The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 14, 1878, Image 2

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    Cl i® Cntr Exporter.
Cgtffa* HibL.r.., Feb. 14 1878
~fhete were two negroes on the jury
ibat found Anderaen one of the return
ing boarders guilty.
Tlte firtt art paased 1 J on state legis
lature, this session was p-a-ed last week,
allowing Northumberland county an as
sistant law judge. There are 2\vo cases
on the docket in that county.
We agree with the Tittshurg Tost that
money is appropriated yearly to lh
rennaylvahta Agricultural Society from
Which very little benefit is derive.!.
Most of the money is spent in the sala
ries of otlieera who are not farmers, and
in publishing a report which comes a
year after date, and is then made up ot
matter from the agricultural papers. This
report costs the State over one dollar per
volume, and is of no practical value to
any one.
"If ever •im Beaver gets to be gover
nor, I'm going to be notary public."
is what we overheard a fellow any, as
we passed a certain corner, ft hat a noto
rious public it would be that wou.d make
the General governor.
Mr. C. K. Koaa, father of tlie abducted
boy arrived at Baltimore on the afler
mxm of the 5 to *ee the Demerara boy
and Mr. Roes say* be inot Charier. At*
ter inspecting and couveraing wiih ttie
boy for several hour*. Mr. Rosa state
personally to the agent of the Associated
l'ress that the boy is certainly not bi
son, the loat Charley, and be n per
fectly satisfied and convinced the mo
meat he saw him. aatisfy others. h
questioned the child at length, and he
had no remembrance whatever of any
association* connected with hi* (M>.
Ross') family. In reply to the question
whether he desired to make any state
ment through the Associated Press, Mr.
Rosa replied ;— "Nothing; except that
the boy is not ray eon."
The whipping pout is coming into far
or again in various sectionaof the coun
try. Some States have adopted it. am
in others its introduction is being re
commended with enthusiasm. Nevads
likes it; the Grand Jury of St. Louis re
centlv favored its establishment in the
city; North and south Carolina Judge
have advocated it; bills to erect whit
ping posts at everv county seat hay,
been iuttodured in Kentucky and Mis
sissippi, and the pre-a in all parts of the
conntry is largely favorable to this pen
altv for certain offences.
It is oar opinion that if any set of men
in this country deserve the whippini
pvat, it is the Louisiana Returning boar,
and those who aided and abetted th m
in the greatest fraud the world ever
heard of.
On one day, 5, Congress was asked to
do the following things: Petitioned to
remonetise silver; not to remonetue sil
ver: to put woman suffrags into the ( < n
stitution ; to let the tariff alone; not to
tax tea and coffee ; to amend the jen
sion laws ; to subsidize the Sooth Ameri
can mail service ; to give a liberal subsi
dy to the Pacific Mail Steamship Com
pany ; to square war accounts with the
States; to turn the Indian Bureau ov r
to the War Department; to c reate a De
partment of Agriculture; to do some
thing for the atarving Chinese; tnd t
make it unlawful to employ aliens as
pilots on board American vessels.
Mr. Wallace's Long Bond bill, s>
amended and reported from the Sens e
Finance Committee, directs tbe Secreta
ry of the Treasury to issue $100,000,000 of
coupon bouda of the denominations of
$25, SSO and SIOO and of equal sums ot
each of said denominations, redeemable
in coin after fifty year* from tbe date c.l
their issue, and bearing interest, paya
ble semi-annually in coin, at tbe rate o
3 65-100 per cent per annum. These
bonds are to be in lien of tbe sam<
amount of four percent bonds authori
zed by tbe act of July 14, 1870, and, iik>
them, are to be exempt from taxation
Tbe new bonds are to be offered for sal
atthe different enb-treaanriea and Un,
States depositories at par and accrue*
interest for coin or for United Sutes U
gal-tender solee at the current markr
valuation, and the proceeds are to b
applied to tbe redemption of any out
standing United Stales bonds bearing *
higher rate of interest.
The prospect of tbe reenactment of an
income tax ia somewhat alarming. It
has already a majority of 77 in th
House of Representatives, only eleven
short of a two-thirds vote.
We agree with tbe N. Y.Sun. when it
aayl a tax upon incomes is a direct tax,
and if levied aa the former income ta>
was, it is clearly unconstitutional. Thi
is one objection to it, and it should b>
Apart from the constitutional questioi
however, the most burdensome and op
pressive of all taxes is a tax upon in
comes. It is inquisitorial in its natur
and must always be bateful to a fre<
people. Its imposition creates a kino
of Blaverv. A man can scarcely be aaiu
to own anything when be can be com
pelled to submit every dollar of hie
property and every mill derived from
it to tbe curious inquisition of others.
There is no need of an income tax
Tbe revenues of the Government are
ample without it, and there are plenty
of methods of raising money lar less ob
Notwithstanding the heavy vote in
Congress in favor ofsn income tax, wr
believe it would be a very unpopular
measure, and that all taking any part it.
its imposition would share in its unpop
Augustus M. Turney, paying teller of
the Bank of North America, has beei
discovered to be a defaulter to the
amount of SIOO,OOO. The money ha.
been lost in Wsllßtreetspecu!ation. Tln
first of his series of thefts was commit
ted in 1869, when be stole s3s.<*.
took the second teller, Charles R. Lefl
ingwell, ioto bis confidence, wul tbc\
united in concealing the deficit. Turney
has been arrested. He has been in the
bank almost since its origin, and was
implicitly trusted. The capital of the
bank is impaired $283,000. but the de
positors, it is claimed, will loose noth
The material and commercial inter
ests of the United SUtesare on the high
way to recovery. Extensive aa the fail
ure® have been aince the panic of 18/a,
yet making due allowance for the in
crease of population and commerce 'hey
have been in no greater ratio than dur
ing the years sffected by the panic of
1857. ....
In the four years including and follow
ing the panic of 1857 the annual amount
of failures averaged $132,900,000, which
divided by the census population of 31,-
400,000 in 1860, would represent about
$4,20 per head. In the last five yeans,
including the panic year, the failures
averaged $198,300,000 per annum, which :
would represent about $4 JO pe/headoo
45,000,000. the generally admitted esti
mate of the preseot population of tLa
Tlie passage by the Senate of the I'.
S. of Mr. Matthew's resolution to pay
the bondholder* in the "coins" of the
U.S.. isamatterofiniportaneetothe peo
ple, as it restores gold and silver to their
equivalent standard aa a legal tender in
the payment of debt*—yet we find the
gold gambler and speculator who are for
debasing the silver coin, crying out. it
is a law infringing the obligation of out*
tracts," while the very bonds which they
hold, have on their hacks that the prin
cipal and interest are payable in coin,
the very word used in the Constitution
declaring that no state can make '•any
thing but gold and silver coin a tender
in payment of debts." W here the
breach of contract? the I . S. reser
ved the right to pay the bondholders in
coin, the bondholders loaned their mem
ey,accepted the terms to be paid tn coin,
and they must he held to their contract
and receive it in gold or ailver coin. Mr.
Webeter in 1534 delivered a speech on
the gold bill, from which we make a
hrief extract He said, "you know that
most countries make but one of the
precious metal* the medium for the pay
ment of debts, lu our country, from
the day* of Hamilton, the standard has
been fwv/oM. Wepov nfVr m ftM or
t ltrr." That is all Mr. Matthew's reso-
tion enacts—restoring silver coin to its
relative and equivalent value with gold
in the payment of debts according to the
standard fixed by congress, vis . the sil
ver dollar of 4121 grains of pure silver,
or 16 os. of silver to one of gold, which
is an over-valuation of gold and au un
dervaluation of silver.
Stuce the discussions of the gold and
silver question in tne present congress,
we are obtaining some light on this ques
tion, and to let our readers have the
nenetit. we make an extract or two from
speeches delivered in the present con
fess respecting the National debt cur
rency. It is stated "that the debts of the
countrv are nearly l;N*t million dollar-;
toat it was mostly contracted in curren
cy; that we have 175 millions of coin, 350
millions of green backs, SIS millions of
bank notes in the country, mak
ing an aggregate of 643 million dohaVs,
oeaides fractional currency." From 1865
to 1868 there were but few national
bank notes in use, ft period of three
cears . at the close of IStG the bankers
managed to have about 300 million dol
lars of legal tender notes and 830 mill
on* of legal tender bonds couverted in
to 6 per ct. gold bearing interest bonds
uldeil to the amount already under their
control. "It was this convertingof cur
rency bouds for gold bonds, of green
backs for bank notes—the lir-t a legal
tender, the other not a legal tender—for
money that was not at interest, for in
terest bearing bonds and interest bear-
ingcurrencv without anything to redeem
it and the degrading silver co n that has
given rise to all the financial troubles of
the country." Senator Thurman, of
0 iio, in his speech, said, "That silver
had been the metallic money of the
w rid for thousands of years, and it was
toe money of the Cbnshi/nfioa. If the hill
s loitld become a law its tendency would
be to put a stop to the demonetisation
o - "silver in other countries. Should we
postpone the remonetiration of silver
until a compact with other nations be
nade, it would never be remonetixed.
lie hoped our country would be ranged
>y the side of the bi-me'allic states. Let
he commercial world know that we do
tot intend to abandon the use of sil
In these extracts we have made, the
reader will note that Daniel Webster,
he great constitutional lawyer, stated on
his very question that "most countries
nake but one of the precious m -tuls the
nediutn for payment of debts. In our
•ountry, from the time of Hamilton, the
<tandard has fcccn two-fold, wo pay cither
n gold or tilrrr." And Senator Thur
man say a, "and it (silver) was the money
>f the Constitution." Then why debase
t by undervaluing it of its intrinsic and
•oinage value to please and pamper a
ew thousand money lenders, and specu
ators, as if tbey were of more impor
tance than 45 millions of people who
nave all the private and public debts to
p*y ?
New Orleans, February 7.—Judge
A'hitaker opened court ttiis morning
•lid took a recess to prepare bis charge
to tbe jury. Before recess, the Court re
ferred to an article in a morning paper
■vnich stated that Wells had said be
ould give any amount of bail, but had
not made up bis mind yet, the Court
staling if tbis was true it would raise the
bonds up to 120,000 again. The Sheriff
was instructed to see Mr. Wells about
the remarks said to have been indulged
in by bim.
At 9:30 p. m. Judge Whitaker finished
tbe reading of tbis charge to tbe jury
tud they retired. The court room was
leased and even the attorneys for the
tefeuse bad left, nobody expecting a
.•erdtct, almost everybody believing the
result would be a mistrial.
At 10:10 p. in ,a loud knock came from
hejnry room which was promptly an
■ wered by a depu'y sherifi who went at
nice to the jury room, aud returning
juirkly startled the Judge, who, with
Aiine gentlemen and the reporter* was
n his private office with the news that
he jury had agreed upon a verdict.
The counsel were sent fur aud Judge
•Jullorn of the defense having arrived
he court was opened again ul 10:40 and
lie jury brought down and called.
About forty persons were present.
Judge Whitaker asked the foreman
he nsual question when the verdict was
riven to the clerk.
wisting nervously the head of his cane
•etween his fingers. Then the verdict
was read aa follows ■' New Orleans, 7th
>f February, 1878. We find Thomas C.
Anderson guilty and recommend him to
he mercy ofthe court.
(Signed.) W. P. CONVERSE,
Foreman ofihc.lurv.
The defence afcked for the poling of
<he jury. Each juror, after his name was
-ailed, was asked, "Is this your verdict,
guilty, and recommended to the mercy
of the Court?" Ttiev all answered in the
■•ffirmalive. The jury was then dis
charged and the prisoner remanded to
wait the sentence of the law. A few of
Anderson's friends at onee surrounded
nim and aaar him off to jail.
The bill reported by Representative
Rice, from the Coaimiiiee on Pacific
Railroads, extends for ten yearn the
ime forthe completion of the Northern
Pacific Railroad. It provides for the
■-onsiruction of not less than 100 inilesa
year, and that the main line between
Portland and a point as far east as Vina
tilla, Or.,shall he located and construct
ed on the south side of the Columbia
River. Actual settlers on surveyed land
within the limits of the railroad grant
art secured in their rights by paying
$2 50 per acre. Preemptors of homestead
are also protected. The company is
authorized to issue bonds and secure the
same by mortgage on the whole or any
part of its road and property.
The building designed for the use of
our Agricultural Department at the
Paris Exposition will be satisfactory in a
good many ways. It is to be in the shape
ofastar or of stars, our well-know# em
blem or emblems. In vases of America#
stoue, emblematic of the different kinds
of rock produced in America, w ill be
growing plant*, of corn, cotton, sugar, to
bacco and rice, emblematic of our im
portant national vegetables. A cupola-,
ouutaiiiiug poultr/witu) othw words, a
lieneupola—will hesnntaincd on pillitr*
showing in ill ic Iwlf husked on the
iin.l emblematic of Johnny-cake. lin
blentotic of our whole tonnlrv. : stand
of ting* will kiirinounl 11* oil polo and ho
I<lll mounted in turn by more ponltrv in
llio shape of (ho American eagle,smiled.
Tli in in prolty aalisfaetory, on tin- whole,
but it noon seem that there might bo
in ore tlag* put around in none placet.
JaneGrev Swhwhelm has discharged
herself of a ftiriout bias' against the le
inolo advocate* of w omen's right*. 1 hey
have, alio snvs, "united the idea of a wo
man's right to vote with a prostitute's
right l i social uvogn... u and the gen
oral disruption of mm., go < b gallons;'
have held burlesque conven us whore
the president is ttie nrinctpal speaker,
conventions nit ended by mobs mid
breaking up ill row -, ami, w lule thus be
having like rowdies, have demanded to
he tr mod us ladies l'heir suffrage l"b
--in ing lias been nothing hut an artful ap
peal tv* personal vanity ami a display of
personal charms. She reeella Mrs. Sara®
Spencer, the hone*- of two years ago,
"u woman who was running a till against
the social evil, who had visited all the
houses of illf.uut\ learned their secrets
from the inmates. *nd carried most, it
uot nil, of the public men in iter po. kot
on account of the many discoveries she
had made, and who was then pressing
Congress for an aj propriation to start
a 'reform school for girls " Mr*. Swtaa
heltn looked for a staid, experienced
elderlv matron, so what was her surprise
to timi "a young, handsome, tall, grace
ful woman in h pullback and long trail;
with u brilliant complexion, looking us
if it bad come from an apothecary -hop,
the jauntiest hat of tlie winter, and all
the other accessories of a fashiouable
toilet! Then that president," she adds,
'a large raw-boned, square-shouldered
woman, with vellow hair, dressed u
I'oiupadour, high cheek-bones and very
red cheeks, a chise-fiitiug, lashionabh
costume, of mixed colors —the very p r
Bonification of an overdressed servaa'
cirl! When 1 thought of those two wo
men representing the lemiltliiedelica. >
of, while cb'setv d with a set .•
men to rotifer on the social evil—well,
my face burns and iuv blood tingles to
day at thought ol the insult thus ottered
to the womeu of this country ! I'lif ('mi
gressional committee which failed to
show them the dour and how thetn out
of it unheard were derelict to duty."
The president delivered a bundle of
platitudes with a very strong nasal iwmg
in very had English. I-ast year Mra.
Istanbul presided, and she, too, talked
talked—talked and beamed satisfaction
because the people listened to her. 1 lie
convention "advocated universal suf
frage for women anil limited suflruge foi
men on the ground of equality !" got tip
a row on the platform and brought in
the police. As for this year, "people
who h'ave so little sense as to ask Con
gress to double the nnmber of voters,
while giving evidence that the new sup
ply is to have even less sense and less
moral principle than the old, are bettor
titled for lunatic asvlumsthan the con
duct of political atlairs. As to the su
perior sense or morality of women over
men facts fail to sustain assumptions,"
and V. 9 of every thousand of Mrs. Spen
cer's wotuen "had better keep on at the
old business of washing dishes and sign
ing and procuring signatures to tem
perance pledges, to be broken like clav
pipes. If anv man can contrive any
way to clear the Capitol of that nest of
lobbyists, he illdeserve the thanks of
everp seusible woman in the laud."
The Morning Patriot in its new drt-ss j
looks well, lias more reading, and its an |
able democratic daily.
The following appeared in the New- \
castle Chronicle Jan. '•, 177; "Monday!
last was brought from l!owi>*k to Ber
wick, to l>e shipped for ' n> in, for Sir
Henry Grey, Burt, a pie, tic contents
whereof are as follows. - bushels of
flour, 20 pound of butter, 4 geese. 2 tur
keys. 2 rabbits. 4 wild ducks, 2 wood- *
rocks, t snij>es, 4 partridge®, 2 neats'
| tongues, 2 curlews, 7 blackbirds, and <>
pigeons. It is supposed a very great
curiosity. Was made by Mrs. Itomtbv
Patterson, housekeeper at Howick. It 1 ,
was near nine feet in circumference at
bottom, weighs about twelve stones, will i
take two men to present it at table. It
is neatly fitted with a case, and four ,
small wheels to facilitate its use to eve
ry guest that inclines to partake of iu,
contents at table." Howick was the an
cestral home of Charles Earl Grey, the |
• great Reform Minister. The present i
; peer is his son.
Most terrible are the stories tohl by
survivors of the Metropolis of the treat
ment of the dead and the living at the
bands of white and black people on the
North Carolina coast. Men struggled
bravely to the ah ore, to be met by bands
oftbieves, who took from them watches,
money, and trinkets. Corpcea were
seized' as soon as they were thrown
upon the sands, and stripped of cloth
ing. Surgeon Greene says lie saw (as ket
cut out by these men, -aw th-iu making
way with baggage and everything that
washed ashore. The same intnplutiil*
were made after the Huron wa* i<t It
is somebody's duty to look after these
< The following paragraphs are from an
article in the BpringffleM Republican
'on tbe nature and treatment of diph
theria :
Diphtheria is a disease which springs
! from the growth of a real fungus on
I some of tho mucous surfaces of ttie sys
j tern, more generally of the throat. It
: may spread by contact of the mucous
( surfaces of a diseased with those of a
healthy person, as in kissing, and is, to
a limited degree, epidemic.
From the local parts affected it spreads
to the w hole body, affecting the muscu
lar and nervous systems, vitiating the
lymph and nutrient fluids, and produc
ing paralysis.
As soon as the bacterium or fungus
appears in white patches on the throat,
it should no more be neglected tban a
bleeding gash or a broken arm, and
there is almost as little need of a futal
termination of one incident as of tiie
It lias been found by actual experi
ment, both in aud out of the human
system, that this bacterium is killed by
several drugs, tbe safest and most cer
tain of which is chlorine water, diluted
with the addition of from two to four
times the volume of water.
This wash is harmless, even when
swallowed, and is pretty certain to ar
rest the disease. A well known physi
cian in Springfield, who has pursued
this treatment for fifteen years, has
found it effective almost without excep
tion, and has in that period often broken
up tbe disease in localities where it had
violently and defied treatment.
To keep the patient well boused and
warm, with additional flannel clothing
if necessary, and to L --p tee system
well nourished and the bowel- open, are
matters of nursing often neglected; but,
with cure in these respects and early ap
plication of the remedies above suggest
ed, there is no need of the diaeuse pro
ceeding to a fatal termination, or even
to the debilitating illness and painful
cauterizations which go together in it*
later stage*.
[The Philadelphia Timet J
Mr. J. Hurry Schrack, whose apparent
deth aod subsequent astonishing revival
wero narrated in yesterday'* Timo*, it
steadily improving. He seem# u new
man. His mind and memory are evident
ly ut good at ever they were, and the doc
tor says he will toon he about again. Thit
extraordinary instance of suspended ani
mation has a paralell in the case of lit v.
Wm. Tennont, which puzzled the doctors
and del ighted religion § enthusiasts filly
years ago. Mr. Teunent was to ail ap,
pearancea (lead, and only returning to
contcioutnett at the coffin stood upon the
edge of the grave and the funeral ervire
were about to bo pronounced over him.
His vision* were very much like t: • ■!
Mr. Schrack, but he would never reveal]
all that he saw wliile in ih. iii . r d
Instead, however of liavii
brightened by hi* trance, it , .ii! a
woke to consciousness as igm>r<iit >it- j
tie child, and it was only alt--, he had
spent of patient study Li. the i...k< '
of Latin over which he had been y. ly {
struggling suddenly became plain to him, !
and he regained his learning as unyeteri-f
ouely as lio hud lost it.
I v "I' CKN IKK COUNTY from .Inn
I.t, ISl*, in <)n, li. 1878
1 \ ,MIiSSKU, Treasurer of Centre
.Inn. I*l. It78. l)lf.
To outstanding take.
.Inn I*l 1877 512,428
To lli.i nM'*#t>d for
iSnTT 42,112 -I I
To tn \ rC iV d of
county commission
or. 25,727 I'll
To on*lt receive.l for
reticimiitou ol I N
land* MS 47
To ninl transferred
from M ilitm lund... 11 tXi
I'ocwh received from
Treasurer .nil'* U
8 lam]*.. - 280 29
I'o count \ order rrc .1
on accl. In.l year •
balance 2,. It) 63
IV com. note rcc d lor
bnl.uw 2,000 00
IV balance due Trea*
uiei a'. >etlletiieni... 1,109 0(4 116,718 66
Jan 1, 187*. CII.
Hv tinl. at settlement
JHS. I. 1877 $4,790 63
Uy uiiant. paid co,S7 *4
llv unpaid taxes out
oiiidiii|j Jan I, 1878 01,70 V M
II v exoneration* and
C, iiiuite.ioii* 2,328 I*B
tl> .alary 2.0U0 W
B> stationery allowed 10 00 116,710 6 • I
liy t'ul duo i'tcasur
er at.ellleu.enl ..,.1,109 00
U A Ml SSEK Treasurer, Centre Co ,
in account with Commonwealth of i'enna.
Jan. 1 1878 UK.
to lialuli.e due Mt'.o
Jan 1, 1877 2'.4 32
I'o outstanding taxes 6,<191 66
f.i lake* assessed for
1>,7 3.160 73-9,808 61
Jan. 1, 1876 CU.
ti i miii I outstanding
Ukc. lan. 1, tttW... 4.C82 Uh
i>% A tale treasurer's
,cc..pu 3.C8017
iy > tourlalloli* and
commissions 113 *4
liy trea* cow mission* 68 09
Hal. 11l Unlld. ot
I teas. 1,862 43-9,900 61
Jan. 1. 187 UK.
to ain't outstanding
take* Jan. 1, IST... $69 38-69 38
Jan. 1. 1878 CK.
llv outstanding lave*
Jbii. 1, 1878- - 44 68
llv 1 rear. COUi. *'i
1400 74 \
By ain't transferred
to county account-. 14 (17 59 S*
We, Hie undersigned. Auditor* Centre
county, do hereby certify that we has.
ekaiuined the above account* ot IJ. A
Manor, Treasurer of (aid county, and find
tbetu correct.
\\ lines* our hand ai d seal* this 22nd
das' of Jaliuarv, A U. 1878.
A. J t.KI.St, [LS i > Auditor*
Commissioner* Fay.
A. Gregg balance
13, •< rv icc j0.6 -
50 ...... s6N>tw
J N Hall balance
65 09 service* 655 •
50 72069
11. A. Mingle balance
4 32; scrv tee* 412..'*J 4to.M
11. Heck commission
er* clerk GOO.UO-2,448 03
Jury Commissioner*
U Liggett bal. from
i 1876 ... 87 68
Jno Kishel services... 16 38
! 11 Keller er ice* 21 34
I li Keck clerk to coin. V U)—lo9 40
County Auditor*.
I Wm McFarland *er
vice.............. 30 00
j A J Griest service#.... 301*.'
r Jo* Giiliiand services 301*)
; C 1, Buffington ll*
clerk 30 00—IfDUO
Improvement* and Ucpairt.
A Moore on jail con
tract 483 73
Wiley A I'arson,,
building walk C 11. 22 75
McCloilan A Surer,
| lumber for C U 20 75
Wm Kckley lumber
; t..r Cll 640
E 11 Csrr hauling .utu
ber b>r C II 1 60
; T E Lvman spouting
f H. 10 50
B it S UK Co lumber
walk at C 11 - 10 63
| J 11 Felianbaum re-
I pairing ul jail 14 75
I J J Reynold* A Son
r*ngealjail 167 30
Jno Uracil bill wall pa
. per Ac at jail .. 82 01
. Jno McDcrm stt pav
> ingjail 660
, W S lialbraith work
on range at jail 5 64
, II A William* paint
ing and repairing at
jail 147 00
' ! J A J Harris, bill
>s paint* hardwarde at
jail - 129 62
■ G II Tale architect
! ai jail 140 00
VI \V C.wdnok work
, at jail - 540
[ John McDermont
cea* p. ml contract. u 14G98
11 I) Yeager, repair
ing lurnace at jail. 33 46
W Twitmire repair-
I Tig hot air pipe* at
jail 36 50
| 1' A llick* A litQ
i hardware for jail... 1 64
• T I Lee repairing
lock at jail 1 25—1,476 00
Juror* pay $5.816 46
; Commonwealth cot. 3,311 15
' Tii>tave pay - 436 20
i J ii Voiburgcourt ro
i porter - 735 00
W lteber court repor
1 ter2week* 20 00
B Galbraith court rri
er 16200
B Oalbraith. janitor
balance 1876, 275.-
| |<*' janitor *crvices 626 I*l
\v C Heinle, entries
In indictment dock
et 16 64
A Williams bal dun
at settlement 1876
114C9 rrothonotary
co; 1877 261 63...„ 376 72
L W Mutton court
proclamation* 7600
L W Mun*on, turn
nioning juro* 450 00—12, p22 1"
Norab McAlliter, washing
for prisoner* ... 129 64
K"bt McKnight gas bill* for
Court House and jail - 448 05
J K A CT Alexander coal bill*
for court bouse and jail - 965 91
J II Dobbins madicai services... 100 00
Agricultural society appropria
tion 100 00
Western Penitentiary keeping
convict* 450 32
Inrane asylum (Danville) keep
ing .... 1.732 26
Ai.*e*-<>r* pay 2,158 25
Bond view* J29 I*'
Election expenses 1, '.h>4 78
Kefunding U S lands 21 11
Ketunding tuxes overpaid 11*179
Insurance on public buildings... 394(*)
Bridge views 101 60
Samuel iirugger Engr at bridg
es etc 431 13
J D Spering bridge Curtin* 846 00
•• bill Howard MB€9
" swearing viewers... 150
Miles Zimmerman Karthaus
bridge 1,096 00
II 1) Verge.- b*l Julian bridge... 1 01
Dan'l Irwin work Julian bridge 600
M W (Jowdrick l'enn* creek
bridge 459 00
Murray Dougal A Co Penn
creek bridge.,, 1.064 OP
Mutray Di-ugal A Co Howard
bridge 2,700 00
II C Holler painting Howard
bridge 8 32
Jacob Pletcher lumber Ac lor
Howard bridge .. 27 26
J V V Jones repairing Milesburg
bridge 69 87 and VO 00 89 87
W W Spongier repairing Beech
Creek bridge - 8 31
Dock A Loneburger painting
Curtin bridge 81 72
.1 J Harris bill pamts Ac for
bridge 7 00
Win Zimmerman repair* Kart bridge 2 00
I on table* pay 408 79
10-.ii estate paid for property at
.!■■./ 426 00
Premium on collection* 20 00
C M Bower commission on col
lection.. 88 80
( num.i--inn r- notes paid 0 606 00
tn:.n-t paid on notes and bonds 2.904 86 >
(.'onimissions on lunacy 66 00 1
'•'•nip premiums 773 66
I • aehers liistitute 146 84 '
I que-?* on dead bodies 68 21
llesd damages paid 100 00 (
L W M onsen lial 1876, 188000 on
account 3,174 U) 4 604 11 I
C M Bower salary autocar's atty 7800 1
II Y Styl/.or stationary 2867
Crtdglit bills paid.... 784
VI eals to Juror* paid to sundries 65 AO
lc- Doling bat on Co line <!se
drafts 7 00
4 A A I."id' clothing lor prison
ers and jail 100 86
Harper lire., clothing for pris >n
or* ami tail .. .. Xss
Lyon A Co clothing for prison
ers and Jgll - tl Mi
I' T Prybi rg, i elothitig l ir pris
onats and Jai1...,. ..... 800
\ William* judgment docket 21 Ao
I S lUruliNrt i-xira lime in oflics 12(*'
kav llro* hand seal Jury com. .. 3 50
I' Evcrhart building scaffold for
pan ling jail 1 CO
1' A 11i U A Bros hardware C
II 1 40
Horse lure paid sundries 6 50
W W \\ M putting in walrr
hack jail 4 00:
II Yanhuskitk euriiert and
stiadc* (' II 26 85
\\ S tialtirailh sundry p'uiith
ing hill court house and jail ... 59 90|
Woedforll II and ,tail and cut
ting same ... 87 50
Paid sundries cleaning ces* pool 40 82|
Kohband K ell v removing a lies
court bouse and jail 2 75
\\ A Schroycr repairing i hairs
.*<■ . court house 9 25
W W Wctzler repaiilug furnace
jail - - 8 85
Jno MeDermOtt repairing beat
i'r jail 225
II Hoffman repairing at Jail 4 (*
Alex tlreen cleaning cells 1 6'
lieo I'lrich bounty due him f*)(*i
.1 no T Johnson postage Ac V 6 31
Jot Fox repairing cell* jail 13 65
Bond A Co chair* tteas ami
corns* office 1772
J< s Devling reviring I' S laud
lit* 40 00
Jno l'owers repairing for prison
ei . 20 40
W A Tobias Indexing in record
er* ortlee and burner 164 60
J Kellenbaum repairing lock*
Ac jail 3160
A \V illiam* appearancu docket
Ac 54 50
'as O'Bryan repairing chair* C
I! - 1 50
■ Nhopo scrubbing ofil.-e 3
lines 525 .
rJ pulling lock on . tllce
door 36
I A S Mallorr repairing gate (j L
B 3Wi .
K Joseph A Uro carpet hall at
j*'l 28 42
I Ouggenheimer matting for O
H M 80
U Fox removing plantain* C II i
yard 7 (*) ]
i Garner cleaning pipe* at iail_ 1 50
W F lteber copying and mak.tig
duplicate.. - 22 90
I P Muster making duplicate... 30 li
W T Twitmire sprinkler and ]
dust pan C 11 1 05j
L Willsrd cfwaning flue* C H. .. 8 5(1
I a* Harris A Co hardwara C 11. 3 85
F F Adam* for chair* C II 2 40
Jo# Dtvllng work un U S land
lists 3 50;
Water tax 127 60
F Deshner key, for sasl house... 60 ■
I) M Glenn A Co ice lor C II 1 55
Jacob Schmm binding matting* 100 1
Wilton A McFarland store* lor
office* 52 87 (
II A Williams glazing C li A
jail - 1302
l Gallagher repairing hydrant • 1*
C II - JOO 1 1
II Beck chimney* for lamp Ac... 1 61
Danl l'err repairing g*t pipe* C
II and jail 4fit).'
A Hartholeinew digging ditch 0 jl
H 125
l) Ka,ler repairing asses* book* 86j
lla'per Bros COT. ring for 4. sk. 3 2fi :
H t.albraitb crying I" S land*
**le* ... 6 (Si!
\\ m Main blank Uaik* 1 tkl
1) M Need guile books f..r office* 200
Alexander A Barer foes on Ist
Nat hank case 25 00
5 M v% inter# house balding ep
M Hufiler b. l holding appeals 8 58!
I) A M on ac. t hal due 7o 2,790 68 1
l A Muster order, for state tax. 7V7 17
t,<unmi*ioner*. xpense* holding
*1 i . * # and delivering dupii
cale# A. 363 60 '
Order* of formers year* paid 83 4V'
Total S3B 40G67
Printing bill*.
P Gray Meek ha! due 1876
IMUi printing 1877 2Ai •
K T Fuieti priiiiia# *207 86
F Kurtz baf due 1876 31 01)
pm tir.g 1877 22U 85 2-M 35
\N Deininger printing 1877 U,l 81
Bender A Bck print. •' 13 80
K L Huttrr printing " 192 81-129067
Total expenditures...sssß77 - s 4
Orders alrtwn on road tax
'C. 004 84
Orders drawn on pie r tax
I, \\ . Muni n Nneri.T in account with
Centre a . untv •
Jan 7. 1878 DK.
I'o jury fee# received....... 64 00
T • fines ree'dNam i Ibnah
& <O. ( Ureon 2fll) W
Wagner 25 00 J Kisbel
20 (JO 05,100
To cash rcc d Martha Bath
ursl 25 00
To county order* ree'd on
acct 2700 CU
To purchase money on I"
N 1aud..... 47 26-4086 25
Balance- 6J2 68
$4788 93
By boarding prisoners $1942 00
By conveying prisoner* to
penitentiary 74 CO
By ummoning furrs„.„. 460 00
By court proclamation*
advertised 70 00
By advertising election
proclamation 177 85
By conveying ir.acc a>y
; ium„ 192 0Q
By advertising poor houo
election proc 559 26
By filling tic** and bills
sundries for jail..„ 29 10
I By reward paid fur Walk
er and Gallagher 125 00
By smt paid Walker s
bills at Curwimviile...... 67 00
By suit tiaid expense
bringing Walker from
Cur w ins* 111 e 30 60
By service* during riot* 8
1 , dy* 32 00
:By ami paid for police
I By watching jail 21 days
i and night* 31 50
I By advertising removal of
■ fish basket* . 900
By removing fish basket*- 186 48-4708 93
By bai due Sheriff Mun
ion at settlement $622 68
i State of Pennsylvania, >
Centre Co j 11 '
We, the undersigned auditors of Centre:
| County, do hereby certify that in pursu
ance of an act ol assembly entitlod "An '
I act relating to Counties and Township-,
and County and Towbswip efll. es," we
1 met at the Commissioner* office, Brlle-
If. nte, on the first Monday in January,
[IB7B, and did audit and settle and adjust
the several accounts set forth in the fore
going statement. In witness whereof we
have hereunto set our hand* and seals IhiP
22nd day of January, A D. 1878.
A J GIUK-ST, 11, Sj • Auditor*, j
We, the undersigned Commissioners of
Centre eounty, do hereby certify thai the '
foregoing 1* a true and correct statement
of the receipts and expenditure* of said :
county from the first day of January 1877, '
to the Ist day of January, 1878.
Altel: II A. MINGLE,
HKNKY BECK, Clerk. Commissioners.
II Cartin, Bellefonte $207 28
A J Hatsinget, Bonner 11138—349 06
Jno Ward, Unit Moon 256 97
David Robb Liberty 14 62
Jua Gntcn, Snow Shoe 824 79—596 28
Ghai Brown. Bellefonte.... 300 ,8
•Daniel Malone. Bogus...- 66 88
•S (.' Karick. Marion 204 07
Jo Boss, Spring 10207—783 26
Joa Fox, Belief >nte 978 II
Wm Kiddles. Bbiiipsburg 931 81
D Lobr, Benner 228 62
F Carton, Ourntide - ' 34
F Klreboff, Curtin 128 28
Win Cro, liaifmoon. <2
H II Wilcox, Bush <>W 'I _
II D Yeager, Snow Shoe... 126 76-298} 14
Cbas Brown. Bnllefonte.... 1438 09
•A J Graham Philipshurg 188 70
I I* Shope. Milesburg 231 86
•11 L Barn ban. H0gg5...... 468 18
Mli Newcomer Hurni<i® 40(IH
Mno T Lucas, Curtin 08 86
'Ferry Cotido, M arion ... . 94 76
II B Wilcox. Ruth 70 74
las Watson, Snow Show.... 168 93
fJ esseSwartz, Walker 13 86-278109
Mno H Morrison, Bellefto 142 C 47
P M Hull, Milesburg 144 27
'W C M'Cutchen. Philips
burg 652 59
3 Diehl, Howard bor 73 66
'AUarbrick, Benntr..7oß 61
Sf'uit ofd
mcubt J
to earn qooajrwtwe
Iny tiwikin<i. ON LV
ik tfu* i^ar
tunniiw cirr"
Kid dak kind y wkM'no
diaf tllen and. JbmjJ ma4 J
& W f ß S
Hardware! Hardware!! Hardware!!!
Bellefonte, Penn'a.
Hare just rtccivaj and placed oo Exhibition and Sale, at their Storea no Ira, 1
Fifty-Three Varieties and Styles of Cook and Parlor Stoves,
Single and Double Heaters, Portable Range*, Ac., embracing ail the i-teat|
improvements, newest makes, itjleaand novelties in the market, combining
all the desirable Qualities, such as Iwauty, durability,convenience and econo*
•ny. They have the only Portable Ranges that will bake iu 80l H OV ENS
, for sale in the county. ENTIRELY NEW,
Every Stove WARRANTED in every particular.
LOWEST PRICE and satisfaction guaranteed.
Our stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Oils, Pure Ireads,
and PAINTS cannot be excelled for variety, quality and cheapoeas.
EVERYBODY IS REQUESTED TO CALL whether wishing to pur*
chase or uot.
Special Bargains for Cash Buyers !
|!2jul tf WILSON A MeFARLANE, Humes' Block, Bellefonte.
J O Walker. B-iggs ....... 618 28 .
Wm Thompson. College... 542 83
•Wm Mann, Cuttin .... ... IdOOT
*H C Campbell. Ferguson 210 19
Jno, Gregg S2O 78
•John Keltner Haines...— 25184
.1 T Ntewart. Harri* ..- 31011
U W Kline. ilu*ln 191 73
John A .Stover, Liberty.— 374 07
1) Harter. Marion 687 90
I) Kreamer, Mile_ 55 IS
Wm Weiser, Penn *Os 76
G W K<wh. Potter 1026 68
IF II Del* Rush - - WBl
John Noll. Spring..- 706 14
Jo* Thompson. Snowhoe 112 14
JnoH lieck. Walker 445 5(K9720 06
■lno Kechlln*. Bellefonte ViS99l
K L Shirk, Milesburg—,. 471 21
1 Gorton. Philipsburg— 672 66
31 C Heller, Howard bore. 297 88
14 W Ammrrmin. Union
ville- 199 17
U Sieve-. Benner-..-....- 1486'.<4
W H L 'V. Uurntide.l9T 24
|j C Walker.* - 1317 97
I.E Muwer. College 2128 66
'CSmger. Curtin 259 60
I • W F Fry. Ferguson 5W33
FI) Ho*term*n. Gregg... 2862 72
J U Wile*. Heine* 2364 64
John Myers. Harris-... _ 186212
Ge<# Gsnsmer. Half Moon 937 64
I) W Kline, Huston 439 22
J M Kline. Howard 865 35
I) Rnbb. Liberty..- 863 98
I) W Orr, Marion 1217 93
Jeel Morn* Mile* 1G03Q7
! a \V K Gray. Patlon 1048 84
Wm Smith, Pei*n..„. 198590
Henry Swab. Potter 3699 27
! K H Dale. Hush 809 24
H 1 Tibbins, Spring 229125
Jos Tbompn, Snvwshoe 87810
Wm Miller. Taylor 43122
Wm Spoil*, Uni0n.......... 282 47
J T Dungle, Walker....*.. 2<45 12
H Williams, Worth O0 89^01T050
Total outstanding taxes $57391 68'
* Peid in pert since settlement.
Peid tn full eince settlement.
Jen 1. 1878 DK.
To note* and bond* oat
standing ...82092 87 ~
To bsl duo 1> A Musser,
Trea*., et sett _... 119908
To ba! due Sheriff Mun
son at ett - 62268
To bal due A Gregg, comr
at *ctt 58
To bal due J N Hall comr
at sell 25 34
To bal due U A Mingle,
comr, at sett. hi bl
To bal duo A Moora on
contract 7 6C 84029 86
Jan 1. 1879. CK
By note# of sundry person* 2600 81
Bv ami due '<n hands of
att'y for collection 2423 74 j.
Bv lexe* outstanding Jan
1 1878 67891 68 <
Bv ami due from twp* and
bor% for keeping insane
a* below ;
Spring twp._ 934 29 1
Harris twp 8193
Ph'hpsburg 1689 36
Pulton twp 110 45
Pertrege estate ... . 70 00
Ku*b twp 284 82
B-llefont- boro 656 84
Huston twp 406 90
Mil*hurg biro 19b 89 4336 48
By U S land tax ut'd g 6600 00
By bal due from Clearfield
roun v - - 85 00
Balance 1165.C& 84029 84
To bal due by county.... 11633 26
Forks House!
The Forks Home, at Cohurn station, is
new and commodious, and is kept in best
manner. Bed and board second to none
in the county. Stabling for 80 bOHOf.
A* a summer resort it will be found ell
that could be cle*irl, right In the heart ol
good fishing end hunting ground*, end
surrounded by the most romantic rcenery
lnov y
Hardware Store.
A new, complete Hardware Stofg }i*|
been oppppd by the undersigned in Cen
tre Hall, whore he is prepared to sell ell '
kind* of Building and House Furnishing
Hardwnre, Nail*. Ac.
Circular and Hand Saws, Tennon Sews, j
Webb Saws, Clothes Racks, gefull assort
ment of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture*
Frames, Spokes, Fello-s, and Hubi, table 1
Cutlery, Shovels. Spades end Forks,,
Lock*, Hinge*. Screws, Sash Springs,
Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods, Oils,
Tea Bells, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Yarn- "
is he*.
Pictures framed in the finest style, <
Anything not on band, ordered ÜBQP
shortest notice. " -
jxar~ Remember, all goods offered cheap
er than elsewhere. T ' ]
Special Notices
I win mail Tr* lbs rwrip* lor x XI r, pis VMXHUI
iwaihti■di men Tw, nun atka nKeTEa
ul Hi. bfU. ixoxiac lbs akla •oil. .> ui bxim
I1 . llaa UXMKIMI far pndMIH * luwlMl CRAWU
of kali aa * bsid boad m oatpokk lux. iUmi la
tloxdn* I *l, Kiap.Sn Yaadolf A Os. Si Aaa at .
To Consumptives.
Ttx tdiHiaa, bwiM hue ptiaumllr and of
tbol drwod diuux, < -laaawipoao *7 • xtwi'l, roaxod?.
t* xßiixw ki wok* kowwo be hu fxUxx(xran tkx
luui of rxn To oil oho daxtr* 11. ba *lll aood x
oopf of Ibo pteerrlpuuo maed. If mm of cbora* vKh
til, duxrlMW lor pmrtu ud lxn| lb* xxax, which
tow? will Aod oaorsl ors fur CmwopUa. dßku.
HtuoeblUh. do
I'orOo* rub in, th, BtoorrlpUoo will plooor oddrsab,
IC A WILIJI ifcponhM.WlllUMbor*, HY
xnd Aottuiwi wl xmblMd lopamxl to pxrab xxd
txuhxih St dlfr-t trtMlr dsstaoa. Tk, MUX pock
•rot (too lor Mno rvm<| or xuopa Voo lioif 4
AOKTTI. an AH *ba aafarwd far poor* frowi Hor
xuox IXoblllip Pi—mors Dxcxj. ud oil Ibo rfxcU
of poolkfoi ladlorrHkm. will far ibo xok, of xoCorlnc
homos 111, rood froo to oil wbo aood It. Ibo rxwlpo oad
l.lrocUoo for moklo* to. olmplo rwedj whu hL. woo
rorod,, wl*hto bo Profit b| Ibo odrorUoor'x
sipsriooo# 000 do oo b oddroxolofi la perfect oooS
JOHN *. Oil PEN. S Odor St.. Nr. York.
M )oa Sou.
KG AL NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby
given tbat application will bo made
u> tbe Legislature of Pennsylvania during
jiU neat session, to bave tbe second section
'oftbe Aetol Assembly approved January!
31st. IMS. erecting Henrysburg, in Centra
county, into a borough, so changed as to
secure* more equitable assessment of water
jtazea. janlTM
Inciters of administration oa tbe estate
of Benj. Peters, late ofCollege twp, dee d,
having been granted to tbe undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves to be in*
Job ted to said decedent are requested to
make immediate payment, and persons
baring claims against tbe extol* will pre
xent them authenticated for settlement.
jn2l Administrators.
Candy Manufactory & Bakery.
Mr. Albert Raulh,
At tbe
is now making tbe very beet
in Ilellefome.
Candies and Confections.
lie •!<> manufacture all kind* of can-,
dice, end dealer* can purrhae of him a*
low a* in the city. Candiea f all kindeal
wy on hand, together with Orange*.
Lemon*, Pig*. I>ate, Note, Syrup*, Jel
lie and everything good.
An Excclleut nyater ealoou eiao ftt
(ached to the Bakery Call and aee
I norl6
1878. NEW YORK. 1878.
At the lime approach** for iba renewal
. <>f iubscripliont,Tll E SUN would remind
its friends and wellwithert everywhere,
that it it again a candidate lor.'lheir consid
eration anj support. Upon its record for
the past ten years I: relies for a continu
ance oftbe hearty sympathy and gener
ous cooperation which has hitherto been
attended to it from every quarter of the
i Union.
I The DAILY" SUN is a tour-pago sbet
i of 28 columns, price by mi'l, posfpata, 66
cents it month, nr $6 M per year.
I The Sunday edition of The Sun itan eight
page sheet of 56 columns. While giving
the news of tbe day, it alo contains a
large amount of literary and miscellane
ous matter especially prepared for it. The
Sunday Sun has met with great success.
Postpaid sl. 26 a year.
The Weekly Sun.
Who does not know The Weekly Sun ?
It circulatesthroughout tbe United Blgles,
.the Canadas, and beyond, thous
and families greet its welcome page* week
ly, and it in tbe lignt of gqide,
aounseflor, ana friend, its news, editori
al, agricultural, and literary departments
make it essentially a Journal family'and
the fireside. Terms One dollar a year,
Ipost paid This price, quality considered,
'makes it the cheapest newspaper publish- 1
|ed. For clubs of ten, with $lO cash, we i
[will send an extra copv free. Address
Bnovßt New York city. 1
DF. FORTNEY Attorney at Ltw '
Bellefonte, Pa. Ottce over
nobis bank. I3hiny'% j
\\T Vr " 1 NI"S. it t!. •> r\ -:W J
V 1 Z> c • -W, trn. Uu.l r 1 Jas 1
McManus, esq. &gu)lf
New Store I loom
Fall and Winter
Great Abundance t
Arw Batik Building.
A Full Line of GENERAL
MKRCIIANDIHE, carefully selec
ted, and embracing ail manner of
Furnishing Goods
Full line of
lints and Caps
For Men, Boys and Children.
Call and be Convinced that this it the
Cheapest place to buy goods in ibis
PRODUCE received in exchange
for goods.
Rememdrr the place—in the New
Bank Budding, opposite the Old
Stoves! Stoves!
A full line of all kind* of Stoves.
A full line of Tinware.
Hardware for all.Coachmakera and
Mechanics included,
At the New Store of
Centre Hal], Fa.
Buiinett stand upstair* in the building
formerly occupied by lb* Centre Repor
Wilt furnish gentlemen with clothing,
merit to order, ot the beet materiel thel
can be bought in Philadelphia or New
Tork. Long eiperience in the beatnes*
at Bellefonie enable* him to turn out drat
class work in ell repeeu. Oder Sir,
The circulation of this popular newspa
per ha* more than trebled during the pat;
year. It contain* all the leading new*
contained in the Daily Herald, *n<f 1* ar
ranged in handv departments. The
Foreign New*
embraces special ditpatchee from ell quar
ter* of tha globa. together wilb unbiassed,
faithful and graphic pictures of the great
War io Europe. Under tbe head of
American New*
ar* given the Telegraphic Despatches of
the w<ek frm all parts of tba Union.
Tbit feature alone mate*
The Weekly Herald
the matt valuable newspaper in lb* world,
at it U the cheapest.
Every week u given a faithful report of
Political New*,
embracing complete and comprehensive
des latches from Washington, including
full reports of tbe speeches of emineot pol
itician* on the question* of the heur.
The Farm Department
of the Weekly Herald gives the latest at
as wall as the most practical suggestion*
and discoveries relating to ibo uutiee olj
the farmer, hints for raising Cattle, Poul-j
try, Grains, Trees, Vegetable*, Ac , Ac ,|
with suggestion* lor keeping building*;
and farming utanuls in repair. This it
supplemented by a well edited department
widely copied, under the bead of
Tbe Home,
fifing recipe* for practical libe, binli
j tor making clothing and for keening up
with lb* laiaat faibien* at tha loweu price
I Latter* from our Pari* and London cor
revpondent* on ibe very lateu fathion*
Tha Home Department of tha Weekly
Harald will ara tha housewife nore than
one hundred time* tba price ot the pa*
| per,
One Dollar a Year.
There i* a page devoted to all the Ma*t
of tha Valine#* market*, Cropa, Me* ban
dtaa, Ac.. Ac A valuable feature i* touad
in the specially reported price* and con
dition* of
The Produce Market*.
While all tha new* from the la*t fire to
the Discovery of Stanley are to be found
in the Weekly Herald, dua attention t
given U
Sporting New*
at home and abroad, together with a Sto
ry evary week, a Sermon by lome emi
nent divine. Literary. Mu*iral. Dramatic.
Personal and Sea Note*. There i* no pa
per in the world which contain* *n much
newt matter every week a* the Weefclj
Herald, which it tent, pottage free, for
One Dolia{. Tou may tubtcribe at anv
The New York Herald
in weekly form.
One PJlar a Year.
P*Pt-rt publishing thi* proepectu* with
out being authorised wilt not necessarily
receive an eschange.
Add re**.
New York Herald.
Broadway A Ann St, New York. decßt
Philadelphia and Krie Kailroad Division
Pfe it. iter. U> train OB
* " llr — d IMtUIoB will rua B
vmwiD. *
KRIK MAlLlooraa PhlUdelpkle 11 It p m
~ " S 4 "?**?** <*B
. .. e*s? Md * •
- • - liTnra is::
erratKrie '•fl,-
iS =
" " kw *" sPB
FAST LINK IH'N I'hUadHiphla llSla
i; HrU>or 3Sv p n
MootAndun 6 14 n in
4rr at VV tlliamapori 7 M pa
M •• Lock H van 840 D u
PACIFIC RX. Imvm lack Hivti ttt a
WlflUaiport * u|n
arr at HArriAburr II 44 A bj
D Y.Si:
i "JBj:
KRIK MAIL Vor Ka*ra * |f
ssssr ii?* :
" ?s:E
FAST LINK Imtn WDlUmsport 18 tt A m
arr at Uarrrkbavf 4Utam
RH.M.IILnk U.",n\T
coa>aod.tlo. Wt 5a Do* ExproM lU.liu.k.clon
w,th LIBRR ttt " '
oSoyeaaaellae at WlUUmepurtJw toeU.
Jjjy!')' **•"*•* "sat, a Dij K .
%■ J"!"!*tcoaBoot at Trio with tralo.
aaIiSAMSRR. at Corn with O ! A A V RR. t 1
Kiajwrtam wiu> R N T A P RR. oad at Driftwood with
Parlor ear* will ran hetwaaa Phlladelpbla and Wl> .
Ilamaport OB Niagara K. Wort, EHo Fx. Wort, ?ei*T *
jf'l j" * ExWeraEaal. and Da* It Cut aatf Bund.*
Ra. L-rt. *^ Wo .^awb|-fftwUl. ,
Stml DBKrtjrtrefltni
"Farmers' Mills."
Offers the HIGHEST market prices
in CASH, on delivery, for
Corn, Rye,
Oats, etc.,
At the above well-known Mill.
Ground Plaster and
Salt always on band at the lowest
r t. 20 aep tf
has tbs goods. Largest stock I
Prices Lower than
And now *xt*n<l§ i cordial invitation to
jy fr tends, ptiroiii, and public gaocral*
Also a Complete Assortment of
Ready Made Clothing for men and
boys. Suite ae low aa to be had in the
Imported and Domestic
Full lines of
I or Ladies, Genu, Boye, Misses and
j . Children.
Glovea, Baou and Shoes,
cESSfc, • CABPITB and oil
JWI<I tbe most complete assortment of
n Central Pennsylvania, and prieas'tbat
wtlloompel vou in self defence to buy
bin ■ -Also Fish. Ball. eic. JBoe
A full lino of Howe Sewing Machines
tend Needles for all kinds o! machines.
" a would respectfully announce to the
citizen* ot Peon* Valley that he bae per
manently located in Centre Halt where be
I* prepared to do all kind* of Dental work.
Alt work warranted or no money asked
1 ricee low to suit the time*. 81 Jan. v.
, , ®. calling at the new and exten
sive bakery establishment of
(Successor to J. H. Sands, > ,
Opposite the Iron Front on Allegheny
•treet where he ittrnuhe* every dsy
Freeh Bread,
Cakea of alt hind*.
Piee, etc., etc..
Can die*,
... , Fruits.
Anything and everything belonging la
the business. Having had year* of expe
rience in the bucineaa. be latter* himelf
(hat he can guarantee satisfaction to alt
who may favor him with their patronage.
Cloth 6c Cassimere,
.1 OF
which I tm prepared to have made
l up in suit* at KemarkabJy Low Fig*
cheaper than can be bought
Market Street, •
offer* bis senricee to the citizen* of
Onire county in
Hene, Man and Ornameetal
Striping, oraamentingand gildiag,
i, . CHESTNUT. Etc.
Plain and Fancy Paper banging. Order*
retpecifully tolicited. reasonable.
•JO apr tf.
Furniture Rooms!
respectfully inform* the citizen* of Centra
county, that he ha* bought out the old
.land of J. O. Deininger, and hat reduced
the price*, lie ha* costtanilv on hand
.and make* to order
Hi. sleek ef ready m.d?Furn.tu i.
larg* and warranted of good workman
• hip, and it all madu uidJ? bit witdiilt
supervision, and U offered at rate* cheaper
than eltewhare.
Call and tee hi* ftock before purcbailng
eltewbere. f ,b 26
at bis establishment at Csaire Hall, keeps
on hand, and foraalA at the Rtoat rcaaona
| bla rataa.
; Carriages,
; Buggies,
A Spring WagoiiS.
Plain and Fancy,
| and Teh idea of eeery description made to
i order, and warranted to be made of tba
[ bM t seasoned material, and by the moat
, .killed and competent workmen. Hodiea
' for buggies And spring vagoßs Ac., of tba
| moat improved pattern* made to order,
alao Hearing of all kinds made to order.
Ail kinds of repairing dona promptly and
at tba lowest possible rates.
Persona wanting anything in bis line are
requeued to call and examine hi* work
they will ind it not to be excelled for dur
abmty and wear. mayStf.
Kasihonabi.jc Babbir and Haowcw>
SKK, in the old bank building. Guarantees
satisfaction in all his work, and asks the
public patronage. Has bad long experU
ence in the city.
No. 6 Brockerbuf low, Belisfcao
Deil*#ft "rag*. ( belh.
j L *J 4tAuM4 ' r * 4 *"■* fcood*. * c „
''••re Wine* and Liquors for m<d'c*l
1 , cs always kept. * #l7^