The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 11, 1878, Image 4

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A Crnpbtr lr*erle.os at Ihr Twrhl.fc
Tliere are four cities in the world that
belong to the whole world rather than to
aov one nation, cities that have influene
• d the whole world, or round which its
history has at one time or another re
volved, cities iu which students and
philosopher* from every country are
cQiially intcrestiHl. These four are Jem
salem. Alliens, Rome, Constantinople.
The first has given to civiliaed mankind
t heir religioA: the second ha* IHHUI onr
great intrnctree* in literature and art;
the third hss spread h>r laws, her lan
gU'ige*; her jxaitical and evb*siaatn*el
instituWm* over half the glol*e. Aud
♦lion • , 4 I C->n -tautiiH>plc can lay no claim
t i tho nviral or intellectual glories of
these other three, though her name does
not command onr veneration like Jeru
sdeoi, nor our admiring gratitude like
Athens, nor onr awe like Rome, she has
preserved*and seems destined to retain,
an influence and importance which they
have in"* great measure lost. They l>o
long ifiwimv to the jiast; she is siill *
power in tlie present, ami may b-> a
mighty factor in the future. FOl flfu>et)
hnndnHT*?ears she has IHH-U a seat of
• mpire, and for an even longer peruxl
the emporium of a eommeixv to which
the evmita of onr own tiaic SHMII dcsiittevl
to give a growing magnitude, _
If yon U>>k at the tuap you will w
what a remarkable, and indeed unique,
position Constantinople occnpiea. It is
on the greet higuwar which iMiine'ts
tiie Ulaek Sea with the Mediterranean,
and se{iaratos Europe from Asia. Thus
it oommands at oinv two vis ami two
coutiueata. All the marine trade, both
export anil import, of the vast territor
ics which are dnuinvl by the Danube and
the grvt rivers of southern Russia, as
well as that of the uorth oaut of Asia
Minor, ami of those rvh Eastern lauds
that lie mond tlie Caspian, must iass
under itigwaiU. When the ueighUirtug
countries are oivned up by railways it
will be the center from which lines will
radiate qver European Turkey and Asia
Minor. With a unit ao to speak, on
•xioh continent, tlie power ihat possesses
•! can transfer tr\s>p> or nierchaiivhsc at
will fr. \i one t > the other, end can pre
vent any one else from doiug av Then
oonsidt . how strong it is against attack.
It is guarded 01. U>th s: ii - by a long
and narrow strait —to the N. E. the
Bosphorus, and t>> the S. W. the Danla
cnlles— each of which can, by the eree
tion of batteries, (waaibly by the laying
down of torpedoe-"", IH easily retidir*Hl
impregnable to a naval attack. For the
Itosphor**, you probably know, i
tifUen miles long, with bold rocky hill
n t .ther"fiide, and a ohanu-1 which i"
uot only win.tine but it is uowhere over
two miies and in some place* scarcely
half a mile wide. And it jHsssesses a
splendid karhxr, land-locked, ti.leless,
aud with Wat. r deep enough to float the
largest vesscla. Ou the land side it is
"scarcely Mae defensible, betug COvere-,1
by an :.lr9cwt continuous line of hills,
lakes and marshes, with a comparatively
iam>w passage through them, which
offers great a.l vantages for the erection
>f fortifications. There is noother such
site in the world for an imjwr:al city, lu
other rrt *peots it is equally fortunate.
Of its beauty 1 shall say something
presently. Although the climate is very
. hot in sammer, and pretty keen in win
ter. it is agreeable, for tlie air is kept
de eionsly fresh bv the seldom failing
breeKwthat blow dowu from the Euxiue
up from the .Egems sea. and the sen
♦self is a gr>at purttier. Though there
1 no tide there is a swift surface current
sweeping down into the sea of Marmora
ind the Mehterranean, a current at one
•oint so strong that boats have to be
t wed up along the ah re, which carries
>tT whatever is thrown into the water.
So, though It is oue of the dirtiest towns
. the East, I fancy it la one of the moat
People are always saying that the iu
- de of Constantinople dispels the ilia-
VODII which the view of it from the sea
or the neighboring hills has produced.
But those who say ao, if they are not
merely retreating the common-places f
their guide-book, can have no eve for
?': e picturesque. I grant that the in
• rior is very dirty and irregular and
tumble-down, that smells offend the
n se, and load harsh cries the ear. But
t en, it is so wonderfully strange and
irious and oomplex, full of such bits of
■ • lor, such varieties of human life, such
t ir reaching asaixriations from the past,
that whatever an inhabitant may desire,
a visitor at least would not willingly see
anything improved or cleared away.
The streets are crooked and narrow,
•limbing up steep hills, or winding
:>'oog the bays of the shore, sometimes
■ >\i with open booths, in which stolid
old Turks sit cross-legged sleepily
smoking, sometimes among piles of
g irgeous fruit, which eveu to behold i<
a feast, whrle sometimes they are heru
med in by high wmdowleas walls aud
cross* 1 by heavy arches, places where
yon think robbers must be larking.
C •nstantlnnple has absolutely nothing
to show from pagan times. Though
Byz mtinm was nearly as old as Rome,
t e citv of Constat! tine is the true crea
t on of the first Christian emperor, and
possesses qpt a relic of paganism, ex
c pttlie twisted serpents from Delphi
d an Egyptian obelisk planted near
them in the hippodrome.
There are no shops in the streets of
Stamhoul proper, for nearly everything,
• xccpt f <od, is sold in the bazaar, which
i< an enormous square building, eon
s sting of a labyrinth of long covered
arcades, in which the dealer? sit in their
tails with their wares piled up round
them. It is all locked np at snnset.
Ton may buy most things in it, but the
v si tor is chiefly attracted by the rugs
nd carpets from Persia, Anatolia, aud
Kurdistan, the silks of Broussa, and
the stores of old armor ("real and false I
from everywhere. Purchasing is no
csv matter, for a stranger is asked
t: rice the value of the good*, and unless
h is content to be cheated both by the
dealer and his own cicerone interpreter
t who of course receives a secret commis
sion from the vendor), he must spend
hours and hours in bargaining. Bus
iness is slack on Friday (the Mussulman
•Sabbath) aad on Saturday (since many
of the dealers are Hebrews). as well as
on Sunday. It is conducted under an
other difficulty, which drives the visitor
almost wild—that of a multiplicity of
"circulating medium*." There is a
Turkish metallic curreuev, and a paper
currency, greatly depreciated, besides
all sort* ol coins of other nations con
stantly turning up, among which the
Indian rupee is one of the commonest;
and you have to make a separate bar
gain as to the value at which the coins
you happen to have jn your pocket will
i>e taken. Hotel lodging, and indeed
almost everything, is very dear : for
Western books von pay half as much
again as in London or in Paris. There
is little sign of a police in the streets,
and nothing done either to pave or clean
tliem. Few are passable for carriages
and the Turks leave everything to time
and chance. The only scavengers are
the vultures, which may sometimes be
seen hovering about in the clear sky, and
the dogs, of which there is a vast multi
f trie in the city. Though you must bitve
oitcn heard of these dogs, the tradition
that obliges every one who talks abont
Constantinople to mention them is too
well established to be disregarded. No
body owns them or feeds them, though
■ a?h dog mostly inhabits the same quar
ter or street; and in fact is chased away
<>r slain if lie ventures into the territory
<>f his neighbors. They are ill-favored
brutes, mostly of a brown or yellowish
liue, and are very mach in the way a*
n< walks about. At night they are a
serious difficulty, for the streets are not
lighted, and you not only stumble over
them, but are sometimes, when you fall
juto one the holes in the roadway,
■Mimbled head foremost into a nest of
them. whereupon h terrible barking and
snapping easnes. However, they don't
molest yon unless yon first attack them;
*tud as oatfiiie madness is unknown, or
nearly so among them, nobody need fear
St. Sopliia is one of the wonders of the
world. It ip the only great Christian
fhureli wliieh ha l>een preserved from
- cry early times; for the basilicas of St.
,T< hu Laterigi and St Mary the Greater,
jit Borne, have been considerably altered.
And in itself it is a prodigy of architec
tural skill as weil as architectural hpantv.
Jts enormous area is surmounted by"a
dome so flak-pitched at so low an angle,
v> c
that it seems to bang in air, anu one
cannot understand how it retains its co
hesion. The story is that Anthemius,
the architect, built it of excessively light
brick* of Rhodisn clay. All round it,
dividing the recesses from the great cen
tral area, are rows of majestic columns,
brought hither hv Justinian, who was
thirty years in Imiidiug it (A. D. .\TB .V*Ni
from the most famous lieatlieu shrines of
the Ea-t, among others from Diana's
temple at Kphesus, auk that of the Sun
at Baalltee. The roof ami walls were j
adorned with anperlt moaiuos, but the 1
Mohammedans, who eomhunn any re- i
presentation of a living creature, le*t it
shonhl tend Hi idolatry, have eovoixsl
over all these tlgurcH, though 111 some
plavs yon can just discern their outlines
through the oat of plaster *>r whitewash.
In place of them they have decorated
the building wtth texts from the Koran,
written in gigantic character* rouml the
d*iue ione letter Altf is said to be thirty
feet long), or ou enormous Isamls sn
JHUHIIHI from the r*Hf, ami in four fiat
Hpao>*s beh>w the dome thev have suffer
ed to be painted the fviir archangels
whom thev rivogtiiEo, >a'h
bv six gn-sl w nigs, without face orther
Oue of the must highly cultivated ami
widely traveled tsndestaslies whom Rus
sia |H-ess.s (tliev are. unhappily, few
enough 1 told me tiiat after siH-ing nearly
all the great cathedral* of Latin Enrol*"
lie felt uiiou he enteml St. StU'hia that
it far trans.ended them all, that now for
the first time his religious luatiucta had
l*een s.itt*fitHl by a luunan work. Mr.
Fergiissou, 111 his " History of Archit*H"-
tiir'," s.iys si'methuig U> a similar effeet,
This will hanlly b" the feeling ot those
wboae tost*"* have 1H-u fiirmtsl on West
em, or what we eall Gothic models, with
their mystery, their etunplexity, their
beauty of varied detaik But St. S.>phi
i"ertaiuiv gi\> s one au impression of
measuiwltwa space, of dignity, of majes
tic nnilv, which no >ther ehnrx'h (unless
jwrhai"* the t'atliisiral of Ssvill<i can
rival. You are lucre awed by it, more
Ust in it than in St. Peter's itself.
In Constantinople there i* neither
municipal government nor public opin
ion. Nobody know* what the Sultan's
ministers are doiug, or what is happen
ing at the scene of war. Everybody
livt"s in a perjwdual vague dread of ev
ervbody else. The Turk* believe that
the Christians are iHnpir.iig with Rus
sia to drive theiu out of Europe. The
Christian* believe Uiat the Turks are
only waiting for s signal to set upon
and massacre them all. I thought these
fears exaggerated; and though my
friend and I were warned not to venture
alone into St. Sophia, or through the
Turkish quarters, we did both, and uo
man meddled with us. Indeed 1 wan
dered alone in the streets of StamKuil
st uight, sud met uo worse enemies
than the sleeping dogs. But the alarms
are quite real" if the dangers are not; and
oue must never for*p>t that iu these
countries .1 slight incident may proTokc
a massacre like that of Salonika.
Constantinople is not only a city that
belongs to the world; it is "in away it
self a miniature of the world. It is uot
so much a city as an immense rorSMM
srrai, which belqng* to nob-xly but
withiu wh<>se walls everybody encamps,
drawn by business or by pleasure, but
forming no permanent ties, and not
calliug liimself a citiaeu. It has three
distinct histories—Greek, Roman and
Turkish. It is the product of a host of
converging influences—iufinences some
of which are still st work, making it
different every year from what it was
pefore. Religion, and all those customs
which issue from religion, oome to it
from Arabia; civilisation from Rome
an.l the Weet; Ivoth are miugUxl in the
dress of the people and the buildings
where they live and worship. Races,
manners, languages, even coins, from
every part of the East and of Europe
here cross oue another and interweave
themselves like the many-colored
threads in the gorgeous fabric of an
Eastern loom.
The rarest and most subtle charm of a
city, as of a landscape or of a human
face, is its idiosyncrasy, or (to speak
somewhat fancifully) its expression, the
indefinable effect it produces on yon
which makes you feel it to be different
from all other cities you have seen tie
fore. The peculiarity of Constantinople
ia that, win e no city has so marked a
physical character, uouehas so strangely
confusing and indeterminate a social
one. It is nothing, because it is every
thing at once; because it mirrors, like
the waters of its Golden Horn, the man
uers and faces of all tlie peoples who
pass in and oat of it. Such a city is a
glorious possession, and no one can re
call its associations or meditate on its
future, a* he gazes upon it lying spread
before him in matchlms beauty, without
a thrill of solemu emotion. Ami this
emotion is heightened, not only by the
sense of the contrast, here of all the
world moat striking, between Mohamme
danism and Christianity, and the recol
lection of the terrible strife which en
throned Islam iu the metropolis of the
Eastern Church, but also by the knowl
edge that that strife is still being waged,
and that the shore* which lie beneath
roar eye are likely to witness straggles
and changes in the fntnrw nut less mo
mentous than those of the past It is
this, after all, that gives their especial
amplitude aud grandeur to the associa
tions of Constantinople. It combine*
Aat interest of the fatnre which fires
the traveler's imagination iu America,
with that interest of the nast which
tonches him in Italy. Other famous
cities have played their part, and the
curtain ha* dropped npon them; empire,
and commerce, religion, and letters, and
art, have sought new seats. Bnt the
city of two continents must remain pros
perous and great when. Bt. Petersburg
anil Berlin mar become even an
Angsberg or Toledo, and imperial Rome
herself have shrank to a museum of an
tiqnitie*. Ma'-millari Mar/azinr.
Singular if True.
A few years since, *ayn a California
paper, a man from the Eastern States
came to this country to engage in min
ing. He went up to Tuolamne, and
commenced laboring in a claim ou
Wood's Creek. In a short time his hair
(which was a light brown, or auburn
color) commenced to fall off, and soon
there WHS not a solitary hair to be dis
covered on auy part of his Is sly ! He
was as guiltless of hirsute covering as a
marble statue. Singular to relate, tlie
man's geueral health was good during
the time of this peeling. But whut is
more remarkable, the general physical
appearance of the man began to change
rapidly. He was originally long, lan*,
and lean, bnt now he began to assume
Faiataffian proportions. Although a
large boned person, when he came to
this country he only weighed 100
pounds, bnt in seven months after his
arrival at the mines, his weight was tip
wards of 300 pounds. All things must
have an and, and ao did our hero's in
crease in size come to a stop. Then it
was tnat lus hair began to grow. Bat
now, strange to sny, his hirsute appen
dages, instead of being auburn co.or,
were coal black. Instead of sandy
buskers he had whiskers as black as
jet, and soon. Gur readers will natur
ally think the individual, after under
going ail these transformations, had
grown out of the recollection of his
lriends. And so he had, as the sequel
will show. Now, the hero of this sin
gular transformation, when he left Lis
home, left behind a wife whom he loved
as the apple of his eye. Alter residing
here about three years, he sent for her.
She came full ot love and affection to
meet her long absent lord. When the
steamer arrived, a very large man, with
very black hair aud whiskers, met her
and claimed her as his wife. She re
padiated him. He remonstrated and
explained. She would uot bear to him,
for she had heard of the wickedness of
this country, and she was cautious. She
endeavored for two months to find the
husbaud who had left her, then gave
him up for dead, and returned to her
old home sorrowful and broken-hearted.
The metamorphosed husbdud is still
here, aud bitterly does he curse the
change iu his fortunes which so altered
the complexion of Ins personal uffairH
tliut even his own wife cannot recognize
him. At present there is not the least
prospect of losing his superabundant
ileali, or of his hair again changing
I lii l I •mmUaUnfr*
rrralftrnl unit H •%
Tho following in a complete list of the
Fluted States commission to the Paris
01iHw.1ti1.Ni w* ap]x>inted by President
on nominating by the governor*
of Hhitcii :
OoMIOWUt.HKM CI*HKK*I. lUchaid I'. Me
('ornilok, Wimlitngto". t> <H>l"tn®d l>r tho
Pnwidrnt mul continued tiv tho Soio IHHXSU
tier I V 1*77"
\i<umoK*i Ci'iviwunno (appointed* to
tlto Preio.loiiP E A !\ IUMUMII. Now t
Oil* V Jol|!n*l<Hl t lU'l *■" *lt*ld CUUlli.
•loiiwr KiiitrwJ) PauiclJ MorrvM, ,l.>hnt. >• n.
tfc, ( Oronton (MovoUiut. Joinoy ( dy, N.
muiU O. MIU-holl, Now iHavrii, tVuin.. M'll
limn W, St.>rv. |l>wlnu. Minn. ; Hour* ll>-**rd,
lYvviildtHW. li. 1.. With win T. I'ortw, Wilmlnj
tou. IH i . Thorn** It Farguaoii, lUJUmoro.
Mil.. W ilium A Au.lor>u, l.o*in*tmi, Y*.,
(tuolin U. I'uil'lwll, Ikilmwrr. tklihi i John
J woodman, Pas I'm Mloli. AuJrow J
Swooin-i. VMhWill \ Smuin I l>nmt,
Kimikliu Oiov®, ill . Tlioiuu f Jonkiiin,
InuiCiillw, h* .Alfred lit**. fi'iH'W*. Kmi
Jmuon l> l>a*u\ San Fr*tci*eo, ('*l I' M It
Yoaug. At laid*. li*. Arinti.lo# tloim.l, No*
OrliMn.n I.* .* 1 ChmtiU'rlrnu. Itriiu*
* ink. Mo Svlvonln V\ ti , St. Loan.
11..\. >; m imtw; -M i.n v jq<iioiiiU*l bx Uut
CroMilonO. Audio* l Whilo 111 *.*, N V ,
lns*l I'. Morton. No* Vi*i oil* U<h*k M
Chllil". PiUldeJ|dil*. I'* W M 11. 1'! In,
Oojit—>nsii IS,; A l_ tVmUiluo, kNnbi
Uu>. t'rmloi i.-t Sm. U-r Mmuiliontor, N It.,
Edward tViwlw*. i loirlaud, Ohio . Jmuon II
Suimt. lii.limitin'lm, lihl IVtiik Millwmvl,
Covin* tuu. Ki , tloulMniu I tlwllmi, Chicago.
11l JnniO M S*.ir 1. N**li*ilK\ Trim., Mil
lltlll Hnl! rrm.inwsi, Otl . Soroun I".
Morrill, If'loll. Win Milium A. M.swo, r.lru
ton. N C I. J. tUi 1"TO, Annlin. To*** . KJ
*.,! ||. Knight, IfMhuij.'luit It l' Johu A
roiiuoi. Vium. Aruon* . Aimtin S *go, lk<i*e
OHv. Idaho . J. I'. Mnullum. UnIWM, M- T".
Cl C. T. MtfW. t*ku i. l> T C. H. Ihn
nott, S*lt I,Ao Cit, Cuh. Willl*m c Hon
: oiler, Stud for. N M MilUxiU li Slooio.
Chovobiio. Wv. 1 Kltwood I ron*. OljriMM*.
M t
H.vexm i\t**iMi>•*•*
(li imutlol l>\ Hi* Koiornurn of the V'tAfen hud
*p;siutnd l>* tho I'romJout 1
Limmi Kugou* A. Smith,
Jmuon Hoimt, Mota'.o.
Aumwi --Alooifro K. l'.nhfo, little nock
IWIU>U J llivwu. VKQ Hiuvn.
C*ia>'*si*. iViiliuu c, giuiat i, s*u>i*u
-ol*iH' Hwtir* ll*nh Sail PrlH iCO.
tVi iiiuim. - I'.olwt 11. L*mhoru, Denver
Msorw Finlior, lloi.vor.
C. HH*. riot'T. Milium I' |t!*lo Nr* Haven
Hour* I'. MTU to,
l*i XWXKE. UniiiKlii Sli'lnoil, Miliuington,
Rolwrt M MtmUiU. Suiyrn*.
.iKlin. litmrgo I*. Il*fl. J.*kou*lilo
Johu IX llmtrulgo, Jm-knimvlllo.
Onuhi.l*. John A. Spoor, I.* timngr ,
I'rxuil* IVuUutio,
lixiHot*. John M tirrgorr, ChmupAigu
OwhOru K KciUi, i'hioo.
hwoi t'loui StuJolikrr. South ltoml .
Krm.k C. Jolmnou. New AlUmiy
low*. liuiUiUi It.
Alffml Hntmr.l Hod l>*k.
KAAV**.— Kugciio 1. Me*or, flutchui*ou
Flood I', linker, I'o,>ok*
KiMr.iv. llonnctt 11 Young. In'Oimllo
lormli M*gortin H*rrodntiurj;.
I*H'tHt*N*. In" * Bunh. New tirlowu* ;
t'bkrlon Pwrlmige Tor it iVtipoc
Mii*t IVoderi.k llobte, liorhmn Arthur
K. lriukw*tor. El worth.
Hisiumi.—liohorv M. M.Tjuio. lUitiuiore
Thorn** M. Huokler, lUtliiuiorv
Minn*. uc*rrrn. iloorgw C Kiotmrvl~.ii,
BvWtoli; Alcimulrr 11 BulUvk, M . rovmtrr.
Mt. in.i iv. Mxtiu llyrfwoii, tirmid ltapldn ;
John J. B*gley. IVtrvut.
MiHMa*>r*. —E. E. lrmke, St- I'tal A. C.
iKvdge, Altn-rt I .e*.
M.nMnmei-!. -K. I Whitfield, Corinth Mtx
Iml*.u*e, Henmudo.
Mlvtol KI, J one I'll K Stephen*, IhxiUTlUo ;
Ch*Jion CbouUkU, Si. iioUin-
VEKH****. J. SterUug Morton, Nelmh*
Cit* , Chwrlon H. iH-wy. >m*tm
N'itai.*. MTliimu S. Key®*, Kurek* , Johu
W. M*ck*v, Virjtuii* Oity.
Nl* lfvKi"iiiuK-r*roa* H '.!.
Couevrvl . t'h*rio® K llobert*. t'ouoorvl.
NEW JIIUIV. iloorgo A. H*i*®v, Newmk ;
MTlUern W. Skippen, lloUAeix.
Nrw Vonjh hum i rod win Now hot John
T. N'ortou. \ !h*uw.
NOKTB CAhouw/*. M. H Tvtrkor. !t!elgh .
L. l*h|>m*n. ArStriUo.
OHlO. —Henry C. Voang. Ciueinaeti : Jchn
Onvainn, lTuoinn*U.
Oum.* Johu Ym Itourden I'orti*i*d
Hoaior S*ntnirn. lvwrtura. l*ortlmid
Pkhxhtl***!* Johu H. Herje*, !'tll!del
(ihik : M'lllmni'tou S,-*ifo, I'ittnhnrh.
HUODE Uunu. J. Herlwrt Shenld, ITori
denoe . l>KUlei J IjttletioJd. l'*wtticket.
SOCTH C*K"UHi. rtloUli* (I. ('(otUeUB,
I'rudlotou : M'liamu J. I-*> *!. Colum! a,
Tttvosri lVlor Suuh, KUUETIHc , ttotm
9. .11 Bk*h. Metuj hl.
Ttul - .Uhlol Smith, Houston: A. W.
Sixught. OkiroMtoa.
YEKN. ijct. -J. (irtftirt Smith. M. Att *r*i> ,
Luke E. I'uUnd. Bctimul.
YtKiiixi*. -Johu KohoU, StKuuton . 11. I'.
Archer. lUehmoud.
We 3? VIK .IHI*. 11 M. Delkplmuo, Wheel- i
tag ; L N. CKiupeo, I'krkemhurv.
Wi*\.**i> llohert 11. Bekor. ileciue . Joweph
O. Thorp. E*u Cimro.
ITio Mntrimonial Lottery.
A joung *tranger caiJoi! on Dr. M*C—4
one evening, whilo he wan a {utßUir in
New York city, u> engage hit* nervier* in
the perfortuanoe of a nuptial
"I wi*h to make a bargain with Too,
doctor," mud the yonug man. " I tuink
the girl I am to marrv will make a flrot
rate wife. If Ton will wait a y**r for
yotir foe, and aire turn* out a* f tliiuk
she will, I'll then give yon lifty dollar*."
Thev agreed, the young o>ii|)le were
married, ami the incident paaaed lroiu
the doctor's mmtL At the end <>f the
year, at the same time in the evemug,
the young man called again. The doctor
did not recognise huu at first.
"l>o you not rsmember the k.rgain
we ma>ie when yon matron! inc a year
ago ?"
" Oh yea," replied the doctor.
" Well," said the young man, " she is
twice a* good a* thought *he was.
There'H one hundred dollar* for yon."
Exactly the opposite of this is the fol
lowing :
A clergyman in one of the Hudson 1
river towua united a German couple in
marriage. When the knot was tied, the
bridegroom mud, " Dotniuie, I've got 110
moniah, but I'll send yon won leetle
pig." It waa done, and the circumstance
VP forgotten by the clergyman. Two
years altera anl lie met the German in
another town, for the first time since the
marriage ceremony was performed.
•• Dominie," said the German, "you
remembers yon married me, and I gave
you von leetle pig?"
" Tea." •
"Veil, if you'll uumarry me, I vill
give yon two l>etle pigs. Editor*
Drawr in Harji't'" Magaziw.
Who Iliscoverevl America.
The Norwegians glaim the discovery
of America. In the year 1000 the navi
gator Leif, with thirty five companions,
sightel tlie island of Newfoundland, |
and pushing on to the westward he l a vast country covered with vines, i
to which ho gave the name of Vmeland. j
This was North America, near the moutli I
of the Ht. Lawrence river. A Scandina- j
vian Oolony established itself on the '
banks of tin- river, and soon pushed on- (
ward to the New England const*. It is j
claimed that a company even ventured j
as far as the bay whereon Boston now j
sits so proudly. Regular conufuunoH
tion was establish'sl between Norway
and the New World. The Pope ap
pointed bishops in America four cen
turies lvefore La Casas. , About 1350 the
civil wars which rage*! among tho Scan
dinavian peoples and the terrible black j
pest—a aoonrge not yet forgotten in 1
Norway—seemed to have CBUHXHI an in- j
terra (Mian of commnnication lietwaen
tlie two continents. It was noarlv a j
century and a half later before the New
World was definitely discovereil. The
spirit of Norwegian adventnre showed j
Etiro]M>atiM the ronte to America; chanoe :
lost it ; genius brought it to light ,
again. Hnch is their talc,
Moienient* of the Stars.
Tlie star known as Groombridge,
though in the category of fixed stars,
moves at the rate of not less than two
hundred miles per second. With this
speed it cannot be stopped in its career
by any star which it may approach, or
compelled to form 1111 orbit around a star
or star group. Whence originated this
enormous velocity f The combined at
traction of all the stars known to astron
omers would not confer it. It must have
begun outside of our visible universe.
The alar will pass through that universe
with unchanged course. We know neither
whence it came or wluther it ia going.
As to the proper motions of other stars,
they are so different in their direction
and speed, that we must conclude that
the stellar universe has neither the sta
bility nor the regularity of onr solar
system. Bat these and other considera
tions—in iaet, all modern scientific dis
coveries and research—point to the con
clusion that our universe h i< I a beginning
and will come to an end.
IVI of lh I'lMMitHrrnpli.
For public u*bk wc lmQ hive tfhpffl#s
win'it l ph<ogi]i|) "h 4" Mil) lis fllr ,
e-rvotl ns pltetetpftphf beak* ttl'Vv
arc. Tim ntfpfhrtftcu o(
!!■>! wingers will tlh> kepi (or *
tliouHu>l yw*. In* til#""' galleries
R|Hiki<n languages will ln> prtwcrvtvd from
wnliirj to eotiluiy. with nil then (wnli
antic* of pronunciation, dialect, <>r
brogue. An wi> go HOW to see tlir ultllc ,
optioon, wo nlinll go to puMin hulls to.
hour llieec tronnuroH of spinvli nn>l snug
hrou It lit out nu<l ropivaluoed as loiul, or
louilor, thnn wliou lli-l spoken or sung
bv tho trulv grout uiio of earth. lor
tninlv, within a dnxeu yearn, setup of tlie!
preai singers will ho ifuhiowl to slug (
into tho ivirof Uio iiimuogrspii, *id Me
i r>lvtrotr|Hsl oy luiuctw thence obtained ,
w ill be put into tlto hand-vugvuis >f tho t
street*. and wo nlinll hour tlio to-to*l
voice of Christine Nllnnon or Mum Cor)
ground out nt every oornor.
In publto exhibitions, slao, wo nlinll
hnvo reproductions of tho m'liiuln.of
nature, mnl of uoiros fnuiUutt ami unfa-,
miliar. Nothing wilt \n< OHM fir ijutn to
catch tho noutiiln of tho wnvon on tho
' Peach, tho roar of Ntnpwm, lire therrwvh" 1
of tho streets, tho noinon of siiiluuls, the
putting nuii ruh of tho iiulroml train,
tho rolhna o| thniul#". t>r gvcii tho tu
mult of n imttlo,
Whou popular airn aro snug into tin
phonograph, aud Uio uoUyv aro thou .
produces! in ii-mrif toier, von . tuit'iu,
ami Ivcautiful musical effects tiro aotua
Union produced, having no apparent re
noiiiblntiiv t<> tlnmo contained m tin ir
originals- Tlio instrument uiuv than l
qwnl an it sort of UIUSbWi hull uk*op. ,
by nicfcn* of whioh mi infinite variety of
now oombtnatioua may bo pnaJuoed
from tho tutuucal ivoni|vositioUH nyu in :
run.piiakug will, i* ■ t <t
loan, DP applitsl t> Ix-u puffnves, clocks.
Complaint iKJiin ill publto oonvoyalioon
ami .tpyn <d all k<t*Jx.' J
niito tho fhorMitwiil writer htfhkiir? let
torn by il lot at ion and iu taking timtnpgii)
i before refer#** I'hfHuigiaphuJ U4fc*;
' wtll In* aeri bv mail, the full ivethp
wouuil on p|wr cylinders of tho six-* ot
a finger. It will recite poorua m tho
voice of tho author, ami reproduce tho
(ipoechyf of oalabraUk) orators, 1 imuip
will Ixi produced in whioh all tho part*
w ill In- "well spoken -with gool accent,
ami goal tho original mat
rioo U-iiig on ouo inaohino pu>
viiWnl with a mka r tulm having novoral
tuontiipiooon; ami Mmlanio 'FuimjniJ'a
tlguro.i will hor.-aftor talk, an woll an
look, liko thoir groat prototype* !
I Ai n/nirf,
Wonl of W Imlurtl.
Frtouii.n aro won by tliunc who Ixjliovo
iu winning.
Ho but wat m iim aoup who tako*
many wonla to t<-ll a aia >rt aUiry.
Homo fxHiple aro liko oggn, Um full of
tliomaolve* to h"lil anything olk-.
Many jwsijilo tint! llmiroio happtboai
in forcing thouumlvoM to bo unhappy.
Ho wliohaa u < 1a..t0 for orvlor will Ixi
often wrung iu jmlguu ut ami aolJian
wmaiilorato or oonacroutioaa in bu u -
Wlimi wort arc ttfrm* wwtrh wnr
thought* ; when in tho family ctrelo 1
watch your tomix<r ; when in acioty
watch youf tongue.
The roal want* of nature are tho
un-aaure of employmont*, • thr foot i
' mfy th-want uf wlflflh ji •
act j. * 1
* Haate turin usually ujxtu a matter of
ten minutes toi> laU\ an.l mav avoid* I
bv a habit like that XIml to
wluclk he uticrihe 1 kut n ji M hi hfi\ of
being ten hitnutoa t*i early.
Manuera aro tho shadows of virtues ; {
the tnomomtary display of tho*e iptali- ■
Ue* which oar tiii'W-oreaturi>* love and
respect. If we rtriva to IxncMme, then,
what we atrive to appear, mauuern may
often h* rwtnl—ml n*fn guides t> tlio
iif our iI j^.o*.
The moat of all companions
is a simple, frank man, without any
Jhigfi pretethuons |fi an oppieaaive great-
Ones ; one who luVes life and under- nd
the u* of ft ; obliging alike at all hour*;
aliAve tll.tif tvpi'ldoii teni]x>r, and stead
fast as iik lOtohor. For such a one w>-
glasllk iifliange the greatest genius, the
1 rw"-' htiffiai.'. wit, tlio profoundest
thinker. \
A ('Brians Fentarpnf Toughened nta--.
In theßoiuudn. Vrigeigor Hieard, ig
Trehewwo tells the followii isle : •• A j
child's drinking glass tra Umght one
day at teg. Cor tbottt aw nty krnnscr,
and hw tv m-Xiiii- it tnsUsn 1 d* char
acter df ugbn-akaliTe glass, ffut abont
nine O'cloek <•* ove iinr. In the suttr'
month, it Was nwxi in ilrmMUyT'Biu tucrr
and Was thfn placeil ; With a ißlve¥sjs*'U
.in it, rjx'ti a large tdken table. Sudden
ly I huard fmia toy room a violent of-,
plosion like a pistol shot and a metallic J
soutnl. I ran in ami aaw tho w hole thaw
strewn with m—llea aud splinter* of
glass, K**ttenxl thinly ami widely—wtxi 1
I not only upon the flixir, but the bed, the
: table, tho waahstauil, the cartwi and the
; clotho* hung np were fcimmiwini thea."
I shreda 1 lotduxl pfwywhrw tor the I
cause of this explosion, and a| laet re
-1 marked that the child> drinking euh'
was gone. Tlio ompty glass lnui expUal- (
i ed—withont apparent cause, withont
Ihe appruadi of a light, aud having' a I
i spixm in it—with puch extraordinary
I force tlirt the Whele househoh! ww' '
fnghUmcd. I rclAk- Una story, the;*- j
'fore, not only for the information of
I ciiemiste aud natural philosopher*, hut
| also of those families who believe that
| in (his so-mlled unbreakable glass they
Ismhom remarkable ami n annullable pi i\)
i ihing* or useful household grxxS, t-. ■
sl.ow them that when such anexplnsw.u |
I occur* it mav cause not only fright hut .
mischief." Uie foregning tb- —litot I
of the Polyfo ftnk/iin ikliia,
thst attch explosion* of touglieneil glaa*.
often without any ap|mrent cnuse. have i
been pretty frequept of late, atjal
jtob# on the j j * //J
(wustanUaepte hia uUly.
A travnli* thßDugh the Hn-d seuds a
' letter to the New \"ork Tribune , from
which the following is Condensed f ,the I
I parpow* of showing. f |e wrpj snfl peftt I
teal condition of Constantinople, a* it
i appear* Pi a non professional. The wtar
' naturally workixl a ami chuogn iu the
J lives of poorer chu*e. With the depre
| ciatiou of paper money came a dispro
portiounte Oilv.vjCe jn the prior of bread
. stuff", atnl onneeqnont fuireriitg among
| the people. One instance in cited a* hnv
, ing oome under the writer's nbeerrntiimi j
i A young girl who wn* able to earn five
piastre* r. day, with which to aupport
; her mother, tw<> Rinter* and herself,
i stood before a baker's shop with her
i veil falleu to the ground and her eyes
flashing with anger, while lier whole at
titude bc'okeuixi grave alarm, tyjis km li,
grmlually neon vie pries of krsudiui-1
' creaw while her own wagea retnainnl
| unchanged, until nt last she hail lxx-n told
her money wa no 1 >im?c| jnifflcicnt b>
keep hr f.uuily fnun settiSl starvation.
The pietnre of that jaxir sufferer wa* one
| typical of the invaded and dootued re
gion. The parent government iV no
longer able, if it in disposed, to help it*
i children, and the trnifeamen are rude
' and grasping in their demands. The
1 condition of that seetion of the world is
deplorable, but it is such a* inevitably
follows an unsuccessful struggle at
What is Lire!
The mero lapse of years is not lifw.
To eat and drink and alcep—to he ex
posed to the darkness and to light—to
pace round in the mid of habit and
turn thought into an *f
—this is not life. Irt Sll fnis Dtft n pisir ;
fraction of the consciousness of human
ity is awakened, and the saitctitaes still [
alumlrer which it worth while to .
lie. Kuowledge, truth, love, beatitv, '
goodneaa, faith, alotH> i*ati give vitaliVy
to the mechanism of ntttewß. The
laugh of mirtli that vihrutea through
the heart—the tears that freshen the dry
wash's within, the music that brings
childhood hack— Ute prayer that calls
the future near—the (fount that makes
ns meditate —the death that startles us
with mystery —the hardship that forces
us to struggle— the anxiety Unit suds
in trukU sre i
our natural*being.
eastern and Middle Stater
i lletore menmJ'i > of Unai'seuaiUfM l g>i ■
flhsr.ut. si>|h|ii!e)iu ivh(
iMltisnt riit. Ii A. Ainhioli, ifr tTttt.rtfgri,
nhe an *t till- lii>ii*t of Us P>amixu I'Si'lH L
st Uie time t>f the strlks, t*tl!lnl that the hfl ulteiiHt tlin slukors srm> in ilt ltu>
tm. |ifinninriil auehtw lisftllg tIRSrM
s litit"tr*4 "tsx.l o( mm San* ; | oI Itm >
.'ilirm* Xrnt l* mi* hiaa st AllerflMniV, XSd .
hint ttist t>* tn.(i*i| Uin in*ii wtiultl aUad
; hs Us'ti iiglihi. ..isl pneuwa Una *roi* awt i
I'tm >(- mi idiimnt of th Huitanu rival
i-trtuiri Mssrlits I i|Siklihl two tails* twin* .
, Hll>S Hlii|j. N Y , Silt Ixn |*s nam 11**!* wrio
' Villfit nulllslll two worn (Xtnllv sMIitTHI Muf
I imml nihi l - nmlini wilftlW liijutlss
M'srrrli IsiW, U>kl.i-v|" i of th* I'lsnrt '
Mill* llsimfsrfarin* ( niu|isiiy, ItreyXlyii,
' N , lotuitUtis finiu tho euiuiHUiv's l.snk In !
No* ini X wln ir ho lis.t iliswn ♦t.O— wllb
whta htn |v nit tho emptiiyeM. I(t *• so
. I'lausutotl by so sasl-t*llt, *ho oVt'-'ff ♦fQ" |
Wsl'o Whou iu so Uti(ro.|uootait !.-*Tit) ,
lint war* *|>]SiHU'hoit liy thioo uiou, .litWWsl :
s- Islntiris, who >Uititoulv sltsokoit tho HB* I
Lii <l. mi' thorn itnwu witii hlnwa ssUil |
, lU4|S* Si>4 iy inl'4 tlea I't IU Ue uioott IU 1
IwiuMin*' Ih r.'fr tliey (vnilif slii tnolr fert !
Iho lhloi. r silling .• IT ui s wsbmH tyst i
l ass wslUiifi ui nt s • ■nit. itesSU sis I i
ins-). K'""t Itiolr —|ie.
Ih " Tst'i!) Ultra l4Ul.tiii||k Wim*'illSßniyt
ni It* lire In hooneiillr, N Y , oaasliu; s lna ;
*stin* yea.noo. s,t* * wtint* hi.—, w
I*l K" I a-iiior- liullsra in l'hilsilrl|.hls its*
I'lii Ui.t, tlie rtfr lelliji Mir al tho lu*t>st thst
h*a nor iinto,! tho city slut csusiu# sn oU- j
aauot I.*** of over #t udo,ooo.
I Oinptmlhe iiinl KoilJ, of N* YuX Oil
l.s- Wilt ten S lotto! t, Ihr in i ueliorsl nf
thr htsto 111 fsvi iuf tlio r*Jn*i VVillimii M. j
Ti.oe! fr—u farther eoudhniibin rimipsrnhli I
Koiljr -si -ui hi- loiter 'As s'pulihv ufUgw 1 .
ur*o U>b tk>rhsrKo, O-s'i-t f Mini, til- f
fiiltkol ileti-uUnli lu s .tohtnrii'{.risnu Is liolthox j
I ■ ingirisJ to tho Msl* as sn oismyt* U yijf j
dw r*. onr in auy -ni-o> to flieritv. '
MisOwlilir, llm! Lss nfUM*t to testify 1
liirtkectn tot-sir to " rtng " rrsiMs inttl to* fwf
' rolispwd.
Tt|o Uias-s* lUul4oik -a ti, -U'U insj h'V i
a'ruriM* U ihoisl -inx*. Ni fUt'oai
, SjUiiWt tulsllv iti ali.-voit toy lire. Slut aoyootooiti '
TJUX-lDeas films Sllffrrnt li'aara
rVHtktMKk si. ' i -
Ismkwnud, l|-i".Va At 'n.'. tloatnil' bonk I nil.
, ihi.i-is, hso sa-i.ia*4 .oh Bs'dtkir* ..r
i ekhijooo.
Juflso lUsU-lifi.ii], of Now York, list Icn
ilrn-4 s', vi i lea SS IVi n-ti vmi lti
J.Ttk" 'lift! t'.u I'niti 1 "tstoa for'
tin i. i. M.orat n' umriae eu-
Yia .- mstitiilnj ilurli.o' tbi olo-ti..u
,-sn.,eisii in Is. il-* * itivx wt Us iifxyw-n j
Will 0* Iu t III,* iho I'Aae Ir fill a jilfy Oil Tin 1
.iiioati u of iho of Mi i* ]
dunok II" .loi.u ,ri, fr. Iwl-i Jb I*7l, duf- 1
Ui* wtilill ho In Site U|i Ito tvl .1111 l.ii#c!f, I*l
sli"W*-! Uio iwrnw U> ll|. 11.0 tolutu j
slut I will tho lai thrrroii auhjoi't to a ptuslfy
uf !li 1 oout.
11.* mvU rcjwirt ut Ai tllu. >uio i .nV-iiilriit
It. iiry t. faiftk iII the (vmtoiot! 7he ks'iiAc '
h.ks iu tho Htsto of N** f >r* wbi.tts find 1
mile oiuiji W"W #W"i duiasLC j
il-* lsut; bjkeL mß♦ X>a Cii'4 ,;l f < ll 'i"\
t- ;i. (Imil. f)fo*Hii n.t V Aifflr or No# '
Y<rk , U.wklsiah <# V,s rows! fi of Hsrs- i
to "* Sj s:id ihs Now Rf-'hoMi- kfrti Xt..fa! '
Stli uot itllr itcj" -.!■■- of rl I '1,719.94. Iu ]
thr Mte, t.owlsy, 19i. asllVa ■ i-imk'JUUAhwha i
tuanticia- Tho tots! ilfrts and : th< mrsi •
her of ili'|"iwiu*a hsyr .l.- resaoul JuriliV tlio 1
y.-*r. n>iv*-H mi f iM*st* eatnti. etif I
His l:lias o* o.n T**r wsn sss.) Ito i
thoir rtiiuuko U-su ):• Aliav i* ol years ; taoio j
*<xi>unw Sriyw.<4 titan ••rsaliwnt B.r i
St Of *£o ui ISah iUjsMll tkoiuUMil. A>-4 lbs WW' |
|>l 1 . f tho lii-liuuivu* ha* ahlaus. 'hho tatod i
tor- Ul*4 V? tho 1 silks, Is'W 111 01-olalwa.. s** ,
oil Jsutlsrt I. 147 V, tMS.TNo.XSC lultji itshdi. I
tioa, a.* • rpkuof '
_ evev Piv.-a Usi-w fscH tii* <Uj*ri;iUiiilM.i
♦Had- rws.n f'W Uio Uhrf thst tho **iiii|f*
loUika Sir ouiulug hark Ui Mitllui rule* tu S.l
miiii-tnttsuu, sir outuutaudioi; re*auuahl* am
fitiooeo of dr}"Mitnrs, Slot are aouoil.
Tho ItiMsdwsy Hsvtu£s ltstik. of l.*wtruot<
Msaa . slid He Hiias-.iUj Kstltt- l-afu f
Si w lat clty.lisyo Viiu *!,J.ii!i<w fmni ilulu^;
tf*B9* 1 tlal!i<- llio isttrr Ws*
T |fc'iie<to the rw iwixtky isfgh ktarieri f \
1 tto fnwn> til At riT thefts JOhr
t*Wl%a.trr!i with little anoounl* Its liablli i
Ue# sxo 4l,S.*,ai 77. siul the itaftoaurr is OS
Umstoif st i aro loss tnausi-oiuoul. i
sin Ulltltig sllßuat to ludllfrtrlicc if '
s£siu*t its uflk . ra ti
i lio Utsl of 1 uaursuocHuj-eriutMi.loiit Huiilh, j
hy the (biislo . v * vote of 19 tn li.
Thr Vsiulrrlitlt inutMUsl wtll case tlrsfw.
ak'tig ift Uir Nets Y urk -umtgstJ 'a tmurh Much
nf th* mridolKV off. rod to -hi.'* that tky C"lu
mod ro wSn -Us m.s.jl.d ft f tlligfify iufiu- '
oucoil in making tea wi.l is
Tho Pt imsylrsuiS IteywdfifHsn Nlar* odhyon-
Uon wig tx- bold |
Western end Southern Statee.
llum*tf ■ t ati liuUau oni.fssl.isl.ol* UI U) i
Ni.ttl.wvwf fisnV t*v>. A.jiflrmjxl. Hsaa# **o,
ro|.r'.od tn hsf* foft-lfl WtorersVtfil'liaajiS ("'brr
ruit** slut N"UX in ,N rtl.iru Muutaua .*o U..*
thst th* Y'liffak. >W shall I* roi. alod. and thai
Indiana -had to XO>4-d to sotu* thoir tl aiitov '
atunu* ihomiolyos wlth-.QI iiitiTforo-iox frnUi ,
tho m.siiilrd is he t# U*i t siisijtha gurafw
Mrs. tirorj;* Wsfy*. Ml
Mis# I'hon-h. s w BsMijM. mtfr rrftit JorSd imar
)\YIm* ding, W. hy Uir f .rmrr a I n-tkriiu
|*w, J. lia Maßac* Aflit tho tuuefor ho so
(fi|atd lu* hn,.thxr id tho rrtino and t>lh any
sißivtid. Tvactoelsy J..Uii i>uifoasrl u> having
kith") th'- thros Si our, s!lo£i:m as s uaiUis
li st Mr*. W*!!*-. Sis) tor l.t.As 41 sd t-w*.
t uiftilA- ats'Qt lAto and liH wffr
Trk' la.f- M:ss I'hurrh wa# that h* *** *f;*a! ,
all# w 41*1 .Alt vttlt' 8* b*tl done. l[u
-tart- d wiili Mr- a stisra- stid fin phfld fiir th* ,
!.#ti#o i# Ylim irhnrka, *s4 on th* frsv XQlfd
tgolii wtlh s i.eaiii**. Tto*:i ti* JvocJlflod tc"
plftisa ftinrrh's and o> Wl|)*tn! hi* tiWnMo wik
' After Iho oinfoa-i.ui sA*Jiof :!> o:g.y.Vl th*o
jail. iiaaru*Wvf*# Ui" (iawd.l4a*to a*to*> tho
ie -itr suit hnn£ hi at t a i.a aft** idrs*
. t "- him i.ostly a w-i*. mh* beT# f ~- <
Two Onlivod mo is I'adiwiti Hnsbeitß or
McA'rosry *r hSUKed sx ktarnwoU QfeMl'
iii*i"e. H, C (* '- lh* murder ot hln)))ia
Koicks ***!(% aiel lwi><4 uitov l nto ealn. 1.-1
i Vtoo astwdor wa* oommittosi last January, and
the murderer* art fin- u U>* <*ak*a iahststo-1
i toy ttoc.r victims, liitrixihiK tn burn up all vo*
tifr* uf the civbo, lnv%BM4tiaa tpJ ii> Iff |
I itbM*rv t liwtynarrfir had twrii onfntniifo-l and
fnrthor imiinrv rrauUlnl m lh- arro*!, Inal. '
I amivii e nili"u4Ntfl"ti yf (he akv.vt uataeh ,
MrA resr jeBT-eM*! t*k uk pattf th tin.
t dotal at b * utoitt* Vhig ' 77
i Jurl in viooa't.. hflfcofUlmftf *iv, *i*,t£e
' frtV* ftetiarr psaiaffTbit! ftofunii£ cXpTtkl J tlh
ishluoy' 111 bio State, and thr lull is now • law.
A nturning onr-cent iu the mkrn ayi u# -
Uie NaUoftsi perty tiak tawfti kSjj.hicag^.
K.\ -Atturticv-Aeurrai Al. u* daft raauuaa-1
e*UU*l fhr Hl-lgr of lb* dUlitiHoi cuurtjby a
l;.; ,il.lK*fn ftnnvrttUun lj nndapaU . ~|
Miohar! M'hoUikc, <i"> msu, wa- kiued sod
Mural IstmraTa Wire wt>ui*]|-4 liy an explosion
i ~f dvoannto kf Vntitrbrlln. Sfd.
t From WaxtUMten.
Tticr* are. It is said, 107." discharged soldier
who will receive the nropu*ed |teiisn>n of fTJ
. s limn Ii on mvonnt of thoir lims in the service
Hon. John Allison, register nf th* trea-ury,
j i* dead.
ruastnai tihueut nJ f W t I'sratna tu to*
fluted Stafes'AttnniWi'i Alstogvn* hsJ tieen
rejected by the Senate in execuUre nesslon
after a ia>nt*slef over two hours. The nontl
i axia 1
tnra v! lrgan, Illain* and Kir-wood Tliere waa
a maJ.Tiif nf aiv ■ j
Ttoo *w#i t bekvik* diviaSna of th Tr.aetrr '
Oepsrtaioiit ha* M-veral >|Nicimntia of onunter- -
(eit half dollar* and new silver dollars. They
*r ciisH- iniitationa of ttoa gflitftiie 7%* ,'
.nunlerfoit weighs lesa tliaf B nnuaiaiai'. lis
Tho Boqse I Hint offloe commit too has prac
tically figreed to strike out of Mr. Wsddell s
i hill, prnriding for the i-lassillcsUou of mail
matter, the clause which* express
."•in; ante* carrying mail matter of the first and
second cl*.
Hon. fiienni W. Sehofleld. of I'enn-ylvsnis.
has iswti nominated to lie Register of the Ties
! *nry lu place of Mr. Taylor, di-ceased.
Tlie n nomination of Mr. Ibinu f'r marshal ,
i"# b.AnSrto k jf IwSit ft*J it Seiato I
)n*l ii iviiUrTfrol 11 >#. msL- l>(f|g>*ing m#j
Foreign Mows.
A 1/Olidnn dispatch state- Uist Uilßbrilijli,
naval training vessarl Enrydic. ,N*|lsW(' dm -l
i on tsiard rapsizeil on the sonlhei.a*t of the '
Isle uf Wight in a sudden squall. Iletweeii 300 )
J and 40(1 lives are IT|>ortod lost.
A six ilsys' internstinnal |>destrisn contest
iu fsuidoii teriuuiated In a vii tory for the only
American representative, Daniel < I'l.eary, who 1
: made 520 miles aud 410 yards in five days,
o'lietimti hours, tlie tournament closing sooner
than the time lived on account uf thw great
crowd present. The originator of the contest
was Hir John Astley. a inetnlwr of Parliament,
who guaranteed prices amounting to 43.750.
Two tracks were lsld one fur Kngiisliroeu sud
tlie other for foreigner* and Weston, the
American pedestrian wa* rviwcteil to compete,
hut became sick a few d*T* liefore the contest !
hegsu. Hi vented) ivinte-tants slartosl, hut the
I race grsdualiv narrowi d down to O'Daary.
Vauglian aud Prowji. Uic llljl luiuiej bnug
shout twenty miles ato' iyk of llgiAAiiA Jl Bi
tlnish and beating the hoc iiSXe 4ti Vat-iSik
' Reside* the rhampion tielt, whirli is valued at
I 4500, O'ls ary receiveil a money pice of 4'J.- I
1 (Jnaaies-w erewd# vWt> d flsnaiene ~f eon- I
> fesl, and lhu .winner wgs puttouMSattyfUv i
oiieural ktoiheVMsc, die band* piajirrg Anien- '
cxn national airs. 1
Advices from Europe indicate that the pro-T
posed tMiace congress will t>e atisndoneH, j
Knglaiid refusing to |)artici]iale.
The Emperor of Morooco is dead. |
Tlio Tnited Htales sliip Hupplj. wiMt c.g-U |
for tho Paris Exjirsiti n, has arrivedst,liavro, i
tioorgo Kaiiui-ter, grain merchanl of Ret
ford. England, has failed for 4I,6WVHK>.
i|)o no!, una lb Bio ussto* nuii ut n
klfjht by teiWig IteAfWiJp ifyrifttef
room ifn the top.
-i : -ft t 77TT f "7l ST
'<ftoi4i MSSMItIto 41. Ml ll.viAß V,
The town ate Ml t" form the Tarritory f tin j
,'oln ijut of a part of th* 'ietrllorlM of Paknt .
*) I M at-iiS wsedieMMkii idn raid
tsftto-. five Ken ato> r**twiw(t enuMdertovon of
th* lajl msiung ai.nropriakiim for d*t*etlug
' rivsdjk* (Ml (Si Ms' lafnt* an! for bringing Into ,
iitsikt t pnUie lamia tu certain Hlatca, and for
: tittoer tairrnaea, liiv pending (luaaiina I "dug on
I(a aaael'lhwaail *if M. Iknch lu (hat of U.e
• i-iiuiiiit4 on *4>|i| 1 .|m4SUoimi, protoltotting lha j
, (iw of laoney to .Uii't any eitaigu for w.*J or ,
, ll|glt cit on U<* puUli' iauil* lu Urn Tervibif' J,
lew of the I'liUmt Htafes for the Us* of adtual ,
■wtUui* tu Um Tvrriloriea, wd not for exmut.
, as y tv pruviale that the Uuitor shall hot tie (
oif|Mvrted from the Territory where it grew aud ]
Igoyplcsl (orthei. tjyt in Ulc event It *h*ll be
■A|4Strd (iota the Territory It *ll*ll I* liable j
jto Siscuie hy the I'nlteil Htates autltiirlliee I
w hererer found. Kis-rrlsry Hchurx waa de- <
leaiored by llr Hixau'-rr. of Alahama, and hy
Mi. Jones, of Eloflds, for ordering th* #el*urw •
.if tihttier. and was defended by Mr. Matthews, ,
li.fDtdy Adjourned witlu'Ut setliai.
! fllni hill sßUini isng lbs employment of tern
! PVUWI.yWk* In tlie treasury ite|iartiueat, and j
'ilJt°Yuurni for Uie punishiiißUt of Units* laud 1
• lyvsps-soSw ass taken up and after Imig dl#
! US-ion. w* passed. The Henste wavnt into ex- i
•st'to at--#.n u< Up u aitjt u Bk*k
The 4 <iii*u Ist and Diplomstic sp]iroirtsUoii 1
j OS l *>) rwMitest iu tiie Henste, witii Biuelid
' ttoehf* : Mr Wallsoo sohiulttsad su snien.l
mriit tu tin- tall tc repeal the resumption sol, .
making Kieotiideks legal ten.lkt for sill det-ta,
public and private, and providing theeichange .
if at |wr **ut< lyMnty. to> id hy hsukuig sswwia
tiygi .hairing to incn-aae Us*ir circulation for
fetpii-Un.ltoi liotos at par, and the l lstlon
Inf el> h t eiai- >• part of the -inking fund .. j
Mr 11.. we, of Wisconsin, called up the resolil
tU ii ftoigtil.g to |h 4i fsl-vsto"* of to*lg
IVer, of is.ui#)ana. and made a Sferrh ar
itMg'Upg the policy of the Administration j
lli sgtokr #6l i.rdk bctirliu fXillclsm uf Praal
dent Hayes' j-.lli'y of csinclllstiou toward the I
ieffttb ateithn WVU watpr uipßice of tiie Ad !
luuiisfratioli, chirgi-d th<t the President had
j sdmndwiytsj Jo* duty towsi 4 lajUUUUi*, sud re-
IB> *ii UM |..-liti*ai oaaaer <# Mi, tirhora,
[ sttacklug that oflirer. Afte* su eiecullve eee
-4 klou ktoat Heaale adjonnwek ~ i
Mr. tUsii moved to refer the oorreepoodence 1
i recently submitted relating to the third eoui
■ iwj--. n*r .• Mie OaaattosA >4ofp*, |u the
*H<niiiulne< oft foreign relations, and poke of
;*! mjj tuf. <>f the swaid and argued thai the
decision was illegal, the commission nut lwlng
lillAUl uSSv. .JBofigrikt • llun** Jeint
resolution rvtending tlie time foi paving the
t*t49 l I4JAt wilv |mws#(l WKJi*l amend
UKiUt XI.C bin for the repeal of the tisuk |
nipt law was reported t-ack from the Judiciary
-sniast v- * nil plsomt *u U>< ' ".isaalsr . .'Uie
Pxcifl# rknrosd sn.trtny fvHvd bfto ww dt*eeti
5n.44 4 *e*le r • i *>" qu*t*islsr **id diplomatic
ppn.|(lkn.yi MliVas stlirvnel toi go over
j Kkwnpsw -wswi a and Wieitdiouruiiiett.
j A'tsfi vr so (iiirod.iHi'd !• Mi. Conk ling
rif' imm-'Ui xyt-i iAiy Ls the iiuprovemeut of
' Hsi Itom i Iwr ' Tire PIN to pay John Ray and
- WilDsiu I, MvjMto a . 41,outi each a* contest
ant • for Mr Kellogg W seat from lx.uisisn* was
' lt*4d .. 7T-* Pscinc railroad sinking fund
, hill was further dl*<-u>"o.l Ihr consular and
| dlpkxnafl* wpt.ruprlail wis Uii wa# kaAaa'Up.
all A III" aCia"i*l*<nl* of o* gotnuiUtev oft
, irviyaMto itaf will, so Bo lUt'li a*ip! th 1. and thf .
[ bill passed. Adjourned.
i .Ti)'! t j ;rn
A blii for the reorgautitatlou of the Iffe tav- "
ka * P< r|#d fYprn u*k o9Uil|4tw
jon commerce The '.iff to establish a prwtaJ
esett*;* dvp.wttory as a blanch uf the post
pigtomj dej siUnfi-t w* rv|irted from the eom
f uAßcw <dk p>>st<4BMi and y-Ml-roads aiidar
■ hre ! jjrutod Tim uavfl guKvpriaUou hill j
f nPjvke*. Ad jMirrwd.
Mr. tot- ] kens, ef Ueurgsa. tktumm- ui the j
' ("wwaith e on oo**ae, rcj-vied a blii u axneud
1 ttto-faws mi Uie subject of c-'lnage, to jwrfeet
I the -double tnclslttc standard. * pecytde fur t
4 U-wlug gold and stiver buljlujj ccrUitcatos, and
!to red.'. cwTUin silver Coltif Qi'W lu us*. Or- .
dn<"( printed and r eoom mi tied R prtirvdew :
ttasl '.lie cvMAsfe of goM-and stover tonlhou shall ,
tw on as equal footing pwohiWt* the frrrthwr
C.'mage of twesrtor cent fly*, eefil and liwee
cent piss, i. wishes Mi* fractional sttonw coins
< legal lander to tho aux rut of owH*r i
sulhiW-oo* tta lodarapi.aai al the treasury tu
#Ui44 uf etuu w (wet. sad (W is for toe furthr:
.x.inSge -to trs.te d hiwu. ss-loatv*). foC-furotgli •
Uedr hmiUhg Uioameanl to47Mi *>
V.. A Uii was poescd jwdsloung th* widu* ,
and minor chlidresi of A 4C 4*ulhri*. and (he
I surf men why wt*rr d'***■#! . (if MrUwaoh* ,
disaster. IdMMIM
RiU* were taffodaced dedanog M fnspetlt*(il t
to change Um tar A U> lasist ilitt 4 ifl.ce bonds. I
to rergsouw Ut* army, aad oU.< r ialw .... Mr. (
. Hpritigcr s te.Aisj to stag wad th* rule* and
.ryite liU au|U#t-'*n free r linage of sllvae i, it.A rwcrlvtug two-thirds of the voUWI
Yfr Orwrte . f Virginia, movod to suspend
the rtdew and Mtt tie Ml tOBWStBig- ff Ma* I
year# the . (w-fstl 'ti cf (nc Wtikfllg Fitn tft,
which rwqutry-sUj* annual |y ni*w.,* parch*". ,
i of one par-coiit. of the debt uf the Uuil**l ;
Htatc-a ,iiig|iiigJ Jewry IJB. pay*. UX. not ,
two-ituds i v the aflimauve. JußpuniM.
Iho Jcgbtrdivr, vtAoilffvc and Judieud p
--| i*upri*tlsw hlfl was jtjiortHd .. A Ml fas '
4 iis-scd xftthi iDtr-g a t"imw|slonf nfl the en- '
of the TPsrarv of Oai%t*toV.T%l
MAfffWfll MAs mpeftoi Trvdu (ttos- (wsmndft.vf <> •
- way# and BMHf ' Mr. XVd wp't64 a rewfs- 4
In ji mi t* make Ml* hill a -fweial ordAr. add *-(
i. was adoptod br 137 to 114 . The
■ *^iSSSflhxsaE
to. VMnPMV WWmQBI *• 1
! Adjournal. ,11 HI lif if I >
Mr. Davis, of North rtorulum. Mtooduccd s
: bt : n> .xagsr-wt* Uie viaasof K eUi two ja I
for the as* aad awn: otoHt af . rtwiu landings I
. and gr.aatd- by tiw Uukd Hkatr s troops Ito t
ferred.,..TUa hill pruvkbog mwaeunw Upew
vent UwaaiMteksHen 4f simtwgwee dumewer j
from lufsigis.purt* was peeeaif,..Tho coto ,
tewted ef Dcaiw sgsSUst >A*si, of ,
M*-ahueclld. was discussed. (IcnrraJ Rut
mg Kidtdh tft*i#l?aJf toityfvvff t' l * l ,
stood I">4 IXO ktw ifv Olira the (Speaker I
• **d us Uv* .anehte jgetl *hi(*g4 Mr, kd. ,
rt N t| ut I
A Kttomrln 5fW.
Iu tiio conrse of trial of tlie Nt
hiiistr. at bh I'etvnJ.urg. *u vtin>tAnf {
iry scene rcceufly uecttnal i Ute oo(irt.
One of the imat promiueut among till*
! acvuse.l, a man tißßMwl Mraehkin, com
. phuitoi ih hJk Jk fktiiß' al ri < u<Bil4es i
1 ilDineig' mid tor fore tn wiiiob lie Ximl
Fvhhn tu Bulitnit flunng Lua two
rears' "iethirtpvty Aotxirditig t" Jrfs J
uJLiUe I#) prihyficra, durjug 4
I gi.- prylottgtxl exAßUbaVioo, torijf-tLnM-,
Mil (litel iron uatunJ mu#swt k tvalve ,
IrMA rouuuilked auicnle, wud twenty-,
*M%hi bad guwtofMiU ' oterußprsy
- tlicn xrnsc M4W(M Hi.*#** umMhe
• t^ *
tixcsl \h jirixtonflhiCTM hfitrg nnworthj ■
uf tin' nAmft <if Ittwoe.and merolT m
• endrlr At tboec tlie jtulge ,
j'lftßto"] tlft, Aiej gu\ ufsWra that tin
r jwaotier ahoukl bnvt uw* r.wnortvii.
- 'Aft officer at ti# gwtidaixiie* promptlr
! Aotwyl Mtodhkin, l>iit at the giune tuw* >
: two other priwvmWw mriiM tn thw riff of
the latter, and a hand-to-hand fight en-'
, blUxl, ui vkuck kltu ufflotor liad hi (roiilatrto .
1 agnioet tlie three, aud at the same time
to endeavor to prevent Miachkin from
ffntitfl hi inuiler xef tA riul in strong
terms against the court and the judge*.
drngge.l ont of the chamber. A terrible
tumult ensaed in iiepoartk Many vu-.
tmjik sAam )l tham iwiA# thai
prisoners, f(fint<"l or went into hysterics,
, and Iqud cries cursing the tribunal were
bcgrrl. AJI s-fTArts to reskoro order wcrv
frnitleas, and tho public restated the at
teuipts made by the officials to make
• 4 hafn l.(toh( i t \'Dlo deflniUuiis. officials.
" Sjvyxut-fr<t ntiff grfidafmea wbre involvml
in n riotous struggle, but eventually s
detafhpUeAt of soldi#rr Mueoaodivd in
clearing the place. The president, to
getlmt with other judges Bad the
officers of the court, hod sprung from
their sesw Attof war# ffMiur.
snd terrified, st the scandalous scene
• lx>fore them ; and the president himself
fvWHo rnMy cxgftMd tlmk he left with-
M defiiiriui thffi Aaifli)g was closed.
It is further stated tliat the Rusaian
journals hsve " privately" Iveen en
ioittod to moke jiof NWftrk on this ex
i thwMhiary - tyurSßtocw.a- lx>n<li>n Telr- j
Aatr> V>gy wge'! vf Uirt uUeet'lnd
miwt favorite method* of divination,
and vfeatpntatnwl wry generally io the
middle age* and to toof extent until
recent timflie iirigloallv the oofcmoe
meant dimply *j the knowledge of; 1 lie
atar*," and id to Sidroiiomr what AlcWny
id • ehomintTV or legend to ldotofy. It
noon,, bovovor. undertook to predict
future evontd and, MMCUIIf, the for
tunM of 'merr'ffouv the poMfion
of the oelcdtinl lodiea. It Tpre
vailed among; t) Kgyr *•■•
leans, < iiiH'w, ui.l U\* **at*i
ntio"d from the very eomniyioeraent of
pmledUnnrlftn a.HSfrined of Mohnmtne
dafW*tn fteavoA rathYMCatftleaHy mltlvai*e,l I
by the Areb# and the other follower* of
the " prophet" between th<> ncventh and
thirteenth oentnrioa. For many >n-1
turioe Wie-mhet 'learned tneir oontiiined i
to atixVv ill id delofv* aoienOe, tint at
length the Onqx ruiaan ysten> revealed
it* taUury.. iWevtm to-day the ij*or
nut of idl ooujitrica beJicw) iu astrologi
calpreiuAione, iia may le aeon from the
numlter of audi prophecied whieh appear
in the almanacs, while in the Eaat and
among Mohammedan nationa they Btill
exercise fall away.
The (Ihineae play a game called tan, in
whieli small buttons are thrown from a
bos, liko duve, and the plavera guess
wltatluv tlie uiimlx>r is odd or even.
Wong Ah I>ec was csiiglit, in Han Fran
cisco, using a box that nod a slot to hold
n butt, si," with a spring so arranged as to
drop or rutsiß tt at will. His companions
cnt off ins one.
The American export tiwle is assum
ing larger proportions with each suo
'ctgNltng month, and it destined to set
nor fluancial matters all riglit in spite of
.lle fkMigreasiunal wranglers. Among
the piano export* tn Kampe aud the
8.1(1 tli Aiutwiuau HUles Uie popit lor firm
of Ht(" k A 110., of New Turk, fig
ures largely, tteosiMM their uistruuimiU
liave gained the reputsUun <ff standiug
the must severe climate better than those
of their cpmpetilora.
fl7*u • BtiLj Syrwp
fur all ulaeaeee Incident to the period of Utok
pig in children, U relieve* UN child f moi uain,
nu*. wind (Kilw, regulate* Uie lwwD, and. hy
Ktrlng relief and beaitil to the ojiliri. glvew reel to
tiie tuoUtrr It i* au nkj and wetl-frted remedy.
A DtkalaM* (|*esilee.
Yk title nui. il ha* heeti written eoweorulog the
ue* uf " |t up luodlcinee. UN qneettoo ie
-tiU au "pen una, and dnuwuda ef itui pMipie a
. areftai outender iliutt. Th# #*lid putut* Utay
I* UtoAy etotod. and anewerwd a* fuUowa
Ist Are lb* Sick capable of delenOUlllig tiwdr
i t*l condUltm. Uie nature uf their malady, and
- laclir.g tkc proper rnn-dy or mean* of cur* 7
jJ Can x ;hy -iciaii, no matter bow skillful
j>rt-ri*rt a nniveraal refued*. adatded to the
iciiusr ahineuU of a large rja** of people, re
-lilhr tn .fifferetd latitude*, and subject to
. anm Himalb- tnflurno*# 7 to answer fo the
tirst profweltion. we would esy. kare. arw
named and known by .vrtaUi " slfu*" or •vßip
t um, and. X# Uie mother dose at need s
I'hydrtau lu teU tier that her chrid hae the
win* <| -tag ruug U, or lieticare a rxwualy. an peu
' I>le when stlfcetad with many uf the symptoms
. ..po mlUiit to "ÜBllßre blood, '' " iufrid
ltrsr," aud " luwl digeattuu, rwjulrw nu other
knuwledae of M-elf touditiun. ot the launtr
i udmatnJ, than Ulfr ahaiedy |<u*eea*. Keoond
(>ru!-.stl>'a -M* i< phyatclan* argue that do*
oaar# are Mcliuuilijf peon liar, and. that treat
ment must (hrrefor* vary, aud yet qutnine,
trnvphlnr. podopbjrllm, ao-l bondreds uf other
remedies arc Jv*cijld in all countries to orsr
, certain condJUon*. I* it not. therefore,
#r If-evident that a ptysirtan whose larg* x
--("-rtence has made hi Hi familiar With the many
>.ha*m inrtdenl to all Uupuntte* ui the blood,
J corral and uervoo* dobUlty. Uver complaint,
v-pcj-ia, c<rnujnpUuii, and eatarrli. con pre
]ie a ecrtck uf remedies exactly adiptud to
inert the conditions mautfeSt, wtierevur. and
bv vrlialever mean*, it may hare been wngen
.tomd v The family insdtfim prepartvd by E.
i V. 1 Vrnve M D . of ftuffalu. N. t.. futtU the
ahiivw rcqdinwoet.u. Many physuoau* i*w
aorihe them is their prarusa. Bis iiothm
M. drtWl Ducovwrf ha* no equal as a blond
puritv** raid |enwto Imac. while hi* Ehvurlte
Drekdltitiou ruiwe thoe* wnrtoLS***** petstotar
tft vwNaeA after phyaitveus have faded. Ilia
i l'U-aeaal J illgatns J'aiieU, wblgh arw agor
coated end lit Ik larger to an rnrxUrd *** d*>
arc a *af* aAd certain cure few UwyiJ liver
and . oustlpati m. U you wiah to aave money
by avoiding doctor* and keep or regain your
healOi.toiy The Pwupk * OominptJ Bena* Medical
' Adviser, au UliMlraUd work of over * page*.
It our.tain* inrtrnctiuu enwenflng anatomy,
phyrtologv. hvgleuF. and the treatment of dis
' caea Over one hundred tl.omrand eorOe* al
ready .Id. Price rjHrt jHUdj.4I.M- Address
th* author, K. V. Pilew, M D.. Buffalo, Jf. T
I •'•■r><rwr>l for lb* treble.
Debility, whether it he inherent, or caused
try overtaied sirwngth. or protracted lUnea* 1
has a most (topresatng mflaetHw upon the
! mtbd. breeding an abjeol inrlancboiy nearly
akin to drsjoir. and enforcing the abandou
tneut of fhcrialitsl proJorU and high hope*.
Happily, the enfeebled systom, even in ex
lenwit case*. sueorptlble of inrtgoratMiti. It
lA# I roved tor Incontrovertible cvideac* thai
Hmilettt-r'a Stomach h.ttors 1* an unfalllag
ktiwagthener of th* weak, and thai, in addition
K, vtla'ixuig the physloal orgamraUou, tt
oatabhahe* regolarilv among those organ* up
on wboec efhcirnt discharge "i the duUea un
' ;-wed on Uictu bv nature, ooctinned vigor and
health dejvend. IVui-xrvd* of Itatanmw might
W ("tod tc show the regenerating mfluaoo* of
~Ihi toe'lk iitrmg a*en W caee* of debility,
i .lam dtarto*. ailment*, ocn
, du*"'"' Bikrruutieni fever, tmuary and ub r
lix, tree him. gout and rheumabam. and other
i maladie*.
* The Oeiehrotad
" MaTrwiwrn"
Wood Tag Ptog
Tn PVoSKXa Toaaooo Oovasv.
New York. Buetoa. and CBiieagO
A KetleMe Artk-lr.
' It is a pleaeure to "oomxnd an article of a
* thoroughly reliable character, and we do not
' bedt*i<- to do *o In speaking of IVxdey"* To*t
1 Pewdec, which an vxpertanc# of uwr feu year*
1 (twrvineto n* ta the be*t and mug reiiokde bak
.* puw dtr in the merit**.
'T The patronage among thw flrat-claeahotel* in
. New York I- oooatonUy changing from one hotel
to the other. The G bakd t isnui llotkl has
rvcetiUy id.* tad thw direct wrath of Ita oarape
I Bears by offering thr same accommodatam* one
i and tw-u dollars per day J*s than the other*.
)forv (>.*" tbrvw-quartorv of a century ha*
J uiaiwed Nftoe Johuecn a Anodyne Uaiment
wa, *yituL and it I* to-day th# moat vrulky
known a* well a* th* tnoet vats* I it* IntarsaJ
' and external raruedy ta th* we rid. No family
should bu without it a day
• Mi* *ai4 hy rvwiohk perwuu* that tiberidan'*
i Cavalry 0* ouiUos Powder* fed aparingly to
' itoftv hctis v..l UNrcoa* the unaatity of egg*
' two fold- Try it. It won't cod much.
a If i, wwis n.i,.
1* on* that ta tHhrwiw (ret from your druggist
a jiarAsgeof lywrkW Insh TVo. Pace SS eU
* j
' Tbe tlreeieel OtoeeverV St lU# Age a Dr.
Table-' cwlslwaled Veestieß bmaiWW en betar*
tn* pablic. art mrvM to car* Dtarrtoa. Dywaotery.
. US", art Spuwal*4sr. inlennlt *eOeww,Otamt*
* fthasmstaaao. Sars Ttiwata OU*. Brwtoe. Old Soros,
and I's.ns alb* Ltjat*. Rack. *od (toat. MMwettr
II has nsosr fsSod B* '*.! will evor be wVOwvt
. *ri-f anas eiwn* )) a fair dial I" is*. 44) saea* Da
t Madia*. *1 Ob* Dollar, b wmto taponar ta anj
. etuer. or JtO PAT. to Uw em* *4 Oato. Dwta. Brwues.
, <*4 .Vara*, ato. SoN h all UrwgvMta Dseat— IO Park
Ksw Vork
Th# Market*.
Is ) WWW TOO*.
Kssf Oatti* -"attvo 0* • U
Twnaond 47h*r*a*t - Wttri W
B'lrb (Vyi..,„, tO t0 VSTO 30
' Hasw-tJvw. OShN
Dries, d OS | 04
iJnfe XV 44 *
Ooueo-WbtaSug - tOhN W%
, Pleor-Waelenv—Weed to Obole# IB .4 I W
' Slats —itaoi la OboXw. 4 <4 14 *4l
llr.ckwbrat, jwv cwk I ta It 1 M
SlWel —Ued W"oi-en....... 1 >1 SIS
, Ujt ("'■ - W N ft
[Urlsy-SUU f
Barley Mall —. •• (* XX
Buckwbsel . ~ 4 SO
Uata—Mixed Wmteru...... St 4 B
1 Cart,- H;lrt Woalarn 47 N tt
* 4tay,per evrt..^.—S 4 B
SuawTpsr uwt..s.Ms N
Bop* r7: T4V-4VI *4O ... VV 10 | 11
l\i*- M(w*. 1440 Nil 01
tamV-Cllv OTSN OTN
dUb -Markmd. Ma 1. esw IT 00 NIX 00
Bat, a** * *0 nio op
Pry Oed, per cw1........... I B w 4 *0
Hsrrin*. M v'ed, per box. .. 14 <9 17
i 4 -Ore 47M4M7N Hsdtod. Il
' Vfool —Owl! toy PWec* N 44 M
Tata* ** .—— XI N H
A (Mtratl** " ...., 44 N 44
Slalr XX 41 ,4 U
Unt-er—B4*l". . # 8 B
Wcwtsrr -47h(Wca ta >4 SJ
W(w*ern—-ioodW Prima.. M B
Vmtsra —FtrMim. ST k II
Obsea*—Btat" Factory.. • " (f "
Urals 8k1rcmad........A .. S 11
W Mrtsrc 0*4)4 IX
Rggw—Btat*and Peaaaylvwula .... 11 A 11V
WNtal- No. I MUwwntoe 1 tt N 1 XX
(lorn—Mixsd 44 At*
, at*. to d Ml,
Hp" V* ia T*
lUrley JI IB 1
Ilariay Malt SO # II
P*f 0*1(1* txlra • • OJh# 2S
<4 ooig
I- - ir _ '.ai)Sa(v*nla Sltr*. * V N ■XI
Wbtal-BaS SNea..— 1 M <• 1 40
r o^-::.7r.v.r.r:.:. ::::: 2
Mixed .... 1 4 4X14
Petrel eum—Criid*.. JX'iSk+Wi *** ** , n*
ONlfnraU dl N 41
ftOVTOffi.- *
lissf(toll*...... 44 t h
Steep JJS
b"a xi'lnneaou* 0 14 | T
Horn —MIS#A ii....(iv.7(w , "ta 41 W(
Wool—-Ohio and Paxin.-:T*bl*lft 40 (B 4*
Oahleral* Fa 11..., 8 A 11
asisrrnw. UtaW.
Bsef 001U*.... MM#
"bsep M J*
lamb* 07 A T
110*......MM M5..MM.,.. 07MM OS
w-TBatows, MUM
Daef Oattle— Poor U> I'iolce I SO #S SO
ttbxap 7 OP (4 7 T
I, b.IW V On M * oo
$lO tfl s2B' g§|||§
A pANnUra "f lha craSliosa ptciann , *a*r saw -
KloWara r'taS; lnn<ls,*(w., Auiiimn leaaws. Hwils
Aiii osK OhO'lra". tts.alifal lailie,tc fu* Uaourst
ma iVlswy. > **•*. Itcrap Douks. *4*.. *d a Bv* wwska
.übaiwiptlon b> lis., Hot Be. a M psaca ilUiatrab.,l (ami
I. wwekiaJiilsHi *81) •marnix* MbiriHs b> *i>l* wtuera
Ibiißorius Bkisclti>ns, PiWtiy, Pusslea nr th. yvun*
1,.14*. sto . All aenl KWtr su s.sry "sadar ui thia |,apsr
wlH> will forward >1 uswi* I A *l*. In pay asasttaar as*sn
sua. P . nisk" 1(1). un]>*fll*)".l oßw Jwv^^ur
WUsAs X&s. for ctu (^^^^uwC^apse
TRIX, IXLu ES A'^^. t ggVg
(Ifur. I aiaiayarr A bffarar. S Mw,Mr.
(jait'i *t f a. ()VIHTWAII,
MlltKNluKlUllt J THKO.J. H Aft* AC It,
!■■■mwmwa. i wribia ( wiMKA
pa laMli afa
•awywtt •* * i
taeer tapfau t
fTr" -
mm, fW mnT rsivrr s#*l- 1. I*wl- •
UAWMT (A NATWLI UB W ••••/£*" _
iaS twits leant* MpaMMt a* PeMke Aj—i IW
xa mG*H* ghmm 9%mm mmmpm lEuiii
Asslz .! tfßfanm, < ,„.
Grand, Square and Upright
Piano Fortes.
NaUAilhbad ataaa I MA? Baualturt Ifa Utaß
At Ufa W.ALL*. TWM.III3.
First Medal and Diploma
Alba OaaaxtaAal. PMUa, IVTS.
Ttfaaa KIMSM Lt baa, twfura tAa puWlr am Iwaatf
ian aa4 tulaaN all aua t) aa ■B.aaaataiUi riah
MWMkau. Mt a.aafaiaa4 w tl fa. lata 4araWtaif
aad Bat# Waal ta OaaA *■■■■' ia fawa tfaaa fal
i tin air tn /ni*is| rir has# >'•*• d Piss ■■
Wili t* *tdJ mi /•'Mfyf* Me, etrf Is f|NM to P*
M#l # WA MWTO4M>E —l mimrmi* **o,
A fall warraetf. we * Sywa' ifßal pu
| lees. !• gi>W' aut <er| PjAu
|W Hrutrr af flarwa Itaaar. JT
, f t HtaaUMil' alNfuwaaawf TarawawArfa. NWrril
!1 pi nr jiract T. HAA^WNUI
Ns. 25 East 14th Street. New Yertc.
i&tfjfiani i,-sa;£r:
RT liai, RM It) <44 >M T b wHuia LARIW
Tha ratlaf la aa prnwin IAM aa awa afaa
Uaa avr *rV4 ll Jli Iw aiUfaatilL
> .tfalu aaal'.fa? Il runxntaa (Aa UTI imM
•till ruawAeaaa, arul aaftrsa aitd bpßla
(Aa abta Ifaoanrd/.
nwlar. wa na nfliM to KHMHF
l-uifa akoui.l la .wa .lay aithMt PM Arm
, l OT.IW. fW P-M trjuolrr Intfa tbo
UIFA aoa*L> Haaa Sn# IHTMI.
UA ITAWD aiawya LL ralmrw MR paaa ataJ
ornaptly rabrawd and
anmaliß twrad fc. Mililar Mr Nfilil 5
blf rrflrtN tfa pun ana fit.a < Carp*.
rat 'x&m
ar rami b| (fat Bar of Pw J
Rairart. It AAARR falla.
II1NTUI) Bad I bn af faaf'l Eiliaa In
BagaHika (arm, wfai f rw, *ein •! aiaiw eto
""■"jgßg ttgisSa—-
Mm taw aad ihnaa Uaaaaaad Mnwian it U
l uted Mate* ara pmatad *pom itaahmalPa
(iMMnlm p *.d| M> p* teat of all It.
aateliaa ten. lbi. mi abad. It atka • batter pasar
at a M> aoat. aad a raiauailp aaJtedlar tea tear In -
■■an at papara is aaaair item, and MMBT TV* ate
Waa aiptite a ttepmw add tea .ItteteM
Ida*. pmapantj aia aMa b> ataad tea.da a. aad la
ta* of adaartiaiap it odar* nrcnljHte at a
actaa ant abteh iba araal ainklba ara aaabir te
oaaaM Tte maUai baa liawaa* of ritej !■> at I ■■■,
I aad tea K*a lot f*~. a .laraal ta.iaa a a'aal
afaTaaa oaanaaaaad apow Ha faamte araaaSa U
te tteaaaaf Marte dUMMb aad Mb tear* apaaamte laa*
i ilbataa* **r anatataad ta team
I rteWtiac dlarrad.t opac tba 0® opteatiaa ■ptetmu a aa
KM Tba aa luriltli 1 bat-** fumiabad tea liaa trate
| rarafal aaaaara. atoa.te "tteatrn tea artarla* pab
I htead ara aam aad tea Tim*, kaa aalaited aad ra
taaod b> *t* tteaa ta Uw paftea tii|i imdd ad tatetaa
>Wt tetete ' aaa lb* adaarti.ißd limlante aI tea Tim..
aad tea** ala* baaa tea ulaai Ite aa V* tea* Iter*
toraaa atear raaoarea Itea to appaal te tea pabbc.
Oar win te te* rharpaa of tea T*m~ ara aitepfctn
aad aaaa*i ba rafatad Thai will b* mailad te aar
tepfeaaal Tba oal, raaam lot tea attack aback a*
tea* of I* te b* '. aad m tea fart teat a# baaa laaada
rated a ■) ata 1a if adraruatad teM .ft*** aa fi iitlin
foar tea aa Mat atroaialtoa fca a dollar aa a adordad
bp tea *iaam* af tea fla. Otrvmlar* attb tall par
Utmlaia (tea up anil Addraaa.
General Agents,
iiericai Newspaper Onion,
41 PARE ROW, N. Y.
••fa a float.w> Phfalr'ea. " tea ao Mul a* Mil
punter Wmi< of IXmmamj mvmdmf ml a area. aftereg
•iter nten ten h>M I ten! Uaa La borate* ate
a ... a van fnll >4 IM UMIM MTU. It (• Mete"!
te tarte. rmoU and terbe. each af ertuah tateafcll
efariiea aafl ttef ara oaapaatead m iHiißUHru
la private atiteaktrij raaaJte"
f th (tcMl Blood rm ii m.
rui c9i\bm vartt o— ol Sorolvk
k tacwte*a4 h I'hjurotee uad AfllNllim
Uae elected erne taarralorn auraa n caaaa af Oearwe*
lini too *rit omm of CaUr.
•a> with wtedarfui ruacaua >■ MarriuUJ .l.nuat
•4 andxala Wt Rheum fraa Iha aretecu
ftaaoeea Ptippiae and Human fma the Fate.
Bene r ooaUpa'"* and Rafuletee ih Bcmlt
k • valuable tamed* fur (leaflet ha
ViU a ara Drapaia.t
ka i n tba aaCra rrelom to a Malthf conditio*
•aifiTai tba aaaaaa af I utneaa
Rahatee Faihlteaa at tba Stomach
Oeee Paiano the Barlt %
■Btetaallf curaa k.dna* t'omflrint.
(■ aflactiran lac ara at Female Saatneu
le tha greet reined* tor (•eneral 1 VtalitJ.
'■ "lattSfSttsaasflaty. wa —
H. R. STEYEIS, Boston, Mass.
te VegtliM is Sstd by AllOmggWs.^
SN !tSu\Ess?ssp&r •
4 i- KiHCUttrajj££3s
few* * nijtljf • dgfim Oft, thipaa, l '
Wawlllway iiirtl • Malar* wf ■?."> aw* RwNk
mm 4 RtMMM, b aalt ear Km <iut womntl hrw
WAR OF 1812! 1812!!
A DM l#w "*• SiaWMa %t. elf lor M 4*l** ante t
If ■ beUle All (Man are eip MMMT APV'T 1"H
tUßpi fa. W K IWw.tU) ,' tjlrYt frt
#ll ft/1170 tiSHrtSl
ullUvAo '~&.&sa~T-;
f JBEBaVIM but MWM Twm,
t Am n A \Mb*tn(Kamimlniyftwl
I ■ Q-P ™ J j-sosntATio*.
IJB Ji ■SfmiToueMMS, osmtuTT.
mm IMPA. s VIM* XT,
Honiton and Point Lace.
v 800K,pr^TTJEWy.
** *tbwl£ sSRpf f
I jjpWtfSyjSw tIS Mroa4wa, W. V.
Female Fools
AntwM MUN IU tmi k*lKf hntat <1 *•*'
N.rtar frafkl t Ad. fcr V) No WW -M
iAI lM Mrf far bw Saae Law JOVM OT
p. a. *° p. i.
TUB M> taAe A T#hl*A torn wart, m the Had p*n.
■fa llu auddia. awywfcaW) at r<ar| Aui ead ruA tl ml
■lll. 1111188 *IUT Ml M aaawad fa. AMI* a. WW
hwm A (tatllMWaaaar Iku lilaau aad aaaa • larB
aw i 881 i I in i r*i trfh " i (W.
i r *****~ i vtVS£
%m ■■>< At 1118 !■ MM > HM BW4 rumiiiiliiiii
(faah eafa efwaadara mm IM .a in il t wwlifn
•si* ——w
Special Penmanship Department! f
I WWMM 1+ Ua fall BNliaaA at UMW .aaaa u ad eaarr
I HMIMI faaßiir Waa ar Ufafaaawfe aw* rawtd adaaaa.
1 s™" iiraw'—rt.xi
I (Am lAawl aaaraa a# ia due IliftnwMl
wUlarlwnaAa iAw>mlaaa.haiPUi bea< laAaaa awd
I tinii'iantrtn Hlw
| IW farther D* twaliifai at aimAan addnaa.
a. T. JUHNM, tvkrr|L'. N. T.
1 11 eepMuMl* Naa Biatanaai J| ifaiarrt aad IP fa I
§335.T0 msittVSL tzt
La ati'lzLL. RSfa lUalTa,' STWfa
I htlM _ . . . . _
Fronting Uniori Squaro
Finest Location in the City
Empm Ra —InlSßrst fenrpissel
KKMWK* e S-i nts.
Ta tkr Oadwateptlay. - Wttear*. fateaaard
or Oao lit* Ou. *■ iiw. aft** i /item *-
aarf ml*"*i| Sana af tea aructs aa tenlgfta* ate.*.
SKSa tanaaali aftte ateaaa, abcaaa tateaaa.itei
dadkrate aaa tean A. B Tnjm^tete*. Kate.
■. T. Office—loe ChKßbar* BlmC
N. VAN HKll*
A paaMtw i■■ idp I* Ml Ikiiiu ad tea Ktdaara.
Bladder aad friaan Orraaa. aba paf ta Brar*
a*rat fata platen. B aaaar ,win. fdniii,
Mttete aad tpaadpteNa Mtten. It I* tart auporaadte
til ate indlti Km taptalM tart Hdtati
R.aara af laHattaaa. tea. date* ta tt* r*
ate aaaabtepßaa ate.
DtWAS SICK * lO.* Paata. JSft tea
•ala*. ii ' J OU V Bun datin id. aaM at atf
nee iA fm i lvwiles, er eeeui /W en# Be •
800 D OLD
Htuume M Tuu. Alwar* "r~ * -•'
aaadr Alwapa handy Hac Daw wr tailed
■OMww km MM . TH r. >w>
(ionoo. oU MutUf-w -w* end
kanwaa. MaacuawlU. Ihe *" t-eme-a
urn mtMa m""*> am rt!L
KHjjTIU ■ *■ n " ,v " _ v "
Oliver Ditson & Co.:
Who pnbhah ao many Muaae Books that * a* qaUa is
possible to advaitiia the whole. They print
500 Difltat Instruction Boob.
lb* hart, ml amiy all thwa art. fcw alt Ualruaahta
fma aMa *a ah area organ. aa4 tor eaparm. Daaorip
ttraauaaUta abmfmUy tpnfehad fraa aa apphaatwo
700difanaat eolleotionaofChuroh Muaio Bank*.Sana
aiu School Bwika. Uhurucce. Oieiotve, i.lw
(??iitaia.cte . for CtaSTapa Maaiaal loeictm
Dcccriptira circulars ml fraa. a appi .oatioa.. Also
11)0 diEaeaat collections of School. HUn School and
Sunder School Mum. Dcccriptwa droolers ant
ftaa. AJpo
1 liO different aallaetaoata o£ Vnaal or Instrument*
Music, iaaludin* the cream u< dl the cheat an am I
crcr pibltt*! Circular* cant free. AJco
HOO other book* taclndina all that any muatccl paraoa
can Head/ Tb*se end many thousand pieces ol
Sheet Ml) etc are described In Uatalocuea. which a
law paaaw* aratl plana is yuar hands.
Any book or pteee Imtled, i*xt free, for the retail
| -a' 1 ! t -
' T s 'i X'l 'it