THE CENTRE REPORTER- Ontre Hall, Pa. Th'nd. M*reh 28 78. —s2 P*r ycor, when pnid in „,irTvrf*cAcw tsof paid tu ri.froner. Advertisement* 20cf* perlmsfbr three %n --tertiont, an,i ieenUptr line for rtery t*b xcguent insertion. Airrrtxsemtnt* h the ..ear at rr> each fall ssrroa Odd Kallowa Halt. _ nr*tiK. W <1 O. F Maauscaaa. Sect J *• rtiwis™. rsivtstn OaAKoa.ISo, S* F' H. tUII.IWN 11*11 on tho fentwda*m a AURLTR M And IWI i Keller Master l.*o*at- Krnism, to"— LOCAL ITEMS. Monday last three Mollies, llestar. M'Huch and Tully. were to hang. Mr. John Hoffer has removed his atoreto the room formerly occupied by Keller & Muse<\ on Bishop street. Belle fonte, where goods of all kinds will be of fered as heretofore at lowest prices, and assortment always full, complete and up to the times. \ follow is canvasing the lewer counties profeeaing to tell a new kind of cloversoed at $1 W P*" pound. It Is of course a swindle—eo if he cemes up here kick him out That was a smart chap in I ® ,on county who tapped chestnut tree# to get maple sugar sap. Traps he * a s-radeate, too. Nominate him for Ass. Judge Go to F. P Greens for drugs, fancy and toilet articles. He keeps the most complete assortment in the county. He also puts up some of the best home medi cines compounded, and his compound syr up of tar ha* no superior for coughs, cold*. lie, This year our pugilistic turnpike company held its annual election away down east in M itSinburg. ard elected the following directors and officers: Treat —JohnStoner. Managers—Adam Weav er, J. B Leiuel, Theo. Hartman. Wm Fichthom and John Stoner. Sec'y and Treasurer—J no. C Mot*. This would indicate that Christ MoU is on top again \ // The Odd Fellows, of Centre Hair lodge, like the Masons arw furnishing their room in the new bank building in elegant style. Their membership Is prot ty large here. Sudden change In the weather Sun day. In the evening snowstorm*, with fierce storms and celd all night, continu ing thus a!', day Monday. Pr. Thomas Rothrock, who lately escapod conviction at Lock Havan on the charge of abortion, the jury standing six to six. ha been arrested and put in jail in Beilefonte in dafaultof bail on tha charge of causing tbe death of widow Ettlee in attempting to produce abortion. Deceas ed left seven children. We have recently received a num ber of chromos and engravings Mr. George Stinaon A Co.. art publishers, Portland, Maine. Tha picture* are ex ceedingly well executed. Indeed in all our business relations with this firm, we have always found them to be prompt and honorable. Yesterday I had *uch a bad ccld that I could not speak. I used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and to-day I am as well as ever. It only cost me 25 cents. —-Godey's Lady'a Book* The April number now before us is filled with mat ter of absorbing interest to ladies. The numerous engravings representing the newest style* in ladie*' and childran s garment*, together with the instruction* given for mak.ngTbe same, possess intrin sic value for those whose aim is to keep even with the time. Sechlers keep up with the season al ways in the line of groceries. Whatever i* in s.-aton you will find in Sechier *, in the Bush house block. Their apartment of groceries can not be excelled ouUide the city. Always in receipt of fresh goods. All kind* of county produce taken at higb et: market price, and goods given in ex change at cash price*. Give them a call, it i* worth while just to see their hand somely arranged ftore. Newman has been to the city for a new slock of Clothing. Look out for something astonishing in low price*. He is tbe low price clothing man. He keeps honest goods. Has only a small profit but then ha sells more than any half doien store*. Go and see tbe immense stock at the Eagle Clothing Hall. You will find him one of tbe cleverest fellows doing business, and give you big bargain* in any thing in the line of ready made Clothing. Go to Frank Green for tbe be*t fishing tackle, or any kind of fancy arti cle, drugs, medicine*, etc.. etc. . Try Sochler 1 * prunes and dried and canned peaches, if you want something nice. Sold very l° w - OUR FAVORITE MONTHLIES. A WO!I> ABOUT THIS*. Frank Leilie'* Popular Monthly and Sundy Magazine, the April Numbera of wbieh are now ready and may be obtained at mot any book store, at all newsdealers, or post-paid from Frank Leslie s Publish ing ilouft€ f 537 PGRTI Street, ork, cn receipt of priee, 25 cent* each, are in deed marvels of excellence an# cheapness Having but recently called the attention of our reader* to our notice of the latest number of the Sunday Magazine, we wi ! now confine ourselves to a brief synopsis of tf.e April Number of the Popular Month ly. It contains articles as follows : "Tho Rio Grande Frontier, and our Relations with Mexico," by Egbert L. Viele; "How Elections are Conducted in France,' by William Staughton Chase; "Oppression of Christians tbe Cause ot Turkey's Fa.l ; "The Application of Heat to the Warming of Public and Private Buildings," by Pro fessor Charles A. Joy; "Parisian Salon* of tho Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centu ries," by Henry Barton Baker. Stories by tbe author ot "That Husband of M ine," S. Annie Frort, ttta W. Pierce, tbe au thor of "That Lass of Lowrie'a," and oth ers; also numerous interesting paragraphs on a variety of subject* to please every body. 100 illustration* ana 128 quarto Sages. Annual Subscription to either tho lagazine or Monthly. $3, post-paid. Beautifully bound Volumes 111. and IV. of the Popular Monthly (for 1877) are ready, and may be obtained from tbe pub lisher*. post-paid, on receipt of price, $2 per volume. Volume* I. and 11. ol th! Sunday Magazine (for 1877) are alio to be had; Volume I. for $2, Volume 11. for $2.50, post-paid ... The two semi-annual volumes of either of the above mentioned books contain at least 1,536 quarto pages and over 1,200 it lustrationtr—volumes to be treasured in tbe family. GHASTLY EFFECTS OF A FATAL BOILER EXPLOSION-MAN GLED MASSES OF HUMAN FLESH. Richmond. Va.. March 28 -There was an appalling disaster yesterday,in the saw mill of Hull A Alvis, In Henrice county, seven miles from this city A large boiler exploded. Every individual, In the works, the shed and lumber yard were blown in all directiona. A negro named Burkie Thomas was blown high into the air atjd descending the body fell into ■ pine tree, part of bis clothing and flesh being held in the branebes. The body of Gordon Rollins was blown into the creek flf y feet off" He was scalded and half his head taken off, and not found. Josoph Hall, son of the manager was horribly mangled his brains being dashed over tbo {earth a distance 100 feet from the boiler. Edgar Hall, another son, was not killed instant ly but his skull was crushed in, and his brains protruded through tbe fractures. He died soon afterward. John C. Thorp, the sawyer, was buried in the debris of the building, and when rescued was alive, and lived for an hour and a half. Tbeen giseer was scalded all OVUX (La todj and uumtd uiWfßhily. —The upholstering of the masonic lodge l*i** place I* now completed and we venture to *ay that there i* not * hand aomer lodge room in the central part of Uie state. The floor U laid with elegant Brunei! carpet; along the two aide* of the walla are large coxy walnut aofa*. covered with fine blue rep good* ; the char* of the VV. M. and S. W. arelarge and stately and nicely cushioned to correspond with sofa*. Thenar, and all other necessary furniture i new and of walnut, ihe mid dle of tha ceiling i* adorned with an artis tic floral centre piece, in which are con spicuous emblem* ot the masonic order, and from this is suspended a handsome *l* globe chandelier. All in the room is new | and elegant, and much good taste isshown I in the manner in which it ha* been furn ished. We think it but proper to recto I lion that all the furniture in the room aforesaid, i* of the workmanship of Mr. Camp, cabinet maker in this place, and is an evidence that he is capable of putting out first class work. Our friend Camp will allow us to congratulate him upon these specimens of his skill—be may we!. feel proud of them. At Deschner gunshop, Beilefonte. you will find new fishing tackle. Nee flics patent lines, rods, reels and hook* of all kinda. Deachner keep* th# best asaort ment in the county, and can furnish you with tackle for any kind of fishing. The dwelling of widow Knoi. on Buffalo Run, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday of last week The most of the contenti were saved. The fire originated frern the pipe- No insurance. nurmh for Churchvillo—it has now received a peat'..flee, and is cal ed Tussey ville, with our friend S. M. Swarts as postmaster. Henceforth say Tusseyvllle. and let Churchville bocome obeolele. Firat class Italian marble, low prices yid work equal to any in the city, at lleis lon's marble yard, Beilefonte. SPBING MILLS. In your last paper 1 see an item about the bad condition of the pike. You need not aspect any improvement this summer The manager of this section says the Company is se much in debt that they are not able to have much work done on it only the worst pieces will be fiied. So you may look out ror bad roads and high ! tolL Rumor has it that I. J. Grenoble intends putting up a grain house at the cut on a lot bought of Feter Wilson. The Messrs. Meyar are shipping some very fine cattle from thi# peint. Mr. George Hurst, Jr., also shipped some fine cattle to Phllad. Thos. Jameson who has been suf fering from hemorrhage ef the lung* is improving. Mr. Runkle also shipped some live stock—cows and hogs—last week ; the begs got off the cars and the boys had fine fun catching them. This makes lour loads liva stock shipped in one week. The mill, under Mr Kertln's management, has gained a large custom. There is talk of reviving the Sabbath school again, and some think it need re modeling and new appointment*. X. Fo* SALI CH*A*—ln order to veil off all the feed I have on band before the Ist of April—l offer best Chop at SI.OO per hundred or fid per ton, also all kinds of grain for SAISA JgaoMiSriQXLWTXK. Stone Mill!. Never fail to visit Sechler's grocery in tbe Bush house block, when at Beile fonte. Always something there worth see ing. The best assortment of groceries in this county—all genuine, pure and fresh, and told low. All kinds of produce taken at highest market price*. They take pleasure in showing vwitors what they keep Jfething misrepresented, and the politest attention given. BLACK SMITH SHOP and Dwelling House at I'enn Hall, etfered for Heat A good stand. Possession given April Ist. next. Apply to J. B. Fisher, Peon Hall, j> t i 14 mar It CONGRESS. We are authorited to announce that D. G. Busb, of Beilefonte. will be a can didate for Congress, subject to demo cratic rules. TREASURER. We are authorized to announce that Wm Khrhard, ot Potter will be a candi' dale for Treasurer, subject to democratic rules. PROTHONOTARY. Mr. S. M .Swart*, of Potter, desires to inform bis friend* and democrat* that be will be a candidate for tbe nomination of Prothonotary. fit REGISTER S NOTICE -The follow ing accounts have bean examined ana passed bv me. aad remain filed of rec ord in this office for the inspection of heirs, legatees, creditor*, and all other# in anv wav interested and will he presented to the Orphans' Curt of Centre county, on Wednesday, the 24tb day of April, A. D. 1878, for confirmation and allowance : I The account of Harriet McGinley, administratrix of Ac. of Charles McGin ley, late of Huston township, deceased. 2. The account of John Mutser. jr., executor of Ac. of Geo. Musstr, late of Ferguson twp. dee'd 8- Tbe account of Samuel Harter, guar dian of Philip P Leitxel. minor son of Philip Leitzel, late of Centre county, de 4. The account of J. H. Reifsnyder, administrator of Ac. of D. 11. Willow, late of Pean twp. dec d. 5. The account of Martin Eyer and Samuel Ever, executors of c. of Jacob Ever, late of Ferguson twp. dee d. 6 Tbe account of George Kauffman and J. M. Garbrick, administrators of Ac. of Jacob Kauffman. late of Spring twp. dee'd. 7. The account of William end Israel Y'earick, administrators of Ac of William Yea rick, sr. late of Gregg twp. dee'd. 8. The account of Samuel Ralston, ex ecutor of Ac. of Geo. Cra THREE M 1" UP BBS FOR THIRTY PIECES OF SUA KR Wheeling, March V' John Walla. - has confessed the murder <( Mr-. George Wallace and child ot Mi* t liurch j Littleton. He savs Mrs. \\ allace had talked badly about him and his wife, and that after killing her the baby began to cry and he grew angry and battered us htavl Ajtitttiftl ilia lanca. 11* tb#u catu lud* ed be would kill Miss Church, and wont; back to the house and asked her for some thing to eat. and as she passed htm he struck her with the hammer he had used to kill Mrs. Wallace. After killing her he went hme, and slept until the next! morning, when he gave the alarm, in or- j dar to screen htiusell lie tried to impli-j cata a man named YiUar, who, he say-. 1 offered him JV to kill Mr*. Wallace. This confession is only partly true, n- both Mr* Wallace and Mi* Church were out raced. The Coroner s jury brought in a verdict of murder In the llrt degree against John Wallace Only the greatest efforts on the pan of the ttu bonnes has prevented the lynching of the murderer long before this. The revolution in Cubit • Mill going on. and a I.■•go portion of the island la aiiil in the hands of the insurgent*. ♦ ♦ ♦ For the Reporter. THE TOW KR OF PURPOSE. The Lecture delivered hy Hr. Keys, in Millheim. appears to have been too much for the comprehension of the learned crit ic who passes hi* judgment to the public through the columns of the .' lt| was my good fortune to have attended it and heard it for the second lime from th- Hr. Having the pleasure of a close per sonal acquaintance with him. he told me that he simplified his language as much a potaible, in order to ni. et the wants ot hi auditere And yet. he appears to have been misunderstood. 1 will endeavor to explain the Doctor's meaning, not using l bis language, of course, but in more ordi-; nary every day terms. Purpose bears the same relation to nat ural talent or genius that the locomotive bears to a train of cars; it is the propelling power which leads a man's talent or geni us on to success. A man does not rr ju rt to be a Columbus or a Napolean to be a, great man What is termed accident, 5 sometimes flout* a man to the surface '' r instance. Gen'Uiraiit, Andy Johnson, and f | a host of other* who might be mentioned : but this cla*s of inoti are not necessarily great men, In the true sen** of the word., There are plenty of men in private Rfei \ their peers in education, refinemeat and ability, who are truly great men. A mas., is a great man when he is true to his God. to himself and to his fellow men ; true to his feelings of humanity, henestv, liberal ity, integrity and ail that constitutes a higher, a better, a nobUc life; when h. t sets hit mark high in the great -A*U of tbei Creator, and pushes forward with a net purpose to tha accomplishment of noble designs. Dr Keys never meant to be ua,lersto> J * that an Artist, by power of purpose, might have made a good w,.od cutler : or that a Sculptor, by power of purpose, could be transformed into a successful Lawyer lie s meant Just what the parable of the Ta.ents mean, in Scripture, at taught by Jesus— that God has given to us talrnts. * he'.her small or great, and that he will hold us re- -■ sponsible tor the use we make of th >te tal- I ents He meant to U* u* what Purpose j has dor.! by applying it to u.e clanf* man. The object of the Lecture waste Implant in every man the necessity of forming a purpose in life. Without a pu-pose it it h impossible to achieve success. Talent! Un S de