The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 04, 1878, Image 1

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Wsap. a# if yon thought of laughter '
Smile, •# tear# mere coming after!
Mrry |pur plea#nre to jour woe* ;
Aud think life # green well werth it* roe !
No *omiw will your heart betide
Without a comfort by it* ido;
The #uti may sleep in hi# #e*-bed.
Hilt yon have starlight overhead.
Trn#t not to joy! the ro#e of June.
Whan opened aide, will with eoon ;
Italian day# without twilight
Will turn them fttiddenly to night.
Joy. moi ohangefnl of all things-
Flit# away on rainbow wings ;
Apd when they look the gayeatknow
It i Uiat they are proad 10 go.
- Mr*. flrvsmia^.
The Dying Wife.
lev tlie gem upon my Kwom,
liet me feel her w arm breath,
For a Ktrong chill o'er me pa#e,
And I know it is death.
I would gaae upon the treasure—
Scarcely given ere 1 go -
Feel her rosy, dimpled lingers
Wander o'er niv cheek of anow.
am passing through the waters.
Hat ft blessed shore appear# ,
Km el be--i.U> me, bui-band, dearest,
1 et me kiss **r*y thy tear*;
Wrestle with thy gnef. my husband.
Strive from midnight unUi day.
It may leave au angel's blessing
When it vanishes away.
Lay the gem upon my bosom,
" R# not king she can be there ,
See! how to my heart she nestle*.
Ti the pear', I love to wear.
If iu after years beside thee.
S;ts another in my chair.
Though her voice be sweeter music.
And her face than mine more fair ;
If a cherub cad thee •• Father,"
1 r tuore bemuf ul than this.
Love thy first-born, oh ' my husband !
Turn not frarn the mot her h >* ;
Teh her someti.nig of her mother
You may call her by ray name '
Shield her from the winds of sorrow '
If she errs, oh! go nth blame.
lead her sometimes, where I am s tee plug
1 will answer if she calls.
And my breath will stir her ringlets.
When my voice m Messing falls;
Then her soft black eyes will brighten,
And shall wonder whence it came.
In her heart <k n years pass o'er her
She will find her mother's name.
It is -aid that every mortal
Walks between two angels here ;
One records the ill, but blots it.
If before the midnight drear
Man repentelh-if uncancelled.
Than the right-hand angel weepetb.
Bowing low with veiled eye*.
1 will be her right hand angel.
Seeling up the good for Heaven ;
Striving that the midnight watches
Find no misdeeds unforgiveu.
You soil not forget me. husband.
When 1 am sleeping heath the sod.
Oh, love the jewel to us given.
As 1 love thee—next to God !
" Another step, and you are a dead
" By what authority do yon bar my
passage ?"
" Authority ? Ha, ha 1 If this ain't
enough," holding ont a revolver iu each
hand, with a hideous leer in his evil
face, " I reckon I'll have to explain
further. Ry the authority of the Road
Agency of this great overland route."
It was in the days when Ben Halliday
and the pony express serve*! in lieu of
locomotives and telegraph lines. When
might was right through'nit a region ex
tending over nineteen hundred miles,
from St. Joseph to Sacramento; when
the vfage ruu the gauntlet of road agents
human remains, grinned up at the trav
eler unexpectedly as he crossed the
plains; when to In? " quick on the trig
ger " was worth more to a man than all
the wealth, all the culture, and all the
oonrage in the world.
Dies Hartford looked into the man's
face calmly, looked into the mnxxles of
the pistols, smiled and uttered a single
word: "Well?"
" Don't you aggravate me, or I will
fire, and serve yon right."
" I never flinched in my life. * I won't
flinch now. What do yon want ?" *
" Throw down yonr revolver. Now
turn round, and if yon budge a hair's
breadth I'll blow your brains out."
Hartford obeyed. He permitted his
hands to be'led behind his hack. He
saw his pockets turned inside out, his
money appropriated, his watch pocket
ed, and only remonstrated when his cap
tor felt for a money belt "Don't cut
me, there'% no belt on me."
"01 yon did feel it then. Thought I
had a bank to pry open. Now then,
march. There's good ground here, and
plenty of it It will do you good to
stretch yonr legs. Keep right on to the
clomp to the left, and mind yon, don't
stumb'e, for like as not you'll never get
up. There was one fellow stumbled here
about six weeks ago, and he never got
higher than his knees. I'll show his
bones d'reckly."
Was it a lie, a threat ? Hartford cursed
himself for refusing to listen to the ad
vioe of the oondnctor of the stage who
warned him to beware of the road agents.
He had answered that he wonld take the
risk. He desired to see for himself if
the stories'told of the robberies and mur
ders on the route were true. And he was
"A little faster, stranger. My horse
is reether restive, and, beside, Jim Por
ter would like to see you."
The road was unbroken, but the dust
wma stifling, and it blew from the horses'
feet to the captive. The captive kept
his head up, and strode on.
" Rough, isn't it ? Now, I suspect
yon came out to capture some one. Like
as not Jim Porter ?
No response from the captive.
" They do say there is a party looking
for ns. Porter is anxious to see them.
This yer's a god-send. Never thought
to meet ye this way. Clot tired riflin", I
suppose. Thought you'd lay over, do
up a little business, and take next stage.
Now, I never knew a man to lay over
that didn't rue it. There was a man
from Illinoy laid over about three mouths
ago. Had some instruction. He was
mighty slv, that Illinoyian. I reckon
he'd furnish a regiment of Vigilautes
with cunning. Kind o' sauntered ont of
same town you left an hour ago, bat he
had some oompanv. He wasn't such a
fool as yon. And his company went back
on him. Shot him through the spine,
then tickled his ribs with a knife. He
was a powerful, active Vigilante, was the
oompany. He was too much for the
"Just as you were too mnch for me."
"I like your pluck now. You do keep
a Btiff upper lip. But it'll he all day
with you the moment Porter claps eyes
on you. He makes short work of spies.
I reckon that's your line."
The captive did not reply. At thai
moment his thoughts were on home. A
mighty throb rose in his throat—a suffo
cating throb —wrenched from him by
that one thought of home. His wife
and child, his boy that he would never
see again. It was hard. He had played
a bold game and he hail lost. The Vigi
lantes were in league with the road
agents. He had been outwitted. The
stage company would bo short another
man, and the road would be under tri
bute as before. His plans, so carefully
concealed in his own breast, were known
to the murderous gang. Perhaps in lees
than an hour he would be dangling at
the end of a rope. He half turned as he
thought of the end.
" None o' that, unless yon want your
early pill, in which case I'm bound to
aooommodate ye. Porter didn't say we
were to run risks. He does like a friendly
chat, and he pumps some people as dry
as a limekiln."
" I'll make yon an offer."
" Crack your whip."
" I'll light you fair, like a man. Tie
one arm down, give me a pistol, and let
us take shot about, you the flra f ."
FRED. KURTZ, Kditor and Proprietor.
"Hho', now."
•' Or ni allow you two to one."
"Tea, I see you can allow m.*t any
Uiin', but unless votr move right on, and
keep moviu', I'll make short work
of ve."
A covoto rose slowly from a sage
brush, harked at thorn sneak mgly over
his shoulder then trotted slowly away.
A noisome bird of prey rose slowly from
the carcass of a mule, flapped it# wing#
1 Silly, sailed slowly through the air,
then settled ihvwu UJHIU a rib that pro
truded from the sand. The sun's ray#
poured down upon the plain until the
dust and sand seemed to melt tuthe fer
vid heat. Aud, to crown all, the captive
suddculv egjierieniNvl the agony of ex
oessivo Hurst.
A faint sound in the distance arrested
his attention. Was that not the sound
of horses' fet ? What if it should prove
to lie his friends—the Vigilantes? Im
possible. His morning stroll was un
known to them. The souud name nearer
and nearer to hitn. Then he observed
for the first time a roekv defile further
to the left, as though a chasm lay there,
or a stream chiseled out it* course across
the plains. Now there could IHI UO mis
taking the sound. The steady trot of
horses' feet and the clanking of spurs
could be heard. Suddenly half a dozen
horsemen swept around a low rook, at
sight of whom the captor grunted.
*• Here's Our tain Jim. Mmd your
manner# u#w, tor he's the jeriite#t man
von ever met,"
Tli* captive shivered. When a buy
he was detected iu an act that brought
upon the wrath of the teacher of the
school in the New England village he
would never see more. The eagle eve
of the teacher singled him out from a
score of mischief makers, and he skiver
ed as he felt that the punishment award
ed incorrigible* was unavoidable. But
he braced himself, walked out promptly
to the middle of the floor the moment
hia name was called, and. to his lasting
surprise, was let go with a mild rebuke.
In much the same manner lhck Hart
fowl braced himself for the inter vied
with the leader of the timet desperate
gang of miscreants that ever levied a tax
upon the travelers who crossed the
plains. This was the man he had
dreamed <>f circumventing. The cmse
was reversed.
The road agents rode forward without
order, anil surrounded both horseman
and captive.
" What have vou got, Barham ?"
" Make your i>ow. It's captain Jim,"
said Barham. Then to Captain Jim's
query: " That's for you to niu! out. 1
obeved orders,"
a maguifleeut front the captive
preseuUvl His gar.e was as clear and
steady and level as though he were look
ing right through Captain Jim, away
beyond the ranehe, and off to the moun
tains in the distance.
'' What have you got to say for your
self, anyhow ?" Captain Jim's sinister
face clouded still more as he met the un
wavering gaze of the captive.
" Nothing," replied the captive, as
he walked in front of the leader.
" Yon are locked up, and the keys
lost," said Captain Jim, sueeringly. " I
think I know your business. I've a
mind to send Beu Halliday your ears.
No, I'll send him your heart. This
trip's a failure, and Ben ought to know
it. If you won't talk—"
" I'll die first I" The words were flung
at him so passionately that even Captain
Jim was moved to admiration.
"Die it is, then 1" exclaimed one of
the gang.
"Yon are seven to one," said Hart
"We are in the majority mostly,"
said Jim. " Bat I'll give yon a chance.
Yon are plucky. Now, what does a
milksop life do for yon ? Come along
with us, share and share alike, and we'll
give you excitement, and opportunity to
show the stuff you are made of."
" To make one of a gang of murderers
who are afraid to cope man to man,"
said the captive.
One of the gang at that moment level
ed his pistol at Hartford's head. But
the leader ordered him to keep his fire
until there was need for it " Let us do
this thing iu order," said Captain Jim,
as the soar on bis cheek liecame livid,
then a dull red. " We'll ride down to
the old place and pull him np like a
dog. You got what was on him ?" to
Barbara. Barham nodded. There was
not a word said further. The party
rode on perhaps twent v minutes, when
the defile deepened, narrowed, and the
rooks shot over the horsemen's head*.
Then at a word from Jim the men dis
mounted. Advancing to Hartford, he
said, with a cruel smile :
" Say yonr prayers, you have got five
minutes to live. Mount that stone."
There was a ledge above the captive's
head, with a jutting point, over which
a rope was thrown, and a noose made at
the end of it.
"Will you allow me to speak ?"
" Blow away," answered Captain Jim.
" I may as well tell yon we know all
abont yon. You've traveled fifteen
hundred miles to trap ns. Beu Halli- ,
.lay tried.that game often. Yon gave
yourself awnv. You expected to master
the road, and the biggest booby among
as mastered you. Now fire away."
"Well, then, let me predict what vour
end will be," said the captive. With
the noose around his neck, and gloating
eyes and fierce faces for bis audience,
he spoke out clearly, defiantly. " When
you've murdered me, yon may prepare,
for the hereafter. There will be no rest
for yon. A man will come after me who
will hunt you down like the cowardly
dogs yon are. He will never rest until
Jon are driven ont of the country, and
is reach will sweep to California. Once
he marks a man, that man's fate is
sealed. He is not my friend. He knows
my mission, and, if it fails, he will shoot
every man down with - his own hand
whom he suspects of knowing sirvthing
abont me, or my death. That's all. I'm
readv now."
" What's that I" exclaimed one of the
gang listening.
"Up with him," The rope tightened
around Hartford's throat, he felt him
self strangling, the color faded ont, he
was in a void, then shooting pains
pieroed his temple, myriad sparks jMayed
before his eves, blended into brilliant
colors, and still he conld hear the voice of
Captain Jim. Now it was a stream of
oaths, sn exclamation, "The Vigilantes
are upon ns !" a blurring of sounds, as
be swam, or rather floated ont upon the
great void, and then all was over.
It was true. A cloud of dust rolled
up from Overland City, swept down to
wards the narrow defile from the rear,
and sent a shiver of fear through the
road agents, who scrambled hastily to
their saddles and galloped off in the op
posite direction. All but one, Captain
Jim, who deliberately approached Hart
ford as he lay on the ground where he
fell when the crowd dropped the rojie,
and placing a revolver against his tem
ple, pulled the trigger. The pistol
snapped fire, and Captain Jim rode off,
turning in his saddle and aiming a sec
ond time at the apparently lifeless body
of the prisoner, shot him in the arm.
Bat it would have been better for Cap
tain Jim had he never met the prisoner.
For another party, also Vigilantes, armed
to the teeth and superbly mounted, en
countered the road agents as they
emerged from the defile, and although
the latter put their steeds to the gallop,
urging them on with oaths and spurs,
the Vigilantes surrounded them with
lightning-like swiftness, snd standing
np in their saddles opensd fire upon the
gang, who returned it ami died like
desperadie a# they were, either in their
saddle* or dropping frotu their hor#e'
necks, Captain Jim proved the ta<t
coaarvlly >4 the lot. He begged for
ijnartiW, but for answer was riddled by
ail >aett bullets.
When the fray was over and Dick
Hartford sat upright, listening to the
accouut of the tight, and of the severest
and sharjH'st the Vtgtlautes eijierieneed,
he was iMiupluueutod uuou hi# courage,
and, in turn, thanked his rescuers. In
reality, he had performed his mission,
but not m the uianuer he had plauuevl.
That he did net succeed iu carrying out
his plans was owing the mere#! aocideut.
The Vigilantes had l>eeu summoned at
his instance, aud were in time hi save
his life. " A isliise shave," as llris Mar
tin, the eaptaiu, remarked. •'However,
a nass is a# good as a mile."
A Hovernor of Lepers,
The San Francisco Chronivlt says:
Our Honolulu exchanges announce in
brief the death of Win. I*. Ragsdale,
governor of the leper settlement on the
island of Molokiu, Sandwich islands.
The decease of so noted and remarkable
a man in the prime of life deserve* a
more extended obituary. Hill llaga
dale, as he was popularly known, wa# a
Hawaiian by birth, his mother having
been a native and his father an Ameri
can. By profession he was a lawyer,
speaking KugUsh as fluently a* Hawai
ian, ami the most noted orator of the
' Hawaiian kingdom, whites and natives
included, and among the latter there are
tnauv conspicuous orators. The manner
in winch Kagsdale discovered that he
. had the leprosy, as told by himself, is
Inost interesting, and eepecially from a
scientific jmiut of view. The deceased
resided for a number of year# on the
Island of Hawaii, and had an officii at
Hilo, capital of the island. One night
he was studying up a law case in which
h wa# deeply interested, when tlie
chimney from hi* lamp fell on the table.
Although the chimney was hot a* fire,
" Bill, '' in In* excitement, picked it P
and set it iu it# place without ex
perienciug the least inconvenience, such
a* would uaturallv result to a really
sound person handling a ml hot lamp
chimney. He reflected for a moment,
looked at his baud, but could not dis
cover the least sign that he bail beeu
burned. He then took off and put on
the chimney rejwatedly, and with the
same result. This experience convinced
him that he was among the afflict**!,
and he lost no tune in eommnnicating
with the authorities. An examination
was made and medical authority declar
ed that he a* afflicted with leprosy.
Dr. Trousseau, for Veam a physician at
Honolulu hut now a resident of the
island of Hawaii, made tlie principal ex- :
amiuatiou. Up to this time no person I
on the islands ever dreamed that Bill ;
Hagsdalc had the leprosy, ami some
doubted even after the examination if
he was so afflicted. Bid, however wa*
IKKwouaUy convinced that he was so i
afflicted. The police did net arrest him,
however, owing to hi# exalted position,
a* was common with those sua
{Wcted of being lepers ; no he vol tints ri- '
ly deliveml himself up a* a victim of
. the terrible disease. He wa# then saut j
to Molokai and installed governor of the
leper settlement, which position he
held for a number of years up to the i
tune of his death. Si*u after his isola
tion from the world and his friends tlie
disease made itself more apparent, and
there were none so incredulous as to be
lieve tliat he was not forever afflicted
with the leprosy. During his adminis
tration of affairs he was a* Buocecaful as
he was popular. There were and arc*
about eight hundml lepers on the set
tlement, but bv his tact and kin Iheart
ediies* Ragadale made the most extra
ordinary and sxddeet community on the
face of the earth as cheerful and a*
happy as the unfortunates could l>e.
By his advice tlie government made
many reform#, and the leper# recognized
him a# a father. The leper settlement
is under the taboo ; that is, no hnniao
being is jermitted to enter the dreadful
locality without a special permit from
the board of health at Honolulu. It is
very diffi-ult to get tins permit, so that
not one foreigner in a thousand can
visit the leper world of Molokai.
Story or a Fire Dollar Nolo,
On the 28th of February last Mr. O.
P. llooko, of No. 1021 Cherry street,
Philadelphia, addressed a letter to Hon.
John Jay Knox, comptroller of the trea
sury, making inquiry after a fire dollar
note ou the First National Bank of Lima,
Ohio, plate letter A, dated September
18, 1872. The note wan genuine in every
particular, but without sal, niiwl>er, or
signature. Under the condition that it
would be returned to him without de
facement ltooka submitted it to the
comptroller for examination aa to the
canoe of its not having the seal, ntimler
and signature. After investigation the
comptroller oonclnded it had been stolen
from the department and canceled it,
sending to Books u live dollar treasury
in its place. Books, who prized the note
as a rare specimen, declined to receive
ftie genuine note and sent a letter of in
quiry, from which a pointed correspond
ence grew between himself and the comp
troller, who has decided to redeem every
stolen genuine impression of national
bank, notes. Heretofore such impres
sions when received at the, redemption
agency were stamped "stolen " and re
turned whence they came at the loss of
the holder.— Philadelphia Timer.
Adventures of a Meteorite.
Prof. Lewis Swift, of Rochester, well
known as a discoverer of comets, de
scribes a meteorite recently obtained
< from Augusta county, Va. Three others,
of similar genernl characteristics, have
been found in that part of Virginia, and
it is surmised that they all fell in one
shower of stones. The extreme dimen
sions of this meteorite are eighteen,
eleven and a half and eight inches;
1 its weight is 152 pounds. It was origi
nally found in 1858 or 1859, on a farm
near Staunton, by a colored man, who
i noticed its great weight, and carried it
five miles to find a purchaser,but vainly,
thongh he offered it for 81. It lnid sev
eral years behind a blacksmith's shop.
Then it was used in bnildiug a atone
fence, but as it was heavy and shapeless,
it soon fell out. A dentist afterward
selected it as suitable for uac as an anvil
in hammering out gold platea. This
i stone next formed part of the wall of a
cistern, and was there recognized for
the first time us a meteorite by a Mr.
M. A. Miller, of Utaunton.
Memory and its Culture.
A professor suggests this for the
cultivation of the memory : Before you
go to bed at night implant in yonr
mind that which you desire to remem
ber, and repeat it in the morning.
Mind never sleeps, but retires into
that spiritual cathedral which the
Almighty has prepared. Problems un
solved before retiring become clear and
intelligible in the morning, after the
night has rolled away". Classify your
knowledge as mnch as possible, aud
have snitable pigeon holes in your
brain for a proper assortment of your
information ; sound logic, clear head
and conscience, good humor, healthy
digestion are essential in the cultiva
tion of good memory.
% Natrl tlrlkt I'm 111 :K kl
TraarHrr fltrrkaal.
A certain iifuimuont grocery firm in
thin oil* hii beau missing little articles
j quite frequently of law', and suspicion
fixed |Hin a ivrUiu yon UK man, who
visited tho atom often iu passing, occa
sionally ixyikuiK a mall purchases. They
agreed to watch him the no it tuna he
I caui# in, one partner outside ami one in-
I Mile. They tried in vain for three weeka
or more ; etiil the articles disappeared
i and the youuK uimi made hia viaita ;
I though he had never been seen taking
anythiiiK. One day last week the part
ner who was watching from the outaide,
i pretended to tie reading a newspaper,
and by looking over it, caught lorn in
the act. The maide partner collared
him and led him l>aok to the rear to
counsel him.
"Now," said the merchant, "you
have lieeu (dealing from me for several
weeks, and 1 want to know how much
| vu think yon owe me ? He boueai
I about it; you have oeeu tnith clerk and
The young man stated the amount he
considered justly due, and was alliums to
j pav it.
The merchant said : "Well, sir, yon
know the law doesn't allow a man to
steal, and you must take your choice,
Ito pay mo all you owe me and submit
j to a whipping, or go to the penitentiary.
Which will you do ? You are vouug and
1 may be reformed, and I dan t want to
disgrace you publicly, but I feel that 1
would do a great wrong to let you go
without a whipping to remind you of it."
The vouug uiaa said he would receive
! the whipping and pay up ; while be ap
i prviatsl the kind motive* of the mer
chant he would like very much to have
the wtupping omitted. The merchant
j invited him to walk duwu in the cellar
ami see what a flue stock was stored
there. When they reaelusl the bottour
and the door was closed, the young man
said :
" You wou't whip me, will you ?"
'Hie merchant said he certainly could
not do otherwise and satisfy las con
" What are you going to whip me
with ?"
" That piece of boar* I," replicil the
j merchant, pointing to a strip some three
j inches wide. *
" ltuck yourself across that chicken
coop, and I*ll do my solemn duty, young
man. It's a serious matter, and 1 am
truly sorry to have to do it, but my con
science requires it."
The customers heard a noise for atsmt
a minute that they mistook for some one
j knocking the bung out uf an empty
i barrel, or splitting kindling. After ten
good, hearty strokes the merchant let
j him up.
How do you feel now, young man?"
" I feel very bad, air ; very s -rry. " v
"I, too, feel sorry and bad, and I
; think you had bettor get down on your
knees, ami ask thai to forgive your
| sins."
The young man prayed a feeling
prayer, and shed copious tears of repent
When he arose the merchant said:
" How do you feel now ?"
"Awful." said the young man.
" Tlien, in order to impress this oc
casion ou your mind, and that you may
' never forget the caus' of it, just band
i over that chicken-coop again a minute."
He I>eut over, and the sound of split
1 tiug stove-wood was ht<*rd again—ton
Then when he got up he wanted to
j cry, but the merchant insisted tliat it
! was too serious a mat tor for that, and
I suggests! tliat he load in prayer again.
I The young man complied, and he hail
so much improved in that stvle of com
position that the merchant released him.
"Now," said he, "you are a young
man, you are respectable, and move in
respectable circles; yon have kind and
honorable parents; this would disgrace
you and them if made public; yon have
submitted to the chastisement and re
pented; pay me what you owe and go
your way as usual, lea* nig ofT dishonesty,
anil I'll not molest you." He went, but
he hasn't paid the money yet. This
style of reformation for young men beats
the penitentiary. He did not live in
Jackson.— Jack ton (7Vmu.) .Vnn.
Au Old Puzile Rewritten.
"If you please, sir, I'm a jK>or boy,
but I'm awfully smart and I want to
The storekeeper looked at his cus
tomer in astonishment. The boy was a
little bit of a fellow, and his chin came
just over the top of the counter.
" Well," said the storekeeper, " You
seem to have a pretty good idea of your
"That's so," said the boy, " I lost
niy last place 'cause I wa* smart."
"AH right, then, I'll show yon where
you make a great mistake when yon say
you're smart. Do yon see tnat jug over
there ?"
" No, sir," Haiti the boy, looking hard
at a green box marked, " Hix gross safety
" Not there ; 'way back in the store."
"Oh, yes," said the boy.
" Now that jag is full ot vinegar ; it
hold* eight quart*. I've an order for
four quarts, out haveu't nuy empty
measure* excepting one holding three
and another holding five quart*. Now,
if you're a* smart AM you say you are,
perhaps yon can measure the fonr
quart* from the eight quart* by using
the three and five ?"
" I can do it," snid the boy, "just a*
easy a* fishing."
"If you do, I'll give yon two dollar*
a week and your clothes. No guessing,
now, von must measure exactly."
" All right," said the boy, " have
your tailor here in fifteen minutes to
measure me, please."
The tailor might have come even
earlier, as the boy had the four quart*
of vinegar measured out in less than five
How did he do it t
An Koeentrlc Well.
Wells in the oil regions, says Penn
sylvania paper, have flowed wait water,
fresh water, gas and oil. We now have
information that a well in Roller county
baa beeu flowing balls of lire. To add
to the internet of the phenomenon, eaeli
of theae Italia of fire exploded with a loud
report. The well i situated on the
MeCandless farm, iu Bntler oonnty, Pa.,
considerable distance beyond develop
ments. Jt waa finished Home time ago,
and wan drilled ss a tent well for that
locality. About the time it was com
pleted an immense vein of water WHH
struck, whieh flowed one hundred feet
into the air. The well has been flowing
some months, and ia yet throwing the
water about fifty feet into the air. Re
cently the family living in the vicinity
of the well were atari led by a loud,
rambling Hound, not much unlike thun
der. They found, ou going out of doors,
the noise proceeded from the well.
RaiJa of Are rose above the column of
water and exploded with considerable
violence. This phenomenon continued
for some time. Then the rambling
noise and balla of fire ceased.
As a party of gentlemen and ladies
were climbing to the top of a monument
one day, lately, a gentleman remarked :
" This is rather a spiral flight of steps."
To which a lady replied : " Yes, per
spiral!" and she wiped her brow as slus
A Hoy si Marriage Procession.
A oorresjstudeut in Madrid who wit
nessed tin* rtswint marriage of the King
of Spurn to lint Princess Mercedes, de
scribe* tlio marriage procession ill the
following terms: The prtsreamou wa#
headed by tlio " shawms and tyudads "
of the iwilaoe. Thu M mhals w ore car
rt*l on horseback, one on either aide of
the horse, and covered with ta|oatry
that lsiro the unmistakable stamp of an
tiquity. They were beaten from time
to time by u quaintly-attired attendant
who wuikod lM*snle the horse. Then
i-nuie the heralds, richly dreeaed, with
bronzed ruaces over their shouhiers;
then a number of Patafrt rieros, and
these wer< followed by twenty let!
horses, some with saddle# and otlier#
with side-saililles, all with rich, strange
housings. A part of the royal guard
came next, and after these the amliassa
dor# in their resiroctive carriages, all in
state, and after these many of the Span
ish aristocracy, in their magnificent state
carriages, usetl onlv on such tsxrasious.
1 noticed tliat of Medrnsceli - coachman,
f<s>tmeu and outrider# in embroidered
green and gold livery, the bor*s wear
ing immense cluster# of ostrich feather
plumes ou their heads; that of the 1) ke
of Alba, with blue and white livery and
plumes; that of the Duke of Sesto; that
of Feruan Nunez, and of the uewly
created l>uke of Hantoua. Next came a
long line of carriages with the ladiea
aud gentlemen of the palace in the or
der of their rank, followed bv another
sectiou of the royal guard, whose uni
form is scarlet and white, with steel
helmets. The horses are Jet black.
The royal family followed. Fir#t
came the Infanta Cristina. Her car
nage was drawn by six horses, with
white and crimson ostrich plumes; it
was preceded by two outriders, and two
gcuUenten-iu-waiting r sle la-side tlie
carriage. Next came the Count and
Countess of Pans; their carriage wu*
also drawn by six horse* with outriders
as well. Ami uext came the young in
fantas in a lieatitiful blue and gilt
carriage drawn by six cream-colored
horse*, with {mre white ostrich plumes.
This carriage looked for all the w.*rh! as
though it had come straight from fairy
laud; for what with its being all gold,
white ami bine outside, with horses tliat
looked like magnified kittens, and in
side all white, pink aud blue tulle,
■uowy blonde vella, huge bouquet* of
natural flower ami sweet" young face#
with great blue eve#, nothing more ex
qillsite, fantastical aud unreal could be
imagined. Next came, with the same
number of horses and outriders, the
carriage of the Duke and Duchess of
Mont|eiii*-r, who were aocom|wuned by
their sou, Don Antonm, and daughter,
Dona Cristina. Tlie Princess of A*tnria#
came uext, accompanied by her father,
Don Frariiriaoo de A*is, in a magnificent
carriage drawn by six h T*e with white
and crimson plume*, and prccvxhsl by
four outriders
Then follows*! the emp'v carriage
which always precedes the royal carriage
ou state oceaaious. Tins carriage was
drawn by eight horse*. And last of all,
the sutairb tortoise-shell and silver-gilt
state carriage, lined with white satin
ami hsikiug like an immense Umtx/n
--no rc, ami in it came the royal bride ami
briilegroonx. Tlie eight horses that drew
the carnage wen- pure white, the im
mense cluster# of ostrich feathers on
their he* pun the harnesses
acarh-t and gohl, and the mounti*!
jockey# in scarlet and white uniforms.
The Human Body,
Th ntimtar of boDM in the frame
work of the human ls*ly in 246; sixty
three of which are in the iicad and face,
twenty-four in the rib*. *ixteetiyin the
wrists, fourteen in the ankles, 108 in the
f-et aud hand*. there Wing in each
twenty-norm. The heart i *ix inches
long, and four inchea in diameter, and
tieat* seventy time* per minute. 4.200
time* jver hour. 100,800 per day, 36,792,-
000 timea JHT year, and at each t>eat two
and a half ounce* of blood are thrown
out of it, 175 ounce* per minute, <56
ix >nud* per hour, seven ud three-fourth
ton* per day. All the blood in the body
passe* through tlie heart in thr"e min
ute*. The *kiu i* compos-xl of three
layer*, and varie* from one-fourth to
one-eighth of an inch in thickness. Each
square inch of akin contain* 3,500 sweat -
ing pore*, each of which may ta likened
to a little drain-pipe one-fourth of an
inph long, making nn aggregate length
of the entire surface of the body of 201.-
166 feet, or a little ditch for draining the
IMXIT almost forty mile* long. Tlie
weight or the blood in the body i* from
thirty to forty pound*. The blood per
form* a complete circuit, in the svstcin
in 110 seconds. In twenty four hours
11,000 pint* of blood are sent to the
lung*. Tlie hair grow* in two year* twelve
to sixteen inches. A man grow* twenty
veara. live* to 100 year*, or mow. Eight
hour*' sleep i* the "maximum required by
man. Napoleon alept fonr. Wellington
*ix. The food of man i* regulated by hi*
own experience which agree* or dis
agree* with him. The average time of
the stomach for digesting mixed diet is
three hours and a half. Exercise, clean
liness, and a cheerful and content**!
spirit are Nature'* Iwst medicine for
sound health and long life.
A Woman Trateler.
Malame Lvdie Paachkoff, a woman
traveler of note, rwvntly arrived IU
New York from Brazil. " I am not,"
she said in conversation, " a Staulev or
a Livingstone; I liave discovered no
unexplored region, but I have jonrney.Hl
far and wide and have made a close
study of the manners of different nations,
as well ns the peculiarities of the coun
tries I have visited as concerns nature
itself. In Turkey I met with not a few
exciting adventures. Once, on the
jonrnev to Palmyra, wo encountered a
trita> of Bedouins. A few of their num
ber came towards us at a gallop, intend
ing to attack ns, but they relinquished
the idea on perceiving our strength ; wo
had with us as a precaution sixteen
soldiers, commanded by au ofHcer, and
ten Arab cavaliers. More than once we
congratulated ourselves on our posses
sion of a liodv guard, for, hut for this,
we should inevitably have been robbed.
There wore other mishaps than Bedouin
attempts upon us, however. Once, in
approachiug Libau, my horse ran away
with me. I hoped to arrest him, bnt he
continued his mail course until he
stopped almost on the verge of a preci
pice ; he was a wise animal snd thought
it prudent not to go over.
The Paris Exhibition.
Commissioner - General MeCormie.k
hue published the bat of American ex
hibitors, artists excepted, in the Paris
exhibition. The list contains f>7B names,
representing twenty-four Htatea; Ma
chinery plays the moat important part
in the exhibit. There are specimens of
all sorts of machines for all kinds of
purposes. There are thirty-two lots of
agricultural machinery, and ten of mow
era and reapers. The names of some of
the best known piano manufacturer* are
missing from the list; bnt telephones,
toughened glass, type-writing machines
and other triumphs of American inge
nuity are well represented. New York
State furnishes '224 of the total number
of exhibitors, of whom 196 belong to
the city of New York. Pennsylvania
has 104 exhibitors. Massachusetts forty
one, Connecticut thirty-eight, and New
Jersey twenty. The Western States
furnish fifty exhibitors between them.
Karlv Oat# •( lbs Vlsrvelsu# Mas Mril#
Park t ails* * l.aaaiir Arrival la Nss
iss III# First MsSi 1 . V* srlt Tfcs Msals
atsa si a Vrr H tatrrlvl t arssr.
The marvelous ilistvivertes of Prof.
Thomas A. Kdi#>uof Meulo Park, N. J.,
have excited utiivamal intorost. His
sbsik indicator, automatic and Juplei
instruuieuts, telephone, electro-mob
graph, arrograph, ele*tric |*ui, and,
ulsive all, his aiteaking machine, mark t
him as the Naisiietm of inventora. lu
iltsd, at the professor's age, Hon*parte
' hml barely rea*hel tlie rank of First \
Consul. As any particulars of tins ex
traordiiisrv young inventor must prove
iof more than uauid interest, the writer
• letails a cwmversatiou with Mr. (leorge
S. Htewart, better known a# "Faille"
Htowart, an old telegraph operator, uow
employed in tlie office of the Associated
Press ;
" I first knew Tom Edison," said Mr.
Htewart, "in 1866. At that time I was an
• IJH -rutor in Tennessee. Tom was employ
ed by OoL Coleman, the sujierintomleut
of the Western Union office in Memphis.
He was a gawky boy, alsmt eigbteeu or
nineteen, and was reading everything
al*>ut electnoily he could pick up. He
had a lean and hungry look, and always
seemed to la* umler the influence of some
secret excitement. He had got into his
head the ides of sending duplex des
patches, and all his spare time was de
voted to eifxiriments in tlie office. Cole
man sbssl it for aome time, but at last
began to growl. He allowed that Tom
was crazy, and said that 'any blamed
fvsil ought to know that a wire can't be
worked both way# at tlie same time.' He
declared that lie wouldn't have Tom
puttering around the office with such
•illineas, and finally discharged him iu
"disgust. The boy went back home to
some town in Michigan, and I lost track
of him.
"Home time afterward I was trans
femsl to the Boslou office. At that time
w ire No. 1, a* it was then called, wa*
ooustdertd the crack wire of the coun
try. The fastest men were working it.
For some cause the operator in Boston
resigned. It wa* difficult to find a man
to take hi* place. A half dozen fellow#
trud it, but found it too much for them.
One after another the? dropped it like a
hot potato, and slojMai wiser thau when
they came. There was a man in tlie
office named M. F. Adams. He thought
the werld of Tom Edison, aud reoom
rneudts! him for the place, vouching for
him as a first-class operator. (I. F. Mil
liken, the manager, telegraphed to tlie
little town in Michigan, asking Tom if
he would come on and accept the poai
tioh. Tom answered yea, and without
further words started for Boston, via the
Michigan Central and Or*d Trunk
italicswla. In running through Canada
be got snowed under, ami wa kept on
the track in one spot for twenty-four
hours, cold and hungry, without a I**l.
Aa usual, he owned but one suit of
clothes, and that was on his laxck. Un
fortunately, it was a summer suit. He
might have frozen to death hail he not
bought an old rough roundabout over
coat from a Canuck railroad laborer.
But he finally gi4 through all right
" I was in the Boston office when he
arrive*!, and I must say," continued Mr.
Htowart, bringing his fist down upon
the table, "he was the worst-looking
sjMvijacu of humanity 1 ever saw. The
imsleru telegraph tramp lan't a marker.
He wore a pair of jean breeches six
inches too short for lam, s pair of very
low shoes, the Canuck jacket and a
brood brimmed butternut hat, a relic of
his life in Memphis. The wide rim wa*
badly torn, and hung down so you could
<• his car through tlie ojiening. There
wan the slightest trace of dirt on his
upper lip, thsi he celled s mustache.
Hi# hair hadn't beeu oorolied for a week,
and he wore the blackest white shirt
that was ever seen on the back of s
human being. Nervously pinching bis
upper Hp—s habit that he had—he
iriquin*! for the manager, and was sent
to Milliken.
"Are yon the boas?" Tom asked.
Milliken smiled, and said he was man
ager. Tom then introduced himself,
and asked when they wanted him to go
to work. Milliken stared at him as
though he couldn't believe his
said •At half past five.' It was then
well along in the afternooq. Tom be
gan to look around the office for a duck,
and Milliken sanl: 'Yonng man, em
have to work a pretty heavy wire." Tom
gave what he called his mustache an
extra twist, and with all the assurance
in the world blurted out : •AH right,
boas. I'll lie here at half past five."
He sloped so quick that it made Milli
ken'# head swim.
'• The operators burst into a peal of
laughter. Thev had seen and heard
everything, and their remark* were any
thing bnt complimentary to Tom. ' Oh,'
said one of them, ' he won't last as long
a* that Jerwevman that tackled the wire
the other day.' ' Why that fellow can't
read bv paper, let alone by sound,'
shouted another. A third declared that
Tom was "the worst he ever saw,' and
when a fourth wondered ' whether the
walking between Michigan and Boston
was verv good ' there was a general roar.
"Well," continued Stewart, "half
past five came, and so did Tom. Every
fxxly was on the qui rice. Milliken
was just taking fmrn the vault tlie sup
ply of blanks for tlie night operator*.
A* Tom came up he pointed to a pile of
them, saving, ' Take what blanks von
want and I'll show yon your table.' Tom
innocently picked tip the whole bundle
and followed Milliken to his table. The
operator* began to grin and snicker.
They all thought that he would get
bounced after trying to catch one mes
sage. It was Uie No. 1 wire to New
York. Jerry Borst, then considered
one of the fastest sender* in the conn
try, worked the New York enL A*
Tom seated himself he heard the call
•B.' and turning to Milliken a*ked if
that was the call for Boston. ' Yes,' re
plied the manager, watching Tom's
movements with intense cariosity.
Thereupon Tom opened his key and
ticked the answer, *l, I!" Jerry began
to • whoop 'em up' in his best style,
and every eye was turned on Tom. He
displayed no anxiety, but kept right
along at his work as though he liad
been taking Jerry all his life. For four
mortal honrs did Jerry keep it up a
hundred pound* to the square inch, and
fonr mortal hour* did Tom take it down
in handwriting as neat and plain aa re
print. For the ftr*t time in lit* life Jer
ry had rushed it until he was tired with
out a break from the receiver. He was
astounded. When he had finished,
the following messages passed tat ween
them :
From Jrrry.
Who the deuce are yon. anyhow '
Fron Tom.
I'm tlio new man. My name i Tom Edianti.
From Jrrry.
Well, you're the mau I've been looking for
for the last ten years, and you're the only man
1 ever fouud that could take mo without a
break. Kh^te.
" And they shook. The astonishment
of the boys in the office wa* unbounded.
There was no more jibing nor snicker
ing. Everybody was Tom s friend at
once. The next day Milliken picked up
a sheet of Tom's manuscript, and re
flectively stroked his long heard. ' I
never saw such pretty copy,' lie said.
'He's a* good an ojwrator a* I ever
" At the close of the first night's work,
Tom's frieud Adams took him home
with him. The first question was:
' What kind of a man is this Milliken f
Do run think he'll let uie experiment in
TERMS: SU.OO a Year, in Advance.
*hc office when I'm not on duty V Adams
replied that Milliken himaelf was some
what of an inventor, and he thought
that he would not oulv let Tom exjiori
innut aa much as he pleased, but that he
would also take a personal interest in
hia eiperimcuta. The very first trial
WHS the duple! despatches that gave
Tom the reputation of s lunatic in Mem
pins, and caused him to lose his situa
tion. Milliken, unlike Go lonian, en
tered into the spirit of the thing, snd in
i a short time Tom had so far perfected it
tliat he worked it quite sueceaalully be
tween New York and Huston, Hut to
accomplish this lie spent every dollar he
earned for material for his eiperunents,
and when the grand secret was dis
covered hailu't money enough to pay
j for filing a caveat for a patent. ' —
,Vw York Sun.
A Ito man tic Love Mary.
A Loudon eorrcsjMiudeut writoa : Mv
clock on this occasiuu misled me, and I
arrived at my hostess' at too early an
hour. As 1 went in I met a young lady
preparing to go out. We exchanged a
word or two and I gave a second rapid
glance to iliacover what it was that made
me wish alio would stay. There was no
lieauty in one sense, but piquance and
i grace and something else. It was a face
that suggested events, and I said so to
my hostess. " How strange I" abe an
swered. " I will toll you about her.
You *•- she is young and this moment
particularly sad. Hha lias hardly a foot
ing, she says. Hhe is in a half dream or
in s world not exactly real, as it ia to
the rest of us. Two or three yes: sgo
s well-known publisher iu Paternoster
row, who for many years had been pros
perous in business, and deserved his
prosperity, failed through no fault of
his own. The ruin was ao complete,
save that his honor remained untarn
ished, that he has beeu obliged to take
an bumble situation, and the older
daughters of the family to become gov
ernesses. The youngest daughter, Alice,
the young lady you met in the hall, has
been kept at school, that aha might be
educated to fill the place of a governess.
Last year, wheu the animals which had
been presented to the Prince of Wales
on his Indian journey were exhibited at
the Zoological Gardens, this child, with
the rest of Loudon, was anxious to see
the priuce's pets. Hhe went to the
• Zoo,' as it is called here, and while in
the crowd, observed a thief pick a gen
tleman's j locket and get off with his
stealings. As soon as she could, she
touched the gentleman on the arm and
pointed out the thief. The gentleman
said : ' Let us watch and see if he re
lieves any one else of a parse.* The
light fingered party pursued hia craft,
and they on the watch gave the alarm,
and the tluef was arrested. Alice started
for her home. The gentleman begged
that abe would give him her name and
address, that he might fittingly thank
her, but tli is she declined to do. He
must have followed her, for the next day
he met her on the way to school, and
again asked for her address, saying that
without her test ill! my it would lie im
possible to convict the pickpocket, and
she complied. He called at her father's
house, made the acquaintance of the
family, escorting Alice to the magis
trate's court, where, on her evidence,
the sharper was sent to hanl labor for
two veer*. This new-made acquaintance
continued his visits, and was marked in
his at ten turns to Alice. He gave her
valuable presents, and liegged tliat he
might be at the charge of her education.
He took up the rule of guardian in the
most natural way, and liccame the dear
est friend of the whole family. He was
au invalid, and traveled more or less
during the early seasons for his health.
Not very long ago he surprised them by
coming to take leaiTe, saying that he was
obliged to go to San Francisco to take j
possession of a valuable property that
hail been left him there. lie wrote to
Alice during the journey, and after his
arrival ; and then came the last letter
saying that he was ill and must die ; tliat
he hoped to make her his wife, and that
by his will be hail left her £SOO a year
for life. Shortly after the receipt of
this, Alice received a visit from his
father, who informed her that his son
had died a few days after writing to each
of them, and tliat he had exacted a
pledge from bim that be should see that
the provisions of the will were executed.
He himself was going to San Francisco J
to attend to his son's business there,
and settle the estate. A few days ago,
: on his departnre, Alice received from
him a magnificent bouquet, in which
was a most tender note and a diamond |
ring of the rarest value, Here the story
fianees for the present. Later on I may
ie able to tell you whether anything
further comes of "it. My friend has the
idea tliat the father, who is a widower,
is as much pleased with Alice as the rest
; of us I"
Rbktng Life for Liberty.
One of the most daring leaps on re
cord was made recently by George Glen,
a prisoner held for burglary, at the Cen
tral police station, in Toledo, Ohio. Tlie
court room wa* on the fourth floor,
counting the basement a* one story. On
the east side there is a small ante-room,
in which prisoners are kept during the
time tatween the opening of the court
and their respective trials. There is no
grating to the window, and it is fifty feet
to the solid pavement below. Beneath
it is an iron fence presenting a row of
{tickets, on which anv one falling would
>e almost certain to W impaled.
Glen wa* in the room with two other
prisoner*, no officer being present. He
expected to be called soon for trial on
three charge*—burglarv, larceny, and
a*HAttlt and tattcrv, (IlenJ said to the
other prisoners, " I *m going to get out
of this." He hardly said it before he
threw off lus overcoat, and pushing up
the s**h, sprang on the window sill.
H* horrified companions called out,
•• Hold on, yon will be killed 1" "It is
as well that wav as any," said Glen.
Rising to his full height and grasping
the tattom of tlie sa*h, he placed his
left foot on the outermost end of the
stone, and by a desjierate effort swung
hi* right arm anil foot out toward a
grated window that wa* some five feet to
the north. Quick a* a cat he caught an
iron of the grating, bnt to do so was
compelled to slip his left hand from the
sash, and depend on a precarious hold
of the window frame. His right foot
struck the edge of the other window, and
then, by an effort at muscle, he drew
himself clear over to the other window.
Just to the north of this second window
a water pipe of large size ran down in
the angle formed by the junction of the
main station with one of the prison*.
Grasping this tatween his knees, Glen
let go hi* hold on the grating, caught
the pipe, and went down like a streak
of lightning. He had hardly touched
the stone step at the bottom when he
made a dart into a rear door of Zeile
han's saloon, dashed into an alley by an
opposite door, and ran into Long street
with the speed of the wind. The jump
aud descent occupied not over a minute,
and (Hen wa* away almost before the
other prisoners could call to an officer
just outside the door. Tlie court ad
journed, while the judge and the prose
cutor went into the ante-room, and
11Hiked iu vague incredulity at the win
dows, the pipe, and the heel-marks on
the stone.
School Mistress. " Now what are the
principal things we get out of the
earth ?" Youthful angler, (confidently)—
" Worms I"
Karl* VeaataMs*.
TOMATOES. —How in hot beds in March;
when two inches high transplant into
pots or another tied, and attend them
carefully until all danger of frost ia
past, then transplant them pertnanenlly
into a warm situation, folly exposed to
the anu. Support with brush to keep
the fruit off tile ground. Pinch the ends
off, to hasten ripening, after tba fruit
has begun to set
LETTUCE. —How in hot-beda for early
use, in February, and for general sac
caaaive crops sow every two or three
weeks in the opsn ground, commencing
as early in the spring aa the ground can
be worked. Cover the seed one-quarter
of an inch deep, in a well-prepared bed,
or in drills. Water liberally in dry
weather. Thin out and transplant to
one foot uart into the richest soil, for
heading. The more rapid growth the
better quality.
CArurnowEß*.—For general crop, sow
the seed iu hot-beds in March or begin
ning of April; for late crop, aow ia the
ojien ground in May. Transplant into
rows two and a half fact apart, leaving
two feet distance between the plant*.
Cultivate aa cabbage. Aid the growth
by liberal watering, and protect from
the sun by breaking its leaves otrer the
head when in flower. Cauliiloawr ane
iNeeds best in a deep, rich, moist soil
One ounoe of seed produces about 2,000
CEUEBY. —Sow seed* in hot-bads, or
Terr early in the open ground, half so
inch deep, in drills one foot spurt
Transplant when three inches high into
rich soil, finely pulverised, four inches
apart Water and protect until well
raited, then transplant into rows Ave
or sit feet apart, either on the surface
or into well-manured tranches, a foot in
depth, using thoroughly-rotted manure.
Hot the plants from eight to twelve
inches apart, then give a good watering.
To blaDob them earth up two or three
times during their growth, holding the
leases close, while the earth is drawn
up, so that none of it falls into the eeu*
tor of the plant, sod taking care not to
cover the fop of its central shoots.
CrrntEEns.—For early spring use,
sow in hot-beds, leaving three plants in
one hill to each sash. For general crop,
sow in May or beginning of June, after
the ground has beoome warm, in very
rich soil, in hills four or five feet apart
each way, elevating the hills a little
above the ground. Put eight seeds in
each hill; having buried some warm,
half-rotted manure therein, cover half
an inch deep with fine soil and lightly
press the earth over the seeds with the
back of a hoe. Keep the ground loose
and clear of weeds; in dry weather water
occasionally. Thin out, leaving four
thrifty plants in each hill, when insect
danger is past Sprinkle vines with
plaster, soot or air-slacked lime to pro
tect from insect*. A warm location is
moat suitable.
CaBBAOEa.—Sow early varieties in
hot-beds from February till April, thin
oat the plants to hasten developement,
and admit plenty of air. The Ester va
rieties are sown in May, for general crop
in the open ground. Transplant, when
si* inches high, into well-manured soil
during the month of June, if sufficiently
developed. For early kinds, one and a
half to two feet each way between the
plants, and two and a half feet apart for
the late varieties, are the respective
proper distances. Transplant before a
shower, or in moiat weather, giving each
plant water occasionally, when needed,
at the root. The ground mast be well
worked to produce good heads. Hoe
often and draw the earth up around the
plants. Cabltagw should not follow cab
lings or turnip sacoaamvelv.—Ration
( WiimiM *r ia* r Owe.
In a reply to a query in regard to
raising pea*, presented to the Klmin
(N. Y.) Farmer's Club, the following
reply was elicited from R. D. Buttem,
of Madison county, N. Y.: "Pea* are
as sure a crop as any other, and leave
the grouud in the beat of order for
wheat the yield will vary with the
soil, forty t>oshel<beutf a large yield.
In prepuring the land I aim to fall
plough and fit with cultivator in the
spring; although the beat crop I ever
raised was on corn stubble, spring
ploughed. Peas are letter if drilled,
tint can be sowed broadcaat an the fur
row if rolled afterward. Peas like a
fine, drv loam or eaady soil brat, but
will thrive well on a clayey soil, if well
fitted. I never have threshed peas with
R machine, as it splits them badly, and
sheep will not relish the straw as well
ss if threshed with the flail If the
vines are very luxuriant sheep will not
eat them very closely; but if eat before
all of the top pods" have grown white,
sheep will not only eat, but relish the
straw exceedingly. If the straw is fed
at night sheep will eat more than if fed
in the morning or at noou. We have
been troubled with bugs which sting the
peas while yet soft, leaving small eggs,
which are hatched; the worm feeds up
on the pea, leaving but a thin shell by
the following spring. This is obviated
by early sowing, so as to hsve the tns
joritv of the pod* so hard by the time
the fly arrives at maturity that it is im
|Kis*ible to pierce them. If the season
be backward aud this cannot be done,
very late sowing will secure the same
result Good crape have been raised
when sown aa late as the fifteeuth or
twentieth of Msy. The Quantity of
seed will depend on the sail. If it is
verv fine and rich, sow one and one-halt
bushels to the acre; an ordinary soil,
two; and on verv poor, three bush
els, or, better still, not any."
Sedentary Habits.
In " Nutrition in Health and Disease "
Dr. Rennet ears: These physiological
effects explain the prostration of an in
valid, or, indeed of anyone unaccustom
ed to exercise, after a great muscular
effort They feel languid and exhausted,
hare pains' in the muscles and cannot
aleep. They hare used np, wasted part
of their muscular structures, and there
is not sufficient organic activity in the
economy to rapidly renew the destroyed
fibre; so the feeling of fatigue ami pros
tration lasts. This, however, is not a
reason for renouncing exercise as an im
possibility, as not agreeing with the con
stitution. A small amount only should
be taken regularly at first, persevered in
whether agreeable or not, and gradually
increased as the muscular power in
creases, which it is sure to do. Active
people, even in-doors, take a deal of ex
ercise. They are ever on the move,
running upstairs and down, fetching all
thev want, and waiting both on them
selves and on others; and that even when
surrounded with domestics. Such per
sons find that they have walked several
miles in the course of the day, without
even leaving the house. This is the
history of female servants, who often
never go out of doors from week's end to
week's end, and yet usually retain good
health. Sedentary people, on the con
trary, persons of indolent habits, who
never move from the chair or sofa, if
they can help it, ami who ring the bell
for all they want, reach the end of the
day with scarce a mile of exercise. Not
only, therefore, do they esohew exercise
out of doors, but they do not even take
it indoors. Is it surprising that thsy
should be obese and unwieldly, and a
prey to the diseases of a - torpid, slug
gish vitality ?
ItaMM Of lllMWi
A common vie* —AJiIW.
A green grear-~0 who traalfc
Two iralihiw flirt warn by
Corn boad-Poultry. Idol haada-
Ohtnam<. _. m
The sultan baa gm* mad, and tiras&l
bio txwriiacs ia • moot iamtitam maanar.
That* are A, 000 Mbor abfe ia *•*
York and 7.W0 barber*.
Than an MM 5,000 gold and stiver
miiiM is actual working <wt*dtiao ia
Hoventy-flve dugs afflicted with hydro
phobia have boon, killed Is on#
to OeotgiA.
A little hoy wfll navar willingly t-
Hnquiah any of hit cadMtt ewwpt h.a
spank-arbee! t : !
Tba mildestway la mcptfaas ilia lo do
scribe a lipay man aa tba victim of mia
plaoed benmna.
1 A 200-poand haar can hog a aaw pork
barrel to aptintem, which takes a praaa
on of 1,000 pound*.
A Buffalo aparrow raeaotij oarried vB
a whole ismp-wiok io hia beak, and be
bad to boak-wiok atom! it.
Many poor farm! tea keep a goat. If
tbey are deaiad the of bread,
tbay alwaya hare tbatr butter.
One of tba aaddoat ioddeota of tba
raoent tiermao royal marriage waa tba
Prince of Mecklanlmrg Schwann.
In Praaaia malaa are not permitted to
marry under twenty-Ore years of age,
' nor women nnder twenty-two yean.
A cart Cbinaae aphoriam suggests that
one day's work waa worth three to him
who does everything at the proper time.
" What fa wisdom V aaked a teaeher
; of a claaa of email gifta. A bright-eyed
little creature arose andanawwed : "In
formation ai tba brail."
Tba French artillery baring diaoarded
bronsa ordnance tor steal breach load
ft*, England ia the laet country left
which cling* to the bronac manic-load- *
' era.
James Freeman Clarke baa taken the
: trouble to write a book abut ** How to
Kind tba Stars." Don't wait to read it—
*tep on an orange peeL— BroakfoMt
, TnUf.
Nilaaon aaln *l* hundred dollars a
night to sing in Paris daring the expo*!-
(sou, and the manager of the Grand
Opera Hooee ie wit eager to sign the
contrast. '■ *
The seedless orange of Braail is the
iiaat ia the world. It eanoet be shipped
m aenottatof the Guanas* of its akin,
and will aot grew anywhere in the
United Statu. -
The position of the English women
engages tb Itamfa to teach, aaya a writer
I in the PmU Jfedf fToaeWc, tacnc of oom
> fort and dignity. They are handsomely
i paid ami eoutteuoaly treat a4-
"Ma! did you know earn could
walkr "Hoi mar boy--I never heard
-Itch a thing." Ton dUnl? Well,
com stalks. " Name, give Johnny
some ipecac, and put him to bed."
1 Hir.iig a Cold no one should be ao
foolish * bis health by sitting by a stove
without : ft.— Whitehall Pimm. That's
to. Lat htm be , dating, and make a
for the ooul bin.—A*. Y. OotnmtreiaL
Brown had bdtn in love with a voting
lady, and asked permission to call her
by the expressive name of same animal,
which was granted on condition that she
should have the same privilege. On
leaving. Brown said,"Good night, dear!"
•• Good night, bore,** asid she.
Falhiwe* gasp may drift the snow,
it any hail, sod it may Mo*.
Till m; windows groan sad *h*ke
Hose for that I ne'er will wsfcs,
Far, while is m hreset I law
X; darting'* image. spring is there.
—From tig warn*** Bnmt.
The death of Cardinal Broeaais-Sain t
Marc and the elevation of Cardinal
Peeei to the pontifical throne reduce the
numbers ef the Sacred College to sixty
two. According to the Soman proverb,
cardinals always die i threes, and
daring the last twe years, at least, the
truth of the saying has been attested in
s remarkable manner.
A citiaen of Elkton, Mi, recantly had
s dog that behaved in a very pecnliat
manner. He supposed that the animal
was getting hydrophobia sad sh^Uj
snake tea or twelve inches in length
coded around the animal's liver, and
would, no doubt. in a short time have
caused the animal's death.
J. W. Marker is reported to have lost
tbirtv pounds from his weight in explor
ag the not drifts of hi* minea He came
up to the surface oat of the Opbir mine
the other day exhausted, dirty, panting,
1 with sunken eyes and reddened face.
' "Look at me, he said to bis friends
•do I look like a bonanxa king?*
• MOM a bananas ebve," wis the ret
ponsa. ,
BASIS roartuiT.
A smooth sad ihiay hesd
With rafts of gotten aprsT;
A fees of mbigwd whHe snd red.
1 Wiin cheek* wheredUuptes (day.
Bright ere* that opes tods,
IS* nam-* littk pax,
A mouth wtaee kteSM hid*;
And twenty pounds to hug!
It sppeara thmt there is a better ays
tem of oraaiatian in Madras than in any
other part of India. In Bengal, dead
bodies are plaoed on so open funeral
E which speedily givee forth an nn
nt odor, wnile vultnrra and dogs
round. But in Madras* the body
is put in a sort of mud pie, and baked
until nothing ramains but the calcined
horn*, which are duly <* into tke
" Gentlemen." said an auctioneer, who
was ael!mg a piece of land, "it is the
mast delightful piece at land; it is the
earnest land to cultivate, it is so light,
so very light, Mr. Parker here will
corroborate mj statement. He owns
the next patch, and he will tell you how
easv it is worked." '• Tea, gentlemen,"
I said Mr. Parker, "it's very easy to
work, bat itb a plaguy sight easier to
gather the oropa. '
Frag culture is the latest Western in
dustrv, and is being systematically car
ried on in Minnesota. It is s simple
proems, consisting ohfefiv in the pro
tection of eggs and tadpole* from birds
god other enemies by means of wire
screens. The product thus far reported
amounts to 8,000 doxen legs, of which
two-thirds have been shipped to St,
Louis, where they bring an average of
twenty cents per dosen.
The luxuries of man soon become his
necessities. Such is the case with sugar.
No longer than five hundred years ago
sugar was unknown even in Europe. A
hundred years ago it was a great luxury,,
now it sells at seven to leu cents per
pound. The sugar oane succeeds in all
Uropieal and sub- tropical countries,
reaching in South America au elevation
above the level of the so* of about 5,000
to 6,000 feet. It is cultivated in moat
parte of India and China up to thirty -
one degrees north latitude, the monn-
I tainous regions excepted.
The Heal Hero.
In 1796 the Prussian officer® of the gar
rison of Colberg established an economi
cal mess, of which certain poor immi
grants were glad to partake. They ob
served one dav an old major of hussars,
who was oovered with the scars of
wounds received in the Seven Tears'
War, and half hidden by enormous gray
mustachioe. The conversation turned
on duels. A young stout-built oornet
began to prate' in an authoritative tone
on the subject.
"And you, major, how many duels
have you fought f*
"None, thank Heaven, answered the
old hussar,in a subdued voice ;" I hive
fourteen wounds, and Heaven be praiwd,
there is not one in my back ; so that I
may be permitted to say that I feel my
self happy in never having fought a
•* But you Jkall fight oue with me,"
exclaimed the cornet, reaching across to
give him a blow.
The major, agitated, grasped the table
to assist himself in rising, when a unani
mous cry was raised:
"Dont etir, majen." r
AU the officers present joined in seiz
ing the cornet, when they thfjwr him
out at the window, and sat down again
at the table aa if nothing had occurred.