- ontr* fcepwttr. . '. ;D. KURTZ EDITOR t st kk Hall, Pa., April lb 1?7 V It is rumored that Hon. 1.. A. Mackey will be a candidate for re-election to Congress. Mr. Markov's votes ami Speeches, during the two tortus he has served, have been sound. Mifllin county will present Andrew Rood for the same place. Mr. lieed is n good man, and a consistent democrat. There is also sotue talk of making o\- gov. Curtin the democratic nominee for Congress, for this district. Rallied the absconding member of the Pcnn'a House, has been arrested up in Lnserne. Bullard was one of the Crawford members and a republican of the Cameron type and absconded, be cause he embeuled the fundsofabmld ing association. The l.veoming democracy last we k instructed for Dill for governor and Keighard for lieut. governor. The next democratic nominee for gov ernor will undoubtedly bail from lewis bnrg. and Hon. A. 11. Dill will be the man. Nine years in the state senate, with distinguished ability, and clean record, and great personal popularity, make Mr. Dill the strongest man the democracy could nominate. He is the choice of three-fourths, if not nearly the entire rank and file of the democracy of old Centre, and we will give Andy a reusing majority. The name And* wears like a charm in Centre coun ty. Over 250,000 American stove* are now distributed over tireat Britain and Ire land. They are considered excellent in every respect. It is our opinion that Kugland is on a fair way to get a big stove-in from Russia, which may do her some good too. It seems just now as if the greeuhack era would nominate Wm. H. Armstrong of Williamsport, for governor. It is now determined upon by our legislature, sitting in Harrisburg fooling away time, members chawing pap* r balls and throwing them at each other, to sit until about the end of May. I ni versal sentiment in this state pronoun ces this the most worthless legislatnre that has yet sat. Each day of its useless sittings costs the taxpavers $2500. Oh Moses 1 Tbev haTe arrested ex governor Moses of South Carolina, in New York, for forgery, on a requisition from Gov. Hampton. Moses ar-a-rat and he wiil no donbt land in some ark of safety built by South Carolina for such fellows, who daring the flood of carpet bag rule plundered that unfortunate commonwealth. Half a million dollars is what Penn sylvania pays for 14 bills and 11 resolu tions. This is pretty steep, w hen we consider that scarce one of the bills or resolutions is worth a fig to the public. A Harrisburg despatch says the Penn sylvania Legislature has now been in session exactly one hundred days. In that time it has passed bat fonrteen bills and eleven resolutions. The ex penses of the present Legislature can be measured by those of a similar body last year. The legislature of 187? was in session eighty days and cost |440,145, or an average of $5,500 per diem (including Sundays) The present body, having al ready been in session for {one hundred days, will coet at least $550,000, with the net results, as above given, of fourteen bills and eleven resolutions. The daily average expenses of the body, based on those of 1877, also continue at the rate of 55,500 per diem. Ifthesesaion is pro longed. as desired by about ninety ( out of the one hundred and nineteen 1 mem 1 - bers of the Republican House caucus which met on Tuesday evening, until the 24th of May, the cost to the State will be nearly a quarter of a million dol lara in addition to the half million al ready expended to this date. The Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce has adopted a rule that "the throwing of dough, grain, flour, bran, or missiles of any kind, shall not be indulged in on the floor of the Exchange." Members who pelt one another in the forbidden way will be fined $lO for each offence. Our state legislature should adopt a similar rule and then pack its dirty linen and go home. Philadelphia has 3,000 pickpockets and petty thieves, says an exchange. Yes, and we would add that is about its average republican majority too. Prof. Wickerskam has Armstrong, Chester, Lancaster, York, Berks, and Lycoming counties instructed for him for the Republican nomination for Gov ernor, while Gen. Hoyt will have, if he has not already, Philadelphia, Allegheny Beaver, and Luxerne. Hovt is the choice of the Cameron ring, and the KeporteCa prediction is that he will be nominated. The new Constitution says, Art XIV., sec. 5. ' all county officers who are, or may be salaried, shall pay all fees which they may be authorised to receive into the treasury of the county or state, as may be directed by law." According to this tbeTreasurer of this county can not take per centage from money he pays over to township officers, and we think it cuts him off from all feet and profits whatever connected with the sale of unseated lands, and which in his term would amount to up wards of S3OOO, in addition to S2OOO per year salary. It is also contrary to law for any Coun ty Treasurer to put out the public funds in his hands and pocket interest for the same. in these critical times of burdensome taxation, the people must see to it that their money does not go into pockets where it does not belong. We think it our duty to call attention to these mat ters. Gold at only three-quarters of one per cent, premium over the greenback dollar! Thiß is the lowest point it ha* reached siDce 1861, says the Pittsburg Post, and this despite the fact that this is the time of year when there is usually a large export of gold. The Government itself has helped to make exchanges rule against us by paying gold for silver bullion in London and Paris. It is be lieved that in this way some $6,000,000 of silver bullion has been imported, for which we must pay in gold or its equiv alent, yet the premium runs at only three-quarters per cent. Not more than half a million of bonds per week are now returned from Europe, although the amount was larger soon after the passage of the Silver bill. The Graphic noting these facts, draws encouraging conclusions as to the revival of busi ness. A prominent feature of the situation iff thnt the nearer wo approach to specie pnyniontn the larger is the practical ad dition to our currency. Already ninnv rotnii firm* *re paying out gold coin in change . the house of \. T. Stewart .V Co. liaTe been doing it for some time past. It should he remembered th.it a very low premium or greenbacks at a par with gold and silver means an im mense addition to the currency afloat and a natural stimulus to prices. We I must expect to see business active bo i-stise ot the addition to tho currency which is made by pour tig into the channels of trade gold and sllxer in ad dition to the paper we have used lit iwto fore. lUltco we look with entire ooiitl dence to the business ftittire. VV e said when the Silver bill was passed that this was a good tune to buy, ami the course of the stock market since then has shown that our vaticinations were correct. Wo said then, as we say again, that the danger is not from contraction, nut from inflation The movement ot the working people for higher wages shows that there is an increased demand for labor, and there are a thousand evi dences that the era of active business the free employment of capital and labor is about commencing. I # * "Senator S. K. Peale, from this district is a candidate for re election. It we mnst have a democrat to represent us we know of no more worthy one in this dis trict than our present member lie is worthy of the honors which his bartv are heaping upon him Indeed, 'he is the nob,est Roman of them all. The above is taken from the Belie fonte Republican, a republican new spa per, and is a deserved tribute to one the ablest and tuost faithful of our rep resentatives. UO It" VRKSWESTS SUM J. RE KLKCTKD. The hill prescribing the method of counting electoral votes and deciding questions arising thereon, agreed iij.ii by the Ssnate Committee on 1 lectoral Count, embodies, substantially, the pro position submitted to the corresponding House Committee by Hob. hppa llun ton, of Virginia. The principal points are that each State shall provide for a jud'eial determination of any contro versy by the appointment of electors, and every such determination made bv the highest State Court shall be conclu sive evidence as to the lawful tit.e of elector* so declared to have been ap pointed. That where conflicting deci sions from different tribunal* in the s*nic Stito come tlu) cootcntion of the two Houses of Congress, the votes of those electors only shall be counted wboee title as electors, the two Houses acting separately, shall concurrently de cide to be supported by the judgement of the law ful tribunal of that State. Ihe returns of the electors of the several States are to be transmitted to the Presi dent of the Senate by the second W ed needay next after the meeting of the electors, instead of the first 11dneedav in January, as now provided by aw. i SF.VES WISE HEX GOIXC -1 *7->7/- isa. The Senate a few days ago nassed a resolution appropriating 11,000 to pay the expenses of seven Senators 14 go less than tbirtv miles on the Pennsylvania Railroad, over which every one of them has a pass, to inspect the hatching houses. What do vou think of this ex travagance and folly in these bard times when so many thousands are suffering for the necessaries of life? SEX A Tol: JOXfa' JI>EAS <>E F> VX- Senator Horatio Gates Jone* is an economist. He told Senator Peale the other night that the Tax-Grab Investi gation Committee had cost the Mate $2,000, and had accomplished nothing. Mr. Peale replied that the investigation would result in great good to the State in directing the attention of the Bute officer* to delinquent corporation- But that is neither here nor there. What 1 desire to call attention to is that this same Senator Jones insisted on the printing of SIO,OOO copies of tho report of the Centennial Commission, at a cost ofs3 75 per copy, for distribution among member* of the legislature, until the Benate cat down upon the proposition by a decisive vote. There are surely more things, Horatio, in Heaven and earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy, and economy 1* one o! them. Senator Davis of West Virginia, got a chance to remind the Republican >ena tors again on Wednesday of the amount of money their party had cheated the Government out of in its management of the Treasury. Mr.lHivis, it will be re membered, is C4iai/Bi*ii uf !he Senate Committee a bich has been investigat ing the Treasury Department. Hitherto he has only asserted that there were enormous discrepancies in the Treasury accounts ; but on Wednesday he charg ed boldlv that there had been a defalca tion of over $50,0000,000. Mr. 1 awes un dertook to defend the steal, but could only say it was because I>cmocratsdidn't undersLMxd the Republican system of keeping booiu. Mr. Davis informed him that he would pro 7ft his assertion in due time. The Hon. Hendrick It. Wright is the most magnificent statesman of the age. He proposes to issue four hundred mill ion dollars in greenbacks and s|>end it in the erection and completion of work of public utility. The Roman emperors who distributed largesses among the multitude were mean and sijngy com pared with him. The bill providing for the division of I.nxerne county passed the senate by a decisive vote of 38 to 4 on third reading and now awaits the signature of the gov ernor to become a law. This measure, in some form or other, has been before the legislature almost every session for thirty years past and, though a!trays beaten, its friends did not despair lor they felt that the constant growth and development of Lackawanna Valley was daily strengthening their cause. The immense amount of public business I there and the many inconveniences of reaching the public offices or officers have made the question of separation one of public necessity. Eight mord Mollies have been arrest ed in Northumde"* l * nd county and taken to Sunbury jail. them are charg ed with the murder of Cor.* %oer Heaaer in 1874, and six with burning a re"ker in the same year. The latter six ies fired the breaker, sent out their scouts to keen everybody away, and then sat down and played cards while it was being burned. Fifteen acres of Clarksville, Tenn., burnt—loss kalf a million. The 3rd Nat. Bank of Cincinnati leads offin specie resumption, and will now pay its notes in gold. A LITERATTY TREAT. Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine. Tliin valuable monthly ha* become a gemral favorite throughout the country. No such publication graced our homes before the great publisher became inspired with the happy thoughts which led him to the en terprise, a little over a year ago. Under the able management of its distinguished editor, Dr. C. F. Deems, like wine it im proves with age, snd there is no doubt whatever but that Frunk Le-lie' .Sunday Magazine will continue to inrreasoin pub lic esteem arid patronage until it reaches a circulation unprecedented in the annals of periodical literature. The May Number I this precious work is now ready. It contain* a large variety of articles, home and foreign matter*, mas terly editorials on timely subjects, stoii. poems, paragraphs, musie, sermons, wit, fun, etc.. etc , calculated to interest, in struct and elevate the million, of all age*, classes, sects and beliefs. It* 128 quarto pages teem with matter both religiou* and secular, original and selected, non sccta rian and extremely pleasing, illustrated with 100 beautiful engravings. The bpst living writers and artists contribute to this magazine. It wiil be well to send 26 cents to the publisher for a specimen copy. Annual Subscription, ?:J; Single Num ber*, 26 cent*, post paid. Address your orders to Frank Leslie's Publishing House, 63, 65 and 67 Park Place, New York. Mrs. Elisabeth Tilton has published a letter confeising her adultery with Beecb er. Mr. Beecher has published a reply de nying the charge. FXTRA I AC A XT FX EES s f l'roin tho Philinlolphin Record. Sonator Dill, in a speech mudt <'ti t , .lay* since against the bill to create 0 j banking department for the state gov-, eminent at llnrrisbuty. took occasion to at .oak of the rapid growth of the < \| •■> | aes of the state. Ho "ays: 'ln ISM' ,uM boforc the war, the ordinal > .■\ t eti I noNof the state, excluding all ext ra.>r.h , 11 irv expenses, such as the pavtnent 'i loans or interest on the public h ht.| wele $1,000,14:"'S.I. In after the, war. after inflation had produ.-ed rise in j.rieos, they were | Two dollars then scarcely purchased a* much as one dollar now From thatj time money constantly appreciated, am yet 111 IS7ti the extraordinary c*|eii*c*j amounted to s;t.rt.Y.|Jt4.Bt>. being two hundred and dity-tv* par rent nno*• the eX|; ■ ikce|K't He continued "1 w ill go further and vote to pay him forthe services which he would have rendered in that congress frotu which he was turne 1 out though elected bv a majority of thousands by the republij can part) headed hy the gentleman from . Massachusetts. I Applause 00 the floor and in the galleries. 1 1 wish to say toj the gentleman that 1 fear the i.reeks hearing gifts, [l.anghter ) 1 do not' propose as a member of the majority that he shall dictate who shall lw our orticers. When in the past history of; the gentleman, has he honored the sold-j ter when that soldier was a democrat Did not you and those that followed you dreg MVlellan 111 disgrace and shatne frenn the army ' Did not you cast Hans cock into exile ' Where are all the whole line of glorious men who suffered foYlhe I nion cause" Have you ever honored them if they were democrats? Never lu all your history, and never, would vou if you did not coueeive that at this hour you could drive a wedge in to the democratic party and rend it in pieces. We are neither to be controlled nor frightened, and when the gvutle man appeals to me and other- from l'ennsylvaaia. 1 tell him that the red flag which he attempts to flaunt in our eves hits no terror fv>r me or for the peo pie whom 1 represent. Among *. the war is ended. To them 1 • come, ami no agitation s>i 1 tleman from wa-sachu. , to-day, could >lr v. instincts. We nr. ier*on for door., elect one w ho 1- to perform its dun. - 1. ne of our jarty *ho know, hones! as 1 IwlieVt t>e faithful to the high iru : house shall impose on him. u t>v the threats of the geutl. n MaWAhuetts. [Applause.] w- • The Salt Lake TnLuuv *>.• giving the .lead man's e-iale lbs : a of all poaaible doubts Brigham \ .ing heirs owe the I'hurch about ?. ",i- The Mormons -up)' -sod that at his death he would turn over to tho Church all that ho held as trustee, but instead he bequeathed it to his heirs. Now the faithful insist on restitution, but the heirs object, and the end is likely to be a very nasty scandal unless a cotnpro jju-e j# arrived at. A family, oona.pJ:ngof man, wife, and seven children, live in the wood* of southeast Texas, with no other shelter than that afforded by the forest trees. They never labor or purchase food of any kind, subsisting wholly upon acorn* nuts, herbs, rats, birds, fish, fr.g*. and what they can procure by foraging. They have repeatedly kiiijcJ offers of assist ance, and express the desire to live a wild life. This w..ul 1 be a gi>od place for loafers generally. The revenue from the Moffett liquor register iu Virginia had fallen off very much becativ* .'fdishonest returns ; hut the Richmond Dispatch savs thai in the cases of certain dealers, taken in hand by the courts, an increase in returni from 300 to 800 per centum has been se cured in one month. In the New York Methodist (,'onfer ence. Bishop Andrews decided that the license to preach granted to Miss kalir ■ Lents, in tne l'oughkeepaie district, war null and void. The Discipline of the ' Church did not sanction women, preat h ing. An appeal from tlie Bishop a de " cisiou will bp iryi" ' to tho t.eneral Conference. \ quibt ouru h'k I I- it a Calm Ilefore a CJreat Temp est ? [ London, AprL 13.—There hav been lrn J excitement at the Portsmonlh dockyard this week, snd work I* auming its ordr nary routine character. Over-time lsbei • ha* been generally stopp? 1 Very littb remain* to be done in th( way of warlike preparation. Monday a quevtion was for _ wsrje.i from the Admiralty asking how , long a time would be allowed to get ready • for *ea the flotilla of iron tgunboal* bufil ■ for nervice in the Baltic during the ial 1 Puviian war. Preparation* were al reajy IcgJ? to fit tliem with msgsrinc*, when order, weio c."ti •' counterman 1- ing them. Uuusunl QuUt. Kverything ia v- ry qu . • abo!utely nothing 1. , Kverything *eon - i v ; . , ■ ful olution unt o! its be ling a regular democratic |>aper, always iru to the party Secret and underhand ed attempts have been made to eripple or a i, e uut this paper by attempting t > pur |made democratic officials, whom the Ks : i'ok i Kit did its utmost to liolp elect, to ! give us none ol the county printing >ur very large circulation alone giving us one jofthe strongest claims to public ndvertis mg, saving nothing of tho claim we have upon dciinn rstic county officers because of our ielation to the party Hot. in all i this small nd contemptible work, there wa- no ilcmoi rat > count v ottli ias! so mean, ungrateful and ungenerous, until I'an Muser became county treasurer, be stands alone, a the one who listened I a corrupt knot and retuses Itie litroltTKK a ! share of the patr**nage i*f the office to whicb we hvlpeil slei t hiiii, defending him i against the bitter attacks made upon h* In ; by the opposite parly. l'an Mu-ser -lands alone, among ail the lemocra'.ic officers, past and present, will ing t * crush out a faithful democratic or gan, and ha- given the small share of pa ;■ t igr which other democratic treasur its have Coticneded to the Kki'oHIKH. t" papers which do n**t belong to the demo cratic party, or which are published by republicai - and renegades, and have no circulation worth mentioning thus viola '. ng the letter mWd spirit **fthe law which jhe swore to support lie has no reason | whatever for his unkind treatment of the Ivta-OKI CK, and do# it at the s dicila tiuii . ! a few bad men who seem to bold I him by contract and own him, and to whom the IteroKTE* will not do obci -ance democrats * t l'eunivalloy, andot Centre county, s* hat say you to such perfidious conduct - We were told by democrats, and ll was charged by the republi cans before his election, that l*an Muster would prove to have nothing of the man about him and I culil not be rol.cd Up n. \\ e denied it, did not believe it, and Ue ' fended him against the charge Hut from .ho !ir-t year his term down to the pres ent lime, we have found it all true. The , patronage that fairly belongs le this pa per, he, in d sretwird of all tair-drabng gives t<> papers that render n*s party ser vice, ar.d which have no claim in point of renders, and one of which has only been a I i I of expense to the county, a political irr **d n by republicans f r i- a I alt and half concern iV. . . the statutes of th* i *-ret lea fraud • he i-isuhl assign " i n lliere Wat nolh lidli l "sink of the . ' t!.inie-t thill stuff '.hat \ u r heard. .rd * -* to * eel Dan Mtlilrt a *d!< r lb* party-he wa cut \ wherever he we* known—in b> ne in l'onn and in all ibe adjem wnthip*. and f the HgroliTXU Lai i :!• a*r .'.anec t kec;. hitu al ovr a '.< . i.r o„iJ b%*i* U-tie under We wer. U,iuan m mui estimation ut the malt the people, hi* neighbor*, knew l.itn ' hctter. What democratic pa; or* of Clinton, Clearfield, Miffiin, and other . i untie* *ey. if they received luch Ural ■ ment from the band* of a man they helped elect 1 liow long would the party ial if all democratic official* acted the ingrale ' toward* their parly paper*, a* doe* Ire**- ' r urer Mu*erl When campaign potter* *re printed for the prty, the Knr >RT** f doe* il* h*re, and get* no pay ; when -ta'.e and elect' -*i ticket* *re printed, the • Uri utkh tupplie* <>oe haif the ■ ucty, ' and get* no pay for it, and *o on with olh -4 er party printing that we do, and have r J.r.o fur over 3D year* ; and then the man who get* into offi e, like l'an Mu**et. to afterward* go back on hi* party paper. ' a: i tl.r w h . pair • ag t- a er :'.rl pa -1 per, and to one that for tho lat ten year* t> ha* been run by rank republic an* and j renegade*! No good democrat would be a guilty of it ; no county • tflcer in Centre • county, preter ding t bo a democrat, ha* been g.nit) of it until I'an Muer g. t to be treaturer. p Hut Pan M ner r.r.d hi* corrupt matter* p can col wipe out the KICOKTCI ihey 3jmay coax a few to *top taking it, and he " may re!ue to give il a fair hare of the patron*ge of hi* office to which the Hi* J.roRTKR ha* every claim, but the paper will "till go on and live when *ucb in g;*te* pill fee lorgot'.en, except.in the Hi* tory of Centre county, what* Dan occupies all the *paoo that pertain* to - Millheiro. We nev.r knew a man to have *o "big a history to be capable of *tich t ilttlenee* Henet Democrat*, and taxpayer* of . Centre county, the Kki-ortkr has alway* • had an eye to your interest*. and fear!***- ly expoted ccrruplion in all quarter*, will you lUttd bv the KxrouTKß ag*int the assault* of ctrrupt men, who wculd crush u* became they can not u u* ? Two y 'sr ago Mr. Mu**e advertuad V ; the uniealad land !• in violation of law ' t although we gave him timely warning of the ritk he wa running in it But h* *tubbornly went ah*i. until the day of •ale when the law el hi* work atide. Thi* \ ..** n P repeat* the *arne blunder although i 1 mthree week* ago he *a< go r,-.ri >o >xw The •aln* thii *pring w re *et a*ide bec„e of i j ding—then rcadver j t fali -with reference w I, in a lew week*, have i: ! pul'li-h of it teret to the hi l.nd* then (old. . ♦ ♦ ii ijITKN OF ENGLAND'S AC jfiN iNV.VLL!NG OUTTUK lIKSKKV Kb. ' r vrteen Thound Russians Pick , .wth Typhus from Han Htefano. to Adrianople. London, April 10.—All the paper* cotn • ment favorably *n Prince GortichakelT r reply U> Lord Salisbury'* note, and agree 1 that it leaves an opening for a renewal of 1 tho congre** project. ' | |The aituation it considered more peace" V ful than at any time *inc* the San Stefano V -atv wee *igned and a* a con.equenco '| theslock mar' I ® l d*cid*dly firmer, with 1 a tendency to advance. The European 1 bourte* arc nil reported firmer to day. ' Constantinople, April 10.—Tho Khedive of Egypt will cpmo to Conatantinopla in 1 two work* to pay hi* repcct* to the eul* v tan. The health of Ahmed Vefyk Eileinji, president of the Turknh council of minie tor, ha* been re-eUblihed. London, April 10 —Though it i* gener ally considered here that the debate in parliament en the address thanking the queen for calling out tko reserve* has placed Hie government'* policy in a clearer light. Lord Darby * Statement con cerning the secret d*tcnnisslipft 9f M"> cabinet which led him to resign i* Uiaub ject of much anxious curiosity. It i re ported in the club* that they aro connect ed with ordor* already sent to Admiral Hornby, which are contingent on Ru*ian movuiocnt* near Constantinople. lluian officials of rank at Bucharest declare that tney fully expect the English fj u "t to suc ceed in forcing its way in ii'scii .vu in the event of war, hence their effort* to increase the facilities for land transport* oyer lines not accessible to interruption from the fleet and a* far distant as possibe from the Austrian frontier. London. April 10. A dispatoh from l'ara states that 14.0t>0 Russians arc sick j ; trom San Stefano to Adrianople, nearly [ hall of them with typhus, so that the Hus siun officers regard their position as very I unsatisfactory. TilK I'NKSOF TKMI'TATION. |lr. Arinltago uUlio Fifth Avenue Hup tlt Church ] The mi t truly human life that wa ev er Inl, hi* said, nn that **f Jesus Christ Tin' great temptation* t, ( which ho wi>: ii h) net oil. and hit* in mit it c*r an lenient toward the •inner at the loan I who bait bail long expoiionre w.th templa-l tlt*ii Hut the man who scarcely Linou what leni|itatbt|t , Judge* .ther-*, n a rule, writ great severity, ami >ho> little) mercy t 'Wall! offenders. tine *| tho groat attainment* to bo brought out of tcmpta tton, t a ton tier and sympathetic heart The thought which underlie* the whole i radical philosophy of temptation is, that • 11*r V ll, n should bring rem.'thing bene t * inl t • h oisclf anil to bii lelloW mull ul ot toni|itati<>n I have been It I it* speak of this by the thought that the subject It it* •eltlaiil treated liankly ami squarely in the pulpit, and be ( ante the young need instruction in it It will leach them how to get the molt out of life I ak you, lot young friend, not 111 l|*elitl the whole of life in finding out w hat life ia. Learn l*y j the teaehit g of the Navior and by y* ui laity experience what you are to 11 |*< < t 2 Temptation belongs to men a- an educa t*ng proves-. Temptation I- good for you 11* s is given by tiod, but He will not lay on van more than you can bear Ood i manufacturing manhood out of you when be subject! you to temptation, and is do ing it with all the delicacy of a master Temptation does not c.*iue from the devil Without Hod's kliowldedg# the strain shall not he beyond your strength it you are tailhful It brings you into closer sym pathy with your tiod and what is then in temptation that is terryfymg if you on ly know how to handle it \\ e never ex amine ourselves 1 severely, W ■* never turn to tiod m> thankfully, a- when we haw come safety out of temptation. It it nevn r to be feared if we have any < ofitldtince in (•od't fidelity, ami any skill in resisting the toe, Uod always place* the crown ot lite on the head where the crown <*f death has Jtawn the blood by its thorns. .No irtiiptalioii is insurmountable by (soil's assistance. There is more of infidei ily tl a': •StklltM :. I!.■!•■ who fails ti* ' relist it We can pass through no form < t temptation that Christ lusa Hot previously passed through. Flowers reveal 'hell ; sweetest oders when the* are crushed. No the swoelast qualities of Christian charac ter are manifested when the Christian is sarety tried hi temptation and trust- in tiod Aml ate to lean* the use ol Scrip ture lit repelling temptation. The whole armory i f llo.ii en is open t<* you, and you must use the old woap *n. There is noth ing which will so effectually pierce the rihs of the de\ ll as the sword ot the Spirit. When you hate patted through lempta lion, make the b**st possible use of it for the future. Chrnl seems never to have been tempted twice < temptation. • i THK BIBLE 5 INSPIRATIoN Mr Tulmij;.' at the Br kljTB Tab-r-j tiicln 3 11'- ► aid four cinplmiiU *rr mad- by I infide - again*! tin- ill!. ■ ; that tl Wa* 1111 ' l ure that it mi cruel, that it wa contra j JtCl T\ Slid that II -|* HUM irl.tlti Mr i a,mage li'ado initrr follow* li each of I bote charge* Thry tcii utlhal the liible it an impure b< k. IK.', an impure book will have im pure effect* Aiimrn the reader* of the ;*o hundred nullum* of copiet of the Hi bio that have been printed, there mutl| then be tnany virtitnl of itt impurity | Show intone person in all hntory •ho< j character fir ■ ' arity or purity have horn ■njured by the Bible. 1 challenge Heaves, and hell to prove it tin the contrary J vuu L.r o that the difference between the c juntriri where virturc. education and in lelliganr-- are triumphant and those where vice and sentuality are rampant, lsju-t the difference between liible and no Bible The ec.'!id charge that the lliblo i* cruel, and the aerenljei practiied upon the onetnie* of the children of Ir! are brought forward in proof of thit. If the Bible i cruel, why doon t it ahow it* ef feci in making na reader* cruel f Why didn't it implant cruelty in the hearts of I'oabody, of J. htt Knwi.ru, or of Fl -rence S .ghtingalv i To aay that tho B-.t-l® i contradictory it ttiil more untrue There hare crept into t liltla dirre|iancie arising from frequent rewriting and the !npe of time. But in the develi lunent of the great fundamen tal principle* of government and method of salvation, thee fragment*, gathered from widely icattercl place* and men of different age*, ati harmenuo into oae beautiful Whole. The fourth complaint i of tba untcicn lific t haracter of the Bible It it taid that it make* the un t-- turr. rind the earth, and the earth to ttand tfill Who mads you believe that there it an unbridgablt cbaim between tcience and the Bible' Wat it Mill, and Darwin, ar.d Tyndail, and Kenan ' Ye*. But 1 will name fo * u Ihute who believed in the Bible, who were a* tnueh higher than thc*o ir.Sdrl * ( innlitlt at the Himalaya Mountain* arv higher than the K Igc*. d Water Work) Kepler, Leibnilx. Newt n and a Uott ol ether*. Sow X'-U ee the infidel* haven l made >ut a care. 1 move for w nontutl in the court of yotft reaton. FURTHER DETAILS OF THE BURN -INGOF THE INFIRMARY.* Sickening and Horrifying Scene! That Beggar Description. Bath, N. Y-, April B.—The building ol the Steuben county p>*r house, burned on Saturday night w*. a br rk tnirty by for ty feet, two stories high Nearly all tbs window* were grateJ and there wi bui one mode of I'grctt from each itory. Nc night watchman wat employed about th building* and there *t no fire apparatus. The county home it two mile* from Bath and tha fire department did not go out An intane epileptic from Hortierteille, named Ford, who wa* locked in e cell OS the fcrt floor *et fire to hit bed with i match, probably obtained from a fellow pauper. All the partitions were of pitch pine and burned like tinder. The cries of Ford routed the other in mates only after tho building wat filled with blinding mokc. An inroato whe had Ford in charge opened F>rd't dooi and the flame, luirit out and ran along thr partition* and up tho ttovo pipe hole into the seeond story. Ford could not be teen on account of the flame* He had forced hit head between the hart ot the window, and. unable to pull It back, wat crying for help The Flamci Pottred Out of the Win dow- around his heard and be poriehad. The upper story was occupied by twenty-five women and chilJrcn. the lower story by eighteen men. A majority were idiotic, i crippled or very aged. Five on tho first floor and ten on the second were burned. At the first alarm, Eli Carrffogt-n, keeper, rushed out of the main building with an employee and knocked in the door at the foot of tho ctair case leaiing from the tecond story. Bight or Uu women v. orc piled qp at tho foot of the stairs and a cloud of suffocating smoko rolled down. The women wore pulled out nod-then C ar rington started up tho stairs, but was Jriv cn back by smoke. In five minutes from the time of the alarm paupers ceased com ing out, and in half an hour tho walls fell in. Tho first floor, leading from the men's dcpa'lm*" l WM ncv ' r * nJ no " nc in the building looked in tho cell ex copt Ford. A VERY VALUABLE HISTORY. The Pictorial History of the World, em* bracing full and authentic nceounts of ev ery nation of ancient and modern limes and including a Hisiory of the r.so and fall of the Greek and Roman Empires, the irrowih of the nation* of Modern Europe, tho Mlddlo Ages, the Crusades, the feu dal System. the R,forinutint), the discov* cry and settlement of the V .w Worlu, etc. etc bv Javir* l> McCbt. Published by; The Nathional Publishing Co.. of Phila delphia, Pa.. Chicago, HI., St. Louis, Mo. Htid Davton, Ohio. D is "n well-known fact that tho great mass of the people an; compelled to rely, for their knowledge of history, upon the outline work* intended for the me ol svbooL. vfcicH by their very nature are brief anil only far the compre liension of children. lhro i.an iont been f.-lt a genuine want of a more elaborate I History of th World, covering tlio wh-.li ■ period from the creation to tho present dav and I - -enling in a succinet and en tertaining form the history of th- various ration* "f ihv world. This demand weare happy to uy is being met in "The l'iet-j --rial History of thy World,' a work which! is destined to take rank as a Slapaard Jo lory It is from tho r>on of J AUKS I). Mo-j CADK ft well-known historical writer, who my. They have the only Portable Ranges that will bake iu BOTH OVENS for *ale iu the county. ENTIRELY NEW. Every Stove WARRANTED in every particular. LOWEST PRICE anJ satisfaction guaranteed. Our slock of Hardware, Tinware, Oils, Pure Leads, and PAINTS cannot be excelled for variety, quality and cheapneaa. EVERYBODY IS REQUESTED TO CALL whether wiabing to pur. chase or not. Special Bargains for ('ash Buyers! Il2)ul.tf WILSON A McFARLANE. Humes' Block, Bellefonle. bo* devoted y-*tr of ludy and ree*rch i > the production of lhi (treat work The, book i* lilt-rally what it profec* to be—a! complete History of tbo World—for tti give* a clear ond concise account d every nation that hat ever flourished up<-n the: globe The hilory .f each country i re-j J lated aeparately, and In the rleeret and! j meet contprebentive manner, an 1 the 1 . Jeeda of alt the greet actor* in Uie event* < f ancient and modern b trior y are brought) before the reader in the ran! vivid atyle Ancient hist >ry it related in full, end the account* of the Middle Age*, the Cru *de, and the great nation* of modern time*, are equally complete and tnteret ing There i not a dry page in the book It i* a* fatcinating a* a romance, and at the ame time on# of the mokt valuable work* of reference ever published We are contlantiy called upon to di*cu** the, great que*ti-: of huiory. and the war* and quarrel* of the nation* of the old world require u to be continually refreh ing our bisloricwl knowledge So many ditcoTerie- hare recently been made, ao many of the old idea* and tradition* hare | been exploded and *hown to be mere' :nylb* and legend*, that tha lubject of his ' to'rv may be id to be slmotl entirely new, and be who wa* well informed twenty I year* ago will find ninuelf unable to di cour intclligihly upon hi*lorical *ub jecU now unlets be ha* kept up with the advance of historical research. The mechanical execution of the book fully *u*Lins the high reputation of the publishers It contain* 13#) large double ' column page*, and over 650 fine engrav ing*, embracing battle* and other histori cal acenes ; portraits of the great men of, ancient and modem time*, and view* of the principal cine* of the world. The en graving* in this book are genuine work*' lof art. and were made at a cost of oyer fliy.OOQ. The grca; number knd high 'character of thoas engraving* make lb la the mott valuable art publication of tb century A prominent feature of the work i* a fuft History of the War between Kui* •ia and Turkey. Thi* it the mt complete and valuable llirtory of the World ever published, and agenta'who take hold of it will reap a rich • hareeel The price i* so low that every; : one can affrd to purchase a copy. It i* | *old by subscription only, and the pub-j I liber want Agents in every county. • •- * - A TORNADOS WORK Topeka, Hat., April 18.—A tornado paused oyer Cottonwood, on theSanl* Fc rad, last night, blowing 4o cars oil the track and destroying a number of bouses Some lire* an* reported lost. A stock train wat wrecked near Emporia. Tbe daughter and son-in-law of ex-Min ister to Austria Basle, living in T-arii, have been bitten by a mad mastiff. Fince I.ucien Napoleon Muratisdead. Spring Mills O. K ! NEJV ROOM I NEW GOODS! at I. J. Grenoble'eStore ! SPRING MILLS, has the goods. Largest stock I SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower titan Ever, Ana now >Unu * wordial invitation to, hit friends, patrons, and public general-! iy- Also a Complete Assortment ofj Ready Made Clothing for men and hoys. Suits as low as to be had in the j city- I imported and Domestic PRYGOODS! Full lines of MERINO UNDERWEARB, For Ladies, Gents, Boys, Misses and Children. Hosiery, Gloves, Boots and Shoes, HATS. CAPS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, Aua the ciot eoniplute assortment of NOTI O N S n Central Pennsylvania, and prices^tbnt' willconipel vou in self defence to buy of h hm. Also Fish. Salt, etc. 18oc ( A full line of Howe Sewing Machines 1 and Needles for all kinds of machines.! Special Notices PIMPLES. I will mail < Tvwa * tl rwclpa for * aUwpla Vsttubli h*im u4 wtii Ta, miu-kiJtft PiMPUca sod HlotfliM. lMflai tlMskla trfu (ktr and bsuli (i , Un laslMiiMM Cot prod an a* • luoitMl growUt ;ul iuif Msltkidbsad m (•<, Addnw, lt flosinflct. sfgiiip.lUtt Yaadalf I C, SB Aas Sl,| i * v To Consumptives. Tba ftdttrtltN. ha* in* baaa ps\iaBlh earad of i ual draad dtMUM, Uiiaiytka, fat a ito| ia rawsadj. t* aaii 'u* to Malta feoown Ia bla fallow talarata lbs m#at of cars To all wfec* daaira ft. ba will aaad a * ppMgfipu twad. fraa o#Uva. Asthma. hrcjwchiua, da I'sriies alasMn* lbs |*rarrt;*Uoa arill plaaaa nddraaa. K. A WILsO A. lk raaa Hi , V illiamrtsag. K V nUUnUPAESSTTI 4' IIMOOM. lwimu and Amoaatast ( (xwitdasd Ims* rtant tc paraata and tsat hara. Sfdiflesaal arUatic daai#aa. Tba aoUrs pari arui fraa for 31 eta < arrant j or sUa| Van iWlf I it** * Ann Hi. N Y (£2* l% /I A MsKjiTß Ptwflfa |ar ak Will fl aOU 11 loHaU |M. Xaw ui clra, jc: Jiatoeiood Naiap laa aaal fraw* to all Addraa [w II CHI IIICS TKK 214 r u!toa M , ta York KR MOILS OF YOUTH a (• KNTI.RM Alt who anfletwd foe nam taw* Ken f%roa* ltlU> Prematary D*taJ. aad U 0 f retbfsl lcdt%ire*low. U1 tm Lba aaAa af aaCertaa CtBUHriMltM to all wtMl IM* It, Uu rwliw am ClrerUuo to* maklae Lh tMpU eMj htc h ba IA cured tuttim wtahlaalo l>r.dl bj it* Mrtrtllw'l •UiWu cwa do ao b* addruaaiw# ta perfect eeea ■Mflfl JOHN B OUDKN C Cedar SC. New Tot* Mat a—. Candy Manufactory & Bakery. Mr. Albert Kuuth, At the BISHOP STREET BAKERY, is now making the very best BKEAI), CAKES AND TIES, in Bellefonte. Candips and Confections. Ho alto manufactures all kind* of can dies, and dealers can purchase of bim at low at in tho city. Candieo of all kinds al ways on hand, together with Orange*, Lemon*, Fig, Date*, Nuta, Syrups, Jal jlies and everything good. CENTRE COUNTY OYSTER DEPOT. An Excellent oyster saloon also at tached to the Bakery. Call and see me. ALBERT KAUTH. novlfi DRUGS I DRUGS N DRUGS 8. T. Sliugert. having purchased tha Drug Ho re on Allegheny street, Belle fonte, next door to the hardware Store of Ilickt A Bro., hat stocked and tilled it out! with all tbe most popular j DRUGS A MEDICINES, j • •CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY*"'* i, ! SOAPS, COMBS AND BRUSHES, j .-TRUSSES, SUPPORT RS, BRACKS; ;..., FANCY AND TOILET *.„! I : a . j ARTICLES. Ac.. Ac.. Ac. j Patent Medicine*, Alcohol, pure Wines and Liquors tor medical purposes only. Physician's prescriptions carefully com* pounded and orders au.wcrod With oare and dispaUh. Far mart and Physicians Mrom the country will find our stock of ita-didncs complete, warranted genuine [and of the best duality, j This Store will remain under tbe direc* I lion of the accomplished druggist and ■ pharmacist heretofore connected with it, Mr. 11. M Harrington, and w* respectful .l ly solicit the custom of our friends and I t tie old patrons of the store. jl*ptf S. T. SHUOKKT. YlfM. I*. WILSON, A(tornoy*at*Law Vf Bellefonte Pa. Office in Mrs. Ben* ! r's Building. Bsllotvxite Pa. "HißTomn: —First class brick ]will bo kept on hand for sale by J. O. J Doiningcr at Zerbe's Centre Hall | brick yards. These brick are I offered so low that ft will pay person* at a ■ distance to come here for them. 1 Intending to continue in the manufac ture of brick they will be kept constantly on hand, and fair inducement! offered to purchasers. ! 17 aug If. H. E. ZERBE DK. KORTNKY Attorney at Law Hollefonte, Pa. Ofßcfcovor Rev. tiolds bank. Hmay'tig JL. SPANGLEK, Attorney at Law • Consultations in English and Ger man. Office in Furst's now building. 1\ TA U>( JOB can .na*e tn. $t O |< H I V* l pcrflaj mnde bv ail *OJ*OI ot I jl'it y I either a*,, ujtil tn Slitlr owntoSsll' *-' a-jr*-* 4- 1I. Particular*an* tsmjiles worth V* frv<> liaprora Joßr spare time at this hnrfnoaa. Addreat Stlnten A Co, PorfUnd, Me : | '> mar, j We print envelopes as low as $1 per Thousand. Send us your envelopes. We print letter heads, and statements at as sl,'2b per 1000, whan persons lied tho paper, 'i bis it lower than you can get II •done for in the tfltyr New Store Room AND NEW STOCK. Fall and Winter Goods IN ) Great Abundance AT ww. weirs IN THE j\ew Bank Building. A Full Line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, carefully selec ted, and embracing all manner of DRESS GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, GROCERIES, GLASSWARE, QUEENS WARE, TINWARE, FISH, AC., AC. Furnishing Goods OF AL KINDS. NEW AND CHOICE INVOICE or CLOTHS AND CABSIMERES. Full lice of Hats and Caps For Men, lloya and Children. 1 LADIES AND GENTLEaEN ' Call and be Convinced that tbia it the Cheapest place to buy good* in thit taction. PRODUCE received in exchange for gocd*. Retnetmlrr the place—in the New Rauit Building, oppoeite the Old Stand. HO! FOR SPRINGMILLS!! Stoves! Stoves! TINWARE!! K. 1 a 1 kind* f St 1 ■ A full line of Tinware. Hardware for all, Coacbmaken and Mechanics included, At the New Store of Geeptf THOB. A. HICKS A BRO. t. KO&Mf, MERCHANT TAILOR, Centre Hal!, Pa. Busineee stand upstairs in the building formerly occupied by tbe Centra Repor ter Will furnish gentlemen with clothing, made to order, ol the best material that can be bought in Philadelphia or New York. Long experience in the business at Bellefenie enables him to turn out first das# work in all respects. Cdecltf C. C. CONNER. ~ MRRCHANT TAILOR. In Bank Building, Centre Hall. Would respectfully announedo ike chi sens f this vicinity that he has taken rooms in abore building where be is pre pared to do all kinds of work belonging to his line, for men and beys, and accord ing to latest styles Goods sold by sam ple. Having had nine years experience be guarantees all work to render perfect satisfaction, and solicits a share of the public patronage Gdecy HKMT BROCK KMlorr. J.P. BHfOXXT President. Cashier. QENTRK COUNTY BANKING CO. (Late Millikcn, Hoover Jt Co.) Receive Deposits, And Allow Interest, Discount Notes, BUT end Sell Government Securities, Geld & splOflhtf Coupens. We sre now selling New Pianos? 5125 Rack. tt4 all atjrlas torlodln* Onst. Hun aa4 Uprlcbt, aU so* aad .uwilj btri-claaa. at ih Wa—l sat oaab vholaaaia fartan pnaaa, DLROCI la UM par Chaaat o tswU; aa mcaiaun so dlaeoaaU. llaaua far S3BD. aaolalelag Math ushek'S New Patent Duplex Overstrung Seals, ahlrb u wMboat qaoatioa lb# pwlai ipr in—am arar aal lata a beoara Pum. i>rodaclo tba aoa a* 100 lab Ins (• n haaaa aad dap lb -* 1-ni.Hii a aaa lalataa ataaiaa qaalll/ aorar briar* aMalaad Oar I'prlabu at* tba ftaasl la Awarsoa- FSsaaa a— aa trial fv.n l fall la write far IbaatraSad aad Daacrlpt- PIANO CO., No. 21 East Fifteenth Street, 21febsevm New York CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J.O.DEININGER. A new, complete Hardware Store has been opened by the uodecaigaed in Cen tre Hail, where be t> prepared to aell all kinds oi Building and HOUM Furnishing Hardware, Nail*. Ac. Circular and Hand Saw*, Tcnnon Saw?, Webb Saw*, Clothe* Hark*. a full a**ort-j ment of Glaa* and Mirror Plate Picture . Frame*, Spokes, Felloes, and Hub*, table! Shovel*, Spade* and Ferk*, I/ock*. Hinge*, Screw*, Sa*h Spring*, [ Home-Shoe*, Nail*, Nor way Rod*. Oil*. [Tea Bell*, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varn ishes. Picture* framed in the £na*l style. Anything not on band, ordered upon t shortest notice. Remember, all good* offered cheep er than elsewhere. GRAHAM & SON. Graham & Son are offering extra induce ments to CASH BUYERS. We havo the largest aad cheapest stock of BOOTS AND 3IIOER in Bollefontc and are d uA" ' tbejtlme to buy your fall and Winter *fck V *t o*r> v -,> o (i sol id Leather Button iui Lsuiiii from $2 00 to U. SO. Ladies' coarse shoes, $1 26 Mens' coarse boots, 2 60 Children*' school shoes, 1.00 Mens' wool lined (turn boots, *!o0 ' " HucfcJa i shoos, 1.60 i( i( Congress gaiters, 1.60 . Alashnj, 1.09 " all turn overshoot, oO Women*' all gum overshoe*, .40 Miw Let it be distinctly understood that these uro all rirebclass Rubber Goods. ZOmaytfj J. D. MURRAY. (Sucraator to J K. Miller A Hon.] I>ealer In Pure rugt. Medicine*, Ftn <7 Article*. I>ye fttuifr. and Druggist'* Hundrica. Full •tork of Con fee - tioneriaa. PURE WIN I ANI) LKjUORS For Medicinal Purpose* trk agar aa*M or CIOAKN ANDTOHACCO ALWAYS IN STOCK. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED Have teeured the service* of Dr. i. F. Alei*ndar. who will attend to tb# Com pounding of Prescription* 'jg mar. *. OK. 6. GUTKLIffi; Dentist, MUlhelm. OtrbU rof—e,iwl*rrt*unn* eatiUs. ll* I* r*H*r*llop*ru*M I* if* inui pr """I i**tt b*i*u r m,fUt rTa*wt Jno. H. Odenkirk, Poller twp. do Jonatban Kreamer. Penn twp. do r R. V. Shaffer, Howard boro. do , John Bpangler, Potter twp. do ' W. 8 Muaaer, Penn twp. do Gotleib llaag, Soring twp. do Robert ljfdT Philinaburg boro. do Martin Leiuel, Potter twp. do Alois Kobtbecker. Bogg* twp. do C. A. Faulkner, Pbilipaburg boro. da John Kaaadale, de do t Jeffrey Have*. Ruah twp., do [ David 11. Kufcl, Snow Shoe, Saloon Jo*. Pasamore, Philip*burg boro. Tavern. • Goo. A- Keller, Ruth twp. do ' Henry L. Btetier, de Saloon " Shad rack Steffy, Ferguaon twp. Tavern. Jackaon K. Rouab, Mile* twp. Tavern. A. WILLIAMS. March 28, I*7*. Clerk „ Cba*. Brown, Belllefonte boro, wboleael*. I Pever Weber. Philtpaburg '■ Saloon. | trajoa-painilnj. f.Ayowr lio- I tograpk* Enlarged —The undersigned ia [ i prepared to enlarge all Pbotographa, in I; which the feature* are plain, eapecinlly the t eyea. In aending pictures always mention the Color of Kyaa and Hair. Price, SI for one peraon, and 71 eta. each lor all taken from the aamephotograph thereafter. 1 Handaome Frame* lurniahed at the fol lowing price*: hxlO Oval, .76.80 and 1.20. Square, .76 1.00 and 1.26. In ordering, mention the kind (oval or square), alao the price of frame you want. 11 not inconven iont, peraon* are eipected to come lor their picture*, being notified when finiahod. For further particular* add ret*. CIAS. W VZMMTin Omtre Hall. Pa. J CM'ENTIRE. DWfWT. * would roapectfully announce to the t cilixen* el Penn* Valley that he haa per . manrutly located ia Centre Hall where be * la pr L ,tared te do all kind* of Dental werk, , All w.,rk warranted or no money naked, i Price* low to suit the time*. 81 lan. v. GET GOOD BREAD, By calling at lh Dew and exten ! ii bakery wiabiUhmerit of JOSEPH CEDARS, (Successor to J. H. Sands.) Opposite tbe Iron Front on Allegheny street where be furnishes every dsy Fresh Bread, Cakes of all kinds. Pica, etc., etc.. Candies, Spices, Nuts, Fruits. Anything and everything belonging le tbe business. Having bad Tears of expe rience in tbe business, be datters himself that be can guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor bim with their patronage. aug if JOSEPH CKDA RS D. F. LIJSE. PAINTER, JKES, offers his services to the citizens of Centre county in Honse, Mrs and Ornamental Painting, Striping, ornamenting and gliding, Graining OAK, WALNUT. CHESTNUT. Kb*, rlain and Fancy Paper hanging. Orders respectfully solicited. Terms reasonable. 30 apr If. OBNTRKHALL Furniture Rooms! . EZR A K REM BINE, respectfully informs the cilixent of Centre county, that he has bought out the old stand ot J. O. Deininger, a*d has reduced the prices. He has constantly on hand and makes to order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS, WASHSTANDSI CORN R* CUP BOA RDt. TABLES, Ac . Ac His stock ef ready-made Furniture is large and warranted of good workman ship, and is all made uader his immediate supervision, nod is offered at rates cheaper tbsn elsewhere. Call and see his stock before purchasing elsewhere. f e fc 2§ CENTRE H ALL j COACH SHOP, I-EVI lIIUT, , at hi*etabli*hmeotat Centre Hall, keep on band, and U>t sale, at the moat reasona ble ratea. Carriages, Buggies, & Spring WagonS. PLAIN AND FANCY, and vehicles of every deacripiion made to order, and warranted to be made of the "2m notarial, and by tbo roost skilled and competent workmen. Bodiee * for buggies and spring-wagons Ac., of the x most improved patterns made to order, *}' kinds made to order. .. J °* r *Htig done promptly and at tbe lowest possible rate*. Persons wanting anything in bis line are requested to call ana examine his work, <*! w Dot 10 "celled for dur ' ility and wear. mayStf. A. S. WASHINGTON, ASLLIOBABLB HiXIIIR TXD HAIKDBXS FB, in the old bank building. Guarantees stisfaction in all bis work, snd asks the i üblic patronage. Has bad U>Bg expert ence in the city. j sfr No. 6 BrockerhofF Row, Bellefoote Peon 'a. Dealers In Drngs,Cheniiealg, Perfumery, FaucyCkoodw de% Ac, Pure Wines and Liquors lor medical . purposes always kept, maySl 73 ■vf, a. s Ay?.s 3, SHOEMAKER, Respectfully informs tbe eitlaensof Cen tre Hall and vicinity that he has opened a new shop in the old Bank BuUdiag. New work turned out according to style, and all kinds of repairing neatly done, and on short notice. Prices reduced and to suit the times. 7 feb. Ota, Forks House! PERKY STOVER, HROP'R. Tbe Forks House, at Cobura station, la □ew and commodious, and ia kept in Lest manner. Bed and board second to none in the county. Stabling for 80 horse*. As a summer resort it will be found all that could be desired, right in tbe heart of good fishing and hunting grounds, and surrounded by tbe most romantic fcenery. [lnor y