THE CKNTKE REPORTER. Centre Hail, IV IVrril. Feb. H < jtsP-Tkhvk S.'2per year, v4rt paid > advance ; J *2. fit I sr'irn siof void n advance. Arfner/isetneaf.t 2fW. per fine for three it sertions. ssii !) cents per line for every suA srqumt insertion. diwrfunslsU Ay ths j mr at a liberal discount. Subscriber* outside Me county should re mit us 10 ft*, amount of one year's post* age. instead of 'Sh-ts AS formerly if Am paid by themselves. Subscriber* can alvay,<* tell heir their Af counts stand at the Reporter ofh'ff bv rot suiting the tables on their payers lj the Mir rrarft "John Koeljan 75" if "ssai that John is ind'bted for subscription from the l.sf of January. 1876. and that it is time he seas paying the printer. LODGE MEKTIKfIs i-atrar Htl.l. t-orwva, Jt. **,!. O of O f-. •• • err U th j M . feet. H. r. S***ST. A.O. Ore Fo*v LOTwsa. No. WT. F A. M„ Mnmtaj ovoaln* na er bfer wu-h I*ll woe* tn m# O.ld Fallow* Hill. _ u O V Htsuriu. Seal J A. fUSISS. W M Fa, •*** OWAVII*. No. Pof H. ■> their Halt. Oalr* Hall on th* SatonJar "• KOXS. __ LOCAL ITEMS. Jonath Harter's sale, Venn twp., March 14. Sale personal property of Dr. Smith, dee'd. Centre Hall. March IS Sale of Elisabeth Soil's house-hold goods. Centre Hall, March Ist. A. Herat's sale, near Linden Mai'. March 12- Sa'e large farm stock. Jonath. Har ter. Tann tp., March 14. Sale, lots ot J. From, dg'cd. Centre Hall, March 16. Mr. Horat, of Linda# Hall, intends to move back to Lebanon county. "Elk" asks us what legislation is reeded to build the branch frem Coburn to Millheim. You need no legislation, it can be dene by complying with the condi tions of the free railroad law. Ready made Clothing, aold at about cost, in order to get off wiatet stock, at tiuggenhaimers. Call at onca. The election for borough and town ship officer* takes place on the third Tues day of February, 19th day. Such of our sub*cnbers in Pann and llaines for whom it will he convenient to lift lha Reporter at Coburn should inform u*. Try Secbler's prune* nd dried and canned peaebee. if you want something nice. Sold very low. Mr. J. A. Peck offer* hi* home cheap, in i* not yet de posed of a* reported. Go to F P. Green * and jet pure and fresh drug*. pke* and toilet article*, a* well a* fancy article#. Mr. Green pre pare*"the compound Syrup of Tar, a rem edy that i* invaluable for coughs. cold*, consumption, dec , ar.d one that should be kept in every household. George Miller was kicked on tbe head by a horse of Mr John S. Homan, a short distance from Aarousburg. injuring him severely. We am glad to hear it. Our drug gist informs us that Or. Bull's Cough Syr up sells better than any other medicine, and always gives satisfaction. Mrs. Martha J. Kepler, of Pine Grove. Centre county. Pa., purchased the farm cf Mr. George Dickson, in Sinking Valley, about three weeks ago. tbe consid eration being $4 750. The farm contains about acres. 75 of which are cleared . It i- a little hilly, but, like all the Sinking Valley land, i* *aid to be excellent soil. Clothing for men, clothing for boy*, hats, caps, collars, neckties, cuffs, over coats, dress coats, vests, undershirts, pants, drawers, boots, shoes, stocking*, gloves, Ac., can he bought at Newman's Eagle Clothing Hall, tor almost a song—wheth er whole suit* or single garment*. Call around, and *ee Newman ; you will also find Sternbreg there who will sell you all you want and cheap too. Charles Smith, formerly of the Old Fort hotel, ha been nominated for Justice of the Peace, for south and west wards, Bellefonte. Charlev it a one-armed sol dier, sterling democrat, and will make a good Justice. Rev- M J. Firey, pastor of the Lock Haven Lutheran church, hss accepted a call from Springfield, Ohio, and wiil aoon leave for hi* new pr>*t The W illinmsport Banner says it is esti mated by reliable and well informed par ties thdl Mr. Herdic's liabilities wiil ex ceed a million and a half of dollar*. So much of his property baa been recently transferred, and so much i* corored by mortgages, that is bard to tell how much the assets are worth. A full line ot queensware always on hand atSechler's, and of erery variety, to suit any taste or household. Also tae best sjgars, coffees, teas and syrups the market can afford. It is headquarter* for all be longing to tbe grocery line, and none but pure and fresh goods are kept On Thursday night last, the 31st ul timo, tbe venerable George Noll,'of Pleas ant Gap, retired to bed in bis usual good health, and about nine o'clock was a corpse. He is aupposed to have died from paralysis, or beart disea-e, and his sudden taking off was a great blow to bis friends. Mr.JNoll was 74 years, 11 months and 8 days old. About ten or eleven years ago his wife died in the same manner almost, being suddenly attacked and dead before any one could realise or believe it.— Watchman. YUITISU CAKPS —Tour name printed on HO Kepp, Damask, Watered or Plaid for 'JO eta. 12 ff a bill empowering the Common Council of Hoboken to appropri ate s3,'J# or $4,000 to the Poor Fund. It is expected that the bill will be passed early this week. In tbe mean time the distress is very greut. Five hundred families, each aver aging four persons, are without food or fuel. The bodies of twoold men, who died at the close of last week, were allowed to remain in their wretched hovels unburiad, neither their friends nor tbe Poor Commit aioaers being able to pay tbe funeral ex penaes. A generous undertaker ultimate ly buried tbe bodies. There ia an old man who baa been sick for six weeks, and in that time has had hardly anything to eat. When the City Physicians visited him he wat found to be slowly dying of starve lion. Numerous other cases of an equally distressing nature are reported from day to day. The office of the Poormaiter i* constantly besieged by Mgad people and sick men, women and children, ploading foraid. Mr. Lewis says the condition of affairs is becoming alarming, and if some thing is not done immediately many per sons will starve to death. SUNDAY MAGAZINE. The March Number of Frank Leslie's Sand iy Magazine it, like all its predeces sors, filled with good things. It would re quire more space than we now find at our disposal in which to refer to its contents in detail, suffice it to say that it contains over 70 different articles, embracing nearly ev ery field of select literature, both secular and religious. It has 128 pages, music, a rich frontispiece, and nearly 100 splendid engravings—even its cover is beautifully gotten up. This delightful publication has become our nation's pride. It excels in art, literature, and cheapness all other magazines published anywhere, and is worthy of high honors and a universal cir culation. It has already attained a proud position as the best Family heild, Home companion, etc., suitable for readers of all ages and creeds. The price of single cop ied* but 26 cents, annual subscription. $3, postpaid. Address, Frank Leslie's Publishing House, 637 Pearl Street, New York. The cost of a passenger car, first-class, is given in detail by the Alioona Tribune, and foots up $4,423. TI'KKKYH CAPITAL TAKEN. ! Report lliftt the Iltminna Have En ! temi Constantinople Without I Trouble. London, February ue drew pattern is ordered or a huudred. ONK LOT BOL'IIKTIKS, 10 CENTS. ONE LOT POCHETTES, 12 1-2 CENTS. ONE LOT BOI'KKTTES (WOOL FILLING), 14 CENTS. MOSS SUITINGS, 15 CENTS, j Some special bargains in ENGLISH MATELABSES, AT 20 CENTS Heal value at the time, 371 cenU. MATKLASSK BEIGE AT 20 CENTS. M A TEL ASS K BEIGE AT 25 GENTS. MATKLASSK BEIGE AT 31 CENTS. Than- goods are v r T 'oda^l. BEIGE MATE LASSES. 50 CENTS. Ileal Value 75 cts. ONE CASK MOHAIR Bill LLI AN TINES, In colors, at 25 ceuU; former price, 45 cents. FINE TWILLED BEIGE AT 20 CENTS." SUPER TWILLED BEIGE AT 25 CENTS. ONE CASE EXTRA TWILLS, Park colors, at 18 cent*. Just reduced from 25 cents. CHOICE STYLES ENGLISH BOVRETTEB, At 'JO cent*, at 26 cents, at 371 cents. Orders fur evrv make of BLEACHED AND lI\HLKA( lIKD lfl-h* I INS promptly filled at the LOWEST IN HOLENALE t Kit ES. In SPRING CHINTZES. PEHCALS AND CALICOES we are show linir au immense assortment, and are already making large sales. lu every Departm-ut of the Houee ws are exhibiting bargain! too nu* i meroos to specify in this card. .... ! vtMPI IN cheerfully forwarded by return mail, on application. Attention is specially drawn to the fact that our MAIL OBDEII DE PARTMENT is s° thoroughly organised that it is believed no other houM it. the country i <> fully prepared to fill orders satisfactorily and promptly. In every inslacce wc aim to so please our correspondent as to secure a per* manent cuainmer. __ , _ STRAWBRIDGE m rHU.ADEI.rHIA. Centre Agricultural Society has chwen jibe following officers: Pratidvnt, AJsm Hey. lteilefonte- Vice P-eid#nU, John Kuhel. Potter, J-'hn B. Milchel. Ferguson Smuel Hrugeor. I'aienviHa T. 1 Rupert, Walker. Secretary and Traurr Clement Dale, Esq.. Batlafonta. MAHKIKD. On Jan. 13, in the Lutheran Church in, Oranrarille. 111., by He* B. I- 1 ufb. Mr Kltas Hecliiuan. ot Twin Grove. W is. (formerly of Centre county 1a ) to Mia, Kate Kilamat, of Orange*tile. 111. On 12. by Re* Win. Stover. D. C. t.infench, of Linden lil>. and ice U , daughter of Dr. Siemm. of Mill-! beiui. CACTION.-All persons are hereby' cautioned against the purchase ull a note given b* me to P. 1> Noff. tor s*\ or, I which $lO are4aid. a- 1 Ua*e not received, value for same, and w ill n--'. pay it usy" 'compelled by la*. P- L. rnAMt Tfcbßt _ Penn's Valley Institute. The third term of th,S ACABKMI." SCHOOL will commence on the third Mon-i day 115) in April, and continue ten weeks | ,Tuition per term. I'rtn $5 lo sß—naif inj advao-e. Board from $2 60 to $3 per wee*. No deduction on account of ab sence, unless in caseofpiolrac.ed sickness, j Location desirable. The patronage or the publie is respectfully solicited ] m G. W. FOETNX*. Cenire (Jell. P*-| pUBLIC SALE. In Penn township, st the residence of the subscriber, on Thursday. March 14th. r la;s 1 llurs.-s, JCoa s. 2 .pringin* 11-tf- u ers, 2 stock Buds. 9 head >ou', 1 truck , Wagon. 1 Buggy. I n- B b.ld land near the buildings. Upon the farm • area large BANK BARN, Frame House, Nearly New, , of modern style. Ucg pen. Smoke house, I olc.. Two Apple Orchard* on the farm, i water piped into the housc- vard and into . barn yard. The farm is well fenced, and 1 one mile from .blacksmith shoo* stores, t churches. The terms will barnacle,easy, r Bounded on east by lands of late Sam'l Huston, south by lands of ate Win. Kel t ler, west by Keller and Bible, and north • by Bible and Huston Also ninety-six | acres of mountain land. Address or apply to ROBERT A MEANS, c Lewistown, 1" 2docßm Mifflin county, IV AT COST! FAI.L AND WINTEIt GOODS In great abundance, at GRENINGER'S STORE, Coburn Station, A full line of genernl merchandise care fully selected, and embracing nil manner of Dress Goods, Carpets, Oil cloths. Groceries, Glakswaro, • Tinware. Quecnsware,! Fish, Ac., Ac.| FURNISHTNG GOODS of all kinds. Hats and Caps * For men, boys and children. Ladies and Gentlemen call and bo convinced thnt this is the cheapest place to buy goods in this sec-! tion. PRODUCE received in exchange for goods. Remember the place—t S. GRENINGER'S. jan 81 y Coburn. Spring Mills Market. While Wheat. 1 16 Red " 115 | Rye, 60c. j Corn, ears, per bu. new, .45c Oat*. 26c. ' Buckwheat, Tsc. Cloyersrcd, $4 U> to ft U) Chop, per ton, fcUa.uO Plaster, ground per I ia, slo.ol> Potatoes. Mk- per buvh Flour, per bbl, $6 26 Butler, 18c. j Tallow, 7c. i Hams lie. Shoulders 7c. j Sides 7c. Rsgt. 2c. Eggs per dog., 15c. Cue I. Egg. Pc ton, $4 60. " Slove, 460 * ChMtnut, 4 25. j " Pee. S.tO. HxtricroNTK Mmm.- 1 by Shortlnlge A Co. Flour per barrel, wholesale. $8 25. •* retail. $7 00. White wheat. 1 .15 Rod " 1 16. , Rre. 55. Horn. shelled, 46 I Corn. eob. 40 Oats, 28 to >O. Barley, rye weight. 55. ; Cloveraeed $4 50 per 84 pounds. I >i ova Scotia planer, ground. 10 00. Cayuga " $9 00. Potatoes, .40. ! Unions, 50c I Butter, per lb., 22c. LeH. Baron, sides, 10c. " shoulders. 10c. " Hams, 14c. HEALTH ANl> HAPPINESS! Hutu. ut lUep.MM ,™ eu.;mr t# ta*u , 111 ni ■ wl rot thi•branch. amilk£• a full line f Haw.. OMtela. Hammer, and Bailey's Iron Plene. ; florae nails ofall klnda.Trac# , l SP I ?,' . I i HADDLERY OF ALL DEBCRIPTIONB. Co Ac it WOOD WoitK Spokw. Feiloea, Patent Wheels of the moat improved pat enu.Mra.Potu Imoroved KUi Iron.. cheap, con venient and durable-poluhed and nlckel-plsud. John.ton'* Prepared Kalaomlne : put up In 6-pound r-sckage* : ca.ilv put un, and cuaapar than paper. Webavoall color*. r r r * 1 STOV E S. We have the enly Keveraibla, Top-plate Cooking Rtoves in tba market. The Kevatona. Kuaouehanna and Juniata .kui. —r . ■ .1 ■ ia.t atovea in the market, we will aall at the very loweit price and give written guarantees Also all kind* ofßanea. .nH '.ii, . w.rrantto be the beat baVnivertdlbehwav- COOK. BTOVK ;IT 18 TIIK H A NISOM KsT I N THE WORLD. * "fHangea end other stoves. COME AND BKK OUK KKTBTONR VALENTINES & CO., HUMES' NEW BLOCK. BELLEFONTE. PA. ARE NOW PREPARED For The Fall Jlnd Winter Trade. Bargians Greater Than Ever! WOOLLEN GOODS, COTTON GOODS, Ladies and Gents'' Furnishing Goods, Of every deecriptioo. DRESS GOODS, in greet veriety. 'LADIES COATS, uueet and largest aaeortment ever brought to Bellefonle. SHAWM, BLANKETS, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, IN FACT EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING. Remember we do bueineoD tbe ONE PRICE PLAN aed therefore ib* •ure our pricee as tbe loWCft, Mr NEW GOODS OPENING EVERY DAY. TAX.EOTIKSS 6 €6. H. HERMAN, Manager. THE Dexter Spring 4,000 Set Sold last two years. The Dexter Spring was a child of necessity. Three or four generations had been jerked almost la death or had their spioea twisted into permanent curvature by the continoui jerks of tba Eliptic Spring, or latterly bad their neck* broken by the tide throw of the Concord. For thoee reasons the people de manded a Spring on wbicb Ibey could ride witb ease and which would at the same lime bo etrong and substantial. HKNBT IBOCKKIHorr. 1. D. SIIPOkBT.j President. Cashier.' QENTRB COUNTY BANKING CO. (Late Milliken. Hoover A Co.) Receive Depoeiu, ; And Allow Interest, Discount Notes, Buy and Sell Government Securities, Gold & aplOGStf CowpowS. BKICT FOB lALß.—First class brick ' will be kspt on band for sal* by J. 0., Deimnger at Zerbe's Centre Hati brick yards. Tbasa brick ars i ottered so low that it will pay parsons at a j dislanra to eoiuo hsra for thotn. Intending to continus In tha msnufse tura of brick thay will ba kept constantly on hand, and fair inducements offered to fare bass rs. 7 sua it- H. E ZKRBK T"\RUGS! DRUGS 11 DRUGS 1 / S. T. Shugvrt, having purchased lb. Drug store on Allegheny Belle-i fintc, neit door to tlio hardware Store f liicks A Uro., bss stocked and tilled it out with all tbo mini popular * —• ——a ! DRUGS A MEDICINES. ?'CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY*"? ! SOAPS, COMBS AND BRUSHES. | I TRUSSES, SUPPORT RS. BR ACES] FANCY AND TOILET ~..* j ARTICLES. Ac., Ac.. Ac. j • Patent Medicines, Alcohol, pure Wines ' snd Liquors tor msdical puiposes only. Physician's prescription* carefully com. pounded and orders answered with care and dispatch. Farmers and Physicians from the country will find our stock of Medicines complete, warranted genuine and of the best quality. This Store will remain under tha diree* tlon of tha accomplished druggist and pharmacist heretofore connected with it, Mr. H. M Herrington, and wa respectful* . ly solicit the custom of our friends and the old patrons of the store. 19aptf S. T. BHUGIRT. Wa print envelopes as low as f 1 pe' thousand. Sand us your envelope*. W ' print letter beads, and statemsnts a* low ' as 11.26 ner 1000, whan persons find ths 1 psper. This is lower than you can get il I done for in the city. For meeting thisdemand by supply ing the CELEBRATED DEXTER SPRING wbicb is so rapidly super ceding the old styles the Dexter Spring Co. have no apology to offer | hut rather feel that they owe the Driv ing Fraternity an apology for nor having produced it aooner. SEND FOR CIRCULAR OF SPRINGS TO DEXTER SPRING CO, HCLTON, PA. 3jan2ot Near Pittsburgh Chas. H. Held. Clack, Watchmaker A Jewelei Millheim, Centre Co., Pa. At ktadi.f rtwki. Vil*kM BS •( tk> IttMtdjlM. * !•.■> lb* I'toeks. pro,id*S wllb • fmnpl.t. ind.i of tb a oath mad da, of ih. murU. and m*k oa IU laaa. rhuh la wuriaud u, parfarliiata kaapar. I'larka. WaWbaaaaSJawalrr rapatraS oa ah art aa U are all fireuclaea Rubber Good*. 20maytf W. R. CAMP'S POPULAR. Furniture Rooms! CKNTRR HALL, PA. I manufacture alt kind* of Furniture for Chamber*. Dining Rooms, Libraries and Hall*. If you want Furniture of any kind, don't buy until you toe toy stock. UNDERTAKING In all it* brat che*. I keep in *tock all the latest and inst improved Coffin* and Ca*kei*, and have every faoil ity l"r properly conducting this branch of my business. I have a patent Corpse Preserver, in which bodies enn be preserved for a considerable length of time. jul!9 tf W. R. CAMP. s IMPORT AN TO TRAVELERS. -THE— BUSH HOUSE! BKLLKJTOMTB, PA. lias been recently thoroughly renovated and repaired, ana under the management of the New Proprietor, Mr. F. D. Mc- COLLUM, formerly of Pittsburg, is first class in ail U appointments 1 SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Are offered to those in attendance #t court I and others remaining in town for a few davs at a time. The largest and most superbly Designed Hotel in Central Pennsylvania, i All modern conveniences. Go try the ■ Bush bouse. lttap F. D. ALcCOLLUM, Proprietor. ' I "? I ,1 tela. If uii, OU iccrt|4 at fu* I H SEEDS. J*. "rtelee wf B H a.Mi. •i .. fhtwrrl , *• "Mj, Tbr l.ariii'ii.x MUI HW- I P£|. ty mail, ou mceipi of |i üb. *-■ The Garden. ■ iSS* •? ,ht "> n * n ° Daad. ■*W—aewia. OA" la tfc* dtaamad. arrh aid* *( lb. coarl iuaa. HnUafsat. n ia*l a. f Nervous Debility. I VltaJ weekMMj or Dipmila.i tat aibsutad •tilt*. *0 mb " coaraa. U. naalt o< Mrnul Om woik. f.4l— T-UOD oTLicrM. r an, dnia •F°* lb* rTns u A)VJI cured try I Humphrey * Houieupalhic Specific No. 28. . IV 1 """ V" d t.'Wf".*" lb. dMnrt. tke ' .da.poa4.acr. imparl. mcactli mi* maw --atop. lb. drain sad N>,ul UM> naUra m ?• rf'm W r*" TP* l"rfl nl . 1 frtaa, *1 MI pat Mac*. TtaJ: or •*. par paakv* a* *r tub aad MaJ of P**t- M".. I '' "Mi °a raoip of prioa Sddmt Hampbiyr. Hamaopathic Mudlcta. Cmapaaf. 1* ralwa t. >* York. . - - T WANTED to cure a case of CaUrrh in each neighborhood. with Dr. | Karnser * Remedy, to introduce it. Sam- I f'* re P- d- C. Tilton. Pm*burg. Pa. TlebSt fT> tana* easily wwdiiit.ilUmaaoal kL / / / c " be naade t three mnatha by UV ,1 / I / on* at sUbc r an, to u| part of tbo VI I I cwuntr* mho Is willing to work stead: II) M too employment thai wo tarn, tah Ml Per work la your own town Ton m**4 not beauey (ma Iww "vee night Von con give poor •hole Um to Um work, or out) ...or mn momenta. It coats nothing to to Um buutoeua. Terms and $ Owtflt Iron Address at onee. U. 11 alien A Co., Port land. Portland. Males H tab J Harness, Saddles, &c. The determined to moot the aawalar demand for lower price*. respectfully Urn at ton Uon of toe public to hiaelock of UDDI.SKT wow offrrad at the old aland Designed aa porlltr for the people and the time, the Unreal and moat varied and complete assortment of Meddle, Harneae. Collar, Bridle, of rtrenr deecrtptavn and quality ■ Vt'hlna and to Test eeerythtng to complete a Brat clas. aetobll.h ■net, be now ul!era at prices which will suit thsUmea. JACOB DIXGhb Centra Hall. /T /\ I f \ Grnat chance to make money- If (T( ) I I V-A V JLi 1/ to Lake iubwriMiom for the UrgMt, chwpm ud b—t lllaatrated family publication to tha world. Aw one aaa horomem eucreaaful agent. The moat elegant works of art>teen tree to eubeonben. Tha prtoaU eo low that aim *t ovetToody subscribes. Ona agent re- Port. making over (1M la a week. A ladl agent re porta taking otter too aubacriben to tan dan All who engage make money taat You oan devote all lour Ume to the business. or oub jreor spare time- You need not be awmy from home over night Yoa can do It as well as others Pull particular,, direction, and lertua free. Klegant and Mimnalve ihitAt frwa. If row want profitable work eend u your addreaa at once I* coats nothing to try the business Bo on# who en say* h ir*t-cl*s accommodation for guefiUl Bdfit nUbling for honte*. Stages arrive and depgr 1 every day for all points. - C. T AI KIAKBBB. C M. Bowies A LEXANDER & BOWER, At- Uyna-Uw.Bellefonto. Special attention vnn to ColifMctlont. and Orphans' Court praattaa. ajr ba conaaltod m Goruau and Eaplink. Oftaa in L.Br man • butldinx, 1 mjM 74 tf. JL. SPANGLER, Attorney at LAW a Consultations in English and Ger man. Office in Furst's new building. WM. P. WILSON, Attorney-at'-Law Bullefonte Pa. Office in Mrs. Ben r'a Building. Bellotnnte Pn PENNSVALLt Y BANKING CO. CENTRE HALL, PA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, and allowlnter; est; Discount Notes; Buy and Sell Government Securities, Gold and Coupons, Wu. WOLF, WM. B. MI NOLI, I'res't. Cashier : CHRONICIPiji; Talk and Medical Con. - * "?**• * tlluatrattCDS. by Dr D. B. KooTl.ofUu Lexington-Are , X T Pur ckaatrs oftbta book are at liberty to conault tto author to person or by mall free. Price by mail, 91.% for the t standard edition, or fiIAU for'the Popular edit too, p wkfok contain. all the same matter and thoatrattons. acuta wantad Ml! lilt AY HILG PUBLISHING CO., 138 hast IKth St. H. Y. oct Cm i - e Lincoln Butter Powder, makes but ter sweet andhard, and quicker to churn I Try It—for tale st Wm. Wolf itoie.