The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 21, 1878, Image 4

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Tb* BWtni State* la lb* WerM-A Bell
Ibat ban Nal bee* R** 1* Twel** Has.
Srv4 Tear*.
A letter dated Kioto, Japan, says We
are now in the heart of Japan. Thi*
citv was for many oeuturiea the mikado's
capital, and until ten years ago, when
(he overthrow of the shosuu left the
•apital of that ruler de facto open, its
greater advantages led the mikado and
liis cabinet to occupy it. This old capi
ta], at one time with a papulation said
o have been 2,000,000, is now reduced
to 150,000. 1 arose early, and was glad
t find a clear morning. I walked out
at a side door of the inn. and found inv
*e!f in one of the approaches to a Shinto
temple. I was almost under one of the
granite tonii, or monuments. This one
- alnwit sixty feet high, and four atone
lanterns at the ooniers of the square
iin> of great sixe, and oider than any 1
have yet seen. Jnat a* the suu was ris
ing above the eastern hill, 1 watched the
men and women as they came in front of
the open temple dixir, and threw their
offerings in. Then clapping their hands
they fold t-liem, bow the head in devia
tion, aud go away to the duties of the
day. For a moment the temple was
deserted, and a man came out with his
lace ttuueil full to the rising sun—the
'couple fao-d the south—he went through
the same devotional exormaes that 1 had
■n-t seen, but he rcuuuued louger, Ixiwal
with hi- head to the ground, and exinlw
itivi more fervor.
We have visuted several temples situ
ied ou the hillsides, ou the east side of
the plain on which the city la spread out,
rhe oldest and largest is known a* the
Chimin, and Klouga to the Joudo sect.
It ta very large, ineasurttig in frout over
•>OO feet. This sect never paint their
temples, :uid this oue presents a dreary
aspect of weather-stained wood. Its age
is given as 270 year* only, and it occu
pies the aite of an older oue de*trv>ye,l
by fir\>. Stone >teps leal to the bell
t->wer, when- hang* the great bell, said
t ■ lie the largest iu Japan. It is sounded
. "ilv on the 12th and 2ftth of each mouth.
11 is suapeod#*! slsmt aeveu f*t alxire
the ground. The metal at its nm is
eleven inches in thickness. We saw au
other U-ll in aire little less near the site
of another temple, restiug ou grauite
-npivorts, on the ground, near w here it
tell The bridge les.liug to a mountain
temple is of great l>eauty. It has two
arches, aud each arch double; oue in
serted under the other, so that the i*as
-.ige* form circles. The whole, includ
ing the lalitra,le, is of cut granite. In
-trong with their religious es
lab'ushmeuts is the architecture of the
k wn. The streets are narrow and nn
jwvevl, the houses small anil squalid,
and poverty is wntteo everywhere.
We have just returned trom a vtsit to
N'ara, oue of tlie old capitals of the em
pire, distant about thirty-six miles. We
drove at a brisk trot for an hour In-Iort"
;i break occurred iu the line at houses,
when we crossed a I ranch of the I'ji
nver, b\ a bridge about a thousand feet
'•<ug. We entered a long atre-t of what
was oace, a thousand year* ago, a great
city. Away u|. the slope of the hill it is
tvuered, wherever we went, with walls
ud pavements a* indestractible as the
1 ill itself. Granite stairs lead into the
wild forest, which now cover* the bite of
v -t temples of wood— broad avenues,
whose rocky paveuieut was worn smooth
b\ the feet of devout pilgrims befor.
Christ was borru
Here was erected, 1,200 year* ago, th
largest bruoae figure the world has ever
known. It weighs 450 tons, and the
thsr\i temple BOW cover* it, without aj>-
parcat injury to the immense
We went around it, but .wild torrn uo
intimate of it* rise Oar minister at
Toko told me that it sa sixty feet froui
the seat of lota* leaves to the top of its
head, and that a man .\>nld climb through
the n vstrii. Au officer is said to have
tr kc-D a chip of the casting, and an an
alysis of it gave 500 pounds of gold in
the all. v, A great halo of gilded wood
fs > tT the dark feature* as they are re
vealed in the shadows of the roof.
To-.lav we rode to Lake Bewa, distant
a boa* seven mile*, and our route lay
doug the great Tokaido. The road is
about twenty feet wide, well macadam
z. d, with the inevitable walled ditch on
either side. It is the if rent thoroughfare
iron; Osaka to Tukio, and from the lake
to Koto it was a continuous stream of
t ravel, many cattle, ami a few horses
■aden with good* of every description.
We entered the t"wu at the south end of
the lake, and were taken to a flight of
stone steps to climb to a temple that
overlooked the lake. We ascended them
found ourselves on the plateau excavated
t'i the side of the mountain, and turned
•look upon the largest lake in Japan.
It is sixty miles in length, but narrow
at the south end. It is surrounded by
rich alluvial lands. Our guide next led
us to *ee a bell, which, he told us, had
not been rung in twelve bnndred years,
and pointed to a small wooden bmlding
rt the head of a flight of wide stone
'tops. We looked in through the wooden
lars, well worn by curious visitors, and
w, well supported on a strong wooden
table, a boll about four feet high, with a
bad crack, which seemed to have been
•■aused by fire. It had on it a few plain
figures as ornaments. Our guide in
formed us that it was seventeen hundred
years o!.1, and that it had hung in an an
cient Shinto temple that once stood
where it now lies. For five hundred
rears its tones floated over the placid
lake, and called the people along its
shores to worship. Then came a catas
trophe, and twelve centuries have
An Visitor.
Some time ago a large ami excited
crowd of citizens rushed Pi oue of the
wfi.irves in New Orleans as if some cat
istr..phe had happened. No explosion
hid taken place, however, uo suicide or
ncrijental drowning bad occarred, but
the cause of the gathering was no less
fine of some interest An alligator—a
real, scaly, huge monster—had suddenly
ascended from the muddy depths of the
Mississippi, and, crawling upon the
wharf, coolly surveyed the animated
panorama of our great thoroughfare
lie was evidently a progressive alligator
gifted with an investigating mina, and
seemed to take great interest in the
signs of advanced civilization which
surrounded him. He basked lazily in
in the sun, and after aw hile became fa
miliarized enough with the scene to gain
confidence, anil to advance a little near
er to the levee. Just then, unfortunate
ly, some one saw him, and exelamed. in
h voice of terror, "An alligator !" Our
amphibious friend's nerves were dis
turbed by the cry, and making a right
s'bout-face, he started at a shape pace
for his native element. The people be
tween him and the river scattered in all
directions, while those lie hind attacked
him with stones and bludgeons. The
unfortunate visitor was knocked sense
less. A big colored man tied a rope
around his jaws and dragged him off,
grinning triumphantly at the thought of
what a fine pair of water-proof Ixiots he
would have made out of the hide. The
alligator was some ten feet long, and a
rather dangerous customer to meet alone
in a narrow path.
A Swarm of Vs.
The first American paper published
on the Pacific coast was the Califomian,
the first numl>er of which was issued at
Monterey in the fall of 1846. The types
aDd press once belonged to the Spanish |
authorities and were used to print their
public documents. Everything used
was in a state of dilapidation, but it
seemed to be of minor consideration as
soon as it was possible to put forth a
sheet containing letters, whether they
were legible or not. Instead of w's two
VT'S were used. In explanation of this
the following appeared :
"OUR ALPHABET— Our type is a
Spanish font picked up herein a cloister,
and has no W's (W's) in it, as there
is none in the Spanish alphabet. I have
sent to the Sandwich Islands for this
letter, in the meantime we mnst use
two Vs. Our paper at present is that
used for wrapping cigars ; in due time
we will have batter ; our
objecLis to establish a press in Cali-
and this in all probability we
shgptf be able to accomplish. The ab
#nce of my partner for the past three
months, and my duties as Alcalde here
have deprived our little paper of some j
f those attentions which I hope it will
hereafter reoerve. WALTRR COLTOR " j
A l,c|er Village In Cj press.
A traveler in I lie island of Oyprmw
thus dfv-erilx-* a leper village; One
j little el.imp of tree* on the plain two or
i three mihw wt-at of Niooaia next at
' tracted my attention. It WM the leper
! village, 1 wn* t>li. aud we noon came
MVIIM by the roadside a nort of impro
vised tent H white, ragged sheet,
j mounted on four scraggy sticks under
neath wliieh notne equally attenuated
l>s>kin. fellow mortals were huddled up.
i These were leper beggar*, pursuing
! their usual custom and only pastime by
! which they can obtain brood to prolong
j their miserable existence. They were
; nil Greeks, null a* we eloeely approached
we could Invar their |*>or, weak voiovve
begging for aome inouev. I UMMVI to
them all the piastres I hod, observing
at the same time a little ohihl a beau
tiful child dressed in a long white
wrapper, an.l standing on one ai.le of
the tent My Turk ha.l ri.hleu quickly
by, but 1 drew rem ami called the little
one to ne. Half-licsitatingly she came.
Her features were of that purely classic
mould for which the t'ypriotc*of to day
are not usually distinguished. She
might have Iteeu mistaken for a master
piece of rhidiaa, had it not lava for the
delicate pink tint which added life to
her fair complex IOU, the lnk of wonder
ami surprise with which she regarded
my appearance, and the sod, halt'-trem
bling expression of the small, curved
lijvs which parted to disclose her regular,
pearly teeth, thui it lie jioaaible that
she is a lepar, thought I. " What tio
you do here, ohihl?' 1 aaked. " Must
uot come uear to you," she replied
.juietly, in Greek "I am ill, and aliall
.lie some day." "So shall vre all," 1
said, tossing to hr the last bunch of
grapes from my saddledvags. A great
clamor arose among the weak voices iu
the teut when they saw the little child
eating gra|es, and all N-gg.-d and prayed
me to give thew sotue. But wheu 1
told them I had uo more there came
such a volley of tierce anathemas in the
uaat unsympathetic Greek that 1 never
can forget. 1 rode away, sickened ami
saddened at the sight 1 had witnessed;
and even now that awful sound ringing
m my ears ami the sad upturned face of
the little leper child at tiinea re
turn to my memory with a depressing"
Some of the native opinions about 1
leprosy and conjectures as to its cause
are carious. The leper children are in
variably beautiful. Sometimes the fatal
disease makes its apjiearauce in a child
of good family residing iu the city, and
it is at once sent o!T as an outcast to the
leper village. None of the men or wo
meu 1 saw by the roadside exhibited iu
their faces anything more than the ema
ciation .>f semi-starvation, but probably
their liiul>a or bodies were gradually
decaying, and truly "from hour to hour
they rot aa I rot," until life itself is cx
tiugu shed. Sometimea tliev linger
many years. Sometimes the fatal spots
do uot appear nutil they are thirty or
forty years of age, aud then there is uo
delay; l>e the infected one the father or
mother of a respectable family, or a be
loved member of it, they have to hear
the city gates close tiehiud them forever
and go forth as exiles to the village to
await their slow, terrible death. The
consequence is there are people of all
.mate* and denominations iu these mys
terious settlements, and they have their
priests, pashas, cod jas and hadjia, who
officiate in their respective callings. The
common scourge .iocs uot make these
people entirely united, as one would
suppose. They have their dissensions
and their cliques; these who depend
upou their former ciiy friend* for their
support are very exclusive; those who
have no friends are compelled to beg by
the way as we have seen.
Cvmbati renews of Bird*.
A parr of had their nest and
young in a currant-hedge of the garden
belonging to a farm-house where I was
lodging one spring, and I used to amuse
myself by exciting the anger of the
mother-bird. To do this I had only to
hang a bit of red cloth near her nest m
her absence, and await the resnlt. No
sooner would she return than such a
twittering, and squeaking, end scolding,
would begin as only a cat-bird could
generate, and when she found out that
there was "no fight '* in the rag, she
would eye me sitting at \py window, and
mew triumphantly, as if she well knew
who it was bad thus troubled her equa
nimity. A war of words—or, rather, a
war of notes—is a thing of frequent oc
currence between a cat-bird and the
common brown thrush. Early in the
morning through the mouth of May
they may lie heard screaming their re
spective medleys at the extreme pitch of
their voices from neighboring tree*,
each songster maliciously lient on drown
ing the others' voice. The common
baru-yard cock is given to a like ambi
tion in the matter of " crowing down "
all oomjietitors. Speaking of the brown
thrush reminds me that I ought to
record here A very singular combat,
witnessed by myself and brother, be
t ween one of these gay singers and a bine
jay i what bird is not compelled to fight
the latter?), and in which the jay was
finally discomfited and Waten. We
were lying iu the shade of a wide
spreading wild-plum tree on the edge of
a little glade. Near ns was a clnmp of
sugar-haw bashes, in one of which we
had discovered a brown thrush's uest.
The bird was incubating. A bine-jay,
flitting abont on mischief intent, as, in
fact, a blue-jay always is, happened to
spv her, and immediately attacked her,
driving her for refnge into the thick,
thorny foliage above the nest. This
seemed an easy turn for the jay, which
at once prepared to have a feast of the
eggs. But uo sooner had it perched on
the nm of the nest than the thrush, with
a savage squall, plunged down from its
hiding-place, ana struck it a heavy blow
on the bark. The jay retreated in dis
order, but warily returned again when
all seemed still." With infinite caution
in every movement, it hopped from twig
to twig, turning'its crested head this
wav and that, till it reached the nest.
Again, with a shrill scream, the thrush
pounced from its hiding-place, using its
long, sharp beak for a sword to stab the
jav's exjiosed and defenseless back.
Again and again the would-be robber
fled and returned, each time to get
ronarher usage; and, finally, as if nt
terly outdone, with rapidly repeated
cries of "De-jay I de-jay! de-jay!" it
flitted away into the depths of the
woods, to coma no more.— Ajtplrfmi't
An Industrie#* Huhemhin.
There is a young man in New York
who writes lectures for women, adapts
plays for stars, writes advertising
pamphlets for mercantile and drag
stores, writes poetical advertisements,
! blood and thunder stories and dime
novels. He has a regular scale of prices,
undertakes his work in a most job-like
manner and has reduced the art of worda
to the most practical principles. His
scale of prices for his work is very sys
tematic and very .reasonable. He
charges SIOO for a lecture, SSO for an
art or n play, from SSO to SIOO for n
pamphlet, according to its length ; from
glO to $25 for a circular, from $25 to
SIOO for a poem advertisement, accord
ing to th number of poems in the lot;
from $8 to $lO a column for a news
paper story, and from SSO to $250 for a
novel, according to its length. This
j Bohemiau is not only clever but con
scientious, and he always complies with
all the terms of his contract. He has
no desire to l>e known as an author at
all. He works, as he says, "for cash,
not credit." If he does not get his
money he makes a stir till he gets it,
but be never violates his agreements.
All his works are supposed to be written
by others. That is to say, all bnt his
advertising pamphlets and circulars.
His lectures have been delivered by
others, but he never for a moment has
betrayed their real authorship, and, on
several occasions, it is said, he has flatly
denied knowing anything whatever
about his own productions and has de
\ liberately testified that they were writ
ten by the parties for whem he wrote
j them. This peculiar and rare self
abnegation proves very profitable to
him, as his customers depend absolute
| !y and confidently upon his secrecy.
' This dispenser of fame for others is Btill
I a young man, and, though the most
] energetic, is far from being the solitary
i example of b' class in New York—AVw
| York Herald.
The Trrrlbl* Uirsiarr •( a Brbaal Ulrl la
IkP louni*lna.
A voung lady in this .nty, says the
Healing i l'a.) Aiij/fc, has received the
following letter (roiu her friend who is
at boarding-school, giving a thrilling
account of her adventure with a huge
LH:vu MA.HIIK Three wi*>ks ago Ves
ter, lay atteruoon two voting ladies ln>-
sides myself, who ha.\ gone out in a
walking party with one of the teachers
at the sehtHil iu this place, strolled off
from the rest of the party, and, l.vaing
our way, were unable for aome time to
toll whore we were, as the wood* and
underwood were so thick that the fur
ther we it the more difficult
our passage leoanie. We wandered to
and fro, and for a long time, until al overcome with fatigue, when we
sat down on a huge boulder to recover
our I* ist strength. leHikiug at our
watches we found that we had been on
the mountain nearly six hours, and felt
hungry, distressed and tired. It was
a I Hint five o'clock in the afternoon, and
twilight was fast approach lug. "lili,
but for something to eat," mv com
panion said, " ami then we could strug
gle on aud trv to flud the a'linnl again."
She appeared to la* the picture of dee
pair. We were sitting some feet alnivo
the ground alongside of a huge ■ • tk trie,
and presently 1 felt something moving
ou my neck. 1 placed mv hand to mv
neck to remove it, when, horrible to re
late, 1 grasped something touud and
soft, which hissed like an adder. 1 tried
to pull it from my mvk, but it wriggled
and squirmed, and my companion, see
ing the monster ou my body, shrieked
and almost fainted. Jiint at that mo
ment the head made a dart at my hrc*t,
with mouth wide ojieu aud tongue clou
gated, and hissing a death-like and hor
rible sound. My left hand was al>out
six inches from its Lead, and. in order
to prevent lieiug bitten, I gra|>ed it
right behind the eves Willi luy right
hand. Holding it in this way for sev
eral seconds, my com|auion shrieked to
me to throw the snake from me. I tried
to do so, but was pow erlosa, being, us it
seemed to me, transfixed or charmed to
. the jKt by the horrid eyes of the mon
ster. I trnxl to talk, but my jaws would
u>t open, aud my tongue appeared stiff.
T felt the cold sweat trickling down my
back, and large drop* of perspiration
SUHSI out on ijy forehead. My fa-e was
as white as the driven snow, and 1 could
neither move nor talk, but accrued to be
as stiff as a It makes me ahn.lder,
as 1 write, to think of the stare of the
Annie, my companion, seeing my dan
gerous situation, screamed for help.
She seemed to have l>een bereft of rea
son, for instead of coming to my assist
ance she started to run away. Trying
to turn my head to see whither she had
gone, the eye* of the snake were also
directed in the direction in which Annie
was shrieking. From that moment the
snake's spell ou me was broken, aud
with all my might 1 hurled it from rue.
No sooner had the snake lauded ou the
ground than 1 ran with the fleetuees of
a deer, fearing that it would overtake
me. Judge of my feelings w-heu, al
most out of breath and ready to sink
down to the earth from sheer exhaustion,
I turned around aud fouud a snake with
three others several paces from me, in
hot pursuit. I rcmemWrcd that snakes
were afraid of anything red. Fortunate
ly having on a red skirt, I immediately
cxjaawxl it to the reptiles' view, and they
at once stopped the pursuit. I advanced
toward them, shaking my red skirt, and
they retreated. I gathetixl up stones
and threw at them and kilhxl the largeet
one, and the other* eta-aped through the
rocks. Ju* at this moment a deputa
tion from the school, who had lieen iu
search of us, came up. The large snake
that hail coiled itself around my neck
was found by the escort, aud it mea
sure* nine feet aud four iuclies.
Herror> of Viberian (Julrkllier Sines.
Au English paper savs : The exiles
who live in the Siberian mines are con
victs ot the worst type and political of
fenders of the best. The murderer for
his villainy, the intelligent Polish relnd
for his patriotism, are deemed equally
worthy of the punishnieut of slow death.
They never see the light of .lay, but
work and sleep all the year round iu the
depths of the earth, extracting silver or
quicksilver under the eyes of taskmasters
who have orders not to spare them. Iron
gates, guarded by sentries, dose to the
lodes, or streets, at the bottom of the
shafts, and the miners are railed off from
one another in gangs of twenty. They
sleep within recesses hewn out of the
rucks—very kenuels—into which they
creep on all-fours. Prince J.wepli Lubo
mitski, who was authorized to visit one
of the mines of tha Oural at a time wheu
it was not suspected he would ever pub
lish au account of hiH exploration in
French, has given an appalling account
of what he saw. Convicts racked with
joint-pains which quicksilver produce* ;
men whose hair and eyebrows iia.l drop
lied off, uud who were gaunt as skeletons
were kept to hard labor tinder the laah.
They have only two holidays a vear,
Christmas and Easter; and all other days,
Sundays included, they must toil until
exhausted nature robs them of the uaeof
their limbs, when they are hauled up to
die in the infirmary.
Five years in the quicksilver pits are
enough to turn a man of thirty into an
apparent sexaggenarian, but some have
been known to struggle on for ten years.
N"o man who has served in the mines is
ever allowed to return home ; the most
he can obtain in the way of grace is leave
to come np and work in tlis gangs, and
it is the promise of this favor as a reward
for industry which operates even more
than the lush to maintain discipline.
Women are employed in the mines as
sifters, and pet no licttcr treatment than
the men. Polish ladies by the dozen
have been sent down to rot and die, while
the St Petersburg journals were declar
ing that they were living as free colonists:
and, more recently, ladies connected
with Nihilist conspiracies hnve been con
signed to the mines in pursuance of a
sentence of hard lalior. It must always
be understood that a sentence of Siberian
hard latsir means death. The Russian
Government well knows that to live for
years in the atrocions tortures of the
miues is humanly impossible, and, con
sequently, the use of a euphemism to
replace the term capital punishment is
merely of a piece with the hypocrisy of
all official statements in Russia. Once a
week a poj>e, himself an exile, goes down
into the mines to liear the consolations
ot religion, under the form of a sermon,
enjoining patience.
Honey.Bec and Music
It lias been asserted that iusectM do
not hear, upon no better foundation
than that entomologists have been some
what at lost to find organs which corres
pond to ears in other and larger animals,
The following from the London Sews,
has u direct bearing upon the subjuct
and seems to point to an affirmative an
swer to the question.
The question whether tiec* linve the
power of hearing is a mooted one
among naturalists. Sir John Lnbbock
has tried experiments with his bees in
order to elucidate the matter. Thus he
lias played the violin close to his bea,
he has tried a dog whistle, a shrill pipe,
a tuning fork and shouting, bnt no
noise seemed to disturb them in the least.
Nevertheless, a canons occurrence took
place a few days since at Windsor. Col.
Stewart, commanding officer Second
Life Guards, reports that a few days
since, when the regiment was returning
down the Long Walk from a field day, a
swarm of bees attracted, by the music,
followed the regiment into barracks,
flying aliout over the heads of the band.
On arriving at the barrack-yard the band
formed up to plav the regiment into
barracks; the bees followed their exam-
Cle, formed up also and settled on a
ranch of a tree over the heads of the
bandsmen. They were at once taken
prisoners by the corporal of the guard,
and are now hived in the barrack yard.
The distance over which the bees fol
, lowed the band was more than a mile.
We have heard of spelling bees, but
these are musical bees with a vengeance.
It is a common practice in the country
j to collect been by means of rattling a
' warming pan with a piece of iron, or
shaking a stone in a tin kittle, and the
idea that bees will follow sounds is as
old as Virgil.— Rural New Yorker.
4'urlou* Habit* of liraxahoppoi'*.
Tnif. AUr*xl Clrav, •sdNvINW tf tba
K ansae Htalo'd •( agtn-ultura,
nmkca the fnUqffiittg into).WtltiK "tat*
nu-nt ill ntf|rlM t<v th# habits ** Krue*
hoi>iM*ra lu ma|>piuu "dt tb ooiuitrr
in Kmimm mi.l Miaeouri in which ckk"
ha.i Ihu'ii laid nitwit thickly in IN7(t, i
wiui -truck witli the find that the very
ooutitim in which till, ywiiuif inwet* lie.l
lnx<ll llioet UlinierotlH Hll.l .iteiietr.uie 111
IN7.\ were piiHm'.l hi or avoi.ltal, ami
had no egg" of any <s>uN<s|uenee lunl in
them in lUTtI. The fact wua nil the uiore
. obvious, tns'imae the lliweta dnl imieli
.lanmge to full wlieat, uint hint nil
around tlu*e eon lit tea. to the north,
eolith, and vvoel. From the <• ihauetive
reivort on Uie tuweet mn te liy Alien
Whitman, it woe also very obviotie that
thoee |Hirtnina of that State which lied
IKW.II uniet thickly wupphed with egg* 111
1N75, and unwt injurs.! hr the jontig
inmwt* in lN7t>, were the freeat from
.ggn laid by the late nwariue of the lat
ter year, 110thwithstanding iMtititien all
around them were thickly aiipplltal.
1 woe at tlret tnciiue.l to l.eik upon
three facte aMOlUgular coiucideinKWi only,
but inatan.vMi luive multiplied. A re
markable one line been funnelled uie by
Governor A Morria, of the Northweet
territory. Yon arc well aware that m
17* the l.KHtnta hatched out in lUlineiiHe
ntiiuboni, and Utterly degtroved the
cr*ij> m the provitn-e of Manitoba.
Sow, in ls7t> they w.rc very numerous
over all tlie third prairie gtep|K of Hrit
ieh Ain en ca, and largely went to make
tip the aututuu awarma that came into
oar country a rear ago. tlovernor Mor
ria Marled late in July of lN7ti from Win
lie peg uorthweet to make a treaty with
certain luduuia, ami during the tirat live
or mi day* of August he encountered
innumerable loeuM swurtns all the way
from the forks of the two mam trails to
Fort KUrne. The wuid urn* blowing
strong from the w.-et all the time- Just
the very direction to carry the insects
straight over into Manitoba. The gov
ernor watched tlieig movements with the
greatest ajisietv, fearing that the pro
vince would ogam be devastated as it
had been the previous year. Yet dur
ing all the time lie won passing through
the uuiueuse swarms, tliey bono ilog
gtxllv t.) the south and south-east, either
tacking against the wmd, or keeping to
the ground when unable to do so.
Nothiug was more remarkable than the
manner in which they persitel in refus
ing to lie carried into Manitoba. A few
werw blown over, but did not alight, and
the province seemed miraoulouidv de
lire rwL I'rwf. Whitman tells me, again,
tiiat in Bottling the present year the in
sects avoided those conntiea in Mimimo
ta in which they had hatched most uurn
erously and done greatest injury, hut
selected' sueh as had not Buffered (or
some years past.
I'ln* Man Thai Xaietl a tII
The inhabitants of NevjHdis, hearing
nf the approach of Tiuwwr, the Tartar,
prrpami to Jrfruil theinaelvna with
vigor, but Nmi u r counseled them to do
nothing of the aort, but t| trust to him
alone, and hut mediation witii Tinumr.
The ptsjple were doubtful of hissuooesa,
but they yielded. before proceeding
to tlie camp of the Ixvuegcr, Nasur. w!io
knew it was useless t<> approach the
great chief without a present, consid
ered wlint gift was likely to be moat ac
ceptable. He resolved it should tie
fruit, but he hesitated tietweuu tigs and
"I will oonault with my wife," aaid
Xasttr-od l>eeii, and he accordingly did
The lady advised him to take quinces,
a* the larger fruit.
" Very good," aaid Nastir ; " that be
ing votir opinion, 1 will take figs."
\Vheii he reached the foot of the throne
of Tamerlane, he auiioumcod himself as
tin ambassador from the tslcagnered
citizens, and presents!, as an offering
of their homage, his trumpery takct of
tigs. The chief burst into rage, and
ordered them to be flung at the head of
the representative of the jeople of Jengi-
Seheher. The courtiers pelted him with
right good will ; uud each time tie was
struck, Nasnr, who stsd patient and
immovable, gently exclaimed :
"Now, Allah be praised!" or, "Oh,
the Prophet t> thauked!" or, "Oh,
■ .ulmirubie ! how can 1 lie sufficiently
grateful V
"What Jost thou mean, fellow?"
asked Timotir ; " we jielt von with tigs,
and you seem to enjoy it."
" Ay, truly, great sir," replied Kasur;
" I gratefully enjoy the consequence of
my own wit, Mv wife counseled me to
1 bring quinces, hut I chose to bring
j figs ; and well that 1 did, for with figs
von have only bruised me, but had I
brought quinces you would have beaten
I my brains out"
t "The stern conqueror laughed aloud,
, and declared that, for the sake of one
fool lie would spare all the fools >n the
city, male and female, them and their
" Then," cried Xasur, " the entire
population is safe !" and he ran home
ward to communicate the joyful intelli
l'lhliiii Notes.
Ijtrgc hoop earring* are again worn.
Aiaatian tiowm are aeeti on the newest
nnportixl bonnets.
Pale bine brocaded silks are noxl for
full-ilrewi bonnet*.
Cnckisi feathers, tijijxsl with jet, are
handsome for round lints.
Shaggy beaver hate arc moat liked in
the Gainaborough shape.
Marble paper anil envelopes are the
lateet novelty in stationery.
Evening bonnet* are all white witli a
border of white ostrich plumes.
Among new pieee-tnminings are stani|>-
ed velvet and tinsel galoous.
Embossed velvets are greatly used in
combination with silk or satin.
Exquisite card-holders the shape
of a shell held by a pretty little finger.
Point lace vests, with Eoriis XTII.
onflTs, are the now extravagances for full
Sew collars and cuffs have colored
embroidery in pale tints, with scalloped
New handkerchiefs have the liorder in
large scallops, finished with small scal
lops in colors.
Favorite searf-pins Mro made of two
snakes twined together, and having bright,
enameled scales.
A New York bride's extravagance was
shown in point lace gloves and point lace
covering for her shoes.
Habit basques, shaped like gentlemcns
frock coats, are among the fresh inipor
tations for ladies' wear,
Htamling collars and narrow cuffs are
haul to alsilish; they still continue to be
favorites with mnny ladies.
The fashionable petticoat of the season
is perfectly flat in front and on the sides,
and with fulness behind not beginning
higher up than below the lower edge of
the corset. It should only reach to the
knee, and the flounces are buttoned on
to it, more or less long according to the
driss to be worn. The fan shape at the
buck innst be maintained.
nroad-Chrotrd Horses,
"Wiud," Anyn an oll horseman, "in
tho grand ao.irot of n fnat horao. Good
lungs will cover h multitude of fault* •
while, on tho other hand, perfection of
shapo and form arc uHelens when the
wind is out. Tho chest, therefore, in
all cases, should lie large and capacious.
In shape it may vary somewhat, accord
ing to the service to which the horse is
to be put. If ho is to bo kept for slow
work and heavy drawing, tho cliost may
be nearly circular in form, because this
shape is one for strength and bulk, to
receive and bear up against the pressure
of the collar, while at the same time
sufficient room is secured for tlint expan
sion of the lungs caused by slow, regnlsr
work. But if the chest is circular, let it
be at the same time deep, or else the
lungs may be cramped. A hoi so with a
shallow ehest is worthless for any pur
pose. Tho rule, then, is this : For a
draught house, a circular but deep chest;
but, as you pass through the different
degrees of speed, up to tho raoer and
trotter, tho ehest will increase in depth,
compared to its roundness, until, for the
highest rate of speed, yhi must take a
chest as deep as a greyhound, and at the
same time not lacking in strength."
■ ■■torn and Mldrtln Stator
■llty aeveu failure* wer# re|>ort<t during
111* past month 111 New York, with aggregate
hat.lilt OW of •J.fifts.bim, and aaaeta, *OUS.SI
Thomas Teg ley, Frank Alajracti, Henry laiiat
ami Allrert Huyder were aurioiialy burned try an
■ xploaion of ga> in a culliaiy near I rancut,
A 1. Mover and t vreulua Helierw, the heat
..f the defutacl Plme Kavluga Itauk of llca.llng,
I'a, v.i re arrest.. 1 upon ooluplatl.t of a dcpual
tor. who chaigct them with defrauding bun
out of tt.omi I bey wi re a.imllt.Ht to ball
tlovernor llartranft revl<-we.t and address.l
a 11ooeealou at Pollsb.wn, Pa., in op|Mialtiou to
tlu tariff bill totigtcas
J M lleid, a farmer of Jamestown, N i ,
Committed suicide bv banging liliuaeif Ui a Ooru
rib, on account of tluanctal trouble a
Inning the last two months thousands of
unemployed men in New York have apptlod at
the netutUng lu that city to )uut
the tegular army
A large uumtKir of bualiseas falliuo* havo
taken plav'e lu New Y.ak dly rvaveutlv. Among
the nest |irouilueut houses that have sua
p rided are tireenleaf, M. iris ,Y Co., bankers,
I > sl-uit HM.tu) KO. lloyU Ato , whlakv
counuiseiou merchants, for a large amount
Jewell, Harrison Alb,, deolrra lu )<rovtaiou
and . J. C kohtaaal a Sons, div goods
nti|>.iitris, for about tn&.UOll, and Wtla.ii A
<oeig. ill v goods dealers wilier ItaL.UUee ag
gregate 1U tire neighbor hood of sltC,UllJ.
Ala Min ting of the trustees of the New
York aud hrooklyu bridge Company, held in
lirooklyu, a resolution was adopted calling
upou the city f ltr.H.klyu for a re-|uiattb>u ■ f
tI.iKM ißio, aud ui>n New York crlv for f Mt>,-
IRRI, for the of tlnialuug the bridge,
this additional amount will make Just ♦ 10,-
(Mip.tMsi that will havo Iweu ralaetl to build the
hpring .u a UUfubcr of rillea and
towns of Ns \<>rk have lawn held. J arrow
lleirUm, the Workingmrms cantidat. waa
elcH-tc.t may or of I'Uea, defeating both the
Pemocratk' and llepul.Ucau candidates . lu
I.liutra, liranvUle I>. Paraou*. tlreenha.k ami
1 .als it Heforur candidate, waa elected mayor
over the hepuhllcan and lJemia-raUc iroiwiuera
by Mil majority, aud the same party elected
live of the seven aldermen chosen . in l>swego,
Thomas I'lersou, the tilorirkack and \\urktiig
nteu'a candidate, waa elected utavor by about
300 inajority . in Auburn, the coml-iued Perio
. rats aud Natioualiata elected Martin L. Walley
mayor by 2l< majority, while the regular
llrpitbltcau for tuayor w. re erected
111 lUa heatrr and Newburg. and (hr Ib tli.Ktatlc
candidate fur that office waa . hoseii in Troy.
1 be I'rohrbitiouist party of lUsode l-land. in
culivrnUoli at l'ruvidence nominated the |K-ee
eut State ulkoert f.-r lc ...vtloln
A bill for the proteetiau >'f saving* bank de
ja-ait-if* baa be-li pavaed by tbe New lurk
ntato Nonatc.
Tbe Nt w HaUip-hire Greet ba- k parly brld a
ixiuventKßi at I'-ntsm utl. aud n inn-aie.t
SannicJ Flint, of 1 vuis. for govrrtn-r.
A rtre lu Hpartatisburg, Pa.. drtrovl nearly
everv buaiiM-s* house tu tbe loan 'Twenty
families were tuado h>Mu< loss -ml the damage
dour r cache# 91lRi,(RXJ.
lbs ship Bern.a. f P.nland. * aight.xl
by the steamahiji Bolivia, in uild-u eon, Wllh
the Aluertcau cnatgu, union ■!- an. The mate
of th* lU rtba statnl that un the j-re - loua day
l aplalu Htllandlhirs aratm-i had hern washed
ovrrtaiard. A * ai l two snau.wn flout
tlie Bolivia wrre a. Nt aboard tin -tip.
SjKx-iai Bank Examiner William J. Beat, who
has t*< n engaged fur a long Uuie tu examining
the affairs of the Uulou Otui* Savings Hank
uaa of the largest institution- of its kind in
New York City Una prepared a supplruie.itsrv
rrjiort stating that the concern is in a aafr
ix-udltion, arid charging that the troubles of
tbe l-aiik were due lo a conspiracy uf several
mciulirrs uf the bank a board uf trustee# to In
jure it.
Henry Schmidt, of New York, while in a
drunken rage at his wife, who refused to give
up her earnings to satisfy his craving for
liquor, put-onod her. hi* daughter, anil
mother in-law bv putting or-emc lu their
coffe*-, and Uirii fled. Tbe mother and daugh
ter were rescued froui death, but the old lady
waa left Ui a ciltical condition. Schmidt waa
cajgured and locked up.
Western and Southern State*.
'The lowa State Senate has restored capital
pumahuu nt, by a rote of is to Ik.
At Kansas flty, Mo , Fdward McParreu was
hung for the murder of a deputy mar dial tu
February, 1*77 at Warreuburg Mo.. John
1 vame 1. a farmer, wa- hung for the murder of
Miller, alau a fanner, with whom he bad
quarreled , and at Marlon. Ala., Albert Young,
Robert June*. Silas Wright and LOCUM Porter,
all cviiiMxxl. were hung for the murdtv of Isaac
lb Moore.
17ie d< atJi of Benjamin F. Wade. ex-Senator
of the United States, look place at his home In
Jefferami, Ohio, on the 2d. after a In hering
- ckiirsa. Mr. Wade wa# bom tu Weal Spring
field, Ma#*., (telober 21, 1300 At the age of
eights- u he wmit lo Uhi(>, working for a while
a- a farm laborer and afterward a* a school
teacher. At UB age of tweuty-alx be leg an to
-ttidy law. and in l*vV. wa* alc-cted prceec-utuig
tt--niey of A-h'abula county, Ohio. In I*4-
be wa- aj'lJltitel presiding jtnlgr of the third
judicial dlainct of Ohio, and in lASI he to
canle United State-Senator, which office he
held until ISB'J. When Andrew Johnson be
came j'ree.ident in IRBS, S< uaUir Wade wa*
ckclnl |itralil-iil j-v Im, of the Senate. His
last appearance m put he was at tlie natnmal
Republican conreutlon held in CYttctunau in
At Fiahkill landing, on the Mississippi
nver, fifteen mdea *• >uth of Wan-rioo, IU., the
house- of Montr Kaiser waa burned, and him
aelf, wife and alt children i r.ahed in Uie
flame*. '
The Miami Having# llatik of i 'tnrinnaU. Ohio,
h* failed. It* Ukmlttie* arv tITO.WHI IMrti,
#152. <>oo.
A li-mfto tornado, 400 yard* in width. wrpt
through <'uri county, Kr., killing Vincent
A'raley, Um wife, two crown d>ti((hUrii,
nephew named Sloans and William bo
th< TidiiitTof Mount Olive. Mm. Morgan waa
killed, and dwelling# were eoliwletely awept
away. fano# were blown down. !r>-* uprooted.
1 ainl nearly all the rattle end uouiiry in tbe
path of trie whirlwind were ktllcd.
The recent dcatruotive flood* u California
have done en imiiKieo uuouut of damage.
The oooiitrv for lift) nuli-a on the Sacramento
nvrr looked Uie e huge inland *. lb-, (ilrau.
a farmer of Ooluaa county, 1- 't Jll.OtK) aheep
and 6.000 acre# of whqft The loaa between
, Sacramento and Monroeville. on levee*, build
ing*. cattle and crop# will reach #seo,ooo.
The carnival aea*ou lu New Orlean* opeurd
with the arrival of King Carnival, the ur
rendt-r of the key# of the city by the mayor,
and the occupation of the city by the King of
Ml#rule. Over twenty thrmaaod person# wtt
ii*#cd the cercmonie.
M >tSpring*. Ark .the fanioua watering place,
ha* bean partially laid In aahe*. A fire broke
ont in a shanty, and before it could !*• raMmd
the flame* had daatroved 250 building*, to
i Mkw wl h *ll .milieu** amount of good*.
Among the building* burned are thru- hotel*,
two lnk*. poet-offioa, a dally newa-jiatwroffice.
Wee tern Union telegraph office, ami vmrion*
ba<h and buaniea*bouaea. The lo*#i* estiraat
ixl # l #200,000 and over.
Cincinnati'* txwrd of edneation ha# appr >-
I pnated #2,000 to pr*|<*rea full allowing at the
cltv public school #y#tcm and student#' work,
j at the Part# Exposition.
1 A hard money league ha# been formed in the
. West with headquarter# at Chicago, rtoorge
W. Allen, of Milwaukee, haa lieen elected
I president.
I The fifth annual convention of the National
Itutter, Uheeee and Kgg Association met in
' Chicago, and waa called to order by President
Henry Shriver. of llaltimore. Alxmt fifty
nu-raber# of the llostnn Produce Kichingr ar
med in the mnnung. Many hundred delegate*
from all part* of the country if ere in attend
Th# trextle platform naeil in building a new
iron bridge aero*# the Potomac river near
Williamxport, Md.. gava way whilo thirteen
mi ll were at work upon it, throwing them into
the water. Three of the men were fatally in
jured and three other* nerioualy hurt.
The steamer City of Cheater caught fire at
Memphis, Tenn . and many of those on board
wore compiled to Jump iuto the river for their
lives. The most of them were rescued by
small lioat#. but two men tost their lives. The
steamer was totally destroyed.
Paul Bt. Pierre, hi* wife and two ehildren,
lost their lives while in the cabin of a propeller
which was run dowo anil sunk by a steamboat
Nt New i frleans
' At Fort Wayne, lad., two sons of Matthew
! t.viich. aged twelve and fourteen, were killed
by the explosion of railroad torpedo with
which thev were playing, and a third son. aged
' tw,>, wan fatally injured.
The National Dairymen's convention. In se*-
1 ion atThicsgo, adjourned t> meet on the tirst
! Wedneedav in March. I*l9. in New York city.
J. F. Joyce, of New York was fleeted president
I for the ensuing year, and it was decided to
' hold an international fair iu the fall, probably
' tu New York.
A raid on illicit still* in Johnson comity,
■ Taun.. by government officials, resulted in ttie
seizure of five distilleries snd a large quantity
i of material used In the manufacture of whisky.
A number of arrests were aleo made
From wsahlnutop.
Decrease of Uie national debt during Febru
The coinage rxeruted at the mint* during
, February numbered ft.071,510 pieces, worth
The treasury department ia preparing for
the immediate execution of the silver law. A
device for the now dollar has been proposed by
Dr. Lindf rman and approved, and the mints
will l>e put at werk immediately.
Murphy, the temperance lecturer, has closed
I a Ave weeks, engagement in Washington,
whence be goes to New F.ngland. While In
j Washington he procured 13,000 names to t tie
; plodge.
I Owing to the large amount of business on
: hand It Is thought the session of Congress
will lie prolonged to summer.
Alliert B. Porter, of Indiana, has been nomi
nated to illl the vacancy til the office of tirst
comptroller of the treasury, oocaatoned by the
death of Mr. Taylor.
The balance of trade iu favor of the United
States for the last nine months is £135,000,000.
Committees of both Houses of Congress
have nude reports in favor of Captain How
ga e' plans for a scientific and exploring ex
|*stition to the Arctic region*. and a bill appro
posting Uie sum neceaaarv for eipeuae* hat
IKS'II pot I||MIII Ul* llouae calendar According
to (be plan proposed, ttie eiploreaa will tuiah e*
far north ea they can. hulld Ummaelvea house*,
and a wall a favorable opportunity to go on fur
liter and halld other house# In this wey they
will be enabled to gradually eiteud their invee
ligations until the great pi obi.una of the AroU.
region* have been aolvod.
The llouae couimittee on banking and rur
renin v.tted |a re|sirt fevorably tit. I'bllUp*
postal aavlugs blil ea amended
Paring 1 debate til the House on the Unilel
•elrnrea, made hv order of Ure aeerelary of the
Ulterior, it waa ateted that e mill et Fort rteitd
Francis, owned hv Itrltlah aul.Jt-U, he* a con
tract for furnishing all the timlwr fur various
1 ugllati • liter prleea. and la t.ually at Murk,
while lire timber which 1* being sawn la all
taken from the public lauds of the (lulled
Nil tea.
'tire llouae committee on ediiraUou'end laUsr,
has agreed to report favorably a Joint reaolu-
Uou restoring the eight hour law, and jirovtd-
Itrg that the aanre I* recognised aa a day a labor
throughout the eiilire government service.
The Heuate committer on .vgumarce hae
agreed to retsirl lu favor of James Gordon
I ten net (a re.prest that the Pandora be allowtai
to salt under the American flag and that naval
ofticera he .Mailed for Service on that vessel in
the pru|K>*vd Arctic exploration
Pr. Marv Walker appsmred before the police
hoard, lu ft'aahlugton leceutly, asking an ap
tmlnlmerit as a *|KK-la) |.|icrinan. She sold
Una was necessary U> protect herself frcari
Insults frum latva, lcauar aire wear# male
coetume. and would make the boys feel
that women had aoroo lights they were hound
to msnect. Hhe ctalmsal that she was the only
rllgibl. wornaii in the United Mtates for such
|KMtltlou. having discharged the duties of as
sistant surgeon duriug the late civil war. The
U>ard promised to r .naidor the epplk'atlou.
Foreltcn Nnwi.
The surrender of rnairy Cuban insurgents is
anaotiiiced. aud the insurrection is said to be '
pa. Ileallv at an cud
tic-neral tiraut baa arrived at Conalautluo !
'The treaty of |>eatw lnrlween huaaia and Tur
kev was signed at Han htefar.o, Ituaala aban
doned her claim on the Egyptian and Hulgoriau
tributes lu M. Petersburg the news was re
ceived wllh great rejoicing, au immense crowd
apt war tug Inf. .re the palace and singing " tiod
save thenar'
I'ojse low. XIII. was crow lied IU the tilxUue -
t'hapel at Home. Tlie oeremouy was prforna
ed twf.-rr the cardinals and a few other per-
rtmall pn has been raging to a terrible ci
LU the liepaitmwnt of 1.../.ere, southern Franc*
The captain-genera! of Cuba lias issued a
proclamation looking to the recouetructlou of
affairs lu the island He atatea lu the urorlama
Uou that the lime has ouAK- lo ii.lrodu.x- each f
reforms as, without uisurrwctiun Cuba, would 1
have enjoyed long ago that dating from the
next legislative term I'Aba shall be represent
ed in the t'ortee, at Madrid no lapel terms with <
Porto Itico, according to the pu-uiaUou of the
is.and aud that the laws shall bw uaily ap
The i'/ar at iluaeia baa reoeive.l the follow- t
ing telegram from the hulton •*f Ihtkey "On
th<- occasion of the antuvorsary of your majee
ly e accesatou to the thr.>ne. I offer Bit con
gratulaUcns, with the desire of renew lug our
frlendlv relation* " I't.e < rar aent the follow
ing >|Ay "1 thank your majeety for your
cougTatulatmu*. which 1 received auuultano
oualy with the news of the signal Ui e of peaoe.
1 peruana u tin* . otucidenc*. a preaage of j
good and lasting i. UUons between ua"
t'ardiuai Franc hi ha* Wn sppa.lcd secre
tary of state by Pujie leu XIII.
The treaty, tlgul at Man Htefano bears the
tltk- •' Pruiuumartee uf l'eoce, and contains
tw. nty-uiue article*. The pwning articles re
late to M outcnogro, Serrla and Mulgarla The
u.druiuuv la hted t I.AIO.tXH.OOO rouble* j
tl,113 Mn.lWO), but 1,100 000,000 roubles are
covered by territorial cnasgms. Nothiug la '
fixed ouncemiug the tenna and jmriod of pay
ment of the 510.000.000 louhlea ( rJ. lh,0001.
No guarantee ia stipulated, nor la thera men- j
Uon of the 1 gyptian or Hulganan tribute* or
of the Turkish ileel. The treaty simply states
that Ituaala aud Turkey shall agree subee
■lUrutly about the payment.
Advices from 1 V>nne liay, Newfoundland,
stale that great distress |.recalls tnere, aa the j
result of the scarcity of &ah last aeaeon, and
that half the people of the place are living al
together on herrings.
There has been a targe fire in I'annuo. Tbe
ffaines spread over thr.w bi.wks of husinoe# ,
houses, causing a damage estimated at 9&00,-
Oouut Nclops. the Ita'iau sutesmau and
presidout of tiie.l It-Utva Hoard of Arbitration
. u the Alabama claims, is .lead al the age of
\ ice-lYeaideut W hcw l. r, having retnrbedlo ;
\Y ashing ton. again presided, lulls were intro
duced Uy Mr. Oochrcll, of Missouri -To ou
ihurim the' defvowlt of silver bullion Ui bars aud
the .sane of certificate# tlicn for ; by Mr., of Mus-ssanp To aulhuriae the p*J- j
mrut of bounU<-s u> the heir* uf tsiiun who (
wire cultsUd as staves Tlie Senate went
into executive session, and .among . -Ui. T work
it rxmfirmwd the nomlnaUoti f ltayard Taylor
as u.uusler to Germany. Adjourned
Petitions o|>pong the transfer of the life
saving stations to the navy department were
presented in the Senate by Metwr* Ooukling,
Anthony, Hlaine and Wtthvr* A favorable
report v. as made by the cumtuitU* on military
affairs on the rwwnlutiou anlhormug the reetoT
au.-n cf cx Surg.-ou < >curral Hammond to the
army n-Urrd list Mr. Beck's resolution de- •
caring it metiwdicnt to raise taxes to pro. uie
for the #5".00P, tWO demanded fur Uie sinking
fund vraa discussed, chiefly by Mr. Beck, who ,
desired Its paaaagc. and waa rcferrwd to the
ft nance committc*. Adjourned.
Petitions remonstrating against the passage
of the bill transferring the .-ootrol uf the UfV
saving aervtcw from lie treasury to the uavy
d< rartnieut, aud agaluat Uie jmaaage of any
. . j.-v V -,:.g tav • U inc.-tic > r< pre-wetiltd
The Senate resumed consideration of Ui* bill
to auth.uuu. a long bond foe tbe investment of <
aaviuga An amendment by Mr. Blaine, raak
u.g lh. rat. >'f interest four fn-r cent, instead
of 3.C5. was agre-e.l U> after which the hill waa
passed. The bil!, a* naraod. jvrovidwa that in
lam of tbat amount of jwr twvnda
anthonred to he lanmed by tbe act of July 14.
JR7n, the ere-rwtary of the treasury shall issue a
sum not exceeding 9100,000,000 of coupon j
ts.nds of the denominations of td, 9SO, and
wliW, rexlvx-mabir in com fifty years from the
date of their iasue, tKvarmg interest, payable
-cmi-annually, at the role of four per oenlum
per annum. Tbe txmds are- to be diapowed of
for com. or for l uit'd Mate# legal tender
notes at their nominal valne. and such
tender note* shall be retaeucd. aud their pro
ceeds and the com revorived for anch Isiod*
shall be applied to tbe redemption of ontatand- j
mg bond# of the United htaUs which ar re
d.-emable aud bear the hlgheat rate uf interest
of anch loud*. Adjourned.
The Heuate resumed consideration of Uie
joint resolution relative to Chinese immigra
tion, which requests tlie Preaideut of the
United Stale# to open correetaindence immedi
ately with the government* of China and Great
lintaiii, wIU. a riew of aernring a change of
abrogation of all stipulation!- in exlaUug .
treaties which permit tlie unlimited immigra- :
Uon of Clnnese to the Umtid States. Mr. har
cei.t, of California, apoke In favor of the reso
lution, after which it waa lard on the table in
order to gire his colleague, Mr. Booth, an op-
I portnnity to apeak in regard thereto. Ad- ,
Tlie Senate tnll amending the law# grnnUug
peiimon# to officer# and soldier* of the war of
l*l'J waa reactuxi. and Mr. Btcphena, of l.aer
gia. moved to tiaiui the lull. It place# on the
p*u*ioii roll* the names of such officers and
men a# scrnxi fourteen dav* in the war with
(treat Itntaiu. and direct* the restoration to the
fx>n.ion rull* of tlioae names stricken there
rom on account of going over to the Oonfixt
i rate States, but jToiidea that no back |av
shall tie allowed. Mr Joyce, of Vermont,
wanted a provision in the bill excludiug from
its tienefits those |*rrsons who took part in the
war on the Confederate side. Mr. Wait, of
Connecticut, stated that of the forty-fire men
who litil entered tin war of ISI2 from Norwich.
Conn.. but one remained alive, and he hoped
the House wonld pass the bill immediately.
The bill was then passed—yeaa 217, nays 21.
Mr. Maish, of Pennsylvania ofiervxl a reeo
lution, recitiiig that while the Union Pacific
and Central Pacific Railroad Compaiuo* owe
the United States fis.Sikt 000 of accrueil inter*
est on bonds guaranteed by the United Slates,
Uie earnings of said companies have been con
sumed by dividend# declared on capital stock
in violation or their charters, and diixx-Uug the
Judiciary committee t rejxirt whether It i ev
ixxlient to enact such laws a# will nrohiblt the
pavment of dividends on said xtrra until tlie
linlehUxluoaa to the l inUxl States Is liquidated.
lUifernxl A resolution waa jwsaed authoriz
ing j x-rsiins having claims against the Chinee*
iudommty fund to presi-nt Hu m... .The bill to
establish ihc Territory of Peuibina wa# sdverw--
ly nporteil Mr. Keller, of Pennsylvania,
made a N|*<erh upon tW resumption act
I luring hi# remark* he said . " With BfiS.IIOO.-
000 of gold iuthe tnasurr, with none in the
hand* of the |*x>pl*. and with #700,000,000 to
t* redtx-inixl, the res imption act i# a measure
of inaaniti. The enforcement of it i# driving
the |>eople to pauperism, to lunacy, and to sui
cide, and i* creating a moneyed oligarchy,
whoso wealth, compared with the body of the
Jxxiple, will l*< greater than that of tlie money
ed ollgarchv of Kngland. Instead of tmainesa
reviving everywhere, prices c.iiitmuc to ahnuk,
wages to fall, employment for skilled or nn
skilled lalsir hecomoa more difficult to iditain.
Tliis will continue and gmw won*- fr. m month
to mouth, until that menace to confidence, the
resumption act, is rejiwaled.'
Tlie fortification appropriation bill was
passed The hill appropriating #250,000 for
a fire-pro if building for the national museum,
was referred to the committee of the whole ...
A message was received from the President
vetoing the bill authorising a special term of
oourt. In Mississippi, to try timber land plunder,
era The message said there was not suffi
cient time to hold snch special term and that
the government could not prepare for trial,
because no funds were available. ...Air. Oar
field sjvke in reply to an allusion to him. made
by Mr. Kifficy in his speech of the previous
dav. Adjourned.
Mr Hpringer, of Illiuoia, offered a reaolutiou
authorizing the committees on expenditure* in
the sen ral departineui* to employ each a clerk
orexjiert pending investigations, and the com
mittee on post offices and post loads to empl y
two expert#. Agreed to bv 133 to 104... .Alter
debate the House passed the deficiency appro
priation bill It appropriates #6.500 for tern
porary clerks til the treasury , #20,000 for
clerk* to Investigate fraudulent Unit entrtea,
etc , 925,000 for clerk* to the general Uu>d
office to brUvf into the market the public lend*
111 Arkansas, I-ooialona, Mississippi. Alabama
end Florida . and 94,000 for lighting and beat
iii* the |<en*l<m office. Adjourned
The bill authorising the laeua of a loaf bood
for the Inreetmeut of aavlng* wa* referred to
Uie committee on way* and uioau* .. The bill
approbating money for the |#.vmeul of
HouUieru mail ooflUacta, for aervtoe# rendered
prior to IHAI, oaait up and provoker! a pro
longed di -ueaiou. Mr. WUllta, of Michigan,
read from the (Joiifederate archive* to abow
that eighteen of thoae claim* had been paid br
the fionfnteraU) amertimeul. He al#n quoted
from a rrpul by Mi. Reason, aa (Vwfeaerat*
l-oelinaeter general, lu which he credited him
self with 95OJ.0ltf> t-ald on aorotiwt of aerrtoe*
rendered prior to May It, ItMI. Mr.tlteagao,
of Teia*. aald that he had not aaeu any at hla
report* alnce the end of the war, but If tba
gentleman from Michigan, Mr. Wllllta, aa
right, he would concede to an amendment so
aa to eaolude from payment such contractor*
a# were |>*i<l br the nonfederal* government.
Mr. bkiunt, of Georgia, fell if to he hie
boundru duty to eay for hi* aeotlon tiiat he
would net real hie vide to pey any gentleman
for carrying mall* in tha South who bad hither
h. been paid by the Guufederata government.
Without coming to a oouclualon tba llouae ad
Met Wer*! Melbrrs ' Melhrrs !! ! Oas'l
fail to procure Mis Minalow* H>*>thing Hyrup
fur all diseases incident tu the l-erlod of tnwUl-
Uig lu children. It relieves tlie child from pain,
cures wrtud c JUC, regulates the bowwla, and, by
giving relief and health In Uie child, gives rest lo
the mother. It la an old and well-tried remedy. ,
Abanneerd wl -
At all tune* ships of '.ue kind or another are
filiating about at ana, * Baudot .ed by oflieera and
crew, in what aetan* a I,- jwleas conditiuu
H-ane are dlsmauUod and mere bulk*, some ar#
awlmmlug keel U|rwards, some are waUr i-w-
I red, but being laden with Umber will not tank
I but are driven hither ami thither as tha wind
slid wave* mav direct Hr. people afflicted wllh
catarrh, bfuuchltla, and cmaumpUon are abaud
donwd by physician* and friends aa luotuable,
vet thousand# of such are annually restored to
*l*-I feet health by the use of Ur. Hage • Catarrh and LW Pleroe a Golden Medical The
cuvery. llie Catarrh Remedy U uuetjualed aa
a soothing and beallug local a[.plicaUon, while
the lhacuveiy purifies and enrkbe# the blood
and tin porta tone and vigor to the whole era
ViiKjua. Ua., April 17th, 1177.
Ia. Ciaar* I far Sir— l suffered fur twelve
years with that must offensive and loathsome
{of all diM-aece catarrh. My taste and mell
were complctelv deafroved. I prucured a *up
plv of Ir Hage • Catarrh Kctnedv, and four
Golden Medical Inscovcrv, which I Uaed ta
oordmg.tu, and a complete and per
nutueiit cure waa ajewdil* effe*-led. I take
' pleasure- in recommending them to all afftitaed.
Ever thankfully youra,
t naga E. Hivr.
Wain*" Hivro, Burlington Co., V J., Feb.
JRlh, 1177.
Ila. I'lKMca If or ,%r—Your (iolden Medi
cal discovery la the beet medicine for cougha
colds aud (xHiaumptlou. I ever knew. It hoe
laved nil life. lUxqwctfully yourw,
Hrralhlaa Ulssea V llksal Iwjarv.
Ttarv u uu it* U( kUlnMrit
:hat thousand* of persons residing from one
tear * and to another in fever and ague re
,'ioua on this Continent and elsewhere, oriatbe
ur more or !<* in.|>re-gnoted with miaama.
. without incurring the disease, simivly and only
bteaiuw tbev are in the hotat of ualug Hoe-
U-tter s HU-mach Biltere aa a prevenUvs. It
tiaa freajuenUv happened, and the fact has
Iweu amplv aUrsted bv the parties Uiemeelvx-a
that per son* surroun.i-d mi all aide# by neigh
burs suffering the tortures of this shivering
and burning plague. Lave enjoyed absolute uu
muultv from It, lhauk# to the protection af
forded by Uje Hitters. Norte that standard
anti-febrile cordial leee efl.oacmue ui remedy
■ itig in |ir#TeuUi)is rtiilli ferrr, bihou*
remittent*, and disorder* of a kindred type.
Taken between the paroxvwms. It spee^ l * mltl-
I gates then violence, aud eventually prevents
their recurrcuix- These facta, convincingly
wstal.ltshed bv evidence, aj'peal with jwvmltar
f .r.w to iravriers aud sojourners Ui malanoua
distncta. ________
Mpria DrMlliy.
Lsinftiof, lUfltPw. iD<l Uiit i''* of ihf
svstern iwvrahar to the *j>rtugtime of the year j
are immediately relieved by the I'erurian
Hvrup, which supphe* the blood with its vital
1-rtn.ipal cf Uf* element— tro n lnfuta&g
strength, vigor and new life Into all porta of
the svwtem Bring free from alcohol, its en
ergumg effect* are- not followed by oorre-*-
dondiug reaction, but ore js-nnanent. Hold by
all draggiatsL.
K ell see l.lsavrkrrst.
Take one cap of l.utter and lard mtatad to
gether. add one enp New Grlsona motaeae#
i stir into this one cup each of sugar and cold
a star, two large troapuoufula gtngar. two sgg*
u-at. u. and four cujw flour, having in it tl.res
I 'arge toaepoocful# Ilooley'a Vsaat Fowdsr.
Bake in niuderataiy hut ovwn.
Issk Oel fwr Tbew;.
Certain unpnnctpied jorb*-* have been for
I wars flooduig the conutry with immense paefc
ag,-, of horse and cattle powder* which are
uttariv worthle* Hon t be deceived by them.
Shenian Powdrr. are tbe only kind now
known in this country which are aUirtly pure.
They are very powerful.
If we had a voice like thunder we would nee
; it to advise all people everywhere to get at
max- a bottle of Johnson # Anodyne Liniment
or at least t* find out about it- A# a preven
tive of diphtheria, pneumonia, oonpetson and
all dangerous threat and lung diseases it*
value u priceless.
Tbe Celebrated
" Mire miawa '
Wood Tag Plug
Tw Uio.vaaa Tonaooo Oowrawr,
New York, Bostoo. and Chicago.
HAid by DraifHu.
That w.'vd<rftti taliou# remedy. Qnirk'a
7rial- Tea. It xwta only 25 eta a package.
Tke llreaim IMeceverv el the Age -a Dr.
Tobias' ndebrxled VasvaUan laounaet ' te ear* balss*
pahl.r. and ssrrtslsi lo ears IMaii baa. ttjiailei.
(Vvltr.asd IVfiaaies.laa** islerwaUf sad Owwa fbrosus
Khnnausa hose TbrvwU. Uste. Kroawa. Old Anna,
and Pains ia Uu Unvba. Back, and CbsoV. sivrn*.tj
II baa neear (ailad. Ho taevltf wttl esse b* witbest It
atler ons# *lv-n* II a fair treai Pnee. 40 <*** Dm.
Hulltss at On* Doltar. is warranted snpervw lo a at
other, or HO PAY. for lb* cam ef 0000. Onta. Bmwaa.
Old Boras, ale Bold b all Draemsia Dawta-IO Part
Pteon. Haw Tort.
The Markets,
www voaa.
B*f OaiUe—Native ...... t* J**
Texas and Cberokvw N
Milch £s* 2
Bo€ *-vZ~y
,|. ••••••• C t4 ri
* v<i N
Bt*t#—c*ooU to Choice. • # * *
Buckwheat, per cwi 1*) - 48
irhaal —lied Ww1wii........ J>J<4 I MB
Ho.— J MtlVftOlMk 1 ***** 1 **
0 |H|l> | ~n ••••• aaaaeeaaeaee ''
bar lev— 2 2 2
— " • ■
puck-wheat •• 2v2 2
(Tata- Mlled MX*
Ooro— Mixed Wwtani...- 2 2 2*
Hay.per cwt....
Hirmv. p#t c1 •* <• *
Hop® ..... TiV -*1 #4O ... W* It * U
PorT-M— > J", t" 2
cntj JS#.
nh Ho. 1. BOW. It • #JJ
•• No. 1. n#w * lo *4lO 00
Pry Ood. per ewt............ 4 >t <4 4 90
llerring. Seated. per boa... 1 4 It
PSrolenro —Orude .......Nl|#Ptti Belned. ltk
Wool —California n#ec# K> A U
Teias " ... *?'*!!
Anstrallav " ............ 44 is 90
State XX 41 id 44
tint or—State,. It H It
Weeterr -0k01e... II id U
Wiwterw—lood U Prime M id 40
Western—Plrklna. 0T id tl
Cheeae—State Paeiery. 10 <d 14
Stale Skimmed...... OT id id
Western Htld H
Rgga—State and Peunayleanla. .... 14 id 14
• scwavo.
Wheel No. 1 Mtiwankee. I if d 1 >
Porn—MUsd 44 id 4d
Barley —*• * *?
Barley Malt 11 # 14
Beef OaUle—Katra. . Ctjt
wi)sp ... Id id 04X
Nog*—Dreased ... ..... 04 id 04l|
r.our—Peooaylvanta Katra 1 ■ id I 14
Vkm'. - Bed * eater in 4l
ftye...... . ...... 04 .4 IT
tern- Teliae 41 id 44
Miaeit t id N
Da'#-Mixed. II .d 14
Petroleum —C nd* Ub*idl4 Keftned, ItX
Wool -Oolorwito .... U id 14
Tea* It id II
0a1tf0rn1a.................. It Id 4!
Beef Pall)# 00 <* 001 l
Kh-ep MMia ir*X
i* .d oN
pp-nr—Wxixtn# i aud Minnesota . C )t id f tl
Com—Mlaed fS id It^
Oata •' M id Ml
Wool—Ohio an.l Peunv|vnla XX. 4 id M
(talllornla Pa1i............. 44 id 41
biiowtow, waa#
lieef Oattl# Otßid IMH
Sheep 0 J*
I#lW. Of id 10
Hog* (T 04
UlAPnn' "tr. Agent* e-tnwxi everywhere. Hue
jHIIII 1 nee"t• let• i legiUtD*ie.P*rticularaflaw
ul tm %3 U U AOdrva* J • * obtw * Co.. St. Loula. Mo
XV t YTWIk Mm m eaoh State for the Da
V V ,\ .1 | I j I " text IT. Srrvloe. and lo report
oritae I'.r llheral ißcloae .lamp and addree* Ameri
can and Knenpean Secret terviae Oo . Ihnrinaati. O.
mill'i* Tkr Maud* of thn S
Pi— 2
ir4fc... lillriwttanj arancmi>*r*d bv ■
jrrT7? MitLiONS. ki
■\\V \'> j//'//yyßic*BaraaiiKhiedaeae ma
ta NN)\Vu\ WIZ/yy MIOUItCtrVtD S
1-M S Ma CtthdCenulnd..dw 7
&j Xm\ JAjytvmn of imitation*. ■*
£) A* * Also row
ra\ /nHl'l jl|l\ The I -4.. s
Ea 1 Se* that h #■
tfi llDf: THOMSON and thd tt
W iNllr TradgMdriuCsowmara m
ptl NwratamiW on varvUcMt*f g
II aoalam. Ml t aa MMartaal aara*taja aad I MO
u>a dovbhi " tow* i1 u u m*m mmmmm
M,.uw> Of I!,. Wo** ... pabttahad li —t* a* rtdbt
K* 1 tat |mo* and atlra IfHI w mkH.
••<1 M* t., tl Ua laMar Uw mi tdbar Imh*
Riihnil Fnuanw Us.. F* _
fob.. Tfca rtT ntUT SKOH
It i 4d f>"Mf /• u *+*4 • far _
•frJtesai Sbsaliw"" fast*
bH' —• ''*! # >* m -I • -a aa*. Mat to. wßf iA
Ta Oar aad All. Ara raa Mlrrla* fraa
• I afb. I- ul. ArUia* Mroarbiu. or Mr af iba lariaaa
p.tta.aatr troobtaa. ikat • Maa unaiaaia to Oua
• uwiataa * If ao km " BMto.*. /• rad la* fXI aW
| /t.."aaafaaadadl<abMaa naati. Tbla <a a. quae*
praaaaaltoa. tod u rau,.l| praaorttjarl l>l Iba laadkaal
fa* *m i Maaufaatuiatl .*.i| It* A H * Itjtoa ( 'haaiial
0 aai aa mM bfall dtaaataw
SI Mtn K * far laM Wim -yi~ '
IvM U M*|i| toi llark t aadl. li t* II
pa* (attaa 15 >u aad ■ I par Battia
MB Obatobaaa StoaaL Ifata Taab
USK 111K
V. T. Office-- lOA Chamber* Street.
l Aaaa.l atalafar .1 I r.rlablr and
Flaw#* nee* ler l7, ne etnra. UI ba
ami I ftKK in alt .la' apvir ( at. airi arflaal wane
naad n.a aria fur H. I t*tm <• of lira larga.l aollaa
turn "I mttuiia M*d a*aa MI M m ui A ■ I MM
it Aamnai. a larga ItorUoa at xwb rt graatm aa at
Sal —md far nil dir*mttmms fm ntWlOm mm
mrk f mrkmp* At) tmmJ mrmrmmrn4 '* WMi free* m 4
!•' fa MM.. • (M ILkl thwsM II pftft Hll ■■■ 1
•rt • i lit e'.<r Nr t rirlsilrs ft
>rrnllt As Ihi oralis! islMsstf mi tbm Hub
I alar Wfft *•* tbte mm
Mt. lOTiie Um of 7f vA* are <MiOei fo
At. lietf <e*if d"ee ' />*• fAr yiMNr, /r#*A SToC. aad
'b wry Wwf •"aa
J A MKM 11. J. faKM.OKY.
_______ larMrkrai, Maaa.
High School Choir.
A standard tuafs! sJd fewtto heoi
School Song Book. c '"SL
law Honk ta*'tin.' Ht> and BonßAi Babaala
Choice Trios. A. Tilda * <S pm dn—.
Tbn pert (kocte for tmn.mtm l oilmes.WßinieTiae.sSß
Graimnar School Choir.^^Si^SS 1
KaaaOaan a uaatioa far Hieh or irtawaaar Baboola
American School Music Readers.
la I Rooti aaat 3.1 eaau. Ml rant* and AO casta,
t Aral all) praparadlar Urndad Meboola
Tba lul)oa.r.i an f.tarda .atiaral eaUarfaasaalSßMl
lionet for Oomnaoa Sc'.iooi.
riOMU K* NO M * f**n •](
MIMH' fKO HU .c Kunt .AO
STB ►*%• MITBT. H. P .60
MCBIC I'llAKTa HjPa fawulUior
Uff* ('h*ft>. AffitßisiQi I W UteMmsH Ueaaas.
pietaif H>Ml> So ell. wvini m*cb irobk. mm if MI mp
end MMkd, SAd linißb>|.B WtspiA. eoMBBOrJVMIMS
Hoot tif fthprsMo le tew rolls or Mte Iselfh.
t . 11. PITMON A C ..
IIS Braadear. Near lark,
i. K. IHTnOM A (U.
att I iMaai airm. Pblia
Vp > Boatoa I*Kr'< >**." h*. a u i Mom
purtfta*. Hunw •! lb ail) roMil ran, iM >1
■OinmndM had It M. 1 ruated IH Laboratory rod
naMd ngMif oI lU ptin MnL It I.
tram harts, toot* D.l berta. aarh at whtrfc it highly
aftactlrm. aad theyare io roc* tuaatM
t-i predate aahmiahmg raatslu."
la Lbs Gmt lU iod PxinfUr.
•Will eon ib* warat cam of Bon>f k
It! t- aad A{rlbacarto
Nu ■>■■ •b1 mM irutk>ai cnm in cwso of 0n
Jim IM mt>l coma at Caakaar.
Haali aitb wodcfo! ncao ta toaraortal ditaaia.
ITUI tr4kMi# Soil RbQta tram lb*
smf l!t<n tr>i Itw fm
Dim 'owl IpatM and Kag .riatm tba Bnaala
Is a Rslustd® rwrnwlj f *r HmmlicW
VTiiJ curw Prni*n
KtaUcat tba antire system ta a health* enndtt <.r .
Removes t ha caaaas of Dlatomm.
•ahaaaa Faialaaaa at tba Stomach.
Ouraa ta tha Bask.
Kflaetoatt* aaraa K.dnay Complaint.
laaflacuaa tn iu owe of Femela Waaknam
la tha crast remedy roc General Debility.
Uaoknewledgod brail tluiaiof peopletobatboham
and moat reliable Blood PuitflerYnthe World.
H. R. STEYEIS, Boston, Mass
t feline is Sold by All Druggists.
opkb ggmgfc.'wfMaAag
TRIE Baaamaa. Bataaaa. Blaatoatod OaAalawWa M
' _• "a dyaata Baatoa AaaalO Oa, Baatoa. Maa*.
tat I I'llll Par Taaa Ipto aa Asraaf IKrawMarrtto *
8 1 f)1"F Una kaa Mama* ta f-n* taaai Maria*
a ■aa TaaaM Of Mall A tawapla Taaa Md
HaH ill t'>"aaal MMajaaaa aawlC IO
dahilU ggaa jrSßary
Wa will P* Aaaataa Malar? af MJS war Maa lb
sSelSi® a
AGENTS SSt.-^K.SlirS.'Ci
ara IfaaMtaa." .Uadr.laA Aaad O rata *Msa
rf 1 1 stiWstm^aL& ca=
no iota
/ jflßßfaVrha baat rttalMfif Towla,
/A • M \ Itr.'iar.fij Brutal and PbyMcal
f I Cl_P 11 nooTunoa.
Xfffy Birra ayataM.
I>wf ■ PapaV ■ WM>"ETi
\ 7 ntutiuuteo
u A *nut pum
v" !RP irEUDA.
; S7 Vs. " "V all üBL-ooum.
i TLf*
L- A arWT <tf MAIL KK •.
Maa •••. U • aunia* Baa lawparaaaa baafc. bf
Maa i. A D. I a Piifiaaa af 1...|rl Tratarr
a. ra a.- ua Marfkf Marrarm Ita rtala
laaA. witb bt**a#bi*. aainjn attdrnair aaA Mai
laala af ILa aiatdarfaf aaab af fjraal Taarearaaaa
AaaaUaa. Marabf. Maaaalta. u< iitaawa Taaai
awa laraart <*l ia*4a affwrail. m 4 .12 iMiaMam af Iba
1 "r'lliuoiP, Kaotwm. OMA
Dunham 4 Sons, Manubcturen,
WArwseei. IS to* I4tt SUM*.
<• lfm ftHWUMOC-wAar m* fnm U+
| nUf9
1.200.000 AC(ten far I TT Q
Mala >1 SI aad * war Irrwb (am VMa. aad
aa una la olaaaaa II fail I,WM MaMaMafcwM
übiaaaa aad ratars fraa to pari Haaari baad raau
Ta all aaftorto* frato abaaaw toaaaaaa <4 aO ktoda
Caabdaaml aoaa.Halaw va. tad paraaaaA* ar bf mail
MawaUnlaflai if ml. Maw aad Mdtabia raaaadaaa.
Saab aad iitaatari aaaf fraa Mtlad aaiataMi
■Maaa* Pluladalirlua. P . aa laaULala banaa a bb
lapatoltoa far uraarablr i ladiim aad piiiiailiail
|taradgnanaa taarf hau tiiaatl faad " |
IL Cmft*. r< i lidaaia. >1 a ,:.uw tar Ban. hln I
| 11 yua aef *—l ■ fa mi. a*n . It yea. |
Invalid Pensions Increased.
BOL'VTT Valaafaar* raaalfaina bilana Jaa> I.
IKLaal Apr.: I lea. adfa taaaaUiTarfar
■- rr- ' rowoXhraaeea
3 --irf'— .liatu aaaMMrl. fa aaMaaan, aallara. all it i
.ad < h.kdraai ar 111 it, Nw aa I* .arr.aora fajd
aidoata Olianga ta laena fa par ad at aaraiaa aaddaia
aI aanaj. bOCVtr ta atfan In a. argil, fat
mala or uuatr. aad a a lata elia.l > aim Jet
Lata Ofaal I Naattarr O.aanrtiii
Amiraaf ai Laa Ko 111 Xaaaaa fctrwC Mae Tel
KCKF> PUart Hart;. e.v. (traaa HfctTU. I If It-
UIM Fianfarf Vate I Orwawa. a. Aafaa. 3w aa*
Tw.lmd Si!k CfaprnOaa. paraem fraaaaa, Panel.
lUaiO ine laanaul nba.n ■*<*.
Otraalara awl taapla n , : •* aa airjrUanßjr,
At !rta tmh. daltaarad t raa. VK K P MAJrI rA( TT'EITO
(XMtFAJTT. 11l and im Marofa See Mae tari
taan llaamfa. V. .panaaau a i baataatn. KfaaArn-;
u Haehaaaa. OpuaaL ••. faOfiae • •"*
feu rs*sr 5
ssusretar snir. KTJTSS
laat, Cargaatar'a ToaJa. w Daaeritm awagfa and
amaaiaa faal. of SaieraJ Ma* and lagardaaaaia and
•alia ham fa aaaka tba aegarataa far Mlarifaae Ifal
CoMam na ananaai at Xaa Kcaaau-iAc Diwoaanat.
tdead t* l*ra(. John Ptta Htafaae U *•-
aaeMito AO taeu 1W faar. b.inai.aa ftaa
Trial Tre>. laaa laaaaba l taaa (p-atag. afawe*
Addfaaa. JOH I HITK 11. Broadaaa Sao Tart.
r O Baa W*.
Frontinj: Union Square
Finest Location in the City
Enrcpea Flu —lutiorui Snsirrssssd
KSSjriS S WMA IKB, Pi mm> **—*■
Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat
Require* Imtoinllalr attratioa, aa Mfbr
aflcitUwi taaalla la tama lacurahla !,■■■
art a simple moody, a- will almoat to
rn riahly flrt Immediate relief.
la madktan.
A oaauiaa ramtdy lor all * of tba Ktdaoye.
■ladder aad L'rfaary Oriaai aiaa rood ta Drop,
atoal tamr la lata. D mam prodeoas aclases,
saftoua aad speedy a tta Mtm. 11 a faal sapmasdto
all ethar nmsdtm htry ear* auaa
•a>a Be atber wedtrtn's aaa da tha.
He ware at lallalleaa, far, aortas ta its ate
i haaa baae cFarad; maw are meal itut*
am raaatat prim ata
DI'NDAH DICK ft CU.'N rto t Or
air*, mrrbtoi Oil a/ gaaialn nI. aald or oil
aaraa. ill fm idrmlw, ar read fhra< M K aad
THE* "
6000 OLD
111! HWH If Tlill ®IM %•••?
ready. Ahrara heady. Haa eever yet feleo a
atWratlaMbdri A The * jam world mpva"* 1".
glerroaa old Maetang-ua ..set am! Obeapmi Uwsei
to aiwtoooa *A oar.i. a entile Tha MtuUm I >atto >
aaraa abac nothing arao aril!.
CATARRH. Pond's lM I. tteariy .Sf
ctfte for this diw-aiw. It can hardly ba e
eetled, erra la old an ! n!.ttnat" caws.
Tha relief to ao promjd that no oaa who
haa ever tried it a i'l be a I'hnrit It
Extract sligol i oe la<t> fsiail) tuu
ro'ivh weather. It rwumes the an ■•*■
aiul rotHfhDfMt iud sulu ui uJ hcan
the skin proo|>tS>'. _,
. RIIKIRATIS.tI. -Duringsever.- and chsuireab.*
wmxher, no cm® •ttbJd-t to
Va*u should he M W v tfttfrtu < Pond *.
Kxirnrt* which nlfttt j* rrli\ .
( III.IK This cold a.-atbei* i tit"
Ua|T sorely. Hate Pond's F.atra.'t
Oil baud always. It reuevps the ;au> and
cure* the dtaease.
CHILBLAIN!* will b proraptlr reliated an?
ultimately cured tiv latluiuf the afflictec
imrta aith I'oinl'- l.xiru i.
BKOHTED l.nißh. -Pouil'eExtr:ii'tinvuric
hly relieaaa the radii aud p..,it), f.'nrra.
"" w, winv, 'rnsttm
. are pfouipUy cured bv tbo u oi Fuud'e
A_Etlrcl. It net rr rail..
HliedWk* and I are nl P.-mTa Ktltad, lu
pamphlet form. - ■ ut) e u; ..'aiatlou to
Mini. ID