THE CENTRE REPORTER. Centre Hall, Pa, Th'rsd. Jan. 31. '7B. SP*T*RMa.— s'2 per year. when paid is* Stance ; $2.50 when not aid\n advance. Advertisement* Wet* per 7 ms* for three in - srrfion*. mf b cents per l,ne for "'"{ 'it sequent insertion. Advertisement* y tHe voir at a Moral discount. ..... outside the ecunty re usit h.< 10 of*, amount of one apt, instead of'Xkts a* formerly s ehen paid ran aiirays tell V>f their' £ counts stand at the Reverter ofice H m sulung tar tables on tW P'r'S'.. '-'J" labis reads "John Roe 1 jan .. • tUt John is indebted * the Ist of January. 1876, and that it is time he was raying the printer. LOTOS MSCTTKOS O.wvat n u.i • ran SsMrdajr•vratagte She V ! J M 111- I.IUSS. *•. " r u en f>i.r roar t-irma. K. **. '■ V u,. M.t.Usi renin* no or bpf.we esc.l IU" CM, yellows Hall. . • , . n *Ml* i. W M , Hssuoms. Seel. <>■ A .. .. Tmvar** (taiwov,!•". * 'lf.Ven cll H!l. Centre Hsll on the "" "n*i* IM-Wiiir. M saJ.lOl7 <* Z * Klw-ne Msslvr. _ __ I- LOCAL ITEMS. Sale, large fkrm stock ef K. M. Shuey. near Fillmore. 6 Feb. A little covering of shew on Sunday evening. Aaionsburg wilUhava a granu musi cal conveniien next week. Some of the exchange* received at this office look as if printed with a poor quality of apple butter. . The Mifflin county grand jury re commend* an addition of tan feet to tba rear of their court-house. Beecher's lecture, al Bellafonte, Jul net qu#e pay expense*. Those who heard it were pleased lawrer at the Bellefonte bar. has returned from the West and located at Lock 11a- . ven. The election for borough and town ship officer* take* place on the third Tues day of February, 19th day- Thi* i* to give notice that all citizens troubled with Cough or Cold should at once procure a bottle of Dr. Bull * Cough Syrup. Price "25 cents. A post-office ha* been established at Coburn .ration, ,F.rk*< and Mr. Grening er has been appointed postmaster. A correspondent write* us asking on which tide we are, Rusia or Turkey. We are for Ru*eia, a* might he known from the headway it has made. We always were for putting down Turkey, whether on Thanksgiving, ChrUtma* or other fe*- tive occasion*, Ma!lory *till live*, notwithstanding swindler Wilson wanted to make him out dead to the amount of S2B 50. B. M, Ma gee, Esq . write* ua. Jan. 22, "I hayethi* day received a letter from my old friend Wm J. Mallory. referred to in last week * Reporter.' Said letter i* dated George town, Grant county. New Mexico, Jan. 1, 1878. where Mr. Mallery retide* and i* living and well. ThnUellefonte Republican second* the Reporter'* suggestion that the new penitentiary he located in Centre coua tj- Thanks to Newman for Chicago pa per*. N. B—Newman went to Chicago for his bride. May he and hi* forever be happy. We have received the "Time* Al manac'' for 1878. It is handsomely getten up, and useful for reference. Beside* an iwering every purpose of an almanac it contains valuable election tables, .aw*, rate* of pottage, national, state and county officers, and much other information. Newman's stock of winter Clothing has now been reduced down to about cost as he intend* to sell it off to make reom for the spring trade. Go soon if you want a bargaia, in any thing that men or beys wear !rom hat down to boot*. Go and by when you have a chance to get clothing at cost and lay thnsn back for next winter it will pay. There i* no better remedy for a ctugh or affections of the throat and lungs, asthma, croup, and the earlier stages cf consumotion than F. P. Green Compound Syrup of Tar, Honey, ard B'ood-root. Ask at your stores for it, or send to Green's at Bellefonte. It is a truly valaabla remedy. The ttore of Mr. Beyer, at Aarons burg. was purchased by Frank and Henry Philips, and not by Philips A Meyer, as we were erroneously informed. Frank Philips has consequently moved to As ronsburg and will not go to "my Mary land." Ex-Sheriff Musser intend* erecting a commodious warehouse at Miliheiro, on the same lot with hii fine residence. The lower story of the new building will be let for store purpose* and the upper story will be arranged for an Odd Fellows b*.. as there will soon be a lodge organized there. The Sheriff has a nack for im proveroent£and i the kind of men *uch towns want. coil of constructing a horse-car road from Coburr, to Millheim. at SIB,OOO complete with rolling stock, we calculated the die* tance as 2i miles, We are assured by citi zens of Millheim that the distance is bare ly 21 miles. This would lessen the entire cost to about $16,000. But an improvement would be, if tbe ex pense was not too great, tohavea sroaii en gine, which would be a little more in keep ing with the spirit of tbe age, and make Millheim a genuine reilroed point, al though a little off from the main line. This wouid be a convenience to travel in the valley. But it remains for our.neigh bors at Millheim to count the cost and sat isfy themselves about the returns such n expenditure would bring, as some of them have already contributed liberally towards grading the road into tbe valley. Handsome Pictures Free.— The publisher! of Leisures Hours, a mammoth 16 page literary and family peper, full of choice stories, sketches, poetry, etc., writ ten by the ablest writers, desiring that every one should see their paper; will take three months' subscriptions, commencing with tbe papers containing tbe opening chapters of a splendid story entitled "Holden "With the Cords," by the author ot • ohiloh," "My Winter in Cuba," etc , for the small sum of fifteen cents (or post age stamps;, and will send each subscriber free a pair of elegant 6*B cbromos, syitn bio tor framing and adorning any home. Tbey wili return tbe money to any ono not satisfied that they get twice iU valuo. $1,600 in prizes is given free to agents. Milineim win apply for a borough charter before a great while ; the limits would likely embrace a portion of Texas and the orick mill locality, with Spring bank and the Forks for suburbs. This would give Millheim some 700 of popula tion and ranking fourth as a boro., viz: Bellefonte, Pbilipsburg, Milesburg, Mill heim. The advantages would be in regu lation of her own schools, goed side-walks and streets clean. An idea of the grain business at the two railroad stations in this valley can be formed by the amount shipped up to 25, by one firm. Smith & Co., since their ware house at Coburn has been opened, some 21 months ago, and who inform us they shipped 19 car loads from Coburn and 13 from fjjprinjj MlU'i t n tiro®- Q® they took in at Coburn, 1130 bushels wheat, on 17th 1700 bushels, on 18th 1300 and on 19th 700 bushels- Their warehouse is very conveniently arranged for unload ing from wagons, weighing, and loading cars, and the amount of business is better than they anticipated. Thete are several other parties that ship grain at Coburn, hut we have* not their shipments. A million trade dollars have*.bet-a sent East at a three per cent, profit. • Jl An old resid inter of llaino*. Mr. John Meyer. formerly of Pine (."reek Mill*, died at Aarensburg, Monday morn ing. of erysipelas. Ho was a much re spected citir.on and a continent member of the Kef. Church. —Perry Rnrick write* u from Mis euri: Thi* 1* the country for the poor man; land can be bought from $1 26 to sl6 and $26 per acre for the bent. Store good* i IV per cent, cheaper than in Cen tre county, hput i* $1 ill; corn 80 to S6; pork 8: beef 4; caw* sl6 to s''6; horses SA) to SUX); heep sl2l sS,6fl; wages on n farm $7 to $lO per month; per day 600 to 76c ; wood $1,26 per cord. tin Sunday night !**t the tore o' Jack eon A Cnlder, and the dwelling of j John H. NciJigh, || State College, wore! destroyed by fire. The store it a total lots Some of the furniture was aaved from Mr j Neidigh's house. The f.'o originated in I the store and was not discovered until the flame* burst though the roof Mr Nei-f digh has SOOO insurance on house and j JlWon furniture in tha Company at Ccn tro Hall. Crenir.ger, at Coburu station, -■tiers to sell goods at about coat. He has an en tirely r.ew stock, and will give you baT gain*. See his advertisement. The Tenn's Valley Institute will ' commence its next teim, Ap. 16. I'rof. J Fortney, the principal, is in every re*p. t qualified to give youug men and ladies ' thorough Instruction in all the academic branches, and flt them tor college As a 1 teacher he occupies fr n! rank, -ire card. -—Luther Kmerick, late of this p ace, has taken charge of the Hosterman smith shv-p in Haines. Our readers dawn there will find him a capital workman and worthy young man. ——A Scioplicou entertainment will b> held in the Centr* Xlall school house, on Saturday evening. Feb 2 The entertain ment will consist of Yoiemite Valley View* ; View* in the Holy Land and the East ; Scripture View* ; Philadelphia and Washington Views; Egypt, the Land of Ruin* ; Waihington'* Dream :a*. Valley Forge, etc., etc, Admission 15 cent*. Children under|l'd, 10 cent*. Trial List—Second Week. K F Clow u*o of vs Derby Coal Co et * L W Munson v* J H Morrison. Wm Band* Kin v Giliiland & lloov ilarper Bro* v J V Thorn** A Co. Samuel McWilliam* ts 11 H Mother*- baugh. _ . , J Z Long v* H Mernman et *l. Wm Campbell A Sons v K McCor mick et a). J A Crvder v B W Hoover. Sarah From v John Ardell. Daniel Durst vs Adam krunirtne. James Gate* use of vs C H kaphart. Ives. Murphv A Grove v* AC Uinton. T R vjuick el al v A C lLnton. Jacob Mdtiawa et al v* J W Rhone. Wm Biown vs Michael Meyers. Commonwealth of Penna v* Doily Swires et al. Adam-Krep* v* J G A M Pnoker Tho* K. Henderson v* John H McMona- I'szaru* Moyer vs Funk A Weber D S Dupree ACo u*e of v Silas Blow- Jame* Hanna v* Jacob Banker et a!. John P Dehaat use of vs H H Lucas. M L Leiuel vs J H MeCormick. Job Williams vs Tho- M Way A Son. John S Gray et ux vs L A Shearer. Jas C Williams use of v-Jacob Mock. D J McCann ▼ Wm H Jonas et al. First National Bank of Lock Haven vs If F Troxel. B Spotts v* J J A A Pifer. S Silknitter use of vs 11 W Moover. Jurors '2nd Week. Pbilipsburg—E Recder. J A Lukent. Potter-J G S.nkey, Wm Stiver. Poun—Jacob Dutweiler, W P Ceter ; man. Bgnner—J Ecklv. S D Swartz. Spring—Morri* Furey, John Null. Howard—Jacob Holler. W Doughen bach _ „ Bi-llefonte —F Smith. G F Brew, G3l ! Swartz. . „ _ Fatten—John Chamber*. U H Stine. Snowshce—C t Chee*eman, J J Potter, U Witherite. Collect- —J G Irwin. Gregg—D Runkle, E Fetterhoff. li.iggt—T Harvey, S Charles. Burnside —S Fisher. Marion—J H M'Cauly. Mitesburg—T Giawford. Liberty—S Licgle, J W Toner. Haines—M Fiedler. Harris—A Hess. Taylor—D Ganoe. Ferguson—H C Campbell. "Houston—S Naxon. Sechlers have just opened a new supply of groceries. If you want fresh teas, sugars, coffee, syrup, fruits, confec tioneri'-s, crackers, dry beef, ham, cheese, beans, soap, spices, best pure vinegar, York state apple*, dried peaches of the very best, canned fruit all kind* of the choicest, and * thousand of other good useful, wholesome, pure, and cheap arti jcle*. Secbier* is the piece to go to for them. A GOOD OFTKR—A pair of handsome 6xß chromo* is offered as a gift to every one that will send fifteen cenU (poitage stamps taken) for a three month*' sub scription to Leisure Hours, a mammoth 16 page (64 column) family paper, filled with the choicest literature, stories, poetry, etc , by the ablest writer*. The piper* ent will contain the opening chapter* of * chraming story entitled "Holden with the Cords," by the author of "Sbllob,' "My Winter in Cuba, - ' etc. To induce every one to send for tbi* short subscrip tion—which is offered at half price—the publishers, J. L. Pattoa A Co., 102 Wil. )itm Street. New York, offer free the pair of cbromo*—which are excellent picture* and worthy to adern any bom*. Money will be returned to any one not satiified that they do not get twice iu value. $!, 500 in prizes is given free to agents. Weather clear but cold tbi* week, Penn's Valley Institute. The third terra of thi* ACADKMIG SCHOOL will commence on the third Mon day (13) April, and continue ten week* Tuition per term, from $5 to sß—half in advance. Board from $2 50 to $3 per week. No deduction on account of ab sence, unlets in caseof protracted sickness Location deairable. The patronage of the public i* respectfully solicited. 8m G. W. FORTSET, Centre Hall, Pa SPRING MILLS ITEMS Mr. Grenoble and Mr. S. Leilze! havo their new homes nearly finished. Jack Van Valzah is home on a viait and looks well. Gen. Buchanan it well enough to go about in the house. Jno. D. Long has gold 250 tons coal this winter. So rnucb for advertising. Mr. Krumpeine keeps doing a brisk trade in grain and coal. Next Sat. eve Rev.tßouie will commence a protracted meeting in the M. E. church. Thore wai quite a fui at tho depot on Fri day last, arising from a drover who bought beef from a boy and claimed tha hide along, which tho boy resisted, as he only told tho beef dressed. Tho drover then deducted the price of tho hide from the meat, which caused a flare-up Farmers who take beef to market should look out fortiicks. Two car-loads pork and heel shipped on Friday- X THE RETURNING BOARD CASK. Desperate Condition of the Imprison' ed Officials. New Orleans, La,, Jan. 27, 1878. The excitement in the Returning Board case has somewhat abated. Your corres pondent to-day hud a long interview with Anderson, Kenner and Cassanave in tho parish prison. Thoy are 'still reticent. Anderson stated, however, the reason tbey hid in the Custom House was to gain time; that on the present Jury in the Supreme Criminal Ceurt is not a single colored man ; that the jury was drawn to convict them, end their only object was to gain time. He intimated pretty bitterly that the ef fect of their treatment by tha administre-1 tion might lead to something unexpected though ho refused to say what. In con versation with prison officials, however, the trio have expressed themselves to the a fleet if lli ay are deserted by those lh*y place in power they will make disclosure exceeding unpleasant. The two colored men arh downhearted, Tbeynay there is no In pe for them with a packed jury and lat cry one arrayed against litem Ander son, though dispirited at times, grows fierce and hitter. Search has been made everywhere to day lor Wells, but without efleet. It i* believed that lie started on Saturday torj Washington, and that the Custem House resistance was for the purpose of giving, him time to roach Washington ; that when there he will go to the President and urge their dospotate condition, and show Sim that uiile-s he does something they will be lost, ti he refuses, then a disclosure wiil i be made of the whole traud on condition . the prosecution is stopped. What l.c'tiiiiio Republican* Say. ! I.eadi" r ropu'ilicans hero say they can ! see no way in w hieh llaves could help the f Hoard except by open violation of law, which he vlaro not do. and that, therefore, the chancel ier his exposure are now neat a', hand. A I)1N NKK OF llOt&K FLESH. The Liverpool Courier. "1 went on Saturday," write* a I'aris correspondent, "to a horse flesh dinner given bv a M. Ducroii, \ nterinnry-in Chief to tho Ktal Major of Pari*. It was' prepared hy an ordinary cook, the host wishing his guest* to know that the food placed before theui owed none of its pala table virtues to extraordinary culinary science Everything except tha sweets at dessert were of Chevaliu# extraction, i thought tho soup better than bouillion made from beof. The bouilli wa* very toothsome ; 'Cheval a la mode' was also excellent ; but the erowning dish was roast lili t, which w as very tender and suc uleuU There was no flavor or odor that in tho remotest way reminded one of the The weak point of the feast wi the sal ad. which aas dressed with oil taken from horte*' feet. M. Dueroi* is an en thusiast, and dreams of nothing le*s than cheapening meat, and rendering the lives tolerable by getting people to become hippopophagiU- If the ultimate fate of the horse wa to be ent to the butcher shamble* instead ut the s.augbteri house, cabmen..he opine*, would be more merciful to the beasu they drive, and the poor would be able to tall back from dear beef and mutton upon cheaper and more nutritive meal. Since bippopohagy been introauced here, more than 13,000 hor.-es annually, have fallen into tho slew pan* and soup pou of the French capital. It appear*, indeed, that the supply i* scarcely equal to the demand. On sitting down 1 felt, 1 confess, some what nervous. It eccurred to me that sundryfehevaiiae disea*es were propagat ed by inoculation. M. Ducroix. who sus pected my misgivings, informed me that the inspection of horseflesh for the flesh , market i more clojetbnn that of beet, j The living animal ha* to pa** a veterinary •urgeon. and when it i reduced to the condition of butcher'* meat it it f*in sub jected to a tnicroecopie examination. Some member* of the Society for the Pro tection of Animal* have invited M. Du croix to London to make arrangement* with them for a horseflesh banquet at the Chrytial Palace, prepared by a French cook." The failure of Howard, Snelling A Co., * coal dealer* of Boston, Mass., was for a $ 176,000, of which SIBO COO is owed in Phil adelphia. Tne firm claim nominal asietsi, sufficient to cover their indebtedness. The Star Chemical Work*, of Chicago,* have suspended, Limbiliti**— preferred,i * one thousand and fifty dollars, secured. one thousand eight hundred and forty five dollars; unsecured, ten thousand eight hundred and thirty-two dollars. Asset*, * nine thou*and dollar*. . c ANNUAL STATEMENT. , 1 Office of the F. M. F. In*. Company of ji Centre County, Pa. b Centre Hall, Jan. 14. 18T8.-In compli- ~ ance with the provisions of their charter , the Twentieth Annua! Statement ofL the tranaction of the Company is here- „ with presented : ASSETS. Bill* receivable being premium note* duo j and pavableby mem bers for insurance !i the past year. S '??!*. i | Paid on same. 3 ( 2,46jl i Leaving duo op premi ■ urn notes taken the —— ' I past year. I'J,oG6 o£> ' To which add cash in | ( the treasury. 170 40 J Making the total avail able assets of the ■ \ past year, 10,736 01 1 EXPENSES. \ Compensation of di- l rqctor*. 12815 , Salary of Secretary. 100 00 , Treasurer. 60 00 I Printing, rent, po*Uge and stationery. 89 00 Letter press. 6 00 i 1 Election board. 5 0) Chas Warner on barn.lßß 00 Henry Krebs on thre*h er. 30 00 State Iniurnncc lax. 20 00 Expense* instituting suit against J Durst 625 677 90 Total accruing asset* and funds of the Company the past year after deducting , expenses. 19,008 CI | To which add note* of 1873. '4, '5 and 0. 118.930 40 137,98801' Minus notes expired and cancelled, cash • premium*, and tax u f7B. 0,680 53 Total available awel* of the Company thi* dav. 1131,808 48 , Risks and insur ances taken the past year. 241,609 36 Same reported for 1 previous years. 1,836,448 88 Making the risks of the Company r thjs day. 1,678,108 24 j Due the Company I from agent*. 646 96 At an election held the lame day the: following named member* were elected directors fiil and cathioi of the Miner*' trut company, of l'nttavllle, wrri> thi* morning '• tiiocd each to two I year#' solitary coitini'mnl and a fin* of JfnO al*o to rofum! t Thomas Ream* th* prosecutor. with co*t*. Tho tubjoot of circular irviicladt !>• I lately received con# dcrable attention in Knglaml, it having been found, after re peated rtprim<' t* in smooth and rough water, that tho i iicu'ar modal required no mora power to propel it than tho other. For the purpu*" ofj propultlon hydraulic machinery I proposed, DIM suction pit ami water jet to be in a line with each other, by which iwc it i* **iunat*d, a • peed of twe've knot* nn hour may he ob tained without any difficulty. The ma chinery for maeoeuvrng a ve*el of thii #ort posse#*** the peculiarity of having on each ide of the auction pipe and of tha de livery pipe or water-jrt, tw<> other pipei, curved at their outer end* in oppuiite di rection#, and llireugli the#* the water can he taken in anil given nut' intead of be ing receive.! and delivered through the straight pipe* !lv th • nean# the v*-*el may be made to revolve in any directien, and the ev*ral gun*-- placed at frequent interval* round the ve-#e!—be brought to hear, each in it* turn, on the itint spot. The method of steering may be described briefly at follow# A centrifugal pumpor turbine i* made to revolve by mean* of a rack and pinion, the thafl carrying the pinion having at the other end a similar irrangcnient driving another rack, which igain i connected with a revolving pilot ioue. Whenever the pilot house turns, he turbine H!*O move*, and the water jet * consequently similarly influenced in it* lirection. ! Thesteam hammer recently completed Jat Creueot it the largest and moil power ful instrument of the kir.d in the world. The hammer in the workthopt of llerr Krupp, at Kttcn, wrighs 60 tone, and de scends through a maximum spa.-e of three metret . but the hammer of the Creusot en gine weighing between 76 and HI) tont, has a course of flro metres. Special ap paratus hat alto been provided tor the transport and keeping in petition of block* of>tee! weighing from KM to 121) ton*, which can be forged by the new hammer, and four iteam crane* are are arranged round tbia latter, three of them capable of lifting and revolving with a weight of 10U [tons and one abla to carry 1W tens. Each crane, alto, U provided with special ma chinery for cauting the weight lifted by it to rotate about its own axit. A thief, on Saturday, stole Hon. Samuel J. Tihlen's overcoat, with a tailor's bill in one of the pockets. MAR HIED. On the 17. by Bev. J. O Shoemaker, Mr James Ccitsell, of Spring Mills to Mitt Sadia C. Bonn, of Uaines twp. DEATHS. At the residence of Mr Ja* Henna, in Gregg twp., on 23d. Franklin llsrshber ger. aged 2D years, 8 months and 18 Jays. llis remains ware followed to the grave on Saturday by a large concourse of mourning relatives and friends. He loaves a wile and one child to mourn his loas. Though young in years ha had given bis heart to the Lord, and diod a happy death> leaving a full a*urance that he was going where there is no parting and sorrow isj not known. i*. j On 22, in Madisonburg. of dropsy, John Gutter, after an illnets <>f four weeks, aged 61 year*. ID months and 21 dava. I The thank# of the famly ara heraby ex tended to the frienJ* and neighbor! for' their ruany kird attentions an J assistance before and at the funeral of the deceased. I He departed from earth to be with Christ' which it far belter. Remember for your consolation that he it not dead, but only begins to live—-gone on before to enjoy a mansion in that beautiful land ef rest j Then why should you mourn ? Ka'.her re joice. net that yon have lost your father, but that you hive lime an! opportunity' left you to make your calling and election, sure; that when you bid adieu to earth [youmay be enabled to clasp glad bands, with loved ones inside tbegale. A N" HUH Bom. On 1 Jin., at Anna. 111, Abraham ■ Horner, formerly of Woodward, aged 4f [years. On the 17th bit, near M'Alew'# Fort, Huntingdon county. Pa, Mrs. Sallie Kleisher, formerly of Centre county Pa . aged 67 years, 10 months, and 2 days. , To have bad such a wife, such a mother, it sufflcient honor for any family With out an enemy and generous to a fault. Bbej was worthy of the love of all. To express i her attachment to the church of our Be-; deemer would be in the language of l>r. Dwigt.t, "1 love thy Zion, Lord, the house of thine abode." She has run the race set before her faithfully, patiently and dili gently, and gone to wear the spotless robe and the unfading crown. Occasion im proved bv a sermon, by the writer based on John 14.2, last clause A. A Kxmum. On2lst, in l'enn twp. Miss Nancy Kri der, aged 70 year* and II menlhs. On 24, at the residence of John Grove, Mrs. Stover re.let of Michael Stover, aged 46 years. J)UBLICBALK. 1 In Penn township. at the residence of th<> subscriber. on Thursday, March 14th, 1878 : 4 Horft. 8 Cowi, 2 sprinjrinjc Haif- ] ars, Unlock Bulla, V bead young Cattle, 1 brood Sow, Pigs, 2 broad wheel farm ' Wagons, 1 two-boras Wagon, 1 truck < Wagon, 1 Buggy. I new Bobsled, t truck , Sled, new Champion Koapar. witb all the attachments to it, 1 double Hollar, Thrash- 1 ling Machine, fanning Mil), 1 corn fodder 1 (cutter, 1 Lewisburg Drill, 1 hay Hake, 1 j circular wood Saw, 28 in. in diameter, V , hay Hopes, pulleys and fork, Corn sera- 1 per. Cernplenier. Cultivator, Harrows, I Plows, Hay by the ton. horse-gears, sad-; die, tilth and sixth chains, etc., 2 setts ( hty Ladders, 1 sausage cutter, 1 new cop- j i per kettle, one iron kettle, 2 bureaus, 8 la- j | olea, 1 desk, lounge, bedsteads, chairs, carpets, tubs, Jkc. Sale to commence at 1' ;o'clock, a. m. Jon* than II aktkk. | | A. 11 AKTKR, Auctioneer. 81jan! PUBLIC SALE I At lh e residence of the: {undersigned at Logan's (lap. 2 miles; north ot Farmer's Mills, on Thursday,j I January 24. 1878 : Two Mares, one heavy | with foal, two Cows, one Heifer, 3 I'igs, 113 head Sheep, 2 liorse wagon, 1 spring. Wagon, Sled, Hay rake. Wind null, 2 j horse Cultivator, Corrplantcr, Cornscra per, 1 single Cultivator. Plow, Harrow, Crupper Gears, singlo Harness, Saddle Collars, Bridles, and other articles too nu merous to mention Salo to oommonce at 1 o'clock. J. Neir, auct, lTjan WM. T.MAYS. Mhcre to bound How to Co W cal! 2.0(10.000 acres of land for sale cheap in, the garden of the West. For circular-, maps of Kansas, full information as to best. Hnilroads to travel on. Tickets, Freight Kates, etc., apply or write to WM BHoRTLIDGK. ; A gent Atchlnson, Topeka A Santa Fe KK. 20dec Hm Bellefonte, Pa. Valuable Farm AT PRIVATE SALE! The undemigne.l offers for tale hit farm in l'olter township, Centre county, one mile eait of Centre Hull, known t the Robort Pennington furrn, Containing 146 ACRES, in good alitto of cultivation, no hill* but gnnlly rolling, moat all lifUKStopd land, übout 126 Ac-res clouted, balance wood land near the- building*. Upon the farm are a large BANK BARN, Frame House, Nearly New, of modern style, llog.pen, Smoke houiet etc., Two Apple Orchards on the farm, water piped into the houe-yard and into barn yard. Tho farm is well fenced, and one mile from blacksmith shops stores, churches- The term* will be made,easy. Bounded on east by lands of late Sam'l iluston, south by lands of lute Win. Kel ler, west by Keller and Bible, and north by Bible and Huston. Also ninety-six acres of mountain land. . Addrftss or apply to ROBERT A. MEANS, Lew is town, 2dec3in Mifflin county, ra- lliliSlM IMIIMSIM THOMAS A. HICKS & BRO. Wo have a very largo and oomplcto a lock of Hardware, tha Inrgaat that wa* ever boforo offered by eny firm to the people of tkU county,'andjara|*cllieg el th|yery low* oat possible rata* Iron, Steel untl Nails, Locks, Glass and Putty. l'ure Wlilte Loads and Liliterd OH , Turpentine* and VarnUhee. all whlcb wa warrant to give aatUfarlion. Our Pur* Load will co aa much aurfac *• any in the market and cannot b* eicelled for whitanoaa. KKAD V M 1 X Kl> I'AINT put up in any quantity to *uil people, from one-pound cans to one gallon can*, all ready for uae. These paint# wo w arrant to h* mixed with pur* load and oil, and ar* Ire* from all adulteration. MECHANICS' TOOLS We pav *pacial attention to this branch, and keap a full line of Hawa, Chisel* Hammer* and Bailey'* Iron Planet: ll<>r*e nail* ofall klndt, Trace Chain*. Ham.-., Kte Fl' LI, L! NF. OF ADDI.KKY OK ALL DKSCKI PTI >NS COACH WOOD WoKK -Hpoka*. F*'.lo* Patant Wheel* of the moat improved pat ent# : Mrs P.tta' Improved Flat Iron#, cheap, convenient and durable -polished and nickel-plated. Johnston! Prepared Jtaieomine; put up in 0-pound peclagos; easily put on, and oheaper than paper Wi nave afl color*. USS* S T O V E S. We have the only K*ver*ible, Top-plate Cooking Moves in tha market Tha Keyitona, hus year* of age —w — - ■ A boy of fifteen and a girl *f fourteen were married, with the approval of their parents, in ltuiteliville, Ky Then they were tent off to seperate school* for three years. $ Five mere Reading rioter* have been sentenced. Four lilinois failure*. Saturday, showed Labilities amounting to $ 100,Utt). The Pope * condition li* wor*e. He kept kit bed Saturday, and did not'par take of any nourishment. Spring Mills Market. White Whaat. 1 30. Ked " 1 *>• Rye. 60c. Corn, ears, par bu. new, .45c Oats, 26c. Buckwheat, 75c. Clovertoed, $4 26 to $o 00. Chop, per Von, 123. A). Flatter, ground per ton, SIO,OO l'oteteee, 30c. per butb. Flour, per bbl, $7- Butter, 18c. Tallow, 7c. 11 a tr. • lie. Shoulders he. Bidet Be Kagt. 2c. K*ICW Pf' doa , 16c. Coal, Egg, per ton, $1.60. " Stove, 1 60. • Chestnut, 4-25. " Pea, 8-00. Bt-t*ro*T* _ Msixxt*. — by Shortltdge A Co. Flour per barrel, wholesale, $b M&. •• retail. #71)0. White wheel. 1 30 Red " 130 Rye. 55. Corn, thelled, 45 Corn, cob. . Cayuga " #3OU. Potatoes, .40. Onions, .60c Butter, per ib., .'flc. Lard, Bacon, aidea. lftc. " shoulders, 10c. " Hams, 14c. Tallow. 70. Hags. 3c. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS! LIVER PILLS. Tbs *!> nn rnrs to Tory-lS IJto Pjaj sftis. |lN4k. *.•• euaasc*. i wwrtU >•'* , l'**UHt. XM,s*4ail RUtMs roafUuU wa PW—J Owm - <*r. (•aalas •! aisnaO. Wm * a*". nu> • li r- lru*swt esU M '•) *" lar m hes k> HairtsV UI. a Uw. !■••* PbtUdslpbl* U a i* GET READY FOR WINTER!! IF YOU WAST THE VER fBEST AND CHEAPEST PARLOR STOVES, Buy the "Laurel Wreath" !(Single or DOUBLE HEATERS.) These stoves have TWO ROWS of lights, shaking and dumping grate, ar ranged to clean out the clinkers. No danger from gas, no parts to burn out, ao a* to let gas into tba upper room. Wo make THREE SIZES of Single and TWO SIZES of Doable Heaters of these justly popular Stoves. • TFYOU WAST THE VER YBEST ANDCHEAPEST Cooking Stoves, BUY THE "ZENITH," Double Oven Range ; or (A4 "Economy" Single Oven Range. They are the beet in the market, have SIX BOILER HOLES, shaking and dumping grate, A PPL Y THE HE A T TO ALL THE BOILERS A T ONCE. The oven is large and square: the doors tin-lined. The PLATES ARE HEA VY, unlike the light plates of city stoves — COM PA R E THEM. We make a No. 8 and Ao. 9 of both these ranges. All these stove# are WARRANT ED, and you can get repairs from the Manufactory in one day. For Kale by # I J. A. REESMAN, Centre Hall. J. B. FISHER, Pentt Hall. SNOOK. SMITH A CO., Millheim. 0. R. SPIGELMYER, Woodward, Manufactured by the SLTFJER, WALLS & SUMNER MTg Co. LEWISBURG, ;PA. We hlso manufacture the Celebra ted B UCKE YE REAPER & MOW ER, KEYSTONE CLOVER HUL LER, COLE'S UNIVERSAL SUL KY CULTIVATOR, New Model, Centre Draft, HORSE DUMPING HAY RAKE, HOOSIER GRAIN DRILL, BUCKEYE LEVER CORN SHELLER, Plows, Land Rollers, etc. 29nov VALENTINES & CO., HUMES' NEW BLOCK, BELLEFONTE. PA. ARE NOW PREPARED For The Fall And Winter Trade. Bargians Greater Than Ever! WOOLLEN GOODS, COTTON GOODS, .Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Of every description. DRESB GOODS, in greet variety. LADILS COATS, finest end largest assortment ever brought to Bellefoote. SHAWLS, BLANKETS, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, IN FACT EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING. Remember we do builaeMon the ONE PRICE PLAN, and therefore in* sure our prices u the lowest •tir NEW GOODS OPENING EVERYDAY. TALENT IKS S 6 CO* H. HERMAN, Manager. THE Dexter Spring 4,000 Set Sold last two years. The Dexter Spring u a child of neceeaity. Three or four generations i had been jerked almoat te death or had : their apinee twisted into permanent < curvature by the oontinoua jerks of the I Eliptic Spring, or latterly had their necks broken by the side throw of the. Concord. ' For tbeae reaaona the people de manded a Spring on which they could ride with ease and which would at the! tame time be atrong and substantial. HtaßY aaoc*aanorr. t. . aaroaard President. Cashier.' COUNTY BANKING CO. j (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) Receive Depoaita, | Aud Allow Intereat, L Discount Notes, Buy and Sell Government Securities, Gold A aplOOßtf Coupon*. , BXICK FOX SiXX—First class brick will be kept on hand for stle by J. O. l)*iois|sr st lirbs'i Centre Hsli brick yards. These brick arei offered so low that it will pay persons at a distance to come here for them Intending to continue in the mnnufne lure of brick will be kept conitaslly on band, end fair inducements offered to purchasers. 17 mug if. H I IKRBK Xlncoln Butler Powder, makes but* ter swsel andhard, and quicker to churn Try it—for sale at W Wolf's atoie pt IcUtOR'S NOTICE. - Letters testamentary on the estate of Jacob Sparr, late of Harris tewnship, de ceased. having been granted to the under-l signed, all persons indebted to said estate ate required to make immediate payment,, and those having claims against tba satnej to present them, duly authenticated by law for settlement DAVII) K. SPARR, DANIEL HKNS, 20dec6t Executors. Q| OUKT PROCLAMATION. *nu, tha HIM. Chart** *. M*r. Praaldant of Lb# court gli 'uuain Flm, I" ll> Wtb J wilcUl Dla- Lrlfll coaataUa* of the ooaatlaaof Caalra. I Uatou and I'laartUl.l, and th* llouarkbl. rauk. aadltb* ttnaorabl* John tl*#n*. AaaocUiad J4|alß Oae W* uottnt*. lit nil* luanl tbalr l.r*v*M, hsettag TW-P* U.l* of Jan A II .trtM J.n > *U.'M"lb. t<> JwTdSr o'ajln IST*, ami n oooLlno* two waaks. Nulla* la tharafor* barab* Sloan to tha Oaroaar. Jo*, tie** of th* P**o*. Aldarman and > onatabla* of th* aalil count; of Oantra, that lhjr b* tb*a aad th*r* In tbaif proper oaraoo*. at It o'clock In tha foranaao of aald daj. aI Lb thatr raoarda, Inqulaltloaa, aaamlna Uona. and tb*lr own rasaambrancat, to do th*** thins* wbloh to thatr ofßo* appertain* to b* dan*, and thoaa who ara b*and In raaoanlaanraa to proaacut* aaalnat th* prtaoaar* that ara or ahall h* tn th* Jail of Oantr* count*. b* than and thar* to proaacnt* aaalnat thaw a| nh*ll bt jdlt. 1 tilraa andar ill hand, at Ballafonta, th* tat da* of Jan, tn tha rnnr of our Lord. 1871. and In tha Ml JfuiWiSr. j We print envelopes at low at $1 per thousand. Send us your \V print letter heads, and staff meets t l°w at $1.26 per 10QO, wk<*9 persons tnd the paper. TbU'ft lower than you can get it done for in the city. For meeting tbisdemand by supply ing the CELEBRATED DEXTER SPRING which is so rapidly super ceeding the old styles the Dexter Spriog Co. have no apology to offer ibut rather feel that tbey owe the Driv ing Fraternity ao apology for not having produced it sooner. SEND FOR CIRCULAR OF SPRINGS TO DEXTER SPRING CO., HULTON, PA. 3jao2ot Near Pittsburgh Chat. H. Held. [• Llwck, WnlrhmnkerAiewelei Millbeim, Centre Co., Pa. |, At klaAs•( clocks. Watabas sad Jawait/ ef tks slost st/las. ss also tba Maraa'lUa Paiaat < aiaadai :tasks. >W'Ud with a aaasplata Indas at tha awll ad da/ at the Biaatb sad wk as lu laaa, tkbk U rarraalad as a psrlwl Ua* kaapar i lacks. Walabat sad Jawalry rapalrad aa chart aa laa cad ccffcc lad. ____________ pR.S G. GUTILIUSV ~ Dentist, Mlllheim. Ogess hi# pfafeaelaealeerrlces la the habile. Hals ■raparad la parfarai all aparauoas la laa daatal pra aaalatt. ll# is aaw fall/ Ptapared ta citraal taath abaolail/ all beat pais Bill TStt 1 Coal and Lumber. J. D. LONG, SPRING MILLS. PA. if now fully prepared to furnish all kinds of Coal and Lumber, upon short notice. His coal are kept under roof, amtare from the MLKESBARRE COAL MINES BEST COAL IN MARKET. Abo BHA MoKIN COAL nil of which are sold at the very LOWEST PRICES. Yard near Depot. 20dec 3m c. C. CONNER. MERCHANT TAILOR. In Bank Building, Centre Hall. Would respectfully au&OHae to the citi aons of this vtaifity that he hat taken l rooms in above building where he is pre-! pared to til, kinds of work belonging to hip line, for men and hoys, and accord ing to latest styles. Ooodt told by tam- 1 pie. Having had nine years experience he guarsntee* til work to render perfect! satisfaction, and solicits a share of the public patronage. Odecy SPRING MILLS Grain Warehouse & Coal Yard. II KRUMKEINE A SON. New Warehouse now reedy for the-i reception of grain, and the Highest Cash Price Paid Highest Cash Price Paid for til klnda of Grain and Seed. Grain nnd Seed. C O A L; Chestnut, Small Stove, Lump, Pet, tod Lime burner* Coal always on hand at LOWEBT PRICES. Also Ground Plaster Salt. Hides! Hides! Bring your hides and receive the beet market price in cash for them. 6 dec. 8 m. CENTRE HALL DRUG STORE. MILLER A SON. (Sucee**er to J. K Miller £ Sou.) Dealer In Pure Drug* and Medicine*. Dye fluff*, and PURE WISE AND LIQUORS For medicinal purpose*. The best brand* of CIGARS ANO TOBACCO always in ttoek. Prescription* carefully Compounded. • MILLER 4t SON Jas. Harris ' jull9 tf W. R. CAMP. | , IMPORTAN TO TRAVELERS. —THE— BUSH HOUSE! BKLLtroKTt, pa. Us been recentlv thoroughly renovated and repaired, and under the management of the New Proprietor. Mr. F. D. Mc> COLLUM, formerly of Pittsburg, it first . class in all its appointments , SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS .'Are offered to those in attendance at court .land others remaining in town for a few .Idays at a time. .1 The largest and most superbly Designed , Hotel in Central Pennsylvania, t J All modern conveniences. Go try the ilßush bouse. . Y 19ap F. D. McCOLLUM, Proprietor. Tyrugsi drugsn • p XJ 8. T. Hhngert, imalng • 1 - Drug *t.r on A!!c|hu t !.*■• ifonte, no*l door to tb# l.rd ■•*- ast manner. Bed and board second to none n the county. Stabling for 10 horses. A* a Niamtr raaort it will be found all that could he dmired, right in the baart of > good fishing and buoung ground* and •urroundod by lb# must romantic rcanery. Ino* y W7~A7~CURRY, liL&i <& ftJtktr, IT VIHI M 4LI.,PA. 9 Would muat roapactfully inform tha cl| sens of this vicinity, that ha has started a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for n share of the public patroa age. Boots and Shoas mad* to order and according to style, and warrant* hi* a ork to equal any made a 1 sew her*. All kin J* of repairing dona, and charges reasonable Ofve him a call. feblß ly TOHN F. FOITER, Attorney-at" adrggSgaaSEa M*r*aae**.e <>... •*• Saawt. woi ,,. n*ll*r*aSa. * ilSiail LIVERS assrva ji-uart ley te matum.m pae—. Ua —U IUiMI. las Js~*v£s GIVEN AWAY, Ta et-ety raa4*r at MO* ra A PRKMIUM KTKKL ENGRAVING. wauteulhrnMM* A,nu mesa*. lUn> ... j. a bureau TA WRHtoM.IM Tas* Nervous Debility. Vital ikiw Bfralf, a >ut oktwKf 'aaltaa. w o or wnw*. liulaaifiUM Or r net 4nta ■eoa Uta u tl*ir< wn* bf Humphrey's Homeopathic Specific No. 28. It tmmm mm ami tnlmnb. u.. aratmm, Staealf tU haalla* Ilimtll a. uapartM nal* ami mmmty _ ta drala aaA U>* r.un ut. Baaa asaS leaa** nan aiu. partact aaatmy (Ansa attSa Sold U daaW. Hrwa. *1 Jmym *iaU rial Of e*J H> fKUft at h*m vial* and *I M atal af wider. Saat ti* aaU aa raeau* mi prtca LAtrmmm Maayhmr* Ha*>a. t iatt.i< Medietas • -nepaaj. Im FaHeaal. Xaa Yari. Mmmr.r. | A lWMOT*lwlaaatfaaitf MIMd la UhmUm Ml* Oi iss-titsrinfecrrsi^: I Mjratifes Out •• hn. ;Mk- MSpsrwaafe la f*v ■ iott*. Taaalul la ami rroOT hoaa a*w mlartm Taa aaa am yvar '•tatauwHika awl, or safe Iw wia Masai*. liowbMttlai to Mr tfea Maw Tn afed U ' >uiai traa AMmot at aacw II Tllty A < . !Vnl*fed. PanUad, Mala* M fer Harness, Saddles, ALC. I Tba aluwt liWaal la awl ika paw*'- r I lawal ni|rtiW feast IU I>i 1111 CawOr pofeltoaltoa la Ifea worid. la aoa Uaa feaaaaaa a aaanaaOTii aaaai Tfea aaaoal akiui ' " ™ at art alaaa traa la aaSscrlban. Tfea actaa is h ; low dui alee* eeetiood, aaW nine. Owaaeaal r r porta aaakla* uaat lit* la a aasal. A todj aaast . l..rutaAuu arm fefe •abatrlWr, la taa days A!: • aaa mailt waatf fan Taa am Asaota *H *var i :ra la Ifea aaaiaaaa. at aal i *aai aaara tana 1 * ' V""" 1 ana#^ rtaa few' anar ataWt, Taa M lama fraa. lasiat is! aapaaiiaa OauH fasa. If l • looClaUaaurS asad w|twall>aaal ansa. It MSI astfew* Sa try Mn bwMaass. Ka ana wfea at aaaat tali, w mala wM pa#■ Hlfeg "Tfea PSapl' . fawtnlllalaa last j MM*- First-claw accommodation for guest* i Bast stabling tor bones. (Stages arrive and depart srsry day for all points. C T AUXUKHL C. M. Sevan A LEXANDER A BOWER. At ' " a T^TT*f U "- BilbNew. as Hill I Willi S fi.aa U CollacUoaa, aad OtpfeaM Oswrt wnaWsa. Mas ha caaaaitod Ms (mtsu safe Kaattafe twEa IS I I'smaa'a ferlHtafe mftt U If JL. SPAXGLER, Attorney at Law s Consultation* in English and Gar man. Office in Font's new bailding. W~M7P~WILSOX, AttorTicvsalvLaw, Belief ante Pa. Office in klrs. Bea r's Building. Ballsinnw Pa PENNSVALLI Y BANKING CO. CK.VTKK BALL, FA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, and allow est: Discount Motes; Buy and Seii GoTemment Securities, Gold and Coupons. Wm. Wox.r t • WM. B. Mivari, Pras't. Carbier THE BEST OFFER ! We will sell during these hard times SS?O Aad All Otbar Mrlaa Is Ifea aasw pnsmtloa. Utaisdia Ursad. Sqtura and I'srfeU-all mam mad Brat claaa told duwl to tfea perfla at f aru.r, or*, oa No sassts so eaeastiaakiea. as tOTuiu. Tfease Itaaaa aad, ooa of Ifea feeaai dupUr. al tfea CmimslSl a and ww amiaoMfe lanawnfed la IW H UwnUris looorporated Msaefeeierlae Co. —Mom Msssfarlun <>oa of tfea Isrgast >n d to aal la tfea world. Tfea laum waiau Malfesafeok'a w latent ifeaptai tWamtma* Sr.l, tfea sraaleat In proraimaol Is ifea fetslois of Wlsao aasAia* Tfea 1> Hcsu a*a tfea ImmO AoMaiea. Ptsaos aaol os trial. Oosl fail rfoTttofOT Uiuatrslod and DaacnpUra ast sloeos," mailed trea MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., 'Jlitep y No. 66 Broadway, N Y. CHRONIC^jg Talk sad MatUcaJCoa.- cfeaaera of Ifela fesok ara al libOTt, to IW aalfe- r In ianoa h wail fraa. Prtoo by sMtpJI for Uia Maafaid adtucfe. or (till for Ifea Pofnalar adMSoa. ofeiafe cuoiaiaa all Ifea aaata waiter aad UIaWaUoF. DOOR. For tl we will seod free br nail, a at oat of tfea foUewuw Wis • 3 distinct vs. ni'thly roses, winter flow •ring. 8 " Bogonina, " 8 " Carnation Pinks " 8 " Chinese Cbrysanthemus. 8 " Zonal Gerantumt, w. t 8 M Double " 8 " Ivy Leaved, *' Heliotropes, " B " Abutilons, " 2 " Double Crnmelina, " 4 ' l Aaaleas, " 4 *' Lobster Cactus, " B u Hottvardifes. B " Slevias A Eupntoriums, B '* Fuchsias. w. f. 4 " Double Violets, " 1 " PoinsetU, Scarlet and White, w. f. 4 " Plumbago, 8 " Perns, forWardinn ease 4 Palms, 6 *• Mosses. " A " Maraiitas, 5 " Hyacinth Bulbs. W assorted Tulips, Bulbs. 60 " Crocus, " 2 " Jacobean Lily, Bulbs. 12 " Ozalia 4 Lily oftbe Valley. B New Pearl Tuberose. OR BT EXPRESS: S of any of the SI collection for $2 t. .. 3 1 " " •' 4 9 • •• 5 12 ,l " " 6 14 - Or the wholo collection of 288 Bulbi and Plants sent by express on receipt of 816 00, to which either of our Bookr Gardening for Profit, Practical Flo" culture, or Gardening lor Pleasure (value SI 60 each), will be added Dwripti ve Catalogue free PETER HENDERBO N A CO., Seedsmen and Flerists, 35Cortland Street, New York. 20aet T.