* •"' - - - ■— ;. - ■" i r;5 UtSt T9 Eeporter, t - :3 SORT* EDITOR. ( r.vrnK HATA., P*.. T*°* I<7> ro* oovkrVor : WSDTIEW H. L>ILIJ. of Union Co. TOKSrrKKMK JfPOK llfcN KY V. ROSS, of Montgomery l o. TOR U*rT*VAST OOVKRVOa t JOU N FKKTIO, of Crawford t . • *\>R SgntTT A*Y OT INTIRHAt. ATVA I HO JSIaU-OX AFRICA, Of Huntingdon. Charley Wolf has carried Union coun ty in the nomination for Assembly ; he ran as the anti-Cameron candidate against Alf. Hayes late member. Charley obtained a large majority over Hayes, which indicates that Cameronism Joe* not flourish well 'in republican 1 mom Wolf declared he would not vote for Cameron*for U. S. Senator even if he were the caucas nominee of his party. Upon this issue he carried the county against Alf. Hayes. * The bellefonte Herald hiuts about dishonesty in the county printing, and asks for an investigation. An invea.i gation of that kind baa no terror, for the Reporter, and we wouldn't be afraid, like Stanley Matthews, to go P° n u,e stand. Some of the Indian tribes arc threat ening to get on the war path, and w need watching. If there watch upon white traders and govern ment agents, the red men would not get troublesome —inmost ofcssnt^ 1 provoke indian wars. The Ohio repnbs held their sUte i-on vention last week. Judge NVilliam Wblie received the nomiuation for Judge of the Supreme Court, and Milton barues for Secretary of State, ami George Paul for Commis sioner of Uie Doarxl of Public M orks. The platfixrui referred to the financial question and opposed the furUier agita- Uon of the question at this time as inju rious to busiuess and devoid of other than evil result. in reference to President Hayes the platform says —"We recognise in his administration the highest integrity and patriotism, the moat sincere effort to promote political purity and hanaony, and secure general boaioe® prosperity throughout the whole country. On the resolution endorsing Hayes there were some bitter in op position, denouncing the president for going back on the southern republicans. This is the tirst republican state con vention that has given Hayes an en dorsement. Governor Hartranft signed a bill for the reorganization of the} State militia. Under the new law there w ill bt but one major general and four brigadier generals to command the 9,00 l) mem bers of the National Guard. Many other chances are made in the new law to im prove the military arm of the State. Here is one delinquent tax collector come to grief. I.et Jolliers take warn- Wm. T. Rickey of Sunbury has been sentenced to jai! sixteen months for ap propriating to his own use taxes collect ed by him in said borough. The country new has three used up biausmen—all three gentlemen who traveled in the garb of respectability and as christian statesmen as well as leaders among the faithful in the repub lican fold. First comes Schuyler Colfax of c redit mobilier fame who went up like a rocket, until investigation caused him to drop from his lofty position, and now he is scarce mentioned beyond the sequestered shades of South Bond. Schuyler shuffled, dodged, lied—until Ames produced that fatal memorandum, and then the political days of Colfax were numbered. Recently we hate two more republican paints who are about on their way to see bcbuyler Colfax. These are John Sher man and Stanley Matthews, both distin guished sons of the Buckeye state. When the Potter committee was resolv ed upon, Sherman boldly defied the committee and demanded to be brought upon the stand to testify to his innocen cy in the Ixmisiana presidential fraud. John went upon the stand but when asked about those fatal letters h:s knees trembled and he hesitated, said he didn't know, didn't believe he wrote them, and —he dropped. Then comes Matthews — no, he don't come at all; he is afraid to face the committee, but there are hi> let ters, and there is the testimony of An derson corroborated by ex-congressman Darrcll—and now Stanley has dropped. Credit Mobilier killed Colfax—mak ing Hayes president by fraud has killed Bherman and Matthews, and before the thing ends there will be some moredead carcases in the game bag of the Potter committee. Ben Butler even thinks to get Ilayes in too. Remember, that all the evidence thus far, that brought down these big birds, comes from republicans. A serious labor riotbroke out in Que bec last week. There was fighting in the streets, flour mills and stores were broken into, the mayor's house sacked, the military and police stoned and wonnded. The mob was fired into and one of the ringleaders killed. strik ers ntimbered some 3000. The mob was put down. "Please appoint this gentleman to a consulship in a warm climate," was Hayes endorsement on Anderson'sap plication for a consulship. We are in clined to think a very "very warm clim ate" is in store for the gang of fellows who stole the presidency for Hayes. And now Glover's committee has as certained the fact that the bills of the visiting Sherman, Matthews, et ah, Louisiana to steal the state from Tilden had their bills paid out of the puolic funds, the amount is something over SSOOO. There is no more warrant for this than there is to have a private apple butter biling in Penns valley carried on at the public expense But what will such rascals not stoop to? A large crowd of people is expected to be present at the Valley Forge Centen nial, on the 19th of June. Among the distinguished guests expected to be press ent are the Governors of the 13 original states. Excursion tickets will be issued on the Philadelphia & KeadingKailroad to Valley Forge from all the stations on the line. If Hayes really didn't know before that be was President by fraud (and we think he knew it) he should know it now and resign at once. Ex-Congressman Darrall, of Louisia na, testified before the.Potter committee corroborating the testimony of Ander son regarding the Matthew's letters. f Stanley Matthew's fall is just99i final— how can he survive ? Quebec is quiet again. I I In Union county the whole Cameron ' power vn brought to 1 ear against Mr. Wolfe, Paul Geddes, a clerk in the > f fioo of the v-rotnry if the Sertito at Washington, Sam bur. Senator Came ron's private secretary , and Captain James H. Orwtg. .. istant lib-.. lian r.t Iliarrisbnrg. having be a i>eut on to help plan and carry on the enmpaigv. yet . Chui 1> Wolf boot Vlf Hapea S U 1. . i Wolf hoi, lUtiycs lf> bud IMO. j This allows that ate.'i • epilbt. an vote j was out at the primary election. Ihe Union comity rcnuLlioans n itniiiatv on the Crawford county s\ stem. Congress adjourned Tuesday. Congress has decided not to reduce the tobacco tax. Carry the news to chawers and smokers. The House on Friday adopted two sets of resolutions declaring Have- Ut.e to the Presidency uino--affable in c di gress and the Courts The tir.-: present ed bv Mr. bnrcharxl, Republican, ot lo>- nois. was adopted by a vote ot -I 1 ay s to-t navs. then came the report ot the Judiciary Committee with the ac eonipanving resolutions, which went through bv a vote of :M aves to 14 nays Vs Mr. Co* drylv obserxed as this is the third time Congress has indorsed I lac e s title, it is to l>e hoped it will stick. 11 * needs more bolstering than any Aim n can President ever received, tor the na tural impulse of most peop.e is to toffoxx the exposures of fraud to their logna results . but it is bette- a- it is lie car ries into historv Charles t'ranci- \dnms indelib'e brand as the Fraud nr-t sue cess full m American history. HA YKS rKOVll>Kl> KOK I'll KM. Hayes took cure of the fellow* in Florida, according to contract, who die the work for htm. Judge M'T in n hi testimony. the other day saidt. a*, in >ti, prominent uiters in the 1 lotida t-.c,.. of Ih® following had been provid ed for. as stoU'd Gov. Stearns was up pointed on the Hot Springs c omiuiaaioi J. W.Howell, who got up the t'nygen return in baker county, is now Col lee uirpf Custom* at Fernandina. Florida Joseph Flection Inspector charged with manip a! * ,in S l ' lo ' in Leon county, is in fho Jreasury a Washington; War. 11. Nance. CT.es a Archer precinct ho. ha- a Federa ' position at W oahingtouy K. H. black. In | -{ev:or at the same precinct, has a Feb I , clerkship in Philadelphia : bell.ln j spector in Jefferson county, had Kirn ' t-da Federal appointment, but was sine* removed; George H. Icon, 1r..-f>octor in county, is clerk in the 1 reaeury at Washington; Beunia i f Alachua county, had recently a position ia the treasury . Moses J. Taylor. one of the Returning Board in Jefferson county, is in the l and Office at Washington. THE KADICAL I'd RTF. It was a grapLu touch with which Senator Pill outlined the party in JA>W er, when he spoke the following in his speech of acceptance of the I Vmocr.it ic nomination for Governor: "tor nearly twenty years it has had, with temporary exceptions, complete eoi.trolof th* dMtinienof the nation, and has swayed to its own uses st.s 1 xe entire, Judicial and Leg—cat: vo Depart oieuts, and what has it done ith full power to increase the tariff it has lowered it. It found this country with weatdi generally diffused, with few millionaires and no squat.d poverty. What do we now set as the result of its policy? At oue cud of societv the Nabob, at the other the tramp. If the mission of the Republican party is not yet ended,it ought to end. A,V A 1.1 EG ED DlsC O ERI Washington, Juue IS.—Glover's com mittee has come upon what It declares to LM a furePtVTreusury balance of $lO,- 000,000, brought about by an alleged fatso entry on June IJ, IM-O. Met 'tilloch was then Secretary and Spinner Treasu rer. Glover says the show that no such deposit was ever made and that the certificate was forged. Connected with what is claimed to have been a false entry and a forgery, was a secret issue of $19,000,000 compound interest notes taken out of the revenue and • t accounted for anywhere. The public debt statement for that month did not account for the sum as having been drawn from the revenue. The books were kept apparently straight by count ing the orders on w hich money was issu ed as so much cash. The theory of the committee is, that this was to cover up an old defalcation. The committee bo lie ves it has struck a rich lead and in tends to follow it up. THE GERM AS SOCIALISTS. Berlin, June IJ.—The Government, with a view to the r ; region i f the Social-Democracy, munch b> enforce . more rigid application of t.ie passport regulations, and a similarly strict en forcement of the laws relative to the press and the right of public meeting will also be enjoined upon all the au thorities in the country. A woman and two men were to-day sentenced to im prisonment for treasonable utterances against the Kuiperor, the woman to four years, one of the men to two years, and the other to eighteen month*. The New York Times is at the head of Republican journalism in the United States, aiqd so far as Democrats are con cerned is as bitter and uncharitable as it can well be, but it sees what the Dis patch. Gar-ette and Chronicle are oblivi ous to, that the championship of the Louisiana frauds and the scoucdrrls ex posed by the Potter Committee, will be a staggering blow to the Republican party. Speaking of Anderson's testi mony about Sherman, the Times, edito rially, says: The document he supplies cannot 1 e disproved or explained away by show - ing from his oa-n mouth that he is a liar, actuated from first to last by base mo tives. Mr. Sherman's authorship of the letter attributed to him is not disproved by the revelation of Anderson's gudt. Mr, Sherman's equivocation, with the document in his hand,contrasts so pain fully with his positive declaration to newspaper correspondents and his chal lenge to the committee, that he must now establish the falsity of the paper or submit to the unfavorable interpretation which the circumstances suggest. And of .Stanley Matthews' part the Times says: The more clearly Anderson is proves to be a scoundrel, the more the Ohio Senator u damaged by the confidential relations thai am exemplified in his let ters. The Nash agreement, in famous on its face, was in Mr. Matthews' posses sion. Other things growing out of in tercourse with Anderson must have familiarized him with that man's true character. Yet Mr. Matthews introduc ed him to Gen. liarian as worthy of con fidence, recognized his claim to a sub stantial reward, and exerted himself strenuously, again and again, during a period extending over months, to satis fy Anderson's demand. The offer of trie Funchal Consulate was the product of Mr. Matthews' InlKlfp with the President or Mr. Kvarte, or with both. We are not required to believe one son tence that Anderson has uttered to form ft judgement as to the part played hv Mr. Matthews. Unless he can prove that these documents are forgeries, pro testations in his hehalf will he in vain. The to explain them away isuit insult to coiamvp sense. Sx.vr UP. —James B. ttpiaxi, Ilarris burg lawyer, was convicted in li<* Uni ted States Court, at Philadelphia, one I day last week, and sent to the peniten tiary tor eight months, for charging a soldier's widow excessive fees for col lecting a pension claim. Let the County Treasurer take no tice. "Please appoint this gentleman to n consulship in a warm climate," was the endorsement President Hayes put on Anderson's application for a" place after he bad completed his contract to carry Ixiuisiana for the lladic.ils. Now. he'd tell Anderson to go to the devil, with out waiting for Everts to send him to a warm place. And so say thpy all. The European congress met at Berlin, Monday, to settle their little troubles. CAS StiFHMAS /-/ IU-'1 tiHJI'. s, \|K TKl.t IMI IISTIMONV IIM'U.f IUI I M.H . ..uuirri r. tlttt KM> M'T V*r. j Washington. Jus. * "' ' ! 1 t thl i morning a*ya Upr iw n *f ,* , Cover h:u been investig iting Job it S 111 rliun >\ i!l\ *ot1 i? ,J . lit* I '\g ii 4 0 YtMtvl th.lt When the r iumi*Mon which went to New Orleans In March.,, 1577, to settle the trouble between the livai C ommit; t r t..e Goverm rship. i ,i or, i-iirud, Mr. J.-l.n Sherman do lulled . clerk of the Trea.-ury Ivpurt n cut min ed Powers to accompany it as .!•sblirstng agent, lb* ah" ffctam 1 a nic -cc.gci from the lcpaitment t' ac*| oompanx them. I'l . nat hi; niigco-tioiij , \ttorney General IVvena detailed a 1 stenographer from the I'opartmcnt of Justice. Mr. tllox.-r ha the evidcr. e |of this stonographer in which he tc-ti :i,s that thoVhiet C'erk of the depart-; inent ohjecte.! t*> his going, hut that Sherman xx rote a letter upon which his detail xvii* nt. te. tJlover is -old to ! avc ' that U Me-. VP the. i,. vertunent cm :®a have teetifled thatUmli *ai mum were paid and Power- i, ■ ili.-.l that he j paid the expenses of t hit Commission j. iaud nicnils-ra of their fauiihea . that tlu-tr hotel bill amounted to nearly two thous and dollars in ten days, lie does not ; kn xx where the money came from n ivpt that the t ,i;!itci of the 1 itwt Na tional bank of New Nork notitied him that there was J >,iHVi to his credit in that bank aubjecl to hi- .1 raft. and he testiti ; .-<11: at he drew upon this deposit to pay 1 the expenses. Mr. tilover has stibpoe use 1 the cashier of that bank ami will u-stion hiui a-to who made this de posit. It is believed that Mr. Sherman obtained t!n money fr. :n theSvinltcate, to which he gave the exclusive right to sell the t tir and a half per cent, bonds The first National Bank la a member of| the v x ud-cute. Mr. Glover i- .vntident that he will be able t > furnish articles; if impan rhmt.: aaaipat Jokntttanutaj independetit of xxhat the Potter Com- Ittc® may do. Tha act of aanding Gov | crnment eiii{*!oy-s with the Couimt—*. *n their ii-Mtaiits, and payti.g their salaries out of the public treasury, was 1 illegal, but the ugliest part of the trans- i action ts yet to be shown. "SPKi! t/. C !>/>." All the Returning board raicais, Lj.ciri confederates and their subordniatcs,; w ere treated by the Fraudulent Admin istration as "special cases,'' entitled to j have priority in appointment* and pat r r.age. After tlie chief managers, like Stierman, N.'vos, Stoughton, Kasson, ami ihc hi.**, were prexvide.l f-r in tht highest trusty and honor*, the tp,*lalw ith which they worked were jxaisl oil' in pr. portion to the value of the n-,; tliey bud incurred and the services they had • rendered. Thus Wells, T. C. Anderson. Kcnner. ami all tlie ]>niici{uil clerks of the Re turning board in Louisiana, except l.it tietiekl. who hail exp >sed the forgery .*1 Vernon parish, received and now hold valuable plai-es in the Cu.-Uui lbuni ' and other pit! lie ttnj ley nient-, Mci in, 1 .-'.earns, am! i . wgill OfUtfl tl. Hdl t'r,.;.,;. were al> > bi leted on the Treasury xvitli-j | out delay. Then xx hat may be rated as 1 the third class in this category pressed j their claims to consideration, .-ouie of I tht-ni wore well rewarded, but others did not consider they xvere tuliy appreciated | and gave up the offices to which they > S were assigned. d ue fact stands out In all this Jobbery i and corruption that the Fraudulent , | President (>ersonal!y recommends to the • I heads of departments the applicant.- f*r .J office from Louisiana and r'l< ri.ia xxho ■ i h;d in any way aided the villainy by • j which the Votes of those States xvere i stolcu. The cases of Hennis and J.is.e.- v.. Apuervan are oniy iiiusirauou.- cu a practice applied to the c!a which they may be said to represent, and unless the evidence be destroyed, numerous instances can be found in which others with similar claims were appointed to office solely because they bad worked to consummate the Fraud. bhu fbal birds of prey gathered ut Washington to : lie inauguration of Hayes and to demand their i.a; o of the common plundi r. J. F.Anderson went there vouched for bv Kellogg, N.i-h l>ui rail, and that crew. whgse only title to coni.lerati n was that thev had all rouspiicJ to alter the vote of Louisiana. Hayes had nevus*#., before that time, but he promptly ana fully en dorsed him in the following letter ; | "How. w. .M. Ei in "please appoint this gentleman to a consulate ,;i $ warm climate. This is a special ease. "Jv. B. HAVES." 1,. G. Pennis, who fiad planned and executed the fraud in Alachua county.i Horida, by which the State was counted for Hayes, was also among the band of patriots then assembled at the capital, whose headquarters was established at the White House. lie was accredited like Anderson, and received his order j for an office in these terms.- "Fx EI rivaMcvmcy, WUHUXOTO*, D.C.i April, 1N77. "To thit Hon, John AOTMS, BecT'~t try Q/J lAc Tr((lfiiry. S "D-in Sta: I anj reliably assured that ! U. Dennis of Florida would make a ' j capital special agent of the Treasury. I specially dt -ire that his claims may , have your favorable attention. Sincere ' i I*,*. R. B. HAYKS. ~ i i'o pmU?nd in the face of these letters I and other.. dut Hayes was ignorant of ' what he was doing when bo made these j "special cases," and rested thci® on the ' "claims" of Dennis and Anderson and *j their associates, is to insult public intell * igcnce. He was only making good the j contracts of his agents, who themselves '' had been rewarded with the choicest honors of the republic, and demanded j pay for their subalterns.' The Derrick, in its exhaustive report ' of oil operations for May, says that 472 t wells were finished iu the producing re ■ gion. Of this large number 41 mere dry ■ holes. On the last day of the month ■ there were 370 wcllsdriflingand 305 rigs • up and building. Compared with the figures for April there was an increase i ot 152 in the number of wells completed. The Bradford district continues to be the scene of the groaicalactivity. In this field 340 of the whole number of sell" were finished. The daily production of the entire region was increased, and is now 38,500 barrels. The average daily shipments from the region for the month of May were 31,170 barrels. The total stocks in the region on the first day of June were 4, 050,302 barrels. The pipe line run; during May averaged 30,205 barrels daily. Mack, [J. B. pfcCollagb] of tb fitf Louis Globe-Democrat. then of the Cin cinnati press, is said to he the only wit ness who ever thoroughly discomfited; burly Hen Butler. .Mad: was a witness in bebalfof l'resi-t dent Johnson at the impeachment trial 1 , and Butler bated him fiercely. He an nounced the fact one night rthen Mack i me on Jthe #t};id the (next day lie would skin him alive. Of c'.'"rsc this important piece of news reached MucJ. almost immediately, and he remarked! in that queer Irish way of his that Hut - ■ ler would find out next day how bard it waa to skin a regular son of the ould sod. He immediately procured a red bandana handkerchief and a silver spoon with a hole drilled through the handle through j which he drew the corner of his hand kerchief and knotted it. As roon as; Butler began the cross-examination Mack drew forth bis handkerchief and began blowing bis nose and dangling! the iqioon. The high Court of Impeach-;, nient and the galleries burst into a roar 1 of laughter, and Mack pocketed the I spoon. Another question by Butler ami!' out came the spoon dangling on the . handkerchief, once mora upsetting ihej ! dignity of the court. In a towering rage I < Butler ordered the witness from then stand and stopped the cross-exainina-h tion. I, The spectacle of a man sailing around j in the air, at will, was enjoyed on Wed-! nr.iay by feaidenta of Hartford. Wheth- ' er this air shin i..;|l xtand the test of!' further experiments remain* to Lai"eii,|< but enough in already developed lb ptojrg; that the principle upon which it is con- j , structed is worthy of examination. In 1 1 this instance the operator was ablejto eit.'vate himself.to a height of one hun-;' . dreJ feci, i ,,J b Ha 'l away an eighth of a * mile with Lhfi w!;id, and then return to his starting pouti fiaainst it. (his was c certainly a successful teat. V/y may yet ( get a machine that will solve tbv'iOi)*" vtxed. . | Nineteen Honmelian villages have ; been burned, and old men have been 0 Gftiti/jed by the Bulgarians. t The house Vfit.ed down the income tax. 1 A coptjiftrnllvn MatPiiirnt ntio*viiig n uminary of < ollPrtiona tifinlernal rcvo uup for "tlipflrat ten rr.ontha of thfl flacul ypnrri rndiiig June NO. D-77. exhibit* it d'. t. nae in the tax on ajiiritnamounting to s-o.Td' ,7." I of. it >li'i rcnao of f S7,i itl.Vili in the tobacco tax tin incrvaac of f 177,*- .714.T1 ott fcrnti'titcd liijuura, nrtd a >!c --i rciiM> >f f !~:;,:57,'.M lit the lux on banka and banker*. The taxe* on dealer*, ree tiller* ami innnufttcturer* of apiritn have however, increitaed, an as aim. the case with manufacturer.s and denier* in ;uan ufacfttred tohitiV". Thedecreaae in the tax on batik* am! banker* included eve rv tax able item under that head, bank dep. Ml", Hiving* hank* !e|m*.l, capital and circulation. The principal reason ' for the decrease on distilled apiritn, to hnooo of all .teacilption*, tnntl and •tumps for tolmccoor nult IN held at the internul revetnte ofiice to he hecaUNp of the long agitation during the present < socmen of t'ongrcNe on tilt) auhjcct of I changer in the ta* upon the mtiiles in qUeatlon. ♦ • El" ICOI'KA N fGNGItESS. llvrlin, Jan* S>, lt>7-> It bat leaked out 'liiat a most important i tdut, which > kept -o. rt, terminated tho first scss: >ti "t the Congress on 'I 'lurt.tay Lo*d Ilea e.u. ■ ' eld demanded energetically ti nt an arrangement should be at once made by which the Ku'tian army and the Hritith :!.et should withdraw simultttneeusly from tlie vicinity efConstantinople duilng ttir -esiions of the Congrc", so as to rrinove all possible si.urce of danger to the pom ' f Europe until a final settlement could be artivtd at. A Bad ll.tch. l'rinco G. rtsi hakotl, on the part >•( Rur* ma, i xpres-. d the strongest oppo* lion to this propositi, insisting on tlio tieci s l 'y °f ;the Russia:. Iwrciu teuiaining in the posi j lions they nw occupy until tlie Congres* -houltl co> e t > it final tieci-ion on tlie lucst.ous to I>J laid before it. Thi* pro nouncevl divergence of opinion showed the tiplomattsts present the extreme delicacy and difficulty of the task they had under taken, and dissipate.', tut sat.gu.no expec tations with yfhe h some oftbem imd come I tw the V ongrcss. The Bwarabian Danger. On the quiition of Re-sarabia, however, tie will make no conipromise- Ho say that Russia will insist absolutely on the retrocession t# Buss a of that territory, and will uk* no equivalent for it. Tlie Rou manian Commissioners present here de dare t: at f the Corgri . 1.. I git© K ..mania her ught si e will dolen i llrs -arabia by force of arms The Montene grins say the tame with regard to Anliva ri. Austria Preparing for tlie Worst. It is now know n forcerlian that the Aus trian government yesterday gave orders or the imniediatv mobilisation . j cai.tXA) •tier,, to at to b" ready for all emergencies. Phis is regarded as a sure indication thai Austria has little confid n, m the Con gress, but an explanation may be also : and in the fear of c implications arising from li e attitude if ltoumania and Mon tenegro. V MuTilBH hlEl ING HKH CHIL DRKN AND H K lis ELF I'RDUA BLE M'ICIDK tF TtlK F\- TIICU. Fbiiadelphi*, June —At l.d'. South .Tenth street lived a family by tie name of ' lit s'.lach, tne husband being a shoemaker ' and out f work. On Thursday nt h© ' | left home in tmrch of cmj '.'Tiiieal, and , the same woning He*. Dr Jehrsor, i!of the h Ui'.mt Cpit. opal church si • Light'* had Keed street", received a letter '(from hitn, stating in feeling Unguagrthst Lhe was about to Commit suicide, giving a sketch of h:< struggle* te find bre* 1 for [ his family ar.J commending hie children jto the mercy of the world It was under* i 1 stood that Uetstixcu i.xj gone to s water* t ing place to look for work, and but little ' war cen of the family afterward. To* ' night, a neighbor upecting that all was 'not right, broke into the house. In the second story rc >m in a trundle bed he Ifound tie two children, Cbarlea Kobcr! Krr.st, ageJ oi'Ton, u..J K! .abc'.h Atine, i .tged nine yea*, both dead. Ove- t!. face I >fthe boy wsu a pad and ovor that of the little girl a handkerchief, both saturated with chloroform. In a bed in the same II ro in 'ay tl.a mother, also dead, with a f.chlor >formed handkerchief orer her face • All th*ee were attired in their nigh! dress ?s. A note was found in the house, pon ied in red ink by Mr. Uoistlach, bidding j farewell to all, and from which it appears | that sho must havn killed the children and j then committed suicide The fathc, who | has not been heard frem since Thursday, j has no doubt committed suicide also He . i life now supposed that the kuiband himself killed the tamily. s j A MOLLY MAGUIRE MURDERER HANGED. Pottsville, I'enn., June ll.—Dennis 1 Donnelly, she Schuylkill County Molly • Maguirt* w. here this morning L> for the murder of Thouat panger, s. mine " boss, in 1875. The elocution hud been | twice postponed by the Governor, and i numerous efforts had been made to over | rule the decision of tho Court, but the ( Board of Pardons, after a full examination 2 finally refused to interfere. JJonnelly -l arose at 6 o'clock this morning, having I slept well all night High mass was at 'ionce celebrated in his cell by Fnthers Gallagher and Hrennan. Ho appeared to . be in the best of spirits, and at the conclu .' sion of the mass partook of a hearty break- after which he attended to his devo • lions for seroo time. At -10 o'clock he |;i> visited by his counsel, whom he greeted cordially, and also expressed hi* - thanks to them for the efforts they had made in his behalf. At 10 20 Donnelly, ' accompanied by Fathers Gallagher, and j Hrennan, ascended the scaffold, the doom* ! led man paying no attention to those pros* ' ent, but prayed fervently, ga.-.ing intently upon a crucifix which he held in his hand. I When a;ked by tho sheriff if ho bad any - thing to say before tho sentence of the law should he carried out, ho answered almost i iiiftudibly, "I have nothing." His arms J and legs were then pinioned, and the | white cap drawn over his head, and ut 1 10.28 the drop fell. The unfortunate man I struggle 1 horribly and slowly strangled Ito death. Fourteen minutes after the 'drop fell the body was cut down and ! taken In charge by a brother of the dc jeeaa*]. The execution was comparative j iy private. iTEN THOUSAND PERSONS KILL -1 ED HY A TORNADO IN THE BTRE ETS OF C.ANTON.CHIN A. | Washington. Juno 10.—The Consul at Cunten reports to the Department of State that a terrible tornado passed over that city on tho 11 lb of April last, causing great destruction of lite and property. The j whirlwind came from tho sea in tho from of a waterspout, and struck the sboro on the foreign settlement of Sbatneen, pass ing thenco in a northeasterly direction through tho crowded part of tho city of Canton. The avurago breaJth of the track left by tho tornade is GOO feet. Al though many houses woro destroyed in the foreign settlement, no life was lost and the cases of miraculous escape from death wero numerous. The United States Consulate was just beyond the track of the • orm, and no American property was damaged. In the native city it is estimat ed that lO.OOuporsQjjf fferj? killed. Owing to the narrowness of the streets tho work of removing the dead bodies from the wreek made slow progress and would take I several weaks to Accomplish. Tho weath er was very hot, and the fearful stench from decomposing bodies led many to fear outbreak of a pestilence. I :r * i The government has t>e Plf/ ' of half million dollais on th greenback I paper process. New Y'ork Communists amount to about l.OUO.bcer slingers. f For the Hoporter. THE CIIAKACTKR OF DANIEL. IK t! i ir t T the Hahy he: ih cap tivity, IIP. \> It (' tiniilrl wit* carried to l Bain lon, at, "lib >ut the ngc of to years. 1 li' the forth \i i ,i| the .nptivlty, he and: I ttipninont were educated fur the: king • ervic> In the thirteenth year, lie W Ii >n T" I ! | Ii I*■ a special interccM-1 01 on recount of hi piety |>V it li, ;tp.! In the ii r i t.', nth year Nebuciimln©/rr "P image, nt 1 lie dedicate i ol which ' Itaiiiei't iMmrnd* wi re Ctttl into a fiery i irna.e In the tintv-teveniii year, hn; i'ltert i tr.l Nebuchadne—nr't dream of the stately T iln the fifty *econil year, I" \v iivllcd tied..•(),, • nr, b\ Nah.iiitlii a t'lialdean name tignilving "the keeper f the hid treasure* ! lie! " It Hebrew , nam", Daniel. *igi fie* My judge it (lod.j \t III" I atlie time, he I,ad the virion of 11i,.i four bea-ts. Dan 7. In the filly-fourth | year, tin had l.ia vitioii ot tlie llttin and float. In the tiity-nintli year, he inter preted tin. band-writing on the wall for !'■ ibllitr Dan o About tint tune fie wa* cat Into the den of lion* h\ Dunua. In the seventieth yeur (< f thi Hah. Cap t Mty), he prophesied ol tfie 70 week* I *• >r# to (.Trial's time ©riding, eitlier in the fourth year after Christ's death, wlien the Jew* openly rejected lh" gospel, lhe| apottle- turned to tile Oenlilet, or nl tlie deatrm ton of Jerusalem, . \d of Daniel, hit character must h k kind of a AY.'.'r lAnf, arid real 1 v a beautiful! object of contemplation A th*rt analytic | wriil bring the subject of this couununica lion learly t>i \ .ew It accords with our, plan to mention, 1. SOME THAU* 1* IME.It AUA.'Tllt oil PAMr.t. I Early l'iety. lie in. likvly net •iioro than It years eld when bo ram© U.j Haby'on. Hut be.*ntt>o tj ht piety tlod | loved him and hing t honored him Ear ( V ! Kk> phy-o ,l, mte ■ .>: al, J-uiti- Ical, moral and religiou* advantage' | Hence .Solomon says; ltemembar thy Creator in the days > ! thy youth, before the evil day* oiiie and the ycafi fraw iiigii whcnjre tha'l 'ay, 1 have no plant ure in them - Faitl- Ilia faith stopped the mouth* |of lions. Uv>b. I! :t3- He could hold bim an una avorii g > • nfidenco in (Jod.| I No wonder Uuthurst taid : ! Lord give ut sjch a faith n> lb.*, Viol ihen wiiate'ero may Couie, We il Uate, uen here, the hallowed bliss j Of an eternal home. 3, Devotion. Dariiel wa- emphatically I a man of prayer. What wat ho cat! into a den of lions for ' Ant., for pravmgl three times a day. Many christian* of th* nineteenth century need riot be alnitnwd they will Hot get int • a den of Hok -nut a bit of it. -I Humility After latuwl found out the drc.au. ut Vfebuchadneaaar and the in-, trp,elation thereof, lie huuibiv tail i There it a (iod HI Heaven that rev.-aletb' secrwU. He claim* no superior w i.i..m' and understanding lor himself, lie gives (od the honor due him. IK-fore honor >j humility, l'rov. 16 33. 6. K ©solution, lie was deter tuiaed that! he would noldeii'e h.mselt wub the king ' meat, that tie would bciuseif uutpot-i led from thu J a*. 1: 127. lie was, Fu*. >' . '. i eat no meal that had been of fared to idols, or that the iaw of God for-1 bade him eat C Independence. He thought and j acted lor himself, lie knew grenttie*[ could not be inherited tie reproved Neb-1 uchadttezsar and lieUhanar, without fear or favor. He dared to do right. 7 Consistency. In youth, tua&h-*~l.! anil old age. he was always to Use day of bis death, which -v-urrej probably at *-u*fcit! at the advanced ago of tail vears, a ron-lstent servant of the Most' llig i And was at the last a living, mov-: ing miracle ot God's power and leving care. 1 Faithfulness, lie was faithful in all the relations of hie. He lived a long and active life in the court, and ■ itinciU otthe' greatest monarch* the * rid o\er taw . e, g, N i-buchadnerrar, Crrtts ard Da*iu,: and faithfully Upos thv d--1 tics of Religion. t. l&Koceui- v\ t.tlc Dwrius was full of rem >re, because of his murdornui edict, Dan 6; 7 . he had an approving conscience, a conscience void > f offence, i bth >ward> G 1 and man. etc. Who would not rather have a good conscience in a 'en of lions than a tormenting con science in a royal palace ? Ago Oil con science ts an invaluable blessing It. l.K**- >ss. I seam, 1 What g- ou nhhracter la Where! these t'eaturr • aral lineaments are found inj the character of Daniel, there is good char-' si ter character G*J cm approve and love. • Compare Vuur character with that of Daniel, reader, that you may know wherein yours is defective. Sec also, Gel. I Copy the example of this O. T wor thy. I fall wore Daniels, what a grand, time sse would Lavo both in church at.di slate! W- would, then, have wise men, j understanding men, men that fer the' I. rd. at the head of government, and. righteousness and faith would exalt us as! a people. J. T. A IjITKR4KY BRILLIANT There is n • periodical that we receive with more pleasure and gratification than Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly. The ti* tie is exceedingly appropriate, for, in an eminent degree, it poe*M#e elements of , o|. ,'arity ; a: d tbi.t this fa< t has t.oen ful ly recognised by tho reading public, in dubitable proof n afforded in the large cir . ulation it hawallained -exceeding proba bly, that of any similar publit ation. Not' •nly does ilsuriia** m< t of its rivals ii. this respect, ar.d in the excellence of iltj literary and artistic departments, but the •ttnoun: of reading matter it gives greatly exceeds that of higher-priced .foreign and domestic inagatines. As regards me it and cheapness, therefore, the Popular Monthly has powerful claims to patron*' age. The number tor July fully substan-, tiale* thco claims, and it may b regarded as a genuine literary brilliant, fonts pages sparkle with bright gems of thought and of artistic skill. The opening paper is on the subject of "Smuggling in the United State- Kitcnl, its Perils and its P-n* i allies." ' The many Ingenious methods of concealment adopted by smugglers, both j male and female, are exposed, and the ar-] tide is illustrated with twelve cuts. Pro letter Joy contributes a second paper on the "History of Electricity ;it is of pro i found interest and profusely illustrated. j Two more chapters are given of Etta W. Pierce's admirable serial novel. "The American Countess." "GuinuarJ Ad*| venture" in Patagonia"; "St. Helena in' l.iTb, with Views of the Spot whore Napo- Icon was Interred, and of Jamestown" ;ij "Magnificence of Ancient Home," and "A !. Vagabond Abroad ' are a few of the other | good things with which this numberi abounds. The contents embrace rhorC sterios by popular authors, (complete), J poems, sketches, etc.. and a pleasing, caro-j fully selected miscellany. There are 12M uuarto pages, and over 100 engravings.' The annual subscription is only $3. post paid, anil the price of single copies 725[ - cents. Address. Frank Le-lie Bublirb-ij ing 11 use, 63, 66 fc 67 Park IVace, Newj< York. THE NEW GAME LAW. Governor llartranft on Monday signed the new Game and Fish law, and ij there fore is now in ft>rce. Its most important provisions are, that— J. Deer shall bo killed only between October I*l and December lGth, the pen alty for killing at any other time being *'(). 2. Squirrel! may b killed only between September Ist and January Ist; and Rab bits between October loth and January Ist. ' 8. Wild Duck and Geese may bo killed, between September Ist and May 15th ; Wild Turkeys between October 15th and January Ist; Pheasants between October Ist and January Ist; Woodcock between July 4th and January Ist ; and Partridges between October 15th and January Ist. 4. No Woodpecker, Fll.kcr, Robin, Nightbawk, Sparrow, Thrush, Lark, or any other insectivorous bird shall he kill ed at any season, under a penalty of $5 for each offense. 5. Salmon and Trout shall be caught on ly Irom April Ist to August Ist, and Trout thnll bo caught only with hook and line. 8 Fish basket-, nets, wier* and all oth er such devices for catching fish are proj hibited entirely; but fyke or hoop nets aro permitted in streams not inhabited by trout, from March Ist till December Ist, provided the meshes shall not be less than one inch and not be placed at tho conflu ence of any wing walls. 7. llass. Pike and Salmon may be caughf, with hook and line only, between June Ist and January Ist, but bass loss than G inches in lengtl% if caught, must be returned immediately to tho stream. 8. Lake Pass, Rock Mass, or blue Sun Fish, specie* r-enntly introduced by the fish commissioners, shall not be caught for years, from January Ist, 1878, un der a nennlly of live dollars for each of fense. • ♦ The Indian uprising is general in Oro-I gon and Idaho. KOItBKWIIII'PKO IIY A WOMAN. From itm Cincinnati Enquirer Munci<>, lml , June 14—Our city wet (thrown into great excitement tbia after ;n.i(.r by th* public liorst-wblpplag of Mr. |N. 1 Ktliali, editor of the Munci© Newt, bv Mr*. I'nlk, wife of Mr. Robert I'elk. 1 he hursi whipping wat on arcount of en ertiole published In Tuetdaya Newt, wliieh, it i averred, reflected on Mr*. I'alk About "J n't lock in HIP afternoon Mr*. I'nlk and her hutbnnd ©ntorml Gift'* thoe -'.Me a< rer tlie timet from the Newt ©f ■ i and wiiile Mr. I'alk engaged the pro prietoi in tfoutrortalion Mr*. I'alk tent to Kthall, rci|ttew*t makes, styles and novelties tu the market, combining all the deaimbl© qualities, auch as Imauly, durability,convenience and econo> tny. Tlsey have tne only Portable Range* that will bake in BOTH OVENS Jforaalc in the county. ENTIRELY NEW. Every Stove WARRANTED in every particular. LOWEST PRICE and satisfaction guaranteed. Our stock of Hardware, Tinware, Oils, Pure Leads, and PAINTS cannot he excelled for variety, quality and cheapnea*. EVERYBODY IS REQUESTED TO CALL whether wishing to pur> chase or not. Special Bargains for Cash Buyers ! CJjul.tf WILSON & McFARLANE, Hume*' Block, Bellefonte. i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letter* of administrmtion cum tetiamen to annexo on the estate of John Kverhart, late of Ferguson twp.. Centre county.de • • ased, having been granted to A. J Orn* dorf, all persons knowing themselves in debted to said ettale are requested I- make .ti.mediate payment and those having It laims against tho same to present them I duly authenticated for settlement. A. J. ORN DORF. . H Administrator. AUDITOR'S NOT!CK -1 n the mauer of the estate of D. W Willow, late of the township of l'enn. dee'd , the audi* 'tor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Centre county, to make distribution of the fund* in lb* bands of the administrator among those legally entitled to the same, will attend to the duties of hi* appoint ment at his oSce in llellefonte, on r riday the l?lh day of July. A !>. IS7H. at 1 o'clock, p. nt. J. L. SPANGLER, GjunHt Auditor. j VI 1• 1 TOR'S BOTIOB.—In the matter of the estate of Jacob iiomen, sr .1 tale of Oregg township, dec d., the audi , tor appointed to mako distribution of the In: 1 in tho h inus of the executor* to ami among those 1. sally entitled thereto, wi!! ( attend to the duties of his appointment at hit office in Bellefonte, on Saturday, the ■J2mi day of Juno, A I) IS7H. at 10 o'clock ' a.jn. J. L SPANGLKK, Auditor | Special Notice* PIMPLES, I will mail (FVwa)lba rwdyw for a •impta VtMUllr, Halm tbal will rwmorw Tan. FRKI-K iTkS DIMPLR-V and Itlcstrh-a. iaaslix tha akin asofl. c laar aad Saaatl | fl, alau lntirui tmni fog prodorlKf a laaartant growth ,of hair oo a Isaid haad o amrwlh far*. Addrraa. la , l-iuglrt. wtaixtD.Ura \ aadclf A Co. X> Aaa At . T • To Consumptives. Tba adrrrtlarr. havlag brwrt rurwd of that drwad dtaoaao. ' • naumptloa. by a almt'U ram4|. i atxtloua to mako kn >wa to bta follow aufforora tbr moao* of euro Tall wbo doairo 11, bo will ooad a tvipj of tb* praocrlptlnn taood, tfrrt of obarp!. wttfc tho dlrocllowa forpMnfflH aod Mine thoaamo, wbicb tbj will find a ouro t oro for CoaauapUon, Artbma. Ilrrnrhltta, Ao Tartloa wtahlna tho proorrtrtloo will ploaao addrooo, K. A. WIJLbOb, IF4 Toao bt . Wlillamabaaf. M Y TRAXSrARKXTTKACIIIRtI CARDS. lorArortloT and Amuooniont comblnoA ImportAAt U parrnU asd IMM y rr% dlfforont artUUc doataaa. Tb# ontlro |>ark | aonl frooH'rSlt ia curroocj or atarapa. Van I>olf A Co. ft) Ann HU. R V. I /}A AC.RXTR profit! por wook. Will fPI) J ,fj if pruro II or forfait fkUO. Row aril iTra, jal {satontotl Bamr loa oont froo to all. Addrot! V II CIfIDKbTER 214 I niton fil., Now York KHKOKSO FYOITH , ACJKXTLFII AN wbo ouffarwd for raart from Nar. ■ rtvut lobllltjr I*ramaf nra l>ocaj, and all Iba off arm of /outhfol Indlacrotlwn, will for tho aako of aafforlna , human IT j . oond froo to all who nrod 11. tho rorlpo and | pirocUca for makln* tho tlsaplo ratnrdy which ho war curod Hnfforora wtahlncto isrofit by tho adaorllaor'a! ot|>oriouco can do ao by addrooalna la porfoct coafi doaco JOHN n OGDKN. 42 Cwdar fit. Now York. 24 }an 6ma, Spring .Mills O. K! NEW ROOM! NEW GOODS! i nt I. J. Grenoble's Store 1 SPRING MILLS, 1 has the goods. Largest stock I SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower (ban Ever, And now extends a cordial invitation to his friends, patrons, and public general ly. Also a Complete Assortment of Ready Made Clothing for men and boys. Suits as low as to be bad iu the city. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Full lines of MERINO UNDERWEARS, For Ladies, Gents, Boys, Misses and Children. Hoaierv, Gioves, BooU and Shoes, 1 HATS,"CAPS, CARPETS AND OIL ! CLOTHS, ! Au|l the most complete assortment of NOTIONSj n Central Pennsylvania, and 1 yillcompel you in self defence to buy oU' hm 1 Also Fish, Salt, etc. 180c { ' A full lino of Howe Sewing Machines' uud Needles for all kinds of machines. OHKAT FIRE IN BOSTON. Motion, June 10 —AI 10.30 o'clock to- n flr. l>rk© out in ono of lb© mom building* f (Ho c*t*n*iv© pork tlaugbier itig *nd curing iinb!iinmr>nt of Chat. 11. North A CV, on Madford timet, Homer. vllle. Owing I 4' t bigi ly inflammable character the fiamat ijireud rapidly, and ell tevo one building were de*trny©l. The lote it ntu.g.cd at between 9700,000 end 9**1,000. There | en Inturance of $ 160,• 000. • ■ ii ■ Turkitb delrgetet lie*# been inttrucled to withdrew from the Congrett end de clare that Turkey prefer* to riecute the .imputation* l the treaty oftitn Hlefano, if Congmtt decide* to grant autonomy te Efiirut, Tbrttely, Hotnia end llnrae- I go* int. •T BARGAINS. Bargains! Bargains! In MEN'S a<|d fIbYS, | BOOTS and SHOES!! •alio a LARGE VARIETY of CM 11,1 IKK.N .S SUOKH, >1 LOUIS DOLL'S Shoe Store, oppoait* the Busli house, Bellefonte, room' formerly -occupied hv John Powers. upr23v , ¥ L bHA.N'ULIK, Attorney at Law tf G HMultatkms in English arid Uer man. Office in Furtt't new building. 51KN. II \ It 111 FT FIOLEN, FASHIONABLE DBESSMAK'R CENTRE HALL, PA. Offer* her service* to the Indie* ofCn --' tre lln l nod vicinity, in nil kind* of work { pertninfng to dress (viking Terms re*s 1 onnble - :id Satisfaction gunracteed Kindly solicits n share of patronage H mny Ctn GRAHAM & SON, HELLEKONTE. PA.. ■ HAVE THE FINEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS ANO SHOES IN CEN i TRE COUNTY. [ Lndie's fine Button Boots, $1.75 Lndie s Lnsling Galtera, 1.00 ' Lndie's Lasting Slippers. .60. Lndie's Lnsting Tip Geiters, 1 25. Ledie's Coerae Shoee, 1 00 Gent's l. >e Ceif Uoets, bnndmede, 5.60. Gent s Alexis Buckle Shn*e, 1.50. 411 ktnsl of PLOW SHOES for 51 an nuti Boya. The latest style of LA DIE'S IIEEL BCOTS, *>n the French ILnst 0n and see them. A fine •U-ok of tbe llest Buenos Ayree Sole Leather, Calf Skins. Keeps Lasts, Pegs, etc. always a full | STOCK. Candylanufactory & Bakery. Mi. Albert Knuth, BISHOP STREET BAKERY, ' is now msYing'tlie verv best UREAI). CAK'KS AND PJKS, in Bellefonta. ' Candies and Confections. He also manufactures all kind* ot can- . dies, and dealers can purchase of him as I low as in the city. Candies of all kinds al ways on hand, together with Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Dates, Nuts, Syrups, Jel lies and everything good. CENTRE COUNTY OYSTER DETOT. An Excellent oyster saloon also at tached to the Bakery. Oall and see me. ALBERT KAUTH. •*' ' novlS f DRUGS! DRUGS!! DRUGS S. T. Shugert, bating purchased the Drug store on Allegheny street, Belie fs nte, next door to the hardware Store of (lick* A Hro., has stocked and fitted it out with ail the most popular j DRUGS A MEDICINES, j ?• n;uKMjc4Ui VKa*UMBHY t j SOAPS, COMBS AND BRUSHES. : ITRUSSES,SUPPORT* RS, BRACKS! I : FANCY AND TOILKT ....j j ARTICLES, Ac., Ac., Ac. j • • -......... 4 Patent Medicinos, Alcohol, pure Wines and Liquors tor medical purposes only. Physlcia i • prescrlptiopi carefully oojtf* pou.idod and orders answered with care and dispatch. Farmers and Physicians from the country will find our stock of Medicines complete, warranted genuine and of the boot Quality. This Store will remain under tho direc* tion of the accomplished druggist and pharmacist heretofore connected with it, Mr. H. M Harrington, and wo reapectftil. IT solicit the custom of our friends and the old patron* of the store, lftaplf S. T. SUUGKBT. ,J U°K! L°OBI BARGAINS NEW GOODS!! -NOW. KISS, /U K/. DKKI, FOR A- RACK TO OKI THE FIRST -BARGAINS IN NEW GOODS- —AT— WM. WOLF'S IN THE . J* civ Bunk Building. A Full Line Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, carefully selec ted, and embracing all manner of DRESS GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, GROCERIES, GLASSWARE, QUEENS WARE, TINWARE, FISH, AC., AC. Furnishing Goods OF ALL KINDS. NEW AND CHOICE INVOICE or CLOTHS AND CABSIMEREB. Full line of Hats and Caps For Men, Boy. and Children. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Call and be Convinced that thia ii the Che*pent place to buy good, in I hi. section. PRODUCE received in exchangei for good*. Ivememdrr the place—in the New Bank Building, opposite the Old Stand. HO! FOR SPRING MILLS!! Stoves! Stoves! TINWARE!! A. full k is ot St v< - A full line of Tinware. Hardware for al),Coachmakersand Mechanics included, At the New Sture of Gaeptf THOS. A. HICKS A BRO. HARPSTER & N0LAI~ HEKCUANT TAILORS, Centre Ball, Pa. Buinct stand upstairs in the building formerly occupied by the Centre Repor ter Will furnish gentlemen with clothing, made to order, ot the beet materiel that can be bought in Philadelphia or New York. Long experience in the business et Bellefonte enables him to turn out first class work in ail respects. (kite 3 tf C. C. CONNER MERCHANT TAILOR. In Bank Building. Centre Hall. Would respectfully announe to ike citi zens of lias vicinity that he hat taken rooms in above building where be is pre pared to do all kinds of work belonging to his line, for men and beys, and accord ing to latest styles. Goods sold by ssm- Sle. Having had nine years experience e guarantees all yk to render perfect satisfaction, and solicits a share of the public patronage 6dccy UENEY BEOCKXRIIOFr. J. D. BBCOXRT President. Cashier. QfiNTRE COUNTY BANKING CO. (Late Millikcn, Hoover A Co.) Receive Deposit*, And Allow Interest, Discount Notes, Buy and Sell Government Securities, Gold A aplOGStf Coupons. We are now selling New Pianos s 8125 5h S—hv—*M •*!•; Ecio GruS, kun uJ t Pfiafat. u mui rtnrtlrSnS-cJatt. ,1 lb.lmu M< cut vbotawl* Urt,, prim,. Sinn to Lb, pr g—r No Agmu. me (ouIMOH. no dltnull PUIOI for |Xt. conuiffilffiffi M ATIIU SHEK'S New Patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, ' • hlcb I* wlUkmi qstoUmi lb, grmUmt lammnl I mrmr pat to to • t,un fume. preSacMc Lb* BM to i toatokto< !<••. richae* *4 dapLbot UM.HStan Utoto* .!• l, jitoJlt, uuxmr Mete tototveg Ov piano co.. No. 21 Kst Fifteenth Street, 21fcbsevm New York 1 CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J. 0. DEININGER. A new. complex H&;dw*r Store hat been opened bj Via undersigned in Can ire H*U m ha it prepared to cell all kind* at Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Nail*. Ac. Circular and Hand Saws, Ten non Saws Webb Sawt, Clothet Kackt, a full assort ment of Olatt and Mirror Plate Picture Frames, Spoke*, Felloes, and Hub*, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spade* and Ferlu, Locks, Hinge*, Screws, Sash SarUasi Hone-Shoes. Nails, Norway Bods. Oils! Tea Belli, too.ijVainlTV'arn i® * Pictures beamed in the finest *Vyla Anything not on hand, ordered upon shortest notice. Rem ember, all goods offered cheap er thsa elsewhere. VISITING CARDS ■ V TTFTIRO CARDS.—-Your name printed en 60 Mixed Cards for 16 cts., on6o White Bristol for IV cts., on 25 Transpa rent card* for 20 cte. Other Styles a* low WM. KURTz! y CKNTR* H *V V , PY k M^tc The Forks Houie, st Cub urn slstion, ii nswsnd commodious, and is kept in best' manner. Bed snd board second to nonti in the county. Subline for 90 horses Asa summer wort it will be found all that could be desired, right in the heart of good fishing and bunting grounds, ana surrounded ny the most romantic scenery Inoe y BRICK FOR SALS —Kmi class brick on band for sale at Zerbo's Centre Ilall brick vards. These brick ar< offered so low tbatit will pay persons at ► distanco to como here for them. Intending to continue ia the maaufcr ture of briok thoy will be kept constantly on hand, and tatr inducements offered to purchasers. 'Hamif. H.E. ZKKBK I) TJI O SOU CM engage In. Si to K H I • so cue <>aj mad* bjr an j worker of I I I 111 I •10*r art, right in tbrlr own looall- ASX-Jh,' X flog. Particular. anS umpln wortb ts froo. taproro roar .par* tin* >t thl. ha.lneaa Addrr.. SUnaoa 4 Co, Portland, Ma SS mar, f We print envelopes • low a. $1 per thousand. Send us your envelopes. We print letter heads, and statements as low as $1,25 per 1000, when persons And the paper. Thaw lower than you can wet it idope for Is tee city. LIVE AGENTS WANTED~ To sell Dr. Chase's Recipes; or Informs tion for Everybody, in every county in the United States and Canadas. Enlarged by I,sh ? V, 648 It contains over 2000 household recipes and is suited to all classes and conditions of society A wonderful book and a household necessi ty. It sells at sight. Greatest inducer ments ever oflered to tfook agents, bam pip copies sent by mail. Postpaid, for *2 00. Exclusive territory given. Agents more than (loubU their mopey* Address Dr. SJ"? 1 ' Steam Printing House, Ann; Arbor Michigan. 9 may 131 J. D. HURRAY. (Succouor to J K. Killer A Son.) Dealer in p„re Drug*. Wedidnea. Fan <7 Article*. I>re fttnffa. and Dronkfa Maodriee. Full stock of (lonfec- tionenea. rUR i t ANI) LIQUORS For Medlcia.l Purpose. . tiik afciT bhakimi or CIGARS A Nil TOBACCO always in stock. prescriptions carefully cor pounded. Have ecurdibe.erv tea* 0 f Dr. J. F. Aloa.nder who will attend to tba Com. pounding of Prctrrlptlog* 28 mar. ly, CaiYOifC-PAINT'NG '•"* HHTNUni IIUI.iD. -ii 1 p? unJ,r *'jn>d )• prepared to enlarge all Photoprnpfi. J. which the feature* are i plain, especially the eyee. In tending pic iture. a!way. mention tba Color of Eye. and I SJ '®* on# picture. | Frame. Airnj.bed cheap. For further 'particular., addree., CHAi. W DERSTIJTI Cmtr, Hall, Pa I pa. s.o. oumrus; Dentist, Mlllhelm. ')lm blapii(MaulHiilMlslk* ettbiw t(. u .";1 ntnM ***• $!. t>T d at lum mJ- b, tb- ttd ..Ctrl' fc"r.d e.rU wslX£f e work tar M gov It tha Urn i t!, nUiutUnH Int. Xddrmm TSCßA tio. Aii#*u, ■ au, t Fashionable Dressmaker. -—Mr. Smith, drea. m.aer Centre Ilall, detire. to call attention to her .am ple* of trimming, of all kind.,-alao, aam* plee of new ttyle. dry good.. Cutting and fitting done to ordar, and old drtrni cleaned and done oer by her Gentle men', thiru, cuff* and collar* made to or- Jer and warranted to lit Ha. also ju.t received a new atock of Spring .tylei, fa*kion plate., pattern*, 4c. Call and ***■ Swept t£ No. 6 Brockerboff Row, BelJefonte Penn'a. Denier* In J>r htmlcaU. I rfumfry,lan(,tood 4r„ A' f m Pure Wine, and Liquor, for medical purpo*e. alway. kept. maykl 72 vt. d. sw a a, bBOEXAKEB, . iaform* the citiaeiuof Con l" U t !l * B d /icimty ibai he ha* opened a new chop m the old Bank Building. New Tild T 5 ** 1 out ffco'ding tortyie.and all *Pring neatly done, and on hot notice. Price, reduced and to as it ihejimm. 7 fab. Cm. j &*iraii, DHTTBT, V e would reapectrully announce to the citizen* o| Penn* Valley that be bat per manently looted in Centre Hall wherThe '• Prepared to do all kind, of Denial work. All work warranted or no money triced. "no** -ow to .uit the time.. 81 i.n. y. GET GOOD BREAD. By calling at the new and eaten iv bakery e*ubluhment of JOSEPH CEDARS, (Succettor to J. H. Sand*.) Opporito the Iron Front on Allegheny •£ r ®*J * h * r * be (umi*hc* every day * rssh Bread, Cake* of all k.ndc. Pic, etc., etc., Candiee, Spices, Not*, Fruits. Anything and everything belonging to the bijsiaes*. Having had yean of expe rience In the business. he flatters himself that he can guarantee satisfaction to all who may Cifor him with their mtrontrt. SOaugtf JOSEPH CEDARS. d. r. luseT PAINTER, iSEEL offers his services to the citizens of . Centre county in : Ilouftf, Men and Ornamental c, . , PffilU®, • Striping, ornamenting and gilding, i Graining OAK, WALNUT, o, i s CHESTNUT, Etc. Plain and Fancy Paper banging. Orders respectfully solicited. Terms reasonable. UQapr tf. QENTREHALL Furniture Rooms! EZRA KKIMBIXK, respectfully informs the citizens of Centre county, that he has bought out the old •land ot J. O. Dsininger, and hat reduced the prices. He has constantly on hand and makes to order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS, * WASHHTANDS, ~ySPJL KK CUPBOARDS, TABLES, Ac., Ac. His stock sf ready-made Furniture k large and warranted of good vorkmaa ship, and is all made under his immediate supervision, and is ofered at rates cheaper than elsewhere. Call and see hie stock before purchasing elsewhere. f e h 20 DF. FORTH IT Attorney at TTs Bellefonte, Pa. Office over Rev* nolds bank. 14may**t WM. P. WILSON, Bellefonte Pa. Office ia Mrs. Ben — r's Building. Belletoate Pa. CENTRE HALL" COACH SHOP, LEVI MURRAY, at hit establishment at Centre Hall, so**, on hand, and fer tale, at the mo*t ee*u3i ble rates. , Carriages, Buggies, 6 Sprfag WagonS. PLAIN AND F>.XCY, * and vsldcles of every description made to , order, and warranted to he made of the - best seasoned material, and bv the mcst skilled and competent workmen. Bodies fbr buggies and spring-wagon# Ac., of the i most improved patterns mads to order, also Gearing of all kinds made to order! * All kind* of repairing done promptly sad at tbs lowest possible rates. Persons wanting anything in hit line are f requested to call and examine his werk the will find it not to he excelled for due-' ; 1 ility and wear. may S tf. „ cJ AP :J KANSAS LANDS! I control the Railway lands jofTßLup COUNTY. KANSAS, about : wjuLy divided by the Kansas Pacific rV *kicb we re selling at an aver age of J3.26 per acre on easy terms of pay* ment. Alternate sections of Government amis can be taken as homesteads by sclu* al settlers. eiAT LIME. STONE BRLT of Central Ksnsa*. tho best winter wheat producing district of the (United Sautes, yielding from 20 to 86 .Bushels per Acre. The average yearly rainfall in this coun v ™ nearly 38 inches per annum, one . third greater than in the much-cxtolled • kA M SAB VALLKT. which has a yearly rainfall of lest than 23 inches per annum m the same longitude, Stock-Raisjng and Wool-Growing are very Remunerative. The winters art short and mild. Stock will live all the on grass! Living Streams and springs are numerous. Pure water is found in wells from 20 to 0 feet deep. The Healthiest Clifiatt in the Wsrld f No fever and ague there. No muddy or im* payable roads. Plenty of fine building atone, lime and sand. These lands are be ing rapidly settled by the best class of Northern and Eastern people, and will so appreciate in value by the improvements now being made as tomakotheir purchase at present prices one of the very bsst in vestments that can be made, aside from the profits to be derived from their cullL vstion. Members of our firm reside >* A\ A-KEENKY, snd will sbow lends at any time. A pamphlet, giving full infor mation in regard to soil, climate, water supply, Ac., will he sent free on request. Address, WARREN, KEENEY & Co. * ~r mr Dearborn Bt, Chics go. Or Wa-Keeney, Trego co. Ks. 26np)0i*