Decreed. " Into all lire* some rain mntl fall," Into all ev* om teardrop* Urt. Whether thflv fall a a gentle shower Or drop like Bra, from an aching heart. Into all hoart xime nrm mut creep. Into all *onU some doubting*come. l.s-hiiiß the wave* of Life a (ci-eat deep t rom dimpling wa era to soothing foam Ovor all pathways avme cloud* moat lower. Under all feet Koran "harp thorns spring, T> xring the flesh to bleeding wound*. t>r entering the heart with thoir bitter •ting. I." 1-0® all brow* rough wind" muit blow, liver all "honldar* a cross muit t>e lain. Bowing the form in its lofty height liowm to the dn*t in hitter pain. Into all hand* in *onn> dutv thrust, l"nto all arm* some burden given. Orn h ng the heart with it* dreary weight, O lifting the aou) from earth ti> heaven. Into all heart* and home* and live* (1 *l* dear *uu*hino come* streaming down. Qi img the mill* of L fe'* great plain iVeaving for all a golden crown. browing I |>. Oh ! to keep them Stilt sroii 11J u*. bsby J*r lings, fresh siui pure. Mother'* smile their pleasures crowning, moth er'* kis* their sorrows' cure. Oh ! to keep the w*\en touches, sunuy curls and rsdisut eves, t'stteriug feet siai ssg< r prsttle sll young life'* tost p*r*di*s- (I,is I trig lit hrs.t sU'v- the other. Uuy hsiuts Lbst ciung sud olsp d. latUe forms thst, oloseenfolding, sll of love's hest gift* were grsstvd . Sporting m the summer sunshine, glsticiug round the winter hesrlh, lti.lding sll the hrgl t world echo with their fesrlees, csreless mirth. t>h I to keep them. How they gisddetted sll the psth from dsy tei dsy, Wtist gay dream, wr fsshioned of them, ss iu rosy deep they IST ; How escli broken wv>rd wss w!,vue.i. how esch strugghug thought wss bsiksi. A* esch Ksrk went flv>sting setswsrd, love-l>e deoked Slid fs cv-eslltd. (hiding from our jdot watching. gliding from our elingi-g hold. 1.! fhc brave !<*r< • bloom Ukl burgeon, k' the *hy, ivwl l>ud unfold. 1 at to lip *ud cheek aud lrr*iV steal* the uikl> us bashful joy ; F*#t the fiauk, bold nun'* iteit>oa touee the accents of the hoy. hither \>ve nor longing k#ej>* them Soon ui oth then our* Tho*e y.wicg hind* aUi setae their weapons, hmld their cat le-. -vlant their do*era ; tv-ou a fr hr hope wtil t righteu the deer eyee we ra ned to nee ; Soon e floor lot* then ours in tho* wakening hearts trill he. 50 it is end well It is *o. Fast the river near* the mein. Ihcktinl yrartui e* ere but idle; dawning never glow* again. 51 w *:k! aure the distance deepens elow end sure the hnk* ere rent ; I. I ue p'.nck our eutunm roses, with their sober bloom content. AT THE GATE. It w a bright Jay in early November, w th cloar skies and a keen breeze rust lt lg tlio (e muT-eolorad Imtm oblig ing to the troea aiong the streets of the tile oh I country town. A very quiet, p-uteel-looking street, lined with hand some residences, it was; and from the k >nds'inest of them all, a lady came f rth w th a slow step, a* if her only ob j it a is to enjoy as much as possible of f e bright sunshine aDd the clear. It -withy air. She was young, and quite j rctty, with attractive, resolute features, nid blue eyes dazzling beautiful Her fir complexion was in perfect harmony * th the roaette of bine velvet on the f >nt of her round hat; and her walking i' fwg of gray silk was neatly fitting and f ylisii. The lady was Agues Carrll, ti fc niece and heiress of the wealthy solicitor, Mr. John Carroll who lived in the stately mansion she had just quitted. She came down the long garden walk slowly and thoughtfully, and pause*! at the gate, leaning over it wi'h an excla mation of surprise. Ou the foot-p-tli a ii an was Iving; his fa v was turned a vav. and h> was so motionless that Agnes fancied he was deal; and, hni r e-ilv unclosing the gate, she hastened to him. Eniieiiflv he had fallen headlong, for bs clothe* were iu great disorder, ami !-i hat crushed nnder the side of his h ad. which lay against the garden f nee. Hi* face WHS pale and tliin; his lnrr and long nnkempt Ward werh a bright brown; and his garments, though much the worse for wear an 1 very ill tiding, hal once been of the finest ma t-nab Hi* shoes were old and much worn, and Agnes could see that he bail nt sock*. As she gaaed at the wretches! o ite ist, a tear tremt led in her eye upon the haggard face oyer which alie was b-siding; and then Agnes walked back to the house and sent some of the servants out to bring him under shelter. The stable boy said he was drunk, but Agues felt quite sure he was mis taken, the stmnger could not be inebri f. • od, she said, and ordered them to r rnr him iu and give hitn a comfortable bud. When the doctor for whom she ha-1 s-*nt hsd arrived he said Miss Carroll vas right The man was not intoxicated; 1 it ; n the last stages of siarvat.on, an I 1- id fallen in the road out of pure ins -1 dity to take another step. When Mr. Carroll came, Agnes told him of the i -xtnrrence. and made him promise that the jioor man need not leave the house until fnlly recovered; and that, if he c mid, he would assist him to some bet ter way of Lie than that which had brought him t-> their gate. Having gamed lier uncle's promise, which aiie knew would be kept. Agr* i gain dressed, nd set out for her long •'clayed walk. Before she hail gone far, she was met by a young gentlemen, who s'oppe*! when he saw her, and remarked, " I was so inv way to call on von. Miss Curoll," walking along by her side. "H >w is your mother to-day, Mr. Hell?" asked* Agues, as they walked r. long. " Q lite well, thank yon. We are ex p-wting my sister home from school, and hlie is all excitement." " Fanny will be quite an addition to ur circle this winter." " Yes. By the way. Miss Carroll, will viu lend yonr assistance in getting np ihose kibieaux for our fancy fair?" " I am sorry, Mr. Bell ; but my time > . so fully occupied there, I cann-'t un dertake to be anything more than a s leeta'or." • Mr. BeU wan disapooiuted evidently, f>'id left Acrnes at her Rat* with a parting > -quest that she would call when she heard of Fanny Bell's arrival. Agues when she entered the house, inquired after the strange man. He w..s s'iil in a stupor, she was told, and they v ere afraid that he would die. Agnes i *ole np to the rent. Agues had not always been Ihe rich and petted heiress ; time was ■when she, too, had known waut, and care, ! nd toil, and had been friendle s and forsaken of all but God. This was all < nded years ago ; but the sight of the stranger carried her back to her girl hood, and the friends of whom she had 1 tat Higbt when her uncle found her and lore her away to his statelv borne. There was one she remembered most of all, a poorstrnggling law-student, half starved, and half-clothed, who supported invalid mother from the miserable pittance earneAs a copyist; but not all ■he pennrv and want which was his daily l>ortion could disguise the fact that he was a true and honorable man. and that lie hail talent, and would lise in the world if t* e laliorious life he was lea ling .lid not kill him ; and in Agnes Carroll'# eves he was a hero to be worshiped at a distance. They had been friends—noth ing more. The bine eyes and prema turely-old face of the young girl had found no entrance to the frozen heart of Hariy Morton. Se WM kind, Uhe wu FRED. KURTZ, Kditor and Proprietor. VOLUME XL to all created Ivings, nothing more. From the misery of hopeless povertjr iiinl hojielesa love combined, lie, at least, an* spared. And Ague* Carroll went away ti her , good fortune with good wishes and a warui pressure of the atudeut'a hand that wan all; ahe, ami all women hut Ins mother, were mere ahadows on the wall. She w-ent away and forgot huu, for ahe i waa young ami life afforded her many delight*; hut she measured all men by . the idol of her gixllmod, ami tliough ahe knew that he never eared for her, ami that at last hi* memory waa indifferent to her, yet, strangely, all men short of her standard, aud eight years after she was twenty-tlve and at ill Agues Carroll. Two days alter, wheu Mr. I'erev Hell I came o tell Agues that his sister Fanny had ixuue, she told huu the story of the i stranger ahe had found at the gate, ami added that he was now dangerously ill of a fever; told him also to Wg Fauuy to waive formalities and come aud see her. There was nothing on the stranger's per aou to give the slightest elue to his identity, and his ehanees of life were meagre, indeed. Would INuvy ltell like to see him ? No, IVrev did not care to see him. Very likely he was some wandering soamp, much beneath the notice of re sjwetablc people. Perey Bell said tlus in very ntee language and m a polite toue, emphasized by the olessaut smile in the light gray eyes; and he wondered very much why Miss Carroll was so very haughty immediately alter and never offered him hand at parting. He did not know that Agues Carroll had been on the watch to measure the soul of her admirer, and that again her ideal lifted itself to an uuapproachable height above him. He did not know, he never knew, that after that speech his star set from the heaven of Agues Carroll's vision. Per hap* it would be well for her to hunt up some beggar, aud bestow her hand and fortune ou him ' Anything to : get rid of her senseless folly aliout Harlv Morton, who had probably never thought • of her otioe since their path* hail diverg ed to widely; and Agues strove to put i her troublesome thoughts to flight by taking her work to the sick man's room and sitting dowu by the window, sewed sad read by turns, or talked to the nurse who was there, until the shades of night came ou and the dinner-bell summ-med her down stair*. That night the doctor pronounced his patient out of danger, and Agues went no more to the sick room; but resumed her old round of duties and in her busy life nearly forgot him, until her uncle introduced the subject. "My dear," he said, "I have been talking to the stranger invalid, aud 1 tind that he is quite a gentleman. He has studies! law, and I don't know but that I shall take him into the office. Be -ldea, he is from Ashville," " Ashville I" repeated Agnes, with a sadden interest. " I should like to know about some of my friends in Ash ville. I vrish vou would ask him down to dinner, uncle, if he has anything to wear. Such a wrctehed-looknig object as he was! I am anxious to see how much a good bed and care aud food have done for hiui. It w*s certainly a stnuige plight for a gentleman. Has he told ' you his story ?" " No ; be only said that he came from Ashville, and was iu search of employment. He was robbed on the way, and says that he should doubtless have died hail we not found him as we did. I believe I will ask him to dinner." Accordingly, when Agnes came to the parlof before dinner, she found the stranger there ; her nnele was with lain, and as Agnes enteml he said : " My dear, permit me to present Mr. " I never asked your name!" "Itis H irly Morton. It may be that yonr niecs remember* tne." Agnes looked into his face, and laid her cold hand in bis. She did uot re member him. for the long be*rd ami un kempt locks were gone ; ifut, oh, how changed ! Thin and pale he had always been, but he waa ghostly now—a mere shadow of the old-n man. Agues hail never, in her wildest imagining*, dr**atne-l tlist her drat Jove . would le cast help! *s an I broken down at her feet ; she always pictured him as a rising power in the world, a* esteemed and honored for hi* goodut*** and talent; and now he stood before tier a failure, his life-work yet untouched. She drew her hand away ; aud, coldly ktnd, she sat down to entertain him. She went to diuuer in a * >rt of dream, ind listened to the story he told in a j lazed way. It was certainly a pitiful tale ; and Mr. C irroll promised to help him ; and he did so by tnkiug him into his office a* managing clerk, and letting him sit at his table, aud converse tu his parlor. And Mr. M Ttou was gentlemanly,and kept his plaee, never presuming on his old acquaintance with Amies—never seeking to build the old friendship be tween them. Percy Bell ami Funny came to see Vgnes often, and Agnes returned their visit*. She wa* quite a* friendly to Percy B U now as before the entrance of Hrly Morton npon the scene ; and that gen tleman's hopes were again in the ascend ant, and he certainly made an agreeable contrast to the ghostly, h ollow-evd clerk, whom Agues barely recognized. So affair* went on until Harly Morton had regained all his original good looks, nnd hail ma le himself indispensable to his employer. One night Agnes gave n large party. It w.i* her twenty-sixth birthday, and she laughingly told her friends that it was the inaugural hall of her old-maid hood, and she meant it to be a success. And a success it wa*. Fanny and Percy were there, and so was Harly Morton. , Just before supjier Agnes came across some gentleman in the ahadows of the deserted drawing-room, and, tapping hini on the shonlder, she playfully said: " And whom do I And playiug the wall flower ?" She started back ere the words were finished, for the gentleman turned a face of unutterable agony towards her, and she saw that it wa* Harly Morton. " Miss Carroll," he ened, "1 love a lady who is as far above me a* yon cold moon is above us now, and my heart ia breaking." " Why do yon tell me this ?" she said, i retreating haughtily, as he sought to take her hand. " Aggie, Aggie !" cried Fanny Bell at the door. " Will you show Percy those engravings you told me about?" Aud Agnes hurried off, ami Harly Morton tnraed to his silent contemplation of the oold heavens, at the long window. " To-morrow," he said, " I leave this I house forever. It was three o'clock before the last guest had departed, aud the bouse was still. Mr. Carroll had gone to Ins room long ago ; but Harly Marton still stood ait the window, and watched the siars. By and-by, the drawing-room door unclosed, and he saw Agnes come and throw herself upon the sofa, and, taking the cushion under her head, began to weep violently. There WHS no light in the room save that which came from the open grate ; but he could see that Agnes had not removed her evening dress; and, wondering what conld be the matter, he was about to make known his presence, when he wa* conscious of a stealthy step !in the hall. In a moment the room door unclosed, and s man entered. Morton | ooald see that ke was muffled to the eyes, 1 sad carried s dark lantern ; and than, aa THE CENTRE REPORTER. I ... Agues IxM-amo aware of the intruder* t presence, she started up with a tcrrtth-d , shriek, and rushed into the music-room. and cowered tti the shadow*. The man r with the lantern kl.hsl in thought n i moment, ami iiumcdiatelv followed her. "Come, girl," lie ostd, grasping her * shoulder, "hand over theui rings and bracelet*, and you're all right. I Wk*l :< the old gentleman'* door ami the dour f from the servant's liall; and how in the r name of woifder you found out 1 wa* uu - d< r your bed, 1 uoii't know. You might i screech all night, tun! gaiu uotlung by it t but a sore throat." f Agnes bv tin* time wa* *en*ebas, S"J > the robber proceeded to remove the jewels from hi* unresisting victim, when 1 he found himself caught iu u powerful r gra*p, overpowered, and bound before * he could recover hi* wit*. Harly Mor* 1 ton did in* work quickly and well, and pinioned the burglar with the heavy > cord of the lace curtain*, which he wa* drawing carelessly between hi* Angers • when Agues entered the drawing room. i By Una tunc, Mr. CArrroll had forced open lit* dir. ami to the scan* or sctiou. The burglar had left a rxar*e *a k in the hall, c utaiuiug the most valuable of the silver plate he had haiud [ in the dining-room, and had he tsw-u satisfied with that, he might have got i off sately. But he wa* tempted to enter > Agues'* rVom, and liu 1 ju*t time t> ae ' crete himself, when Agnes, who had re -1 m timed in the parlor a long time after ' her other guests, came grt< Iter mom, and sat down be/ore Iter dressing glass, • and leaning her heal up-m her bands, 1 was buried in deep thought, when at the foot of her lasd, which was just along side of her glass, she taw a strange-look* ' ing sack, and beside it a man's boot protruding frou beneath the bed. It was in the glass she saw theui, aud, with ' a thrill of terror, she rose up and stole down to tli* parlor ; and remembering , the presenceof Harlv iu the music-room, was alkmt to *>ek hnn when she was overcome by her excitement and terror, and threw herself ujam the w>fa, hopiug he would couie out and spesk to her. All this she told afterwards ; but wheu the police arrived with the tuesseugux whom Mr. (.'.irroll hud sent for them, the roblier knew that all was over, uuU his night's work undone by Agnes'* op portune discovery. At his trial, he confessed that he had stolen into the house during the bustle of the entertainment, and, after the supper table was deserted, had heljssi himself to ev. ry article lie fancied. His sack was well laden ; and, doubtless, he would have escaped hud he been satis tied with its content*. Harly Morton left the house a* he hail resolved. To all Mr. Carroll's entreaties and Agues' proffered thanks, he said : " I only did mv duty ** you did your* wheu yon found me at the gate, hourfe lesa and starving. It i* only heaven's mercy tliat I was saved, a brand from the burning. I feel that e!f-resj>eot alike command my departure." He went, but not to stay long. For oue day there came to bun a uotv which read a* follows : " Mr. Morton, will yon come to me an 1 finish the storv vou were telling tne, when Fanny Bell interrupted us the uight of the party ? " Auxks CAROI.U" Harly Morton went • and the story, no doubt, was long and intereetiug, for Morton Carroll had to t ike his tea alone, ami Agues astonished him by walking into the library where he was dozing over his pajiers, and saying : ** Uncle, permit me to inform you that thm g-n --tleni'in,. who styles himself ' a brand from the burning,' is from henceforth ' tnv exclusive property." Mr. C irroll w.v* quite satisfied, and maile Harly Morton his pirtuer ; an I be an 1 Agues were married quietly, and 'he first intimation their d *ar five huu lr--1 friends received of the turn affairs uad taken, wa* the marriage-notit*— ao car l*—iu the local papers. The National Pawn-Shop* of Italy. The oouul at Floronoe sends to the department of state, Washington, an int< rrence, were greatly enlarge! by tlie opening of a new edifice, especially and completely adapted for the reception, storage and sale of pledges. It is iu i charge of two stewards only, res]M>asihle under heavy bonds, and appointed for two years. Bos ness is conducted in two sections, each for a term of two years, the fir*t year for the receipt of pledges, ami the second for the liquida tion of accounts and sale of nured- emisl pledges. Each section is in charge of it* steward, so that the receiver of the one .ypar lreeomca the lender the next, and at the close of the second year his storc ro ms are entirely empty, and his bal ance sheet prepared for submission to the goverume it. with such aceuracy that the deficit for I$7G wa* but thirty-four francs out of the total busiucsa of 9,800,* | 000 franco. The institution is of great utility to I all cl**es; ex-en the higher s ici tl classes resort to it without hesitancy for relief from temporary embarrassment, bu' the i iu lig'-ut are mmt especially benefited, ! the low charges on their pledges not Wing enough to defray even working expenses, in marked contrast to the ex orbitant profit* of unscrupulous private pawnbrokers. _, , t A Strange Tradition. Among tlie Seminole Indians there ia a singular tradition regarding the white man's origin and superiority. They say that when the Great Spirit made the earth he also made tl rae men, all of whom were fair-oomplex oned; and that after making them he led them to the margin of a amall lake, aud bade them leap in and wash. Oue obeyed, and came out purer und fairer than before; 1 the seconu hesitated a moment, during which time the water, agitated by the first, had become muddled, and when ho lmthcd, lie cams np copper-colored; the third did not leajj until the water be came black with nmd, and lie came out with his own color. Then the Great Spirit laid before them three packages, aud out of pity for his misfortune in color, gave the black man first choice. He took hold of each of the packages, and having felt the weight, chose the heaviest; the oopper-colored mau chose the next heaviest, leaving the white man the lightest. When the packages were opened, the first was found to contain spaih-e, hoes, and all the implements of labor; the second enwrapped hunting, fishing, and warlike apparatus; the third gave the white mau pens, inks, and paper, the engine of mind—the means of mutual, mental improvement, the social link of humanity, the founda tion of the whit# man's superiority. CENTRE HALL, CENTRE CO., PA., THURSDAY, FJBHKUARY 7, 1878. ■ | VitroK EBMAJIt'KL. NkMrk ol Ihr I .llr mhU Url l III* llrd him l HUB llm oldest mu f Carlo r Alberto, of Sardinia anil Theresa, -laughter of tin' (Iraii-I Duke IVr-ltnand, of Tuscany. Ho nnviviHl In* wrlv sdu l t'uliou from tiro Jesuits. lu 1842, lx-ing t then Duk* of Savoy, lie married the Archduohe** Adelaide, of Austria, auJ | six vi-urn later took tin' field with liU , fattier in thai war against Inn wife's km , drwd. At 11ii Iwtlle of (lotto ho an* I wounded, uutl at Novum won great ad , miration by hi* gallantry. The latter battle rtnultiil disastrously to the I Italians ; ta>l Charles AlWrt, believing . that Ills son's matrimonial alliance , would be of service in treating with the , eonqnertrnf general, nlnheated the throne. Victor Emmanuel surrounded I htnin lfst the beginning of hi* reign with aide ministers, iuon oouqmratively easy terms. In 1 vV> his moua*ehy a-sptired addi tional oonsideiation through the eouven tiou signed with England and Fiance, and other inijvirtant s?at-s of the Italian peninsula voted for their annex ation to the vest of 11-Uy which acknowl edged the rule of the Sardinian monarch. After the annexation of these prol ine*-# to hia crown, Victor Emmanuel assumed the title of K-ng of Italy. Iu 1866, after the " Se\en w.a ks' war," Venice was i bled to the Italian ikmuuions, aud in 1876 the I'a pal Stat** were incorpor ated in bis dominions, thus bringing abont that unification of ltalv, for which he Ita'iaus had long struggled for, aud which we see to dav. lu 1871 Victor Kannauiiel moved bis capital from Florence to It-me, and t-*-k tip ll s reeldeuce iu the IlloUiial palace. The king's tirt wife dving in 1855 he afterwards contracted a morganatic marriage with It >*a Verivllana, whom lie uunle Ci/nntr-s of Miratlore Tbo reign of Victor Emmanuel was very eventful. Hi- pwMwml a *tubl*m, irou will, and was noted for hi* jwrsonal bravery. He was reganUvl as a tuan of SMALL mental capacity, IIOWCTIT. He :iad *frong friends and equally *tr< tig i nemiea. He leuve* two *otis and two . daughter*. His eldest son, Umlierto, Priuoe of Piedmont, m hi* successor, lie wjut I Kirn in IM4, aud is conse.iueut iy tlnrtv-tbree yeans of *ge. He was a major-general in the Italian army, an I is regarded us man of independent mind. It is thought, by persoue who know his purjiose* lx-st, that any modi tlcatiou of hi* fu'lier'* isilicy he may make will be in the atiti-ciorioal interest. He was married April 2*2, 1868, to hi* cousin, Pnnee#* Margarita, of (ienoa. Prince Amaileu*. Victor Emmanuel's ' second sou, wa* King of Spain from I.-ember, 1870. till February, 1872, aud i* now living in retirement in Italy. l'ia, the second ihiughter, i* the present Q-ie-n of Portugal. Victor iviunanuil's fatal illness as sumed a form at first which caused no e*|>eoial alarm a* he hail often suffered similar attack* an 1 rallied speedily. Hi* extreme corpulency made him a victim of many disorder* which men of lessor habit escape. It was necessary ,t bleod him freely at time*, aud lu* fondness for hunting and other open air sports were encouraged by hi* physician* a* a necessity of hi* peculiar constitution. A Bey's Presence nf Mind. The Dayton (Ohio) /tcmoerat say* : Some boy* were skating on the ice on the river, t>eiow the, wh'-n one of them, whose name is R ibttison, broke through the ice, and disappeared from sight. His comrade* wore terror-stricken, and j rtn away for help, not being cajvable of rendering him any assistance. Voittig ' Robinson, it *eein*. l.a 1 more presence of mind in hi* great trouble than his companions, living a good swimmer, HIMI accustomed to diving and remaining a considerable time nu-ler water, he de termined to "hold hi* breath," and work hi* way out of an air-hole. The current being pretty strong, grently aided the lad, ar-d in a couple of minutes lie popped up through a hole in the ieo, and striking out with hi* hand* lie caught the edge of the ice, and with difficulty he maintained hi* hold, and was not swept under tli- ice Again by the strong cur r-'nt. Working hi* way around the strip .of ice against which he had lodged, he s-iou got n footing on fLe gravel at the bottom of the river, and -aily rnalved in the descent, but that jackal* and the Indian wolf were the original canine ancestors. The author recently f road a paper before the Dresden Natu ralist'! Society " I*i*," giving a sketch of hi* researches and the reason* for tho , eoncluaiona at which ha had arrived. A Bump City. " Oiia* Ali I winter " says in a letter front the South to the Cincinnati (hm tiurvinl, that the dampness of New Ur- Icaii* upon u wet ilay impresses oue an something pheuoiuenal. A'ou th> uot know m the North whnt such itsiupnes* i*. It tiescends fioi-i the clouds ami ariM-s from the soil suioiltanomnly ; it ; exudes from wood-work; it perspires fiolu stone. It is *|HH'tral, mysterious, inexplicable. Strong walls and sttuit rs, ami tlie cunning of the pttjier-hauger is useless here. Carjiels become sii thoroughly wet with the in visible ruiu that they utter aoughy marshy sounds under the f*E Cou scquentlv few IIOUMSI are cr}iet*l with in. ami those good folk* who insist ujiou isirpets * am h-aru the folly of putting them down on more than one or two of the upper rooms. Matting is the substi tute even iu the ariAt<*-ratic houses—dry crisp, neat matting. Fajier-hangers and corjiet-laver* would starve to death here. If yon even lav a few sheet* of writing paiwr upon your table at uightfall yon will find them quite limp ami rebellious of ink iu the morning. Articles of steel m*t lie carefully laid away iu air tight drawer*. The garments hung upon the wall, tlie twiverings of beds, the well stretched htrt* in the bureau seem as if they had lieeti rained upon ; the stair carpets liecome like wet turf ; ami a tn >uldy, musty smell prevadc* the nt mo*pherr. Foe ia the only remedy jKiasible ngaitiKl this itivasiou of moisture ami mildew, ami fire* are absolutely beoes aary in ail bedroom* aluiost all through the wmter. Daring the daytime, in winter mouths, doors stul window* sre generally left open, except ou exception ally oold or rainy days ; the fires are al lowed to go out, and" tlie winds are in \ited to -me in and keep thing* drv. But when night fall*, chill mi*ts invade the city, and exhalation# of dampness from the moist earth. This is the case even in clear weather, and Loui*- ianions would uot think of sleeping without a fire in their bedroom* to dry tae air ami bauish the spectre of damp ness. Even iu the heat of the summer the uight-tiewa are often heavy like heavy rains. In the North yon place open vessels of water UJWIII your heatiug stoves that tiie warm air may be kepi moist. Here ail possible efforts are made to heat the n.r > that it may hold m sti*j>ension a* little moisture a* |xm*ihle. For the city sits upon n tnnrwh, and swamps lie a Lout her crescent boundary. Carpets become an affliction here. Save in the lacise of tlie wealthier, where continual fires keep them dry, t ley absorb the utihealtinue** of damp ness in the wet season. They fill the house with an olr of mnstmew* that make* one think of bacteria and vibrioma. aud divers other horror* of the microscope. I say " houses of the wealthier." because hero tliere are few families who can afford to msintalli a good fire fight all the year round with the swamp dampness. A Tea Fraud. The New York Sun say*: Iu most of our leading hotels ami eating house* the tea gromi i* are savtsl by the servant*, aml aohi part:e* wh come around iu wagon* nt stated intervals. What they did with the ground" wa* for a long time n mystery. Lately, however, the secret ha* escaped. We hear ou good stitliori tr that they are takeu to a factory iu the vicinity of Central l'ark, sttwptsl in acids, and tlrosl in the snn <>u copper plat*-*. By this process each lead ia shrivelled, and maie to asanme its former shape. The color i* beautiful, ami tht eld tea odor, so familiar to all who love this delightful driuk, is plainly recog nized. The drying process completed, the grounds are jsi - ksl in tin ooddies or •eoond-hoiuled w.wslen lioxes, and dis tnbuted throughout the country, wher its remarkable cheapness attract* nutvor attention. 0siooally a little geu niuo tea is mixed with this preparation. This add* to the flavor, amt the victim i-< more easily taken in. Much of this t a i* said to be sold from peddler wagon*, and eggs, butter and similar I c*luce are sometimes received in ex change. The ten is not strong enough to injure n ivlmklv's nerve*, lint the acids used nmy undermine the health and prove ex tremely injurious to invalid*. The sub stance i* not extensively sold to custom era in large cities, through fear of injur ing the btisitnw of those who collect the ground*. A ten exjvert eau detect the difference letweu tin* neooud-hand tea ami the genuine. This faculty come* fr uu hi* experience. "Aa a general thing." he #y*, "fhe farmer can lay d wti this rule —the greener the leaf ami the brighter the calJy the poorer the q inlity of the tea." Whipped bj a Scribe. A late issue of the Chicago Pint says : THIS morning there was rather nn excit ing scene in Justice Hain a' court-room, which lasted foi but a few moment*. Tue facta in the caae are alnint a* fol lows: For some weeks past there have been a number of article* in the Tribunr, presumably exposes of eonlhlenee opers tioua. One of them, which reflected on a mnii named K>xuis, was written, a* is supposed, bv Mr. Lewis Meaeham, the w 11-known base ball prophet of that piper. This morning the latter had m me busmen* in the above mentioned court, not altogether nnconneeted with tl e article in question, and Koon* was nl> present. When Mr. Meaeham had transact!*! what bu*ines* he had to at tend to, lie started to go out of the room. A* he got near the door, KOOUR, in a cowardly fashion, struck him acros* the face with a cowhide. Mr. M enchain promptly turned, km- hod iii* aaaailant down, and pteparcd to dnnec on him. While both were occupying a position upoii the flool that cannot, strictly speaking, be called dignified, Koon* at tempted to further supplement his cowardice by perforating his leveler with a bullet." He drew a revolver oa tctmibly for that purpose, but before he eonhl discharge it. some of the persons in the room interferred and wrestled the w.■apon from him. Justice Haines, when the belligerents had been separ ated, made out a mittimus without the formality of a complaint, nnd scut Koons in custody to the jail, where he is now ruminating over his undue haste. The World's Three Wealthiest Men. A report comes from Paris that the California miner, Mr. J. W. Muekev, is going to liny a papal earldom, and be couic Il'Oonto di Mackey. He has lately bewildered everytxidy by the extrava gance of his living, and some of the newspapers have been eompntiug his fortune together with the fortunes of the two richest men of the civilized world. The table shows a heavy balance iu his favor. Ihtlc* qf RalhthlM V-i ck'y. U.PIUL IM.MI.IHI XSMMCDUU 46.II.(IOO Par rr WMM Oil 8,000,000 Par month *1,(100 00 17D.000 100,1100 P-rhM ,tWofl (MB 7.0U0 rr hour.. MOO 0 Pr nimuU If AS AIUTH Mill., Itsw the Mali Is t arrival Is Wtalrr Is Oar Mltib at Ihr tt valrra I nsllsrai The* af il>r wlrdae lrlrrs TSasaaaSs •! Vltlra ua S**a.*liMi. Down upon the lew. of tlie Hod river of tlie North, below the walls of Fort Garry, writesa Winnipeg t British Aineri cuj corienpoiidetit of tile New York A'-e*- ineloiigiugs of the civilized mail service. The boat Imgrnles of the summer carry a mail iu addition to their freight; but iu the toug winters, when the waters are locked up tn ice and tiie plains covered with suow, leaving scarcely a landmark discernible by which the day's course may IN- steered, other appliances take the place of plauk bottoms and sturdy oars men. Every year aliout the 10th December, when the landscape is clothed in its muter ruiuieut of white, snd tlie nvers and lakes are covered with thick ice, then* starts from F >rt Garry, bound north, this accumulation of wail matter, known us the Great Nothem Backet. Through its agency communication is had with every j*st in the territory. The appliances for the carriage of this im|>ortAtit packet are suuw-ahoes and sledges. The latter, generally four in nuuiU-r, are drawn by dogs, of which there ore four to each sledge, and is whose trapping- considerable taste and ornament are displayed. But though guudv ui appearance and decorated with clinking und sinning bits of metal, rit>- lions, etc., they are, nevertheless, neatly fitting, simple ui design, ami jwrfectlv adapted tu the purpose for whiofi they are intended. Little bells, ringing clearly, attached to each harness cheer the spirits of men snd animals through the long ruu* of the day. Their drivers, one to each sledge, lightly clad for ninuiug alongside their trains, are shod with "uow-shoes. Each alternate sledgt- is loaded with white fish ss pro visions for the dog* ujHiii the louruey — every animal receiving a single fi*h at the termination of the day's travel—aud pemmican aud tea for the drivers. There i* bound upon each of the re maining sledges a pair of stoutly cn sttucU*. boxes, measuring about three feet m length bv eighteen inches in width and fourteeu inches iu depth. These w.sslen mail bag*, when |>roper!y packeil, contain an a*toni*liiug amount of prints! ami written matter. Th#e receptai-les Iwmg Mcurnl u|>on the sledge*, the party set* forth upon it# long journey, tlie d.g* running at a reg ular trot front morning till night, aud the- drivers acc-uiii|MUiyiug them on foot, at the rnte of aliout forty miles per day. The route taken is generally that follow ed by the boat brigade* in the summer, shortened whenever practicable by cross ing point* of land jutting out into the lakes, snd striking out overland from liend to Wnd of tlie rivers. But the ice forms tlie general roadway, and the whole length of Lake Winnipeg is tra versed to Norway House at its northern extremity. Tin* post ouiiKtitute* what may lie called n general distributing office —the entire j#cket lieuig over hauled snd repacked, so a* to separate matter going north ami west from that going eastward toward Hudson's Bay. Before the nistitutiuu of mailaoouni-ct ingpuiut* itithe Untbxl Statvw witli Fort (inrry, all exct-aa in the amount of mail matter transmit ted through tlie winter packet* was so jealously guarded against the carnage of newspajvers, as creating sviditioual weight, and not of vital im portance to the servicw, was iirohibtted. with the single exception of an annual file of the Aloutreal iiasrttr, forwarded to the headquarters of each dejiartment ft*r genera) jveruaal. The fifty-two copies of tliat periodical circulated over the vast oottntey from jswt to post until, worn out by much service and obscured by much patching aud pasting in order to hold them together "til yet another reader might oldain a perusal, they finished their course iu a lonely station, in latitude sixty-seven degrees thirty minutes north, where, 1 am credibly Informed, certain ancient fragments cf them are yet to le seen. At this date, however. uew*j>aper*. once so rare and highly prized, lorm the bulk ot the con tents of the company's inward-bound packet. In fact, many ol tlie officers are regular snbacrilra to daily journals which reach them from six mouths to a year after date of publication; so that, with the exception of the events of the year jn*t passed, the dwellers under the shadow of the pole are as well informed as we as t i the doings of the great world. The content* of the outward and in ward-lxuind mails of thin snaraely settled territory pnwrut -inking differences iu appearance, which mid to the ninny peculiarities of u jieculiar service. The difference lit* in the pretence in the in ward rami of newspapers, periodicals und other printed matter, Ivanng a gen erally soiled, postmarked and frayed n*- joet, contrasting strongly with tne pnre white envelopes which constitute the sole contents of the out ward-hound mail. Occasionally, too, there appears a strangely-gotten up ]>areel of the inner hark "f the birch tree doing dntT as writing paper. Again, a particularly white and thin parchment will ticar news from some isolated friend, who wishes to make his letters memorable in more wnys than one. These latter styles of correspondence are, however, bnt some of the many ways of passing the time in the interior conntry, wher • a great part of the year is passed in idleness. The runners in charge of the mail packets are generally half breeds, whose capacity for rapid traveling has l>eeu tested. They are uot unimportant men either in their own eyes or in the eyes of other people. But, with the excep tion of physical endurance of a steady trot for dsya at a time, their necessary qualifications are not many. In travel ing they skirt the shores of the water - conises. selecting camping places for the night in some sheltered thicket, or un der the lee of some projecting hank, to escape the fierce winds which sweep over the level prairies. The snow is scraped away from a space sufficiently large to admit of a huge tire and the spreading down of blankets by means of a snow-shoe used as a shovel. Dry wood is collected in large quantities, the pcmmican and |tea served, the sledges turned up to wan! off the blasts, and the runners, wrapped in a few blankets, re tin' for the night. The warmth of fire and blankets is augmented by the vital heat of the dogs, occupying the bed with their masters. A regular episode of the night, however, consists in the oldest dog of the tniin howling a dismal soprano solo, in which the remainder join in varying chorus, until stopped by the whip-stocks of the drivers. Before daybreak they nro nwnke, and with a of pemmican and ten the day's travel liegins. They pass through strnnge scenes upon their journeys—withered woods, thnmgh which the winds howl end shriek shrilly, and endless level ex panses of snow, Uie glare of whose un snllie 1 whiteness blinds the traveler. The solitude of the vast region is un broken, save when the dog sledge with It* peal of silver bells in winter, or the swiftly-passing host brigade, resonant I TERMS: ®2.00 a Yoar, in Advance. with the songs uf tlie summer vuyayrur*, iiiLrudtM with its momentary variation on the shriek of the all-penetrating mud, the ripple of the stream, tlie roar of the thunder toned waterfall, or the howl of the wtld beaeta of Uie fornata — the uudialurbod umaeasuai of the In dian hunter and hia prey. From the morning when the packet left the office at Fort Garry to the evening when the solitary dog-train—laat of many—drags tlie same packet, now reduce.l to a tiuv bnudle, into the enrloaure of La Pierre • House, more than oue hundred nights have lieen pass..l in the great northern forest* ; more than three thousand miles have been traversed ; a aoote of different log trains hate hauled the pocket, sending off branch dog-packets to the right and left. It was mid-winter when it started ; it arrives just as the sun shine of m'd-Msy is beginning to carry a faint whi*jH*r of coming spring tu the valleys of the Upper Yuoou. A Ghastly War Scene A Busman offi -er, writing to a friend in Cleveland, Ohio, gives the following j horrible narration, a translation uf wbich we copy from the HeraUai that city. He aaya: Coming to a place where the road somewhat widened, about two miles from Telia, we halted, aud after driving away aud cutting down m a abort skirmish a party of Turks who were busy robbing our dead, we *topj>ed to form before going on. As I rode along the front shouting out orders to my agon ia ing cry for help arrested my attention. I liaiktsi round. Nothing but hespeof lead everv where. Of these none ueedeu me. Rut hark* once more,snd again snd again theae piteous cries. Hsatily dismount ing, I threw the bridle over my sound arm a&.l ran toward some bushes from l>ebind which the sounds prooeeded, and there, in a small pool of clotted blood, lay that which I at first failed to reoog inze as a human being, though human it certainly was iu its pite.ui* cries, and the seemingly gloved hands that clutch ed air and earth in their agony. The rest, from tlie waist upward, was one mass of raw, quivering flesh—the face featureless, eye-UJ# and eyes cut out, the man flsysl alive, all but the hands, whose white akin at first gave tlie im premiou of their lieing gloved. This ghastly object lay a few steps from a lea.l horse, one of our own regiment's golden bays. Faint at heart I bent over the sufferer, evidently one of our own men, but now mangled recogni tion. He pravel for death with his poor torn lips, and in a minute more W.. our surgeon, and two more ulder over him, and then, with our hands still m- iat with his blood, we swore to each other never to empfv the last chamber of our pistols, but al ways to reserve a shot for ourselves and friends, should any of us, wounded, have to lie left beliind. May a quick death, a soldier*"a.death, be oars. An F.x-fJevrrnor's Career General Charles Clarke, ex-governor of Minaisaippi, died a few day* ago at the age of sixty-eight. He served in tlie Mexican war a* a volunteer, but was sent home invalided as a consumptive by the surgeous. Their verdict Dr. Warren Stone, the highest authority of tlie Southern faculty, confirmed, one lung having perished completely, and tlie lieutenant was advised to go home and lead the quiet life of a planter, avoiding all excitement, whereby he might prolong his life for eighteen months, or perhaps even for two years. He went home but did not die ; indeed, after serving in the legislature snd several public office* he wa* alive to head a Confederate brigade at Shiloh. As he parte-1 from Colonel W. H. McArdle, a veteran Mississippi journ alist, he said ; " I think you will have a good rhanoe of publishing that obituary which von promised me tliirtoeu years ago. I have outlived all the doctors, but 1 am not so confident tliat I shall eseajio the hall* and shells which I shall l>e compelled to face to-day." After the first day's battle General Clarke was lmrne to the rear, wrapped in a blanket saturated with blood. "You can pub lish that obituary now—be baa met with a soldier's death," wa* the remark of one of those who Lire him, and the obituary wa* shortly afterwards publish ed in the New Orleans papers. Shortly after tlie battle of Baton Rouge, however. General Clarke wss seen again at New Orleans. He hod been shot through Uie body at Shiloh and left on the field, to be taken prisoner, to re cover and to be exchanged; and at Baton Rouge n mime-ball broke bis thigh near the socket. Dr. Stone was the surgeon who now brought round the man he had condemned to a speedy death in 18AM. aud though his leg was shortened several inches. General Clarke lived to be governor of Missis aipju and to die fifteen years later quiet ly in his led. having buried several generation* of ihs-tors, gone through two wars wiUi only one lung, beeu twice left for dead on >he field ol battle, and seen his obituary published. A Big Eagle. Mr. Jas. Hamilton, who lives near But ler, iu Tyler county, killed a gray eagle u few days sgo that measured seven feet and three inches from tip to tip of wings. The dsy before the bird was killed it made a swoop at a little four vesr old girl of Mr. Hamilton's who, with her *ister, was on the roof of the piazza dry ing some walnuts, and might have seri ously harmed her had his effort not been oliatmoted bv the overhnnging limbs of some shade trees. Such birds are not common in this section.— C\>lwabus (da.) Times. A Sweet Plant. Who waa the member of the Agnssiz Club victimized with a Christinas pres cut of s " Norway Sensitive Plant ?"—a little brown thing stuck in an old flower pot—leafless, but promising "sweet per lnme, if kept in a warm place and water ed carefully," but whicb after weeks of watching and waiting was found to be a dead mouse buried head foremost with its tail in tbw air. — La/ayatf* (InriA OourUn NUMBER 6. FA KM, UAKIIK* Alt 11 HOCMEHOLD. IIMMMI I HAL*. Eat Graham pudding and milk for breakfast. Mend coal scuttle* with Hour paste and Can km flannel. A cement of ashes and aril will atop crack* in a stove. Wick* must be changed frequently to insure a good light. To RuMovarn Own*.— Two ounces of common tobacco boiled in a gallon of aster ia used by dealers for renovating old riothea. The atuff ia rubbed on with a stiff brush. The good* are nicely cleaned, and, atrauge to add, no tobaeeo mo® 11 remain*. VIKBUAM.—A cheap vinegar consists of twenty-five gallon* of warm rain water, with four gallona of treacle and fme gallon of veairt. The mixture can be used after it haa bean allowed to ferment. To Sorrta WAT**.— Hard water* arts rendered very *oft and purs, rivalling distilled water, by merely (toiling a two ounce phial, aay m a ketileful of water. The carbonate of lime and any impuri -IMM will be found adhering to the phial. The water boils very much quicker a* the same time. SODA IK WASRIMO. —Soda moat net be used in cleansing colored clothes, aa it change* many colors. If white clothes, after being washed with soda, are not perfectly freed from it by rinaing in Cure water, they will turn yellow when eated or ironed, or even in drying be fore a fire. Once produced, this yellow color ie difficult to gat rid of. MW||| BFFL F*R NU We have for years been aware of the value of sunflower seed* in the fall of the year, and in the winter, too, aa food for fowls. Thi* plant should be grown by every poultry grower in the country who has the opportunity to grow only a few 1 stock* even. For it* properties for ghawwg the plumage of exhibition birds are altogether remarkable. Buckwheat properly fed, will operate similarly; but the latter ia by far too heating in its nature, in comparison with tha other. Thi* plant is a very gross grower, but it yields wondroualy, and may be set in any soil where other fruit or vegetable* cannot be conveniently raised—for ex ample, along the aides of fenct a, or say- : where where the nl is act so easily cul tivated ss in the open fields. If given a good chance—as other grain* have— it will grow luxuriantly, and will well repay it* care, for its yield is many hun dred fold under any ordinary cultiva- TLf great Russian sunflower is bow a new tiling with us, in this country, sad a marvelous improvement upon the old style seed. The flowers are double the average dimensions of the common South A men ran variety, so well known any/.ng as, and as a bearer it far excels the latter in the number of large aeeds it ripens upon its more expanding and heavier stalks. The Kuaaian sunflowers to the Amer ican what the stalk and ear of the field raaxc are to the pop-corn variety, in or dinary culture. MeSteal Hlsu. Chickks Bboth. —A broth or tea pre pared from young chicken ia, of all decoctions of animal matter, the men by saud that it will always allow the water to pass through. With these precautious there is no danger, but where the surface of the soil is muddy an hour after watering, there is something wrong, and plants will not thrive. The Beds of Antiquity. About the earliest data that we have concerning beds are of Egyptian origin, and they are very slight Sir Gardiner Wilkinson thinks that the Egyptians usually slept on their day-eonehea, which were long and straight, sometimes with a hack, sometimes with carving of the and feet of animals at the ends, made of bronze, of alabaster, of gold ana ivory, of inlaid wood and richly cushion ed. Where these were not in use, mate replaced them, or low pallets made of nulm-bougha, with a wooden pillow hol lowed out for the head. What Egypt had, Assyrian and the rest of the world hsd; ami the Greek, whenever he oould, improved upon other countries' notions; aud liv Greek oonclt. judging from the bus ri lieU on many vases, was of graat elegsw <. The Romans, although re ceiving so many of their customs and so much of their art from Greece, had very simple beds until after their eastern couqut sts. Indeed beds which, with their pillows, were merely hollows in a slab of stone, have been found among Roman remains. But from the period when their Asiatic dominion increased, the Romans borrowed fsaloons from the oonquered, and they developed a strong taste for luxury, especially in the matter of beds. Examples of the Roman form of bed were stil 1 preserved in the dsys of Charlemagne. In the meantime, of course, in the hsroerie life of Northern aud Western Europe, these forms gener ally being lost, it was an advance in civilization when the bench become the bed, and people were fastidious enough at lsst to feel above sleeping on bundles of straw or heaps of skis upon flags. Item* of literwi PwtHdfn* n* piky birdß alwm r* 41® gwme. aw w good because goodness pays l*,*t; tomt* good for nothing. Archibald Gordon of Granville, N. 0., is the father of twenty-seven *• b J una wi ia. i ■ - • * A short tun* previous to the death of for him. A OtentanaM ">estv " reporter seye " there's no end to halls," Balls, we believe sr always round.— Norrittou-n Harold. Blankets are "the circulating me dian " of the native* of Vancouver. The | oohcat chief* ha** them stored by the j hundred. , At a dinner of ahocmaker* the follow -1 ing toast waa given: " May we hare all ' the women is the country to shoe, and ! all the man to bocri" ! How bnadr tha town cow goaf fur th fodder of bar country fote- Hbe cumba into tha wagon bo* iWardl*** of the oetl-afaned rock*, and eat* bar All ef straw, lb* while Hie- weara a ptaoaful, pewira walk. General Grant paaaed in review a regiment of roval Berwaglieri troop In IWmtof the palace at Naples, and waa •h-ltirhtml, aiwording to the local reporta, by their aplendid drill. Tbwgovernor of Guatemala haa given a targe tract at land to two American gentlemen, oo condition that they ahall cultivate it in the hjghest atyle of American agriculture. " Mv Jeer,"said a wife to her bna hand. " I really think it ia time w# bad a greenhouse." "Wall, my love, paint it aov aolor you please ; red, white, or j green will at r," responded the hue * FIWPA Tkm i" Three men being in a aaloon, one called for a dram, beaauaa he waa hot. '"Bring me another," any* hia "com panion, "became I am cold." The third, who ant bv and beard them, called oat: "Hare, boy, bring me a glaaa, because 1 kka it. M. Hugoaa, the Marseilles journalist who lately killed another jonrnaliat in a dual, haa wrtUon from Italy to any that be will give bixnaelf up at a proper time. He concludes hia letter to the author) - tiea : "I will answer to the law with mv heart broken, bat my head erect, i When we have killed a man in a duel we are sufficiently puniabrd by hia death. " Sound," arid the school-master, "ia what you hear. For inatance, yoa can not feel a Bound." "Oh yea, yoa can," said a amart boy, "John Wilson," re torted tha p*\agt*n>> "bow do yoa that oat? Wliat aound can yoa 'eeir*. '.'A aound thraahing," quickly replied the unart boy. "Correct," aaid be school-master. "Come up." And 'hat nnart boy felt and smarted. Among the friends of Lord Brougham waa a lady who always expected a present when ahe received ealla on the anniversary at her birth. Lord Broug liam, called upon one of theae days, forgot hia present, but with ready presence of mind aetxed upon the finest ornament he could find in the ante-room, wrapped it carefully up in a piece at paper and presented it. The bulr was exeeaaivriy pleased aritb the gift, and never discovered that ahe had possessed it before. " N DOES WOT COME." The following line* were taken from a young lady's bymn-book. a few days MK, which' the thoughtlessly left in -1 L . Huron z -1 tan* to rain—b* doa* not own* . Ltosr !