The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 21, 1878, Image 4

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    Washington's (Inly Sister,
Mm. Hetty Lewis, only
v 'ster, is described, in Nhrtlmer's Mag a
as a woman M \nany virtues, and
veil belayed off her famous brother. In
ho future, however, she is mor likely to
;,l> celebrated for her spelling than any
thing else We quote the following let
ter fror., the article:
" JCL* sth, 1796.
U MY DKAU BROTHER 1 receivwd your
I letters of the 26th and 2th!i of June, the
day after 1 wrote to you I was attack
v itli the ague and fever which has lasted
ever since I had never been clear of a
lever since, 1 Expected your conieing
t'irew Haltemore tliat you would ascer
tain Mr. Parke* fortune thoe 1 believe
lie would not tell anything fals on the
(Veat i*. Harriot's Brother Wrote her a
letter from Haltemore iuid likewise one
f ■ Mr. Parka congratulateing them on
icir Intended Union which he saves he
ikes no dont will l>o a very happy one,
t.awrenoo was here at the time that Mr.
i Narks firs spoke to Harriot on the sub
•vt and 1 In'g'd of him to make all the
inquire lie could but never bard from
' nil nutil the letter I have lueutioued
h ere and concluded from that he had In
ouiriHl and was well Pleas'd, when Mr,
Parks ask'.i my consent 1 tokl him I had
4hing to say to it that YOU w*r*> tlie
'('rsoii to lw appli'd to, I have never
i ncern'd myself with it 1 think Harriot
Old Knougf now to make choice for
: or self, aud if tliav are not happy I Ih
lieve it will lie her one fait, he liars the
Heat caracter of any young Hereon tliat 1
•' I uow my l\ar Brother liave to
1 aukj yon for your gixvl intention of
sending me a mule if you had any to
near, but had no write to Kiyxvt you to
1 hafiniish your self,
" 1 am much obliged toy on for yonriu
\ itasion to Mouut Vernon but it is utterly
out of my Power to get up, I believe 1
wrote to you last fall that 1 had but two
old. Horses and iu Tenu jworvl left out J
from tliat my stable was broken ojvu
a id the best of them Carn'd of and from
that day to this I have not har d a word
>f him that was the forth charriot Hot*
that I had lost in Fredericks you may
Helieve 1 had no great Parsiallity for
.he Place, Harriot is Hotter and is goue
v> the forth of July in Town but 1 think
die hxiks badly.
"My Love to you and my Sister
Washington ism eludes me your
*• Affectionate sister
" KKTTY Lt:wis.
•• P. I fear that you will hanliy
: ..ike out tliis as 1 have a violent Head
ke and a horrid o*ngl-I l*ltcve Har
riot is distressed to know how she is to
be Provided with tliiugs for a Weding
This was probably the aged sister's
last letter to her brother; for she entered
into rest early in March, 17V7. tier
jxirtrait, taken in her youth, represeut*
her as a tall, handsome woman, with
brown hair and eyes—her head held
proudly erect aud her full lips firmly,
almost haughtily compressed, aa if she
had jus* issued some positive command
to her army of tall sons.
The l emsteck Mines.
A correspondent writes aK>ut the cele
brated Comstock mines in Virginia city.
Xev., as follows : The demand for tim
ber and fuel for the Comstock mines is
immense, and from the base to the
Mimmit of the Sierras the pine forests
are beiug rapullv denuded The cost of
the timber whicli is put underground to
prevent the mines from caring in is
817,000 a day, or 86,800,000 a year.
I'he demand of the Umanzus alone is
-ome '2,200,000 feet a month. The tim
ber used imnsported over a narrow
uige railroad running irom .Glenbrook
to the summit of the Sierras, 1,500 feet
shove the level of Lake Tahoe. The
r.iad is 9i miles in length, with an
abrupt, tortuous grade of from 120 to
100 feet to the mile. It passes through
a tunnel cut out of the solid rock 500
feel in I'ngth. On reaching the summit
the tin ber is placed and sent on its way
in a V-soaped flume of some fourteen
mile* in length, extending over the rocky
and r lgged portions of the mountains to
Carson City in the valley. Often a day's
run in the flume is 500,000 feet of timber
md 1,000 cords of wood for fuel. The
t of firewood is 86,000 daily. I am
♦ <ld that the cost of the candles used in
the mines daily is 816,000, while the
c st of ice to cool tlie water for the miners
i the lower level is $12,000 a day. The
expenses of milling are $16,000 a day.
Taese and other expenses bring the total
C. -st of working the Comstock miaes up
fi. at least $70,000 a day, or $25,560,000
a year.
The beat in the lower levels of the
Comstock mines is perfectly intense, and
it is a wonder how men can endure it
but they do. I have been talking with
a miner, who tells me that in some of
the drifts it is next to impossible for
men to work. Miners are so often over
come with the heat that thev are render
ed insensible. Fresh air is constantly
K'ipplied. There are oooling-off rooms
or boxes nrovided in the mines, where
the temperature of the air is kept down
by compressed air, and these places af
ford some relief. It is so hot that men
. sten get their skins blistered as bad as
if it had been done by scalding steam.
Very often the iron tools are so hot that
they cannot be touched without burning
the hands. The work in several mines
is carried on to a great disadvantage on
:iooount of the recalcitrancy of the heat
The Poire of Habit.
Among the conspirators shot the other
(Lay for scheming the massacre of the
r< resident and his ministers in Gnatema
a was a y.mng student, by name Rafael
Segura, whose skill in forgery is repre
sented as having been surprising. He
had forged the signatures of the presi
dent and general-in-chief to various
fraudulent documents and orders re
quired for carrying the plot into execu
tion. On Vie ing arrested he was brought
before the president, and pleaded in de
fence of his acts that he was without a
father, and absent from his mother, and
that by promises of promotion under the
new regime and of large sums of money
he had been induced to commit the
forgeries in question. Hie president
requested him to girs a proof of his
talent, which he did by immediately
writing an order with the name of the
president so exactly imitated that even
♦he president himself declared that un
iesß he had seen it written he conld not
have told that it was not his own.
Thinking that a youth possessed of such
gifts might ultimately become a useful
lumber of society and a good servant 'if
tae Republic, the president told him
that he would give him a full pardon,
und, further, would, if he wished it, as
sist him in his career by giving him em
ployment under the government. Se
'tira, who thanked the presidest for liia
generosity, made the most earnest as
-urances of good conduct in fntnre. The
first use, however, he made of his liber
ty was to forge an order for the release
of Rhodas,one of the principal offenders
—an order which only by the merest ac
cident failed to effect its purpose. This
was too much for the president, and Se
cure, being sentenced to death by the
military tribunal, was shot with the
other conspirators on the 7th of No
Japanese Holidays.
The Japanese are supposed to have no
iays of rest, and a religions day of rest
tlisy certainly have not. Hie shops are
:ever closed except for a day or two at
the new year,and such a thing as a close
holiday like the English Sabbath is
totally unkown to them. The govern
ment officers, however, have regular
rest days, called "ichi-roku," one-six.
The first, sixth, eleventh, sixteenth,
twenty-first and twenty-sixth of the
month are the holidays, and these days
are observed by all the officials and up
jier classes. According to tlie Japan
l/izif, however, it is the intention of her
majesty the empress to observe Sunday
UK the rest day in lieu of the ichi-roku.
'Then the Japanese altered the calendar
from the lunar to the Julian it was said
that this change was to have been also
.ilroduced; but nothing more was
heard of it, and subsequently there was
an attempt on the part of some Japanese
authorities to induce foreigners in their
.-uiploy to keep ichi-roku instead of
Sunday, but in this they failed. We do
not think that necessarily the change on
tlie part of the empress has anything in
it that does not appear on the surface.
Celestial Empire.
Tkr HntMl*** Ihw-rtM-U k* U 11l Txlr
PurllnlhvUr**! Wiw.
Rimy and cheery note* of preparation
come across the *ea from the brilliant
pleasure capital on the banks of tic
Seine. The universal < xpositinn of 187f
grows apace, and Fan* already begin*
to dock herself for tlie festive MSMUI.
tin the heights of Tnvadero, overlooking
the citv and the winding river with its
many bridges, vises a lofty, orescent
shaped palace, half oriental and half
French ui its architecture, tliat partly
encircles with it* two long wing* a
broad, sloping parterre, soon to be gay
with fountains and flowers. From tins
parterre a noble stairway, looking at a
distance ltke a great cataract turned to
marble, descends to the water side and
ends in a graceful bridge spanning the
Seine. Across the river the once t>are
plain of the Ohanip de Mars, ordinarily
uses! for militwrv tiiamruvr**, i* almost
covered by a vast structure in the form
of a parelellogram. This is the exhibi
tion ntiilduig proper. The idea i* bor
rows! from tlie Main Building at the
OeuUmnial, but the structure is of
greater width and lo>s length. 11l the
center is an open court, upon which
each exhibiting nation ha* a facade
which it ran construct and deixwate in a
way to illustrate its own uatioual archi
tecture. The /Nihil* if /miutfrie, *
tlie principal building i called, extend*
almost from the Seiue to the front of the
hivalidea, oulv a little space txuug re
served arouuil it for walks and grass
The exhibition will excel that of 1567
in extent and brilliancy, if half tlie re
port* we hear are true. There will uot
be as many ixmutries represented as
came to Paris to glorify the sev>ud
empire. l(u**ia and Turkev, grappling
in a death struggle ou the slope* of the
Balkan*, will pay no luxxl to the invito
tion Ui join m the friendly strife of the
arts of peace. Rot ween Ktiglaud and
France there will lie the keenest com
petition. M(*t of the other European
power* will exhibit. Sweden and Nor
way, IVumark, Holland, Helguun,
Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Hungary,
Spain aud Portugal are already repre
sented by their commissioners, and
promise larger display* than thev made
at our Centennial. It i* still U* *oou
to speak definitelv of the character of
the American exhibit, but it will unques
tionably be tictter than at Vieuua in
1873 sr at Paris in 1867. Canada,
Mexico and Brazil have applied for
apace. So have the Australian colo
nics, those enterprising little embryo
. states of a future great republic. The
venerable civilizations of Asia, China
and Japan will show the wonders of
their ingenuity and handicraft, aud even
Siam and Ptirsia, will join in the gay
A Mad-Mone.
The Dallas (Texas! Herald says:
Hie Herald recently ma.le mention of a
mad horse, the property of C. J. Wilker
son, which he, as well as several horse
doctors, contended was not mad. l)r.
Cornelius, the health officer, thought it
was, and ordered the removal ot the
animal outside the city limits which was
done. Its owner titxl the horse in the
timber, ami the next morning on going
to the place fouud it had died. In re
moving the rabid animal, Wilkerson re
ceived a severe bite on tlie back, direct
ly between the shoulder blades. The
wound was very painful, aud gave him
no little trouble as well as anxiety. He
railed on Dr. Hughes, and stated the
facts to him. That gentleman applied a
mad-stone he ha*, and it stuck fa*t. The
operation was repeated six time*, the
stone sticking each time. Wilkerson,
when bitten, had on a thick coat, and it
seemed almost impossible for any of the
saliva to have reached his body, yet uoh
seems to have been the case, the stone
sticking fast each time it was applied.
The doctor then applied it to a knife
<-ut on the Ixxiv of the unfortunate man,
but it refused to stick. The man ex
pressed himself as feeling greatly reliev
ed of pain by the application of the
stone, and the process will lie ooutinned.
While Dr. Hughe* does uot claim tliat
it possesses all the virtues attributed to
it, yet he is willing to let any one thus
afflicted come and use it free of charge.
This stone is said to be a most excellent
one of its. kind, and has never faded to
cure those to whom it has been applied.
It was left to Dr. Hughes by Dr. P. C.
Venerable, of Mecklenburg. Va., who '
used it successfully for forty years.
The stone, which was found on the
Staunton river, in Halifax oountv, Vir
ginia, is a black wflor, resembling', since
it has been polished, a piece of gutta
perrha. When used, after each appli
cation, it is boiled thoroughly in milk to
extract the poison.
A Forgetful Bridegroom.
An absent-minded gentleman in St.
Paul, Minn., recently applied to the
county clerk for a marriage license.
"What's tlie brides name?" asked the
official. The bridegroom paused,
coughed, stuttered, annexed, blew bis
nose, scratched his head, and finallv
stammered ; "I can't recall it, but I'll
go and ask her." Having obtained the
desired information, he returned and
Sid the fee* for the license. A few
vs afterward he took his bride to a
minister's honse, and proclaimed his
anxiety to lie married on the spot. The
minister said that he would marry them
if they had procured a license. The
bridegroom rummaged iu his pocket*
and found it not. He had forgotten to
bring it with him. "I mnst have the
warrant," said the minister solemnly.
The bride handed her prospect .re lord
the keys of his trunk, and he set out for
his house to letch the document. The
marriage ceremony was finally jier
formed, but the liulv was ill at ease.
" Wlrat comfort can f have,"nbe mused,
"if he can't remember anything." She
forsook him that very afternoon, and
hastened home to her mother.
Alphabet of Short Rules.
Attend well to yonr business.
Be punctual in yonr payments.
Consider well before yon promise.
Dare to do right.
Envy no man.
Faithfully perform yonr duty.
Go not in the path of vice.
Have respect for yonr character.
In everything bo just.
Judge mercifully of other*' faults.
Know thyself.
Lie not, for auy consideration.
Make few acquaintance*.
Neverprofess wliatyou do not practice.
Occupy yonr timo in usefulness.
Postpone nothtngvou can do now.
Quarrel not with your neighbors.
Have somethingagainstailay of trouble.
Treat everyliody with kindness.
Use yourself to moderation.
Vilify nobody'* reputation.
Watchfully guard against idleness.
Xamine your conduct carefully.
Yield to superior judgment.
Zealously pursue the right path.
—Christian Standard. |
An Infuriated Monkey.
A tame monkey, belonging to a baker
named Hartz, in Atlanta, (iu., fiercely
attacked a little child, two years old, of
a citizen named Harris. A brother, five
years old, was carryiug his two-year-old .
sister, when monkey assailed him,
tearing with fearful force the child from
his arms. The alarm was Soon given,
and several parties came to the rescue.
The animal seemed terribly enraged, and
was tearing the child's flesh with a horrid
ferocity. He was attacked with clubs
and sticks, but only after a severe beat
! ing would he relinquish liis grip. Tt
was found that the enraged beast hail
torn the flesh terribly on her left arm,
and inflicted very severe wounds. They
Were not considered fatal, but it is oer
tain that but for prompt aid the child j
would have been torn to pieces by the
infuriated beast.
A Biddeford (Me.) girl has just secur
ed a husband by means of her graduation
essay. It was published in one of the
papers of that city, aud on extract from
it, in which the young lady declared her
intention of earning her own living, was
widely copied, aud met the eve of a Cin
cinnati iron merchant, who was so mnch
taken with it that he sought the author's
name and address. A correspondence
ensued, and the young lady was per
suaded to abandon the determination
announced in her essay.
A Terrible March.
Mr*. lto*a Griffith, wittolClPl. I*. -V.
Griffith, Third United State* Infantry,
HIMIIU to the Heading C I**.) Ibtti* iiu
account of lh<> terrible march <>f tho
regiment to tlieir new poet ut Mitt
sotila. The Mvuniit says: "Tin* regi
tueul, which hivl been stationed
in til* South for seme year*, wii*
ordered to the Pennsylvania coal region
(luring the strike h*t* last summer, mid
was then xnddouly ordered West to assist
in snMuing (Miief Joseph mid hie Nez
Force* Indiuua. They went to t Jorimie,
lh T., end from there were ordered t>>
Montana, eeverid of the eoinpmuen lieing
ordered to lleleue, mid Uie balance of
the regiment to the new post t Mm
soul*. The hardship* endured ly the
troop* during the trump of over 600
mile* were terrible. The men of the
(Mintiimid were ill-prepared, by reeeou
of their long residence in New Orleans,
for the rigor* of rarly winter in the
R.vky Mountain*, uud their suffering*
were acutely intense. During a part of
the journey they were excised to a
violent aiiowstorm, with the thermometer
tlfteen degrees below aero. Not an
ofil.vr or soldier in the regimeut w*
provided with overshoes or gloves. Not
a few if the men were nearly tiarefooted,
and added to the agony of freeaiug feet
wu the additional torture of lanng forced }
to grip the oohl steel of their uiUaketa '
witii nuked luuida day after day . When
the regiment left New Orleana, there
were, not five dollar* iu possession of
officers and men. The women and
eluhlreu txdonging to the command, m
eluding the wive* and offsprings of the
ufficeis, numbered thirty-two, and trait*- ,
portation for these, of ootu\ had to lie
secured at individual expense. It i*aid
that but for the timely aid of friend*,
who, uuderatandiug the inijieouiHous
condition of the rank and tile, advanced
a little money out of their own pritutr
meana, these di'Jiendent and deatitute
follower* of the camp must have suf
fered aliaudonuiVut in their time of'
greatest lined. (hi the uiareh northward '
to Oorinne several of the women and
children fell sick under the terrible ex
jHvsarc, and for weeks their lives were
almost despaired of. Tlie tnunqiortatiou
outfit allowed the command wua limited
to three ambulances. As there was not
a dollar of money in the regiment, the .
simplest wants of the aiek could not be
goatitied, as the isolated ranchmen and
hunters in that country refused to part
with anything when the cash was not
forthcoming. Finally, as the regimeut
was neanug the eud of their march,
ragged, fouteorr, penniless, and shiver- i
ltig, some of the officers sold then pay
rolls for cash, but not without the sacri
flee of a discount of twenty-five per
cent, on the dollar."
A Fierce Fight With Wolves.
On Wednesday night last, sava a re
cent uuml>er of the Spring Valley Fi
dette, a Norwegian farm-hand (whose
name we cant spell to save ns). living
uortneast of this town. Spring Valley,
Fillmore county, Minn., in the edge of
the lug timber, had a lively tight with
three wolves. Ho started out after dark,
with a single- barreled shot gnu, to
shoot down a wolf whose howls he could
hear some distance off in the timber.
The stars were bright in an unclouded
sky, and even in the woods the hunter
could see quite plainly for a short dis
tance. The howls of the animal led him
ill the right course, and the sounds grew
plainer as he advanced; and after about
an half hour's search he espied the wolf
crouched upou a brush neap, in an
"optximg" in the shrubbery—evidently
a den. The wolf not retreating upon
his approach, tve luuDMiiKt.-iy tired at it.
Hie wolf sprang at hin before he could
make the first motion toward reloading
his gun, and in about three seconds the
snow and shrubbery were dying right
and left iu a tussle betwecu man and
Iwast. Emboldened by hanger, the
fierce animal endeavored to fasten on the
man's throat, and though the huuter .
succeeded in giving the wolf two or three
severe blows on the head and -ides, it
seemed only the more enraged and fero-I
eiotis, and gave tongue to continual
howls and snarls while maintaining th>
fight. Two other wolves, evidently dalle!
by the howls of the first, appeared on *
Uie scene. The last two were smaller
than, but as ferocious as tlie lender.
Clubbing his gun, the man finally plant
ed a terrific blow on the neck of one. My- j
ing it out lifeless, and then liegan a ft- •
treat for the timber edge, boating off the,
brutes as well as he could. When the
clear field was reaclnsi his weapon wm, ,
minus the stock, and he held only a hint
gun barrel in his hands, having hit the 1
trees atxiut him oftener thnn thq wolvia,
but he succeeded ia keeping them from
doing any serious injury uutil he came
to the open countrv, where he turned
and ran lor dear life. The wolves fol
lowed him but a slxurt distance.
Twenty Tears Trying to M*ve.
Twenty rears ago gentleman living .
along Uie Tenneesoe line, not mor* tnau
thirtv-five or forty mules from Glasgow,
concluded to move to California. The
proposition met the cordial assent of nil j
his fain ly. Everything was shaped to
ward the removal. When the time came
the land was unsold and some husoes*
remained unsettled. It was agreed that
the moUier and remainder of the family,
except the father, should commence the
move, which ia those ilays consumed
months in making. The father re
mained to settle up the affairs and sell
the farm, intending to start as soon as
he could wind np. The gentlemen set
himself to work, but found it an up-hill ,
business to adjust liis affairs, and could
find no suitable purchaser for his laud.
Two or three years passed iu fruitless
efforts to get ready to leave, and eventu
ally the mutteriug of war was heard, ,
anil speedily the blaze of civil discord
caused all hope of family reunion to 1
vanish nutil the confiiot should pass.
The war over things were ui no shape
for immigration. Time passed on until
the gentleman has reached an old age,
and infirmities have takeu hold of him,
and now the probability of the family 1
meeting beyond the grave is aU that
lights up the hopes of either wing of
the long separated family. The family
were bound together by the strongest
ties, and tlie long separation has been a
most painful one. It is certainly a mo*
singular history.— Glasgow( A// .) Timr*
Wonderful Surgical Ope rat ten.
A St. Louis piqier describes a surgical
operation recently performed there, which
it claims is without parallel. Tlie opera
tion consisted in removing tlie jaw of n
man suffering from a cancer and substi
tuting a metal jaw. The nuui w* laid
u j ton two inclined trestles anil chloro
formed, after which the diseased jaw
was cnt away. Then the account con
tinues : Now liegan the insertion of the
metal jaw—a feat without parallel in
the anhalsof surgery of t'le world. It
was inserted by thrilling into either end
of the artificial maxillary or jaw and
putting may be termed a pivot into the
end of it and then making another hole
in the remnant of the jaw, and, as it
were, fitting the artificial nntnl muxil
larv on to the rami, and then melting it.
Such WAS this wonderful operation,
which lasted four honrs aud forty-five
minutes exactly. After hi* recovery to
consciousness, Mr. Frept'tf said lie liml
experienced no p.lin, and, indeed, f■ It
nothing off the entire operation. He
BjKike a litllo yesterday, and did 0"t
seem to tx- much inconvenienced wjth
his novel jaw. He is not Jet completely
out of danger, but all the Kym|floras are
favorable to a rapid reoivery. He will
never be ablo to masticate, but must al
ways live on liquids or very soft food,
for, of course, he is toothless.
Iteatli of Ex-Congressmen.
The following ex-members of Congress
died during the year 1877 : Ether Hhep
ley, Maine ; Joseph J. McDowell, Ohio;
James L. Johifsrn, Kentucky; Joseph
Johnston, Virginia; Johu F. Benjamin,
Missouri; Christopher Morgan, New
York; Amos Nourse, Maine; .Lorenzo
Sabine, Massachusetts; W. G. Brown
low, Tennessee; Richard Haines. Ken
tucky; John Pettit, Indians; D. D.
Pratt, Indians; George T. Davis, Massa
chusetts; Jesse Lazear, Maryland; Cyrus
Edwards,;lllinois; sVilsonShannon,Ohio;
Sobieski Ross, Pennsylvania; John W.
Chanier, New York; John V. L. Pruyn,
New York; George Urenuell. Massa
chusetts; Rutger B. Miller, New York;
John F. Driggs, Michigan.
Baatein and Middle B tat aw
Waning iutoeeat In ilia marrtagahf ttoniw
Lord, (Ik* wealthy N< w ii.iuiatiaiia, ti
Mra. llU'ha.haa l>e>n revived by the publication
nf Mr. taint's UIiWM In Hit* flitti K>- of III" at ma,
that ho * of iiuaoutul mind when herein
tract.-I (ho marriage ami liail lawn unduly tnlto
or iced lit Ilia wife. After the mart-tag. the .HOI
trading itarUaa disappeared aud could not I*.
fount!, although all the time lliry were living
privately 111 New York. Iho Mtd.-gi.-'iV * s.m#
instituted log*! proceeding* agalnaf then father
and hail a cuuimiaal.iu to impure into lit" then
I tal ontidttkm appointed. In lit" annum. Mi
l.otil asserts lliat h# l of perfectly wound lulinl.
11l proof of alih'li ho furnishes (ho affidavit* of
two |iroiultu<nt Now Votk |>liy*i.'laua, who cer
tify uiat In* i i-rf.-otly ano ami capable of
taking care of himself. Ho fnrthor atatoa that
aftrr tho marriage una of hla aoiia aoul a lot lor
lo Ml" threatening to kill lor, hta own
children, am! hliuaolf that previous to th.
tnainags lollora opt swung thai ovout were
written hy hla aoii" and ttioti lawvor ; that lit*
kept aoi'luiloi! after hla marriage ho
feared some art of vt.Uenoc to*an! hla lfo at
tho hamta of hla ton, ami furthrriiioio tho i n
gagouiont *aa our of long "tainting am! not a
j sudden whlui. k *l*\ of proceedings naa
granted by Judge [VHtOhUo
t iimtuyttu fatarof tka alitor tuotoiuont,
hold in O.s.pcr luatituto, Noar York, *aa ad
t dreawc.t hjv I irnoi ai An tug, ttictubar of lou
gi os" front Ohio.
J oar |>h Wttoda was hanged at Maloiio, N V ,
i fig Mi* Brewvttw of ttttfitwu Barber, l"t August
' n< fattnlt. sof In* guarding hotel
property on Oonev lslann l beach, near No*
York, wore ovorwhrlmta! hy tho rising tnlo
during tho recent L.a.y gaio and dm*mil
Puree women and tiro chd-treii \ierii>Le,\
Ttn>ma I'urkui, tmasiiror of Kcrauton, Pa.,
haa heoll ih ysieod from oftioc, a dotli'lt of
fI.OOJ hating been discovered in his amounts
The Dutch Hofotuiod Church, of Hyracuao.
i V. V., was destroyed hy tiro, am! a toaa caused
< of M'.dfO. ou which Uirio is iiiattra.*-*.
Id 10 Huiklev locoruotiv e work a, of lioatou,
hare aU"|udod, with Uahihtloa auiountiug to
l'lie aiui")n usd at Ktit uirt, lie., was do
strtirod by tiro, ami two of tho inmates an old
cod pie - wore buruod to death.
lletiry W. (ieuet, prouuuonUy identified with
tho Tweed ring, and *h*> haa bceu hidden tu
' unknown .juarters .vet ttn.-a he ran away f: om
' the sheriff four rear* ago, after Ida convnfffon
for ohtalning Btouer from the oily unJer faiae
. pretense*, relumed to Nor York and ga\t
hiliuir up tn Jtatioe, Ho wwataeld lit fJSith 1 #
Kichant J. lkll, a farmer abonl eighty years
old, tin tug uoar Wotslburv, S. J., was fatally
1 injured by a young bull as he was attempting
h> drive tile animal aiiay from the traillr yard.
John and Jainos Casaldy, aged out- and two
voara, were smothered tu death in a Now York
n-uomout houao hy the aiuvke from a hurtling
mattross. and the reretvery of two older
brother*. mgod fair and flee, waa mado doubt
ful through tho Mtlit cause.
The Merewntiio Savings Hank, of Boston,
haa bwou eujoiuod from doing further business.
I>epo*tt.r wtR probably not lie heavy losers.
} Swoot. t'ouk A Co., wholesale boot and shoe
dealers of ltuffal t, N. Y have *us|w<uded, with
Uabihua* of 4150.UW1. , ,
The Poatou book publishing tnuisea of J. 11
ttagiaal A Co.. aud Hard A Houghton, have
MDa'lVltUd under the lirut uaitio Of iio ightou,
Osgood A Co.
A M Tuntey, paying teller of the Hank of
North America,"ui Now Vork waa arretted for
having stolen nearly flOu.iaw from the uislitu-
Uou during the j>asl tive years. Ue had been
oonneid wttli the bank twenty-jTe ynara. and
Was re*iweted and trusted.
The counsel for Wiiliam Jt Tw,wd ha- made
a written application lo the altortieT-general of
I Sew Vork K* tho release of hla client, with a
statement of the reasons why Uie application
should be granted.
Prominent among rodent faUnr** u! Naw
Vork buaiueaa houses •la that f Joel Hayden
A Co., tuanufadurera of bras- gisda. for
The New York chamherof cotnmerci
a uuigi-riA Lo Cougre— against the liland
silver bill
Weatern gnd Southern Stale*.
later re|-*rls of the disaster to the "teaiuer
Motrojavlla on the North Caroluia roast, tate
that the number of lost ta about one hundred
Miflrtltr after leaving Philaaieiphta the ve--el
"i rui a <wh. aiiaa, uomii waaam, an,
unma: agigßW. It wae On delee
mineA to U-aeti her, and aft hands were wt
rtioutahoil to tuxivide theuiaelvoa with life
preserver*. Yk holy Uie vessel struck a panic
eustiaal among Uie pa-seugewa aud the wiliest
excitement prevailed. Immense waves broke
over the ship and many |H<raotia on deck were
swept away, iu the roar of Uie storm it was
imt-ia&blo U> hear the orders of the captain
or hla oftioara and all discipline ** soon at an
end, every man looking out for himself. The
ship struck at about aevan in the morning, ami
near noon a man appeared on the beach, on
horseback waving ma hat and promising as
-i-tatiOe. Shortly after tho men of the lifo
-aving -talion Appeared, but wire unable to
t itme on board. Tha only aasitanc' they
t gafte wae to pult the iiaJf-trowiitd pe-pu out
tit the urf as tiiev bafjlixt for life with the nu-
SKrn-e wares. NeiUh-r ceiuld any tsiats be
|uW*rvd from the wiA'ked vessel oti ai-count 'f
the N avy sea. Attire r. M. the vessel hruke
j up eutvely. alul ail on board engaged tu a fear
jf ful strtwgie for Uieir lives. The beach waa
strewn wttll til* tsslusof the uufurtunate crew
1 ana The ca|itaiu of tha venae!
statesThlky aaalataijce had l-eep rendered I v
i UHMtfawaMpg station at the tiiie the vease-i
waa l<oacba4( htUe or no i.jwaof life would Lave
followed. Inriy of the lal>rerv on l.'ard who
lost thrir Uw, .pft Je!itute'/ in Phila
delphia Many of live SOI atw wMiu -a! a* the
office of the railroad contractors w ere heart -
! rending, wnmrn whose husbands w. n- on the
' ill-fated reeeel wailing piteoudy and
in heart-rending Soues for news of Uie unsing
. ones. The litb-aervicw nveu Bred tlisee Uues
rrvrrttiotrnxbed vessel, when their ammuni
tion gave out. At tlii- time lttO men were se< n
clinging t" ti ngguig. Tiftea-o of the ut
vivors then formed a hue ui the atitf be j i u
' itig hands aud aocoeedoi in saving twenty -tax
of thatr couirsdaw.
PbCip WaJaotiyc loredi wa* liang*d at Cov
inefoQ, Kr., ft* wife ttiurdef ; and YVilham
Wiener* rtilTcred like i>eu4lty at St. I/itUa.
' for Uncvnitrdwrof A. V. Tiawdutv, a barkeep* r
ut a variety theater.
Thi- Memphis (Temi. i chamber of commerce
have |*assed raaolutions in favor of the liland
silver UI!
The survivor* of tin- wrecked steamer Metro
polis arrived t Norfolk, Pa., and w<re cared
for by tho catuun*. Nuie of them ware mat to
the hospital. Atutmr the survivor* the opinion
prevail* generally tkat the vussol was rotu n
and nnseswnrthy. and alumld not have lorn
allowed to put to oa, An investigation will
bo made. The captain of the MnropoHi io
, *ut* tliat alio nan iwrfeetly seaworthy.
William St urge*. prominent in railroadcircle*
tiled a voluntary petition in baukrtiptey at
Chicago. Hi liabilities are over il.OflW ftiV).
J. Madiaon Well*, of the Louisiana return'tn; ,
board, who made hi* e*cape recently when t!...
i other member* of the l>ard were arreted,
voluntarily sumndertd himself at Uigßl.t
Station. La., and waa brought to New Orleans
A bov who had lawn brought to Jtaltinmre
from tue Went Indies, and aw l>e!ieved by
many to 1* the missing Charlie Ito**, was
vetted by Mr, Hon*, who ami tin child wa uot
hi*. Mr. BOH* states that tin* made 57.1 bor*
' he had been called fn ee or had been written
) about, and hl hundreds of failure* to idnuUfy
i each waif a* hi* own. bail taught lain to enter- 1
tain no sanguine boj>e. He supposed be should
continue to sec IXITH until h' died but did not
expect to linil hi* own won m any of them.
A New Orleans dispatch etate* that the
uteamer Lessio Taylor, on the Alcliafalaya
river, was sunk. and a colon*! woman and
child, lienide* fonr or five deck hand*, were
Hon. Nester Maxan, a prominent lawyer of
Teta*. wan killed in a duel at Matamora*." Two
round* wore tired, when hi* opponent au
. houuoed himself a* satisfied. Mr. Maxan, how
ever, demanded another round, ww dint
through the lswly utwl almot inuntlv Wiled.
The San Ki anci*c) chamber of commerce
has adopted pwlatinns optioning the Jtlaud
' ailn r bill ami the proposed rvpoal of the iw
sumption aoh
A lihel milt in Cincinnati againat P. T b*r
num and other* attracted great attention and
lasted ten day*, remittor In a verdict for the
plaintiff* for $40,000- The init wa brought
by the manager* of a tdiow ou aoconut of a
publication ma-lc by the defendant* n> the
l.'tica (N. Y ) <>ba*rwr, whieti, plaintiff* etaini
ed, broke tbem up.
The greenback party of Michigan held a con
vention In .Tackeon and adopted rcHolnthm*
in favor of the remonetiaalion of HI I vet and
the repeal of the remmplion act.
At New Ir loans the trial of Gets. Anderson,,
of the Lonmiaua retuniuig lionrd, oi|tlie charge
of faWying the return* during the presi
dential count, resulted in a verdict of guilty
bv the Jury, ami be wa* ramaixled for Seii
The committee on federal lulation* in Die
Maryland hou*e of delegate*, to which we* re
ferred the memorial of Htm. Montgomery
lilair, oil the aUi ofJ anuary laet, calling u|(>a
Congro** to reopen the electoral question ai.J
a*certaiu judicially who wa* elected president
at tin la*i election, and give effect to tbe *11)
..f the people, re|>orti*l unfavorably op the
!. j ~
From Washington.
The public .1. bt wa* decreased $1,668,075. 88
in January, and *lncu June, ]H7'7, it baa beon
1 decreased r 15,870,857.
Oomim*Hioiicr tin Luc, of tba agricultural
department, reqnexted the resignation of Mr.
I Dodge, the statistician of the department, and
i Mr. Dodge decliued to comply wiUTtlie request.
The commissioner thi lis that tea can he grown
in thia conutry, while Mr. Dudge maintains
| that it oannot 1 grown here. Hcnco the re
! queat to resign.
Francis Murphy, tbe temperance agitator,
with hi* eon and daughter, called on tbe Presi
dent aud Mr*. Haye*. tlie other day, and met
with • pleasant reception
A meeting of Republican* in Washington wa*
held to decide what steps to tab* to protect The
Louisiana returning bonrd.
Ibe finance committee of the Senate con
; Kidcrc d what i* known a* Hetiator Wallace's
ioug bond bill for investment of savings, and
it wu gree<i to and reported to the Senate.
; The bill authorize* the iasue of $100,000,000
; fifty-year coupon bond* of denomination* of
' $25, SSO, and 9100, bearing intereat at tbe
, rate af .1 til pat annum, 'limy are to lw issued
la the name of the |MWWOU who |>aya the money,
. arid to b<> reglatered lu lila name, but may l*e
ti visfei red to any assignee, and may also l>
regtatrli-d in the name o( any owner In this
reaped thv an- e.piallv safe with ri-giUwsl
. Isold- Tlisv mav also ls> assigned tu blank,
and when so a-slutied they tm-oiuw muiam
t-uids, and pa by dehvnv, like any other
vtip.iii bond* 1 hta will onalde th ottier to
dl"p*us- of thitll w|ieh be Wlilii* 1 tin Ibteiwaf
is paywbU at am oaliene l bank nu presenting
tin oeuiH.n wtt'i the brwid. Tliey are pur
chaaable with legal t< nd' l" at oolu value, atel
the pnnveda are to Is applied to rmleeiuing the
I outstalultUg bonds bearing higher rate of
i Intel eat. Ihw purpose of the hlil ta two fold
drat, to give an opportunity for investmevit of
savings, and "<s- mi, to Initiate the txillcy of
placing the debt aihoug our owu
The House •xiutmitU e on the judb'iaiv (<ik
a vole on the prn|oalti,m for a atxteeiith
sun i,.luicet to Uie constitution of tin- t'ulUst
rtlatcs, giving w>iitirii the right to vote, ami
tod a Ue live to live Mr Harris, of Vir
ginia who la op|ioeod to woman suffrage,
bcUlg aherlll
The Itousc committee 0U |Ua|otia agret-l to
rt-|-.rl a hill for Ihe revlalou of the lieuaiou
taws. It provides that If appllcatlona for Ism
"ions an- matte wit bin five year* from their
death, nr illacharge of tin soldlera. or officer
fouct-itiliig whom the |H-li*ioti* la waked, such
peiiaftvil, if grant.-1 shall date from Uie tune
of death ol dlst-hatgc of the |w-uainuer. Pen
sions for which applications are matte alter
five y <4r ftom the time of des h or dlat-harge,
shall date from the tune when such applica
tion 14 made. The bill contains a cMHM
which allows t > l*e r.-plsc-l ofi Uie 'v*ll pell*
Slonera whose names were "frirkbti off on ac
couut Of aid given to the South during thc*o
wul war, but it la applicable only to am h pen
sioners as are now living, it txiufrra tto l-enrflt
on U heir* of those who are deed.
A Wasbiugtou dispatch states it la probable
that ('.(tigress W ill soon auth.-rue the ostahUsli
lUelit of an official ga/ette of the fulled State",
to lw published weekly aud to contain a .xsu
plete rtsx.i.l of the official av'Uon of tliegov
* rutin ut and ail the advritiaeiuoiit* of the
several department* of the government.
1 here h" never becu any such official pubh
catiuri, grid rt la pro| now as a a.ilutluu of
the adverirsing ipreation vriauh haa been re
ferred b< Congress by th. Presldeot aud the
heads .if department" for new legialaUou.
The tleiiale .xMidrtned Uie uoiiiiuaUoii of Mr.
llllliald to lw l ulled stsl." tnlulsU-r lo lirtull,
, and It ytx-ted that of Mr. Williamson as .xillec
* tor at New Orleans
Foreign News.
Ugorgc frutkahank, the .wlebralol Kugllah
: an d aU.I cailcaturist, la dead.
(in •- . haa declared war agaiust Turkey, and
thegovurnment has an army of I'jpKMl
men U> dross Uia frontier and cwvupy The**al>,
Fprvta and Mac--tutus, la urdor to prevrnt
lussnat'iex of Christian* iu those provuices.
Ttie pbac. preliniitiarles and armistice have
IweU "igned at Adiiarsuple, aiel Use Ka-Wau
war l" pr actically at an < ud, th# Grand I'uk-
Nicholas tiaviug orderevt a "n|Wuion of boa
tmue". in. iwace CKHidilKUis are as folhiwa :
l'lie eredtion of llulgaria luto a principality . a
wai indemnity or territory lu couitwuaa'iuii .
the iiiddjwndeuoc of ttoomanta. Her via arid
M.'Ut. negro, • ith an iuorrxa . f terrMory (or
each; reforms in Ho-ma and,
an ulteri.vr under staudiiig lw-tvrtwr the su.t*'.
and the caar regarding tike luwdan*llea : the
evacuation of ihe ii-rtrosscs and
The Rt :Ush reiuaul at Shanghai (airgraphs
thai ,oB,ow p.- 'pie are now reported
tJte lu Northern Chins. The frsctgn relief
(XKumittec ap|wal to Fug land arid Aitr: for
A dispatch freut Shanghai, China, aunounres
(hat an a-y iutn (or women and children in the
Cltv of IVii-T.iu. lias bvx-u l.'.irtmd, aud Usxt
more rhaii J.ouo (wraona are sard to have (wr
ished lu Uie tire.
Ten persons were "uff.-'ats-t or trample.l to
death .luring the excitement cause.l by a false
alarm of fire at a .-.reus iu rials.a, Fraraw.
The Greeks earned the town of iVimuro,
tV'titahniif a garnsou of 1 000 Turk*, id tbe
rsMnt of the oayonet,; losing 150 men. Five
Turkish Uieii-of war have stalled for tic Greek
A new Biinla'ry has lw.ii (..raict in Turkey,
and the £i.w of the gl and run r has l-j*u atxit
A woman tired tartc. at the Prefct of St
Peterburv, while hr was giving the usual
audience for the reception of iwtitinna, danger
ously Wounding him. Tbe woiild-be-asaasaiti
wa- atlV'ted. but refused lo divulge the motive
irf heFBCt,
, A largo number of business failures nave
taken plao. receully lu Montreal.
The ttiiiwrer William, it. his apewrh at the
oiK-mug of Uie German parliament, exrwrssod
au.*|w f T|we-lv and durable pesos in Europe.
During a revolt in t'oata'lUca, Central Ameri
ca, a I wii.l of iusurgeuta cut. red Greytowr.
and carried off 500 staud of arms
Intense excitement was created til I-oudotl
by the auuounceoieut that the lluaaian* were
atout to lavnpy t'onatanttoople nolwtthstand-
Uig tlie arriiiaticr. and crowds li.rouged the
-To. t., singing "God save the tjuev n " and
making datuonstraLiuti* in fav.u- of thegov
.-ruturtiL The (stpular foeli g was in'analy
tivsillb to lots*-., and the window* of th* towti
h >use of Mr. Gladstone and of the iMnly Arte*
office were broken by the exerted crowd. In
the house of . otatnons the government's re
picst for a supplemental credit was grant.-.),
an am.-!utiarnt to the same having
twrn withdrawn.
The t'oyir of lu*me .lied ui that city on the
Tth. after a long tllncaa. The following t* a
"ketch f his life Pop. Pitt* I\—Ailovaitui
Mama Maatai Ferreftl waa l-.rn of a noUe
family at Itiaigmgiia, near knrerna, on May IS,
lTtrj. He vidsd KouUi tunwic* .• a religion*
m saion in Mttß. In Jw/7 l>* wa# made Arch
bishop of Hpolffic, and he attained the dignify
of Cardinal m Di". ia Jnor, IW- be aa*
ofagt. d I v a.vtamatioii the enoceaaor Of t'ojve
' Gragorv \vl. After the Frcucti rvviilution of
i-1 -1. the Italia • liberals demanded greater
c ui.waaions than the Pope was willing to grant.
After srveral vi'detit demonstration" on tho
|wrt .jf liie ibwaan populatiun. Pio Son.* es
caped/! ■ Gacts !u diagntse tu NovemtsW. IH4M
A rcifflhhv was orgatn/e.l at li.anc in l s tt, but
was glit.vrrt.-l bv a preach army, which took
I! nix- m Jtdy of Unit rear, aud restored the
, Pope Dud tig Ui4 Bar t f AuaWt-v a. Ui#
French and Hardinunia In trv'.4 Us of
the lb .magna and the l>eg*Uon* revolted
! against Uie P|w, and the Pain! States
were annexed to the kingdom of Victor Km
matiu.-L ta Janaary. Inffo, th* P.>y*e isaural an
aualhsma against those who alwtted the inva
- t Ins dominion*. Tins was probably
- aimed at Na;*wte<.B IIL R- nw was declared
I the capital of tha new kingdom of Italy In
lwm. Since that dat. the .juostion of the
Pope's temporal power ha* reniaiocd in ana
peliae, as oue of the great problems of Ettro
jvea-i dlp|oma-T. Al*out th.- U>Ui of December,
: 1 the French army left Home The Pope
1 pre .tested again-t flw alajUUcti .if Ilia temyvcwal
jiowci, but h<> retnwhtod In Rom.-. He coa
mh-tl by an encyclical letter an (Ecumenical
i < o'lnoH, wh'cb met at Home In Decerntx-r.
l*w.p, f t , deflne Ui# d'grua of p*i*l tnfallitiihtv,
I -vfuch, after a long deliberation, was Anally
tTornnli atod in Ju!v. lbXb From that Ura* to
his .1. alb til# Pope led a comparalivaly un
-1 eventful life at the Vafjcao.
Mr. Saoieler*. of Vet.raak*, sutmiitted a Joint
resolution mlpplcmeilal to tin- Joint resolution
in nlation to the JatarMlfcNMl expwution to
be held In Pari* thl* year. It provide* for the
of eighteen additional commia
*iouer* to attend the exhibition. Ordered to
lie printed ..Mr. Katon, of ConuroUcut,*ent
to therlyrk'* desk and had road resolution* of
of tiiu Connecticut legislature condemning any
attempt to postpone the resumption of *|vie
paymeut. and remouatrating agaiuat thu p**-
sago ill tlie bland mlver bill. I*iid on the
table and unb red that they 1*- printed. The
silver hill came tip. and Mr. Dec* submitted an
amendment directing the secretary of thu
treasury to purchase not leH than 9:1.005.000
per month in silver bullion, and coin it, or a*
much more as the mint can coin, Mr. llcck
explained hi* amendment, and Mr. Bayard
l|x<ke in bid. Adjourued.
Mr. Hoar presented IJ6 parithcie from ii.kil
dt-nsai* of tlie rnib-d hlat.-a. prating for an
ametidflM ot to the oonstitutlou of the i'nitral
State* so a* to extend Un> right of suffrage to
women ..Mr, Conklmg presented a |H-Ution
froin citir.rusof New V'rk asking Congress to
retlev* tla- starring )SHi|<e of nurthoru Chioa
lla alt" prenented petition* from citizens of
differrbt counties of N'cw York, all favontig the
reuion*tlz*tion o7 the silver dollar of 412' 4
grain-. Mr. Conkling said these |>etltious were
all printed In the same form and warned to la
the result of a rombiue.) movrnnsnt. One of
these petitions contained a foot-note, signed
liy sixty citiii ns who were ou|>oaed to the re
mouetlxaUoii of silvrr. Mr. Wallace, of
Pennsylvania, from the committee on finance,
ra|s>tted. with anieniliuetit. (he Senate lull to
authorlxe a long bond for thu investment of
saving* .. Mr. Raton s|Mtke against Um> liland
Sliver hill, and prp<.SS<l a silver dollar of 44"
grains p Mr. Howe tavorad Uio Dill and Mr.
xwUer. of Colorado, submitted an atnendmeut
prohiiling forth') issuing of certificates of de
posit baspd OU silver bullion dep.wited in the
Unitad States treasnrv. Adjourn.-d,
Mr. I imnnan -poke in tavor of tbe Itland
silver bill and Messrs. Li-roan and Chnstlancy
agaiuat it. A substitute offered hv Senator
Cbristlanfv provides for the coinage of silver
doUart of grains at the mints of the
t*Utte4 States, but that gold shall Ui the stand
ard of value; d< pruMl subsidiary silver coin*
are to 1 legal Undor in all oases to the amount
of #lf); tlie silvwr dollars and subsidiary ooln
and silver bars *tani|s-d t the miuts or New
York assay office with their weight and fine
ness, and Lbo trade dollars are U> bo rnado
| legal tender arcordfflg to tlie4r market value,
to be UXIHI monthly hv the secretary of the
treasury, tho treasurer i if the Uulhsl Slates and
tho dirtsdor of tho mint, on a gold valuation,
in aoeordanoo wjtli the current rate* of tbe
I market* of tho world, which valuation D to be
promulgated and publi*he<l in thu principal
citio* of tho tinted State* ; in fixing the value
Of mill* the cost of coinage is to b willed. The
substitute further provide* that the United
State* legal tender note* may te redeemed
wponprewntation with silver of the valuations
fixed a above, and w lien so redeemed shall not
again ho issued, but shall lie plaoad to the
credit of thu sjukiug fund. Owners <tf silver
bnlliou are permit ted to deposit it and receive
in return certificate* redeemable at the place
of issue in silver bars at thu fixed valuation.
A resolution was agreed to instructing the
ooranuttse ou appropriations to impure wheth
er adequate |>rdlls{ons for prompt action In
pension cares exist in the pension bureau and
surgeon-general's and adjutant-general'i offices
'lite Senate bill to retnft taxes on tiiM>tvit
-avlnga bank- waa amended so that no aariuga
bank having no capital *h*ek shall, on account
of mercantile or hndnrea d< tall* on which no
interest haa leu allowed. I- dented Uie ei
•uiptlona, and |Niase<| The Se. ate resumed
conaiderattoii id the silver bill. afWl Mr. Ulalne,
j of Malue, spokt-, mainly in support of Ida anb
-tltvi e, a dollar of tJ& grains Mr. Jobnstou,
of Virglula, tu favor of Ihe reuioiietira-
Uifciofklivm t.lj.urptal
Among the Mils Introduced tu the Hmtse was
oue hy Mr. Southard, yf Dido, authorising the
patuieut of customs lu legal Under note#, and
one by Mr. Mill*, of Tevaa, directing that all
laiuda heraaflwr Issued by Ui* government shall
Mi (xvyable, principal, aud interest, in gold,
sliver, or legal tender DoU* Th mmaular
aud diplomatic ap|wuprial ions Mil wa* rejsiricd.
It asks for ♦ l,t ;U 1136, as agaluat #1 IJW 871
last year, the reduction being rnach*d by cut
dug down salaries of ministers and consuls ami
discontinuing reprnaaiitslion at some points
Vu effort to pass a resolution directing the
way*and mean* committee hi refs'tl an income
tat Mil was defeated by yeas, 1(16 ; navs, as
less than a repilrod two-thirds majority. Ad
i join ned
Yti Hewitt, of New Y'.wk, |resented |>etiUovis
froiu cillaens of N*w York aud Uostun, asking
i 'eugress to do something to inlUgato the
horrors of the famine in I'ldna The House
weld ipto I Olunilltoe of Uie whole and diaeussml
the military academy appropriation Mil. Ad-
Mr (V>x, of New Turk, offered a resolution
dim-tllig ti.e committee oil roiumeice to invrs
Pgate Uie uaiiaea of tb* Wreck of U,< slrauu r
>letio|s.lis, and Uie conduct of the life saving
stations ia isiuiiectv.4 ttierewtth and alsnlo
examine and re(s>rt on the necessity of legiala
tlon Ui prevent uusraw.irtliy and uiiprojjerly
ladeuod vesel* fr.ail going to sea. The lesulu-
Uou was adopted Mr. Peddle, of New Jer*. y
offered a reaolullou that a* the trade dollar Is
I wing refused bv Uie | oat-offices, and only re
ceived by merchants at a discount of right or
teu |H-r cent, the cretarv of the treasury atop
th* couiage Ml. htephn, of (ieorgta, of
fered a resolution auth -rixlug the President U*
invite an uileinatn ual moustary eommiaaicin to
coi.aidei and recoinui* nd a uidtortn ratio tu the
value of gold and stiver. lUfcrreu .. After
dlacusaluu on the Pa heco-M .gglntoU contested
election case Uie House a<ljourued.
The California couteated eWtlon case of
Wlggiutun against lYihe* was debated
Wlggluton (Dellioi-rat) was drs-lsied entitled
to the seal by a *t of lit U> U6 and Uie
oath of office was admhiieleied to hUu Ad
jouued. .
Ihe D.p.ra(e Fightt-r.
A mnil exilic iuUi til# f 'hrutiiflf '.flier
thi* inoninig, an.l aiiuutimuwi that hie
ndiiit* hum Htigirma, from I'iociir.
Hr wiw nit frrt iiiKli, li.i * revolver
"trapped hie )up, ana carricl
foruihlable-I.Mikiug rifle. After iutro
.lu.' ug Uuneelf, lie tu<|uimd where Uie
Justi.-o mine could he found.
"Ton w.-r, I've -vrnlked all the way
from Plocbr to frit •• miu* fighter, ami
if f cau't tit tho trtll. there nin'l uo Ulan
tu Nevada that can. "
He wo* inform.-I thai the chances of
ipitUuff a job us a tighter at the Justice
urre rnther. alitu, as tlt minerK' ttntou
htnl diechnrg.-l the entire gang of itotb
miurw. This, informaln aeemetl bi
strike him like tlie newe < f the atuhh-u
dm.tii of a Ixswrni frutu.l.
v- *• You doa-'l moan to ay that ther
aia't woiu' to UffUt I Vou d>A !U me
llmt they hnve urawetl ofT'' If fliey
have, it's mighty rough on a man that'a
walked all the way from Piocha to take
a hand.'*
" You might ut have got a job eveu
if they dtd tight," auggeaUxl a reporter.
" \Vhat, Saudy litiggma not get a job
iui fighter!' Tii.. minute they'd hear
my iintne mentioned they'll In-gLu bid
tUii' for my aertrioea. The crowd that
had me vr-.tii Vm Would feel aa/u. I'm
a daisy nt a tight of that d.vwri|itiun.
l'jn old rieath <*n a taic Ixxraa, A Gat
ling battery ain't no rvoeiporuwm to
Sandy Stiggtna elmibin' iub* a gang of
flghlera. Ikm Low.l and fire a revolver
ao fast tiiat it gits rewl and—"
Jit then, rleabife, a email enr, that
heionga to the office, came in, and
reooffniEing thi- wtrangeraa n auapioioua
character, sprung at in* legw with a
a.-rien of tuirag.- velf*.
Air. Ktiggiua jumped about three feet
iu the air, yelling :
•• Take hint off ' Oh, I atrial a dug
fighter! Tak htm off!'' and filially
ruehtug thre-uglt the d<vrrr like a wild
Indian, the Pioehe fighter .huappeoreil
down TayJor atr.wt, leaving Fleabtte
Imrking at the door.— ITryyinfa (AW.)
l hangp* of Tiint'.
lu Asia Mill'* wo tread a outl
rich in intereslmpaud sjdwndid reeillic
hons, with an population core
plotely .Icltaaed hTipu.rtuiwaniala*or*.
Tlic jf' ,,r T t w ru<T dtflvfent natwine
that one- flourivhed hew hits lw*w ei
tiuEUishevl; flocks wander over thrlotnh
of Achilles and of Hector; and the
throue of Milhralatew and the Anti
ochtinea lutve dotapjH ariwl, as wU as the
pal**** of Priatn and Cruasns. The
nerehante of Stnvrua do not inquire
whether Homer was born within their
tntlla ; the fine sky of lonia no longer
inspires either i>ainters or porta; the
same oltarnhtTOtivera with itaehaJea the
banks of the Jordan ami the Kuphratsa.
The republic of Mt>ses is not to be
found. The harps of iHtrtd aud Isaiali
are silent forever ; the wandering Ara
bian iMtnea, lndifTurent and unmoved, to
rent the polaw of hia tent agamat the
nbtter<<d colnmnaof lAtlmyrm ; Habvlon
has also fallen beneath the stroke of an
avenging deatiny, Ami that city which
reigued supreme over oppressed Asia,
has scaroely left Whind it a trace that
can show where the ramjwuts of Setni
rgtnis were raised. "I have aeen,"
says a traveler, " the aorompliahmsnt
of that propheer, ' Tyre, the queen of
the natious, shall be mmle like tlie top
of a rork. where the flshermeu shall
spread their neta.'" — Ma/tr Jirun,
The Mississippi Monster.
The monster seen in the Mississippi
river above Memphis a few months ago
by the captain and crew of a towlsiat
reap|M-ared the other day uear tel&ud
iiinety-tlve. This time the frightful
creature wa* seen bv some of the crew
of a prodnee boat monster's lw*ly
was sli*pe<l like a snake's, his tail forked
like a fish's and his hill formed like a
pelican's. His hill was about six feet
long and a flowing black mane stood
out from his head, which was erected
eight feet almve the water, as ho swam
majestically down the stream. One
twist of bis forked tail knocked of[ the
steering oar of the produce Iniat aud
sent the crew in terror to the hold.
The ill starred craft now lie* moored at
Vicksburg, desertetl by all the crew but
cue man, the others Wlieving that the
moßster is lying ill wait for this particu
lar boat to sink it out f sight.
The Age ef Wonder*.
A large, establishment Laa boon ppenetl
in 8t Luia for drying eggs, KBU is
openilod by hundreds of thotiNUuls t>f
dozens. Tite nggs. after Iwing atrefttfl.T
iuspectesl by light, are thrown into an
immense reeeptaelo, where they are
broken, and by eentrifnp'al operation
tlie white and yolk are separated from
the ahell*, very much aa liuuid honey ia
taken from tlie oomb. The li<|ui>i ia
then dried by heat by a patent process,
aud the dried article, which resembles
brown angar, is pnt in barrel* ami is
ready for trunsjs>rtation. The dried
article ha* lieeti taken twice across the
eipiator in ahipa and then matle into
omelet and compared with omelet* made
from frcah egga in the aame manner,
and the heat judges could not detect tba
difference Iwtwoen them. Ia not thia an
age of wonders? Milk made solid ;
cider made aolid ; apple bnttor made
into bricks. What nest?
From I'fcn*. 11. C'elaajr, Kwj..
Of the firm of Colgate A Co.. Manufacturers of
Flavoring Kxtract*, HI black stone St.,
HowKaviM-a. Ma**., P*c. 6, 1876.
MRSSHS. B KTH W. fowi.r Jt Box* :
Gcn/lewien- Last spring my llttl* (lanshter,
aged five, became very much emaciated with
loss of appetite, and great i>roetration of
strength, so much so that we were obliged to
take her out of aohool. Thia continued through
the summer and caused ns much anxiety.
After trying various rvui' dies without deriving
anv benefit our family physician recomtnedod
the use of Peruvian Syrup. After using It one
week we saw a msrked improvement in the
child's condition, and in a month she was
rapidlv gaining in health and strength, her
appetite being etoeUenl. At this date she is
perfectly wolf,,with round, plump checks, and
healthy color, and 1* again attending school
regularly. I consider her restoration to health
entirely de to tho Peruvian Syrup, and feel
that I cannot too highly recommend it as a
tonic. Very gratefully yours,
Sold by dealers generally.
The Celebrated
Wood Tag Plug
New Tork, Boston, and Chicago
Vli. t Navtaa,
Hbould an eruidiiei occur in this voloano,
aud cense the deatrm-tiouof one-half of the in
liaUtenta who live In Uie vicinity, the remain
daw, who Iwrelv eece|ie with Uietr live#, Imme
iltately move ('Sek ii|sm Hie half-cooled leva,
and there live inouiist*ut feer of another erup
tion, foolishly fancying that the only tenant
al'le pWkN **f tJhaa earth rests within tbe
shadow of the groat volcano Ttile fairly lliue
tratea the force of haUt, and Uie perelateocy
with whli'h tssipla ding to o|dnloiie when once
f .rined For example, Dr- Hwo*'a Uoidrn
Mfdioal Dlacotrry cures indplrut aonsumptloii,
<<eegha, cobtc. aud all ifladiuM of U,e liver
and blissl, yet some still depend U|s>a |*hysl
eisfia and irturdiee that have naught but re-
I tested falhirea Ut which they call refer. And
although Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prearrllitton la
sold dieter a |M,sitlve guarantee to mire Uiimm*
•Viakuesaia peculiar tu women, aud not Willi'
standing that thousands of women bear testi
mony to its efficacy, and tha truth f all state
ments made eui*rruiiig It, many yet submit lo
Uie use of catisib and the knife. Again, Dr,
Pureea pleasant Purgative Pellets, no larger
than mustard scads, will noatUvcly rare onu
stipatlon. where It la de|a*>detit upon dva|*e|sUs
.( t uptd liver i ys< some still depend ♦<■# relief
ti|a*u Uie " I due pill ' or huge doare of drastic
cathartic mcdlclna In the fare of such farts,
.-an we wonder at the httnduewe of the poor
Hhal the ttlliess Kaaslrr.
Ml one tortrtiiily of the Uver la ihe chief cause
of its d.sordrra, It ta evident that what the Ml
tors require la an ajtorahve stimulant which
will aruoae ato aa-tivity, an effect that ta fol
lowed by the dlaap)-at anew of the vaftous
ayui|jU*tiia indicative of its deranganneoC Hoe
t< lU-r a Momach iHttma Invartabiv achieve tha
primary rreuit nwiiUoiaod, beshlae removing
the eotietinaUoii, flatulence, heart-bttru, reb
lowii<as of the skin and whdea of tha eyaa,
pain in (he right aide aud under the right
shoulder, naivsoa. vertigo and sick hea*U* i.r,
b win* h bilious invalids are |>eeujiarty subject
Asa i* uiedv for chronic indlgestaut,. mental
dospn4#bay. and iMtrvuuauesa tb* Hitters are
r.jurllv aftnariou*. aud as a rvuovant of tost
vigor,'* uteait* of arresting twematnre decay,
i and a source of relief the mnrmllie* to
which; the p.-riUw #e* I* neouUarly subject,
t jr y may be throughly relied u|*n
" The W tiaras as Tftoh"
Judge for vorn "Of Tbrjwfveryouwantisthe
J. Y M tftwai. Ail the neara, reliable market re-
I'.rt*, tmaurial* and family reading' itsportaof
Kulumaf, pr* v >r uiMtiiig.reUgkmaand Umpor
auo# movrnie. ta hadiee letter*. The attra.
Uons of different Ux-ationa for immigrant* *1 to
a vear Ham pie copy free. S mos. on trial W cts
Witoea* iffk*." Frankfort at, N.Y. J.Dottgaii.
Htimlr U claimed that
Jobusu . a Anodyne hiimaout i* aianwt itiftJU
lis iu Uie cure of Diphtheria. Pneumonia. In
tt tie ti a*. Bronchttl C<mgetK.n of the I.uoga.
and hard dry ( ougha. Tin* may all be true .
, know U wilt nertaiuly prevent diphtheria,
and that it will cure tha croup instant'*.
We will vaagar a year's aatasmptiuu that a
•ffiad 'ls c< ut |>ack*ge of hherldati • • ondlttou
I'ow.ler* contain" more pure ingredients, and
ousts more m>try tUsn a bushel of any kind
~ul uji in large package*. Why > Ilecauae tbe
Ixrgs I*, kagv< ale wi • tides* trash.
IMw r*a Is*".
I Hotaekee|srs who stu.fy economy in small
Hang" should use the*ley's Teast Powder,
the I-est. because parleclly |ir; the cheapest,
1 a* every package Is full weight.
Hear wtssMirk was HeaJtbara
1 are sign* of a *JU< k tjuira a Irish Tea
will remedy all tha*. Price 'A eta.
Gold mining. How fortune* are mada. Itaad
advertisement fir own A lire., t'siai*. Main*.
( fats-nter* and inreukMa ahouid read adrar
of Edson tiro* to soother aoluinn.
The t.resteer ml the If * tw.
TAWS' nWntsl Vtasrisw Lcaiassni ' h rssr* bs4ore
is. #whhr. sat wsrrastsd Is rws DtarfPws. I>tw#slSS7,
C-kr.aad Hpssma tshss laasrwsllr seaOswwp.llwaaiS>. Kur* Thswsls, Uw*s. Breisss. IM4 kares.
1 ,.! P.tss is lbs Ubs. Bscb. sed Chs*l. sttsrwsllr
It has w#w (ailed Ho fssallf eiH sssr lw wUhstil H
gir. awaa avsiw# it a Is. trial. I'rvos. 40 l an la. Da
rout AH vkKKTUN MOHSK l.miMKirr, u>
Hd>n*s. at <M>. Dollar, la wasrsn'sd aopsnor to enr
.are*, or NO I* AV. for tb* cere at CoUa. VNt*h Bruise*,
.lid hurwt mu h-d t>r ail ltrw<fnst* Da(a*- IU r*s
' Kiaes. Naa Yh
Tbe Market*.
■ IOM. •
M OaUlt—Ns't* J
IMU ud UkoM. cn <4 ot
RDabOov ®° 2 2 ° 2.
.;:::::::r... . W S<
unt:::::::: •*
Oortne—WMMwg li v * 1 " '
Stto~<ia.l lu ObOMS w t* JJ®
Bo.Awb.4t, I* rwt I -A • •
! fbMl- IW *r**Tto I *t ' v
3o_— ] annuo. I >' W 1 *♦%
— ;} 2 ,
li*riy mu *1 <* •
RsrWßau "2 2*
Huokwt."*; * kA ™
OMS-Mubmi wstro * <* "
M <4 M
11*7, fx col, .........
Kill*. il C*t J® •* *J
Rap* ... W—"!J #4O ... *•" M • *•
!S£-W— " II *' —I *f
l-Ol" •••■„ Jjbt* <*
rt*h -a*UM<s *>. i. ■** •• J® '*'lJJ;
Jlo. E •. ... K <4 I
t>rj Ood. |r c0t..... • J' '4 • •* fcwisd. re t* . • '4 M
P*ivi.n>-Or44s •**'% *
Wocl -OUMoruis Pum .. •...... * <4 J
i>m • f !i
A*. wtrsllbs " J) } ®
Nuu-11 .......... C A
Hat**—u. .. 2^2
Wou-r 4%ata*..... II *
W*tora—44U Prims " 4 *
Wmutd -PlrktA* M 4
ohi*u wr>4>.... >0 * w
*Ut RkloiuMd <• *4 *
V*a(*m .................. Rl'4 WH
£<•—m*t* n4 IVimyt**M. .... 1* 4 IT
floor • "
Whist. So. I Ri'.wssXs*... I " A I *1
Oure-Ulaed .. • <4 <1
:rr-*r::.: f. : **
B*fW ii 2 VS
torktj MftH " 44
B.<0U-tl'.r* <P*>4 i*%
hlWt ..... <M °* <4
'... ' " "<*
I *tnk. ' W
Wbsst-KsS TulMTu ....... 1 40J*4 ' "
Oorn-THlow Jf •* J*
Rtaei - .... <* Mb
o "
t**traln~On.l.... ....JWb•"* Esta**, 'b
Wool - O'orwJo *• >4 *♦
TSXM t 4 I
Osllforuls . SI • 4>
. aosvos.
<* < MM
m,op b>4 •*
Flor— WlMoskUi nd MlsscaoU 61* .4 TT
Oore—W>4. " '4 I'V
' Iqt* " ................m. .... M <4 f6
i ool—<"%lo and fremilTMli XX M ul M
Ooiitoralk F*U............. 41 A M
BmT OU> . 06%4 01%
Nt>~p '•*
Unt* ®* *4 10
Rag*............................. ■ Wfca OS
tlTKtc*!, U**
ttnaf GUl.—Poo- lo Cbo!c • SO <4 SSO
' Sh-V... ... I OP <4 t TS
11n l. ... TOO +* IT
Emigration ~ Australia
I'nOar unnmMHMt 14* liimnwtl S
41 Rh.p IVAMIOK.
u|.uln. A 11 tUtrimnn. M*IT. not !r> ' W* H
Kui Rn4. nll b 4Mc4 up <! p*o<n*i-4 i4*r
*ioMnnnt RwuUiukuil'l 0->< ponffl. S*ilin
*boal r*hm*rj Sfcih tli fmw ***^l
r mo • 4 *f>jn4 noal*< *U<l tndiir ho*44 ood <4
; jrurwl nor*! rUxuUt u ! *lll o..n*iM ol nchoi.'.
i Utkwr*. minor*, .liuoortic Mr\nt*. '*rmor* *m! *n
• ■Uior dwrnplnm d Uloi* luito.! U WMI7 pnr.uit
|Pr c ho |*ld J Ihr H.i IHI lullhot
, (Mitiriltn kliplr I" H. W, rAMKNuS 4 CO..
■£.\ •....ii" Will un Wrm >.o to!
UliM. l ittnlnfr**' * Lrtnr~. * W,*4"
CncvuuFui OvrlFlT* W*TD. _
fiyjw t luaiL 1 ftw J
LAND S'lowa
1.200.000 AI hku ■V/▼▼ M
: **lr mi mm 4 ft(s prr \rrr. In farm lota, and
'on t>rmi to auit all clumi Round trap tsofcufca fw
] (*h<o*f i and rwtnm fr lo purrhaaor*. Sond r<Ul
1 oarri fnr map* and patnphlol dwurihing ckanala. nod
p<l nroduota in |ft cauHTM Qall * or addfnaa.
IO\V % M. K. I. %Ma ( UMIMNViW Kan
dnipN Mrrrl. nUriii*. or Odnr Rnptda,
farm. .1 B ll lloiS IjMid i otnn—'nw-
Hotv Fortune* Are Mn<le!
Many poor men on (hp lbritio coad 4i
insdp rioh i-rerr ymr bv KIUSII inTp.tinPols
in niinp* without risk.
The ilr.RAt.ti, puhli.hml nt < lai, Mine.
uTi, they h*Te no doubt tlic h*rei that
< i-as now l>e had nt One iKillar, will noon be
worth over ft.VlO.tX) each.
(Send at once for full particulars, as the
i shares are twing rapidly taken. Address,
Mess. Brown A Bro., Bankers,
CATAKIItI. road's Kxirnri t* u.srly s Sae
clßi' f"r •!>"■ iltwMiw. ttcsu Usrilty o.
.••Mill. <•<■ in old stid ntwtinste esse.
Tli. relief i • prompt ttiat uo ous who
h*.ever lrt.ul tt will be without H.
CHiPnil II * N (H* A\n FACE.- Poef s
Kstraol sihiuUl he tnrvery Ismily
iou.ii weather. It remove, the orne*
and nmirhnm*, and soflru* and he"! -
Ihe shin promptly.
• RHBTOATII4VI. Unrlii* severe nud ehsnseahls
weather, uo one auhlect to Kheiiniatir
Patu. .hould lie one ilnr wtthntil INtnd'S
Kntrnrt, which always rel|ee.
HOKK I.lMi!.< OXSi;MHTItN. t vlt t.H*.
CO I.OH. Thl rold weather trie* the
l.ttnaa sorely Have Ponit'* Entrant
mi li.ttd always. It relieve, the jiatu and
•liiirew the disease.
I eHII.BL.UNM will tw nrontptty rtlieved and
tuliaulab' cured by bsthlnr the aflkted
parts with I'oud's F.sirurt.
FItOHTKII I.ItPMH. I'oud's Kit rod lavarls
hly relli-ees the twin and Ittisllv < ares.
sre promptly cured bv the u.o ..f Pond's
iwmicilrt r irtn, ecnt fres on iiji'i'ttton to
i '• uM " !s?jws.r & ifsxtv--"
Tb. M fmblky iMl."alMd l a4#bt H< MM
■ a bqlbubbtMdwi ...
1•• ma 01 yw MB Mi . Blaßa •' ••• ••
uau, iJnaaa
J.mmttLtM. Hub Dm
nmii *% t* l <*• '<* •*♦ *♦••• a# <••• • *****,_ L U
i *4 Iwi and h<n m~l llimr • • * "/ '"I •„
iiuii*iii. iu.|~/<iUr yaw.. aJ.vw mm
FrU. A rIU f bl Bl BljdfW*,"
■ MWf. . u U Fra|i£ra4 by bETIVJI •
KOU II 4k MOB*. B lUrna-B . Hal—Hasa
Dunham It Sow. Manufsdurw*,
Wararoom*. <1 UM ttth Wrßßl,
t FatabUabart I CM.] NO VOML
'J OlrßMltr as* ftta AM
THE SCIENCE OF LIFE* ll u • 8w4.r4 BrfMl Brt Km MB I'm
faglkli !.>•■>. bt ran on or • pi. C'}'
I Maaao U Bhrrt* BBr iil M a *n-d and I • taUd MBOB
tt,a HaMoßaa Narilaal AaaaaaM,. • at
IIIbI Bed ••r aa|>B aal l-taka are* I ata*k
1 bi* >r ftio i <!•!> fWIenWR pooWF**
law all tana, ol paaaallM* Una m. Ua <d •}!
nan f tayum and ,.,aall n .unain
rtaaal, rkuth WW. <Bl| • • aM.I la* Mail Tbß I'Bl*
,U. aaia * |M.a b .im BUiaaaaa U.U ota
1 at>U lb. aßlaa aa B add. ÜB'kanta-V *0
| bUBBI IVaoa. t< . aan> m.y Ob taaaaabad B s
' jail rayuinag Bad • iim-^af.
To I •>MinHhM **99
lot ** tb*ir laMMM Ml folf 1 i+mvmvi W>9** •
JVr. tw Lmi Ul Sal /.a,' ' Kißat yfUßad
>1 IB Oa a raiaabta rMBBIr ur nawuaaaUsa. MUw.
IBbhlbib sad ail laaiM ' to* tbraM aM Imbb.
! BaalMUok ,ml| by A ft * ujkjß. OUaaolß. Btr.
U. 14 ly Oitfi* QBBBra" .
wwrjßtoroßof* una showvb arannr
a CLCVE-fittinO
■ rtw-rr rkr htBM if iMf LJ
kl,*uro^i V g
B' ■ -
I § " & J Eg
Ul \j ")iflaa itw) ofaaiM a* Ej
m >lfr ]i)lT|r iMOMONMd* Qu
*Jr Tr*aßbUfkL*Ciicwta*rt EBJ
pi " f*> tomtiti gg
ROY is the Time to Secure II
Of it* hast -and aa kaaut Limjm Aoyaa Fa ari
sta. Ntbrat.ka, <m tha IMm at Km I artM Fnniftr
Hail. .. .B tans i.r aaU IB amar. n.A. yaaas. '—"a.
.., , f f -' nam. Tsass ata t*a <U asaada rvia BaLC <m
toa lh<sC*KAT lillkoat.lka Wnyui'l HIOB
*AV Sntd fnr Tub *i " Fiobbwi." Um 'mBI paaar
ikr -*•• Bas kaaaraatsayUl.bari rJI•
•USt (It. 4A* MI'H. M-fil HOJ •. ¥• HAM*
Ui.4 lirw.l. t . >*. H. k.ail—bit
(Mrs, Sipi Schools, Societies,
The Salutation or
Zion <). or The Encore
)• or Perkins* Sinking
School or John
son's Chorus Choir In
struction Book (^l)
Th* 6rat 1 •• > nihil.
, U O Im>< ~4 WO IVrk hw 101 l iwm
U— ocxw Ti* Urf *"- •" <"
lnMini ahr u ** Imlmmt Sua a
>ln W in U4
lD •* to th> y—•■ l<-artf mm
| BP . a. of •- * l iMTATAN law*. h* c.rc*Ur.
) fr'i*a o t Han. r
Belshazzar, - wrr#*
Don Munio, p-ry '*•* i
Joseph's Bondago, <*■' ,,r 4 J 25
Prodlßal Son, - - - s*u*m*
Walpurgis Night, """**'* w
IMehsiMf tw) Jc*ph' R -Oiki# w drsauiiashl,
ltd ►|.T<l.d mmms drtass.
C ... ."T-0> *ew Y.C*
J. E. ... r-i.N At .,
lilt. I Mratßaf Hirer.. I'fctU.
SrmmartKLZ). Chke. Feb M. W7
MB. H R iTTTtn
I hate M Lb. VBOKITNR far aceerei rw. m 4
frota parantnl of ay tuimw who Bora
bought it, I de abearfullr tvaanl at far ite aoaa
piamU for bxh it ncoaaoM
Keapeetfully J. J. BROWS.
, Uraggiat and Aynthtaarr
Kidney Complaints.
*t. Ohio, j a* a. un.
Dm H R timn, Boeron. Moaa.:
JW Ar-My wifa baa naad rw TBOKTIXI tar
Kidney Otmybmt and Dmnl Debility. mad Baa found
(root relief from *. aa much ao Lb at aba like# ta keep M
—•*-—t aa a beeedcial ton to
Waal Market Street.
I aa pereoeelly acquainted with Tbna. H. Ooodwta.
■eq who la ee old and highly leap retail aUeeo ef
Akrea. Yaws, raa port folly,
A. M ARMSTRONG, Druggist.
Kidney Complaints.
OmcanuTl, Ohio. Maroh 17. Un
Mm. H_ R Itmn:
Pat Atr—l Bore been a (real toSerer from Kidney
Onmpletn:, and after tbt eee ef e few Bet lee ef
VgOKTINI 1 fled mywf aaurely eared. I earned
nrtean poeada ia flaab wßlla takitx the VKGItTINg.
I will cheerfully recneuaeod it.
Toan truly. W. T ARORKK.
No. Mu W eat Birth Street.
Kidney Complaints.
CnrctKßATl. Ohio, March U, IT7.
H R (TlTtai:
IW Mr—l hare a ted year VBQBTTTB Car soar
tins, and oaa truthfully say It baa bum a (Teal benadl
to et. and lo Lb net rnSentx from dtseasa of the Kid
eaya I ehearfmlly recommend M
Raepeotfelly. O. H. SMITH
Attested to by K. B Aahfleld. Drecgist. oar. Kl(hU
ead Central Arenoaa.
Kidney Complaints.
Diseases of the Kidnaya. Bladder. aSe.. era ehtaya
nnplaaaant, and at tunas thay become the moat dm
tre tame end daoearona diseases that can aSaot the
hmntn ayatem Moat dltaaaaa of tba Kidnaya arias
from jmpariiiaa in tba blnad, causing humors arhich
settle oa thaaa parts. VKUKTINK aiaela any knewo
remedy in Lbs whole world for elaanaing ead purifytae
the blood, I hereby ceasing a healthy action to all the
orgeat of the body.
SL R. STETSHS, Boston, Moss.
Vcgetlnc is Sold by all Druggists.
' attawjaJßttas. 1 "-'"
4>wa ami. 1 OtfLW A OIL. BaMa>b .
tMA I ■■Mkr-kftl. BBau4 .W LBB BBi
|350 SLrfer jMBUMrfliJr
' ' tAf A mppn AALMHRE ' BUWt L-~
188 ■■ ■ L. u ,
If Nil > aa. ...
Wi V'l'll'll iß>rh..l.Ulkal>.
M A.l I I il" LriU lanHa, Ib layari
! ridrsa Fay Hbbtbl laslaaß aiaaaa* aa* a.t,na. A mmri
j Baa Bad *.. rywn Uw u**lbb Ob . Olaßiaßaii. O
Splendid Market Garden
W all aqatMßd. KaaL, Tarsia, and umaaa far IC% Oaa
nrrla rM laari oaßrkad to Ra* Aa*Uo4 AtlAaraaisat
laaaa by JOHW ■ iMtTM fast IhiiM.Oai
lial. Til a
Faaaftar atlrraaßßa Oyi r . afitllnattraajla .Baa. fraa
MS ■sss r?
/jflßßha \Taa but yttalliln* Ton la.
/ • _ A
( ■ Q p ■ J FMOTaATtOV.
1.1 JX Kj&w ft h vot'tws. jumrr.
C *Q| Pao*. • MaM It. K*>
r~> /jt CIUMIW
fltiAprrf'r HAimouu
Far IRFtAJIEI). anUJL rria.
/ \ N DWOT.IOW*M.*..
/ *--* \ bjevt y majl refit p.
Ki;r:r*M Niimm
ftEEF*SFaasari FaatW ariallna 4*o*o*
v-JS3iA'* r
r. Aa t. W rial, alia aad
Com-nerclal Advertiser.
Of Ka Aft-k.
Smbb papas pabUabad la tbia as Of. S* <**WF
rdiika a aaaaryaaai. l|M>ulbaU
AS KtßMajbgOd Lajaaat ruJu— ft y
A Cheap Farm for Sale.
A a*U rayaari Tama ad Ml Aara. aaay daafaOly
■T- T rribl aa yaki a raad. aaa a.aiaa( <a k.nafcaa.
yU'i. mSt, fm a. O". *•*" •"' 1 'MMay-OM Ta
ri'd *: jxvr*-—-
ayyanußi Addaaaa, B. H• .HkaTkEa.
Fa-aaarlllr. Narraay _ a . IMb. _
Fd ta lyaaa>ai Uacant tad rUaaMaSaa*a
oa yyals ••! . ta* arita Mm bm* Saaaß ntaata.
laaaa by aakad Altaala Waba* ta Flam Arnu ib
arut lory aa tkaaa haofca ar *•. a* sail *•
iaFECI Al. MO TM UCAi. l'll*llla|M)u
la * aaa ta aba atyriy atU.m iron UaXA
I arii IB' tsaad <— ''laatan, b-B. at.St. a. lb#
AMEUCA FVBLUHIJiti TRautl*r-fd. Oaawi
c*r ?SoArt N J
Kst£s# SffiEiSS
■or— to AgonU. and mm ■ * eella tamer "bee ■ iil>'s^-
fjtmn house.
Fronting Union Square,
Finest Location in the City.
i ftrvpeio Pia -Icstiannt Usssrpssal
KKKXM * n KT r*,
Of *• *♦• 1>l' Mfe ■! IC *
Msft* *". <N iaMK| > b*t ti • <. wi, vest lw ■ M) as
Keeartec worthy person. who Beetle ueafel and OT
.rem. .ear treat will Ma each tap directing them
to read far a Speatal Agrat't L'iroeiar ef FRANK
.wtMol. aaeectteaal and aaaartartaa. edited bf |m.
Or. Perot*. Gee* tarmt ta aaeh a* aae4 a
iti.aiieita letiae tne a ebrpaiaa aed ten oaota for
puec tr a .periataa aery. Addrewe. FRANK
or Sore Throa-
Rnqtilrea Immediate attention. as oesTee
often: tuiee reunite la Boat® Incurable Lang
ore simple remedy, as. wUI almost In
variably gtrw immediate relief.
BOLD BY AI J. CHWUrn and deals*
In medicine*.
marty . Aiweis baodj. Baa neat yotfnUed. fW-o
mtltvmt kerr n*M • .TBe w .Ota wwtd appseaaa Lh
ttanoat eld Moatens—the -at end Cheapest Lmuaeu
toetameee. SATbe Martaag Unites
otrttrMi notblnaaiaawUL
A peett ta remedy for all diseases a< lbs Kldneye.
Bladder nd rrlnary Organs; Dm send la Drop,
atrial t'etplelela. It amr iwedsaaa Mrknari
lain and irr-dr** *** "****' II la faM aspsrsadlßt
j all oibt rasmdhn. "MM anpatdaa sere tn ate ar olgo
Ho Me medietas een de that
Beware el Imitations, lor. ewtns to Its ire
' eoooese.meny hare bees adored; tame aha oust danger
eea reonus pdea ale.
i UI7NDAM DICK * tfl.'H geeeM. At/* <W
' M |m, i ileli fa# OG V San data i td. a*M a< ell
j MM. AJh /Br trill lor. ae tsad fmm eat MJS end
, Wa WWW Owe, trie, Tr>
'"Tap 3