What Mj Uf* H Like. Mr life i* like the mmm roaa, Blooming naath the morning sky, Thai whoa the shade# of evening otoee It fade* and fall* hnt not to die ; Tor o'er that rose'* hnmhle Ixyl, Lingering fragrance etlll t* ehed. That breathe* of swwt life yet to he. And *nch, I know, way ome to mo. My life w like the ocean main. That roll* it* ware* on Tampa'* etraud The riitig flood will ehb again. And lnare td Times" that ring. In strength of deed and song and prayer And shall we say that. aerpwnt-Uke, , Man on himself must turn and strike The fangs of death, in last despair ? Paapairmg that the earth should know An ending of the reign of woe? Nay. hearken' Still that ong, •' Hood Times" 1 Through a'orm and shine, from sea to sea, Tliat music, wrought iuviaibly. Floats still, to fill all land* and clime*. like bells of churches bailt for Christ The me<-k. rejected, sacrifices!. The Promised and the Piotmser— like holy bell*, this glad refrain Shall greet the coming year again. And set foud hearts with joy astir. Yet dream not that the goal is won, A thousand course* round the sun Hare steeped the world in broader light; But woe is iue 1 —look baek. look baok: The fairest seasons in our tmck Are but dead leaves, aiu! dim as night And lo' where echoing spires arise And kiss, to-day, the morning skies. To-night the sha; uoe they came. What though the wheel* of trade go round And streets are filled with jocaud sound ? The weather-rane of w. rk and play And gnsty grief can make no law; But One long since the plan foresaw And fashioned bright or dark our day. Ah ' man. your church-bell and your praise And all your fortunate-seeming ways Shall scarcely bring you to the mark ' Of truth of book and goofi of gold Whs! worth, unless your heart shall hold The eierlaati&g morning spark ? —ft ' > i* Atlantic MouAly. Bill and the Widow. " Wife," said El. Wilbur one morn ing, as he sat stirring hi* ooffec with one hand and holding a plum cake on hia kn >e with the other, and looking acroaa tbe table iuto the bright eyes of hi# little wife, " wonhln't it Ik- a gixxl joke to get bachelor Bill Smiley to take Widow Watson to Bimnm's show next week ?" "Yon can't do it. Ed.; he won't ask her, lie'- awful shy. Why, he catne by here the other morning when I was hanging ont the clothe*, and he looked over the h-nce and spoke, but when I sljook out a night-gown he blushed like a girl and went away." " I think I can nsnage it." said Ed.; " but I'll have to lie jnst a litUe. Bat, then, it wouldn't be much harm nnder the circumstances, for I know she likes him and he don't dislike her. but jnst as you say, he's so shy. I'U just go over to his place to borrow some bag# of him, and if I dont bag him before I come back, don't kiss me for a week to come, Nell." So saying, E>l. started, and while he is mowing the flelds, we will take a look at Billy Smiley. He was a rather good-looking fellow, though his hair and whiskers showed some gray hairs, and he hail got in a sqf of false teeth. But every one aaid he was a good old soul, and so he was. He had as good a hand rexl-acre farm a# any in Norwich, and a new house and every thing comfortable, and if he wanted a wife, many a girl would have jumped at the chance, Hke a rooster on a grass hopper. Bnt Bill was so bashful—always wa# —and when Susan Sherry bottle, whom he was so sweet on, though he never raid " boo" to her, got married to old Watson, he jnst drew hi# head in Hke a mnd-tnrtle into biß ahell, and there was no getting him ont again, though since she had been a widow he paid more attention to his clothes, and had been very regular in hi# attendance at the the church the fair widow attended. Bnt here oomes Ed. Wilbur. " Good morning, Mr Smiley." " Good morning, Mr. Wilbur ; what's the news yonr way ?" " Oh, nothing particular that I know of," said Ed., "only Barn am'* show, that evervbodv is talking abosit, and everybody and his gal are going to. I was "over to old Bockrider's last night, and see his son On* has got a new buggy, and wa* scrubbing np his har ness. and he's got that white-faced colt of his a* slick as a seal. I understand he thinks of taking Widow Watson to the *how. He been hanging around there a good doal of late, but I'd just like to cut him out, I would. Susan i* a nioe little woman, and deserves a bet ter man than tliat young pup of a fellow, though I wonld not blame her mnch either if she takes him, for she must be dnadful lonesome, and then she ha# to let her farm ont on sharea, and it i*n't half worked, and no one else seems to have the spunk to Bpeak to her. By mo, a I was a single man, I'd show you a trick or two." So saying, Ed. borrowed some bags and Btarted around the corner of the barn, where he had left Bill sweeping, and pat his ear to a knot hole and lis tened, knowing the bachelor had a habit of talking to himself when anything worried him. "Confound that yonng Sockrider I" said Bill ; " what business ha# he there, I'd like to know ? Got a new bnggy, hag he 1 Well, so have I, an.l a new harness, too; and hi# horse can't get sight of mine, and I declare I've half a mind to—yes. I will! I'U go this very night and ask her to go to the show with me. I'll show Ed. Wilbnr that I aint sueh a calf a# he thinks I am. if I did let old Watson get the best of me in the first plaoe 1" Eat, for some one might come aloug and ask him wlnft he was hailing around there for. He hat lie dropped nuder the water and came out with hit teetii in his mouth. Hut liark ! What noise is that ? A wagon, au>l a dog barking with all his might, an I his horse is starting. •• Whoa !. whoa ! Stop yon brute,you, stop I" Hut stop he would not, but went off at a si>ankiug pace, with the unfortunate I bachelor after huu. Hill was certainly iu a capital running costume, but though ; he strained every nerve he could not touch the boggy or reach the lines that | were dragging mi the ground. After a while his plug hat shook off the seat, 1 and the hind wheel went over it. makiug lit as dat as a pancake. Hill snatched it as he ran, and after jamming his fist into j it, stuck it, all dusty and dimpled on his . head. And now he *aw the widow's | house on top of the hill, and what, oh i what will he do? Then his coat fell out I and he slipped it on, and then making a ' dreperate spurt he clntcheil the liack i of the seat and scrambled in. and pull ing the buffalo robe over his legs, stuffed the other tilings beneath. Now the horse happened to be one he got ' from Squire Moore, and he get it from the widow, and the animal took it into his head to stop at her gate, which Hill had no power to prevent, as he was too . busv buttoning his coat np to his chin to t)iink of doing much else. The widow heard the ruttliug of the wheels and look.xl out, and teeing that , it was Smiley and that he didn't offer to get out, she went out to see what he wanted, ami there she stood chatting, with her white arms on the top of the < gate, and her face towards hun, while 1 the chills ran down his shirtless back clear to his bare feet tx-neath the buffalo robe, and the water from hut hair and the dust from his hat hail combined to make some nice little streams of mild that came trickling dowu his face. She asked him to come in. No, he was in a hurry, he said. She did not offer to go. He did not ask her to pick ' up his reins for him, because he did not know what excuse to make for not doing so himself. Then he looked down the road behind him and saw a white-fared horse coming, and at once surmised u was that of tius Six'krider ! He resolved to do or die, and hurriedly told his er rand. The widow would be delighted to go—of course she would. Cat wouldn't he come in ? No, he was in a hurry, he said; and he would go ou to Green's place. " Oh," said the widow, " you're going to Green's, are yon ? Why, I'm going ? there myself to* get one of the girls to help me quilt to-morrow. Just wait a second while I get my bonnet and shawl, and I'll ride with yon." And away she skipped. What a scrape." said Bill, and he hastily clutched his pants from between his feet, and wriggled into them, when a light wagou drawn by the white-faced horse, ilriven by a boy, came along and stopped" beside him. The boy held up a pair of boots iu one hand and a pair of socks in the other, and just aa the widow reached the gate again, he said: "Here's your boots and socks, Mr. Smiley, that you left on the bridge wheu you were in tnere swimming." *• You're mwtaken," aaid Bill; " they are nat mine." "Why," said the boy, "ain't you the man that hail the race after the horse, just now ?" "No, air, I am not. Yon had better go on about vonr business." Bill sighed at the loss of his Sunday boots, and, turning to the widow, said: "Just pick up those lines, will yon, please? This brute of a horse is always switching them out of my hands." Tae widow complied : he pnlled one corner of the robe cautiously down as she got iu. "Wiiatalovelv evening," she said; "and so warm I don't think we want the robe over us, do we ?" You see she had on a nice new dress and a pair of new gaiters, and she want ed to show them. " Oh, my," said Bill, earnestly, "you'll find it chilly riding, and I wouldn't have you catch cold for the world She seemed pleased at this tender care for her Lealth, and contented herself with sticking one of her little feet out. As she did so a lung silk neck-tin showed over the end of the boot. " What is that, Mr. Smiley—a neck tie r "Yes," said he; "I bought it the other day, and I must have left it in the buggy. Never mind it." Then they went on quite a distance, he holding her band in his, and wonder ing what he should do when they got to Green's; and she wondered why lie did not say something nice to her as well as squeeze her hand, why his coat was but toned up so tightly on such a warm eve ning, and what made his face and hat so dirty, until tbev were going down a little hill and one of the traces came unhitched, and they had to stop. " Oh, murder !" exclaimed Bill, " what next ?" " What is the matter, Mr. Smiley?" , said the widow, with a start, which cams ( very near jerking the robe off his knees. "Oneof the traces is off," answered he. " Well, why don't you get out and put 1 it on again?" "I can't," said Bill. " I've got— that is, I—l haven't got—oh, dear, I'm no sick ! What shall I do ?" "Why, Willie," said she. tenderly, 1 *' what is the matter ? Do tell me !" She gave his hand a little squeeze, and | looked into his pale face; she thought he was going to faint, so she got out her smelling-bottle with her left hand, and palling the stopper out with her teeth, stuck it to bis nose. Bill was jnst taking in breath for a mighty sigh, and tbt pungent odor made him throw back his bead so far that he | lost his balance, ana went over tbo low back buggy. The little woman gave a low scream as his bare feet flew past her head, and covering her face with her hands, gave way to tears or smiles—it is hard to tell which. Bill was up in a moment, and, leaning over the back of the seat, was j humbly apologizing and explaining, when, Ed. Wilbur and his wife and baby J drove up behind and Btopped. Poor Bill felt that he would rather , have lieen shot than had Ed. Wilbur catch him in such s scrape,* but there was no help for it now, so he called Ed. to him and whispered in his ear. Ed. 1 i was likely to burst with suppressed : laughter, but he beckoned his wife to draw up, and, after saying something to her, he helped the widow out of Bill's buggy and into his, and the two women went on, leaving the men behind. THE CENTRE REPORTER. Hill lost no time in arranging hi* toilet ss well as he could, and then with great persuasion Kit. got him to go luune with him, and hunting up alipj>era and soeks, and getting him wished ami oouilkxl, hail liim quite presentable wheu the laities arrived. 1 need not tell you how the storv was all wormed >getiier, and HUI has uo fear of Gus Sockrider now. Peter's American Monthly. Interesting Statistics. K uisa* l.rels every State iu the I niou in the yield of corn per acre, being forty-throe and live tenths bushels. New Hampshire coiuo* next, with a vield of rorty-two. Vermont follows . Willi thirtyuuio ; Ohio, thirty-six and seven-tenths ; Wisconsin, thirty four ; Indiana, lowa and Nebraska, thirty ; Mahigan, twenty - nine; Missouri, twenty seven and eight-tenth# ; Minne sota, twenty-Ave and four-tenths ; Texas and Illinois, twenty-six each. Illinois takes the lead iu the oat crop, growing -Ait,7eri.t,v*Ml out of the total iS2.in7.ISP bushels. lowa produces the largest spriug wheat crop of any State, the production of the Tinted States being 112.549,533 bushel-*, and thai of lowa 28,707,312 bushels, while Wisconsin nuiks next, I with 2-t.B7i.Aas bushels. Ohio raises the most winter wheat, 27,628,759 of the 175,195,193 bushels produced in the I'uited States, and also more than half the flax produred in the oountrv. The wool yield of the State is one-fifth that of the Tnited States and double that of California. Pennsylvania supplies one-tiftli of the rye produced in tius oountrv, or 8.5J7,- (ill bushels out of 16,918,795. California produces the largest barley crop, or 8,783,490 out of a total oar for j S9OO, twelve cockatoos for $l5B, two monkeys fur SO2, an emu for SIOO and an elephant for $1,600. Mesar*. Bells Brothers bought a wild gazelle with silvery feet for $25, a gnu for $675, a royal Bengal tiger for S6OO, a two horned rhinoceros for $3,600 aud six camels and two dromedaries at an aver age of 8102.60 each. The Bt. Louis Geological Garden bought n pair of gazelles at SSO, one pair of tiger cat* at S6O, and one pair of California lion* at S3OO. Altogether the sale was an ex ceedingly interesting one, and while tlie prices realized were not one-fifth of the actual valne, yet, under tlie circum stances, it could hardly be exj>octed to be greater. Old Bridges In Villus. The most remarkable evidence of the mechanical skill and science of the ! Chinese at an early period, i* to tie ( found in their suspension bridges, the I invention ot which in a**igned to tne Hani ilynaaty. According to tlie current testi mony of ail their historical and geo graphical writer*, Haugleang, the cwtn -1 mander of the army under Kaon-taoo, the first of the Hams, uudertook and I completed the formation of road* through , tlie mountainous province of the Hhetisa to the west of the capital. Hitherto, it* lofty hills and deep valleys had rendered communication difficult acd circuitons. With a body of 100,000 laborer* !*, rut passages over the mountain*, throwing the removed soil into the valleys, and where this was not sufficient to raise the road the required height be constructed bridges, which rested on pillars or ahut- I ments. In another place he couceived aud accomplished the daring project of suspending a bridge from one mountain to another over a deep chasm. The bridgos, which are called by the Chinese writer*, very appropriately, flying bridges, and are represented to be numerous at the present day, are some times so high that they cnunnt be tra i versed without alarm. One still exist* in Hhensa, stretching four hundred feet from mountain to mountain over a uhasm ]of over five hundred feet. Moat of these 1 flying bridge* are so wide that four horsemeff can ride on them abreast, and balustrades are placed on each side to protect travelers. It ii ly no meant im probable (as Mr. I'autbeier suggested) that as tlie missionarie* to China made known the fact over a century and a half ago that the Chinese had suspension bridge*, and that many of them were made of iron, the hint may have been taken from thence for similar construe >tipn by European engineers. \iX>e m " CENTRE HALL, CENTRE CO., FA., THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1878. SPOJITAJiRM'N VtlMHl STIU9. Haw Itamaa Hrlaa* %rr lowarJlr ll.irsrS lu Hrath. t'a*c of human lantig* who have sud denly died from the effiM'ts of internal I cotubuatnm arc very siugiilar. i'he fol ' lowing caac 1* a very remarkable one. 1 It ia that of Grace Pitt, the wife of a fishmonger m the parish of St. Clement, Ipswich. She was sgeil alrollt sixty, ami ha.l i\>ntroetixl a habit of iviuiug dowu froui her Iredos'iu every night, half dressed, to smoke a pq'. tin the , night of the 9th of April, 1744, she got up froui taxi as usual, ami her daughter, who slept with her, did not notice her absence until next morning, when on going down into the kitchen, she found hsr Stretched OOt oil her right side, with her head toward the grate ; the Ixxlv cltcmhxl on the hearth, with the leg* ou the flixir, w Inch was of deal, ami it had the appearance of a log of wood which had lux*n consumed by a Arc without apparent tlsme. The girl, on noticing her mother's Ixxlv, rau and got s couple , of vessels of water whulli she poured UiMin the Uxly, ami imtuxlistcly*s fieti-l ixlor and smoke was given off which very nearly sin- >thercl the ueighlx'rs wh • hail ixime t. the girl's assistance. The trunk was ut some messurt' iniuner ' atxl and resembled n heap of eeu unable to sleep the prtxvxliug nigtit, and hod gone iuto the kitchen to warm herself ; at about two o'clock iu the morning he was awakened by a stroug and infectious odor, and having rut) to tiie place found the remains of Ins wife in the condition described. Inquiry into the cause of Madam Milict's death wo* pro*ecut*xl with tiie most untiring diligence. It was unfortunate. for M. Millet that he ' had a handsome servant girl in the es tablishment, for he was charged by In* prosecutor* with having oouoerled with the girl to put Madam Millet oat of the - way, and La.l studiously arnotfed the above details to avert auspice >n fr-cu the real cause of his Wuly's deih. He was <>uivic!ed, lwit a sup'Tuir csirt, to which he ap|>ealrxl, dtclarvxi the combustion to ' have leen the result of natural causea, anil to have leen spoutsneons, ao that the male Millet catuc off victorioua. It is a notable fact that in nearly all case* of spontaneous combuata>u mm a* victims an* oaispiruou* by their absence; a case, however, is given by Dr. Mac Niah.— St. Isnii* Po'. A Four Uajr*' Bear Hunt. The Orange (N. Y.) Prest say#: A Sullivan county Nun rod, who resides near Falisburg, was out attending to hia *ap trees, when he descried s Iwar near one of the *ap-bnoket*. He ran home with all tbe spetxl he oonld pos sibly make, and summoning his neigli- Ixirs, told them of the immense lnar he had aeeu—Uio largest ever known in that section. In a short time a party wa* organized, and off they started. They kept on hi* trail all that tlav, and spent the night in a neighboring honse. The second morning they were early on the war-path, and, althongh they were still on his track, they did not see the tiaar. On the third day Uiey had a simi lar experience, and, although the traces were fre#h, liruin still ketd out of their sight. On the morning of the fourth day they separated somewlmt, and male the hnnt more comprehensive. About ten o'clock tbe party heard a gun. and rushing in the direction ot the sound, they saw a valiant hunter climbing a tree as fast as possible, with his nnlood ixl gun at the resit of it, and, hxikiug in the other direction, they saw the bear getting off at hi* best gait. Tlie shot of the hunter had wounded the animal in the foot and he waa limping badly. Tlie frightened hnntor was persuaded to come down the tree, and the party got off and finally surrounded the lienr. Several well-directed volleys at point-blauk range brought him down, and they gathered about the dea I bruin t > take a look at their prize. He hail dwindled from a monster, a* at fir*t repotted, to a small, half-starvrtd animal, weighing about 150 pounds. The animal had not hybernated as is their cn*tom, and was terriblv lean in consequence. rotal Card Trouble*. P|M, (litis instantly completing the foriuatiou of the pile, it would be a great saving of Ul*>r and time, and a great economy- Taking one of tlie rials, he change.) its form to the riaiuirixl shaje, ground a kllife edge upon it, took It to his harms, and inserted it in the web— ull the while maintaining strict secrocr —aud with some degree of excitement watched its weaving down until the moment for its withdrawal. This came, the rod, w-oa drawn out, the loops were out, aud the experiment was a |nejai#bxl. Then the manager tried, with the some result ; only the priunpal would suit the weaver. The cmjdoyer was informed of the o|* the well fnruishtxi and lisndsomelv carjwted offiiw of the manu iacturer. Hia employer him : " Well, John" (for so we will call himt, ) " what is it you want ?" " Well, maiater, I've get ten a'uuinut yo man licv," re plnxl John. " Wodn tyo hke a war nt luakkiu t' hxim cut UT velvet pilref" continuixl the weaver. " Yx! that I would !" employer; "and I will reward any man handsomely who brmgs me a plan uf d>iing it," a'eied he. 1 " A Win yore mull, then," x:ud the opcra i tivc. " Wod'U yogi' uie ?" he further aaktxl. AfU-r some furUicr conversation i hai gain waa * truck, and a suui agreed UJXIU, which the Weaver should le en titled to claim in the event of hia plan ' for automatically cutting the pile of the oarpet leing a Huoceoa. Arrangeuieuta were matte it* trial ; the weaver made hi* pre]oration* ; Uie master, tlie tunu iger, and one or two couttdeutial in j plovrxi* gathertxl around the loom ntxm which the ex|erimeut hod '• • Ik nunle, all oUier* lieing sent outaid< the range ! .if oha>rvatiou. Tlie new form of wirea were inserted, woven down, and with- Irawn, liavng a well cut pile n(*'U Uie face of the carpet. The weaver hml won his reward, far it was honorably paid, .in annuity of jEIUO wa* m-ttiixi u|*>n htm, which he coutintied to enjoy until wiUiin % recent date, and for anything we know to Uie exmtrary may Ik* enjoymg yet. He retired from the weaving ahixi, d*- tuner. Of course the fl*hermen of the Rubicon and its neighborhood are reaping a rich and novel harvest. Tlie present abund ance of fish in Uie Corona market i* due to Un* remarkable occurrence. Monk rays that the bay prewnit* a wonderful aplaraire. He say* in all truthfulness that Bailor Jack and some associate have ret nail V sunk n winze in the ice be tween the boat landing and Captain Dick'* island, and that by dint of tuunel f ing and sinking in the solid iee they are actually mining ont the imprisoned trout by tbe cart-load. Hank rays he has an interest in one of there extra ordinary "claims," and that he has every reason to expect prompt and nu -1 mcron* dividends. This cls* of nheuo mena occnrs only at rare intervals. In 1846, Back Cove, an arm of Oaaeu bay. waa a arena of snrb freezing as this. All sorts of salt water fish, snob a# frequent the more shallow bay* and estuaries, smelt, torn-cod, eels and flounder# were frozen in and captured by the million. Tlie tom-owl, when thus frozen, may be thawed ont in cool water and restored to life. For thia reason this small mem ber of Uie finny trilie ia known a* the " frost-fish." Hard to IMgest. At a certain l*nrding house in this city is a yonng man whose occupation i# the "art preservative," and whose labor* oocnpy him during those hours when the majority of mankind i* asleep. Of course he got* hungry, an.l is aoens t< unod to get a lunch when he start* ont for hia nightly toil. Thia lunch ia done up in a paper and placed on a table in the hall of the lioarding house, from which the yonng man takes it when he goes out. One evening this week a* he went out, he saw two bundles lying upon the table and unthinkingly took the one nearest and carried it away. About midnight that unfailing monitor, an empty stomach, warned him that lunch time had arrived, and with high hope* and a keen appetite he took out hi* bundle and opened it, but was struck all aback to find instead of lii# coveted food n small package of neatly folded handkerchief ~ which bad bean place.] ujHin the table by the lanudrvman for on# of Uie other 'boarders. Language fail* to do justice to the denouement, and so we draw the curtain. — New Hertford Evening Standard. The Farmer's Independence, i During these times of business fail ures, wheu men suppowid to lie million aires, by reverses have become bank rupt, none is so free and iudei>endout aa the owner and ooonpier of an unincum bered farm. Financial panics and de pressions may come and go without seriously affecting him. For tlie pro ducts of the soil there mnst be, nnder all circumstances, a ceasele*H and re munerative demand. Out of the numer ous business failures throughout the country, but a small per oeutoge nre those of farmers, who, as a rule, go on ! prospering despite all monetary vicissi | tudes aud fluctuations. SOIK 9E(n YOKk UCEIA TUr tlrrllMM brlwrrn lis Will I Union as* JSs Mmniin.hi Usui InrrsSlSlr VtluMaSlii •( ssi. Vlarala Nasi. it la it notable fact Uiat the ttuiat detenuiunt du> 1 of which 1 have any re cord, says a writer 111 the Philadelphia /Yotrs, wan fought >U New York Htate, ami very near Lite metropolis of thsl name. The incetlug Wus bet wen De- Witt Clinton and John Swart wont in 1802. it appears probable that if the dispute in which this duel originated had taken its natural course the most famous duel many history that bet ween Hamilton and Hurr —would have been omitted. Clinton and lluir hail a very tierce uml truculent political dispute, which tlnollv lux-sine jx-ruoual. Before it hud fairly come to an issue, John Swart wout Itecame involved in it, taking Burr's place. He challenged Clinton, who accepted. Ou the fleld Clinton re marked " that he wished he had the principal (Hurr) lieh.re him." If his w.ali hud besu gratified there is little doubt that his fatal precision of shot would have put Hurr where he could not have killed Hamilton three years tutor. Mr. Hwartwoiit insisted that he should have an apology, and prepared oue that he hinisUx! Mr. Clinton should sign. Mr. Clinton, of course, declined, and the parties went to the field. Mr. N. B. Smith, who aa* H wart wout's second, suvs : The gentlemen took pol --tiona and nrtxl without effect. At Mr. Biker's request, 1 asked Mr. Swartwout if he was satisfied. He replied :"I aw not," aud the third shot was exchanged without injury. 1 then asked Mr. Bwat wout, " Are you oatiafhxl, air?" He re plied, "1 am not. Neither shall I lie until the apology is made which I have demanded. Until then we must pro ceed. " I then presented a paper to Mr. ltikcr for Mr. Clinton's signature, contaMung the apology demanded, ob aerving that this paper must lie signed or we would proceed. Mr. Clinton de clared he would sign no pajx-r on the subjix't ; Ui at he had no animosity to Mr. Bwartwuut, and would willingly shake hands and agree to meet on the sixire of former friendship. Mr. Bwart wout insisted on the signature of the a|M>logy, and Mr. Clinton derluiing, they sWxxl at their pimts and fired a ( •urth shot. Mr. Swartwout was wound ed in the left log. about Ave inches be low the knee. Being aakrd if be was satisfied, Mr. Swartwout replied; "It is useless to r-peat the question ; my dcterminatioti i* fixixl, ami I leg we may proceed." Mr. Clinton repeated that he ham}xsMxl. At the request of Mr. Biker, I asked : " Arc you satisfied ?" He forcibly an sacred : " No, sir; lam not. Pro ceed," Mr. Clinton then quit hi# post, declining the combat, and declared he w.mld fire no more. Sir. Swartwout ex pressed himself surprised that Mr. Clm tou would neither apologize rnu give the sstisfsi-Uou required, and, mldreaaing me, said : " What shall I do, my friend ?" I auswerixj : " Mr. Clinton decline* making the sjxilogy rtxiuired, refuses taking his position, and pom tivcly declare* he will fight no more ; hi* second npjxianng to acquiesce in the disposition of his principal, there is nothing further for von to do now hut to have your wotuni# dressed." The surgtxmx attending dreaat*! hi* wounds, and the gentlemen returned iu their respective barges to the city. One of the most widely-known men of any time i* Oapt. Martin Scott. Martin Scott ws*. from hi* earlier days, a re markablv fine pistol and rifie slmC While plowing in the field one day he re ceived a letter which enclosed him his coumnssion as enaigti in the United Stati-* army. He had never applied for this jxiaitioQ, and to the day of his death never knew how it came to be tendered to him. He accepted it, however, and wan aoon fnmoun throughout tlie whole aruiy a* the Itesi shot of his day. Upon !u- authority of Col. B. B". Marcv, Cnitod HUUw army, i will give a namplc of tlii* shooting. A playing card, with a spot *bout the size of a dime, was tacked upon a tree seventy-five yards distant Oapt. Scott then took a inuz rlcdoading squirrel rifie and nroixiaegan, and in one minute and twenty *■ couda hml lumleil and firxl thre time*. Of course this van very quick work, allowing hardly any time for aiming. The firing was almost instantaneous. Wheu Col. Marey went to eiamine the target he found one hole exactly in tiie center of the hull's eye. He remarkxl, however, that the other two shot* had missed the target entirely. Oapt. Smith stnfled, called for an axe. aplit the log, and found tlie three balla imbedded in the aingle hole. Theae aliot* were all off-hand. OoL Miuvy aaya that lie ha* seen officer* who vouched for the truth of the following, having aeon Oapt. Soott do it : He would take two potatoes, and throwing them into the air successively, would put a pistol ball through both of them ** tbey crossed iu the air, one going np and the other coming down. The first duel in which Capt. Scott was engaged wa* under tlie following cir cumstances ; He ws* stationed on the frontier, at a military pot of Council Blnff. The officers were, the m >*t of them, fond of a social gl*s*. aud addict ed to card playing, and tlier considered a man who abstained entirelv from like indulgence* as wanting tiie proper spirit. Capt Scott, never drank n glass of liquor and never played a game of cards, aud while he wns very liberal in hia intercourse with liia brotfier officers he wa* exceedingly parsimonious iu hi* own jveroonal expense*. The officer* around him took umbrage at this, aud gradually withdrew from all interoouree with him, until he wa* abaolntely imt into ooventry by all save three of hi*' associates iu arm*. He submitted for a long time to the insult* and jxwaecu tion* anil then held a council of war with his three friends to determine what was host to be done. They told him that ouly two alternative* were left him—one wo* to throw up hi* commission and the other wa* to challenge the first man that should insult him. He readily chose the Ist tor course, ami hia determi nation became known throughout the post Hia skill aa a marksman and hia un doubted nerve protected him for a goer he hunted up hia tools, removed the old bolt, and measured the location for Uie new one. He must bore some new holes, sud Mrs. Throoton heard him roaming around the kitchen and woodshed, slam ming doors, pulling out drawers and kicking furniture around. She went to Uie head of the stairs, and called down : " Richard, do you want anything ?" " Yes, I do !' f he yelled liock. " I want to know where Uiat corkscrew is ?" "Corkscrew, Richard?" "Yes, corkscrew! I've looked the house over and can't find it!" " Why, we never hail oue, Richard." "Didn't, eh? We've lnul a dozen of 'em in Uie last two years, and I Imught one not four weeks ago. It's always the way when 1 want anything." " But you must lie out of your head," site said aa she deaoendea the stair*. "We've kept houae seven year* aud 1 never reiueuilwr seeing you bring a cork i are* home." "Oh, vea, I'm out of mv head, I an!" he grumbled, a* he pulled out the sew ing machine drawer ami turned over the •xmtcuta. " IVrhapa I'd better go to the lunatic asvlum right away I" "Well. Richard, I know that I have never seen a corkscrew in thia houae." " Then you are a* blind aa an owl in daylight, for I've bought five or six. Tlie house ia always upside down, any how. and I never can find auTthing 1" "The house is kept as well as any of your folks con kxq> one t" she retorted, growing red in the face. " I'd like my mother here to show you s few Uiitiga," he sonl, aa he stretclnxl ilia uix-k to look ou the high shelf in the pantry. " p'erhaps she'll boil her spectacle# with Utr potaUxw again !" anawered the wife.* 1 " Do you know who you are talking to?" he yelleil, as he jumped down. " Yes, I do!" " Well, you'll la- going for York State, if you don't look out !" " I'd like to ax" myself' When Igo this house goes!" " Look out, Nancy !" "I'm afraid of no nun that lives." " I'll leave you !" " And I'll laugh to see you go!" Going close np to her, he extended his finger, ahook it to emphasize hia words, aud slowly ai- | pv that a canary bird would sing its bead off if hnng up m Uie holL— Worcester Gazette. Haw Bancroft Write* Hiatarj. A Washington letter give# the follow ing : Mr. Bancroft's method of writing his hintory, the result of the experience of long years, is pemliar and interval ing, and' he think* it gives him a grasp on those conflicting conditions in literary work—eompreheusiveneM and compact ueaa. He ha* two secretaries, a " refer ence" secretary and a " writing " secre tary. They do tbe work, while he does the thinking and dictation. When he Iwgins a new volume he lays out a plan for it as minute and detailed as an archi tect makes the plan of a house. First be decides upon the time which it shall cover, then the epochs of important event# which it shadl include. A large volume of blank paper is then taken, ruled, and dated like a diary, aud under each date are entered, with Uie precision of an accountant, all the occurrences of that day in every corner of the globe which relate in any way, near or remote, to the American republic. This duty is performed by the " reference secre tary," and for a aingle volume require* tbe labor of years. With each record are references to the authority upon whieh the record ia based, and the cir cumstances in detail under which the information is obtained. Every existing work, document, and paper i# consult ed ; every history of tradition of anv re liability "is carefully gleaned. This diary being completed, Mr. Baucroft takes what lie calls a " topic book " —a large blank book, hke a banker's ledger, which i# classified under different heads; for instance, during the Revolutionary war, a page would be assigned to everv military or official character, and such heads a* "Army," "Finance," "For eign Affairs," " Campaigns" " Legisla tion," are scattered through the book. Urnler these heowft rag Patient rubbing with chloroform will remove paint from black silk or any other material. To REMOVE SPOTS or Bnacwiwo mow OmrxT —Spots of blacking may be taken from carpet* with a mixture of one ounce of powered borax, dmaolvml in one quart of boiling water and n small piece of soap, about the aiae a# a walnut, cut fine and dissolved with the borax ; Uittle this np, and use to take spots from carpets or clothe*. Foa PRETARIJUI LAUD TO KxEPTHaoroH THE SrMMKB. —To one gallon of lard pat one onnce of sal soda, dissolved in a gill of watej. Do not fill your kettle* more than half full, for it will foam and perhaps txhl over. No other water ia required •han what the soda is dissolved in. When it is clone it will be very clear, and will keen two year*. Strain through a coarse cloth and act away. SOAP. —Dissolve three pounds asl-eoda in two gallons of water ; alack in a firkin three pounds of good quick-lime ; ald to it the sod* solution ; stir the whole thoroughly with a stick, and add two gallons of boiling water ; stir again and let it settle ; pour ofi the clean liquor in s clean iron boiler placed on the fire, and stir into it aix pounds of olanfled grease and one pound of powered borax; let it boil slowly until it geta ropy, (about ton minutes boiling) nd pour it into a tub or tight box; thie makea a good hard soap for family use ; after drying a month or so in a dry room, and cat into bars, it is fit for use. Fashion N'stes. Ashe* of rouM in a revireJ oolor this spring. Button roses will be the favorite roaea this spring. The new beige oolor is a grayish, greenish brown or drab. The popular color this spring is beige in numerous shades. Poppies and honeyauokle buds are favorite artificials this season. Bonnets are trimmed with shaded moire and satin-faoed ribbons. Roman pearl beads are used in quanti ties for trimming spring bonnet*. Pearl fringes and galloons are seen among spring millinery goods. Ombre, or shaded moire and satin faoed ribbons, are very fashionable. Roman pearl beads are made in shaded colors to match ribbons and other trim mings. | Velvet striped and plash striped grena dine gauzes are used in trimming spring 1 bonnets. Very high Spanish combs in Bilver filagree, ivory, coral, jet and shell are very fashionable. Low necked sleeveless princess dress es, with long trains-and very square cut pompadour corsages axe mnoh worn this ball season. The Meroedes coqueterie is a beauti ful improvement on the false fronts which have become ao indispensable among the toilet effects of ladies. Ostrich tips, with marabout ends tipped with pearl beads, and with the central stem ornamented with tiny sea ahella, are among the novelties in mil linery. | 11MM ef Istarnt Wiry chape—Telegraph opeesk**. The Doomiaf color o# Ibo Turks w fatea A good ear fer shin mnmo-Tbe mo tion-aer. The man who would Ilka lo ••• 7° n Tho blind man Boston con tains Iho only ejrmhul fao tory in iho land. A Lecture Fiold thai no man lass yoi taken—Kate Fiold. A good, heavy farm horse is Bootland ia worth V 100 in gold. Do not entertain visitor* with your own domaatio trouble*. Motto tor tho Ona,ma- "Strike till the last armed too aspires t" Thieves in Qoobeo steal the fur oapa from the heads of the pssasra-by. " Oh, mamma t H said a little one, "I eat so mnofa it spoils my appetite." The man who takes the most interest in his business--the money lender. The great dfißouHy in skating is to maintain unanimity among jour fast. Oolcead embroidery is sppsaiing on the broad caffs mid eollaru for spring wear. Napoleon believed that whoever pos sessed Constantinople oonld govern the world. A shoemaker advertises "Medicinal boots." The virtue is supposed to be in the heal. " OKI Kink " is none other that Niekr, the dangerous water-demon of Hoandi uavian legend. At the funeral of Hury Maigga, in Pern, 300 carriages and lO.OiO people made np the procession. There is now ea establishment in New York ty devoted aolaiy to the bnsiness of hiring ont dress easts. The rat* in an Ohio bam roaa in their might and killed the dog that had been sent in to exterminate them. There is a pariah ia Wales, near the fanions tubular bridge, named Hlanfair pwllgwagwillgogerbwliJjsilkigoga. There will be an international show of breeding stock in conjunction with the universe! exhibition at Pans in 1878. There are uow 851 manufacturing m uWitl.mwita ia San Fraactaoe. whose # ..rgregato products amount to 882,838,- lirsat Britain has 154.584 warm in or chards, 38,857 acres in market garden*. 12,042 aeree in nurseries, d 2,187,078 acres in forest. The Ashtabula aoufMiteoat fee Lake Share and Michigan Uitahera railway i c impaay $488,840. and all Use claims uo amount of the awilorit have been MtHd The worst we ever heard—What • the difference between a man fftraek with amassment and a leopard's tad 7 One ia rooked to the ■*>*, and the other ia ■spotted to the root. Ha—"By Jore, yon know—opoo my word—if I were to see a gboat, yon know, I would he a chattering idiot for the rest of my life." She—" Haven't yon seen a gho^tf" The British government has entered into a contract lor tha supply of a large number of telephones, and the intaodoc tif the kidney aad bladder, if tndnlgnd m freely for some time, where other remedies have failed. Bad lock is simply a man with hia liaoda in Ma pocketa, and hia pipe in hia > month, looking on to nasdiow it ia com ing out. Good look ia a man of pluck, with hia sleeves rolled up, and working to make it oome out right. " Reduced to 87," remarked Jonce. as be ]>ased a fashionable tailor # atore and read the above statement prcani t nmtlv displayed on aa overcoat. " That's nothiag; I am redacted to a much smaller asm than that myself." You oaa aeU TOUT ee* for tan dollars in the Black Hi 11*. It will oost yon eightv-flve dollars to get ont there with the oat, and get home again, bat then TOU will be ru of the cat, and that ia worth one hnndr&d and twenty dollars to any one. TSS rot am i I s a oarakws potato, and car* not a pin Boar tutu xiaUno* I eama; 1 If UM* planted aw drtß-wst or dibbled ma To aw U* exscilj the asms. Tba baas and the pas say mora k>ftßy tow Bat I oar* not n tantton tar tan . Dtaanes 1 nod Uh baantifnl tow . When the earth ia boed rny stam. Th ben van tno of ladia is sometime* found to jreel out ao as to show with ooe parent trunk three hundred end ' rtftT items descending, end egein taking root in the ground, each stem equaling ■ large oak tree, while there ore thousand* iif smaller ones. Thia tree is so expended as to form a small forest ol itself, where in 7,000 peraoua could stand. An Arkansas shot-gun is sometimes more merciful then an Arkansas hus band The other day a ruffian, deem ing his long-time bed-ridden wife an incumbrance, undertook to shoot her, but the weapon refused to explode. Then eoifing >t by the muxxie he was about to dash out her brains, but the stock struck on the head-board of the lied and the contents of both barrels were lodged in the brnte'a body. A singular discovery hs been made on board the Irvine, a full-rigged vessel, recently in drv dock at Rotherhithe, London. The ship had recently arrived from Peru, at which place the body of a woman was foundimbedded in the cargo, which consisted of sods. The body is in s good state of preservation, and is supposed to be Ihst of a victim of an earthquake which occurred many hun dred veara ago in Pern. Rings are in serted in the ears. The Edenburg (Pen 11.) Herald relates a storv about s commercial drummer from f*ittsburg, who, considerably un der the influence of liquor, mistook bis route and drove his team upon the trea tle-work of the Edenburg, Summit and Clarion railroad, supposing it to be the wagon road. The trestle bridge ia sixty feet up from the ground, and about the same length, but the horses made the crossing, feeling their wny in the dark ness, step by step, every foot striking a tie securely, until the distance was trav* ersed and thev stood ia safety on the other aide; and just in the nidi of time, too, aa the night express came thunder ing by in five minutes after the team had left the track. Statistics lately made public show the sheep in the various countries noted be low to be as follows: In the United Kingdom in 1876, there were 32,252,579 sheep; in Russia, in 1870, there were 48,130,000 ; in Germany, in 1873, there were 24,999,406 ; in Austria, in 1871, tliere were 20,108,395; in France, in 1872, there were 24,589,647; and in Spain, in 1865, there were 22,054.967 —showing a total in Europe of about 190,000,000. 111 Australia in 1875. there were 62,000,000; Cape, 16.000.000; River Plata, 60.000.000; North Amer tea, 50,000,000 ; aud total, 385,000,000. Turkey, North Africa, Persia, etc., say 65,000,000 ; India ana' Chins, ssy 35, 000,000. Grand total, 484,000,000. The Louisville, (Ky.) Argte* recalls this about the stalwiurt new justice of the United States supreme court: "The suooees which has attended the practice of General John M. H&rlen is largely due to his physique and endur ance. In the great Pullman palace car case he wss employed on short notice as one of the counsel. He Hhd but a %iay to post himself and study up the author ities, but be undertook the task. Look ing himself pk bif oflhe.gi#* Judge Loohrane, of Georgia, ax;a Mr. peorge M. Pullman, he examined them thor oughly upon it, grasping all the points, and collecting ana arranging Ms cita tions. POT twenty-four hours, during which time his companions alternated between sleeping end dispensing infor mation, he studied the case, sad at the end of that time ha had every point at hie ilum—l' g||ls.jpdwaaaa fresh aa a