IMF CENT HE REPORTER. Centre Hall, Pe. Th wd April 11, 8 ivC-Tkrm*.—s2 yen year. wAe paid is ,/ranee , irW at lnJ in odcAiire tdvertuemrnf* 20ef* prr (tea for thrr* u ..erfions. and oerntfprr fine far every air* urguml itutrrtion. Adrerfisewieufa by thi yrrir at a ithrral dinrount. wfii/ir ftr rotmfy itoaM vr mil us 10 etn, amount of one year'* post ogr. \nntrnd a J "AVf.t a* formerly irhen pain Ay McwaWer*. Subscribers run n'trays tell Aow fAir ne- stand at the Reporter oflirr Av cow *nlt\ng the lables on tArtr papers. If fAt table reads '"John Hoe 1 jan "Y' if wrnni that John is indebted for subscription front ihr Ist of January, IS*6. and that f i' ftwie hr iras paynng the printer. LODGE MEETINGS i-KxvavHst.l torwv.NeSN.t, O.efO, F . •♦!< Oft) Sst unlay sseatin la lbs Odit Felloes Hell J M (.;,UUI>.N3. H r. RASHT. A.O. rti r> FO*T txiooa. N. Itu. F A. M m.tit .T.nini oe or blm ncl lull (ijd FellcvfiNlU. u c F Hvmuiow**. Beet. P. C. KvtlA* W M Covmra* t!n*ax, No, SB. r el H, •••••• tfcati Hail, Centre Hull aw th* Saianlej on a before fall *• ut i r M en,l arary too wast* uflot. 'ua a. Keller Maeler. tjroauar Rmvrv, wt —. LOCAL ITEMS. We are informetl \hat Mr. Henry Fiddler recently purcbaaed Wil son & Co.'s atore at Woodward, Pa. On last Wednesday night . a ton buggy belonging to Kev. Shoemaker at Aaronsburg, was stolen from hia shed. We have not learned whether it haa been re covered. Mr. Jacob Dingea, of thia place, haa broken ground on hia lot for a new two atorv brick building, in which he intends starting a grocery, All standard patent medicines at F. P. Greens. Freak drugs, a full and com plete assortment always on hand. Fancy articles of avery vanity, and finest toilet articles always to be bad there. Col. Reuben Keller formerly of this countv, has become landlord of the M no tour house. Lock Haven. The Outre fount v l\>mona Grange meet* on Tueeday, April li. Three Ses vions, 10*. to., 2 and T p. • Lkonarh KHOSK. house and Col. Krom take* his place as mine boat Meaar*. H-useal A Teller have taken posanation of the Bnxkerhoff lately occupied by R. P. Cuiutnings. Any of our reader* wiahing the fol lowing seed* from the patent office, can hacc tome by calling at the RaroaTi* office : Sugar corn, Lowell's eYergrecn ; while corn, improved prolific; broom corn, improved evergreen ; early Mince sow Anther Sorghum or sugar cane. We are informed that the joungest child of Mr. John Cox. of Lewuburg, not quite t'o years of age. leli into the fllth ef a water closest on Tuesday and was drowned. Some emigrants to Kaneas (rem Snyder county, have returned and a let ter from P. R. U offer advises laboring men not to come out there unleaa they are "willing to live in dugouts or sod houses and go through the hardships ot frontier life." Nobody should go tochurch, or pub lic meeting, hacking away and disturbing the preacher or orator with their cough. Vse Dr Bull's Cough Svrup at oaco ; U o:.iv costs 'io cenu a bottle. icg, cheap, and latest style, just call around at the Eaglb Clothing Hall, New man'a headquarters for ready madecloth ing, where you will find the largest assort ment in this county, suited for all classes, and at price* next to first cost Newman has the reputation for selling cheap, and he deserves it —the people of Centre coun tv have saved thousands ol dollars in ready made clothing since the establish ment of the Kagle Clothing Hail. Th# Lord's Supper will be adminis tered in the Lutheran church Centre Hall oa April 14 at 1U a. m. Preparatory aer vices Saturday previous, at 2 p. m. Excellent imperial tea, 60 cents per lb. at Sechler s. A Car lead of best stone wre, which will be sold wholesale and retail at Sechlers. Finest sugar cared hatns 121 per =b at Sechiers. Go to UeisleT'e marble arorka, at Be'.lefonie, if you want eity-Uke work, and the finest Italian marble On last Friday evening while Mr Thomas A. Hick* of Beileforte, waa, with a pistol, trying avmie cartridges that were thought to be damaged, the weapon was accidentally diacharged, tbe ball striking the 2nd joint of the first finger of the left hand, rendering amputation back into the hand necessary. That cartridge certainly wt in prime, and just proved how it could be done. We are sorry fo* our friend Hicks ; and have another warn ing againii the careless handling ef fire arms. On last Saturday night a thief en tercd Murray's drug store and took to foe §3 in money and about $4 worth of tobac co. The thief either gained admittance througnback doorwhicb probably had not been locked, or with a false key unlocked front door and went out through back door | which can only be locked on the iaaidv. —Go to Frank Green's for tbe best fishing tackle, or any kind of fancy arti cle, drugs, medicines, etc.. etc. On lest Sunday forenoon, the north side of Nittany mountain was st on fire and by evening it reacted the side facing this town, presenting a grand sight—a chain of fire along the top over a mile in length and spreading fast: the wind was high all day, aDd clouds of unoke were driven over our town. is much valuable timber destroyed every spring and fall by these mountain fires ; there is a heavy penalty for setting fire to the mountains. Lime ! Lime 1 Lime 1 Tba cheap eat and beat lime in the valley at the Cen tre Hill kilna. Farmers who wish to liuie land call at Jonath Searfaaa', who will fell you first class lime lower than you can afford to burn it. The large estate owned by Lyon, Shoib A Co., was sold at publie ale in Tyrone last Friday, and was purchased by S. C. Stewart, of Tyrone Forges for the sum total ol SiTWXW. TbU property con sisted of the Tyrone Forges, Colerain Forge, Pennsylvania Furnace, Bald Ea gle Furnace and some seventy acres of land at Tyrone. Eight thousand California Salmon and 6,000 Brook Trout were put in the Susque hanna at Lock Haven Tuesday by Setb Weeks, Superintendent of the Western hatch house of the State. teen, of Kreamer, Snyder county, com mitted suicide, by hanging himself in a barn. Read S. A A. Loebs large adver tisement and study their low prices. They have now one of the largest and best as sortments of goods in Bellefonte. and of fer the best bargains in the county. See some of their prices in their big advertise ment. Tilton and bis wife have become reconcil ed, and will shortly start for Europe '—A CARD TO THE LADIES.-We the undersigned, have had Switches, Fuff*. etc . made by Mrs Sallie Barnes, and af ter examining them closely, pronounce them to be better made and at a less price than any we have yet seen, either city or country make. . ; Mis. Jane Miller, Mrs. Maggie Tresler. Mrs. Mary Loneberger and Mrs. Lottie Kckenroth, Pleasant Gap. Mrs. Carrie Stewart, Mrs. Glenn and Mattie Rhodei, Bellefonte. Mrs. C. R. Wolf, Mrs. Dr. McEntire, Mrs. Lobr, Mrs. Lot K'nioort. Mi.s Mary Stevens and Miss badie Bell, Pennsvalley. . . Combings can be sent by mail at a very small cost All work returned by mail free. Prices, one and two strand switches, SI.OO. Three strand switches, $1.25. Puffs 10 cU each. Address. MRS. SAI.UK C BARSKS. 11 ft p 4t Pleasant Gap. Pa. —The owner of ft set of dark pig CJQ figye ccitu kwyiag t&WB io pto The Concert hold in the Evangeli cal church, on last Saturday evening was a success. under the management of Profs. N N- Hubler and Lowot M. Meyer. The singing by the cla wa very good, inter spersed with solos, quartettes ale The Centre Hail Cornet Hand played some of their brt strains of muaic which WM not at all offensive to the ear* of the people. —The opening of Penn Hall A.-adomy has been postponed until April 22, on ac count of an operation that l'rof. 1) M. Wolf wan obliged to have performed on or.e of hi eyea. Centre Hall. Marble mantels, n> nuniente, head and foot tlone. of the nitist oxqtileiln|w.>rk manship, *t HoUler'a marble worka, BelW-1 fonte. Why worry and suffer with coughi and colds, when uch an excellent remedy a* Green's Compound Syrup of Tar. Hon ey and Blood root will relieve you. Only try it. A-k yeurdruggiat or itorekeeper for it. or aend to P. P. Green, Bel'.efocte. It has cured numberlea* cases. A FIRST CLASS Willi CHANCE—it ARPWAR*. TtNwxn* ASP STOVI aroßg roa sat.t—Located at Spring Mill*. Centre county. Pa., the ter minua ot the Lewithurg, Centte and Spruce Creek railroad. Ia now a very good atand, and will be one of the beat in the Slate thia year and in the future. The tin-ahop alone will and doea pay welt, aa there are nene nearvr than Millheim land Centre Hall, both about 6 milea etf. | We can convince any partiea wishing to buy that it ia a good buineaa point Will sell atore room and cvmianta at first coat Our reason for aellmg ia that one of us ex perte to be away a greater part of thia summer in the water and steam gover nor business, in which we have lately be come largely interested, and our business in the Bellt-Vrm his frier.ds and oeinocrat* lbs* he will be a candidate for the nomination of Protbonolary. dt EGISTER S NOTICE -The follow- j ing accounts have b-en exam ned and passe-l by me, and remain filed ofrec-1 orvi in this i-ffic* for the inspection of heir, legatees, creditors, aud ail others :n anv wa* inlerealed end will be presented to the Orpnans' Court ol Centra county, on Wednesday, the 24th day of April, A. I>. ISTB, for confirmation and allowance: 1. The account of Harriet MiGmley, 1 administratrix of Ac. of Char lea McGin ley, late of Huston township deceased. 2. The account of John Muaaer. jr., executor of Ac of Geo. Musaer, late of Ferguon twp. dee'd S. The account of Samuel Harier. guar dian of Philip P Leitxel, minor ton of Philip Leiugl, late of Centre county, de ceased. 4. The aQgount of J. H. Reiftnjrder, administrator of Ac, of I). H. Willow, late of Peon twp dee d. 5. The account of Martin Ever and Samuel Ejur, executors of c. of Jacob Evyr. late of Ferguson twp. dee d. fi The account of George Kauffman and J. M. Garbrick, admioiatralora of Ac. of Jacob Kauffman, late of Spring twp dee'd. 7. The account of William and larae! Yearick, administrator* of Ac of William Yearick, sr. late of Gregg twp. dee'd j 8. The account of Samuel Ralston ex i eculor of Ac. of Geo. Cran, late of Tay ! lor township, dec d. 9. The account of John Riabcl and ■ William Human, executors of Ac- of Ja cob H-ucan. iatrof Gregg twp. dee d, i ( 10. The 3rd. partial account of Col. J no. Rifhel. executor of Ac. of Peter Dural, lain of Potter twp. dee'd 11 The account of John Hockey, guar ; dian of Jamc# p. Bwnrtx a miner aon of Oeorgr-Swartx, late of Spring twp. deed. 12 The account of Jonathan \S eaver, guardian ol Nathaniel Weaver minor aon of Solomon Weaver, late ol Miles twp. . dec'd 13 The account of Adam Floy, execu tor of Ac of Thomaaine M Potter, late ol the borough of Bellefonte. dee d -14. The account of Michael Schenck, guardian of William S Beacndel minor son of David Bench del, late of Liberty twp. dee'd. 15. The account of C M B"W6r, admin istrator ol Ac of Harriet F. Kiniloe, late of Bellefonte borough, dee'd 10. The final account of Isaac H Frain, guardian of Mary G. Candy. William M. Leoder and George E Leodcr minor chil dren of Leoder, late of Marion twp. Übc'd 17. The account of Wm E. Burcbficld arid .1 kind T .Stewart, executors of Ac. of Wilosrn Burcbfieid, late of Harm tap. dee'd. 18. The account of 8. A. Brew, admin istrator of Ac. of Sarah V. Barrett, late of the borough of Bellefonte dee d. 19. The account of Mary Wassan. ad min istratrix dt bon\A non of Ac. ot George E. Walton, late of College twp. dee d. 20. The partial account of T. F. Palton and R. G. Brett, administrators of Ac. of J. E. Thomas, late of Ferguson twp dt* d. 21. The first partial account of James Duck. Michael Dock and Henry K. I'uck, administrators of Ac. of J. Henry Duck, late of Gregg twp. dee'd. 22. The partial account of John B Wagner and Michael btrohu, eiecotors of Ac. of Barnet Wagner, late of Potter twp. dee'd -23. The first partial account of J. H. Stover and J. B. Alexander, administra tors of Ac. of Joseph Alexander, late of Union twp., dee d. 24. The account of Wm. A and 8 F. Ishler, administrators of Ac. ofHarah Is fi ler, late of Banner twp. dee d. 25. First and final account of M. P. Weaver, administrator of Ac. of Georgo Loneberger, late of Milesburg borough deed. . 20 The first and partial account of Da vid McMor igle, executor of Ao. of Steph en*H. MeMonigle, late of Taylor twp. dee'd. 27. Tho eleventh annual account of Dan iel Rhoads and John Irwin, jr., surviving trustees under tho will of Wm. A. Thom as, late of Bellefonte borough, dee'd. 28 The account of Samuel M. Irwin, administrator of Ac. of Margaret Johns ton, late of Bellefonte boro. dee'd. Registers office,) WM. E. BUKCHFIELU, March 26, 18T8. J Register. 28 mar. 4t. Visiting Cards, 50 Mixed Cards 20 cw 12 Beautiful Flor al oarda only 20 eta. JMAR v i YFK.] llon.C. A. Mavcr may wall feel proud of the tcalimnniale below, lagging him to content to a re-election no lToaidant Judge of thia diatrict. If there la one matt in thia cominonwmlth who woart the judicial ermine with purity, It ia Charles A. Mayer. Nearly ten yeara upon the bench in thia diatrict he haa In all ttiat time aerved with atainlean in tegrity and hia fellow ciUMM almoet without a diaaenting voice cheerfttlly accord him the praiae duo an able and upright judge. Our people are proud of Judge Mayer, and if ho livca, they will continue hint in hia preeent ooaition with a aingnlar unanimity. Ilia legal learning, annnd, clear anil ready deei aiona place him in the front rank of Ponnayivania'a jurlata. The lollowing lettera have-been receiv ed by lion. C. A. Mayer, President Judge ot thie district, requesting him to be a can didate far re-election CLINTON COUNTY. HAVRN. Kab. 11.187 P. HON. CUARLB* A M at** : Dear Sir Your judicial term being about to eapire. the undersigned, mem bers ,f the bar of Clinton county, without distincti in of political party, cordially j-un in requesting and urging your consent to be a candidate for re-election ; each one of US pledging you. in that event, hia rarnaat and hearty support During your official term we have had the opportunity of chwely observing tie manner in which you have discharge.! the duties of your important offics, and it giies us pleasure to bear witness to the ■airness. the impartiality, and the marked abililv that have invariably characterised the dtacharge of all those duties. Hoping and trusting that you will have no hesitation in giving your consent to this earnest and united reuuost. we are Wm Parsons, jr CH Jas Chatham H T Harvey jt (> Hall S M MrOormick H T Heardaley C K Lyman S R I'eale A F Kyoit i* N Merrill Orrin T Noble Charles Coras K P MoCormick W A White TC Hippie T T Abrams Geo A Brown Jesse Merrill B F Winters WC Kress W H Cb.Ugh CENTRE COUNTY. Feb 6th f 1878. HON. C. A. Mavxa-Dear Sir: In view of %>ur record a* President Judge of the Twenty-Fifth Judicial District, ai d at an evidence of our high esteem for you an l appreciation of your legal and judi rial ability, yoar impartial adininntratioo of justice, and of your honor and integri ty upon the bench during your judicial term of tan year* past, now about to ex pire, we. the undersigned member* of the Centre County Bur. irrespective of polttt c.l or party iliatinctien, rarneatly deair* and requeet that you be a candidate for re election next tail to the office of Preei dent Judge of thia the Twenty-Fifth Ju dicial Poind If you consent to be a can d daio a requested. we hereby moat cheerfully tender and accord to you our hearty support. and ahall endeavor to se cure your re election without partisan •irife r opposition. I 11 Hastings C M Bower JnoG Love A Wiliiama I> S Keller -'atrie* A Bearer t; \V liephart U' 1 Keaiah Adam Hoy Wand F Fortney . A O Furat SDGraf John JF Potter Kdmund Blancnar* i %V A Morriaon H Y Stitxer J LSraneler Wilbur F Herder W V Heber Wm H Blair Wm I* Wileon W P S H Yoeum J as MacManua Clement Pale Ati Curttn C T Alexander J M Hale J J Ling.* R M Mag.e K M lilanchard CLEARFIELD. CLSaaritLP, Mar. IS, 1878. j HON. C. A. MAY**, President Judge I)aar Sir : Your judicial term being about io expire, th* underaignod member* of the Bar of Cleerfieid county, without , dUlinction of political party, eorJialijr!, join in requesting and urging YOU to con- , sent to be a candidate for re-election, pledging YOU in that etentoui earnest and heartY .upport We take thia optwrturil ty of t earing our waited teatimony to the tairneaa. impartiality, integrity and dia tinguiahed ability with which gou haa al- : ways aiacbarged the duuea of your off La. , We hop* that you will acted* to thia re quest. We *re aery truly yours, Wm A Wallace G K Barrett John L Cuttle Cyrus Gordon Israel Teat Thomea H Murrey Fredc'k l> S Buck Smith V W ilaon Wm M M'Chi lough Jno A Braniff David L Kr*ts S T Brocabank Frank Fielding AGnramer Wal'ar Barrett II W Smith J B McKnallr A W Walter* Dan ! W McCurdr Harry K Wallace W A Arnold Wm P Biglpr Otcaf Mitchell CLKAKrtKLD Co . Mar. —. W> i HON. C. A Mini. President Judge 25ih Judicial Itirtrttl : Dear Sir : '1 ha undersigned. ciliaen* of Clearfield county. irrespective of party, appreciating your eminent fiineas. great ;, and"rigid and impartial decisions ,t I'ra.iJent Judge among u fur ten year* past, take this method ol expressing our entire approval of your official an J private Ida. and to respectfully urga you to again hoootue a iiandidale for ia-elaction to the ptuitaon in wbiab you have oecoiaa an urflament, and in • Ufit your services ara K> highly appreciated by all ia*)oTsng citizens. With great reapact. ti beg to remata. respectfully and truly. yours. \Vm Bit'ar J Lewis Wrigley J.iah W Smith W C Foley J G liaruuick T A McGhea J M Alum* H Hoover T J Boyer Clark Brown K Maaop Andrew Pent* A B Shaw George Thorn S P W ilann Jacob A Fault * ni H Dill Abram Ogdan Ah R jnton James A Moore p A Graulin E A Bigler Jno G t.ytio Eli Bloom 1 D \V Moore VT M Shaw ; Frank G Harris dam'l C Snyder Cvronius Howe W R MrPherswS Wm V Wright D M Daberty Jno W Howe H Bridge |> McGaugbey F K Smith LJ Morgan K Newt-oShaw L II Al J L R Heiehbold Lever Flcgar A M Hills W W Rrtti CKraUer I F Weaver A W Fleck S B Row H A KraUer .las McLaughlin T A Fleck Geo W Kheem Marry Prosa f" S Barrett E A Ooodfellow H B Holme* M J Nichols Til Shaw WCCardon Wm Reed John S McCruro Jame. T Leonard .loi Shaw If Y Conterot John Mc Leilan A A Adama Hugh Dougherty A W Graham T J Cleary II K Bigler Fred Haekett A Ouinzhurr. O L Moore Clement W Smith J H Martin .laa M Stewart Wm Rider C D Wataon J W Birrbfield V B Holt II A Carltn J V Burcbfield N P Wilson H B Spackman Harry Vanderfool Samuel Brown Rev J S McMurray Wm Pcrtar Win Radehaugh •lamea Wrigley Aribur Reece .Jno W Wrigley DS Mituhell Wm Powell C B Norrii At Bigler Isaac Stage A N Graham Wm E Tate G L Peed W P Norria James Kerr John Norria Jaa it WaUon, and other*. We are aorry to learn of "the death Wm. P. M'Manus, esq., of Bellafonte, on Saturday last. It was but a few days previous we had seen him, apparently in his usual health. He was the onlv son of the venerable James M Menus, the nester of the Centra county bnr. HARK IE D. On April 4tb at Potters Mills, by Rev. G. W. House, J. W. Healon. of.Wi.esburg to Malin'la Walters, ef Potters Mills. On April Dlh. at Spruce Town, by the same. James B Lea, of Centra Hill, to Tallin R. Waif, of Sprucetown. DIED. On the 6th inst., near Houserville, Con tra county, Mrs. Alice J. Haxel, consort of Samuel Haxel, aged 25 years, 9 months and 2 days. On 6 inst-, near Centre Hell. Rechaei wife of John H. Keller, aged 04 years, I months and 11 days. Deceased suffered from a stroke ol paralysis in spring of 1888. since which time she has bean utterly helpless, with impaired speech, though retaining ssound mind, until close to ler last days, tabs bore her long and severe affliction witt perfect Christian reeignatinn.and amid al was cheerful because the Lord in wboo ail bar hope was centered, had willed i so. She was a consistent membar of tbi Presbyterian church from her early year until her end. Her funeral on Tuesday morning was very largely attended, th Kef. church at Centre Hall being nearl; tilled with relatives alone, while others t whom she had long been known war present in large numbers to pay a las tribute of respect to bar remains at th tomb. Funeral service# ware conduct* by Rev. Grut) MOM*} fry Rwr'a Fish, ftwllfcwft. , STRAWIIRIDGE A CLOTHIER 1 De.lre If keep before lb* p<>pl* the great advantage which they are able t< I niter l* purchaser* of every dcteriplion of Dry Good*. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS AND ; EXCLUSIVELY CASH PURCHASES • KaabU u. le tecure all our tuppliea at the leweet poeelbU rate*, and it it tafe to any at lead V> per cent lower then any bout* who*# beeine** it Ueneacied on the rKIJt letlani A large hutinet. and moderate etpente. permit very email profit,, and hav* 1 int all three aifvantag.., there caa he doubt thnl we diatribule good, to connmer. ' et much lower price* than ere utual. and at lea.l at low aa the aame goodt are told at [ "uuTmpot.lble to name but a few Ifir.t out of our immen.e .loch, but temple* of r evary description efgod* cheerfully furwarded on eppllcation by mall. SPRING SUITINGS, 121 t?KKTH • POPLIN LUHTUHES, l2tOM (m# Ho// ami Deeirek/e .VAedre. SPRING C A S H M E 11 E S, <**#-#!• per weak No deduction on wccounl of ab •once, unirve in ease of protracted ticknett Location daairablo. Tbo >alrooege of tba public it respectfully solicited 3m G. W. FonrniT, Ceatra Hall, Pa. HENRY BOOZER, CEVTRS: HALL. •addles. I art see. Indies. Cellars. Whips, yiyaete and also keeps on hand Cotton NeU, etc Prices low as any where else All kind* of repei-ing done. The beet .lock alwsys kept on hand. All work war ranted A 'hero of tka public patronage i< kindly solicited. II apr. 14 y. J. D. MURRAY, [Successor I" J K Mulr A Son ) Dealer in Pur® Drug®. Medicines, Fan cy Article®. Dye ffiluff®. and Dniggiat'® Mundrim. Foil •lock of Confec tioneries. PURE WINK AND LIQUORS For Medicinal Purpo®®® TM * HUT M*AkD® Of CIGARS AND TOBACCO ALWAYS in stock. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. Have ®corad U® *r*tc®! of Dr J. F 1 Al®ind®r. who will attand to lha Com pouading of Prascriptioni. 28 ms r y. 1. H.HAZIL, C'abiwet Raker ft l adertaker,' SPRING MILLS PA., informi th® pubik thst b® k®p® oa band sll kind* o| furniture. City and Hm® mad®, oan# and wood taat clttiri, •tc. Undarukin® in all its branchaa promptly atland ad to. Coffins and Caakata of all style* fumisbsd ; sad ac rotn modai.ona with btaraa. 14 apr. 6m. TO SAVE MONEY ISTIIE OBJECT individual in these times. HOW TO answer to tihs question we respectful A DOLLAR JUDICIOUSLY SP WILL WE ARE lb Yards of Calico for 1 dollar. 20 Yards of Muslin for 1 dollar. 121 Yarda of Gingham for 1 dollar. , WHY DO YOU SPEND YO r Wheu you can buy Calicoes for 4 cents p#r yard. Muslins for 6 cents per yard. Ginghams for 8 cents per yard. Shoes for 1 dollars pair. Hose for f> cents a pair. ~ Haudkeroheifs.for 5 cents a pleo#. * Neck Tiee for 10 cents a piece. , Ladies Trimmed Hats at 50 cents. i) I CARPETS! CARPETS! d The largest stock aver before offered iu any oounlry store—2so new h Trimmings in all the immense varieties of all the new styles. Buttons II * SPRING SHADfcS, PLAID. AT kCXNTS. ' SPRING SHADES. PLAID, AT 2CKNTS. £ SPRING SHADES, PLAID. AT 10CENTS. i® SPRING SHADES, BOUBETTEB. AT 10 CENTS, i® SPRINGS SHADES. BOURERKTTEB. AT 124 CENTS 'J SPRING SHADES. KNICKERBOCKERS, AT 10CENTS. JJ SPRING SHADES, KNICKERBOCKER AT 12* CENTS. s Buy goods of -pXKCUTOK'B NOTKJ* - Lotion testamentary on tbo otuto of! XHtakoth Loo, of Poller towmbip. do 1 cootod. bavins boon gran'ed to tbo under-' signed, nil persons tndebtoJ tn taid estate are required to malt immediate payment, and tbooo having claims against tbo tame to preaent ihorn, duly authenticated by law for settlement. A L'JCKENBACU. Mar 14, fit Eieculor. ffff u * * NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS 1 HIBIUH l-oU GUGGENHEIMER I FROM THIS DATE iTHK COM. | MENCKMKNT OF TUX SEWINUSEAbON.) 1. <*I£UEMIEIMER, Offers bit Immense Stock of Goods, wall aaaortod la ovary lino, tuck at DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS. NOTIONS. GROCERIES, GROCERIES, 1 CLOTHING, BOOTS, BOOTS, > H 0 E S . SHOES, WAYS Jk CAPS, at such Figures that it is a tbanto fur any on* to PI away from borne to Buy, when uooda are offered at bome at pncaa tbat will astonish tbo people in tbia tectum of tbo couatrv. THE STOREROOM AT SPANGLES*! Motol. baa boon en larged and aplondldly It* tad up. aa tnat avery one wbo gooa in u> eiamme tka etock of , Uooda, is aura not to loavo without baying You will alao find a vary large| and wall selected ■TO< K OF CLOTIIIIKJ. *WIT WILL BE TO YOUR IN--** **-TEKKST TO BUY YOUR-** ••"CLOTHING AT HOME-** •WINSTEAD OF GO--** RTlhO AWAY-** NOTICE Not lea la bareky givon tbat application will be made to the present session of the Legi-lalure to paae a law regulating the publication of tba lo cal advertising in the newspapers of tba County ol Genua. State of Pennsylvania. EUWAUPT TCTCW. THOMAS A. HICKS & BRO. W bay* a very large an J ornpl*t alack of liar Jware, the largeit that waltver baforo oflornd by any Crm tothep*o,' ofthlt county,fandlarercHlng at tIV ") !•** •it puaaible ratri Iron, Steel and Nails, Locks, Glass and Putt v. Pur# While Leedtaa I Lintaed Oil ; Turpentine an PAI NT put up in any quantity to mil people, from one-pound cant to one gallon cant, all ready for ue. TbM painu we warrant M he miied with pure lead atnl oil, and are free from all adulteration. ■SCBAJMCI TOOLS —We tiar iperlal attention to thi* branch, and keep a full line of Saw, Chitele. Hammer* and Itailev'a Iron planet; lime* rail* ofall kindl.Tm** Chaine. Heme., Etc KU LL LIN ROF HADDI.KK YOP ALL DKNC'RI PTIO.N'H. COAcH WOOD WOlt iv~.Hp.kea. Feiloee. Patent Wheel, of the mtwtimpror* re* enu ; Mrt. Potu' Improved Kiel Iron*, cheap, convenient and durable—poltehed and nickel-plated. .1 ..ton a Prepared Kalaoci n* ; put up In 6-pound package* ; entity put en, and cheeper than paper. We bar* ail color*. STOV E 8. We have the eoly llovertihle. Top-plate Cooking Huirn* in the market. The Keyttun*. Kutgor henna nnd Juniata, which we war ant to be the heel bekert end the !>•*•• iett tlove* in the market, w# will tell at the very lowett price and give written guarantee*. Aleo all kindt ufllaiigw and other fovea. CuMKAMistL OL'K KKYbVOHI COOK HTOVE; IT IB THE HANDSOMEST IN THK WORLD. # * ootnertorct. tuatAAU.ututftaaiu.oai VALENTINES & CO., HUMES' NEW BLOCK. BEUEFONTE, PA. ARE NOW PREPARED For The Fall And Winler Trade. % Bargians Greater Thau Ever! WOOLLEN GOODS, COTTON GOODS. Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods.; Of every deacription. DRESS GOODS, in great variety. LADIES COATS, finaat and largest awortuient ever brought to Bellefonte, SHAWLS, BLANKETS, • HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING. IN FACT EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING. I Remember we do buainesaon the ONE PRICE PLAN and therefore in* t aura oor pricaa aa tba lowett. ot NEW GOODS OPENING EVERY DAY. 1 VALENTINES & CO. THE Dexter Spring 4,000 Set Sold last two .years. The Dexter Spring was a child ot necessity. Three or four generation! had beeajerked almost to death or had: tbair spines twisted into permanent carratura by the continous jerks of the Eliplie Spring, or latterly had their necks broken by lha aide throw of the Concord. I For these reaaGos the people de manded a Spring on which they could ride with ease and which would at the same time be strong and substantial. OF EVERY HOUSEKEEPER AND SAVE IT IS THE QUESTION. In ly refer the reader below : GO A GREAT WAYS—AS WE ARE SELLLVG. 10 Pounds of White Sugar for 1 dollar. 5 Pounds of Prime Green Coffee for 1 dollar. 4 Pounds of Roasted Coffee for 1 dollar. UR MONEY FOOLISHLY ? When vou can buv • a Suwer for 7 cents a pound, Coffee for 20 cents n pound. Soap for 2 cents a cake. PLOW SHOES FOR $1.26 A PAIR. CALF BOOTS FOR 2DOLLAS A I'AIR. MEN S SUITS AS LOW AS 3 DOLLARS. MENS HATH AT 60 CKNTS. MEN'S HOSE AT 6 CKNTS. Fine Dices l'ercals at 8 cents. CARPETS! CARPETS! ' atylea just received. Oil Cloths, Window Shading, Window Fixtures, Dress 1 Gimps, Silk aud Woolen Fringes, Trimming Silks, etc., etc., etc. BLACK ALL WOOL CASHMERES AT 60 CTS WORTH 76 CTS BLACK ALL WOOI CASHMERES AT6O CKNTS. WOTTH 85 CTS BLACK ALL WOOL CASHMERES AT 70 CRNYS. WORTH 90 CTS ALPACAS AT 16 CENTS. ALPACAS AT 20 CENTS. A LPACAB AT 26 CKNTS. It is time well spent and money saved to come over the mountain to S. & A. LOEB, IkUefoute. For meeting thisdemand by supply ing the CELEBRATED DEXTER SPRING which is so rapidly super ceeding the old styles the Dexter Spring Co. hare no apology to offer but rather feel that they owe the Driv ing Fraternity an apology for not hmrinp produced*it sooner. iHEND FOR CIRCULAR OF.BPRINGB I TO DEXTER SPRING CO., HULTOX, TA. ijan'idt Near Pittsburgh Jan. Harris Co. NO. 5, BROCKER HOFF ROW. IR 0 |NA!L| P A I N T S, OILKETC., JAN. HARRIS & CO. ttollefbnte. W. 11. CAMP'S POPULAR. Furniture Rooms! CENTKR HALL. PA. 1 manufacture ail kind* of Furniture for Chamber*. Dinir.g Jioori.i, Libraries and Hall*. If you want Furniture of any kind, don't Juy until you ee toy Uu k. UNDERTAKING In all it* brar.cbe*. I keep In rtock al tba taint and m*t imnrov<-d Coffin* and Catkeu, and bav tt try lacii ity lor properly conducting tbi* branch ofwy i>u*ine*. I have a patent Corpse Prnwrver, in wb;ck bodies can be prwerrcd for a considerable length oftiwa luimf W. R. CAMP. C T AitXiniiti. IT M. how at 4 LKXAMJKUA BoWER. At i'l toruy* at Ua. RaUafaeta. R (WTiai ttMoUai (tvaa to < ..Imucins *ad Otv'.i, < .eil pruUu 4> b ,* iiwau m* Smalt** liAn t> 'imu i tiuooiaa. carat :* it. Y BANKING CO CENTKR HALL. PA. RECKIV K DEPOSIT*. and allowing eit; Itiacount Note*; Buy and Bell Government hec„ritii, Gold nnd Coupon*. Wm. WoLr, Wm. B. Misols, Prea'l. Caahie ~ (iKT HEAD! FOR WINTER!! IF YOU WAXTTHE 1 EHYBEST ANDCHEAPEST PARLOR STOVES. Buy the 44 Laurel Wreath" j .r DOUBLE HEATERS.) The-e lovo> have TWO ROWS o! ligbia. thaking ami ilutnpiog graie, ar rngel to clean out the ciiukere. N<> danger from ga*. no part* to bun out, so a* to lei ga into the tippet run. We make THREE SIZESnt S'ngle and TWO SIZES of Doubli 1 Later* of these justly populai Stores. IFY 0 U WA X T THF YEP. YBESI ANDCHEAPEST Cooking Stoves, BUY THE .ZEJVITU, Double Chen Range ; or the "Economy" Single Oren Range. They are. the beet in the market, hart Si A* BOILER HOLES.rhaktngand I dumpino grate, A PPL }7 HL IILA 7 !TO ALL THE ROILERS A 7 | OXCE. The oven it large and txptare. the doort tin-lined. The PLATES A RE HF.A VY, unlike the lght plate* of city etovet —COMPARE I HEM. ICie make a Xo. 8 and So. 9 of both three ranger. All these stove* arc WARRANT ED, and you can get repairs from the Maun factory iu one day. For Sale by J. A REESMAN. Centrellall. J. B. FISHER, Penn Hall. SNOOK. SMITH A CO., Millheio). G. R. SPIGELMYER, Woodward, Manufactured by the SLIFER, WALLS & SHIUXER MTg Co. LEWISBURG, PA. We also manufacture the Cdebra-j ted BUCKEYE hEAPEK&MOW \ EE. KEYSTONE i LOVER HUL j LER, COLE'S UN IVEHSAL SUL KY CULTIVATOR. New Model.l Outre Draft, HORSE DUMPING HAY RAKE, HOOSIEII GRAIN DRILL, BUCKEYE LEVER CORN SHELLER, Plowa, Land Rollers, etc, 29nnv IMi'OK lAN IO I'iiA YELEKs. -THE BUSH HOUSE! BEILEFOXTK, PA. Ha* been recently thorough!}- renoyatod and repaired, and under tho mtuingomeni of the*s'ew Proprietor, Mr. F. 1). Mc COLLI! M. formerly of Pittabura, I* firat clat* in ail tu appointments SPECIAL INUUCKMENTS Are offered to tt,o*u in attendance at court and other* remaining in town for a few days at a time. The Urgent and most superbly Designed Hotel in Central Pennsylvania, i All modern convenience*. Go trv the i Hush houe. ildap K. I). MsCOLL"M, Proprietor. VISITINGCARDS \ isiTtNo Carps.—Your name [printed on 60 Mixed Carda for 16eta., oiidt 1 'While Bristol for 12 oU., on 26 Tiauspa- I rent cards tor 20 eta. Other Styles as low. "WM. XURT& CUIIAE HALL, PAV • AT COST I FALL AND WINTER GOODS • In greet abundance, at G REN INOER A STORE, Coburn Sutton, A full l ne of general marebandie* cuff 'uily aelected, and vaibrtrlajt all manage Drrwt Goodt, Carpet,. Oil clothe. Grorertaa, OiaMware, Tin ware. Queen* waft, , Flab, Ac., A*. FURNISITTng GOODS ... . . of all kind*. Hat* nnd Cap* For men, boya and children. ladies and Gentlemen all and be ounvinced that tbit la the tlop*^* 1 plat * 10 bu,r thu ***" PRODUCE received in exchange fer f®->dt. ReaK mber the place— t B. GKENISGER fi. " n 1 y Cohura. OGCKT PROCLAMATION. '• a*t <—iJaiToS. a***""' "-ewm h.ri.tut, fm y q—w'l ®f < -emlu.e, ggj lu Mfra —n< a a*e A iiMkiej •? Ayrti Lett,* Um ZSjwO dgt mi AmrU toblibWlau week, * t>i lan umr.-V} gia i*. t mm ' Hum Jm. r.~" m "*** uui ijwgf W " --•* ikan tm amy pmrmmm. ailt-u rictA |g u, tmamrnZm 3 *B4i I hair fvourdt ta. •TflffciiiW Uaßtea, Ukdrti nt no-nketwUrmjS,iTo, t bw i22L wMMOB l> yifftr CiAcA AiHMftltgkMM liO Irg aal ILmw 4BT APT UKIHD IA mmmmvmm U R FTMAR UIG ■ prteonanlUi ut w W ija U> JAU mi 0* - nJS, J SiSai zz . wr r*aaa. at Kastrioeto. Ut* 1M *ee at **rti w it. >,,f u wir Lut. IKt. u, tal |** r*er iMty—luic. • t*. ' r n,, ur-1 kl w.ut aw Chas. H. Held, (liark. 41 Htrlimalacr A Jeweler Millheioi. Centre (Jo. Pa. a f r *; rt "v "d J—min •* n* Mkiuwom. • """ " tMbdolewc ir> irwdl em 4WMd nriaaU4 r *i+trmm • ikert mm . W. A. CURRY. ILIIKtIULU-A. Would tnotre*pecifuliy inform the eit tena ©1 th vicinity, that be ba> tuned a new B.©t ana Shoe Shun, and woe Id be -bankfui lor a thare of the public patroa .ge. Besot* and Bboe, made to order aad *c cording to el.vie, end warrant* bi* work -o equal any tnaue elsewhere. All kind* _f repairing done, and charge* reasonable TlfJ 1 * fablS lp TOilN K ROTTER, Attorneywi* hTiUni^| IMAJ aad utcaUwi tw I* itinu pen, _ - tss?lbu lb. cuon ba Tac*|Si. Harness. Saddles. &c * u* r > tu <**• oT tLr lo'tJTtoca oT^ 1 •**•• 6APDLKKT **• o!m< a I (boot* iUj* I'liniunil tirnin. tmr b* ael. aa* lb* tUBM. it,, uavtltnl a!„ *. *< dm^pum to teal craonUitn* u • a„ t .1--- T***l rmaot. t* b. ■ C*ln *1 nrbo, t trt wtilee* 25355^ l Acute tl ji r.t_t . ootro r*V'l* !n AI ri ona it (lUL ) £sir-.*=yrj v.* V U 17,mrt. n la 10. --*■ for Ow UIM. -—fin j L J I I l *y^ fc,l %>'*Ml* tbo ooU Ino, •• boowr* .mi To. " .*k* . i. ■ SlSk* U?! **y. * Tr.*^7*or. oug TS'-C iMd MR Le ewef frose tt<4£>< , or 8 Salvia | I 8 \i*h ' llc ® nled, • orß log* j 112 Scarcer Bedding, or 12 Scareu" ! Greenhouse Plant*. f IG )*£•"* di,tincl and *piendid< • 125 VarieUw of Pl®*r, or 20 varieties I ■ ,: r" u b '• Seeds,' " | or L 1 BUSS, buyer to pay char- Iv ;'>^ 11 *£ i 0.7, for 92; 6 for 53j 9 -i ' r'fr* 14 f " r 57; 18 for $10; or I ll!u. of ** >*rietiea off t laßt* and Seed*—sufficient to stock a I i greenhouse and garden—for $25, tol ! and r^. s ," ( J rd L' ,i,l B for Pleasure"! Uu6?StodS? d mbor# (va,oe l 1 3P Ren Hspptoww art prlcolea* WIU to (to* w,u "" tu ° ***** ot *"** WBIUHTB LIVER PILLS. SjhX'g.stiu T -iadiiv. l isffls ©ompHunu tad 00< j DTDW Isold. - S b'lruk F / a /* "oek la jwor own Ui.a. (, tr-Z \I t It"."."* Howlw, if ,oo want u taiaaaaa* rjl M !>*•■• of either e X cam: ake rrea* *h tba time they r t.rk, ttif for du K ttculamte tLUtunriUo. is ilod, j*e A CHANCE TO MAKir Mlfc MONEY. NUKE! "Cornell 1 , Hist or, of Pennu'v&al," v_ .... Write for AjMBMP at once. TTO"I ttUU.V Ann' PaLla.aam.jL haaaooi Phlla. _ i tnifr.ita Li Floral Cards, 6 aijrles. 200, Wa. Kuitr, Centre Sail