The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 23, 1878, Image 2

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    t —■ ■■■
to** • 4 \ i m
Gatre Reporter.
Cflvrns HALL, Pa., May 23.1878.
Gor liarl runft has appointed Hon.
.1. B. I .inn, of Bellefonte, secretary ef
the commonwealth, vice Quay alio got
the I'hilad. recordorahip. The senate
unanimously confirmed Mr. Linn's
nomination. The nomination is a gn.*l
or.e—Mr. Linn is a gentleman of the
highest integrity, and well qualified for
the important position.
The Morning Patriot says: urn.
James A. Beaver of Centre county is a
gallant soldier whose mutilated body
bears testimony to his devotion to his
country. He has a high and honorable
record in civil as well as military .te.
But then he does not belong to the
Cameron ring and vet some ol his friend--
fondly imagined that ho could bo nomi
nated for governor, in a Cameron con
vention. Snch a man might have me:
with recognition when the republican
prty existed in Pennsylvania. But t' e
republican party is dead and has been
succeeded by the Cameron rule.
This time it is a Williamaport bank.
On 17 the banking house of .'anie-
Browu, lof that city. cloaed
An assignment has been made
for the benefit of depositor*, who .ire
principally of the poorer climes. Brow :
claims that the assets of the bank au
$50,000 in excess of the liabilities. The
liabilities are sloo,Oik 1 .
Nice story, as always when a bank
Now its a county commissioner
Tatrick Collins, at the present time s
commissioner of Schuylkill county, wa
found guilty of forgery. He was ap*
pointed a tax cvl'eetor in 1575 and be
ing inquired to give a bond it was
charged that he forged the names of five
bondsmen in connection thereof. Col
lins* recogniranc* in the sum c f SI,OOO renewed to Jane 3.
♦ ♦ i
Ptriko riots have disturbed tuanufac-,
lttring cities in England. The military I
ha 1 to be called out, and a number of!
persons have been killed.
The I'hilipsbnrg Journal earnestly
declares that its circulation is consider
ably larger than stated by us. Well, it
ought to know, ami we'll take it for
granted because it says so. We would
not do our Thilipsburg neighbors injus
tice —they are putting out a very fair
ffnd creditable paper, and we wonld
gladly see its list run into Qi* thous
Relative to the affairs of the defunct
Lewisburg Nat. Bank, the Journal says,
referring to the examination :
By Monday, howeTer, it was found
that matters were bad enough. Cashier
Sheller's account was discovered to be
overdrawn some S42,OX>. Of this amour'
about r24,000 was drawn since the Ist of
Mav, this year. On inquiring of the
cashier what he did with the money, he
declares his inability to explain the
matter ; attributes it to his mind not be
ing right since he received a fall some
months since.
So far as we could learn, the bank di
rectors have not yet decided what
coarse to take. The bank is solvent,
and may commence business with new
officers inside of a week. Another
meeting will be held shortly to decide
the matter.
Tbe Times staff correspondent, on 14
reporting tlie field of the rad state con
vention had this item.
The friends of General Beaver had c
caucus at the Bolton House, at which
less than a dosen were present. The\
appointed a committee to confer with
the supporters of Grow and Wickersham
and agreed to act with them in the fig'it
for the organization of the convention.
Putting these with all the others, ever
including r. possible ten or so for Kawle.
and it is plain that the whole number of
the opposition to Hoyt amounts to less
than a hundred.
Twenty-six exceptions were taken to
Judge Orvis' charge in the Turner case,
out of which only two were sustained
by the supreme conrt, and these upon
mere technical ground. This is bighlj
creditable to Jodge Orvis, whose deci
sions generally^tand the test of the
higher court.
The nomination of Cameron's man
Iloyt, did not go down without a growl,
and did not call ont much enthusiasm.
On the motion to make the nomina
tion of Hoyt unanimous Dr. Taylor, of
Chester county, took the floor and said
that while he did not want to disparage
Gen. Iloyt he wuatod to know whether
it was worth while to spend $15,000 or
$20,000 to oome here and hold what is
called a Convention when everything is
arranged before band- This expression
was greeted with loud applause showing
that while the Convention was carrying
out the plans of the managers the better
sense of the delegates revolted at so
humiliating a coarse. An effort was
mode to choke him off but he went on
to demand n right to be beard in the in
terests of the.Republican party. Loud
cries of "go on" followed, and be pro
ceeded to ask whether the Republican
party could afford to have its ticket
made out in the Locbiel Hotel. He Gil
ded that if the Republican party did not
want defeat, they must take new guides
Dr. Taylor, having said this much, was
proceeding to tell what he knew about
ring manipulations, when he was shut
off by a point of order. It is safe to say
that he reflected the sentiments of a
large number of the delegates, for upon
making iloyts nomination unanimous,
there was a very considerable number of
The opposition to Cameronism is grow
ing in the republican ranks. It will be
difficult for them to throw off the yoke,
and the old Winnebago will sooner have
the party goto grass than to lose con
trol of the machine.
As the Reporter goes to press, this.
Wednesday noon, the democratic state
convention is about organizing at Pitts
burg. We expect to communicate in
our next that Hon. A. 11. Dill was nomi
nated for governor on Ist ballot.
"The Centre Herald," is a new paper
at Bellefonte, the first issue of which ap
peared last week. W. Frank Bailey is
editor, N. 8. Bailey, assistant Judging
from the first number, the bailey's
know how to get up a paper both edito
rially and mechanically. The Herald
flys the independent flag and will have
nothing to do with party clinues. We
wish the Herald success.
Congressman Wright of Luzerne coon-1
ty reported from the committee on pub
lic lands, a bill providing for the loan of,
♦SOO out of the public treasury to every
person who will settle on the public
lands. This is a wild scheme and ought
to be consigned to the shades of forget
fulness with its author. It is no part of
this government to support people.
Every one must sustain himself as long
as he is no pauper or criminal, aud the
simple duty of both state and federal
government is to protect him in his
rights to labor and support himself.
Doity, Hoyt-y, Simon and Don,
For bread they give us a Stone.
The National Guard of New York baa
orders to prepare for a communistic out
Tin: CA MERGES .1 .v/> no rr.
We are Informed that on the 11 in*!,
the Cameron rangers met in Winne
bago's vrig-wnm. He had called tbe
henchmen of his clan to the igwam, to
give them his orders for the next daj's
proceedings, and previous to "letting
loose" he rose up.cast his eve round and
finding John Cessna, Quay, Mackoy,
| Kemhle and "aich like" of the faithful
present, he opened the hall by saying
"Wig-Wag."that is, you must do M
Simon tells you and not as Simon do s ;
"you understand. I and my son Hon ha\ o
one year ago nominated Col. llovt a
our candidate for next governor and > o i
must ratify it to-morrow in eouneil
nothing more, nothing less. As <<>r
Grow. I have had him inflated with the
idea that his little side show for the of-
lice looks as if something is going to be
done; but when the cork is drawn it is
pop and footh ; as for WickeraUam. lie
is proving that a little learning is a dan
gerous thing, and that his army of pro
feasors of the public aclnnds. are a class
politically in the market. u* for tb e.
Beaver, Hon telegraphed for him to
Bellefonte. and like a good soldier he
obeyed orders and is hero. 1 have nun <
a test of the votes for the council to
morrow—you see 1 have given Grow
and Wickerahaui all (The votes they can
get, nr. J 1 have set apart for Gen. H aver
12 votes, which he utid his friend-, un
well pleased with, as it is one more than
his townsman Cnrlin received whei
first up for that offlct so that Col.
Hoyt is nominated on first ballot
Cessna, you will prepare the platform un
der my direction, and remember that on
my last viait to Washington city, thu.
Hayes would not be noticed, good, bs
or iuditferent. He shall regret the ih;y
that he did uot retain lk>u as Secretary
of War, who done more to defeat
Blaine's nomination than any other man
in the national convention.
"When llovt is nominated you must
offer the Lieut. Governorship to Grow,
his self ronceit will refuse it—then let
him kick if he dare. As for N\ ickendiatn,
he is like the cbap sleeping with a rom
rad. began to scratch and sing oat '■ Gus,
is that your leg or mine 1 am scratching ' ''
The White hats ami the Black hats, re
tainers and time servers, come on the
orders of Simon to the letter. Ihe V en
tre county delegates. Coburn and Love,
with JManchard as ring-master, carried
out tueir purl to the satisfaction of iMu
—their decoy uoi.i:e anil their sham
pretence, uiuitw tive txick ol injunctions
to cover the fraud they were bound to
carry out to prove their fawning, cring
ing servility to the Cameron*; since
their return it is laughable to hear tlieni
brag they got 12 votes for Gen. Beaver,
one more than Curtin got the first time,
whan every man in the county knows
they aa Qui .dupes of the Cameron# and
dare not disobey Q>< V :g-M ag. but
thev have not deceived the isns. a.-d tile
of their party by the trick, and they will
find out that they can not he sold or
transferred this fall without their con-
The late Mr. A. T. Stewart, Qu mill
ionaire, once came to the conclusion
that, although advertising was a MM
thing as a ladder, it wasot no great 1 cn
efit to him. ad his name sold the goods.
\s a test, one department only of his
establishment was advertuied. Its busi
ness overtopped that of the other* so
immediately anil so largely, that Mr
Stewart concluded that to get the full
power of his name it must appear in
printer's ink. His advertising uianaj
gers say, "from that time he advertised
more largely than ever in the papers.
Mr. Fly said at the last meeting of the
New York Farmer's Club that there are
iwo or three substances that are obnox
ious to the flea —lie does not like the
smell of them, or does not like to think
about them—and these are carbolic acid
and sulphur. If yon want a barn thor
oughly purged of weevil, or lice, or lien*
the best way is to fumigate it with sul
phur. But if von whitewash all around
the stAbles and posts of the yard with a
whitewash made by adding carbolicacid
to the litne, it will drive most of these
beas** away. AV ashing an animal thus
infested with carbolic soap-suds willgivt
However much ItMsia may desire to
recall the troops, they will only retire
after the Turks have surrendered the
fortresses and the English fleet ha* l-ft
its present anchorage.
All news tends to show that the Mo
hammedan insurrection is spreading
more and more westward. The Russian*
*ay they have ceased active operation
igainst the insurgents to give time for
ihe efforts of the Turkish Commission
The following it an extract from the
-Late Constitution .
Any person who alia I i give, or promise
or offer to give, to an elector, any money
reward or other valuable consideration
for his vote at an election, or for with
fielding the rurct-, or who shall give or
promise to give such consideration to any
•iiher person or paity for such elector's
vote or for the withholding thereof, ad
any elector who shall receive or agree t.>
receive, Lit himself or for another, any
money, reward or other valuable consid
eration for bis vote at an election, or for
withholding the same shall thereby for
feit the right to vole at such election
whose right to vete shall be challenged
for such cause before the election officer*,
shall be required to swear or affirm thai
the matter of the challenge is untrue he
fore his voto shall he received.
Any person who shall, while a candi
date for office, be guilty of bribery, Iran 1.
or willful violation of any election law,
shall be forever disqualifies! from holding
an office of trust or profit in this Common
wealth : and any persen convicted of will
full violation of the election laws shall, in
addition to any penalties provided by law,
be deprived oS the right of suffrage abso
lutely for a term of four years.
PAISKCL Acciwctfv.-* Liulo Kat<-, a
daughter of Jahn Derstine, of Beljefonte,
met with a terrible accident by which both
her !eg were broken and her arm* and
head badly hurt. She was riding on the
shaft at Hale A Duncan's mil!, and getting
too near the cog* her clothes were caught
by tbeoi and she was drawn in and muti
lated in the manner above mentioned.
At a meeting nt several railroad Presi
dents in St. Louis on Saturday, ;J jrss re
solved to reduce the rates ft cents on
-'grain and articles classed with grain" cn
route to New York. This is what West
era farmets have been working for, cheap
ened transportation, but it is not what will
be Car the best interest of Pennsylvania
farmers, who are threatened with the same
injurious effeeU that effect lumbermen
from cheapened trsa.p.o'tution east
The most absorbing question beforo in a
country to-il*y, judging Irom the column*
devoted to it by the mist enterprising
newspatsess, is thut of Communism, and
the dangers attending growth. Hie
Now York Urayhic UK+L, the subject s
one of the gravest character, £#<) rven
goes so far as to urge the large increase of|
the standing army to protect from Com
munistic riots which it believes are certain
to come.
The Mexican Revolutionist* cruised
frow Tnxas into Mexico on the night of
April 27, at J'etama Capote and La I'al
ma, and are toatfiosed to number 300.
They are under the diction of Col. Mu
nor ot Escobedo's staff. It u jy':a pro
gramme for a patty to cross near auul
Grande city and take Camargo.
lIOV r \o\ll\ITRI roll'iov KRNoR.STKIiItKTT
miiM I'KHMI Jl'l*-lit"NK roll 1 IM -
H.N \NY 110 V ..liN-'H AM* 1H NKl.l
vr rains.
Harriidutrg. May !'• Cliairmnn Wtl
son called the convenlion to order a
half past tin o'clock and counseled gooi
order in order that the business of tin
Iwilv might run smoothly
The nominations for temporary chair
man being in order, 11 M . Palmer, o
l.uieme, nominated N l'urviiiiice
[The llovt caucus having last night de
cided on Mayor Stokely for temporary
Mr. Purviance for jHWinntient chniriuai
Mr. Palmer Stated tha' the gentleniei
selected hud agreed to change posh
tioilH. 1
General \V. H. kooiitr, of Somerset
nominated V. J. Kautlmnn, loinesster
who had been derided on by the luow
Wickersham- Beaver caucus.
Mr. Purviance received If \ >te- ami
Mr. Kauffman 04.
.la*. P. Coburn w.* ontuf Ml on com
mittee <n organisation, and Jno G.
1 ve one of the si a--Mutant secreta
I'he platfoim g->e* for a protective
taritl has t; !> for the laboring ela--.
says that the public land* belong to the
people, but the republican congrt --
gave nearly all to the railroads give*
llartranft an endorsement, and -av
nething at nil about Hayes.
Tor governor the first ballot was then
taken and resulted as follows.
lloyt, HU Grow, 47 , Wickersham,
Beaver, I*2 Morrell, 1.
The vote of 1 . P. Shoemaker, who see
uded the nomination of Hoyt, w i
the t.V.h rumajoi ty >■( the e--:iu-n
General llovt w * declared the nomi
nee for governor.
A motion to make the choice unani
mous wus opposed by Pr. Taylor, of
Cheater county, who said the nomina
tion of Hoyt bud been set up at the
luwhiel hotel before the delegates hail
arrived, and that being the customary
progrruitue he thought delegates hud
Wtter stay at home than sjteml $20,W0
or ?00,000 a year m railroad fare, etc.,
without having iny show at conveu
11 T. Harvey, ofClinton, declared that
the gentleman was out of order; and the
chair sustained the point, when Pr.
Taylor reluctantly ten k his seat, after
Iw-ing alternately hissed and up; laud
Fi i supremo judge the ballot wus then
taken and resulted. For tjtgrrgtt, 134;
for Agnew, t'2.
Judge -terrett having receive J a ma
jority of all the votes east, was declared
the nominee of the republican party
for supreme judge, and on motion the
nomination was made unanimous.
For lieut. governor the first and only
ballot resulted For Stone, IS2, for
Jacobs, "4. i harm* W. having
rc.clved a majority of all the votes cast
was declared the nominee of the repub
lican party for lieutenant governor, and
on motion of Gen. Albright the nomi
nation was made unanimous.
Fi-st ballot for sec'y of internal affairs,
was then pio**-dJ £:'h and resulted
For Pnnkcl, 113 : for MVieiian. UJ . i r
Ponley, 31.
There being no choice a second ballot
had been ordered, when the name of J.
15. Ponley wo* withdrawn. The con
vention than proceeded to a choice be
tween t'apt. Punkel and It. 1. M t letia*
The ballot resulted: For Punkel. 122
for M'Clellan, Uk.
Punkel was declared the nominee.
Hoyt was then introduced, made a
speech, when the Winnebago's pow-wow
Inasmuch as the putsu- tiding only
costs the couutry a tritle of
per annum we oau hardly expe, t to ex
tract much instruction or amusement
from the publications of the Govern
ment office, ami yet a few of these cheap
iitlle documents would make attractive
Summer reading. The Engineers' He
port, for example, is one of nine or ten
which go to make the consolidated re
port of the War Pepartment, and the
particular engineers who reported to the
second session of tbe XLI A th Congress
used up three octavo volumes, contain
ing 2,211 pages, before they succeeded
in telling all they know. These expert*
made accurate topographical surveys ol
every hir.l, bug and beast which Uiey
encountered while on professional duty,
ami returned estimates for dredging and
straightening out the crookedest ami
muddiest dialects which are ;>oketi by
aboriginal Americans, so that altogether
the informat'on furnishetf by tbe engi
neers is varied and surprising. We re
gret to add that several acres of the re
port will hardly be considered ofperma
nent value.
Here jo General O. E. Dabcock, in
charge of ground* at the .Nation
al Capital, assuring pualcgity tljat in one
of the parks "there were so many tastci
"that the lawn mower could not be used]
"making necessary the cutting with a
"scythe." And again lie writes, "proper
incloeure was made for n pair of pnuriej
"dogs. The dogs are doing well.'" Hut,
alter a hundred pages orso, w hen barren i
statistics of this sort begin t<> gr>w weari
some, the mind invariably finds rest!
and refreshments upon some little oasis.)
like the following, which is fertile nndj
fragrant with suggestion. "Thg green -
"house force was employed in caring
"for the plants, ale., stored there for the
"Winter, and in propagating plants,
"trees, etc., for distribution to members
"of Congress and others. Sixty-five
"thousand were distributed, being sent
"by express or otherwise as members
I'efore marching out into the desert
again amongst tiio "75 straw mats"
which the General had made, the
loads of moss" he gathered, and other
arid, not to say suffocating, details of
daily engineering, the reader will be lia
ble to pause and inquire why Congress-,;
men "and others" should be furnished
by the Federnl Government with ft 5,000
plants and trees ami not with 65,000
undershirts. And if Congressmen "and
others" have any special need of trees
and plants, why they can't pay for them
as other people do. And why the Gov
ernment should enter into competition
with nurserymen and florists jus* 23 it
does with printers and publishers. And
why these small stealings of C'ongresss
men shouldn't lie stint off before they
screw down the wages of department;
clerks in the name of economy?— Tri-
I'Unr. 1
Washington,. Jlay 13. —As soon as the
business of thu morning hgur was over
Mr. Clarkson I'otter rose to amir/licp
of privilege nn<i offered a preamble and
resolution for an investigation, not only the frauds in Flotilla, hut intothose
alleged in Louisiana. It was deemed
best by those having the subject in
charge that Mr. Potter, who is a ready
debater, should present the resolutions.
The Republicans at once instituted a
store./ t;m" and finally, by refusing to i
vote, broke up & cnorntn, so that tlie t
House came to <! Jea/ilpcJ; and was ,
unable to puss the resolution#, air. ,
Potter, finding that the Democratic vole
fell below a quorum, hud no alter
native but to move an adjournment and
await the return; of the Democratic ub- t
aentees. These have been telegraphed c
ta jjpd are expected to-morrow. The f
Democrat*i. yoto is 156, which is ten ,
mora than a quorum, if all of the
Democratic members uro on l;an4 fhe
revolutionary game of tho Hepulilicana 1
will be broken up and the investigation
ordered. jc
The introduction of the resolution L
produced a decided sensation on the!
Itepublican side. The Republicans had
not anticipated that it would inculpate, *'
Governor S'oves, Minister to France, or,
Secretary John Kherman. They were,
therefore, t to ruise a question of fi
order tlmt the proposed investigation
was tint privileged. Mr. Poller held
that if nn inquiry into the title of the
President was not n question of prlvilege
the House could hardly be called Lipase
upon a more important question, wheth
er privileged or not. The Republican!
then wrangled a good deal over the
rights ufa Male iu the House,ami dual
ly settled down on General Garileld'i
n-sumption that the question was not
hum of privilege unless it was hiu-eil on
the Constitutions! nw< r of Impeach
jment, and that the Houseconhl not now
go Into the validity of tlit* President's
title, Mr. Mills, of Texas, fro in the
'Democratic side, contended that tin
whole question was settled iu the Forty
fourth Congress, and any attempt to in
tcrfere with that settlement by the
Forty-tilth Congress he regarded as an
■ usurpation of power. This declaration
j was loudly applauded on the Kcpuhil
can side. >1 r. Potter fully answered
I Mr. Mills hv saving that if ever there
' was a case in w Inch fraud should he in
quired into it was when that fraud had
been Mteees-fully accomplished The
Speaker then ruled the resolution* a*
privileged iu a very clear and concise
decision, and recognized .Mr. Potter L
move the previous questiou. The lie
publican side was prompt to appeal from
the decision, and Mr. Pottei was as
prompt to move that the appeal he laid
>n the table, and tlu* wa* carried by Ids
to It's. the vote wan a utru-t party vote
except thai General Puller and Repre
sentative* Port and Mitchell, Republi
can*, voted with the Democrat* to lay
on the table, and Mills, of 11 xas, and
Ituckner. of Missouri, voted with the
Republican* to set a-ule the S|-aker'*
ruling. The Republicans followed the.r
defeat by u succession of points or order
which were ruled out uml voted dor. r
till the House came to a direct vote < n
the previous question, when, pending hb
demand, they attempted, through Mr.
Hale, to amend the scope of the investi
gation *o a* to include Oregon and Mi ■
si*sippi and even South Carolina. Mr.
Potter said he would vote for a separate
committee for those State*, but would
non consent to include them in this ui
vestigntii n, though i;i the ease of .Mis-i -
sippi the tiepubbcans had already us
vestigated that Stale, while in Oregon
if there had been fraud, it had not ac
cotnphshed anvthing, a* in the case of
Florida. The bouse then proceeded to
vote on seconding the demand for the
previous question,and, on a viva voce
vote, allot the Republican* refused to
answer. A division was thun demand
ed, and Mr. Potter and Mr. Hale were
appointed teller*, aud still every He
publican but Mr. Jlule declined to
The intention of the Republican* in
tins was evident, owing to the ;di*en
tees on the llemociatic side, and the re
fusal of the Republicans to vote, tlie
House was left without a quorum. Un
der the rules the usual call of the House
was made, and then Mr. Potter uioved
to adjourn, which was carried. If the
Republicans fail to earrv their points to- 1
morrow, as they will, they contemplate i
inaugurating in the Senate an investiga- ,
tion into the other State*.
On Hi. The select democratic -.nv .
advisory commituo mat immediately uf-!
tcr the adjournment of the house, to
take into consideration the pi> -cut xin
ditionoftbe Potter investigation resolu
tion. Several prominent democrahc
number- were invited to be present at
the con imitation.
Tho committee decided that the dem
ocrats should adhere to their dcteriuiu
ation to admit no amendment* to the
resolution, ami to persevere in the pres
ent courwo until th resolution shall be
adopted, and fu.Uic,- that public
basincsk be transUted meanwhile.
A VCOEI M .t.V/> / AAV ///£•
Washington, May 17.—The nrotracted
-tniggle for a quorum in the House eud
e.l shortly before 4o'clock tbi- afternoon
when the Democrat* succeeded in m--
curing w-e ..tiendanre of 147 of their
own members, flie attempt of the Ke
tiublicans in parliamentary jiarlam-e to
further count out the llouae was thus
defeated, and after one dilatory motion
on their part the resolution to invest!
gate the electoral frauds in Florida ami
Louisiana was tmcard by a vote of If'to
all the Democrats votma in tbe affir
mative but two, who voted in the nega
tive—Air. Mills, of Texas, and Mr.
Morse, '.i Massachusetts, Th vote
showed that all of the Republicans r
frained from voting, and a* the result
proved overstepped themselves, for w hen
a motion was made frotn their side t •
reconsider the vote for the purpose of
further delay, no Republican had voted
on the winning side, and it was there
fore ruled out of order.
AVn-bingtoo, liny ! v .—Speaker Ran
dall, befi re leaving Washington ; ■ n. <r
row evening for a Visit to Pennsylvania,
w ill complete his selection of members
of the Florida and Louisiana Investi
gating Committee .and hand the b*t to
Mr. Hayler, of Oliio, who, a* kipeaker.
pro tempore, will announce tho com
mittee to the House Monday. It is be
licved that Measr*. Morrison, of Illi
noi* ; MacMahon of Ohio, nnd Rlackburn
of Kenfuckev, who took part in the
Louisiana anil Florida investigation 1*!
year, and Mr. liunton,of Virginia, a
member of the Electoral Commission,
wi.l I e trade member* of thi* • ommit
tee. an J very probably Messrs. Springer
uflllinoi* and Btenger, ofif#nn.vyival Ihj named as the other Jh-niocratio
members, together with Mr. Potter, of
course a* Chairman. The Republican*
most prominently mentioned in conjec
ture* a* to the representation of the
minority on this committee are Messrs.
Butler of Massachusetts; F'rve, of Maine.
Laphsa, of New York, and Cox, of
.Demand Made on the Porte to Insist
on England Withdrawing Her
i Fleet from the Sea of Marmora.
mii.La ot-TRoyr n nv the mob.
London, May I?.—A dupaUh rom Co
nstantinople say* the Russians continue
marching their forces from all direction*
in the vicinity of and are daily drawing
nearer to the Turkish eapitol.
They are also constantly pressing on the
porte to insist upon England withdrawing
her fleet from the Sea of Marmora.
All advices received indicate that the
Turkish popular feeling of uneasiness is
A dispatch to Keillor** telegram compa
ny from St. Petersburg say* : "It i be
lieved that Count SchouvalofT ha* suc
ceeded in convincing tho emperor that it
i* to Russia * interest to concede to Kurope
most of tho demands formulated by Eng
The assembling ofn European congress
appears consequently assured, despite the
diffcultioa which have arisen at Constan
tinople concerning ttio surrender of the
A dispatch from I'orn, in the second edi
tion of to-day's Time /, says : "Although
the advanco of tho Russians four kilome
tres nearer to Constantinople is declared
to he devoid of significance, the move
ment has nevertheless increased thcuneas
iness hero.
The Russians, instead of being clustered
SI AN AIUiStU kltli -A 1,1. SKIt -
London, May 15.—A telegram from
ilutoum states that a concentration of 7.01*1
ri-ined Mussulman inhabitant* of Lazislan
in the Ardnnalcb district, has compelled
the Russians to retreat, and that the rapid
gathering of armed bands renders unteria
uhlz J):o J'ossian positions at Livona and
an the C'baruU
Advices from Bucharest state that dv
.aohments of Russian reserves and re
:ruits continue to pasj through Koumania
r or regiments in the field Some of these
■nen are totally ignorant of military drill,
frains of ammunition are also passing to
hp J)ari"he.
The itussian, tpi-kirp additional
:ontracU in Koumania for transport c-.U
,nd animals. If is said that 3,000 more
ire ordered to he ready in two weeks for
ervice south of fhe Danube-
Renewed activity prevails in the several |
rsenals. Orders have bevn issued to tlie i
actory at Kragujavatz, to increase the
pi iluition of Paalsody-Msrtitii ammuni
tion t<> lha nmount of tO.OOO round* per
dny. Ml serviceable artillery In store ha*
been ordered to be niouiilr ! nn I sent im
iilOtlitttrly t flir* front,
in villager, a'o now eaten before the
city, with thrlr Unc- of tents in n manner
impressive t<> the popular tuiud. New*
coa*n alto of an advance of 16 UK) troop*
from ivtillikrati to Rustchuk Tchkmedj#,
oftimllar forward movements from Hilurla
to Khi .krati, and utbrr corresponding ad
vantc* from the rear toward* the trout.
All these inurements tend to im.i the
o.iir ami clo*or to Constantino
pie, and coim ineptly iiu-roa-o tlm anile
ly within tha city It I* reported on good
authority I ut .till' ltu-I.nm ar nhoul to
deepen the channel from Tchekliiodje lake
to the mi i nlfHco ntlv to permit lhepa**ng •
of launches and other imall vc-sels. Sig
nificance Is attached to a heliet current in
well informed circle* that the channel
squadron will leave I'ort Saul for Hrsika
hav immediately after the arrival of the
Indian troop*.
London, May IT. 'I ho Lancashire di*
triet i* quieter to day, pending uegotia-|
Hon* f >r com prom i*e
The cotton mill- ,V Warbur
ton, at Haslington, bnve been burned by
the mob, and other act* of * ioleuco com
A meeting of master* wa* held at Man
chester to-day. The result ha* <iecrcaed
the ho[ic of any immediate settlement
they refining to contider any propotilien
from the striker*.
A dispatch ju-t received from Black
burn av* lite master* a', their meeting to
day decided to maintain their terms in
! ill. Tho mob resumed their riistou* con
duct and have burned Whlttaker's mill.
The excitement in Kast Lamashire aris
ing from the difference* between the cot
ten toaster* and operative* is still intense
ihe piosence ul military and large
bodies oi police alone holds the pupula> <
in check in s-verai large towns, and
h uld to-Jnj ctf rl f-ir a settlement fuil
it io tented that tin -e may not pirove ade
At a meeting of the operative* at Old
ham las', night it wa* decided to strike
against the proposed tivo per ceut. reduc
tion of their w ago*.
1- nden. May 1!0.- A special dispatch te
the London "Times from I'era, under
dale of Sunday, says all hop**. of peace
are now nearly if not entirely abandoned
Austria i* impressed with this conviction,
from Kussia'* attitude that she has adopt-!
Ed a definite policy for the protection ot
her interests, and Turkey ha* nownomore
misgivings concerning Austria* military!
preparation* than concerning the presence
of the English fleet in the Sea ofAtormora
A dispatch from Port Said announce*l
the passage through liie Suei canal to-day!
of live IT ghsh transport* with troop* fori
Alscou, Msy IS.—The first crop of j
Otfcrgis pescbes left li*r to-day by the
S cithern ex| re;*,consigned to New A'ork j
Forty thousand crates will follow.
~ ~Z "
i cr tho Reporter.
Now when John hr.d hoard is the prisoe
the w< rk of v hrnt. be seat two of hi* dis-!
ciples. And said uut<> him, An thu he
that should cunie, < r do we look for anoth- j
•r ' Jrsus answered and said unto them.:
tio and show John again those things{
which ye do hear and ih : Tiie blind re
ceive their sight, and the lame walk, the
lep -* are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the
dead arc rai>< i up. and the poor hare the
gospel preached to them. And blessed is
! whe- sever thai! not be offended in mr
A' i u they departed, Jesus began l" say j
t-> the multitudes concerning John, What!
went ye out ii>U> the wilderness to see 7 a
rd s: ; -n w;th the wind Rut what
went ve <ot tor t > -<• a man clothed in 1
- 'ft raiment ' R. h.dd they that wear soft
. •thing are in* king'* houe Hut what
wer.t ye out fur to see ' a prophet Yea.
1 lav unlo vi.u, and ai iru than a prophet.
P"t ih.r l.i.a cf wuoiu II . writteu. Uc.
hold. I my u,<'ei.g r before thy
face, which ba!i prepare thy way before
thee Verily, 1 say unto you. Among
them that are born ot wemec. there hath
n l risen a greater than John the Haptisl
lie was a r< nowned preacher; he sent the
people !• Christ, not u the pri.-t, ormin
i-ter When we have difficult question*
! > di*| W c *:. 'U:.! Co::,!• t > Christ, to
the Word of God John s disciples asked
Jcu. Art tho i he that slio lid c 'Mr, or
do we iook fo- another - He answered
and said unt • them. Go and show John
again th>'e things which ye do hear and
s. oar.d blessed is he. whosoever shall
r.o-. tie offended in n.a
The Lord Jesus (Jhritl Com
mends John, li s commendation con-
I Tho Contlxnoy of John ID wa
not a reed shaken by the wind. He wa
no doubter, no turn-co*; \S hat went ye
out into tho wilderness to see' A men
fuii of he-nancy, doubts, and bogg'n-s,
who did not know on which side of the
tomb h was ? N . but a man who was
firm and steadfast in doctrine and of most
decided convictions— a go..J example for
both ministers and laymen ofourdsy. All
moral and religi ms teachers should dig
down eep and plant themselves in the
word cfCod. an<l then the Devil could not
r<o-t then} nu Pr heaven and earth may
pa-s avar. but th word of God shall re
main Neither the favor of men norths
fear of death, should swerve them from
the path of duty.
II Ho Sobriety and Mortification.
John inured himelf to hardness ot life
Says J etui, What went ye out to tee? *
man in soft raiment, in a tilk ([own, with
a gold watch, spectacle*, cuff-button*, etc.
court preacher, a chaplain of Parlia
ment. Congrats, etc. No, hit coat of cam
el't hair and locust meat, indicated the
contrary. He wat not a delicate rolup
tuu parson. tut grave. *i,her and teyere.
\ minitter should not ho a tenderling or
weak ling t<> gain the favor f the world,
hut uterniy dec are the truth to all clate,
the 'armtr, mechanic, the beggar on the
dunghill, and the king on hit throne.
John -ebuked the adultery of Herod with-
out regard to rank or office. Lk. T : 19.
The Jewt desired the old prophet' to
preach with smooth word*, I*. 30. 10 , but
thie was not Jobn' atyle. A good shep
herd will d" juttifp to his iy>ck. Uj ili
do hi. duly in u>o lace uf danger and
death, knowing that ho who aont him, will
be a wall of fire around him.
ill Forbis Humility. John confessed
and denied not. saying, 1 am not the
Christ, but a poor minister of his, willing,
but not werthy. to do him service. Such
n spirit would, everywhere, commend the
mini-try of Christ to the people.
IV. His Office. What went ye out to
mw 1 a prophet, yea, more than a prophet.
Tho Savior commends his clear preaching
and revealing of f.hrist to tho people. The
ancient prophet* saw (Jbrist afar off. John
beheld him face to face i they prophesied
of him ; he pointed at him saying, This
in hk. And yet the moune-t evangelical
minister that preaches Christ come, is to
he preferred before nil tho old prophet*,
who prophesied of Christ t > come.
1. Christ i* the great Physician. In
John's day. the blind received their fight,
the lame walked, loner* were cleansed, the
deaf heard, the dead wore raied up, and
the poor had thag.>tpol preached to them,
lie is tho same 4'. Physician now He
wus thuu. What more'du vou want, read
er. —como to this yrrril Physician then.
He will heal you—Ho will save you.
Comf one, ooUK all.
2. There i a great contrast between
Christ and the world. Christ tay*, Blest
ed is he, whosoever shall not be offended
in me. First, the world take* offence at
the doctrine of Christ, e.g. Matt. 7: 18, 14.
Enter ye in at the strait gate, etc., and re
mark*, perhaps, why the preacher want*
to go to heaven alone I Who can believe
such a humiliating doctrine a* that of Ro
n*nUnc>T Secondly, at the life of Christ,
ili* humility, meekness, forgiveness, tub
mission, etc. Who tan iivif such a life a*
this? None but Christ himself. The
world say*: When you aro 'among the
wolves you inut howl with them. Rut
this i tho teaching of the Devil. St. Paul
say*. Rom 12:2, Be not conformed tolhi*
world, but be yn transformed by tho re
newing of your minds, that ye may prove
what i* that good, and acceptable and per
fect will of God.
3. Inconstancy i* a great evil. It is an
unfortunate affair with respect to both
world* to ho a resd shaken by tho wind, to
bo a hypocrite, to have tho form of j,od
lines* and deny the power thereof; foe the
hoito of the hypocrite shall parish.
i. There are too many soft raiment
Christians, effeminate and feeble Chris
tians, easily led astray from Christ and his
church. Away with your soft-raiment
men, they don't Hvail much.
5. The characteristics of u true Chris
tian nro: f. An inquiring mind, Art
thou lie i 'U. 4 stekiMj miml. • A
sighing mind, expressing Itself ahor Thiel
manner. lam blind, iaine, deaf, etc. 1
A Christlike mind,—having obtained help
from Christ, love manifests itself to our
neighbor, and a true Christian will teach
and instruct others and try to bring thonil
to Christ. J. T., Aaronsburg. 1
Sliat ofil 53rick33ai£(liuq
s,(po&m<akd 6
All/ wlseYe
(M*" ft a n d £jpt''ix
to earn a qcoct tu</me
I'vy nuiki iuj ©pj LY'
i h &U u^ir
&M and rtmniiw ever *
Uiik kind (d wtofdinn
Mai- ftlen andljeroS may -
W.D GffK
cM W & B note.
Hardware! Hardware!! Hardware!!!
Bclleibute, Penn*a.
Have just received aud placed OD Exhibition and Bale, at their Stores no lean
Fifty-Three Varieties and Styles of Cook and Parlor Stoves,
Single and Double Heaters, Portable Ranges, Ac., embracing all the lateat
improvements, newest makes, styles and novelties in the market, combining
all the desirable qualities, such as beauty, durability,convenience and econo
my. They bare the only Portable Ranges that will bake in BOTH OVENS
foreale iu the county. ENTIRELY NEW.
Every Stove WAIUtANTED in every particular.
LOWEST PRICE and satisfaction guaranteed.
Our stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Oils, Pure Leads,
and PA 1 NTS cannot be excelled for variety, quality and cheapness.
EVERYBODY IS REQUESTED TO CALL whether wishing to pur
chase or not.
Special Bargains for Cash Buyers ! WILSON A McKARLANE, Humes" Block, Bellefonte.
Tbree hundred en J nine oil wells were
completed >a*l month, an increaie of 1071
over March'* contribution.
In MEN'S and ROY*?,
LOUIS DOLL'S Shoe Store,
nppoaita the Bush house, Bellefonte.
room formerly occupied by John
Bowcra. apr2sy 1
Special Nolicea
I i!l mill i Fr#a lb# raclpa for a atmpla Ya##tabU
Halm tbat #ll) ram.*## Tan FRXCfctJcS KMMPLIUi;
and HioUthat, laatlif (ha ikio aofl. f)M #*4 b##etl
; ful. alao inalrucitnci for prod#* in# a lainrlaat f rvwth
jof hair on a bal-1 haad or n >lh fa#a. Addnai.
j elealag 3 ct, aiattjj ,Dm Yandalf A Co, SO A St .
To Consumptives*
Th, *dtnlar. htriu be, pdWumtlv evrwd -t
, that dread d■. i'mraaßrttoi. i, * im*m,|
, t *mkon> tr. mj> ,mi t, ai*n!V*ebgf* V*l
. a., ,u uT*u. t i all m J*uv la a* out e |
(' I>,-J A* pmrrtt'Uon o*vd. ifrw "I ch*rr . wilt
! th, dirvctioaw for i>rrprlu* and Mine lk,*oa. whWh J
ibaj sill ftd,l * Mir* 1 11, for CwaotuapUoa. AMta*.
: HrrfiditUk. tc
r,r<i„ wi,hir* lit* pmtileUoa win pi**** *ddr*,.
K. t WIIaO>,Ih I'M, Si. WUtetten. K T I
nd AnuariiMnl enaibißod Important to paranU
'rehe, M fltr-nl trtjMir *w*,i Thr rntlr*
•rot fm for lift, rtmwacr or Map, Vu l>#lf A
k'o.W Aam R*. N. Y.
AC* g/\ AUKSfT* moAte Mr We,*. WUI"
i •Oll' row ' lw ' c d*!t Ajtk *, MX f
el " ' I>.t,Q. b*u.t ,rvt *rrf to ,11 Addrv*
I %■ tttOMIPKSTaK fli PulLa St , Mew Yuri.
AGKNTI.KMAB bo luflrraO for ftan fron Jit
rout Dvblllt# Piwular* l>#o*y, aud all th* aIT act*
of ynntbfnl IndHwratioti, will for tha aaka of tularin*
' unianiiy Mini fr#a hr all #b> n##d it, th# r#clp# and
pir#ctton fc*r making th# altupla ratnady which ha aa
car#d Suffarbra wkahioc to pmil by tha adr#nia*r'ft
aipartaoc# rac do #o by addraaalng In p#rf#ct coafl
JUHN B OCDEs,l3C#dar St., Na# York.
34 jan Kt&i,
j Spring Mills O. K!
at I. J. Grenobie'a Store !
I has tho goods. Largest stock I
Pi •ices Lower than
1 Ever, |
And now eitends a cordial invitation to
hi* friends, patrons, and public general
Also a Complete Assortment of
Head/ ijaiiu Liotjnug tor uieu bud
. boys. Suits as low as to be bad io the
1 city.
Imported and Domestic
Full lines of
For Ladies, Gents, Hoys, Misses and
Hosiery, Gloves, Boots and Shoes,
And the most complete assortment of I
n Central Pennsylvania, and prlce*lthat:|
willcompel you in self defence to buy of),
liiii . Also Fish, Salt, etc. ldoc^
A full line of Howe Sewing Machines l
and Needles for all kinds of machines.
To tall l>r. L'hate'i Recipe*; or Informa
tion f. r Everybody, in every county in
the United .Stele* and Canada* Enlarged
!>j the publitl.or to t-4s page*. It contain*
over tSVO !iouebold recipe* and it tuitod
to all o!a**e* and condition* of tociety. A
wonderful hook and a boutehold n*ce**i
ty. It telit at tight, (irwalwt induce
ment* vrr offered to hook agent* Sam
ple copia* tent by mail. Pottpaid, for $2 U*
Exclu-ive territory given. Agent* more]
:han dcubie their money. Add re** I)r ;
{Chase'* Steam Printing Hou*e, Ann.Arbot
Michigan. 9 may 13t
Ladi-'s fine Button Roots, g 1.75.
Ladies Lasting Gaiters, 1.00
Ladie's Lasting Slippers. ,&Q.
Ladie't Lasting Tip Gaiter*, i '£>.
l-adic'* Coarse .Shoe:, f .ft)
Gent dne yait Root?, aandmada, lIU.
Orf.t • Aictii Ruckle Shoes, 1.50
.411 kind of PI.OW SIIOFA for
Men and Hoy a.
The lat-wt style of LA DIE'S FRENCH
IIKKL H(H)TS, made on the French
Last. Call and see them. A fine
stock of Hie Bast Buenos Ayrea
Sole Leather, Calf Skins.
Keep* Lasts, Pegs, etc.
always a full
W T (J C.
iCamty Manufactory & Bakery.
Mr. Albert Kauth,
is now tusking the verv best
in Bellefonte.
Candies and Confections.
He al*o manufactures all kinds of can
'dies, and dealers can purchase of him at
low as in the city. Candies of all kinds al
ways or. hand, together with Oraoge*.
Lemon*. Figs, Data*, Kula, 4lJCdf,"Jl*
Jies and thing '
| An Eaocllent oyster saloon also at
tached to tho Bakery. Call and see
11 _ novlft
S. T. Shugert, having purchased the
t Drug sl <re on Allegheny street, Belle
_ t'onte. nest door to tho hardware Store of
Uickt A Hro., ha* stocked and filled it out
with all the mott popular
p • * I,
, • | DRUGS 4 MEDICINES, j j
j ARTICLES, Ac,, Ac.. Ac. j
i i r
§ •*..•••• me*H >| (
Patent Moißcine*, Al co h°l. Pure "Wines
and Liquor* for medical purposes only.
Phyticiwi's prescription* carefully com- |
pounded and order* answered with care ,
and dispatch. Farmer* and Physician* ,
from the country will find our stock of ,
Medicine* complete, warranted genuine (
and of the best quality.
This Store will reipajn under the direc
*iop uf tho apcobipliihod druggist and ;
pharmacist heretofore connected with it,
Mr. U. M Uerrington, and we respectful- 1
ly solicit the custom of our friend* and '
the old patrons of thestore.
i!9aptf S. T. SHUGERT. •
JV civ Ha nk Building. \
A Full Lino of GENERAL
MERCHANDISE, carefully selec
ted, and embracing all manner of
Furnishing Goods
Full lice of
Hals and Caps
For Men, Boys and Children.
Call and be Convinced that tbia i the
UitipMt place to buy good# in this
PRODUCE received in exchange
for gooda.
Rememdrr tbe place—in the New
Rank Building, oppoaite the Old
Stoves! Stoves!
- kinds of Stov
A full line of Tinwire.
Hardware for all.Coacbmaken and
Mechanics included,
At the New Store of
Geeptf THOS. A. HICKS & BRO.
Centre liall, Pa.
Buiinet* itand upstair* in the building
formerly occupied by tbe Centre Repor
Will furnih gentlemen with clothing,
made to order, of the be*t material that
can be bought in Philadelphia or New
I ork. Long experience in the beainet*
et Bellefonte enable* him to turn out first
class work in all respect*. GdecS if
In Benk Building, Centre Hall.
Would reapectfully announe to the citi
xens of this vicinitv that he has taken
rooms in abore building where he ii pre
pared to do all kinds of work belonging
to hi* line, for men and bry, and accord
ing to latest style*. Goods sold by sam
ple. Having had nine years experience
he guarantee* all work to render perfect
i satisfaction, and solicit* a share of the
! public patronage Gdecy
President. Cashier.
(Late Miiliken, Hoover & Co.)
Receive Deposit*,
And Allow Interest,
Discount Notes,
BUT end S* II
Government Securities, Gold A
splOfgtf Coupons.
We are now seliisg
New Pianos | 5125
'•'•* Omad. Kqmar* *a<!
rpfSsbl. *4l arm sad Mnctlr AnSclus. *1 lb- kowwl
*>( uO wboto**!. IstKkt ert-M. dime* lo <b *w
rhsw Mv AeU. bo ccaaialMi do dtowwu
r uane tor f foutstM
New Patent Duplex Overstrung Scale,
• bleb I* tlthnn KMSa tb* *i—l-M Unpronani
pal !"• • Sqaar. Pwac. pmdartoa lb- MM OT
MbtU* PM. ric*MM u* <^11,4 M,u* SOT
Ulßlna >|B(II>C MiaMm ttui*-d Oar
I l>rt*U r tb* AmM to Asriki Plane* *-u mi
trial. DM'i (all to art*- (or lltoMratad i*i UM-MM
I** rl*jOT- taalled fra*. ** SMOTMp!
No. 21 £ast Fifteenth Street,
'Jlfebtsvsa* New York
Hardware Store,
\ t*. <>ui|,.'et* Hardware Store has
'been opened by lb undersigned in Cen
tra Hall, where he Is prepared to sell all
kinds ot Building and Lioutc Furnishing
Hardware, Nails. Ac.
Circular and liand Saws, Tennon Saws.
Webb Saws, Clothe* Hack*, a full assort
ment of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture
Frames, Spokes, Fellot, and Hubs, table
Cutlery, Shoveli. Spade ad Vrk*
Locks, Hinge*. Screwq, 41, Springs
Horse-Shoe, Nc*a.v Bode Oils,
lea Uaiu, ys-.pcitet Tools, Paint, Vara-1
kttftOft. '
I Pictures irttr.eJ in the finest style.
Anything soi os band, ordered upon
shortest notice. '
MW" Hem ember, all goods offered cheap
er tbaa elsewhere.
. , CARPS.—-Your name
ttk Ud ,? n 60 , M, * <Hl Cards for 15 eta . on 50
White Bristol for H2 cts., on 25 Traapa
rent cards tor 20 els. O'.ha* titles j low.
The Forks House, at Coburn station, is,
new and commodious, and is kept in best;
manner. Bed and board second to none'
in the county. Stabling for 30 horses.
As a summer resort it will be found all
that could be desired, right in the heart ol
food nshing and bunting grounds, anc
surrounded by the most romantic scenery
Inov y *
HICK FOB SALE.-First class W>kl
on band for sale at lerbf'n Tlal
b .^ Ck t . TU ?f ar,
w}°w MMkt tf will |ay persons at m
distance Income hare for them.
Intending to continue in the manufac
ture of brick they will be kept constantly
on hand, and fair inducement offered to
IT augjf. BL. K. ZKBBK
JL. SPANGLEII, Attorney at Law
• Consultations in English'and Ger
man. Office in Furst's new building.
iihjX I
IT+T"* -* "r, ertWßtr* o4 uraplM worth
~ , *5. *„ prOT *7° ur time
st this hsslßsta. Addrsss Htiaaon A Co. Portlsad. Ms
. Wo print envelopes as low as $ 1 per
thousand. Send us your envelopes. We
print letter heads, and statements ai low
as $1,26 per 1000, when parsv 04 And the
paper This i, low v.; tUauyou can get it
dope fa (a thecUj,
—Harper's Magaaino for June, while
it has that largeness in the character of
the subjects treated which usually dis
tinguishes this periodical, is exceedingly
beautiful in its numerous illustrations and
surprising in its variety. Even the Edi
torial Departments are full of interest and
(Seeceaaer to J K. Miller A Son.]
Dealer in Fare Drug*, Medicines. Fan
<7 Articles. Dvf Staff*, and
Dniggtat'a Sundries, Full
stock of Clonfcc-
For Mediciaal Purpoeee
tub sur HIAXDS or
. Have aaetned the aerricaa of Dr. J. F.
Aleiender who will sttand to tba Com*
'poundlnjr of Prescription.. a mar ly
Dentist, Mlllhelm.
U*. mrnk. ISOn., farfe* M<ikCa.lGnM ...
_ m wfc for Zr *„ trL (322" CTL
.iai u>4 uiw tnm AdOwiTlria Co. Aufwu
H sur j
Fashionable Dressmaker.
-Mra. Hmlth, drat* maker Centra
Hall, doairet to call attention to bar .am
ple* of trimmings of all kinds, *lan, ease
plaa of new atjlas dry gooda. Cutting and
fitting done to order, and old drraaea
cleaned and donemvar by bar. Gentle*
mea'a ahirta, cuff* and collars made to or*
Jar and warranted to ft Ilaa alto Juat
received a new atock of Spring atylaa,
faahion plate*, patterna, Ac. Call and
e. 20aept if.
No. 6 Broekerhoff Row, BelJefonte
Dealern in IkrtigH.C lierulciaU,
Prrftamery, Fsnt) Goods dke„
Pura Winea and Liquors far medical
purpoaet always kept. may ill T2
V;. U. ft NAFFKR,
tr* Hall and vicinity that be baa opened a
new .bop in tbe old Bank Building. New
work turned out according to style, and all
kinds of repairing neatly done, and on
abort notlca. Prices reduced and te suit
tb<> 7 fab. Cm.
your fho
tuyrfpk* JMmraed.—Tbt undersigned it
prtpared to enlsrge til Photographs, in
which the featurwt are plain, especially the
eye* In sending picture* always mention
the Color of Eyes and Hair. Price, SI for
one person, and 7 cu. each for all taken
from ike same nhotograpb thereafter
Handsome Frame* tarnished at tbe fol.
lowing price*: ha 10 Oral .76 .90 and 1 20
Square. .76 100 and 1 26. In ordering,
mention inn kind (oval or iqum), alio ilia
tr.ce of frame you want. 1?not ineoe*ee
lent, persons are expected to come tor thair
picture*, being notified when finiaked. For
further particular* address
" • *ould reapectfully announce to tbe
LCiUxen* ot Penn* Valley that be baa per
manently located in Centre Hall where be
i prepared to do all kinds of Dental tirk.
All work warranted or no money eiked.
1 rice* low to ault tke time*. kl ian. v.
By calling at tbe new and exien
aire bakery eatabi lab meet of
(Sucre*aor to J. H. Sand*.J
Oppokite the Iron Front on Allegheny
street where be turttiabea ercrr day
Fresh Bread,
Cake* of all kinds,
Pitt, etc., etc..
If at*.
Anything and everything belonging to
tbe bu*inee. Having bad rear* of expo
l riknce in the business, he flatter* himself
that he can guarantee aaticfaction to all
who may favor him with their patronage.
30 eug tf JOSEPH CEDARS.
D. F. LUSE, *
offers hta services to ike eitizeos of
Centre county in
Honor, Mgu nnd Ornamental
c . Painting.
Striping, ornamenting and gilding.
| Plain and Fancy Paper hanging. Order*
reapectfully tolicited. Term* renaoaakle.
*JJ apr tf.
Furniture Rooms!
| respectfully inform* the citixen* of Centre
I county, that he ha* bought out the old
stand ol J. O. Detninger, and ha* reduced
the price*. He ha* constantly on hand,
and makes to order
tables, Ac., &c.
II is stock ef ready mad# Furniture is
large ad warranted of good workman
ship, and is all made under hi* immediate
supervision, and it offered at rate* cheaper
than elsewhere.
Call and see bis stock before purckasla*
elsewhere. •_>*
DP FORTHKY Attorney .t Law
BellefoaU. FA. Oficeoverßev
nold. bank. Umy
WM P. WILSON, Attomey-at-Law
Bellefonte Pa. Offlce in Mr*. Ben
.. r i Building. Bellefonte Pa.
, at bis establishment at Centre Hall, keep
on band, and Set tale, at the meet reason's
t ble rate*.
t Carriages,
& Spring Wagons.
and vehicle* of every description mad* to
order, and warranted to be made oi tk
> best seasoned material, and by the mo*}
skilled and competent workmen. Bodies
■ for buggies and spring-wagons Jtr., of the
most improved patterns made to order,
- also Gearing of all kinds made to order,
i All kinds of repairing done promptly tad
' at the lowest possible rates.
, Persons wanting an vthing in hi* line are
) requested to call and examine his work,
,ih will nd it not to be excelled for dur
' iHty and wear. may 8 tf
W" own and control the Railway lands
1 of THKuO COUNTY. KA>'SAs. about
! equally divided by the Kansas raclfio
Railway, which we are selling at an aver
age of $3.25 per acre on easy terms of pay
ment. Alternate sections of Government
land* caa be taken as homesteads by actu
al settlers.
These lands lie in the GREAT LIME
STONE BELT of Central Kansai, the
Jbest winter wheat producing district of the
United Slates, yielding from 20 to 35
Bu<hels per Acre.
The average yearly rainfall in this coun
, tv is nearly 33 inches per annum, one
third greater than in the much-extolled
AKKARSAS VALLKY. which has a yearly
rainfall of lees than 23 inches per annum
in the same longitude.
Stock-raising and Wool-Growing axo
yy Remunerative. The winters are
short and mild. Stock will Live a'U tbo
year on grass! Living Streams and
Springs are numerous. Pure water i&
found in wells from 20 to ## feet deem
The Healthiest Climate ya the World ! No.
fever and sgue there. No muddy or im
passable road*. ¥'9**7 building
stone, lime and iaud. These lands are be
ing settled by the best class of
Northosa and Eastern people, and will sa
appreciate tn value by the improvements
now being made as tomako their purchase
at present prices one of the very best in
vestments that can be made, aside from
the profits to bo derived from their culti
vation. Members of our firm reside in
WA-KEKNEY, and will show lands at
any time. A pamphlet, giving full infer
ination in regard to soil, climate, water
supply, Ac., will be sent free on request.
| Address, WARREN, KEENEY A Co.
i 106 Dearborn St, Chicago,
Or Wa-Keeney, Trego to. Ks. 20apl0m