI. Tho final account of 1). Z. Kline, ad
ministrator of Ac of J. L. Gien, lato of
Ijlfi borough of Bulleionto. deceased.
22. The account of J, \V. Gopbarl, ad
ministrator ol Ac of Juan Gomea, lato ol
tho U- H. Army, doceasod.
'J3. Tho partial acraunt of Jamos Dun-
Up, executor of Ac of Mary Long, late ol
Ferguson township, deceased.
24 First and final account of George P.
Hall, administrator of Ac of Aaron llall,
late of Union township, deceased.
25. The account of Samuel Royer, ex
ecutor of Ac of Catherine Peter, lato of
Potter township, dcceasod.
Dfi. Tho first partial account of Aaron
Lukonbach, Simon P. Ruble and J. C.
Ruble, executors of Ac of Peter Ruble,
late of Potter township, deceased.
27. The account of David E. Sparr and
Daniel Hess, executors of Ac of Jacob
Sparr, late of Harris township, deceased.
jul2s 4t Register.
, Furniture Rooms!
II manufacture all kiuJt of Furniture for
Chamber#, Dining Rooms, Libraries and
| II alia
I If you want Furniture of any kind, don't
I buy until you tee my stock.
In all it# branchet. I keep in stock all
I the latent and most improved Collin*
and Caskets, and have every facil
ity tor properly conducting
this branch of my buaine##.
I have a patent Corpse
Preserver, in which
bodies can be
| preserved for aconiidcrable length oflime.
jullStf W.R.CAMP.
Auctioneer s card. - Philip
Teals, who ha* had large experi
ence a* an auctioneer, offers bis service# to
the people ot Centre county. He speak#
both Gormsn and English, and possesse,
the invaluable gift in an auctioneer of a
loud, clear voice, and ran be distinctly
beard a long distance. Those having work
of thi# kind to do, will do well l" give him
|a call. Charges moderate. Call on or
aJdrrwt l.iin at Belief >nle. Pa. 17 at-
Cnlilnel Maker A FiHlortnkcr.
inform* the public that he keep* on hand
all kind* <>t furniture, City and Home
made, cane and wood seat chair*,
etc. Undertaking in all It*
branches promptly attend
ed to. Coffin* and
CaAeU of all style- furniabed ; and ac
commodation* with hearse.
4 apr. om.
Visiting Cards,
SO Mixed Card A) cu- 12 Beautiful Flor
al card* only 'Alct*.
WM _K UKTZ, Centre Hall. Pa.
mnvn- rrui ur
Baddl**. Barne**, Bridle*, Cellar*. Whip*.
Flynat*. and also keep* on hand Cotton
Net*, etc Price* low as any whore else.
All kind* of repairing done. The best
stock alp-ay* kept on hand. All wrork war
ranted. A share of the public patronage
ii* kindly solicited. 11 apr, 14 y
ii&Dl <& 3)jt Mlifcar,
Would mvit respectfully inform the cil
*en of thia vlcinity, that he ha* started a
new Boot and Shoe Shoo, and would be
thankful for a share of the public natron
age. Boot* and Shoe* made to order and
according to tyle, and warrant* his work
to equal any made el*ewhre. All kind*
of repairing done, and charge* reaaonablt
Give him a call. fablSly
JOHN F. POTTER, Attorney-*!-
ft n ColUcUns, pranpu* mA* ad ■
sli*aUD 1SB U> brta Unas m pmperts <•
uU will dr mp snJ bttv asknoeUU*** Pd
KiiUainJi (Ilf.' m lb* dUn4. north td* f
| lb DMII SWIM. UIMOBI* ***** ;
Harness, Saddles. &c.
Tbs anaentgned. SOsrabwd lo net IM papnlsr
a.ntnmi lorlnnn, pnnn. mictfoll, calls Us sllnr
Iwa ot Ut public l* Slttlcci d
1 new of, red si lb old Mud. Pwlssal e* par 111* far
! Us* paspU sad lbs uwe*. ud am '*rUd
,nd antapM* wwriaul ® daddfaa , B*raua -llr
' llrtdl**. •*•*•** d**vrtp*s*a *d v**lll*. W bli-r. *e
la |MI mriuun* lo canpUta s bra* cUa MUUbb
■teal, b* w>* <>•* a I prime aMr b will suit IS• 11 me.
j Jluua UlSlihH Cenlcn Mall.
Qral rfeaar* to mk* <aoa* It
f II II lira, cut (•< gold wnupi
I a I II .1 I areenl-arkt W* towd • prmon In
\ i yj Li
1 fUfeU; pabliUo la th# wwld Any *>•
cam lucews * MMiwihil Ml. Tb maM
1 vnrii of *n fltsa fro# to ambscrlbm. The pcico Übb
I lorn Utgl tlmovt oYr*t**4f MtwrritMA INio o#oot rm
; parti mUlnf otr |U k t wooA A U4j
{•urißUilßi om Ab *ttlicrttwrtß ton Uja All wpo
eitfu't tool Yot <• tWttMo *ll pwr
I I Am# u> Uo tuibok. or ooly yoor f>xt+ tttMr Tom
essfl b<K be || tnw ever lfßt tm ra •
trm tree Ktsf tsl A4 ttpsMlrs OatSl fret If
: w*t t*n*nubi • "k mmwi mm ytMir *44r% *; ■
cmwtoooihlolo try %hm him™* Mi ?>> f
First-class accommodation for guests
Ue*l stabling for horse*. Stages arrive
and depart every day for all points.
C. T Alxx **!>**. G. M. Howxx
tv*i to ( i-lUtioM. o4 wtcUet.
Igf b*c(eultl in tspraan ajxd I txsUth (H&<* la
i (isnuin • Building. 'I tl.
JA UOL1) IKltli:iti:i Cnrd*
for 211 <*t. SO lllark llrtrtnl
name In gold, 15 clm,
Wm. Kuar*. Centre Haß. Pa.
ffr f m n
Offers his immense Stopk of Woods, we®'
assorted ir, ovary hue, such -
•I such|Figures that it ii a thimn for any I
> ono to go away from home to Hoy, <
when Goods are offered at home
at price* that will astonish tho '■
people in tbi* section of
the rnuntrr. |
1 Hotel, has been en
lnrged and splendidly fit
ted up, so that every o'no who
goes in to examino tho stock of <
• Goods, is sure not to leave without ,
buying. You will nlso find a vory large <
and well selected
*-CLOTBING ATllllMß-fft
*#~INO ASVAY.-*^
I Letters of administration cum testanien
to annexe on the estato of John Risbel,
~ late of Gregg twp., Centre county, da-,
coascd, having been granted to tho under-•
t ' signed all persons knowing themselves in- I
' dented to said estate are requested to make
j immediate payment aud those having]
D claims against the same to present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
11 Jul Ct Administrators
11l Floral < Ntylfft. Or.
Wm. Kurtz, Centre Hal! Pa.
-TH K -
Ha# been recently thoroughly renoyaurd
and repaired, and under the management
of the New Proprietor, Mr. F. D. Mc
COLLI'M, formerly of Pittsburg, is first
rlst# in all It# appointment#.
Are oftered to those in attendance at court
and other# remaining in town for a few
day* at a time.
The largest anJ most superbly Designed
Hotel in Central Pennsylvania.
AH modern convenience#. Go try the
Bush house.
lbap F. D. McCOLLUM, Proprietor. !
Buy the
"Laurel Wreath" j
Theie stoves have TWO ROWS of
lights, shaking and dumping grate, ar-,
ranged to clean out the clinkers. No!
danger from gas, no parts to burn!
out, so as to let gas iuto the tippet j
room. We make THREE SIZES of
Single and TWO SIZES of Double
Heaters of these ju tly popular
Cooking Stoves, j
Double Oven llangc; or the
Single Oven Range,
They are the best in the marled, have
SIX iiOILER HOLhX, shaking and
dumping grate, A PPL 1 THE HEA T
ONCE The oven is larqe and equare.
the doors tin-lined. the PLATEb
ARE HEA VY, unlike Vie lightplate*
of city stores—COMPARE THEM.
\fe make a No. 8 and No. 9 of both
these ranges.
All these stoves are WARRANT
ED, and jou can get repairs from
the Manufactory in one day.
For Sale bv
J. A.REESMAN, Centre Hall.
J. B. FISHER, Tcnn Ilall.
G. R. BPIGELMYER, Woodward,
Manufactured by the
M Tf Co.
We also manufacture the Celebra
iCORN SHELLER, Plows, Land
j ßollers, etc. 2900 v
To oil nilmti from chronic dIMWN of alt ktaii
( •nfijmtul coaaaHatl.'a Inrltod prraoaatly or > j
mall Nro mrtbud of traalmaat, Nea aaU ratiaMr
rrmodlaa Hnok ud rlrraWm arai hw ta oralad r
i.wa A44roaa HOWAIUt 4MK'UTIU!. <U
| North Ml M . rfcllaUrlpkia. •*•.. an losUlata Uartcc
j blah rrpuuu m fai hoaorabla ceadad and prafaa
| ncaal suit, U Inly ln>.
|War! War! War!
Sewing Machines!
NEW lSloiIrlor Organ*.
Prifft.liO. ForfcUO fßwh.
9 Slop Organs, Now, lor S7U.W —Price 1
Sewing Machines Guaranteed New.
and as Represented, for $25 00.
to the Now Muiic .Y SowingMnchine store
Allegheny Street,
25j uly Bellefonte, I'*.
tU brrtu, U HOD. Charlea A Mayer, President ol
the court of Common Plcaa, In tbe Slth Judicial Dla
trlcl conslaUng of the ountlc* of Centre, l llnton and
1 IcartirM, and the Honorable Sam 1 ! Frank, and the
Honorable John Dlven*. Aaeoclalad Juu In Centre
county, baring laaued their precept, bearing date tbe
tat day ol duly A. D., 14T9. to me directed tor holding
a court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail l>ellv
ery and Quarter Seaaloua of the Peacetn liellefonlc for
the coanty of Centra, and to commence on tbe 3rd
Monday of Aug. lieing the lftth day of Auguat 147K,
awl to continue two woeka.
Notice I" therefore hereby given to the Coroner. Jna
iler* of tbe Peaoe. AKlannan and Conatahlra of the
Maid county of I'entre, that they be then and there iu
their proper person*, at lu o'clock In the forenoon of
aald day. with their records, Inqulalttoaa, exauilna
tlona, and their own remembrances, to do these thing*|
which to their odie* appertain* to be done, and those
who are bound la reuognlaance* to prutevute again*!
tbeprlaonera that are or *hall be In the Jail of Centra
county. lie then aad then to prosocolft against thorn
a* ahall be just.
Ulreu under my hand, at Bellefonte, the Ist day of
July In the >ear of our Lord, 1979, and in the Wi
year of ladependence o the United Stale*.
/[k /I A""il In your own town. $3 Octfit free
\L 4 \ I"v No risk Header, if you want ft fttiaine** at
* II |whlch t>eraona of either *cx can make groat
I vi/ \J \J |vay all the time they work, wrlle for par
ticular* to H. Hinrrr A Co. Portland, Me
| 39 mar, y
J L - SPANGUER7 Attorney at Law
• Consultations in Engliah and Ger
man. Office in furst'3 new building.
Lcti'-n of administration on the estate of
Kotanna Little, Ute of Potter township,
doe'd. having been granted to the under
•igeea, all persons knowing themselves
u> tc indebted to faid d< cedent art rs
quested to mike immediate payment, and
persons having claim* against the estate
will preterit tlit-m authenticated tor settle*
nsent Wsl. J. THOMPSON,
"10 jun fit Admr.
Letter* of Admiai ttralion Do bonis noa
euro le*Umenlo an no*©, on the eatata of
Peter Durt late of Pottertwp., Centra co,
Pen ntylt an ia deo'd. have been granted to
Catherine Durst and James C Real resid
ing in said tonnrbipto whom all persons
indebted to raid otate are requested to
make payment and those Laving claims
or demand* will make known tbe same
without delay to
J. C. BOAL, acting administrator
11 July tit.
of admieLlrat'on on tbe estate of
Evan Evani, late of Potter twp, dee'd,
having been granted to tbe undersigned
all persons knowing themselves to he in
debted to said decedent are requested te
make immediate payment, and persona
having claim* against the estate will pre
sent them authenticated for settlement.
may <k _ Ada" r
Jan. Harris<!f Co.
P A I N T S,
J AS. HA Kills A CO.
_ jiciieffrnte.
PrTr.eßnirn.aa. DR.
To am't duplicate—... —— $ 908 98
To order on John Etacrick........... 257 St
1167 SI
By am't received from
,f " work. 988t
" work done or astcmed by
Sb idler 19 *
" exonerations 471
" service*. . 100 00
" paid water pieces 1000
1167 SI
JOHS Sveivtr, DR.
To order Henry McCloakey— TO 00
" duplicate 916 48
" balance . 106 76 *
By am't work 986 ST
" exoneration*.. ...... 107
" error in valuation* S#
" tervicei 10000
Kobekt Laa. DR.
To acct*. Risbel X Thompson —~. 8 IB
"orderonH. Shaddoe- 2200
" am't duplicate. 773 55
• " received trom Sathe Triciter... 14600
" bal. due Overseer .... 370 84
ISI9 64
By order on self 122 50
" B. Jacobs.. 11 ®
" receipts sf*9 68
" exoneration 812
" bills.. 42 94
provisions (or John Fyc-~~~. 625
" percentage 45
**lary46 00
" Attorney fee* tor two years— 3® J#
" error on W. (iob<on It* 1 S3
am't paid John Karner..™— SW
" exponrw P. Hack man —4S 00
" Med. attend. Sallie Tricater— 46 60
" " " township SSOO
W*. Emaint, DR.
To am't duplicate ....- ..... 614 58
Br order of John II Keller.6 2$
" bill* petti, including (alary—.. 006 2$
'' omneralioa —. 24
'* balance 68
To em'l in Treasury
Br ain't paid Aud., 4SO
Balance in Tree* 183
6 83
Jko. F. Ai.axascEß, Lwvi Mir*AT,
Town Clerk. Wm. F. Jokuow,
U. L. Goouhab* ,
1-1 jun Auditor*
0 .vKiiKR AMI HAiuDnsMX— in the buw
'.lent of tbe *>ank building. All work doa*
in fashionable stylo. 1 july tf.
RECEIYK DEPOSITS, and allowlntar:
est; Discount Notes; Buy and
Sell Government Securiuat,
Gold and Coupoai.
Wm. Woli-, "WM. B. Miwol*,
rrei'L Caakiaa
I Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Division.
On and after SUNDAY. Jn 3 lt3, U>e trnlM ••
■lt* Philadelphia X Kit* Dli talon will ran ft
ERIE MAIL Intti WUlftdeliiMft* IS ft m
llaiTtaburg 4 14 am
" Motitftmloa (Una
" YVUllamsport IMlft
" l-oc* Haven IMlft
" " Renota UMft a
" *rr at E-rte * M p m
NIAGARA 1 -V leave* Phils. TMa
" Harrtaburg IIM ft a
M .u'j „on I is ft a
** itruWUlunugut 3 44 ft m
" " Loc'. Baron 3*ft a
" " Honors 441 ft m
EAST LINK loitmPhilft.._!phiA Mft ft a
" Htmsborg (It ft a
" " Montundon (II ft a
** an at WiJllaniaport T II ft a
LockHvVn IMa
PACIFIC KX. Inrn Lock Haven • ftftft
" J c fifty Shore 114 ft a
Wilttamcpurt IHia
" " Men tendon 9 QC ft a
" arret H*rriburw 11 SI ft a
Philadelphia 3 41 ft a
DAY EX. levrea Renova 19 * ft a
Lock Haven UMfta
•• " Wtlllanisport 13 44 ft a
" j 1 43 ft a
- Viiz
; niKMAtt^- aVnt
I • •• Willi ampof4 1104 ft a
•• " Muulardon 13 lift a
1 " att ftt Hamnbnrg 3 41ft a
> " - Philadelphia 3 a*a
1 FAST LINK leaves 'Wiliiaiiiaport 19 Uft a
> " arret Hariri*! .eg IHfta
> " nrr at Philadelphia 3a* a
, Krift Mftlt Wert Niagara lift. West, be. 1' soft Aft
! cominodation Wert and I'av Espre** Earn -nhi <IM9
1 oonnectkmaatNortiiuiuberland with LAi KB trftta
for Wilkraharre *nd Scranton.
Krl* Mail Wert, Niagara Ks. Weil u. Krift Kft.
IVeat Bad Lock Haven Accommodation - rat atahft
closeconnecUunatWUliamspcrtw tli j(C lit trftlftD
Erin Mall Wat. NlasaraEipreu Weil, and Da lj
r Kat tnako close cunnecLou at Lock liana with m w
t VRR traln.
t Erie M UII Kant and West connect at Erie with tnla
- on 1.8 AM S RK. at Uorry with OC A A VB&a
i Etuforhim with BN YA P BR, and at Drift imdftHD
Parlor cartwUl run between Philadelphia aad WM
lUmftport on Niagar* La. Wert. Etlft V.x Wert. 91#
I SxpreuKaai.and Dy Kg. Kaet aad BftSß
Ki. Kart. Bleeping care on all nla lit tralna.
WM. A, BALDWIN, General bopertntilidrtM*