The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 11, 1878, Image 2
-SB£ x leatra Rtporter. I tO KUBT* IDITOI CkxTiiit Hill. Ta., April 11.1A78 The Greenback atate convention mceu May $ at Philadelphia. The threatened war in Europe will have an effect upon the horse market as Well an upon brtadatnflk irf this country. A Chicago despatch 1 inst. says It is stated that two English gentlemen are in thia city and have agents through the Weat for the purpose of buying 20,000 horses, ostensibly for street cars in Scot land and England; but judging by the character of the animals they se lect, they are intended rather for active movements than for draught purposes. Thev have brought 500 here, and will pegin to ship within two weeks. Francia W. Kngle. who cut down Pat rick Hester at Bloomshurg and after ward appropriated a ring belonging to the dead Motiie, has been arrested for larceny on oath of Catharine Hester, willow of the deceased. We have known jnat aa mean men ss Engle elected to offices. A man who will cut down another that was hanged and ateal a ring off his finger is—well we won't express ourselves farther. What Montgomery Blair thinks of his resolution which passed the Mary land legislature last week, is given in the following Washington intelligence of 2 inst; Montgomery Blair was on the floor of the House, this afternoon, and attracted general and widespread attention on both sides of the Chamber. A number of members had short conference* wbh him, and nearly every one had aooia question to ask in regard to the resolu tions proposing to proceed to a proper decision of the last Presidential election. This evening Mr. Blair anmmed up the impression which these rapid conferen ces had left on him, by saying that be was convinced that a majority of the House would certainly be in favorofany legislation which might be needed to make effective the resolutions passed by the Maryland Legislature, and opea {he way for the appearance of the Attorn•- General of that State, in obedience, I** fore the Snpreme Court. Of the result of such an appearance Mr. Blair said he had no doubt whatever, and he express ed it as his opinion that Mr. Tilden wonld be in the White House sixty days after the case was opened in the Su preme Conrt. We notice in one of oar exchange •' litigant claims the value of a railroad l track laid on his land by a trespasser. , In 1569 the Neequehoning Valley Railroad Company entered upon lands of the Banting family, a mile or two from Mauch Chunk, and proceeded to build their road through it. No pro ceedingw were taken under the railroad law to secure the land, and consequently J the Buntings brooght an action of ejects ment against the company. When the case came on for trial judgement was confessed, and the railroad filed a peti tion to base viewers iippointed to assess •he damages suffered by the owner* of the land. Viewers were appointed ac cordingly, and fixed the amount at $4.- 555,94. Not satisfied with this the own ers appealed from the viewers to the Common I'leas, bat the second jury cut down the sward to $1,074,41. It was contended by the Bunting* at the triai that as the company were trespassers upon the land previona to the filing of their petition everything erected upon it belonged to the owners, consequently the ties, rails, etc., laid across the isnd I should be estimated by the jury in as sessing damages as if they formed a part of the land taken. The Court was in- j structed to charge the jury to this effect, but declined and instructed them that the measure of damages was the market value of the land at the time of its occu pancy by the railroad. A writ of error was taken by the Bantings to the Su preme CouH, and yesterday on the argu ment they contended that this charge of the Court was erroneous, because what ever was affixed to the land by a tres passer immediately became a part of it and was the property of the land-owner. Decision reserved. The Sun mts that Theodora tu to see Elixabeth recently. It says: Sotue few weeka ago, for what reasow no one seems to know, Mrs Morse yielded to Tilton'a deaire to an extent, and brought about a meeting between her daughter and her imn-in law with out t be co oeen t co n n i ex nee or k no w ledge of the former. Of the detail! of that meeting it would be absurd to pretend to know. The fact of a meeting is all that is known, sate that then and there Mrs. Tilton told Mr. Ttltnn distinctly that she would nerer lira with hnn again. Thers were no lawyers, no friends, no children made parties to the consultation, and all the reported going and coming of this, that and the other child is simple fabrication. When the parties separated it was distinctly un derstood that the children were—all of them—common property and subject to a common discipline, free to be called by one or the other, as seemed beet for them. And such has been the constant h^>it. The deeire to have Hon.C. A. Mayer re-elected president judge of this district is contagious—people outside are about u unanimous that he should be re-elect ed as the people in the district. What could binder it from being thus? The House of Representatives of this state was s regular mob on Friday last— the most disgraceful confusion and dis order reigned for nearly an hour. Yells, •creams, bawls, fists, slamming desk lids, Ac., Ac., were the order. Shame, oh shame,and all this at the rate of $lO per day for each son of a hickory in that body. A little buck-shot war, that would drive some of these rowdiea out of the back windows, a laTbad Stevens, would be in order just now. One of the buildiogsat the Steuben county Ponrhouae. near Bstb, New York. u burned on Saturday night, and fifteen inmates perished. The building was set on fire by an insane pauper, who also lost his life. A steam saw mill in Morrisdale, Clear field county, owned by Hon. Gsorge R. Barrett, was burned down a lew wights ago. The fire was started by an incendia ry- Nine coaches f emigrants for Kansas went West on tba fast line. Pennsylvania Railroad, Tuesday afternoon. Most of the passengers were from points along the Cumberland Valley Railroad. The aggregate log crop of the Clearfield Mf ion this year is a little over 36,000,000 iaet, valued at $333,000. About 1,000 rafts were made, 800 of which aie still in the woods, 700 were put in the streems, and GOO of these have reached Lock Haven. Some enterprising parties ars attil bor ing for oil in Clintan county, and a boia has been made on K.sills creek thirteen hundred feet deep. They have struck gas and tbe supply w narly Urge enough '•'XTRA VAGA XCK IS Til I S / !7 / GOVFRXM IST. In the debate upon the Hunk t\>m miwioner BUI, Hon. A. H. Hill made some very interesting retnaika in favor of greater economy in tlio State govern ment, from which we extract the follow ing to ahow some of the increased rt penses that the party in power ha* im posed npon the people: in ISOOjm-t before the war the or-lt nary axneuMW of the State, excluding all extraordinary expenses, such as thn payment of loan* or interest on the public debt were $1,060,14388. In I SMS. after the war, after Inflation had pro duced the riae in price* they; were ft. $87,773 -Vk Two dollar* then scarcely purchased a* much a* one dodar now From that time moiiex conatantly ap preciated, and yet in 1876 the extraordi nary expenses amounted to s.t,tk\,ist - 86 "being two hundred and sixty-five per cent, above the expenses of 1860 This too at a period when a dollar won lit purchase nearly a much a* in 1860. Take the items of these expense* an.l vou wili see how they have increased " In 1860 the department expense* were $47,910,89. In 1866. notwithstanding the iticreaae of business occasioned hv the war. thev were only $76,140 88 . vet til 1576 they are f16ti.204.45. being 265 per cent, over 1860, and 90 per rent, over 1866 Take the judiciary, to which I more particularly directed my atten tion: . ..... . , Take the judiciary. 1" Im*' the jn.U ciarv only cost $145.065 42. in 1860 $214. 057 :, 3 in 1576 $487,326 ;19. being 28.' per rent over 1670. and 127 i>er rent, over 1866. Now it is true only thirty nine judges were required under the old con stitution. which Bumtwr baa been in creased to accent v one judges and five | orphans' court judges under the new [ constitution, but whatever may t-e the occasion of the exjtense it has certainly 1 been incurred. In 1860 the Senate expenses were $55.- 207.39; the House expense* were $124.- 067.26. A Senator coat $1,612 and a member of the House $1,240. In 1860 the Senate expenses were $78,- 130.20, and of the House $193,947.05. A >euator coat $2,39.1 and a member of the House $1,936. In 1874. the year before the increase m the number oi members, the senate expenses were $134.460.t> and the House expenses were $289 084 13. .V Senator cost $4,074 aud a member of the House $2,690. , , Now, strange to say. for the first leg s lauru after the increase of members the expense* *'f the Senare were $116,785 $6. and of the Hosow $808.701 72. A Sena tor then coatonlv s.'.***, a member of the Hou*e $1,817. It i* i.u* 4i :V -e-ssiou of 1874 the salary paid was 300, on account of the length of the **-- mjn. But see the difference. The ex penaaj of the legislature of tw o huudre.l members tvj fjftv Senators and only about $70,000 mow they were in 11574, and the average to member lis nearly what it was in 1860. 1 **, p i every Senator, if he will take up the ] swhiect and make the comparison, he i wkJuftad a steadily increasing rat o of , public eaters instead of any decrease, i which (Jha com.d:cm of the people de ! manda. And We i$ * proposition to create a naw department, t-j Jty un ad ditioual paroiacent expensp <;a the State. A DF.A DBF A T TRRA SG FMES T. ra* AMKBICAX COMMISSIOX TO reElS— rxxiunT AT $660 A TON. Fro* ill*' Hetroit News. Washington. Usnii J?J.—The manage ment of the American ecuihit at the Pans Exposition promisee to pan .aj; with the usual amouut of corruption, idiotic extravagance, and extravagant idiocy. Twenty eomaii*iouer* have been appointed, each with a salary of i f1,200. and l£W honors-y commissioners without sny salary. all of whom are i popularly supposed to 1m charged with the dutv of attending to the Aniao;i exhibit, and the business connected therewith. Of the commissi oners ap pointed, not one, so far as I have l>een able to ascertain, understands the i French language, and many of them do ' violence to the English. Not only do thev have clerks to do the rouiiui work ' of the commiseion. but men are emjwoy id to attend the duties which the com- I mission was specially selected to per form. For instance, in the art depart ment a special cor| of men is employed in New York to aetett pictures to b sent to Pari#, and a superintendent to lake charge of the pictures aiut take* Uiem to the Exposition. What bothers . a msa of a common understanding is to know what are to be the duties of the I 120 commissioners if it is not to perform the work that belong* u> them to do. But the worst part of the couajsts in the freight department, m+,.4 the dead beat passenger system estab lished. Eor jnetauce, one of the chips employed by th Secretary of the Navy Cd iransport'goods for the ex hibit is the Constitution. expense of fitting ber out was $60,000 wkjj is manned be'3."J officer* and 180 seamen, and wis loaded ijvith a freight of 110 tons—about as miua. 43 an Erie canal boat would carry. The whvis cost of the crutae of this ship cannot lie 1 than 1100.000, which will bring the freight-,, to SOOO per ton. In the case of the other five ships to be employed, the rate will be about in proportion. The amount of freight to be transported is set down at about 1,000 tons, for which six ship* are to be employed, manned by 110 officers and over 1,000 seamen, the whole mat of which is set down at not less than $750,- 000, or about $750 per ton for the freight transported. The infamy of this ex travagance can only be fully appreciat-: when it ia known that responsible shipper* frare offered to transport that freight, fab# ipsqred, for $-' per ton, 01 $2,000 for the whole, £gjt)st three-quar ters of a million, which it firdj actually c<it the Government. The fact ia, ;h ? whole scheme of employing Govern-j ment ships to transport this freight was got up to give a horde of supernumera ry deadbeala in the navy an opportum- | ty to visit the Paris Exposition at the | expense of the people. The Tribune: Lord tiahsbqry's circus lar to the European Powers' is apf of the most interesting document* Itie Eastern question has produced. It is intended to explain why the British Government refused to enter the Con gress, a d to defend the attitude it has assumed. In brief, Lord .Salisbury's reason is that he could not allow the Russians "reservations" to nullify prac tically the Treaty of Paria and tiie dec laration made at London in 1871. Tak ing. then, the Kusso-Turkish treaty as hit text, la>rd Salisbury contends that the new Bulgaria would overslaugh the neighboring provinces ; that the propos ed Province would be essentially Rus sian, and that Muscovite influence would I permeate Thessaly and JSpirus to the prejudice of Greece. He paints in gloomy colors the general effei-t pf tjie treaty, and discover* great wickedness j in the indemnity which might be com muted for more territory or made the means of entirely subordinating Turk ish to Russian policy. The gravest ob jection, Lord Salisbury finds, apparent ly, is that a nation which exercises for mal authority over Egypt, should be so closely pressed by the "outposts of a "greatly superior Power that jte inde pendent action, and even existence, is almost impossible." It will be seen that the new Foreign Minister exalts the Russian triumph to a degree which has not been attained at bt. Petersburg where the people consider that the Cxar might have made better terms. But Lord Salisbury could hardly do other wise since his dispatch is intended to elicit Austrian and Greek approval in view of coming events. The general ef fect of the circular must be to widen the breach between Russia and England, and to make the former feel that slie will have to defend with the sword the rights she has wou on the battle-field With England ao irreconcilably opposed to the treaty, we shall probably hear no more of the Congress. Diplomacy seems to have reached its limit. England must now aullenly submit to the Turk ish settlement or openly resist it. THIRTY BUILDINGS BURNED Harrisburg, Pa.. April 6.-Thirty frame houses in the lower pert of the city, own ad by tbe Locbiel Iron Company, were totally destroyed by fire this evening. Loss $12,000; insurance unknown. About one half of tbe honaas were unoccupied. Mrs. Jennie PowU, iu attempting to shoot an apple from tbe head j?/ Mile Volante on the *taee of the Pawtuckes, 1., fjpera House, night, of 0. sent a rifle bullet through tee letter's bead, killing her tortucUy * DMTAIIsOF Till Mt ttfikk PTIJt run or ir i Ti:i*t. m s ' / f. a t.v/i driver. London. March 3. Tin- h'Bowii • farther details of the m-sasMiistion of the Fail of lAHtritu and his clerk ai.ddilxer I have been telegraphed from Huhlin The Far I of Leitrtm lB hi* lesidem e at Miltord shortly tie tore 8 oilock vrMer • day rooming, accompanied by bi* clerk, and wn* dnvimr on an outside cm to Deny to meet bis atdkHor He alwnx* earned aim* "' *c. that lire loutasains concealed tlieii.M-lve* behind a low embankment between the road and plantation, and ti.nt bavin* first *lmt iho l-Uirl of Kviirim, tlit*v *lmt 1110 .it rk and the driver *o there might be no wit ncsa Hie driver waaahot liHlie mouth •he I*ll ranging upward, and the lerk Ih hind the ear. txolh jxrolxat'lv at clo*r oiiarter*. lit* lardhip * valet waadrix mg at Knit a i nle twliind, and on *omtng np toni <1 tn* master au-1 tie . Icrk I ij'g dead en the road lifewaaatill In li e ,1, ner. 't'be aaaa—in* meanwhile ea-ap ed in a tmat aero** Mulr-x b" the x alet drove hack to Mtlfor.l and alarmed the iH'lice, xilio. i*-minit to the pla.e round the driver stilt alive, hut uueon s ion* He died shortly alterwar-l*. I'hereii no doubt tbat the murder x\.. agrarian. The relations between the Fvrl of l.ettrim and his tenant* were nn friendiy. Hi* lordship was kind and liberal to tlie iimr. but was xerv partic nlar and exacting in bis .icaiiii,* xxitb In* tenantry, viaiting xiith nns|aring -evenly tbe aliglite-t infraction of the rules of the estate, the Hibbon Socie ty has a Wrong hold iifmu tbc wuiitry, owing, in a great measure, to hi* hurnh nr** He bad an iron will which dire garded alike appeal* or menace*, and he extraordinary courage and perwevcraucr in purauit ..flu* i>uriK>.*e.- I'lie l imca, in all cililortul on the a*.-a -ination, *a>a "It i* no exaggeration to say that the news of the murder of the Earl of Leitrim. which caused a prv found aensation in the House of Ooiu nioti* veaterdav, when confirtneil by the lri*h Secretary, has struck thi* country with as much pain ami amnxement - .tn unprovoked declaration of war.' Two men named M. Taggart and Frn 1 have beeu arrested in board a -leoma going from Uatlimullen to on stiapicioti of complicity iiitlie n m of Lord Leittiui. ■ - 9 rm: VAST ARRAY <>t St'FKFHS i'ASS IS <;Ra.\l> h 1 - VI Ji 11. Washington, April 6.—The in* nine book is out, and contain* - no *!., i-iu wlnch "the masae-" would do w-b i consider. The volume i* a inn.bmt - and costly one, and contain* the name ' ot'everg person employed in Federal service, give* M.Wfti ** toe total iioinbi ' ' of s"e'leral office-holders of all kin i* and ' degree*. Thia is about I in 400 of ttie total population, or one for every . 1 voters. The vu*t number of office seek ' era ceases to excite surprise when these 1 figure? are known, for if there xvert- but ' five apiatui,> far every place tin* would make one ill everv eigitteeil ol f the voting population a Federal pla e • hunter. But when the State and I oca - officers are adiled to the Letleial thi 5 number of persons who are paid lor ut " tending to the business of ruling the re 1 majpder becomes frightful to eonlent pial.c pountiugschool offii-er*. con-tie bles, and jusiici,., . f the i>ea> e with tin more important pla> emeh, |t ,j t,r%l at-!i that the State and local ofH>.e lioldrn " are at least as numerous as those u ■ Feileral employment, and at that rati j one man in forty-tlve voters would hi . | drawing bis f-u'pport from the publii purse, or in other words, every col!- , ' lion of forty-five voters throughout tin ' I country Q obliKeJ to support one mat t "; fy their labor th orue, ina.ntain sue I f i gi'vernment aa we have. But ifneaiioi f! tive place-hunter* for every State am , 1 local plai-e, a* weil a* for the Fe<lera j. i the result would show that eve , i ry ninth voter iu the entire Itepublic l , 1 gn offi.e-seeker. And yet the cry ii j I oxa*-pfO J action and hard times. FROM n ? t>///A<2oaf. \ There is a rumor that the main topic lof discussion in Saturday's caucus wus Mr. Montgomery Blair's bill in the J Maryland Legislature nboot the Presi- djnpy the question with the senators ! t>eing w hat thev, a* republi. an*, had better pursue ifMr. Onu, r t:i!, by passing both house* of the LrgistkfUre, j shonld take a practical shape. The I ruinor aild that the general determina- I lion of the Senators was not to oppose spy movement having for its object to 1 oust Mr. but liiat nothiug in the matter was actually bcdt,J UTT. The I difficulty in this question is said to lie I here—the anti-Haves men would like to I aee Mr. Hayes put out and Mr. Tilden I installed, believing that this would give , republican party a belter chance in < lAsb it will otherwise have. But | they see (hat ;iy effort to oust Mr. Hayes must, at the gatf>Vtiu-, eh-'Y '*P i tlie Louisiana, Son b Carolina and Florf fda election frauds: and this would per ; sonally involve a number of eminent I ispujviicans and convict all the party 1 leaders or' participation in very gross wrong doing', j The truth in the maycj ptonahly is ! that a* the anti-Have* men have so vain |ly endeavored to move the President from L,4 course, and a* they have tw-eu made despetata bf 111* eann reistance I to their will thev ars BOW playing the r last card by an attempt to trtghu-o with a bugatxro alciit a wrii >! om-nr by a threat to aupiMiri Mr. Blair's movement. There has leen a giant deal ot ivuiaiilta | lion about thia matter for sun* and it ia known that u prominent repub lican Senator suggested amw lime ago that one way to get Mr. iiaye* out, and jicrhaps on the whole the timet judicious for the republicana, would be to wait until 1879, when the democrats in all probability will have a majority in lath houses, and then persuade thrui toli.ive Tilden and Hendricks sworn in, receive Mr.'TiLj,3j3'j} message and other Execu tive couiniunh-auopj!, send to huu all bills and other official dcsllu.Sol, ift: rigorously isolate Mr. Hayes. I'lifortu-j nately for the succesa of this plan, it dues not strike the democrats so favorably as it doe* some of the republicans. The President will scarcely back down before all these threats. It is reported Uial he says he iscarrying out the pledge ot the pag'y made in theC'incini.j i plat form ; ha is aojvy ;q many republican Senators do not W ISH tocAny opt these pledges, but he does not behavo K)u these-Senator* will l>e able to break up the republican party on the petty ques tion of spoil* and patronage on whict they are getting up a tight. He reinanu tranquil and readily admit* that tlx iaiuii. has the countitutionai right to re je't h>a nou.iUtipn.i, but Senator* havt no right to attempt U dictate notnina lions to bim. Tins ia understood U) h< his position, and he believes the pnoplt are with iiim and ail! not sympalhut with Senators who make trouble in tlx country and try to lireak down the par ty on a mere question of a few otliees. Henry Ward Beecher's new house on' the Mu'ison ( enr peek*vilie, is describ ed by the World as an imposing strut-' tare, with three stories of galdjw. v.eran-' (las and how windows. The vestibule isi done in raised velvet,and finished tu oil' i paint. The stairraise is of polished' i c herry, Kastlake design, as is also the; wood work; gold, silver, crimson and i velvet nre associated in the wall and cpjling decorations. Mr. Beecher's own | ttftUi 1143 n ceiling of blue and dovej color, i n the basement is a large bil liard-room. well furnish#*} w ''h material j for the gentleman's game. }u this ele gant mansion the preacher who gntsj s2u.(jf<o, and the lecturer who adds $lO,-! <IOO more a year, w ill pass hie remaining days, while Tilton and lady, it is said will go to F.urope. Very few, perhaps, of our readers are strangers to the popular dry good* eMl>. lishment ofMtrswbridge A Clothier, l'hil adeiphis. but only lh<>e who have visited their -tote wilhin the pa-t few weeks can form any idea of the immense assortment now on exhibition, of those unique French novelties in dres* textures, which of late have become so fashionable. Koriesiog the great demand for those! good*, a member of the firm visited thai manufacturing cents** id France and per , tonally selected the choicest styles, rqany |' <| which are confined 10 themselvu* mnJ ate shown nowhere else In this country. The cheaper fabrics, this firm now. as| heretofore. are distributing to their eu-| turners at the same price per yard s the; country merchant pays for the identical goods by the case. j, Kvery department of tho house i- con j ducted on the principle of delivering goods to the people at one •mail uniform pr< fit ahoVßiOstol prod We would remind our lads readers win' •a.-.aot spare the time to vi-il higt h .no ilarket in person. W avail them elvv* ul this hrtwti oripmui systtta of ' "shopping f .y mall," which gives the most distant coTMtinier as ncarlv as |>o-ible all the sdvaittfig.'s of the Philadelphia resi -1 dent. \\ Alt I 111 I'KII'A ISATInV Tl.c ItrilUdl Elect to ho Kept Out ol i the Hlns-k FVa if Poaaifilo. London. April • The military situa ', lion is beginning to ati set attention. The - Ser\ ii>C< ipa: "ii of tlu!gai,s as far as ' Plevna la believed to be Intended to cor -1 er the ltu*i*n lino of communication and J relievo the lt.P- un t-oops, whli-ll will he concentrated south i t tho Balkan, At llie suite lime, there ate indicatis>ii I that the ({.its an tr. ops lately a! Sofia and . rmrtl of tdrianopte a:-- moving toaaids tin- southeast, pertiaps because it is con sidered advisable t Strengthen aemuch as possible the m> oftho (Irand l'uke N tcb ola>, or it ma, both* intention to abandon the lines of land communication, and rely c almost evcl isive'V for the conveyance of ' resrivesatn! supplies un ntarine transport over the Black sob in consequence ol the attitu-le of the Roumanians Front the „ latter point of vb w it ty be nturl to r Inter that the Bo tiahs wilt do everything -•possible to keep the British fieet out of the I Hack sea, though it is not belie, ed here that even the occupation of tie northern 's!.re of tie, urut by the Hussiat s r wou'd prevent Admiral Hornby from . forcing a passage Some Uussian dtv itiolis , are now echeloned on tbe road to Kuvuk " dere, aiul a totai force of about 80.0UU troops co lies'ted within easy striking d tac.ce Between lhee and lluyukdere , there are some Turkish brigades which -jCOtilJ probably holtf thsl place till assist i |anco arrived if energetically employed ■"land loyally commanded in cooperation with the Hritish, but they must in time I e overwhelmed, fr the Hu,iant, even al c , lowing for all deductions,should still itua k ser at !ett To UW Combatants ill front of Constantinople. On the peninsula of (Jul ' lipoli or the neighboring .....u.'nol in ' fr l t . p .sition "f ttoiilair, there are prot.-ibly about oO tAki Huaaians. senile at mica an A on the lines of cotntnunica i there may be scattered some est (AW ■ro I'll# war '(Bee at St Petersburg is s at-d t> be disMslitfi J wi'.b the condition o: t •• muster rolls, and is making strong • t-x r i >• - to hurr, up the reserves The Timrt lias a special dispatch from ■ >1 Petersburg, saying : "An Inspired ar te "• in I tic Journal At v.- /V.'rrsAary says, I .he eoiiv - lion that Kuglatid s demands I re llie- rttpalib'.O wifh the interests of K.lS d I -ta and Kuropa wi.l find firm support in ••|ilie public opinion of this empire. Not w ths.anditig this decided language ail ' hop# of a peaceful a.dull >n is not yet |( iahand P.ed " a A Berlin special to the I'all .V-t.'f '' i>.-# g. savs i "(iarmanr is again busily | mediating t>e'.ween Austria and Ku<> s <1 ah a view to ndjustitg tbe difference* e Berlin. April o (trie of the mmorjour t- rials of this city t"-dav publlslled an ritra -• edition stating that preparations are uiak i_ 1 1 ig for mobilning the <• rinan army, and also containing other alarming statement*. ir ' In the iierman parliament the minister of i , war declared the statr inents were a*** • :utiy M ntr„ M r * 1 Calcutta, Aprtl A—ln consequence of " the Kuropcan political crisis the Indian 'v government It considering certain precau •e tior.nry measure*. ic Constat,tinople, April 5. The British c- ironctad, Pevaslation, has arrived in the l( . (iulf of l.ii d No Ri< re ironclads are ea n peeled in the .e* of Marmora hut the flact |,'in Kesikay w ill be strengtheneal At the last interview betwe-n tt.a t . la., .'and firapd (tua* A" ti<'ia, the toruiar re. . Iterated lus protest against slit attempt I" 1 embark liutsun troops al Zutudadere p " The Turks at M istake and Buvukdere are t constructing an entreenhad camp. They i# l av# received artillery and a quantity of a munitions j#. R.V|I. HiaAD Cnxnt c At) Oil Tram Ktina Into n Cnal S • V|a Slatington, I's , April 5.- Train N I' 1 I leaving Mauch Chunk about ten minutri after four, reached thii p!ae* diacovering ! tpa# tr-ero ya* a hot jou'oal, ar-d ttcppcj c to cm! it nH. While Waiting, engine No. I- 15), drawing forty oil tmk* and four v lreigbt cari, that left Mauch Chunk about ° ten minutet later, came tpecding alor.g at e the rat# i ftw enty milei an 10-ur, and ran t , into th .*; oj tr*U". J5. 'he Jar which u . threw fcvcra' cart fr tn the tra k. etplud n oJ the engine, broke the briige, which u e a lota! wreck, an] precitfttaled tome fif u teen oil tank* in Trout crook. The •> I II tank* caught fire and illuminated the ,J neighborhood for mile around, and bad l.'il *'-* i—•% Jh; crejenre of min<J of F 1 r- win Connor, who tuggetted that tho cart d of the rear portion ol the train be un->u • v pled and by main force bn puthei back, Uhe whole town would have been destroy „nd Twenty cart were puthed back, and, i-'lb, cird blowing from th# town, prevent it ed any greater dan-f. The machine u -hop and foundry if Brown A W. liamt it " a lota! l*-. estimated tt JK)QQO. with no r inturance A poriion of the engine, by y th- • [> i'-i't). t bb-wn through the roof l_ of a hou-e occupiud by Jacob Hummel. • * tuati-d ah. ul lOU yard* from tha explo i, -ion. striking near the bed occupied by Hummel and wile. Fortunately nobody w*hurt. Sevnta! building* were that „ tered and giatiet broken. Portions of the ! and cat were thrown over U0 I yard* > S'atington. Pa., April 5. —The nam** of p the killed and burnad at the ditatler this L mmning *re a* follows Wm. Shoemak- I e-. ki led ; Daniel K'-ber, Kd ward Seibert, • Oi-o. 1 vet, Jno. Kehner, Aaron Snyder, -| WU. <oldbery, Jno Kohr i bach. David Hugbet, Samuel Marshall ; and Authur *V illianit. burneil and wound ed . Four or ft vo of tb- injured are not ex pected to recover Two other oil tank* I; have exploded. The Mauch Chunk fire department are working hard to tave prop erly Many stream* of water are pouring "j on the fire and houtet. Great excitement 1 prevails here. Appointment* of the Central Penn sylvania Center*;,,;® r.f the Methodist Episcopal Church, held In Lewliburg, Pa. March 27-April 1, 1878 Altoona District. | S. C. SWALLOW. Preiiding Elder. Altoona 1 t Church—B B Hamlin, do hth do —M K Kotler. j do Ches'nT AT —T Sherlock. Holiday burg—J A Demoyer. I iu"ins*ille—j M jJlarko. Manintburg—Win tiwynn, J Wofl ' jr. Villlinib<ir| —H II Wbutn. I Logan Valley— Uea Guyer. Tyrone— Kll Y"cum. | l'oft Matilda - J W liaughawout M ilehurg and Uninnville—J B Shaver. I Howard—J It Akers, one to be suppl'd. I I'i'iin'i Valley— W H Whitney. Bellefonle—A I> Yooum. ' Pl|e>aant (lap—J F. Craig. 1 Half *|o£jn—L W l|ou*e. j Pine Grove—Hugh Lin:;. Warrior'* Mark l*nac Heckman. Birmingham—A W Decker. Philipsburg H C I'ardoe. j Grabamlon—J F Brown. | Osceola and Houtaville—J A Wood | cock. Clearfield—J 8 McMurray. t'learfleld Mission—W II Dill, Woodland K P Campbell (ilefrJMd Circuit—W S WiHon. Curweftsvilj*—Geo Jjcidy. Lumber City—Purnign A Jam*. New Washington—O B Ague. Glen Hope— W W Dunmirc. Snow Shoe—l Kdward*. Cone re** 11 ill— .1 K King. J H W. Daan, Professor in Pennsylva nia College, member of Bellefonle Quar- ' terlv Coiilerencu. I W rn. farnshaw Chaplain of ilia Nn j tiolial Aivlum fur Disabled Soldier*, at ■ Dayton, Ohio j Member of Warrior'* 1 Mark Quarterly Conference. .1 K. 11 ykei and A J. Cook, Misslonu- • ry to Kiu Kiang, China. I '* * ( Trial Liet for 3rd Monday of April, ' (1/jili day) of April, 18J8. i it. F Clow ua of ?, Derby Coal CJu. oI j Pa. eta I j Jacob Z Long v* H A Merriman, et al, i J H Duck's Aduir*. v D. M. Wag- j ner ( llenrv Stevens va Jno. F Fowler A Co. j Jo* W Folmer v Wni. Ake.y. j s .Ineoh Ki-asner \ brain Stewuit- !j A. M L'iiil-ey v* ITenry Miller Schmidt & Friday v* F. M Hall. \ Buin vs Iac Miller. ! | W. 11. 11. W..A. k'suttct-ji f THE PHONOGRAPH. TIIK I'ltK 'KNT STA'I KoK I I)|S(NS tilt FAT INVENTION. And \\ lint \\ ill be the Probable ('tuti* Out I i Nr* York A.Ysinay l\>>l has heca I investigating tli> phonograph what It can ■ln now, mi. l what ll may it" 111 the future It •■>. the moat common mistake regard , 111* the invention | a itmt electricity has anything t.i do with It, <ii tlmt the ma chin is < n.ily ~r in any way complicated In its working. Then follows the ptaln<-t •splaiialion we have vet asm Savt the On a table near the centre of the icon a the In phot graph, which can he brirlt drsl l ilu-d a. follows A 110 l low cylinder >! lira.-, about nine inches long ai l tiva inches in diameter, is placed horis mtall; in 11 ry much the same way thai a piece of wood or metnl is placed he ' ween the Chuck* of a lutlie to he turned , a brass rod f una through the centra of the t cylinder, and a', the end of this rod s> a little i tank Which enable, one to turn the cylinder around at any rate of speed de sired the rod to which this handle is filed has a screw thread cut on us surface, so that when |ha cylinder is turned it shifts slowly to una side in such away that it a pencil is tie]d in a stationary position against lh* cylinder while it is turning it would trce a Una like the thread ot a screw. Instead of Using a pencil a dimin utive drum with only one tympanum the lower eiie is used ; firmly attached to the under side of this lower tympanum is a small steel point like thn point of a needle \\ hen the bolt on of this drum is li.ade to vibrate from any cause a touch, or even the vibration of the air—this steel point will vibrate with it, and in this simple fact is the whole iscni of tho phonograph A thin thes-s rcommon Un foil, such as i, used to wrap tobacco in, is (dared around the brass cylinder which is sot in niottor, the li'.tle drum is now -lsrrd so that ills point of the needle just touches the tin foil. The siii(iie*i movement of the tympanum of the drum will make the needle serai, h the solace of the tits sheet as the cylinder 1 moves talking into the open end of 'he drum gives the tympanum this needed vi bration. Suppose that a sentence eight or leu words long i, spoken into the little drum, ai d the line which the i.cvJts make* on the tin ht-rt it exnuoaeJ, tl .*, line i i#en i . > u ii.auo up • f liny JdUl wlu.l, ihp |iniot it tho i.idle mad a, where t! pitch of the voice mt high the , vit fBl - oftli* drum-kin . r tympanum , were vary radii), and th dolt very clo ( together where the wat de-jp, the | Joti were farther apart. \Yhr* the auufid : a< Very loud. tt,u vitrelm** of the tyrn- j| paltnu. wr very energetic, and the point! w <1 puhi-d far in, and made very deep in-!' dentations. it. now, the needle point it placed at the beg* unit;n of tt. it dotted line, and held on the line while the cylinder! turut, exactly the tame kiml of vibration* j ail! bo imparted to the drum by the a**-1 die *tf ibu luarulate>n* at lhe| uteu< luil<aried : the needle when the In lentatiorit acre made. If the indentation* ' are very close together the vibration! of the drym-tkin will be very rapid, and the note heard will be c 'rwtpondmfly high, and under contrary coid i.nt the notp. w .11 he c .rrctpoi.dingly low A< voiding lu Toi.e u/ the I * <•< *r*ph i. it# pment vlala of perfec lion it that of a per# b talking in a loud voice i'i an adjoining room ar.'.h the doot | clo-rd Any > 111! d. no matter what, i> faithfully reproduced. Laughing, whit;, [ling coughing, t.nging. and , tAi**y speaking. Th ir.Tar,t\o( t u yet in its in ,ati y. *• i wbiyt rtiaj by the miprovement* i which w ill tpeedtly and probably follow it it impotiible l • tav. Mr. Eiiam hat al ready turcerded in tnakirg the phono era; h sufficiently delicate to record and reproduce the w ird* of a speaker. H-hi' g in an ordinary way, fo;;r fetl f* the in ,tuto*n; Ibe p w<r with wliich the *ound | can be reproduced dependt entirely on the species of tounding boa'd which it uted. and on thi* point more decided retultt will r. • doubt oon be obtained At pret.-nt in a large room full o! perwint there it na difficulty in hearing tbe word* d-timily I f-oin all partt of the room. The amount ;of talking can te recorded on a *mall I I ece of tin fell U marvellous. Mr. Kdi.on ha* tuccceded in putting forty eight thou* t-nd word* on a alert of tin foil about t-r. in-he* aguare. So lar. thin c -pper theeu nave bee.-t fo ind to Wort, mot*, *ali*leiori iy ana It 1* probable that diamond point* will ultimately be uted. Mr. Kditon it | confident that he will to <r. ba able to re produce the slightest whiipcr a* well a* , the tcrcreh ola tteam whittle. OLDEST Al. LITiVO | A U*,i Breed Indian iit Bogota 1 St t Ycara Old. At a recant meeting of physicians in rlo got*, Dr. Luitilvititiidv! read a paper of j unu*ual internal. It wat an account of a , Visit he bad paid to one Miguel Solit, a I half breed farmer living in ttie foot hi lit of I the Sierra Mo-ill* The remarkable thing about Miguel if that he givct blmtelf out at ISO years old, "more or lew,'' and all hit neighbor* believe it it a good dew!more rather than lent. Uray-headed men told the Doctor that tlfey remembered Miguel, at a reputed centenarian when they were boyt; alio that the name of M iguel Soli*, colored farmer, appeared in a list, itiil pre •erved, of the contributors to the building fynd of s Krgncitcan monastery near San Sebastian. which wa* founded in lil'J. and' that the preaent Abbott it positive it i* the taiua man. The Doctor found the old fel low at work in hit orchard-parchment tkinned, robu't, hit tnow-white bair twit ted turban fathi.>n around bit head, and hit eye* to bright that the Doctor felt un comtortable when they were turned upon him. tjuettioned at to hit hab'U, Miguel. |o!c] tho Doctor that the tec ret of living a century or two was very titnple— merely never gelling drunk and never over-feed- j ing. "I eat only nce a day—a big hearty meal, which it often take* me half an hour to get through with ; but. you tee, it it not poutble in a half an hour to eat more than youcandigeit in tho next twenty four.' 1 ] lie went on to tav that he hadn't made up; bit mind about meat, but did not eat much of it; he failed on the first and middle day* of each month, eating nothing, but | drinking all tho water he could twallow : j he a', way* let cooked food cool before tail-! ing it ; tbnl wat why hit teeth were a*i ( sound a 180 year* ago. It wat hardly | Decenary to add thai all the Indians of t the neighborhood firmly believed that old! i Miguel ha* *old his tout to the devil, j j N'OTICK IS H Kit KB Y given that th. following named oereon* have Iliad their petition* for liceue in the other of the Clerk of the Court of General Quar ter Se*lnn of the Peace, In and for Cen tre county, and lhnt application will he made at the nugl Scion of raid Court u grunt the *ame : Fred. Smith, Bellefonle Born. Saloon. llou*eal A Teller, do Tavern. It Jj. Gumming*, do do Dan'l (}armap, do do Auguitu* Kroin, do do Kdward Brown, do do P. D. M'Oollum, de do Jacob Mauassa*. do Saloon H C Yeager, do do A Benin, do Wholesale. Sam'l II Kune, Liberty twp. Tavern llenrv Hnbb. \V alker twp. do Jno, 11. Odenkirk, Potter twp. do •lonathnn Kreatner, l'enn twp. do It V. Shaffer, Howard born, do John Spangler, Poller twp. do W. N. Musser, Penn twp. do Gotlelb Haag, Spring twp. do Hubert l,nyd, Philipsburg boro. do Martin Leltsel, rotter twp. do Alois Kohlbecker, liogg* twp, do C. A. Faulkner, Philips burg boro, do John Kainrdale, Jo do Jeffrey Have*. Buh twp., do David 11. ltuhl. Snow Shoe, Saloon Ja*. Pa** mo re, Phllipaburg Tavern. ! Geo. A Keller, Hush twp. do Henry L. Stel'of, do Saloon Shad rack Sterty, Ferguson twp. Tavern. Jackson K Kouh, Mile* twp. Tavern A. WILLIAMS. March 26. 1878. Clerk ha*. Brown, BelUelonto burn, whole-ale. Ptrtcr Wetwr, ■Pbili|itninj ,s Swßwn. SH'uit old 53rick^ui£dwia -in s(ul<ifl<'iWua ivnete 6VJ C // and 12}4 I (jktttamm'rt t /% STARTED to earn a (jcod ruime nut kind ON LV Real 6-994CWtAwg tA kfuA iynr and running cirr 1 Jiiii if HI I- kind oj wfotiiw^ lAni Tilen andly DEPEND ON w.r? eaK CM? WB mi STOVES! HEATERS! RANGES! Hardware! Hardware!! Hardware !!! WILSON 4 M'FARLANE, Bellefonte, I'enn'a. Hgvt junt r\ reived and placed on Exhibilioa and Bale, al ibeir Rlorea no lean than Fifty-Three Varieties and Styles of Cook and Parlor Stoves, •Single and Double Heaters, Portable Ranger, Ae., embracing all the latent improvements, ucwr-t make*, styles and novelties in the market, combining all the desirable iiuaiitiea, such as beauty, durability, convenience and ®oono> my. They have ineoolv Portable Kaugee that will bake in BOTH OVKNfi for eale .a the county. ENTIRELY NEW. Every Slove WARRANTED in every particular. LOWEST PRICE and Mtitfaclion guaranteed. Our slock of Hardware, Tinware. Oils, Pure Leads, ami PAINTS cannot be excelled for Tariety, quality and cheapness. EVERYBODY IS REQUESTED TO CALL whether wishing to pur chase or not. Special Bargains for Cash Buyers! WILSON A McFARLANE, Humes' Block, Bellefonte. DOGS IN THE UK CAT STORM l Although Starving, they Carry Meat given them to their Starving > Master. From the Omaha llerald. The raoent ttorm upon the plaint wat, perhaps, the tnotl sutere aver know n. On lha m<-rau,g of the alovso, two freighter*. ' Mr Jsttie* McDermott and companion, • lar:ed fr m Camp Kobinsou tor Sidney v with their team* They toon were lost a-d became separated, and on l#t Satur day Mr M> D-rmoll wat fonnd under the following circumstances •• tiehad wander ed for twelve day*, accommpamed by two ' dog*, w I'.boul fu,d of any kind, exposed to the iturm day and right, peeping with * out shelter or covering on the cold ground, and had wasted away to a mere tkelelon. To add la hit suffering*, one day he taw near hitu tome cow boya, but wat too weak U call loud enough loatfrart their attention, and like a tbipwrecked teaman who ee* a tall approach, but be- I fur* it c imtt within hailing dittancaheart >nr again and disappears. tig taw thctn pat* from bini On lntl Saturday thete tame row boy* hrard a faint barking or yelping like that of degt, and, following the sound, they cam* to them. Tbe dog* , were alto ieduced to tkeleiont,and scarce ly had tlrength l-> tland, being in the lntl tiaget of tlarvaiion. Tba cow boy* threw tnem tome meat, but instead f eating it themtelvee, they picked it up in their mouthi, got on their trembling limb*, and tried to carry it to their matter. And thut he wat found. The fact that the dog* ee-J fused to eat lha meat given them, aU though they ware dying of atarvation, but attempted t* carry it to their famishing matter, it testified le by men of uniqi'i j peacbable veracity. Mr McDermott was carried to Sidney, where he i* under tha care of the Pott Surgeon, with fair protpeclt of recovering although badly froxrn, while the dog* have been cared for at a camp near where, they were found. McDermott in bit weak •tate talk* contanl!y of hi* dog*, and beg* for them to be brought to hit bedtide. which with will be gratified toon. Many thing* connected with the great norm will doubtless long he remembered, and the> stone* told around many a ran p fire; but we predict that the one longest remem bered and oftene*t repeated will be the tory of the two dog*, who, when dying with hunger, and the food In th--ir mouth* refuted to eat. but tried to carry it to their iiUtrving master. P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORXAL HISTORY OP WORLD Embracing iu>( awia'l authentic account* if every nation of ancient and modern imr. and including a hutorv of the ri ind fall of the tireek and Roman Empires) h*rowth of ihe nations of modern Ku j ope. the middle agea. tbe crusade*. the eudal system. the reformation, the dis covery and ettlement,of tho New World, etc., etc. , , It contains fiT'2 fine historical engra*ing k| and I'JW large double column pages. and la the moil complete lliaiory of the World ever published. It aella at eight. .Send for specimen page* and extra terma t. Agenta, and eo why it eel It faater than any other book. Addreaa. Natiokat. I'fßLiaHiso Co.. Phllaicl phia, f*a. 24 mar. 4U C' r j - oii•pa lit 11 n Rf'Vf you r I'ho togfajth* Enlarged —The undersigned ia prepared to en arge all Photograph*. in which the featureaaro plain, especially the , •yiw |n sending picturea alwaya mention Ihe Color of Kyea and Hair. Trice, SI for one peraon, and T4 eta. aaoh lor all taken f from tho aame photograph thereafter. Handaome Frames furniahed at the fol. lowing pricoa . KxlU Oval. .76 .00 and l.yu. Square, .76 100 and 1 '25. lit ordering,, nention the kind (oval or quare), alao the ,:rioe of frame you want. If not inconven. ' ent, peraonaare expected to come fortheir ncturea, being notified when finiahed. For 'urther particular* addreaa. . CHAS. W PERSTINE, Centre Hall . /'a. i O. UUTKLIUB, Dentist, Mlllheim. Offcri hl prafeaaUinalacrvlaaatn tha public, lie u rcparu.l i u perform all uperatloua to the denial pro* ••aaiou. i U MOW folly praparad to extract teeth abaolutly rllhout pain. mya ?3t f Qcan make moaey faater at work for na than at any thing tha. Capital not required; wa will atart 1 you. per day at home mada by tha lnduatn- . >ua Men. woxoau bya and fflrla wa~ntud rvarir whereto work fpr Of Now U tb# tlipa. Coatljr < tvror it vw. kd-iivn TkVf 4 ijg. Specit! Notices ' PIMPLES. I UI BUI . Kras It* rsatps fa* a astl* V Mintu Mslwiaai >UtraMo T*a, t Kll tlii PIHPUtS lud Rhivho. U*'l*t it*HI*MH. riw w# basalt ■Jm luatcacUoa* fa* watiulw a iufl**t ale*lt ( bau oa a t*i# bat# or ma faca. I rtcli tm la - ow**IO, ataakf Has Vaedalf a O*. at Aaa at , To Consumptives. ' 1 Tba i4mtaw. ba-taa tm mataitfit rare* at ibal dras* fan 11. < lawamptiaa. b* a auayt* iwtt). li anilma u taata tuowa la bla f:Wa Mfnm lb* r a.* aaa of rata. To aj. aba fwn M. ba will aaf a ,oil) of tba taaactu-Ua* aaa*. ftaa at chacg* eub . lb e.facttaa* ta* riapartaa as* aatsg lbaw. abtab lb** aUi Baa tan tin tar < 'uasaatpUaa. AaLbma. HraifilUa Ac , t'artia* ai* .lag tb* I r****iUae alll )Iwm aAeram, K. A. WILaO \, It* Paau bt, Wlllkamabara, XT - TRtXKPAHRVTTKACHtgti CARDB lsM*a*ltm am! taiwaol laaMtaf lasartaal ta paraala uf " lam ba**. dltraal aruatt* ta*|gwt Tba aaatia ea I aatliMfwbiu rarnac) a* Oaba Vaa Da.f A i 1 (* Aaa bk. N T -i A ■ £*i\ AdKRTS a**tba mar wab WW , I atjVF l ru, v li "t farfau aAW. Raw art! '■Tea in,! , a:ral4 Haaip la* aasl fraa la alt. tttra r a M i-lItUICST a R lit )"*!%*• It. Raa Tort KRKORN OFYOim A OKRTI.KMAR aba *aSa**aior faarstvam Rar t ft'* ItablllX) Tramalar* l>aca).aa4 all lb* aflarta , of raclfcfal indtarrataoa. a4l ta* lb* aata of aaSanaa i fra* Is all aba ssad 11. Ita raclea as 4 . riraiua tar satia* it# aiawb asatf abtrt b# am r*r*4. *t.mi wiahta* b> an tl b* lb* ad**rtWer < * , il-ri.nca <aa As ae bt adiiiaaaiag U prHaal aaal ; iuIlK B tKrPRN OCaJai'iA, R* Vort at )*a lac - Candy Manufactory 4 Bakery. ; Mr. Albert Kauth, At the BISHOPSTUEET BAKERY, is now making tnc very best * BREAD, CAKES AND PIES. in Rel'efonia. C*odis and Confections. ll* alto manufacturea all kinds of can dies, and dealers can purchase of him a* low at in the city. Candiea of ail kinds al ways on hand, together with Orange*, Lemon*. Fig. Date*, N'uta, Syrup*, Jel ilint and avary thing good. {CENTRE COUNTY OYSTER UEPAT. An Excel If ot njtrr agioon also at tached to the Bakery. Call and aac ma. ALBERT KACTH. novlfi DRUGS! DRUGS II DRUGS S. T. Shugert, having purchased the Drug ttore on Allegheny street, Belle fontf, next door to the hardware Store of Hicks A Bro., hat slocked and filled it out with all the motl popular DRUGS & MEDICINES, j •" •CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY* "• I f 80APS. COMBS AND BRUSHES. : i i 1 tTRUSSKS, SUPPORT RS. BRACES; ! i„.. FANCY ANI) TOILET ...] | ARTICLES. Ac.. Ac.. Ac j Patent Medicine*. Alcohol, pur* Win** and Liquor* for medical purpes** only. Physician'* prescription* carefully com pounded and order* answered with care and dispatch. Farmer* and Pbyairian* •wan the country will find our *tock of Sfcdioines complete, warranted genuine and of the best quality. Thi* Store will remain under the dir#c lion of the accomplished dru(fiit and pharmacist heretofore connected with it, ,^ r ' Harrington, and we r*ep*ctfbl iy solicit lb* cuftom of our friend* and in* old patrons of the store. l*Ptr 8. T. SHUGKKT WM. P. WILSON, Attornev-at-Law Hellefonle Pa Offlca la sir*. Bea r's Building. Bellefnote Pa. BRICK FOR SALE —First class brick will be kept on hand for sala by J. O. Deininger at Zerba's Centre Ilall brictc yard*. These brick are 'flared so low thst it will pay persons at a iistanco to ootno here for them. Intending to continue in lb* tnanufac ure of brick they will bo kept constantly >n band, and fair inducement* offered to lurchasars. Tauglf. H. K. ZKRBK DF. FORTNKT Attorney at Law Bcllefonte. Pa. Office over Rev told* hank. Idmay'ftp JL. SPANGLKR, Attornay at Law • Consultations in English and Gap. nun. Office ip Kuril's naw building, 1"1 IT' Or I lhwstae** iau aaa h|i la. it le |< If I for liar mull b *r woahnr of 111 JI 1 I etibsr ssi. rlsht In Ibstr ova lowll I " M-AKJ A 11 Particulars sad aaamtaa worth e fros lapnn roar aearo ttasa it this bsalnsaa. Addraaa hilasna 1 Co, Portland. Ma 1 S* mar, f We print envelope* as low as SI per houaand. Send u* your envelopes. We >rint letter heads, sr.d statements es low. is 51,26 per 1000, wben person* find the, taper. This is lower tbauFbu can It Iob fbr ta lk* crttf, New Store Room AND NEW STOCK. Fall and Winter Goods IN Great Abund&noe AT Wll. WOLF'S IN THE Ae w Ban h Jiu ildi tig. A Fuli Line of GENERAL MERCIi AN DISK, carefully selec ted, and embracing all manner of DRESS GOOIW, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, GROCERIES, I GLASSWARE. QUEENSWARE, TINWARE, FIHII, AC., AC. Furnishing Goods OF AL KINDS NEW AND CHOICE INVOICE ! or | CLOTHS AND CASSIMEREB. Full line of Hats and Caps For Men, Boys and Children. ! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ' Call and be Convinced that this is the Cheapest place to buy gooda in thb I section. | PRODUCE received in exchange i for gooda. Kememdrr the place—in the New ißank Building, opposite the Old Stand. HO! FOR SPRING MILLS •! Stoves! Stoves! TIN WARE!! At ■ • kind* of Stover A full line of Tinware. Hardware for all, Coachmakera and Mechanics included, At the New Store of Caepif THOS. A. HICKS A HRO. J.NOLAH, MERCHANT TAILOR, Centre Hall, Pa. Buainasa stand upstairs ia tbe building formerly occupied by tbe Centra Rapor ter. Will furnish gentlemen with clothing, made to order, ot the beat material that can be bought in Philadelphia or Xaw York. Long experience in tba baainaaa at Bellafonte anahlaa him to turn out flrst claaa work in all respects. OdecJ tf C. C. CONNER. MERCHANT TAILOR. In Bank Budding, Contra Hall. Would respectfully announe to the cili sent of thia vicinity that he haa taken roomi in above building where ha ia pre pared to do all kinda of work belonging to bia line, for men and beys. and accord ing to iatoat atylea Gooda told by sam ple. Having bad nine years experience ba guarantee* all work to render perfect satisfaction. and aolicita a tiara of tha public patronage &dwy HasET naoca sailor r I.l>. sucoaav President. Cathie r. QKXTRE COUNTY BANKING 00. (Lata Uillikea, Hoover A Co ) Receive Dejxaiu, And Allow lotereat, Discount Notes, Buy and Sell Government Securities, Gold A laplOWtf Coupon* Wr are now soiling New Pianos = 8125 bak as* alt ststaa luMttt Ora4. Kgaart aa4 r ertekt. all aaa tad tLrtctU artl claw. a* tta lowest , at >ul ehetaaate (actan prWae, 4 tract AT Um ear ! r tasor L jUitli, aa eeUilsai. as dtecoanu I I'UTM LEF U> R TUL.LCJT MATHTSHEKS New Patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, ' wfcirfc It wttkowt MWn ik. graataat fm—si i UTUU" ~w • Na Vuar. pradacta* u> Waal ta I laalAli a pewer. rlrkaeas tad Saprkof laa*. olia> Wla ins staa UM quill* aatar Man XUIMI. Oar t l-rtcEt. an Us iaooi La AwaHre l uaa ooat oa ™l, Deal fait ta arise lac tlloalraaae oaS Oncrtpt. I In Calalagat Willi fna. MENDKLT-MloN PIANO CO.. No. 21 Kail Fifteenth Street, 21feb aev m New York } CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J.O. DEININGER, A new. complete Hardwire Store bat been opened by the undersigned in Cen tre Hall, where he i> prepared to aell all! kind* ol Building and Uoum Furnishing Hardware. Nails. Ac. Circular and Hand Saws, Tennoo Saws.! Webb Saw*. Clothe* Hacks, a full assort -j mantof Glass and Mirror Plata Picture Frames, Spokes, Felio.-s, and Hubs, tabic Cutlerj, Shovels, Spades and Forks.! Locks, Hinges, Screws. Sash Springs. 1 Horse-Shoes. Nails, Norway Hods. Oils. Taa Belli, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varo ishaa. Pictures framed in the finest style. Anything not on hand, ordered tiDor. shortest notice. Remember, all goods offered cheap-, er than elsewhere. GRAHAM & SON. Graham & Son are offering extra induoe { menu to CASH BUYERS. We hra the largest and cheapest (lock of BOOTS AND SHOES in BeUefonte and are determined to sell at uch price* a will suit the pockets of ev -017 woe N<>* '• the time to huv your fall ,snd winter 'took V u can *.-• .. 0 a sol id Leather Button &i.v lot L*ii. . from 12.00 to 160. 1 Ladies' coarse shoes, g) 05 Mens' coarse hooU. 2 60 Children*' school shoes, . 100 Kens' wool lined gum booU. 3.00 " J' " Buckle overshoes, 1.60 ' " Congress gaiters. 160 " ' " Alashas, 1.09 " all gum overshoes. no j Women a' all gum overshoes, .40 Misses' all gum overshoes, [.<& Mens' lumberman's gums, solid heel extra T h ?*V' ... 185 Let it be distinctly understood that | these are all SraUclaaa Rubber 1 1 Good*. r y Fashionable Dressmaker. .fITTi" 1 ? Smith. dreaa tnaarr, Centre , • u> nil atteniian u> her asm plß kind;ala, eat.. zn ' i)im dr . M'Od*. Cut ling od „!!!! . ..I" 11 i* °** r Oeiula men ablrte, tuff, and collar* made to or -liVl, " rrBl *d to fit 11.. al*o Ju.t * / i B,W itoek of Spring atjrlr*. faehlon plate., pattern*, ,%r ".II ar>.| 1877 Fall—lß7/ I.J. GRENOBLE, SPRING MILLS, i baa tho gooda. Lsrgeal Mock f SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower than Ever, And now "Hand* . cordial invitation to hi* friend*, patron*, and public geaersl- Alao a Complete Aeaurtmem of Ready Made Clothing for men and boyt. Suit* at low aato be had io (he city. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Full Ifnaa of MERINO UNDERWEARS, For Ladies, Genu, Boyr, Miaaea and Children. • Hosiery, Gloves. Boots and Shoo*, (| IUT\ CAP, CAKI'ICTS AND OIL And the mo*! conplets aatorlment of notions n Central Pennsylvania. and pricoa-that wtllcuinpal y.m in aalf dafaara to buy of but. Alao Kiah, Halt. etc. 18oe A full line of Howe Sewing Machines jand Needles forall kinds of machines. J C M EXTIRK. DENTIST, •J • would respectfully announcelo the ciUMb* ot Penns Valley that h hu per manently located in CVntre H.I, wbaeelie tprp,..rrd to do all kind* of Dnitl work. All work warranted or no money , Prices low to auil the timo*. si U, g. GET GOOD BREAD, By eailing at the new and atten tive bakery establishment of JOSEPH CEDARS. (Successor to J. H. Sands.) Opposite the Iron Front on Alleghany •treet where ho fwrnishea a very day Fresh Bread, Cakea of all fciada. Piea, etc.. etc., Candies, Bp ice*. Xuta, . FroiU. I Anything and everything belonging to the business. Having bad yaara of expe rience in ifae business, be flatters bimaelf that be can guarantee aatialaction to all I who may favor him with tbeir patronage. .30 aug M JOSEPH CEDARS PENNS VALLEY LOOK HERE ! CLOTHING ! I CLOTHING! I JUST RECEIVED. A LARGE STOCK OF .ClotH & Cassimere, OF LATE STYLES, which I em prepared to have made up in suits at Remarkably Low Fig ures. READY-MADE CLOTHING cheaper than can be bought ELSEWHERE. J. W. SHAFFER Market Street. 18oct6m LEWIhBURG. Pa. D. F. LUSE, PAINTER, tf*™. ofTera hia aenrices to the citizen* of Centre connty m Heuie, Mrn and Ornamental Palming. ornamenting and gilding, Graining OAK, WALNUT. CHESTNUT, Etc. Plain and Fancy Paper hanging. Order. reapecUuily solicited. Term* reasonable. ,'JU apr tf. QENTRKHALR Furniture Rooms! RZR 4 KRI MRIYE, respectfully informs tbe citizen* of Centra 'county. that he hat bought out the old sund et J. O. l>"iniager, and baa reducad lha pikcea He has constantly oh hand and makes t> order * IBEDCSTKADK. BUREAUS, SINKS/ WASRSTANDS, • CORNEK CUPBOARDS I TABLES. Ac . Ac. | Hia stock of roady made Furnilase * targe and warranted of good workman ship, and ia all made under hia immediate supervision, and is offtred at rales cheaper than elsew hers. CNII and see hit stock before purchasing elsewhere. oj CENTRE" HA L L ! COACH SHOP, LET! Mlßß.il', • at bis establishment at Centre Hall, keep ; on band, and for snla, at the most reasona ble rates Carriages, Buggies, A Spring WagonS. PLAIN ANI> FANCY, and vehicles of every description made to order, and Warranted to be made of the .•*"* on ed material, and by the moat skilled and competent workmen. Bodies for buggies and spring, wagons Ac., of th most improved patterns made to order, also Gearing of all kinds made to order. All kinds of repairing done promptly and at the lowest possible rates. Person* wanting anything ia l is line are requested to call and examine hit work, Hfd it not to be excelled 1 ility and wear. may 3 tt A. 8. WASHINGTON^ aSHIOXAWLE BskPIK xm> Hsitliiu *R, in the old bank building. Guarantees stisfaetion in all bis work, and asks the i üblic patronage. Has bad long experi ence in the city. J. ZELLER &SON, ' DRUGGISTS, No. 6 Brockrrboff Row, Bellefonte Peon'*, Dealer* in DrugaXtaeniieala. Fcrftimery.FansjGoodii dc„ Ac. Pure Wines and Liquors for medical ■ purposes always kept. maytl 72 w. a. sh&? rb m, SHOEMAKER, Respectfully in forms the citixens of Cen tre Hall and vicinity that ha has opened a now .hop in the old Bank Building. New work turned out according to style, and all kinds of repairing neatly done, and on short notice. Prices reduced and to suit the times. 7 feb. Cm. Forks House! . PERKY STOVER, PROP'tf. The Forks House, at Coburn station, is new and commodious, and is kept in best manner. Bed and board second to none in the county. Stabling for SOgborscs. As a summer resort it will be f<<und all that could be desired, right in the heart of good fishing and bunting grounds, and .-urrounded by the most romantic teeners. Inovy