NAMES. oor apology for personal worth; better far to glory in the living present than in the dead past; to achieve one's own reputation than to assume the laurel-wreath of ancestral fame. Of all known patronymics, that of the inevita ble Smith family is the most extensive and renowned. So colossal, indeed, are its ramifications, that it seeius to IM> con fined to no country, but is cosmopolitan. The world-renowned cognomen lias left its imperishable impress upon our litera ture and history to an extent almost un paralleled, while its genealogies are traceable baek to remotest antiqnitv. If the founder of his great fiunily t'htbal Cain) derived his name, as is supposed, from his craft, then the modern worker in metals has a longer pedigree to boast tlian any peer or potentate extant. This honorable jiatrutivnuc, noue need sup poae, can ever become lost to the world; for the Smiths inav be said to have been, and continue, first in war, first in peace, and first (nnmeriiwlM in the este.Mii of their countrymen. True, the family es cutcheon has occasionally suffered some blemish and dishonor by the evil doings of some black sheep of the tlook; but what thvk is without one? The popular name of Smith is suggestive ot a trio scarcely inferior in renown, we refer to that of Jones, Brown an.! Robinson. To a fertile imagination, the mere mention of their names will suffice to call up s host of memories that cluster armed them. While we think of it, there - a g \\i joke told of a person of the _ im • of Browu, who, in out good citvof O "hani. many years ago, catered into i prfn. - ship with a Mr. IPiggs. Ti. > jointly CONDUCTED a SCI: K., and, .IS WE B-.W bom lutomed, thev announe. ! t! -ir divided duties thus: Brown trains Imys, ami Hogg*. the guis ' in this our metropolitan city, as much •11 u- fixation 's n.-uiir.d, we fc o (h-.s. Burner, Btiruup. Bums, l> U''s ie. Lump, Light, etc. As it is ?• unetime* very cUvt here, these meet thir r s;.-- r"fj;rmd we ha\ a'-o. Sjigrk*. xy.-i-s and Bellows. Where sivh " pop 1 we have *c be fed, of course, tho buliuaiy department could rot t-e uegl - we find Sto.v, Ban go. Hott, k.tfle. Tub'--, Soon*. P.ate (V*k.\ P< MM and Salt That th> aid city s full of enfuaiou, we need on'y r-fcr ;• the t lowing: Noves. Tattler, Blab. Uu. Hurler, Burlev, etc. A*. 1- tlv, n -t --withataxnliug tWt n is ♦*. hiKwl.-marter* of republnMH!sij, it yet he* an vy >: >- cratic array of high-sound in.* *hl -. ..pen as King. Q.ieen, I 1 ke, JEWS, Lard. Baron. Count, Knig:.-, ,Cgn.a:m- .me. Squire! We have been told. bVyu lvibL thority, that there was in New Yrfc city, several years ago, a-thai with 'tis strange combiuafion of n-:n< -—S' :.rp ot P'eele: it is further'said that Ihey wer in the cutlery business; and one might almost be excused for i-ar-.n, aug them to tie keen at a bargain, if ov-'-i ho-ie.-tt There was, aevsording to v>ur informant, another unfortunate com imvUou pro iect<\l; but so strong was tin n- :.J .vn- viction that it would be i qeJes to seek patronage with such a patronvmi", tLa they abaadoned it. The stvle >. rL; proposed firm was to be Do' 1 : -V a Steele ! They argne.) the cas<' u tnis wise—that UJ transi-wition wo.ild help it, for whether it n-ad Steele A Doolittle or Doolittle A Steele, :: wv:ild Is- >f no avail, for nobody would trust them Names sometimes seem misappc.e.l. for instance, there is in our metropolitan citv a Silliman, who is learnevl in the law; and Goodenough, representing that popularly supposed fractional part of humanity, a tailor; and, a* if to cap the climax, a firm rejoicing in the unenviable distinction of Hawker A Spitzer ! Nott sounds like a negative among names, bnt it has positively represented a real personage of note, for a president of Union College, in New York State, bore that name, to the npe age of ninety Tears. There is an incident told of him, connected with his name, worth repeat ing. In his boyhood he was not viisin clined to share the fun and frolic of youthful college life; and on one occa sion, being charged with perpetrating some practical joke, he replied, " I am Nott—the Derson who did it !" A clerical friend tells ns that he was acquainted with a worthy colored minis ter of the Baptist Church, in Brooklyn, who was known among men as White. And that is not all; for when he died, his pulpit was occupied by a white man whose name was Black ! Sign-boards sometimes make strange appeal* to ua. In New Orleans, some few years ago, was one which announc ed, "A Poor Shoe-maker," without any point after the name. It is carious to note that much of our culinary vocabulary is of Saxon or Nor man origin. As the Saxons were chiefly dependant upon vegetable diet, they gave names to oar bread, beans, eggs, peas and other products of the kitchen gar len. Of meat, though the war! is Saxon, they ate probably little; for it is a singular fact, connected with the Eng lish language, that whi' the living ani mals ar called bv A"glo-Saxon names, as oxen, calves, sheep, pigs and deer, the flesh of those animals when prepared for the table, is called by nam s wh.oh a-e all Anglo-Norman—beef, veal, mut ton. porb, venino. l . Even fowls, when hil' -d, receive the Norman name of poultry. This is explained by tlie faci thai the Saxon population in general only acquainted with the living animals, whlie their flenii was carried off to the castles and taolasof the Norman barons, who guve it the mimes which it still retains. A Bridegroom Among Sharper*. A young German from Cincinnati, freshly mairied and exceedingly happy, set out with his pretty bride for a honey moon in Rochester, N. Y. A few hours before the train reached Cleveland, Ohio, a well-dressed man asked him if he would not take a cigar and play a few hands of euchre in the smoking car. The bridegroom asaen'ed, promising to return to his little dear very soon. Af ter a few handß, in which be invariably held good cards, one of the travelers suggested that they should put no a penny or two to make the game lively. Wonderful luck the bridegroom had at the outset, and tben it turned, and he began to lose—first, $250 in iris wallet, next his watch and chain, and finally his wife's watch. His partner asked him to call at a hotel in Cleveland, and inquire for Joseph and the players separated as '.he cars trund led into the depot. The bndegr • >iu called repeatedly at the hotel during the evening and asked for Geiseirlieimor, the aforesaid, but iy>nld not find the !;entleman. The bridal pair were penui ess before the honeymoon was a day old, but luckily they had bought tick ets to Rochester, and could go on to their journey's end and borrow money of their relatives.. - An Editor Attacked. Major J, F. 'Downey, editor of the Journal, of Louisiana, Ma, in an arti cle concerning the impeachment trial of Mayor Wm. Parker, said; " Mayor Parker was ably defended by Judge Fagg. assisted by W. W. Anderson, Esq., councilman of the third ward that's the general opinion.' 1 To this Alderman Anderson, being a juror in the case, took exceptions, and meeting Mr. Downey on Georgia street, de manded an explanation, but before he had time to make a reply the irate at torney drew a hickory club from his coat, and began pummeling the un armed editor in a manner that was cal culated to arouse a feeling of resentment on the part of the knight of the scissors and quill, and as he reached for a stick of cord wood the attorney and alderman - dealt him a blow on the head that caused the blood to flow. Mutual friends then interposed and separated the com batants. The editor was only slightly braised. This is the aocount of the affair as given by friends of both parties. A Receipt for h tiffin*. As we all know, th. re are a.cue wom. u who are natural cooks, The " natural depravitv of itiai imatc ebjtvt* MVIDH chnrraed away w'icn the' go' hold of IHIWI and spoon. Then oven* ill way bake on Kith top and bottom. Soup never scorch, nor biscuit-, sour. They always carry their o*i|w in their N With what "tT***'" 1 ! iadefiu en do thev answer yon when vo-.i as ti- -m how they make any particular tliii mntfins. for instance. "Dear me, 1 never have much of a njle about such things." * ** But e.uit you give me a little idea John has so often spoken of your tiinf tins sinee we bv>k tea with you, and I really should like to learn how to make them." "Well 1 stir up a pretty stiff batter, depends something on how tuauy folks I have to tea," " Do you use milk ?" "Yes, if 1 have it, if not, 1 take water." "Any eggs ?" " Well, if eggs are cheap, 1 break m a couple, if thev are dear, 1 don't always. "You use a. une butter?" "till yes, a piece alamt a* big o> an v She pauses, as if it were all. lu timidly suggest " Cream tartar or s.da 1 A h*>k of surpnse creeps over her face, as if she wiiuld say, " What does the woman mean by asking so many .jueatious?" but she savs " Well, if I have sour milk. I don't use cream tartar: if the milk s sweet I put ui a couple of sissmfuls of cream tartar and one of soda. You wish you dared Mk what .< I ' table or t.-a sj>oonfuls she means, bin if von are a novice, think it must be table spwuifuls, the mnffius are so very light. She evidently now consider- tlie thing complete'. " V"u haven't said auvtkiug alvut the fiour?" you inquire -with inward trem bling; but von really d wish to ph i>e John. Th ltv kof sin:;.rise changes to a wide eyed amazement "F'mr? Why, I suj-p - d any c would know ..Isnd t! .".t. V -o ! loiv!- ful, of Course. I o. way- u-e my u n judgment alx>nt the th>ur." Yi'ix tetire frvi:'. tlr- Raid (fanwllted, but not being e-silv di- •-tir. Haadv's Jein-.xtc mu:H-. John beaks otieois* - very Siusuiciocsiv, hv. i, ..fu r a minutes :.- t oc;. fti, pis U -k 1.:- platt —w-ti: that expitssi i of huge parieuce v hioh men ssflimo *laa they want to sav s. ...i ot t. e but <1 v. t "Haven't v- i : iy i re.. I, Marv? IVin't let the -'lil'.ren touch these, rhey are a as h.itlur. Why d u't you ask Mr-. Handy how- sue niak--her mulfii:* ? They're ,- ui thing like." Ys'u uerve yo'-rself and pleasantly r.- ! l* he wouldn t lik a slice . i tSnch a c urort as ury toast is u* •i-r sncii cin-nmstanees; I in a week > r two, ti'ts-r u s'i ie- of experiments, you final lv e\ ;ve from yoor "inner coiiseum.--- uft ," and flour and . i'g>, nue very creditable muffins bnt yon ti m't rail your cximricuce judgment. - Bin)hi Syribnt r. Ilou the Danube Feeds T:IC Aueh. The American ArxUh ct bays: Some lime ago a dispute ar->-e b ivru . tin lloroia gw.ensaant and c ri; u manu facturer* o:i th<* river Aach, w- ch in volved :ho Uetermmuig of tl. ciree of Uic nv r, which has its . ..ns .bate - iirc. iua q>ring, one i ti. • 1 :•?<•-' in Eu rope, as it discharge, 1,350 gallons a t-tcond. The l>Cvl of the li-mul, ... cal careous, and its incuaatiou ti.*- same a.-, that of the ground from the Danube to the source of the Aach. which is at a level eight hundred feet l>elow. For a number of years it had been notussl that at a certain place the Danube loat ajx'r tio-u of its waters through hole* and crevices in its bed; this loss was so great that in times of drought it cansod great inconvenience to manufacturer* on the Danube, who attempted to prevent it by filling np these hole*. This eansed a great outcry from the manufacturers on the Aach, who maintained that the Aach was fed by the Danube, and that tilling np the holes was an interference with their jnst and natural privileges. Hence investigations an experiment*. First, twenty tons of salt were put mU> a hole in the lied of the Danube, and the water at the source of the Aach was analyzes! for several days, and did give evidence of containing salt. To obtain more c< rtain proof, advantage was taken of the wonderful coloring power of flnorescine, w icli is the first of a series of superb coloring substances, which vary as there is introduced into its com position bromine, iodine, or chlorine. Its jiawer may be judged from the fact that one part of fluomcine to twenty million parts of waier can be detected. In this experiment fifteen gallons of a solution of flnoreacme were thrown into the Danube at the susj>ected point, on October 9, at five o'clock. On October 12, sixty hours after the solution had been thrown into tlie Danube, the watchers at the sonrco of the Aach notice. 1 the first discoloration of the water; this discoloration increas d until the evening, ami it did not wholly dis appear for more than twenty-four hours. It is sa-1 that wnen the discoloration was most marked, tlie water gushing fro-n the spring presented a truly mag nificent appearance, varying in color from the must intense green through light green to a brilliaut yellow. This test established the fact that the mill owners uii the Aaeh were in the right. A Notable Auction Sale. A recently writ"m letter from Wasii lugtou this item: A vorypecn har a'.ic" >n xsle was eominenced iti this ciiy to. lay of a most extraordinary lot "! stereoscopic views. There are in the lot ove- 111,000 vit . It is the collection of a well-krown but "omewhat ec*ntrio gentleman, who has devoted over twenty years in making the collection. He gathered the views in all sections of the world, and't is believed that he has a copy of every stereoscopic view that has ever been placed on sale. It got to be a mania with him, and he spent a fpwxl sized fortune .ipoa it. Patting the cost i ot each st twenty-five cents fthe ordinary price), tbeyCf'.'t him 827,750, but as it is know., snm" cost him ss high as five dollars each, no reliable estimate can le made on their actual coat. An; :ig tiie lot i re over 1,000 giving scenes in vari ous warts oi France, br.' particularly in Paris. Many of them are illuminati'd. Pictures of every singer that ev-r ap peared on the ..peratie singe of any note, wliose pictures con Id be obtained, are also among the lot. It is hard for the owner—now an old man —to consent to dispose of them, but lie found that M>e wants of ids family were pressing, and he felt that it would be uigjust to them for him to keep them any longer. Under the circumstances, he finally deeided to sell them. For two or three days, while the views have been >n exhibition in boxe* at the Corcoran building, he has guarded his pets as if they were dia monds. and refused to show a single one of them until the auction began this evening. They will not bring one-tenth of what thev cost, being without doubt the first and largest in the world. The Habit of Learning. Agussiz was a close student to the last; and our leading scientific and literary men, hoary though many of them are, carry into middle and advanced life the habits of industry in the acquisition of knowledge that char acterized their earlier years. " Frank lin was fifty years of age before he fully entered upon the study of natural philosophy. That he might read Niebnhr in the original, Dr. Arnold in advanced age learned German ; Rob ert Hall was ouce found lying on the floor, racked by pain, learning Italian in his old age, to enable him to judge of the parallel drawn by Macauley between Milton and Dante." All these men had kept up the habit of learning. In one of the law schools in New York city is a student wliose son is an influential senator in the State legislature, yet he does not fall a whit behind his class or abate a jot of heart or hope because there are fewer years before hiin than they may reasonably count upon. A BOM\> ( IM MATI B. litirnlnii *L lltr Uot% OF Mr*. I*IIHIH lit U " % tntmlon •• m •* . Mm Hitman, wife Of tin* well-know u phon. ;tophoi, dn-o nI- it 1 v ui Onioiu inn. iunl nthev.ov rtxpiest lierbodv Was taken Wasliiiii.'ton, 1' to t ere mated in l >r . 1,.-nivii.' fm -..u>k '....-rv reportir iliwutn. f'n . ■ ration in Ai.s. lht Miiu'a C.4.5.- He Tlie catafalque, or -n- ie-.-1 >sl table on which i'aioti d I'shu's ' iy re-.0-.l before it WHS reduced to nslus, >!<• >1 m the middle of the io| the l-aivti. l'lie jumping, jolting, muddy little lu-arse toiled painfully up the long lull Wash ington is between two high lulls that come very close together, ami in walking through the streets, it you are not walk ing up a stia-p incline, you are walking down a ste< per descent. The road to the furua-e or the crematory, a* Dr. la-moytie and the admiring townspeople eall It stands upon the steepest of these lulls, and a is'tlill has to he fastened veiy securely indeed inside the hearse to pre vent it from sliding out . f the back door and upon the rv'ad. Tin-cremation lu'use In-gius to show signs, .f its grow ing age. It is not *o red as it was, not o trim-ha>kiug, wml altogether it bears the sign of its melancholy and titri u.-e. There is bttle ilwlM, howevci, that it will stand l-'l-g enough to fulfill the purpose tor winch it was built, the conversion of Dr* l.enioyue luuis< If int<> W handful of ashes. The b sly i> not put directly into the furnace, but into a tire-el;t\ g.> ready bv one o'clock, ex.x'pt the pr:.ce of tue mouruera. Air Pitman sav in Dr. Le tnoyne'a house talking with Dr. la-- tr. -yue al*>ut cremation, while h>s wife's v,.ot going up hill IU the hearse, at. I it was not till lutlt roi hour later thai the -ctor and Air. Pitman reached the top of 1 -w- Hill, Kti.t looked for the last ttm. at the pleasant f aJC f A!rs. INtmau. AYhen thev arrived at the ere matoty the Iwiv h. I bet 'do u out of the ouakit, and laid :u an iron era tie— a dupin-ateof the one U-'M tor the Huron tie PUm. It was a If .. lOCkd loOgW than 'he b sly, a I ju- wi lc enough to give a firm resting-place for it. Ihe b w. - dressed ui white, eorrr'spiaHi mg iu this re-pec! with the i: side < i the casket. Tuerc -n * a sirred ol i. iv sombre color about it. When all else w-s ready ash-■ t s ■ se.l in aluiu-water was wrapped arvinnd fhe body, and Mr. lit!-. . u t you ) r," Mid the fireman f t two o'clock "All r--n!v." -aid v L< moyue. There a crcrk'-ig t f tl-.s sere*.* ot the gr- >m. AVhilo ti- uteris! lii ti ry re tort there was s . ->e curling si .ok and the same unpleasant smell that was noticed when the Barou vie Palm's Ixxlv first eut*revl the furnace. At tiiat time the smell was sickening. The ever green's on the baron's breast burped quickly, and tlie rnlor which they < "HJ tsl was mingldl with one that w.vs sicKv ening. As Mrs. Hitman's body passed iuto the retort the two young Ijetuovues i were compelled to run hurriedly awnyy' from in front of the ojx-ning, so hr. .i was the beat. Two of the firemen -W;:eg the heavy door by its handles, and in <0; instant it was fastened in its place, ac l" the bvsly of Mrs. Jam 1 i'lfatni **, shut out from view forever. Not a prayer was uttered; n"t a sigh was heard; not a tear drop moistened the wiuding-Hheet of the woman who for thirty tears had been the beloved wife of Mr. Ben Pit man. The great iron screw* rattled heartlessly into place. The firemen shoveled more eoal into the furnaee. The two young men went bsok to the risv-ption r"om. The cruwvl of vilhtgers "ittside stared ami wondered, a l'Hle smoke curled up through the <4iirnney. of the r-tort, and the unceremonious ceremony was over. It was just I:SW by Pittsburg time when Mrs. Pitman's body wits put in the retort. The alum-soaked cloth that covered her laxly did not cover her en tire head, and the upper part of her head was swathed in cloths that had not been wet in alum-water. As soon as the head was within a foot of the open door of the retort these tinwetted clothea took fire burning the hair and head. In an instant, almost, both rooms were filled with the sickening odor of burning hair and flesh. A dehse black smoke im mediately poured out of the retort be fore the door coul ! bo closed, aud this remained in the building for more than fifteen minutes, notwithstanding the opt-ning of tlio windows. The same kind of smoke ponr< J from the chimney of the retort, in dense clouds, filling the air aliont the building with the odor. The odor of the burning wixden df ss in which .Mrs. Pitman enshrouded was litinet. The alum-soaked sheet in which the body was wrapped calcin- 1 rapidly, but did not lose its shape fill the body gave way under the intense In at. After the body had been in the retort for about fifteen minutes a slight bluish flamo could be seen emanating from the corpse, and this continued thronghont the cremation, and a little of it was visible even when the building was closed and the cremation pronounc ed complete. After n little more than three quarters of no hour of burning the same skeleton of lire could I** seen that was noticed conspicuously when Baron de Palm was ereirated. The lead wns burned off, and in a few minutes iiu.rr the Imncs w. re ell Iricg icparately. The iron cradle lost its shape and ley flat on the floor of the retort long before the txiDes gave wuy. Tlie bones of the hips wen the last t" full. When they gave wo} the burning was considered complete. It took nearly two bonis to reach this stage. The building was then cleared, and the fire was drawn from the furnace. Ca-1 a bine for Yourself. A vounc mai. .st l-(S H IsJi I H I f. l U . i,Ai . mnlft t iu oltW ' \ K int .ro*| •Ittllril ltlNiit OIM'4'HiMHT IAi f4' Ii lit Sk I*ll If. huYO I trill MMlt l V t i*\ tl ||4H lkA' .4*l iii tf thr Nt n Yiirk \ . I lit Utlil 11R< Y 11 i*l! Willi mir r tho litan f Ui m >• on fiA . ' lirthiUv rt>rwrt Mv !iiMucr Hr (It'll v if lh NFYa Ji - Y pt o lit ill lU*' tl, rtl ul (I Ay > i I I n(i>! milMfit y* ;i* 4ilKYpft I* tl • vi'iilN i < wnilirr. lHliln|; * 1 i (•, t fiitYli'At J*n!fA y\m I fill i 1 | y wtlb ft mi . " m i I it* filt vUa! m*i f4ittii|i4| tt Uh* Uniff ef V 19 fwlh* fin, mi tl thr vf hr ikfni oum|>Wt>l *> I r kt a I |( ffitMMt.i ftc vk, 1 Ualical uUo lliail trt!*ilY rttfvl lUl* cm slt M) I'l Kit'l a ill U' AAtci riff.-H tlili'AU 4Y (tt U>ATt| *• rY I IMA' I') |AA<9 II tilt (*y .A1 |rl ■( UMiH' ft IyaisUM! tH* III# A!tU* tl-4* trf l ) tfYAX ('*• (.rt 1. rutUiiat; Itlyhtll SVH VA RK MIL! StAt>n lolNtut, HI3 nttt Itlf A * I'Y til© ftVMll lr AUfl't h|VAI . Ailft II ('lit* A H ©IJ* k IIU VI tt UAVC r rrf'T lVwl lUjUllt l flllU'il 4'Mllfff vt tit Mill. Ilriuru'li WMUUXI, vAiifHisivt in tlfti J Mil 1 M til*! •>tu, I'M , t.tiilrt tiitt*fiiYe 4>f ttrAth, Ofimmtttv-ri) Miifut© tir hMJtf.liik hinrlf ui lit* tVll ©ltil A H'|t ltlAtl© ItlM U'dflkrfhM. J W lUklTt '. 111 19 111 f I tf th© lU'ltil SdV tnf- lUi.iv, f !h \t* I Mr , imi* found j*' t)t< dib i f Uir t'tuk uult, Hill oafltvkl, tl r l< 4 s|i t ihiVtlv lit M*> hiuntrftdt I AliiAo h Vi'fihi but dlr chr life tMlut lUA U: 'f tlir *Mf© lak k. \T MMRIUFFI IKH, MY— . NIUVU TIH?UIAK©RA ttfsu Art* t'tilh th© I*4iitrt oirr the a til vf CpUHUviiliirr NMLIt r (til h* Itrli tk ,'yUCn! m th© ScW York PUtl' tlAsc • 1 I ■ site ! H:%U Mhll<© rtUli i tliltot UA% mailaa! ft fr.tji.© th© firUAtr ffY'iu N w York aiivl he IMUCI fr©m I'hiUUri* jdti.4 li'Adtxl with KYHHIn wilt hy American 1- l.lh !•! to lli© i Ml. f* rl|H Nitif l|. lilt -V YiUlil Aj ilAl b:trii©K tf th© llob A- (*lrtlltHl YIAD I |('!itf l ill N©w Y r-v. art.ut yu© hutidrwl int©ft t#d m )>lM*iOUitUr© l * ibK IU MttcliilMlUf. HIIILA \U! iiuMsrn • A K©L on© UIU D>V4 B ©© tu tßuiity-< GH! biMirff, ©uh ni\ AMI A half till .Utr# t 1 |Mlr, at I'iltahtfcrgh, I'M AN VILLI". SM.'TDIATU \ ('V., UK TABCLIRRIY. |>M|Y-R --mftkrr* MJH'- friuUiß I l(kM. S. V., f*i!td ©'.th !!i!iUli© if ilKcf 175,000. Western and Southern States. l>uriUis a lie&\y ttO *1 Will-.a Orovt. Iftbw I.A.. idfu a alia - • v J t 'b. *Y>! V'oltA4Uc\lAi h W, ..... -oi > i i-wiu[v j and ank si the Mir .-\uui f>r ti: ■ -*-: i* .it \Viu>Mkt, Wt., .it, ta. . ,!il**JN*i b* Urr, aid fv>Ur of the ui- rr bus ;lM t • dr.l Us. ("hi- liti Convent.- i > t the 'irreu '.*eh , ai.'fi of tho l" rated S'r*' met fit Tulolo, vik slut organ c! . lit thi u:;k i f "Tin i NfiV> :*i I'trl Iwt"' t it: 1 ' Statm wt-fv 4 J.. ( O o W. llngUC*. of 1 . yiiarna, • hi - u tJ. lieu;. The L'i&tXorut >!>tirt ..*„i > ,1, • .d UK-Ussjf, call* fur -!filio:i iu t! e i .ti I, f labor, find opjm*. .„,,d j. *■ • .• c ti !iUi'! pruiou oufitnet ' ' ruU (1i:-U UullUiiil" u. Th 0. * u-l i. Use com ivied member f I 1 nill*. fit ..mug Umd, hfia had hi* ' iftu* U>*i m> uotl A '. ! r s.e r*di* wtlO killed fi ' t.i'rUl-i i to St IxlUl*, .1 • 'fili-ti -.>• -• "v*. I'., i*r -i ..i --t.i fl l.i tt.i ,i had.:-.- Ibc prio!irr illty u: I'oiuiih ..•... *t lui; ri-oaunut for •it.'. Itr fti ten !• nt • :i it., f: i*ln i >: ! nut Fr>d- HWI I ' 11 i Ml.lord Slat. ta. ulie litsu fist k.. .'. thrr' were • ..J -rat ot'.i r cgm.) injured. Aad#r -u, i f l). Li iifi.iiUi fi-turu f- . tiOfilil,* to., i*i ;.ti n- 1 ij two jr&JV it i irtn.l • hft..t I*' or . 4 0 lav Co.-ii . it. ah • i-i pfe..i..o"Ut u;. .* the saw*. 'Do i ~,1 •I:' * ! ril u.ov.d t t).* ir i-fi- • .• ... !to the t ill-fit State* court. , It hititn; l>*ea r i>nrtt, ti*J C'/. l 1.-M JIIO' Hi inirifki ell,- 'UTfifiiil till [ fill, the Av fork iiVrit.l i >m •i'!iitvi t t luiltfih* siolit, hid., (sect & note ,-f itsij nnr, ; -hw-h the foliowsrii,* rej>l* mfi* or lit v Mr. 1!. :. !t i. "1 kftfio ISO knowledge hit**er. f a:.y nr . f ■'lid r or .ifhrr pn\*. e r*i>i- the .|tie>- ItquiV tin ri|dit of Mr. Uiio to the oil; e of if, akicnt of iX. r . t.i !"te (iorerrsor H '.h,l>. of Virjiuufi, !.* vetiH.i lie 111! on r*i fiiiil t*rnnl jr. : , rty f 5 (fov. cpmeutftt ud free t*eh,*il 1; ♦, fiftil to jfy lute refit on the public J t!A( t. ka-oiu t!,/ Hi.rlour !i bill. .Cdui l to*4i | jfi ! • im*n tmo young farmer*, usiuiftt * lie *. *n] M'Jker. in t'harict tVty cuttiitrk A number of ihalt wire ft ehfi- i;e.! u*l tb evKutire "I i *>f the Seuftte rt- • nt!r Mr Sorthrup, for ili-trict-fittorw-y *t Sou h t 'ro luifi. wa.- confirmed by fibout eight majority, all the l>en,OCT*l• ami nereml llepubltraue i li for turn Shitf boimjifit 10a of Mr. \VI - b- ti' oilliv-ttr fit No* tlrfialin, w* r. j'-iT. d oijv aUiut-ufUi n fi'oU-> being cat for tniU. tin-tin t of *hich were by Hejuibh cauc. hi". Sftulb iiommation. i-01-ivtor of the | gt of Mi'oile. fi'turiir,! by Senator . t'onidri't fiiiif other J<* publiaftun, but he* wa* Kinftfroed.*l.erxiian !*: -1 t* Senator Allieon Ihvt hen the dtver lull N<*aiuo a 1 h •hotild execute it tlioroiißiily and promptly. The SfitlOnal Agricnl!nrl Congree* con vened at WfinhißKtote, dsdegfiU** from all part* of the country lieiitg pronent. Tim following ri nolutiou nan uufiti!moU!v ailopti d : /f**mrvd. That it i- the eriiweof tli* S*tionl Agricn'turfil (VuigTeu that the governtai ut ought to control intera-tmte commerce, and that Congreaa be aifikrd to take eome action m regard to it. Oeneral Tie Tl.ic. coniminaioncr of agricul ture. i* obtaining ilate wed* in Egypt, for the pnrpone of reelniniuig the Colorado dem r. with j dale grim *. Mr* liiabella lid-fhcr Hooker apjfieart'd iiefon* the Sent<- committee on pruiltsgee and election* an 1 made a long argunm* t in favor i of ifioman Miffr.sgfx tcauy of the eeuator * i Mis.* luiuc jiri -etit. Hon. W. E. of New Hni| "hire, ha* <**ued snoUicr pamphlet in which he rc ;**.** fin- cliarge thilt tlmre v a* ft political bar ;ui between the Pr -ident and hi* friend* and S ' >-rn rrpr. m itallvoe. I 11;.- postal -avniga hill, jfjuied bj the lb ue puli-ernnmiftee on 1 Hiking and f'T'rncT. • ', . I*** for * ... w of jr-'i.otM.ogo of iec:d u-nJir notiw. As-,' Uil.. .,*> .Ci-Jiv i* lo a.c uaiu-jiur nsoti * on tho I't.ih election liIH uow bofore tl; Hons* commit i.** on Terriforjeft. The engagement of Senator Camorou, of P-. nfiylvn ... *ud Mi"- Littio Shoiiiian, itaughtcr of .fndgu Charl** Hhi rmau, of Clcvs - i i.. .. Ohio, niece >f 0.-rii-v.! Sherman and the iccTi Ury of tin treasury, i- atUionncod. Mr. !L \V. T..; inr, tirat aiinptroller of the eurroncy. i.alritkun with paralvm* at lu* -li—l in lie freaaurv denai luicid ana eoou Mi. i-HJutm •!. 14 ifuutttin from >Uu, haa introduced a I>r- w-d i-mt uduio it t<> the cowtitnti"** *o ! * I'"* 'fiat ' article 'iilwn. BfMndi pMI h nmtti ; ;u4> U vested and tie -aft'-r ai' iiiHtcrwd tvrhrto i'nirif three, to l olocleil by tlic <]tinli!ied <•!• eUir t>f each a I all of lb" Siatea nd each to be taken Irun obi of the three avoral prominent aectiooa of tl" t'nit d Bth * known n the tVo-turn utx -. the Kwti'm Mid Middle States, and Iht Vfiutbeni H|: ton, and no two of whom i\*ll be citizen* of the aaiuo Section or ill inctot tbo noun try. Tlic term of oflire ahall i<• aix yew*, an 1 no I'rcatdont having i i t< J a fall term ahall I*J rk'iMr for a wound anil at th" lit - oiwtioij umUr litis arti cle tbo Freakieut from tlio ' at'-Hi district -i .11 ho elected tor a fmotional t. rrn of two ycere, bod tte one (r un the soothern district for a fractional term of !V tir roars. and tbo one from the eastern and middle district for a foil term of six boars; and after the first elec tion one President shall ho • loctwi from <>no of ttm thro* Cevei at district* HOT; two years. !unload of the Vioo-Pri anient, now previfdd, 11><9 Konftto shall, every four yoara, chat a pro i.lent of tbo Senate who is not a iu<'H}hor of that body, nnd who, rrn the pr-aiding*>llk'6r, shall nave and cxiTclae all Hie authority liorn toforo eonferred on the V iyc President. Tbo bill further poieidee thot each of the Presi dents clnill receive a compensation not eveuod iug 990,000 jar yew. The I'resident nominated Alanson W. Heard t > bo collector of 1 Son to ii, in place of Mr, Sim mons, whoM commission i* about hi mplre. The notpiuntion is said to have boon tuade chiefly upon the recommendation of Senators Hoar ami Pavis, and Hi prescutative Olaflin. Ttio Preaident and Mra. Hayca have held their third and laat ppbUo reception tbl aca aon. , The Honeo committee en the roviaiou of the law i' regtilatltig the counting of the eleotoral votea for Presidont ipid Vico-Preaident baa under couaideration atweral plana for prevent ing the recurrence of n controversy like that which proceeded the laid presidential election. The treaanrer destroyed green hack a amount ing to *49:1.400. on account of 9616,000 ad ditional national b nk curroucv ia ued laat mouth aa required by law, leaviug the ont alauding legal-tender circulation at 9548,618,- 024. Having learned from reliable sources that colored men, citizens of Florida, were being kidnapped and taken from that State acrosa Ilii' (hiif of Mexico Into Cuba, where liinv WMV •011 l Into slavery, (lie Praeidplit lias *p|xi|nt"il J•!•• tin' lUipiibllean uaembrt of lbs Hun*' from 1.-misisna, • rjwul agni( to |>ro i\l to Put * ml nivi UK*to Ui mattnr. ForolKit New*. I'ln nun I'.'po lia i-atvi- unintwr of cuiigr*tuL("tv telegrams from sovereign* Mid otU"i > It I* Announced that tin will ooli ll.iuo Ilia policy of hie predecessor. Moll' hpsc lift" 111 oil allotted the lluled Statue at Ui" i'aila >i|valUou than waa origin- , ally llldttnl. ft la lujaM led that out of a |Hi|>ulatio|i of •in (am in i.iii' district In China, about Ml,00(1 lilt'l of starvation laat vear. Uuaaia thresh nod to rotor Constantinople If hirlii') lougrl dtoajed sUu'.ng tho oudlUuU* of )tvtll*BO conditions Turkish rule la I aiiially almlialuxt ui Kuro|>e rin>|i( tu tho vlrfult) of (>U>talltilkU|4o. Thno havo boon aovoro earthquake shocks sliili)! Uio I'arilll*ll coast, aud a araal total att at CaJlao did ouustdarahle damage to < il|.ping and othor |iro|iortjr. Owing to Turkey hraltattun In signing tho l>raoo attj'ulatl uia ttio i /ar renewed llie throat to ixvnpy Constantinople A laiiutou dlspat.h 1., tho Sow York I/iTiiM giro# tho principal | #t of tho ftoah conditions of t>o*i', which lu>-itld# Uia following " Tho pay input of an i III.I*III tilt s of f out toon hundiod lulUloii uf lull l/U>a #1,130,0011 (HiOl, tooovrr which Turkey ia lots-lr ilatoum, Kara, llaya/id, Ardahan and ait tacunl (uriltur y Turkey aha) (i> pay forty roll • U'U* atoili g ■ ♦ TJJ.fiIKI.tKX)) tu holels, tho in- j and sink ma' fund of which are to l h n.laiiU.J Is the lluigarisli anil tCgvi'Uau UI i>UM(h tho Anatolia - rriunuoaiid the llaracse lllliwia ten millions of roltbloe I ♦ 7,9(10,(K41 Ito 1-e jlsu 1 itDtnodletelv to indemnify Hussion rrei ,ti nts of t'onslauUuople Turkey la tu rolui tiurto liuaalay capita) luvuslod tu Turkl-h ivilli" alao (o pay fur the inaiuUuiauco uf prts , oners af war and ttio re opening uf tt.a Suhua mouth of the Danube. It la now < oiloved tliat lliiaata will accept four ironclads luateasl of the alt oi initially drrnandod It la rouceded uli eveTV hand, says tho J.siwUh, that If Uieao coiiditloua t-e aa reported they may be taken as showing a reanlute determination on Kueela a part tu force the sane with Kaglaud The trruia asked call never I* wholly granted hy Turkey, and if they are luaisled upon Furopnan |aoe la no lunger JKJsalbld. (ir- ..ffsjeing of a marriage eonelud ed under c —ulal laws with a deceased wife s *:-t !Te* w ra twee. u!sd Mr. of Colorado, submitted an amend ' ! tic bill drclaratury of the meanuig of th< tilt' until aeciiou uf tile t'acihc railroad art ' J nit 1. Tsiii, authorizing I lie President U> at] >•:; t a ataan-.tsiWoii who an all • slabiiah a' ! rcgt"*uirt wt. • rwmod,shuw ;i.g thai 11 •• cost of the late Sioux Indian war is i'l 311 *>#l SikUißii ulti'Wrs end *7 emlsted m*o w, re ai.'itd and two offevra and I'iJ men w, wounded Adjourned. fb -I' Wheeler announced his lntoii tlrtt ft. t ahasnt a few days in couaesjuenoe of indts|v -)U u, an t rcpMst*,! the Keuate to aye ; ■ uii! a Treaaient pro ten.... Mr. Couhhng pre - - ted the memorial of James (Hirdou iisnuett ,:i ri'csrl U> his (giiis.sud rxy>*diliun fur Arctic exploration Mr. lwnUeU states that be has purchased U.e Arrtic vessel Pandora, and will fit her out and man her at hia uvu cost; and lie rojtlt -t that a hill tuar be paaaeel thrvOgh <' ".grows authurtring the trkbafer of the vee- I to Uie I'mt'd Stales dag and that ahe be ofbcwrwd t'V I'mled State* naval officers An sine dmctit to the military acad my ai>proyiri at. 9 bill waa submitted protviug to fill Ta cvi. -ies m the tTado of seeevnd lieutenant* from civ: iifn, fruoi (he ranks, and from the acad emy, the ui attached grvluates to be di*- rhargod Tho ailver bill and the llcua* action upon it waa yresented, and the Vioe- Prewdeui sign, el the bill. It then vrtiiil to the l'r, .:,lent fot his signal*!*. Adjourned. Y'wo-lYrwidont YVhewla* but tig alweut, Mr. Perry, of Michigan, was chosen prealdrnt yirv. fern, reMriarn v ts be J"- for Mr. T). urrnan, | of Ohio The House' bill to authorize the f ranting of an American register to a foreign til] t ship, for the punxssea of the Woodruff Kr:. ntiflc Kxpqdltion around the world, was ob jreted to by Mr. Sjwneer. and laid oyer. After an executive session the Senate adjourned. Mr. Hoar, of Maasachtiaeiu, pr*s*nted the n moustratarei of |tors.ins residing at Cajw Cod, Ma-- . sgamst the paswagwof the Hargwnt halt to orgatiize a roast gnard and life asvuig aer• View, and urging the passage of the WU intro iltidid in the Home on the same subject. , ilr. Sargetil. of Cahf irtua. Mid the rejxwt* on the Ufe-MSing service emanating from the treasury dui>artment allowed a diagrarefu! -'at- of loeifictrury. . .The bill to authorize the President to appoint a peraou for aiity j lava to perform the dutiea of pension agatit at New York, Mr Coster having faded to file the I required f JM' ftOft.wra* discuased at lmuph. ! Messrs. CVvnklfug, lttaine and othersoppoead the bill as unuivwieiary and in)ndiciou, the Hrwf named asserting that it transferred th- whole ' apjsitn i g power to ttie Preshlent without the advice or Coliaont of ]the Senate. The UU was tinanyt|M**ete of 4Sto H.. The billtn I authorize the issuing of a long bond for > savings was taken Up. and Mr. Wallaer of Pennsylvania explained it Adjourned j Mr.'Chaffee, of Colurado. from the commit tee on Turritories reported with amendment the Senate t ill to estabbah the Territory of Lincoln, and provide ati mporary goremment therefor, and it waa placed on the calendar After a short discussion up in the moesage of the President vetoing the silver bin. a vote (was taken and raaulted in 46 for and 19 against passing the lull Over the President's veto. Adjourned. li*wee. The silver hall was reach, d on the speaksvr a table w.thout any oppoiuticm. A ii'otraoted debate on a jsiint of order that the hill should he oonsidorcd in commilUe of the whola en surted authorizing fhe aale of tho Watery hit, Washington, Allegheny, Pikas- Yilk', ai*l Watcrtown (Miss.) arwenali :.The bill aiitliorizing th* President to restore ex- I Hutgenii-Ueneral Hammond to llie army re tiruil list was repotted, and passed without de- 1 bale The hill granting {tensions to the : soldiers of the Mexican war was taken up in committee of the whole, ami discussed. Messrs. > Brogileti and Davis, of North Carolina, aup ported the bill and the latter denied that it would place the name of Jaffaraon Davison the |iension roll. Mr. Kluniokson, of New Jersey, opposed the trill, and said that If It waa panned be would offer an amendment granting peu-kms to all Federal soldiers. Mr. Town send, of New York, ojipoaod the bill because It woald lie ini|K>ssible to {iav the pension claims. After further discussion the House adjourned. A bill was reported authorizing the equlp menPof a Polar ex|iediliou, on the plan of a oniony, and appriqiriat ng (50.000 for that pur pysc. . .The mcH-ago of tho President vetoing tho silver i ill was rei-clved ai d the bill passed over the veto hy 190 t* 73 . .The Mexican war |>cuMion lull waa taken up in committee of the whole, aud during the discussion a leper from Jefferson Davis wa* read, authorising the Iriond* of the hill to say that if the exclusion of hig game from the roll would help the bill, ho hoped they wonld insert a provision to that effect. The House adjourned without action en the bill. THE MI VFit MIX A LAW. Tlir rrraldrsl's 1 i 10, ami an,l Hill liiwl t b bus Ii II oilaea aver (He tela. H The following is tho full tell of the ' President's immssgxi vi-lolug llu< silver lull : I After n very careful consideration of ' llous# bill ItKKi, eiititUwl "An *<' lto " untliorize the coinage of the ailver dol lar mi,l bi restore its legal tender char- J actor," J feel compelled to return it to ' I the House of Ibqireaeutatives, in which it originated, with my objection to it* j paaaagc. Holding the opinion which I ( expressed in my anuiinl lueeaagn that | netUlcr the llitereata of the government nor of the people of the United Htates . would lie promoted by disparaging silver .. as one of the two precpiun metals which furnish the coinage of the world, and that legislation which looks to main- ! taming the volume of intrinsic money ( Ui as full a measure of both melala aa Uteir relative commercial value will jM-r --uut would lie neither unjust nor inrs {ledleilt, It has la-en my earnest dawtre ' t U> tviucur with Uutigrcsa in the adoption of such lueasuren to lucreasc the silver <*ianuge of the country aa would not iiu ■ pair the obligation of eotilrax'ts, either , public or private, or injuriously affect llie public credit. It ia oui/ on the ooti ' vicliuu that this bill doe* not tu*et those ( e**ential rcquirciuruts that 1 feel it my ( duty to withhold from it my approval. ' j My present official duty as to that bill jiorimta only an attention to the specific ( object* of its psMiugc, which seem to me ( •> important as to justify me iu asking from the wisdom and duty of Congress that further consideration of the lull fur 1 which the wotistdutiou has in uuh way provided. The hill provides for the (Sotuxge of j ailver dollars of the weight of 4l'2j , grams each of standard silver, to be a i legal tender to their nominal value for < all debts and dues, public aud private, ' except where otherwise expressly stipu- ' lated iu the contract. It is well known that tlx* market value of that number of grams of standard silver during the past year has been from ninety to ninety-two , cent* a* compare! with the standard < gold dollar. Thus the silver dollar au> J tbonzed by thin bill is worth from eight to ten per ceutum less than it purports ' to be worth, and is made a legal tender - for debt* contracted when the law did < not recognize such coins as lawful 1 mouey. The right to pay dutiivx in silver ' or iu oertiticate* uf stiver de|*sit, will, when tliev are issued in sufficient , amount to'ciicuiate, put an end to tixe I receipts bi revenue 10 gold, and thus COIUJM-1 the payment of ailver for both - tile principal anil interest of the public drill, gl, 14d,t,i'J,4"0 of til* txxmlnd debt now ouistandmg was issued prior to February, lH7d, when the silver dollar was unknown in the circulation'ul this country, and with only a convenient form of ailver bullion for exportation. •.Vif.440,350 of the houdej debt has been issued since February, 1H73. when gold alone was the ooiu for which the IK) Lid* Wore sold, aud gold aioue was the coin in which Wilt parties to the con tract understood that the Isiods would be paid. Those l>ouds flowed into the market* of the world. Thrx were paid fur in . gold wh>-ti ailver had greatly ilepnei- - stcd, whwu no one would hate bought them if it had been understood they would bo jaxid in silver. The sum of $225,000,000 of vhoae Umds ha* be u cold during my mltutn istratiou for g 'lil iscuu, imd the Umtoil Siatea ruceivcd the beuctitof tlxoc aide* by a reduction ?f the rate of interest to fx ur per arotoo, j , Paring the jwoprcsw of tlx- *e sales u doubt wa* suggested a* to the coin in which payment of tliosc bond* would lx made. The public anuouncemnt wa* thereupon authorized that it wai uot to ' be aut cipated that any further legisla tiou of Congress, or any action of auy | dejxartmeut uf the government, would sanction or tolerate the redemption of the principal of those bouda or the pay ment of the interest thercou iu coin ex acted by tlx* government iu exchange for the san*'. Iu view of that fact it will lie justly regarded aa a grave breach of the public faith to undertake to pay those lKinds, | principal or interest, ui ailver coin ' worth i* the market less than the ooin received fur them. It ia said that the silver dollar made a I legal tender by this bill will, under it* operation, be equivalent in full to the gold dollar. If any supporter* of the bill Ixriieve this and that it is nut just to fiay 1 debt* either public or private in coin of inferior value to the money of the world. The capital defect of the measure is that it contama no provision protecting from it* operation pre-existing debt* iu case the coinage which it creates shall oon- < tinue tu be of less value than that which waa the aolc legal-tender when they were contracted. If it is now proposed for the purpose o: taking advantage of the depmnation of silver iu the payment of i debt* to coin and make a legal-tender a i silver dollar of leas comtnereial value than a dollar, whether of gold or paper, which in now lawful mouet of thiseoun ' try, such a measure, it will be hardly I questioned, will, in the judgment of mankind, be an iol of bad faith aa to all debt* heretofore contracted. The ailver dollar sheuld be made a legal-tender onlv at it* market value. The standard of ailver should not le j changed without the consent of both parties to the contract. National prom- i me* should lie kept with unflinching fidelity. There is no power to compel a nation to pay it* present debt*. It* credit de ! peuds on it* honor, th# nation owing i what it ha* led it# creditors to expect. ' I cauuot approve a bill which, in my judgment, nutborizea the violation of ' sacred obligations. The obligation of , public faitli trannccrfda all questions of , 1 profit or public advantage. Its unqnea- 1 tionnble inaintenaniv* is the dictxria a* J well of the higheirt expericaoe a* of the i most nei-essary dutv, and should ever ' ' be carefnlly guanlol by the hxecutrvr, by Congress and by the people. It i# my firm conviction tliat if the i xiutitry is to IM> benefited by a silver j coinage, it can 1H done only by the I ' issue of ailver dollars of full value which , ( will defraud no man ; Mid currency less , i than it purports to be will iu the end de- < fraud not only creditors, but all who are 1 engaged in legitimate bmuueaa, and \ uotie more aasnnslly than those wlxoare f dependent on their daily labor for their : • drxilv bread. (Signed) RITHEKVOUII B. Tlxm*, | President of the United States. i In the House the bill was passed over J the veto by l!*i to 73, and in the Senate , the bill waa passed over the veto by if> i to Iff—more than the required two third# t majority in both cases. t i Fashion Notes. The decadence of clinging skirt# is an , nounced. 1 White fur rolies are used by ladies in ! their (9-rriages. ( Newest furs for the neck are Onrriok i captMi, of boas. I Good uews forJbrnuett*s : Spanish styles are coming m this spring. J Ibises covered with dew-drops are the < | new trimming for ball dresses. Feather fans are used with evening J dresses almost to the exclusion of alt j other styles. IT Wedding dresses are mostly in the J princMse style, made plain, with very i J little trimming. ! J Fretty new handkerchiefs are of Bheer c lawn, with a ruffle embroidered in pale ( pink or blue ailk. t New artificial roses are closed a# buds, * and by a spring open a* full-blown roses while being worn. New veils are dotted with tieada, and * have a delicate fringe of the same on the I edge. Thane ore always in mask slxgpe. ■ A vrry sstxabls bangle (that- at ill holds c its own), is s plain band of silver with a v patent coin-holder attaehod by a stron silver chain. I Ladies in mourning wear wide crape j i collars below the standing crepe, linae j * ruche. Crape cuffs over the long tight { aleeve match the oollar. a A paper spr'aks of a horse that eats meat Harry aays that he has never j seen a horse actually eat meat, hut ha# seen one running for a stake. , Workers in Beep Mines. Not maay uien who aee tho miucrs of the Havuge lifted out at the top of the ' shaft at Change of ahift luive the con rags to descend into the lower regions of that [ mine. Very few even of the o'd reai dont* of the Oimshiok would earn to de-u'oud into the stviuniug regions Itelow, ami rmt one eaeti'rii man in a thousand could be indilcriil to uiuke tlie trip after seeing the men |Kip|Msl out at the top of the shaft, steaming u* th nigh just lifted ont of a eauldrori of Ixoiliug water, i i Though they are shirtless—naked as si I birth from the waist up—and wear cotton overalls, thy are dripping as if but a mometai out of s jMiini of water; vet this is irom sh am and |>erapiraLiuu. iu all this groat h*t H|inugs. One would thuxk that men m such a place would be quite a*eure agaiust the rheumatism. ( On making inquiries in this regard of an underground foreman, he said he never ' knew any of the uien working below to have the rhenniatxsm. Home of our 1 sufferer* from this disease might trvthis 1 ears—might |rucure themselves to be ' lowered into Uie depth* of tixe mine, there to Sit slid "team through one shift : |n-r day. Hut for the imnaense quanti ties of ice aster they tlrink, the men could not endure the great lioat in which j they aru placed or the floods of perspira tioti puui|>ed from their {sires. Thei swallow gallon* on gallons of it. and it never hurt* them in the least. Virt/fhiu X**'l (oil lo prueur* Mi YAuibUl* • tiuu liUig Hyruj f'jr nil utßesM* mrident to tU peri 4 of t*etti log in children, it reluom tlx* ctxiid from pain, cures siiiil cm le. rtwuisUw Ui lumli, and, t giving relief and keaJti'to theclnld give* ret to the mother. It i* an old and well-tced ictuedv The 4'rMs. Wliit think yuu would be tke result if the earth shonid Stop sptsutag around tixe son V Were you ever near a large and intricate ma chine Leu one of Its wheels became clogged or t rokrn near enough t > hear the grating Jar nag clash, the sudden, deafening crash'/ Astronomers assure us that piociad) similar effect", only oi an iuoitioeivahly grander scah would be produced if our earth —one of the | *hees tu the Uliirense-mschtlie should end . deuly ceos< it* revoluUons. In other words J there would be a general clash and crash ■ f ' satellite*, planets and steals. What we term financial arise* are due to riuular causes. Ou< of the wheels in t'te financc- UiochiUe tecorue clogged, perhsfis shattered. The terrible Wall street ' crash which follows U catumuulcwtsd ) to every |zi of the financial mechanism of the j country. Hut suai 'glos do uot stop her* i There i tliat other nn-ehamsin, the most intri- j cat* uf all sometimes called an organssm he- j cause it gdxtraSss it* own forces the human < machine Wheu one of its mecila-rs fails to | rf.xrti its uffice. the whole western is tLruwn into di* ier. Members before considered uu asoailal'ie Irsak down under the unnatural )irvswure. The shock com** and utter pros tration i" the result. He(Miration can (•uly t c fleeted hy u>* rwwtorstion of th* isip*trt>'. parts ai d the re-adjutmrnt of its Wiera.—ihe l-hysjcal fort* . There is one part of the ma chine mure liah e to disorder than any other,— the liver, the great balance wheel of the ma chine. The liver being the groat depurating ! or blood-cieanauig organ of the system, set it at wcrk and the font corruption" which gen -1 der su the hi *>d. and rot out. a* it were, the , maehincty uf life, are gtadusliy expelled from the system For this jwxiqiosw Dr. Pierce's Ool'trn Medical HiwvncK, used dally, end IT Pierce's IVasaut Purgative Pellet# taken in very small doses, are piw-emiuenllv tbs articles nee ltd. Tbev cure every kind of burner fiom the worst asTofuia to the common jrmhle, tikitdtl or eruption, tire at eating ulusl>els of choice wheat were ha-ves'ed in XIUIMO'X in 1877. Khaia now the most prosperous Western State. Th* Nt Paul /hajT*rft is ralnable lo all contemplating emi gration, making State new* a mwotaltv. Weekly idition. #1.50 a vear. 75 cU fur 6 mot ivarn |i]<-s free. Addrei# lilqiatch Co., St. Paul. Mum. The tirewtesl Dleeeverj ef the Awe w Pv T' esisersled VsssSxan Maunent' * rsors bsfoes lbs psbL-c, sod wsrrsotsd to tors Dtsrrbsa. Ursentsej. Cwhc. sod spasms, tatse lotseasllr . an* ( Vonp, nbreew Rlisumslisa. Kors TaeosU. Osts. Rruissa. Old Hness and Pains is lb# lambs. Basil sod ObsaS. aausvudt) It has n#ra failed Kb (sjn'tr wilt mbs wHhowi rt after ones inn* ii s fair Irvol Pnos AO csstU IVr IXlßlan- VKMCTIAN MORKK I.IKIJIKirr. IB Pim nwiiT- si Ops IVllsr IS wsrrspted snpsHrw e SO) .4hsr. r NO FAY", tar Um ears of I■**>". t'ots. Brawss. Old Snraw. Mr Sold bf sii UraasisU. Upo<— IO PsrA Plsew. Nw Vnrh The JtArkeu. WWW TOM. frsf Call's Wsttve 0# (• I'exos and Cberukse.. n*h<* l*'v Xlileh I'OWS 40fc> I*7o 00 lUms: Live #4%* "A Drxased ><* K,ser hV* °*' v IsrX Ctottoo: JH4* 1 **>• Rye; Ktst" 7 <• '4 llft'ley: Male I* '* •* Parte) MCt M id M (Hts : Mixed Wswtern !* * Corn: Mixed Wsstsrn #o#<4 J} liay, J # J' Htrsw. per e-wv f d 15 Kmw 755—01 7*s IS <4 I Pork : km W W hard: Cltybtesni.. )(* 07V Ftvh : Mtckerel, No. I, nw. 18 00 (411 00 •• No. knew ...10 00 <4'SOO Dry Ood. Jr cwt. •80 # 8 MS, j Herring, Scaled, per box. . 17 id W. i Petrolenwi: Oede „09lvS08\ Beftned. JXh | Woo': Fleece. 10 <4 S8 Texas Fleeoe 10 (4 13 Australian Fleece...... ♦* >4 49 Male XX. 41 id 44 hotter : Hlaie ■ 9 ** Wetaern : Choice. 17 (4 St Western : Hood lo Prims. 31 (4 31 Western : Firkins........ I* (• 19 Cheese; Stale Factory I<* '* 14 j State Bklmmsd 07 <4 09 Western "V# 1* ' Kggs: SUte sod Penuevlvanla.... 18 4 18H svmta r M > P s t * o Wheat - -No. 1 Milwaukee l 4 I H CoiW-Mlxed 83 ,4 88 Oat* 99 (4 97 | J* " Barley * 91 (4 M Barley Ma1t......................... 90 id 99 VZIUBIUZII. Beef Cattle— Extra 09 M 09\ Sheep 09 i* 08H Hogs —Dressed. 08%<4 091* Flour—Pennnlvanla Extra 111 (4 1 38 Wheat -Bed Western 139 (4 140 Bye 71 73 Corn—Yellow ............ .......... 90 <• 91 Mixed 00 £ 01 Oat*—Mixed 99 <$ 41 Petroleum—OrUds 09h#0tM Be lined, 13 Wool—Colorado 93 A W Texas 9* ( 99 OeUfornta 97 08 38 aoaroß. Beef Cattle 09 (A 09* Sheep 091K* oth Hogs 09 lg(* 07 k Floor—Wisconsin and Mlnneaota.. ..110 Ok 900 Corn—Mixed 49 (4 89J* Oat*- " 97 (4 89 W*ol —Obto and Pennsylvania XX... tl A 47 Oakfornia FWU N 9 SSIWWTOS, itaaa. Basf Csttle..... 09*<4 07M Sheep..... 01 <4 09 fc Lambs 07 (4 10 H0g5...., OT* 09 WAT4STOW ft. Mai*. Beef Oattle—Poor to Oholee 499 A 990 Sheep, *OO A 719 I "Ow . ... vno A 9W W*rT ■ m ■'— I ha. .wmc *ew ALMKAttr ftk> Wv-| iK'CiTkcffl AMD DhAKD. tawss mm* Ke .Wjwey Thr Ksl—SfS fwriullT or loo!iy' Yawl Powder la Iha beat i>?itliae of iU wortli. Wlmwtw you want a Ugh!, white, Uacnlt, delidoua pot-pie, elegant eake or a choice pmldtttg, IVooley'a BaltM l'owAcr ahoultl he u*ti I'arfart purity ana abaolute full weight arc tba watchword* of the manufhotttwra. I tin lllllaiit. Qnlrkr IHeb Tea will make a new man of yon. Hol<| by all dnigalata at a* oouta a parkaga. ✓^sPHOSPHO-HUTRITIHE, / \The baat *italliln Tonic, f1 • A \lielk*vir,g Menial and I*bylral I I H P Br I pbobtbatto*. J - V/mr.avouaiißM. ijbbjlit.. VKMAI.It WKAKJfMf. aJilmpeirwiaot# *>f Brain >ud Mara* Xf All Irragyola Depot, II yiatt St., *. * GRACE'S SALVE. JinUflUA Mlab . Ilw St. HIT -Waaar., Al: I •ant row la Ha lor to.. buw ure < Hale* I Ware lent and ba. uoad than tti aa alaar at all 4iaa*l*U m ail Id Ball aa r- - tit ml A A wau Pn|wnA b bRTII w. VOW I.kt A MINa. Ml Mwrwatw , B tuna.Mae* USE THE -.'fittffi PERFECT SJSS?tJ£ BUTTE RESta-S^ a e .IUM AA fwr thug COLOR 1 l'*h£*2a&F' PAUEMTB WANTED FOE THE ICTOEIAL HISTORY M '*WORLD. It meuiw 117 If kaa I, u-jr.oal aad 11MIO I .io ni .> iiaaa-. aa-t w li.a ant e tafWaa ; I|iMii >■( tba World **ar ycl/ sWal ft aalla at n|tt I iwad tar lian aa Mo and #• leoua la Aaasu. aa oUai hot. a iiiii K aTiioit Vcaijaaiau Od , fbllthUkk.f'a "The Best Polish in the World." Rgajsn SIIVE POIISH ( NATURE'S KLML&I"V VEGETIRpa in G.ut Btflog ft REV. J. P. LUDLOW WRITES; ID litru tiwrt. ttonutt, X Y ,• SOT. II 1D ) j 11. R intlM. Rrt i>~ .V. lot. pxwwai I'MU ~34.A m .U M iimllu fr> *N porojnoi iMarladaa <* Uu~ OTbmo cbot bwrttiir *' ' tu^rolf tzzjzne!7MMr,z ' aw-* U. OftUJOTd u. Lo'. I' ..Lor Cal.arj K>hm Charak. kMiroana to.Ool I nrilar I. olil b All UrMlt. Ccugh., Cold, cr ScreThroa< !'.wMi CROWN'S BRONCHIAL TPCCH6S | ll* a aim (il'< Kami;, and will aluinat ln | v arSably ;!n< lanon]iiil t*llel. \ lit AU COliU ISTS tnA dcslera I '• " * ' TJSE THE ' Peerless Wringer. IT IS THE BEST. ft. Y. Offloe—lo6 Chanjbera Street, i I XACTOKT—CIXCISXATI. O. PONUS EXTRACT CATAIiSII. I'mJ. Kilran a oarl; > ) rit;| li.mlu*w. Ilrw 0.r.l ) | .■ la cud anil uata caot*. 1 t - r-i"rf !• M IT-mil* IUI Co 08. wto I '* .i*r trl.l tt will I* *S*S'wl It. CiUl'l'Kll HANOI- AND t u A PaaA*. Klll J. ( 1 ull be I3HITJ labul) t j rnuri It'Hr. the . —ei.e.. I and au : aallraa asd Aral j lli. i:u rroriialy. ■ nSI'MATIHM. I'urttaf a. v-t* and <-han**ab'' •Hibrr, Sta •tif Rtt>ert t<> Kheomn' r ] !'t;n toM hathiaa U tCMoI i n-ltl I'-iol'. i tlr.n. IO*TKII I.IRtIA.-Paad .Eatrartlararts W, r*llo*OT tbr T-a and final); < rr>. ,MilH are |Tniftlr corrd Vi t a-u< >f Paad . Ktlrart, It aarrrhlk IIIKTOB V aad (V. at i'ond. BiinuA .a .arm-Mel ftle*t>riwrt.u WiSTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. Fbom sKYllol'K TH ATVHKR. KD.or Hxaiih*. ' ST "WIS I AK\S BALSAM OF WILD CHFRRY IW QIUIrMI MttlfMliOß It MWtM lO A OOtfll hf Of aad cunnoi UA iuu#* a&J AiUr"*f ▼**• Uoti. iAmi rmrtrs# (A# r4M %:m+4 q/ drying *f i# j (Wf4 ■<•M B T. gUUMT. A. M . Pmiaripai. or tmm •• Xrw Irawii-* iN It) Am. XTVW Arautai " " For mora t ban f.Hr nan I haaw aaad PR WIS TAR'S BALSAM OF vnia> CHKRKY for tbawha, iWI and vow which I. in owiia with tb* mat nl mar kind, am aul-taot: and it (iraa ma planum to au that I om.idwr tt tba arc. tm. niaady nth which ' | UK hth] liAtBU il WISTAR S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. TRNTM A. DLIMKIIKP, KQ . PewnufTU *T WBT H&ATTIaKJIOfto'. VT. •* I mm •abjfH't to rwddm MlAL f>lU*wwd b> UrJ ■tmrh*, lor which 1 u (to end And it Lh tow r*#- 4m for A cotifb or A AOTA Usrost lb At 1 arar WAS Acusmmt* el with. My (Amvly A!*O AIW AS tanch TI favor of it AC wifwcll ID tact <• AJWAJA B*T It in VB bouse. AND would eeon think of doin vithoqt flour AS TOOT excellent BALSAM OF WILD CtIKRRY." WISTARS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. FbOM lion. RL'FUS K UOODBNOW or MAl**. •■J hara triad VT ISTA KM BALSAM OF WILD I'HKKRY for an eicmJmctj troublaaoma ranch Tba •Swat waa all that could ba daa-.rad Tba naa of lam than ana bottla rrliarad raa entirely Ataooc (mat rartaliaa of madicinaa which I hara uaad, I hara found | nana rqnal to ' WIITAB'D.' Ita enrntira properties la eaaaa of conch 1 rncard a* tnvaluahla." WISTARS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. Fmcikl NATHAN FLUMMKB. M. !>., Aor**. N. H. "Althnurh arena to count*nanctnc PAtant madicinaa, {.„ C R^S^- M i,^ T X , RTCZ T X c M* U R,V WILD OHEKKY. Thiu preparation I hara naad in in/ ! practice for mora than ten yearj put, and hara a! war a found it to ha of mora sffectul Hmn than UytblAC ' within tnr knowi.rl*.. I rocomrnand it with tha mat aat oontidanoa to tbosaaabjact to Oonch* and Pulmo- ! uarj Onmpininto." WISTAR S BALSAM OF j WILD CHERRY. Prepnrr.l by NRTH W. FOWLE A HON*, Sfl Hnrrlaon Avenue, Boatan, cad mU k> denier* cenrrulty. 60 cenm nud Via bottle. (T)LE\S TRIX. Karat? laketwad free.-Dael aoiO, agatl pWAI aatl linjrara. Write laidiwiwtllll WW I a. * GUNS SSWSfeHE I ' I> 1717 ratyefWUW Wmmeiiea te ami aaMWr. A Good Well aJlr??i.i B *^Sa M ma for oar a agar bnab I) tiwuCo.jk. trwa. Sal PW|" It KwTOMKKM b—tbaa Byeetaelae pa W E Tha boa* rail a aad la 11. Unjnt liin ■ ■ Add—a Hat Wia Www TntrW. S2soolS^snS.^iasg nnn 'lama. - Www waaan' M twaa aab wu tit ,!K^rdMwßßggMr A ijWH.ll VI.ATKb WiTCßtli, CWaeaw *. lktb WWdWI R.irrii V tfW * I H—E J>u *— A OMLTtie CAr Ona*ae, PIAIOSM^^£rr WA Maw ■ aaad lim tor Iba Da- Al™ I riil K leatira ftarrica. and b> ri)iri Mfewwl J'Mleaa .leny and eddna. a teart aaa .nd Karapeaa A area* Samaa tlo, OwtuiallJ). CLOCKS AGENTS. READ THIS ! Ibraa Addraaa L A Abo . Manbafl.M—. AQTMMA AomnfiA.wb |„ IMIWIWII * Ml*, tfarrra, Meaa. -| ||(Mil. TKtl HKBW: sSTHfag-ts vrew l—ir* m erary ifcMM ar fwfp Hakaa. IfO NarO, Paarl Huwat. Aij at. S T. WORK FOR ALL Ha ' aaaia. IMU Tarwia and t>ajHl Vrae addroao P. O. IfrRMIT. U(la. Walwe. $lO to $25 T".%Hwsri?sS—. tfcdaoMabad MjKl ,i| * f a^ CiecvLawaFaaw. GrrrmWnTia *iCK*:*IAI.UA'M I THKO. J. UAKUACH, lew-fan a laataaa. } wMlalW.lWt.ra KKCT'H HIIfHTW. KKKm hMI FaaOf-BadaJßaga MM. baa* owab -* ,5-MM fb •• UTI A%TjiOTW^g7 I'odanbwta aetf Orwwata. baa* ab*r, It * I A WLtta rlaaaai I'adarvaMa. baa* naabty. ftAMoa**. llastaa PWuo : \ aou d Draeww. aa. baarj, TW. aa mt Twillod btlk l atwwllaa. yrrawMlMiW * aaeb. tbahv *?*. DIT. BECKER'S \ O 7 .rrt.rß2.tir3 \ i; A EYE BALSAM I* A bt'BE CUBE 1 'tfs-M [ r-tSnjMIED.WCAKI.TIA. K Vv *rrKbaaMOK*rTßJl>v F* \\ MJLD BY AU. DKKOIbTA FT* \ Dr.pirr.• bowery.i.s. r -* \ bicsr BY mail rot sm. Invalid Pensions Increased. B ICNTY -VJnaloart Waowlw*,a afsar Jar.nary I. , IIM. adb nina eanrittiV ten* aaraua. awe f.l waanad balar.ea of MM rKBeIOSI fur and 4' .iAM ®*ls-x w ati!.pMlftM.a mi of tbnoi tm otint • lUowu'cltiiMUvaai* URIIHI (TOO pt,j " a y\ Bsau^MwTar. EYERETT HOUSE, Fi-ontinjx Union Square New YORK. Finest Location in the City. Earcpetß PUs-itstiarat bsvjnmL K KKKKR * WB< rg. fi amyl " Dr. Warner's Health Corset, WiU Start Snpportar ud Satf 77 A^jaxnar £ ~ r " tmovio BT AIX IHTWIUM J'3Pm fml, >. 111 *mt Mmitmrn. fy iWfllcl XainpWd. amtnm bf Mali la llmna. ffiy -kippf 1 k